Q0040 - Diploma in Marketing Management
Q0040 - Diploma in Marketing Management
Q0040 - Diploma in Marketing Management
QUALIFICATION DEVELOPER Imperial School of Business and Science (ISBS)
TITLE Diploma in Marketing Management NCQF LEVEL 6
FIELD Business, Commerce and Management Studies SUB-FIELD Marketing Management
New qualification Review of existing qualification
SUB-FRAMEWORK General Education TVET Higher Education
QUALIFICATION TYPE Certificate Diploma Bachelor
Bachelor Honours Master Doctor
CREDIT VALUE 360 Credits
The field of marketing is crucial in developing countries such as Botswana. The activities of marketing
professionals have a major impact on the profitability and efficiency of all types of organisations. Botswana
is in the heart of Southern Africa and therefore it gives the nation a geographical advantage to become
the hub of marketing activities.
Human Resource Development Council (HRDC) has identified 12 key sectors of economy, which are
derived from the national strategies and priorities such as the Economic Diversification Drive in Botswana.
Marketing Management has been identified as a crucial area under the Creative Industries which
demonstrates the need of this qualification in Botswana market (BHRDS Fair and Career Clinics 2018.
Page 64.) This Qualification will equip students with the knowledge and skills to implement Marketing
Management Skills and knowledge in public and private sectors.
The stakeholder survey among the industry and potential business personnel in line with the need analysis
of the qualification revealed the fact that this qualification is most needed in the current Botswana market.
This qualification will provide the learners with a unique mix of practical focus on marketing and grounding
in the fundamentals of advertising and public relations. This winning combination sets up the learners up,
unsurprisingly, for careers in the consultation of marketing sectors and creates employment opportunities
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and there by boost the nation’s economy. Equally if they are looking for something a little different, this
qualification will equip them with transferable skills applicable to other industries too, as well as equipping
them with the knowledge and skills to start their own businesses to mitigate the rate of unemployment.
The Purposes of this Qualification are to equip students with skills and knowledge to
• Develop efficient marketing personals to promote the country in the hub of global marketing
• Develop skills and knowledge in product development, pricing, product distribution and marketing.
• Illustrate the strategies to build up Public Relations.
• To enable students to gain insight into the product development concept.
• Identify and develop Public Relations Activities.
• Employ Marketing tools to market the products successfully.
• Develop strategies to promote various type of Marketing and boost the economy of the nation.
• Integrate technology in the process of marketing.
• Prepare budgets and implement budgetary controls for marketing activities.
• Identifying the elements in integrated marketing communication.
• Acquire deep insight in consumer behaviour and employ strategies to build up customer relationship.
• Enable students to develop skills in pricing strategy.
• Develop skills in brand awareness and conducting Events.
• Enable to develop the art of Advertising.
• Develop the skills in conducting an academic research project.
The Access and Inclusion arrangements are made to eliminate the barriers to facilitate fair and equal entry
requirements to the qualification. The qualification is offered to anyone who is interested in the Field of
Business, Commerce and Management irrespective of any disability, learning difficulty, record of criminal
conviction, age, gender, ethnic background and parental education or contextual data. Enrollement
process is fair and equitable and applies equally to all individuals.
Entry Requirements:
Prospective learners will be admitted to the Diploma in Marketing Management Qualification on account
of having satisfied the entry requirements for the level they apply for.
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• Anyone who has successfully completed NCQF Level IV, Certificate IV (BGCSE) or its equivalent
qualification with a minimum Pass in the best 6 subjects and a minimum ‘C’ grade in English, Maths
and Business studies/ Commerce.
• Anyone who has successfully completed Certificate V, NCQF Levels 5 (General Education), or
Certificate IV, NCQF Level 4 with at least 20 Credits at NCQF Level 5 will be eligible to do 240
• Anyone who has a Certificate V, NCQF Levels 5, qualification in the Field of Marketing
Management would be eligible to do the Diploma in Marketing Management in two years due to
exemptions in accordance with the Credit Accumulation and Transfer System.
Demonstrate the principles of the art of • Explain how to give visual impact to the piece of
• Illustrate the brand signifying techniques.
• Explain the need of
▪ Perfect placement of the piece of advertising
▪ Perfect timing
• Demonstrate how to create a call for action.
Illustrate how to communicate • Speak effectively and persuasively with national and
international clients,
• Write Business documents effectively.
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Explain how to create a rapport with the Explain the following to provide good customer service in line
• Respect.
• Understanding
• Listening
• Serving
• Positivity
Identify and apply Public Relations Tools. Explain how the following tools could be effectively applied.
• Advertorials
• Social Media
• Brochures and Catalogues
• Business Events
• Sponsorship and Partnership
• Employee & Community relations.
Execute Public Relations Activities Illustrate how the following will develop Public Relations
• External communication
• Internal Communication
• Media Relations
Demonstrate the skills in promoting Explain and demonstrate how the following could be used in
various types of Marketing strategies.
• Internet marketing
• Offline marketing
• Out bound marketing
• In bound marketing
• Trade show marketing
• Direct marketing
• Social media marketing
Integrate technology in the process of Implement innovation in the art of advertising by integrating
marketing Management
technology with respect to
• Product innovation
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• Service innovation
Conduct and supervise events. Explain how the following could be done through event
• Build brand awareness
• Increase customer engagement
• Educate customers
Facilitate and manage events.
Prepare budgets and implement budgetary Learners ability to
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FUNDAMENTAL Title Level Credits
COMPONENT Introduction to Business Communication 6 12
Subjects / Units / Modules Introduction to Computer Applications 6 12
/Courses Customer Service 6 12
Introduction to Public Relations 6 12
Introduction to Accounting 6 12
Business and Industrial Psychology 6 12
CORE COMPONENT Principles of Marketing 6 12
Subjects / Units / Modules Campaign Planning 6 12
/Courses Consumer Behaviour in Marketing 6 12
Principles of Management 6 12
Advertising and Design 6 12
Marketing Channels 6 12
Product Development 6 12
Sales Management 6 12
Internet Marketing 6 12
Business Economics 6 12
Contemporary Issues in Marketing 6 12
Project 6 36
Brand Management 7 15
Marketing Management 7 15
Creativity and Innovation 7 15
Pricing Strategies 7 15
Integrated Marketing Communication 7 15
Marketing, Social Media and E-Business 7 15
Services Marketing 7 15
ELECTIVE COMPONENT Public Relations Planning 7 15
Subjects / Units / Modules Supply Chain Management. 7 15
/Courses Events Management 7 15
Choose any one Business Finance 7 15
Rules of combinations, Credit distribution (where applicable):
Credit Distribution:
Candidates are required to select ANY ONE (1) Module from the Elective Component to make a total of
15 Credits from the Elective Component.
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Types of Assessment.
The outcomes of each module in the qualification are assessed through Continuous Assessments.
Students will be provided at least two (2) assignments and at least one (1) internal test for each module
covering all the outcomes.
Final examination will be conducted on completion of the modules. All the outcomes of the module will be
assessed in the final examination. Final examination will contribute 50% to the Final Mark. A weighted
aggregate score of 50% across the Continuous Assessments including the final examination and a
minimum 50% in the Final examination are the requirements to Pass a module.
Practical (Project):
Practical experience is assessed through the project worth 36 credits. Students’ will be given a slot of 3
months to submit their project concurrent with their studies in the second semester. The project will be
assessed by the college supervisor. Practical experience in diploma qualifications are assessed through a
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portfolio of evidence of a scenario-based project report that consists of 3,500 to 4,000 words based on
industrial experience. Assessment process is carried out for a period of 3 months in a semester
accompanied by scheduled activities which is overseen and marked by the respective supervisor with the
help of an Assessment Guide / Rubric. The Assessment Guide / Rubric address the main themes such as:
• Topic Presentation
• Literature Review
• Methods
• Industry Data Collection
• Data Analysis
• Innovation and Teamwork
• Portfolio of Evidences (Industry Interactions, Business Plan, Events Plan etc.)
• Presentation of Final Report
This is the stage of assessing the assessment Instruments to ensure whether they are Valid, Consistent
and Reliable pertaining to the expectations of the achievement of intended learning outcomes. In this
stage, the moderators ensure that:
1. The assessment tasks and criteria are aligned with the learning outcomes with respect to the National
Credit Qualifications Frame work (NCQF) Levels and Credits.
2. Assessment tasks are Authentic and aligned with core learning activities.
Internal Moderator:
In this stage all the assessment materials will be submitted to the Internal Moderator for quality check. The
Internal moderator assures the Validity, consistency and reliability of the assessment instruments and
checks whether they are appropriate in achieving the intended learning outcomes. The Internal Moderator
assesses the assessment instruments to ensure they are valid, consistent and appropriate in addressing
the outcomes of the modules against the appropriate levels.
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External Moderator:
Once the Internal Moderator is satisfied with the assessment instruments, they passed to the External
Moderator for the second-round quality check. The assessment instruments will be assessed again across
the expected learning out comes with respect to the appropriate level descriptors. The finally moderated
Assessments then passed to the Academic and Quality Assurance Manager for the finalisation.
Pre marking:
A standardisation meeting will be held during the pre-marking stage. Sample of students’ work will be
distributed among the assessors/markers for blind marking according to the criteria-standards rubric or
marking guide. The subject coordinator / Internal Moderator review the assessor’s judgments and once a
unanimous opinion is formulated assessors move into the stage of actual marking.
During marking:
During this session, the markers/ Assessors start marking the samples students’ work up to the maximum
of 5% of the total scripts allocated to them. Once this is done, they pass the marked sample scripts to the
Internal moderator for the verification process. During this stage, the internal moderator conducts the
meeting with the respective assessor and discusses the variation of assessments, if any, and reach a
consensus conclusion. Once this is done, the assessor starts marking the rest of the scripts. The internal
moderator again picks a few samples (minimum 10 to 15 %) of the scripts from the same assessor and
double marks/verifies the scripts.
Post marking:
Once the scripts are marked by the assessor and verified by the internal moderator, the sample (usually
10%) scripts will be handed over to the External moderator for the final assessment.
Participate in the pre marking standardisation meeting, mark the samples, and make the changes as
suggested by the internal and external moderator if there are any, and compile the assessment report.
Internal Moderator:
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Cross check/ double mark the samples of the assessor, verify up to 10 to 15 % of the marked scripts and
compile the internal moderation report.
External Moderator:
Moderate the scripts (a sample up to the maximum of 10 to 15 %) marked by the Assessor and verified by
the Internal moderator. Compile a moderation report providing suggestions and recommendation for
Stage: 3. Finalisation.
Examination Council:
Examination Council ensures that the assessment results are accurately captured, and finally approve for
the publication of the results.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Credit Accumulation and Transfer (CAT)
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) refers to the principles and processes in line with ETP’s and the
National Policy of RPL. In view of that, the prior knowledge and skills of a person are made visible,
mediated and rigorously assessed and moderated for the purposes of alternative access and admission,
recognition and certification, or further learning and development. The ETP verifies and assesses each
application against the specified module of the qualification and determines the credit values. Modules are
outcome based and independent with respect to separate exit levels.
If the student has modules in his / her transcript that are closer to the respective qualification’s module’s
credits, the students are then passed to the second stage of assessment. The QAT and the prospective
candidate will have an arranged meeting which would be followed by interviews and written tests.
Exemption will be conferred to the candidates based on the performance of the interviews and the written
tests. If the student has modules in his / her transcript that are much less than the qualification’s module’s
credits , exemption will not be granted for that module .
General Rules.
• The recognition of credits for the purposes of transfer from one qualification to another is
determined by the nature of the qualifications
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• Any and all credits for an incomplete qualification may be recognised by the same or a different
institution as meeting part of the requirements for a different qualification; or may be recognised by
a different institution as meeting part of the requirements for a different for the same qualification.
• A Maximum of 50% of the credits of a completed qualification may be transferred to another
qualification to protect the integrity of qualifications by ensuring that the exception does not become
the norm.
Progression (Employment)
The following are the employment pathways for a graduate who has successfully completed this
Progression (Learning)
Horizontal Progression
Students who have completed their Diploma in Marketing Management could also progress into similar
qualification in the Field Marketing Management, such as Diploma in Marketing and Retail Management
or any other field of Business, Commerce and Management Studies.
Students must complete at least 360 credits to graduate. Students who were exempted may take shorter
period of study depending on the level of entry point. Students who have completed NCQF Level V,
Certificate V will be exempted of 120 credits and will have to complete at least 240 credits.
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For students to be awarded the diploma certificate and graduate, they must pass all modules of the
Diploma Qualification. That means students cannot pass the subject if they do not pass the examination
as per the Assessment and Examination Policy. Students must fulfil the assessments requirements for
each module in the Diploma in Marketing Management Qualification. In addition, students need to pass in
their Project worth 36 credits. Only after passing all modules in the qualification and obtaining 360 credits,
the student can successfully be awarded the Diploma in Marketing Management.
Diploma in Marketing Management Qualification was benchmarked with similar qualifications Diploma in
Marketing Management offered by regional and international institutions such as UNISA (ZA) and ICM
(UK). The content covered and the duration of the qualification is easily comparable with other similar
qualifications. Similar qualification is offered at an international institution such as Institute of Commercial
Management (ICM, UK) and a Regional institute, UNISA (ZA) to A-Level students with the duration of 2
Other information – please add any supplementary information to help the application for this
qualification for NCQF Registration.
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