The All-India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Raebareli intends to fill up 35 (Thirty-Five) posts of non-
academic Junior Residents purely on ad hoc basis in All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Rae
Bareli, Uttar Pradesh through walk-in-interview.
The candidates willing to appear in the above said walk-in-interview must bring their brief bio-data in the
pro-forma attached (Annexure ‘A’) along with certificate of age, qualification, experience and caste complete in
all respects on 04.07.2024 The document verification will be done on 04.07.2024 from 09:00 A.M to
12:30 P.M. in AIIMS, Rae Bareli (UP) followed by interview of eligible candidate from 03:00 P.M onwards on
the same day i.e 04.07.2024. For further details like total number of posts along with break-up, age, qualification,
experience, caste and remuneration etc., the candidates may visit our website
अ खल भारतीय आयुिव ान सं थान, रायबरे ली
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Raebareli
(An Autonomous Institute under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of India)
Munshiganj, Raebareli - 229405, Uttar Pradesh, India
No. AIIMS/RBL/REC/JR/2024/142 Dated: 24.06.2024
All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Raebareli intends to fill up 35 (Thirty-Five) posts of non-
academic Junior Residents purely on ad hoc basis for a period of 06 months initially for All India Institute of
Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Rae Bareli, Uttar Pradesh through walk-in-interview.
Sr. No. Category
1. 10 11 10 03 01 35
I. * In case no applicant is available/turn up for walk-in-interview under EWS Category
then the EWS category post shall be filled by UR category. As such UR candidates may
also apply for the EWS category.
II. The above posts are provisional and may be varied as per the discretion of competent
III. All the above posts of JRs are on ad hoc basis initially for a period of 06 months and
candidates selected for these posts will be posted at AIIMS, Rae Bareli, Uttar Pradesh.
In Pay Matrix (Level-10) with a minimum of Rs.56,100/- + NPA (for medical personnel) as
per recommendations of the 7th CPC.
2. Those candidates who have worked as non-academic Junior Resident for a duration of maximum
12-months, need not to apply.
3. The appointee shall perform the duties as assigned to him/her. The competent authority reserves
the right to assign any duty as and when required. No extra/additional remuneration will be
admissible in case of such assignment.
4. The appointee shall not be entitled to any benefit like Provident Fund, Pension, Gratuity, Medical
Attendance Treatment, Seniority/Promotion etc. or any other benefits available to the Government
servants, appointed on regular basis.
5. All the above posts are meant for All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Rae Bareli, Uttar
Pradesh. Candidate selected for above ad hoc posts will be posted at AIIMS, Rae Bareli (UP).
6. The appointee shall be a whole-time employee of the Institute and shall not accept any other
assignment, paid or otherwise and shall not engage himself/herself in a private practice of any kind
during the period.
7. The appointment to the said post will be subject to medical fitness from the competent Medical
Board for which he/she will be sent to the designated Medical Authority of the Institute.
9. On appointment, the appointee will be required to take an oath of allegiance to the Constitution of
India or make a solemn affirmation to that effect in the prescribed proforma.
10. On appointment, the candidate will not have any claim/right whatsoever for the regular posts in the
AIIMS, Raebareli. Further, this cadre will also not be allowed to merge with the cadre in the
11. The appointee is not entitled to any TA/DA for attending the interview and joining the Institute.
12. Other conditions of service will be governed by relevant rules and orders issued by Govt. of India
from time to time with regard to ad hoc employees.
13. If any declaration given or information furnished by him/her proves false or if he/she is found to
have wilfully suppressed any material information, he/she will be liable for removal from service
and also such other action as the Institute may deem necessary.
14. The appointee shall not be entitled to avail any allowances/facilities being extended to the
regular/permanent faculty members of AIIMS, Rae Bareli (UP).
15. Interested candidates may apply for the post under reference in the prescribed application form
available at the Institute website appending therewith copies of self-attested certificates/testimonials
and other relevant documents in support of their qualification, experience and date of birth etc. and
also “No Objection Certificate” from present employer, if working in Govt./Semi Govt./Corporate
Body/Undertaking of the Central/State Govt. and in absence of which it may not be possible to
allow them to appear for interview. The candidates are also required to produce the original
certificates/testimonials at the time of walk-in-interview.
1. The candidates must ensure that they fulfil eligibility criteria. If at any stage, it is found that
the candidate has furnished any incorrect information his/her candidature will stand cancelled.
If any of these shortcoming(s) is/are detected even after the appointment, his/her services will
be summarily terminated.
2. The candidates should bring their application/bio-data in along with all the
documents/certificates in support of their claim and three photocopies of each document
including passport size latest photographs.
5. The candidates should also bring their original documents/testimonials on the date of
6. The period of experience wherever prescribed shall be counted after obtaining the prescribed
NOTE: The candidates willing to appear in the above said walk-in-interview must submit their
brief bio-data on the proforma attached at Annexure ‘A’ along with certificate of age,
qualification, experience and caste complete in all respects on 04.07.2024, at 09:00 AM in
the Board Room, Medical College, AIIMS, Rae Bareli (UP) positively. The document
verification will be done on 04.07.2024 from 09:00 A.M to 12:30 P.M. in AIIMS, Rae Bareli
(UP) followed by interview of eligible candidate from 03:00 P.M onwards on the same day i.e
Annexure ‘A’
अ खल भारतीय आयु व ान सं थान, रायबरे ल
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Raebareli
(An Autonomous Institute under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of India)
Munshiganj, Raebareli - 229405, Uttar Pradesh, India
(Surname) (First Name) (Second Name)
Email. ______________________________________________
Email. ______________________________________________
(b) Age: ( ) ( ) ( )
---------- ---------- ----------
(Yrs.) (Months) (Days)
(Please strike out which is not applicable) (Attach attested copy of certificate on the proforma prescribed by the Govt.
of India)
7. Nationality:__________________________Religion :______________________
9. Educational Qualifications:
(Please attach attested copies of certificates/degrees in support of your qualifications)
a) Undergraduate Career
Intermediate/ HSC
Final Profl.
b) Postgraduate Career
10. Teaching/ Research Experience:
(Please attach attested copies of experience certificates)
a) Before obtaining Postgraduate Qualification:
18. Self-evaluation of your work, particularly its strengths in different fields of activity including patient-care,
teaching research and administrative, related to the job, which, in your view, entitles you to the post applied
for may be given in Annexure- I.
19. I attach attested copies of certificates/ degrees in support of age, category, qualification and experience etc.
as per list enclosed Annexure-II.
Place: Signature of the candidate
I hereby declare that the above information is true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and
belief. I have not suppressed any material, fact or factual information. I understand that my candidature is liable to be
rejected in the event of any mis- statement/discrepancy in the particulars being detected and after my appointment in
such an event, my services are liable to be terminated without any notice to me or reasons thereof. I am not aware of
any circumstance which might impair my fitness for employment under the Government.
Place: Signature of the candidate
I______________________________son/daughter/wife of___________________________
resident of Village/Town/City/District ___________________________________________
State_________________ Community____________________(certificate enclosed) hereby
declare that I belong to the________________________________ community which is
recognized as a backward class by the Govt. of India for the purpose of reservation in services as
per orders contained in Department of Personnel and Training Office Memorandum
No.36012/22/93-Estt(SCT) dated 8.9.1993. It is also declared that I do not belong to the
persons/sections (creamy layer) mentioned in Column 3 of OM No. 36012/22/93-Estt(SCT) dated
08.09.1993 and modified vide Govt. of India, Department of Personnel and Training OM
No.36033/3/2004-Estt(Res) dated 09.03.2004.
*Note: The closing date for receipt of application will be treated as the date of reckoning for OBC
status of the candidate and also, for assuming that the candidate does not fall in the creamy
1. Birth certificate
2. Matriculation certificate
3. MBBS/B.D.S./M.Sc. certificate
4. M.D./M.S./M.D.S. certificate
5. D.N.B./D.M./M.Ch./Ph.D. certificate
6. Experience certificate(s)
7. Community certificate