RTU5023 6 7 8 9 UserManual V2.5

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Inquiry Onsite value with a FREE

Call or SMS!

High-Low Threshold alarm with

SMS text Message alert!

Interval Report Status to Your

Mobile Phone by SMS!

&Voltage&Power Status Alarm

User Manual
Ver 2.5

Date Issued: 2020-12-15

All rights reserved by King

Pigeon Hi-Tech. Co., Ltd.

&Voltage&Power Status Alarm
Table of contents
1. Brief introduction................................................................................................................................3
2. Safety Directions.................................................................................................................................3
3. Standard Packing List......................................................................................................................... 4
4. Mainly Features.................................................................................................................................. 4
5. Technical specifications...................................................................................................................... 4
6. Physical Layout................................................................................................................................... 5
7. Reset the unit......................................................................................................................................7
8. Settings&Operation............................................................................................................................7
9. Data Communication Protocol......................................................................................................... 14
10. Warranty.........................................................................................................................................15

This handbook has been designed as a guide to the installation and operation of RTU5023,RTU5026,RTU5027,
RTU5028,RTU5029 temperature&humidity&analog&voltage&power status alarm and monitor.
Statements contained in the handbook are general guidelines only and in no way are designed to supersede the
instructions contained with other products.
We recommend that the advice of a registered electrician be sought before any Installation work commences.
King Pigeon Hi-Tech.Co., Ltd, its employees and distributors, accept no liability for any loss or damage including
consequential damage due to reliance on any material contained in this handbook.
King Pigeon Hi-Tech.Co., Ltd, its employees and distributors, accept no liability for GSM Network upgrading or SIM
Card upgrading due to the technology specifications contained in this handbook.

2015-09-10 Ver1.0 RTU5023 Origin Version

2018-08-01 Ver2.0 RTU5023/6/7/8/9 New Version

Add continue dialing function(avoid alarm calling is transferred to
2018-08-11 Ver2.1
voicemail leads to user missed alarm reminding)
Upgrade dial & data offline reconnection function;Modify
2019-01-24 Ver2.2
RTU5023/5026/5027 Alarm Verify Time to”0”(Alarm immediately).
Modify the server default parameters, increase the default
2019-09-20 Ver2.3
registration mechanism(Login Message)
2019-11-30 Ver2.4 Add 5023/5026/5027 Alarm Verify Time modification instruction.
2020-12-15 Ver2.5 RTU5028 adds voltage over-high/low-limit alarm function

***Strongly recommend you use the APP to program it***

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&Voltage&Power Status Alarm
【Model List】

Model GSM/3G/4G Description Input/Output Type DC Input

RTU5023 Environmental Monitoring Alarm AM2301 Temperature&Humidity Sensor

RTU5026 Temperature Monitoring Alarm DS18B20 Temperature Sensor

RTU5027A Analog Transducer Monitoring Alarm 4~20mA Analog Input

RTU5027V Optional Analog Transducer Monitoring Alarm 0~5V Analog Input


RTU5028 AC/DC Power Monitoring Alarm 12VDC Output

RTU5029A Phase Loss Monitoring Alarm 3 Phase Input,12VDC Output

RTU5029B Phase Loss Monitoring Alarm Single Phase Input ,12VDC Output

1. Brief introduction
RTU5023/6/7/8/9 provide 1 input for temperature,humidity,analog,power voltage,power status monitoring and
alarm.When the temperature, humidity, power voltage exceed high threshold or low threshold value, will send
SMS alert to up to 10 preset mobile phone immediately.

Just dial from authorized user number, the Monitor Alarm unit will reject at the first “Ring”, no communication cost,
and then return the current temperature, humidity, power status or voltage.It can report current status interval or
daily.Moreover,it can also support Modbus RTU Over TCP and Modbus TCP to connect to cloud platform,then
monitor the current status in real time through GSM/3G/4G network.

RTU5023/6/7/8/9 Monitor Alarm unit can be used for temperature,humidity,4~20mA/0~5V analog signal,DC
voltage,3 phase power status,single phase power status monitoring and alarm, suitable for classrooms, public
places, hospitals, stations, Food warehouses, offices, factories, libraries, laboratories, etc., and any place that
requires and supports monitoring.

2. Safety Directions
Safe Startup
Do not use GSM unit when using GSM equipment is prohibited or might bring disturbance or

All wireless equipment might interfere network signals of GSM unit and influence its performance.

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&Voltage&Power Status Alarm
3. Standard Packing List
Monitor Alarm unit X 1; Antenna X 1; AC/DC adaptor( DC12V 1.5A ) X1 ;User manual X 1.
Note: The package does not include any SIM card.
AM230x Temperature &Humidity Sensor, cable length 1m,5m,20m
DS18B20 Temperature Sensor,cable length 1m,5m,10m,20m
SR-x Siren
DIN 35mm Standard DIN rail fixed Bracket:

4. Mainly Features

 GSM/GPRS/3G/4G network communication, can be operated from anywhere, no distance;

 Multiple applications:temperature,humidity,power supply voltage,analog signal,3 phase power status,
single-phase power status, etc.;
 Inbuilt MCU monitoring power supply input voltage value, measure range is 0~36V, no need additional sensor
to save cost;
 Up to 10 authorized phone numbers, 5 can be used to receive call or SMS,and 5 can be used to call and SMS
while alarm occurrence;
 Can set timer report and every x hours automatically send its status/value to the first authorized number;
 Support remotely read historic data via SMS;
 Rechargeable backup battery inside can last 8 hours;
 Modular structure design, replace a module can upgrade the network from 2G to 3G/4G or 3G to 4G;
 Compatible wall installation and DIN35mm industrial rail installation;
 Support Modbus RTU Over TCP and Modbus TCP, can be connected to cloud platform.

5. Technical specifications
Item Reference Scope
DC Power supply Standard adapter:12VDC,Range 9~36VDC
Power consumption Standby:20mA@12V;Working Max:150mA@12V

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&Voltage&Power Status Alarm
GSM frequency: 850/900/1800/1900MHz
SIM interface Support 3V SIM Card
External antenna SMA Antenna interface, 50 Ohm, Gain: 3dB
Protocol Modbus RTU Over TCP,Modbus TCP
AM230x:temperature range -40℃~80℃,accuracy±0.5℃,
Temp.&Hum Inputs humidity range 0~99%RH,accuracy ±3%RH
DS18B20:temperature range -55℃~125℃,accuracy ±0.5℃
Analog input 4~20mA or 0~5V
Phase power input Phase power voltage:100~500VAC
Backup Battery 3.7V/900mAh,can last 8 hours
Working temperature -10℃~60℃
Working Humidity Relative humidity 95% (condensation free)
Exterior dimension 70mm * 88mm * 30mm

6. Physical Layout

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&Voltage&Power Status Alarm
6.1 LED Indicator Instruction
LED Indicator Instruction
Cellular network indicator:
2G module,flashing quickly (flash per 0.8s) means searching for cellular or no network;
flashing slowly(flash per 2s) means registered successfully.
3G/4G module,when searching for cellular or no network ,the light will 2seconds flick once;
registered successfully will be on 2s,off 1s...
Flicks quickly means data transmission.

Power indicator:LED ON when connect power;otherwise,it is OFF

Alarm Indicator:Alarm will ON.;Normally is OFF;

Status Indicator: Arm is ON;Disarm is OFF

6.2 Interface Instruction

RTU5023 interface RTU5026 interface RTU5027 interface

RTU5028 interface RTU5029 interface

Interface instruction
+ DC9~36V positive input
9~36V DC IN
– DC9~36V negative input
VCC DC3.3V output,connected with AM230x VCC power wire(red)
T&H Sensor Input
Data Connected with AM230x Data wire(yellow)
GND Connected with AM230x GND wire(black or white)
VCC DC3.3V output,connected with DS18B20 VCC power wire(red)
Temperature Sensor Input
Data Connected with DS18B20 Data wire(yellow)
GND Connected with DS18B20 GND wire(black or white)
Analog Input + 4~20mA or 0~5V analog positive input
(RTU5027) - 4~20mA or 0~5V analog negative input
12VDC Output + 12VDC positive output
(RTU5028、RTU5029) - 12VDC negative output
A/L Three- phase A phase input or single-phase fire wire input
3/Single-Phase Electric Input B Three-phase B phase input
(RTU5029) C Three-phase C phase input
N Three-phase or single-phase null wire input
ANT GSM/3G/4G antenna interface

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&Voltage&Power Status Alarm
6.3 Backside Switch & Card Slot
At the backside of the panel, please use the tool to remove the screw, and you can see switch button, RESET
button(reset button has the function: 1.upgrade,press it and switch on the device will enter upgrade
state;2.reset,press it then hold on 3 seconds in the state of power on will reset ) and card slot as below:

Switch OFF Switch ON

7. Reset the unit

(1) Switch on the device,press and hold RESET button for 3 seconds,after power indicator flash 3 times ,the device
will reset successfully.
(2) Sending SMS command ”password+RESET ”,receive returns SMS “Reset successfully”,means device is reset

8. Settings&Operation
***Strongly Recommend using the APP to program it***
1. The default Password is 1234.
2. The unit cannot support PIN Code Protected SIM Card.

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&Voltage&Power Status Alarm
3. You can program the unit with SMS commands using your phone.
4. Remember that commands must be CAPITAL LETTERS. It is PWD not pwd, CAP not Cap etc. Don't add
spaces or any other character.
5. The PWD in the commands is means the password, when you use it, please in stand of it by the digital
number; the capital letters PWD is the command letter, use PWD directly.
6. In some GSM/3G operators they use different SMS parameter; the units can’t return the SMS
confirmation in some gsm operators, but it can performance the functions correctly. Also, you can try to
add the country code before the number, see the below settings:
For example:

E.g.: the country code is 0086, or +86.

The user cell phone number is 13600000000 and has been assigned as a SMS Alert number, the sim card
number in the panel is 13512345678.

When you setup the number as the authorized number, please setup as 008613600000000 or
+86136000000000. Not 13600000000.

7. If the password is correct but the command is incorrect, the RTU502x will return: SMS Format Error,
Please check Caps Lock in Command! So please check the Command, or add the country code before the
telephone number or check the input is in ENGLISH INPUT METHOD and CAPS LOCK. If password
incorrect then will not any response SMS.
8. Once the GSM/3G Unit received the SMS Command, will return SMS to confirmation, if no SMS return,
please check your command or resend again.
9. The SMS commands that you will certainly use in the GSM units are the following:

**SMS Commands For Program and Operation the RTU50236789**

1) Setup the RTU502x SIM Card Number (Max 21 digits)

This number is used for automatically adjust the time from GSM Operator.
Command Return SMS Example
PWD+TEL+x+# 1234TEL008613570810254#
x stand for the unit phone number,max 21 digits Set success! Stands for the unit phone number is 13570810254

2) Setup RTU502x system Time

Command Return SMS Example
PWD+D20xx-yy-zz+Thh:mm or 1234D2018-01-02T03:04
PWD+Dxxyyzz+Thhmm 1234D180102T0304
Setup Notice: xx(Y)xx(M)xx(D)xx(H)xx(M) Stands for 03:04, January
xx(year),yy(month),zz(day),hh(hour), 2,2018
Inquiry PWD+D#T# or PWD+D xx(Y)xx(M)xx(D)xx(H)xx(M))

3) Modify Password (4digits, Default is: 1234)

Command Return SMS Example
[new password],This is the New Password, 1234P4321 stands for change
PWD+P+new password
please remember it carefully. password from 1234 to 4321

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&Voltage&Power Status Alarm
4) Armed or Disarmed
Command Return SMS Example
Armed stands for while alarm occurrence, will send SMS or dial
Armed PWD+AA Armed
to alert users.
Disarmed stands for while alarm occurrence, will not send SMS
Disarmed PWD+BB Disarmed
or dial to alert users.

5) Setup Authorized User number (Total 10 authorized number, each number max 21 digits.)
 When alarm/Recovery occurrence, the RTU502x will send predefined SMS to the 1st ~5th numbers, and
send SMS also dial 6th ~10th numbers, till any one answer it or cycle dial 3 times.
 Just dial from Authorized User number, the RTU502x will reject at the first “Ring”, no communication cost,
and then return the current temperature, humidity, power voltage by SMS.
 The 1th number can also receive daily report SMS.
Command Return SMS
PWD+A+x+T+y 1: ---
(x= 01~10,must be 2 digits,stands for series number) 2: ---
(y stands for phone number,max 21 digits,supports add country code,e.g. 3: 13570810254
+86 or 0086) 4: ---
e.g.: 1234A03T008613570810254 to setup 008613570810254
as the 3rd number.
Inquiry PWD+A Return All numbers
Remove PWD+A+x

6) Setup Alarm Parameter 1

Command Return SMS
Setup Channel x=1,2,3;1 stands for temperature or analog input,2 stands for Temperature/AIN:y
Name humidity,3 stands for voltage(below x are the same) Humidity:y
y stands for channel name,max 20 characters Voltage:y
Inquiry PWD+AIN123

y stands for low threshold value;z stands for high threshold value,if
y=z,will not alarm
RTU5023 valid temperature range:-400~800(stands for 40℃~80℃); Temperature/AIN:
RTU5026 valid temperature range:-550~1250(stands for -55℃ low:y,High:z.
Humidity valid range:0~100(stands for 0%RH~100%RH); Humidity:
Setup Threshold
Voltage valid range:0~370(stands for 0V~37V); Low: y,High: z.
Analog signal range:-32767~32767(stands for -3276.7~3276.7);
When sending SMS command to setup,except humidity should be Voltage:
setup according to actual value,the temperature, voltage and analog Low: y,High: z.
value should be setup at 10 multiples of actual value.
If setup by APP, all of them can be setup according to actual value.
Recommended to use the APP for setting.
E.g.1234AINR1L-120H356# to setup temperature low threshold as
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&Voltage&Power Status Alarm
-12.0℃,high threshold as 35.6℃;
1234AINR2L10H90# to setup humidity low threshold as 10%RG,high
threshold as 90%RH
Inquiry PWD+AINR
y,z=-32767~32767;y stands for min value,z stands for max value;
RTU5027A default min is 40,max is 200(corresponds to 4mA,20mA);
Setup Analog RTU5027V default min is 0,max is 50(corresponds to 0V,5V)
Measurement When sending SMS command to setup,the value should be setup at
value range 10 multiples of actual value; AIN: Min:y,
(Used for RTU5027) If setup by APP, can be setup according to actual value. Max:z
Recommended to use the APP for setting.
E.g.1234AINML-13579H24680# to set up min value as -1357.9,max
value as 2468.0
Inquiry PWD+AINM
x=1,2,3;1 stands for temperature or analog input,2 stands for
Setup Alarm Verify AINQ1:y(S)
humidity,3 stands for voltage
Time AINQ2:y(S)
y=0~255 seconds; temperature, humidity, analog quantity default 5
seconds, voltage default 2 seconds AINQ3:y(S)

Inquiry PWD+AINQ

Setup Alarm Parameter 2

Command Return SMS
Setup Device Name
y stands for device name,max 60 characters Device Name:y
Inquiry PWD+DN

RTU5028: PWD+AINQ+y The verification time of

RTU5029: PWD+AIN+x+Q+y External Power Goes
Setup Alarm Verify x=1,2; 1 stands for external power supply,3 stands for OFF: y Seconds
Time single/three phase power AINQ1:y Seconds
y=0~65535 seconds,default 2 seconds,0 stands for alarm AINQ2:y Seconds
Inquiry PWD+AINQ

RTU5028:PWD+AINA+y Alarm Content : y

RTU5029:PWD+AINA+x+T+y AINA1: y
Setup Power Failure
x=1,2; 1 stands for External power supply,3 stands for ANIA2: y
Alarm Content
single/three phase power
y stands for power failure alarm content,max 40 characters
Inquiry PWD+AINA

RTU5028: PWD+AINN+y Recover Content: y

Setup Power RTU5059: PWD+AINN+x+T+y AINN1: y
Recover Content x=1,2; 1 stands for External power supply,3 stands for ANIN2: y
single/three phase power

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&Voltage&Power Status Alarm
y stands for power recovery alarm content,max 40 characters

Inquiry PWD+AINN

PWD+AOT+y 12V Output: y Seconds

Setup 12V Output
y=0~65535 seconds,default 120 seconds,0 stands for always
keep output
Inquiry PWD+AOT

Open 12 V Output PWD+AON 12V Output: ON/OFF

Close 12 V Output PWD+AOF

Inquiry PWD+AOE
Set voltage Note: y is the channel name, which supports up to 60 characters
channel name (1 Chinese character occupies 2 characters); Voltage:y
(Only for 5028) Example: Set the voltage channel name to voltage,
command1234AIN3T Voltage
(Only for 5028)
Note: y is low threshold, z is high threshold. If the high and low
threshold are set to be the same, there will be no alarm. The Voltage:
default is 0; Low: y,High: z.
Voltage setting range 0~370 (corresponding to 0V~37V);
Setup Threshold
When setting the command, the voltage should be set 10 times
of the actual value. For example, if the voltage is 12V, the set
value should be 120; if you use APP to set, all the actual values
can be used. It is recommended to use APP to set.
Example: Set the low threshold voltage to 9V and high threshold
value to 15V, command 1234AINR3L90H150#
(Only for 5028)

7) Setup Daily Report Time (Default is 10:00AM)

The daily report is everyday report the RTU502x current status by SMS to the 1st Authorized number.
The content is same with return SMS of command “PWD+EE”.
Command Return SMS
Setup Daily SMS Report at:hh:mm
hh stands for hour;mm stands for minute,must be 2 digits
Inquiry PWD+DRT Daily SMS Report at:HH:MM
Delete PWD+DRTDEL Daily SMS Report at:

8) Setup Interval Report Time

The interval report is interval to report the current status by SMS to the 1st Authorized number.
The content is same with return SMS of command “PWD+EE”.
Command Return SMS
Setup PWD+DT+x Report status every xxx hours

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&Voltage&Power Status Alarm
(xxx=001-998hours, must be 3digits,default 999,stands for disable
Inquiry PWD+DT

9) Inquiry Current Status (We recommend user inquiry it by call from authorized numbers)
Command Return SMS
Device Name;(for RTU5028/9)
A Phase:[Normal/Loss]; (for RTU5029A)
B Phase:[Normal/Loss]; (for RTU5029A)
C Phase:[Normal/Loss]; (for RTU5029A)
Single Phase:Normal/Loss;(for RTU5029B)
External Power Normal/Failure: Current value;(for RTU5028/9)
PWD+EE AIN:Current Value,[Normal/Higher/Lower];(for RTU5027)
Temp:xxxxC,[Normal/Higher/Lower];(for RTU5023/6)
Humi:xxxxRH%,[Normal/Higher/Lower];(for RTU5023)
Volt:xxxxVDC,[Normal/Higher/Lower];(for RTU5023/6/7)
GSM Signal Value:

10) Inquiry Historic Record (Only can inquiry the latest 100 alarm events.)
Command Return SMS Example
[IMEI Code as Device ID]
2015-07-15,18:18 1:[Current Value] °C,[Higher/Lower/Normal]
PWD+HIS+x 2015-07-15,18:18 2: [Current Value]RH%,[Higher/Lower/Normal] PWDHIS5 to
(x=1-100,stands 2015-07-15,18:18 3: [Current Value]VDC,[Higher/Lower/Normal] read the latest 5
for inquiry qty) historic record.
(0: Analog input, 1: Temperature, 2: Humidity, 3: Voltage. Each SMS will
include one IMEI Code as Device ID.)

11) Remotely Reboot

Command Return SMS Example
PWD+REBOOT+x Reboot: x Hours 1234REBOOT3 The device will be
Setup Periodicity Reboot (xxxx=0-9999 hours, reboot automatically for every 3
default is 160 hours) hours.
Inquiry PWD+RE
Reboot Manually PWD+RT No return SMS

12) Remotely Reset

Command Return SMS
Remotely Reset PWD+RESET Reset successfully

13) Setup Device ID

Command Return SMS

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&Voltage&Power Status Alarm
Setup x=0~65535,default is 1.
If the device choose Modbus protocol,x=1~247
Inquiry PWD+IDE

14) Setup GPRS/3G/4G Parameter

Command Return SMS
PWD+AP+x+#+y+#+z APN:x
x stands for APN,y means user name,z means password User name:y
Inquiry PWD+AP Password:z

15) Setup Server IP/Domain Name/Port Parameter

Command Return SMS
Setup x stands for server IP address or domain name,y=0~65536,stands for server
Server IP:x
Inquiry PWD+IP

16) Setup GPRS Communication Protocol

Command Return SMS
Setup x=1,2,3;1 stands for Modbus RTU Over TCP protocol,2 stands for Modbus
TCP protocol GPRS/3G/4G:x
Inquiry PWD+INTE
If choose Modbus RTU Over TCP protocol, the Server will revert to the setting that domain name is
modbusrtu.kpiiot.com, port is 4000;
If choose Modbus TCP protocol, the Server will revert to the setting that domain name is mbtcp.dtuip.com,port is
If want to connect own server, pls setup GPRS communication protocol first,then setup server parameter.

17) Setup GPRS Online

Command Return SMS
Setup PWD+GPRSonline GPRS Online

18) Setup the no data offline reconnection time

Command Return SMS
x=60~65535 seconds,default is 120 seconds,Indicate if no data sent
Setup Reconnect time:x seconds
within 120 seconds after the device is connected to the server, then it
will be automatically disconnected and reconnected to the server.

19) Setup the Login Message

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&Voltage&Power Status Alarm
Command Return SMS
Setup x stands for Login Message content,max 50 characters, default is "IMEI
Registration package:x
Inquiry PWD+RTE

20) Setup the Heartbeat

Command Return SMS
Setup Heartbeat package
x stands for Heartbeat content,max 20 characters,default is req
content: x seconds
Inquiry PWD+HEE

21) Setup the Heartbeat Interval

Command Return SMS
Setup Heart Pack Period:x
x=0~9999 seconds,default is 60 seconds,0 stands for not upload
Inquiry PWD+HTE

22) Setup continue to call next authorize number, even answering if without press a key (avoid alarm calling is
transferred to voicemail leads to user missed alarm reminding)
Command Return SMS
Not continue
Once anyone answered, the device will not call next authorized Set successfully
dialing (Default)
number,if nobody answer will circular dialing for 3 times .
After answering, the device will continue to call next authorize
Continue dialing Set successfully
number without pressing the key on the phone,press * or # will
stop calling next authorize number

9. Data Communication Protocol

The RTU5023/6/7/8/9 supports GPRS/3G/4G data transfer to cloud server,supports Modbus RTU Over TCP and
Modbus TCP protocol.
5023、5026、5027 Modbus Address Instruction
Register Address Definition Data Type Data Description
0 Analog/Temperature 16bit signed int 4 Actual=Register Value/10
1 Humidity 16bit signed int 4 Actual=Register Value
2 Voltage 16bit unsigned int 4 Actual=Register Value/10

5028、5029 Modbus Address Instruction

Register Address Definition Data Description
0 12V Output 1、5 0 means Close,1 means Open
0 External Power Status 2 0 means External Power Failure,
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&Voltage&Power Status Alarm
1 means External Power Normal
0 means A Phase Loss/Power Failure,
1 A Phase Status/Single Phase Status 2
1 means Normal
2 B Phase Status 2 0 means B Phase Loss,1 means Normal
3 C Phase Status 2 0 means C Phase Loss,1 means Normal
2 (Only for 16bit unsigned int,
Voltage 4
RTU5028) Actual=Register Value/10

10. Warranty
1) This system is warranted to be free of defects in material and workmanship for one year.
2) This warranty does not extend to any defect, malfunction or failure caused by abuse or misuse by the
Operating Instructions. In no event shall the manufacturer be liable for any alarm system altered by

The End!
Any questions please help to contact us feel free.

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