11 DCS

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2 INTRODUCTION & SCOPE........................................................................................................................5
3 APPLICABLE CODES AND GUIDELINES..............................................................................................5
4 OVERALL SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS....................................................................................................5
4.1 GENERAL...................................................................................................................................................5
4.1.1 Year 2000 compliance.......................................................................................................................6
4.2 REDUNDANCY OF DCS EQUIPMENT..........................................................................................................6
4.2.1 Item Redundancy..............................................................................................................................6
4.2.2 Redundant Part Replacement............................................................................................................7
4.3 SYSTEM FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS......................................................................................................7
4.3.1 Control System Functional Requirements........................................................................................7
4.3.2 Steady State and Dynamic Control...................................................................................................7
4.3.3 Sequence Control..............................................................................................................................7
4.3.4 Advanced Control.............................................................................................................................8
4.3.5 On/Off Switching..............................................................................................................................8
4.3.6 Control loop scanning rates...............................................................................................................8
4.3.7 Workstation Normal Functions.........................................................................................................8
4.3.8 Access Security.................................................................................................................................8 Operator Level...............................................................................................................................................8 Engineer Level...............................................................................................................................................8 Supervisors Level...........................................................................................................................................9 View Only......................................................................................................................................................9
4.3.9 Data Storage Systems........................................................................................................................9
4.3.10 Printing..............................................................................................................................................9
5 SPARE CAPACITY REQUIREMENTS......................................................................................................9
5.1 HOT SPARES..............................................................................................................................................9
6 SYSTEM HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS.............................................................................................10
6.1 CONSOLE FACILITIES...............................................................................................................................10
6.2 PRINTERS.................................................................................................................................................10
6.2.1 Alarm/Event printer........................................................................................................................10
6.2.2 ‘Other’ printer.................................................................................................................................10
6.3 PROCESSORS............................................................................................................................................10
6.4 RESIDENT MEMORY.................................................................................................................................11
6.5 OPERATOR WORKSTATION......................................................................................................................11
6.6 ENGINEERING WORKSTATION.................................................................................................................11
6.7 NETWORK CONFIGURATION....................................................................................................................11
6.7.1 Time Synchronisation.....................................................................................................................12
6.8 TERMINATION OF FIELD WIRING, DCS CABINETS...................................................................................12
6.9 POWER SUPPLIES.....................................................................................................................................12
6.10 ALLOCATION OF RACKS AND EQUIPMENT CABINETS.............................................................................13
7 SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS................................................................................................................13
7.1 CONFIGURATION......................................................................................................................................13
7.1.1 On-Line Configuration....................................................................................................................13
7.1.2 Off-Line Configuration...................................................................................................................13
7.2 DATA BASE MANAGEMENT.....................................................................................................................13
7.2.1 General............................................................................................................................................13
7.2.2 Tag Number Configuration.............................................................................................................14
7.2.3 Storage/Back-up..............................................................................................................................14
8 INTERFACING............................................................................................................................................14

8.1 GENERAL.................................................................................................................................................14
8.2 PLANT INTERFACES..................................................................................................................................14
8.2.1 Standard Process I/O.......................................................................................................................14
8.2.2 Motor Control Interface..................................................................................................................15
8.2.3 Interface with ‘Foreign Devices’....................................................................................................15
8.2.4 Safeguarding System Interface.......................................................................................................15
9 DISPLAYS.....................................................................................................................................................15
9.1 GENERAL:................................................................................................................................................15
9.1.1 Performance....................................................................................................................................16
9.2 DISPLAY STRUCTURE...............................................................................................................................17
9.3 DISPLAY CONFIGURATION.......................................................................................................................18
9.3.1 Symbols...........................................................................................................................................18 Symbol usage...............................................................................................................................................18 Symbol size..................................................................................................................................................18
9.3.2 Typical symbols, colours and status display...................................................................................18 Process lines and process equipment...........................................................................................................18 Valves...........................................................................................................................................................18 Rotating equipment (pumps, motors etc.)....................................................................................................19 Instrument signal lines.................................................................................................................................19
9.3.3 Use of colours.................................................................................................................................19
9.3.4 Highlighting....................................................................................................................................20
9.3.5 Blinking and colour change............................................................................................................21
9.3.6 Brightness........................................................................................................................................21
9.3.7 Inverse (reverse) video....................................................................................................................21
9.3.8 Process data representation.............................................................................................................21 Numeric data point.......................................................................................................................................21 Bar display...................................................................................................................................................22 Short duration trends....................................................................................................................................22
9.3.9 Controller parameters displayed in graphics...................................................................................22
9.3.10 Labelling.........................................................................................................................................22
9.3.11 Text.................................................................................................................................................23
9.3.12 Tables..............................................................................................................................................23
9.3.13 Windows.........................................................................................................................................23
10 ALARMS/EVENTS..................................................................................................................................24
10.1 ALARM PHILOSOPHY................................................................................................................................24
10.2 ALARM MANAGEMENT............................................................................................................................24
10.2.1 Alarm Masking, Inhibit and Disable...............................................................................................24
10.2.2 Alarm Handling...............................................................................................................................25
10.2.3 Alarm Acceptance...........................................................................................................................25
10.2.4 Audible Alarms...............................................................................................................................25
10.2.5 Alarm resolution..............................................................................................................................26
10.2.6 System Response.............................................................................................................................26
10.2.7 Alarm and Event Logging...............................................................................................................26
11 TRANSMITTER VALIDATION............................................................................................................26
12 TRENDING/REPORTING......................................................................................................................26
12.1 TREND ARCHIVES.....................................................................................................................................26
12.2 REAL TIME TRENDS.................................................................................................................................27
12.3 TUNING TREND........................................................................................................................................27
12.4 HISTORIC TRENDS....................................................................................................................................27
12.5 REPORTING..............................................................................................................................................27
13 EARTHING...............................................................................................................................................27
14 SYSTEM AVAILABILITY......................................................................................................................27

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15 SYSTEM MAINTAINABILITY.............................................................................................................28
16 SYSTEM IMMUNITY.............................................................................................................................29
17 WARRANTY PERIOD............................................................................................................................29
18 PROJECT REQUIREMENTS................................................................................................................29
18.1 FUNCTIONAL DESIGN SPECIFICATION.....................................................................................................29
18.2 COMMISSIONING......................................................................................................................................30
18.2.1 Pre-Commissioning.........................................................................................................................30
18.2.2 Final Commissioning, including plant start-up...............................................................................30
19 FACTORY ACCEPTANCE TEST (FAT).............................................................................................31
19.1 GENERAL.................................................................................................................................................31
19.2 FAT PHASE 1...........................................................................................................................................31
19.3 FAT PHASE 2; SYSTEM INTEGRATION TEST (SIT)..................................................................................31
19.4 OPERATIONAL SUPPORT..........................................................................................................................32
19.5 FIELD SUPPORT........................................................................................................................................32
19.5.1 Remote Diagnostic Service.............................................................................................................32
19.6 SPARE PARTS...........................................................................................................................................32
19.7 DOCUMENTATION....................................................................................................................................33
19.8 MANUALS................................................................................................................................................33
19.8.1 Operating manual............................................................................................................................33
19.8.2 System manual................................................................................................................................33
19.8.3 Maintenance manual.......................................................................................................................34
19.8.4 Drawings.........................................................................................................................................34
20 Training.......................................................................................................................................................34

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1 Abbreviations
APC Advanced Process Control
CCTV Closed-Circuit Television
CPU Central Processing Unit
CRT Cathode Ray Tube
DCS Distributed Control System
ESD Emergency Shutdown
FAT Factory Acceptance and Testing
FGS Fire, Gas and Smoke detection and protection system
GPS Global Positioning System
MOS Maintenance Override Switch
MTBF Mean Time Between Failure
MTTR Mean Time To Repair
MVC Measurement, Validation and Comparison
PV Process Value (process parameter being measured)
QMI Quality Measuring instrument
SAT Site Acceptance Testing
SAT Site Acceptance and Testing
SCADA Supervisory Control And Data Acquisi
SER Sequence of Events Recorder
SGS Safe Guarding System
SIT System Integration Test
SP Set-point
SQL Structured Query Language
UCP Unit Control Panel
UPS Un-interrupted Power Supply
VDU Video Display Unit

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2 Introduction & scope

This specification defines the basic functional and technical requirements for the design, engineering,
testing and commissioning of a Distribution Control System (DCS) for an SGC facility in Syria.
This specification shall be used for new DCS systems.
In case of extensions or expansions of existing DCS, a more specific specification needs to be
developed to cover the required extensions.
The DCS vendor may assist in establishing the hardware requirements in those cases.
The Distributed Control System shall be a microprocessor-based system, which shall carry out real
time control and monitoring of the production facility and interface with the facility’s electronic
measuring instruments and actuating devices.
The Contractor/vendor shall expand this functional specification during detailed engineering phases
into a ‘Functional Design Specification’, specific for the project.
The offered DCS under this specification might have other functions or alternatives, which may reduce
Total Cost of Ownership (TCOO). These should be brought to the attention of SGC (in addition to the
‘base bid’ requirements), clearly stating the variations and advantages from the specified
The DCS shall be interfaced with other systems to provide the operator with all essential information of
the total process, including, process safeguarding monitoring, F&G status monitoring, etc., irrespective
the source of the information (one window interface concept).
Where (parts off) a DCS is supplied as an integral part of a package unit, they shall also comply with
the requirements, where applicable, contained herein.
3 Applicable Codes and Guidelines
The following Codes and standards are applicable to the DCS
 BS 6667 Method of evaluation of susceptibility to radiation of electromagnetic energy.
 BS 6527 Limits and methods of measurement of radio interference characteristics of
information technology equipment
 MIL-STD-HDBK-2 17E Reliability prediction for electronic equipment
 ISO 9001-4 Quality Systems. Relevant parts.
 IEC 801 Electromagnetic compatibility for industrial process measurement and control
 IEC 1000-5 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) part 5
 IEC 617-12 Graphic symbols for diagrams, part 12
AFPC schedules:
 L-2 Instrumented Safeguarding Systems
 L-5 Instrument Signal Lines
2 Overall System Requirements
2.1 General
The DCS shall be supplied fully configured comprising of all hardware and software necessary to meet
the functional requirements specified, ready for use when connected to equipment sensors and
actuators in the facility.
In case of an extension of an existing system, Contractor shall ensure that overall system integrity is
ensured and that the proper functioning of the existing systems is not adversely affected by the
extension, nor during the implementation of the extension.

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All proposed DCS equipment and software should be of proven (high) reliability and utilise standard
software and hardware.
The system software shall be of the latest proven international release at the time of Factory
acceptance testing (FAT).
In case of an extension of an existing DCS, the system software release shall be that of the existing
parts, unless the applied (new) hardware or software requires an upgrade. In that case all DCS's on
site having the same release, shall be upgraded.
The DCS shall be designed, constructed, factory tested, installed and re-tested on site to ensure its
correct functioning as an integrated system. SGC reserves the right to attend all factory acceptance
The DCS vendor shall ensure that overall DCS system integrity is maintained and data communication
between the various nodes and sub-systems are not overloaded. DCS equipment shall be located in a
(control) building.
The DCS shall be designed with in-built flexibility for future expansion. This expansion shall be
achieved by the straightforward addition of hardware, on-line and under full power, without impacting
the current DCS operation. Requirements for software and configuration changes for the addition of
hardware shall be minimised.
The Vendor shall specify the maximum future expansion capabilities of the proposed DCS.
The DCS shall not suffer any adverse performance effects, when it is loaded to its maximum capacity
in terms of hardware and software. The Vendor shall present the expected load if the full "spares"
allocation + 20% were required in the future and what, if any, additional equipment/configuration
changes would be required.
2.1.1 Year 2000 compliance
The system including all products and services supplied by sub-vendors shall be Year 2000 compliant,
i.e.: The system will continue to function and its functionality and accuracy (both logical and
mathematical) will not be affected as a result of the run date or the dates being processed, irrespective
of which century the dates fall in, and the product recognises the year 2000 as a leap year and
accepts 29th February 2000 as a valid date.

2.2 Redundancy of DCS Equipment

2.2.1 Item Redundancy
The following redundancy requirements shall be applied:
Communication-, Control Network, Field bus Redundant
Controller/application processor Redundant
Input and output cards for control functions Redundant for critical loops, otherwise Single.
Input and output cards for monitoring only Single
Process interface/field bus modules Redundant
VDU electronics + keyboard Dual
Power supply Redundant
Gateways to SGS/F&G incl. link Redundant
Gateways to other systems Single/Redundant (depending on criticality of application).
Alarm Printers Single, shared with report printers.
Report Printers Single, shared with alarm printers.
Floppy /CD-ROM disk drivers. Dual
Hard disks for mass storage Redundant (volume shadowing).

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2.2.2 Redundant Part Replacement

For items having a redundant unit, it shall be possible to replace, test and restore the failed unit
without disrupting the functionality of the DCS including subsystems.
There shall be no need for operator intervention to re-enter data or reload programs following a power
supply- or component failure. Upon manual reset, the DCS (or component) shall automatically come
The consistency of the database, integrity of the data and the continuity of control loops shall be
maintained during re-initialisation.

2.3 System functional Requirements

The objective of this section is to specify the configurable software functions, which must be supported
by the DCS.
2.3.1 Control System Functional Requirements
In order to provide the operator with the tools necessary for reliable and proper facility control, the
DCS shall contain at least the following functions:
 Sequence Control
 Steady State and Dynamic Control
 Advanced Control
 Advisory functions
 Process Data Collection.
 On/Off Switching
 Alarm & Event Generation/Handling
 Graphic Displays
 Group Displays
 Loop Displays
 Alarm Summary Displays
 Trending (real time and historical)
 System Diagnostics
 Computational functions
 Logging and reporting functions
 Interfacing with other systems, e.g. SGS, FGS, UCP, SCADA
 Run application programs
2.3.2 Steady State and Dynamic Control
The DCS shall be designed for steady state plant control between the maximum and minimum design
conditions as specified in the basis for design.
As far as practicable the DCS shall be designed in such a way that the effect of operational variations
and disturbances in one section of the plant will have a minimum effect on other sections.
All control functions required for normal feedback control (PID), ratio control, master slave control etc.
shall be implemented in configurable modules, with selectable auto tuning features, within the DCS.
No components of closed loop control are allowed to be implemented in special or dedicated hardware
‘boxes’ outside the DCS.
Other functions required for non-closed loop control, e.g. as required to facilitate start-up or mode
switching, may be implemented in free programmable- or computational modules in the DCS.
All split range control for the control valves shall be implemented in software within the DCS.

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2.3.3 Sequence Control

The sequence control system should normally operate fully automatic without the operator attention. A
manual mode of operation should be made available in order to cope with abnormal conditions.
A mimic picture should be provided on the DCS VDU in order to show the status of valves and the
controller. Valves for sequence control functions shall be provided with reliable position indicators as
needed for sequence control action confirmation and valve interlocking.
2.3.4 Advanced Control
The DCS shall include a ‘Measurement, Validation and Comparison’ (MVC) function and other
advanced control functions specified in the contract.
2.3.5 On/Off Switching
On/off switching (e.g. for equipment, automatic cut-in of a spare pump in case of failure of the primary
one) is considered to be 'control' rather than 'safeguarding or emergency shutdown' and shall be
implemented in the DCS.
2.3.6 Control loop scanning rates
Control algorithms shall be executed with a scan period of 0.5 second. For a minimum of 10% of the
total number of control loops a faster scan period of 0.1 second shall be possible.
2.3.7 Workstation Normal Functions
The operator workstation shall be the main interface with the plant. All process information shall be
displayed via the DCS. As a minimum it shall provide:
 Operator displays and control functions
 Alarm / event handling, display and logging
 Real time and historic trending
 Operational procedures
2.3.8 Access Security
To prevent unauthorised access to databases and configuration data the system must support several
levels of access under password or key-lock control.
Access levels shall include, but not be limited to:
 Operator level
 Engineer level
 Supervisor Level
 View only
It shall be possible to enter each level of access at any operator workstation. The access level shall be
entered for an individual workstation without changing the access level of the other workstation(s). Operator Level
Operator level shall permit normal operator access for:
 Loop manipulation
 Start/Stop, open/close functions
 Alarm acknowledgement & reset
 Call up of all operator displays
 Trend selection
 Alarm printout facilities, Historical printouts
 Reports

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Engineer level shall permit access to Operator functions as above and additionally give access to:
 Database facilities for editing, generation and back up of both global and area databases
 Loop configuration and tuning facilities
 Display building facilities
 Programmable functions
 System network and node diagnostics facilities
 Generation of logs and reports Supervisors Level
Supervisor shall have access for all the functions listed for the operator level. Additionally the
supervisor shall have access to loop tuning parameters, process ranges, operator alarm settings etc.
The supervisors console shall be capable of accessing all information from all operators consoles. View Only
The process may be viewed, while data entry or process changes are not possible.
2.3.9 Data Storage Systems
Data storage systems will be used for:
 System software back-up
 Historical Data/events recording
 Storage of system database and configuration
2.3.10 Printing
The system shall provide facilities for printout of:
 The system database configuration and programs
 VDU displays
 Custom Historic trends of process and calculated variables
 Real time trends of selected variables
 Alarms
 Event logging, including operator keyboard actions.
 Process parameter deviations from their set point (or target)
 Trip alarms, MOS actions (these are also printed via the SER in SGS).
 Reports
 System diagnostics

3 Spare capacity requirements

The DCS, after commissioning, shall include the following spare capacity:
10% installed, pre-wired, spare I/O cards, with a minimum of one of each type used in the DCS.
20% wiring, terminals, power capacity, spare space/slots in I/O racks etc. for future expansion.
40% spare memory, disk space, processing and data highway/network capacity.

3.1 Hot Spares

Hot spares shall be mounted, powered and active in the DCS and subject to standard DCS diagnostic
routines ready for plug in replacement of failed components. Replacement shall be possible without
powering down or otherwise compromising normal plant operation.
The hot spares inventory shall include at least one I/O card of each type and other components, which
are not redundant, but whose failure would degrade DCS performance. The spare hardware listed
above may be used to fulfil the hot spare requirement.

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VENDOR shall specify the installed spare hardware and the spare space in the cabinet in his
4 System Hardware Requirements
4.1 Console Facilities
If a new console is required, the console shall comprise of workstations, i.e. VDU's and keyboards,
pointing device together with:
Communication facilities, if specified
Sequence of Event Recorder
Pointing devices like tracker balls, mouse or joystick for cursor control will be given preference over
keyboard control only. A desk top type operator interface, whereby the VDU, keyboard and pointing
device are supplied as separate items and are placed on tables to form a console is preferred.
The arrangement of the furniture can be customised to the requirements of the users (e.g. two tier or
single tier VDU holders). The console shall have sufficient writing space.
Console support electronics, including communication systems, should preferably be mounted in the
4.2 Printers
As minimum two printers are required, one ink-jet for alarm/event- and one Laser for ‘other’ printing
purpose. Both shall be of printers, requiring minimum maintenance and which are noises free (less
then 55-dB (A) at 1 metre while printing). They shall be fitted with printer cartridge(s) and integrated
paper feed box and paper catcher. Minimum line length shall be 132 characters
The printer shall have self-contained test and diagnostics to aid in trouble shooting.
The output to the printer shall be buffered.
The operator shall be able to direct logs, reports, system configuration/listing/diagnostics etc. to either
4.2.1 Alarm/Event printer
Logging of new alarms shall be in red colour and ‘alarm return to normal’ shall be printed in black.
Through a ‘soft switch function’ in the DCS, it shall be possible to switch off automatic Alarm/Event
printing, however it shall be possible to select an arbitrary time block, where alarms/events within this
selected period, shall be printed only.
4.2.2 ‘Other’ printer
This printer shall be a full colour graphics printer to enable:
- Screen dumps of any display
- Print of trends
- Print of logs/reports
- Print Alarms/Events re-directed from alarm/event printer
- Print of system configuration/listing/diagnostics

4.3 Processors
The System processors shall execute application/control software, operator actions and shall have the
following features:
 Power failure protection
 Automatic restart facilities
 Memory protection

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 RAM stack overflow detection

 System synchronised Real time clock
 Watchdog timer
 Hardware diagnostics
 Operating system automatic start-up

4.4 Resident Memory

RAM memory shall have battery back up to protect against loss of memory on power failure or voltage
depression. Batteries shall be of leak-proof design. The battery hold-up duration shall be 30 minutes
and shall be automatically recharged when power returns to normal or, in case of non-rechargeable
batteries, their lifetime shall be at least 5 years.
4.5 Operator Workstation
For displaying graphic symbols, high resolution VDUs should be used which can reproduce at least
1024 x 1024 pixels or 1280 x 1024 pixels with a minimum screen size of 19 inches.
To avoid flicker, image refresh frequency should be 70 Hz for displays using dark symbols on light
Contrast and brightness should be adjustable.
Monitors shall be manufacturers standard and support ‘Windowing’techniques.
The windowing capability shall among other possibilities allow the operator to view multiple group
displays (typically 4), graphic displays etc. on one screen. This will greatly enhance the 'parallel' view
of the operator on the process and increase the number of 'virtual' screens.
The keyboard shall be of (spill proof) Miler membrane type and support customised key functions.
When specified the VDU electronics shall be equipped with 'Video in Windows' capabilities, i.e. a video
signal received from a CCTV system is to be connected to the workstation electronics and the
operator may view the CCTV picture in a sizeable window. Others will provide the actual CCTV
system and signal cable. The signal will be PAL.
It shall be possible to use the operator workstation also as an ‘Engineering workstation’ with the
functionality specified below.

4.6 Engineering Workstation

When specified, an additional, dedicated, Engineering workstation with a VDU, ‘QWERTY’ type
keyboard and a printer shall be provided, to be located in the Engineer’s office or in the control room.
The Engineering workstation will be used for all database configuration and generation, upload /
download of data to system nodes, report building, system analysis and diagnostics etc.
The workstation shall include floppy and CD-ROM drives to ease data back up and storage.

4.7 Network Configuration

The DCS shall include a fully tested high-speed network, which will control all communications
between consoles, nodes etc. The communication networks shall be fully redundant including the
communication interfaces for each device on the bus.
The redundancy in communication buses shall be active in nature, i.e. both the busses shall be active
and shall periodically switch over at a pre-determined frequency. It shall be possible to manually
switch the busses from the operator interfaces.
In case of failure of one of the busses, the other bus shall take over automatically without any
interruption to the process and with a diagnostic alarm informing the operator of the failed bus.

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Nodes shall communicate with each other in such a way that the source of data is transparent.
It shall be possible to add nodes, e.g. workstations, interfaces, host computers, controllers etc., to the
existing busses without affecting the current communication. These new nodes shall then be capable
of being configured on-line without impacting the current DCS operation.
The DCS shall be capable of being expanded by linking multiple networks together for a plant wide
integrated DCS. Multiple networks shall be accommodated when unit separation and isolation are
desired. The separation and isolation shall be accomplished by ‘Network Gateways’ which will allow
the transfer of data from one network to the other while maintaining the security of each independent
network. The ‘Network Gateways’ shall communicate via the ‘IEEE 802’ protocol.
When multiple networks are implemented via a ‘Network Gateway’, a security access mechanism shall
be utilised to allow / limit data transfer.
The access levels shall be:
- Read only access
- Read and Write access
- No access
Each individual network shall support and allow for independent, stand alone, loading and operation.
4.7.1 Time Synchronisation
Time synchronisation shall be employed to ensure strict co-ordination between modules.
Individual clocks in DCS modules and clocks of sub-vendor equipment (connected by serial link), shall
always agree within 10 millisecond of the main DCS clock. The Vendor shall advise by which means
this will be achieved. Drifting of actual real time shall be no more than three (3) seconds.
The DCS shall provide the facility for the operator to input system date and time via the operator
interface. All DCS facilities shall be synchronised to this system time and date which shall be used for
time-tagging all alarm and events and in all displays and reports. If time synchronisation is required
across different sites (i.e. independent DCS’s) then GPS time synchronisation should be considered.

4.8 Termination of Field wiring, DCS Cabinets

The DCS shall be provided with all necessary termination/marshalling and system cabinets with all
associated accessories, racks, wiring, terminals blocks and intrinsically safe barriers (when required
they shall be fitted in the marshalling cabinets). For details refer to schedule L-5 ‘ Instrument Signal
The signals to and from the marshalling racks shall be connected in a systematic way to the control
units and the process interface units such that a clear, and therefore easy to maintain arrangement, is
achieved, even if this means unused I/O channels. These unused channels may be included in the
calculation of the spare capacity per block.
To reduce cost field termination assemblies may be installed in the marshalling cabinets in order to
limit the number of connections and cable terminations within one loop and to limit the DCS cabinet
space required.
4.9 Power Supplies
The DCS shall be powered by 220-240V AC 50HZ (+- 5%) and/or 24 V DC (+-10%) supply
The power supply shall be from two different sources, i.e. one main and one backup. Each power
supply is allowed to fail (or be isolated, e.g. for maintenance) without giving rise to loss of control, I/O
monitoring, alarming and the ability for the operator to view and manipulate the process.
The backup power supply shall be sized for at least 30 minutes prolonged operation, including
ancillaries such as printers, VDU etc.
Each supply shall be designed such that it will carry no more than 75% of the capacity under normal

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Power supply distribution shall be segregated in process units to allow unit wise maintenance and
Power packs shall be included for powering system components and process transmitter and
converters at 24 volt DC. The DCS system shall include 24V DC power for digital inputs and outputs.
Individual loop fusing shall be provided.
The system shall include for double pole isolators and over current protection for all incoming supplies.
Sufficient isolation facilities on the DC subsystems shall be provided to enable maintenance and
replacement of components with minimum disturbance.
Work stations and peripherals shall have internal over current and isolation facilities.

4.10 Allocation of Racks and Equipment Cabinets

Where feasible, DCS modules shall be allocated to process units such that failure or maintenance of
such a module only affects the allocated unit.
Cabinets shall be manufacturers standard equipped with plinths and doors with key-lock. In absence
of a manufacturers standard, Rittal PS4806 cabinets are preferred with 180 hinged double doors

5 Software Requirements
The DCS shall be designed and configured with all software necessary to fulfil the functionality- and
maintainability requirements specified.
The DCS shall include standard software packages, operating system and application software,
including diagnostics and communication software.
New operating system software releases shall be downloaded on-line without upsetting plant control.

5.1 Configuration
5.1.1 On-Line Configuration
It shall be possible to re-configure any particular control-loop on-line, without disrupting any other
control-loop in the DCS.
Data-entry type checking shall be incorporated into the DCS to prevent entry of invalid data. e.g. alpha
versus numeric, etc.
5.1.2 Off-Line Configuration
Configuration and display software shall be able to be run on an IBM compatible PC. This will allow
configuration and graphics building before DCS hardware becomes available. The Vendor shall
specify the hardware and software requirements for such a PC system. It shall be possible to create
advanced control schemes from this PC.
5.2 Data Base Management
5.2.1 General
The database shall hold point definitions for all physical, derived and pseudo inputs and outputs. The
DCS shall allow the operator to examine all information pertaining to any tag number in the DCS.
System shall support relational database access techniques (SQL)
It shall be possible for the engineer to amend, add or delete any point in the DCS database, while the
DCS is operational, in a simple "fill in the blanks" manner under security access. All changes to the
database are to be checked and verified during entry. Control loop integrity shall be maintained
against inadvertent engineer action e.g. deletion when the loop is in automatic mode.

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Simultaneous configuration of the same data shall not be possible. All accepted definitions and
subsequent changes shall be saved by the appropriate module(s).
5.2.2 Tag Number Configuration
A single unique tag number will be assigned to each variable and its associated control function. A tag
number shall consist of sixteen (16) characters as a minimum (e.g. TAN-LICA-1021-A) excluding
identifiers required by the Vendor to name points or blocks in a loop. In addition a minimum of 32
characters shall be fully assignable to each tag as a point descriptor and each point shall be
assignable with six (6) engineering units ,The sequence of alpha and numeric characters shall not be
restricted by the DCS in any way and (tag number) descriptions shall be user configurable. All
characters shall be displayed / reported.
5.2.3 Storage/Back-up
It is required that the DCS maintains, on mass storage media, the complete current database. Any
changes made to the database shall also be copied to mass storage.
Therefore the DCS shall be equipped with:

a) Fault tolerant non-removable hard disks, minimum size 1 Gbyte, containing all system
Software, application software, displays, logs, historical trends and data files (sized as
defined in this document) etc.

b) Removable mass storage media e.g. Bernoulli or optical CD drive, for initial DCS
Loading and long term storage of historical data and system software back-up.

c) 3 1/2” floppy drive for interfacing with IBM compatible PC.

If a memory loss occurs then the DCS shall allow reloading with either an archived or the current
back-up version of the database from the mass storage media. The DCS shall allow the database of
any outstation to be saved or loaded to / from back up individually.
The data storage operation shall not require specialised personnel nor degrade the performance of the
fully operational DCS.
6 Interfacing
6.1 General
The DCS shall have interfaces to other related systems such as Safeguarding Systems, CAO/SCADA
and Equipment Packages.
Automatic protection and interlocking functions for safety purposes shall not be executed in the DCS,
however in a separate stand-alone (SGS) system.
Note: Instrument Safeguarding System shall have their own initiating devices (transmitters etc.) and actuating
devices. (Refer to schedule L-2 ‘Instrumented safeguarding system)

6.2 Plant interfaces

The physical interface to plant sensors and actuators shall be via hardwired I/O.
The I/O equipment shall be located in the control building/Instrument auxiliary room.
6.2.1 Standard Process I/O
The DCS shall accept the standard range of field I/O.
Intrinsically safe barriers ‘active’ type shall protect I/O modules, where required, or galvanically
The DCS shall provide 24V DC power for the transmitters in the process units. It is also possible that
other equipment will provide power for the 4-20mA signal. It shall be possible to locate the I/O sub-

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system remotely, i.e. away from the control sub-system.

Where feasible the I/O shall be functionally segregated such that a single (non-redundant) component
failure only affects one piece of equipment or one section of the facility, while the rest of the facility
remains operational.
I/O allocation shall therefore be on the same basis as the safeguarding ‘SD’ group allocation to ensure
proper segregation / separation of equipment.
For non-redundant I/O items, the I/O shall "freeze" on the last signal or go to a "fail-safe" position. This
shall however be configurable on a per output basis. Digital field communication shall not be used until
the ‘Fieldbus’ development is sufficiently mature, internationally recognised and used. Only when
digital communication is specifically mentioned in the Contract, shall it be considered
6.2.2 Motor Control Interface
The DCS shall provide for start/stop commands and indication of motor running status and mode (as
specified on the P&IDs). The start/stop commands will be transmitted (by serial link) via the SGS to
the MCC via the IRP (refer to schedule L-2). Running status and mode information may also be
transmitted to the DCS by serial link, in case of use is made of ‘intelligent’ switchgear, otherwise 24 V
DC digital input, powered from DCS, shall be provided.
6.2.3 Interface with ‘Foreign Devices’.
The DCS shall be able to interface with ‘foreign devices’ via serial links using the Modbus RTU
protocol or other internationally recognised, superior communication standard like ETHERNET. The
DCS shall act as the communication ‘master’. The links shall be self-starting and the communication
protocol shall incorporate error detection capabilities.
The DCS shall check for message transmission and structural errors. Link failure shall in no way affect
the integrity and normal continuation of plant control.
Where supported by the foreign device protocol, the link shall support transfer of time stamping and
clock synchronisation.
The DCS Vendor shall assume total responsibility for the serial communication link. He shall liase with
the foreign device vendors or suppliers for the necessary details to design/configure the link, i.e.
register assignment, protocol, data transfer format. The link shall be fully tested with the third party
All hardware and software required in the DCS and interconnecting cabling between the foreign
devices and the DCS shall be in the scope of the DCS Vendor.
Serial link scanning rates shall be 0.5 sec. or faster.
Each serial link shall at least have 20 % installed spare capacity.
6.2.4 Safeguarding System Interface
Data shall be provided from the SGS for display/printing/logging in the DCS.
The communication link to the safeguarding systems shall not carry ‘safety related ‘ signals.
Also a number of commands (resets, MOS requests, start/stop) shall be transmitted to the SGS from
the DCS. Refer to schedule L-2.

7 Displays
7.1 General:
Graphic displays should be logically built up based on P&IDs showing details of process equipment
( vessels, columns, pumps, etc.), process flow and relevant control loops. Dynamic data for process
variables, alarms and equipment status should be incorporated in the schematics to provide a realistic
appreciation of plant operation. The graphics shall help the operator to visualise the process so as to

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enable him to perform his task effectively.

Graphics may also take the form of specific displays such as tables showing switches, APC displays,
plot plans and sequence displays to provide reference information to the operator. It shall be possible
to display also Cause and Effect diagrams (refer to schedule L-2)
A minimum of 200 freely configurable displays per workstation should be possible.
Each display shall consist of real time data points to allow adequate process control using these
graphics without being too congested or otherwise confusing. The displays should not be cluttered
since excessive information may result in extended search times by the operator and a loss of clear
direction. There should be no more than 40 live data points per display.
Graphics should be oriented from left to right with pipes or signal lines entering from the left and
leaving at the right. Crossing pipes or signal lines and details not needed for the understanding of
information should be avoided as much as possible.
Process equipment that cannot be controlled (e.g. isolation and bypass valves) should not be shown
unless this information is needed for a proper understanding of the task.
The main criterion for depicting information should be task driven for the major equipment displayed,
e.g. a graphic for the control of a furnace should contain all control aspects including combustion
The outer edges of the displays may be obscured by the rim of the CRT if the operator is not sitting
directly in front of it. Therefore this area should not be used for data display.
Screens should be organised in such a way that the user can almost "naturally" go from one screen
area to another. The flow of information should be from left to right, and from top to bottom.
Each workstation shall include a menu of all displays available at the workstation.
The display access methods used shall permit movement between display hierarchy levels by
mouse/trackball and keyboard with a minimum number of ‘key-clicks’.
7.1.1 Performance
Static graphic displays shall be fully displayed on the VDU within two seconds from the operator's call-
up request.
Graphic displays with dynamic data shall be fully displayed on the VDU within four seconds from the
operator's request.
With a display in view, dynamic points shall be updated within 2 seconds from the change of state or
change of value.

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7.2 Display structure

A structured approach of graphics types shall be applied to present plant information to the operator.
The hierarchy of graphics that should be configured in the DCS is given below.
Typical DCS display hierarchy

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7.3 Display configuration

Unless otherwise specified the conventions indicated below shall be used.
Note: For extensions/modifications to/of existing DCS displays, the existing display convention shall be applied.
7.3.1 Symbols
Symbols within graphics should be used to represent specific plant items and thus assist in plant item
identification. They may also be used in conjunction with other methods, e.g. colour, to indicate
changes of plant item state. Symbol usage
Graphic symbols shall be arranged to depict physical relationships, and shall flow in a consistent
manner, i.e. from left to right, from top to bottom. Arrows should be used in process lines to indicate
direction of flow. Symbols should only be shown if they are important for the understanding of the
operations or if they are an integral part of the process depicted. Symbol qualities (e.g. contrast,
luminance) shall be used judiciously to avoid any masking of adjacent display targets.
A symbol library should be compiled and used in the process schemes. These symbols should be
based on internationally used conventions e.g. P&ID symbols. They should be developed and stored
in the graphic library for generating the graphics. Where applicable, minimum size and associated
attributes should be specified (example: closed valve: hollow, open valve: filled). Symbol size
As a general rule a symbol (considered square or circular) should be at least 5.0 to 6.0 mm in height.
This makes the symbol easily distinguishable from a distance of 1 m.
The label identifying the symbol should be positioned in such a way that it is clear, which symbol and
identifier belong together. There should be consistency in positioning the label location relative to the
symbol (e.g. underneath the pump). Vertically oriented labels should be avoided.
7.3.2 Typical symbols, colours and status display
The following convention should be used: Process lines and process equipment
Lines with a typical width as indicated below should be used:
Main process lines: 3-dot width,
Minor and utility process lines: 2-dot width
Process equipment: 4-dot width
The following line colours for process lines should be used:
Gas: yellow; - Oil: green; - Water; blue. - Other: white, unless otherwise advised.

Crossing lines should be drawn such that the vertical line breaks at the crossing point. This should be
used consistently in all graphic displays. Valves
Monitored valves should be presented in white. A single valve symbol may be used to represent all
types of valves.

Open line colour white, filled

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Closed line colour white, hollow

Travelling line colour white, inverse video (On/Off Service)

Bad value Magenta (Fail to travel) Rotating equipment (pumps, motors etc.)

Running line colour white, filled

Off (available) line colour white, hollow

Bad value perimeter Magenta

Tripped/Alarm Red, blinking, alternating hollow and filled, tag red until acknowledged Instrument signal lines

Representation of instrument lines is generally applied at the (sub) unit and detailed display level.
Instrument lines should not be shown at plant overview level.
Instrument lines should be white dashed lines (1-dot width) to distinguish them from process lines.
They are used to support understanding of the control schemes (i.e. showing which valve a controller
control). Switched control lines shall be shown dynamically.
Whenever instrument lines are shown on a graphic, these should be given to a target, which will toggle
these lines on / off, thereby the number of items displayed on the screen. This can be achieved by
using the inverse video feature.
7.3.3 Use of colours
To avoid the problems and ambiguities in applied colour conventions (colour should not be the sole
means of distinguishing important plant items and states) the colours used in the display should be:

Foreground colours: Red, yellow, green, cyan, magenta, white

Background colours: Light grey or dark grey

The colours given below together with their usage should be applied.

Red High priority alarm indication (primary alarms and SD alarms);
Alarm text in alarm banner and in alarm list display
Equipment with tripped/alarm status;
Trend line in trend display.
Yellow Trend line in trend display
Green Healthy logic signal;

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Fire and gas displays showing normal status;

Trend line in trend display.
Cyan Trend line in trend display.
Magenta Unreliable data indication in process scheme displays;
Equipment giving readings known to be faulty;
Unreliable data point in process scheme;
Fault status in fire and gas displays;
Trend line in trend displays.
White Text, labels, numeric data in normal intensity;
Electrical distribution lines, signal lines;
Normal status indication of equipment (open valves, running rotating machinery, circuit
breaker in make state);
Inverse video white for manually entered data;
Touch target borders, half line thickness; Touch target legends
Framing lines in bar graph and trend displays, in block diagram displays and in instrument
Background grid in trend displays, half line thickness.
Grey Background colour of the screen for all displays, except for:
the background for the trend- and bar graph displays and the background of displays
Windowed into other displays. For these a black background should be used.

The following colour conventions should be avoided:

Pure blue
Pure blue on a dark background should be avoided for text, thin lines or high-
resolution information.
Simultaneous presentation of both pure red and pure blue (or to a lesser extent red
and green, or blue and green) on a dark background may result in
chromostereopsis (a three-dimensional effect) and should therefore be avoided.
Pure red
Dominant wavelengths above pure red should be avoided in displays.
Background colour
Coloured (white or chromatic) information should not be used against a
background, which is black and has no apparent visual texture. This produces an
excessive contrast between the background and the characters so that the latter
may have a tendency to appear to float in space and appear at different visual
distances. Also, if the background is very light it may be impossible to provide
sufficient brightness for the (foreground) information to satisfy contrast
requirements. It is recommended to apply a greyish background that remains
neutral in colour under the ambient light and looks like a surface on which the
information is placed.
7.3.4 Highlighting
Highlighting should be used as a means of emphasising some items in the display, such as label, data

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item, title or message. It should be used in moderation to be effective. Excessive use of highlighting
will be self-defeating as "contrast" with the surroundings is reduced. The recommended methods of
highlighting are indicated below.
NOTE: Underlining, fonts, upper case letters, double-size characters, thin/thick/double rulings should not
be used for highlighting purposes because they are not very effective in drawing attention.

7.3.5 Blinking and colour change

Blinking and colour changes should be used to attract the attention of the operator (e.g. normal or
healthy condition: green, alarm condition: red).
Blinking should be limited to situations where the user must respond quickly (e.g. alarms) and should
disappear upon acknowledgement by the user. Blinking should be applied only for symbols and not for
text. Blinking should alternate from high intensity to low intensity and not simply be an on-off blink.
7.3.6 Brightness
Brightness, or contrast enhancement, should be used to indicate the significance of particular items of
information. It enables information to be located more quickly and may be used for indicating:
- which items or sequence steps are "active";
- which route has been selected in a pipe or electrical network.
As a general guideline it is recommended to use brightness differences only as a layout mechanism.
7.3.7 Inverse (reverse) video
The ‘inverse video ‘ technique should normally be used for selected items on a display rather than for
the whole screen. It should be used for highlighting significant messages, test and data fields.
Inverse video may also be used for data entry.
7.3.8 Process data representation
Presentation of process data should follow the convention as shown below. Numeric data point

Process data should be displayed right justified, using the following typical conventions:

Flow 4 digits and a decimal point (e.g. 1.234, 12.34, 123.4, 1234 t/d, Kt/d)
Pressure 3 or 4 digits and a decimal point (e.g. 123.4, 12.3, 1.23 bar, mbar, barA)
Temperature 4 digits and one decimal point (e.g. 123.4 degC)
Level 3 digits and no decimal point (e.g. 100 %)
Tank level 5 digits and no decimal point (e.g. 12345 mm)
Controller outputs 3 digits and no decimal point (e.g. 100%)
For other process data, such as QMI output, etc., a specific convention may be used.
Tag numbers identifying numeric data points are useful at the unit, sub-unit and detailed display levels
but should not be shown at plant overview display levels. Where they are shown in a graphic,
consideration should be given to a target which will toggle these tag numbers on / off to reduce the
number of items displayed on the screen. This can be achieved by using the inverse video feature.
The following conventions should be applied for controller outputs:
0% controller output means valve closed irrespective of the valve spring action.

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100% controller output means valve open irrespective of the valve spring action.
Colours or shaped borders may be considered to distinguish between different data points e.g. flow,
level, pressure, temperature etc.
The following data display behaviour should be adopted:

Normal Green
Alarm Black text on red or yellow, blinking until acknowledged
Manual entry Black text on white (inverse video)
Bad value To the left of the value, black on magenta (inverse video) Bar display

This should be commonly used to represent the level in a vessel, allowing faster recognition of level
than reading a numeric data point. It shall be drawn as a simple bar display in the vessel.
The following bar display behaviour should be adopted.

Normal Bar green

Alarm Bar red or yellow, blinking until acknowledged
Bad value Bar magenta Short duration trends

These are small single point trend displays of 10 to 15 minutes duration which are drawn within the
schematic graphic displays. In unit and sub-unit graphics they are preferred over numeric data points
as they provide a short term history of the particular process value being monitored, which is more
meaningful than instantaneous data value. They should only be used for key or critical process
parameters and a maximum of four should be used per graphic display. It should be possible to
toggling the display of these trends on and off, with the default being off when the graphic is called.
7.3.9 Controller parameters displayed in graphics
At the plant and unit overview display levels, the measured process values (PV’s) are the important
operating parameters. Therefore, information displayed with or for a controller at these displays should
be limited to the PV’s.
The other parameters such as set point (SP), output and modes (e.g. auto, manual and cascade)
should be shown at the (sub) unit and detailed display levels. In addition to PV’s, these parameters
may also be shown together with the controller provided they assist the operator in performing his
7.3.10 Labelling
Labels should be used to identify a single data item (e.g. tag number), a group of items or an entire
display. Labels should be unique, meaningful and descriptive.
Each graphic display should be provided with a title in the top left-hand part of the display.
Data labels should be clearly distinguished from the data items themselves. Labels should be placed
to the left of single items. For repeating items, the label should be placed above the columns of items.
Every item should be clearly labelled. It should not be assumed that the user is able to identify
individual items on account of past experience. Context plays an important role.
Where a unit (e.g. %, bar) is associated with a particular data field, it should be part of the fixed label
instead of having it entered by the user. In crowded data entry displays, auxiliary layout means may be

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adopted to distinguish labels from data.

7.3.11 Text
Text should be in lower case, with only the first letter of the first word in a sentence in upper case. Text
in lower case reads more easily than text in upper case.
Upper case text should only be used to call attention to certain items or statements and for titles,
headings and labels. Text should be left justified. Full (left and right) justification should not be used for
legibility reasons.
7.3.12 Tables
Data presented in tabular form should be aligned vertically. Alphanumeric data should be left justified,
and numeric data should be right justified. Where numbers contain decimal places, each number
should be given the same number of decimal places. Decimal points in columns of numbers should
align vertically. Indentation should be used for sub-classification.
If tables require more space than can reasonably fit on the display screen, the user should be able to
scroll the table upwards and downwards, with the column headings remaining at the top of the display
Each column in a table should have a heading which should be easily distinguishable from data in the
table (e.g. by case, colour highlighting, underlining etc.). Columns and sub-headings should be
arranged to reflect hierarchies and grouping of the data.
The order in which the information in a table is presented should be logical to the user and may
depend on:
- The order in which the user uses the data;
- The importance of the data to the user;
- The frequency with which an item is used;
- time order (newest first or oldest first, as appropriate);
- alphabetical or numerical order.
7.3.13 Windows
Windows are useful when there is a need for extra or detailed information to augment the information
contained in the current display without having to use another screen or call up another display.
Typical types of standard windows in the DCS’s should include:
Alarm Window: Shows a list of the latest 5 alarms, which can be invoked, from any display through
targets configured in the message bar of the screen.
Instrument Window: Shows an instrument faceplate, which can be invoked through targets
configured within graphics. It eliminates the need to call up the control group display when
adjustments have to be made for an instrument while on a graphic display.
Trend Window: Shows the trend of an instrument, which can be invoked through targets configured
within graphics. It eliminates the need to call up the trend group displays when reviewing trends while
on a graphic display.
Message/Help Window: Contains messages, which can be used to assist the operator in the
performance of his tasks. It can be invoked through configured targets within graphics or can be made
to appear automatically once a particular condition is met. It is ideal for providing information for
sequence steps or for announcing errors or problems in a sequence.
NOTE: 1. The above types of window can be shown simultaneously from a graphic
display as they have a fixed location and a size, which does not cover the whole
area of the screen.
DCS’s shall have full windowing capabilities which can present all other types of displays as windows
(e.g. graphic displays, trend displays, etc.) either individually or simultaneously. The windows can be
moved, stretched, minimised, maximised and presented either in tile or overlapping arrangement for

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multiple open windows.

With more than two windows open, the tiled arrangement rather than the overlapping arrangement
should be used. In order not to burden the memory load of the operator and to ensure information is
legible, the maximum number of windows open at any one time shall be limited to four per CRT.

8 Alarms/Events
8.1 Alarm philosophy
Safeguarding- and pre-alarms shall be presented to the operator via the DCS. An alarm management
system shall be implemented to achieve the following objectives:
a) minimise the number of active alarms
b) maximise the information contained in the alarms
c) obtain effective presentation of alarms

The methods to achieve this are indicated below.

8.2 Alarm Management

Alarms shall be configured into logical groups by:
 Unit
 Priority level
An indication of a point in alarm shall be provided on every display.
Common alarms are not used on the DCS, instead each alarm shall be presented to the operator

Alarm prioritisation levels shall be allocated to enable the operator to discriminate between critical and
non-critical alarms. These levels shall be:
 Level 1-Shutdown pre-alarms
 Level 2-Shutdown alarms
 Level 3-Operator warning/ Deviation alarms
 Level 4-DCS diagnostic / maintenance level

Priority level for each individual alarm condition shall be configurable.

First failure indication shall be provided for equipment and process related safeguarding alarms in
cases where a trip condition may result in a number of subsequent trips.
An ‘Alarm list’ display shall rank active alarms according to priority and time of occurrence.
All occurring alarms within 24 hours shall be presented in one history alarm summary (200 alarms as a
minimum shall be presented). The total alarm summary shall be made visible by scrolling. Historic
alarms (older than 24 hours) are stored in the historic event file specified below.
Every alarm shall be presented with date and time of occurrence, acknowledge and disappearance.
8.2.1 Alarm Masking, Inhibit and Disable
An alarm suppression function shall be available to suppress alarms or group of alarms that are not
significant at certain times or for certain operation, e.g. for process units or parts thereof which are out
of operation and spare equipment not in use.
It shall also be possible to defeat individual alarms or groups of alarms under password or key lock
control (supervisor's level).
a) Masking

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Under pre-defined conditions, alarms shall be capable of being masked i.e. cut out. This shall prevent
alarms from being reported when alarming would be obvious (such as preventing a low-pressure
alarm when the associated pump is off). This 'intelligent' alarming shall be configurable and modifiable
by an Engineer without the need for programming knowledge.
The Vendor shall also include masking facilities to suppress annunciation of large numbers of
consequential alarms following one incident avoiding superfluous information being presented to the
b) Inhibit:
Facilities shall be provided for the operator to inhibit and reinstate alarm annunciation for individual or
groups of tag numbers. Point(s) which have been inhibited shall not be annunciated but shall still be
recorded in the Alarm/Event List.
c) Disable:
Facilities shall be provided for the operator to disable and reinstate alarm handling for individual or
groups of tag numbers. Point(s) that have been disabled shall be ignored by the DCS on occurrence of
an alarm condition.
A list of tag numbers and/or groups being masked, inhibited or disabled shall be available on operator
The following table defines the actions of each category:

Display Print Log

Enable Yes Yes Yes
Masked No No Yes
Inhibit No No Yes
Disable No No No

8.2.2 Alarm Handling

The operator shall be warned of points in alarm as follows:
 Audible alarms
 Display of the highest priority tag for the first alarm activated in an area on top of each
display page
8.2.3 Alarm Acceptance
Alarms shall be accepted at the graphic level, at the alarm summary or alarm group page. On
acceptance the alarm Tag/Text and symbol shall be displayed steady in the alarm. On clearing the
fault, the alarm shall be deleted from the alarm displays. Once an alarm has been annunciated, the
operator using a single ‘acknowledge’ key on any of the console keyboards must individually
The DCS shall not allow an operator to acknowledge an alarm unless the alarm is visible on the
respective VDU. On acknowledgement of the alarm, the audible signal shall be silenced if there are no
other unacknowledged alarms outstanding.
8.2.4 Audible Alarms
The DCS should be configured to emit different audible tones corresponding to alarm priority levels for
process alarms. In order for process alarms to be easily distinguished, no more than two different
auditory tones should be used, as follows:
- A high pitched continuous tone for high priority alarms;
- an intermittent tone for medium and low priority alarms.

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The tone volume should be adjustable, with the minimum setting above the background noise level in
the control room.
NOTES: 1. The audible alarm generated by the hardwired display panel of the FGS should
be distinguishable from the process alarm tones configured in the DCS.
There shall be a separate audible alarm silence function which shall allow the operator to silence the
audible alarm signal using a single ‘silence’ key on any of the console keyboards without viewing or
acknowledging any alarms. The audible signal shall be initiated again, however, when a new alarm
has been detected.
8.2.5 Alarm resolution
All alarms shall be time stamped from the time of occurrence to one-second resolution. The time of
occurrence and the time of acceptance shall be printed on the alarm/event printer as well as logged on
hard disk.
For alarms transmitted from the SGS, preference is given to a time stamp equal to the scan time of the
SGS rather than the scan time of the DCS. So the SGS should transmit its time stamp to the DCS
(refer also schedule L-2).
8.2.6 System Response
All alarms shall be reported to the operator within one second from detection. This time includes
transmission to the VDU and presentation to the operator.
8.2.7 Alarm and Event Logging
The DCS shall provide facilities for the display and storage (on hard disk) of all alarm- and event
occurrences. It should be possible to separate presentation of alarms from events. The historic event
file should be designed to store the events for 7 days operation.
The storage system shall be sized for 2000 events and 2000 alarms as a minimum.
All events shall be recorded in a ’journal file’ on the hard disk to allow backtracking for analysis after
the event has occurred. The file shall automatically overwrite the oldest data when the file is full.
An "Event" is defined as a change of status of a tag point or variable, including an alarm, operator key-
board/mouse/trackball action.

9 Transmitter Validation
The trip- and control transmitter signals shall be continuously compared. Comparison will be done in
the DCS using the standard ‘MVC’ algorithm. A warning will be generated to the operator if differences
exceed a certain pre-set level. The signals from trip transmitters will be transmitted via the serial
communication link from the SGS to the DCS. Preferably the ranges for both transmitters shall be the
same to avoid nuisance alarms.

10 Trending/Reporting
Trend displays shall be line graph representations with variable magnitude shown on the Y-axis and
time on the X-axis. It shall be possible to assign any variable e.g. measured value, set point, output,
totalisers- and calculated (derived) values of any tag number in the DCS to real time or historical
It shall be possible to trend either instantaneous or average data for a particular variable.
The scales for process values and time base on a trend shall be operator adjustable.
Time base shall be freely selectable by operator.
10.1 Trend archives
Trend archiving, by means of copying the sample point values to a floppy disk, shall be possible for
both real time and historical trend. The data shall have a format to enable import to a database

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program (spreadsheet) in a DOS\Windows environment.

10.2 Real Time Trends
Real time trends shall feature a minimum sample rate of 2 seconds and a minimum display time of 15
minutes. The sampling rate shall be configurable. It should be possible to show trends of up to 4
variables simultaneously as a minimum.
10.3 Tuning Trend
All individual control loops shall be configured for a tuning trend with time base of 15 minutes with a
sampling rate of 1 second.
10.4 Historic trends
It shall be possible to view old trends at the operator station without interrupting the DCS operation.
The minimum sampling rate for historical trend shall be 1 minute or less.
Adequate disc capacity shall be available and allocated for storage of historical data of a time period of
31 days for 1 minute snapshots, hourly averages, shift averages and daily averages, for all points
10.5 Reporting
Pre-formatted reports shall be available on the DCS, allowing screen display and printout of data on
freely assignable groups of points. The standard reports shall be supplemented by free-format reports
for presentation of data in customised format. Typical data may consist of measured data,
calculations, manual entries, historical values etc. from any log. It shall be possible to manipulate the
data in order to generate / calculate time-based averages, totalisations, minimum values, minimum
times, maximum values, maximum time etc. Report formats and destination (i.e. appointed printer)
shall be easily configurable whilst the DCS is on-line. It shall be possible for reports to cover the full
width of the printer and one or more pages
All reports shall be available on screen and / or on a printout from the report printer.
As a minimum the following reports shall be provided:
- daily production report (e.g. totalised values)
- reservoir off-take reports (e.g. well tests)
- inspection data( e.g. equipment running hours, starts / stops)
- summary of operator changes (e.g. set points changes)
Report printout shall be initiated either on:
- a time interval basis
- a defined time basis
- an event
- an operator command
Defined times or time intervals for reporting shall be configurable to any period of time or time of the
day including on the hour, on the half-hour and on the quarter-hour.

11 Earthing
Generally the earthing system shall be divided into the following earth types:
 Plant earth (Safety earth)
 Instrument earth (Instrument, screen)
For details refer to schedule L-5 ‘ Instrument Signal Lines’.

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12 System Availability
The overall design of the DCS shall be such that failure of any component of the DCS shall have
minimal adverse effect on the process. Critical loops shall be configured in such a way that the ‘loss’ of
one of their components does not impair the overall DCS performance. Critical loops are defined as
control loops which have a direct impact on the controllability of the facility and without which the
station cannot be operated.
There shall never be a need for a total DCS shutdown for maintenance/repair or upgrade. The DCS
shall be designed so that a total loss of essential facilities shall never occur.
Target DCS availability shall be better than 99.96 % with an MTTR of 8 hours
For the proposed DCS the Vendor shall submit the availability calculations during the design as well
as upon delivery of the DCS, with the constraints as mentioned below.
The Vendor shall submit all details of the calculations including the base data used to assess the
Vendor's redundancy architecture and the recommendation for spare parts. Any module e.g. tracker
ball, CPU, disc unit, I/O module, printer etc. that has an MTBF of less than 10,000 hours shall be
separately identified by the Vendor.
The calculations shall be based on:
- Military Handbook “Reliability Predictions of Electronic Equipment (MIL-
- the most stringent operating parameters from the environmental conditions
specified in the Contract
Equipment reliability figures (i.e. MTBF, MTTR), used for these devices in the calculations shall be
based on proven field performance for similar installations as detailed in this specification.
The assumed constraints are:
a) All devices not furnished by the Vendor shall be assumed available 100 % of the time.
Failure caused by accidents, fire or other non-equipment related external conditions should not be
b) None of the items affecting a task specified in this specification shall be excluded; the failure of
one control loop or an analogue I/O of a control function shall be considered as an overall DCS
A failure in this context is to be considered for:
 Loss of control over/of one or more controller or control loops.
 Loss of the ability of the operator to view or manipulate the process.

13 System Maintainability
The system shall have diagnostic facilities( with associated user procedures) and performance
monitoring which will include self diagnostics and a standard diagnostics display library giving statuses
on hardware equipment, software, communication gateways and all system failure modes.
The diagnostics shall run continuously as a background task indicating failure of both the primary as
well as the hot standby devices and maintain a log of DCS faults and communication performance.
The log shall be accessed via standard screen displays from any operator console and shall avoid
presentation of faults in the form of error codes.
DCS failures shall be reported as system alarms and all DCS components shall have multiple red and
green LED indicators to facilitate the identification of failed cards.
The DCS shall be designed to provide maximum ease of equipment servicing. Any special fixtures or
software programs such as card extenders, test circuit boards, test-boxes and associated user
procedures shall be provided along with the DCS. Off-line diagnostic software for comprehensive

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testing of the DCS shall be provided and capable of testing at least the:
- Input and output modules
- the communication network
- serial interfaces
- all processors (performance and benchmark tests)
- memory (worst case pattern test and access test)
- mass storage devices (fixed and removable media)
- VDU (general operation and alignment patterns)
- keyboard
- printer
In addition detection of the following faults, via the main operator interface, is also required:
- power supply
- over temperature
- fan failure (if any)
- input / output circuitry, incl. fuse failure
14 System Immunity
The DCS shall be immune to the following disturbances:
 Variations of power supply +- 10%
 Variation of power supply frequency as specified
 Power supply interruptions up to 500 ms
 Common mode and series mode randomly phase transient over-voltages applied on the
mains input from a source of 50 ohms.
 Electromagnetic radiation; compliant with IEC-801 and IEC-1000-5 (for total system).

15 Warranty Period
The warranty period shall start after the signing and hand-over of Site Acceptance Certificate for a
period of one year. It should allow for 24 hrs. Support by vendor’s hard-& software engineers on site
(24 hrs) for failure rectification.
16.1 Functional Design Specification
The Vendor shall prepare, detail, revise and further develop a ‘Functional Design Specification’. This
Functional Design Specification shall be submitted for review as one complete document.
The approved Functional Design Specification shall act as a working document for the detailed
engineering and implementation of the DCS.
The Functional Design Specification shall contain the following information as a minimum:
a) Definition of:
- The system objectives
- Each party's responsibilities
- Specifications and equipment quantities for all deliverable equipment items,
giving type, manufacturer etc.
- The documentation to be delivered
- All spare parts, tools, test equipment and installation materials
b) Overall system specification including:
- Dimension, weight, power consumption, heat dissipation, position
requirements for all equipment units and the complete system
- System schematics and equipment layout drawings
- Analysis of spare capacities and redundancy requirements and the ability to
meet the

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performance criteria e.g. response times, availability etc

- Analysis of system and communications network load
c) Drawings including:
- Network cabling, system cabling and hook-up drawings, system architecture
- Electrical single line and earthing diagrams
d) Interface Specifications including:
- Plant interface specifications
- Serial link interface specifications and serial link input/output summary
- communications network specifications and definition of transmitted data
e) For all software to be developed, including application programs:
- A block diagram of software structure and program schedule
- A software specification including flow charts, detailed descriptions, memory
and timing requirements
f) Guidelines for configuration:
- A guideline for configuration of the DCS operator interface including operational
procedures, commands, display presentations, hard copy print-outs and reports
- A guideline for configuration of all data base requirements
g) Definition of factory and site tests
h) Procedures dimensions, weights and environmental conditions for:
- Installation and commissioning of equipment, cables etc.
- Packing, transportation and storage including methods, preliminary quantities,
dimensions, weights and environmental conditions
The Functional Design Specification shall be developed to include a series of volumes each relating to
the various areas of design e.g. Hardware, Software Development, Database, Services.

16.2 Commissioning
16.2.1 Pre-Commissioning
The Vendor shall:
- Test all functions of the DCS including tests as specified in the Contract, standard test
procedures and diagnostic routines
- Verify DCS program and data load and restart facilities
- Test and commission the communications network between locations
- Test and commission all data transmission between locations
- Simulate, test and commission all input functions from the incoming terminals at the
marshalling cabinets through to the operator interface
- Test and commission all output and control functions from the operator interface
through to the outgoing terminals at the marshalling cabinets
- Test and commission the complete database
- Test and commission the facilities and operator interface including all displays, reports,
application programs, backups and archiving etc.
- Test and commission all maintenance and diagnostic facilities
16.2.2 Final Commissioning, including plant start-up.
The Vendor shall assist in commissioning all field input and output devices to the DCS including:
- Commissioning from the field device to the operator interface
- Reconfiguration and rewiring of the DCS where necessary
- Start-up and shutdown of the DCS
- A Site Acceptance Test (SAT) to demonstrate that the DCS functions correctly in combination.
With plant instrumentation and other instrument (sub) systems

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Start-up assistance is required from VENDOR and shall be incorporated in his proposal for the
following activities:
- to check whether system installation is conform to Vendor’s specifications;
- to install system configuration;
- to power-up the system and run diagnostic programs to ensure hardware integrity.


17.1 General
The DCS including subsystems shall undergo Factory Acceptance Tests (FAT).
The FAT shall be divided into two phases.
- Phase 1 tests shall be carried out at the Supplier's works.
- Phase 2 tests (SIT) shall be carried out at the DCS Supplier's works (if applicable).
NOTE: The FAT is performed to demonstrate that all required testing has already been
successfully performed by the Supplier. It shall not be used as a substitute for the Supplier's
own tests.

During the manufacturing period the Supplier shall perform hardware checks to detect component
failures. If any failures are discovered and replacements made, these shall be noted and logged.
The Supplier shall provide adequate personnel, test facilities and test equipment for the FAT.
The Supplier shall provide FAT procedures. These shall include:
- Timing of activities;
- Supplier's personnel attending the FAT (with responsibilities);
- Methods by which deficiencies shall be identified, recorded and rectified.
The test procedures shall be made available 6 weeks prior to the FAT.
The Supplier shall notify the SGC 4 weeks in advance of when the system will be ready for FAT. SGC
representatives may wish to attend the FATs.
17.2 FAT phase 1
FAT Phase 1 consists of a full functional test performed at the Supplier's works. This phase is to to
demonstrate with a system functional test, that the operation of the control, monitoring and logic
systems included in the equipment package perform as specified.
This phase shall also include visual checks on workmanship, insulation tests and functional tests,
including full simulation of all inputs, outputs and logic. Inputs and outputs shall be simulated from the
cabinet ‘Elco’ boards.
Final documentation shall be available during this test.
The VENDOR shall provide during FAT a test schedule detailing the activities to be performed. This
shall include the timing of activities, VENDOR's personnel attending the tests and their responsibilities.
Methods by which deficiencies shall be identified in the test schedule, recorded and rectified. The
schedule shall be made available 6 weeks before the FAT. SGC shall be notified at least 3 weeks in
advance that the system is ready for the FAT.
VENDOR shall correct any defects, imperfections or deviation from specifications found during test at
shortest possible time, after completion of the FAT.
The complete report on the FAT shall be sent to SGC one week after FAT.
17.3 FAT phase 2; System Integration Test (SIT)

FAT Phase 2 includes connection of the ‘other’ sub-systems e.g. SGS, FGS, UCP, CAO etc. to the

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DCS and testing of the serial communication with the DCS.

The system integrity test shall also include a performance check of the serial communication links with
all sub-system. For this purpose, the sub-systems concerned will be shipped, to DCS vendor’s
premises, temporarily installed and connected to the DCS. DCS vendor shall also connect the power
supply to these systems.
If this integration test is not feasible/practical, then testing shall be done with a representative ‘dummy’
The Sub system supplier is responsible for loading the equipment at the Supplier's works, transporting
it to and unloading/loading it at the DCS Supplier's works, and for insurance covering the time the
system is installed at the DCS Supplier's works.
Punch list items from FAT Phase 1 shall be tested during FAT Phase 2.
During the FAT the Contractor shall ensure that Vendor representatives are present for each individual
system to ensure warranty and to conduct modifications to the system design when interface problems
are encountered.

17.4 Operational Support

The Vendor shall provide a commissioning engineer on site for the duration of the 30 days continuous
trial operation, unless specified otherwise. The commissioning engineer shall be available
continuously during normal working hours and on-call outside normal working hours and shall:
- Rectify any faults in the DCS
- Provide hands-on training and support to operator / maintenance personnel
- Advise on maintenance procedures

17.5 Field Support

DCS vendor shall submit details his field service organisation including:
 Availability of field service personnel 24 hours per day at the plant site during start-up
 Field service rate structure, both on-call personnel and full annual maintenance contract basis
 Availability of spare parts to the plant site such as location of spare parts depots
and transit time on a normal and on a emergency basis.
 Availability of remote support service and diagnostics by means of modem.
17.5.1 Remote Diagnostic Service
The DCS vendor shall submit a quote for services covering remote on-line diagnostic features using a
dial-in modem. The service shall enable a service centre of the DCS vendor to remotely diagnose the
DCS and be able to rectify software related problems on-line or instruct/guide the service engineer on
site to resolve hardware related problems.
Proper security measures shall be in place to prevent unauthorised access (e.g. by using dial-back
modems) and measures to limit the authority (scope of allowed activities) of the remote service

17.6 Spare parts

DCS Vendor shall:
· Supply commissioning / start-up spares.
· Supply spares and consumables for initial one-year's operation.
· Provide a detailed listing of recommended spares and consumables for two years' operation.

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Fully completed Spare Part and Interchangeability Record forms for all parts of his
Guaranteed turn around times for repair of cards and equipment on return to service centre shall be
The DCS Supplier shall quote a guaranteed life before obsolescence relating to all components,
associated spares, compatible components and back-up services, This shall be a minimum of 10
Spares ordered with equipment shall be included in acceptable test procedure to ensure correct
working and compatibility.
17.7 Documentation
The DCS vendor shall provide the manuals/documents/drawings listed below. The information shall
reflect ‘as-built’ situation. All drawings shall be produced in AutoCAD® format, release 12 or higher,
suitable for an IBM PC. Any special fonts, symbol or menu files used to generate the drawings that are
not part of the standard AutoCAD release other than through configuration shall also be supplied. All
manuals/documents shall be produced in Microsoft Word® for windows ’97.
17.8 Manuals
The following manuals are required:
System manual
Maintenance manual
Operating manual
The manuals shall include all relevant documentation together with full system and user interface
descriptions and procedures appropriate to the manual function.
Manuals shall be available for factory test. The versions shall be in an advanced draft stage requiring
amendment only as a result of changes found necessary during the test.
All documentation shall be supplied in English.
For sequence control manuals shall include detailed flow sheets, documented with all relevant (cross)
references and clarification notes.
Binary interlocking functions e.g. for conditional (controller) mode switching, etc. shall be documented
by means of logic gates in accordance with IEC 617-12.
The information shall reflect the "as-built" situation.
17.8.1 Operating manual
The operating manual contains:
a. General information about DCS system
b. Simple (step-by-step) operating instructions
c. Background information concerning the facility
17.8.2 System manual
The system manual will be used by the system engineers and shall detail the relationship between
the various parts of the delivered system, engineering instructions and software and hardware
descriptions from system and packages.
Typical design information, which should be covered:
- System description, including standard/optional function blocks, applications, programs
- System communication links characteristics including communication speed,
protocols, access/control principles, error detection/recovery, network logging, failure
identification/repair, back-up principles.

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- Configuration documents
17.8.3 Maintenance manual
The maintenance manual shall contain all data necessary for the maintenance of the delivered
It shall cover comprehensively all predictive, preventive and corrective maintenance tasks and detailed
procedures required allowing on-site company personnel to maintain the specified availability.
17.8.4 Drawings
All the drawings required for the design, manufacturing, installation, maintenance and operation of the
delivered systems shall be provided, i.e. as a minimum:
a. Functional design specification
b. Certified dimensional drawing of all cabinets, operator station and peripherals;
c. Lay-out drawings of all cabinets, with location details for field I/O terminations;
d. Power distribution drawings with interconnection details;
e. Earthing lay-out and connections;
f. DCS system cable schedule;
g. DCS configuration data;
h. DCS system interconnection drawings;
i. Hardwired panel lay-out and construction drawings;
j. Site planning, production and installation guidelines and details;
k. List of all the batteries within the DCS;
l. Factory acceptance test documents
k. Man/machine interface and supervisory controls
l. DCS architecture, including all interfaces with sub-systems

18 Training
VENDOR shall list in proposal training programs available and minimal required training for the
following disciplines:
a. Maintenance technicians;
b. plant operators;
c. system engineers.
It is emphasised that courses offered should be split into these disciplines and structured accordingly.
All training courses shall be in accordance with the specific software release offered in the quotation
and related to the equipment and the functionality (configuration) included in the order. Where non-
standard equipment is envisaged, the training courses shall adequately cater for these items.

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