Course Syllabus For ICT 2020-2021 FV
Course Syllabus For ICT 2020-2021 FV
Course Syllabus For ICT 2020-2021 FV
Table of Contents
I. SECOND YEAR PROGRAM ........................................................... 7
MATH 2.1: PROBABILITIES & STATISTICS .....................................................................................................................7
MATH 2.2: ANALYSIS& ALGEBRAIC STRUCTURES ......................................................................................................10
ICT 2.1: ALGORITHMS AND DATA STRUCTURES .........................................................................................................12
ICT 2.2: OBJECT-ORIENTED PROGRAMMING .............................................................................................................13
ICT 2.3: SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS .................................................................................................................................15
ICT 2.4: COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE ..........................................................................................................................16
MATH2.3: DISCRETE MATHEMATICS .........................................................................................................................18
MATH 2.4: NUMERICAL METHODS ............................................................................................................................19
ICT 2.5: BASIC DATABASES .........................................................................................................................................20
ICT 2.6: COMPUTER NETWORKS ................................................................................................................................22
ICT 2.7: SOFTWARE ENGINEERING .............................................................................................................................24
ICT2.8: OPERATING SYSTEMS .....................................................................................................................................26
ICT 2.9: DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING .......................................................................................................................28
ICT 2.10: MOBILE WIRELESS COMMUNICATION ........................................................................................................29
ICT 2.11: SOFTWARE TESTING AND QUALITY ASSURANCE ........................................................................................30
ICT 2.12: IMAGE PROCESSING ....................................................................................................................................31
Program Overview
In the last few decades, ICT has always been the key sector at the forefront of science and technology. Due
to that fact, ICT is considered as the science of future, its development is important for every country as for
Vietnam. ICT is a multidisciplinary science with the Information Technology, Computer Science, Software
Engineering and Telecommunication.
The concepts, methods and applications involved in ICT are constantly evolving on an almost daily basis.
ICT applications can deliver basic services in a wide range of sectors including: health, agriculture, education,
public administration, commerce, among others. Given the right approach, context and implementation
processes, investments in ICT applications and tools can result in productivity and quality improvements.
The ICT formation in USTH prepares graduates for careers in various fields of Software Engineering and
Computer Science. It focuses on applied research and emerging technologies. The ICT program equips
students with the fundamental understanding of computing and system administration, then the professional
knowledge of information systems, advance databases and eventually management of projects. Besides the
formation aims to train them capable of working effectively in multidisciplinary teams and in an international
environment; taking appropriate position in industry upon graduation and growing into leadership position,
and also pursuing scientific research.
Program Formation
The ICT curriculum provides a solid foundation in mathematics, informatics, software engineering and
communication. The program also builds a core of computer science for higher education. Additionally,
students can specialize in particular areas such as mobile and web development, security and system, data
mining, … etc. by selecting the appropriate technical electives and completing the “Group project” and the
internship of at least 3 months.
1. Educational Objectives
Information and Communication Technology program at USTH provides students:
- Basic knowledge and skills to work for Information& Communication Technology;
- Specialized skills, social skills and personal characteristics to efficiently work in multi-sector and
international enterprises;
- Political qualities, morality, health and sense of serving community;
2. Expected Learning Outcomes
Bachelor Program in Information and Communication Technology, University of Science and Technology of
Hanoi (USTH) aims to provide students the basic knowledge and solid professional knowledge, necessary
social skills to work effectively in multidisciplinary teams and in the international environment; personal
qualities and and sense of life-long learning to succeed in career; political qualities and sense of serving
community. These objectives are clearly reflected in the below expected learning outcomes:
1. Solid professional knowledge to adapt to various jobs of researching theories, modeling ideas, designing
and develping technology solutions, consulting and managing required systems in field of Information
and Communication Technology.
1.1 Ability to apply basic knowledge of mathematics, physics, statistic probability… to describe, caculate
and simulate, design and develop Computer systems.
1.2 Ability to apply basic knowledge of programming, coding, database, discrete mathematics, operation
systems, information systems, computer structures, computer networks, … to do research and analyse
systems, products in Information Technology.
1.3 Ability to apply core knowledge of Information Technology, accompanying with ability to utilize
advanced tools to design, implement, control and evaluate ICT systems; ability to analyse practical
issues, design and develop Computer applications.
2. Personal and professional skills and attributes:
2.1 Reasoning and problem solving
2.2 Experimentation and knowledge discovery
2.3 System thinking and critical thinking
2.4 Creativity, activeness and seriousness
2.5 Professional Ethics, Integrity, Responsibility and Accountability
2.6 Contemporary issue understandings and lifelong learning
3. Interpersonal skills for teamwork and international communication:
3.1 Leadership and skills to work in Cross-disciplinary teams
3.2 Communication skills: written communication, electronic/multimeadia communication, presentation,
persuasive argument, effective negotiation
3.3 English skills, IELTS ≥ 6.5.
4. Conceiving, designing, implementing and operating systems/products/technical solutions in the enterprise
and social context:
4.1 Awareness of relationship between ICT solutions and socio-economic and global contexts.
4.2 Ability to identify problems, form ideas for technical solutions, participate in ICT projects.
4.3 Ability to design and develop systems, products, technical solutions, plattform, network, database,
common application infrastructure, system management, security, application systems, application
4.4 Ability to install and operate systems, products, technical solutions, plattform, network, database,
common application infrastructure, system management, security, application systems, application
4.5 Ability to utilize and maintain systems, products, technical solutions, plattform, network, database,
common application infrastructure, system management, security, application systems, application
5. Qualification & Certification:
5.1 Qualification on bachelor level of the MOET’s general provisions
5.2 Qualification on international bachelor level based on European Credit Transfer and Accumulation
System (ECTS).
4. Topic 3: Mathematical Expectation
Definition of Mathematical Expectation, Expectation of a Random Variable and a Function of
Random Variables, The Variance and Standard Deviation, Moments, Moment Generating Functions,
Characteristic Functions, Variance for Joint Distributions, Covariance, Correlation Coefficient,
Conditional Expectation, Conditional Variance and Moments, Chebyshev’s Inequality, Weak Laws
of Large Numbers, The Central Limit Theorem, Mode and Median, Skewness and Kurtosis.
5. Topic 4: Special Probability Distributions
The Binomial Distribution and its properties
The Normal Distribution and its properties
The Poisson distribution and its properties
Relations between the Binomial, Poisson and Normal Distributions
The Multinomial Distribution
The Hyper geometric Distribution
The Uniform Distribution
The Gamma Distribution
The Cauchy Distribution
The Gamma Distribution
The Beta Distribution
The Chi-Square Distribution
Student’s t Distribution
The F Distribution
Relationships among Chi-Square, t, and F Distributions
The Bivariate Normal Distribution
Geometric and Pascal’s Distribution
Exponential Distribution
Maxwell Distribution
6. Exercises for topic 3 and 4.
7. Topic 5 Sampling Theory
Random Sampling and Statistical Inference, Sampling With and Without Replacement, Population
Parameters, Sample Statistics, Approximate Distribution of the Sample Mean, Sampling
Distributions (of Means, of Differences and Sums, of Variances)
Sampling Distribution of Ratios of Variances (F - Distribution)
Other Statistics: Frequency Distributions, Relative Frequency Distributions; Computation of Mean,
Variance, and Moments for Grouped Data.
8. Topic 6 Estimation Theory
Unbiased Estimates and Efficient Estimates,
Point Estimates and Interval Estimates,
Point Estimation of Mean, Variance, and Proportion,
Confidence Intervals for Means, Proportions,
Differences and Sums, and for the Variance of a Normal Distribution,
Confidence Intervals for Variance Ratios,
Maximum Likelihood Estimates,
Maximum Likelihood Estimator of a Bernoulli Parameter, Poisson Parameter, and normal
Bayes Estimator * (optional)
9. Exercises for topic 5 and 6
10. Topic 7 Tests of Hypotheses and Significance
Statistical Hypotheses, Null Hypotheses
Type I and Type II Errors, Level of Significance
Tests Involving the Normal Distribution
One-Tailed and Two-Tailed Tests
P Value
Special Tests of Significance (for Large Samples, and for Small Samples)
Relationship between Estimation Theory and Hypothesis Testing
Operating Characteristic Curves
Power of a Test
Fitting Theoretical Distributions to Sample Frequency Distributions
The Chi-Square Test for Goodness of Fit
Contingency Tables
11. Topic 8 Curve Fitting, Regression, and Correlation
Curve Fitting, Regression,
The Method of Least Squares,
Least Squares Estimators of the Regression Parameters,
The Least-Squares Line in and Covariance, Multiple Linear
Terms of Sample, Variances Regression,
Distributions of the Estimators, Standard
Distributions of the Error of Estimate,
The Linear Correlation Coefficient,
Generalized Correlation Coefficient,
Rank Correlation,
Probability Interpretation of Regression and Correlation,
Sampling Theory of Regression and Correlation, Correlation and Dependence
12. Exercises for topic 7 and 8
13. Topic 9 Analysis of Variance
The Purpose of Analysis of Variance,
One-Way Classification or One-Factor Experiments,
- Total Variation, Variation within Treatments, Variation between Treatments,
- Linear Mathematical Model for Analysis of Variance, Expected Values of the Variations,
- Distributions of the Variations,
- The F Test for the Null Hypothesis of Equal Means,
- Analysis of Variance for Unequal Numbers of Observations,
Two-Way Classification or Two-Factor Experiments,
- Variations for Two-Factor Experiments,
- Analysis of Variance for Two-Factor Experiments,
- Two-Factor Experiments with Replication
14. Topic 10 Nonparametric Tests
The Sign Test,
The Mann–Whitney U Test; The Kruskal–Wallis H Test; The H Test Corrected for Ties; The Runs
Test for Randomness; Spearman’s Rank Correlation.
15. Exercises for topic 9 and 10
III. Reference Literature:
[1]. Course notes, in-class exercises and homework problems.
[2]. Spiegel R. M., Schiller J., Srinivasan R. A., Probability and Statistics, Third edition, McGraw
Hill, 2009.
[3]. Montgomery C. D., Runger C. G., Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers, Fifth
edition, John Wileys& Sons, 2011.
[4]. Vidakovic B., Statistics for Bioengineering Sciences, Springer 2011.
I. Course description:
1. Credit points: 3 ECTS
2. Time commitment:
Items Lecture Tutorial Practical Total
No. of hours 20 16 0 36
3. Prerequisites:
Sets, Boolean algebra, mappings, functions, real analysis of one variable, linear algebra/ University;
Number theory (divisibility)/ from 6-9 classes; programming/12 class, University.
4. Recommended background knowledge:
Math reasoning, expansions of the function into series
5. Subject description:
This course provides the elementary knowledge on the analysis of several variables: the
differentiability concept, integration understanding from the point of view of vector analysis. The
algebraic part helps the learners to conquest the mathematical basics of computer sciences in the semi
groups, groups, ring, relations, field’s terminologies and application in daily using.
6. Objectives & Outcome:
Basic understanding of how the multivariate calculus differs from 1D case: the double limits,
continuity, partial derivatives, integration over the domain and curvilinear integrating technics.
Students should be able to be familiar with some applications in the optimization problem and
graphing visualization. Many new algebraic concepts will be introduced in the relations with ICT
branch’ preparation: the learners should be known about the built-in structures in the networking
basing on partitions, filters ordering of the most simple PC’ data processing.
7. Assessment/ Evaluation
Component Attendance Exercises Assignments Reports Midterm Final
5 5 0 0 20 70
8. Prescribed Textbook(s)
[1] W. F. Trench, Introduction to real analysis (Available online)
[2] Milner, Group theory, Lecture notes, 2003 (Available online for personal use)
II. Course content & schedule:
1. Topic 1: Calculus of several variables
1.1. The limits, continuity of functions
- Limits as a new concept in the metric space.
- Equivalent definitions of the continuity.
1.2. The differentiability
- Derivative as the linear mapping.
- Partial derivatives.
- Directional derivative, the meaning.
- Optimization: Lagrange method of multipliers.
1.3. The integration technics
A. Multiple integrals
- Definitions, properties.
- Changing of variables: Jacobian, polar coordinates, cylindrical coordinates.
- Volume, center of mass findings.
B. Curvilinear integrals
- Parameterizations of the curve.
- The first kind of curvilinear integrals: in the relation with the length element.
- The second kind of curvilinear integrals: the orientation, Green formula.
- Method of re-parameterizations.
C. Surface integrals
- Several parameterizations of the surface.
- The area as the integral element for the 1-st kind integral.
- The differential form in 2-nd kind integral.
- Orientation’ influence on the sign of integrals.
- The Gauss formula.
- The Stokes theorem.
1.4. Applications:
- The graphing computerizing illustrations: Explanation of graphs, dragging mode while
graphing, understanding the role of parameters, exploring the curves and special surfaces.
2. Topic 2: Algebraic structures
2.1. Basic definitions
- Groups, subgroups
- Order
- Cyclic groups
- Cossets
- Normal subgroups
2.2. Semi groups as the flows
- Free semi groups.
- Generators and relations.
- Finitely presented groups.
2.3. Groups acting on the sets
- Permutations.
- The Todd-Coxeter algorithm.
2.4. Computer algebra: algebra of the polynomials, power series, rational functions
- Rings and Fields
- Divisibility and Factorization of the domains.
- Euclidean algorithm.
- Quotient Field and Rational functions.
- The data structures for the polynomials, rational functions and power series.
III. Reference Literature:
[1]. G.Cain, J.Herod: Multivariable calculus, 1997.
[2]. W. F. Trench, Introduction to real analysis (Available online)
[3]. Milner, Group theory, Lecture notes, 2003 (Available online for personal use)
[4]. Gedder et al., Algorithms for computer algebra, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1992.
I. Course description:
1. Credit points: 3 ECTS
2. Time commitment:
Items Lecture Tutorial Practical Total
No. of hours 20 0 16 36
3. Prerequisites: Basic Programming
4. Recommended background knowledge: Programming languages (C), Mathematics
5. Subject description:
Data Structures are the programmatic way of storing data so that data can be used efficiently. Almost
every enterprise application uses various types of data structures in one or other way. This course will
provide basic concepts for algorithms, data structures. The goal is to introduce the various abstract
data types such as linear and non-linear data structures. Besides, for the efficient use of data, sorting
and searching data algorithms used in real world applications. are presented in this course.
6. Objectives & Outcome:
On the completion of this course students should be able to:
- Understand the basic programming concepts
- Understand analysis and design of computer algorithm and data structures.
- Analyze real-world problems and design appropriate data structures according to the problems using
techniques from the course
- Work individually or in a group
7. Assessment/ Evaluation
Component Attendance Exercises Assignments Reports Midterm Final
10 0 30 0 0 60
8. Prescribed Textbook(s):
[1]Adam Drozdek, Data Structures and Algorithms in C++, 4th Edition, Cengage Learning, 2012
II. Course content & schedule:
1. Basic Programming Concepts in C++
2. Elementary Data Structures
3. Abstract (Linear) Data Types I
4. Abstract (Linear) Data Types II
5. Recursive Algorithms
6. Trees
7. Sorting Algorithm I
8. Sorting Algorithm II
9. Searching Algorithm
10. Graphs
III. Reference Literature:
[1] Adam Drozdek, Data Structures and Algorithms in C++, 4th Edition, Cengage Learning, 2012
I. Course description:
1. Credit points: 4 ECTS
2. Time commitment:
Items Lecture Tutorial Practical Total
No. of hours 25 0 15 40
3. Prerequisites: Basic programming
4. Recommended background knowledge:
Students are recommended to master the following basic programming skills:
- Understand fundamental concepts of programming
- Basic data types, array, string, pointer, etc,
- Basic algorithms such as sorting, searching, etc
- Have good programming style (e.g. comments, indentation, naming, etc)
5. Subject description:
Object-Oriented Programming is a fundamental programming methodology for creating computer
applications. Object-Oriented Programming offers a wide range of advantages over procedural
programming such as easier debugging, easier code reuse, etc. This course will provide students with
essential object-oriented programming concepts, principles, and techniques in order to create object-
oriented computer applications. The concepts will be illustrated using the Java programming language.
The topics covered include: objects and classes, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism,
abstraction, interfaces, exception handling, and input/output streams.
6. Objectives & Outcome:
At the end of the course, students will be able to:
- Understand the basic principles and concepts of object-oriented programming
- Practice how to use these concepts and principles with Java programming language
- Apply object-oriented techniques to develop computer programs
7. Assessment/ Evaluation
Component Attendance Exercises Assignments Reports Midterm Final
10 0 20 0 0 50
8. Prescribed Textbook(s):
[1] Kathy Sierra, Bert Bates, Head First Java, 2nd Edition, O' Reilly, 2005
[2] Deitel & Deitel, Java How to Program, 9th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2011.
II. Course content & schedule:
1. Course introduction - Introduce to Object-oriented programming
2. Introduction to Java programming language
3. Objects and classes - Instance variables and methods – Encapsulation
4. Objects and object references
5. Class members vs. Instance members - Java packages
6. Inheritance - Polymorphism
7. Assignment 1 presentation
8. Abstraction
9. Interfaces
10. Exceptions
11. Data structures
12. I/O Streams
13. Principles of object-oriented design
14. Assignment 2 presentation
III. Reference Literature:
[1]. Kathy Sierra, Bert Bates, Head First Java, 2nd Edition, O' Reilly, 2005.
[2]. Deitel&Deitel, Java How to Program, 9th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2011.
[3]. Java™ Platform, Standard Edition 7 API Specification,
I. Course description:
1. Credit points: 3 ECTS
2. Time commitment:
Items Lecture Tutorial Practical Total
No. of hours 20 16 0 36
3. Prerequisites:
4. Recommended background knowledge:
5. Subject description:
This course covers the fundamentals of signal and system analysis. It develops mathematical transform
techniques and computational tools to analyze the behavior of analog and digital systems. The main
focus is on representations of discrete-time and continuous-time signals, as well as discrete-time and
continuous-time systems in time domain and frequency domain.
6. Objectives & Outcome:
When completing this course, it is expected that a student will have the ability to:
- Recognize the terminology that is used in the Signal Processing field.
- Apply transform techniques and concepts in formulating and solving engineering problems.
- Think critically, ask
7. Assessment/ Evaluation
Component Attendance Exercises Assignments Reports Midterm Final
20 10 (bonus) 0 0 30 50
8. Prescribed Textbook(s):
II. Course content & schedule:
1. Signals, Systems, Operation/Transformations
2. Discrete time LTI system
3. Continuous LTI system
4. Properties of LTI system, Frequency Response
5. Fourier Series of Continuous-Time Periodic Signals
6. Fourier Series of Discrete-Time Periodic Signals
7. Continuous-time Fourier Transform
8. Fourier Transform: signals & systems
9. Discrete-time Fourier Transform
10. Sampling Theorem, Reconstruction/Interpolation
11. Review
12. Octave Introduction
I. Course description:
1. Credit points: 3 ECTS
2. Time commitment:
Items Lecture Tutorial Practical Total
No. of hours 26 0 10 36
3. Prerequisites: Computer Architect, Programming.
4. Recommended background knowledge: Digital Electronics
5. Subject description:
Advanced Computer Architecture describes the computer hardware structure such as pipeline, memory
architecture, the how to develop software program that make use of computer architecture.
6. Objectives & Outcome:
Students should gain knowledge about:
- Advanced Computer Hardware Behavior and Design: Pipeline, Memory Architecture,
Superscalar, Multiple Issue Processor
- Estimate and measure the computer performance: Clock Per Instruction, Frequency, Number of
Students should have skill to:
- Develop program that can use the computer architect to improve the performance.
7. Assessment/ Evaluation
Component Attendance Exercises Assignments Reports Midterm Final
10 0 10 0 10 70
8. Prescribed Textbook(s):[1]Computer Org and Design, 3rd Ed., Patterson &Hennessy, ©2007
II. Course content & schedule:
1. Chapter 1: Simple Machine Implementation
- MIPS Instruction Set Architecture (Revised):
ü Definition of Instruction Set Architecture
ü Concept of Instruction Set Architecture families
ü MIPS ISA: Instruction Types and formats; Syntax and Sematics of MIPS Instructions
- MIPS Processor Specification:
ü Input, Output of the CPU
ü Programmer Visible Registers of the CPU
ü Initialization of the CPU
ü Functionalities of the CPU
2. Chapter 1: Simple Machine Implementation
- Simple MIPS Processor Implementation:
ü Single Cycle Implementation
ü Performance of Single Cycle Implementation
ü Multiple Cycle Implementation
- Pipeline Implementation
ü Basic Concept
3. Chapter 1: Simple Machine Implementation
- Pipeline Implementation
ü 5 pipeline stages in MIPS Processor
ü Description of Pipeline Behavior
ü Pipeline Performance
ü Pipeline Implementation
- Pipeline Structure Hazard and Solutions
ü Structure Hazard
ü Pipeline block duplications
4. Laboratory work 1: MIPS Assembly Language
- MIPSIT Studio tool for MIPS program development and emulation
- Develop MIPS program to implement basic algorithms such as sum, sort, serial multiplication
5. Chapter 1: Simple Machine Implementation
- Pipeline Data Hazard and Solutions
ü Data hazard and its effect on performance
ü Data hazard solution: Stall, Forwarding
6. Chapter 1: Simple Machine Implementation
- Pipeline Control Hazard and Solutions
- Control hazard
- Control hazard solution: Cancel instructions, Control hazard, Early estimate branch condition
- Control hazard solution: delayed slot, branch prediction
7. Chapter 2: Memory Architecture
- Introduction
ü Memory technology: ROM, DRAM, SRAM
ü Memory performance vs. CPU performance
ü Memory Architecture Design Problem
8. Laboratory work 2: MIPS Pipeline behavior
- MIPSIT Simulator for MIPS Pipeline simulation
- Study pipeline behavior with/without hazard solutions.
9. Chapter 2: Memory Architecture
- Simple Memory Hierarchy:
ü One level cache
ü Directed mapped cache
ü Performance of directed mapped cache: Hit/Miss Rate, Miss Penalty, AMAT
10. Chapter 2: Memory Architecture
- Advanced Memory Cache Design:
ü Associative Cache
ü Performance of associative cache: Hit/Miss Rate, Miss Penalty, AMAT
ü Effect of program structure and cache architecture on performance
- Many Level Memory Architecture
ü Basic Idea
ü Performance
ü Virtual Memory Concept
11. Chapter 3: Modern Computer Architecture
- Advance Pipelining Techniques
- Static Multiple Issue
- Dynamic Multiple Issue
12. Laboratory work 3: Memory Performance
Evaluate program execution time with respect to different memory architecture
13. Laboratory work 4: Memory Performance
Develop program that make use of memoryarchitecture
III. Reference Literature:
[1]. Digital Design and Computer Architecture, David Money Harris
[2]. Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach, 3rd Edition, Hennessy & Patterson
I. Course description:
1. Credit points: 3 ECTS
2. Time commitment:
Items Lecture Tutorial Practical Total
No. of hours 30 0 0 30
3. Prerequisites: Linear Algebra
4. Recommended background knowledge:
5. Subject description:
The aim of this course is to understand and use discrete structures that are backbones of computer
science. Topics included are logic, proofs, sets, relations, induction, recursion, combination and
counting with an emphasis on applications in computer science.
6. Objectives & Outcome
In terms of outcomes, students will be able to:
- Comprehend and use propositional and predicate logic.
- Understand naive set theory, set operations.
- Use concepts of relations; perform various operations with relations and functions (congruence,
methods of proof, induction, recursion, etc..).
- Solve problems in combinatorics (permutations, combinations, etc..).
- Providing knowledge to learning other topics: Probabilities, Cryptography, Algorithm & Data
Structures, Databases,...
7. Assessment/ Evaluation
I. Course description:
1. Credit points: 3 ECTS
2. Time commitment:
Items Lecture Tutorial Practical Total
No. of hours 21 15 36
3. Prerequisites: Linear Algebra, Calculus 1, Calculus 2, Basic Programming
4. Recommended background knowledge:
5. Subject description:
This course is an introduction to the numerical analysis. The primary objective of the course is to
develop the basic understanding of numerical algorithms and skills to implement algorithms to solve
mathematical problems on the computer. During the course, students will have a chance to learn basic
Matlab which is widely used in many scientific fields.
6. Objectives & Outcome:
As a result of successfully completing this course, students are able to:
- Understand the gap between theory and practice in computer science.
- Know some algorithms in Numerical methods.
- Have abilities to deploy or develop a Numerical method.
7. Assessment/ Evaluation
Component Attendance Exercises Assignments Reports Midterm Final
20 0 0 0 0 80
8. Prescribed Textbook(s):
I. Course description:
1. Credit points: 3 ECTS
2. Time commitment:
Items Lecture Tutorial Practical Total
No. of hours 27 0 9 36
3. Prerequisites:
4. Recommended background knowledge:
5. Subject description:
A database is an organized collection of related data. In modern organizations databases play an
essential part for a wide-range of operations. Some common operations involve personnel
management, inventory control, customer tracking, and marketing. Companies also use databases for
analyzing consumer demands, service quality, and customer profiles. The aim of this course is to
introduce fundamental principles and user-centric methodologies for effective creation of a complete
and fully functional database management system. This course focuses on applications of basic
database theories and SQL practices in different database systems.
6. Objectives & Outcome:
Upon completion of the course, the students are able to:
• Understand basic database concepts and theories.
• Understand basic techniques of relational database programming.
• Apply relational modeling in database design
7. Assessment/ Evaluation
Component Attendance Exercises Assignments Reports Midterm Final
10 40 0 0 0 50
8. Prescribed Textbook(s):
[1] Database Systems: The Complete Book (2nd Edition). Hector Garcia-Molina, Jeff Ullman, and
Jennifer Widom. Prentice Hall, 2008
[2] Database Systems: A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation, and Management (6th
Edition). Thomas Connolly and Carolyn Begg. Addison-Wesley, 2014.
II. Course content & schedule:
1. Introduction to databases
2. Relational Algebra
3. Basic SQL
4. More SQL
5. Constraints
6. Transactions, Views, Indexes
7. SQL Programming
8. Design Theory for Relational Databases
9. Entity-Relationship Model
10. 10. Other High Level Design Languages
11. SQL Authorization
12. Group Project
13. Group Project Presentation
III. Reference Literature:
[1]. Database Systems: Design, Implementation, and Management (11st Edition). Carlos
Coronel,Steven Morris. Cengage Learning, 2014
[2]. Database System Concepts (6th Edition). Avi Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, S.
Sudarshan.McGraw-Hill, 2010
I. Course description:
1. Credit points: 4 ECTS
2. Time commitment:
Items Lecture Tutorial Practical Total
No. of hours 30 0 10 40
3. Prerequisites: N/A
4. Recommended background knowledge: N/A
5. Subject description:
In this course, we will go through a number of fundamental concepts in the design and implementation
of computer communication networks, their protocols, and applications. The students also will learn
about the major software and hardware technologies used on home and enterprise computer networks
as well as the global Internet. Although this course is not designed as a certification preparation course,
all students will learn from materials/ simulations available through the Cisco Networking Academy
The following list includes the main topics covered in the course:
- Introduction to networking, networking fundamentals,
- Physical layers and networking media,
- Protocol principles, protocol verification, HDLC, PPP,
- Ethernet Technologies, 802.11, broadband wireless and switching,
- Routing protocols, congestion control, IP addressing, subnet and VLAN,
- UDP, TCP and network performance,
- Email SMTP, File transfer FTP, Network Management SNMP, Domain Name Management DNS,
- Ipsec, Access list control, Web security.
6. Objectives & Outcome:
At the end of the course, students should be able to:
- Understand the basic design, history and the evolution of the Internet and computer networks,
- Describe the key industry standards that define the Internet,
- Explain how digital messages are transported across physical network media through various wired/
wireless technologies and protocols,
- Understand the relationship between the Internet infrastructure, protocols and networked applications,
- Understand the fundamental characteristics of packet-switched data networks and the key protocols
that make up the TCP/IP communications suite,
- Understand the key components and design principles associated with wide area networks as used by
ISPs to deliver global network services,
- Configure the basic software and hardware required to operate/ support and troubleshoot network
- Get prepared for the advanced computer networks and network security courses.
7. Assessment/ Evaluation
Component Attendance Exercises Assignments Reports Midterm Final
0 0 40 0 0 60
8. Prescribed Textbook(s):
[1] Andrews S. Tannebaum, Computer Networks, 4th edition, Prentice Hall, 2002.
[2] CCNA : Cisco Networking Academy Program
II. Course content & schedule:
1. Introduction to Networking & Internet
2. Networking models
3. Networking fundamentals
4. Physical Layer
5. Link Layers and Local Area Networks
6. Network Layers and Routing
7. Transport Layers
8. Application Layers
9. Project Presentation
III. Reference Literature:
[1]. Larry L. Peterson, Computer Networks: A system approach, Morgan Kaufmann, 2011.
[2]. J. Kurose and K. Ross, Computer Networking: A Top-down approach, Addison-Wesley, 2009.
I. Course description:
1. Credit points: 3 ECTS
2. Time commitment:
Items Lecture Tutorial Practical Total
No. of hours 24 12 0 36
3. Prerequisites: Basic programming and Imperative programming
4. Recommended background knowledge: The C/C++ programming language, UML
5. Subject description:
This course will study a collection of methods which embody an engineering approach for software
development. We will discuss the nature of software and software projects, software development
models, software process maturity. We will study methods for analysis, design, testing, and
implementation of large, complex software systems. We will inquire into the various perspectives on
software quality - what it means, how to measure it, how to improve it. Moreover, though group
projects, students can obtain hands-on experiences on entire phases and workflow of the software
6. Objectives & Outcome:
Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to:
- Describe the history of the term “software engineering” and explain its current meaning and
- Explain well-known software development process models
- Select, with justification, a software development process which is most appropriate for the
development and maintenance of a diverse range of software products
- Use a common, semi-formal method (for example, UML diagrams) to specify the requirements of a
moderately sized software product
- Conduct software design using an accepted program design methodology such as UML
- Distinguish between different types and levels of testing (for instance, unit, integration, systems, and
acceptance) for medium-size software products
- Discuss various testing techniques such as white box and black box testing
- Discuss key principles and common methods for software project management such as scheduling,
size estimation, cost estimation and risk analysis
- Get familiar with CASE tools and/or environments including UML drawing tools and IDEs
7. Assessment/ Evaluation
Component Attendance Exercises Assignments Reports Midterm Final
10 0 30 0 20 40
8. Prescribed Textbook(s):
[1]. Software Engineering, Ian Sommerville, 8th Edition, Addison Wesley Press, 2007
II. Course content & schedule:
1. Course introduction – Background information – Introduction to software engineering
2. Socio-Technical Systems - Critical Systems
3. Software Processes
4. Software Requirements and Requirements Engineering Processes
5. System Models
6. Critical Systems Specification
7. Design Principles and Architectural Design
8. User Interface Design
9. Implementation
10. Verification, Validation, and Testing
11. Project Management
12. Final exam
III. Reference Literature:
[1]. Software Engineering, Ian Sommerville, 8th Edition, Addison Wesley Press, 2007
[2]. Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach, R.S. Pressman, McGraw-Hill, 2010
[3]. G. Booch, J. Rumbaugh, and I. Jacobson, The Unified Modeling Language User Guide, 2nd edition,
Addison-Wesley, 2005
[4]. UML Tutorial:
[5]. StarUML – A software modeling tool:
I. Course description:
1. Credit points: 4 ECTS
2. Time commitment:
Items Lecture Tutorial Practical Total
No. of hours 30 0 10 40
3. Prerequisites:
Computer Architecture
4. Recommended background knowledge:
C programming language
5. Subject description:
The goal of this course is to provide an introduction to the fundamental concept, the internal operation
ofoperatingsystems(OS). The course will start with a brief introduction to the important roles, the
evolution of operating systems, and then cover the major components of most operating
systems.Particular emphasis will be given to three major OS subsystems: process management
(processes, threads, CPU scheduling, synchronization, and deadlock), memory management
(segmentation, paging, swapping), and file systems
6. Objectives & Outcome
At the end of the course, students should be able to:
• Know about the roles and the major components of Operating Systems.
• Understandwell the concurrency, the scheduling algorithm in Operating Systems.
• Understandmajor problems in Operating Systems such as deadlocks,
synchronization,...andsolutions to these issues.
• Explain and implement virtual memory.
7. Assessment/ Evaluation
I. Reference Literature:
1. Credit points: 4 ECTS
2. Time commitment:
Items Lecture Tutorial Practical Total
No. of hours 20 16 0 36
3. Prerequisites: Mathematic, complex numbers, differential equations, classical matrix operations
4. Recommended background knowledge: N/A
5. Subject description:
The aim of this course is to provide a prerequisite for many related multimedia courses. Examples
include speech processing, image processing, pattern recognition, and so on.
6. Objectives & Outcome:
When completing this course, it is expected that a student will have the ability to:
- Recognize the terminology that is used in the Digital Signal Processing (DSP) field.
- Apply transform techniques and concepts in formulating and solving engineering problems.
- Analyze basic DSP building blocks: digital filters, spectrum analyzers, sample rate converters (up-
sampling and down-sampling), and the fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm.
- Design and synthesize these building blocks and use them effectively in applications.
- Think critically, ask questions, and apply problem solving techniques.
7. Assessment/ Evaluation
Component Attendance Exercises Assignments Reports Midterm Final
10 10 (bonus) 10 30 50
8. Prescribed Textbook(s):
II. Course content & schedule:
1. Signals and Frequency
2. Difference Equation, Discrete-Time Fourier Transform, Sampling and Quantization
3. Z-transform
4. Inverse z-transform
5. Discrete Fourier Transform
6. Signal analysis and synthesis using DFT
7. Fast Fourier Transform
8. Digital Filters
9. FIR and IIR filters
10. Interpolation and multi-rate systems, Digital Processors
11. Projects
[1] Digital Signal Processing [4th Edition] by John G. Proakis and Dimitris G. Manolakis
[2] Digital Signal Processing Using MATLAB [3rd Edition] by Vinay K. Ingle and John G. Proakis
[3] Discrete-Time Signal Processing [3rd Edition] by Alan V. Oppenheim and Ronald W. Schafer
[4] Signals and Systems [2nd Edition] by Alan V. Oppenheim and Alan S. Willsky
I. Reference Literature:
1. Credit points: 3 ECTS
2. Time commitment:
Items Lecture Tutorial Practical Total
No. of hours 20 10 0 30
3. Prerequisites: N/A
4. Recommended background knowledge: N/A
5. Subject description:
The aim of this course is to provide students an overview of Wireless and Mobile Network system
including wireless signal transmission protocol, networking, mobile network and IEEE wireless data
6. Objectives & Outcome:
As a result of successfully completing this course, students are able to:
- Know the basic principles of wireless and mobile network.
- Understand basic wireless and mobile network protocol, mobile wireless management.
7. Assessment/ Evaluation
Component Attendance Exercises Assignments Reports Midterm Final
10 40 0 0 0 50
8. Prescribed Textbook(s):
[1]. Mischa Schwartz: Mobile Wireless Communication, CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS, 1st
Edition (2005)
[2]. Wireless Communications: Principles and Practice (2nd Edition) by Theodore S. Rappaport
II. Course content & schedule:
1. Introduction
2. Cellular concept and channel allocation
3. Multiple Access techniques
4. Second Generation Mobile Network System
5. 2.5/3G Mobile Network System
6. Wireless LANs and personal-area networks
I. Reference Literature:
1. Credit points: 3 ECTS
2. Time commitment:
Items Lecture Tutorial Practical Total
No. of hours 20 0 10 30
3. Prerequisites: Software Engineering
4. Recommended background knowledge: Software Engineering
5. Subject description:
Building on previous exposure to the fundamentals of the software process, this course focuses on
techniques for ensuring software quality. Here, quality assurance is viewed as an activity that runs
through the entire development process: understanding the needs of clients and users; analyzing and
documenting requirements; verifying and validating solutions through testing.
6. Objectives & Outcome:
The course has several goals:
• Provide an introduction to the software engineering testing process
• Describe the quality assurance process and its role in software development.
• The student will be instructed in a variety of testing techniques, methods, and tools.
• The student will be able to describe the state of the practice verification and validation
• The student will demonstrate proficiency in managing a software project to customer
7. Assessment/ Evaluation
Component Attendance Exercises Project Reports Midterm Final
10 0 40 0 0 50
8. Prescribed Textbook(s):
[1] P. Ammann and J. Offutt. Introduction to Software Testing. Cambridge University Press, 2008.
ISBN 978-0-521-88038-1
I. Course description:
1. Credit points: 3 ECTS
2. Time commitment:
Items Lecture Tutorial Practical Total
No. of hours 20 0 10 30
3. Prerequisites: Signals and Systems, Digital Signal Processing
4. Recommended background knowledge:
5. Subject description:
Image processing is becoming a useful assisting tool for many fields of science such as computer
science, electrical and electronic engineering, robotics, physics, chemistry, environmental science,
biology, and medical science, etc. In this course, fundamental concepts and techniques in digital
image processing are introduced to students. The topics covered include Sampling and Quantization,
Image Representation, Color Representation, Image Transform, Image Operations, Image Filtering,
Edge Detection and Mathematical Morphology. The concepts in these topics will be illustrated using
6. Objectives & Outcome:
At the end of the course, students will be able to:
- Understand the basic principles and concepts of image processing
- Practice how to use these concepts and principles with Matlab
7. Assessment/ Evaluation
Component Attendance Exercises Assignments Reports Midterm Final
10 0 30 0 0 60
8. Prescribed Textbook(s):
[1] Solomon, Chris, and Toby Breckon. Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing: A practical approach
with examples in Matlab. John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
[2] Petrou, Maria, and Costas Petrou. Image processing: the fundamentals. John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
II. Course content & schedule:
1. Course Introduction
2. Introduction to Matlab for Image Processing
3. Color Representation
4. Image transform
5. Assignment Presentation 1
6. Point Processing
7. Spatial filtering
8. Edge detection
9. Mathematical morphology
10. Assignment Presentation 2
III. Reference Literature:
I. Course description:
1. Credit points: 4 ECTS
2. Time commitment:
Items Lecture Tutorial Practical Total
No. of hours 25 0 15 40
3. Prerequisites: Basic Programming, Introduction to Informatics
4. Recommended background knowledge: N/A
5. Subject description:
Web-based applications offer a wide range of business advantages over traditional desktop applications such
as accessible anywhere, easily customisable, accessible for a range of devices, etc. However, creating Web
applications requires different approaches than traditional desktop applications and involves the integration of
numerous technologies. This course will provide students will basic concepts and essential skills in web
application development at both client-side and server-side. The topics covered include: HyperText Markup
Language (HTML), Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, Hypertext Preprocessor
(PHP), PHP and MySQL, CodeIgniter, Representational State Transfer (REST), and Security.
6. Objectives & Outcome:
At the end of the course, students should be able to:
- Understand background in Web technologies
- Understand principles in developing client and server sides of Web applications
- Have skills to develop Web applications with HTML, CSS, Javascript, and PHP
- Describe emerging trends in Web environments
7. Assessment/ Evaluation
Component Attendance Exercises Assignments Reports Midterm Final
10 0 40 0 0 50
8. Prescribed Textbook(s):
[1]. P. J. Deitel and H. M. Deitel; Internet & World Wide Web: How to Program 4th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2007,
ISBN: 0131752421.
[2]. Sam Ruby, Agile Web Development with Rails 4, Pragmatic Bookshelf, 2013, ISBN: 978-1-93778-556-7
II. Course content & schedule:
1. Introduction to World Wide Web
2. Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)
3. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
4. Javascript
5. jQuery
6. Bootstrap
7. Assignment 1 Presentation
8. PHP & MySQL
9. CodeIgniter
10. XML
11. REST
12. Web security
13. Trend in Web technologies
14. Assignment 2 Presentation
III. Reference Literature:
[1]. P. J. Deitel and H. M. Deitel; Internet & World Wide Web: How to Program 4th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2007,
ISBN: 0131752421.
[2]. Drupal Documentation,
[3]. Sam Ruby, Agile Web Development with Rails 4, Pragmatic Bookshelf, 2013, ISBN: 978-1-93778-
[4]. Michal Zalewski, The Tangled Web: A Guide to Securing Modern Web Applications, No Starch Press, ISBN:
I. Course description:
1. Credit points: 3 ECTS
2. Time commitment:
Items Lecture Tutorial Practical Total
No. of hours 20 10 30
3. Prerequisites: Algorithms and Data Structures, Numerical Methods
4. Recommended background knowledge: Numerical Methods, Probability and Statistics
5. Subject description:
The aim of this course is to give student basic concepts of artificial intelligent and machine learning:
scopes, techniques, problems in Machine Learning and Data mining
6. Objectives & Outcome:
As a result of successfully completing this course, students are able to:
- Know the basic principles of ML and DM
- Understand popular technique used in ML and DM
- Able to solve some simple learning problems
7. Assessment/ Evaluation
Component Attendance Exercises Assignments Reports Midterm Final
10 0 30 0 0 60
8. Prescribed Textbook(s):
[1]. A Modern Approach (3rd Edition) by Stuart Russell
[2]. Machine Learning by Thomas M. Mitchell
I. Reference Literature:
1. Credit points: 3 ECTS
2. Time commitment:
Items Lecture Tutorial Practical Total
No. of hours 24 6 0 30
3. Prerequisites: Calculus, Computer Networks
4. Recommended background knowledge:
5. Subject description:
Information security issues in four major themes:
- Cryptography
- Access Control
- Protocols
- Software
6. Objectives & Outcome:
As a result of successfully completing this course, students are able to:
- Classify threats to information
- Explain how modern cryptography works
- Describe authentication and authorization in access control
- Describe popular security protocols
- Describe software-related security issues and solutions (security flaws, malware, security in
software, trusted OS)
7. Assessment/ Evaluation
Component Attendance Exercises Assignments Reports Midterm Final
0 30 0 0 20 50
8. Prescribed Textbook(s):
[1] Stamp, Mark. Information security: principles and practice. John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
[2] Whitman, Michael E., and Herbert J. Mattord. Principles of information security. Cengage
Learning, 2011.
[3] M. Bishop, Computer Security: Art and Science, Addison Wesley, 2003.
II. Course content & schedule:
1. Introduction to Information Security
2. Classic Cryptography
3. Symmetric key crypto
4. Public key crypto
5. Hash Functions ++
6. Authentication & Authorization
7. Authentication, Protocols, Real-World Protocols
8. Software Flaws and Malware, Insecurity in Software, OS and Security
I. Course description:
1. Credit points: 3 ECTS
2. Time commitment:
Items Lecture Tutorial Practical Total
No. of hours 31 5 0 36
3. Prerequisites: Data structures, Basic Programming, Algorithms and Data Structures
4. Recommended background knowledge: Not necessary but useful: algorithm design paradigms,
object-oriented programming, discrete mathematics
5. Subject description:
The course recaps on the variety of algorithm design paradigms, lays foundation on the theoretical
aspects of graphs, discusses many realistic applications of graphs and related graph problems, covers
the standard graph algorithms for finding shortest paths and producing minimum spanning trees. It
also provides insights (possibly in form of assignments) into more advanced graph problems and
algorithms, for instance, bi-connected components, graph isomorphism and auto-morphism, cliques,
minimal and minimum vertex cover, Hamiltonian paths, Eulerian paths, etc. Working sessions are
also provided during and after the lecture for better understanding and hands-on practice of the
taught algorithms.
6. Objectives & Outcome:
• Graph theory
- Recall of relevant discrete mathematics
- Graph definitions and representations
- Vocabulary and notions around graphs
- Basic graph problems and their real-world applications
• Core graph algorithms
- Recap algorithm design paradigms
- Graph traversal (BFS,DFS)
- Shortest paths: Dijkstra, Bellman-Ford, Floyd-Roy-Warshall algorithm; Johnson's algorithm
- Minimum spanning tree: Prim’s algorithms; Kruskal’salgorithms; Boruvka's algorithm
- Algorithms for Binary Trees; Huffman codes; Tree traversal; Binary Search Trees
- Maximum Flow :Ford-Fulkerson algorithm; Edmonds and Karp's algorithm
- Graph Coloring algorithm
7. Assessment/ Evaluation
Component Attendance Exercises Assignments Reports Midterm Final
5 15 0 10 20 50
8. Prescribed Textbook(s):
[1].Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, and Clifford Stein, Introduction to
Algorithms(2nd edition), The MIT Press, 2001.
[2]. David Joyner, Minh Van Nguyen, and Nathann Cohen, Algorithmic Graph Theory, 2010.
[3]. Anany Levitin, Introduction to The Design & Analysis of Algorithms, Pearson, 2011
[4]. Douglas B. West, Introduction to Graph Theory, Prentice Hall, 1996
II. Course content & schedule:
1. Course introduction: Recapitulation of algorithm design paradigm
2. Graph notions and terminology; Graph traversal algorithms: BFS, DFS Algorithms
3. Extensions of the graph traversal algorithms
4. Shortest path problem Dijkstra’s algorithm; Bellman-Ford’s algorithm;
5. Shortest path algorithms: Floyd-Roy-Warshall algorithm; Johnson’s algorithm
6. Minimum spanning trees: Prim’s algorithm, Kruskal’s algorithm, Boruvka’s algorithm
7. Binary Trees; Huffman codes; Tree traversal
8. Binary Search Trees
9. Maximum Flow: Ford-Fulkerson’s algorithm; Edmonds and Karp’s algorithm
10. Graph coloring algorithms
11. Brief introduction to NP-complete; Advanced topics in graph theory; Eulerian circuits;
Hamiltonian circuits
III. Reference Literature:
[1]. Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, and Clifford Stein, Introduction to
Algorithms(2nd edition), The MIT Press, 2001
[2]. David Joyner, Minh Van Nguyen, and Nathann Cohen, Algorithmic Graph Theory, 2010.
[3]. Anany Levitin, Introduction to The Design & Analysis of Algorithms, Pearson, 2011.
[4]. Douglas B. West, Introduction to Graph Theory, Prentice Hall, 1996.
I. Course description:
1. Credit points: 3 ECTS
2. Time commitment:
Items Lecture Tutorial Practical Total
No. of hours 20 0 10 30
3. Prerequisites: Basic Database
4. Recommended background knowledge: Basic Database; Programming skills
5. Subject description:
The goal of the course is to introduce students to modern database and information systems as well as
research issues in the field. Topics and systems covered may include object-relational, object-oriented,
active, semi-structured and streaming databases. Also discussed will be recent advances in database
systems such as advanced query processing, distributed databases, data warehousing, on-line
analytical processing, distributed information integration, XML query engines, web and semi-
structured data management. Students will have to solve some small written and programming
assignments that will help them to understand and digest the covered material.
The following list includes the main topics covered in the course:
- Introduction to database management system (DBMS), Relational model,
- SQL, Advanced SQL,
- Entity-Relationship Model,
- Relational database design.
- Object-based databases,
- XML databases,
- Storage and file structure, Indexing and hashing,
- Query processing,
- Transaction, concurrency control,
- Data analysis and mining,
- Parallel databases
- Distributed databases
6. Objectives & Outcome:
At the end of the course, students should be able to:
- Know how to model data using the entity-relationship model
- Be able to model data using a relational model
- Be able to manipulate relational data using relational algebra and calculus
- Understand and be able to use the basic SQL constructs
- Be able to identify functional dependencies in relational databases
- Know several database design algorithms and be able to use them
- Know how to create and manage XML database
- Understand the relationships among disk organization, file structures, and hashing
- Know several indexing structures for files and be able to use them
- Know several algorithms for processing queries and be able to use them
- Understand the basic concepts behind transaction processing
- Know how to manipulate concurrency control
- Understand the concepts behind parallel and distributed databases.
7. Assessment/ Evaluation
Component Attendance Exercises Assignments Reports Midterm Final
10 0 0 10 30 50
8. Prescribed Textbook(s):
[1] Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth and S. Sudarshan, Database System Concepts, 6th edition,
McGraw-Hill, 2010
[2] Raghu Ramakrishnan and Johannes Gehrke, Database Management Systems, McGraw-Hill, 2003
II. Course content & schedule:
2. Relational database
3. Formal Relational Query Languages, SQL
4. Database design
5. Object-based databases
6. XML database
7. Data storage and querying
8. Transaction management
9. Data analysis and mining
10. System architecture: parallel and distributed databases
III. Reference Literature:
[1]. Jiawei Han and Micheline Kamber, Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers,
[2]. YannisManolopoulos, YannisTheodoridis and Vassilis J. Tsotras, Advanced Database Indexing, Kluwer
Academic Publishers, 1999
I. Course description:
1. Credit points: 3 ECTS
2. Time commitment:
Items Lecture Tutorial Practical Total
No. of hours 20 0 10 30
3. Prerequisites: Linear Algebra, Probability and Statistics, Algorithms and Data Structures
4. Recommended background knowledge: N/A
5. Subject description:
This course provides an introduction to computer vision including fundamentals of image formation,
camera imaging geometry, feature detection and matching, stereo, motion estimation and tracking,
image classification and scene understanding. We'll develop basic methods for applications that
include finding known models in images, depth recovery from stereo, camera calibration, image
stabilization, automated alignment, tracking, boundary detection, and recognition. The focus of the
course is to develop the intuitions and mathematics of the methods in lecture, and then to learn about
the difference between theory and practice in the projects.
6. Objectives & Outcome:
At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
- Recognize and describe both the theoretical and practical aspects of computing with images.
Connect issues from Computer Vision to Human Vision
- Describe the foundation of image formation and image analysis. Understand the basics of 2D
and 3D Computer Vision.
- Become familiar with the major technical approaches involved in computer vision. Describe
various methods used for registration, alignment, and matching in images.
- Get an exposure to advanced concepts leading to object and scene categorization from
- Build computer vision applications..
7. Assessment/ Evaluation
Component Attendance Exercises Assignments Reports Project Final
10 0 0 0 40 50
8. Prescribed Textbook(s):
[1] Computer vision: algorithms and applications by Richard Szeliski, Springer Science & Business
Media, 2010.
I. Course description:
1. Credit points: 3 ECTS
2. Time commitment:
Items Lecture Tutorial Practical Total
No. of hours 20 10 0 30
3. Prerequisites: Algorithm and Data Structures, Software Engineering
4. Recommended background knowledge: Object Oriented System Analysis and Design
5. Subject description: Building on previous exposure to the fundamentals of the software process, this
course focuses on techniques for ensuring software quality. Here, quality assurance is viewed as an
activity that runs through the entire development process: understanding the needs of clients and users;
analyzing and documenting requirements; verifying and validating solutions through testing.
6. Objectives & Outcome:
Upon successful completion of the course students will be able to:
- Provide an introduction to the software engineering testing process
- Describe the quality assurance process and its role in software development.
- Provide an overview of testing techniques, methods, and tools.
- Describe the state of the practice verification and validation techniques.
- Demonstrate proficiency in managing a software project to customer requirements.
- Understand the impact of ISO 9000 and the capability maturity model on software quality and testing
will be address
7. Assessment/ Evaluation
Component Attendance Exercises Assignments Reports Project Final
Percentage % 10 0 0 0 40 50
8. Prescribed Textbook(s):
[1] P. Ammann and J. Offutt. Introduction to Software Testing. Cambridge University Press, 2008.
ISBN 978-0-521-88038-1
II. Course content & schedule:
1. Requirements elicitation and user-centered development
1.1 Communicating with customers, users, and other stakeholders about requirements
1.2 User-centered design
1.3 Evaluating usability of a software product
2. Requirements analysis
2.1 Software development as problem solving
2.2 Identifying, structuring, and classifying problems through Problem Frames
2.3 Building specifications from requirements
3. Verification and validation
3.1 Defining the testing mission
3.2 Test strategies
3.3 Techniques of conformance testing
3.4 Validating preliminary designs through prototyping
4. Quality management
4.1 Measuring software quality
4.2 Software quality standards
III. Reference Literature:
[1] P. Ammann and J. Offutt. Introduction to Software Testing. Cambridge University Press, 2008. ISBN
IV. Course description:
9. Credit points: 4 ECTS
10. Time commitment:
Items Lecture Tutorial Practical Total
No. of hours 28 12 0 40
11. Prerequisites: Object-oriented programming
12. Recommended background knowledge: N/A
13. Subject description: Mobile application development has been becoming a multi-billion-dollar
industry where ICT engineers can build their own career and fortune. This course provides the basic
knowledge and necessary skills to develop app for Android, one of the three major mobile platforms.
The course will cover core concepts such as UI design, asynchronous programming, to platform
specific features including background transfer or notification. After the course, student will be able
to develop apps based on their own idea.
14. Objectives & Outcome:
By completing this course, students will be able to:
- Understand key features of mobile devices, mobile application, and mobile platforms.
- Develop app for the Android platform, including core concepts and OS’ specific services
- Analyze and improve the performance of app to maximize overall user experience.
- Improve team work and communication skill to work on the course project.
15. Assessment/ Evaluation
Component Attendance Exercises Assignments Reports Midterm Final
Percentage % 10 0 0 0 30 60
16. Prescribed Textbook(s):
[1]. Dawn Griffiths and David Griffiths, Head First Android Development, Oreilly, 2015.
[2]. Android Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide, 2nd edition, by Bill Phillips and Brian Hardy, 2015
V. Course content & schedule:
5. OS Review & Android Introduction
- Concepts of OS
- Introduction and History of Android
6. Android Fundamental
- Architecture
- Application, Activity, Fragments
- View, Context
7. Resources
- Layout, values, 9-patches images
8. Mid-term Project Presentation
9. Background Tasks & Services
- Threads, A sync Tasks
- Services
10. Networking
- Embedded library: Http Url Connection
- Framework: Volley
- Data representation: JSON/XML
11. Final Project Presentation
VI. Reference Literature:
[1]. Dawn Griffiths and David Griffiths, Head First Android Development, Oreilly, 2015.
[2]. Android Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide, 2nd edition, by Bill Phillips and Brian Hardy, 2015
I. Course description:
1. Credit points: 3 ECTS
2. Time commitment:
Items Lecture Tutorial Practical Total
No. of hours 24 3 11 38
3. Prerequisites: Linear Algebra, Basic Programming in C++
4. Recommended background knowledge: Students are expected to be fluent in C/C++ and familiar with
modern development tools such as Visual Studio, XCode, or the GNU toolchain. Furthermore, experience in
image processing is also useful for this subject.
5. Subject description:
This course will provide students with a thorough grounding in the fundamentals of computer graphics. During
the course, broad issues related to the displaying of objects will be presented, including: colour modes,
homogeneous coordinates, curves and surfaces, geometrical transformation, projections, visible-surface
determination, illumination and shading, ray tracing, rendering. This course further allows students to develop
programming skills in computer graphics by practical sessions.
6. Objectives & Outcome:
Upon successful completion of the course students will be able to:
- Appreciate mathematical fundamentals of computer graphics techniques.
- Understand computer graphics concepts
- Gain experience in Open GL by completing programming projects
- Work within a group to complete a graphics project
7. Assessment/ Evaluation
Component Attendance Exercises Assignments Reports Midterm Final
10 0 50 0 0 40
8. Prescribed Textbook(s):
[1] Hughes, J.F. and van Dam, A. and Foley, J.D. and Feiner, S.K. Computer Graphics: Principles and
Practice (3rd Edition), Addison-Wesley, 2014, ISBN: 9780321399526.
II. Course content & schedule:
1. Introduction to Computer Graphics
2. Light and color
3. Shapes
4. Parametric curves and surfaces
5. Transformation, camera models
6. Viewing, Rendering
7. OpenGL, shader
8. Texture mapping, Ray tracing
9. Global illumination
10. Project presentation
I. Course description:
1. Credit points: 3 ECTS
2. Time commitment:
Items Lecture Tutorial Practical Total
No. of hours 23 0 13 36
3. Prerequisites: None
4. Recommended background knowledge: None
5. Subject description:
This subject examines the design, evaluation and implementation of interactive computing systems for human
use (HCI) and the major phenomena surrounding them. Also considered are joint performance of tasks by
humans and machines, structure of human machine communication, social and organizational interactions with
machine design, human capabilities to use machines including their learn ability, engineering concerns that
arise in designing interfaces, the process of specification design, implementation and evaluation of interfaces
and design tradeoffs.
6. Objectives & Outcome:
At the end of the course, students should be able to:
- Understand the basic design, history and the evolution of HCI,
- Explain the difference between good and bad design,
- Know how to take into account user’s needs in interaction design,
- Describe what is involved in the process of interaction design;
- Apply a number of interaction design techniques;
- Analyze and critique interfaces;
- Know how to evaluate the usability and effectiveness of various products — e.g., web sites, tablets, mobiles,
game consoles, etc.
- Understand the role of theory and frameworks in HCI courses.
7. Assessment/ Evaluation
Component Attendance Exercises Assignments Reports Midterm Final
10 50 0 0 0 40
8. Prescribed Textbook(s):
[1] Hughes, J.F. and van Dam, A. and Foley, J.D. and Feiner, S.K. Computer Graphics: Principles and
Practice (3rd Edition), Addison-Wesley, 2014, ISBN: 9780321399526.
II. Course content & schedule:
1. Introduction to HCI
2. Human and Computer
3. Interaction Styles
4. Cognitive Models and Theories
- Information Processing including memory, perception, attention
- Cognitive modeling
- External Cognition
- Distributed Cognition
- Mental Models
- Conceptual model
- Metaphors Usability
- Goals and Principles
5. Usability Methods
- Task analysis
- Cognitive walkthrough
- User Interface Models
- Prototyping
- Card Sorting
- Focus group Design
6. Methods and Process 1
- Ethnographic studies
- Requirement through Persona & Scenario
7. Design Methods and Process II
- User Centered Design
- Participatory Design
- Predictive Evaluation
- Heuristic Evaluation
8. Usability Testing
10. Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing
III. Reference Literature:
[1]. Preece, J., Rogers, Y., Sharp, H., Benyon, D., Holland, S. & Carey, T. (1994) Human-Computer
Interaction: Concepts And Design, Addison Wesley, ISBN 0-201-62769-8
[2]. Preece, J., Sharp, H. & Rogers, Y. (2002) Interaction design, Wiley, ISBN 0-471-49278-7
[3]. Alan Dx, Janet Finley, Gregory D. Abowd, Russell Beale (2004) Human-Computer Interaction,
Pearson Education Limited
[4]. Ubiquitous Computing: Smart Devices, Environments and Interactions (2009) rof. Stefan Poslad,
ISBN 0-470-03560-9
I. Course description:
1. Credit points: 3 ECTS
2. Time commitment:
Items Lecture Project Practical Total
No. of hours 20 0 16 36
3. Prerequisites: Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, Algorithms and Data Structures, Basic
Programming, Numerical Methods
4. Recommended background knowledge:
- Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
- Numerical Methods
- Familiar with Matlab or R
5. Subject description:
The course introduces the essential basics and concepts in Data Mining. Topics concern mainly the
learning problems in clustering and classification and the fundamental methods.
6. Objectives & Outcome:
- have general knowledge in data mining
- understand real-world problems and able to propose solutions to these problems
- solve data mining problems using known techniques
- learn to work in team and self-study/research
7. Assessment/ Evaluation
I. Course description:
1. Credit points: 3 ECTS
2. Time commitment:
Items Lecture Project Practical Total
No. of hours 20 0 10 30
3. Prerequisites: Algorithms and Data Structures, Machine Learning and Data Mining I
4. Recommended background knowledge:
5. Subject description:
This course provides an introduction to the field of computational linguistics, aka natural language
processing (NLP). We will learn how to create systems that can understand and produce language,
for applications such as information extraction, machine translation, automatic summarization,
question-answering, and interactive dialogue systems. The course will cover linguistic (knowledge-
based) and statistical approaches to language processing in the three major subfields of NLP: syntax
(language structures), semantics (language meaning), and pragmatics/discourse (the interpretation of
language in context). Homework assignments will reflect research problems computational linguists
currently work on, including analyzing and extracting information from large online corpora.
6. Objectives & Outcome:
As a result of successfully completing this course, students can know:
- How key concepts from NLP are used to describe and analyze language
- POS tagging and context free grammar for English language
- Understanding semantics and pragmatics of English language for processing
- Writing programs in Python to carry out natural language processing
7. Assessment/ Evaluation
I. Course description:
1. Credit points: 3 ECTS
2. Time commitment:
Items Lecture Project Practical Total
No. of hours 15 0 15 30
3. Prerequisites: Basic Programming, Computer Networks
4. Recommended background knowledge:
5. Subject description:
Network Simulation is a technique of using a software program (a simulator) to model the behaviour of
a network. The subject focuses on 2 issues:
- OSI model and Protocols at abstract layers of the model
- How they are modeled in a network simulator
6. Objectives & Outcome:
As a result of successfully completing this course, students are able to:
- Illustrate OSI model
- Be familiar with NS-3, the network simulator
- Describe Physical and MAC layers of a network in
- Programming C++/Python languages
- Design simulation scenarios to evaluate some given wireless networks (for example: Wifi, IoT,
MANET, wireless sensor networks, LTE…)
- Implement given scenarios in programming tools (NS-3) to illustrate how they work
- Collect simulation result for further analysis
7. Assessment/ Evaluation
III. Teaching Methodology
- During the course, students are encouraged to read about the context of the next lesson before
coming to the class.
- Lesson structure (3 hours):
• First 15 mins: knowledge reminding activities
• 45 mins: content of the lesson
• 30 mins: questions and answers
• 45 mins: content of the lesson
• 30 mins: questions and answers
• 15 mins: conclusion and homework
- Group discussion: students are divided into groups. Each group select a security protocol to present.
- Requirements: collaboration of students (punctuation is important)
- Exam:
• Answers are preferred to be like a scientific paper: figure and descriptions. Choose the best way
to describe your ideas.
• Open questions
IV. Reference Literature:
[1] ns-3 tutorial
I. Course description:
1. Credit points: 3 ECTS
2. Time commitment:
Items Lecture Tutorial Practical Total
No. of hours 20 10 0 30
3. Prerequisites: Operating Systems, Computer Networks
4. Recommended background knowledge:
5. Subject description:
Distributed systems take many forms, and many of the best known and most widely used computer
systems are as prevalent as they are because of their distributed nature. This course unit introduces
some of the essential concepts underlying distributed systems. Students are guided into an
exploration of exemplar distributed applications (such as the web, email, file sharing and multi-user
gaming, etc) and, through these exemplars, are introduced to the basic concepts that underpin
modern distributed computing. This course also explains how distributed systems offer
transparencies of various kinds and how they must contend with a range of complex issues to
achieve that. It answers to other kinds of questions such as how massive distribution enables high-
performance computing, how service abstractions in the web enable business-to-business integration
and how the web of hyperlinked documents is changing into a richer web of data.
6. Objectives & Outcome:
-Understand the contrasting features between the distributed view of computing with the centralized
- Understand in detail how a few exemplar distributed applications work and what requirements they
aim to satisfy.
- Understand in detail how a few exemplar distributed applications work and what issues and challenges
they must contend with.
- Analyze distributed applications.
- Discover, describe and classify some of the fundamental concepts in distributed systems.
7. Assessment/ Evaluation
Component Attendance Exercises Assignments Project Midterm Final
10 0 0 3 0 60
8. Prescribed Textbook(s):
[1]. Tanenbaum et al., Distributed systems: principles and paradigms, 2nd Edition, Pearson.
II. Course content & schedule:
1. Introduction to Distributed Systems
2. Communication in Distributed Systems
3. Remote Procedure Call
4. Message Passing Interface
5. Map-Reduce Pattern
6. Distributed File Systems
7. Virtualization and Cloud Computing
III. Reference Literature:
[1]. Tanenbaum et al., Distributed systems: principles and paradigms, 2nd Edition, Pearson.