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q Act of 1786
q Charter Act of 1793
q Charter Act of 1813
q Indian Councils ACT of 1909 --MORLEY – MINTO
q The British came to India in 1600 AD as traders in the form
of East India Company.
q East India Company was also known as East India Trading
Company or English East India Company.
q The East India Company was founded in the year 1600 for
persuading the trade with East Indies (South Asia and South
East Asia).
q But the East India Company traded mainly in the Indian
subcontinent and China.
q The East India Company has exclusive rights to trade in
q In the year 1765 the East India Company obtained
―Diwani Rights over revenue and civil justice of Bengal,
Bihar and Orissa.
q In the year 1858 after the Sepoy mutiny, British crown
assumed direct responsibility for the governance of India.
q This rule continued up to August 15, 1947. (India got
1.THE COMPANY RULE (1773-1858)
Acts from 1773 to 1853

2.The Crown Rule : 1858-1947

Acts From 1858 to 1947
q First step taken by British Government to Control and Regulate the Affairs of East India Company in India.
q The political and administrative functions of the company were recognized for the first time.
q It laid the foundation of central administration in India.
q The Governor of Bengal was designated as the Governor-General of Bengal and the Executive council of the 4 members
was created to assist the Governor-General.
q The first Governor-General of Bengal was Lord Warren Hastings.
q The 1773 act made Governors of Bombay and Madras presidencies subordinate to the Governor General of Bengal.
q The act provided for the establishment of Supreme Court at Calcutta in the year 1774.
q The Supreme Court comprised of a Chief Justice and 3 other judges. WHO WAS IST CJI?
q This act prohibited the servants of the company from engaging in any private trade or accepting presentations (gifts) or
bribes from the natives (local people).
q The 1773 act strengthened the control of British government over the company by requiring the court the Directors to
report on its revenue, civil and military affairs in India.
q The 1781 act of Settlement – passed by the British parliament to rectify the defects of 1773 Act
q PITTS INDIA ACT OF 1784: Act of 1786
q The Pitts India act distinguished In 1786, Lord Cornwallis was appointed as the Governor-General
between commercial and
of Bengal. He placed two demands to accept that post, viz.,
political functions of the
company. v He should be given power to override the decision of his
q The Court of Directors entrusted council in special cases.
with the responsibility to manage v He would also be the Commander-in-Chief. Accordingly, the
commercial affairs of the Act of 1786 was enacted to make both the provisions.
q The Board of control was
entrusted with the responsibility
of political affairs.
q Thus the Pitts India act
established the dual (double)
q The company territories in India
were for the first time called
British possessions in India.
Charter Act of 1793
The features of this Act were as follows:
q It extended the overriding power given to Lord Cornwallis over his council, to all future Governor-Generals and
Governors of Presidencies.
q It gave the Governor-General more powers and control over the governments of the subordinate Presidencies
of Bombay and Madras.
q It extended the trade monopoly of the Company in India for another period of twenty years.
q It provided that the Commander-in-Chief was not to be a member of the Governor-General’s council, unless he
was so appointed.
q It laid down that the members of the Board of Control and their staff were, henceforth, to be paid out of the
Indian revenues.
Charter Act of 1813 q The Governor-General of Bengal was made Governor-General of India.
q It abolished the trade monopoly of the q The first Governor-General of India was Lord William Bentinck.
company in India i.e., the Indian trade q The East India Company purely became the administrative body.
was thrown open to all British merchants. q This act provided for the company‘s territories in India were held by it in
However, it continued the monopoly of trust for His Majesty, his heirs and successors.
the company over trade in tea and trade
q The superintendence, direction and control of whole civil and military
with China.
q It asserted the sovereignty of the British government of all the British territories and revenues in India was
Crown over the Company’s territories in expressly vested in The Governor General of India in Council.
India. q For the first time the Governor-General‘s government was known as the
q It allowed the Christian missionaries to Government of India.
come to India for the purpose of q The council was known as Indian Council.
enlightening the people.
q The council was enlarged for legislative work by the addition of a Law
q It provided for the spread of western
education among the inhabitants of the member in addition to the existing three. Lord macauley
British territories in India. q This act attempted to introduce a system of open competition for
q It authorised the Local Governments in selection of civil servants. This is an attempt only; open competition
India to impose taxes on persons. They system was introduced later
could also punish the persons for not
paying taxes.
• This was the last charter act passed by the British Parliament between 1793 and 1853.
• This act created the Legislative council.
• The legislative council functioned as a mini Parliament.
• The Charter Act of 1853 introduced Open competition system of selection and recruitment of
civil servants.
• This was also open to Indians. (Indians were permitted to take part in the competitive
• Accordingly Macaulay Committee (Committee on the Indian civil services) was appointed in
the year 1854.
• Satyendra Nath Tagore was the first Indian to join the civil services.


• This act is also known as the Act for good government in India.
• This is the first statute enacted by the Parliament for the governance of India under the direct
rule of the British government.
• The GOI Act abolished the East India Company.
• The British crown assumed sovereignty over India from the East India Company.
• The designation of Governor-General of India was changed to the Viceroy of India.
• The last Governor-General of India was Lord Canning.
• The first Viceroy of India was Lord Canning.
• The GOI act abolished the Board of Control and Court of Directors.
• A new position called Secretary of State for India was created.

This act introduced a grain of popular element by including some non-

official members in the executive council while transacting legislative
business like legislative council.
q The Viceroy of India would nominate Indians to the legislative council.
q The functions of nominated members were confined exclusively to the
consideration of the legislative proposals placed before it by the
Governor-General (Viceroy).
q Even in the provinces for initiating legislations the prior sanction of the
Governor-General (Viceroy) was necessary.
q In the year 1862 Lord Canning (first Viceroy of India) nominated Raja
of Benaras, the Maharaja of Patiala and Sir Dinakar Rao to the
legislative council.
qPortfolio system was introduced.
q This act restored the powers of Bombay and Bengal presidencies.
q The Legislative Council for Bengal was created in the year 1862.
q The Legislative council for NWFP (North West Frontier Province) was
created in the year 1866.
CHARTER ACT 1891 Indian Councils ACT of 1909 (MORLEY – MINTO REFORMS
q This act gave the q This act increased the size of legislative councils by including elected non-official members.
legislative councils the q An element of election was introduced at the central legislative council but the official
majority was maintained.
power of discussing
q The members of the legislative council were allowed to ask supplementary questions.
the budget and q The members were allowed to move the resolutions on budget or on any matter of public
addressing questions interest except subjects like armed forces, Foreign affairs and Indian states.
to the executive. q This act provided the association of Indians with executive council of the viceroy and the
q This act also provided Governor.
for the nomination of q The first Indian to join the Viceroys Executive council was Satyendra Prasad Sinha.
some non-official q The 1909 act introduced a system of communal representation for Muslims by accepting the
members to the concept of Separate Electorate‘.
legislative councils by q Under the Separate Electorate‘ the Muslim members were to be elected only by Muslim
the Viceroy. voters.
q Minto was regarded as the ―Father of Communal Electorate
q The GOI Act 1919 introduced diarchy or dual government.
q Montague secretary of state--- Chelmsford viceory of india
q The diarchy was introduced at the provinces and not at the centre.
q This act demarcated the central and provincial subjects and budget also.
q The provincial subjects were further divided into transferred subjects and reserved subjects.
q Transferred subjects are those subjects that are administered by the Governor with the aid of ministers and
responsible to the Legislative Council in which the proportion of elected members was raised to 70 percent.
q Hence, the foundation of responsible government was introduced in the narrow sphere in the form of transferred
q The reserved subjects on the other hand were to be administered by the Governor and his executive council
without any responsibility to the Legislature..
q Through the GOI Act of 1919 bicameralism (two houses i.e. Upper and Lower House) was introduced at the centre.
q The concept of elections was introduced.
q The act of 1919 extended communal representation for Sikhs, Indian Christians, Europeans and AngloIndians.
q Limited franchise on basis of property taxes etc.
q High commissioner office of india in London
v The GOI Act 1935 prescribed a Federation.
v The GOI act 1935 divided the powers into Federal List (59) Provincial List (54) Concurrent List (36)
v The residuary powers were vested with the Viceroy.
v The GOI act of 1935 abolished the diarchy in provinces.
v The GOI act of 1935 provided the diarchy at the centre. (This did not come into operation).
v The responsible government was introduced in provinces. The Executive authority of the province was also exercised
by the Governor on behalf of the crown and not as a subordinate of the Governor General.
v The GOI act of 1935 introduced bicameralism (2 house, Upper and lower) in 6 out of 11 provinces. This was
Legislative Assembly and the Legislative Council.
v This act extended separate electorate for depressed classes (SC‘s), Women and labor.
v This act extended the franchise (Right to vote). With this 10% of the population got the voting right.
v The GOI 1935 granted limited franchise on the basis of tax, property and education. The GOI act of 1935 provided
for the establishment of Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in the year 1935.
v The GOI act of 1935 provided for the establishment of Provincial and Joint Public Service Commission.
v The GOI act also provided for the establishment of Federal Court.
v The Federal Court was set up in the year 1937 in Delhi.
v The seat of the Federal court was the Chamber of Princes in the Parliament building in Delhi.
v The first Chief Justice of the Federal Court was Maurice Gwyer.
v (Note: The present Supreme Court was established on January 28, 1950)
q On February 20, 1947 the Prime Minister of England Sir Clement Atlee declared that the British rule in India would
end by June 30, 1948.
q Lord Mount Batten (then Viceroy) put forth the partition plan on the same day. It is called Mountbatten plan. (This
is also called June 3 plan).
q This plan was accepted by both congress and Muslim league.
q The Indian Independence Act of 1947 ended the British rule and declared India as an independent and sovereign
state from August 15, 1947.
q This act provided for the partition of the country into India and Pakistan.
q The office of Viceroy was abolished and provided for the Governor-General for each dominion (India and Pakistan)
appointed by the king. .
q The Central legislature of India composed of the legislative assembly and the council of states ceased to exist on
August 14, 1947.
q The Indian Independence Act granted freedom to the princely states either to join India or Pakistan or to remain
independent. (UPSC PYQ CSE)
q Lord Mountbatten became the first Governor-General of independent India.
q Jawaharlal Nehru was sworn in as the first Prime Minister of India by Lord Mount Batten.
q Muhammad Ali Jinnah became the first Governor-General of Pakistan.

PITTS INDIA ACT,1784 COD=Commercial+ BOC= Political+ dual government

Charter Act of 1813 Abolished trade except tea + education + Missionaries

GOVERNMENT OF INDIA GGI BENTICK+Law member+ open comp. attempted

ACT 1833

GOVERNMENT OF INDIA Act for good govt+ CANNING+ abolished EIC, COD,BOC+ NEW
CHARTER ACT 1861 Portfolio+ restored Bombay madras power+ nominated raja of
banaras+ maharaja Patiala+ dinkar rao to LC
CHARTER ACT 1891 power of discussing the budget and addressing questions to
the executive
Indian Councils ACT of Ist time Indian association in executive council. Ist person
1909 --MORLEY – MINTO Satyendra prasad Sinha. Communal reprrsentation to muslim.
MONTAGUE CHELMSFORD Direct election+ bicameralism+ dyarchy @
REFORMS GOI ACT 1919 provinces+ seprate electorates to sikh , Indian
Christians, anglo Indian, Europeans.+ limited
GOI ACT 1935 Abolished dyarchy @provinces and introduced it at
centre+ bicameralism in provinces. Seprate
electorates scheduled caste, labour, women etc.
First Cabinet of Free India (1947)
1. Jawaharlal Nehru Prime Minister; External Affairs &
Commonwealth Relations; Scientific Research
2. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Home, Information &
Broadcasting; States
3. Dr. Rajendra Prasad Food & Agriculture
4. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Education
5. Dr. John Mathai Railways & Transport
6. R.K. Shanmugham Chetty Finance
7. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Law
8. Jagjivan Ram Labour
9. Sardar Baldev Singh Defence
10. Raj Kumari Amrit Kaur Health
11. C.H. Bhabha Commerce
12. Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Communication
13. Dr. Shayama Prasad Mukherji Industries & Supplies
14. V.N. Gadgil Works, Mines & Power
40. Which one among the following was not a provision of Which one of the following has created the office of the
the Regulating Act of 1773?
(a) It introduced parliamentary supervision over the East
Secretary of State for India?
India Company (a) The Councils Act 1861
(b) The Government of Bengal was vested in a Governor (b) The Government of India Act 1858
General and the Council of four members (c) The Morley Minto Reforms
(c) It changed the power of vote in the Court of Proprietors (d) Montague Chelmsford reforms
by removing all restrictions on qualifications Ans: (b) The office of the Secretary of State was created under
(d) The Governor-General was vested with a casting vote the provisions of the Government of India
Ans: (c) Act 1858

Which of the following statements regarding the residuary powers under

the Constitution of India is/are correct?
1. Residuary powers have been given to the Union Parliament.
The Government of India Act, 1919 [2013-I] 2. In the matter of residuary power, the Constitution of India follows the
1. Established a bicameral legislature at the centre. Constitution of Australia.
2. Introduced dyarchy in the provincial executive. 3. Schedule 7 of the Constitution of India provides a list of residuary
3. Introduced a Federal System of Government in India. powers.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below 4. The Government of India Act, 1935 placed residuary powers in the
(a) 1 and 3 hands of the Governor-General.
(b) 2 and 3 Select the correct answer using the codes given below.
(c) 1,2 and 3 Codes
(d) 1 and 2 (a) 1 and 3
Ans. (d) (b) 2 and 3
(c) 1 and 4
(d) Only 4
Ans: (c)
Which of the following laws have been repealed by the Who among the following was the Finance Minister of
Constitution of India? [2015-II] India in the Interim Government during 1946-1947?
1. The Government of India Act, 1935
2. The Indian Independence Act, 1947
3. The Abolition of Privy Council Jurisdiction Act, 1949 (a) R K Shanmukham Chetty
4. The Preventive Detention Act, 1950 (b) John Mathai
Select the correct answer using the code given below. (c) Liaquat Ali Khan
(a) 1 and 2 only (d) Chintamanrao Deshmukh
(b) 2 and 4 only Ans. (c) Liaquat Ali Khan became the first Finance
(c) 1 and 3
Minister of India in the Interim Government during
(d) 1, 2 and 4
Ans. (c) 1946-1947.

Which one of the following is not a change brought about by the Indian
Independence Act of 1947? (CDS-1-2019)
(a) The Government of India Act, 1935 was amended to provide an
interim Constitution.
(b) India ceased to be a dependency.
(c) The Crown was the source of authority till new Constitution was
(d) The Governor-General was the constitutional head of Indian
Ans. (c) With Indian Independence Act of 1947, the crown was no
longer the source of authority.
Q. The distribution of powers between the
Centre and the States in the Indian Constitution
is based on the scheme provided in the (2012)
(a)Morley-Minto Reforms, 1909
(b)Montagu-Chelmsford Act, 1919
(c)Government of India Act, 1935
(d)Indian Independence Act, 1947
Answer: C

Q. Who among the following was the chairman of

the Union Constitution Committee
of the Constituent Assembly? (2005)
(a)Dr BR Ambedkar
(b)JB Kripalani
(c)Pt Jawaharlal Nehru
(d)Alladi Krishnaswami Ayyar
Answer: C
Q. Which one of the following is not a feature of Q. Which of the following is/are the principal
Government of India Act of 1935? (CSE-2000) feature(s) of the Government of India Act,
1919? [CSE-2012]
(a)Diarchy at the Centre as well as in the Provinces 1. Introduction of Dyarchy in the executive
(b)A bicameral legislature government of the provinces
(c)Provincial autonomy 2. Introduction of separate communal
electorates for Muslims
(d)An All-India Federation 3. Devolution of legislative authority by the
Answer: A Centre to the provinces
Select the correct answer using the codes
Q. The Government of India Act of 1919 clearly defined: [CSE-2015] given below:
(a) 1 only
(a) The separation of power between the judiciary and the legislature (b) 2 and 3 only
(b) The jurisdiction of the central and provincial governments (c) 1 and 3 only
(c) The powers of the Secretary of State for India and the Viceroy (d) 1, 2 and 3
Answer : c
(d) None of the above
Answer : b

Q. In the context of Indian history, the principle of ‘Dyarchy’ refers to- (CAPF-2017)
(a) Division of central legislature into two houses
(b) Introduction of double government i.e., central and state governments
(c) Having two sets of rulers; one in London and another in Delhi
(d) Division of the subjects delegated to the provinces into two categories
Answer : d
Q. In the Interim Government formed in 1946, Q. Who among the following was the chairman of the Union
the Vice-President of the Executive Constitution Committee of the Constituent Assembly? (2005)
Council was (1995) (a)Dr BR Ambedkar
(a)Jawaharlal Nehru (b)JB Kripalani
(b)Dr. S Radhakrishnan (c)Pt Jawaharlal Nehru
(c)C. Rajagopalachari (d)Alladi Krishnaswami Ayyar
(d)Dr. Rajendra Prasad Answer: C
Answer: A
Q. Consider the following statements: [2006]
Q. Which one of the following provisions was not made in the Charter
1. The Charter Act, 1853 abolished East India Company
Act of 1833? [2003]
monopoly of Indian trade.
(a) The trading activities of the East India Company were to be
2. Under the Government of India Act, 1858 the British
Parliament abolished the
(b) The designation of the supreme authority was to be changed as the
3. Rule of East India Company and undertook the
Governor-General of India in Council
responsibility of ruling India directly.
(c) All law-making powers to be conferred on Governor-General in
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
(a) 1 only
(d) An Indian was to be appointed as a Law Member in the Governor-
(b) 2 only
General's Council
(c) Both 1 and 2
Answer : d
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
Answer : b
Q. Which one of the following Acts of British India Q. Consider the following statements: [2005]
strengthened the Viceroy's authority over his Executive 1. Warren Hastings was the first Governor General who
Council by substituting "Portfolio" or departmental system established a regular police force in India on
for corporate functioning? [2002] the British pattern.
(a) Indian Council Act, 1861 2. A Supreme Court was established at Calcutta by the
(b) Government of India Act, 1858 Regulating Act, 1773.
(c) Indian Council Act, 1892 3. The Indian Penal Code came into effect in the year 1860.
(d) Indian Council Act, 1909 Which of the statements given above are correct?
Answer : a (a) 1 and 2
(b) 2 and 3
(c) 1 and 3
Q. The most short-lived of all of the Britain's (d) 1, 2 and 3
constitutional experiments in India was the: [1999] Answer : b
(a) Indian Council Act of 1861
(b) Indian Council Act of 1892
(c) Indian Council Act of 1909
(d) Government of India Act of 1919
Answer : c

Time span of given acts:

✓ Indian Councils Act of 1861 – 31 years
✓ Indian Councils Act of 1892 – 17 years
✓ Indian Councils Act of 1909 – 10 years
✓ Government of India Act 1919 – 16 years
Q. The Montagu-Chelmsford Report formed the basis of: [CAPF-2004]
(a) the Indian Councils Act, 1909
(b) the Government of India Act, 1919
(c) the Government of India Act, 1935
(d) the Indian Independence Act, 1947
Answer : b

Q. The Montagu-Chelmsford Proposals were related to- (CSE-2016)

(a) Social reforms
(b) Educational reforms
(c) Reforms in police administration
(d) Constitutional reforms
Answer : d
Q. Consider the following statements: [CDS-2-2004] Q. Consider the following statements: [CSE-2005]
Some of the main features of the Government of India Act, 1935 were the : The Government of India Act, 1935 provided for:
1. Abolition of diarchy in the Governor's provinces. 1. The provincial autonomy.
2. Power of the Governors to veto legislative action and to legislate on 2. The establishment of a Federal court.
their own.
3. All India Federation at the center.
3. Abolition of the principle of communal representation.
Which of the statements given above are correct?
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(a) 1 only (a) 1 and 2
(b) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 3
(c) 2 and 3 (c) 1 and 3
(d) 1, 2 and 3 (d) 1, 2 and 3
Answer : b Answer : d
Q. In the federation established by the Government of India Act of 1935, residuary powers were
given to the- (2018)
(a) Federal Legislature
(b) Governor General
(c) Provincial Legislature
(d) Provincial Governors
Answer : (b)

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