GOVERNMENT OF INDIA Act for good govt+ CANNING+ abolished EIC, COD,BOC+ NEW
CHARTER ACT 1861 Portfolio+ restored Bombay madras power+ nominated raja of
banaras+ maharaja Patiala+ dinkar rao to LC
CHARTER ACT 1891 power of discussing the budget and addressing questions to
the executive
Indian Councils ACT of Ist time Indian association in executive council. Ist person
1909 --MORLEY – MINTO Satyendra prasad Sinha. Communal reprrsentation to muslim.
MONTAGUE CHELMSFORD Direct election+ bicameralism+ dyarchy @
REFORMS GOI ACT 1919 provinces+ seprate electorates to sikh , Indian
Christians, anglo Indian, Europeans.+ limited
GOI ACT 1935 Abolished dyarchy @provinces and introduced it at
centre+ bicameralism in provinces. Seprate
electorates scheduled caste, labour, women etc.
First Cabinet of Free India (1947)
1. Jawaharlal Nehru Prime Minister; External Affairs &
Commonwealth Relations; Scientific Research
2. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Home, Information &
Broadcasting; States
3. Dr. Rajendra Prasad Food & Agriculture
4. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Education
5. Dr. John Mathai Railways & Transport
6. R.K. Shanmugham Chetty Finance
7. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Law
8. Jagjivan Ram Labour
9. Sardar Baldev Singh Defence
10. Raj Kumari Amrit Kaur Health
11. C.H. Bhabha Commerce
12. Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Communication
13. Dr. Shayama Prasad Mukherji Industries & Supplies
14. V.N. Gadgil Works, Mines & Power
40. Which one among the following was not a provision of Which one of the following has created the office of the
the Regulating Act of 1773?
(a) It introduced parliamentary supervision over the East
Secretary of State for India?
India Company (a) The Councils Act 1861
(b) The Government of Bengal was vested in a Governor (b) The Government of India Act 1858
General and the Council of four members (c) The Morley Minto Reforms
(c) It changed the power of vote in the Court of Proprietors (d) Montague Chelmsford reforms
by removing all restrictions on qualifications Ans: (b) The office of the Secretary of State was created under
(d) The Governor-General was vested with a casting vote the provisions of the Government of India
Ans: (c) Act 1858
Which one of the following is not a change brought about by the Indian
Independence Act of 1947? (CDS-1-2019)
(a) The Government of India Act, 1935 was amended to provide an
interim Constitution.
(b) India ceased to be a dependency.
(c) The Crown was the source of authority till new Constitution was
(d) The Governor-General was the constitutional head of Indian
Ans. (c) With Indian Independence Act of 1947, the crown was no
longer the source of authority.
Q. The distribution of powers between the
Centre and the States in the Indian Constitution
is based on the scheme provided in the (2012)
(a)Morley-Minto Reforms, 1909
(b)Montagu-Chelmsford Act, 1919
(c)Government of India Act, 1935
(d)Indian Independence Act, 1947
Answer: C
Q. In the context of Indian history, the principle of ‘Dyarchy’ refers to- (CAPF-2017)
(a) Division of central legislature into two houses
(b) Introduction of double government i.e., central and state governments
(c) Having two sets of rulers; one in London and another in Delhi
(d) Division of the subjects delegated to the provinces into two categories
Answer : d
Q. In the Interim Government formed in 1946, Q. Who among the following was the chairman of the Union
the Vice-President of the Executive Constitution Committee of the Constituent Assembly? (2005)
Council was (1995) (a)Dr BR Ambedkar
(a)Jawaharlal Nehru (b)JB Kripalani
(b)Dr. S Radhakrishnan (c)Pt Jawaharlal Nehru
(c)C. Rajagopalachari (d)Alladi Krishnaswami Ayyar
(d)Dr. Rajendra Prasad Answer: C
Answer: A
Q. Consider the following statements: [2006]
Q. Which one of the following provisions was not made in the Charter
1. The Charter Act, 1853 abolished East India Company
Act of 1833? [2003]
monopoly of Indian trade.
(a) The trading activities of the East India Company were to be
2. Under the Government of India Act, 1858 the British
Parliament abolished the
(b) The designation of the supreme authority was to be changed as the
3. Rule of East India Company and undertook the
Governor-General of India in Council
responsibility of ruling India directly.
(c) All law-making powers to be conferred on Governor-General in
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
(a) 1 only
(d) An Indian was to be appointed as a Law Member in the Governor-
(b) 2 only
General's Council
(c) Both 1 and 2
Answer : d
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
Answer : b
Q. Which one of the following Acts of British India Q. Consider the following statements: [2005]
strengthened the Viceroy's authority over his Executive 1. Warren Hastings was the first Governor General who
Council by substituting "Portfolio" or departmental system established a regular police force in India on
for corporate functioning? [2002] the British pattern.
(a) Indian Council Act, 1861 2. A Supreme Court was established at Calcutta by the
(b) Government of India Act, 1858 Regulating Act, 1773.
(c) Indian Council Act, 1892 3. The Indian Penal Code came into effect in the year 1860.
(d) Indian Council Act, 1909 Which of the statements given above are correct?
Answer : a (a) 1 and 2
(b) 2 and 3
(c) 1 and 3
Q. The most short-lived of all of the Britain's (d) 1, 2 and 3
constitutional experiments in India was the: [1999] Answer : b
(a) Indian Council Act of 1861
(b) Indian Council Act of 1892
(c) Indian Council Act of 1909
(d) Government of India Act of 1919
Answer : c