Lecture-22 - Laser Diode
Lecture-22 - Laser Diode
Lecture-22 - Laser Diode
Laser diodes are very similar to LEDs since they also consist of a p-n
diode with an active region where electrons and holes recombine
resulting in light emission. However, a laser diode also contains an
optical cavity where stimulated emission takes place. The laser cavity
consists of a waveguide terminated on each end by a mirror. As an
example, the structure of an edge-emitting laser diode is shown in
Figure below. Photons, which are emitted into the waveguide, can
travel back and forth in this waveguide provided they are reflected at
the mirrors.
Semiconductor Physics (BBS01T1002) Program: B Tech First Year
The basic construction of a laser diode is shown in Figure (b). A pn junction is formed by two
layers of doped gallium arsenide. The length of the pn junction bears a precise relationship
with the wavelength of the light to be emitted. There is a highly reflective surface at one end
of the pn junction and a partially reflective surface at the other end, forming a resonant
cavity for the photons. External leads provide the anode and cathode connections.
The basic operation is as follows. The laser diode is forward-biased by an external voltage
source. As electrons move through the junction, recombination occurs just as in an ordinary
diode. As electrons fall into holes to recombine, photons are released. A released photon
can strike an atom, causing another photon to be released. As the forward current
is increased, more electrons enter the depletion region and cause more photons to be
emitted. Eventually some of the photons that are randomly drifting within the depletion
region strike the reflected surfaces perpendicularly. These reflected photons move along the
depletion region, striking atoms and releasing additional photons due to the avalanche
to the other photons in energy level, phase relationship, and frequency. So a single
wavelength of intense light emerges from the laser diode, as indicated in Figure (c). Laser
diodes have a threshold level of current above which the laser action occurs and below
which the diode behaves essentially as an LED, emitting incoherent light.
As we increase the current flow to the laser diode, the optical power of output
light gradually increases up to a certain threshold. Until this point, most of the
light emitted is due to spontaneous emission. Above this threshold current, the
process of stimulated emission increases. This causes the power of output light
to increase a lot even for smaller increases in input current. The output optical
power also depends on temperature and it reduces with decrease in
Semiconductor Physics (BBS01T1002) Program: B Tech First Year
The stimulated emission process yields an increase in photons as they travel along the
waveguide. Combined with the waveguide losses, stimulated emission yields a net gain per
unit length, g. The number of photons can therefore be maintained if the roundtrip
amplification in a cavity of length, L, including the partial reflection at the mirrors with
reflectivity R1 and R2 equals unity.
3. Least divergent
4. Highly directional
5. Very Intense
6. Polarised
1. Barcode reader
2. Source of Optical fibre communication
3. Telecommunication
4. CD, DVD reader
5. Medical industry etc.
4. Draw the power and current graph for laser diode and explain threshold current