Parasites and Parasite Cleanse
Parasites and Parasite Cleanse
Parasites and Parasite Cleanse
Parasites come in all shapes and sizes, from the small amoeba family to the 15 ft long tapeworm. They
can live within the body for years with no apparent symptoms, or they can trigger a wide range of health
problems causing a lot of stress and discomfort. Although most people think they are only at risk when
traveling abroad, you don’t have to leave home to pick up a parasite.
Types of Parasite
Protozoa Amoeba Nematodes
Gardia lamblia Entamoeba histolytica Ascaris (round worms)
Plasmodium (malaria) Entamoeba coli Enterbiasis (pinworms)
Toxoplasma Iodamoeba butschlii Hookworm
Trypanosoma Dientamoeba fragilis Trichuris (whipworm)
Cytosporidium Endolimax nana T. Stongyloidiasis (threadworm)
Blastocytstis hominis Trichomonas vaginalisis
Other Symptoms
Pumpkin seeds: grind 1 lb of seeds in a coffee grinder and then make into a paste with
Water and a little honey for taste. Eat this for a parasite purge, especially worms. It is advisable
to take a tablespoon of castor oil 2 -3 hours after eating the pumpkin paste, to aid intestinal
Garlic & onions: rich in natural sulphur and also anti-parasitic
Fresh pineapple and papaya: rich in the natural protein digesting enzyme bromelain. These two
fruits are traditional remedies used in Mexico and Africa for intestinal
Pomegranate juice: especially effective for tapeworms
Culinary herbs: use a dessert spoon of fresh chopped rosemary, thyme and sage daily in
your cooking.
Spices: include cinnamon, cloves and turmeric since these also have an anti-parasitic
Brown basmati rice: well tolerated and very healing for the intestine
Cabbage juice: promotes the formation of the protective mucus layer that lines and
© Saira Salmon 2005/17.
protects the intestinal cells.
Beetroot and carrot juice: rich in beta-carotene, the precursor to vitamin A, and an
Important nutrient for the intestinal lining.
Sugar and sugar foods: parasites can utilize sugar as a food source.
Diary products: except natural bio-yoghurt, as dairy contains the milk sugar lactose
which some parasites can utilize.
Fresh and dried fruits: contain a source of natural sugars which can be used as a food
Fermented sausages and cured meats: such as ham and pepperoni
Sushi, pickled raw fish and smoked salmon
Herbal Combinations
Three herbs can rid you of over 100 types of parasites! And without so much as a headache or nausea!
They will also not interfere with any drug that you are already on. The herbs are:
Black Walnut Hulls (from the black walnut tree), in tincture or capsule
Wormwood (from the Artemisia shrub), in powdered or capsule form
Common Cloves (from the clove tree), capsule or clove oil
For maximum effectiveness these three herbs must be used together. Black walnut hull and wormwood
kill adults and developmental stages of at least 100 parasites. Cloves kill the eggs. It is important that
you use them together to rid yourself of parasites as if you kill only the adults, the tiny stages and eggs
will soon grow into new adults. If you kill only the eggs, the million stages already loose in your body will
soon grow into adults and make more eggs.
There are a variety of anti-parasite preparations available which contain these. Alternatively, you can
buy the individual herbs and use together.
Use the mixture initially for 5 days. This will give a preliminary cleanse. You then need to re-visit about
every two weeks for the next 2 – 3 months depending on how severe the infestation is. There is one
school of thought that believes the majority of eggs hatch around the time of the full moon, and that
therefore it is best to concentrate treatment around this time.
As a precaution it is also wise to treat other family members and family pets at the same time.
Citricidal – a grapefruit seed extract that has anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-parasitic and anti-fungal
properties. Supplementing with this product offers an effective way of eliminating pathogenic
organisms from the intestine and the body.
Cats Claw Concentrate – a tree bark from the Peruvian rainforest which has anti-parasitic properties.
Hi Potency Garlic – a high potency garlic supplement, Garlic has been a traditional food and remedy for
intestinal health due to its anti-viral, anti-parasitic, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal action.
MSM - prevents intestinal parasites from hooking to the intestine walls.
Special Note: intestinal parasites are very perceptive and the eggs will not hatch out into an
environment that will kill them. To hatch and kill the eggs and parasites, use the 5-Step Programme
below. The days you do not take one of the above anti-parasitic supplements act as hatching days for
the eggs. Build up to the top dose of your chosen supplement slowly. This will help prevent you
experiencing headaches, fuzzy head, nausea etc from the toxins released as parasites are cleared out.
This is a very through approach to ridding yourself of parasites and requires some dedication over a
period of months.
1. Take the maximum dose, every day for 2 months or until symptoms improve then,
2. Take maximum dose, every other day for 2 weeks, then
3. Take maximum dose, every third day for 1 month, then
4. Take the maximum dose, once a month for 6 months