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Chisholm et al.

BMC Psychiatry 2012, 12:23



A randomised controlled feasibility trial for an

educational school-based mental health
intervention: study protocol
Katharine Elizabeth Chisholm1*, Paul Patterson2, Carole Torgerson3, Erin Turner4 and Max Birchwood1

Background: With the burden of mental illness estimated to be costing the English economy alone around £22.5
billion a year [1], coupled with growing evidence that many mental disorders have their origins in adolescence,
there is increasing pressure for schools to address the emotional well-being of their students, alongside the stigma
and discrimination of mental illness. A number of prior educational interventions have been developed and
evaluated for this purpose, but inconsistency of findings, reporting standards, and methodologies have led the
majority of reviewers to conclude that the evidence for the efficacy of these programmes remains inconclusive.
Methods/Design: A cluster randomised controlled trial design has been employed to enable a feasibility study of
‘SchoolSpace’, an intervention in 7 UK secondary schools addressing stigma of mental illness, mental health literacy,
and promotion of mental health. A central aspect of the intervention involves students in the experimental
condition interacting with a young person with lived experience of mental illness, a stigma reducing technique
designed to facilitate students’ engagement in the project. The primary outcome is the level of stigma related to
mental illness. Secondary outcomes include mental health literacy, resilience to mental illness, and emotional well-
being. Outcomes will be measured pre and post intervention, as well as at 6 month follow-up.
Discussion: The proposed intervention presents the potential for increased engagement due to its combination of
education and contact with a young person with lived experience of mental illness. Contact as a technique to
reduce discrimination has been evaluated previously in research with adults, but has been employed in only a
minority of research trials investigating the impact on youth. Prior to this study, the effect of contact on mental
health literacy, resilience, and emotional well-being has not been evaluated to the authors’ knowledge. If
efficacious the intervention could provide a reliable and cost-effective method to reduce stigma in young people,
whilst increasing mental health literacy, and emotional well-being.
Trial registration: ISRCTN: ISRCTN07406026
Keywords: Adolescence, Mental health, Stigma, Contact, School, Intervention

Background Over half of all lifetime mental disorders have their

There is growing pressure on schools in England to onset during childhood and adolescence [12] yet young
address stigma and misconceptions of mental illness people’s knowledge of mental illness is often incomplete
[2-5] as well as increasing emotional well-being [6,7] in [13] or influenced by sensationalised reports in the media
addition to traditional academic curricula. Currently [14]. Developmentally, adolescence is a complex period,
there is little agreement as to what approach might most with the majority of young people experiencing some
successfully address these issues [9-11]. level of distress or emotional problems. The adolescent
brain has been shown to confer higher risk for mental ill-
ness due to a difference in the maturation of the develop-
* Correspondence: kec928@bham.ac.uk
School of Psychology, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham ing brain and the adolescent emotional and cognitive
B15 2TT, UK systems [15]. Adolescents also experience high levels of
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

© 2012 Chisholm et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Chisholm et al. BMC Psychiatry 2012, 12:23 Page 2 of 7

schizotypal thinking [16], something which among adults disciplinary problems [43-45]. The abundance of inter-
is related to high vulnerability to mental illness [17]. ventions are however, not easily comparable, and identi-
Individuals with mental illness experience discrimina- fying which components of an intervention are
tory attitudes in almost all areas of their lives [18,19], and successful, and which components lack utility, is often
stigma, alongside poor mental health literacy, can not possible. This has led to some large-scale interven-
increase barriers to help-seeking [20,21]. Prevalence rates tions being instigated without a clear understanding of
for psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia increase the likely efficacy of trial components. For example the
rapidly between the ages of 15 to 17 [12] with children BeyondBlue [46] trial in Australia included 50 schools in
and adolescents who experience early onset anxiety dis- a five year intervention aimed at reducing and preventing
orders such as phobias and separation anxiety disorder depression and reported flat results [47]. Feasibility trial-
more likely to develop co-morbid disorders of substance ling and careful evaluation is needed to capture the
use, later-onset anxiety, or mood [12]. Earlier age of potential problems as well as benefits of school interven-
onset for many mental illnesses is also correlated with tions prior to the widespread dissemination of larger
greater severity [22], persistence [23] and increased resis- scale projects [9,48,49].
tance to treatment [24]. Many systematic reviews now concur that whole
Young people themselves report that they would like to school approaches are the most effective model and
receive more information regarding mental health. Both emphasise the need to promote mental health univer-
Kidger et al. [25] and Woolfson et al. [26] found that stu- sally rather than solely targeting the reduction of mental
dents stated that they were dissatisfied with the mental illness [11,50,51]. A greater investment in long-term
health education they were receiving. Olsson and Ken- approaches are also favoured by reviewers [11,52] and it
nedy [13] found that less than 30% of students recalled has been suggested that future research should include
any discussion of mental health during school lessons, more detailed analysis of demographic variables such as
despite the fact that mental health education was manda- ethnicity and gender [9].
tory in the area their research was conducted. Regarding stigma and mental health literacy, fewer
There is growing evidence to suggest that early inter- systematic reviews have been conducted into school-
ventions designed to optimise well-being or reduce men- based studies. Kelly et al.’s [21] review concluded that
tal illness and initiated during childhood and adolescence for adolescents, good mental health literacy is associated
may help reduce mental health problems in later life with more positive outcomes for emotional well-being
[27-29]. The UK National Healthy Schools Programme but add a caveat that very few school interventions to
attempts to address this, and advocates increasing emo- improve mental health literacy have been evaluated and
tional health and well-being (EHWB) support for stu- even fewer well evaluated. Pinfold et al.’s [53] systematic
dents [30]. Schools engaged in this programme are review suggested that contact with individuals who
expected to address subjects related to social skills and describe personal experience of mental illness was more
emotional health to their curriculum with targets includ- likely to lead to reductions in reported stigma; in con-
ing ‘combating stigma and discrimination’; and ‘encoura- trast, a systematic review by Schachter et al. [48] failed
ging the participation of children and young people in to find any ‘even remotely ideal investigation[s] whose
activities designed to build their confidence and self results regarding possible benefits we can confidently
esteem’ to achieve National Healthy Schools Status. accept as being reliable and valid’ (p. 22). Schachter
There is however, no obligation for schools to take part et al. criticised studies for a range of reasons including;
and some remain uninvolved. Additionally, with lack of inadequate study descriptions; poor research methodol-
monitoring and threat of further funding cuts, the cur- ogy; inadequate interventions; and failing to measure or
rent programme appears vulnerable. control for relevant baseline characteristics of partici-
pants. Funding is also an issue in the present climate,
Previous interventions with programmes designed to impact upon mental
Reducing stigma and discrimination of mental illness, health issues in schools needing to demonstrate value
improving mental health literacy, reducing a particular for money as well as reliable and consistent effect sizes
mental illness, or promoting resilience are all popular [9,54]. In summary, further well-designed research in
methods for tackling mental health issues in schools these fields is warranted.
[31-40]. Such interventions often demonstrate significant
benefits such as reducing stigma, conduct problems and Contact and stigma
increasing prosocial behaviour [41], challenging negative Corrigan et al. [55] identify three strategies for challen-
opinions of psychosis [42], and can have a positive impact ging stigmatising attitudes and prejudice towards mental
on interrelated factors such as school achievement, illness: ‘protest’, ‘education’, and ‘contact’. ‘Protest’
school climate, and reduced emotional behavioural and involves condemning prejudicial attitudes; if a company
Chisholm et al. BMC Psychiatry 2012, 12:23 Page 3 of 7

were employing an advertising campaign that was [20,21], leading them to be less resilient. The primary
deemed to be stigmatising, public protest may encou- research question asks; ‘is education in combination with
rage changing of the advert, thus suppressing the stig- contact better than education alone for reducing stigma?’
matising attitude. ‘Education’ seeks to encourage an Based on previous research [26,53] it is hypothesised that
increase in knowledge and awareness regarding mental participants in the contact and education condition will
illness, thereby dispelling myths in the belief that the report significantly reduced stigma towards mental illness
more individuals understand the less prejudiced they compared with participants in the education only (con-
will be. ‘Contact’ reasons that the more contact an indi- trol) condition.
vidual has with someone who has experienced mental Secondary research questions relate to how contact in
illness, the less stigmatising they will be, although the combination with education may influence participants’
relationship is correlational - it may equally be the case a) mental health literacy, and b) emotional well-being
that those who hold less stigmatising attitudes towards and resilience, compared to education alone. In addition
mental illness are happier to have contact with indivi- to this the trial will assess any influence of contact on
duals experiencing mental illness [55]. Rusch et al. [56] attitudes to help-seeking. Previous research has found
note that if contact is employed to facilitate attitude that stigma is a major barrier to help-seeking [20], and
change then this must be carried out under a controlled that low mental health literacy can lead to a delay in
set of circumstances if the best possible outcome is to help-seeking [34]. It is therefore hypothesised that a
be achieved, otherwise the intervention may have a reduction in stigma and increased mental health literacy
negative rather than positive outcome. Allport [57] who will be associated with an increase in positive attitudes
first proposed the contact hypothesis, similarly claimed towards help-seeking.
that contact needed to involve individuals of equal sta- Additionally, schizotypal thinking, which is linked to
tus with the ‘in’ and ‘out’ groups working together vulnerability to mental illness [17] and is common dur-
rather than in competition with one another. Of protest, ing adolescence [16] will also be measured. This
education, and contact, Corrigan et al. argue that con- addresses whether higher rates of schizotypal thinking
tact is the most effective, followed by education, with in adolescence are linked to adolescents’ increased vul-
protest having little significant impact on participants. nerability to developing mental illness compared to
Like Minds [19] add that contact married to education other age groups, or if such thinking patterns are devel-
is a powerful combination for combating stigma. opmental in some way [59]. If they are a sign of an ado-
Contact has been employed as a strategy to reduce lescents increased vulnerability to mental illness then
stigma and increase understanding of mental health with increased resilience and increased mental health
issues in a number of studies with adults [55,58] but and emotional well-being, we hypothesise that rates of
rarely in school interventions [53,56]. Results have how- schizotypal thinking should reduce in participants. How-
ever shown promise, and contact may be a way of ever, if schizotypal thinking is developmental than we
increasing the impact of interventions by facilitating might expect to see the opposite trend, with schizotypal
engagement and overcoming barriers to learning. To thinking unaffected by any changes in mental well-being
date, contact has not been utilised to improve mental or resilience.
health literacy and emotional well-being in young people,
but there is some evidence to suggest that it might have a Method/Design
favourable effect as two recent qualitative studies have SchoolSpace is a randomised controlled trial with two
indicated that young people wish to be taught about conditions: an experimental condition which includes
emotional well-being and mental health issues by some- contact with a young person with lived experience of
one who has lived experience of mental illness [25,26]. mental illness as well as education, and an active control
condition, which includes education but no contact.
The current study Measures will be taken 3 weeks prior to the interven-
The SchoolSpace intervention programme has been tion, and at both 2 weeks and 6 months post interven-
designed to measure the impact of an educational inter- tion. Random allocation will take place at the level of
vention on three core targets: reduction in stigma related school and blocking will be used to randomly stratify
to mental illness; mental health literacy; and promotion classes to different conditions. Random allocation will
of mental health, with reduction in stigma related to be independent and concealed. Randomisation will be
mental illness being the primary outcome. Previous undertaken by an individual independent of the research
research has suggested that these may be interlinked team, and will take place after pre-test. The intervention
[41]. For example, someone who doesn’t understand, or has been designed in accordance with CONSORT
is prejudiced against mental illness, may not seek help guidelines [60,61].
Chisholm et al. BMC Psychiatry 2012, 12:23 Page 4 of 7

Participants their facilitating the interventions to ensure fidelity of

7 schools will take part in the intervention, with stu- implementation. The intervention will be delivered to
dents aged 12-13. Schools will be chosen to represent a students in their normal class size and environment.
cross section of demographics, including different ethnic
groups and genders. The average year group within Bir- Procedure
mingham secondary schools takes approximately 150 Stage 1; consent and pre-test
students enabling up to 1050 participants in this feasi- Schools in the Birmingham area will be approached and
bility trial. invited to take part in the research, drawn from the full
range of socio-economic and socio-cultural settings.
Ethical approval Once a school has agreed to participate, consent letters
The study was granted ethical approval by The Univer- will be sent out to the parents of all participating
sity of Birmingham ethics committee in June 2010 students.
(reference number ERN_10-0397), and the primary Pre-intervention questionnaires will be completed 3-4
author is funded through the NIHR CLAHRC (Colla- weeks prior to the intervention day. A self-generated
borations for Leadership in Applied Health Research code will be used to match participant answers over time
and Care) Birmingham & Black Country programme. whilst preserving anonymity. This code has a reported
92% success rate [64]. It must therefore be expected that
Development and piloting of the intervention a minimum of 8% of participants may be lost over time
Original intervention materials were developed by K.C., due to mistakes in the generation of this code. Teachers
E.T. and P.P. in collaboration with teachers and service- will have over a week to collect questionnaire data in
users with additional educational resources evolved from order to minimise loss of data through student absences
the work of Dr Gary O’Reilly [62] and the Staffordshire from school.
Changes YP mental health programme [63]. Focus Class randomisation to condition will take place after
groups were also conducted with young people by K.C. pre-test, at the level of school.
to aid the development of the programme. Interventions Stage 2; the intervention
tend to be more successful if they are delivered over Participants are taught within their usual classes. Each
time, rather than in one intensive session [9], however class is facilitated by 2-4 staff including a lead who will
the current intervention is a feasibility trial, and due to be a NHS mental health specialist, and a teaching assis-
the constraints of resources, it was decided that a one- tant. Facilitators in the education and contact condition
day intervention would be used, with the expectation include at least one facilitator who has lived experience
that the intervention will be developed into a longer of mental illness. As well as the facilitators a minimum of
term intervention plan for evaluation in the future, one teacher from the school will be present in each class.
should it prove to be successful. Fidelity of the intervention delivery between conditions
The intervention was piloted in one school to assess the will be assessed with a pre-developed checklist on the
practicality; timings, level of pitch, and suitability of mate- intervention day. One class per condition, per school will
rials for the target age group. Classes were randomised to be assessed for fidelity by K.C.
the Education and Contact condition and Education Only Stage 3; post-tests
conditions. Procedure of the pilot intervention is identical Approximately 2 weeks after the intervention day post-
to the feasibility trial. intervention questionnaires will be completed by partici-
pants, and then again at 6 month follow up.
Feasibility trial
The feasibility trial intervention covers three interrelated Primary outcome measure
subjects; 1. Stigma of mental illness, 2. Mental health lit- Stigma of mental illness
eracy, and 3. Improving our own mental health. Pupils The Reported & Intended Behaviour Scale (RIBS) [65]
receive four hours aimed to impact upon the former two assesses behaviour related to the stigma of mental illness.
of these subjects and two hours aimed to impact upon The RIBS takes around 1-2 minutes to complete and rates
the latter. In the education and contact condition a participants’ willingness to have contact with individuals
young person with experience living with mental illness who are experiencing mental illness (e.g. ‘In the future I
will work with the students as one of the teaching assis- would be willing to live with someone with a mental
tants and will lead a 10-20 minute presentation and inter- health problem’), as well as their current and past experi-
active discussion about living with a mental illness. ences (e.g. ‘Are you currently living with, or have you ever
The intervention will be delivered by NHS mental lived with, someone with a mental health problem?’),
health specialist staff and service-users. Training and though only the former questions generates the partici-
workshop notes are provided for all individuals prior to pants final score. The RIBS has a test-retest reliability of
Chisholm et al. BMC Psychiatry 2012, 12:23 Page 5 of 7

0.75, and Cronbach’s alpha for items 5-8 (those which schools, the proposed research will allow for detection of
generate the participants final score) is 0.85. an effect size between 0.3-0.2.

Secondary outcome measures Analysis

Knowledge of mental illness Data will be analysed applying appropriate general linear
Knowledge of mental illness will be assessed in two ways. models. In order that the clustering of the sample does
The Mental Health Knowledge Scale (MAKS) [66] not bias the analysis pre-test outcome measures will be
assesses six areas of stigma-related knowledge: help-seek- entered as a covariate. Subgroup analyses will look at
ing, recognition, support, employment, treatment, and gender, ethnicity, religion, and mental health status of
recovery, takes 1-2 minutes to complete and has a test- self, family, and friends in relation to the hypotheses and
retest reliability of 0.71. data analysed using appropriate general linear models.
Two vignettes will be employed to assess knowledge Intention to treat analyses will be used.
of mental illness developed by Jorm et al. [67].
Emotional well-being Discussion
The Strengths and Difficulties Scale (SDQ) [68] will be The strengths of the proposed research are both in its
used to assess the emotional well-being and consists of potential for increasing efficacy by the use of contact com-
25 items which generate scores along five subscales: bined with education to combat primarily stigma, and also
conduct problems, hyperactivity-inattention, emotional in improving mental health literacy and resilience/well-
symptoms, peer problems, and pro-social behaviour, as being. Previous research suggests that the intervention
well as producing a total difficulties score. The SDQ has may have some effect on stigma even at 6-month follow
been validated for use with adolescents age 11-16 with a up, due to this influence of contact combined with educa-
Cronbach’s alpha of 0.82 for the total difficulties scale tion. Pinfold et al. [79] for example, employed contact
[68]. with an individual with personal experience of living with
Resilience mental illness in their intervention with 14-15 year old
Resilience will be measured using a 15 item [69] version students. Although their intervention was brief, lasting for
of Wagnild and Young’s [70] Resilience Scale (Cronbach’s just two one-hour workshops, a significant positive change
alpha of between 0.72-0.94) [71] and concurrent validity in stigmatising attitudes was found both immediately fol-
is supported by correlations between the Resilience scale lowing the intervention and also at 6-month follow up.
and measures of depression, morale, and life satisfaction. Previous interventions have tended to focus on one or
The Resilience scale has been used previously in three at most two of the concepts of stigma, mental health lit-
studies with adolescents [72-74]. eracy, and resilience/well-being, rather than all three
Help-seeking [35-40,42]. This is despite evidence inferring that the
Attitudes to help-seeking will be assessed by responses three concepts are to some extent interlinked [20,21]. For
to the question ‘In the next 12 months if you were to example, Naylor et al.’s [41] intervention significantly
experience a mental illness, how likely are you to seek reduced conduct problems and improved prosocial beha-
help?’ viour, despite the fact that the intervention did not con-
tain any features designed to reduce mental illness or
Exploratory outcome measure promote mental health. Though the research is not
Schizotypal thinking directly designed to look at this, if stigma, mental health
The Schizotypal Personality-Brief Form (SPQ) [75,76] literacy, and resilience/well-being are interlinked, it may
assesses three subscales relating to schizotypal thinking; be that by addressing all three simultaneously, a greater
cognitive-perceptual deficits, interpersonal deficits, and impact can be achieved.
disorganisation. It takes approximately 2 minutes to com- The current intervention also addresses many of the
plete and has an internal reliability of 0.76, a test-retest methodological issues which have been highlighted by
reliability of 0.90, and has been validated for use with previous systematic research reviews as problematic
adolescents [77]. [9,48]. The study has a high level of power; utilises an
active control group; measures and evaluates demo-
Power and sample size calculation graphic differences including ethnicity, religion, and gen-
Assuming an intra-cluster correlation coefficient (ICC) of der for response to the intervention; attempts to improve
0.037 [78] (Aberdeen University: Health Services consent rate by utilising an opt-out consent method; is
Research Unit) and a cluster size of approximately 30 delivered by the research team rather than by teachers
students per class, 738 participants would be needed to from the individual schools and assessed for fidelity of
detect a 0.3 effect size, or 1658 participants to detect a implementation. The research measures mediator vari-
0.2 effect size. Depending on the size of the included ables such as resilience as well as baseline characteristics
Chisholm et al. BMC Psychiatry 2012, 12:23 Page 6 of 7

of the individual such as whether they know someone and adolescents (Cochrane review). The Cochrane Library Chichester, UK:
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19. LikeMinds: The power of contact; Project to Counter Stigma and
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