Grain Drying by Use of Changeable Air Flow Method: G. Pupinis

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Agronomy Research 6(1), 55–65, 2008

Grain drying by use of changeable air flow method

G. Pupinis

Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Lithuanian University of Agriculture Raudondvaris,

LT-51132 Kaunas, Lithuania; e-mail:

Abstract. The article describes a new energy saving method for drying grain. The idea of the
method is that once moisture released from grain decreases, air discharge going through the
grain is reduced as well. ´Roland´ variety of barley with 25% and 30% moisture content was
used in the trial. It was dried with a changeable air discharge in order to maintain absorption
qualities. After the drying process has begun, air flow to the grain is reduced in the process of
drying as the relative moisture content of air passing through decreases. It has been established
that the optimum initial air discharge is 800 m3 (t h)-1. During grain drying air discharge is
reduced and it can be described by equation y = 969.85e −0,0114 x , R2 = 0.8088.
The scheme for a designed and manufactured trial device is presented. Intensity of air
discharge and dynamics of moisture absorption in a layer of dried grain have been established.

Key words: Grain, air discharge, drying, dynamics of moisture absorption


Currently the most popular grain preservation technique in our country is drying,
which is the most energy-consuming operation in the technology of grain preparation
(Toftdahl Olesen, 1987). Grain drying requires 2–2.5 times more energy than all grain
production operations taken together (Striszak, 1980; Sidikov, 1987). The process
requires the drying agent (air) to be heated and fans to rotate, resulting in high energy
costs. Therefore, different techniques are being tested to reduce these costs: special
changeable cross-sections for dryers have been manufactured (Novoshinskas &
Zvicevichius, 2000) and anhydrous ammonia gas is being used (Hsieh et al., 1979).
Energy consumption to dry grain subject to the layer of grain blown through
reaches 36.8–88.3 kWh t-1 (Petrushevichius & Steponaitis, 1999).
Current recommendations for comparative discharge of drying grain by active
ventilation is 400–500 m3 (t h)-1 (Petrushevichius, 2003). When the drying process
begins, grain moisture content is high and requires a large volume of air to be blown
through the grain; farther along in the process of drying, as moisture content decreases,
moisture release decreases and the process is no longer economical. Therefore, it is
necessary to change the amount of air flowing through the grain in the process of
drying in order to maximize moisture content in the air flow and to reduce energy
consumption for fan rotation to the minimum. However, if the air velocity is too slow,
the drying process will take too long and there will be a risk of grain spoilage.
Eimer’s equation (1989) can be used to determine the length of time grain can be
allowed to be stored without adversely affecting its quality, as follows:

Tallow.= a φb ec∂, (1)

where: tallow. – allowed grain-preserving duration;

a, b, c, – constants, a = 6; b = −12; c = −0.08;
φ – relative air moisture in grain layer;
∂ – grain temperature, oC.

When drying grain under production conditions and temperature and moisture
content change, the conditions which have influence on grain spoilage process are
changing rapidly. The influence of changing conditions was investigated by Maltry &
Ziegler (1994). They present the following formula to calculate allowed storage time:

Drying finish
tallow= ∫
Dryinginitial a ⋅ϕ ( t ) ⋅ e
⋅ d1 ⋅ ( ϑ( t ) − d2 )
c⋅ϑ( t ) ⎡ d3

., (2)
⎣ ⎦
where: d – constants; d1 = 0.0066; d2 = 2.5; d3 = 1.44.

Presently the amount of air flow is not regulated in all equipment used for active
ventilation. By doing so, it is possible to achieve a more efficient rate of air absorption
qualities η and to reduce the power used by the fan’s electric engine. The efficiency of
electric power use can be relatively characterized by rate η:

Δ = ( Δd–Δdo ) / Δd, (3)

where: Δd, Δdo - relative moisture absorption of incoming ambient air and outgoing air
respectively is established according to Mollie diagram, g kg-1.

The higher the ηv.s., the more efficient is the fan. When Δ values are not high,
ambient air is not loaded with moisture and is used inefficiently. In order to optimize
the drying process it is necessary to control only two parameters: relative moisture of
incoming air (φ) and outgoing air from the material dried (φo). Their values are
inversely proportional Δd and Δdo. Energy saving modes are reached at φo– φ>15% (η
v.s >0.5) in the first period of drying and at φo – φ>10% (η v.s >0.35) in the second
period of drying. In the process of drying φo – φ→0, therefore, the energy saving rate in
the second period of drying is decreasing and thus, in order to use electric energy
efficiently, it is necessary to reduce the amount of air flow through the product. Thus,
the velocity of air coming through the grain is reduced and the air contains more
moisture. Electricity consumption in this drying method can be reduced by 30–40%
(Avtomonov, 2000) compared with the traditional method using a constant air supply.
The research that supports changing air velocity when establishing the optimum
modes for grain dryers has been carried out. The influence of air velocity in grain
layers of different thickness, in establishing duration of drying, energy consumption
and drying cost have been investigated. The trials included those in which the velocity
of passing air was changed from 0.15 to 0.96 m s-1 and at three grain layers: 0.1; 0.2
and 0.3 m thick. The results presented are based on analysis of a 0.2 m thick layer
(Table 1).
The data presented shows that when air velocity is 0.15–0.42 m s-1 (grain layer
height is 0.2 m), energy consumption doesn’t change. The ratio of this air velocity
range is inversely proportional to drying duration. Analogous results were obtained
with different grain layer heights showed in Fig.1.

Table 1. Duration of drying and energy consumption when drying feeding barley in 0,2
meter layer at velocity of airflow of 0.15 to 0.96 m s-1 [9].

Air 0.15 0.23 0.32 0.42 0.5 0.57 0.68 0.96

m s-1
Drying 0.57 0.36 0.26 0.20 0.18 0.16 0.14 0.10
duration, h
Energy 4400 4250 4250 4280 4560 4724 4880 4900
kJ kg-1

Air velocity, m s-1

0,6 0,1m
0,5 0,2m
0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6
Time, h

Fig 1. Dependencies of air velocity on drying duration at different grain layer


The height of grain layer and drying agent velocity are directly related to the most
important drying parameter: duration of drying agent present in grain and its moisture
content. The optimum velocity of the drying agent is achieved when it absorbs
moisture and 100% moisture is achieved on the very surface of the bin releasing the
grain. If the air is blown through the grain too fast, it is not fully loaded with moisture.
When the velocity is too slow, it reaches 100% moisture while in the middle of the bin
and, while passing through the other layers of the bin, it not only fails to absorb
moisture but in some cases carries moisture to the upper layers of the bin. Therefore,
the drying agent velocity at different times in the drying process has to be adequate: if
the air velocity is too fast, the grain can be taken from the dryer or the drying agent
leaves the dryer without being loaded with moisture. Both cases represent inefficient
ways of drying. Drying of agricultural products by changing the air flow amount has
not been widely investigated. (Articles by Sidikov, 1987 and Avtomonov, 2000 are
among the few describing this stage of the process.)


The trials were conducted in the Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Lithuanian

University of Agriculture using a special laboratory dryer designed to study grain
drying. The equipment used in the drying process research using changing air flow
velocity is shown in Fig. 2.
Two fans blow air into the dryer. The first fan C– 4–70 No2.5, pressure capacity,
700 Pa and throughput – 2000 m3 h-1, is switched on in order to force major air flow
through the dryer, i.e., over 500 m3 h-1 or air. The air flow is regulated by bolts. The
second fan is rotated by a 27 V direct current motor. The amount of air flow is
regulated by changing the frequency of motor rotation and by bolts. This fan is
switched on at low air flow, i.e., lower than 500 m3 h-1. Two gas counters are used with
these fans: RG – 40–1, L min.= 4 m3 h-1, L max.= 40 m3 h-1 and G6 L min. = 0.06 m3 h-1, L
3 -1
max.= 10 m h , respectively.
Static air pressure is measured by a micro manometer MKB–250, precision class
– 0.02 applying Pito tube. The dryer is made of 8-mm thick plywood. In order to
reduce heat lost through the dryer‘s walls they are covered with 50 mm thick foam
rubber which, in turn, is covered with metal foil to partially reflect heat and to prevent
mass heat exchange. The front part of the dryer has a small door used for inserting and
removing containers which are also covered with foam and metal foil. There are 10
containers, with a total height of 100 mm. Thus, the process of drying 1 m thick grain
layer can be analysed. When analysing the grain layer of variable height, the containers
are removed at the same time, leaving the necessary number of containers in place to
maintain the grain layer at required height.
There are gaps between containers to insert air temperature and relative moisture
transducers FH646–1, air temperature and relative moisture recorders ALMEMO
5590–2, computer PENTIUM 166 and electronic scales METLER S B. Power Pt used
by the fan has been calculated using this formula:
Pt = P/η fan. · η el mot, (4)
Pt – power used by fans, W;
P – power required to blow air through grain, W;
Η fan. – rate of efficiency of fan;
Η el mot. – rate of efficiency of electric motor.

P = L · p, (5)


air flow discharge, m3s-1,

p – air pressure, Pa.

Barley variety ´Roland´ was used in the trials; moisture content, W = 25–30%.
The moisture was established in (IELUA) chemistry laboratory using standard
methods. The dryer was loaded with 16 kg of barley which was poured into the
containers in a 10-cm thick layer. Each container with grain was weighed and put into
the dryer. Container mass indicators were recorded in the log. After the containers had
been filled, the door was closed and the recorder of air temperature and relative
moisture and the fan were switched on. The recorder registered air temperature and
relative moisture every 0.5 hour.
The dryer was installed on the premises of the Institute laboratory; therefore, the
parameters of the air flow were comparatively stable. The temperature of the air flow
varied from 14 to 17°C and the moisture content varied from 45–65%. During the trial
the moisture of the outgoing air is monitored. When the outgoing air moisture
decreased to 85%, the amount of air flow was reduced. The containers were weighed
every 4 hours or when the parameters of air flow were changed. When the process
stabilized, the containers were weighed every 12 hours. At the moment of weighing the
fan was switched off. The door was opened, the container taken out, weighed, its mass
recorded in the log and it was put back in the dryer, the door shut. All containers were
weighed in the same manner. The weighing time, air pressure and indicators of air
counter were recorded. The fan was switched on. The trial was completed when the
grain reached conditioned moisture. The trial was made by blowing an initial air
amount of 2000 m3 (t h)-1, 1000 m3 (t h)-1 and 500 m3 (t h)-1 through grain. Comparative
trials were also carried out at a fixed velocity of air flow in order to establish energy
consumption required to dry grain.


In analysing the new grain drying technology in which comparative air flow is
about L = 2000 m3 (t h)-1, we looked into two of the most typical trials. The first trial
was performed while drying the grain of moisture content W = 29.8% with initial
comparative air discharge L initial = 2375 m3 (t h)-1 and reducing it in the process of
drying until the relative moisture of the outgoing air became less than 85%. The other
trial – when grain moisture W = 27.5% and the average air discharge L average = 2017 m3
(t h)-1 - attempted to keep the air discharge stable at about L = 2000 m3 (t h)-1 during
the entire trial. The drying was more intensive when the air discharge was stable.
Variations of comparative air discharge blown into the dryer during both trials are
shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 2. Stand scheme of grain drying by changeable air flow. 1-scales METLER S
B; 2- micro manometer MKB-250; 3-computer PENTIUM 166; 4-recording device
ALMEMO 5590-2; 5- transducers FH646-1; 6-dried grain; 7-dryer; 8-Pito tube; 9-air
regulating bolts; 10-gas counter RG-40; 11-fan C-4-70; 12- gas counter G6; 13- fan.
Comperative air discharge L,


m (h.t)

y=6869,8x -1,053, W=29.8%,L initial.=2375m3/(h·t)

R2=0,928 variable.

1000 W=27.5%, L average.=2017m3/(h·t)

0 20 40 60 80 100 120

Time τ , h

Fig. 3. Variation of air discharge blown into dryers when drying barley of
´Roland´ variety with moisture content W = 29.8% and air discharge blown L
3 -1
initial.=2375 m (t h) . It was reduced during drying. Barley, moisture W = 27.5%, air
discharge blown L average = 2017 m3 (t h)-1, which was stable during drying process.


Comparative air discharge


Q,m (t.h) 600 y = 969.85e-0.0114x,
R2 = 0.8088.
W=28%, L initial.=812m3/(t·h) variable .
200 W=28.5%, L average.=946m3/(t·h).stable.

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180

Time τ ,h

Fig. 4. Variation of air discharge blown into dryers when drying barley of
´Roland´ variety with moisture content of W = 28% and initial comparative air
discharge is L initial.= 812 m3 (t h)-1. It was reduced during drying. Barley, moisture
content W = 27.5%, comparative air discharge L average = 946 m3 (t h)-1, which was
stable during drying process.

Moisture absorbtion Δ d,

6 W=28%, L initial = 812m3/(t·h) variable

5 W=28.5%, L average = 946m3/(t·h) stable

3 -1

g(m )

0 50 100 150
Time t, h

Fig. 5. Variation of moisture absorption when drying barley of ´Roland´ variety

moisture content W =28% and initial comparative air discharge is. L initial = 812 m3 (t
h)-1. It was reduced during drying. Barley, moisture content W = 28.5%, comparative
air discharge L average = 946 m3 (t h)-1, which was stable during drying process.

In the first case, air discharge during drying was reduced after reaching an
outgoing air discharge of 85%. Air discharge had to be reduced during the first 20
hours of drying. The decrease of comparative air discharge can be best described by
equation y = 6869.8x-1.053, R2 = 0.928. After that the grain was gradually drying and the
comparative discharge of air was about 100 m3 (t h)-1. After 60 drying hours relative air
moisture started to decrease and at the end of the trial it was 70%. In the second case,
in the beginning of the trial the outgoing air moisture was 95% but after 10 hours it
started to decrease; after 30 hours it dropped down to 60% and gradually decreased..
As we can see, in the first case the air leaving the dryer was of higher relative
moisture, whereas in the second trial air absorptive features were not fully used. When
air discharge was changed, moisture absorption in the beginning of the trial was up to
3.5 g m-3 of air and in the process of the trial it decreased to 1g m-3. Meanwhile, drying
moisture absorption in the trial with constant air discharge reached 1g m-3 after 30
hours of drying and it gradually decreased. Thus, air absorptive features were not used
and the drying process was inefficient. Other trials were carried out while drying the
same variety of grain. The air discharge of 1000 m3 (t h)-1 was blown through. In the
first trial comparative air discharge was gradually reduced and in the second one it was
kept stable. The grain was more intensely dried in the dryer where air flow was stable.
Drying was complete in the dryer with stable air flow after 140 hours, whereas, drying
with variable air flow took 180 hours. The discharges of air blown through the dryer
are shown in Fig. 4.
As it can be seen, average air flow was about 946 m3 (t h)-1 in the trial with stable
air discharge. When drying with variable air discharge more intense drying was
achieved during the first 10 hours. Later the process stabilized and after 90 hours the
outgoing air moisture dropped down to 80%. The drying entered the final phase. The
decrease of comparative air discharge is best described by equation y = 969.85e-0.0114x,
R2 = 0.8088. The first, intensive stage of drying can be explained by rapidly
evaporating surface moisture. When drying grain with stable 946 m3 (t h)-1 air
discharge, as in the case with variable discharge, moisture absorption in the beginning
of the trial was 5.0–6.5 g m-3, decreased to 2.5–3.0 g m-3 during first 10 hours and
gradually decreased in the process of the trial (Fig. 5).
When the air discharge was stable only in the initial drying stage, moisture
absorption was higher than that in the trial with variable air discharge. That leads to the
conclusion that reducing air discharge facilitated better use of air absorptive features.
Drying with stable air discharge resulted in grain drying for 140 hours; drying with
variable air discharge continued for 180 hours. Nevertheless, this drying duration was
not higher than the limitary duration of mould formation.
Other trials were carried out when drying the same variety of grain and blowing
about 500 m3 (t h)-1 of comparative air discharge through it. When the air flow was
variable, the initial comparative air discharge was L initial = 500 m3 (t h)-1 and grain
moisture was W = 27.5%. When the stable comparative air discharge was L average =
514 m3 (t h)-1, the trial was carried out with the grain of W = 27.9% moisture. The
drying progress in the beginning of the trial was similar and the grain in both dryers
was drying at a similar rate. Discrepancy of mass variation curves was about 5% and it
can be explained by uneven air discharge, variations of air temperature and moisture.
In the beginning of the trial the air discharge blown into both dryers was similar (Fig.

Comparative air discharge L,

m 3(t.h) -1
y = 170562x -1,2801,
300 R2 = 0,8833.
W=27.5%, L initial = 500m3/(t·h)
250 variable
W=27.9%, L average=514m3/(t·h)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Time τ ,h

Fig. 6. Variation of air flow when drying barley of ´Roland´ variety moisture of
which W =27.5% and initial comparative air discharge is L initial= 500 m3 (t h)-1. It was
reduced during drying. Barley, moisture of which W = 27.5%, comparative air
discharge L average = 514 m3 (t h)-1, which was stable during drying process.

After 100 drying hours the moisture content of air leaving both dryers started to
decrease, therefore the air flow in the dryer with variable discharge was reduced. After
100 hours of drying, the comparative air discharge was reduced. The extent of
reduction is best described by equation y = 170562x-1.2801, R2 = 0.8833. Therefore, the
moisture of the outgoing air remained about 80% up to 150 hours after which it
gradually started to decrease, whereas, in the dryer with stable air discharge, moisture
content started to decrease after 95 hours of drying; after 180 hours it dropped to 60%.
The moisture of the outgoing air from the dryer with variable air discharge decreased
gradually: after 264 hours of drying it reached the minimum value and the trial was
finished. In the beginning of both trials moisture absorption was rather high and
reached 6.2 g m-3 and 8.1 g m-3. More intense drying was observed in the dryer with
variable air discharge. Moisture absorption increased by 5%. After 95 hours, moisture
absorption in the dryer with stable air discharge decreased, whereas it remained the
same in the dryer with variable air discharge and did not start to decrease until after
150 hours.
When the grain was dried by a stable comparative air discharge L average = 2017 m3
(t h)-1, 3842 m3 of air were blown through the dried grain. Meanwhile, in the second
case, when variable air discharge was L initial = 2375 m3 (t h)-1, 1987 m3 of air were
blown. The amount of energy used to blow these air discharges differed by nearly 5
times, i.e., in the first case the required energy amount was 1042 W h; in the second
case, it was 409 W h. That can be explained by the fact that the higher velocity of air
flow through grain, the more the energy consumption increases. The power required to
blow 1m3 of air during the first trial was 8.7W; during the second trial it was 3.4W.

Other trials which were carried out when drying the grain at comparative air
discharge of about L = 1000 m3 (t h)-1 resulted in the following: to dry 16 kg of grain at
stable comparative air discharge of L average = 946 m3 (t h)-1, 2086 m3 air flow was
required, whereas at variable comparative air discharge L initial = 812 m3 (t h)-1 only
1349 m3 of air was needed. Therefore, energy consumption to blow each amount of air
was 417.4 W h and 133.4 W h respectively and the power required to blow one cubic
meter of air was 2.9 W and 0.7 W respectively.
Trials which were carried out when drying the grain at comparative air discharge
at stable L average = 514 m3 (t h)-1, 1480 m3 of air was blown; at variable L initial = 500 m3
(t h)-1 – 1051 m3 of air was blown. Therefore, the energy used to blow this air through
was 221.9 W h and 115.8 W h respectively. Working power to blow 1 m3 of air was
1.2 W and 0.4 W respectively. Energy consumption to dry 1000 kg of ´Roland´ variety
barley when using various air discharges is shown in Fig. 7.

Energy consumtion

E, W.h

New tech. 500 1000 2000
m3/(t.h) m3/(t.h) m3/(t.h)
Com parative air discharge L, m 3(t.h) -1

Fig. 7. Energy consumption to dry one ton of “Roland” variety barley.

When drying at stable L initial = 500 m3 (t h)-1 air discharge, it took about 180 hours
for the grain to dry, whereas drying with variable air discharge continued up to 264
hours. However, this lengthy duration put the grain at risk of moulding. Therefore, we
can recommend that the optimum initial comparative air discharge is 800 m3 (t h)-1 and
drying duration is 24 hours. After 24 hours of drying the comparative air discharge
should be reduced to 600 m3 (t h)-1 and drying continued for another 70 hours. After
that, the comparative air discharge should be reduced to 150–180 m3 (t h)-1 to finish
drying the grain.


1. ´Roland´ variety of barley was dried by stable air discharge L initial = 812 m3 (t
h) for 180 hours. This drying duration was not longer than the limitary duration of
mould formation. Therefore, this air discharge can be regarded as the optimum in
drying ´Roland´ variety of barley of W = 25–29% moisture.

2. To dry ´Roland´ variety of barley of W=25–29% moisture content 8337.5 W h
t-1 of energy is needed to blow air.
3. We can recommend that the optimum initial comparative air discharge is 800
m3 (t h)-1 and drying duration is 24 hours. After 24 hours, the comparative air discharge
should be reduced to 600 m3 (t h)-1 and the drying process continued for another 70
hours. After that, comparative air discharge should be reduced to 150–180 m3 (t h)-1 to
finish drying the grain.


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