AGRIRES (Edited) )
AGRIRES (Edited) )
AGRIRES (Edited) )
(Animal Science)
Magalang, Pampanga
July 2024
Title Page……………………………………………………………….…
Table of Contents………………………………………………………… ii
Objectives………………………………………………………………. . iv
Pig farming is a crucial source of income for rural farmers in Cambodia and
across many other developing countries (Sokha et al., 2008). In the Philippines, for
September 30th, 2023 (Lena, 2024). Notably, smallholder farms contribute a significant
portion (67.5%) to the national swine population (Lena, 2024). This industry not only
provides meat but also generates valuable fertilizer (pig manure) for crop production.
As the global population expands, so does the demand for food, including animal
protein. Meat production from pigs and poultry is increasing faster compared to cows and
sheep due to their shorter breeding cycles and faster growth rates (Sokha et al., 2008).
However, this trend raises concerns about competition for resources. The grains and
soybeans traditionally used in pig feed are also essential food sources for humans.
Therefore, exploring alternative feed sources that don't compete with human consumption
is critical.
Rice bran, cassava, banana stems, and aquatic plants like duckweed are promising
alternatives for swine feed (Sokha et al., 2008). Cassava (Manihot esculenta), a member
convert solar energy into carbohydrates. It surpasses other high-yield crops like maize in
terms of energy yield per hectare. Cassava offers a valuable nutritional profile, containing
approximately 25.8-27.3% crude protein, 7.6-10.5% fat, 5.7-8.8% ash, 4.8-7.9% crude
fiber, and 50.1-51.9% nitrogen-free extract (NFE) on a dry matter basis. Rice bran,
around 14% crude protein, 7-10% crude fiber, and up to 17% oil content, resulting in a
net energy concentration of 10 MJ/kg for pigs and 11.5 MJ/kg for poultry (Phuc et al.,
Research suggests that rice bran and cassava can effectively meet the nutritional
needs of landrace pigs. A study by Chittagong and Preston (2006) demonstrated that a
combination of cassava root meal and rice bran enhances digestibility in growing pigs,
particularly when supplemented with sweet potato leaves and water spinach. This
approach not only utilizes non-human food sources but also enriches the pigs' nutrient
The combination of cassava and rice bran offers a promising solution for
sustainable swine nutrition. It provides a balanced and nutritious diet for pigs,
contributing to their overall health, growth, and performance. Importantly, utilizing these
The study aims to determine the effect of different treatment levels using cassava
with rice bran on the growth performance of Landrace swine.
1. Livestock industry in Vietnam are now facing difficulties in terms of raising the
amount of feed costs as well as pig production. It was advisable that people
involved here must find cheaper products yet quality and feed ingredients that
have high nutrients for pigs. In line with this, they also emphasized that rice bran
obtained after processing rice. Hence, it was stated that they have limited benefits
since they are high fiber but have low protein content. (Lemke et al., 2008)
2. The growth performance of pigs can slow the progression rate caused by
utilization of cassava. These can result in a lot of changes especially in the growth
low protein can rapidly change pigs in various ways. One of these changes is
diarrhea. Basically speaking, cassava (LP) isn’t advisable as a feed intake for
3. Pig farming is considered one of the highest productivity systems. Despite the
rapid increase of pig farming, people taking care of these animals, yet their aim
was to reduce the high cost of feed ingredients. Through this, they have been
using cassava to reduce feeding costs yet without affecting the yields that portray
reduce the rising cost of feed. Moreover, it has been found out that the major
5. The pig industry has been increasing in amount all over the world. Because of its
high pricing rate when selling it to the market, many people have been investing
in growing pigs. In line with this, (Adebiyi et. al., 2018) highlighted that they
have to reduce the feed ingredients yet maintain the high productivity and quality
of growth performance they have in pigs. Hence, this study aimed to formulate
6. Feeding rice bran for the growth performance of the pigs has been an alternative
feed ingredient yet a cheaper one. The utilization of rice bean and cassava has a
positive impact on the pig's appearance. It has been observed that it will have
changes in terms of meat quality, especially its protein and fat percentage. Most
evidently, it has been proven and tested that this study has effectively impacted
7. It has been proven that the utilization of cassava is an effective alternative feed
feed intake and growth in the pig industry. In Thailand, it has been recommended
for most people investing pigs to use cassava, specifically its pellets. Since it has
sold in the market at lower costs, many people are hoarding this product because
affecting the crop yield and production, cassava will be taken by the pigs to boost
their development and progression rate. It is aimed that they have to develop the
feed system of pigs and formulate a mixture of cassava pulp and maize for at least
9. Pigs must be treated very carefully to increase the production in terms of feed
intake. These treatments include the use of medicines that can possibly help the
pigs to grow faster, tremendously, and healthy. Furthermore, it has been stated
that cassava peels are also a big help as feed ingredients in accordance with the
10. Cassava diets of growing pigs have become popular over the years. Replacing
cassava diets has been a life saver for people investing in pigs since the main feed
ingredients of it are too expensive for them. Hence, it has been found out that it is
11. It was not recommended to post weaning the pigs since it is brought by negative
impacts that may occur to the overall development of the pigs in terms of their
feed intake and growth. Many studies have stated that extracting rice bran
supplements can improve the animal's growth performance that leads to the
healthiness of the pig system and can always increase the number. (Hossain et al.,
12. The pig production systems and food systems of people are interrelated with each
other. Sustainable pork must be fresh as well as high quality since it talks about
the food safety and protection of people. In line with this, it must be thoroughly
well-cleaned from the start of pig production through directory selling it in the
13. Pigs contain fats that are risky for people to eat. Hence, this study aims to
of supplementaries have ensured the safety and healthiness of people eating pork.
In order to efficiently and effectively increase the production of pigs, they must be
healthy at all times with feed ingredients that are appropriate for pigs. (Rodrigues
et al., 2022).
14. Rice bran are the most important rice by-products. These products are good in
feed intake and growth of pigs and are way cheaper than the other products. These
are also considered as an alternative yet an effective product for pigs. (Heuzé and
Tran, 2015).
15. University of Illinois have formulated a study that aims to discover the defatted
rice products in the growth performance of pigs. This is said to be the reason why
the gut health improves in pigs. Moreover, rice bran is added into swine diets
since it aims to produce a product that is less expensive but has the same impact
on the development and growth of pigs. Rice Bran in Weanling Pig Diets Does
16. Over the years, the production of pigs has rapidly increased in Southeast Asia. It
is stated that grain or maize are the most effective products to let the pigs grow
and produce even more pigs. Since this product is available in every market,
people have considered it cheaper yet can positively impact the growth intake of
17. The roots and leaves of Cassava have an important factor in the growth
performance of the pigs in terms of feed intake. Despite the fact that cassava is
way cheaper than other products, there are minimal challenges that cassava has.
Pests and diseases can widely spread because of their roots and leaves. (Muiruri
18. Cassava represents the importance in both human food resources and animal feed
ingredients. Since it contains nutrients and protein, these products are highly
19. Cassava is an important energy source that acquires nutrients and proteins.
However, it was advisable that people should not eat it raw since it contains
popular product since it does not need fertilizer and can survive in a drought.
(Dresden, 2024).
20. It is utilized as a livestock feed ingredient for fast growth of pigs. As they can
with this, cultivation expands such as human feed into animal feed intake since it
(Mavromichalis, 2017).
21. The nutrient digestibility of high quality cassava peel fine mash as a replacement
for maize in growing pigs were highest for all nutrients up to 30% inclusion in
diet (T5). This might have been due to highly digestible carbohydrates in the high
approximately 90% at the inclusion rate of 30% from the present study. (Fatufe et
al., 2020c).
22. The pigs were negatively affected by the high level (approximately 70%) of
dietary rice bran inclusion, but not significantly affected by the moderate level
(approximately 35%) of the inclusion. The inclusion of 30% rice bran in a corn
23. Diets B and C had maize replaced with 50 and 75% cassava respectively. (Nnadi
et al., 2010)
24. The treatment of feed which provides the best response was the T1 containing
50% commercial feed and 50% rice bran. It was indicated by the results of the
average final weight of 1,248 g/head, total weight gain of 1,082 g/head, and the
25. DA exec cites role of hog industry in ensuring food security. (Lena P, 2024).
26. Intake and digestibility by pigs fed different levels of sweet potato leaves and
water spinach as supplements to a mixture of rice bran and cassava root meal.
Experimental Site
Situated in Purok 03, Maquiapo, Guagua, Pampanga, this swine farm leverages its
flat terrain for optimal agricultural operations. The predominant clay soil offers excellent
water retention, fostering a thriving environment for crops. Grasslands cover the
systems and the presence of a fishpond contribute significantly to the farm's water
resource management and overall sustainability. This well-designed layout, coupled with
responsible land use practices, promotes the farm's long-term productivity and
environmental responsibility.
Experimental Materials
The materials that will be used in the study are the following: sixteen (16)
fattener, commercial feeds, feeding throughs, brooding and rearing pens, light bulb,
weighing scale, measuring cups, cassava,rice bran, pen, and record book.
Experimental Animals
The common breeds in the country are landrace, and large white. A Total of eight
(8) fatteners three (3) months old Land Race breeds will be used as experimental animal
for comparison.
treatments in four replicates. Each replicate will contain 16 swine. By evaluating whether
or not the data gathered was valuable, it lessens biases along with other prejudices.
T4- Control
Experimental Layout
Number of treatments = 4
Number of replications = 4
Number of swine/treatment = 4
Number of swine/replication = 4
Data to be Gathered
a. Average Initial Weight - (80-100 kg) of fatteners can be achieved at the age of 7
to 9 months.
b. Average Final Weight- This will be administered on the last research day. daily
average improve .
d. Average Daily Gain in Weight - To calculate the ADG, the weight increase will
Gain in Weight
ADG = -------------------------
e. Average Feed Consumption – the amount of food given to the dogs during the
FCR = -----------------------------------
Total growth
Experimental Housing
Arrangement in which eight landrace pigs are kept for research. This might
provide information regarding the housing facility's dimensions and design. There should
be an open space of 8.8–12 m2 for exercise and a covered area of 6.25–7.5 m2 in the
swine pen. The pen should be at least three feet high, and the walls should have a
minimum height of 1.5 meters. This is a tall enough height to contain your growing pigs.
Cleaning and access for the pigs and caregivers are made easier by having an easily
accessible front wall, such as one with hinges or a wire latch. Furthermore, regardless of
the particular breed or landrace, maintaining a steady supply of clean water is essential
for the health and wellbeing of the pigs. Similar to other swine, landrace pigs need access
to fresh water to be hydrated and maintain healthy body functioning. In order to properly
Pig pens become less germ-filled with each cleaning and disinfection procedure.
Because peracetic acid, hydrogen peroxide, and ozone are frequently employed, this is
crucial for avoiding illnesses in pigs. bleaching powder is commonly used in livestock
farming, including for swine disinfection. Its strong chlorine odor and potent sterilizing
and deodorizing properties make it effective for disinfecting various areas associated with
swine farming, such as pig houses, trucks, manure, soil, and sewage. The use of a 10% to
20% bleaching powder solution for disinfection is a standard practice in many swine
pathogens while minimizing the risk of damage to surfaces or harm to animals. Regular
disinfection of these areas is crucial for maintaining a healthy environment for the
animals and preventing the spread of diseases. Strong bactericidal properties make
peracetic acid useful in many applications. Choose a location that has adequate drainage
and is distant from areas that might flood and any possible pollutants. Plan on deep
cleaning the pens on a regular basis. This entails taking out all the pigs and giving the
space a thorough cleaning. In addition, monitor the quality of the water to make sure it
stays pure and unpolluted, and sterilize surfaces using water and the proper cleaning
supplies to get rid of any collected trash or dirt. To avoid contamination or stagnation,
regularly change the water as needed. Finally, you may establish a clean and comfortable
environment for landrace pigs that will promote their welfare, productivity, and health by
Feeding time is 5:30 in the morning and 4pm in the. T0- 100% commercial feeds,
cassava and 10 rice bran, treatment 3 has a 15% cassava and 15% rice bran, treatment 4
the service pen. Innovative LED system allows producers to reduce electrical usage while
increasing control of lighting schemes in swine facilities. Using LED style lighting
reduces electrical usage by 75-80% compared to incandescent bulbs and 50-60% over
spiral CFLs. It is beneficial for both the farmer and the pigs to have a light level of 200 to
300 lux in a service pen; it is not an extravagant luxury. It is simpler to work in well-lit
environments and to recognize any illness symptoms. This area uses the same lighting
schedule as the farrowing pens, which consists of 16 hours of light and 8 hours of
darkness. A poor lighting schedule or light intensity can negatively impact your
livestock's wellbeing, productivity. Light in pig farming can influence the behaviour,
health, growth and welfare of pigs. For instance, light duration, also known as
photoperiod, can affect pigs' feeding behaviour and growth. For this reason, before
investing in lights for your livestock house, you should always get guidance.
1. (Illinois Study Finds Benefits and Tradeoffs in Feeding Rice Bran to Pigs | Hans
H. Stein, n.d.-d)
cassava peel based diet supplemented with or without Farmazyme 3000 proenx:
4. Chittavong, M., & Preston, T. R. (2006). Intake and digestibility by pigs fed different
5. DA exec cites role of hog industry in ensuring food security. (2024, April 19).
6. Dumont, B., Fortun-Lamothe, L., Jouven, M. J. P., Thomas, M. M., & Tichit, M.
7. Dumont, B., Fortun-Lamothe, L., Jouven, M. J. P., Thomas, M. M., & Tichit, M.
8. Fatufe, A. A., Adebiyi, O. A., Adesehinwa, A. O. K., Ajayi, E., Abidoye, R. K.,
Samireddypalle, A., & Afolabi, O. O. (2020d). High quality cassava peel fine
mash as replacement for maize in diets of growing pigs: 2. Effects on nutrient and
9. Hong, T. T. T., Van An, L., Be, P. T., & Lindberg, J. E. (2016b). Effect of
fermented rice bran and cassava waste on growth performance and meat quality of
10. Hossain, M., Park, J., Nyachoti, C., & Kim, I. (2016b). Effects of extracted rice
score, blood profiles, and fecal microbial shedding in comparison with apramycin
11. Illinois study finds benefits and tradeoffs in feeding rice bran to pigs | Hans H.
12. Kanto, U., Juttupornpong, S., Moonjit, P., & Suparp, s. (n.d.). Utilization Of
13. Kiendrébéogo, T., Zampaligré, N., Ouédraoogo, S., Logténé, Y. M., & Kaboré-
production processes, nutritive values and economic costs. OAlib, 06(09), 1–14.
14. Kim, S., Cho, J. H., Kim, H. B., & Song, M. (2021). Rice as an alternative feed
15. Liao, S. F., Hasan, M. S., Yang, Z., Stevens, A. W., Brett, J., & Peng, Z. (2020).
18. Muiruri, K. S., & Fathima, A. A. (2024). Advances in Cassava trait improvement
19. Nnadi, P. A., Omeke, B. C., & Okpe, G. C. (2010). Growth and reproductive
performances of weaner pigs fed maize replaced cassava diet. Animal Research
20. Nnadi, P., Omeke, B., & Okpe, G. (2010). Growth and reproductive performances
21. Nnadi, P., Omeke, B., & Okpe, G. (2010). Growth and reproductive performances
24. Rice bran in weanling pig diets does not reduce growth performance. (2023, June
25. Rodrigues, L. A., Koo, B., Nyachoti, M., & Columbus, D. A. (2022). Formulating
diets for improved health status of pigs: Current knowledge and Perspectives.
26. Rodrigues, L. A., Koo, B., Nyachoti, M., & Columbus, D. A. (2022). Formulating
diets for improved health status of pigs: Current knowledge and Perspectives.
28. What to know about cassava: Nutrition and toxicity. (2023, October 27).