Neurological Examination of Infant
Neurological Examination of Infant
Neurological Examination of Infant
provides a considerable amount of information that response, respectively, in neonates. Anosmia, the
will be useful in the further physical examination. It absence of the ability to smell, may indicate a tran-
should focus on general appearance, measurement of sient condition, such as an upper respiratory infec-
height, weight, and head circumference, cutaneous tion, or cranial disorders, such as skull base and
observation, mucosae color, including cyanosis, exam cribriform plate fractures or frontal lobe tumors.
of the midline of the back and neck, gait if present, Examiners should be aware to avoid strong irritant
and fontanel’s state to look for anomalies or dehydra- aromas, such as alcohol or ammonia, as they may
tion. It is important that the patient is seated or stimulate the nerve endings in the nasal mucosa indi-
placed as comfortably as possible in the parent’s lap. rectly and therefore stimulate the trigeminal nerve
instead (Greenfield and Long 2016).
This will reduce his/her apprehension of the clinician
and facilitate the examination. Furthermore, it is very
useful to leave invasive procedures, such as retinal,
oral, and ear examination, until the end to reduce the Cranial Nerve II: Optic Nerve
patient’s disruption of the examination (Yang 2004). Optic nerve examination comprises the assess-
ment of visual acuity, color vision, visual fields, pupils,
COGNITIVE AND DEVELOPMENTAL and lastly, retinal anatomy through an ophthalmo-
ASSESSMENT scopic examination of the optic nerve and surrounding
The cognitive assessment is one of the most Visual acuity can be assessed by presenting color-
important aspects to consider while examining a pedi- ful visual stimuli, such as toys or other objects, to
atric patient and that must be taken before proceeding elicit the patient’s following response. In older and
to a further examination. This includes the assessment cooperative patients, a standard visual acuity test is
of higher cortical functions, as well as developmental performed using an optometric table. Visual fields
milestones. also can be tested while presenting visual stimuli in
Higher cortical and cerebral functions are assessed the patient’s visual fields, whereas a confrontational
by observing consciousness, alertness, response to campimetry should be performed in older, more coop-
visual, auditory, and tactile stimuli, interaction with erative infants.
the examiner or parents and language, if present. Pupil assessment is crucial to diagnose the nerve’s
At certain ages, neurodevelopmental milestones in functionality. They should be examined both compar-
fine and gross motor movements should be achieved atively and one at a time to look for anisocoria. Fur-
and reported by primary caretakers. Because office thermore, the pupillary reflex must be elicited to
visits have time constraints, certain milestones may evaluate both the afferent and efferent limbs (cranial
not be elicited in the presence of physicians. Thus, it nerves II and III, respectively). The pupillary light
is important that the comprehensive history includes reflex can be elicited as early as 30–32 weeks of
questions about age-related markers (Blasco 1994; gestation in premature infants; before then, it is diffi-
Ghassabian et al. 2016). cult to examine this because the iris is pigmented
A child’s motor age can be translated into a motor poorly, and the eyelids resist opening. Use of medica-
quotient that helps establish whether there is any tion, intraocular lesions, infectious or metabolic dis-
delay in motor development. The motor quotient is cal- eases, and abnormalities of the midbrain and optic
culated by dividing the current motor age measured nerves can affect pupil size and the pupillary light
based in the achievements in the milestone chart by reaction (Haslam 2013).
the chronological age of the child in question (Capute To perform ophthalmoscopy, a mydriatic can be
and Shapiro 1985; Blasco 1994). A score above 70 is instilled before examination to dilate the pupils, but
considered normal, between 70 and 50 indicates slight care must be taken to rule out glaucoma before-
motor impairment and below 50 signifies motor disabil- hand. Infants also need someone to soothe and
ity. The motor quotient should be taken into account in reassure them during the examination. It is simpler
factors such as prematurity by adjusting chronological to obtain neurological findings in older children, as
age (Palisano et al. 2008). Furthermore, it is highly they usually sit in the parent’s lap, whereas the
important to look for early signs of autism spectrum other parent plays with the child. Retinal hemor-
disorders by screening social skills, developmental rhage can occur in approximately 30% of normal
milestones, communication with the parents and other newborns but disappears within the following sev-
people, parents’ report of anomalies, and regression in eral weeks (Haslam 2013).
language (Johnson and Myers 2007). The eye disc is gray-white in neonates and blonde
children and typically is salmon-pink in older children.
CRANIAL NERVES Papilledema can result from increased intracranial
pressure associated with changes in the ocular fun-
Cranial Nerve I: Olfactory Nerve dus. This includes hyperemia of the optic disc with
dilated veins and constricted arterioles. It can be diffi-
The olfactory nerve imparts the sense of smell by cult to identify the optic disc border in this situation,
transmitting olfactory stimuli to the brain. Although because it becomes indistinguishable from the sur-
rarely tested, even in adults, aromatic orders, such as rounding retina. Vision can be assessed after 28 weeks
chocolate or coffee, may elicit a sucking or withdrawal of gestation at the earliest (Haslam 2013).
Neurological Examination of the Infant 3
Cranial Nerve III/IV/VI: Oculomotor (III), ear lobule, the posterior belly of the digastric muscle,
Trochlear (IV), and Abducens (VI) Nerves and motor innervation of the stapes muscle. Lacrima-
tion also is an autonomic function attributable to the
The eyes’ movement is mediated by the oculomo- facial nerve. With respect to motor movement, an
tor, trochlear, and abducens nerves. The oculomotor upper or lower motor neuron disease can occur,
nerve innervates most of the extraocular muscles, depending on whether the lesion is above or below
including the superior, inferior, and medial rectus, the facial motor nucleus, respectively. An upper motor
and the inferior oblique muscles, and the trochlear neuron lesion results in weakness of the contralateral
and abducens nerves innervate the superior oblique lower face, whereas a lower lesion results in weakness
and lateral rectus muscles, respectively. The oculomo- of the ipsilateral upper and lower face (Shargorodsky
tor nerve also controls the levator palpebrae superioris et al. 2010; Haslam 2013). To examine facial nerve
muscle that lifts the upper eyelid and mediates the palsy, observing the neonate and infant at rest, and
efferent pupillary reflex. Thus, complete loss of oculo- during crying spells, is appropriate. As infants become
motor nerve function leads to ptosis and pupillary dila- older and able to obey requests, they are asked to
tion and results in a down and outward position of the smile, raise their brows, puff out their cheeks, and
eye. Dysfunction of the trochlear nerve will present close their eyes tightly, both passively and against
when the eye is positioned up and outward, whereas active resistance. Lastly, testing taste can be accom-
dysfunction of the abducens nerve will present with plished using salt or sugar on a cotton swab and stimu-
the loss of lateral movements in the eye affected lating the anterior two thirds of the tongue. Testing
(Haslam 2013; Greenfield and Long 2016). To examine taste is complementary to categorizing facial nerve
eye movements, infants are presented with a toy they lesions as “peripheral,” when taste is impaired
attempt to follow. The “doll’s eye” reflex, or oculoce- (Greenfield and Long 2016).
phalic reflex, can be used to test neonates (as early as
25 weeks of gestation) to evaluate horizontal eye
movements. During this test, the newborn’s head is Cranial Nerve VIII: Vestibulocochlear
moved gently and quickly to one side, which should Nerve
stimulate a temporary movement of both eyes in the
direction opposite that in which the head is turned The vestibulocochlear nerve is responsible for
(Haslam 2013; Greenfield and Long 2016). It is impor- hearing and mediating vestibular function. In new-
tant to evaluate the functional state of the gaze motion borns, hearing is evaluated in one of three ways:
to rule out nystagmus or strabismus. (1) a bell is rung next to the infant’s ear, to which
she/he responds by pausing sucking briefly;
(2) habituation to the sound is observed in neurolog-
Cranial Nerve V: Trigeminal Nerve ically intact infants; and (3) infants older than
Trigeminal nerve assessment must include facial 3 months will turn their head toward the stimulus.
sensitivity, temporomandibular joint proprioception, The examiner also may use the startle reflex to test
masticatory muscle function, and the reflexes related hearing function (Haslam 2013; Greenfield and
to it, such as corneal reflex and the masseter reflex. Long 2016).
The trigeminal nerve divides into three facial sensory Infants who are at risk because of family history of
branches, the ophthalmic, maxillary, and mandibular. deafness, prematurity, hyperbilirubinemia, congenital
To examine their function, the clinician may use the infections (rubella, herpes, cytomegalovirus), or use
broken end of a tongue depressor to elicit pain or light of ototoxic drugs early in life, may be assessed with
strokes to assess touch, which stimulate the appropri- auditory brainstem evoked responses or otoacoustic
ate areas. Slight stroking of the face near the nose, emissions.
cheeks, or lips may predispose the infant to engage in Vestibular function is assessed normally with the
the rooting reflex. The corneal reflex is elicited by caloric test. However, in infants, induced rotational
touching the lateral corner of the sclera lightly with a nystagmus is performed. The examiner should hold
wisp of cotton, which should elicit a blinking response the infant in his/her outstretched hands and rotate
and allow assessment of the ophthalmic division. slowly. In rotation with nystagmus, the infant’s eyes
The mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve should deviate in the direction opposite to rotation
innervates the masticatory muscles. To assess their (Haslam 2013).
function, jaw opening is used to evaluate the masse-
ter, temporalis, lateral, and medial pterygoids. These
muscles are tested indirectly by sucking and allowing Cranial Nerve IX: Glossopharyngeal Nerve
the infant to chew on the examiner’s finger (Haslam
The glossopharyngeal nerve transmits taste stimuli
2013; Greenfield and Long 2016).
from the posterior third of the tongue and motor
fibers to the stylopharyngeus muscle. The former’s
Cranial Nerve VII: Facial Nerve function is tested via the gag reflex, elicited when the
posterior pharyngeal wall is touched lightly. The glos-
The facial nerve is responsible for facial move- sopharyngeal nerve mediates the afferent sensory
ments, mediates taste on the anterior two thirds of limb, and the vagus nerve mediates the efferent motor
the tongue, and controls sensitive recognition of the response (Greenfield and Long 2016).
4 Salandy et al.
Cranial Nerve X: Vagus Nerve function includes tone, power, mobility, and deep ten-
don reflexes.
The vagus nerve serves various functions: it is
involved in movement of the larynx, including the
vocal cords, palate elevation, and pharyngeal contrac-
tion. A unilateral lesion can result in asymmetry of the Tone
ipsilateral soft palate with resultant weakness and
paralysis of a vocal cord presents with hoarseness. Tone is defined as muscles’ resting resistance eval-
Bilateral vagus nerve lesions present with regurgita- uated against passive motion and also correlates with
tion, pooling of secretions, and a depressed soft pal- gestational age (Haslam 2013; Greenfield and Long
ate. Examining the gag reflex and proper swallowing 2016). A sleeping or resting infant may appear to
assess the function both of the vagus and the glosso- have lower tone; the subjective assessment of tone is
pharyngeal nerves (Greenfield and Long 2016). at the physician’s discretion and can be scored between
0 and 4, with 0 indicating hypotonia and 4 rigidity in
flexion or extension, according to the Modified Ash-
Cranial Nerve XI: Accessory Nerve worth Scale (Noureddin et al. 2008). There are various
The accessory nerve innervates the sternocleido- neurodevelopmental scoring systems, such as the Bal-
mastoid and trapezius muscles, which normally are lard Scoring System, Dubowitz Scale, and so on, that
tested against resistance. However, testing in infants assess motor tone. At 28 weeks gestation, there is evi-
is based largely on observation. Neck strength is eval- dence of flexor tone in neck muscles; however, exten-
uated by observing the infant turn his/her head. sor tone is not present until full term. This is important
These muscles display atrophy and weakness with when evaluating premature infants (Behrman et al.
diseases such as motor neuron disease, myasthenia 1976; Palmer et al. 1982; Dubowitz et al. 2005).
gravis, and myotonic dystrophy (Haslam 2013; Green- There are certain maneuvers that can be used to
field and Long 2016). Furthermore, the patient’s voice evaluate infants’ tone. To examine upper limb tone,
should be assessed to rule out vocal cord paralysis. physicians can look for the Scarf sign by extending
the infant’s arm gently toward the opposite shoulder;
as the elbow approaches the midline, the resistance
Cranial Nerve XII: Hypoglossal Nerve should increase. If the arm reaches the shoulder with-
out resistance, this is considered a positive Scarf sign
The hypoglossal nerve innervates the tongue and indicative of hypotonia and is given a score of −1
mediates its movement; hence, abnormalities will (Greenfield and Long 2016). Scoring depends on which
cause the tongue to protrude toward the side of the landmark was reached: a score of 0 if the arm reached
deficit, atrophy, exhibit fasciculations or weakness, the contralateral axillary line; 1 if it reached the con-
whereas bilateral hypoglossal nerve lesions will result tralateral nipple line; 2 if it reached the xiphoid pro-
in an inability to protrude the tongue. If generalized cess; 3 if it reached the ipsilateral nipple line; and 4 if
weakness is suspected, the tongue can be observed it reached the ipsilateral axillary line (Ballard et al.
at rest for possible fasciculations, which can be an 1991; Murray and McKinney 2013).
early indication of neuromuscular disease. Examiners Upper limb traction and recoil maneuvers are
must be careful not to observe the tongue when it is other means to assess upper limb tone. Arm traction
protruded, as tremors may be observed, which are involves lifting the arms upward by the wrists and
normal movements and not indicative of fascicula- examining the resistance and angle of flexion at the
tions. Examiners may assess hypoglossal strength elbows as the shoulders come off the surface: a score
and tone with the sucking reflex (Haslam 2013; of 0 is given if the arms remain straight with no resis-
Greenfield and Long 2016). tance; 1 when there are slight flexion and resistance;
2 when the arms flex to the shoulder and lift off the
MOTOR EXAMINATION surface, but then straighten again; 3 when the arms
are flexed to 100 and maintained, whereas the shoul-
The challenge in examining infants’ motor function ders are lifted from the surface; and 4 when the arms
rests in their limited abilities to cooperate. Until the are flexed more than 100 and maintained as the
infant is 2 or 3 years of age, physicians must shoulders are lifted from the surface (Dubowitz
approach the physical examination of infants patiently et al. 2005).
and with delicate handling (Blasco 1994). Before Arm recoil involves positioning the arms extended
assessing movement, a thorough inspection of pos- and parallel to the body for 3 sec and releasing quickly
ture and spontaneous movement should be assessed when the infant should flex the arms again. Infants
with the infant lying supine (Dubowitz et al. 2005). with hypotonia will have an incomplete or slower flex-
Any abnormal positioning may be indicative of pathol- ion response. Arm recoil tests the biceps’ tone; an
ogy, for example, legs crossed at the feet or ankle asymmetrical or absent response may indicate patho-
may represent increased tone in the hip abductors, logical findings of brachial plexus injury or Erb’s palsy
which is often seen in children with corticospinal tract (Dubowitz et al. 2005). The scoring depends on the
injuries of the upper motor neuron (Greenfield and angle of flexion: a score of 0 for 180 ; 1 for 140–180 ;
Long 2016). Any observations of tics and tremors 2 for 110–140 ; 3 for 90–110 , and 4 for <90 (Ballard
should also be noted. A physical examination of motor et al. 1991; Murray and McKinney 2013).
Neurological Examination of the Infant 5
The lower limbs’ tone is examined by leg recoil, flexed limbs 2; a straight back in line with the head
traction, and popliteal angle. To conduct leg recoil, and flexed limbs 3; and a straight back with head
the infant’s legs and hips are flexed and held then lifted above the body and flexed limbs 4 (Dubowitz
extended quickly and released. A normal response is et al. 1999).
indicated when the infant reverts to a flexed position. When assessing tone, it is imperative to observe
A score of 0–4 is given, with no flexion scored 0; muscle tone individually and by comparison to that of
incomplete flexion 1; complete, slow flexion 2; com- other muscles to understand its distribution. When
plete, fast flexion 3, and difficult extension with a assessing tone, extensor and flexor tone should be
quick snap to flexion 4 (Dubowitz et al. 2005). compared. Greater extensor tone may indicate hyp-
Leg traction is performed while the physician holds oxic injuries, such as meningitis, ischemic lesions, or
the infant’s ankles and raises the legs upward. A nor- increased intraventricular pressure (Dubowitz et al.
mal response is flexion at the knees with resistance 2005). The upper and lower limbs also should be
as the buttocks lift from the surface. An infant is given compared: atypical lower limb tone can be attributed
a score of 0 if the legs remain straight and no resis- to interventricular hemorrhages, hypoxic–ischemic
tance is felt; 1 if there is slight flexion of the knees, encephalopathy, and basal ganglia lesions. When
resistance, and the buttocks remain on the surface; there is poor resistance during leg traction, but a
2 if the legs are flexed only until the buttocks are tight popliteal angle, this can be suggestive of germinal
lifted; 3 if the legs remain in flexion while the buttocks matrix or interventricular hemorrhages (Dubowitz
are lifted; and 4 if the legs remain flexed as the but- et al. 2005).
tocks and back are lifted (Dubowitz et al. 2005).
Lastly, the popliteal angle is measured by flexing
the lower limb, placing the thigh against the abdomen, Power
and straightening the leg until resistance is encoun-
tered. When resistance is met, the angle at the popli- Power involves testing isolated muscle groups’
teal space is measured and scored 0–5 (Ballard et al. strength (Greenfield and Long 2016). When assessing
1991; Murray and McKinney 2013). The scores for the muscle power, the muscle’s strength and bulk should
angle are 180 without resistance, 150, 110, 90, and be observed and is rated on a scale of 0–5, as follows:
less than 90 , respectively (Dubowitz et al. 1999). 0 for no contraction; 1 for slight evidence of contrac-
Trunk and neck muscle tone are evaluated with tion; 2 for active movement, but not against gravity;
head control and lag and a test of ventral suspension. 3 for active movement against gravity; 4 for active
When assessing head control, the examiner places movement against gravity and resistance; and 5 for
the infant in a supine position and helps the infant normal power against strong external resistance
adopt the posture by placing his/her hands around (Haslam 2013; Greenfield and Long 2016). Evidence
the infant’s thorax, which allows the head to move of a muscle group’s weakness may be associated with
forward and back freely. The degree to which the atrophy or fasciculation secondary to denervation
infant can bring the head vertical and hold it vertical (Haslam 2013).
is scored 0–4. If the infant begins with the head back- In infants, testing power is less reliable because of
ward, flexor tone is being evaluated. When beginning their inability to participate fully in the examination.
with the head forward, extensor tone is being evalu- However, various methods are used to overcome this.
ated. The scores are as follows: 0 if no attempt to lift To assess shoulder girdle strength, the infant is held
head; 1 if a slight attempt; 2 if able to lift, but drops from the axilla and slipping through demonstrates
back; 3 if the head is vertical and wobbles; and 4 if weakness. Other examinations to assess the upper
the patient’s head remains upright. extremities include observing the preference for one
Axial and neck tone also are assessed by the head hand over another before the age of 1 (shows weak-
lag, in which the infant is pulled from supine to ness on the side not preferred) or testing the infant’s
upright by the wrists, and the head and flexion of strength while grasping the examiner’s finger.
the arm’s response evoked is examined (Dubowitz Evaluating power in an infant’s lower extremities
et al. 2005). The scores are the following: 0 when largely is observational, as there are limited testing
the head remains dropped back; 1 when a head lift is techniques. One maneuver used to assess lower
attempted, but the head falls back; 2 when the head extremities’ power is to hold infants at the axilla, place
is lifted slightly; 3 when the head lift is in line with the their lower extremities on a surface, and determine
body; and 4 when the head is lifted in front of the whether the child is able to support his/her own
body (Dubowitz et al. 1999). weight; if not, it indicates decreased power. Observa-
The ventral suspension test examines the axial tion is an excellent tool with which to assess infants’
tone, in which the infant is placed over the examiner’s power, for example, to evaluate hip girdle strength,
arm, and the examiner supports the infant with observe the way an older child climbs stairs, and
his/her hand under the infant’s chest. Although the stands up from a sitting position, or sits up from a lying
infant is draped over the examiner’s arm, the head’s position.
position in relation to the trunk and the amount of The presence of a Gower’s sign, in which the child
arm flexion are evaluated (Greenfield and Long stands by climbing up the legs using his/her hands
2016). A curved back and low head with straight and arms, demonstrates proximal muscle weakness.
limbs is scored 0; a curved back, low-lying head, and By the age of 3 years, children are able to follow such
mildly flexed limbs 1; a slightly curved back with commands as squeezing the examiner’s finger, flexing
6 Salandy et al.
and extending limbs, and abducting and adducting infant will look at the area that is being stimulated
muscles against resistance (Haslam 2013; Greenfield and grimace or otherwise change demeanor (Yang
and Long 2016). 2004; Haslam 2013).
Another way to study sensory response is through
tactile reflexes. The afferent neurons are sensory
Mobility receptors coupled with motor efferent neurons. These
Assessing infants’ mobility is achieved by observ- tactile reflexes include the rooting, Galant, abdomi-
ing the infant lying supine and evaluating the amount nal, and grasp reflexes, the plantar response, and
and quality of spontaneous movement. The move- extension of the fingers following a dorsal stroke
ment’s quality is poor if a child exhibits only stretches, (Haslam 2013). These reflexes will be discussed fur-
but normal when an infant displays variable, alternat- ther in the following section.
ing movements of arms and legs. Continuous exagger-
ated, synchronized or jerky movements are considered PRIMITIVE REFLEXES
abnormal (Dubowitz et al. 2005)
Rooting and Sucking Reflexes
Deep Tendon Reflexes Following birth, obtaining nourishment depends on
Stretch receptors in joints and muscles facilitate the infant’s ability to suck. This behavior involves an
deep tendon reflexes (DTR); thus, an intact, function- infant’s lips’ response following contact with the nip-
ing unit is necessary to elicit a response (Greenfield ple, and the act of sucking. These reflexes, hypothe-
and Long 2016). DTR are scored from 0 to 4, in which sized to be related to suckling behavior, include the
0 indicates absent; 1 present, but hypoactive; 2 nor- rooting and sucking reflexes.
mal; 3 brisker reflex; and 4, hyperactive with possible When the infant’s cheek or mouth is touched, the
clonus (Murray and McKinney 2013). DTR reflexes rooting reflex causes the infant to turn his/her head
may be tested at any age, although eliciting DTR in toward the stimulus. Subsequently, following the root-
infants can be difficult because of their spontaneous ing reflex, the sucking reflex is triggered when the nip-
movements and small size, which make them smaller ple is in the infant’s mouth. When the examiner places
targets to tap with the hammer. Upper extremity his/her finger in the commissure of the infant’s mouth,
reflexes tested commonly include the biceps (C5/C6) it also can elicit the sucking reflex (Gentry and Aldrich
anterior to the elbow; the brachioradialis (C5/C6) at 1948; Woolridge 1986). The sucking reflex can test
the radial aspect of the wrist; and the triceps (C6/C7) the trigeminal and hypoglossal nerves indirectly by
posterior to the elbow (difficult to achieve in neo- assessing the strength and control of the muscles of
nates). In the lower extremity, DTR includes the ankle mastication, lingual tone, and strength, respectively
reflex (L5/S1/S2) elicited by tapping the Achilles ten- (Greenfield and Long 2016). The rooting and sucking
don following the foot’s dorsiflexion; the adductor reflexes should be present at birth. However, they may
reflex (L2–4) at the medial epicondyle of the distal be absent in premature infants secondary to depression
femur elicited by tapping the adductor tendon, and of the central nervous system via maternal anesthesia,
the patellar reflex (L2/L3/L4), in which the reflex anoxia, or congenital defects. The reflexes are present
elicits a jerk when the patellar ligament is tapped until 3–4 months and retained until 7–8 months in
(Greenfield and Long 2016). This can be followed by sleeping infants (Paine 1969).
the crossed adductor response, in which the reflex
causes the contralateral leg to contract. This response Moro Reflex
disappears by 6–7 months. The plantar extensor
reflex, also known as the Babinski reflex (L4-S2), is The Moro reflex can be elicited as early as 25 weeks
elicited by stroking the foot’s sole from heel to the of gestation in preterm infants and in most infants by
base of the toes with a blunt object, which causes the 30 weeks (Futagi et al. 2012). Moro discovered the
big toe to move upward and the others to fan out. reflex in 1928 by striking the surface on either side of
This response is normal until 3 months of age. An the infant and eliciting a motor response in which the
increased DTR could suggest an upper motor neuron infant’s four limbs abduct and extend, then subse-
disease, whereas absent and decreased DTR could quently abduct and flex. Infants also will extend their
suggest lower motor neuron disease (Haslam 2013). spine and outstretch initially and then close their fingers
(Mitchell 1960; Paine 1969; Campbell and DeJong
SENSORY EXAMINATION 2005). There are many ways to elicit this response,
including loud noise, inducing the sensation of falling via
Infants’ unreliable responses during sensory exam- abrupt loss of support of the head and trunk, and
ination limit the type of testing feasible. Infants may extending the infant’s arms followed by sudden release
disregard a stimulus because of habituation, which (Mitchell 1960; Greenfield and Long 2016). The most
occurs sooner in the neonate period, whereas older reliable technique to test the Moro reflex is to lift the
children ages 3–4 are easier to test. Physicians use a newborn’s head and shoulders with respect to the body,
cotton applicator to assess touch and a broken tongue and allow the head to drop. It is imperative to determine
depressor to evaluate pain. Different dermatomes are whether the response is symmetrical, as a dispropor-
stroked, and the response is observed. Typically, the tionate Moro reflex may indicate brachial plexus injury,
Neurological Examination of the Infant 7
fracture of the clavicle or humerus, injury to the shoul- toes’ downward flexion, whereas a positive Babinski
der joint, and rarely, neonatal hemiplegia (Paine 1969; sign is upward movement and fanning of the big toe.
Dubowitz et al. 1980). The reflex is normally present up Because of the newborn brain’s immaturity, they will
to 3 or 4 months of age and disappears by 6 months of have a positive Babinski sign. Unlike in adults, where a
age. However, the Moro reflex is inhibited in infants with positive sign indicates an upper motor neuron disease,
spastic cerebral palsy during the first 3–5 months, in infants, a positive Babinski can be present until one
appears between 5 and 7 months, and is retained up to to 2 years of age in the absence of any neurological
11 months (Paine 1969; Zafeiriou 2004). pathology (Paine 1969; Greenfield and Long 2016).
The palmar grasp is elicited by the examiner placing Asymmetric Tonic Neck Reflex and Neck
his/her finger into the infant’s palm and applying pressure
Righting Reflex
near the base of the fingers. The infant’s reflex response is
flexing his/her fingers to form a fist around the examiner’s The asymmetric tonic neck reflex involves the pos-
finger (Futagi et al. 2012). This response involves two ture the infant adopts when lying supine; the infant will
phases: catching and holding. Muscular contraction upon extend the arm and leg to the side the head is turned
deep pressure on the palmer surface is the “catching” and flex the opposite arm and leg. This reflex is
phase. The subsequent “holding” phase applies traction to referred to as the asymmetric tonic neck reflex or
the flexor tendons or adductor muscles. Resting with “fencing reflex” (Murray and McKinney 2013). Turning
his/her palm on the dorsum of the infant’s hand will dimin- the infant’s head toward the preferred side for 15 sec
ish the grasp reflex (Schott and Rossor 2003). Injury to can elicit this response, which diminishes by the fourth
the arms’ nerves will result in a weak or absent reflex to sixth month of age. Recurrence of this response
(Murray and McKinney 2013). This reflex is present at later in life may indicate decerebration or decortication
28 weeks gestation and strongest at 37 weeks, when the (Zafeiriou 2004; Campbell and DeJong 2005).
infant is able to lift him/herself from a supine position The asymmetric tonic neck reflex’s disappearance
(Yang 2004). The response disappears at 6 months of age is replaced by the neck righting reflex, in which rota-
(Zafeiriou 2004). tion of the head toward one side is followed by rota-
tion of the shoulder, trunk, and pelvis, which helps the
Plantar Grasp infant roll over. The reflex can be elicited both by pas-
sive and active head rotation (Paine 1969).
Similar to the palmer grasp, the plantar grasp is
elicited by applying pressure to the region below the Parachute Response
toes, which causes the toes to curl over the exam-
iner’s fingers (Murray and McKinney 2013). This The parachute response occurs from the eighth to
response disappears at 15 months of age. ninth month and is preserved throughout life. Posi-
tioning the infant prone in the air and bringing him/
Babinski her down to the surface headfirst triggers a response
in which the arms extend and abduct, and fingers
The Babinski response is elicited by applying lateral spread in an effort to break the fall. The response
pressure on the plantar surface of the foot from the should be compared bilaterally, as a disproportionate
heel to the toes and curving inward toward the base of reaction may indicate upper extremity weakness
the big toe. A normal response is no movement or the or spasticity, whereas the absence of a parachute
8 Salandy et al.
response can be indicative of a serious neurological Futagi Y, Toribe Y, Suzuki Y. 2012. The grasp reflex and Moro reflex in
disease (Campbell and DeJong 2005). infants: hierarchy of primitive reflex responses. Int J Pediatr
Gentry EF, Aldrich C. 1948. Rooting reflex in the newborn infant: inci-
CONCLUSION dence and effect on it of slefp. Am J Dis Child 75:528–539.
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