Kovchik 2021
Kovchik 2021
Kovchik 2021
2021 IEEE Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (ElConRus) | 978-1-6654-0476-1/20/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ElConRus51938.2021.9396143
Abstract— The issues of landscape modeling of hydrological and drinking source of the region - a typical example of a water
processes are studied in this paper. A generalized geoinformation body subject to annual intense floods. Knowledge of the
model of runoff formation has been developed. The flow is regularities of the course of the process of flooding in a given
schematized on the basis of the allocation within the basin of region is of wide practical importance.
homogeneous landscape-hydrological areas and altitudes. This
problem is solved by means of GIS technologies based on digital II. DIGITAL ELEVATION MODELS
elevation models, soil and landscape maps of various scales,
A digital elevation model is an essential component of any
satellite imagery data and processing products. The allocation of
zones of flooding given security is carried out using specialized hydrological model. The spatial resolution of the digital model
tools "Hydrology" ArcGIS Spatial Analyst. For analysis, only the of the territory used in digital modeling is determined by the
catchment area should be considered. This is the most area of the considered catchment and the detailing of the
significantly reducing time costs. The object of the study is the available data. For example, the ECOMAG (Ecological Model
Belaya River in the Republic of Bashkortostan, the main water for Applied Geophysics) model used for large catchments uses
and drinking source of the region - a typical example of a water the GLOBE (The Global Land One-km Base Elevation Project)
body subjected to intense annual spills. The analysis of the results DEM with a cell size of 1 km. Modeling runoff from small and
is carried out in accordance with real statistics of flooding in the medium-sized catchments requires data with higher spatial
studied region. resolution, which is somewhat difficult to obtain. Over the past
10 years, global DEMs with a grid spacing of 30 to 250 m have
Keywords—flooding; flow formation; modeling; watershed, become freely available: SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography
GIS Mission), GMTED2010 (Global Multi-resolution Terrain
Elevation Data), ASTER GDEM (Advanced Spaceborne
Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer, Global Digital
Flooding is a problem that annually affects thousands of Elevation Model).
settlements in Russia and around the world. Spring floods
cause significant material damage, affect houses, cars, roads, As a result of the analysis of various models, the
other infrastructure facilities and industrial facilities, impede GMTED2010 DEM was recognized as the most suitable for
movement and assistance to victims, not to mention the lives of solving the problem of flow formation due to its availability for
people annually taken away by flooding. In this regard, it is of use, acceptable accuracy and speed of work with the model.
practical importance to determine the areas of possible The model is in the public domain.
flooding, as well as to compile a list of objects that are in III. RIVER FLOW MODELING
immediate threat of flooding with different probability.
To determine the channel of the fluid flow, the DEM can be
The use of geoinformation technologies and digital represented as a surface of a fixed height composed of
elevation models (DEM) makes it possible to significantly horizontal cells. The liquid “flows out” from the cell and is
automate this process. Determination of possibly flooded areas distributed between those of its neighbors whose height is less
is currently a widespread applied hydrological problem solved than the central cell.
by GIS tools [1]. As the initial data for determining the
flooding zones, it is necessary to have detailed information A. Flow direction
about the relief and the values of water levels of a given ArcGIS Desktop implements the Deterministic Eight
supply. Neighbor (D8) flow direction algorithm. According to it, the
The purpose of this work is to study modern solutions in flow from the cell under consideration is entirely directed to
the issue of cartographic modeling of territory flooding, that of the eight neighboring cells, which has a lower height
development of an algorithm for identifying flooding zones of and the greatest slope of the line connecting the center of the
a given supply using specialized tools "Hydrology" ArcGIS current cell with the center of the neighboring one [2]. The
Spatial Analyst, analysis of the results in accordance with real output of the Flow Direction tool will be an integer raster
statistics of flooding in the analyzed region. whose values range from 1 to 255 depending on the flow
direction (Fig. 1).
The object of research in this work is the Belaya River, the
largest river in the Republic of Bashkortostan, the main water
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Prince Edward Island. Downloaded on May 17,2021 at 11:09:19 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
32 64 128
16 1
8 4 2
C. Flow accumulation
Based on the flow direction raster, a flow accumulation
raster is formed, where each cell is deter-mined by the sum of
the weights for all cells flowing into each cell located down the
slope [2].
Cells with undefined flow direction will accumulate flow;
they will not contribute downslope run-off. A cell is considered
to have an undefined flow direction if its value in the flow
direction raster is not equal to 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, or 128. The
total flow is based on the number of cells from which flow to
each specific cell in the output raster. The cell that is being
processed at the current time is not counted in the total. Outlet
cells with high total flow are areas of concentrated flow; they
are used to define the channels of streams. Zero-flow output
cells are local topographic peaks; they can be used to highlight
ridges or watershed lines. The algorithm of operation of the
"Flow accumulation" tool is shown in Fig. 3.
Fig. 4. Steam Order
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F. Watershed where Model is the values of the edge, H is the specified height
The watershed is the upslope area that distributes the flow of the water level rise, GMTED is the digital elevation model.
to a common outlet. The boundaries be-tween catchments are The result of the calculation will be a binary raster, where a
called flow demarcation lines. The watershed areas are single value corresponds to a flooded area, and a zero value
extracted from the DEM by calculating the flow direction and corresponds to a non-flooded area.
using it in the Catchment Area tool.
Then it is necessary to convert the resulting raster into a
For automatic selection of the watershed, it is necessary to vector representation of the data in order to use it for
set the points of the mouth, correspond-ing to the lines of the performing spatial operations: for example, calculating the
design drainage. It is recommended to set the wellhead points areas of underflooding, the length of flooded roads, the number
near the hydro-posts so that they are exactly on the axis of the of buildings that fall into the flooded zone, etc.
calculated flows.
To select points with a high total flow rate when selecting
watershed basins, use the Snap Pour Point tool. This tool
searches for the cells with the highest total flow within the The algorithm for defining the boundaries of flooded areas
tolerance range around the specified wellhead points and shifts using the ArcGIS and DEM tools is shown in Figure 6.
the wellhead point to that position. The resulting catchment
areas are shown in Figure 5.
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was modeled during spring floods of 5%, 1% and 0.1% supply So, with flooding of 0.1% of the supply, most of the
[4]. Kirovsky district and the Demsky district will be subject to
flooding. The listed areas are also present in the report of the
Committee for Emergency Situations of Bashkiria at all values
of the water rise level.
The performed comparative analysis allows us to conclude
about the reliability of the modeling data and the possibility of
using the developed algorithm for hydrological modeling of
flood zones in different regions.
The developed algorithm for modeling flooding zones
serves as an information basis for solving problems of
forecasting floods and emergency spills. A clear display of the
ecological situation on the map will allow to timely prevent
possible emergencies and effectively solve the problems of
eliminating the consequences of hazardous hydrological
Fig. 7. Flooding zones of different availability
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city of Ufa of the State Committee of the Republic of toolbox/an-overview-of-the-hydrology-tools.htm - ArcGISDesktop
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fall into the flooding zone for each supply value (Fig. 8).
[4] Myshko, R.A., Kurakina, N.I., Kovchik, V.S. Geoinformational
generalized flow formation model for solving problems of
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[5] https: //gkchs.bashkortostan.ru/activity/1788/ - State Committee of the
Republic of Bashkortostan for Emergency Situations, flood data for
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Prince Edward Island. Downloaded on May 17,2021 at 11:09:19 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.