Bsimm Report

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PART 1: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY........................4 PART 4: QUICK GUIDE

WELCOME TO BSIMM14.............................................................................. 5 TO SSI MATURITY .............................................. 19
BSIMM14 DATA HIGHLIGHTS .................................................................... 6 A BASELINE FOR SSI LEADERS..............................................................20
Is Your SSI Keeping Pace with Change
TRENDS AND INSIGHTS SUMMARY........................................................ 7
in Your Software Portfolio?.................................................................20
How Software Security Is Changing.....................................................7
Are You Creating the DevSecOps Culture You Need?.....................20
Expanding Security’s Scope...................................................................7
Are You Shifting Security Efforts Everywhere
Who Owns Security..................................................................................8
in the Engineering Lifecycle?................................................................20
Important Decisions in Software Security...........................................8
How Does Your SSI Measure Up?.......................................................20
CALL TO ACTION............................................................................................ 9
Plan Your Journey....................................................................................9
Understand Your Organizational Mandate........................................21
Get a Handle on What You Have...........................................................9
Build the Scorecard................................................................................21
Make the Right Investments..................................................................9
Make a Strategic Plan and Execute....................................................21
THE BSIMM SKELETON ............................................................................ 10
PART 5: THE BSIMM FRAMEWORK..............24
PART 2: TRENDS AND INSIGHTS....................12
CORE KNOWLEDGE.................................................................................... 25
Evolution of Shift Everywhere..............................................................13
Integrating Tooling.................................................................................13 UNDERSTANDING THE MODEL .............................................................26
Governance and Automation...............................................................13
Security Touchpoints.............................................................................13 PART 6: THE BSIMM ACTIVITIES...................27
Enabling People .....................................................................................14 ACTIVITIES IN THE BSIMM ......................................................................28

SOFTWARE SUPPLY CHAIN RISK MANAGEMENT........................... 14 GOVERNANCE .............................................................................................28

Software Bill of Materials (SBOM)......................................................14 Governance: Strategy & Metrics (SM) ...............................................28
Open Source Risk Management..........................................................14 Governance: Compliance & Policy (CP) ............................................30
Vendor Management and Bespoke Software...................................14 Governance: Training (T) ......................................................................32

PRODUCT SECURITY AND APPLICATION SECURITY...................... 14 INTELLIGENCE .............................................................................................34

Shipping Products to Dangerous Environments..............................14 Intelligence: Attack Models (AM) .......................................................34
Growing “Product Security Program” Representation ....................15 Intelligence: Security Features & Design (SFD) ...............................36
Intelligence: Standards & Requirements (SR) ..................................37
SECURITY ENABLERS ................................................................................15
Security Champions..............................................................................15 SDLC TOUCHPOINTS .................................................................................39
Cloud Architecture.................................................................................15 SDLC Touchpoints: Architecture Analysis (AA) ...............................39
SDLC Touchpoints: Code Review (CR) ..............................................40
SECURITY ECONOMICS..............................................................................15 SDLC Touchpoints: Security Testing (ST) .........................................42
TOPICS WE’RE WATCHING.......................................................................15
DEPLOYMENT ............................................................................................. 44
Deployment: Penetration Testing (PT) ..............................................44
PART 3: BSIMM PARTICIPANTS..................... 16
Deployment: Software Environment (SE)..........................................45
PARTICIPANTS ..............................................................................................17 Deployment: Configuration Management &
Vulnerability Management (CMVM) ..................................................46

APPENDICES...................................................... 49 C. DETAILED VIEW OF THE BSIMM FRAMEWORK ............ 64
THE BSIMM SKELETON............................................................................ 64
CREATING BSIMM14 FROM BSIMM13.................................................. 64
EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP ........................................................................50
MODEL CHANGES OVER TIME............................................................... 68
SOFTWARE SECURITY GROUP LEADERS ...........................................51

SOFTWARE SECURITY GROUP (SSG) .................................................. 52 D. DATA: BSIMM14 ......................................................................... 71

SECURITY CHAMPIONS (SATELLITE).................................................... 52 AGE-BASED PROGRAM CHANGES.........................................................71

KEY STAKEHOLDERS................................................................................. 53 ACTIVITY CHANGES OVER TIME............................................................73

B. HOW TO BUILD OR UPGRADE AN SSI .............................. 54 E. DATA ANALYSIS: VERTICALS................................................. 75

CONSTRUCTION LESSONS FROM THE PARTICIPANTS..................54 IOT, CLOUD, AND ISV VERTICALS ........................................................76
Cultures....................................................................................................55 FINANCIAL, HEALTHCARE, AND INSURANCE VERTICALS ..........76
A New Wave in Engineering Culture...................................................55
FINANCIAL AND TECHNOLOGY VERTICALS .....................................77
Understanding More About DevOps...................................................56
Convergence as a Goal.........................................................................56 TECHNOLOGY VS. NON-TECHNOLOGY ..............................................78

VERTICAL SCORECARDS..........................................................................78
FOR AN EMERGING SSI: SDLC TO SSDL..............................................57
Create a Software Security Group .....................................................58 F. DATA ANALYSIS: LONGITUDINAL........................................ 83
Document and Socialize the SSDL.....................................................58
BUILDING A MODEL FOR SOFTWARE SECURITY ...........................83
Inventory Applications ..........................................................................58
Apply Infrastructure Security ..............................................................59 CHANGES BETWEEN FIRST AND SECOND ASSESSMENTS........ 84
Deploy Defect Discovery ......................................................................59 CHANGES BETWEEN FIRST AND THIRD ASSESSMENTS............. 86
Manage Discovered Defects................................................................59
Publish and Promote the Process......................................................59 G. DATA ANALYSIS: SATELLITE
Progress to the Next Step in Your Journey ......................................59 (SECURITY CHAMPIONS)............................................................. 88

FOR A MATURING SSI: HARMONIZING OBJECTIVES..................... 60 H. DATA ANALYSIS: SSG .............................................................. 90

Unify Structure and Consolidate Efforts............................................60
SSG CHARACTERISTICS............................................................................ 90
Expand Security Controls.....................................................................60
Engage Development............................................................................61 SSG CHANGES BASED ON AGE..............................................................92
Inventory and Select In-Scope Software...........................................61
Enforce Security Basics Everywhere..................................................61
Integrate Defect Discovery and Prevention.......................................62
Upgrade Incident Response.................................................................62
Repeat and Improve..............................................................................62


Progress Isn’t a Straight Line...............................................................62
Push for Agile-Friendly SSIs.................................................................63

From an executive perspective, you can view BSIMM activities
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY as preventive, detective, corrective, or compensating controls
In 2008, application security, research, and analysis experts set implemented in a software security risk management framework.
out to gather data on the different paths that organizations take Positioning the activities as controls allows for easier understanding
to address the challenges of securing software. Their goal was to of the BSIMM’s value by governance, risk, compliance, legal, audit,
conduct in-person interviews with organizations that were known to and other executive management groups.
be highly effective in software security initiatives (SSIs), gather details As with any research work, there are some terms that have specific
about their efforts, analyze the data, and publish their findings to help meanings in the BSIMM. The box below shows the most common
others. BSIMM terminology.
The result was the Building Security In Maturity Model (BSIMM), a
descriptive model—published as BSIMM1—that provides a baseline
of observed activities (i.e., controls) for SSIs to build security into BSIMM Terminology
software and software development. Because these initiatives often
Nomenclature has always been a problem in computer
use different methodologies and different terminology, the BSIMM
security, and software security is no exception. Several
also creates a common vocabulary everyone can use. In addition, the
terms used in the BSIMM have particular meaning for us.
BSIMM provides a common methodology for starting and improving
The following list highlights some of the most important
SSIs of any size and in any vertical market.
terms used throughout this document:
Since BSIMM1 in 2009, we’ve been early reporters on security
• Activity. Actions or efforts carried out or facilitated by the
program changes across people, process, technology, culture, SSG as part of a practice. Activities are divided into three
compliance, digital transformation, and much more. Welcome to the levels in the BSIMM based on observation rates.
BSIMM14 report, and thank you for reading.
• Capability. A set of BSIMM activities spanning one or more
practices working together to serve a cohesive security
WELCOME TO BSIMM14 function.
• Champions. A group of interested and engaged developers,
If you’re in charge of an SSI, understanding the BSIMM cloud security engineers, deployment engineers, architects,
and its use by participants will help you plan strategic software managers, testers, or people in similar roles who
improvements. If you’re running the technical aspects have an active interest in software security and contribute to
of an initiative, you can use the how-to guide (in Part 4) the security posture of the organization and its software.
and activity descriptions (in Part 6) to help define tactical • Data pool. The collection of assessment data from the
improvements to people, process, technology, and current participants.
culture. • Domain. One of the four categories the framework is
divided into, i.e., Governance, Intelligence, SSDL Touchpoints,
Each BSIMM annual report is the result of studying real-world SSIs, and Deployment.
which many organizations refer to as their application or product • Participants. The group of firms in the current data pool.
security program or as their DevSecOps effort. Each year, a variety
• Practice. A grouping of BSIMM activities. The SSF is
of firms in different industry verticals use the BSIMM to create a organized into 12 practices, three in each of four domains.
software security scorecard for their programs that they then use to
• Satellite. A group of individuals, often called security
inform their SSI improvements. Here, we present BSIMM14 as built
champions, that is organized and leveraged by an SSG.
directly out of the data we observed in 130 firms.
• Secure SDL (SSDL). Any software lifecycle with integrated
In the rapidly changing software security field, it’s important to software security checkpoints and activities.
understand what other organizations are doing in their SSIs.
• Software security framework (SSF). The basic structure
Comparing the efforts of more than 100 companies to your own will
underlying the BSIMM, comprising 12 practices divided into
directly inform your strategy for improvement and growth.
four domains.
BSIMM core knowledge is the activities we have directly observed
• Software security group (SSG). The internal group charged
in our participants—the group of firms that use the BSIMM as part with carrying out and facilitating software security. The
of their SSI management. Each participant has their own unique group’s name might also have an appropriate organizational
SSI with an emphasis on the building security in activities important focus, such as application security group or product security
to their business objectives, but they collectively use the activities group.
captured here. We organize that core knowledge into a software • Software security initiative (SSI). An organization-wide
security framework (SSF), represented in Part 5. The SSF comprises program to instill, measure, manage, and evolve software
four domains—Governance, Intelligence, SSDL Touchpoints, and security activities in a coordinated fashion. Also referred to
Deployment—with those domains currently composed of 126 in some organizations as an application security program,
activities. The Governance domain, for example, includes activities product security program, or perhaps as a DevSecOps
that fall under the organization, management, and measurement program.
efforts of an SSI.

in observation count. Note that for some of the activities in Table 2,
BSIMM14 DATA HIGHLIGHTS the growth in observation is a relatively new change. For example,
the activity have a research group that develops new attack methods
Use the information in this section to answer common saw virtually no growth from BSIMM9-BSIMM12 but had a significant
questions about BSIMM data, such as, “What are some jump in observation rates in BSIMM13, and BSIMM14 has continued
data pool statistics?,” “Which activities are most firms that climb. Two years of growth suggests the change is meaningful
doing?,” and “How are software security efforts changing and the activities are worth considering for your program.
over time?”
In BSIMM13, we reported new growth after little change over time in
Note: Items in italic green refer to specific BSIMM activities in Part 6. the enforce security checkpoints and track exceptions activity. This
activity has continued to grow in BSIMM14 as firms are able to take
Activities are the building blocks of the BSIMM, the smallest units of advantage of modern automation options in the development pipeline.
granularity implemented across organizations to build SSIs. Rather
In the other direction, in BSIMM13, we reported that the have SSG
than dictating a set of prescriptive activities, the purpose of the
lead design review efforts activity saw continued growth for years
BSIMM is to descriptively observe and quantify the actual activities
but then decreased significantly for BSIMM13. In BSIMM14, this
carried out by various kinds of SSIs across many organizations.
decrease has corrected, with a small growth in observations this year.
The BSIMM is an observational model that reflects current software
security efforts, so we adjust it annually to keep it current. For
BSIMM14, we’ve made the following changes to the model based on
what we see in the BSIMM data pool: PERCENT DESCRIPTION
• We moved the activities provide expertise via open collaboration 90.8% Implement security checkpoints and associated
channels, have a research group that develops new attack governance.
methods, monitor automated asset creation, identify open source, 90.0% Create or interface with incident response.
and track software defects found in operations through the fix 87.7% Identify privacy obligations.
process because we now see them more frequently. 87.7% Use external penetration testers to find problems.
• We moved the activities create technology-specific attack patterns 86.9% Ensure host and network security basics are in place.
and maintain and use a top N possible attacks list because they’re not 86.2% Use automated code review tools.
growing as fast as other common activities in their practice area.
84.6% Perform edge/boundary value condition testing during
• We added the activity protect integrity of development toolchains QA.
because we are beginning to see this more. 83.1% Perform security feature review.
Unique in the software security industry, the BSIMM project has 79.2% Unify regulatory pressures.
grown from nine participating companies in 2008 to 130 in 2023, now 79.2% Create a security portal.
with approximately 3,600 software security group (SSG) members
and 7,500 security champions. The average age of the participants’ TABLE 1. TOP ACTIVITIES BY OBSERVATION PERCENTAGE. The most
frequently observed activities in BSIMM14 are likely important to all SSIs.
SSIs is 5.2 years. The BSIMM project shows consistent growth even
as participants enter and leave over time—we added 23 firms for
BSIMM14 and dropped 23 others whose data hadn’t been refreshed. BSIMM14 TOP 10 ACTIVITIES GROWTH BY COUNT
This 2023 edition of the BSIMM report—BSIMM14—examines INCREASE DESCRIPTION
anonymized data from the software security activities of 130 Streamline incoming responsible vulnerability disclosure.
organizations across various verticals, including cloud, financial
13 Implement cloud security controls.
services, financial technology (FinTech), healthcare, independent
software vendors (ISVs), insurance, Internet of Things (IoT), and 12 Make code review mandatory for all projects.
technology organizations. Have a research group that develops new attack
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People explores the theory that
successful individuals share common qualities in achieving their Define secure deployment parameters and
goals and that these qualities can be identified and applied by others.
The same premise can be applied to SSIs. Listed in Table 1 are the 11 Use application containers to support security goals.
10 most observed activities in the BSIMM14 data pool. The data Schedule periodic penetration tests for application
suggests that if your organization is working on its own SSI, you coverage.
should consider implementing these activities. 9 Identify open source.
Table 2 shows some activities that have experienced exceptionally 8 Document a software compliance story.
high growth over the past 12 months. Not surprisingly, some of 8 Enforce security checkpoints and track exceptions.
these activities, such as make code review mandatory for all projects
and identify open source, are mentioned in the Trends and Insights TABLE 2. TOP ACTIVITIES BY RECENT GROWTH IN OBSERVATION COUNT.
section. In addition, the streamline incoming responsible vulnerability These activities had the largest growth in BSIMM14, out of 32 firms measured
during the last 12 months, which means they are likely important to your
disclosure activity introduced in BSIMM12 has the largest increase
program now or will be soon.

What Is Shift Everywhere, Really?
To define shift everywhere, let’s start by stating what
These BSIMM trends and insights are a distillation
it’s not: it’s not trying to do all the security things
of software security lessons learned across 130
everywhere in all parts of the software lifecycle (SLC)
organizations that collectively have 11,100 security
all the time. Instead, shift everywhere is a philosophy;
professionals helping about 270,000 developers do
it’s an approach to SLC governance that acknowledges
good security work on about 97,000 applications.
the reality that consistently achieving acceptably
Use this information to inform your own strategy for
secure software is a shared responsibility, and that this
responsibility traverses legal, audit, risk, governance,
IT, cloud, technology, vendor management, and
Trends describe shifts in SSI behavior that affect activity resilience, among others. Each stakeholder has their
implementation across multiple areas. Larger in scope than an own business processes to execute, but each also needs
activity, or even a capability that combines multiple activities within to do their version of security sign-off, which requires
a workflow, we believe these trends show the way organizations understandable and usable telemetry from the SLC
are executing groups of activities within their evolving culture. For toolchain.
example, there’s a clear trend of firms taking advantage of security
Not so very long ago, the only view into the SLC
automation over manual subject-matter expert (SME)-driven security
afforded to stakeholders was, “We shipped it yesterday!”
activities. Over time, we’ve seen a trend in testing being applied
That was horrible then and is much worse now, mainly
throughout the software lifecycle (“shift everywhere”), followed by
because automation generates telemetry that is easy
trends in additional testing (e.g., composition analysis) and in testing
to route to stakeholders. A shift everywhere approach
automation (e.g., as checkpoints in the software development
starts by asking how these roles get the information
lifecycle [SDLC]).
they need, when they need it, in the processes they
Refer to Part 2: Trends and Insights later in this document for more. normally use, with little or no additional friction, then it
bridges that gap, giving each role access to appropriate
How Software Security Is Changing sensors, whenever they need it, from anywhere in
Organizations are modernizing development toolchains to give their the SLC. Shift everywhere is a philosophy about the
developers the best tools for building software. Security leaders security testing and sensors that generate information
are taking advantage of the easy-to-use yet powerful automation for all stakeholders in the company, it’s not rooted in
available in these toolchains to update security testing and increasing the security spend or effort. Accordingly,
touchpoints. This is allowing shift everywhere as a philosophy to shift everywhere is not adding more security for
move beyond testing to decisions and governance. security’s sake, instead, it’s ensuring that every security
When automation makes security tasks easier, trends emerge around stakeholder can knowledgably make risk management
automated activities. Modern toolchains, for example, allow for decisions.
security testing in the QA stage to be automated, much like SAST
scans that happen earlier in the development process. This has led
to a 10% growth in the integrate opaque-box security tools into the QA Expanding Security’s Scope
process and include security tests in QA automation activities. External pressures like government regulations and increased
Security teams that embraced the shift everywhere testing awareness of supply chain threats are leading organizations to
philosophy found that their pipelines were able to take scripted extend risk management to the software that they integrate from
actions based on the results of those automated security tests. The outside sources, the toolchains used by their developers, and the
automated decisions enabled by these pipelines led to a 60% growth software present in their operating environments. We have added
in the integrate software-defined lifecycle governance activity in the the new activity protect integrity of development toolchains to begin
past year. tracking how firms protect software and artifacts as they pass
through their development pipeline.
Firms are also using automation to better gather and make use of
intelligence provided by sensors in the pipeline. Observations of firms The first step many firms take in understanding the risk they’re
that build a capability to combine AST results have nearly doubled. bringing into their software by integrating third-party and open source
Additionally, the use of captured knowledge by the enforce secure components is scanning with a software composition analysis tool.
coding standards activity is again seeing growth after a period of These moment-in-time checks allow security teams to uncover
decline. newly published vulnerabilities in software. After scanning all of the
integrated components, teams create bills of materials for deployed
Finally, some firms are using the insights gleaned from sensors
software, observations of which grew by 22% from BSIMM13 to
throughout the development lifecycle to proactively prevent
vulnerabilities before they become an issue for developers. Drive
feedback from software lifecycle data back to policy was observed
at an increased rate of 36% in the past year, further assisting the
engineers who drive the development lifecycle.

After scanning individual projects and compiling software bills of
materials (SBOMs), firms seek to take a more holistic approach
Take stock of your SSI. It’s important
to managing open source risk across the portfolio. Two activities to periodically look at your program
associated with this portfolio-wide risk management, identify open through a different lens.
source and control open source risk, both saw just under 10% growth
from BSIMM13 to BSIMM14.
Important Decisions in Software Security
Firms are also getting tough on vendors and expecting the software For such a complicated endeavor, software development and its
they buy to be secure at the time of acceptance. Observations of the associated security governance is simple on paper: write some
ensure compatible vendor policies activity, which reflects how firms code, then build it, applying all the security testing there was time
enforce security standards on organizations that provide bought for. Development fixed the worst security defects discovered, with
and bespoke software, grew by 21% as firms held vendors to similar some of the remainder becoming requirements for the next release.
standards as they use internally. However, actually performing all those steps in the real world can
be expensive in terms of hours spent on manual processes. BSIMM
Who Owns Security
data shows some of the decisions made by firms that can help scale
In a trend a decade in the making, we see a growing number of security in spite of those expenses.
organizations referring to their centralized effort as a product security
program (vs. application or software security). We measure this by The oldest insight provided by BSIMM data is that the decision to
noting where SSI reporting chains pass through a Chief Product build and operate a security champions program has a measurable
Officer, VP of Products, or Product Security Manager, which now impact on total BSIMM scores. In BSIMM14, firms with security
accounts for almost a quarter of the data pool (31 of 130 firms). champions scored on average 25% higher than firms without one.
This naming trend seems to correlate with product vendors creating Observations of training activities such as conduct software security
security programs to manage the risk associated with software that awareness training, deliver on-demand individual training, and include
leaves the organization to exist in hostile environments for years to security resources in onboarding were also positively correlated with
decades (as compared to applications in private data centers). the presence of a security champions program.

Initially, product security teams were formed to deal with the unique Joining security champions as an enabler of security capabilities is
attack surfaces of their products compared to the web applications the organizational decision to target cloud architectures. When we
in heavy use in financial verticals. Firms continue to deal with unique assess firms that implement cloud security controls, we also see
threats with create technology-specific attack patterns, an activity that scoring gains in the Compliance & Policy and Software Environment
has grown by 15% since BSIMM13. practices of 21% and 44%, respectively.

Understanding and building technology-specific guidance in While cloud architectures have made certain security activities easier
the absence of industry best practices for products with unique and more affordable for firms, recent economic conditions have
operating requirements is the first step in securing software that caused a reduction in expensive, SME-driven activities that are not
exists in uncontrolled or potentially dangerous locations. To deal easy to automate. Observations of build attack patterns and abuse
with vulnerabilities discovered after software is deployed to external cases tied to potential attackers declined by 25%, use centralized
environments, security teams will stand up a Product Security defect reporting to close the knowledge loop shrank 18%, and
Incident Response Team (PSIRT) function to handle communication maintain and use a top N possible attacks list decreased by 31%.
about and reactions to reported vulnerabilities. Observations show
that the associated streamline incoming responsible vulnerability
disclosure activity is now present in more than a quarter of the
BSIMM14 data pool.

CALL TO ACTION Make the Right Investments
• Innovate in digital transformation. Encourage your SSG and other
Use the information in this section to prioritize security stakeholders to experiment with ways to deliver security
improvements in your SSI and perhaps also in the SSIs of value directly into engineering processes, especially where current
your most important software suppliers and partners. security testing tools don’t always keep up with engineering
changes, such as with serverless architectures, single-page
applications, AI, and zero trust.
Every SSI has room for improvement, whether it’s improving scale,
• Secure the software supply chain. Nearly every organization today
effectiveness, depth, risk management, the framework of deployed
uses third-party code and provides code as a third party to other
activities, resourcing, or anything similar. The following suggestions
organizations. While producing SBOMs is easy, the management
represent the broad efforts we see happening in the BSIMM
of software, SBOMs, vendors, and vulnerability information is
participants, with various parts likely right for your program as well.
much more complicated.
Plan Your Journey • Expand software security into adjacencies. Even perfect software
• Take stock of your SSI. It’s important to periodically look at your can have its security undermined by mistakes elsewhere in
program through a different lens, and the BSIMM enables that. the organization. Make explicit ties between the SSI and other
Use the guidance in Part 4 to create your own SSI scorecard and security stakeholders working in areas such as container security,
compare it to your expectations. orchestration security, cloud security, infrastructure security, and
site reliability.
• Create a vision and a strategic plan. Use the activity descriptions
in Part 6 when creating a prioritized action plan for business areas In summary, the data shows that new SSIs—from just started to 18
where your current SSI efforts fall short. Typical investment areas months old—are typically doing about 33 BSIMM activities. These
include risk management, digital transformation, technical debt organizations are also beginning to scale these activities across their
removal, technology insertion, and process improvement. software portfolio, deal with all the change going on around them,
and evolve their risk management strategy.
Get a Handle on What You Have
• Inventory all your code. It’s likely that you’ll need specialized
automation to keep track of all the code you write and all the code Here are some suggestions on reading
you bring in from outside the organization. A simple application through this BSIMM report:
inventory will be useful for some things, such as naming risk
• If you’re experienced with the BSIMM, or if you need
managers, but you’ll quickly need specialized inventories, such
some content to help make your case with executive
as SBOMs, API and microservices lists, various as-code artifacts, management, then Part 2: Trends and Insights is probably
code that is subject to specific compliance needs, and much what you’re looking for.
• If this is your first time with the BSIMM, we recommend first
• Automate, automate, automate. Search for ways to eliminate reading Part 5 for context and then returning here to decide
error-prone manual processes and reduce friction between what to read next.
governance and engineering groups, including automating • If you’re starting an SSI or an SSG, or looking to mature
security decisions. This will require some policy-as-code effort an existing program, start with Part 4: Quick Guide to SSI
and tools integration, and might require bringing development Maturity, then move to Appendix B: How to Build or Upgrade
skills into the SSG. an SSI, and then read through the activities in Part 6.
• Gather all the data. As more processes become code and more • If you want to get right into the types of software security
policy and standards become machine-readable, day-to-day controls organizations are using in their SSIs, or if you are
development and operations will generate significantly more working on building out capabilities, then read Part 6: The
telemetry about what’s happening and why. Use this data to BSIMM Activities.
ensure that everything’s working as expected. • If you want to see a summary of the BSIMM14 data, review
Appendix D.
• If you want to look at our analysis of the BSIMM data, review
Appendices E though H.

THE BSIMM SKELETON Use this skeleton to understand the software security
The BSIMM skeleton provides a way to view activities at a glance, activities included in BSIMM14. A list of software security
which is useful when thinking about your own SSI. The skeleton controls can be a very helpful guide here; the BSIMM
is shown in Figure 1, organized by domains and practices. More project has worked since 2008 to ensure that its content
complete descriptions of the activities and examples are available in matches real-world efforts.
Part 6 of this document.

• Publish process and evolve as necessary. • Unify regulatory pressures. • Conduct software security awareness training.
• Educate executives on software security. • Identify privacy obligations. • Deliver on-demand individual training.
• Implement security checkpoints and associated • Create policy. • Include security resources in onboarding.
governance. • Build a PII inventory. • Enhance satellite (security champions) through
• Publish data about software security internally • Require security sign-off for compliance-related training and events.
and use it to drive change. risk. • Create and use material specific to company
• Enforce security checkpoints and track • Implement and track controls for compliance. history.
exceptions. • Deliver role-specific advanced curriculum.
• Include software security SLAs in all vendor
• Create or grow a satellite (security champions). contracts. • Host software security events.
• Require security sign-off prior to software • Ensure executive awareness of compliance and • Require an annual refresher.
release. privacy obligations. • Provide expertise via open collaboration
• Create evangelism role and perform internal • Document a software compliance story. channels.
• Ensure compatible vendor policies. • Reward progression through curriculum.
• Use a software asset tracking application with
• Drive feedback from software lifecycle data • Provide training for vendors and outsourced
portfolio view.
back to policy. workers.
• Make SSI efforts part of external marketing.
• Identify new satellite members (security
• Identify metrics and use them to drive champions) through observation.
• Integrate software-defined lifecycle governance.
• Integrate software supply chain risk

• Use a data classification scheme for software • Integrate and deliver security features. • Create security standards.
inventory. • Application architecture teams engage with the • Create a security portal.
• Identify potential attackers. SSG. • Translate compliance constraints to
• Gather and use attack intelligence. • Leverage secure-by-design components and requirements.
• Build attack patterns and abuse cases tied to services. • Identify open source.
potential attackers. • Create capability to solve difficult design • Create a standards review process.
• Collect and publish attack stories. problems.
• Create SLA boilerplate.
• Build an internal forum to discuss attacks. • Form a review board to approve and maintain
• Control open source risk.
secure design patterns.
• Have a research group that develops new • Communicate standards to vendors.
attack methods. • Require use of approved security features and
• Use secure coding standards.
• Monitor automated asset creation.
• Create standards for technology stacks.
• Find and publish secure design patterns from
• Create and use automation to mimic attackers.
the organization.
• Create technology-specific attack patterns.
• Maintain and use a top N possible attacks list.

• Perform security feature review. • Perform opportunistic code review. • Perform edge/boundary value condition testing
• Perform design review for high-risk • Use automated code review tools. during QA.
applications. • Make code review mandatory for all projects. • Drive tests with security requirements and
• Use a risk methodology to rank applications. security features.
• Assign code review tool mentors.
• Perform architecture analysis using a defined • Integrate opaque-box security tools into the QA
• Use custom rules with automated code review
process. process.
• Standardize architectural descriptions. • Drive QA tests with AST results.
• Use a top N bugs list (real data preferred).
• Have SSG lead design review efforts. • Include security tests in QA automation.
• Use centralized defect reporting to close the
• Have engineering teams lead AA process. knowledge loop. • Perform fuzz testing customized to application
• Drive analysis results into standard design • Build a capability to combine AST results.
patterns. • Drive tests with design review results.
• Create capability to eradicate bugs.
• Make the SSG available as an AA resource or • Leverage code coverage analysis.
• Automate malicious code detection.
mentor. • Begin to build and apply adversarial security
• Enforce secure coding standards.
tests (abuse cases).
• Implement event-driven security testing in

• Use external penetration testers to find • Use application input monitoring. • Create or interface with incident response.
problems. • Ensure host and network security basics are in • Identify software defects found in operations
• Feed results to the defect management and place. monitoring and feed them back to engineering.
mitigation system. • Implement cloud security controls. • Track software defects found in operations
• Use penetration testing tools internally. • Define secure deployment parameters and through the fix process.
• Penetration testers use all available configurations. • Have emergency response.
information. • Protect code integrity. • Develop an operations software inventory.
• Schedule periodic penetration tests for • Use application containers to support security • Fix all occurrences of software defects found in
application coverage. goals. operations.
• Use external penetration testers to perform • Use orchestration for containers and virtualized • Enhance the SSDL to prevent software defects
deep-dive analysis. environments. found in operations.
• Customize penetration testing tools. • Use code protection. • Simulate software crises.
• Use application behavior monitoring and • Operate a bug bounty program.
diagnostics. • Automate verification of operational
• Create bills of materials for deployed software. infrastructure security.
• Perform application composition analysis on • Publish risk data for deployable artifacts.
code repositories. • Streamline incoming responsible vulnerability
• Protect integrity of development toolchains. disclosure.
• Do attack surface management for deployed

FIGURE 1. THE BSIMM SKELETON. Within the SSF, the 126 activities are organized into the 12 BSIMM practices, which are within four domains.

done as-code) as soon as they were ready—this was the beginning
TRENDS AND INSIGHTS of shift everywhere. As firms moved some of their security efforts
into engineering toolchains and processes, thereby empowering
developers with the best tooling available to enable DevSecOps
BSIMM data originates in interviews conducted with
transformations, they also adapted shift everywhere testing
member firms during a BSIMM assessment. Through
methods into their automated and mature tooling. Security teams
these in-depth conversations, assessors look for the
began automating their workflows as soon as developers adopted
existence of BSIMM activities and assign credit for
modern platforms, allowing defect discovery to transform from a
activities that are performed with sufficient coverage
manual process to something more set-and-forget. As platforms
across the organization, formality to be repeatable
matured, firms began to not only check for internal and external
and consistent, and depth to be effective at managing
governance compliance in the pipeline but also began enforcing
associated risk. After each assessment, the observation
security decisions automatically (e.g., security sign-off of coding
data is added to the BSIMM data pool, where statistical
standards adherence). Today, firms that have embraced the culture
analysis is performed to highlight trends in how firms
of shift everywhere in the pipeline are updating policy and strategy to
secure their software.
integrate security touchpoints as-code throughout the SDLC.
You can use this information to understand what others
in your vertical are doing to then inform your own Integrating Tooling
strategy. Firms are integrating tooling that enables developers to take a more
active role in QA testing cycles, and security-minded developers are
The past year has ushered in many changes for the software security expanding security activities in this direction as well. Observations
industry. Artificial intelligence (AI) and large language models (LLMs) of the integrate opaque-box security tools into the QA process and
have burst onto the scene, and in addition to being integrated into include security tests in QA automation activities both rose by about
products, they’re now used to design applications and hardware, 10% from BSIMM13 to BSIMM14. While already one of the top
to create and test software, and in all other parts of the software activities, use automated code review tools also rose by about 5%
lifecycle. Governments the world over are demanding (yet again) in the same period as developers took advantage of the automated
that companies create software security programs, account for SAST tooling included in modern CI/CD pipeline solutions. This
and secure the software that’s integrated into their products, and security automation is the bedrock that the virtuous cycle of modern
continually address software supply chain risk. Companies behind shift everywhere runs on.
DevSecOps platforms, cloud solutions, and security tooling are rising
Governance and Automation
to the challenges from both the marketplace and attackers to make
it easier for developers to automate security tooling and processes. As shift everywhere matured, firms began to automate pipeline
All of this is happening under economic conditions that see shrinking security decisions in response to security findings from automated
software security budgets that make it difficult for firms to maintain tooling. The activity integrate software-defined lifecycle governance
their level of security while cutting expensive SME-driven activities. was introduced in BSIMM10 and has seen slow but steady progress,
growing 60% in the past year. Additionally, because it is bad practice
As part of their mitigation tactics, many organizations are maturing to mandate unsustainable security measures, the ease of automation
their automation to go beyond defect discovery, expanding their has removed that barrier and allowed firms to make code review
scope to minimize the risk introduced by supply chains, taking a mandatory for all projects, with an observation increase of about 68%
holistic approach to securing their applications and products, and since BSIMM10. Automating decisions and governance allows firms
leveraging capabilities that make security possible under these to manage risk in real time.
evolving conditions. They’re also increasingly adding AI into their
ecosystems, which can increase productivity but also introduces new Security Touchpoints
attack surfaces and risk. We’re continuing to watch these and other Achieving well-secured software is more than just finding defects
developments. and breaking the build, given the variety of opportunities for security
touchpoints to enhance security in the SSDL. Automation is enabling
Evolution of Shift Everywhere
firms to implement the shift everywhere philosophy of right-sized
Twenty years ago, organizations took notice of the excessive costs, testing at the right time in native processes, and we see that the
efforts, and risk associated with testing for security defects only implement event-driven security testing in automation activity has
just before promotion to production. This large friction point helped grown from 2 to 6 observations in the past two years. Firms are
drive the development and adoption of SAST tooling, which drove also getting smarter via activities like build a capability to combine
the software industry to shift testing to the left in the SDLC, a place AST results, which has nearly doubled, and enforce secure coding
where vulnerabilities could be found and fixed faster and for less standards, which is again seeing growth after a period of decline.
money. More than 10 years ago, shift left was expanded to a broader Shifting security touchpoints everywhere via automation represents
testing philosophy where firms would also test designs and other the next phase of the shift everywhere philosophy.
development artifacts (e.g., golden masters, configurations, anything

Enabling People Vendor Management and Bespoke Software
The benefit of embracing shift everywhere is that it frees up people to BSIMM14 data shows that firms are changing their relationships with
do what they do best: being creative, solving problems, and building vendors and expecting vendors to be more mature in how they build
things. Firms that have taken full advantage of automation can then secure software. While observations of the ensure compatible vendor
drive feedback from software lifecycle data back to policy and have policies activity, which reflects how firms enforce security standards
done so at an increase of 36% in the past year to better enable the on organizations that provide bought and bespoke software, grew
developers who drive the SDLC. Another way to make decisions that by 21% in the past year, activities around create SLA boilerplate and
relieves the security demands placed on developers is to eliminate include software security SLAs in all vendor contracts both saw no
classes of vulnerabilities proactively, with observations of the fix all growth. In addition, there were small declines in provide training to
occurrences of software defects found in operations and enhance vendors and outsourced workers and in communicate standards to
the SSDL to prevent software defects found in operations activities vendors. More firms are expecting vendors to supply software that
growing by just over 25%. By using automation as part of their meets or exceeds their security expectations without the additional
DevSecOps culture, firms are leveraging toolchains to make security effort of security coaching, training, or hand-holding.
easier and creating more free time for humans.
MANAGEMENT Commercial product firms historically have had unique security
Last year, we reported on how Executive Order 14028 and supply requirements not faced by other verticals in that their software must
chain attacks led to an increased focus on managing risk in the exist outside of safe, protected, and controlled data centers. This,
software supply chain. To reflect observed efforts to not be the in turn, drives differences in their required post-deployment security
weak link in the software supply chain, we added a new activity, capabilities. After steady growth for over a decade, over one-quarter
protect integrity of development toolchains, to begin tracking how of firms (35 of 130) now have SSI reporting chains that pass through
firms protect software and artifacts as they pass through their a Chief Product Officer, VP of Products, or a Product Security
development pipeline. Over the past year, more firms have expanded Manager. The change in nomenclature from application and software
their security programs to formally address supply chain risks by security titles appears to originate in a desire to focus their SSIs on
accounting for risk in the software they purchase from vendors and specific capabilities tied to their unique software lifecycle.
procure from open source projects.
Product-driven Security Requirements
Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) Some of the activities with the largest amount of growth in the
Firms often take the first step in understanding which application BSIMM14 data pool aid in providing security guidance to developers
components come through the supply chain by creating a bill of who produce software with risk profiles different from traditional web
materials of included libraries and dependencies for the software applications. To secure software with unique risk profiles, firms have
they’re using or integrating. Organizations are slowly building SBOMs, worked toward understanding which attack surfaces and methods
with a 22% increase in observations of the create bills of materials for exist and then building new standardized design patterns that are
deployed software activity from BSIMM13 to BSIMM14. In BSIMM13, resilient against those attacks. Observations of have a research
we introduced the perform application composition analysis on group that develops new attack methods and drive analysis results
code repositories activity and have two observations so far. While into standard design patterns have both doubled since BSIMM13.
SBOMs were initially found to be useful when responding to critical Additionally, the identify potential attackers and create technology-
vulnerabilities in open source libraries, organizations are also using specific attack patterns activities have each grown by just over 15%.
them to make informed risk decisions about what they are including Understanding the attacks that products will be subject to is the first
in their production software. step in building software that will be resilient to the risk inherent in
the unique environments where those products will be installed.
Open Source Risk Management
Organizations have been incorporating open source projects into Shipping Products to Dangerous Environments
their software for decades, but OSS risk management has been While firms in certain verticals typically deploy developed software
a widespread priority for only the past five years or so. Activities to data centers or cloud environments that they control, many
associated with OSS risk management, identify open source and product companies have little or no ongoing control of their
control open source risk, both saw just under 10% growth from deployed software. This scenario sets different requirements for
BSIMM13 to BSIMM14. Identifying and controlling open source in use post-deployment risk management. As the representation of product
by developers is vital to safely taking advantage of the many benefits security programs in the BSIMM data pool has grown, the streamline
of OSS use. incoming responsible vulnerability disclosure activity, which is a major
function of the PSIRT capability, has grown to more than 25% of the
data pool in just two years. Additionally, developers can prepare their
products for client-controlled environments, as seen in observations
of the protect code integrity and define secure deployment parameters
and configurations activities, each of which grew by nearly 30% in the
same period.

Growing “Product Security Program” In the subset of firms that secure cloud-native architectures via
the implement cloud security controls activity, we see gains in the
Penetration Testing, Compliance & Policy, and Software Environment
According to historical BSIMM data, the first product security
practices of 35%, 21%, and 44%, respectively. Activities that are made
program (as judged by reporting chain titles) didn’t show up until
easier in cloud environments also saw growth from BSIMM13 to
BSIMM4. Since then, the representation of SSIs led by someone
BSIMM14. The use application behavior monitoring and diagnostics
with a product security title, or who reports through a VP or Director
activity grew by 64%, and observations of monitor automated asset
of Product Security or a Chief Product Officer, has grown from 2%
creation grew by 45%. Additionally, observations of find and publish
in BSIMM4 to 26% in BSIMM14. From BSIMM6 through BSIMM10,
secure design patterns from the organization, require use of approved
the representation of these product security leadership roles was
security features and frameworks, and use application containers to
relatively flat at 9-10% of the data pool. In BSIMM11, that number
support security goals grew by around 25%. We expect to see this
jumped to almost 15% and has grown to 26% today. There are many
trend continue as firms continue to target cloud environments for
reasons why commercial product firms are focusing on software
new development.
security, ranging from external drivers like regulations from the FDA
or other government agencies, internal pressures to enhance product
feature sets by embedding connected software, and pressure from
customers and the United States government. Not all trends are positive, and many companies have seen reduced
security budgets. Activities that rely on experts to perform manual
SECURITY ENABLERS tasks have seen declines as security teams seek to maximize
their return on investment by focusing on automation. The develop
As organizations seek to modernize their software security programs,
an operations software inventory and use a data classification
there are actions they can take that happen outside of the SSG that
scheme for software inventory activities saw a 9 and 7 count drop
have a positive impact on the larger application security posture.
in observations for BSIMM14. Additionally, expert-driven tasks like
Historically, the trend that has stayed true the longest is that firms
begin to build and apply adversarial security tests (abuse cases)
with security champions (or satellite) programs are able to integrate a
declined 25%, use centralized defect reporting to close the knowledge
greater number of BSIMM activities. However, this trend is now joined
loop shrank 18%, and maintain and use a top N possible attacks list
by a second security enabler in the adoption of cloud architecture.
dropped 31%. The rise of automated activities that allow security
Companies have moved to cloud environments to gain cost savings,
teams to shift everywhere and thrive in the cloud appears to be
dynamically scale capacity, and take advantage of modern features
due to a focus in attention away from expensive, slow, and manual
without costly data center upgrades. Security teams have also seen
security activities.
gains as their firms move to the cloud.

Security Champions TOPICS WE’RE WATCHING

Security champions programs have long been an enabler for This year saw huge changes in priorities, technologies, and
software security teams. A security champion is usually a developer, possibilities. The demands of cloud, toolchains, tools, application
QA tester, or architect who is deputized into an enabler role and security adjacencies, AI, and government scrutiny are leading to a
provided with additional training and security resources to be vastly increased program scope, which is in turn necessitating a new
the local security professional in a development team. BSIMM14 era of shared responsibility between SSGs and engineering.
firms with a security champions program (80 of 130 firms) score Participant feedback indicates that the following might influence their
on average 25% higher (13 observed activities) than firms without future efforts:
one (50 of 130). This aspect of shared responsibility is crucial to
• The continuing refinement of the product security culture as
scaling distributed security tasks such as tool automation, security
commercial software firms seek to meet different security
defect triage and remediation, and incident response. Additionally, in
objectives through greater coordination of application, cyber,
BSIMM14, programs with security champions had several training
manufacturing, and IT security teams.
activities that were present at a much higher rate than those without.
These training activities include conduct software security awareness • Regulations as other countries follow the United States
training and deliver on-demand individual training, which were about government lead and mandate security requirements for any
40% and 50% higher in firms with champions than those without, government software suppliers, which will naturally flow downhill
as well as include security resources in onboarding, which was 33% to their suppliers.
higher. Having trained security champions and developers facilitates • The expansion of AI-generated code, integration of machine
smarter tool use and more secure development. learning models into software, and use of intelligent bots in the
Cloud Architecture
Cloud architecture has been around for more than a decade, but like
any technology, it continues to change and improve. The combination
of modern cloud-native application protection platforms (CNAPP),
industry knowledge captured as secure design patterns, and one-
click security tooling allows integrating security in ways that were
previously more burdensome in company-owned data centers.

The participating organizations fall across various verticals, including
BSIMM participants comprise software security leaders cloud, financial services, FinTech, ISVs, insurance, IoT, healthcare, and
and team members from around the globe. They have technology organizations (see Figure 2).
a common mission to continuously improve their SSIs Unique in the software security industry, the BSIMM project has
in light of changes in the world around them. You can grown from nine participating companies in 2008 to 130 in 2023,
use the information they’ve provided to learn from their currently with nearly 3,600 software security group members and
efforts. more than 7,500 satellite members (aka security champions). Today,
the average age of the participants’ SSIs is 5.2 years. As seen in Table
3, the BSIMM project shows consistent growth even as organizations
This 2023 edition of the BSIMM report—BSIMM14—examines
enter and leave over time.
anonymized data from the software security activities of 130
organizations. This diverse group spans multiple sizes of security
teams, development teams, and software portfolios, as well as
regions, vertical markets, and security team ages.

12% 19%



Healthcare FinTech Insurance Other
EMEA APAC North America IoT Cloud ISV Technology Financial

FIGURE 2. BSIMM14 PARTICIPANTS. Participant percentages per tracked region and vertical.


Firms 130 130 128 130 122 120 109 95 9
SSG Members 3,572 3,342 2,837 1,801 1,596 1,600 1,268 1,111 370
Satellite Members 7,427 8,508 6,448 6,656 6,298 6,291 3,501 3,595 710
Developers 267,731 408,999 398,544 490,167 468,500 415,598 290,582 272,782 67,950
Applications 96,361 145,303 153,519 176,269 173,233 135,881 94,802 87,244 3,970
Average SSG Age
5.20 5.00 4.41 4.32 4.53 4.13 3.88 3.94 5.32
SSG Average of
Averages (SSG per 3.87 / 100 3.01 / 100 2.59 / 100 2.01 / 100 1.37 / 100 1.33 / 100 1.60 / 100 1.61 / 100 1.13 / 100

TABLE 3. BSIMM PARTICIPANT NUMBERS OVER TIME. The chart shows how the BSIMM study has grown over the years.

Mike Lyman, Nivedita Murthy, Rajiv Harish, Ravinder Reddy Amireddy,
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Sachin Shetty, Sam Schueller, Sammy Migues, Smith Kaneria,
Our thanks to the 130 executives, including those who wish to remain Stanislav Sivak, Stephen Gardner, Surya Uddhi Nagaraj, Thaddeus
anonymous, from the SSIs we studied to create BSIMM14. Bender, Uzear Ahmed, Vijay Sharma, Warrie Proffitt, and Zhihao
Our thanks also to the nearly 151 individuals who helped gather the Yu. We would also like to thank David Johansson and Surya Uddhi
data for the BSIMM data pool over time. Nagaraj for their work managing the BSIMM tooling and data and
creating the extracts used in this report. In addition we would like to
In particular, we thank Adam Brown, Akhil Mittal, Akshay Sawant,
thank Austin Kleineschay, Jennifer Stout, and Rachel Bay for their
Alex Jupp, Alistair Nash, Anders Stadum, Balaji Padmanabhan, Ben
work on various aspects of this report.
Hutchison, Brendan Sheairs, Chandu Ketkar, Daniel Cohen, Devaraj
Munuswamy, Don Pollicino, Durai G, Eason Yu, Eli Erlikhman, Harshad BSIMM14 was authored by Jamie Boote, Eli Erlikhman, Ben
Janorkar, Ibrahim Khan, Iman Louis, Jatin Virmani, Jonathan Dunfee, Hutchison, Mike Lyman, and Sammy Migues
Larrry Cox, Lekshmi Nair, Li Zhao, Matt Chartrand, Michael Fabian,

AARP Honeywell QlikTech International AB

Aetna HUMAN Security Realtek
Airoha Imperva Reckitt
AON Inspur Software Sammons Financial
Arlo Intralinks ServiceNow
Axway iPipeline Signify
Bank of America Johnson & Johnson SonicWall
Bell Network Landis+Gyr Synchrony Financial
CIBC Lenovo TD Ameritrade
Citi MassMutual Teradata
Depository Trust & Clearing MediaTek Trainline
Medtronic U.S. Bank
Diebold Nixdorf
MiTAC Unisoc
Egis Technology
Navient Vanguard
Eli Lilly and Company
Navy Federal Credit Union Veritas
EQ Bank
NEC Verizon Media
NetApp Vivo
Oppo World Wide Technology
Pegasystems ZoomInfo
HCA Healthcare
Principal Financial

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License. To view a copy of this license, visit
or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

QUICK GUIDE TO SSI MATURITY Are You Shifting Security Efforts Everywhere in
the Engineering Lifecycle?
Twelve questions can help clarify where your SSI is today. • Are you automating security decisions to remove time-consuming
Combined with a detailed software security scorecard manual review and moving toward a secure, auditable,
(see below on how to measure your own program) and governance-as-code-driven SDLC?
knowledge about roles and responsibilities, you can use • Are you following a shift everywhere strategy to move from large,
this information to plan strategic changes for ongoing time-consuming security tests to smaller, faster, timelier, pipeline-
success. driven security tests conducted to improve engineering team
SSI maturity is a complex thing. Each organization will apply different • Are you managing supply chain risk through vendor software
values to efforts and progress in people, process, technology, and assurance, governance-driven access and usage controls,
culture. They will also evolve differently in their vision for success as maintenance standards, and collected provenance data?
well as how they spend resources, grow the program, and manage
risk. This section provides an approach to organizing, growing, and How Does Your SSI Measure Up?
maturing an SSI that works for everyone. Refer to Appendix B for • Do you routinely use telemetry from security testing, operations
more details. events, risk management processes, event postmortems, and
other efforts to drive process and automation improvements
A BASELINE FOR SSI LEADERS in your DevOps toolchain or governance improvements in your
All program leaders require a detailed understanding of their efforts policies and standards?
and whether those efforts align with business objectives. A good • Does your SSI strategy include security efforts needed specifically
start here is to understand whether organizational SSI efforts align for modern technologies, such as cloud, container, orchestration,
well with changes in the software security landscape driven by global open source management, development pipeline, etc.?
events, digital transformation, and engineering evolution, as well as
• Are you actively experimenting with new technologies, such as AI
with how software is made today. Use your answers to the questions
and large language models (LLMs),, that have the opportunity to
below to determine whether it’s time to invest in new growth. If you
integrate security and engineering functions while also reducing
don’t know all these answers, use the list to gather information from
engineering friction?
each SSI stakeholder responsible for aspects of software security
risk management in your organization. Most organizations have already covered the basics of software
security policy, testing, and outreach. It takes a concerted effort
Is Your SSI Keeping Pace with Change in Your to scale an SSI to address changes in portfolio size, technology,
Software Portfolio? infrastructure, regulation, laws, attackers, attacks, and more. Internal
review of efforts vs. needs is always a good way to move forward.
• Do you maintain at least a near-current view of all your software
and development assets, including internal code, third-party
code, open source, development environments and toolchains, USING A BSIMM SCORECARD TO MAKE
infrastructure-as-code, and other software assets? PROGRESS
• Are you creating and using in your risk management processes A BSIMM scorecard is a management tool that allows your SSI and
SBOMs that detail all the components in the SSI’s software SSG leadership to:
• Assess your level of maturity so you can evolve your software
• Do you have a near-real-time view of your operations security journey in stages, first building a strong emerging
environments, along with a view into their aggregate attack foundation, then scaling and maturing the more complex
surface and aggregate risk? activities over time.

Are You Creating the DevSecOps Culture You • Communicate your software security posture to customers,
partners, executives, and regulators. A scorecard helps everyone
understand where you are and where you want to go in your
• Are you building bridges between the various software security journey when you’re explaining your strategic plan and budgets.
stakeholders in your organization—governance, technical, audit,
vendor management, cloud, etc.—to align culture, approach, • See actual measurement data from the field. This helps in building
technology stacks, and testing strategies? a long-term plan for an SSI and in tracking progress against that
• Have you scaled your security champions program across
your software portfolio, including skills specific to automation, In addition to being a lens on the state of software security, the
technology stacks, application architectures, cloud-native BSIMM serves as a measuring stick to determine where your SSI
development, and other important DevOps needs? currently stands relative to the participants, whether as a whole
or for specific verticals. A direct comparison of your efforts to the
• Are you delivering important security policy, standards, and
BSIMM14 scorecard for the entire data pool (see Appendix D) is
guidelines as-code that run in engineering and operations
probably the best first step. Follow the steps below to use the BSIMM
to create your own SSI scorecard (see Figure 3 for an example).

Understand Your Organizational Mandate Figure 3 depicts an example firm that performs 41 BSIMM14
activities (noted as 1s in its EXAMPLEFIRM scorecard columns,
• Decide what the SSI is expected to accomplish. Who are the
e.g., SM1.1), including nine activities that are the most common
executive sponsors, and what resources are they expected to
in their respective practices (orange, e.g., CP1.2). Note the firm
provide? From a RACI perspective, who are the responsible and
does not perform the most observed activities in the other three
accountable stakeholders? What metrics must be provided to
practices (gray boxes, e.g., SM1.4) and should take some time to
executive management to demonstrate acceptable progress?
determine whether these are necessary or useful to its overall SSI.
• Set the proper scope for the SSI. At a high level, describe the The BSIMM14 FIRMS columns show the number of observations
applicable software portfolio and the associated software (currently out of 130) for each activity, allowing the firm to
ownership (e.g., risk managers). Ensure that you include all understand the activity’s general popularity within the current data
applications and related software in the SSG’s remit. pool. If you want to evaluate your scorecard against a particular
vertical, refer to Appendix E.
Build the Scorecard
Once you have determined where you stand with activity efforts
• Make a list of stakeholders to interview. No single person
compared to your expectations, you can devise a plan for
knows everything about a modern SSI, so ensure that you have
improvement. Organizations almost always choose some hybrid of
broad coverage across the SSG, satellite (security champions),
expanding their SSI with new activities and scaling some existing
engineering, QA, operations, and security testing. As needed,
activities across more of the software portfolio and stakeholder
extend the stakeholder list to include teams from reliability, cloud,
privacy, training, infrastructure, resilience, AI/ML, and others
whose efforts have a direct impact on software security. Note that there’s no inherent reason to adopt all activities in each
practice. Prioritize the ones that make sense for your organization
• Understand the BSIMM. Review the BSIMM activities and gain
today and set aside those that don’t—but revisit those choices
an understanding of the practices, the individual activities, and
periodically. Once they’ve adopted an activity set, most organizations
the connected themes that run through them. For example, the
strategically work on the depth, breadth, and cost-effectiveness (e.g.,
activities for software security testing appear across multiple
via automation) of each activity in accordance with their view of the
BSIMM practices.
risk management efforts required in their environments for their
• Interview everyone and consolidate the results. Keep interviews business objectives.
brief and focused on the intersection of the interviewee’s role
and specific BSIMM activities. Ensure that you get the data and To help refine the current and future activity prioritization for your
artifacts that demonstrate the organization is sufficiently—in both SSI, you can go beyond the AllFirms data in Appendix D to Figure 17
depth and breadth—performing each activity before you award and analyze how SSIs evolve with remeasurements (Appendix F) and
credit. with age (Appendix H). You can also examine what’s different about
your vertical or verticals (Appendix E) and understand the impact of a
• Create your scorecard. Use a binary 1 or 0, a scale of low, champions program (Appendix G) on SSIs.
medium, and high, or even a graduated scale such as a
percentage to combine aspects of depth, breadth, and maturity.

Make a Strategic Plan and Execute

• Compare your scorecard first to your stakeholders’ realistic
expectations and then also to what’s common in the data pool.
Prioritize effort on the important gaps as well as those gaps with
a long lead time. See Appendix B for more details on how to build
an execution plan. Mark your calendar to revisit the scorecard
in 12 to 18 months, document your progress, and create a new
• Define and use metrics to gauge progress. Every program needs
a barometer for success, and each organization finds different
things to be the best indicators for them. Whether described as
metrics, KPIs, KRIs, SLOs, or something else, use what works
best for you, your executive team, and your Board (with each likely
needing different metrics).
For most organizations, a single aggregated scorecard covering
the entire SSI will suffice to inform future planning. In some cases,
however, it will be beneficial to create individual scorecards for the
SSG and for business units or application teams that have varying
software security approaches or maturity levels.

(OUT OF 130) (OUT OF 130) (OUT OF 130) (OUT OF 130)


[SM1.1] 101 1 [AM1.2] 73 [AA1.1] 108 1 [PT1.1] 114
[SM1.3] 80 [AM1.3] 49 1 [AA1.2] 59 1 [PT1.2] 102 1
[SM1.4] 118 [AM1.5] 81 [AA1.4] 63 [PT1.3] 85 1
[SM2.1] 73 [AM2.1] 16 [AA2.1] 35 [PT2.2] 42
[SM2.2] 71 [AM2.6] 16 1 [AA2.2] 34 1 [PT2.3] 55
[SM2.3] 71 [AM2.7] 15 1 [AA2.4] 40 1 [PT3.1] 30 1
[SM2.6] 77 [AM2.8] 20 [AA3.1] 20 [PT3.2] 21
[SM2.7] 62 1 [AM2.9] 16 [AA3.2] 8
[SM3.1] 32 [AM3.2] 8 [AA3.3] 17
[SM3.2] 23 [AM3.4] 13
[SM3.3] 32 [AM3.5] 11
[SM3.4] 8
[SM3.5] 0


[CP1.1] 103 1 [SFD1.1] 100 1 [CR1.2] 84 1 [SE1.1] 88
[CP1.2] 114 1 [SFD1.2] 95 1 [CR1.4] 112 1 [SE1.2] 113 1
[CP1.3] 101 1 [SFD2.1] 45 [CR1.5] 74 [SE1.3] 92 1
[CP2.1] 58 [SFD2.2] 70 [CR1.7] 55 [SE2.2] 68 1
[CP2.2] 63 [SFD3.1] 18 [CR2.6] 26 1 [SE2.4] 45
[CP2.3] 72 [SFD3.2] 22 [CR2.7] 20 [SE2.5] 63 1
[CP2.4] 62 [SFD3.3] 9 [CR2.8] 28 1 [SE2.7] 47 1
[CP2.5] 80 1 [CR3.2] 17 [SE3.2] 18
[CP3.1] 38 [CR3.3] 5 [SE3.3] 18
[CP3.2] 34 [CR3.4] 3 [SE3.6] 22
[CP3.3] 15 [CR3.5] 4 [SE3.8] 2
[SE3.9] 0


[T1.1] 76 1 [SR1.1] 94 1 [ST1.1] 110 1 [CMVM1.1] 117 1
[T1.7] 64 1 [SR1.2] 103 1 [ST1.3] 91 1 [CMVM1.2] 95
[T1.8] 59 [SR1.3] 98 [ST1.4] 62 [CMVM1.3] 98 1
[T2.5] 44 [SR1.5] 101 1 [ST2.4] 23 [CMVM2.1] 92
[T2.8] 27 1 [SR2.2] 75 [ST2.5] 34 [CMVM2.3] 53
[T2.9] 32 1 [SR2.5] 63 1 [ST2.6] 25 [CMVM3.1] 14
[T2.10] 26 [SR2.7] 58 [ST3.3] 16 [CMVM3.2] 24
[T2.11] 30 [SR3.2] 18 [ST3.4] 4 [CMVM3.3] 18
[T2.12] 28 [SR3.3] 19 [ST3.5] 3 [CMVM3.4] 30 1
[T3.1] 8 [SR3.4] 21 [ST3.6] 6 [CMVM3.5] 16 1
[T3.2] 14 [CMVM3.6] 3
[T3.6] 8 [CMVM3.7] 35
[CMVM3.8] 0

FIGURE 3. BSIMM14 EXAMPLEFIRM SCORECARD. A scorecard helps everyone understand the software security efforts that are currently underway. It also helps
organizations make comparisons to participants and serves as a guide on where to focus next.

• QA teams. Code functionality is obviously critical to
ROLES IN A SOFTWARE SECURITY organizational success, but getting QA teams to include security
INITIATIVE tests in their automated suites provides an easy way to expand
Determining the right activities to focus on and clarifying who is the search for security defects. QA teams can also be a source
responsible for their implementation are important parts of making of innovation for automating security tests in preproduction
any SSI work. That means putting people in leadership roles and environments. Product management teams that create non-
giving them clear responsibilities and objectives. functional security requirements (NFSRs) greatly improve the
ability of QA teams to create security tests.
From our work with 273 BSIMM participants since 2008, we’ve
observed the following software security roles and responsibilities • Operations and administration. Even the most secure code
being important across a wide variety of organizations of different can be undermined by poor host, network, cloud, or other
sizes, in different verticals, and with both large and small remits (e.g., configurations and administration. Operations teams have an
application portfolio size): opportunity to ensure that configurations, administration, access
controls, logging, monitoring, and as-code efforts support
• Executive leadership. As an SSI takes shape and requires software security objectives.
dedicated resources, it also requires an executive sponsor to
own the initiative, define objectives, provide budget and people, • GRC, legal, and data privacy. Specialists can help ensure that
and ensure progress. Executive leadership must help translate regulations, laws, contracts, and client expectations are translated
business objectives into security objectives in one direction and into mandatory program, software, and process security
help translate security data into risk data in the other. requirements.

• SSG. An SSI looking to grow needs an SSG dedicated to scaling • Procurement and vendor management. Holistic software
the program across the organization. The SSG leader and their security means securing software from vendors and other
team must execute on the security objectives across an array sources. Dedicated security-aware vendor management and
of stakeholders, including cloud, infrastructure, development, procurement stakeholders have a key role to play in supporting
tooling, QA, and operations. This will require starting and maturing the organization’s software supply chain risk management
software capabilities such as defect discovery and management, strategy and SSI. Software procurement and vendor managers
software supply chain security, training, and telemetry and can help facilitate assurance interactions, including security
metrics. assessments of vendors, to ensure that acquired and supplied
software aligns with organizational security objectives and SSI
• Security champions (satellite). Very few SSGs can become requirements.
large enough to do their business-as-usual tasks and also be
responsive to all stakeholders all the time. A security champions Refer to Appendix A for more details on roles and responsibilities.
group is an effective way to scale SSG reach by embedding
trained experts in stakeholder business processes. Security
champions take on tasks such as running security tools and Determining the right activities
doing testing results triage, on-demand training, research on to focus on and clarifying who is
complicated security issues, and ensuring that software security responsible for their implementation
checkpoints are passed successfully.
are important parts of making any
• Architects and developers. Even the best policy and process
SSI work.
can’t guarantee secure software. People (and AI!) designing
and coding software must practice good security engineering,
follow designated procedures for responding to discovered
security issues, and collaborate actively with other stakeholders.
Architects and developers are often a source of innovation in
security integration and as-code improvements, so it’s important
to share these ideas broadly.

both as new participants join and as current participants are
THE BSIMM FRAMEWORK remeasured, then by adding new activities when warranted; we’ve
added 17 since 2008. We also adjust the positioning of activities in
Most of the BSIMM will likely fit perfectly for your the model practices according to their observation rates.
SSI, but some parts might feel a little less applicable.
Understanding the model allows you to both learn from CORE KNOWLEDGE
others and ensure that your program is right for your
The BSIMM core knowledge encompasses the activities we have
directly observed in BSIMM participants. We organize that core
knowledge into an SSF, represented in Figure 4, that is organized
We built the first version of the BSIMM nearly 15 years ago (late into four domains—Governance, Intelligence, SSDL Touchpoints,
2008) as follows: and Deployment—with those domains containing the 126 BSIMM14
• We relied on our own knowledge of software security practices to activities.
create the initial SSF. From an executive perspective, you can view BSIMM activities as
• We conducted a series of in-person interviews with nine controls implemented in a software security risk management
executives in charge of SSIs. From these interviews, we identified framework. The implemented activities might function as preventive,
a set of 110 software security activities that we organized detective, corrective, or compensating controls in your SSI.
according to the SSF. Positioning the activities as controls allows for easier understanding
of the BSIMM’s value by governance, risk, compliance, legal, audit,
• We then created scorecards for each of the nine initiatives that
and other risk management groups.
showed which of the activities each initiative carried out. To
validate our work, we asked each participating firm to review We divide activities into levels per practice based on the frequency
the SSF, practices, activities, and the scorecard we created for with which they’re observed in the participants. Doing this helps
their initiative, making the necessary adjustments based on their organizations quickly understand whether the activity they’re
feedback. contemplating is common or uncommon across other organizations.
Level 1 activities (often straightforward and universally applicable)
Today, we continue to do BSIMM assessments with in-person
are those that are most observed across the data pool of 130
interviews whenever possible, which we’ve done with a total of
firms, level 2 (often more difficult to implement and requiring more
273 firms so far. In addition, we’ve conducted assessments for 18
coordination) are less frequently observed, and level 3 activities
organizations that have rejoined the participant group after aging out.
(usually more difficult to implement and not always applicable) are
In 44 cases, we assessed both the SSG and one or more business
more rarely observed. Note that new activities are added at level 3
units as part of creating an aggregated SSI view for a firm. We evolve
because we don’t yet know how common they are, so they start with
the model by digging for new kinds of efforts during assessments,
zero observations.

Practices that help organize, Practices that result in collections Practices associated with analysis Practices that interface with
manage, and measure a software of corporate knowledge used in and assurance of particular traditional network security and
security initiative. Staff development carrying out software security software development artifacts and software maintenance organizations.
is also a central governance practice. activities throughout the processes. All software security Software configuration, maintenance,
organization. Collections include methodologies include these and other environment issues have
both proactive security guidance and practices. direct impact on software security.
organizational threat modeling.

1. Strategy & Metrics (SM) 4. Attack Models (AM) 7. Architecture Analysis (AA) 10. Penetration Testing (PT)
2. Compliance & Policy (CP) 5. Security Features & Design (SFD) 8. Code Review (CR) 11. Software Environment (SE)
3. Training (T) 6. Standards & Requirements (SR) 9. Security Testing (ST) 12. Configuration Management
& Vulnerability Management

FIGURE 4. THE SOFTWARE SECURITY FRAMEWORK. Twelve practices align with the four high-level domains and contain the 126 BSIMM14 activities.

A domain, such as Governance, contains practices, such as Strategy
& Metrics, each of which contains activities that each have a detailed 1. Strategy & Metrics (SM)
description. Creating a scorecard (e.g., activity SM1.1 was observed 2. Compliance & Policy (CP)
and is marked with a “1”) informs decisions about strategic change. 3. Training (T)



[SM1.1] Publish process and evolve as necessary. [SM2.7] Create evangelism role and perform internal marketing.
[SM1.3] Educate executives on software security. [SM3.1] Use a software asset tracking application with portfolio view.
[SM1.4] Implement security checkpoints and associated governance. [SM3.2] Make SSI efforts part of external marketing.
Publish data about software security internally and use it to
[SM2.1] [SM3.3] Identify metrics and use them to drive resourcing.
drive change.
[SM2.2] Enforce security checkpoints and track exceptions. [SM3.4] Integrate software-defined lifecycle governance.
[SM2.3] Create or grow a satellite (security champions). [SM3.5] Integrate software supply chain risk management.
[SM2.6] Require security sign-off prior to software release.


Create evangelism role and perform internal marketing. ACTIVITY BSIMM14 FIRMS EXAMPLE FIRM
(OUT OF 130)

Build support for software security throughout the organization via

ongoing evangelism and ensure that everyone aligns on security
objectives. This internal marketing function, often performed by a [SM1.1] 101 1
variety of stakeholder roles, keeps executives and others up to date [SM1.3] 80
on the magnitude of the software security problem and the elements [SM1.4] 118
of its solution. A champion or a scrum master familiar with security, [SM2.1] 73
for example, could help teams adopt better software security [SM2.2] 71
practices as they transform to Agile and DevOps methods. Similarly,
[SM2.3] 71
a cloud expert could demonstrate the changes needed in security
architecture and testing for serverless applications. Evangelists can [SM2.6] 77
increase understanding and build credibility by giving talks to internal [SM2.7] 62 1
groups (including executives), publishing roadmaps, authoring [SM3.1] 32
technical papers for internal consumption, or creating a collection [SM3.2] 23
of papers, books, and other resources on an internal website (see
[SM3.3] 32
[SR1.2]) and promoting its use. In turn, organizational feedback
[SM3.4] 8
becomes a useful source of improvement ideas.
[SM3.5] 0

Governance: Strategy & Metrics (SM)
The BSIMM activities are the individual controls used
The Strategy & Metrics practice encompasses planning, assigning
to construct or improve an SSI. They range through
roles and responsibilities, identifying software security goals,
people, process, technology, and culture. You can use
determining budgets, and identifying metrics and software release
this information to choose which controls to apply within
your initiative, then align your implementation strategy
and metrics with your desired outcomes. [SM1.1: 101] Publish process and evolve as necessary.
The process for addressing software security is defined, published
The BSIMM framework comprises four domains—Governance, internally, and broadcast to all stakeholders so that everyone knows
Intelligence, SSDL Touchpoints, Deployment—and those domains the plan. Goals, roles, responsibilities, and activities are explicitly
contain 12 practices, such as Strategy & Metrics, Attack Models, defined. Most organizations examine existing methodologies, such
and Code Review, which each contain activities. These activities are as the NIST SSDF, Microsoft SDL, or Synopsys Touchpoints, then
the BSIMM building blocks, the smallest unit of software security tailor them to meet their needs. Security activities will be adapted to
granularity implemented to build SSIs. Rather than prescriptively software lifecycle processes (e.g., waterfall, Agile, CI/CD, DevOps),
dictating a set of best practices, the BSIMM descriptively observes, so activities will evolve with both the organization and the security
quantifies, and documents the actual activities carried out by various landscape. The process doesn’t need to be publicly promoted outside
kinds of SSIs across diverse organizations. the firm to have the desired impact (see [SM3.2]). In addition to
publishing the written process, some firms also automate parts (e.g.,
ACTIVITIES IN THE BSIMM a testing strategy) as governance-as-code (see [SM3.4]).

The BSIMM is a data-driven model that evolves over time. Over the [SM1.3: 80] Educate executives on software security.
years, we have added, deleted, and adjusted the levels of various Executives are regularly shown the ways malicious actors attack
activities based on the data observed throughout the BSIMM’s software and the negative business impacts those attacks can
evolution. When considering whether to add a new activity, we have on the organization. Go beyond reporting of open and closed
analyze whether the effort we’re observing is truly new to the model defects to educate executives on the business risks, including risks
or simply a variation on an existing activity. Similarly, for deciding of adopting emerging engineering technologies and methodologies
whether to move an activity between levels within a practice, we use without security oversight. Demonstrate a worst-case scenario in
the results of an intra-level standard deviation analysis and the trend a controlled environment with the permission of all involved (e.g.,
in observation counts. by showing attacks and their business impact). Presentation to the
Each activity has a unique label and name—e.g., activity SM1.4 is Board can help garner resources for new or ongoing SSI efforts.
in the Strategy & Metrics practice and is named Implement security Demonstrating the need for new skill-building training in evolving
checkpoints and associated governance. To preserve backward areas, such as DevOps groups using cloud-native technologies, can
compatibility, we make all changes by adding new activity labels to help convince leadership to accept SSG recommendations when
the model, even when an activity has simply changed levels within they might otherwise be ignored in favor of faster release dates or
a practice (as an example, we would add a new CR#.# label for both other priorities. Bring in an outside expert when necessary to bolster
new and moved activities in the Code Review practice). executive attention.

BSIMM activity levels distinguish the frequency with which activities [SM1.4: 118] Implement security checkpoints and
are observed in the participating organizations. As seen in Part associated governance.
5, frequently observed activities are designated level 1, with less The software security process includes checkpoints (such as gates,
frequent and infrequently observed activities designated as levels 2 release conditions, guardrails, milestones, etc.) at one or more
and 3, respectively. Using SM1.4 as an example again, we see that points in a software lifecycle. The first two steps toward establishing
it is a frequently observed activity in the Strategy & Metrics practice. security-specific checkpoint conditions are to identify process
Note that the new activities we add to the model start with zero locations that are compatible with existing development practices
observations and are therefore always added at level 3. and to then begin gathering the information necessary, such as
Top 10 Activity New Activity risk-ranking thresholds or defect data, to make a go/no-go decision.
in BSIMM14 in BSIMM14 Importantly, the conditions need not be enforced at this stage—e.g.,
the SSG can collect security testing results for each project prior
to release, then provide an informed opinion on what constitutes
sufficient testing or acceptable test results without trying to stop a
project from moving forward (see [SM2.2]). Shorter release cycles
might require creative approaches to collecting the right evidence
and rely heavily on automation. Socializing the conditions and then
enforcing them once most project teams already know how to
succeed is a gradual approach that motivates good behavior without
introducing unnecessary friction.

[SM2.1: 73] Publish data about software security internally [SM2.3: 71] Create or grow a satellite (security champions).
and use it to drive change. Form a collection of people scattered across the organization—a
To facilitate improvement, data is published internally about the state satellite—who show an above-average level of security interest or
of software security within the organization. Produce security or skill and who contribute software security expertise to development,
development dashboards with metrics for executives and software QA, and operations teams. Forming this social network of advocates,
development management. Dashboards can be part of pipeline sometimes referred to as champions, is a good step toward scaling
toolchains to enable developer self-improvement. Sometimes, this security into software engineering. One way to build the initial group
published data won’t be shared with everyone in the firm but only is to track the people who stand out during introductory training
with the stakeholders who are tasked to drive change. In other cases, courses (see [T3.6]). Another way is to ask for volunteers. In a more
open book management and data published to all stakeholders helps top-down approach, initial satellite membership is assigned to ensure
everyone know what’s going on. If the organization’s culture promotes good coverage of development groups, but ongoing membership is
internal competition between groups, use this information to add based on actual performance. The satellite can act as a sounding
a security dimension. Integrate automated security telemetry to board for new projects and, in new or fast-moving technology areas,
gather measurements quickly and accurately to increase timeliness can help combine software security skills with domain knowledge
of security data in areas such as speed (e.g., time to fix) and quality that might be under-represented in the SSG or engineering teams.
(e.g., defect density). Publishing data about new technologies (e.g., Agile coaches, scrum masters, and DevOps engineers can make
security and risk in cloud-native architectures) is important for particularly useful satellite members, especially for detecting and
identifying needed improvements. removing process friction. In some environments, satellite-led efforts
are delivered via automation (e.g., as-code).
[SM2.2: 71] Enforce security checkpoints and track
exceptions. [SM2.6: 77] Require security sign-off prior to software
Enforce security release conditions at each checkpoint (gate, release.
guardrail, milestone, etc.) for every project, so that each project must The organization has an initiative-wide process for documenting
either meet an established measure or follow a defined process for accountability and accepting security risk by having a risk owner use
obtaining an exception to move forward. Use internal policies and SSG-approved criteria to sign off on the state of all software prior
standards, regulations, contractual agreements, and other obligations to release. The sign-off policy might also require the accountable
to define release conditions, then track all exceptions. Verifying person to, e.g., acknowledge critical vulnerabilities that have not
conditions yields data that informs the KRIs and any other metrics been mitigated or SSDL steps that have been skipped. Informal or
used to govern the process. Automatically giving software a passing uninformed risk acceptance alone isn’t a security sign-off because
grade or granting exceptions without due consideration defeats the act of accepting risk is more effective when it’s formalized
the purpose of verifying conditions. Even seemingly innocuous (e.g., with a signature, a form submission, or something similar)
software projects (e.g., small code changes, infrastructure access and captured for future reference. Similarly, simply stating that
control changes, deployment blueprints) must successfully satisfy certain projects don’t need sign-off at all won’t achieve the desired
the prescribed security conditions as they progress through the risk management results. In some cases, however, the risk owner
software lifecycle. Similarly, APIs, frameworks, libraries, bespoke can provide the sign-off on a particular set of software project
code, microservices, container configurations, etc. are all software acceptance criteria, which are then implemented in automation
that must satisfy security release conditions. It’s possible, and often to provide governance-as-code (see [SM3.4]), but there must be
very useful, to have verified the conditions both before and after the an ongoing verification that the criteria remain accurate and the
development process itself. In modern development environments, automation is working.
the verification process will increasingly become automated (see
[SM3.4]). [SM2.7: 62] Create evangelism role and perform internal
Build support for software security throughout the organization via
ongoing evangelism and ensure that everyone aligns on security
objectives. This internal marketing function, often performed by a
variety of stakeholder roles, keeps executives and others up to date
on the magnitude of the software security problem and the elements
of its solution. A champion or a scrum master familiar with security,
for example, could help teams adopt better software security
practices as they transform to Agile and DevOps methods. Similarly,
a cloud expert could demonstrate the changes needed in security
architecture and testing for serverless applications. Evangelists can
increase understanding and build credibility by giving talks to internal
groups (including executives), publishing roadmaps, authoring
technical papers for internal consumption, or creating a collection
of papers, books, and other resources on an internal website (see
[SR1.2]) and promoting its use. In turn, organizational feedback
becomes a useful source of improvement ideas.

[SM3.1: 32] Use a software asset tracking application with [SM3.4: 8] Integrate software-defined lifecycle governance.
portfolio view. Organizations begin replacing traditional document-, presentation-,
The SSG uses centralized tracking automation to chart the progress and spreadsheet-based lifecycle management with software-based
of every piece of software and deployable artifact from creation to delivery platforms. For some software lifecycle phases, humans
decommissioning, regardless of development methodology. The are no longer the primary drivers of progression from one phase
automation records the security activities scheduled, in progress, and to the next. Instead, organizations rely on automation to drive the
completed, incorporating results from SSDL activities even when they management and delivery process with software such as Spinnaker
happen in a tight loop or during deployment. The combined inventory or GitHub, and humans participate asynchronously (and often
and security posture view enables timely decision-making. The SSG optionally). Automation often extends beyond the scope of CI/
uses the automation to generate portfolio reports for multiple metrics CD to include functional and nonfunctional aspects of delivery,
and, in many cases, publishes this data at least among executives. As such as health checks, cut-over on failure, rollback to known-good
an initiative matures and activities become more distributed, the SSG state, defect discovery and management, compliance verification,
uses the centralized reporting system to keep track of all the moving and a way to ensure adherence to policies and standards. Some
parts. organizations are also evolving their lifecycle management approach
by integrating their compliance and defect discovery data, perhaps
[SM3.2: 23] Make SSI efforts part of external marketing. augmented by intelligence feeds and other external data, to begin
To build external awareness, the SSG helps market the SSI beyond moving from a series of point-in-time go/no-go decisions (e.g.,
internal teams. The process of sharing details externally and release conditions) to a future state of continuous accumulation of
inviting critique is used to bring new perspectives into the firm. assurance data (see [CMVM3.6]).
Promoting the SSDL externally can turn security efforts into a market
differentiator, and feedback from external marketing can grow an [SM3.5: 0] Integrate software supply chain risk
SSI’s risk reduction exercises into a competitive advantage. The SSG management.
might provide details at external conferences or trade shows. In Organizational risk management processes ensure that important
some cases, a complete SSDL methodology can be published and software created by and entering the organization is managed
promoted outside the firm, and governance-as-code concepts can through policy-driven access and usage controls, maintenance
make interesting case studies. standards (see [SE3.9]), and captured software provenance data (see
[SE2.4]). Apply these processes to external (see [SR2.7]), bespoke,
[SM3.3: 32] Identify metrics and use them to drive and internally developed software (see [SE3.9]) to help ensure that
resourcing. deployed code has the expected components (see [SE3.8]). The
The SSG and its management identify metrics that define and lifecycle management for all software, from creation or importation
measure SSI progress in quantitative terms. These metrics are through secure deployment, ensures that all access, usage, and
reviewed on a regular basis and drive the initiative’s budgeting modifications are done in accordance with policy. This assurance is
and resource allocations, so simple counts and out-of-context easier to implement at scale using automation in software lifecycle
measurements won’t suffice here. On the technical side, one such processes (see [SM3.4]).
metric could be defect density, a reduction of which could be used
to show a decreasing cost of remediation over time, assuming, of Governance: Compliance & Policy (CP)
course, that testing depth has kept pace with software changes. The Compliance & Policy practice is focused on identifying controls
Data for metrics is best collected early and often using event-driven for compliance regimens such as PCI DSS and GDPR, developing
processes with telemetry rather than relying on calendar-driven data contractual controls such as SLAs to help manage COTS risk, setting
collection. The key is to tie security results to business objectives in a organizational software security policy, and auditing against that
clear and obvious fashion to justify resourcing. Because the concept policy.
of security is already tenuous to many businesspeople, make the
tie-in explicit. [CP1.1: 103] Unify regulatory pressures.
Have a cross-functional team that understands the
constraints imposed on software security by regulatory or
compliance drivers that are applicable to the organization and its
customers. The team takes a common approach that removes
redundancy and conflicts to unify compliance requirements, such
as from PCI security standards; GLBA, SOX, and HIPAA in the US; or
GDPR in the EU. A formal approach will map applicable portions of
regulations to controls (see [CP2.3]) applied to software to explain
how the organization complies. Existing business processes run by
legal, product management, or other risk and compliance groups
outside the SSG could serve as the regulatory focal point, with the
SSG providing software security knowledge. A unified set of software
security guidance for meeting regulatory pressures ensures that
compliance work is completed as efficiently as possible.

[CP1.2: 114] Identify privacy obligations. [CP2.2: 63] Require security sign-off for compliance-related
The SSG identifies privacy obligations stemming from risk.
regulation and customer expectations, then translates these The organization has a formal compliance risk acceptance sign-off
obligations into both software requirements and privacy best and accountability process that addresses all software development
practices. The way software handles PII might be explicitly regulated, projects. In this process, the SSG acts as an advisor while the risk
but even if it isn’t, privacy is an important topic. For example, if the owner signs off on the software’s compliance state prior to release
organization processes credit card transactions, the SSG will help based on its adherence to documented criteria. The sign-off policy
in identifying the privacy constraints that the PCI DSS places on the might also require the head of the business unit to, e.g., acknowledge
handling of cardholder data and will inform all stakeholders (see compliance issues that haven’t been mitigated or compliance-related
[SR1.3]). Note that outsourcing to hosted environments (e.g., the SSDL steps that have been skipped, but sign-off is required even
cloud) doesn’t relax privacy obligations and can even increase the when no compliance-related risk is present. Sign-off is explicit and
difficulty of recognizing and meeting all associated needs. Also, note captured for future reference, with any exceptions tracked, even
that firms creating software products that process PII when deployed in automated application lifecycle methodologies. Note that an
in customer environments might meet this need by providing privacy application without security defects might still be noncompliant, so
controls and guidance for their customers. Evolving consumer clean security testing results are not a substitute for a compliance
privacy expectations, the proliferation of “software is in everything,” sign-off. Even in DevOps organizations where engineers have
and data scraping and correlation (e.g., social media) add additional the technical ability to release software, there is still a need for a
expectations and complexities for PII protection. deliberate risk acceptance step even if the compliance criteria are
embedded in automation (see [SM3.4]). In cases where the risk
[CP1.3: 101] Create policy. owner signs off on a particular set of compliance acceptance criteria
The SSG guides the organization by creating or contributing to that are then implemented in automation to provide governance-
software security policies that satisfy internal, regulatory, and as-code, there must be ongoing verification that the criteria remain
customer-driven security requirements. This policy is what is accurate and the automation is actually working.
permitted and denied at the initiative level—if it’s not mandatory
and enforced, it’s not policy. The policies include a unified approach [CP2.3: 72] Implement and track controls for compliance.
for satisfying the (potentially lengthy) list of security drivers at the The organization can demonstrate compliance with applicable
governance level so that project teams can avoid keeping up with the requirements because its SSDL is aligned with the control statements
details involved in complying with all applicable regulations or other that were developed by the SSG in collaboration with compliance
mandates. Likewise, project teams won’t need to relearn customer stakeholders (see [CP1.1]). The SSG collaborates with stakeholders to
security requirements on their own. Architecture standards and track controls, navigate problem areas, and ensure that auditors and
coding guidelines aren’t examples of policy, but policy that prescribes regulators are satisfied. The SSG can then remain in the background
and mandates their use for certain software categories falls under when the act of following the SSDL automatically generates the
this umbrella. In many cases, policy statements are translated into desired compliance evidence predictably and reliably. Increasingly,
automation to provide governance-as-code. Even if not enforced by the DevOps approach embeds compliance controls in automation,
humans, policy that’s been automated must still be mandatory. In such as in software-defined infrastructure and networks, rather than
some cases, policy will be documented exclusively as governance- in human process and manual intervention. A firm doing this properly
as-code (see [SM3.4]), often as tool configuration, but it must still be can explicitly associate satisfying its compliance concerns with
readily readable, auditable, and editable by humans. following its SSDL.

[CP2.1: 58] Build a PII inventory. [CP2.4: 62] Include software security SLAs in all vendor
The organization identifies and tracks the kinds of PII processed contracts.
or stored by each of its systems, along with their associated data Software vendor contracts include an SLA to ensure that the vendor’s
repositories. In general, simply noting which applications process security efforts align with the organization’s security and compliance
PII isn’t enough—the type of PII (e.g., PHI, PFI, PI) and where it’s story. Each new or renewed contract contains provisions requiring the
stored are necessary so that the inventory can be easily referenced vendor to address software security and deliver a product or service
in critical situations. This usually includes making a list of databases compatible with the organization’s security policy. In some cases,
that would require customer notification if breached or a list to use open source licensing concerns initiate the vendor management
in crisis simulations (see [CMVM3.3]). Build the PII inventory by process, which can open the door for additional software security
starting with each individual application and noting its PII use or by language in the SLA (see [SR2.5]). Typical provisions set requirements
starting with PII types and noting the applications that touch each for policy conformance, incident management, training, defect
one. System architectures have evolved such that PII will often flow management, and response times for addressing software security
into cloud-based service and endpoint device ecosystems, then come issues. Traditional IT security requirements and a simple agreement
to rest there (e.g., content delivery networks, workflow systems, to allow penetration testing or another defect discovery method aren’t
mobile devices, IoT devices), making it tricky to keep an accurate PII sufficient here.

[CP2.5: 80] Ensure executive awareness of compliance and [CP3.3: 15] Drive feedback from software lifecycle data back
privacy obligations. to policy.
Gain buy-in around compliance and privacy obligations by Feed information from the software lifecycle into the policy creation
providing executives with plain-language explanations of both and maintenance process to drive improvements, such as in defect
the organization’s compliance and privacy requirements and the prevention and strengthening governance-as-code practices (see
potential consequences of failing to meet those requirements. For [SM3.4]). With this feedback as a routine process, blind spots can
some organizations, explaining the direct cost and likely fallout be eliminated by mapping them to trends in SSDL failures. Events
from a compliance failure or data breach can be an effective way to such as the regular appearance of inadequate architecture analysis,
broach the subject. For others, having an outside expert address the recurring vulnerabilities, ignored security release conditions, or the
Board works because some executives value an outside perspective wrong vendor choice for carrying out a penetration test can expose
more than an internal one. A sure sign of proper executive buy-in is policy weakness (see [CP1.3]). As an example, lifecycle data including
an acknowledgment of the need along with adequate allocation of KPIs, OKRs, KRIs, SLIs, SLOs, or other organizational metrics can
resources to meet those obligations. Use the sense of urgency that indicate where policies impose too much bureaucracy by introducing
typically follows a compliance or privacy failure to build additional friction that prevents engineering from meeting the expected delivery
awareness and bootstrap new efforts. cadence. Rapid technology evolution might also create policy gaps
that must be addressed. Over time, policies become more practical
[CP3.1: 38] Document a software compliance story. and easier to carry out (see [SM1.1]). Ultimately, policies are refined
The SSG can demonstrate the organization’s up-to-date software with SSDL data to enhance and improve effectiveness.
security compliance story on demand. A compliance story is a
collection of data, artifacts, policy controls, or other documentation Governance: Training (T)
that shows the compliance state of the organization’s software and Training has always played a critical role in software security because
processes. Often, senior management, auditors, and regulators— organizational stakeholders across governance, risk, and compliance
whether government or other—will be satisfied with the same kinds (GRC), legal, engineering, operations, and other groups often start
of reports that can be generated directly from various tools. In some with little security knowledge.
cases, particularly where organizations leverage shared responsibility
through cloud services, the organization will require additional [T1.1: 76] Conduct software security awareness training.
information from vendors about how that vendor’s controls support To promote a culture of software security throughout the
organizational compliance needs. It will often be necessary to organization, the SSG conducts periodic software security awareness
normalize information that comes from disparate sources. training. This training might be delivered via SSG members, security
champions, an outside firm, the internal training organization,
[CP3.2: 34] Ensure compatible vendor policies. or e-learning, but course content isn’t necessarily tailored for a
Ensure that vendor software security policies and SSDL processes specific audience—developers, QA engineers, and project managers
are compatible with internal policies. Vendors likely comprise a could attend the same “Introduction to Software Security” course,
diverse group—cloud providers, middleware providers, virtualization for example. Augment this content with a tailored approach that
providers, container and orchestration providers, bespoke software addresses the firm’s culture explicitly, which might include the
creators, contractors, and many more—and each might be held to process for building security in, avoiding common mistakes,
different policy requirements. Policy adherence enforcement might and technology topics such as CI/CD and DevSecOps. Generic
be through a point-in-time review (such as ensuring acceptance introductory courses that only cover basic IT or high-level security
criteria), automated checks (such as those applied to pull requests, concepts don’t generate satisfactory results. Likewise, awareness
committed artifacts like containers, or similar), or convention and training aimed only at developers and not at other roles in the
protocol (such as preventing services connection unless security organization is insufficient.
settings are correct and expected certificates are present). Evidence
of vendor adherence could include results from SSDL activities, from [T1.7: 64] Deliver on-demand individual training.
manual tests or tests built directly into automation or infrastructure, The organization lowers the burden on students and reduces the
or from other software lifecycle instrumentation. For some policies cost of delivering software security training by offering on-demand
or SSDL processes, vendor questionnaire responses and attestation training for SSDL stakeholders. The most obvious choice, e-learning,
alone might be sufficient. can be kept up to date through a subscription model, but an online
curriculum must be engaging and relevant to students in various
roles (e.g., developer, QA, cloud, ops) to achieve its intended purpose.
Ineffective (e.g., aged, off-topic) training or training that isn’t used
won’t create any change. Hot engineering topics like containerization
and security orchestration, and new training delivery styles such as
gamification, will attract more interest than boring policy discussions.
For developers, it’s possible to provide training directly through the
IDE right when it’s needed, but in some cases, building a new skill
(such as cloud security or threat modeling) might be better suited for
instructor-led training, which can also be provided on demand.

[T1.8: 59] Include security resources in onboarding. [T2.9: 32] Deliver role-specific advanced curriculum.
The process for bringing new hires into a software engineering Software security training goes beyond building awareness (see
organization requires timely completion of a training module about [T1.1]) to enabling students to incorporate security practices into their
software security. While the generic new hire process usually covers work. This training is tailored to cover the tools, technology stacks,
topics like picking a good password and avoiding phishing, this development methodologies, and issues that are most relevant to
orientation period is enhanced to cover topics such as how to create, the students. An organization could offer tracks for its engineers, for
deploy, and operate secure code, the SSDL, security standards (see example, supplying one each for architects, developers, operations,
[SR1.1]), and internal security resources (see [SR1.2]). The objective is DevOps, site reliability engineers, and testers. Tool-specific training
to ensure that new hires contribute to the security culture as soon as is also commonly needed in such a curriculum. While it might be
possible. Although a generic onboarding module is useful, it doesn’t more concise than engineering training, role-specific training is
take the place of a timely and more complete introductory software also necessary for many other stakeholders within an organization,
security course. including product management, executives, and others. In any case,
the training must be taken by a broad enough audience to build the
[T2.5: 44] Enhance satellite (security champions) through collective skillsets required.
training and events.
Strengthen the satellite network (see [SM2.3]) by inviting guest [T2.10: 26] Host software security events.
speakers or holding special events about advanced software security The organization hosts security events featuring external speakers
topics. This effort is about providing to the satellite customized and content in order to strengthen its security culture. Good
training (e.g., the latest software security techniques for DevOps or examples of such events are Intel iSecCon and AWS re:Inforce, which
serverless technologies or on the implications of new policies and invite all employees, feature external presenters, and focus on helping
standards) so that it can fulfill its assigned responsibilities—it’s not engineering create, deploy, and operate better code. Employees
about inviting satellite members to routine brown bags or signing benefit from hearing outside perspectives, especially those related to
them up for standard computer-based training. Similarly, a standing fast-moving technology areas with software security ramifications,
conference call with voluntary attendance won’t get the desired and the organization benefits from putting its security credentials
results, which are as much about building camaraderie as they are on display (see [SM3.2]). Events open only to small, select groups,
about sharing knowledge and organizational efficiency. Regular or simply putting recordings on an internal portal, won’t result in the
events build community and facilitate collaboration and collective desired culture change across the organization.
problem-solving. Face-to-face meetings are by far the most effective,
even if they happen only once or twice a year and even if some [T2.11: 30] Require an annual refresher.
participants must attend by videoconferencing. In teams with many Everyone involved in the SSDL is required to take an annual
geographically dispersed and work-from-home members, simply software security refresher course. This course keeps the staff
turning on cameras and ensuring that everyone gets a chance to up to date on the organization’s security approach and ensures
speak makes a substantial difference. that the organization doesn’t lose focus due to turnover, evolving
methodologies, or changing deployment models. The SSG might give
[T2.8: 27] Create and use material specific to company an update on the security landscape and explain changes to policies
history. and standards. A refresher could also be rolled out as part of a firm-
To make a strong and lasting change in behavior, training includes wide security day or in concert with an internal security conference.
material specific to the company’s history of software security While one refresher module can be used for multiple roles (see
challenges. When participants can see themselves in a problem, [T2.9]), coverage of new topics and changes to the previous year’s
they’re more likely to understand how the material is relevant to content should result in a significant amount of fresh content.
their work as well as when and how to apply what they’ve learned.
One way to do this is to use noteworthy attacks on the company’s [T2.12: 28] Provide expertise via open collaboration
software as examples in the training curriculum. Both successful and channels.
unsuccessful attacks, as well as notable results from penetration Software security experts offer help to anyone in an open manner
tests, design review, and red team exercises, can make good during regularly scheduled office hours or openly accessible channels
teachable moments. Stories from company history can help steer on Slack, Jira, or similar. By acting as an informal resource for people
training in the right direction but only if those stories are still relevant who want to solve security problems, the SSG leverages teachable
and not overly censored. This training should cover platforms used moments and emphasizes the carrot over the stick approach to
by developers (developers orchestrating containers probably won’t security best practices. Office hours might be hosted one afternoon
care about old virtualization problems) and problems relevant to per week by a senior SSG member, perhaps inviting briefings from
languages in common use. product or application groups working on hard security problems.
Slack and other messaging applications can capture questions 24x7,
functioning as an office hours platform when appropriate subject
matter experts are consistently part of the conversation and are
ensuring that the answers generated align with SSG expectations. An
online approach has the added benefit of discussions being recorded
and searchable.

[T3.1: 8] Reward progression through curriculum. INTELLIGENCE
Progression through the security curriculum brings personal benefits,
such as public acknowledgement or career advancement. The Intelligence: Attack Models (AM)
reward system can be formal and lead to a certification or an official Attack Models capture information used to think like an attacker,
mark in the human resources system, or it can be less formal and including threat modeling inputs, abuse cases, data classification,
include motivators such as documented praise at annual review time. and technology-specific attack patterns.
Involving a corporate training department and human resources
team can make the impact of improving security skills on career [AM1.2: 73] Use a data classification scheme for software
progression more obvious, but the SSG should continue to monitor inventory.
security knowledge in the firm and not cede complete control or Security stakeholders in an organization agree on a data
oversight. Coffee mugs and t-shirts can build morale, but it usually classification scheme and use it to inventory software, delivery
takes the possibility of real career progression to change behavior. artifacts (e.g., containers), and associated persistent data stores
according to the kinds of data processed or services called,
[T3.2: 14] Provide training for vendors and outsourced regardless of deployment model (e.g., on- or off-premises). Many
workers. classification schemes are possible—one approach is to focus on PII,
Vendors and outsourced workers receive appropriate software for example. Depending on the scheme and the software involved, it
security training, comparable to the level of training given to could be easiest to first classify data repositories (see [CP2.1]), then
employees. Spending time and effort helping suppliers get security derive classifications for applications according to the repositories
right at the outset is much easier than trying to determine what went they use. Other approaches include data classification according to
wrong later, especially if the development team has moved on to protection of intellectual property, impact of disclosure, exposure to
other projects. Training individual contractors is much more natural attack, relevance to GDPR, and geographic boundaries.
than training entire outsourced firms and is a reasonable place to
start. It’s important that everyone who works on the firm’s software [AM1.3: 49] Identify potential attackers.
has an appropriate level of training that increases their capability of The SSG identifies potential attackers in order to understand and
meeting the software security expectations for their role, regardless begin documenting their motivations and abilities. The outcome
of their employment status. Of course, some vendors and outsourced of this periodic exercise could be a set of attacker profiles that
workers might have received adequate training from their own firms, includes outlines for categories of attackers, and more detailed
but that should always be verified. descriptions for noteworthy individuals, that are used in end-to-end
design review (see [AA1.2]). In some cases, a third-party vendor
[T3.6: 8] Identify new satellite members (security might be contracted to provide this information. Specific and
champions) through observation. contextual attacker information is almost always more useful than
Future satellite members (e.g., security champions) are recruited by generic information copied from someone else’s list. Moreover, a
noting people who stand out during opportunities that show skill and list that simply divides the world into insiders and outsiders won’t
enthusiasm, such as training courses, office hours, capture-the-flag drive useful results. Identification of attackers should also consider
exercises, hack-a-thons, etc. and then encouraging them to join the the organization’s evolving software supply chain, attack surface,
satellite. Pay particular attention to practitioners who are contributing theoretical internal attackers, and contract staff.
things such as code, security configurations, or defect discovery
rules. The satellite often begins as an assigned collection of people [AM1.5: 81] Gather and use attack intelligence.
scattered across the organization who show an above-average level The SSG ensures the organization stays ahead of the curve by
of security interest or advanced knowledge of new technology stacks learning about new types of attacks and vulnerabilities, then adapts
and development methodologies (see [SM2.3]). Identifying future that information to the organization’s needs. Attack intelligence must
members proactively is a step toward creating a social network be made actionable and useful for a variety of consumers, which
that speeds the adoption of security into software development and might include developers, testers, DevOps, security operations, and
operations. A group of enthusiastic and skilled volunteers will be reliability engineers, among others. In many cases, a subscription to a
easier to lead than a group that is drafted. commercial service can provide a reasonable way of gathering basic
attack intelligence related to applications, APIs, containerization,
orchestration, cloud environments, etc. Attending technical
conferences and monitoring attacker forums, then correlating that
information with what’s happening in the organization (perhaps by
leveraging automation to mine operational logs and telemetry) helps
everyone learn more about emerging vulnerability exploitation.

[AM2.1: 16] Build attack patterns and abuse cases tied to [AM2.8: 20] Have a research group that develops new
potential attackers. attack methods.
The SSG works with stakeholders to build attack patterns and abuse A research group works to identify and mitigate the impact of new
cases tied to potential attackers (see [AM1.3]). Attack patterns classes of attacks and shares their knowledge with stakeholders.
frequently contain details of the targeted asset, attackers, goals, Identification does not always require original research—the group
and the techniques used. These resources can be built from scratch might expand on an idea discovered by others. Doing this research in-
or from standard sets, such as the MITRE ATT&CK framework, house is especially important for early adopters of new technologies
with the SSG adding to the pile based on its own attack stories to and configurations so that they can discover potential weaknesses
prepare the organization for SSDL activities such as design review before attackers do. One approach is to create new attack methods
and penetration testing. For example, a story about an attack that simulate persistent attackers during goal-oriented red team
against a poorly designed cloud-native application could lead to a exercises (see [PT3.1]). This isn’t a penetration testing team finding
containerization attack pattern that drives a new type of testing (see new instances of known types of weaknesses, it’s a research group
[ST3.5]). If a firm tracks the fraud and monetary costs associated that innovates attack methods and mitigation approaches. Example
with specific attacks, this information can in turn be used to mitigation approaches include test cases, static analysis rules,
prioritize the process of building attack patterns and abuse cases. attack patterns, standards, and policy changes. Some firms provide
Organizations will likely need to evolve both their attack pattern and researchers time to follow through on their discoveries by using bug
abuse case creation prioritization and their content over time due bounty programs or other means of coordinated disclosure (see
to changing software architectures (e.g., zero trust, cloud native, [CMVM3.7]). Others allow researchers to publish their findings at
serverless), attackers, and technologies. conferences like DEF CON to benefit everyone.

[AM2.6: 16] Collect and publish attack stories. [AM2.9: 16] Monitor automated asset creation.
To maximize the benefit from lessons that don’t always come cheap, Implement technology controls that provide a continuously updated
the SSG collects and publishes stories about attacks against the view of the various network, machine, software, and related
organization’s software. Both successful and unsuccessful attacks infrastructure assets being instantiated by engineering teams. To
can be noteworthy, and discussing historical information about help ensure proper coverage, the SSG works with engineering teams
software attacks has the added effect of grounding software security (including potential shadow IT teams) to understand orchestration,
in a firm’s reality. This is particularly useful in training classes (see cloud configuration, and other self-service means of software delivery
[T2.8]) to help counter a generic approach that might be overly to ensure proper monitoring. This monitoring requires a specialized
focused on other organizations’ most common bug lists or outdated effort—normal system, network, and application logging and analysis
platform attacks. Hiding or overly sanitizing information about won’t suffice. Success might require a multi-pronged approach,
attacks from people building new systems fails to garner any positive including consuming orchestration and virtualization metadata,
benefits from a negative event. querying cloud service provider APIs, and outside-in crawling and
[AM2.7: 15] Build an internal forum to discuss attacks.
The organization has an internal, interactive forum where the SSG, [AM3.2: 8] Create and use automation to mimic attackers.
the satellite (champions), incident response, and others discuss The SSG arms engineers, testers, and incident response with
attacks and attack methods. The discussion serves to communicate automation to mimic what attackers are going to do. For example,
the attacker perspective to everyone, so it’s useful to include all a new attack method identified by an internal research group (see
successful attacks here, regardless of attack source, such as [AM2.8]) or a disclosing third party could require a new tool, so the
supply chain, internal, consultants, or bug bounty contributors. The SSG, perhaps through the champions, could package the tool and
SSG augments the forum with an internal communication channel distribute it to testers. The idea here is to push attack capability past
(see [T2.12]) that encourages subscribers to discuss the latest what typical commercial tools and offerings encompass, then make
information on publicly known incidents. Dissection of attacks that knowledge and technology easy for others to use. Mimicking
and exploits that are relevant to a firm are particularly helpful attackers, especially attack chains, almost always requires tailoring
when they spur discussion of software, infrastructure, and other tools to a firm’s particular technology stacks, infrastructure, and
mitigations. Simply republishing items from public mailing lists configurations. When technology stacks and coding languages
doesn’t achieve the same benefits as active and ongoing discussions, evolve faster than vendors can innovate, creating tools and
nor does a closed discussion hidden from those creating code and automation in-house might be the best way forward. In the DevOps
configurations. Everyone should feel free to ask questions and learn world, these tools might be created by engineering and embedded
about vulnerabilities and exploits. directly into toolchains and automation (see [ST3.6]).

[AM3.4: 13] Create technology-specific attack patterns. [SFD1.2: 95] Application architecture teams engage with
The SSG facilitates technology-specific attack pattern creation by the SSG.
collecting and providing knowledge about attacks relevant to the Application architecture teams take responsibility for security in
organization’s technologies. For example, if the organization’s cloud the same way they take responsibility for performance, availability,
software relies on a cloud vendor’s security apparatus (e.g., key and scalability, and resiliency. One way to keep security from falling out
secrets management), the SSG or appropriate SMEs can help catalog of these architecture discussions is to have secure design experts
the quirks of the crypto package and how it might be exploited. (from the SSG, a vendor, etc.) participate. Increasingly, architecture
Attack patterns directly related to the security frontier (e.g., AI, discussions include developers and site reliability engineers who are
serverless) can be useful here as well. It’s often easiest to start with governing all types of software components, such as open source,
existing generalized attack patterns to create the needed technology- APIs, containers, and cloud services. In other cases, enterprise
specific ones, but simply adding “for microservices” at the end of a architecture teams have the knowledge to help the experts create
generalized pattern name, for example, won’t suffice. secure designs that integrate properly into corporate design
standards. Proactive engagement with experts is key to success
[AM3.5: 11] Maintain and use a top N possible attacks list. here. In addition, it’s never safe for one team to assume another team
The SSG periodically digests the ever-growing list of applicable attack has addressed security requirements—even moving a well-known
types, creates a prioritized short list—the top N—and then uses the system to the cloud means reengaging the experts.
list to drive change. This initial list almost always combines input
from multiple sources, both inside and outside the organization. [SFD2.1: 45] Leverage secure-by-design components and
Some organizations prioritize their list according to a perception of services.
potential business loss while others might prioritize according to Build or provide approved secure-by-design software components
preventing successful attacks against their software. The top N list and services for use by engineering teams. Prior to approving and
doesn’t need to be updated with great frequency, and attacks can publishing secure-by-design software components and services,
be coarsely sorted. For example, the SSG might brainstorm twice a including open source and cloud services, the SSG must carefully
year to create lists of attacks the organization should be prepared to assess them for security. This assessment process to declare a
counter “now,” “soon,” and “someday.” component secure-by-design is usually more rigorous and in-depth
than that for typical projects. In addition to teaching by example,
Intelligence: Security Features & Design (SFD) these resilient and reusable building blocks aid important efforts
The Security Features & Design practice is charged with creating such as architecture analysis and code review by making it easier
usable security patterns for major security controls (meeting the to avoid mistakes. These components and services also often have
standards defined in the Standards & Requirements practice), features (e.g., application identity, RBAC) that enable uniform usage
building components and services for those controls, and across disparate environments. Similarly, the SSG might further
establishing collaboration during security design efforts. take advantage of this defined list by tailoring static analysis rules
specifically for the components it offers (see [CR2.6]).
[SFD1.1: 100] Integrate and deliver security features.
Provide proactive guidance on preapproved security features for [SFD2.2: 70] Create capability to solve difficult design
engineering groups to use rather than each group implementing problems.
its own security features. Engineering groups benefit from Contribute to building resilient architectures by solving design
implementations that come preapproved, and the SSG benefits by not problems unaddressed by organizational security components or
having to repeatedly track down the kinds of subtle errors that often services, or by cloud service providers, thus minimizing the negative
creep into security features (e.g., authentication, role management, impact that security has on other constraints, such as feature
key management, logging, cryptography, protocols). These security velocity. Involving the SSG and secure design experts in application
features might be discovered during SSDL activities, created by the refactoring or in the design of a new protocol, microservice, or
SSG or specialized development teams, or defined in configuration architecture feature (e.g., containerization) enables timely analysis
templates (e.g., cloud blueprints) and delivered via mechanisms of the security implications of existing defenses and identifies
such as SDKs, containers, microservices, and APIs. Generic security elements to be improved. Designing for security early in the new
features often must be tailored for specific platforms. For example, project process is more efficient than analyzing an existing design for
each mobile and cloud platform might need its own means by which security and then refactoring when flaws are uncovered (see [AA1.1],
users are authenticated and authorized, secrets are managed, and [AA1.2], [AA2.1]). The SSG could also get involved in what would have
user actions are centrally logged and monitored. It’s implementing historically been purely engineering discussions, as even rudimentary
and disseminating these defined security features that generates real use of cloud-native technologies (e.g., “Hello, world!”) requires
progress, not simply making a list of them. proper use of configurations and other capabilities that have direct
implications on security posture.

[SFD3.1: 18] Form a review board to approve and maintain Intelligence: Standards & Requirements (SR)
secure design patterns. The Standards & Requirements practice involves eliciting explicit
A review board formalizes the process of reaching and maintaining software security requirements from the organization, determining
consensus on security tradeoffs in design needs. Unlike a typical which COTS tools to recommend, building standards for major
architecture committee focused on functions, this group focuses security controls (such as authentication and input validation),
on providing security guidance, preferably in the form of patterns, creating security standards for technologies in use, and creating a
standards, features, or frameworks. It also periodically reviews standards review process.
already published design guidance (especially around authentication,
authorization, and cryptography) to ensure that design decisions [SR1.1: 94] Create security standards.
don’t become stale or out of date. This review board helps control The organization meets the demand for security guidance by creating
the chaos associated with adoption of new technologies when standards that explain the required way to adhere to policy and
development groups might otherwise make decisions on their own carry out security-centric design, development, and operations. A
without engaging the SSG or champions. Review board security standard might mandate how to perform identity-based application
guidance can also serve to inform outsourced software providers authentication or how to implement transport-level security, perhaps
about security expectations (see [CP3.2]). with the SSG ensuring the availability of a reference implementation.
Standards often apply to software beyond the scope of an
[SFD3.2: 22] Require use of approved security features and application’s code, including container construction, orchestration,
frameworks. infrastructure-as-code, and cloud security configuration. Standards
Implementers must take their security features and frameworks can be deployed in a variety of ways to keep them actionable and
from an approved list or repository (see [SFD1.1], [SFD2.1], [SFD3.1]). relevant. For example, they can be automated into development
There are two benefits to this activity—developers don’t spend time environments (such as an IDE or toolchain) or explicitly linked to code
reinventing existing capabilities, and review teams don’t have to examples and deployment artifacts (e.g., containers). In any case, to
contend with finding the same old defects in new projects or when be considered standards, they must be adopted and enforced.
new platforms are adopted. Reusing proven components eases
testing, code review, and threat modeling (see [AA1.1]). Reuse [SR1.2: 103] Create a security portal.
is a major advantage of consistent software architecture and is The organization has a well-known central location for
particularly helpful for Agile development and velocity maintenance in information about software security. Typically, this is an internal
CI/CD pipelines. Packaging and applying required components, such website maintained by the SSG and satellite (security champions)
as via containerization (see [SE2.5]), makes it especially easy to reuse that people refer to for current information on security policies,
approved features and frameworks. standards, and requirements, as well as for other resources (such
as training). An interactive portal is better than a static portal
[SFD3.3: 9] Find and publish secure design patterns from with guideline documents that rarely change. Organizations often
the organization. supplement these materials with mailing lists, chat channels
Foster centralized design reuse by collecting secure design patterns (see [T2.12]), and face-to- face meetings. Development teams
(sometimes referred to as security blueprints) from across the are increasingly putting software security knowledge directly into
organization and publishing them for everyone to use. A section toolchains and automation that are outside the organization (e.g.,
of the SSG website (see [SR1.2]) could promote positive elements GitHub), but that does not remove the need for SSG-led knowledge
identified during threat modeling or architecture analysis so that management.
good ideas spread widely. This process is formalized—an ad
hoc, accidental noticing isn’t sufficient. Common design patterns [SR1.3: 98] Translate compliance constraints to
accelerate development, so it’s important to use secure design requirements.
patterns, and not just for applications but for all software assets (e.g., Compliance constraints are translated into security requirements
microservices, APIs, containers, infrastructure, and automation). for individual projects and communicated to the engineering teams.
This is a linchpin in the organization’s compliance strategy—by
representing compliance constraints explicitly with requirements
and informing stakeholders, the organization demonstrates that
compliance is a manageable task. For example, if the organization
builds software that processes credit card transactions, PCI
DSS compliance plays a role during the security requirements
phase. In other cases, technology standards built for international
interoperability can include security guidance on compliance needs.
Representing these standards as requirements also helps with
traceability and visibility in the event of an audit. It’s particularly
useful to codify the requirements into reusable code (see [SFD2.1]) or
artifact deployment specifications (see [SE2.2]).

[SR1.5: 101] Identify open source. [SR2.7: 58] Control open source risk.
Identify open source components and dependencies included The organization has control over its exposure to the risks that
in the organization’s code repositories and built software, then come along with using open source components and all the involved
review them to understand their security posture. Organizations dependencies, including dependencies integrated at runtime.
use a variety of tools and metadata provided by delivery pipelines Controlling exposure usually includes multiple efforts, with one
to discover old versions of open source components with known example being responding to known vulnerabilities in identified
vulnerabilities or that their software relies on multiple versions of open source (see [SR1.5]). The use of open source could also be
the same component. Scale efforts by using automated tools to find restricted to predefined projects or to a short list of versions that
open source, whether whole components or perhaps large chunks have been through an approved security screening process, have
of borrowed code. Some software development pipeline platforms, had unacceptable vulnerabilities remediated, and are made available
container registries, and middleware platforms have begun to provide only through approved internal repositories and containers. For
this visibility as metadata (e.g., SBOMs [SE3.6]) resulting from some use cases, policy might preclude any use of open source. The
behind-the-scenes artifact scanning. Some organizations combine legal department often spearheads additional open source controls
composition analysis results from multiple phases of the software due to license compliance objectives and the viral license problem
lifecycle to get a more complete and accurate list of the open source associated with GPL code. SSGs that partner with and educate the
being included in production software. legal department can help move an organization to improve its open
source risk management practices, which must be applied across the
[SR2.2: 75] Create a standards review process. software portfolio to be effective.
Create a process to develop software security standards and ensure
that all stakeholders have a chance to weigh in. This review process [SR3.2: 18] Communicate standards to vendors.
could operate by appointing a spokesperson for any proposed Work with vendors to educate them and promote the organization’s
security standard, putting the onus on the person to demonstrate security standards. A healthy relationship with a vendor often starts
that the standard meets its goals and to get buy-in and approval with contract language (see [CP2.4]), but the SSG should engage with
from stakeholders. Enterprise architecture or enterprise risk groups vendors, discuss vendor security practices, and explain in simple
sometimes take on the responsibility of creating and managing terms (rather than legalese) what the organization expects. Any
standards review processes. When the standards are implemented time a vendor adopts the organization’s security standards, it’s a
directly as software, the responsible person might be a DevOps clear sign of progress. Note that standards implemented as security
manager, release engineer, or whoever owns the associated features or infrastructure configuration could be a requirement to
deployment artifact (e.g., the orchestration code). Common services integration with a vendor (see [SFD1.1], [SE2.2]). When the
triggers for standards review processes include periodic updates, firm’s SSDL is publicly available, communication regarding software
security incidents, major vulnerabilities discovered, adoption of new security expectations is easier. Likewise, sharing internal practices
technologies, acquisition, etc. and measures can make expectations clear.

[SR2.5: 63] Create SLA boilerplate. [SR3.3: 19] Use secure coding standards.
The SSG works with the legal department to create standard SLA Developers use secure coding standards to avoid the most obvious
boilerplate for use in contracts with vendors and outsource providers, bugs and as ground rules for code review. These standards
including cloud providers, to require software security efforts on their are necessarily specific to a programming language, and they
part. The legal department might also leverage the boilerplate to help can address the use of popular frameworks, APIs, libraries, and
prevent compliance and privacy problems. Under the agreement, infrastructure automation. Secure coding standards can also
vendors and outsource providers must meet company-mandated be for low- or no-code platforms (e.g., Microsoft Power Apps,
software security SLAs (see [CP2.4]). Boilerplate language might call Salesforce Lightning). While enforcement isn’t the point at this
for objective third-party insight into software security efforts, such stage (see [CR3.5]), violation of standards is a teachable moment
as SSDF gap analysis (, BSIMMsc for all stakeholders. Other useful coding standards topics include
measurements, or BSIMM scores. proper use of cloud APIs, use of approved cryptography, memory
sanitization, banned functions, open source use, and many others.
If the organization already has coding standards for other purposes
(e.g., style), its secure coding standards should build upon them. A
clear set of secure coding standards is a good way to guide both
manual and automated code review, as well as to provide relevant
examples for security training. Some groups might choose to
integrate their secure coding standards directly into automation.
Socializing the benefits of following standards is also a good first
step to gaining widespread acceptance (see [SM2.7]).

[SR3.4: 21] Create standards for technology stacks. [AA1.2: 59] Perform design review for high-risk applications.
The organization standardizes on the use of specific technology Perform a design review to determine whether the security features
stacks, which translates into a reduced workload because teams and deployment configuration are resistant to attack in an attempt to
don’t have to explore new technology risks for every new project. The break the design. The goal is to extend the more formulaic approach
organization might create a secure base configuration (commonly of a security feature review (see [AA1.1]) to model application
in the form of golden images, Terraform definitions, etc.) for each behavior in the context of real-world attackers and attacks. Reviewers
technology stack, further reducing the amount of work required to must have some experience beyond simple threat modeling to
use the stack safely. In cloud environments, hardened configurations include performing detailed design reviews and breaking the design
likely include up-to-date security patches, configurations, and under consideration. Rather than security feature guidance, a design
services, such as logging and monitoring. In traditional on-premises review should produce a set of flaws and a plan to mitigate them.
IT deployments, a stack might include an operating system, a An organization can use consultants to do this work, but it should
database, an application server, and a runtime environment (e.g., a participate actively. A review focused only on whether a software
MEAN stack). Standards for secure use of reusable technologies, project has performed the right process steps won’t generate useful
such as containers, microservices, or orchestration code, means results about flaws. Note that a sufficiently robust design review
that getting security right in one place positively impacts the security process can’t be executed at CI/CD speed, so organizations should
posture of all downstream efforts (see [SE2.5]). focus on a few high-risk applications to start (see [AA1.4]).

SDLC TOUCHPOINTS [AA1.4: 63] Use a risk methodology to rank applications.

Use a defined risk methodology to collect information about each
SDLC Touchpoints: Architecture Analysis (AA) application in order to assign a risk classification and associated
prioritization. It is important to use this information in prioritizing
Architecture analysis encompasses capturing software architecture
what applications or projects are in scope for testing, including
in concise diagrams, applying lists of risks and threats, adopting a
security feature and design reviews. Information collection can be
process for review (such as Microsoft Threat Modeling [STRIDE]
implemented via questionnaire or similar method, whether manual
or Architecture Risk Analysis [ARA]), building an assessment and
or automated. Information needed for classification might include,
remediation plan for the organization, and using a risk methodology
“Which programming languages is the application written in?” or
to rank applications.
“Who uses the application?” or “Is the application’s deployment
[AA1.1: 108] Perform security feature review. software-orchestrated?” Typically, a qualified member of the
Security-aware reviewers identify application security features, application team provides the information, but the process should be
review these features against application security requirements and short enough to take only a few minutes. The SSG can then use the
runtime parameters, and determine if each feature can adequately answers to categorize the application as, e.g., high, medium, or low
perform its intended function—usually collectively referred to as risk. Because a risk questionnaire can be easy to game, it’s important
threat modeling. The goal is to quickly identify missing security to put into place some spot-checking for validity and accuracy—an
features and requirements, or bad deployment configuration overreliance on self-reporting can render this activity useless.
(authentication, access control, use of cryptography, etc.), and
[AA2.1: 35] Perform architecture analysis using a defined
address them. For example, threat modeling would identify both a
system that was subject to escalation of privilege attacks because
Define and use a process for AA that extends the design review
of broken access control as well as a mobile application that
(see [AA1.2]) to also document business risk in addition to technical
incorrectly puts PII in local storage. Use of the firm’s secure-by-
flaws. The goal is to identify application design flaws as well as
design components often streamlines this process (see [SFD2.1]).
the associated risk (e.g., impact of exploitation), such as through
Many modern applications are no longer simply “3-tier” but instead
frequency or probability analysis, to more completely inform
involve components architected to interact across a variety of tiers—
stakeholder risk management efforts. The AA process includes a
browser/endpoint, embedded, web, microservices, orchestration
standardized approach for thinking about attacks, vulnerabilities, and
engines, deployment pipelines, third-party SaaS, etc. Some of these
various security properties. The process is defined well enough that
environments might provide robust security feature sets, whereas
people outside the SSG can carry it out. It’s important to document
others might have key capability gaps that require careful analysis,
both the architecture under review and any security flaws uncovered,
so organizations should consider the applicability and correct use of
as well as risk information that people can understand and use.
security features across all tiers that constitute the architecture and
Microsoft Threat Modeling, Versprite PASTA, and Synopsys ARA
operational environment.
are examples of such a process, although these will likely need to
be tailored to a given environment. In some cases, performing AA
and documenting business risk is done by different teams working
together in a single process. Uncalibrated or ad hoc AA approaches
don’t count as a defined process.

[AA2.2: 34] Standardize architectural descriptions. [AA3.3: 17] Make the SSG available as an AA resource or
Threat modeling, design review, or AA processes use an agreed- mentor.
upon format (e.g., diagramming language and icons, not simply To build organizational AA capability, the SSG advertises experts
a text description) to describe architecture, including a means for as resources or mentors for teams using the AA process (see
representing data flow. Standardizing architecture descriptions [AA2.1]). This effort might enable, e.g., security champions, site
between those who generate the models and those who analyze reliability engineers, DevSecOps engineers, and others to take the
and annotate them makes analysis more tractable and scalable. lead while the SSG offers advice. As one example, mentors help
High-level network diagrams, data flow, and authorization flows are tailor AA process inputs (such as design or attack patterns) to make
always useful, but the model should also go into detail about how the them more actionable for specific technology stacks. This reusable
software itself is structured. A standard architecture description can guidance helps protect the team’s time so they can focus on the
be enhanced to provide an explicit picture of information assets that problems that require creative solutions rather than enumerating
require protection, including useful metadata. Standardized icons that known bad habits. While the SSG might answer AA questions during
are consistently used in diagrams, templates, and dry-erase board office hours (see [T2.12]), they will often assign a mentor to work
squiggles are especially useful, too. with a team, perhaps comprising both security-aware engineers and
risk analysts, for the duration of the analysis. In the case of high-risk
[AA2.4: 40] Have SSG lead design review efforts. software, the SSG should play a more active mentorship role in
The SSG takes a lead role in performing design review (see [AA1.2]) applying the AA process.
to uncover flaws. Breaking down an architecture is enough of an art
that the SSG, or other reviewers outside the application team, must SDLC Touchpoints: Code Review (CR)
be proficient, and proficiency requires practice. This practice might The Code Review practice includes use of code review tools (e.g.,
then enable, e.g., champions to take the day-to-day lead while the static analysis), development of tailored rules, customized profiles
SSG maintains leadership around knowledge and process. The SSG for tool use by different roles (e.g., developers vs. auditors), manual
can’t be successful on its own either—it will likely need help from analysis, and tracking and measuring results.
architects or implementers to understand the design. With a clear
design in hand, the SSG might be able to carry out a detailed review [CR1.2: 84] Perform opportunistic code review.
with a minimum of interaction with the project team. Approaches to Perform code review for high-risk applications in an opportunistic
design review evolve over time, so don’t expect to set a process and fashion. For example, organizations can follow up a design review
use it forever. Outsourcing design review might be necessary, but it’s with a code review looking for security issues in source code and
also an opportunity to participate and learn. dependencies and perhaps also in deployment artifact configuration
(e.g., containers) and automation metadata (e.g., infrastructure-
[AA3.1: 20] Have engineering teams lead AA process. as-code). This informal targeting often evolves into a systematic
Engineering teams lead AA to uncover technical flaws and document approach (see [CR1.4]). Manual code review could be augmented
business risk. This effort requires a well-understood and well- with the use of specific tools and services, but it has to be part of a
documented process (see [AA2.1]). But even with a good process, proactive process. When new technologies pop up, new approaches
consistency is difficult to attain because breaking architecture to code review might become necessary.
requires experience, so provide architects with SSG or outside
expertise in an advisory capacity. Engineering teams performing AA [CR1.4: 112] Use automated code review tools.
might normally have responsibilities such as development, DevOps, Incorporate static analysis into the code review process to
cloud security, operations security, security architecture, or a variety make the review more efficient and consistent. Automation won’t
of similar roles. The process is more useful if the AA team is different replace human judgment, but it does bring definition to the review
from the design team. process and security expertise to reviewers who typically aren’t
security experts. Note that a specific tool might not cover an entire
[AA3.2: 8] Drive analysis results into standard design patterns. portfolio, especially when new languages are involved, so additional
Failures identified during threat modeling, design review, or AA are fed local effort might be useful. Some organizations might progress to
back to security and engineering teams so that similar mistakes can automating tool use by instrumenting static analysis into source
be prevented in the future through improved design patterns, whether code management workflows (e.g., pull requests) and delivery
local to a team or formally approved for everyone (see [SFD3.1]). This pipeline workflows (build, package, and deploy) to make the review
typically requires a root-cause analysis process that determines the more efficient, consistent, and aligned with release cadence. Whether
origin of security flaws, searches for what should have prevented use of automated tools is to review a portion of the source code
the flaw, and makes the necessary improvements in documented incrementally, such as a developer committing new code or small
security design patterns. Note that security design patterns can changes, or to conduct full analysis by scanning the entire codebase,
interact in surprising ways that break security, so apply analysis this service should be explicitly connected to a larger SSDL defect
processes even when vetted design patterns are in standard use. For management process applied during software development. This
cloud services, providers have learned a lot about how their platforms effort is not useful when done just to “check the security box” on the
and services fail to resist attack and have codified this experience path to deployment.
into patterns for secure use. Organizations that heavily rely on these
services might base their application-layer patterns on those building
blocks provided by the cloud service provider (for example, AWS
CloudFormation and Azure Blueprints) when making their own.

[CR1.5: 74] Make code review mandatory for all projects. [CR2.7: 20] Use a top N bugs list (real data preferred).
A security-focused code review is mandatory for all software Maintain a living list of the most important kinds of bugs the
projects, with a lack of code review or unacceptable results stopping organization wants to eliminate from its code and use it to drive
a release, slowing it down, or causing it to be recalled. While all change. Many organizations start with a generic list pulled from
projects must undergo code review, the process might be different public sources, but broad-based lists such as the OWASP Top 10
for different kinds of projects. The review for low-risk projects might rarely reflect an organization’s bug priorities. Build a valuable list by
rely more heavily on automation (see [CR1.4]), for example, whereas using real data gathered from code review (see [CR2.8]), testing (see
high-risk projects might have no upper bound on the amount of [PT1.2]), software composition analysis (see [SE3.8]), and actual
time spent by reviewers. Having a minimum acceptable standard incidents (see [CMVM1.1]), then prioritize it for prevention efforts.
forces projects that don’t pass to be fixed and reevaluated. A code Simply sorting the day’s bug data by number of occurrences won’t
review tool with nearly all the rules turned off (so it can run at CI/ produce a satisfactory list because the data changes so often. To
CD automation speeds, for example) won’t provide sufficient defect increase interest, the SSG can periodically publish a “most wanted”
coverage. Similarly, peer code review or tools focused on quality and report after updating the list. One potential pitfall with a top N list is
style won’t provide useful security results. that it tends to include only known problems. Of course, just building
the list won’t accomplish anything—everyone has to use it to find and
[CR1.7: 55] Assign code review tool mentors. fix bugs.
Mentors show developers how to get the most out of code review
tools, including configuration, triage, and remediation. Security [CR2.8: 28] Use centralized defect reporting to close the
champions, DevOps and site reliability engineers, and SSG members knowledge loop.
often make good mentors. Mentors could use office hours or other The defects found during code review are tracked in a centralized
outreach to help developers establish the right configuration and repository that makes it possible to do both summary and trend
get started on interpreting and remediating results. Alternatively, reporting for the organization. Reported defects drive engineering
mentors might work with a development team for the duration of the improvements such as enhancing processes, updating standards,
first review they perform. Centralized use of a tool can be distributed adopting reusable frameworks, etc. For example, code review
into the development organization or toolchains over time through information is usually incorporated into a CISO-level dashboard
the use of tool mentors, but providing installation instructions and that can include feeds from other security testing efforts (e.g.,
URLs to centralized tool downloads isn’t the same as mentoring. penetration testing, composition analysis, threat modeling). Given
Increasingly, mentorship extends to code review tools associated the historical code review data, the SSG can also use the reports to
with deployment artifacts (e.g., container security) and infrastructure demonstrate progress (see [SM3.3]) or drive the training curriculum.
(e.g., cloud configuration). While AI is becoming useful to augment Individual bugs make excellent training examples (see [T2.8]). Some
human code review guidance, it likely doesn’t have the context organizations have moved toward analyzing this data and using the
necessary to replace it. results to drive automation (see [ST3.6]).

[CR2.6: 26] Use custom rules with automated code review [CR3.2: 17] Build a capability to combine AST results.
tools. Combine application security testing (AST) results so that multiple
Create and use custom rules in code review tools to help uncover testing techniques feed into one reporting and remediation process.
security defects specific to the organization’s coding standards or to In addition to code review, testing techniques often include dynamic
the framework-based or cloud-provided middleware the organization analysis, software composition analysis, container scanning, cloud
uses. The same group that provides tool mentoring (see [CR1.7]) will services configuration review, etc. The SSG might write scripts or
likely spearhead this customization. Custom rules are often explicitly acquire software to gather data automatically and combine the
tied to proper usage of technology stacks in a positive sense and results into a format that can be consumed by a single downstream
avoidance of errors commonly encountered in a firm’s codebase in review and reporting solution. The tricky part of this activity is
a negative sense. Custom rules are also an easy way to check for normalizing vulnerability information from disparate sources
adherence to coding standards (see [CR3.5]). To reduce the workload that might use conflicting terminology or scoring. In some cases,
for everyone, many organizations also create rules to remove using a standardized taxonomy (e.g., a CWE-like approach) can
repeated false positives and to turn off checks that aren’t relevant. help with normalization. Combining multiple sources helps drive
better-informed risk mitigation decisions and identify engineering

[CR3.3: 5] Create capability to eradicate bugs. SDLC Touchpoints: Security Testing (ST)
When a security bug is found during code review (see [CR1.2], The Security Testing practice is concerned with prerelease defect
[CR1.4]), the organization searches for and then fixes all occurrences discovery as well as integrating security into standard QA processes.
of the bug, not just the instance originally discovered. Searching with The practice includes the use of opaque-box AST tools (including
custom rules (see [CR2.6]) makes it possible to eradicate the specific fuzz testing) as a smoke test in QA, risk-driven crystal-box test suites,
bug entirely without waiting for every project to reach the code review application of the attack model, and code coverage analysis. Security
portion of its lifecycle. This doesn’t mean finding every instance of testing focuses on vulnerabilities in construction.
every kind of cross-site scripting bug when a specific example is
found—it means going after that specific example everywhere. A [ST1.1: 110] Perform edge/boundary value condition
firm with only a handful of software applications built on a single testing during QA.
technology stack will have an easier time with this activity than firms QA efforts go beyond functional testing to perform basic adversarial
with many large applications built on a diverse set of technology tests and probe simple edge cases and boundary conditions, with
stacks. A new development framework or library, rules in RASP or no particular attacker skills required. When QA pushes past standard
a next-generation firewall, or cloud configuration tools that provide functional testing that uses expected input, it begins to move
guardrails can often help in (but not replace) eradication efforts. toward thinking like an adversary. Boundary value testing, whether
automated or manual, can lead naturally to the notion of an attacker
[CR3.4: 3] Automate malicious code detection. probing the edges on purpose (e.g., determining what happens when
Use automated code review to identify malicious code written by someone enters the wrong password over and over).
in-house developers or outsource providers. Examples of malicious
code include backdoors, logic bombs, time bombs, nefarious [ST1.3: 91] Drive tests with security requirements and
communication channels, obfuscated program logic, and dynamic security features.
code injection. Although out-of-the-box automation might identify QA targets declarative security mechanisms with tests derived
some generic malicious-looking constructs, custom rules for the from security requirements and features. A test could try to access
static analysis tools used to codify acceptable and unacceptable administrative functionality as an unprivileged user, for example, or
patterns in the organization’s codebase will likely become a necessity. verify that a user account becomes locked after some number of
Manual review for malicious code is a good start but insufficient to failed authentication attempts. For the most part, security features
complete this activity at scale. While not all backdoors or similar can be tested in a fashion similar to other software features—security
code were meant to be malicious when they were written (e.g., mechanisms such as account lockout, transaction limitations,
a developer’s feature to bypass authentication during testing), entitlements, etc., are tested with both expected and unexpected
such things tend to stay in deployed code and should be treated input as derived from security requirements. Software security isn’t
as malicious until proven otherwise. Discovering some types of security software, but testing security features is an easy way to get
malicious code will require dynamic testing techniques. started. New software architectures and deployment automation,
such as with container and cloud infrastructure orchestration, might
[CR3.5: 4] Enforce secure coding standards. require novel test approaches.
A violation of secure coding standards is sufficient grounds for
rejecting a piece of code. This rejection can take one or more forms, [ST1.4: 62] Integrate opaque-box security tools into the QA
such as denying a pull request, breaking a build, failing quality process.
assurance, removing from production, or moving the code into a The organization uses one or more opaque-box security testing tools
different development workstream where repairs or exceptions can as part of the QA process. Such tools are valuable because they
be worked out. The enforced portions of an organization’s secure encapsulate an attacker’s perspective, albeit generically. Traditional
coding standards (see [SR3.3]) often start out as a simple list of dynamic analysis scanners are relevant for web applications, while
banned functions or required frameworks. Code review against similar tools exist for cloud environments, containers, mobile
standards must be objective—it shouldn’t become a debate about applications, embedded systems, APIs, etc. In some situations,
whether the noncompliant code is exploitable. In some cases, coding other groups might collaborate with the SSG to apply the tools. For
standards are specific to language constructs and enforced with example, a testing team could run the tool but come to the SSG for
tools (e.g., codified into SAST rules). In other cases, published coding help with interpreting the results. When testing is integrated into
standards are specific to technology stacks and enforced during Agile development approaches, opaque-box tools might be hooked
the code review process or by using automation. Standards can be into internal toolchains, provided by cloud-based toolchains, or used
positive (“do it this way”) or negative (“do not use this API”), but they directly by engineering. Regardless of who runs the opaque-box
must be enforced. tool, the testing should be properly integrated into a QA cycle of the
SSDL and will often include both authenticated and unauthenticated

[ST2.4: 23] Drive QA tests with AST results. [ST3.4: 4] Leverage code coverage analysis.
Share results from application security testing, such as penetration Testers measure the code coverage of their application security
testing, threat modeling, composition analysis, code reviews, etc., testing to identify code that isn’t being exercised and then adjust
with QA teams to evangelize the security mindset. Using security test cases to incrementally improve coverage. AST can include
defects as the basis for a conversation about common attack automated testing (see [ST2.5], [ST2.6]) and manual testing (see
patterns or the underlying causes for them allows QA teams to [ST1.1], [ST1.3]). In turn, code coverage analysis drives increased
generalize this information into new test approaches. Organizations security testing depth. Coverage analysis is easier when using
that leverage software pipeline platforms such as GitHub, or CI/ standard measurements, such as function coverage, line coverage, or
CD platforms such as the Atlassian stack, can benefit from teams multiple condition coverage. The point is to measure how broadly the
receiving various testing results automatically, which should then test cases cover the security requirements, which is not the same as
facilitate timely stakeholder conversations—emailing security reports measuring how broadly the test cases exercise the code.
to QA teams will not generate the desired results. Over time, QA
teams learn the security mindset, and the organization benefits [ST3.5: 3] Begin to build and apply adversarial security tests
from an improved ability to create security tests tailored to the (abuse cases).
organization’s code. QA teams incorporate test cases based on abuse cases (see
[AM2.1]) as testers move beyond verifying functionality and take on
[ST2.5: 34] Include security tests in QA automation. the attacker’s perspective. One way to do this is to systematically
Security tests are included in an automation framework and run attempt to replicate incidents from the organization’s history. Abuse
alongside functional, performance, and other QA test suites. and misuse cases based on the attacker’s perspective can also be
Executing this automation framework can be triggered manually or derived from security policies, attack intelligence, standards, and
through additional automation (e.g., as part of pipeline tooling). When the organization’s top N attacks list (see [AM3.5]). This effort turns
test creators who understand the software create security tests, the corner in QA from testing features to attempting to break the
they can uncover more specialized or more relevant defects than software under test.
commercial tools might (see [ST1.4]). Security tests might be derived
from typical failures of security features (see [SFD1.1]), from creative [ST3.6: 6] Implement event-driven security testing in
tweaks of functional and developer tests, or even from guidance automation.
provided by penetration testers on how to reproduce an issue. Tests The SSG guides implementation of automation for continuous,
that are performed manually or out-of-band likely will not provide event-driven application security testing. An event here is simply a
timely feedback. noteworthy occurrence, such as dropping new code in a repository,
a pull request, a build request, or a push to deployment. Event-driven
[ST2.6: 25] Perform fuzz testing customized to application testing implemented in pipeline automation (rather than testing only
APIs. in production) typically moves the testing closer to the conditions
QA efforts include running a customized fuzzing framework against driving the testing requirement (whether shift left toward design or
APIs critical to the organization. An API might be software that shift right toward operations), repeats the testing as often as the
allows two applications to communicate or even software that event is triggered, and helps ensure that the right testing is executed
allows a human to interact with an application (e.g., a webform). for a given set of conditions. Success with this approach depends on
Testers could begin from scratch or use an existing fuzzing toolkit, the broad use of sensors (e.g., agents, bots) that monitor engineering
but the necessary customization often goes beyond creating custom processes, execute contextual rules, and provide telemetry to
protocol descriptions or file format templates to giving the fuzzing automation that initiates the specified testing whenever event
framework a built-in understanding of application interfaces and conditions are met. More mature configurations typically include risk-
business logic. Test harnesses developed explicitly for specific driven conditions (e.g., size of change, provenance, function, team).
applications make good places to integrate fuzz testing.

[ST3.3: 16] Drive tests with design review results.

Use design review or architecture analysis results to direct QA test
creation. For example, if the results of attempting to break a design
determine that “the security of the system hinges on the transactions
being atomic and not being interrupted partway through,” then torn
transactions will become a primary target in adversarial testing.
Adversarial tests like these can be developed according to a risk
profile, with high-risk flaws at the top of the list. Security defect data
shared with QA (see [ST2.4]) can help focus test creation on areas
of potential vulnerability that can, in turn, help prove the existence of
identified high-risk flaws.

DEPLOYMENT [PT2.3: 55] Schedule periodic penetration tests for
application coverage.
Deployment: Penetration Testing (PT) All applications are tested periodically, which could be tied to a
calendar or a release cycle. High-risk applications could get a
The Penetration Testing practice involves standard outside-in testing
penetration test at least once per year, for example, even if there have
of the sort carried out by security specialists. Penetration testing
not been substantive code changes, while other applications might
focuses on vulnerabilities in preproduction and production code,
receive different kinds of security testing on a similar schedule. Any
providing direct feeds to defect management and mitigation.
security testing performed must focus on discovering vulnerabilities,
[PT1.1: 114] Use external penetration testers to find not just checking a process or compliance box. This testing serves
problems. as a sanity check and helps ensure that yesterday’s software isn’t
External penetration testers are used to demonstrate that the vulnerable to today’s attacks. The testing can also help maintain the
organization’s software needs help. Finding critical vulnerabilities in security of software configurations and environments, especially
high-profile applications provides the evidence that executives often for containers and components in the cloud. One important aspect
require. Over time, the focus of penetration testing moves from trying of periodic security testing across the portfolio is to make sure that
to determine if the code is broken in some areas to a sanity check the problems identified are actually fixed. Software that isn’t an
done before shipping or on a periodic basis. In addition to breaking application, such as automation created for CI/CD, infrastructure-as-
code, this sanity check can also be an effective way to ensure that code, etc., deserves some security testing as well.
vulnerability prevention techniques are both used and effective.
[PT3.1: 30] Use external penetration testers to perform
External penetration testers who bring a new set of experiences and
deep-dive analysis.
skills to the problem are the most useful.
The SSG uses external penetration testers to do a deep-dive analysis
[PT1.2: 102] Feed results to the defect management and on critical software systems or technologies and to introduce fresh
mitigation system. thinking. One way to do this is to simulate persistent attackers
All penetration testing results are fed back to engineering through using goal-oriented red team exercises. These testers are domain
established defect management or mitigation channels, with experts and specialists who keep the organization up to speed
development and operations responding via a defect management with the latest version of the attacker’s perspective and have a
and release process. In addition to application vulnerabilities, track record for breaking the type of software being tested. When
also track results from testing other software such as containers attacking the organization’s software, these testers demonstrate
and infrastructure configuration. Properly done, this exercise a creative approach that provides useful knowledge to the people
demonstrates the organization’s ability to improve the state of designing, implementing, and hardening new systems. Creating new
security and emphasizes the importance of not just identifying but types of attacks from threat intelligence and abuse cases typically
actually fixing security problems. One way to ensure attention is requires extended timelines, which is essential when it comes to new
to add a security flag to the bug-tracking and defect management technologies, and prevents checklist-driven approaches that look only
system. The organization might leverage developer workflow or for known types of problems.
social tooling (e.g., JIRA or Slack) to communicate change requests,
[PT3.2: 21] Customize penetration testing tools.
but these requests are still tracked explicitly as part of a vulnerability
Build a capability to create penetration testing tools, or to adapt
management process.
publicly available ones, to attack the organization’s software more
[PT1.3: 85] Use penetration testing tools internally. efficiently and comprehensively. Creating penetration testing tools
The organization creates an internal penetration testing capability requires a deep understanding of attacks (see [AM2.1], [AM2.8]) and
that uses tools as part of an established process. Execution can technology stacks (see [AM3.4]). Customizing existing tools goes
rest with the SSG or be part of a specialized team elsewhere in beyond configuration changes and extends tool functionality to
the organization, with the tools complementing manual efforts to find new issues. Tools will improve the efficiency of the penetration
improve the efficiency and repeatability of the testing process. The testing process without sacrificing the depth of problems that
tools used will usually include off-the-shelf products built specifically the SSG can identify. Automation can be particularly valuable in
for application penetration testing, network penetration tools that organizations using Agile methodologies because it helps teams go
specifically understand the application layer, container and cloud faster. Tools that can be tailored are always preferable to generic
configuration testing tools, and custom scripts. Free-time or crisis- tools. Success here is often dependent on both the depth and scope
driven efforts aren’t the same as an internal capability. of tests enabled through customized tools.

[PT2.2: 42] Penetration testers use all available information.

Penetration testers, whether internal or external, routinely make use
of artifacts created throughout the SSDL to do more comprehensive
analysis and find more problems. Example artifacts include design
documents, architecture analysis results, misuse and abuse cases,
code review results, cloud environment and other deployment
configurations, and source code if applicable. Focusing on high-risk
applications is a good way to start. Note that having access to SSDL
artifacts is not the same as using them.

Deployment: Software Environment (SE) [SE2.2: 68] Define secure deployment parameters and
The Software Environment practice deals with OS and platform configurations.
patching (including in the cloud), WAFs (web application firewalls), Create deployment automation or installation guides (e.g., standard
installation and configuration documentation, containerization, operating procedures) to help teams and customers install and
orchestration, application monitoring, change management, and code configure software securely. Software here includes applications,
signing. products, scripts, images, firmware, and other forms of code.
Deployment automation usually includes a clearly described
[SE1.1: 88] Use application input monitoring. configuration for software artifacts and the infrastructure-as-code
The organization monitors input to the software that it runs in order (e.g., Terraform, CloudFormation, ARM templates, Helm Charts)
to spot attacks. Monitoring systems that write log files are useful only necessary to deploy them, including details on COTS, open source,
if humans or bots periodically review the logs and take action. For vendor, and cloud services components. All deployment automation
web applications, RASP or a WAF can do this monitoring, while other should be understandable by humans, not just by machines,
kinds of software likely require other approaches, such as custom especially when distributed to customers. Where deployment
runtime instrumentation. Software and technology stacks, such as automation is not applicable, customers or deployment teams need
mobile and IoT, likely require their own input monitoring solutions. installation guides that include hardening guidance and secure
Serverless and containerized software can require interaction with configurations.
vendor software to get the appropriate logs and monitoring data.
Cloud deployments and platform-as-a-service usage can add another [SE2.4: 45] Protect code integrity.
level of difficulty to the monitoring, collection, and aggregation Use code protection mechanisms (e.g., code signing) that allow the
approach. organization to attest to the provenance, integrity, and authorization
of important code. While legacy and mobile platforms accomplished
[SE1.2: 113] Ensure host and network security basics this with point-in-time code signing and permissions activity,
are in place. protecting modern containerized software demands actions in
The organization provides a solid foundation for its software by various lifecycle phases. Organizations can use build systems to
ensuring that host (whether bare metal or virtual machine) and verify sources and manifests of dependencies, creating their own
network security basics are in place across its data centers and cryptographic attestation of both. Packaging and deployment
networks, and that these basics remain in place during new releases. systems can sign and verify binary packages, including code,
Host and network security basics must account for evolving network configuration, metadata, code identity, and authorization to release
perimeters, increased connectivity and data sharing, software-defined material. In some cases, organizations allow only code from their
networking, and increasing dependence on vendors (e.g., content own registries to execute in certain environments. Protecting code
delivery, load balancing, and content inspection services). Doing integrity can also include securing development infrastructure, using
software security before getting host and network security in place is permissions and peer review to govern code contributions, and
like putting on shoes before putting on socks. limiting code access to help protect integrity (see [SE3.9]).

[SE1.3: 92] Implement cloud security controls. [SE2.5: 63] Use application containers to support security
Organizations ensure that cloud security controls are in place and goals.
working for both public and private clouds. Industry best practices The organization uses application containers to support its software
are a good starting point for local policy and standards to drive security goals. Simply deploying containers isn’t sufficient to gain
controls and configurations. Of course, cloud-based assets often security benefits, but their planned use can support a tighter coupling
have public-facing services that create an attack surface (e.g., of applications with their dependencies, immutability, integrity
cloud-based storage) that is different from the one in a private data (see [SE2.4]), and some isolation benefits without the overhead of
center, so these assets require customized security configuration deploying a full operating system on a virtual machine. Containers
and administration. In the increasingly software-defined world, the are a convenient place for security controls to be applied and updated
SSG has to help everyone explicitly configure cloud-specific security consistently (see [SFD3.2]), and while they are useful in development
features and controls (e.g., through cloud provider administration and test environments, their use in production provides the needed
consoles) comparable to those built with cables and physical security benefits.
hardware in private data centers. Detailed knowledge about cloud
provider shared responsibility security models is always necessary to
ensure that the right cloud security controls remain in place.

[SE2.7: 47] Use orchestration for containers and virtualized [SE3.8: 2] Perform application composition analysis on code
environments. repositories.
The organization uses automation to scale service, container, Use composition analysis results to augment software asset
and virtualized environments in a disciplined way. Orchestration inventory information with data on all components comprising
processes take advantage of built-in and add-on security features important applications. Beyond open source (see [SR1.5]), inventory
(see [SFD2.1]), such as hardening against drift, secrets management, information (see [SM3.1]) includes component and dependency
RBAC, and rollbacks, to ensure that each deployed workload meets information for internally developed (first-party), commissioned
predetermined security requirements. Setting security behaviors code (second-party), and external (third-party) software, whether
in aggregate allows for rapid change when the need arises. that software exists as source code or binary. One common way of
Orchestration platforms are themselves software that becomes part documenting this information is to build SBOMs. Doing this manually
of your production environment, which in turn requires hardening is probably not an option—keeping up with software changes likely
and security patching and configuration—in other words, if you use requires toolchain integration rather than carrying this out as a point-
Kubernetes, make sure you patch Kubernetes. in-time activity. This information is extremely useful in supply chain
security efforts (see [SM3.5]).
[SE3.2: 18] Use code protection.
To protect intellectual property and make exploit development [SE3.9: 0] Protect integrity of development
harder, the organization erects barriers to reverse engineering its toolchains.
software (e.g., anti-tamper, debug protection, anti-piracy features, The organization ensures the integrity of software it builds and
runtime integrity). For some software, obfuscation techniques integrates by maintaining and securing all development infrastructure
could be applied as part of the production build and release and preventing unauthorized changes to source code and other
process. In other cases, these protections could be applied at the software lifecycle artifacts. Development infrastructure includes code
software-defined network or software orchestration layer when and artifact repositories, build pipelines, and deployment automation.
applications are being dynamically regenerated post-deployment. Secure the development infrastructure by safely handling and storing
Code protection is particularly important for widely distributed code, secrets, following pipeline configuration requirements, patching tools
such as mobile applications and JavaScript distributed to browsers. and build environments, limiting access to pipeline settings, and
On some platforms, employing Data Execution Prevention (DEP), auditing changes to configurations. Preventing unauthorized changes
Safe Structured Exception Handling (SafeSEH), and Address Space typically includes enforcing least privilege access to code repositories
Layout Randomization (ASLR) can be a good start at making exploit and requiring approval for code commits. Automatically granting
development more difficult, but be aware that yesterday’s protection access for all project team members isn’t sufficient to adequately
mechanisms might not hold up to today’s attacks. protect software integrity.

[SE3.3: 18] Use application behavior monitoring and Deployment: Configuration Management &
diagnostics. Vulnerability Management (CMVM)
The organization monitors production software to look for
The Configuration Management & Vulnerability Management practice
misbehavior or signs of attack. Go beyond host and network
concerns itself with operations processes, patching and updating
monitoring to look for software-specific problems, such as
applications, version control, defect tracking and remediation, and
indications of malicious behavior, fraud, and related issues.
incident handling.
Application-level intrusion detection and anomaly detection systems
might focus on an application’s interaction with the operating system [CMVM1.1: 117] Create or interface with incident
(through system calls) or with the kinds of data that an application response.
consumes, originates, and manipulates. Signs that an application The SSG is prepared to respond to an event or alert and is regularly
isn’t behaving as expected will be specific to the software business included in the incident response process, either by creating its
logic and its environment, so one-size-fits-all solutions probably own incident response capability or by regularly interfacing with
won’t generate satisfactory results. In some types of environments the organization’s existing team. A standing meeting between the
(e.g., platform-as-a-service), some of this data and the associated SSG and the incident response team keeps information flowing
predictive analytics might come from a vendor. in both directions. Having prebuilt communication channels with
critical vendors (e.g., ISP, monitoring, IaaS, SaaS, PaaS) is also very
[SE3.6: 22] Create bills of materials for deployed software.
Create a BOM detailing the components, dependencies, and other
metadata for important production software. Use this BOM to help
the organization tighten its security posture, i.e., to react with agility
as attackers and attacks evolve, compliance requirements change,
and the number of items to patch grows quite large. Knowing where
all the components live in running software—and whether they’re
in private data centers, in clouds, or sold as box products (see
[CMVM2.3])—allows for timely response when unfortunate events

[CMVM1.2: 95] Identify software defects found in operations [CMVM3.1: 14] Fix all occurrences of software defects found
monitoring and feed them back to engineering. in operations.
Defects identified in production through operations monitoring are When a security defect is found in operations (see [CMVM1.2]), the
fed back to development and used to change engineering behavior. organization searches for and fixes all occurrences of the defect in
Useful sources of production defects include incidents, bug bounty operations, not just the one originally reported. Doing this proactively
(see [CMVM3.4]), responsible disclosure (see [CMVM3.7]), SIEMs, requires the ability to reexamine the entire operations software
production logs, customer feedback, and telemetry from cloud inventory (see [CMVM2.3]) when new kinds of defects come to
security posture monitoring, container configuration monitoring, light. One way to approach reexamination is to create a ruleset that
RASP, and similar technologies. Entering production defect data into generalizes deployed defects into something that can be scanned
an existing bug-tracking system (perhaps by making use of a special for via automated code review. In some environments, addressing a
security flag) can close the information loop and make sure that defect might involve removing it from production immediately and
security issues get fixed. In addition, it’s important to capture lessons making the actual fix in some priority order before redeployment.
learned from production defects and use these lessons to change the Use of orchestration can greatly simplify deploying the fix for all
organization’s behavior. In the best of cases, processes in the SSDL occurrences of a software defect (see [SE2.7]).
can be improved based on operations data (see [CMVM3.2]).
[CMVM3.2: 24] Enhance the SSDL to prevent software
[CMVM1.3: 98] Track software defects found in operations defects found in operations.
through the fix process. Experience from operations leads to changes in the SSDL (see
Defects found in operations (see [CMVM1.2]) are entered into [SM1.1]), which can in turn be strengthened to prevent the
established defect management systems and tracked through the reintroduction of defects. To make this process systematic, the
fix process. This tracking ability could come in the form of a two-way incident response postmortem includes a feedback-to-SSDL step.
bridge between defect finders and defect fixers or possibly through The outcomes of the postmortem might result in changes such as
intermediaries (e.g., the vulnerability management team), but make to tool-based policy rulesets in a CI/CD pipeline and adjustments to
sure the loop is closed completely. Defects can appear in all types automated deployment configuration (see [SE2.2]). This works best
of deployable artifacts, deployment automation, and infrastructure when root-cause analysis pinpoints where in the software lifecycle
configuration. Setting a security flag in the defect tracking system an error could have been introduced or slipped by uncaught (e.g., a
can help facilitate tracking. defect escape). DevOps engineers might have an easier time with this
because all the players are likely involved in the discussion and the
[CMVM2.1: 92] Have emergency response. solution. An ad hoc approach to SSDL improvement isn’t sufficient for
The organization can make quick code and configuration changes prevention.
when software (e.g., application, API, microservice, infrastructure)
is under attack. An emergency response team works in conjunction [CMVM3.3: 18] Simulate software crises.
with stakeholders such as application owners, engineering, The SSG simulates high-impact software security crises to ensure
operations, and the SSG to study the code and the attack, find that software incident detection and response capabilities minimize
a resolution, and fix the production code (e.g., push a patch into damage. Simulations could test for the ability to identify and
production, rollback to a known-good state, deploy a new container). mitigate specific threats or could begin with the assumption that a
Often, the emergency response team is the engineering team itself. critical system or service is already compromised and evaluate the
A well-defined process is a must here, a process that has never been organization’s ability to respond. Planned chaos engineering can be
used might not actually work. effective at triggering unexpected conditions during simulations.
The exercises must include attacks or other software security crises
[CMVM2.3: 53] Develop an operations software inventory. at the appropriate software layer to generate useful results (e.g., at
The organization has a map of its software deployments and related the application layer for web applications and at lower layers for IoT
containerization, orchestration, and deployment automation code, devices). When simulations model successful attacks, an important
along with the respective owners. If a software asset needs to be question to consider is the time required for clean up. Regardless,
changed or decommissioned, operations or DevOps teams can simulations must focus on security-relevant software failure, not
reliably identify both the stakeholders and all the places where the on natural disasters or other types of emergency response drills.
change needs to occur. Common components can be noted so that Organizations that are highly dependent on vendor infrastructure
when an error occurs in one application, other applications sharing (e.g., cloud service providers, SaaS, PaaS) and security features will
the same components can be fixed as well. Building an accurate naturally include those things in crisis simulations.
representation of an inventory will likely involve enumerating at least
the source code, the open source incorporated both during the build
and during dynamic production updates, the orchestration software
incorporated into production images, and any service discovery or
invocation that occurs in production.

[CMVM3.4: 30] Operate a bug bounty program. [CMVM3.7: 35] Streamline incoming responsible
The organization solicits vulnerability reports from external vulnerability disclosure.
researchers and pays a bounty for each verified and accepted Provide external bug reporters with a line of communication to
vulnerability received. Payouts typically follow a sliding scale linked internal security experts through a low-friction, public entry point.
to multiple factors, such as vulnerability type (e.g., remote code These experts work with bug reporters to invoke any necessary
execution is worth $10,000 vs. CSRF is worth $750), exploitability organizational responses and to coordinate with external entities
(demonstrable exploits command much higher payouts), or specific throughout the defect management lifecycle. Successful disclosure
service and software versions (widely deployed or critical services processes require insight from internal stakeholders, such as legal,
warrant higher payouts). Ad hoc or short-duration activities, such as marketing, and public relations roles, to simplify and expedite
capture-the-flag contests or informal crowdsourced efforts, don’t decision-making during software security crises (see [CMVM3.3]).
constitute a bug bounty program. Although bug bounties might be important to motivate some
researchers (see [CMVM3.4]), proper public attribution and a
[CMVM3.5: 16] Automate verification of operational low-friction reporting process is often sufficient motivation for
infrastructure security. researchers to participate in a coordinated disclosure. Most
The SSG works with engineering teams to verify with automation organizations will use a combination of easy-to-find landing pages,
the security properties (e.g., adherence to agreed-upon security common email addresses (security@), and embedded product
hardening) of infrastructure generated from controlled self-service documentation when appropriate (security.txt) as an entry point for
processes. Engineers use self-service processes to create networks, external reporters to invoke this process.
storage, containers, and machine instances, to orchestrate
deployments, and to perform other tasks that were once IT’s sole [CMVM3.8: 0] Do attack surface management for deployed
responsibility. In facilitating verification, the organization uses applications.
machine-readable policies and configuration standards (see [SE2.2]) Operations standards and procedures proactively minimize
to automatically detect issues and report on infrastructure that application attack surfaces by using attack intelligence and
does not meet expectations. In some cases, the automation makes application weakness data to limit vulnerable conditions. Finding and
changes to running environments to bring them into compliance, fixing software defects in operations is important (see [CMVM1.2])
but in many cases, organizations use a single policy to manage but so is finding and fixing errors in cloud security models, VPNs,
automation in different environments, such as in multi- and hybrid- segmentation, security configurations for networks, hosts, and
cloud environments. applications, etc., to limit the ability to successfully attack deployed
applications. Combining attack intelligence (see [AM1.5]) with
[CMVM3.6: 3] Publish risk data for deployable artifacts. information about software assets (see [AM2.9]) and a continuous
The organization collects and publishes risk information about view of application weaknesses helps ensure that attack surface
the applications, services, APIs, containers, and other software it management keeps pace with attacker methods. SBOMs (see
deploys. Whether captured through manual processes or telemetry [SE3.6]) are also an important information source when doing attack
automation, published information extends beyond basic software surface management in a crisis.
security (see [SM2.1]) and inventory data (see [CMVM2.3]) to include
risk information. This information usually includes constituency
of the software (e.g., BOMs [SE3.6]), provenance data about what
group created it and how, and the risks associated with known
vulnerabilities, deployment models, security controls, or other security
characteristics intrinsic to each artifact. This approach stimulates
cross-functional coordination and helps stakeholders take informed
risk management action. Making a list of risks that aren’t used for
decision support won’t achieve useful results.


An SSI requires thoughtful staffing with both full-time

and dotted-line people. You can use the descriptions
below to help define roles and responsibilities that 40%
accommodate your needs for execution and growth.

In Part 4 of this report, we provided a summary of the different roles 30%

involved in an SSI. Here, we provide details and data about those


Historically, security initiatives that achieve firm-wide impact are

sponsored by a senior executive who creates an SSG where software
security governance and testing are distinctly separate from software
delivery (even when the groups have many shared responsibilities).
Security initiatives without that executive sponsorship, by
comparison, have historically had little lasting impact across the 0%
firm. By identifying a senior executive and putting them in charge of BSIMM7 BSIMM8 BSIMM9 BSIMM10 BSIMM11 BSIMM12 BSIMM13 BSIMM14

software security, the organization can address two “Management FIGURE 5. PERCENTAGE OF SSGS WITH A CISO AS THEIR NEAREST
101” concerns: accountability and empowerment. EXECUTIVE. Assuming new CISOs generally receive responsibilities for SSIs,
this data suggests that CISO role creation is also flattening out.

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 50 52 54 56


Tech Org









Gen. Counsel

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 50 52 54 56

FIGURE 6. NEAREST EXECUTIVE TO SSG. Although many SSGs have a CISO as their nearest executive, we see a variety of executives overseeing software
security efforts in the 130 BSIMM14 firms.

In BSIMM-V, we saw CISOs as the nearest executive in 21 of 67 firms,
which grew in BSIMM6 to 31 of 78, and again for BSIMM7 with 52 of
95. Since then, the percentage has remained relatively flat even as LEADERS
BSIMM participation has grown, as shown in Figure 5. SSG leaders are individuals in charge of day-to-day efforts in the 130
If we look across all the executives nearest to SSG owners, not just SSIs we studied for BSIMM14. They have a variety of titles, such as
CISOs, we observe a large spread in the reporting path to executive the following:
leadership for BSIMM10 through BSIMM14, as shown in Figure • Application Security Manager
6. The larger purple circles show by percentage the SSG leader’s
• Chief Product Officer
nearest executive in the BSIMM14 data pool, while smaller circles
show the percentages for previous BSIMMs. For example, a CISO • Chief Product Security Officer
is the closest executive in 52% of organizations (67 of 130) in the • Director Cloud and Application Security
BSIMM14 data pool, and that percentage ranged from 50% to 58%
• Director Cybersecurity
in BSIMM7 through BSIMM12. Starting with the BSIMM13 data pool,
we no longer see SSGs reporting to CRO (risk), CAO (assurance), • Director Information Security
CPO (privacy), and General Counsel roles. Note that for BSIMM14, we • Director Product Assurance
added 23 firms and removed 23 others, which also affects analysis • Manager Software Security Office
of reporting chains. Of course, across various organizations, not all
• Product Security Officer
people with the same title perform, prioritize, enforce, or otherwise
provide resources for the same efforts in the same way. • Security Director
CISOs in turn report to different executives among the 130 BSIMM14 • Senior Director Security Engineering
firms. Figure 7 shows that CISOs report most commonly to CIOs (21 • Senior Manager Information Security
of 67, or almost 32% of the time) and report directly to the CEO about
• SVP Engineering
12% of the time (8 of 67).
• SVP Information and Application Security
• VP Cybersecurity
• VP DevSecOps
1.5% • VP Engineering
• VP Information Security
• VP Product Security
• VP Security Architecture
6% • VP Security Compliance
31.3% When the SSG leader is an executive themselves, which happens 12%
of the time (15 out of 130), they are CISOs almost 60% of the time (9
out of 15), with other titles being CTO, CPSO (Chief Product Security
10.4% Officer), and CSO. As shown in Figure 8, SSG leaders are typically
one or two hops from their nearest executive (e.g., a CxO or related
technology organization title). In addition, we observed that this
nearest executive is usually a further two hops away from the CEO.

11.9% SSG Leader Executive CEO


CFO Legal Board CRO COO

1.3 hops 2 hops
CSO CEO CTO Technology CIO
FIGURE 7. TO WHOM THE CISO REPORTS. For the BSIMM14 participants, three or four hops away from the CEO.
the CISO reports to a variety of roles, with the most common being the CIO,
CTO, and a technology executive (e.g., head of engineering, architecture, or

Each of the 130 initiatives in BSIMM14 has an SSG—an organizational In addition to the SSG, many SSIs have identified individuals (often
group dedicated to software security. In fact, without an SSG, developers, testers, architects, cloud and DevOps engineers,
successfully carrying out BSIMM activities across a software portfolio and other SDLC roles) who are a driving force in improving
is very unlikely, so the creation of such a group is a crucial first step. software security but are (likely) not directly employed in the
The SSG might start as a team of one—just the SSG leader—and SSG. We historically refer to this group as the satellite, while
expand over time. The SSG might be entirely a corporate team, entirely many organizations today refer to them as their software security
an engineering team, or an appropriate hybrid. The team’s name might champions. A satellite can enable an SSI to scale its efforts while
also have an appropriate organizational focus, such as application reducing dependency on the SSG team, and there appears to be
security group or product security group, or perhaps DevSecOps. a correlation between a higher BSIMM score and the presence of
champions, as shown in Figure 9. Having security champions carry
Some SSGs are highly distributed across a firm whereas others are
out software security activities removes SSG members from the
centralized. Even within the most distributed organizations, we find that
engineering critical path and empowers engineering teams to own
software security activities are almost always coordinated by an SSG.
their software security deliverables and share responsibility for
Although no two of the 130 firms we examined had exactly the same software security objectives.
SSG structure, we did observe some commonalities. At the highest
Security champions are often chosen for software portfolio
level, SSGs seem to come in five overlapping structures:
coverage (with one or two members in each engineering group),
• Organized to provide software security services and sometimes for reasons such as technology stack coverage or
• Organized around setting and verifying adherence to policy geographical reach. The satellite can act as a sounding board for the
• Designed to mirror business unit organizations feasibility and practicality of proposed software security changes and
improvements. Understanding how SSI governance changes might
• Organized with a hybrid policy and services approach affect project timelines and budgets helps the champions proactively
• Structured around managing a matrixed team of experts doing identify potential frictions and minimize them.
software security work across the development or engineering
A successful satellite gets together regularly to compare notes, learn
new technologies, and expand stakeholder understanding of the
Table 4 shows SSG-related statistics across the 130 BSIMM14 firms, organization’s software security challenges. Motivated individuals
but note that a large outlier affects the numbers this year. The “Notes” often share digital work products, such as sensors, code, scripts,
column shows the effect of removing outliers, or the top 10 firms, tools, and security features, rather than, e.g., getting together
for that SSG characteristic. When planning the size and structure of to discuss enacting a new policy. Specifically, these proactive
your own SSG, consider the number of developers and applications champions are working bottom-up and delivering software security
to determine what resources you need to scale the SSI. Refer to features and awareness through implementation.
Appendix H for more details on how SSGs evolve over time.
For more information about security champions, refer to Appendix G.


SSG Size 27.1 8.5 892.0 1.0 Average drops to 20.4 (one outlier)
SSG Members to Developer Ratio Average drops to 2.09 (no top 10)
3.87 1.38 51.43 0.02
(per 100 Developers)
SSG to Developer Ratio (700+ Developers) -
1.61 0.69 14.87 0.02
66 Firms (per 100 Developers)
SSG to Developer Ratio (Less than 700
6.19 2.33 51.43 0.33
Developers) - 64 Firms (per 100 Developers)
Number of Developers 2,059 700 30,000 25
Number of Applications 741.24 121.00 8000.00 1.00
SSG Age 5.20 4.50 23.00 0.10
Satellite to Developer Ratio (per 100 Average drops to 4.82 (one outlier)
5.57 1.74 102.20 0.00
Satellite to Developer Ratio (700+ Developers)
4.75 2.00 57.14 0.00
- 66 Firms (per 100 Developers)
Satellite to Developer Ratio (Less than 700
6.43 0.10 102.20 0.00
Developers) - 64 Firms (per 100 Developers)
SSG to Application Ratio (per 100 Developers) 81.81 8.79 2000.00 0.07 Average drops to 51.84 (one outlier)

TABLE 4. THE SOFTWARE SECURITY GROUP. We calculated the ratio of full-time SSG members to developers for the entire data pool by averaging the individual
ratio for each participating firm. In the Notes column, we show the impact of removing outliers in the data.

• Executives and middle management, including business owners
KEY STAKEHOLDERS and product managers, must understand how early investment
SSIs are truly cross-departmental efforts that involve a variety of in security design and analysis affects the degree to which users
stakeholders: will trust their products. Business requirements should explicitly
• Builders, including developers, architects, and their managers, address security needs, including security-related compliance.
must practice security engineering, taking some responsibility Any sizable business today depends on software to work; thus,
for both the definition of “secure enough” as well as ensuring that software security is a business necessity. Executives are also
what’s delivered achieves the desired posture. An SSI requires the group that must provide resources for new efforts that
collaboration between the SSG and these engineering teams to directly improve software security and must actively support
carry out the activities described in the BSIMM. digital transformation efforts related to infrastructure- and
• Testers typically conduct functional and feature testing, but
moving on to include security testing is very useful. Some • GRC, legal, and data privacy specialists form an integral part
testers are beginning to anticipate how software architectures of the software security effort in some firms, combining forces
and infrastructures can be attacked and are working to find an with security specialists when engaging with engineering. They
appropriate balance between automated and manual testing to might be responsible for analysis of contract terms, regulatory
ensure adequate security testing coverage. and compliance requirements including privacy regulations,
definition of privacy requirements, and tracking of PII and other
• Operations teams must continue to design, defend, and maintain
regulated data categories. This has become increasingly common
resilient environments because software security doesn’t end
in response to requirements such as GDPR, CCPA, and other
when software is “shipped.” In accelerating trends, development
and operations are collapsing into one or more DevOps teams,
and the business functionality delivered is becoming very • Procurement and vendor management need to communicate
dynamic. This means that an increasing amount of security effort, and enforce security requirements with vendors, including those
including infrastructure controls and security configuration, is who supply on-premises products, custom software, and SaaS.
becoming software defined (and that software should also be Software supply chain vendors are increasingly subjected to
secure). software security SLAs and reviews (such as the PCI SSF and the
Secure Software Development Framework [SSDF]) to help ensure
• Administrators must understand the distributed nature of
that their products are the result of an SSDL. Of course, not all
modern systems, create and maintain secure configurations, and
software (e.g., open source) comes from a vendor. Procurement
practice the principle of least privilege, especially when it comes
and vendor management play a vital role but aren’t the only
to host, network, infrastructure, and cloud services for deployed
stakeholders responsible for managing software supply chain risk.

10 of 26 of the
47 of 78 of the
23 of 26 of the
bottom 20% of firms middle 60% of firms top 20% of firms
have champions have champions have champions

FIGURE 9. THE SATELLITE AND THE BSIMM SCORE. Eighty-eight percent of the top-scoring firms in the BSIMM14 data pool have a satellite (security
champions). In contrast, fewer than 40% of bottom-scoring firms have one.

• Enabling. An enabling SSI ensures that all stakeholders can meet
B. HOW TO BUILD OR UPGRADE their objectives without putting the organization at unacceptable
AN SSI risk. The following are important principles for an enabling SSI:
- There is continuous evangelizing about the best way for all
Putting someone in charge is just a first step in building stakeholders to meet security expectations, ensuring that the
an SSI, there will be iterations of planning, growth, path of least resistance for development and deployment is
measurement, and bridge-building. You can use the also the most secure path, along with investing to proactively
processes below to guide your SSI’s growth from newly overcome various people, process, technology, and cultural
emerging through dependable maturity. growing pains.
- The evolutionary needs of the SSI are harmonized with the
The BSIMM is not just a long-term software security study or a goals of business initiatives, such as digital transformation,
single-purpose SSI benchmarking tool—it also eases management open source use, and cloud adoption.
and evolution for anyone in charge of software security, whether - A mature and integrated response to process and technical risk
that person is currently in a central governance-focused position invokes an innovation engine to make reasonably future-proof
or in a more local engineering-focused team. Firms of all maturity solutions.
levels, sizes, and verticals use the BSIMM as a reference guide when - The use of culturally engrained approaches to automation,
building new SSIs or evolving their initiatives through various maturity blameless review of failures, and protection of critical
and stakeholder ownership phases over time. resources—people, for example—allow more time to tackle
security innovation.
We often refer to SSIs we’ve seen as being in one of three broad - A platform engineering perspective removes security activity
states—emerging, maturing, and enabling—which we describe as silos and ensures that all telemetry and benefits are available to
follows: all stakeholders everywhere.
• Emerging. An emerging SSI has defined its initial strategy, chosen It’s compelling to imagine that organizations could reach a state
foundational activities (e.g., those observed most frequently in of emerging, maturing, or enabling simply by applying a certain
the data pool), acquired some resources, and created a general number or mix of activities to specific percentages of the staff and
roadmap for the next 18 months. SSI leaders are likely resource- software portfolio, but that doesn’t happen. Experience shows that
constrained on both people and budget, so the SSG is usually SSIs usually reach an emerging stage by organizing all the ad hoc
small and uses compliance requirements or other executive software security efforts they’re already doing into one program. SSIs
mandates to drive participation and to continue adding activities. usually proceed to the maturing stage by focusing on the activities
These leaders require strong, visible, and ongoing executive that are right for them without regard for the total activity count. This
support to manage frictions with key stakeholders who are is especially true when considering the complexity of scaling some
resistant to adopting foundational process discipline. activities across 100, 1,000, or 10,000+ applications or people.
• Maturing. A maturing SSI has an in-place team, defined
Organizations rarely move their entire SSI from emerging to enabling
processes for interacting with software security stakeholders,
all at once. We have seen SSIs form, break up, and re-form over time,
and a documented software security approach that is clearly
so an SSI might shift between emerging, maturing, and enabling
connected to executive expectations for both managing software
a few times over the years. In addition, capabilities within an SSI
security risk and progressing along a roadmap to scale security
(e.g., supply chain security or training) likely won’t progress through
capabilities. A maturing SSI is learning from its existing efforts,
the same states at the same rate. We’ve noted cases where one
likely making consistent, incremental improvements in the SSDL
capability—vendor management, for example—might be emerging,
and key security integrations. Example improvements include:
while the defect management capability is maturing, and the defect
- Reducing friction across business and development discovery capability is in the enabling stage. There is also constant
stakeholders change in tools, skill levels, external expectations, attackers, attacks,
- Protecting people’s productivity gains through automation resources, culture, and everything else. You can use the BSIMM14
investments participants scorecard (see Figure 17 in Appendix D) to see the
- Building bridges to other parts of the firm through evangelism, frequency with which the BSIMM activities are observed across all
defect discovery, software supply chain protection, and incident participants, but use your own metrics to determine if you’re making
response the progress that’s right for you.
- Undergoing a shift everywhere transformation to efficiently test
software artifacts as soon as appropriate CONSTRUCTION LESSONS FROM THE
- Adjusting the security strategy to keep pace with changes in
risk and risk management processes
- Finding solutions to systemic problems and making them The purpose of the BSIMM is to measure SSIs. While the BSIMM
broadly available as reusable, pre-approved IP doesn’t directly measure SSI architecture, evolution, or motivations,
- Responding quickly when attacks or other circumstances our experience with more than 273 organizations since 2008 has
uncover a lack of resiliency highlighted cultural differences in SSI implementations.
No SSI is built in a vacuum. Whether your SSI is just emerging or has
some capabilities in the maturing stage, knowledge from both the

struggles and successes of other organizations can save you time

Early 2000s
and disruption. As software security becomes an important goal for Executive-led Engineering-led
any organization, multiple internal groups might each be taking their Compliance-oriented Procedure-oriented
own approach to their goals. Understanding and harmonizing these
cultural and technological views into a single SSI is important to
long-term success.
Centralized governance

Circa 2006
Cultures (SSG)

Whether implicitly or explicitly, organizations choose the path for

their software security journey by tailoring goals, methods, tools, 2nd-generation
resources, and approaches according to their individual cultures. Engineering-led efforts
There have always been two distinct cultures in the BSIMM (DevOps)
• Organizations where the SSG was started by executives in a
central corporate group (e.g., under a CISO) as a full-time role
and chartered with software security governance, including Corporate Modern hybrids Engineering

(GRC) (DevSecOps) (Self-Service)
compliance, testing, remediation monitoring, and risk
management. This SSG stayed in the corporate organization
chart, had the power to enact organization-wide policy, and
expanded its efforts outward through, for example, tooling and Corporate Engineering
security champions. This path was seen most often in regulated
industries such as banking, insurance, FinTech, and healthcare FIGURE 10. SSG EVOLUTION. These groups might have started in corporate
but was also seen in ISV and technology firms. or in engineering but, in general, settled on enforcing compliance with tools.
The new wave of engineering efforts is shifting where SSGs live, what they
• Organizations where the SSG was started by engineering focus on, who is accountable for what, and how stakeholders work together.
technical leadership (e.g., senior application architects) as a
part-time role and focused on technical software security efforts,
implementations go only so far in formally implementing software
such as configuration hardening, technology stack standards,
security risk management as a culture.
secure coding standards, and security tool integration, which
was often done for a single toolchain or project. As evangelism Today, as you start or plan a major revamp of your SSI, just get
efforts convinced other development projects to use the same started. You can start in corporate, or you can start in engineering.
technical controls, the technical leadership usually worked with a You can start with governance as a top priority, or you can focus on
CTO, VP Engineering, or other technology executive to establish some technical controls. In any case, history seems to show that
a centralized security function within the engineering domain. SSIs gravitate toward a focus on policy along with process that
The centralized function—often still part time—then used its ensures adherence. Yours likely will as well.
influence to establish its own type of governance, which was
often peer pressure to set some development process, create
A New Wave in Engineering Culture
and manage security standards, and ensure that the silos of Over the past few years, we’re seeing a new wave of software
engineering, testing, and operations were aware of and adhered security efforts emerging from engineering teams. These teams are
to general security expectations. This path was most often seen usually responsible for delivering a product or value stream—such as
in technology, cloud, and ISV firms but was also seen in other is common within ISVs—or maintaining a technology domain—such
verticals. as the “cloud security group” or a part of some digital transformation
group. Some organizations refer to these collective security efforts as
site reliability engineering, DevSecOps, or GitOps security, and some
Whether your SSI is just emerging or have no specific name for it at all.
has some capabilities in the maturing At least three factors are driving these new efforts:
stage, knowledge f rom both the • The confluence of process friction, unpredictable impacts on
struggles and successes of other delivery schedules, adversarial internal relationships, and a
growing number of human-intensive processes from existing
organizations can save you time and
SSIs; top-down governance doesn’t fit culturally or technologically
disruption. with new engineering processes.
• The demands and pressures from modern software delivery
Regardless of its origin point, each culture usually arrived at an SSI practices, be they cultural such as Agile and DevOps, or
driven by a centralized, dedicated SSG whose function is to ensure technology-based such as cloud- and orchestration-based; gates
that appropriate software security activities are happening across the and checkpoints built for maximum assurance often cause
portfolio. That is, nearly all SSIs that are more than a couple of years unacceptable disruption in processes built for speed.
old are driven top-down by governance objectives, even those started
• The shift to engineer self-service, typically seen as self-service
by engineering for engineering. Evangelism, peer pressure, and local

IT (cloud), configuration and deployment (DevOps), and
development (open source use and continuous integration); the
ability to instantiate infrastructure and pipelines is also the ability ize Pla
tim n
to integrate your own security tools and configurations.

This new software security effort is frequently happening
independently from the lessons learned that an experienced SSG might
provide. In addition, this effort is driving many application lifecycle
processes ever faster, regardless of whether the organization is ready SSI MATURING
to do software security risk management at that speed. CYCLE

The governance-oriented approaches we’ve seen for years, along

with this new wave of engineering-oriented efforts, are increasingly

coexisting within the same organization. In addition, they often have
competing objectives, which is pulling traditional governance-driven
Emerging SSI
programs into modern and evolving hybrids. Figure 10 shows this
P il o t
ongoing SSG evolution.
The important lesson here is that this is likely happening in your
organization as well—perhaps narrowly in a few development teams Build new capability
or perhaps broadly as a culture shift across all of engineering.
Taking an SSI to the maturing stage—and possibly to enabling, as FIGURE 11. MOVING FROM EMERGING TO MATURING. Building an emerging
well—requires acknowledging this engineering effort and building SSI usually focuses on collecting activities into a single program. Moving
bridges between all stakeholders who have ownership of the different from emerging to maturing requires ongoing iterative improvements and
aspects of software security. It also requires acknowledging that expansions. Piloting new capabilities (e.g., security champions or software
supply chain risk management) likely requires reapplying the emerging
these different stakeholders have different business objectives and approach for a specific set of activities.
different views of risk, risk management, and risk tolerance relative
to those objectives. Ensuring that everyone can meet their objective
seeing platforms like GitHub, Azure DevOps, and GitLab competing
while also keeping the organization safe is a major goal for every SSI.
by using security as a differentiator. Evolving vendor-provided
Understanding More About DevOps features might be signaling to both the marketplace and adopting
organizations that vendors believe security must be included in
The DevOps movement has highlighted the tensions between
developer tools and that engineering security initiatives should feel
established SSIs and engineering efforts that address software
comfortable relying on these external platforms as the basis of their
security their way in their own processes. Given different objectives,
security telemetry and even their governance workflows.
we find that the outcomes desired by these two approaches are
usually very different. Rather than the top-down, compliance-driven Again, the important lesson is that this is likely happening in your
style of governance-minded teams, these newer engineering-minded organization as well. Your path to an emerging or mature SSI must
teams are more likely to prototype good ideas for securing software, account for this federation of software security responsibilities and
which results in the creation of even more code and infrastructure use of external providers, yet also enable every stakeholder to meet
on the critical path to delivery (e.g., security features, home-spun their business and security objectives.
vulnerability discovery, security guardrails).
Convergence as a Goal
Here, security is just another aspect of quality, and availability is
We frequently observe governance-oriented SSIs planning centrally,
just another aspect of resilience. To keep pace with both software
seeking to proactively define an ideal risk posture during their
development process changes (e.g., CI/CD adoption) and technology
emerging or early maturity phases. Initial uptake of the provided
architecture changes (e.g., cloud, container, and orchestration
controls (e.g., security testing) is usually by those teams that have
adoption), engineering efforts are independently evolving both how
experienced real security issues and are looking for help, while other
they apply software security activities and, in some cases, what
teams might take a wait-and-see approach.
activities they apply. The changes these engineering teams are making
include downloading and integrating their own security tools, spinning We also observe that engineering efforts prototype controls
up self-service cloud infrastructure and virtual assets as they need incrementally, building on existing tools and techniques that already
them, following policy on the use of OSS in applications but routinely drive software delivery. Gains happen quickly in these emerging
downloading many other open source packages to build and manage efforts, perhaps given the steady influx of new tools and techniques
software and processes, etc. Engineering efforts and their associated introduced by engineering but also helped along by the fact that
fast-paced evolutionary changes are putting governance-driven SSIs each team is usually working in a homogenous culture on a single
in a race to retroactively document, communicate, and even automate application and technology stack. Even so, these groups sometimes
the knowledge they hold so that it can be useful to everyone. struggle to institutionalize durable gains, usually because the
engineers have not yet been able to turn capability into either secure-
Cloud service providers, software pipeline and orchestration
by-default functionality or automation-friendly assurance—at least
platforms, and even QA tools have also begun adding their view of
not beyond the most frequently encountered security issues and
software security in their feature sets. For example, organizations are
beyond their own spheres of influence.

Engineering groups tend to view security as an enabler of software
features and code quality. These groups recognize the need for
having security standards but tend to prefer incremental steps It’s unlikely that any organization is doing nothing about software
toward governance-as-code as opposed to a large-manual-steps- security. Even an organization without a formal initiative or a defined
with-human-review approach to enforcement. This tends to owner likely has some software security policy, AST, and processes
result in engineers building security features and frameworks into for working with stakeholders. Provided below are actionable steps
architectures, automating defect discovery techniques within a for consolidating an ad hoc effort into an emerging SSI. Keep in
software delivery pipeline, and treating security defects like any other mind that most SSIs are multiyear efforts with real budget, mandate,
defect. Traditional human-driven security decisions are modeled and ownership behind them, though. In addition, while all initiatives
into a software-defined workflow as opposed to being written into look different and are tailored to fit a particular organization, most
a document and implemented in a separate risk workflow handled initiatives share common core activities (see Table 7 in Appendix D).
outside of engineering. In this type of culture, it’s not that the Figure 12 organizes the steps and suggested timeline to establish
traditional SDLC gates and risk decisions go away, it’s that they get an emerging SSI, along with the associated BSIMM activities. It also
implemented differently and usually have different goals compared includes a notional level of effort anticipated across people and budget,
to those of the governance groups. SSGs, and likely champions as well as estimated duration, all on a 1 – 3 scale. The effort and cost
groups as well, that begin to support this approach will speed up both to reach each of these goals will vary across companies, of course, but
convergence of various efforts and alignment with corporate risk is primarily affected by risk objectives, organizational structure, and
management goals. portfolio size. For example, deploying on-site static analysis across 10
To summarize the lessons from the participants, scaling an emerging applications using a common pipeline in one business unit will likely
SSI across a software portfolio is hard for everyone, and stakeholders have a lower level of effort than deploying that static analysis across
need to understand the lessons above before investing heavily in the 10 applications built in 10 toolchains in 10 business units.
journey from emerging to maturing. Today’s evolving cultural and Note that the getting started roadmap shown in Figure 12 includes
technological environments require a concerted effort at converging some activities that have a high impact for emerging SSIs even
governance and engineering objectives to create a cohesive SSI that though they appear to be rarely observed in the BSIMM data pool.
ensures the software portfolio is appropriately protected. This happens because newly added BSIMM activities start with an
observation rate of zero (e.g., [ST3.6] added for BSIMM11). These
are foundational activities, even if organizations are just starting to

Inventory Deploy Defect
Create a Document and Infrastructure Manage Publish and
Applications Discovery for
PHASE Software Socialize the Security in Discovered Promote the
in the SSG’s High-Priority
Security Group SSDL Software Defects Process
Purview Applications

SM1.1 SM1.4
CP1.1 SM2.7 SM3.4
AM3.5 CP1.3
CR2.7 SR1.1

AM1.2 SM1.3
T1.1 SR1.2
DEFECT SFD1.2 SR1.5 PT1.2 ST3.6

● ● ● ●
● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
People Budget Duration
The arrow of time (x-axis) is a notional order of efforts. Although this diagram appears to depict a waterfall process, many of these efforts will be happening at
the same time and some will be repeated multiple times.

FIGURE 12. GETTING STARTED ROADMAP WITH NOTIONAL EFFORTS. This roadmap is supplemented with relative effort levels so that organizations can plan
the resources needed for their emerging SSI.

add them to their journeys. Importantly, the steps described here
are not specific to where in the organization the SSG is created. The Checklist for emerging SSIs
SSG can be centralized in a governance group or an engineering 1. Create an SSG. Put a dedicated group in charge and
group, or it can be federated across both. Regardless, governance give them resources.
and engineering functions will have to cooperate to ensure the
achievement of organizational software security goals. 2. Document and socialize the SSDL. Tell all
stakeholders the expectations for software security.
Note that an SSG leader with a young initiative (e.g., less than 18
months) working on foundations should not expect or set out to 3. Inventory applications. Decide on what you’re going
quickly implement too many BSIMM activities. Firms can absorb only to focus on first, then apply good risk management.
a limited amount of technology, hiring, cultural, and process change 4. Apply infrastructure security. Don’t put good
at any given time. The BSIMM14 data shows that SSIs having an age software on bad systems or in poorly constructed
of 18 months or less at the time of assessment (22 of 130 firms) networks (cloud or otherwise).
have an average score of about 33.
5. Deploy defect discovery. Determine the issues in
Following are some details on the steps shown in Figure 12. The today’s in-progress and production applications, then
included activity references are meant to help the reader understand plan for tomorrow.
the associations between the topic being discussed and one or more
6. Manage discovered defects. Resolving issues
BSIMM activities. Note that the references don’t mean the topic being
reduces risk.
discussed is fully equivalent to the activity. For example, when we
say, “…initial inventory [AM1.2]” (i.e., Use a data classification scheme 7. Publish and promote. Roll out the secure SDLC and
for software inventory), we don’t mean that having the initial inventory promote it both bottom-up and top-down.
encompasses the totality of [AM1.2], just that having it will likely be
something you’ll do on your way to implementing [AM1.2]. To continue
using [AM1.2] as an example, most organizations will not set about Getting the word out about the organization’s top risks and what can
implementing this activity and get it all done all at once. Instead, an be done about them is a key part of the SSG’s job. We observe these
organization will likely create an initial classification scheme and leaders using every channel possible (e.g., town halls, brown bags,
inventory, implement a process to keep the inventory up to date, and communities of practice forums, messaging channels) to socialize the
then decide how to create a view that’s meaningful for stakeholders. software security message and raise awareness of the SSDL [SM2.7].
Every activity has its own nuances and components, and every
organizational evolution path for its emerging SSI will be unique. Inventory Applications
One of the first activities for any SSG is to create an initial inventory
Create a Software Security Group of the application portfolio under its purview [AM1.2, CMVM2.3].
The most important first step for all SSIs is to have a dedicated As a starting point, the inventory should include each application’s
SSG that can get resources and drive organizational change, even important characteristics (e.g., programming language, architecture
if it’s a group of one person coordinating organizational efforts. type, open source used [SR1.5]). Particularly useful for monitoring
The SSG must then understand which software security goals are and incident response activities [CMVM1.1], many organizations will
important to the business and establish policy and process to drive include relevant operational data in the inventory (e.g., where the
everyone in that direction. At a minimum, the SSG should identify the application is deployed, owners, emergency contacts).
risk management, compliance, and contractual requirements that Inventory efforts tend to favor a top-down approach in the beginning,
the organization must adhere to [CP1.1]. Using awareness training usually starting with a questionnaire to elicit data from business
[T1.1] to then help ensure that everyone understands their security managers who serve as application owners, then using tools to find
responsibility is a common approach. OSS. The SSG also tends to focus on understanding where sensitive
The SSG must work with engineering teams to establish a common data resides and flows (e.g., PII inventory) [CP2.1] and the resulting
understanding of the approach to software security. The approach business risk level associated with the application (e.g., critical, high,
might be to set up automated defect discovery, address security medium, low).
questions from developers with reusable security features [SFD1.1], When working with engineering teams, these efforts commonly
and act as an advisor for design decisions [SFD1.2]. attempt to extract software inventory data from the tools used to
manage IT assets. By scraping these software and infrastructure
Document and Socialize the SSDL configuration management databases or code repositories, the SSG
Publish security policies and standards through established GRC crafts an inventory brick by brick rather than top-down.
channels to complement existing IT security standards or create
Maintaining an application inventory is a capability to be built over
those channels as necessary to secure the SDLC. The SSG can also
time rather than a one-time effort. To remain accurate and current,
create a security portal (e.g., website or wiki) that houses SSDL
the inventory must be regularly monitored and updated. As with all
information centrally [SR1.2]. Similar to the approach for prioritizing
data currency efforts, it’s important to make sure the data isn’t overly
defect discovery efforts by categorizing attacks and bugs [AM3.5,
burdensome to collect and is periodically spot-checked for validity.
CR2.7], we observe these emerging SSIs driving initial standards
Organizations should favor automation for application discovery and
creation from industry top risks, leveraging general sources such as
management whenever possible.
MITRE, ISO, and NIST to form baseline requirements.

Apply Infrastructure Security Manage Discovered Defects
Bad infrastructure security can undermine good software security, Unaddressed security defects are unmanaged risks. At first, there
which means the SSG must ensure that host and network security will be a large backlog of discovered security defects that will have
basics are in place [SE1.2] as well as cloud security controls [SE1.3]. to be bundled and passed through the risk exception process and
Security engineers might begin by conducting this work manually, prioritized into the development backlog. After resolving the technical
then baking these settings and changes into their software-defined debt, the ongoing defect management process should be designed
infrastructure scripts [SE2.2] to ensure both consistent use within a to deal with security defects as they are introduced to prevent their
development team and scalable sharing across the organization. release into production systems.
Forward-looking organizations that have adopted software and When security defects are discovered, it is the responsibility of the
network orchestration technologies [SE2.7] (e.g., Kubernetes, Envoy, SSI to make sure they are logged and tracked through to completion
Istio) get maximum impact from them with the efforts of even an [CMVM1.3]. Security defects can come from diverse sources,
individual contributor, such as a security-minded DevOps engineer. including penetration testers [PT1.2], security tooling [CR1.4], and
Though many of the technologies in which security engineers specify operations [CMVM1.2] and ideally are logged in a single source of
hardening and security settings are human-readable, engineering truth for tracking purposes.
groups don’t typically take the time to extract and distill a document-
based security policy from these codebases. Publish and Promote the Process
With a strategy in hand, an understanding of the portfolio, and
Deploy Defect Discovery security expectations set with engineering teams, the SSG
Regardless of business drivers, one of the quickest ways of documents the SSDL [SM1.1] and begins collecting telemetry
transitioning unknown risk to managed risk is through defect [SM1.4]. The SSDL should include clearly documented goals,
discovery. Use automated tools, both static and dynamic, to provide roles, responsibilities, and activities. The most usable SSDLs
fast, regular insight into the portfolio security posture, with experts include process diagrams and provide contextual details for each
doing detailed testing for important applications [AA1.1, CMVM3.4]. stakeholder. Many organizations seeking to consolidate ad hoc
While not necessarily done for the entire application portfolio, efforts into an emerging SSI will find a variety of SSDLs in use
conducting some targeted vulnerability discovery to get a feel for across engineering teams. In these cases, the new SSDL might be
the current risk posture allows firms to motivate the necessary a replacement for all such approaches, but it might also have some
conversations with stakeholders to gain buy-in and prioritize parts that are abstract enough to account for all processes until they
remediation. Organizations tend to determine their high-priority can be rolled into the new approach. Publication of this process is
applications via risk ranking [AA1.4]. Phase in a combination of also a good time for the SSG to start a software security hub where
manual testing techniques against these high-priority applications the SSG can disseminate knowledge about the process and about
and rely on automated testing techniques for portfolio coverage. software security as a whole [SR1.2].
Static and dynamic software testing techniques each provide unique In a top-down approach, organizations favor creating policy [CP1.3]
views into an application’s security posture. Static analysis can and standards [SR1.1] that can be followed and audited like any other
look for issues inside the code the organization develops [CR1.4] business process. Rather than documents, however, engineering
and inside third-party components [SR1.5]. Dynamic application teams might favor implementing their part of an SSDL inside of
security tests [ST1.4] can uncover immediately exploitable issues pipelines [SM3.4] and scripts [ST3.6] or by prescribing reusable
and help provide steps to reproduce attacks. In addition, QA groups security blocks that meet expectations. Over time, the SSG will also
can help ensure that development streams are adhering to security have to deliver some policy in the form of governance-as-code in
expectations. All these testing results assist with prioritization and engineering pipelines [SM1.4].
displaying impact to executive leadership. While executives have likely been engaged to get the SSI to this point,
Manual testing efforts generally start by bringing in third-party this is a good time to ensure that they’re being regularly kept up to
assessors [PT1.1] on a regular cadence, either upon major date with software security. Remember, executive teams need to
milestones or, more commonly, as a periodic out-of-band exercise understand not only how the SSI is performing but also how other
to assess the most critical applications. Even where an internal firms are solving software security problems and the ramifications of
penetration testing function exists, a third party periodically bringing not investing in software security [SM1.3].
in a unique perspective will be beneficial.
Progress to the Next Step in Your Journey
Note that engineering groups will tend to favor empowering pipelines
and testers with automation and allow engineering leadership or Usually done as part of moving to the mature stage, the SSG then
individual engineering teams to define some aspects of mandatory proceeds to scale the SSI. For example, this scaling might be done
testing and remediation timelines. It’s important to ensure static, by creating a champions program, improving the inventory capability
dynamic, and manual testing creates minimal unnecessary friction in based on lessons learned, automating the basics, doing more
engineering processes. prevention, and then repeating. As the initiative matures and the
business grows, there will be new challenges for the SSG to address,
so it will be crucial to ensure that feedback loops are in place for the
program to consistently measure its progress and maturity.

Checklist for maturing SSIs
OBJECTIVES 1. Unify structure and consolidate efforts. Formalize
This section provides an expanded view of an SSI journey. With the organization, staffing, objectives, budgets, and
foundations established, SSG leaders shift their attention to scaling approach, then tell everybody about it.
risk-based controls across the entire software portfolio and enabling
2. Expand security controls. Increase program impact
development to find and fix issues early in the software lifecycle. The
through policy, testing, training, and other quick wins.
SSI has likely reached the emerging stage across multiple capabilities
(see Figure 12) and is maturing specific aspects of its initiative. That 3. Engage development. Use security champions
maturing includes both adding new activities and scaling existing to build bridges and harmonize software security
ones (see Figure 11). It especially includes building bridges between objectives.
various software security efforts in corporate and engineering 4. Inventory and select in-scope software. Expand the
groups. application inventory to include all software, not just
This section on maturing an SSI repeats some of the foundational applications.
BSIMM activities from the “Starting an SSI: Getting to an Emerging 5. Enforce security basics everywhere. Use
State” section. We do this because most organizations won’t treat automation to ensure that you run software only on
SSI creation as a waterfall process. Instead, they will, for example, good systems (cloud or otherwise).
establish policy, set up a champions program, deploy defect
discovery tools, etc., in overlapping, incremental improvement cycles. 6. Integrate defect discovery and prevention. Use
In addition, many organizations will determine in the emerging phase automation and integration to scale and shift defect
that some activities can wait a bit while engaging in other, more discovery and prevention everywhere.
necessary, software security efforts. In either case, this is a good 7. Upgrade incident response. Ensure that software
place for a reminder to keep working on foundational activities. security experts are involved in all software security
events and improve the program from lessons
Unify Structure and Consolidate Efforts learned.
Ensure that there is a single SSI and provide the proper resources 8. Repeat and improve. Growth does not happen in a
for the owner tasked with shepherding the organization so the group straight line. You will have to revisit, remeasure, and
can meet risk management objectives. At this point, the SSI might replan multiple times.
include multiple SSGs and owners (e.g., across major products or
business units), so working to harmonize these efforts must be a key
goal. Ensure that the SSI is supported by a full-time team—an SSG—
and acceptable remediation actions, and implementation of
that can scale across the organization. Establishing this structure
infrastructure-as-code for secure packaging, delivery, and operations.
might not involve hiring staff immediately, but it will likely entail
Harmonizing leadership views across the SSG and engineering is a
assembling a full-time team to implement key foundational activities
critical step to success.
central to supporting the assurance objectives further defined and
institutionalized in policy [CP1.3], standards [SR1.1], and processes Expand Security Controls
Use existing knowledge to choose the important software security
The SSG will require a mix of skills, including technical security activities to initiate, scale, or improve. This knowledge includes SSI
knowledge, scripting and coding experience, and architectural skill. scope, compliance, technology stacks, and deployment models, as
As organizations migrate toward their view of DevSecOps, the SSG well as the issues uncovered in defect discovery efforts. Common
might build its own software in the form of security automation, activity choices are policy [CP1.3], SDLC checkpoint conditions
defect discovery in CI/CD pipelines, and infrastructure- and [SM1.4], testing [AA1.2, CR1.4, ST1.4, PT1.3, SR1.5], and training
governance-as-code. SSGs often need to mentor, train, and work [T1.7], which are typically built out in a quick-win approach. When
directly with developers, so communication skills, teaching ability, choosing and implementing new controls, it’s often easier to get buy-
and practical knowledge are must-haves for at least some SSG in by showing adherence to well-known guidance (e.g., BSIMM, NIST
staff. Essentially, the SSG is a group of people—whether one person, SSDF, regulators) or choosing security controls that align with general
10, or 100—who must improve the security posture of the software industry guidance (e.g., OWASP, CWE, analysts). Ensure that activity
portfolio and all the processes that generate it, so management skills, selection includes an appropriate mix of preventive [SR1.1, SFD2.1]
risk management perspectives, an ability to contribute to engineering and detective (e.g., testing) controls to maximize positive impacts on
value streams, and an ability to break silos are critical success the organization’s risk posture.
Within engineering teams, we see individuals taking on leadership
roles such as product security engineer or security architect, while Essentially, the SSG is a group of
possessing functional titles such as Site Reliability Engineer, DevOps people—whether one person, 10, or
Engineer, or similar. Their responsibilities often include comparison 100—who must improve the security
and selection of security tools, definition of secure design guidelines
posture of the software portfolio.

Engage Development With a software inventory in hand, impose security requirements
using formalized risk-based approaches to cover as much of the
As noted throughout this section, engineering teams are likely
software portfolio as possible. Using simple criteria (e.g., software
already thinking about various aspects of security related to
size, regulatory constraints, internal-facing vs. external-facing, data
design, configuration, infrastructure, and deployment. Engaging
classification), assign a risk classification (e.g., high, medium, low)
development begins by creating mutual awareness of how the SSG
to each application [AA1.4]. Define the initial set of software and
and development teams see the next steps in maturing security
project teams with which to prototype security activities. Although
efforts. Successfully engaging early on relies on bridge-building
application risk classifications are often the primary driver, we have
and credentialing the SSG as competent in development culture,
observed firms using other information, such as whether a major
toolchains, and technologies. It also includes building awareness
change in application architecture is being undertaken (e.g., shift to
around which security capabilities constitute an SSDL and beginning
a cloud-native architecture) or whether the software contains critical
to determine how those capabilities are expected to be conducted.
code (e.g., cryptography, proprietary business logic). Firms find it
Building consensus on what role each department will play in
beneficial to include in the selection process some engineering teams
improving capabilities over the next evolutionary cycle greatly
that are already doing some security activity organically.
facilitates success.
Engineering teams might have a different idea of what in-scope
To facilitate tool adoption, the SSG might dedicate some portion
software means relative to the security efforts they already have
of their efforts or build a team of security champions [SM2.3] to
underway—if they’re working on one application, then that application
serve as tool mentors to help development teams not only integrate
is likely to be their scope. When required to prioritize specific
the tools but also triage and interpret results [CR1.7]. Although the
applications’ components, we observe engineering teams using the
primary objective is to embed security leadership inside development,
following as input:
these individuals also serve as both key points of contact and
interface points for the SSG to interact with engineering teams and • Teams conducting active new development or major refactoring
monitor progress. Because they are local to teams, champions can (velocity)
facilitate defect management goals, such as tracking recurring issues • Those services or data repositories to which specific development
to drive remediation [PT1.2]. The SSG can also roll out software or configuration requirements for security or privacy apply [CP1.1,
security training [T2.9] tailored to the most common security defects CP1.2] (regulation)
identified through AST, often cataloged by technology stack and
• Software that solves critical technical challenges or that adopts
coding language.
key technologies (opportunity)
Inventory and Select In-Scope Software Prioritized software is then usually the target for test automation
Take an enterprise-wide perspective when building a view into the [ST2.5], vulnerability discovery tooling, or security features [SFD1.1].
software portfolio. Engaging directly with application business
owners by, for example, using questionnaire-style data gathering is Enforce Security Basics Everywhere
a good start. It’s useful to focus on applications (with owners who Commonly observed today regardless of SSG age are basic security
are responsible for risk management) as the initial unit of inventory controls enforced in hosts and networks [SE1.2] and in cloud
measure, but remember that many vital software components aren’t environments [SE1.3]. A common strength for organizations that
applications (e.g., libraries, APIs, scripts, pipeline tests, infrastructure- have good controls over the infrastructure assets they manage,
as-code). In addition to understanding application characteristics (e.g., these basics are accomplished through a combination of IT
programming language, architecture type such as web or mobile, the provisioning controls, written policy, prebuilt and tested golden
revenue generated) as a view into risk, capture and maintain the same images, sensors and monitoring capabilities, server hardening and
information for all software. Focus on understanding where sensitive configuration standards, infrastructure-as-code, and entire groups
data resides and flows (e.g., PII inventory) [CP2.1] along with the status dedicated to patching. As firms migrate private infrastructure to
of active development projects. cloud environments, organizations must carefully reestablish their
assurance-based controls to maintain and verify adherence to
Rather than taking an organizational structure and owner-based
security policy. To keep tabs on the growing number of virtual assets
view, engineering teams usually attempt to understand software
created by engineering groups and their automation, organizations
inventory by extracting it from the same tools they use to manage
often must deploy custom solutions [AM2.9] to overcome limitations
their IT assets. They usually combine two or more of the following
in a cloud provider’s ability to meet desired policy.
approaches to software inventory creation:
Governance and engineering teams often cooperate to build in
• Discovery, import, and visualization of assets managed by the
enforced security basics for infrastructure and cloud environments,
organization’s cloud and data center virtualization management
leveraging containers [SE2.5], infrastructure-as-code [SE2.2], and
orchestration [SE2.7]. Over time, these security basics expand to
• Scraping and extracting assets and tags from infrastructure-as- include internal development environments, toolchains, deployment
code held in code repositories, as well as processing metadata automation, code repositories, and other important infrastructure.
from container and other artifact registries
• Outside-in web and network scanning for publicly discoverable
assets, connectivity to known organizational assets, and related
ownership and administrative information

Integrate Defect Discovery and Prevention (security champions) can be a good resource for these individuals.
Under these circumstances, incident response moves at the speed
Initial defect discovery efforts tend to be one-off (by using centralized
of a well-practiced single team [CMVM2.1] rather than that of an
commercial tools [CR1.2]) and to target the most critical applications,
interdepartmental playbook.
with a plan to scale efforts over time. Scaling prioritization might be
selected for compliance or contractual reasons or because it applies Repeat and Improve
to a phase of the software lifecycle (e.g., shift everywhere to do threat
As noted earlier, working through activity growth for emerging and
modeling at design time [AA1.1], composition analysis on software
maturing SSIs probably won’t happen in a straight line. There’ll be
repositories [SE3.8], SAST during development [CR1.4], DAST in
changes in priorities, resources, and responsibilities, along with
preproduction [ST1.4], and penetration testing on deployed software
changes in attackers, attacks, technologies, and everything else. It’s
[PT1.1, PT1.3]). The point is to automate and scale the chosen
necessary to take time periodically to determine how well the SSI is
defect discovery activities. However, scaling through automation
performing against business objectives and adjust as necessary.
and integration must come without disrupting CI/CD pipelines (e.g.,
due to tools having long execution times), without generating large As a reminder, organizations rarely move their entire SSI from
volumes of perceived false positives, and without impeding delivery emerging to enabling all at once. Different parts of the SSI will shift
velocity (e.g., through opaquely breaking builds or denying software between emerging, maturing, and enabling a few times over the years
promotion) except under clear or agreed-upon circumstances. with different timing that SSG leaders will need to plan for.
In addition to defect discovery, engineering teams might favor
prevention controls they can apply to software directly in the form
of security features [SFD1.1]. These controls can take the form of IMPROVEMENTS
microservices (e.g., authentication or other identity and access Achieving software security scale—of expertise, portfolio coverage,
management) [SE2.5], common product libraries (e.g., encryption) tool integration, vulnerability discovery accuracy, process
[SFD2.1], or even infrastructure security controls (e.g., controlling consistency, etc.—remains a top priority. However, firms often scale
scope of access to production secrets through vault technologies). one or two capabilities (e.g., defect discovery, training) but fail to
Some engineering groups have taken steps to tackle the prevention scale others (e.g., AA, vendor management). Given mature activities,
of certain classes of vulnerability in a wholesale manner [CMVM3.1], there’s a treasure trove of data to be harvested and included in KPI
using development frameworks that preclude them. Ask security- and KRI reporting dashboards. But then executives start asking the
minded engineers for their opinion about framework choices and very difficult questions: Are we getting better? Is our implementation
empower them to incorporate their understanding of security working well? Where are we lagging? How can we go faster with less
features and security posture tradeoffs. overhead? What’s our message to the Board? The efficacy of an SSI
will be supported by ongoing data collection and metrics reporting
Upgrade Incident Response that seeks to answer such questions [SM3.3].
Ensure that defined incident response processes include SSG
representation [CMVM1.1]. Determining whether an incident has Progress Isn’t a Straight Line
software security roots requires specific skills that are not often As mentioned earlier, organizations don’t always progress from
found in traditional IT groups. Work with engineering teams, maturing to enabling in one try or on a straight path, some SSI
especially DevOps engineers, to help make the connections between capabilities might be enabling while others are still emerging or
those events and alerts raised in production and the associated maturing. Based on our experience, firms with some portion of their
artifacts, pipelines, repositories, and responsible teams. This SSI operating in an enabling state have likely been in existence for
traceability allows these groups to effectively prioritize security longer than three years. Although we don’t have enough data to
issues on which the SSG will focus. Feedback from the field on what generalize enabling SSIs, we do see common themes for those that
is happening greatly enhances the top N lists ([AM3.5, CR2.7]) that strive to reach this state:
many organizations use to help establish priorities. • Top N risk reduction. Everyone relentlessly identifies and closes
Security engineers who are in development teams and more familiar top N weaknesses, placing emphasis on obtaining visibility into
with application logic might be able to facilitate instructive monitoring all sources of vulnerability, whether in-house developed code,
and logging. They can coordinate with DevOps engineers to generate open source code [SR2.7], vendor code [SR3.2], toolchains, or any
in-application defenses that are tailored for business logic and expected associated environments and processes [SE1.2, SE1.3]. These top
behavior, therefore likely being more effective than, for example, WAF N weaknesses are most useful when specific to the organization,
rules. Introducing such functionality will in turn provide richer feedback evaluated at least annually, and tied to metrics to prioritize SSI
and allow a more tailored response to application behavior [SE3.3]. efforts that improve risk posture.
Organizations deploying cloud-native applications using orchestration • Tool customization. Security leaders place a concerted effort
might respond to incidents (or to data indicating imminent on tuning tools (e.g., customization for static analysis, fuzzing,
incidents) with an increase in logging, perhaps by adjusting traffic penetration testing) to improve integration, accuracy, consistency,
to the distribution of image types in production. Much of this is and depth of analysis [CR2.6, ST2.6, AM3.2, PT3.2]. Customization
possible only with embedded security engineers who are steeped focuses not only on improving result fidelity and applicability
in the business context of a development team and have good across the portfolio but also on pipeline integration and timely
relationships with that team’s DevOps engineers; satellite members execution, improving ease of use for everyone.

• Feedback loops. Loops are created between SSDL activities to computing and single-page application approaches.
improve effectiveness as deliverables from activities ebb and • To align better with DevOps values (e.g., agility, collaboration,
flow with each other. For example, an expert in QA might leverage responsiveness), SSG leaders are beginning to replace traditional
AA results when creating security test cases [ST3.3]. Likewise, people-driven activities with people-optional, pipeline-driven
feedback from the field might be used to drive SSDL improvement automated tasks. This often comes in the form of automated
through enhancements to a hardening standard [CMVM3.2]. The security tool execution, bugs filed automatically to defect
concept of routinely conducting blameless postmortems to find notification channels, builds flagged for critical issues, and
root causes and drive remediation seems to be gaining ground in automated triggers to respond to real-time operational events.
some firms.
• Scaling outreach and expertise through the implementation of an
• Data-driven governance. The more mature groups instrument ever-growing satellite is viewed as a short-term rather than long-
everything to collect data that in turn becomes metrics for term goal. Organizations report improved responsiveness and
measuring SSI efficiency and effectiveness against KRIs and KPIs engagement as part of DevOps initiatives when they’ve localized
[SM3.3]. As an example, a metric such as defect density might security expertise in the engineering teams. Champions are also
be leveraged to track performance of individual business units becoming increasingly sophisticated in building reusable artifacts
and application teams. Metrics choices are very specific to each (e.g., security sensors) in development and deployment streams
organization and also evolve over time. to directly support SSI activities.
• SSG leaders are partnering with operations to implement
application-layer production monitoring and automated
Achieving software security scale—
mechanisms for responding to security events. There is a high
of expertise, portfolio coverage, tool degree of interest in consuming real-time security events for data
integration, vulnerability discovery collection and analysis to produce useful metrics.
accuracy, process consistency, etc.— In summary, engineering teams have likely taken an enabling
remains a top priority. approach from the beginning. Their security efforts are contributions
from engineers who deliver software early and often, constantly
improving it rather than relying on explicit strategy backed by
Push for Agile-Friendly SSIs top-down policies. They make their software available to everyone to
In recent years, we’ve observed governance-oriented teams—often prevent future issues and use evangelism to encourage uptake. They
out of necessity to remain in sync with engineering teams—evolving review production failures and make changes, often with automation,
to become more Agile-friendly: to their toolchains and processes. That said, perceptions of business
and technical risk between corporate and engineering groups often
• Putting “Sec” in DevOps is becoming a mission-critical objective.
differ in substantial ways. Bringing the groups together to share
SSG leadership routinely partners with IT, cloud, development, QA,
responsibilities for software security, as well as definitions of and
and operations leadership to ensure that the SSI mission aligns
goals for needed risk management, while enabling broad stakeholder
with DevOps values and principles.
productivity is a primary goal for any SSI.
• SSG leaders realize they need in-house talent with coding
expertise to improve not only their credibility with engineering but
also their understanding of modern software delivery practices.
Job descriptions for SSG roles now mention experience and
qualification requirements such as cloud, mobile, containers,
and orchestration security, as well as coding. We expect this
list to grow as other topics become more mainstream, such
as architecture and testing requirements around serverless

FRAMEWORK The BSIMM skeleton provides a way to view the model at a glance
and is useful when assessing an SSI. The skeleton is shown in
The BSIMM framework and data model evolve over Figure 13, organized by domains and practices. More complete
time to accurately represent actual software security descriptions of the activities and examples are available in Part 6 of
practices. Understanding these changes will help you set this document.
strategic directions for your own SSI.
In Part 5, we introduced the BSIMM framework. Here, we explore it in BSIMM14 includes updated activity descriptions, data from firms
more detail, including the methodology of how we created the model, in multiple vertical markets, and a longitudinal study. For BSIMM14,
how it evolved over time, and how we updated it for BSIMM14. we added 23 firms and removed 23, resulting in a data pool of 130
As a descriptive model, the only goal of the BSIMM is to observe firms. In addition, in the time since we launched BSIMM13, 8 firms
and report. We like to say we visited many restaurants to see what conducted reassessments to update their scorecards, and we
was happening and observed that “there are three chicken eggs in assessed additional business units for two firms.
an omelet.” Note that the BSIMM does not extrapolate to say, “all As shown below, we used the resulting observation counts to refine
omelets must have three eggs,” “only chicken eggs make acceptable activity placement in the framework, which resulted in moving seven
omelets,” “omelets must be eaten every day,” or any other value activities to different levels. In addition, we added one newly observed
judgments. We offer simple observations, simply reported. activity, resulting in a total of 126 activities in BSIMM14:
Of course, during our assessment efforts across hundreds of • [T3.5] Provide expertise via open collaboration channels became
organizations, we also make qualitative observations about how SSIs [T2.12]
are evolving and report many of those as trends, insights, analysis, • [AM2.2] Create technology-specific attack patterns became
and other topical discussions both in this document and among the [AM3.4]
BSIMM participants.
• [AM2.5] Maintain and use a top N possible attacks list became
Our “just the facts” approach is hardly novel in science and [AM3.5]
engineering, but in the realm of software security, it has not
• [AM3.1] Have a research group that develops new attack methods
previously been applied at this scale. Other work around SSI
became [AM2.8]
modeling has either described the experience of a single organization
or offered prescriptive guidance based on a combination of personal • [AM3.3] Monitor automated asset creation became [AM2.9]
experience and opinion. • [SR2.4] Identify open source became [SR1.5]
• [CMVM2.2] Track software defects found in operations through
the fix process became [CMVM1.3]
During our assessment efforts across
• [SE3.9] Protect integrity of development toolchains was added to
hundreds of organizations, we make the model
qualitative observations about how
SSIs are evolving and report many of
those as insights, analysis, and other
discussions in this document.

Publish process and evolve as Conduct software security awareness
[SM1.1] [CP1.1] Unify regulatory pressures. [T1.1]
necessary. training.
Educate executives on software
[SM1.3] [CP1.2] Identify privacy obligations. [T1.7] Deliver on-demand individual training.
Implement security checkpoints and Include security resources in
[SM1.4] [CP1.3] Create policy. [T1.8]
associated governance. onboarding.
Enhance satellite (security
Publish data about software security
[SM2.1] [CP2.1] Build a PII inventory. [T2.5] champions) through training and
internally and use it to drive change.
Enforce security checkpoints and Require security sign-off for Create and use material specific to
[SM2.2] [CP2.2] [T2.8]
track exceptions. compliance-related risk. company history.
Create or grow a satellite (security Implement and track controls for Deliver role-specific advanced
[SM2.3] [CP2.3] [T2.9]
champions). compliance. curriculum.
Require security sign-off prior to Include software security SLAs in all
[SM2.6] [CP2.4] [T2.10] Host software security events.
software release. vendor contracts.
Create evangelism role and perform Ensure executive awareness of
[SM2.7] [CP2.5] [T2.11] Require an annual refresher.
internal marketing. compliance and privacy obligations.
Use a software asset tracking Document a software compliance Provide expertise via open
[SM3.1] [CP3.1] [T2.12]
application with portfolio view. story. collaboration channels.
Make SSI efforts part of external Reward progression through
[SM3.2] [CP3.2] Ensure compatible vendor policies. [T3.1]
marketing. curriculum.
Identify metrics and use them to drive Drive feedback from software Provide training for vendors and
[SM3.3] [CP3.3] [T3.2]
resourcing. lifecycle data back to policy. outsourced workers.
Identify new satellite members
Integrate software-defined lifecycle
[SM3.4] [T3.6] (security champions) through
Integrate software supply chain risk

Use a data classification scheme for Integrate and deliver security
[AM1.2] [SFD1.1] [SR1.1] Create security standards.
software inventory. features.
Application architecture teams
[AM1.3] Identify potential attackers. [SFD1.2] [SR1.2] Create a security portal.
engage with the SSG.
Leverage secure-by-design Translate compliance constraints to
[AM1.5] Gather and use attack intelligence. [SFD2.1] [SR1.3]
components and services. requirements.
Build attack patterns and abuse Create capability to solve difficult
[AM2.1] [SFD2.2] [SR1.5] Identify open source.
cases tied to potential attackers. design problems.
Form a review board to approve and
[AM2.6] Collect and publish attack stories. [SFD3.1] [SR2.2] Create a standards review process.
maintain secure design patterns.
Build an internal forum to discuss Require use of approved security
[AM2.7] [SFD3.2] [SR2.5] Create SLA boilerplate.
attacks. features and frameworks.
Have a research group that develops Find and publish secure design
[AM2.8] [SFD3.3] [SR2.7] Control open source risk.
new attack methods. patterns from the organization.
[AM2.9] Monitor automated asset creation. [SR3.2] Communicate standards to vendors.
Create and use automation to mimic
[AM3.2] [SR3.3] Use secure coding standards.
Create technology-specific attack Create standards for technology
[AM3.4] [SR3.4]
patterns. stacks.
Maintain and use a top N possible
attacks list.

Perform edge/boundary value
[AA1.1] Perform security feature review. [CR1.2] Perform opportunistic code review. [ST1.1]
condition testing during QA.
Perform design review for high-risk Drive tests with security requirements
[AA1.2] [CR1.4] Use automated code review tools. [ST1.3]
applications. and security features.
Use a risk methodology to rank Make code review mandatory for all Integrate opaque-box security tools
[AA1.4] [CR1.5] [ST1.4]
applications. projects. into the QA process.
Perform architecture analysis using a
[AA2.1] [CR1.7] Assign code review tool mentors. [ST2.4] Drive QA tests with AST results.
defined process.
Standardize architectural Use custom rules with automated Include security tests in QA
[AA2.2] [CR2.6] [ST2.5]
descriptions. code review tools. automation.
Use a top N bugs list (real data Perform fuzz testing customized to
[AA2.4] Have SSG lead design review efforts. [CR2.7] [ST2.6]
preferred). application APIs.
Have engineering teams lead AA Use centralized defect reporting to
[AA3.1] [CR2.8] [ST3.3] Drive tests with design review results.
process. close the knowledge loop.
Drive analysis results into standard Build a capability to combine AST
[AA3.2] [CR3.2] [ST3.4] Leverage code coverage analysis.
design patterns. results.
Make the SSG available as an AA Begin to build and apply adversarial
[AA3.3] [CR3.3] Create capability to eradicate bugs. [ST3.5]
resource or mentor. security tests (abuse cases).
Implement event-driven security
[CR3.4] Automate malicious code detection. [ST3.6]
testing in automation.
[CR3.5] Enforce secure coding standards.

Use external penetration testers to Create or interface with incident
[PT1.1] [SE1.1] Use application input monitoring. [CMVM1.1]
find problems. response.
Identify software defects found in
Feed results to the defect Ensure host and network security
[PT1.2] [SE1.2] [CMVM1.2] operations monitoring and feed them
management and mitigation system. basics are in place.
back to engineering.
Use penetration testing tools Track software defects found in
[PT1.3] [SE1.3] Implement cloud security controls. [CMVM1.3]
internally. operations through the fix process.
Penetration testers use all available Define secure deployment
[PT2.2] [SE2.2] [CMVM2.1] Have emergency response.
information. parameters and configurations.
Schedule periodic penetration tests Develop an operations software
[PT2.3] [SE2.4] Protect code integrity. [CMVM2.3]
for application coverage. inventory.
Use external penetration testers to Use application containers to support Fix all occurrences of software
[PT3.1] [SE2.5] [CMVM3.1]
perform deep-dive analysis. security goals. defects found in operations.
Use orchestration for containers and Enhance the SSDL to prevent
[PT3.2] Customize penetration testing tools. [SE2.7] [CMVM3.2]
virtualized environments. software defects found in operations.
[SE3.2] Use code protection. [CMVM3.3] Simulate software crises.
Use application behavior monitoring
[SE3.3] [CMVM3.4] Operate a bug bounty program.
and diagnostics.
Create bills of materials for deployed Automate verification of operational
[SE3.6] [CMVM3.5]
software. infrastructure security.
Perform application composition Publish risk data for deployable
[SE3.8] [CMVM3.6]
analysis on code repositories. artifacts.
Protect integrity of development Streamline incoming responsible
[SE3.9] [CMVM3.7]
toolchains. vulnerability disclosure.
Do attack surface management for
deployed applications.

FIGURE 13. THE BSIMM SKELETON. Within the SSF, the 126 activities are organized into 12 practices within the four BSIMM domains.

As concrete examples of how the BSIMM functions as an In BSIMM13, we had the first activity that migrated from level 3
observational model, consider the activities that are now SM3.3 and to level 1—[SE1.3 Implement cloud security controls], which was
SR3.3, which both started as level 1 activities. The BSIMM1 activity introduced in BSIMM9. While the relative growth of [SE2.5 Use
[SM1.5 Identify metrics and use them to drive resourcing] became application containers to support security goals] has slowed down,
SM2.5 in BSIMM3 and is now SM3.3 due to its observation rate it is one of the potential candidates to migrate from level 3 to level 1
remaining fairly static while other activities in the practice became over the next couple of years. See Table 5 for the observation growth
observed much more frequently. Similarly, the BSIMM1 activity [SR1.4 in activities that were added since BSIMM7.
Use secure coding standards] became SR2.6 in BSIMM6 and is now
SR3.3 as its observation rate has decreased.


[AA3.2] [CR3.5]

FIGURE 14. NUMBER OF OBSERVATIONS FOR [AA3.2] AND [CR3.5] OVER TIME. [AA3.2 Drive analysis results into standard design patterns] had zero
observations during BSIMM7 and BSIMM8, while [CR3.5 Enforce secure coding standards] decreased to zero observations from BSIMM8 to BSIMM12 (the number
of observations increased back to four in BSIMM14). Currently, there are three activities with zero observations, one of which was added in BSIMM14.

SE3.4 (now SE2.5) 0 4 11 14 31 44 52 63
SE3.5 (now SE2.7) 0 5 22 33 42 47
SE3.6 0 3 12 14 18 22
SE3.7 (now SE1.3) 0 9 36 59 79 92
SM3.4 0 1 6 5 8
AM3.3 (now AM2.9) 0 4 6 11 17
CMVM3.5 0 8 10 13 16
ST3.6 0 2 3 6
CMVM3.6 0 0 3 3
CMVM3.7 0 20 35
SM3.5 0 0
SE3.8 0 2
CMVM3.8 0 0
SE3.9 0

TABLE 5. NEW ACTIVITIES. Some activities have seen exceptional growth (highlighted in orange) in observation counts, likely demonstrating their widespread
utility. [SE3.7], highlighted in gray, is the first activity to migrate from level 3 (very uncommon) to level 1 (common).

WHERE DO OLD ACTIVITIES GO? with the evolving engineering culture, and the activity
We continue to ponder the question, “Where do activities effort currently causes too much friction. For example,
go when no one does them anymore?” In addition to continuously going to engineering teams to find secure
[CR3.5 Enforce secure coding standards] (shown in Figure design patterns [SFD3.3 Find and publish secure design
14), we’ve noticed that the observation rate for other patterns from the organization] might unacceptably delay
seemingly useful activities has decreased significantly in key development processes.
recent years: It might also be the case that evolving SSI and DevOps
• [T3.6 Identify new satellite members (security champions) architectures are changing the way some activities
through observation] observed in 11 of 51 firms in BSIMM4 but are getting done. If an organization’s use of purpose-
only in eight of 130 firms in BSIMM14 built architectures, development kits, and libraries is
sufficiently consistent, perhaps it’s less necessary to lean
• [SFD3.3 Find and publish secure design patterns from the
organization] observed in 14 of 51 firms in BSIMM4 but only in on prescriptive coding standards [CR3.5 Enforce secure
nine of 130 firms in BSIMM14 coding standards] as a measure of acceptable code.

• [SR3.3 Use secure coding standards] observed in 23 of 78 firms As a point of culture-driven contrast, we see significant
in BSIMM6 but only in 19 of 130 firms in BSIMM14 increases in observation counts for activities such as [SE1.3
Implement cloud security controls], [SE2.5 Use application
We believe there are two primary reasons why
containers to support security goals], and [SE2.7 Use
observations for some activities have decreased toward
orchestration for containers and virtualized environments],
zero over time. First, some activities have become part
likely for similar reasons that we see lower counts for the
of the culture and drive different behavior—for example,
other activities above. The engineering culture has shifted
choosing satellite members might become a more
to be more self-service and to include increased telemetry
organic part of the SSDL without requiring extra effort in
that produces more data for everyone to use. We keep
identifying satellite members [T3.6 Identify new satellite
a close watch on the BSIMM data pool and will make
members (security champions) through observation] to
adjustments as needed, which might include dropping an
grow that team [SM2.3 Create or grow a satellite (security
activity from the model.
champions)]. Second, some activities don’t yet fit tightly


Being a unique, real-world reflection of actual software security practices, the BSIMM naturally changes over time. While each release of the
BSIMM captures the current dataset and provides the most current guidance, reflection upon past changes can help clarify the ebb and flow of
specific activities. Table 6 shows the activity moves, adds, and deletes that have occurred since the BSIMM’s creation.

• [T3.5] Provide expertise via open collaboration channels became [T2.12]

• [AM2.2] Create technology-specific attack patterns became [AM3.4]
• [AM2.5] Maintain and use a top N possible attacks list became [AM3.5]
• [AM3.1] Have a research group that develops new attack methods became [AM2.8]
CHANGES FOR BSIMM14 (126 ACTIVITIES) • [AM3.3] Monitor automated asset creation became [AM2.9]
• [SR2.4] Identify open source became [SR1.5]
• [CMVM2.2] Track software defects found in operations through the fix process became
• [SE3.9] Protect integrity of development toolchains added to the model
• T3.3 Host software security events became T2.10
• T3.4 Require an annual refresher became T2.11
• SR3.1 Control open source risk became SR2.7
• AA1.3 Have SSG lead design review efforts became AA2.4
CHANGES FOR BSIMM13 (125 ACTIVITIES) • CR1.6 Use centralized defect reporting to close the knowledge loop became CR2.8
• SE2.6 Implement cloud security controls became SE1.3
• SM3.5 Integrate software supply chain risk management added to the model
• SE3.8 Perform application composition analysis on code repositories added to the model
• CMVM3.8 Do attack surface management for deployed applications added to the model

• SM1.2 Create evangelism role and perform internal marketing became SM2.7
• T1.5 Deliver role-specific advanced curriculum became T2.9
CHANGES FOR BSIMM12 (122 ACTIVITIES) • ST2.1 Integrate black-box security tools into the QA process became ST1.4
• SE3.5 Use orchestration for containers and virtualized environments became SE2.7
• CMVM3.7 Streamline incoming responsible vulnerability disclosure added to the model
• T2.6 Include security resources in onboarding became T1.8
• CR2.5 Assign tool mentors became CR1.7
• SE3.4 Use application containers to support security goals became SE2.5
• SE3.7 Ensure cloud security basics became SE2.6
• ST3.6 Implement event-driven security testing in automation added to the model
• CMVM3.6 Publish risk data for deployable artifacts added to the model
• T1.6 Create and use material specific to company history became T2.8
• SR2.3 Create standards for technology stacks moves to become SR3.4
CHANGES FOR BSIMM10 (119 ACTIVITIES) • SM3.4 Integrate software-defined lifecycle governance added to the model
• AM3.3 Monitor automated asset creation added to the model
• CMVM3.5 Automate verification of operational infrastructure security added to the model
• SM2.5 Identify metrics and use them to drive resourcing became SM3.3
• SR2.6 Use secure coding standards became SR3.3
CHANGES FOR BSIMM9 (116 ACTIVITIES) • SE3.5 Use orchestration for containers and virtualized environments added to the model
• SE3.6 Enhance application inventory with operations bill of materials added to the model
• SE3.7 Ensure cloud security basics added to the model
• T2.7 Identify new satellite through training became T3.6
• AA2.3 Make SSG available as AA resource or mentor became AA3.3
• AM1.1 Maintain and use a top N possible attacks list became AM2.5
• AM1.4 Collect and publish attack stories became AM2.6
• AM1.6 Build an internal forum to discuss attacks became AM2.7
• CR1.1 Use a top N bugs list became CR2.7
• CR2.2 Enforce coding standards became CR3.5
• SE3.4 Use application containers to support security goals added to the model
• SM1.6 Require security sign-off prior to software release became SM2.6
• SR1.4 Use secure coding standards became SR2.6
• ST3.1 Include security tests in QA automation became ST2.5
• ST3.2 Perform fuzz testing customized to application APIs became ST2.6
• SFD2.3 Find and publish mature design patterns from the organization became SFD3.3
• SR2.1 Communicate standards to vendors became SR3.2
CHANGES FOR BSIMM-V (112 ACTIVITIES) • CR3.1 Use automated tools with tailored rules became CR2.6
• ST2.3 Begin to build and apply adversarial security tests (abuse cases) became ST3.5
• CMVM3.4 Operate a bug bounty program added to the model

• T2.1 Deliver role-specific advanced curriculum became T1.5
• T2.2 Company history in training became T1.6
• T2.4 Deliver on-demand individual training became T1.7
• T1.2 Include security resources in onboarding became T2.6
• T1.4 Identify new satellite members through training became T2.7
• T1.3 Establish SSG office hours became T3.5
CHANGES FOR BSIMM4 (111 ACTIVITIES) • AM2.4 Build an internal forum to discuss attacks became AM1.6
• CR2.3 Make code review mandatory for all projects became CR1.5
• CR2.4 Use centralized reporting to close the knowledge loop became CR1.6
• ST1.2 Share security results with QA became ST2.4
• SE2.3 Use application behavior monitoring and diagnostics became SE3.3
• CR3.4 Automate malicious code detection added to the model
• CMVM3.3 Simulate software crises added to the model
• SM1.5 Identify metrics and use them to drive resourcing became SM2.5
• SM2.4 Require security sign-off became SM1.6
CHANGES FOR BSIMM3 (109 ACTIVITIES) • AM2.3 Gather and use attack intelligence became AM1.5
• ST2.2 Drive tests with security requirements and security features became ST1.3
• PT2.1 Use pen testing tools internally became PT1.3
• T2.3 Require an annual refresher became T3.4
• CR2.1 Use automated tools became CR1.4
CHANGES FOR BSIMM2 (109 ACTIVITIES) • SE2.1 Use code protection became SE3.2
• SE3.1 Use code signing became SE2.4
• CR1.3 removed from the model

CHANGES FOR BSIMM1 (110 ACTIVITIES) • Added 110 activities

TABLE 6. ACTIVITY CHANGES OVER TIME. This table allows for historical review of how BSIMM activities have been added, moved, and deleted since inception.

Strategy & Metrics
D. DATA: BSIMM14 Configuration Management & 60 Compliance & Policy
Vulnerability Management

Every organization wants to do software security more 40

Software Environment Training

effectively and efficiently. You can use this information 30

to understand what the BSIMM participants are doing 20

today and how those efforts have evolved over time, 10

then plan your own SSI changes. Penetration Testing Attack Models

The BSIMM data yields very interesting analytical results, as shown

throughout this document. Figure 17 shows the highest-resolution
Security Testing Security Features
observation data that is published. Organizations can use this & Design
information to note how often we observe each activity across all 130
participants to help plan their next areas of focus. Activities that are
Code Review Standards & Requirements
broadly popular will likely benefit your organization as well.
Architecture Analysis
In Figure 17, we also identified the most common activity in each
AllFirms (130)
practice (highlighted in orange). To provide some perspective on what
“most common” means, although T1.1 is the most common activity FIGURE 15. ALLFIRMS SPIDER CHART. This diagram shows the average
in the Training practice with 76 observations, Table 7 shows that it percentage of normalized observations collectively reached in each practice
isn’t in the top 20 activities across all the practices. by the 130 BSIMM14 firms. Across these firms, the normalized observations
are higher in the Compliance & Policy, Standards & Requirements, and
To provide another view into this data, we created a spider chart Penetration Testing practices compared to Training, Attack Models, and
by noting the percentage of activities observed for each practice Security Testing.
per BSIMM participant (normalized scale), then averaging these
values over the group of 130 firms to produce 12 numbers (one for 35
each practice). The resulting spider chart (Figure 15) plots these
values on spokes corresponding to the 12 BSIMM practices. Note
that performing a larger number of activities is often a sign of SSI
maturity. Other interesting analyses are possible, of course, such as
those at 20
The range of observed scores in the current data pool is 12 for the
lower score and 100 for the higher score, indicating a wide range of
SSI maturity levels in the BSIMM14 data.


0-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-125
Figure 16 shows the distribution of scores among the population
compared to Training, Attack Models, and Security Testing of 130 Assessment Iteration 1 Assessment Iteration 2
participating firms. To create this graph, we divided the scores into Assessment Iteration 3+ Average Age
six bins that are then further divided by the assessment iteration
FIGURE 16. BSIMM SCORE DISTRIBUTION. Assessment scores most
(round 1, round 2, and round 3+). As you can see, the scores frequently fall into the 31 to 40 range in BSIMM14, vs. 41 to 50 in BSIMM13
represent a slightly skewed bell curve. We also plotted the average (not shown), with an average SSG age of 4.4 years. In general, firms that
age of the firms’ SSIs in each bin as a horizontal line. In general, firms mature and continue to use the BSIMM as a measurement tool over time (e.g.,
where more BSIMM activities were observed have older SSIs and are round 2, round 3+), tend to have higher scores. Refer to Appendix F for more
more likely to have performed multiple BSIMM measurements. details on how SSIs evolve over multiple measurements.



[SM1.1] 101 77.69% [AM1.2] 73 56.15% [AA1.1] 108 83.08% [PT1.1] 114 87.69%
[SM1.3] 80 61.54% [AM1.3] 49 37.69% [AA1.2] 59 45.38% [PT1.2] 102 78.46%
[SM1.4] 118 90.77% [AM1.5] 81 62.31% [AA1.4] 63 48.46% [PT1.3] 85 65.38%
[SM2.1] 73 56.15% [AM2.1] 16 12.31% [AA2.1] 35 26.92% [PT2.2] 42 32.31%
[SM2.2] 71 54.62% [AM2.6] 16 12.31% [AA2.2] 34 26.15% [PT2.3] 55 42.31%
[SM2.3] 71 54.62% [AM2.7] 15 11.54% [AA2.4] 40 30.77% [PT3.1] 30 23.08%
[SM2.6] 77 59.23% [AM2.8] 20 15.38% [AA3.1] 20 15.38% [PT3.2] 21 16.15%
[SM2.7] 62 47.69% [AM2.9] 16 12.31% [AA3.2] 8 6.15%
[SM3.1] 32 24.62% [AM3.2] 8 6.15% [AA3.3] 17 13.08%
[SM3.2] 23 17.69% [AM3.4] 13 10.00%
[SM3.3] 32 24.62% [AM3.5] 11 8.46%
[SM3.4] 8 6.15%
[SM3.5] 0 0.00%


[CP1.1] 103 79.23% [SFD1.1] 100 76.92% [CR1.2] 84 64.62% [SE1.1] 88 67.69%
[CP1.2] 114 87.69% [SFD1.2] 95 73.08% [CR1.4] 112 86.15% [SE1.2] 113 86.92%
[CP1.3] 101 77.69% [SFD2.1] 45 34.62% [CR1.5] 74 56.92% [SE1.3] 92 70.77%
[CP2.1] 58 44.62% [SFD2.2] 70 53.85% [CR1.7] 55 42.31% [SE2.2] 68 52.31%
[CP2.2] 63 48.46% [SFD3.1] 18 13.85% [CR2.6] 26 20.00% [SE2.4] 45 34.62%
[CP2.3] 72 55.38% [SFD3.2] 22 16.92% [CR2.7] 20 15.38% [SE2.5] 63 48.46%
[CP2.4] 62 47.69% [SFD3.3] 9 6.92% [CR2.8] 28 21.54% [SE2.7] 47 36.15%
[CP2.5] 80 61.54% [CR3.2] 17 13.08% [SE3.2] 18 13.85%
[CP3.1] 38 29.23% [CR3.3] 5 3.85% [SE3.3] 18 13.85%
[CP3.2] 34 26.15% [CR3.4] 3 2.31% [SE3.6] 22 16.92%
[CP3.3] 15 11.54% [CR3.5] 4 3.08% [SE3.8] 2 1.54%
[SE3.9] 0 0.00%


[T1.1] 76 58.46% [SR1.1] 94 72.31% [ST1.1] 110 84.62% [CMVM1.1] 117 90.00%
[T1.7] 64 49.23% [SR1.2] 103 79.23% [ST1.3] 91 70.00% [CMVM1.2] 95 73.08%
[T1.8] 59 45.38% [SR1.3] 98 75.38% [ST1.4] 62 47.69% [CMVM1.3] 98 75.38%
[T2.5] 44 33.85% [SR1.5] 101 77.69% [ST2.4] 23 17.69% [CMVM2.1] 92 70.77%
[T2.8] 27 20.77% [SR2.2] 75 57.69% [ST2.5] 34 26.15% [CMVM2.3] 53 40.77%
[T2.9] 32 24.62% [SR2.5] 63 48.46% [ST2.6] 25 19.23% [CMVM3.1] 14 10.77%
[T2.10] 26 20.00% [SR2.7] 58 44.62% [ST3.3] 16 12.31% [CMVM3.2] 24 18.46%
[T2.11] 30 23.08% [SR3.2] 18 13.85% [ST3.4] 4 3.08% [CMVM3.3] 18 13.85%
[T2.12] 28 21.54% [SR3.3] 19 14.62% [ST3.5] 3 2.31% [CMVM3.4] 30 23.08%
[T3.1] 8 6.15% [SR3.4] 21 16.15% [ST3.6] 6 4.62% [CMVM3.5] 16 12.31%
[T3.2] 14 10.77% [CMVM3.6] 3 2.31%
[T3.6] 8 6.15% [CMVM3.7] 35 26.92%
[CMVM3.8] 0 0.00%

FIGURE 17. BSIMM14 SCORECARD. This scorecard shows how often we observed each of the BSIMM14 activities in the data pool of 130 firms.

The popular business book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, ACTIVITY PERCENTAGE DESCRIPTION
explores the theory that successful individuals share common Implement security checkpoints and
qualities in achieving their goals and that these qualities can be [SM1.4] 90.8%
associated governance.
identified and applied by others. The same premise can also be [CP1.2] 87.7% Identify privacy obligations.
applied to SSIs. Table 8 lists the 20 most observed activities in the
Conduct software security
BSIMM14 data pool. The data suggests that if your organization is [T1.1] 58.5%
awareness training.
working on its own SSI, you should consider implementing these
[AM1.5] 62.3% Gather and use attack intelligence.
activities. As a reminder of how practices and activity labeling works,
Integrate and deliver security
activity SM1.4 is from the Strategy & Metrics practice, and it was [SFD1.1] 76.9%
observed in 90.8% of the 130 BSIMM14 participant organizations.
[SR1.2] 79.2% Create a security portal.
Instead of the top 20 activities overall, Table 7 shows the most
[AA1.1] 83.1% Perform security feature review.
common activity in each BSIMM practice (e.g., SM1.4 refers to an
[CR1.4] 86.2% Use automated code review tools.
activity in the Strategy & Metrics practice). Although we can’t directly
conclude that these 12 activities are necessary for all SSIs, we can Perform edge/boundary value
[ST1.1] 84.6%
condition testing during QA.
say with confidence that they’re commonly found in initiatives whose
efforts span all 12 practices. This suggests that if an organization Use external penetration testers to
[PT1.1] 87.7%
find problems.
is working on an initiative of its own, its efforts will likely include the
majority of these 12 activities over time. Ensure host and network security
[SE1.2] 86.9%
basics are in place.
In addition to looking at the most common activities, we can also
Create or interface with incident
analyze the fastest-growing activity observation rates between [CMVM1.1] 90.0%
BSIMM13 and BSIMM14. Level 1 BSIMM activities are the most
common activities observed in each practice, and in BSIMM14, seven TABLE 7. MOST COMMON ACTIVITY PER PRACTICE. This table shows the
of the level 1 activities saw double-digit growth despite already being most observed activity in each of the 12 BSIMM practices for the entire data
very common. Table 9 shows the top three of these activities. pool of 130 participant firms.


[SM1.4] 90.8% Implement security checkpoints and associated governance.
[CMVM1.1] 90.0% Create or interface with incident response.
[CP1.2] 87.7% Identify privacy obligations.
[PT1.1] 87.7% Use external penetration testers to find problems.
[SE1.2] 86.9% Ensure host and network security basics are in place.
[CR1.4] 86.2% Use automated code review tools.
[ST1.1] 84.6% Perform edge/boundary value condition testing during QA.
[AA1.1] 83.1% Perform security feature review.
[CP1.1] 79.2% Unify regulatory pressures.
[SR1.2] 79.2% Create a security portal.
[PT1.2] 78.5% Feed results to the defect management and mitigation system.
[CP1.3] 77.7% Create policy.
[SM1.1] 77.7% Publish process and evolve as necessary.
[SR1.5] 77.7% Identify open source.
[SFD1.1] 76.9% Integrate and deliver security features.
[CMVM1.3] 75.4% Track software defects found in operations through the fix process.
[SR1.3] 75.4% Translate compliance constraints to requirements.
[CMVM1.2] 73.1% Identify software defects found in operations monitoring and feed them back to engineering.
[SFD1.2] 73.1% Application architecture teams engage with the SSG.
[SR1.1] 72.3% Create security standards.

TABLE 8. TOP 20 ACTIVITIES BY OBSERVATION PERCENTAGE. Shown here are the most observed activities in the BSIMM14 data pool of 130 firms. This
frequent observation means that each activity has broad applicability across a wide variety of SSIs.

Tables 8 and 9 can help you understand what most firms are already
doing and discover potential gaps in your program. Another way to
look at the growth of activities between BSIMM13 and BSIMM14 ACTIVITY GROWTH DESCRIPTION
is to look for trends, such as a high growth in observation rates Make code review mandatory for all
[CR1.5] 19.4%
among common controls. There were 28 activities in BSIMM13 with projects.
observations in the range of 40 to 79. The observation rate for six of [AM1.3] 16.7% Identify potential attackers.
these activities, shown in Table 10, grew at 16% or higher. In addition, [SE1.3] 16.5% Implement cloud security controls.
there were 26 activities with observations in the 20 to 39 range, and
five of them grew at 20% or more (see Table 11). TABLE 9. VERY COMMON ACTIVITIES WITH ABOVE AVERAGE GROWTH.
If we analyze these fast-growing activities, we observe a few areas of This table shows that firms, including those just starting their SSIs, continue
to invest into fundamental activities.
interest to consider in your SSI:
• Now that [CR1.4 Use automated code review tools] is observed
in more than 86% of all firms, SSGs are starting to enforce code BSIMM14 HIGH-GROWTH ACTIVITIES (2)
reviews for all projects [CR1.5]. In addition, firms are starting to ACTIVITY GROWTH DESCRIPTION
scale their security testing across their complete application
Schedule periodic penetration tests for
portfolio [PT2.3] and are expanding beyond doing DAST to include [PT2.3] 22.2%
application coverage.
security testing in QA automation [ST2.5]. This might highlight
Use application containers to support
that more firms are moving to the maturing phase of their [SE2.5] 21.2%
security goals.
SSIs (see Appendix B) and are now working on the scalability,
Make code review mandatory for all
efficiency, and effectiveness aspects of their programs. [CR1.5] 19.4%
• Firms have already invested heavily in fundamental activities to Define secure deployment parameters and
[SE2.2] 19.3%
manage their compliance obligations [CP1.1 Unify regulatory configurations.
pressure] and [SR1.3 Translate compliance constraints to [AM1.3] 16.7% Identify potential attackers.
requirements], both of which are found in Table 7. In addition,
[SE1.3] 16.5% Implement cloud security controls.
firms are increasing their efforts to manage compliance risk
[CP2.2] and creating a repeatable way to document their TABLE 10. COMMON ACTIVITIES WITH HIGH GROWTH IN OBSERVATION
compliance story [CP3.1]. There are potentially additional RATES. This table shows an ongoing trend of investment in common
examples of what organizations do once they enter the maturing activities. If you are not performing or planning to perform these activities,
phase of their SSIs. consider them during your next planning cycle.

• In response to multiple high-profile breaches in the last few years,

we observed significant growth in activities to address software BSIMM14 HIGH-GROWTH ACTIVITIES (3)
supply chain risk management (see Trends and Insights).
Potentially, organizations are also responding to these breaches ACTIVITY GROWTH DESCRIPTION
by investing in attack intelligence [AM1.5] they can use to improve Schedule periodic penetration tests for
[PT2.3] 22.2%
their programs. application coverage.
Use application containers to support
[SE2.5] 21.2%
security goals.
Make code review mandatory for all
[CR1.5] 19.4%
Define secure deployment parameters and
[SE2.2] 19.3%
[AM1.3] 16.7% Identify potential attackers.
[SE1.3] 16.5% Implement cloud security controls.


table shows potential new trends in the BSIMM14 data pool.

company is becoming a software company,” different verticals still
E. DATA ANALYSIS: VERTICALS have their own priorities. The BSIMM data helps us to observe and
analyze this.
While every company is a software company these days, Table 12 shows how the representation of different verticals has
there are differences in SSI implementation. You can grown and evolved over the history of the BSIMM. Financial, ISV,
use this information on how vertical markets approach and technology firms were early adopters of the BSIMM, and we’ve
software security to inform your own strategy. recently seen increased participation by cloud firms.

An important use of the BSIMM data is to help everyone see how

different groups of organizations approach the implementation An important use of the BSIMM data
of software security activities. Do certain groups focus more on helps everyone see how different
governance than testing? Or perhaps architecture and secure-by-
design components vs. operational maintenance? What about
organizations approach implementing
training? Or vendor management? While it seems true that “every software security activities.



BSIMM14 43 12 33 39 10 21 32 15

BSIMM13 44 15 38 33 11 19 35 15

BSIMM12 38 21 42 28 14 18 26 13

BSIMM11 42 21 46 27 14 17 30 14

BSIMM10 57 43 20 16 13 20 11

BSIMM9 50 42 22 19 16 17 10

BSIMM8 47 38 16 17 12 16 11

BSIMM7 42 30 14 15 12 15 10

BSIMM6 33 27 17 10 13

BSIMM-V 26 25 14

BSIMM4 19 19 13

BSIMM3 17 15 10

BSIMM2 12 7 7

BSIMM1 4 4 2

TABLE 12. BSIMM VERTICALS OVER TIME. The BSIMM data pool has grown over the years as shown by growth in vertical representation. Remember that a firm
can appear in more than one vertical. Note also that FinTech became a separate vertical from Financial in BSIMM11.

IoT, cloud, and ISV firms each create software solutions, although INSURANCE VERTICALS
these verticals usually deploy their solutions in different ways. Three verticals in the BSIMM operate in highly regulated industries:
Relative to BSIMM activities, cloud and ISV firms share a similar Financial, Healthcare, and Insurance (see Figure 20 on the next page).
observation pattern, except for the Compliance & Policy and In our long experience with the BSIMM, we’ve seen large financial
Architecture Analysis practices, where the ISV vertical is ahead of firms reacting to regulatory pressures by starting SSIs earlier than
the Cloud vertical (see Figure 18). This might reflect the different insurance and healthcare firms. However, for the first time, the
relationships that ISVs and cloud firms have with their respective SSG average ages for financial services and insurance firms are
customers and perhaps the level of regulation and transparency 5.8 and 6.5 years, respectively, compared to 5.1 years in healthcare
required. firms. Despite the narrowing of this age difference, financial firms
Using the vertical scorecards found later in this section (Figure 23), still display higher maturity. This likely reflects a longer history of
we can perform further analysis on similarities and differences software security activity in the Financial vertical, coupled with an
between verticals. For example, we see that the observations influx of younger financial firms that have comparatively new but
putting ISVs ahead of the Cloud vertical in the Architecture Analysis relatively mature SSGs.
practice are [AA1.2 Perform design review for high-risk applications] Although organizations in the Healthcare vertical include some
and [AA2.1 Perform architecture analysis using a defined process], mature outliers, the data for these three regulated verticals shows
where the observation rate for ISVs is around 35% higher than the it lags the others in most practices but is ahead in Architecture
observation rate for cloud. This difference indicates that ISVs spend Analysis. Compared to financial firms, we see a similar picture in
significantly more effort on going beyond threat modeling [AA1.1] to the Insurance vertical, which is ahead in Security Testing but close
perform design reviews and AA. or lagging in other practices. The biggest differences between
IoT firms exhibit a similar pattern when compared to the weighted the Insurance and Financial verticals are in Compliance & Policy,
average of the ISV and Cloud verticals, with a notably higher score Security Features & Design, Penetration Testing, and Configuration
in Architecture Analysis and a lower score in Penetration Testing Management & Vulnerability Management, where the Financial
(Figure 19). One potential explanation is that IoT manufacturers have vertical leads Insurance.
less control of the production environments where their products
are deployed, and their products are more likely to go for extended
periods without software updates, which might reduce the perceived
value of extended penetration testing and increase the perceived
value of robust security designs. Similarly, it could be the case that
IoT devices typically present an attack surface that’s very different
compared to a typical web application, and IoT devices usually aren’t
sitting in front of large databases of PII or other private information.

Strategy & Metrics Strategy & Metrics

Configuration Management & 60 Compliance & Policy Configuration Management & 60 Compliance & Policy
Vulnerability Management Vulnerability Management
50 50

40 40

Software Environment Training Software Environment 30


20 20

10 10

Penetration Testing Attack Models Penetration Testing Attack Models

Security Testing Security Features Security Testing Security Features

& Design & Design

Code Review Standards & Requirements Code Review Standards & Requirements
Architecture Analysis Architecture Analysis

Cloud (32) ISV (33) IoT (21) ISV (33)/Cloud (32) Weighted Average

explain the differences, on a percentage scale, between practices in the Cloud AND CLOUD. While the ISV and Cloud verticals are very similar, there are
and ISV verticals. Here, we see differences in the Compliance & Policy, Attack significant variations between IoT and those two verticals. The differences,
Models, and Architecture Analysis practices. on a percentage scale, in risk and deployment models, along with customer
expectations, can explain the distinctions in their SSIs.

Strategy & Metrics
Configuration Management & 60 Compliance & Policy
VERTICALS Vulnerability Management

Financial and Technology are the two verticals with the highest 40

BSIMM scores. Figure 21 shows that while the average score across Software Environment 30

both verticals is similar in most practices, there are significant 20

differences as well. Technology firms have matched financial firms in 10

Compliance & Policy, likely due to recent strengthening of regulatory Penetration Testing Attack Models
requirements. Technology firms have a higher average score in
Architecture Analysis and Security Testing.
To understand more about the differences in these two practices, we
Security Testing Security Features
analyzed the vertical scorecards found later in this section (Figure & Design
23). In the Architecture Analysis practice, while financial firms have
a high observation rate for threat modeling [AA1.1 Perform security
Code Review Standards & Requirements
feature review], the observation rates for design review [AA1.2
Architecture Analysis
Perform design review for high-risk applications] and architecture
risk analysis [AA2.1 Perform architecture analysis using a defined Financial (43) Healthcare (10) Insurance (15)
process] are almost three times higher in the Technology vertical
compared to the Financial one. In addition, the observation rates for that are similarly highly regulated exhibit significant differences in their SSIs.
enabling engineering teams to be self-sufficient in performing AA While they all have a focus on Compliance & Policy, there are significant
([AA3.1 Have engineering teams lead AA process] and [AA3.3 Make differences, on a percentage scale, in most other practices, indicating that
the SSG available as an AA resource or mentor]) are more than two each vertical is responding to its regulatory obligations in its own way.
times higher among technology firms compared to financial firms,
which are similarly highly regulated exhibit significant differences in Strategy & Metrics
their SSIs. While they all have a focus on Compliance & Policy, there Configuration Management & 60 Compliance & Policy
Vulnerability Management
are significant differences, on a percentage scale, in most other 50

practices, indicating that each vertical is responding to its regulatory 40

obligations in its own way. Software Environment 30


One explanation for this difference is the tighter relationship between 20

hardware and software in many technology products. When the 10

software must be closely mated to its hardware, then AA and Penetration Testing Attack Models
engineering-driven design reviews are much more important to long-
term success for products in the field. This trend seems to hold for
IoT firms and perhaps even for healthcare firms that are making IoT
devices, which are doing more in the Architecture Analysis practice Security Testing Security Features
& Design
as compared to the overall data pool.
In the Security Testing practice, we see significantly higher Code Review Standards & Requirements
observation rates for technology firms even when we ignore [ST2.6 Architecture Analysis
Perform fuzz testing customized to application APIs], where we
expect technology firms to perform a lot more fuzzing compared to Financial (43) Technology (39)
financial ones. This includes fundamental activities such as [ST1.1 FIGURE 21. FINANCIAL VS. TECHNOLOGY. Technology firms appear to
Perform edge/boundary value condition testing during QA] and [ST1.3 invest significantly more effort into in-depth design reviews, automation of
Drive tests with security requirements and security features]. security testing, and enablement of engineering teams to be self-sufficient,
resulting in the differences, on a percentage scale, seen above. One potential
When it comes to automation of security testing ([ST1.4 Integrate explanation is that many technology firms build long-life products that they
opaque-box security tools into the QA process], [ST2.5 Drive QA tests ship to customers and therefore perform more in-depth analysis before
with AST results], and [ST3.4 Leverage code coverage analysis]), release.
the observation rate for technology firms is almost double that
of financial firms. The difference is even more pronounced when
we look at activities [ST2.4 Drive QA tests with AST results] and
[ST3.5 Begin to build and apply adversarial security tests (abuse
cases)], which enable more in-depth testing. For these activities, the
observation rate for technology firms is five times higher that it is for
financial ones.

The Technology vertical stands out as the one with the least similarity Figure 23 shows the BSIMM scorecards for the eight verticals
to the other verticals. As such, it’s informative to make a comparison compared side by side, allowing for discovery of differences and
between technology firms and everyone else, as illustrated in Figure similarities between verticals. This report includes some new
22. The biggest differences where technology firms lead everyone information for the vertical scorecards:
else are in Architecture Analysis and Security Testing, which could be • For each activity per vertical, we present the observation rate as a
indicative of a comparatively higher level of engineering rigor. percentage (e.g., 78% of firms in the Cloud vertical are performing
Strategy & Metrics
• To show the biggest outliers within each vertical, we highlighted
Configuration Management & 60 Compliance & Policy
Vulnerability Management activities where observation rates are either at least 1.75 standard
deviations above average (highlighted in light blue) or at least
1.75 standard deviations below average (highlighted in gold). Use
Software Environment Training
these highlighted differences to identify apparently higher- and
20 lower-value activities unique to a vertical.
• We also highlighted five activities (see the activity column) with

Penetration Testing Attack Models the least differences between verticals (light gold color) and
five activities with the largest differences between verticals
(blue color). The activities in light orange appear to be uniformly
applicable across all verticals, while those in dark blue appear to
Security Testing Security Features
& Design be more vertical-specific.
• We excluded in our analysis the activities with low observation
Code Review Standards & Requirements rates (lower than 10 for all firms in the data pool) for bullets #2
Architecture Analysis and #3 above.

Technology (39) Non-technology (97) The following are observations from Figure 23:
• The five activities with the least variation in observation rate
comparison of the Technology vertical vs. the rest of the data pool on a between verticals, not surprisingly, are some of the most common
percentage scale. activities in BSIMM14. These are [SM1.4 Implement security
checkpoints and associated governance], [SR1.3 Translate
compliance constraints to requirements], [ST1.1 Perform edge/
boundary value condition testing during QA], [SE1.2 Ensure host
and network security basics are in place], and [CMVM1.1 Create
or interface with incident response]. This is another indicator that
these activities are applicable to all SSIs, independent of what
vertical the firm is in.
• Activity [AM2.9 Monitor automated asset creation] was introduced
in BSIMM10. It has one of the largest differences between
verticals, with its observation rate for the Financial vertical is
significantly above the overall average. This is an indication that
financial firms are early adopters of [AM2.9] and the leaders in
implementing this activity. In addition, the observation rate for
[CMVM3.5 Automate verification of operational infrastructure
security] (also introduced in BSIMM10) among financial firms is
also significantly above the average. This is another indicator that
financial firms are early adopters as well as potential leaders in
the shift everywhere approach.
• Another three activities with large differences in observation rates
between verticals are [ST2.6 Perform fuzz testing customized
to application APIs], [ST3.3 Drive tests with design review
results], and [SE3.2 Use code protection]. For these activities, the
observation rate for technology firms is significantly higher than
the average, an indication that some verticals potentially focus on
specific activities because of their unique technology stacks (e.g.,
very API driven) and because they publish their software across
trust boundaries (e.g., shipping products to customers).



[SM1.1] 78% 70% 75% 90% 80% 100% 79% 97%
[SM1.3] 59% 63% 50% 60% 73% 48% 61% 62%
[SM1.4] 91% 95% 92% 90% 80% 95% 85% 92%
[SM2.1] 63% 65% 75% 50% 73% 38% 45% 59%
[SM2.2] 53% 58% 75% 20% 40% 52% 48% 64%
[SM2.3] 69% 37% 83% 60% 53% 62% 79% 54%
[SM2.6] 56% 63% 67% 30% 47% 62% 58% 64%
[SM2.7] 44% 44% 50% 70% 60% 43% 48% 54%
[SM3.1] 22% 23% 33% 0% 13% 33% 24% 36%
[SM3.2] 9% 14% 17% 10% 20% 33% 12% 26%
[SM3.3] 19% 33% 33% 20% 27% 29% 15% 26%
[SM3.4] 6% 7% 17% 10% 13% 5% 6% 3%
[SM3.5] 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%


[CP1.1] 69% 81% 83% 100% 80% 86% 82% 74%
[CP1.2] 84% 93% 100% 100% 100% 100% 85% 85%
[CP1.3] 66% 84% 67% 70% 80% 86% 73% 85%
[CP2.1] 44% 42% 58% 50% 33% 57% 45% 46%
[CP2.2] 41% 53% 33% 30% 40% 67% 42% 54%
[CP2.3] 50% 56% 67% 70% 47% 52% 55% 62%
[CP2.4] 41% 53% 42% 40% 53% 33% 52% 51%
[CP2.5] 59% 65% 67% 60% 47% 48% 70% 51%
[CP3.1] 13% 35% 50% 20% 40% 24% 18% 26%
[CP3.2] 19% 28% 8% 30% 20% 33% 27% 33%
[CP3.3] 16% 9% 8% 0% 7% 24% 12% 23%

[T1.1] 56% 60% 58% 30% 53% 76% 48% 69%
[T1.7] 53% 53% 50% 40% 53% 52% 45% 59%
[T1.8] 31% 60% 42% 30% 60% 29% 33% 49%
[T2.5] 38% 19% 58% 30% 33% 38% 42% 44%
[T2.8] 19% 9% 0% 20% 13% 33% 24% 36%
[T2.9] 13% 30% 8% 20% 33% 43% 9% 38%
[T2.10] 16% 26% 25% 10% 27% 19% 18% 18%
[T2.11] 19% 26% 0% 30% 27% 33% 15% 28%
[T2.12] 22% 26% 25% 0% 20% 19% 21% 26%
[T3.1] 3% 9% 8% 0% 13% 0% 3% 10%
[T3.2] 6% 19% 8% 10% 13% 10% 0% 8%
[T3.6] 6% 5% 8% 0% 0% 14% 3% 13%


[AM1.2] 41% 79% 75% 100% 93% 19% 42% 38%
[AM1.3] 22% 44% 42% 60% 67% 33% 18% 33%
[AM1.5] 50% 77% 50% 90% 73% 67% 36% 64%
[AM2.1] 9% 16% 17% 10% 20% 10% 3% 10%
[AM2.6] 16% 9% 8% 0% 0% 5% 9% 23%
[AM2.7] 9% 16% 8% 10% 13% 5% 9% 10%
[AM2.8] 19% 16% 8% 10% 13% 24% 12% 18%
[AM2.9] 19% 19% 8% 0% 7% 14% 12% 3%
[AM3.2] 9% 7% 0% 10% 7% 5% 3% 3%
[AM3.4] 3% 12% 8% 10% 7% 10% 3% 15%
[AM3.5] 3% 9% 0% 10% 20% 5% 3% 15%


[SFD1.1] 75% 74% 83% 80% 67% 67% 73% 82%
[SFD1.2] 78% 70% 58% 80% 73% 86% 82% 77%
[SFD2.1] 34% 30% 58% 30% 7% 43% 33% 46%
[SFD2.2] 69% 44% 42% 40% 47% 71% 64% 64%
[SFD3.1] 9% 21% 8% 20% 13% 14% 9% 15%
[SFD3.2] 13% 19% 17% 10% 7% 10% 12% 21%
[SFD3.3] 3% 12% 8% 0% 7% 10% 0% 10%


[SR1.1] 59% 79% 67% 70% 80% 76% 64% 77%
[SR1.2] 84% 70% 67% 80% 67% 90% 85% 92%
[SR1.3] 63% 81% 83% 80% 67% 81% 76% 77%
[SR1.5] 75% 74% 100% 100% 73% 86% 85% 79%
[SR2.2] 50% 67% 42% 60% 80% 57% 42% 62%
[SR2.5] 41% 53% 50% 50% 47% 48% 45% 56%
[SR2.7] 47% 44% 92% 30% 33% 33% 45% 51%
[SR3.2] 0% 12% 8% 30% 20% 24% 12% 15%
[SR3.3] 22% 7% 25% 10% 0% 14% 9% 23%
[SR3.4] 16% 19% 8% 10% 13% 24% 15% 21%


[AA1.1] 91% 79% 92% 70% 87% 90% 91% 87%
[AA1.2] 34% 33% 33% 70% 40% 71% 45% 64%
[AA1.4] 28% 77% 67% 60% 73% 24% 24% 33%
[AA2.1] 22% 16% 8% 40% 20% 57% 27% 49%
[AA2.2] 19% 12% 8% 40% 13% 57% 24% 54%
[AA2.4] 22% 23% 33% 50% 27% 48% 33% 41%
[AA3.1] 13% 9% 8% 20% 20% 24% 18% 33%
[AA3.2] 3% 7% 0% 10% 7% 14% 3% 8%
[AA3.3] 13% 9% 8% 10% 7% 14% 15% 21%

[CR1.2] 66% 63% 67% 60% 60% 81% 61% 64%
[CR1.4] 81% 86% 92% 100% 87% 86% 88% 87%
[CR1.5] 47% 56% 75% 60% 47% 67% 55% 67%
[CR1.7] 47% 35% 58% 40% 40% 48% 48% 49%
[CR2.6] 28% 14% 33% 20% 13% 10% 24% 21%
[CR2.7] 16% 14% 17% 10% 20% 14% 3% 26%
[CR2.8] 16% 30% 17% 40% 20% 5% 15% 18%
[CR3.2] 9% 14% 8% 0% 7% 24% 3% 23%
[CR3.3] 3% 5% 17% 10% 7% 0% 0% 3%
[CR3.4] 0% 2% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 5%
[CR3.5] 3% 2% 0% 0% 0% 5% 3% 5%

[ST1.1] 91% 70% 75% 100% 73% 95% 91% 97%
[ST1.3] 72% 51% 58% 70% 60% 86% 85% 87%
[ST1.4] 44% 37% 75% 60% 40% 62% 55% 64%
[ST2.4] 16% 9% 17% 0% 0% 29% 21% 33%
[ST2.5] 34% 16% 33% 10% 13% 29% 39% 38%
[ST2.6] 16% 7% 17% 0% 0% 43% 24% 44%
[ST3.3] 6% 0% 0% 10% 7% 33% 9% 36%
[ST3.4] 6% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 3% 10%
[ST3.5] 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 8%
[ST3.6] 16% 5% 17% 0% 7% 0% 6% 0%


[PT1.1] 97% 91% 100% 90% 93% 81% 97% 77%
[PT1.2] 84% 74% 100% 70% 67% 67% 91% 74%
[PT1.3] 63% 70% 75% 70% 67% 62% 70% 54%
[PT2.2] 34% 28% 58% 10% 13% 52% 36% 41%
[PT2.3] 63% 53% 58% 20% 47% 33% 55% 26%
[PT3.1] 31% 23% 50% 10% 7% 33% 18% 31%
[PT3.2] 16% 16% 42% 10% 13% 24% 9% 23%

[SE1.1] 66% 86% 67% 90% 80% 57% 61% 51%
[SE1.2] 88% 91% 100% 90% 100% 95% 76% 92%
[SE1.3] 81% 79% 83% 80% 93% 62% 82% 51%
[SE2.2] 50% 49% 58% 10% 40% 71% 52% 67%
[SE2.4] 38% 12% 25% 30% 7% 71% 42% 69%
[SE2.5] 59% 51% 83% 50% 53% 48% 52% 41%
[SE2.7] 56% 37% 58% 40% 33% 19% 48% 21%
[SE3.2] 6% 7% 8% 0% 0% 19% 9% 31%
[SE3.3] 16% 16% 25% 20% 13% 5% 18% 5%
[SE3.6] 13% 14% 17% 0% 0% 33% 12% 33%
[SE3.8] 6% 0% 8% 0% 0% 0% 3% 0%
[SE3.9] 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%


[CMVM1.1] 84% 93% 92% 90% 87% 86% 88% 92%
[CMVM1.2] 81% 67% 83% 70% 60% 81% 82% 77%
[CMVM1.3] 81% 65% 83% 80% 47% 81% 85% 87%
[CMVM2.1] 72% 72% 58% 70% 67% 71% 79% 67%
[CMVM2.3] 34% 49% 50% 40% 27% 29% 30% 38%
[CMVM3.1] 9% 12% 33% 0% 0% 10% 9% 18%
[CMVM3.2] 13% 21% 8% 0% 7% 24% 9% 31%
[CMVM3.3] 16% 21% 25% 20% 27% 5% 6% 13%
[CMVM3.4] 28% 23% 42% 10% 20% 14% 24% 18%
[CMVM3.5] 16% 21% 17% 10% 7% 14% 3% 10%
[CMVM3.6] 3% 2% 0% 0% 0% 5% 3% 5%
[CMVM3.7] 38% 21% 8% 0% 13% 48% 36% 41%
[CMVM3.8] 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

FIGURE 23. VERTICAL COMPARISON SCORECARD. This table allows for easy comparisons of observation rates for the eight verticals tracked in BSIMM14. A
light gold color in the Activity column shows the five activities with the least differences in observation rates between verticals, whereas a light blue color shows
the five activities with the most differences. Blue and gold in the remaining columns show observation rates that are significantly different from the average, either
above or below.

Within a few years, there was an emerging consensus that building
F. DATA ANALYSIS: LONGITUDINAL secure software required more than smart individuals toiling
away on guidance and training. Getting security right, especially
Every SSI changes over time as technologies, attackers, across a software portfolio, meant being directly involved in the
attacks, budgets, and everything else also changes. software development process, guiding it even as the process
You can use this information to see whether your SSI’s evolves. Since then, practitioners have come to learn that process,
trajectory is similar to that of other programs. testing, and developer tools alone are insufficient: software security
encompasses business, social, and organizational aspects as well.
The BSIMM captures real-world data about how organizations Table 13 shows how the BSIMM has grown over the years. (Recall
approach software security across their portfolio. Given the BSIMM’s that our data freshness constraints, introduced with BSIMM-V and
longevity, this data provides a unique snapshot of how the participant later tightened, cause data from firms with aging measurements
SSIs have evolved over the past 15 years, as well as how individual to be removed.) BSIMM14 describes the work of 11,000 SSG and
programs have changed from assessment to assessment. satellite members (champions) working directly in software security,
impacting the security efforts of almost 270,000 developers.
BUILDING A MODEL FOR SOFTWARE Forty-nine of the current participating firms have been through at
SECURITY least two assessments, allowing us to study how their initiatives
changed over time. Across North America, EMEA, and APAC, 31 firms
In the late 1990s, software security began to flourish as a discipline
are on their second assessment, 10 firms are on their third, five are
separate from computer and network security. Researchers began
on their fourth, and two are on their fifth. One North America firm has
to put more emphasis on studying the ways in which a developer
undertaken its sixth assessment, continuing its use of the BSIMM as
can contribute to or unintentionally undermine the security of an
an SSI planning and management tool. Figure 24 shows these firms
application and started asking some specific questions: What kinds
by percentages across three major BSIMM regions.
of bugs and flaws lead to security problems? How can we identify
these problems systematically?


BSIMM14 130 81 31 10 5 304

BSIMM13 130 76 35 11 8 314

BSIMM12 128 76 31 14 7 341

BSIMM11 130 77 32 12 9 357

BSIMM10 122 72 29 13 8 339

BSIMM9 120 78 22 13 7 320

BSIMM8 109 73 20 11 5 256

BSIMM7 95 65 15 13 2 237

BSIMM6 78 52 16 8 2 202

BSIMM-V 67 46 17 4 0 161

BSIMM4 51 38 12 1 0 95

BSIMM3 42 31 11 0 0 81

BSIMM2 30 30 0 0 0 49

BSIMM1 9 9 0 0 0 9

TABLE 13. BSIMM ASSESSMENTS DONE OVER TIME. The chart shows how the BSIMM study has grown over the years, including how some firms have received
multiple measurements.

Forty-nine of the 130 firms in BSIMM14 have been measured at least
twice. On average, the time between first and second measurements 60%
for those 49 firms was 33.5 months. Although observations of
individual activities among the 12 practices come and go (as shown 40%
in Figure 26), in general, remeasurement over time shows a clear
trend of increased maturity. The raw score went up in 44 of the 49
firms and remained the same in two. Across all 49 firms, the score
increased by an average of 13.1 (40.1%) from the first to second
measurement. Simply put, SSIs mature over time. 0%
North America EMEA APAC
As shown in Figure 26, firms moving from their first assessment to R1 R2 R3+
their second tend to invest in:
• Defining their program ([SM1.1 Publish process and evolve as MATURITY. Organizations are continuing to do remeasurements to show
necessary], [SM2.1 Publish data about software security internally that their efforts are achieving the desired results (e.g., about 56% of North
and use it to drive change]), scaling the program using the America participants are on their first assessment).
satellite ([SM2.3 Create or grow a satellite (security champions)]),
and evangelizing the secure SDLC as well Strategy & Metrics

• Defining and enforcing policy and standards ([CP1.3 Create Configuration Management & 60 Compliance & Policy
Vulnerability Management
policy], [SR2.2 Create a standards review process]) 50

• Managing vendors through boilerplate security SLAs ([CP2.4 40

Software Environment Training

Include software security SLAs in all vendor contracts], [SR2.5 30

Create SLA boilerplate]) 20

• Identifying open source components ([SR1.5 Identify open 10

source]) Penetration Testing Attack Models

Figure 25 shows the average normalized observation rate per

practice for the 49 firms that have had a second assessment. Over
the average of about 33.5 months between the two assessments, we Security Testing Security Features
see clear growth in every practice, especially in Strategy & Metrics, & Design

Compliance & Policy, and Standards & Requirements. The practices

with the highest overall growth align with the individual activities Code Review Standards & Requirements
identified in Figure 26. The changes indicate that firms feel prepared Architecture Analysis
for their first assessment after focusing on foundational and
R1 (49) R2 (49)
technical activities such as training and testing but then expand into
governance as they mature their SSIs. FIGURE 25. FIRMS ROUND 1 VS. FIRMS ROUND 2. This diagram illustrates
the normalized observation rate change, on a percentage scale, in 49 firms
There are two factors causing the numerical changes seen in the between their first and second BSIMM assessments.
longitudinal scorecard (Figure 26, showing 49 BSIMM14 firms
moving from their first to second assessments). The first factor is
that more firms have now done their second assessment (adding
firms to this group), and the second is that we drop old data
(removing firms from this group). Grouped together, the two factors
can cause a significant amount of change in the group of firms that
have had a second assessment, even if the change isn’t directly
visible in the scorecard.

(OF 49) (OF 49) (OF 49) (OF 49) (OF 49) (OF 49) (OF 49) (OF 49)


[SM1.1] 25 43 [AM1.2] 29 35 [AA1.1] 45 43 [PT1.1] 43 44
[SM1.3] 27 33 [AM1.3] 14 21 [AA1.2] 12 21 [PT1.2] 36 35
[SM1.4] 42 45 [AM1.5] 21 29 [AA1.4] 23 28 [PT1.3] 29 37
[SM2.1] 14 30 [AM2.1] 3 6 [AA2.1] 8 17 [PT2.2] 7 11
[SM2.2] 21 25 [AM2.6] 3 5 [AA2.2] 7 16 [PT2.3] 9 17
[SM2.3] 13 37 [AM2.7] 3 6 [AA2.4] 11 14 [PT3.1] 4 4
[SM2.6] 21 26 [AM2.8] 1 4 [AA3.1] 3 7 [PT3.2] 3 3
[SM2.7] 19 31 [AM2.9] 1 4 [AA3.2] 0 1
[SM3.1] 10 12 [AM3.2] 1 0 [AA3.3] 1 3
[SM3.2] 0 5 [AM3.4] 1 4
[SM3.3] 5 15 [AM3.5] 7 4
[SM3.4] 0 2
[SM3.5] 0 0


[CP1.1] 35 42 [SFD1.1] 36 40 [CR1.2] 32 29 [SE1.1] 21 35
[CP1.2] 37 45 [SFD1.2] 31 37 [CR1.4] 28 44 [SE1.2] 42 46
[CP1.3] 21 40 [SFD2.1] 9 17 [CR1.5] 13 26 [SE1.3] 5 24
[CP2.1] 17 26 [SFD2.2] 16 23 [CR1.7] 8 21 [SE2.2] 20 20
[CP2.2] 19 18 [SFD3.1] 1 7 [CR2.6] 5 10 [SE2.4] 11 14
[CP2.3] 21 26 [SFD3.2] 4 8 [CR2.7] 8 10 [SE2.5] 8 14
[CP2.4] 16 29 [SFD3.3] 1 0 [CR2.8] 13 16 [SE2.7] 4 10
[CP2.5] 30 27 [CR3.2] 1 6 [SE3.2] 6 3
[CP3.1] 9 13 [CR3.3] 1 1 [SE3.3] 3 4
[CP3.2] 6 16 [CR3.4] 0 0 [SE3.6] 2 5
[CP3.3] 1 6 [CR3.5] 0 0 [SE3.8] 0 0
[SE3.9] 0 0


[T1.1] 27 31 [SR1.1] 31 37 [ST1.1] 40 45 [CMVM1.1] 40 43
[T1.7] 14 29 [SR1.2] 29 41 [ST1.3] 38 36 [CMVM1.2] 39 36
[T1.8] 12 18 [SR1.3] 34 40 [ST1.4] 13 25 [CMVM1.3] 33 36
[T2.5] 8 19 [SR1.5] 18 34 [ST2.4] 3 8 [CMVM2.1] 34 36
[T2.8] 9 8 [SR2.2] 14 28 [ST2.5] 3 9 [CMVM2.3] 22 29
[T2.9] 7 16 [SR2.5] 12 29 [ST2.6] 7 7 [CMVM3.1] 1 3
[T2.10] 3 9 [SR2.7] 7 15 [ST3.3] 0 3 [CMVM3.2] 2 6
[T2.11] 2 14 [SR3.2] 5 9 [ST3.4] 1 2 [CMVM3.3] 3 7
[T2.12] 1 8 [SR3.3] 4 5 [ST3.5] 0 0 [CMVM3.4] 3 11
[T3.1] 0 3 [SR3.4] 11 8 [ST3.6] 0 1 [CMVM3.5] 2 2
[T3.2] 5 7 [CMVM3.6] 0 0
[T3.6] 0 2 [CMVM3.7] 0 6
[CMVM3.8] 0 0

FIGURE 26. BSIMM14 REASSESSMENTS SCORECARD ROUND 1 VS. ROUND 2. This chart shows how 49 SSIs changed between their first and second
assessments. Dark gold shows the top five activities with the most increase in observations by count. Light gold shows the next five activities with the most
increase in observations by count.

Strategy & Metrics
CHANGES BETWEEN FIRST AND THIRD Configuration Management & 60 Compliance & Policy
ASSESSMENTS Vulnerability Management

Eighteen of the 130 firms in BSIMM14 have been measured at 40

Software Environment Training

least three times. On average, the time between first and third 30

measurements for those 18 firms was 52.8 months. Although 20

individual activities among the 12 practices come and go (as shown 10

on the next page), in general, remeasurement over time shows a clear Penetration Testing Attack Models
trend of increased maturity. The raw score went up in all 18 firms.
Across all 18 firms, the score increased by an average of 21.9 (71.4%)
from their first to their third measurements. Again, SSIs mature over
time. Security Testing Security Features
& Design

Although individual activities in the Code Review Standards & Requirements

12 practices come and go, in general,

Architecture Analysis

remeasurement over time shows a R1 (18) R3 (8)

clear trend of increased maturity. FIGURE 27. FIRMS ROUND 1 VS. FIRMS ROUND 3 SPIDER CHART. This
diagram illustrates the normalized observation rate change, on a percentage
scale, in 18 firms between their first and third BSIMM assessments.
As shown in Figure 28, firms that move from their first assessment
to their third over the course of about 52.8 months, in addition to
changes shown previously, tend to invest in:
• Enabling self-sufficient engineering teams by leveraging
investments in training ([T1.7 Deliver on-demand individual
training], [T1.8 Include security resources in onboarding], [T2.9
Deliver role-specific advanced curriculum]), and static analysis
tool mentors ([CR1.7])
• Securing cloud environments ([SE1.3])
• Identifying potential attackers ([AM1.3])
Interestingly, while Figure 27 shows growth in every practice, it
shows only a slight increase in the Security Testing and Configuration
Management & Vulnerability Management practices. This could
mean that most organizations do a variety of Security Testing and
Configuration Management & Vulnerability Management activities
earlier on in their journeys.

(OF 18) (OF 18) (OF 18) (OF 18) (OF 18) (OF 18) (OF 18) (OF 18)


[SM1.1] 6 18 [AM1.2] 13 16 [AA1.1] 16 18 [PT1.1] 16 18
[SM1.3] 10 15 [AM1.3] 4 12 [AA1.2] 1 7 [PT1.2] 10 16
[SM1.4] 16 17 [AM1.5] 8 12 [AA1.4] 8 13 [PT1.3] 10 14
[SM2.1] 5 14 [AM2.1] 1 6 [AA2.1] 1 7 [PT2.2] 1 7
[SM2.2] 5 10 [AM2.6] 0 1 [AA2.2] 0 6 [PT2.3] 4 5
[SM2.3] 5 13 [AM2.7] 0 1 [AA2.4] 1 5 [PT3.1] 1 2
[SM2.6] 7 12 [AM2.8] 0 0 [AA3.1] 1 3 [PT3.2] 0 3
[SM2.7] 4 14 [AM2.9] 0 1 [AA3.2] 0 0
[SM3.1] 4 7 [AM3.2] 0 1 [AA3.3] 0 1
[SM3.2] 0 4 [AM3.4] 0 2
[SM3.3] 3 5 [AM3.5] 3 4
[SM3.4] 0 1
[SM3.5] 0 0


[CP1.1] 11 18 [SFD1.1] 15 16 [CR1.2] 13 16 [SE1.1] 8 15
[CP1.2] 14 17 [SFD1.2] 13 14 [CR1.4] 11 18 [SE1.2] 15 17
[CP1.3] 7 13 [SFD2.1] 2 5 [CR1.5] 3 10 [SE1.3] 0 10
[CP2.1] 6 10 [SFD2.2] 5 11 [CR1.7] 3 15 [SE2.2] 3 4
[CP2.2] 5 9 [SFD3.1] 0 2 [CR2.6] 1 5 [SE2.4] 2 3
[CP2.3] 7 13 [SFD3.2] 2 6 [CR2.7] 4 5 [SE2.5] 1 9
[CP2.4] 5 11 [SFD3.3] 0 0 [CR2.8] 6 8 [SE2.7] 0 4
[CP2.5] 9 13 [CR3.2] 0 2 [SE3.2] 2 2
[CP3.1] 4 9 [CR3.3] 0 2 [SE3.3] 2 2
[CP3.2] 5 4 [CR3.4] 0 0 [SE3.6] 0 1
[CP3.3] 1 1 [CR3.5] 0 0 [SE3.8] 0 0
[SE3.9] 0 0


[T1.1] 11 12 [SR1.1] 12 15 [ST1.1] 16 15 [CMVM1.1] 16 17
[T1.7] 7 15 [SR1.2] 12 17 [ST1.3] 17 16 [CMVM1.2] 17 16
[T1.8] 2 13 [SR1.3] 14 17 [ST1.4] 4 13 [CMVM1.3] 12 14
[T2.5] 4 10 [SR1.5] 4 13 [ST2.4] 0 2 [CMVM2.1] 14 16
[T2.8] 2 5 [SR2.2] 6 13 [ST2.5] 0 2 [CMVM2.3] 10 11
[T2.9] 1 7 [SR2.5] 4 10 [ST2.6] 2 1 [CMVM3.1] 0 0
[T2.10] 0 1 [SR2.7] 3 8 [ST3.3] 0 1 [CMVM3.2] 0 0
[T2.11] 0 4 [SR3.2] 4 5 [ST3.4] 0 1 [CMVM3.3] 1 3
[T2.12] 0 4 [SR3.3] 2 3 [ST3.5] 0 0 [CMVM3.4] 1 6
[T3.1] 0 1 [SR3.4] 6 5 [ST3.6] 0 0 [CMVM3.5] 0 1
[T3.2] 0 4 [CMVM3.6] 0 0
[T3.6] 0 0 [CMVM3.7] 0 0
[CMVM3.8] 0 0

FIGURE 28. BSIMM14 REASSESSMENTS SCORECARD ROUND 1 VS. ROUND 3. This chart shows how 18 SSIs changed between their first and third
assessments. Gold shows the top five activities with the most increase in observations by count. Light gold shows the next five activities with the most increase in
observations by count.

12% 80

A security champions program allows an SSI and SSG 8%
to scale their reach throughout the organization and 50
harmonize everyone’s approach to software security.
You can use this information to help justify your own 6% 40

outreach program.
A security champions program is an organized effort to deputize 20
members of the development community into being software
security leaders for their geographies, application teams, or 10
technology groups. Once they are inducted into the program, the SSI
provides the champions with training, support, and the access 0% 0
Bottom 20% Middle 60% Top 20%
needed to answer security questions.
A security champions program is an effective way to address the SSG to Developers Satellite to Developers Average Score
people and culture portions of the people, process, technology, and FIGURE 29. AVERAGE RATIO OF SSG AND SATELLITE SIZE TO DEVELOPERS
culture view of an SSI’s scope. Firms typically rely on their security FOR THREE SCORE BUCKETS. There is a strong correlation between security
champions to lead the ground-level security push among developers, champions’ support and overall BSIMM score (scale on the right).
architects, QA, operations, and other stakeholders such as cloud
and site reliability. A strong security champions program enables an 100% 100
SSI to scale people-driven activities, tune automated activities, and
prioritize remediation tracking activities within an organization. In
Figure 29, the teal bars show that firms can achieve higher scores 80% 80

even with a lower ratio of SSG to developers (e.g., the bottom 20%
have an SSG-to-developer ratio of 3.8%). One way these firms are
60% 60
able to scale is by increasing the ratio of champions to developers,
as shown by the teal bars (e.g., the bottom 20% have a satellite-to-
developer ratio of 1.9%). 40% 40

While the presence of a champions program doesn’t guarantee

a high number of activity observations, there is a correlation that
20% 20
appears when grouping BSIMM firms by scores. More than 80%
of firms in the highest scoring group have a champions program 0
as compared to 20% in the lowest scoring group. Figure 30 shows
0% 0
the score increases from an average of 22.3 activities in the lowest Bottom 20% Middle 60% Top 20%
scoring group (shown on the dark blue line), up to an average of 73.2
Percentage of Firms with a Satellite (out of 76) Average Score
activities in the high scoring group (shown here as the top 20%).
IN THREE BUCKETS BY BSIMM SCORE. Presence of a satellite and average
score (scale on the right) appear to be correlated, but we don’t have enough
data to say which is the cause and which is the effect. Here we see, for
example, that in the bottom scoring 20% (about 15 firms) of the 76 (of 130)
firms with a satellite, the average score was just over 20 compared to an
average score of over 75 for the top scoring 20% with a satellite.

When separating firms into groups with and without a satellite, the Strategy & Metrics

activity observation rate increases in every practice (see Figure 31). Configuration Management & 60 Compliance & Policy
Vulnerability Management
While the biggest differences between the two spiders are in Strategy 50

& Metrics, Training, and Standards & Requirements, the firms with 40

a satellite also spend consistently more effort on defect discovery Software Environment 30

in the Architecture Analysis, Code Review, Security Testing, and 20

Penetration Testing practices. 10

Figure 32 shows that as SSIs get older, they have higher average Penetration Testing Attack Models
scores and are more likely to have a satellite (champions team),
so is the presence of a satellite the reason for higher scores or the
consequence of older SSIs? One way to answer this question is to
Security Testing Security Features
look at the average ratio of SSG size to number of developers, shown & Design
in Figure 29, which might indicate that there is a correlation between
SSI reach and the size of the security champions team.
Code Review Standards & Requirements
Architecture Analysis

88% of f irms in the highest scoring Satellite (80) No Satellite (50)

group have a champions program, FIGURE 31. COMPARING FIRMS WITH AND WITHOUT A SATELLITE. The
compared to 38% in the lowest presence of a satellite (champions program) seems to correlate strongly with
scoring group. an increase in program maturity as evidenced by increased scores by practice
on a percentage scale

Seventy-eight percent of the 49 BSIMM14 firms that have been 35 90%

assessed more than once have a satellite, while 48% of the firms on
their first assessment do not. Many firms that are new to software 30

security take some time to identify and develop a satellite. This data
suggests that as an SSI matures, its activities become distributed
Count of Firms & Average Age

and institutionalized into the organizational structure, perhaps even 60%

into engineering automation as well, requiring an expanded satellite
to provide expertise and be the local voice of the SSG. 50%

15 40%



0 0%
0-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-125

Satellite No Satellite Average Age Percentage with a Satellite


AND SSG AGE. Older SSIs (dark blue line) not only tend to have a higher
BSIMM score (buckets 0-20, 21-30, etc.), they are also more likely to have a
champions program (dark purple line).

SSGs are the primary implementers of an SSI,
responsible for governance, enablement, productivity,
and continuous growth. You can use this information to
put your SSI and SSG on a growth path.
This section analyzes how SSIs evolve over time by analyzing SSG
age, SSG score, and other relevant data.

As the BSIMM participants changed, we added a greater number of
firms with newer SSIs and began to track new verticals that have less
software security experience (see Table 12 in Appendix E). Thus, we 0
expected a decrease in participant scores, which is easily seen in
Figure 33 for BSIMM7 through BSIMM8. Average Participant Score Median Participant Score

In BSIMM9, the average and the median scores started to increase. FIGURE 33. AVERAGE BSIMM PARTICIPANT SCORE. Adding firms with less
We saw the largest increase in BSIMM13 when the average and experience decreased the average score from BSIMM7 through BSIMM8, even
median scores increased by 4.1 and 3, respectively. One reason as remeasurements have shown that individual firm maturity increases over
for this change in average data pool score appears to be the mix
of firms using the BSIMM as part of their SSI journey. For example,
Figure 34 shows how the SSG age of firms entering the BSIMM
data pool changed over time. In BSIMM14, and in concert with the
increase in average scores seen for BSIMM13 in Figure 33, we saw 5
a significantly higher average and median SSG age of new firms vs.
what was seen in previous years. 4

A second reason appears to be firms continuing to use the BSIMM

to guide their initiatives. Firms using the BSIMM as an ongoing 3
measurement tool are likely also making sufficient improvements to
justify the ongoing creation of SSI scorecards. See Appendix F for
more details on how SSIs evolve as seen through remeasurement
A third reason appears to be the effect of firms aging out of the data
pool (see Figure 35). We see a similar assessment score trend in
mature verticals such as that of the Financial vertical (see Figure 36).
Note that when creating BSIMM11, we recognized the need to realign
Average SSG Age Median SSG Age
the Financial vertical. Over the past several years, financial and
FinTech firms differentiated significantly, and we became concerned FIGURE 34. AVERAGE AND MEDIAN SSG AGE FOR NEW FIRMS ENTERING
that having both in one vertical bucket could affect our analysis and THE BSIMM DATA POOL. The median SSG age of firms entering BSIMM7
conclusions. Accordingly, we created a FinTech bucket and removed through BSIMM8 was declining and so did the average BSIMM score, while
outliers in BSIMM7 and BSIMM8 resulted in a high average SSG age. Starting
FinTech firms from the financial bucket. This action created a new
with BSIMM9, the median age of firms entering the BSIMM was higher again,
FinTech vertical for analysis and reduced the size (but increased the which tracks with the increase of average BSIMM scores.
homogeneity) of the Financial vertical. To be clear, we did not carry
this change backward to previous BSIMM versions, meaning that
some BSIMM10 and older financial data is not directly comparable to
BSIMM11 and newer data.
Given their importance to overall SSI efforts, we also closely monitor
satellite trends. Many firms with no satellite continue to exist in the
data pool, which causes the median satellite size to be 10 (50 of 130
firms had no satellite at the time of their current assessment); 57% of
the 23 firms added for BSIMM14 had no satellite at assessment time,
as seen in Figure 37.


25 50

20 40

15 30

10 20

5 10

0 0
BSIMM7 BSIMM8 BSIMM9 BSIMM10 BSIMM11 BSIMM12 BSIMM13 BSIMM14 Median SSG Size Average SSG Age Average Score

FIGURE 35. NUMBER OF FIRMS AGED OUT OF THE BSIMM DATA POOL. Satellite (80 of 130) No Satellite (50 of 130)
A total of 143 firms have aged out since BSIMM-V. Eighteen firms that had
once aged out of the BSIMM data pool have subsequently rejoined with a new
This data appears to validate the notion that having more people, both
centralized and distributed into engineering teams, helps SSIs achieve higher
scores. For the 80 BSIMM14 firms with a satellite at last assessment time,
the average satellite size was 93 with a median of 40 (not shown). We present
the average and median SSG size to remove the impact of a few significant

50 70%







0 0%
BSIMM7 BSIMM8 BSIMM9 BSIMM10 BSIMM11 BSIMM12 BSIMM13 BSIMM14 0 - 1.5 1.5 - 3.0 3.0 - 4.5 4.5 - 6 6.0 - 9.0 9.0 - 25

score across the Financial vertical followed the same pattern as the average emerging, maturing, and enabling phases by age in years, we see a steady
score for AllFirms (shown in Figure 33). Even in such a mature vertical, we growth in score as SSIs mature.
observe a rise in the average scores over time.

Strategy & Metrics
SSG CHANGES BASED ON AGE Configuration Management & 60 Compliance & Policy
Vulnerability Management
We’ve mentioned a trend that older SSIs generally achieve higher 50

scores, and we show this trend in Figure 16 in Appendix D. Here, we 40

analyze the data in more detail to identify additional trends related to Software Environment 30
SSG age. 20

For this analysis, we put the 130 BSIMM14 SSIs into six groups 10

based on SSG age. Figure 38 shows the trend discussed earlier: the Penetration Testing Attack Models
older the SSI, the higher its BSIMM score. While the journey through
emerging, maturing, and enabling phases is not a straight line (see
Appendix B), here we equate the emerging phase with the first two
bars from the left (0-1.5 and 1.5-3.0 years of age), maturing phase Security Testing Security Features
& Design
with the next two bars, and enabling phase with the last two.
While Figure 38 provides a low-resolution view into how SSIs change Code Review Standards & Requirements
with SSG age, the following five figures increase the resolution and Architecture Analysis
compare the normalized spiders for SSIs organized by their age.
Figure 39 shows, on a percentage scale, how the SSI is changing SSGs with Ages 0-1.5 Years (22) SSGs with Ages 1.5-3.0 Years (16)
through its emerging phase. The purple line shows what the FIGURE 39. COMPARING EMERGING SSIs. As emerging SSIs move from
program looks like when SSIs are initially organizing themselves initial discovery steps (purple line) toward defining and rolling out the program
and discovering what activities are already happening in the (teal line), they invest in Strategy & Metrics, Compliance & Policy, Standards &
organization. At this point in the journey, we typically see a relatively Requirements, Penetration Testing, and Architecture Analysis. This tracks with
recommendations in Appendix B on how to start an SSI, where almost 45% of
high effort in Compliance & Policy, Standards & Requirements, and
all recommended activities in Figure 12 are from these four practices.
Penetration Testing. Likely, these efforts are already in place due to
compliance obligations, an existing cybersecurity program and its
Strategy & Metrics
focus on standards, and quick wins in defect discovery by leveraging
Configuration Management & Compliance & Policy
penetration testing. Vulnerability Management

Over the next 18 months (teal line), SSIs build some capability around
documenting and socializing the SSDL, publishing and promoting Software Environment Training
the process, and defect discovery for high-priority applications. The
differences between two spiders in Strategy & Metrics, Compliance

& Policy, Security Features & Design, Standards & Requirements, and 10

Architecture Analysis result from these efforts. Penetration Testing Attack Models

As SSIs move toward the maturing phase, they start focusing on

improving the efficiency, effectiveness, and scale of existing efforts,
see the “Maturing an SSI: Harmonizing Objectives” section of Security Testing Security Features
Appendix B. This push typically involves getting more value out of & Design

existing activities rather than doing more activities. Figure 40 shows

the difference in normalized spiders for organizations toward the Code Review Standards & Requirements
end of their emerging phase (purple line) and the beginning of their Architecture Analysis
maturing phase (teal line).
SSGs with Ages 1.5-3.0 Years (16) SSGs with Ages 3.0-4.5 Years (26)
The lack of any large differences between the spiders in Figure
40 shows that firms at this stage focus on tweaking the existing
As firms move from emerging to maturing, the average score increase is
program as they improve scale, efficiency, and effectiveness. The relatively small. This aligns with our qualitative observations in Appendix B
changes are often an investment in quick wins (such as penetration that these firms often focus more on the scale, efficiency, and effectiveness of
testing) and automation (such as code reviews). As shown in the existing activities in their SSIs vs. working on implementing new activities.
diagram, when these SSIs look to improve scale and efficiency,
they appear to have less time for manual efforts in the Architecture
Analysis practice.

As SSIs move toward the end of their maturing phase, they start Strategy & Metrics

investing again in improving policies, standards, requirements, Configuration Management & 80 Compliance & Policy
Vulnerability Management
processes, metrics, and evangelism as shown by significant 70

differences in the spiders in Figure 41. The increase in observation 50
rates in the Strategy & Metrics, Compliance & Policy, and Standards & Software Environment

Requirements practices demonstrate this trend. 30

Some factors specific to verticals might significantly influence the 10

overall shape of the spiders. For example, 20% of firms with an Penetration Testing Attack Models
SSG age between six and nine years are in the Insurance vertical as
compared to 6.7% in the entire BSIMM14 data pool. Similarly, 27%
of the firms with an SSG age above nine years are in the Financial
Security Testing Security Features
vertical versus 19% in the entire data pool. As we analyze the next & Design
two figures, we keep these facts in mind. Refer to Appendix E for
more analysis of how the verticals compare to each other.
Code Review Standards & Requirements
One potential explanation for the dip in Security Testing shown Architecture Analysis
in Figure 42 is that the Financial vertical has one of the lowest
SSGs with Ages 4.5-6.0 Years (21) SSGs with Ages 6.0-9.0 Years (26)
observation rates for this practice. For the spike in the Penetration
Testing practice, almost 60% of all firms in the age bucket between FIGURE 42. COMPARING LATE MATURING TO EARLY ENABLING SSIs. As
six and nine years are either in Cloud, ISV, or FinTech verticals—the firms move from the maturing to the enabling stage, SSIs continue to invest
three verticals with the highest observation rates in the Penetration in Compliance & Policy. Overall, this comparative growth aligns with concepts
Testing practice. Outside of the outliers mentioned above, SSIs such as putting “Sec” in DevOps as well as scaling outreach and expertise,
which are discussed in the “Enabling SSIs” section of Appendix B.
gradually increase their effort in all other practices as they start their
enabling journey.
Strategy & Metrics
In Figure 43, we see some of the largest increases in observation Configuration Management & 80 Compliance & Policy
rates, specifically in Attack Models, Security Features & Design, Vulnerability Management

Standards & Requirements, and Security Testing. The spike in 60

Security Testing can be explained by the high percentage of Software Environment

technology firms in this age bucket. The average observation

rate in the Security Testing practice is almost 2.5 times higher for 20

technology firms compared to all other firms. 10

Penetration Testing Attack Models

Strategy & Metrics

Configuration Management & 60 Compliance & Policy
Vulnerability Management
50 Security Testing Security Features
& Design

Software Environment 30
Code Review Standards & Requirements
Architecture Analysis

Penetration Testing Attack Models SSGs with Ages 6.0-9.0 Years (26) SSGs with Ages over 9.0 Years (19)

FIGURE 43. COMPARING ENABLING SSIs. As SSIs continue their enabling

phase, they invest significant effort in reusable and pre-baked security
controls (e.g., from the Security Features & Design practice) and learning
Security Testing Security Features from the attacker’s perspective (e.g., from the Attack Models practice). In fact,
& Design the increase in observation rate of activities in Security Features & Design is
the highest increase in observation rates among all practices across all age
Code Review Standards & Requirements
Architecture Analysis

SSGs with Ages 3.0-4.5 Years (26) SSGs with Ages 4.5-6.0 Years (21)

FIGURE 41. COMPARING MATURING SSIs. As firms move toward the end
of their maturing journey, SSGs start focusing again on implementing new
activities. Here, we see a trend toward a shift left approach where there
is increased investment in the Security Testing practice and decreased
investment in the Penetration Testing practice.


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