Intermediate Code Generation and Code Optimization

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Intermediate Code Generation

Code Optimization

By Birku L.
 Introduction
 Why IR?
 Intermediate Representations
 Graphical IRs (Abstract Syntax Trees, Directed
Acyclic Graphs, Control Flow Graphs)
 Linear LRs (Postfix notation, Static Single
Assignment Form, Stack Machine Code, Three
Address Code)
 Code Optimization
 Optimization Techniques

Intermediate Code Generation

 Intermediate code which is also called Intermediate representation,
intermediate language is
 a kind of abstract machine language that can express the target machine
operations without committing too much machine details.

 Intermediate representation
 It ties the front and back ends together
 Language and Machine neutral
 no limit on register and memory, no machine-specific instructions.
 Many forms
 Syntax trees, three-address code, quadruples.
 Intermediate code generation can affect the performance of the
back end
Why IR?
Portability - Suppose We have n-source languages and m-Target languages.Without
Intermediate code we will change each source language into target language
directly. So, for each source-target pair we will need a compiler. Hence we will require
(n*m) Compilers, one for each pair. If we Use Intermediate code We will require n-
Compilers to convert each source language into Intermediate code and m-Compilers
to convert Intermediate code into m-target languages. Thus We require only (n+m)


Pascal HP PA



Why IR?...

Pascal HP PA


 Retargeting - Build a compiler for a new machine by attaching a

new code generator to an existing front-end.
 Optimization - reuse intermediate code optimizers in compilers for
different languages and different machines.
 Program understanding - Intermediate code is simple enough to
be easily converted to any target code but complex enough to
represent all the complex structure of high level language.
Intermediate Representations
 Intermediate Representations can be expressed using

• Abstract Syntax Trees (AST)

• Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAG)
Graphical IRs
• Control Flow Graphs (CFG)
• Postfix notation
• Three Address Code
Linear IRs
• Static Single Assignment Form (SSA)
• Stack Machine Code

 Hybrid approaches mix graphical and linear representations

 SGI and SUN compilers use three address code but provide ASTs for
loops if-statements and array references
 Use three-address code in basic blocks in control flow graphs
Abstract Syntax Trees (ASTs)
 retain essential structure of
the parse tree, eliminating
unneeded nodes.
IfStmt AssignStmt

< AssignStmt AssignStmt x +

x y x + y x y

if (x < y) * /
x = 5*y + 5*y/3;
else 5 y 3
y = 5;
x = x+y;
5 y
Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs)
 Directed acyclic graphs (DAGs)
 Like compressed trees
 Leaves are distinct: variables, constants available on entry
 internal nodes: operators
 Can generate efficient code – since it encode common expressions
 But difficult to transform
 Check whether an operand is already present
 if not, create a leaf for it
 Check whether there is a parent of the operand that represents the
same operation
 if not create one, then label the node representing the result with the
name of the destination variable, and remove that label from all other
nodes in the DAG
Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs)…

if (x < y) Statements
x = 5*y + 5*y/3;
else IfStmt
y = 5; AssignStmt
x = x+y;

< AssignStmt AssignStmt

x y +


Control Flow Graphs (CFGs)
 Nodes in the control flow graph are basic blocks
 A basic block is a sequence of statements always entered at the beginning
of the block and exited at the end
 Edges in the control flow graph represent the control flow

if (x < y)
x = 5*y + 5*y/3; B0
if (x < y) goto B1 else goto B2
y = 5;
x = x+y; B1 B2
x = 5*y + 5*y/3 y = 5

• Each block has a sequence of statements B3

x = x+y
• No jump from or to the middle of the block
• Once a block starts executing, it will execute till the end
Postfix Notation (PN)
 A mathematical notation wherein every operator follows all of
its operands.
 Example: The PN of expression 9* (5+2) is 952+*

 Rules:
1. If E is a variable/constant, the PN of E is E itself
2. If E is an expression of the form E1 op E2, the PN of E is E1’E2’op (E1’
and E2’ are the PN of E1 and E2, respectively.)
3. If E is a parenthesized expression of form (E1), the PN of E is the same
as the PN of E1.
 Example:
 The PN of expression (a+b)/(c-d) ? is (ab+)(cd-)/
Three-Address Code
 A popular form of intermediate code used in optimizing
 Each instruction can have at most three operands
 Types of three address code statements
 Assignment statements: x := y op z and x := op y
 Indexed assignments: x := y[ i] and x[ i] := y
 Pointer assignments: x := & y, x := * y, * x := y
 Unconditional jumps: goto L
 Conditional jumps: if x relop y goto L
 Function calls: param x, call p, n , and return y
 p(x1,..., xn ) => param x1 . . .
Param xn
call p, n
Three-Address Code
Variables can be represented with
if (x < y)
x = 5*y + 5*y/3;
their locations in the symbol table
y = 5; if x < y goto L1
goto L2
x = x+y; L1: t1 := 5 * y
t2 := 5 * y
t3 := t2 / 3
Temporaries: temporaries x := t1 + t3
correspond goto L3
L2: y := 5
to the internal nodes of the L3: x := x + y
syntax tree
• Three address code instructions can be represented as an array of
quadruples: operation, argument1, argument2, result
triples: operation, argument1, argument2
(each triple implicitly corresponds to a temporary)
Syntax tree vs. Three address code
 Expression: (A+B*C) + (-B*A) – B

T1 := B * C
_ T2 = A + T1
T3 = - B
+ B
T4 = T3 * A
+ * T5 = T2 + T4
_ T6 = T5 – B
A * A


 Three address code is a linearized representation of a syntax

tree (or a DAG) in which explicit names (temporaries)
correspond to the interior nodes of the graph.
DAG vs. Three address code

Expression: D = ((A+B*C) + (A*B*C))/ -C

T1 := A T1 := B * C
D / T2 := C T2 := A+T1
T3 := B * T2
+ _ T4 := T1+T3
T3 := A*T1
T4 := T2+T3
T5 := T1*T3 T5 := – C
+ * T6 := T4 + T5 T6 := T4 / T5
T7 := –T2 D := T6
T8 := T6 / T7
* D := T8

Question:Which IR code sequence is better?

Three Address code for Control flow
 While

Implementation of Three Address Code
 Quadruples
 Four fields: op, arg1, arg2, result
 Array of struct {op, *arg1, *arg2, *result}
 x:=y op z is represented as op y, z, x
 arg1, arg2 and result are usually pointers to symbol table entries.
 May need to use many temporary names.
 Many assembly instructions are like quadruple, but arg1, arg2, and result
are real registers.
 Example:
Implementation of Three Address Code…
 Triples
 Three fields: op, arg1, and arg2. Result become implicit.
 arg1 and arg2 are either pointers to the symbol table or index/pointers
to the triple structure.
 No explicit temporary names used.
 Need more than one entries for ternary operations such as x:=y[i],
a=b+c, x[i]=y, … etc.
Static Single- Assignment Form
 Facilitâtes certain code optimisations
 Two distinctive aspects distinguish SSA from three-address code.
 First, all assignments in SSA are to variables with distinct names; hence
the term static single-assignment.

 Second, SSA uses a notational convention called the q-function to

combine two or more definitions of a variable :
 For example, the same variable may be defined in two different
control-flow paths in a program
Static Single- Assignment Form
if ( flag ) x = -1; else x = 1;
 If we use different names for x in the true part and the false part
of the conditional statement, then which name should we use in
the assignment y = x * a;
 In this case q-function is used to combine the two definitions of x:
if ( flag ) xl = -1; else x2 = 1;
x3 = q(x1,x2);
 the q-function returns the value of its argument that corresponds
to the control-flow path that was taken to get to the assignment-
statement containing the q-function.
Stack Machine Code
pushes the value
Assumes presence of operand stack at the location x to
the stack
load x
 Useful for stack architectures, JVM load y
 Operations typically pop operands and push iflt L1 pops the top
goto L2 two elements and
results. compares them
L1: push 5
 Easy code generation and has compact form load y
 But difficult to reuse expressions and to multiply pops the top two
push 5 elements, multiplies
rearrange load y them, and pushes the
multiply result back to the stack
push 3
if (x < y) divide
x = 5*y + 5*y/3; add
stores the value at the
else store x top of the stack to the
goto L3 location x
y = 5;
L2: push 5
x = x+y; store y
L3: load x
load y
store x
Code optimization
 It is a technique which tries to improve code by eliminating

unnecessary code line and rearranging in such a sequence

that speed up the program execution without wasting.

Its advantage

 Executes faster

 Efficient memory usage

 Yields better performance

Code Optimization
 An intermediate code can be optimized for two main reasons.
 Optimizations for memory space.
 How much code does it take to fill up the memory of a modern PC? A
lot is the answer
 Optimizations for speed
 Speed is affected by Hard disk &amp; File system, Network, Operating
system kernel, Languages standard library, Memory, Processor
 The compiler can affect only the last strongly. Sometimes it can
improve memory bandwidth or latency, operating system and language
 The behavior of the program should not be changed
 Note that: Optimization can be also done in other phases of
compiler design
 Intermediate code generation process introduce many
 Extra copy of variable
 Using variable instead of constant
 Repeat evaluation of express
 So code optimization reduce this inefficiencies and improve
may be time ,space, and power consumption
 The factors that influencing the code optimization
 Machine
 Architecture of target CPU
 Machine Architecture
 Themes behind optimization techniques
 Avoid redundancy
 Less code
 Straight line code, few jump
 Code locality
 Any optimization attempt by compiler must follow some
 Semantic equivalence with the source program be
 The algorithm should not be modified
Code Optimization…
 A very hard problem + non-decidable, i.e., an optimal
program cannot be found in most general case.
 Many complex optimization techniques exist.
 Trade of: Effort of implementing a technique + time taken during
compilation vs. optimization achieved.
 For instance, lexical/semantic/code generation phases require linear
time in terms of size of programs, whereas certain optimization
techniques may require quadratic or cubic order.
 In many cases simple techniques work well enough
 Code optimization is today the core problem of compiler
Optimization Techniques
 A vast range of optimizations has been applied and studied. Some
optimizations provided by a compiler includes:
 Dead code elimination
 Arithmetic simplification
 Constant folding
 Common sub-expression elimination
 Inlining  Loop fusion
 Code Hoisting  Loop fission
 Loop unrolling  Copy propagation
 Code motion
 Peep-hole Optimization
 Some of these optimizations are done when the program is
represented close to its source form, as for example tree, others
are done later when it is in a low-level form
Optimization Techniques…
 Dead code elimination
 Programmers occasionally write code that can’t be reached by any
possible path of execution.
 rarely affects performance or code size
 Arithmetic simplification
 Give algebraic expressions in their simplest form, but not always,
simplification deals with this.
 E.g. sqrt(exp(alog(x)/y)) = exp(alog(x)/2*y)
 Constant Unfolding
 Find out at compile time that an expression is a constant
 2 * PI * x / 4 it will reduce to 1.570796337 * x.
Optimization Techniques…
 Common sub-expression elimination (CSE)
 Programmers often repeat equations or parts of equations, e
 Example
 x = sqrt(M) * cos(&#952;);
 y = sqrt(M) * sin(&#952;); // “sqrt(M)” the common
 Store the result of the first sqrt(M) and reuse it instead of
recalculating it
 Inlining
 Repeatedly inserting the function code instead of calling it, saves
the calling overhead and enable further optimizations.
 Inlining large functions will make the executable too large.
Optimization Techniques…
 Code hoisting
 Moving computations outside loops
 Saves computing time
 In the following example (2.0 * PI) is an invariant expression there
is no reason to recompute it 100 times.
DO I = 1, 100
ARRAY(I) = 2.0 * PI * I
 By introducing a temporary variable 't' it can be transformed to:
t = 2.0 * PI
DO I = 1, 100
ARRAY(I) = t * I
Optimization Techniques…
 Loop unrolling
 The loop exit checks cost CPU time.
 Loop unrolling tries to get rid of the checks completely or to
reduce the number of checks.
 If you know a loop is only performed a certain number of times,
or if you know the number of times it will be repeated is a
multiple of a constant you can unroll this loop.
 Example: // unrolled version
// old loop int i = 0;
for(int i=0; i<3; i++) { colormap[n+i] = i;
color_map[n+i] = i; i++;
colormap[n+i] = i;
} i++;
colormap[n+i] = i;
Optimization Techniques…
 Loop fusion
 Replaces multiple loops with a single one

/* Before */
for (i = 0; i < M; i = i + 1) a[i] = b[i] / c[i];
for (i = 0; i < M; i = i + 1) d[i] = a[i] + c[i];
/* After */
for (i = 0; i < M; i = i + 1) {
a[i] = b[i] / c[i];
d[i] = a[i] + c[i];
} loop Fusion
Optimization Techniques…
 Code Motion
 Any code inside a loop that always computes the same value can be
moved before the loop.
 Example:
while (i <= limit-2)
do {loop code}
where the loop code doesn't change the limit variable. The
subtraction, limit-2, will be inside the loop. Code motion would

t = limit-2;
while (i <= t)
do {loop code}
Optimization Techniques…

 Copy propagation
 Deals with copies to temporary variables, a = b.
 Compilers generate lots of copies themselves in intermediate
 Copy propagation is the process of removing them and replacing
them with references to the original. It often reveals dead-code.
 Example
tmp0 = FP + offset A
temp1 = tmp0
tmp1 = FP + offset A
Optimization Techniques…
 Peep-hole Optimization
 Look through small window at assembly code for common
cases that can be improved
1. Redundant load
2. Redundant push/pop
3. Replace a Jump to a jump
4. Remove a Jump to next instruction
5. Replace a Jump around jump
6. Remove Useless operations
7. Reduction in strength
 Done after code generation - Makes small local changes to
Optimization Techniques…
 Redundant Load
store Rx, M After
load M, Rx store Rx, M
 Redundant Push/Pop
Before After
push Rx … nothing …
pop Rx
 Replace a jump to a jump
goto L1 After
goto L2

L1:goto L2
L1:goto L2
Optimization Techniques…

 Remove a Jump to next Instruction

goto L1 After
L1:… L1:…
 Replace a jump around jump
if T0 = 0 goto L1
if T0 != 0 goto L2
else goto L2 L1:…
Optimization Techniques…
 Remove useless operations
add T0, T0, 0 After
… nothing …
mul T0, T0, 1

 Reduction in Strength
Before After
mul T0, T0, 2 shift-left T0
add T0, T0, 1 inc T0
Optimization Techniques…

 Example: Optimize the code below

load Tx, M
add Tx, 0
store Tx, M
 After One Optimization:
load Tx, M
storeTx, M
 After Another Optimization:
load Tx, M

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