Erlich 1989
Erlich 1989
Erlich 1989
6, 1989
Special Article
Accepted: September II, 1989 template in the next, the number of target DNA
copies doubles approximately at every cycle. Thus,
KEY WORDS: Polymerase chain reaction; DNA; denaturing
gradient gel electrophoresis. a repetitive series of cycles involving template
denaturation, primer annealing, and the extension
of the annealed primers by DNA polymerase results
in the exponential accumulation of a specific frag-
The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) (1-3) is capa- ment whose termini are defined by the 5' ends of the
ble of synthesizing millions of copies of a specific primers. Twenty cycles of PCR, assuming 100%
DNA sequence in a simple, rapid, automated reac- efficiency, yields about a miUionfold (22°) amplifica-
tion. The capacity to amplify specific fragments of tion. Each cycle consists of (i) a heating step to
DNA from a complex template has had a revolu- separate the two DNA strands, (ii) a primer anneal-
tionary impact on molecular biology research as ing step, and (iii) a primer extension step at the
well as on a variety of medical applications. This optimum temperature for the DNA polymerase.
review discusses the basic principles of the PCR DNA polymerases are enzymes that can synthe-
and its application in basic research and in medical size a new strand of DNA from deoxyribonucleo-
diagnostics, including clinical immunology. tide triphosphates using a template DNA strand and
a primer with a 3' OH end to initiate the copying
POLYMERASE CHAIN REACTION process. Initially, PCR was carried out with the
Klenow fragment of Escherichia coli DNA poly-
The PCR is an in vitro method for the enzymatic merase I. This enzyme has a temperature optimum
synthesis of specific DNA sequences, using two of 37°C and is inactivated at the high temperatures
oligonucleotide primers that hybridize to opposite required for strand separation. The thermolability
strands and flank the region of interest in the target of the Klenow fragment required fresh enzyme to
DNA. These oligonucleotides anneal to the sepa- be added during every' cycle of the PCR. However,
rated template DNA strands such that the primer 3' the introduction of a thermostable DNA polymer-
OH ends, which are the "growing ends" of a newly ase (Taq polymerase) in the first cycle of PCR
synthesized strand, face each other. When the new eliminated the need for any further enzyme addi-
strand that results from the extension by DNA tions (3). The use of this enzyme, isolated from the
polymerase (see below) of one primer extends past thermophilic bacterium, Thermus aquaticus, not
the other primer site, that strand becomes a new only simplified the procedure (now automated) but
template (Fig. 1). Because the primer extension also significantly increased the specificity (amplifi-
products synthesized in one cycle can serve as a cation of specific target vs nontarget sequence) and
the overall yield of the PCR (3).
~Department of Human Genetics, Cetus Corporation, 1400 53rd With the introduction of the Taq polymerase, the
Street, Emeryville, California 94608. reaction components (template, primers, Taq poly-
0271-9142/89/1100-0437506,00/0¢3 1989PlenumPublishingCorporation
438 ERLtCH
original D N A
DNA + primers
J,~ = PCR primer
+ dNTPS + DNA poL
......... ., n e w D N A
denature DNA, anneal &
extend primers
t ......--3
i .........
denature, anneal & extend
1 denature, anneal & extend.
.......t I,, .I I
TL TL °'°
etc. etc.
Fig. 1.
merase, dNTP's, and buffer) could all be assembled per cell) and genomic DNA with a homozygous
and the amplification reaction carried out by simply deletion of [3-globin were amplified with [3-globin
cycling the temperature within the reaction tube. primers. Using the normal genomic template, this
Varying the reaction parameters (e.g., enzyme, reaction generated a unique [3-globin fragment with
primer, and Mg z+ concentration as well as the no detectable nonspecific products. Using the [3-
temperature cycling profile) influences the speci- globin deletion DNA sample, no [3-globin fragment
ficity and the overall yield of the amplification was synthesized, as expected; however, several
reaction. For most primer pairs, a relatively low nontarget fragments were produced. Thus, in the
Mg2+ concentration (1.5-2.5 mM with dNTP's at absence of the "right" template, the "wrong"
200 IxM each) and a relatively high annealing tem- sequences became amplified by the 13-globin prim-
perature (e.g., 60°C) provide the most stringent ers, illustrating the old adage, "Idle hands are the
annealing conditions and minimize "mispriming." Devil's playthings." This effect accounts, in part,
Although, for any given pair of oligonucleotide for the generally heterogeneous gel profile of PCR
primers, an optimal set of conditions can be estab- products synthesized from a very rare template
lished, there is no single set of conditions that will sequence, such as HIV sequences which are pre-
be optimal for all possible reactions. sent in only a small fraction of the cells sampled. As
The specificity of the PCR is typically analyzed discussed above, modification of various PCR pa-
by evaluating the production of the target fragment rameters to optimize the specificity of amplification
relative to other products by gel electrophoresis. may yield more homogeneous products even in rare
Another factor influencing the homogeneity of the template reactions.
PCR product is the concentration of the target The initial PCR method based on DNA synthesis
sequence in the genomic template (3). This effect by the Klenow enzyme at 37°C was not highly
was revealed by experiments in which normal ge- specific. Although a specific target fragment could
nomic DNA (with two copies of the [3-globin gene be amplified up to a millionfold, most of what was
synthesized in the PCR was not, in fact, this target into the amplified product and mismatches between
fragment. By cloning a [3-globin amplification reac- the 5' end of the primer and initial template 2 are
tion and screening the individual clones with a tolerated, it is possible to introduce new sequence
[3-globin probe to detect the target sequence and information adjacent to the target sequence via the
with one of the primers to detect any amplified primers. Thus, for cloning a given sequence, one is
sequence, the specificity of the PCR was estimated no longer constrained by the restriction sites Nature
to be - 1 % (4). Other primer pairs were somewhat provides but can add any restriction enzyme recog-
more or less specific, but in general, the Klenow nition sequence to the 5' ends of the primer (4),
enzyme PCR was not a very specific reaction and leading to the formation of a new restriction site in
required subsequent analysis with a specific hybrid- the double-stranded amplification product. Simi-
ization probe (2) or, in some cases, with internal larly, regulatory elements such as a T7 promoter
"nested primers" (1) to detect and characterize the can be added (I), allowing the synthesis of RNA
amplified target sequence. copies from the PCR product using T7 RNA poly-
The use of the Taq polymerase not only simplified merase. Furthermore, specific nucleotide substitu-
the PCR procedure (see above) but significantly tions, insertions, and deletions can also be intro-
increased the specificity and the overall yield of the duced into the amplified p r o d u c t with the
reaction. The higher temperature optimum for the appropriate primers.
Taq polymerase (-75°C) allowed the use of higher Unlike these directed mutations, changes intro-
temperatures for primer annealing and extension, duced into the sequence of the PCR products due to
thereby increasing the overall stringency of the nucleotide misincorporation can create potential
reaction and minimizing the extension of primers problems. An estimate of the fidelity of Taq poly-
that were mismatched with the template. At 37°C, merase during the PCR was made by the sequence
many of these mismatched primers are sufficiently analysis of multiple M13 clones generated by clon-
stable to be extended by the Klenow enzyme, ing the products of a particular amplification reac-
resulting in nonspecific amplification products. tion. In this initial study (3), thefi'equency of errors
The increase in the specificity of the Taq PCR was found to be -1/400 and the error rate was
results in an improved yield of the amplified target calculated to be - 2 × 10 - 4 nt/cycle. More recent
fragment by reducing the competition by non- studies, carried out on a different gene using the
target products for enzyme and primers. In the current, optimized protocol (reduced M g 2+ and
later cycles, the amount of enzyme is no longer dNTP concentrations), found a lower frequency of
sufficient to extend all the annealed primer/ errors (6). The original estimate is in reasonable
template complexes in a single short extension agreement with the report of a 10 - 4 nt error rate
step, resulting in a reduced efficiency and a "pla- determined by the in vitro replication of a [3-
teau" in the amplification reaction. This plateau is galactosidase template by the Taq polymerase (7).
reached later (e.g., about 30 cycles rather than 20 Although different template sequences may have a
starting with 1 txg of genomic DNA) in the Taq somewhat different "mutability" and different reac-
PCR than in the reaction with the Klenow enzyme tion conditions may influence the fidelity of the Taq
due to the increased specificity of the Taq ampli- polymerase, the original "high" error rate esti-
fication reactions. Other factors such as the reas- mated for Taq polymerase PCR ( - 1 0 -4) does not
sociation of the template strands at high product pose a problem for most applications. In the analy-
concentration may also contribute to the plateau sis of the population of amplified products, as in
effect. In addition to the increase in the specificity oligonucleotide probe hybridization or in direct
and yield of PCR made possible by Taq polymer- sequencing, the rate errors in individual products
ase, the use of this enzyme allows the amplifica- are not detectable. However, in the sequence anal-
tion of much longer fragments (up to 10 kb, albeit ysis of individual clones derived from a PCR, se-
with reduced efficiency) (5) than does the Klenow quences must be determined from nmltiple clones
enzyme (<400 bp). to distinguish misincorporated nucleotides from the
Although the PCR is considered primarily a faithful copies of the template sequence. The Taq
method for producing copies of a specific sequence,
it is also a very powerful and precise way of altering
a particular template sequence. Since the oligonu- ZAfter the first few cycles, virtually all of the templates have
been synthesized in previous cycles and, therefore, contain the
cleotide primers become physically incorporated primer sequences.
polymerase does not contain measurable Y-to-5' of proteins and DNA can be carried out by gener-
exonuclease "proofreading" activity (8). ating specific DNA fi-agments with PCR and using
An important property of the PCR, particularly the primers to introduce specific mutations for
in diagnostic applications, is the capacity to am- functional analysis (17).
plify a target sequence from crude DNA prepara- Although nucleotide sequence determination is
tions (9) as well as from degraded DNA templates the most direct and comprehensive method of ana-
(10). The DNA in a sample need not be chemically lyzing genetic variation in the amplified DNA, a
pure to serve as a template provided that the variety of indirect methods for detecting mutations
sample does not contain inhibitors of Taq poly- and/or sequence polymorphisms has been devel-
merase. The ability to amplify specific sequences oped and applied. One of the most general and
from crude DNA samples has important implica- powerful approaches is the use of denaturing gradi-
tions for research applications [e.g., sperm lysates ent gel electrophoresis (DGGE) (18) to identify
(11)], for medical diagnostic applications [e.g., sequence differences between amplification prod-
mouthwash (12) or archival paraffin-embedded tis- ucts. Differences in the melting profiles of different
sue samples (13)], and for forensics [e.g., individ- sequences are reflected in the differential mobility
ual hairs (14)]. of the amplified fragments. To enhance the resolu-
The possibility of contamination in the amplifica- tion of DGGE, a high-melting domain ("GC
tion reaction is an issue with broad implications for clamp") can be incorporated into the amplified
both research and diagnostic applications. Given fragment via the 5' end of one of the PCR primers
the capacity of PCR to synthesize millions of DNA (19). An alternative method that has been reported
copies, contamination of the sample reaction either recently is RNase A cleavage (20), an approach in
with products of a previous reaction (product car- which a labeled RNA probe is hybridized to the
ryover) or with material from an exogenous source amplified fragment and a mismatch revealed by
is a potential problem--particularly in those reac- identification of the RNAse A cleavage product by
tions initiated with only a few templates. The am- gel electrophoresis. A chemical method of cleaving
plifications of individual sperm, of single hairs, and probe-target duplexes at mismatched nucleotides
of HIV genomic sequences all require rigorous has also been described (21). The incorporation of a
measures to minimize and monitor potential con- nucteotide analogue which causes a shift in electro-
tamination. In general, careful laboratory proce- phoretic mobility has also been used to detect
dures, prealiquoting reagents, the use of positive sequence differences in the amplified products (22).
displacement pipettes, and the physical separation These methods are all reasonably general strate-
of the reaction preparation from the analysis of the gies for detecting unknown mutations or sequence
reaction products are all precautions that reduce the polymorphisms; the location and nature of the sub-
risk. Carrying out only the minimal number of PCR stitutions must be determined by sequencing. Of
cycles required for analysis also minimizes the course, once an informative sequence variant has
chance that a rare contaminating template will be been identified, it can be detected using sequence-
amplified. A panel of "blank" reactions with no specific oligonucleotide hybridization probes or am-
template DNA is necessary to detect potential con- plification primers (see below).
tamination. In genetic typing, a sample that has Although not a general approach, restriction site
been contaminated can often be identified by a analysis of amplified DNA (1, 23) remains a valu-
genotyping result with more than two alleles. able method ~br detecting genetic variation in some
cases. Length polymorphisms in the amplified prod-
uct that result from variable-number tandem re-
peats (VNTR) in the template have also been used
The ability to synthesize large amounts of a as informative genetic markers (5, 24). Here the
specific DNA fragment from a complex template primers hybridize to unique sequences flanking the
has significantly facilitated subsequent analysis. repeated element. In some cases, such as the
The nucleotide sequence of amplified DNA frag- (dC-dA) n • (dG-dT) n repeat, the VNTR region is
ments can be determined directly without molecular found throughout the genome. The ability to am-
cloning and preparation of template by growth of plify these short repeats and resolve the length
the host and biochemical purification of the vector variants by gel electrophoresis (25) makes avaiJable
(15, 16). The study of sequence-specific interactions for genetic analysis a large, previously inaccessible,
set of markers. Other VNTR regions that have been (rapid amplification of cDNA ends) (31), and "one-
analyzed by PCR are single-locus markers with sided PCR" (32) have been applied to cDNA and
many alleles° bacterial genomes, which require a less specific
In addition to its use in analyzing genetic varia- amplification procedure since the template is less
tion, PCR is a powerful method for detecting gene complex than human genomic DNA. The combina-
expression by synthesizing a cDNA PCR template tion of a specific primer for the constant region of
from an mRNA transcript with reverse transcfip- the T-cell receptor [3 genes and an "anchored tail"
tase. This approach has been applied in a variety of as a nonspecific primer site has proved very suc-
studies to the detection of rare mRNA molecules in cessful in the analysis of the T-cell receptor mRNA
specific cell lineages (26). Recently, methods for transcripts (30). The study of the expressed reper-
quantitating the level of specific mRNA transcripts toire of T-cell receptor genes has already yielded
have been reported (27). The ability to detect in significant insights into the specificity of the patho-
easily accessible tissue or cells the basal level of genic autoimmune response in animal models (see
specific mRNA transcripts for genes normally ex- below and Refs. 33 and 34).
pressed in other tissues were recently demonstrated The use of a degenerate pool of primers based on
(28). This approach, which should facilitate the protein sequence has been used to amplify cDNA
sequence analysis of mRNA transcripts expressed sequences (35). If the amino acid sequence is an
in tissues that are difficult to obtain, involves the evolutionarily conserved motif in a particular pro-
synthesis of RNA copies of amplified DNA fYag- tein (e.g., the reverse transcriptase of retroviruses),
ments which contain phage promoters incorporated such degenerate primer pools can be used as a
into the primers (28). By introducing a translation powerful strategy for identifying unknown members
initiation signal via the appropriate primer, in vitro of a given virus family (36). By adjusting the reac-
translation of these RNA copies can be carried out tion conditions and the position of the mismatch
(28). between the primer and the template, one can
In PCR, the capacity to amplify specifically a create either a "tolerant" PCR (for degenerate
particular DNA segment results from the use of two primer pools) or a "stringent" PCR (for allele-
primers whose sequence is complementary to specific amplification).
nucleotide sequences flanking the target region. In general, for all these strategies for the ampli-
Thus, only DNA segments with sequence informa- fication of unknown sequences, there is a "trade-
tion available for primer design can be specifically off" between selectivity and amplification. In some
amplified. While this still allows the analysis of strategies for "generic" or "universal" amplifica-
mutations, potymorphisms, and evolutionary tion using the ligation of primer sites, the selectivity
changes in the sequences of known genes, this is introduced independently of the amplification.
requirement represents a constraint on the use of One study reported the amplification and cloning of
PCR to analyze uncharacterized DNA. sequences in a microdissected chromosomal region
This constraint can be overcome in a variety of (37). Another recent report describes the ligation of
ways. For unknown DNA sequences where no primer sites to genomic DNA fragments ("whole-
sequence information is available to serve as the genome PCR"), the selection of those fragments
oligonucleotide primer sites, the solution is to cre- that bind a specific protein, and the subsequent
ate primer sites by adding flanking DNA of a known amplification and cloning of the enriched sequences
sequence. The first example of this approach was (29). In "Alu PCR," primers specific for the human
the amplification of unknown cDNA sequences AIu repeat allow the selective amplification of hu-
cloned into a ?tgtl 1 vector by using primers specific man sequences from hybrid cell lines containing
for the vector sequences flanking the insertion site both human and rodent genomic DNA (38).
(3). In general, flanking sequences for priming can Another elegant modification of the PCR method
be added by ligation (29) or by homopolymer tailing known as "inverse PCR" or "inside-out" PCR has
with terminal transferase (30). In some cases, a been developed for the analysis of unknown se-
degree of specificity is maintained by using one quences that flank a region of known sequence (39,
primer complementary to a target-specific sequence 40). In this approach, the template is digested with
and another primer that anneals to a site created by a restriction enzyme that cuts outside the region of
ligation or terminal transferase tailing. These ap- known sequence, the resulting fragment circular-
proaches, termed "anchored PCR" (30), RACE ized by ligation, and amplification carried out with
primers whose 3' ends point a w a y from each other. general, previously uncharacterized mutations can
Thus, the initial flanking sequences that become be identified rapidly by direct sequencing of ampli-
joined by ligation lie b e t w e e n the 3' ends of the fied products (16). The identification of n e w (i.e.,
primers and can, therefore, be amplified and ana- not inherited) mutations in X-linked genes poses a
lyzed. unique diagnostic challenge; the use of PCR has
The identification of very rare DNA sequences proved useful in the diagnosis of some of these
made possible by PCR has opened up new avenues X-linked diseases (e.g., Duchenne's muscular dys-
of research. The detection of rare events such as the trophy) (48). The "conversion" of restriction frag-
targeted modification of specific genes by homolo- ment length polymorphism linkage markers for cys-
gous recombination is uniquely suited to the PCR tic fibrosis to PCR markers (detected by either
method since a "donor"-specific primer and a "re- restriction enzyme digestion or oligonucleotide
cipient"-specific primer can be used to amplify probe hybridization to the amplified fragment) (49)
uniquely a recombinant sequence (41). This same for pedigree analysis and carrier identification has
approach can be applied to the detection of specific demonstrated that PCR amplification can contribute
translocations, deletions, and insertions by the am- to genetic diagnosis even if the disease locus and
plification of novel "junctional" sequences. mutation(s) have not yet been identified. The re-
The ability of PCR to amplify informative se- cently reported identification of the cystic fibrosis
quences from a single template has important impli- gene (50) will allow the development of direct
cations for the analysis of genetic recombination carrier detection tests.
and the construction of genetic maps (11). The In general, clinical diagnostics requires a simple
coamplification of sequences from two (or more) and rapid test. In this regard, the introduction of
linked loci from individual gametes represents a nonradioactive oligonucleotide probes and a novel
novel and powerful approach to gene mapping that format (the "reverse dot-blot") (Ref. 51; see below)
is independent of the analysis of genetic crosses and has significantly simplified the analysis of genetic
pedigrees. This method will allow a detailed com- variation. This approach to the genetic typing of
parison of physical and genetic distances and the HLA polymorphism has been applied to tissue
analysis of potential haplotype-specific "hotspots" transplantation, to the study of disease susceptibil-
for recombination. The construction of phyloge- ity, and along with other PCR genetic markers of
netic trees based on comparing the sequence of the individual identity, to forensic analysis. Sequence
homologous gene in many different species has also polymorphism in the amplified DNA can be de-
been significantly facilitated by PCR (42). Thus, in tected simply and rapidly using allele-specific oligo-
the few years since the development of PCR, it has nucleotide (ASO) probes (9). Under the appropriate
contributed broadly to the molecular analysis of conditions, ASO probes will hybridize only to those
genetic variation, expression, recombination, and sequences to which they are perfectly matched. In
evolution. order to design ASO probes, the DNA sequence of
all the commonly occurring allelic variants must
first be determined. Once this has been established,
ASO probes can be designed to detect these alleles
The detection of infectious disease pathogens and by differential hybridization. For the analysis of
the identification of genetic variation associated amplified loci with many allelic variants, we have
with disease have been revolutionized by the use of found that the use of non-radioactively labeled ASO
specific nucleic acid hybridization probes. PCR has or sequence-specific oligonucleotide (SSO) 3 probes
helped realize the potential of clinical DNA-based is the most general and convenient approach. The
diagnosis by producing enough of the target se- use of these probes in a dot-blot procedure is a
quence so that simple, rapid, and robust methods powerful and rapid genetic testing method that has
for identifying it could be employed. The first been used for the diagnosis of sickle-cell anemia
application of PCR was the prenatal diagnosis of (10) and [3-thalassemia (44) as well as for HLA
sickle-cell anemia (2, 43). Since the initial report, it
has been applied to the diagnosis of [3-thalassemia 3In s o m e cases, the hybridization of an oligonucleotide probe
mutations (16, 44) and phenylketonuria mutations does not uniquely specify an allele b e c a u s e the specific se-
q u e n c e is present in more than one allelic variant. In the
(45), as well as to many other less frequent autoso- absence of allele-specific s e q u e n c e s , a given allele is identified
mal recessive and X-linked disorders (46, 47). In as a pattern of SSO probe binding.
genotyping (10, 52). This approach involves the oligonucleotide probe hybridization (dot-blot anal-
PCR amplification of a specific region (i.e., the ysis; see above). Since the serotypes (e.g., DRw6)
polymorphic second exon of the DQa locus) and the have proved to be genetically heterogeneous, se-
subsequent immobilization of the amplified DNA to quence-based analysis has revealed specific alleles
replicate filters (nylon membranes). Each filter is that are more highly associated with a particular
then hybridized with an SSO probe labeled either disease. For example, the DRw6 serotype has a
with 32p, biotin or with an enzyme such as horse- relative risk of 2.5 for the autoimmune dermatologic
radish peroxidase. If labeled with an enzyme, the disease, Pemphigus vulgaris (PV), whereas a par-
bound probe is detected by the enzymatic conver- ticular DQ[3 allele, DQB1.3 (one of six DQ13 alleles
sion of a colorless soluble substrate to a colored on DRw6, DQwl haplotypes) has a relative risk of
precipitate. t00 (53, 54). Unlike serologic or RFLP analysis of
For a locus with n alleles, each amplified sample class II polymorphism, PCR-based analysis reveals
must be immobilized on n membranes and each not only that two alleles are different but how and
membrane hybridized to one of n labeled probes. where they differ. In the example above, the sus-
Thus, the procedural complexity of this approach is ceptible DQB 1.3 allele differs from another nonsus-
a function of the number of oligonucleotide probes ceptible allele by only a Val-to-Asp substitution at
required for complete genetic analysis. We have position 57, implicating this residue as a critical
recently developed a reverse dot-blot procedure in element in susceptibility. (It should be noted that
which the oligonucleotide probe is immobilized on a other nonsusceptible DQ[3 alleles also encode Asp
membrane and hybridized to a labeled PCR product at position 57 so that it is the entire allele rather
(51). In this method, a panel of oligonucleotide than just an isolated residue that confers suscepti-
probes is UV-cross-tinked to a nylon membrane bility.) By comparing the sequences of susceptible
through a "tail" of polythymidine attached to the and nonsusceptible alleles, the amino acid at posi-
oligo probe. The PCR product, labeled during am- tion 57 of the DQI3 chain and the amino acids
plification by using biotinylated primers, is then around position 70 of the DR[3I and DP13 chains
hybridized to the immobilized array of oligonucle- have been revealed as critical residues in suscepti-
otide probes. The presence of the specifically bound bility to IDDM (55, 56), PV (53, 54, 57), celiac
PCR product is detected using a streptavidin- disease (58, 59), and pauciarticularjuvenile rheuma-
horseradish peroxidase conjugate. Since each mem- toid arthritis (60). Interestingly, the evolutionary
brane contains all of the allele-specific probes, only analysis of DQ[3 polymorphism in nonhuman pri-
one membrane strip need be used to analyze each mates has revealed a balanced polymorphism be-
sample at a particular genetic locus. In fact, genetic tween Asp-57 and Ala, Val, or Ser at this position in
typings for multiple loci can be carried out on the all primate class II 13 chains (61). The maintenance
same membrane strip, since multiple loci can be of this polymorphism suggests, as do the disease
simultaneously amplified. Both the dot-blot and the susceptibility studies, that this residue is function-
reverse dot-blot methods represent rapid and pre- ally important. A more detailed discussion of the
cise approaches for typing HLA class II gene poly- relationship of class II sequence polymorphism, as
morphism. detected by PCR, and disease susceptibility is pre-
The relationship of HLA polymorphism and the sented by Horn et al. (56) and Scharf et al. (53). In
genetic susceptibility to a wide variety of autoim- general, specific combinations of class II alleles are
mune diseases have been the subject of consider- most highly associated with autoimmune diseases.
able study in clinical immunology. A variety of Another important aspect of the autoimmune re-
diseases has been associated with specific serolog- sponse amenable to the PCR method is the analysis of
ically defined variants [e.g., insulin-dependent dia- T-cell receptor (TCR) usage in pathogenic T lympho-
betes mellitus (IDDM) with DR3 and DR4]. A cytes. In the murine experimental autoimmune en-
disease-associated marker is simply one whose fre- cephalomyelitis (EAE) model, the analysis of TCR
quency is increased in patients relative to controls repertoire in pathogenic T-cell clones has revealed a
(e.g., 90% of IDDM patients are DR3 or DR4, highly restricted pattern of V[3-, Va-, and J-region
compared to 40% of controls). PCR amplification usage (33, 34). The use of "anchored PCR" or single-
facilitated the sequence analysis of class II alleles sided PCR using specific TCR-constant region prim-
derived from patients and controls and the compar- ers has proved to be a powerful approach to charac-
ison of their distribution in the two populations by terizing the expressed TCR repertoire (30).
The analysis of mutations in genes that affect (TSP) or HTLV-l-associated myelopathy (76). In
cellular metabolism has contributed significantly to addition, the use of PCR to detect hepatitis B virus
our understanding of the regulation by cell growth (77), cytomegalovirus (CMV) (78), and human pap-
and differentiation. The detection by PCR of acti- illoma virus (79, 80) in clinical specimens has been
vating mutations in the ras proto-oncogenes and reported recently.
their clinical significance have been reviewed re- The detection of pathogens in environmental as
cently (62). Specific chromosomal rearrangements well as in clinical samples has also been reported
are associated with several leukemias and are, (81). The analysis of pathogens (e.g., HPV) (79) and
therefore, useful as diagnostic markers; they can be of oncogene mutations (13) in archival material such
detected by conventional cytogenetics as well as by as formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue blocks
PCR. Most B-cell follicular lymphomas contain a makes possible retrospective molecular studies.
t(t4;18) chromosomal translocation which can be The recently reported genetic diagnosis of phe-
detected by PCR in a majority of cases because the nylketonuria (82) and of cystic fibrosis carrier status
breakpoints in most patients are clustered in a very (82) from old Guthrie cards (newborn blood spots
small section of the chromosome (63). In the case of stored on filters) also illustrates the capacity of PCR
Philadelphia chromosome-positive chronic myeloid to analyze archival samples.
leukemia (CML), acute lymphocytic leukemia Although, thus far, PCR has been applied primar-
(ALL), and acute myeloid leukemia (AML), and ily to the diagnosis of known pathogens and known
chromosomal breakpoints are too far apart for easy genetic diseases and oncogene mutations, it is likely
PCR amplification and analysis. Fortunately, the in the future that PCR will also contribute to the
"fusion" mRNA transcript (BCR-ABL) is unique identification of n e w pathogens and, possibly, to
to leukemic cells, and its detection by modified PCR understanding the viral etiology of some chronic
reactions (64-68) is an unambiguous determination diseases. The role of genetic alterations in known
of the presence of the Philadelphia chromosomal loci (e.g., the p53 gene) in neoplasia is being ex-
translocation. Since the specific amplification of a plored using PCR approaches (70) and the identifi-
"fusion" sequence (e.g., BCR-ABL) is accom- cation of new disease-related genes and mutations
plished by using one primer complementary to the should emerge from the human genome project as
BCR sequence and the other to the ABL sequence, well as from the work of many individual labs.
the PCR amplification of this unique translocation-
encoded fragment is a powerful and sensitive way SUMMARY
to monitor minimal residual disease, capable of
detecting 1 cell in 106 containing the fusion tran- The PCR, like recombinant DNA technology, has
script. The role of the recently identified class of had an enormous impact in both basic and diagnos-
tumor suppressor genes (69) is an intriguing and tic aspects of molecular biology because it can
active area of investigation. PCR can contribute to produce large amounts of a specific DNA fragment
the analysis of mutations in candidate loci (70) as from small amounts of a complex template. Recom-
well as to the detection of "allelic deletion" (71, 72) binant DNA techniques create molecular clones by
by converting R F L P markers to PCR markers. conferring on a specific sequence the ability to repli-
In addition to its role in the analysis of genetic cate by inserting it into a vector and introducing the
disorders and cancers, PCR has proved extremely vector into a host cell. PCR represents a form of "in
valuable in the diagnosis of a variety of infectious vitro cloning" that can generate, as well as modify,
disease pathogens. PCR has already proved useful DNA fragments of defined length and sequence in a
in the detection of bacterial, viral, and fungal patho- simple automated reaction. In addition to its many
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