Gnodal GS7200
Gnodal GS7200
Gnodal GS7200
Gnodal GS-Series
Based on the Gnodal Peta ASIC, the GS7200 is part of the Gnodal GS-Series 10 and 40 GbE switches for the High
Performance Data Center. Gnodal derive their extreme performance capability from a revolutionary architectural
design that eliminates network congestion within multi-chassis configurations, delivering optimum performance
at minimum cost and power consumption.
The world’s fastest and only fully adaptive, load-balancing Ethernet Fabric
Gnodal GS7200 Technical Specifications
GX-11101-02 Gnodal GS7200 1RU ToR switch, 72 SFP+ 10 GbE ports. Dual hot-swap PSUs. Includes rack-mount kit and power cords.
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Items in italics supported in upcoming firmware releases
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combinations thereof are trademarks of Gnodal. The GS7200 port design is patent pending. Other product names used in this pub lication are for identification purposes only and may be trademarks of their
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The world’s fastest and only fully adaptive, load-balancing Ethernet Fabric