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Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Inventive Systems and Control (ICISC 2018)

IEEE Xplore Compliant - Part Number:CFP18J06-ART, ISBN:978-1-5386-0807-4; DVD Part Number:CFP18J06DVD, ISBN:978-1-5386-0806-7

A Review Paper on Impact on the

Decentralization of the Smart Grid
Amit Singla Sunita Chauhan
Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering
National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra

Abstract— India is the defiant to meet electric power Grid platform to end the traditional electric power
demand of the quick growing economy .Reconstruct of industry which conventionally it is perpendicularly
the power industries is only improves the several
challenges for power system engineers. It is the integrated and congested results in a higher energy
proposed idea to introduce the workable Smart Grid cost. Smart Grid is predictable as a new platform for
(SG) at different level in the Indian power systems is to the future power industries in India. It is the quick
be suggested that an advanced automation mechanism
rises on this issue is too leads to the quick growth of
is required. Smart Grid is introduce to build the grid
operation smarter and quick. Smart grid operations, the distributed generation technology markets such as
upon suitable deployment. It can be open up with new in fuel cells (FC), photovoltaic cell (PV), wind
avenue and opportunities with important financial energy (WS) and energy storage (ES).Also we design
proposition. This work present in the various Smart
grid initiatives and implication in the context of the
simple model which includes Fuel cell, Wind energy
power market development in India. This paper and Solar cell. In this model we calculate voltage,
proposed the concert examination of the power flow current and power factor across all three system and
controller for photovoltaic (PV), wind energy and fuel calculates best reliable system. When solar energy is
cell generation system. Typical grid joined with solar
system includes Photovoltaic system, fuel cell, Dc to DC more we used this system decentralized with solar
Converters, three phase inverter, wind energy, battery energy. When wind is more we decentralized this
units, related power electronics devices and loads are system with the wind energy. Fuel cell is required in
required in the grid. This detailed model of smart grid
the system also calculate the power factor and
connect with photovoltaic systems and fuel cell starts
with PV source which is coupled with the boost dc-dc calculate its efficiency. This is all about the
converter and then in turn joined to the three phase distributed generation connection with distribution
inverter which delivered the solar energy to the smart grids.
grid, in addition to fuel cell connects to inverter which
deliver power to smart grid. This inverter is operated as
the shunt active power filter (APF)and is adopted with II. SMART GRID CONCEPT
the nonlinear control scheme in sort to compensates the
voltage unbalance, the harmonics , are active power, Smart Grid is the up and coming business strategy in
and the load voltage and current variation. the electric utility industry. Regulators are powerful
the conversation around Smart Grid from the desire
need to reduced its consumption through with energy
The present electric power industry can be undergoes efficiency and demand response. Utilities need to be
key change from being the centralization generation increase generation capacity to meet with the rising
into the decentralization generation. This advance in demand which is reverse with the regulatory
the technology have creates speedy growths in the direction. Generation plan is becoming a mixture of
utilization of the distributed generations which leads the nuclear, oil, gas, green power, demand response,
to energy promote becoming further attractive and and energy efficiency initiative (utility and the
competitive and more suitable. Besides, due to the customer). The utilities is required to reduces its
electricity deregulations, environmental issued in the operational costs is to be improving management of
addition to the government incentive, this technology their existing T&D asset. Customer is being asked to
is created interest in the development and additional bear the trouble of increased rate, accept required
to the amongst industrial countries all through the demand response, or get the scheme to willingly
globe. In addition, these issue also result in the Smart reduce to their demand through the use of new

978-1-5386-0807-4/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE 978

Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Inventive Systems and Control (ICISC 2018)
IEEE Xplore Compliant - Part Number:CFP18J06-ART, ISBN:978-1-5386-0807-4; DVD Part Number:CFP18J06DVD, ISBN:978-1-5386-0806-7

efficient appliances. Smart grid is good concept for IV. CHARACTERSTICS OF SMART GRID
the management of the energy also gives better
response in the future for the power generation. The U. S. National Technology Laboratory and the
Smart Grid European Technology platforms have
III. COMPARISON BETWEEN THE PRESENT defines seven principal characteristic of the smart
ELECTRICAL GRID AND THE SMART grid. To full-fill the objectives of the electrical
GRID [23] power sector, and the Smart Grid has the great
characteristics [30-31].
S.No Present Electrical Grid Smart Grid
1 Electromechanical Digital device 1. Safe and Reliable: The smart grid is very safe and
device more reliable system as compares to present electric
2 Centralized source of Centralized and grid and losses are least.
the supply distribution power
generation 2. Efficient and Economical: The smart grid, is able
3 One way direct Two way direct
to improve the economic settlement through the
communications communications
relates its policy innovations, management and the
4 Few sensors is Sensors throughout
required energy efficiency, and market competitions. Power
5 Few customer choices Many customer network is more supported to provide for balanced
this system choices allocations of resource. It stops power deals
6 Limited control of this Pervasive control effectively with the electricity market, to reduce its
system of the system power loss and improves the system efficiency.

3. Clean and Green: This system is very much clean

and green and it works in very good operating
condition. Also this system is environment friendly.

4. Optimization: The smart grid is very much proper

price of the electrical energy which provide to the
society. Smart grid is to be optimize resources of
utilization; reduces investment cost. It also reduces
the operation and maintenance costs.

5. Self-healing: The smart grid main feature is Self-

healing. It is used to improve the services of the
quality, improve reliability and reduce costs. It
detects the fault.
Fig.1 Present Electric Grid
6. Flexible and Compatible: The smart grid can be
supported correct, reasonable combination of the
renewable energy resource and it is the appropriate
for the combination of the distributed generation and
the power grid. Besides, it can improved and enhance
the functions of the management to achieved the
efficient interaction capabilities with the consumers.
It is companionable with the present grid also.

7. Integrated: It gives cohesive platform and model is

employed on the grid. It can be obtained good quality
of combination and information shared to the power
grid and is achieved the standard, normative and
Fig.2 Smart Grid refines management that integrate infrastructure. In

978-1-5386-0807-4/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE 979

Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Inventive Systems and Control (ICISC 2018)
IEEE Xplore Compliant - Part Number:CFP18J06-ART, ISBN:978-1-5386-0807-4; DVD Part Number:CFP18J06DVD, ISBN:978-1-5386-0806-7

this many system like solar energy, wind energy, PV time, or to reason payments design to induced the
cell are integrated in the system. It is more efficient lower electricity used at the time of high wholesale
and its cost is effective. market prices or when system reliable is jeopardized
“It is most important component to electrical utilities
V. COMPONENTS OF SMART GRID to get better efficiency and smoother load curve [36].
Demand response plays an important role to the
The Smart Grid consist the various component. All
retailer and wholesale power market. It means by
components are inter-related and inter-linked too. All
which demand will be dynamic and continuous
components must be integrated to enhancement the
balanced with supply-side resource to produce a cost
reliability, more efficiency and security as shown in
effectively electricity system. It should have both
supplied and demanded system that respond to
Smart Meter: It is a foundation for Smart Grid.It is a transparent price scheme.
measuring device which is used to measure the
Demand management is a mechanism to influence
energy consumed by the user. It provides the two-
the ability and willingness to reduce electricity
way communication between energy providers and
consumption of customers. It is a function of service
consumers. When demand is high, the smart meters
in order to fine-tune power expenditure pattern of
permit utilities to communicate with customers via e-
consumers, according to the energy production of
mail or other communication method, so that
utility and distribution capacity. DSM programs
consumers can reduce their use of electricity [32].
consist of the monitoring, implementing, and
The functions of smart meter are following [33].
planning activities of the utilities that are designed to
1. It measures the active power, reactive power usage encourage consumers to modify their level and
amount. Smart meter have two way metering pattern of electricity consumption. It is the
function and more storage for electrical energies. combination of highly efficient and good operating
system. It is the implementation of policy and served
2. It supported bi-directional communication which to control.
can send data and receive command such as real time
power useful and their programs upgraded such as Smart Appliances: It is the most important
remote configuration. component of smart grid. The consumption of energy
is very less. It makes the life very much easier.
3. According to the demand response requirement, Transmission automation system can be developed
achieves the intelligent restraint of total load. Smart by combination the smart substation, smart
meter and smart interactive terminal will work communication system and smart measurement,
together to realize smooth transition to an isolated command and then control centers [38].In this power
system when power grid fails. transmission can be increased by the embedded
career along with the exciting transmission system.
4. It supported multipurpose value-added services, Various types of information will be present at every
for example, reads smart gas meter, water meter, etc. point of the gives good system to the
consumer and gives better output. This model gives
Distribution Automation: IEEE has defines
various information about the different grids that
Distribution Automation (DA) system as “a system
helps to measures the energy management. The
that enables an electric utility to remotely monitor,
figure given below shows the different components in
coordinate and operate distribution components, in a
the smart grid like smart meter, transmission
real time mode from remote locations”[34].It
automation, electric storage, renewable energy
consists of four main components e.g., field
resources, electric vehicles, demand response
instrumentation, RTUs, communication engineering
management etc. The smart appliances will make the
and automation software. Demand Response
current systems faster, reliable and dynamic in
Management: “Changes in electric usage by end-use
nature. The smart metering will help in power theft
customer from their normal consumption patterns in
detection and online billing of the electrical
response to changes in the price of electricity over

978-1-5386-0807-4/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE 980

Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Inventive Systems and Control (ICISC 2018)
IEEE Xplore Compliant - Part Number:CFP18J06-ART, ISBN:978-1-5386-0807-4; DVD Part Number:CFP18J06DVD, ISBN:978-1-5386-0806-7

consumers. The demands will increase in coming significance of renewable Energy. The renewable and
years. nonconventional forms of energy will play an
increase the future cleaner and easiy to use and
environmently friendly and is bounded to become


In the paper, the features of the present power system

operation in India have been discussed. The
comparison of present power grid and smart grid has
been elaborated and the comparisons prove the
superiority of smart grid system. Viewing the
technological advancement in the world in power
system, India should also adopt the latest methods
like Smart Grid for the operation and management of
power system. The integration of smart grid
technologies will help the present power system to
manage and eradicate the existing problems in the
Fig.3 Smart grid components
present power management in Indian power sector
The smart grid is an evolution in electric power
systems that using renewable source to increase
Electric vehicles [39]: It consists of two concept (a) dissemination of distributed generations, furthermore
Grid to-Vehicle (G2V) and (b) Vehicle-to-Grid the additional goal is to enhance reliability, efficiency
(V2G). In G2V, electric vehicle are powered by and safety of the current power grid. At the other end
storage electricity initially from an external power timely information collection about the failures of
resource, and thus required to be charged after the equipment, natural accidents, capacity limitation are
batteries discharged. This technology is practically exceptionally critical proactive and real time problem
simple. It solution to moderate the impact of electric diagnose for to overcome the failure in smart grid
vehicle on smart grid is optimizing their charging
profile. In this we need to keep the peak power of VII. REFERENCES
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Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Inventive Systems and Control (ICISC 2018)
IEEE Xplore Compliant - Part Number:CFP18J06-ART, ISBN:978-1-5386-0807-4; DVD Part Number:CFP18J06DVD, ISBN:978-1-5386-0806-7

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IEEE Xplore Compliant - Part Number:CFP18J06-ART, ISBN:978-1-5386-0807-4; DVD Part Number:CFP18J06DVD, ISBN:978-1-5386-0806-7

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