PNLE Maternal
PNLE Maternal
PNLE Maternal
A. Fetal lie
B. Fetal movement
C. Maternal blood pressure
D. Maternal uterine contractions
2. During a 2 hour childbirth focusing on labor
and delivery process for primigravida. The nurse
describes the second maneuver that the fetus
goes through during labor progress when the
head is the presenting part as which of the
A. Flexion
B. Internal rotation
C. Descent
D. External rotation
3. Mrs. Jovel Diaz went to the hospital to have
her serum blood test for alpha-fetoprotein. The
nurse informed her about the result of the
elevation of serum AFP. The patient asked her
what was the test for:
1. A pregnant woman who is at term is admitted A. Place the client in a private room.
to the birthing unit in active labor. The client has B. Wear an N 95 respirator when
only progressed from 2cm to 3 cm in 8 hours. caring for the client.
She is diagnosed with hypotonic dystocia and C. Put on a gown every time when
entering the room.
D. Don a surgical mask with a face D. Deemphasizing preoccupation with
shield when entering the room. elimination, nourishment, and
6. Which of the following is the most frequent sleep.
cause of noncompliance to the medical treatment 10. A 3-month-old client is in the pediatric unit.
of open-angle glaucoma? During assessment, the nurse is suspecting that
the baby may have hypothyroidism when mother
A. The frequent nausea and vomiting states that her baby does not:
accompanying use of miotic drug.
B. Loss of mobility due to severe A. Sit up.
driving restrictions. B. Pick up and hold a rattle.
C. Decreased light and near-vision C. Roll over.
accommodation due to miotic D. Hold the head up.
effects of pilocarpine. 11. The physician calls the nursing unit to leave
D. The painful and insidious an order. The senior nurse had conversation with
progression of this type of the other staff. The newly hired nurse answers
glaucoma. the phone so that the senior nurses may continue
7. In the morning shift, the nurse is making their conversation. The new nurse does not
rounds in the nursing care units. The nurse knowthe physician or the client to whom the
enters in a client’s room and notes that the order pertains. The nurse should:
client’s tube has become disconnected from the
Pleurovac. What would be the initial nursing A. Ask the physician to call back after
action? the nurse has read the hospital
policy manual.
A. Apply pressure directly over the B. Take the telephone order.
incision site. C. Refuse to take the telephone order.
B. Clamp the chest tube near the D. Ask the charge nurse or one of the
incision site. other senior staff nurses to take the
C. Clamp the chest tube closer to the telephone order.
drainage system. 12. The staff nurse on the labor and delivery unit
D. Reconnect the chest tube to the is assigned to care to a primigravida in transition
Pleurovac. complicated by hypertension. A new pregnant
8. Which of the following complications during woman in active labor is admitted in the same
a breech birth the nurse needs to be alarmed? unit. The nurse manager assigned the same nurse
to the second client. The nurse feels that the
A. Abruption placenta. client with hypertension requires one-to-one
B. Caput succedaneum. care. What would be the initial actionof the
C. Pathological hyperbilirubinemia. nurse?
D. Umbilical cord prolapse.
9. The nurse is caring to a client diagnosed with A. Accept the new assignment and
severe depression. Which of the following complete an incident report
nursing approach is important in depression? describing a shortage of nursing
A. Protect the client against harm to B. Report the incident to the nursing
others. supervisor and request to be
B. Provide the client with motor floated.
outlets for aggressive, hostile C. Report the nursing assessment of
feelings. the client in transitional labor to the
C. Reduce interpersonal contacts. nurse manager and discuss
misgivings about the new
D. Accept the new assignment and A. Call the physician to reschedule the
provide the best care. surgery.
13. A newborn infant with Down syndrome is to B. Call the nearest relative to come in
be discharged today. The nurse is preparing to to sign a new form.
give the discharge teaching regarding the proper C. Cross out the error and initial the
care at home. The nurse would anticipate that form.
the mother is probably at the: D. Have the client sign another form.
17. The nurse in the nursing care unit checks the
A. 40 years of age. fluctuation in the water-seal compartment of a
B. 20 years of age. closed chest drainage system. The fluctuation
C. 35 years of age. has stopped, the nurse would:
D. 20 years of age.
14. The emergency department has shortage of A. Vigorously strip the tube to
staff. The nurse manager informs the staff nurse dislodge a clot.
in the critical care unit that she has to float to the B. Raise the apparatus above the chest
emergency department. What should the staff to move fluid.
nurse expect under these conditions? C. Increase wall suction above 20 cm
H2O pressure.
A. The float staff nurse will be D. Ask the client to cough and take a
informed of the situation before the deep breath.
shift begins. 18. The pediatric nurse in the neonatal unit was
B. The staff nurse will be able to informed that the baby that is brought to the
negotiate the assignments in the mother in the hospital room is wrong. The nurse
emergency department. determines that two babies were placed in the
C. Cross training will be available for wrong cribs. The most appropriate nursing
the staff nurse. action would be to:
D. Client assignments will be equally
divided among the nurses. A. Determine who is responsible for
15. The nurse is assigned to care for a child the mistake and terminate his or
client admitted in the pediatrics unit. The client her employment.
is receiving digoxin. Which of the following B. Record the event in an
questions will be asked by the nurse to the incident/variance report and notify
parents of the child in order to assess the client’s the nursing supervisor.
risk for digoxin toxicity? C. Reassure both mothers, report to
the charge nurse, and do not
A. “Has he been exposed to any record.
childhood communicable diseases D. Record detailed notes of the event
in the past 2-3 weeks?” on the mother’s medical record.
B. “Has he been taking diuretics at 19. Before the administration of digoxin, the
home?” nurse completes an assessment to a toddler client
C. “Do any of his brothers and sisters for signs and symptoms of digoxin toxicity.
have history of cardiac problems?” Which of the following is the earliest and most
D. “Has he been going to school significant sign of digoxin toxicity?
16. The nurse noticed that the signed consent A. Tinnitus
form has an error. The form states, “Amputation B. Nausea and vomiting
of the right leg” instead of the left leg that is to C. Vision problem
be amputated. The nurse has administered D. Slowing in the heart rate
already the preoperative medications. What 20. Which of the following treatment modality is
should the nurse do? appropriate for a client with paranoid tendency?
A. Activity therapy. D. Degree of hostility is less than the
B. Individual therapy. provocation.
C. Group therapy. 24. The nurse is providing an orientation
D. Family therapy. regarding case management to the nursing
21. The client with rheumatoid arthritis is for students. Which characteristics should the nurse
discharge. In preparing the client for discharge include in the discussion in understanding case
on prednisone therapy, the nurse should advise management?
the client to:
A. Main objective is a written plan
A. Wear sunglasses if exposed to that combines discipline-specific
bright light for an extended period processes used to measure
of time. outcomes of care.
B. Take oral preparations of B. Main purpose is to identify
prednisone before meals. expected client, family and staff
C. Have periodic complete blood performance against the timeline
counts while on the medication. for clients with the same diagnosis.
D. Never stop or change the amount C. Main focus is comprehensive
of the medication without medical coordination of client care, avoid
advice. unnecessary duplication of
22. A pregnant client tells the nurse that she is services, improve resource
worried about having urinary frequency. What utilization and decrease cost.
will be the most appropriate nursing response? D. Primary goal is to understand why
predicted outcomes have not been
A. “Try using Kegel (perineal) met and the correction of identified
exercises and limiting fluids before problems.
bedtime. If you have frequency 25. The physician orders a dose of IV phenytoin
associated with fever, pain on to a child client. In preparing in the
voiding, or blood in the urine, call administration of the drug, which nursing action
your doctor/nurse-midwife. is not correct?
B. “Placental progesterone causes
irritability of the bladder sphincter. A. Infuse the phenytoin into a smaller
Your symptoms will go away after vein to prevent purple glove
the baby comes.” syndrome.
C. “Pregnant women urinate B. Check the phenytoin solution to be
frequently to get rid of fetal wastes. sure it is clear or light yellow in
Limit fluids to 1L/daily.” color, never cloudy.
D. “Frequency is due to bladder C. Plan to give phenytoin over 30-60
irritation from concentrate urine minutes, using an in-line filter.
and is normal in pregnancy. D. Flush the IV tubing with normal
Increase your daily fluid intake to saline before starting phenytoin.
3L.” 26. The pregnant woman visits the clinic for
23. Which of the following will help the nurse check –up. Which assessment findings will help
determine that the expression of hostility is the nurse determine that the client is in 8-week
useful? gestation?
A. Lysine
B. Methionine
C. Isolensine tryptophase
D. Valine
60. A milk formula that you can suggest for a
child with Galactosemia:
A. Lofenalac
B. Lactum
C. Neutramigen
D. Sustagen