MIL-F-46996B March 1970 Supersedes MIL-F-469$16A (MU) 27' June 1968

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MIL-F-46996B (MU)

31 March 1970

● MIL-F-469$16A (MU)
27’ June 1968




1.1 This specification covers the loading, assembling,

and packing for the t1572 point Detonating Artillery Amrnunltlon


2.1 The following documents of the issue in effect on

date of invitation for bids or request for proposal, form a
part of this specification to the extent specified herein.



MIL-A-2550 Ammunition and Special Weapons;

● MIL-I-45607
General Specification for
Inspection Equipment, Supply and.
Maintenance of
MIL-D-46256A Detonator, Stab, M24, Loaiiing,
Assembling and Packing
MIL-P-60412 Packaging, Packing and Marking for
Shipment of Artillery Type and
Rocket Fuzes, General Specification


MIL-STD-105 - Sampling Procedures and Tables
q for Inspection by Attributes
MIL-STD-109 - Quality Assurance Terms and Definitions
MIL-STD-331 - Fuze and Fuze Components, Environmental
and Performance Tests for
MIL-STD-1168 - Lot Numbering of Ammunition
MIL-STD-1235 - Single and Multilevel Continuous
Sampling Procedures and Tables for
Inspection by Attributes

FSC : 1390

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MIL-F-46996B (MU)



8880696 - Fuze, Point Detonating M572


ET-8880696 - Equipment Tabulation
(Copies of specifications, standards, drawings and publications
required by suppliers in connection with specific procurement
functions should be obtained from the procuring activity or as
directed by the contracting officer),


3.1 Material .-Materials and parts shall be in accordance

with applicable drawings and specifications .

3.2 Fuze assembly.-The PD, M572 Fuze assemblies shall

comply with all requirements specified on Drawing (Dwg)
8880696 and with all requirements specified in applicable
specifications . I

3.3 Jolt and jumble .-The fuze assembly shall comply with
the requirements of MIL-STD-331, tests 101 and 102.

3.4 Transportation vibration.-The Illzeassembly shall

comply with the requirements of MIL-STD-331, test 104.

3.5 Arming and propagation test.-The loaded fuze assembly,

dwg. NO. 8880696, shall arm an(i function high order when
subjected to this test. The test shall be performed in
accordance with ti.2.3.3.
3.6 Proving Ground

3.6.1 Premature bursts.-There shall be no premature bursts

in the gun bore or in flight before impact when tested as .
specified in

3.6.2 Functioning
36.2,1 fuzes shall cause the projectile
to function high order and shall show no evidence of reverse
functioning (see 6.4) when tested as specified in

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MIL-F-46996B (MU) Delay. -The fuzes shall cause the projectile to

?unctlon high order and shall show no evidence of reverse
functioning (see 6.4) when tested as specified In The fuze shall not breakup outside the muzzle.of

the gun when tested as specified in

3.7 Workmanship.-All parts and assemblies shall be loaded

and assembled in a thorough, workmanlike manner and all
manufacturing, processlngY and assembling operations shall be
correctly performed. All parts shall be free of burrs, sharp
edges, cracks, dirt, grease, dust, and other foreign matter.
The cleaning method used shall not be injurious to any part
nor shall the parts be contaminated by the cleaning agent.
All required markings neat, legible, and sharply
defined. )


4.1, Responslbllity for Inspection. -Unless otherwise

specified fn the contract or purchase order, the supplier Is
responelble for the performance of all inspection requirements
as speclfled herein. Except as otherwise specified in the
contract order, the supplier may use his own or any other
facllltles suitable for the performance of the inspection
requirements specified herein, unless disapproved by the
Government. The Government reserves the right to perform any
of the inspections set forth In the specification where such
inspections are deemed necessary to assure supplles and services
conform to prescribed requirements. Reference shall be made to
Standard MIL-STD-109 in order to define the terms used herein.
The provisions of Specification MIL-A-2550 shall apply.

4.1.1 Submission of product.-At the time each completed lot

of items deliverable under the contract is submitted to the
Government for acceptance, the contractor shall supply the
following Information accompanied by a certificate which attests
that the Information provided is correct and applicable to the
product being submitted:
I a. A statement that the lot complies with all of the
:, quality assurance provisions specified in this specification.
b. Drawing and specification number and date, together
.. with Identlflcatlon and date of changes thereto.
c. A statement that allmaterlal purchased by the
contractor meets requirements , when such material Is controlled
by Government or commercial specifications referenced In any of
the contractual documents, and the certificates of conformance
are on file and aval.lable.for revfew.
d. Number of items in the lot.
e. Date submitted.

● 3

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MIL-F-46996B (MU)

The certificate shall be signed by a responsible agent of the

certifying organization. The initial certificate submitted shall
be substantiated by evidence of the agent’s authority to bind his

principal. Substantiation of the agent’s authority will not be
required with subsequent certificates unless, during the course
of the contract, this authority is vested in another agent of the
certifying organization.

4.2 Inspection provisions

4.2.1 Lot formation.–The term “inspection lot” as used

in this specification is defined as an essentially homogeneous
collection of units of product from which a representative
sample is drawn and inspected to determine conformance with
applicable requirements. The sample selected shall represent
only that quantity or units from which the sample was drawn anti
shall not be construed to represent any prior or subsequent
quantities presented for inspection. Homogeneity shall be
considered to exist provided the inspection lot has been produced
by one manufacturer, in one unchanged process, in accordance with
the same drawing, ‘same drawing revision, same specification and
same specification revision and complies with the provisions for
submission of product as specified in M1L-STD-105. Changes to
the process, specification, or drawing not affecting sa?ety,
performance, interchangeability, or storaKe, as determined by the

Government , shall not be deemed to alter the homogeneity of an
inspection lot. All material submitted for inspection in
accordance with this specification shall comply with the
homogeneity criteria specified herein regardless of the type of
sampling procedure which is being applied to determine conformance
with requirements. Lot numbering, as required, shall be in
accordance with MIL–STD–1168. Each lot shall contain:
a. Fuze metal parts components of one lot interfix
number from one manufacturer.
b. Delay plunger assemblies of one lot interfix
number: from-one manufacturer.
c. M125A1 Booster assemblies of one lot interfix
number, from one manufacturer.
. d. M24 Detonators of one lot Interflx number from
one manufacturer.

4.2:2 Examination.–The examinations listed in the following

subparagraphs shall be performed on inspection lots (see 4.2.1)
I of the components or assemblies desi~nated in the applicable
paragraph headings. Inspection for critical defects (and major
defects, when so specified) shall be 100 percent. S,ampling plans
for major and minor defects shall be in accordance with
MIL-STD-105 except that continuous sampling plans in accordance
with MIL–STD-1235 may be used if approved by the Government.

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MIL-F-46996B (MU)

● Instead of applylng the AQL’s designated herein to the groups of

major and minor defects listed, the contractor may elect to apply
AQL’s to individual defects using an AQL of 0.40 percent for each
major defect and an AQL of 0.65 percent for each minor defect.
When this method is elected, it shall be applied to all of the
major and minor defects listed in the applicable subparagraph
of this section, except where 100 percent inspection is specified,
and be documented as part of the contractors inspection system.
Equipment necessary for the performance of the inspections listed
shall be in accordance with 4.2.4. Head assembly (see dwg. 8798232 covering a

detail of dwg. 8798219).

Categories Defects Method of Code No.


Critical: None defined.

Major T AQL 0.65 Percent

101. Detonator missing or inverted .. Visual 01001
102. Detonator cushion missing ...... Visual 01002
103. Detonator retaining screw not
fully seated ,.................. Visual 01003
104, Detonator retaining screw

● Minor :
not staked .....................

AQL 0.65 Percent

Visual 01004

201. Evidence of poor workmanship

~ (see 3.7) ...................... Visual 01005 Screw, detonator retaining (see dwg. 8:798234).

Categories Defects Method of Code No.


Critical: None defined.

Major : AQ.L 0.40 Percent

101. Pitch diameter of thread, mfn. . Gage 06001

Minor : AQI, 1.5 Percent

.: 201. Total length ................... Gage 06002
202. Pitch diameter of thread, max. . Gage 06003
203. Evidence of poor wor}cmanship
(see 3.7) ......................Visual 06005 Assembly prior to assemblinfl head assembly and

bottom closing screw (see dwg. 8798219).

Cate[~ories Defects Method of Code NO.

● Inspection

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MIL-F-46gg6B (Mu)

1. Delay PlunKer centrifugal
plun~er pi; in armed condition . Visual 02001
2. Interrupter does not completely
obstruct the flash hole ........ Visual 02002
Major : AQL 0.65 Percent
101. Foreign matter in flash hole or
on delay plunger assembly ...... Visual 02003
102. Flash tube stake missin~ ....... Visual 02004
103. Foreign matter in flash tube
cavity ......................... Visual 02005
104. Delay plunger assembly missing . Visual 02006

Minor: AQL 0,65 Percent

201. Evidence of poor workmanship
(see 3.7) ...................... Visual 02007 Body assembly loading (see dwg. 9234457).

Categories Defects Method of Code No.


Critical: None defined.

Maj or: AQL 0.40 Percent

101. Tape missing or does not
completely cover flash hole ... Visual 07001

Minor: AQL 0.65 Percent

201. Evidence of poor workmanship
(see 3.7) ...................... Visual 07002 Assembly prior to assembling booster (see dwfl.


Categories Defects Method of Code No


Critical: None defined.

Major : AQL 1.0 Percent

101. Total,,length, above max. ....... Gage 03002
102. Bottom closing screw not below
flush, min. .................... Gage 03003
103. O~ive covers any part of
setting sleeve ................. Visual 03004
104. Body thread damaged ............ Visual 03005
105. Delay time not specified on
fuze ........................... Visual 03006
106. Crack or puncture at ogive
dimples ........................ Visual 03007 0
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MIL-F-46996B (MU)

10 107. Delay plunger assembly

inverted ........................ Visual-
Magnet 03001
Minor: AQL 0.65 percent
201. Evidence of poor workmanship
(see 3.7) ....................... Visual 03010 Booster. rmior to final fuze “assernblv(see dwg .
8595541 covering a de{a~l of dwg. 8$63535)., “
Categories Defects Method of Code No.

1. an armed or
partially armed condition
(see 6.5) ....................... visual 04001
Maj or: None defined,

Minor: None defined, Assembly (see dwg. 8880696).

Categories Defects Method of Code No.

Critical: None defined.

Major: AQL 1.0 Percent

101. Length fro,mbase of booster
to flange,’ above max. ........... Gage 05001
102. Separationbetween booster
and fuze’, above max. ............ Gage 05002
103. Torque test failure (booster
to fuze) (see 4.3.4) .......... .... Gage 05003
104, Booster stake missing or
improper ...................../. .Visual 05004
105. Thread damaged .................. Visual 05005
106. Booster thread, pitch
diameter, above max. ............ Gage 05006
107. Loaded weight, min. ............. Balance 05007
.. 108. Resin present on setting screw .. Visual 05008
109. Setting screw inoperable ........ Manual 05009
110. Evidence of poor workmanship
(see 3.7) which includes presence
of epoxy resin on thread lead,
epoxy resin inside flash tube,
epoxy resin contamination on or
in the M125Al Booster and presence
of epoxy resin on or in the M-1
Delay plunger at the base of the
M48A3Fuze ......................Visual 05014
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NIIL-F-46g96B (MU)

111, Absence of epoxy filling ....... Visual 05030 ●

!4inor: AQL 1.5 Percent
201. Marking missing, incorrect,
or unidentifiable .............. Visual 05010
202, Protective coating missing
from marking ................... Visual 05011
203. Firing pin closing disc
missing or damaged ............. Visual 05012 : Versamid 125 (see dwg. A$1234571).

Critical: None defined.

Maj or: AQL 0.40 Percent

101. Material not as specified ...... Visual 08001

Minor: None defined.

4.2.3 ‘Testing Jolt and jumble (see 3.3) - Critical defects

Code No. 05020 and 05021.

4’. Beginning with the first lot produced and

continuing until three consecutive lots have complied with the o
acceptance criteria specified, a sample of thirty (30) loaded
fuze assemblies shall be selected from each lot and subjected
to the jolt test specified in MIL-STD-331, test 101. After this
test, the assemblies shall not be disassembled but shall be
subjected to the jumble test, MIL-STD-331, test 102 The assemblies
shall then be disassembled to determine compliance with MIL-STD-331.
As a minimum inspection requirement for Critical defects, no M125Al
.plunger or body interrupter shall be in an armed
or partially armed condition. If any assembly fails to comply with
the requirements of MIL-STD-331, the lot shall be rejected. Test
equipment shall be in accordance with 4.2.4. Assemblies subjected
to these tests shall not be returned to the lot. After three consecutive lots have met the criteria

specified in, ,a sample of ten (10) loaded fuze assemblies
shall be selected from each lot for jolt and jumble tests. Except
for sample size, the test procedure and acceptance criteria shall
be those specified in 4.2.j.l.l. Transportation vibration (see 3.4) - Critical defect,

Code No. 05022 for safety deficiencies and Major defect, Code No.

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MIL-F-46996B (MU) Beginning with the first lot produced and

ontinuing until three consecutive lots have complied with the
c acceptance criteria specified, a sample of thirty (30) loaded
“fuze assemblies shall be selected from each lot and subjected
to the transportation vibration test specified in MIL-STD-331,
test 104. The assemblies shall then be disassembled to determine
compliance with MIL--STD-331. As a minimum inspection requirement
for Critical defects, no M125A1 Booster, Ml-delay plunger, or
body interrupter shall be in an armed or partially armed
condition. As a minimum inspection requirement for Major defects,
no metal parts components shall be broken. If any assembly
fails to comply with the requirements of MIL-STD-331, the lot
shall be rejected. Test equipment shall be in accordance with
4.2.4. Assemblies subjected to this test shall not be returned
to the lot. After three consecutive lots have met the criteria

specified in, a sample of ten (10) loaded fuze assemblies
shall be selected from each lot for transportation vibration tests.
Except for sample size, the test procedure and acceptance criteria
shall be those specified in Arming and propagation teSt (see 3.5) - ~Ia,jor

defect - Arming, Code No. 05024 - Major defect - Propagation,
Code No. 05025.-The test shall be performed as specified in 4.3.2
using equipment in accordance with 4.2.Q. Fifty loaded fuze
ssemblies shall be randomly selected from each lot. All assemblies
hall be tested in the delay position. The lot of fuzes shall be
a rejected if more than two assemblies fail to function high order. Proving ground Premature burst (see 3.6.1) - Critical defect.-

Any premature burst shall be cause for rejection of the lot. Functioning (see 3.6.2) - Major defect Beginning with the first lot produced and

continuing until three consecutive lots have complied with the
following acceptance criteria, sixty–four (64) loaded fuze
assemblies shall be selected from each lot and tested as specified
in 4.3.3. The acceptance criteria and the number offuzes tested
shall be as specified in Table I.
.. TABLE I ,-
Target Sample Size Sample Size
Weapon !!22%@ Distance Superquick Delay

175mm Gun Ground or 20,000

Water Impact Meters 32 --
175mm Gun Ground Range
Impact Convenient -- 32
Total : 32 32
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MIL-F-46996B (MU)
~cceptance Criteria
Defect :
“SUperqulck: Reject
- Code No.
Premature burst
1 10001
1 10002
Reverse functions 4
Fuze breakup (see 10003 o 1 10004

Premature burst 0 1
Duds 10006
2 10007
Reverse functions ; 4
Fuze breakup (see 10008 0 1 10009 After three consecutive lots have met the
criteria of, a total of forth (40) loaded fuze assemblies
shall be selected from each lot and tested as specffied in 4.3.4.
The acceptance criteria and number of fuzes to be tested shall be
as specified in Table II.


Target Sample Size Sample Size

Weapon Target Distance Superquick _ Delay
175mm Gun Ground or 20,000
Water Impact Meters 20 --
175mm Gun Ground Range
Impact Convenient -- 20
Total :
20 20
Acceptance Criteria
Defect :
Code No.
premature burst o
Duds 10010
0 10011
Reverse functions 2
Fuze breakup (see 10012 o 10013

premature burst o 1
Duds 10015
1 2 10016
Reverse functions 2 3 10017
Fuze breakup (see Source: o
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1 10018
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MIL-F-46996B (MU) Check-test for deterioration of detonator, Ma,jor

defect , Code No. 11001.-If the total elapsed time between the
acceptance of any detonator lot and assembly of that lot into
fuze lots exceeds two (2) years, or If the detonators have been
subject to adverse conditions, however brief, at any time since
prevtous tests, the detonator lot shall be check-tested as
specified In MIL–D-46256 immediately prior to detonator assembly
into fuzes. This test shall be performed by the contractor on
detonators selected by the Government inspector at the facility
assembling the detonators into the fuze. The test shall be
conducted at Government expense without cost to the supplier who
loaded the detonator or the supplier assembling the detonator
into the fuze, and shall constitute abasis For rejection against
either supplier except where deterioration has occurred as a
direct result of carelessness in handling, storaEe, etc. while
the detonator lot is under the jurisdiction of either contractor.

4.2.4 Inspection Equipment .-Index of Inspection Equipment

List Number ET-8880696 I.dentlfies the Inspection equipment required
to perform the examinations and tests prescribed in this section.
The contractor shall design inspection equipment in accordance
with the Instructions in paragraph 6.3.

k.2.4.l Government rights to documentati-.l.-Inspectlon

equipment drawings and lists provided and revised in accordance
with the requirements of the ET may be used by DOD activities
for desi@, procurement, manufacture, testing, evaluation,
production and receiving inspection, overhaul, shippi.nq, storage,
identification of stock, orderin~ and storage of replacement
parts, Inspection of items at overhaul, general maintenance of
equipment, construction, survey and whenever inspection equipment
drawings are needed. Government use of contractor’s inspection and test

equipment.-The contractor shall make available to the Government
all inspection and test equipment necessary for determining
conformance with contract requirements. Personnel for operating
the equipment, and verification of its accuracy, shall be
supplied by the contractor for the performance of examination
or test by the Government.

4.3 Test methods and procedures

4.3.1 ,Jolt and jumble.-The loaded fuze assembles shall be”

subjected to the jolt test in accordance with MIL-STD-331, test
101. After completion of the jolt test, the fuzes shall be
subjected to the jumble test in accordance with MIL-S’I’D-331,teSt
102. The ,Jumble test shall be conducted utlllzinsz
,.,a .
protective” fixture as specified In 4.2.4.

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MIL-F-46g96B (MU)

ti.3.2 Arming and propagation test.-The loaded fuze assemblies o

less tetryl pellets shall be armed by spinning at no more than
3000 rpm in a suitable test fixture (see 4.2.4). The assemblies
shall then be impact detonated by dropping on a hard surface. The
assemblies shall be dropped while spinning. A high order function
shall create a hole at least one half inch in diameter in a one-
eighth inch thick lead disc placed beneath the booster lead
charge. Assemblies which fail to function hi~h order shall be
disassembled to determine the cause of failure. The cause of
failure shall be annotated on the inspection records for the lot.

4.3.3 Proving ground.-The Tuzes shall be assembled into any ‘

projectile of the specified caliber for which the fuze is standard
and tested in accordance with Table III. Smear camera coverage
shall be employed for all rounds tested to determine fuze
breakup, The camera shall be set up approximately 100 feet
from the weapon’s muzzle.


Weapon 175mm
Recommended Model M113
Recommended Cartridge M437
Recommended CharEe Zone 3
Muzzle velocity (fps) 3000
Pressure (psi) 50100
Spin (rpm) lll~oo
I 4.3.4 Torque test .-The disassembly torque shall be applied
to the applicable component while holding the adjacent mating
component in such a manner as to avoid damage to either component
of the assembly.


5..l..Packaging, packing and marking.-Packaging, packin~ and

marking shall be in accordance with the requirements and
inspection procedures specified in MIL-P-60412.

6.1 Ordering data.-Procurement documents shall specify
the following:
a. Title, number and date of this specification.
b. Data cards.-Data cards shall be prepared for each
lot In accordance wfth the information specified in Standard

6.2 Inspection code numbers .-The five digit code numbers

assigned to the inspections herein ape to facilitate future data
collection and analysis by the Government.

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MIL-F-46996B (MU)

● 6.3 Inspection equipment.-The contractor shall desizn

Inspection eaulDment as reouired bv the inspection Equipment
Lists (EL) r~fe~enced on the appll~able ET In accordance with
the instructions or paragraphs 6.3.1 through 6.3.5. These code
numbers are used to correlate the characteristics cited on
Equipment Lists with the inspections listed in this specification.
They should also be cited as references on drawings of equipment
designs submitted by the coritractor (see 6.3.5.).

6.3.1 Inspection equipment lists (EL) .-Inspection equipment

lists Ind%cate the availability of,inspection equipment designs
by showing in the “number” column of the list of inspection
equipment (Form SMUPA 1010) the numbers of drawings or Federal
Stock numbers of existing equipment designs, or codes as
indicated in paragraph 6.3.2. Design action required of the
contractor is described in paragraphs 6.3.3 and 6.3.4. The
contractor will be required to prepare detailed drawings in
accordance with 6.3.4 for all tileequipment coded as !’Contractor
Design” in the number column. These contractor designs must be
approved by the Government prior to fabrication or procuring
of the equipment. Designs shall be submitted for approval as
specified in 6.3.5.

6.3.2 Inspection equipment list codes,-The inspection

equipment as defined in 6.3.3 and 6.3.4 will be designated in

the EL by the following codes:

CD - Contractor design on controlled contractor format

and/or commercial equipment.
MU - Army design, mandatory for use.

6.3.3 Army designs.-Army designs are reflected on detailed

drawings which completely depict all the information necessary
for the fabrication of the Item of inspection equipment. The
contractor need provide no design when an Army design is listed
for an item of %nspection equipment. Army designs fall into two
basic classifications; mandatory (designated “MU”) and
non-mandatory. (indicated by drawing or Federal Stock Number).
When an inspection equipment list references mandatory Army
designs, the contractor shall comply with, and use these
designs accordingly. The contractor may, however, in connection
with non-mandatory designs, and with the approval of the
Government, design alternate inspection equipment or use
comparable commercial equipment to facilitate his operations,
Such contractor prepared designs or commercial equipment
selections must be approved by the Government prior to
fabrication or procuring of the equipment. Designs shall be
submitted for approval asspecified In 6.3.5.

6.3.4 Contractor designs.-Contractor designs are designs

of inspection equipment for which the Government has assip,ned
design responsibility to the contractor. Contractor designs
o shal:lbe
.supportedby detailed drawings which depict all

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MIL-F-469g6B (MU)

information necessary to completely fabricate, calibrate and

operate an item of inspection equipment. This requires that
the necessary views, dimensions, materials, finish, notes,
operatfng and calibration Instructions be properly depicted In
accordance with approved practices to the extent that further
calculation or clarification will not be required. Unless
otherwise specified, contractor designs may be developed on the
format the contractor normally employs in his equipment desi~n
procedure provided such format reflects the detail and
information specified above, subject to the following controls:
All submitted contractor designs shall conform to M1L-D-1OOO,
Category E, Form 2. Legibility and reproducibility shall permit
conventional making of clearly understandable, high contrast
reproductions. Contractors shall submit three copies of final
designs as a flat set. Designs shall be submitted for approval
as specified in 6.3.5.
6.3.5 Submission of contractor desi~ns.–All submitted
designs shall contain a reference to the applicable five digit
Code Number contained in Section 4 of this specification and the
appropriate comPonent or assembly drawing number and revision
letter to which the specific design applies. Unless otherwise
specified on the EL, all designs of equipment for inspection of
defects classified as critical and major shall be submitted for
aPProval to the Commanding Officer, Picatinny Arsenal, ATTN:
SMUPA-ND7. All other designs of inspection equipment shall be
approved by the inspection element of the a~ency administering

the contract; submission shall be as directed by the contracting
officer. Partial submission of inspection equipment desf~ns is
permissible and encouraged. However, the Arsenal completion date
for design review will be based on the date of the final
submission of designs. Picatinny Arsenal design review will be
accomplished normally within one month after receipt.

6.4 Reverse functioning.-Reverse functioning is defined as

superquick (SQ) functioning of the fuze when set in the “Delay”
position or delay functioning of the “SQ” position.

6.5 The armed condition of the M125Al booster is indicated

when the detonator is fully visible through the cover plate.
(See Figure 1). The partially armed condition of the booster is
indicated when the rotor is not lo~!.ed by both spring–loaded
detents. (see Figures 2, 3, and 4). The “unarmed condition is
indicated when the rotor Is locked by both spring loaded detents
and the detonator is not at all visible through the cover plate.
(see Figure 5).

6.6 Cost of detonator deterioration check-test.-The

contracting officer will arrange for the contractor to be
reimbursed for the expense incurred in the performance of the
detonation check test.

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NIL-F-46996B (Pv.J)

6.7 Identification of international standardization

agreements. -Certain provisions of Section 3, REQUIREMENTS OF
this specification are the subject of international
standardization agreement ABc-iRl!Y-sTD-56. When amendment,
revision, or cancellation of this specification is proposed
the departmental custodians will inform their respective
department standardization offices so that appropriate
action may be taken respecting the international agreement
6.8 Submission of test data.-In addition to the normal
distribution of records, when the fuze is proposed by the
Department of the Army, a copy of all test data shall be
forwarded to the following:

Commanding Officer
Picatinny Arsenal
ATTN : S~IUPA-ND7 and I)J2
Iloverj New Jersey 07801

Custodian: Preparing aCtlVity:

Army-MU Army-hNJ


Project Number: 1390-A-


Source: -- Downloaded: 2024-07-11T14:27Z

Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use. 15
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1. Red end of M17 Detonator completely visible in center of

cover plate.
I 2. Rotor completely fills curved slot in cover plate.
3. Spring-loaded detents in .
IN position.


Source: -- Downloaded: 2024-07-11T14:27Z

Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use.

1. Red end of M17 Detonator partially visible’ in center of
cover plate.
2. Rotor completely fills curved slot in cover plate.
3. Spring-loaded detents in —IN position.


Source: -- Downloaded: 2024-07-11T14:27Z

Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use.
1 MIL-F-46996B

1. MIT Detonator not visible in center of cover plate.
Rotor fills three-fourths of curved slot in cover plate.
$: Spring-loaded detents in OUT position.

Source: -- Downloaded: 2024-07-11T14:27Z

Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use.



1. M17 Detonator not visible in center of cover plate.
., 2. Rotor fills one-half of curved slot in cover plate.
3. Spring-loaded detents in —
OUT position.


Source: -- Downloaded: 2024-07-11T14:27Z
Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use.
---- —,..––.




1. M17 Detonator not visible in center of cover plate.
Rotor fills less than half of curved slot in cover plate.
;: Spring-1oaded detents locked in —
IN position.


Source: -- Downloaded: 2024-07-11T14:27Z

Check the source to verify that this is the current version before use.

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