Sample 3
Sample 3
Sample 3
The purpose of this project is to bridge the relationship between the Continuous
time and the Discrete time domains. The relationship will be shown through the use of
Discrete Fourier analysis. The essential idea of Fourier analysis is the use of Fourier
Transforms to convert from the time domain signal to its frequency domain equivalent.
In this project the Transforms to be used are the DTFT, and the DFT. Using MATLAB as
the tool to compute the transforms, relationships between the transforms will be realized
and ultimately a connection between the Discrete time domain and the Continuous time
Procedure 7
Conclusions 12
Appendices 13
Appendix A (Figures) 13
References 39
are the areas of signal processing and control systems. These areas both rely heavily
on the ability to analyze signals and systems. While all ‘real’ physical signals and
frequency. When analyzing a signal, the calculations will generally become more
simplified in when analyzed with respect to the frequency. That said however, typically
The first step in analyzing a signal with respect to frequency is transforming the
time domain signal into the frequency domain. Such a transformation can be completed
using several different Fourier transforms, however the transform chosen depends on
properties of the time domain signal, and the desired frequency domain signal.
In this project the signal analysis was done on the computer using MATLAB.
Because of the limitations of MATLAB and the computer based analysis in general,
signals cannot be considered an infinitely long continuous time signal, but instead as
finite amounts of data points that were inherently ‘sampled’ from the real continuous
time signal. The sampled signals are called Discrete time signals. Due to the discrete
time nature of the signal, the Fourier Transforms used in the analysis processes are
Discrete signals were the “Discrete Time Fourier Transform” (DTFT) and the “Discrete
Fourier Transform” (DFT). As the names would imply, the transforms are extremely
similar in definition.
The definition of the Discrete Time Fourier Transform (DTFT) is shown in Figure
1 of Appendix A. The DTFT is essentially a transform that is only realizable for discrete
signals with an ‘infinite’ number of samples. When brought into the frequency domain,
the DTFT result will be an inherently ‘infinite’ amount of complex discrete frequency
values representing the amplitude and phase of the signal at the respected frequencies.
Due the resulting amount of infinite discrete frequencies the DTFT result can be
The Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) on the other hand, is more practical in
nature than the DTFT. The definition of the DFT is shown in Figure 2 of Appendix A.
The essential difference between the DFT and the DTFT coincides with the fact that the
DFT is defined over a finite length of time and consists of a finite amount of equally
spaced values. Due to this fact, the DFT is more practical to compute on a computer
than the DTFT. As one may realize, the larger the number of values, or samples,
included in the DFT computation, the closer the result of the DFT becomes to the values
and lengthy. While a computer can solve this much quicker than by hand, the
computation time by the computer will increase exponentially as the number of samples
is increased. It is for this reason that a faster computer algorithm to compute the DFT
was created. This algorithm is called the “Fast Fourier Transform”. The actual details of
this algorithm are beyond the scope of this report. However it can be said that the FFT
complex additions. These reductions in computation are noticeable even with a small
amount of samples.
Continuous time function to obtain an accurate waveform, a sampling criterion has been
formed to provide a rule of thumb for sampling frequencies in periodic functions. The
name of this criterion is the Nyquist Criterion. Simply put the Nyquist Criterion states
time signal, the sampling frequency must be greater than two time the fundamental
Through preforming the DTFT, DFT, and the FFT on two different continuous
time functions the relationship between the discrete and continuous time domains will
be validated. Two functions were tested in this project. These signals were the cosine
The first step was converting the Continuous time signal into the Discrete time
signal. This process was simplified immensely through MATLAB. The MATLAB codes
for both of the functions are shown in Appendix B. Several sampling frequencies were
chosen below, above and at the Nyquist criterion for the cosine function. Because the
increased accordingly. The time step was quickly found to be the reciprocal of the
sampling frequency. Using this, the complete time-frame and time steps of the Discrete
time signal were declared and the function was computed for its respected time-frame
With the newly found discrete time version of the signal found, the next logical
step was to compute the Discrete Time Fourier Transform (DTFT). Using the definition
MATLAB as a set of two nested ‘for’ loops. From this calculation the resulting frequency
frequencies. The phase portion of the signal will be ignored throughout the remainder of
the project. By computing the frequency for one period and then scaling the axis and
amplitudes appropriately, the results are represented appropriately and are computed
much faster.
version of the DTFT will be used. Computing the ‘modified’ version of the DTFT involves
convoluting the analytically calculated or ‘theoretical’ DTFT of the original discrete signal
with the DTFT of a windowing function that represents the desired width. The result
from this convolution should be nearly identical to the computed DTFT just before. This
cross-referenced DTFT function will be referred to as the ‘modified’ DTFT. For this
Following the completion of the DTFT, the DFT will be computed using the
original definition shown in Figure 2 of Appendix A. The computation involved with the
DFT is nearly identical to the DTFT. For this reason, the resulting frequency domain
signal will be found by using a set of two nested ‘for’ loops. Once again the key
difference between the DFT and the DTFT is that the DFT is in discrete frequency, while
the DTFT is in continuous frequency. Hence the visible differences in the graphs.
The last portion of the procedure involves computing the DFT, not by using the
definition, but by the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm. The results of this
Electrical Engineering 215 Section 1A
transform will be similar to the results of the DFT from the definition. An apparent
difference however is the method of implementation. Due to the way the FFT algorithm
is built into MATLAB, a function called ‘fftshift’ is needed in conjunction with the ‘fft’
command. By using the ‘fftshift’ command, the resulting frequency signal is shifted in
such a way that the zero frequency component of the FFT array is moved to the middle.
By having the zero frequency component in the center of the array, the plots are a more
The results from the procedure were, for the most part, accurate with the
theoretical background. Starting with the cosine function, it became apparent that the
higher the sampling frequency was above the Nyquist criterion the closer the discrete
time function became to the real continuous time signal. With a lower sampling
frequency, the discrete time signal was not a good representation of the Continuous
time function. The results of the conversion for the cosine function into Discrete time is
Calculating the DTFT was the second step in the procedure. From the theory, the
output for the cosine function should have a peak amplitude value equal to the absolute
value of the maximum value of the frequency calculated for. In this case that value was
0.5. Furthermore, these peak values should occur at the fundamental frequency of the
calculation are shown in Figure 5 of Appendix A. Next, the modified DTFT was
calculated to confirm the previous results by using the analytical derived results
convoluted with a rectangular window function. The results of the modified DTFT are
Following the results for both of the DTFT calculations, the DFT of the cosine
was found in the same manner. That is, gradually increasing the sampling frequency
above the Nyquist criterion until the result matched theoretical results. The results of the
DFT calculations using the DFT definition are shown in Figure 7 of Appendix A. To
validate these results the same calculation was preformed again, only using the FFT
algorithm. Doing so confirmed that the resulting signal found from the DFT definition,
was indeed correct. The results from the FFT calculation are shown in Figure 8 of
Appendix A.
After the Fourier analysis of the cosine function, the rectangular function from
Figure 3 of Appendix A was analyzed in a similar manner. The main difference with the
rectangular function is that it is not a periodic signal. As such, the Nyquist criterion was
not applicable. Therefore the sampling frequency was chosen and increased until
After converting the Continuous time signal into the Discrete time version, the resulting
to calculate the DTFT by using the definition. In the same manner that was done with
the cosine function, the DTFT on the rectangle function was realized and found to result
from the DTFT the modified DTFT calculations were also computed. A similar
rectangular windowing function was used in this calculation as well. The waveforms
The DFT calculations were also found to match the results of the DTFT for the
rectangular function. The results are shown in Figure 12 of Appendix A. Furthermore the
FFT matched the DFT results. The FFT output is shown in Figure 13 of Appendix A
Following the completion of the project, it was clear that as the sampling
frequency increased, the more accurate the discrete time signal and frequency
obvious that the resulting waveforms were more accurate once the sampling frequency
surpassed the Nyquist criterion. Given a sufficient amount of samples the DTFT and
DFT computations will converge to the same waveform. It is this waveform that, given a
sufficiently large amount of samples, will become the same waveform that would result
Having completed the project, relationships between the Fourier transforms, and
sampling frequencies have been found. It is the relationship between these two that
determine the accuracy, computation time, and similarity to the continuous time domain
function. It is the knowledge of this relationship in Fourier analysis that will aid in future
{ } ( ) ∑
{ } ∑
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