Registration Process JSMDC
Registration Process JSMDC
Registration Process JSMDC
LTD, Ranchi
How to Register with MSTC Limited:
b. Click on the link ‘e-Auction’ > 'e-Auction for JSMDC' and then on the link provided:
c. GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS OF e-AUCTION will appear on the screen. Scroll
down to the bottom of the page where two options will be there: (a) Register as Buyer
and (b) Register as Seller. Select and click on “Register as Buyer” option.
d. BUYER SPECIFIC TERMS & CONDITIONS will appear next on the screen. Scroll down
to the bottom of the page where again two options will be available: ‘Agree’ and ‘Disagree’.
Select and click on ‘Agree’ button.
e. Buyer's Registration Form will appear on the screen. Fill up the desired information.
f. All field’s marked with * are mandatory and must be filled in.
g. Select your User ID and Password and keep a note of the same.
i. The next page is not relevant to you. Please do not fill anything and click on ‘Preview’
button. All the information typed in the form will be displayed to you for verification. If the
information is correctly entered then click on ‘Submit’ button. On successful Registration the
system will send you an email and also inform you instantly to submit ‘Registration Fee’ and
the relevant documents as mentioned under:
In order to participate in our on-line e-auctions, you are requested to pay a non- refundable
registration fee of Rs. 2,000/- (Rupees two thousand only) + Applicable Service tax @ 18 %
(Total Rs.2360/-).
1. Once registration is successful, please pay registration fee of Rs. 2360 on below
mentioned bank account:
The bidder ID card would be prepared after activation of your account and it would
be sent to you through speed post at your registered address. Or it can be collected
by hand from our MSTC office. Bidders interested to collect ID card by Hand
should mention the same in their application.
NOTE 1: The registered coal buyer are also advised to obtain Digital Signature Certificate
from Certifying Authorities as Digital Signature is compulsory for participating in coal
NOTE 2: Kindly mention your buyer reference number (which shall generate after online
registration with MSTC) in your application or attach the copy of confirmatory email along
with the above mentioned documents.
Electronic Payment Mandate Form
01 Principal Name
02 Address with Phone No.
03 Permanent Account Number (PAN)
04 Particulars of Account
( Where MICR is starting with "O", Please take the correct code from your bank for proper
identification of city,bank,branch)
(Please enclose a cancelled un-signed cheque leaf to enable us to verify the details mentioned
We hereby declare that the particulars given above are correct and complete. If the transaction
is delayed lost because of incomplete or incorrect information, we would not hold the company
Bank Certificate
Authorized Officer of Bank