Hawaiian Reference Grammar V1 Jan2020 1
Hawaiian Reference Grammar V1 Jan2020 1
Hawaiian Reference Grammar V1 Jan2020 1
Aloha K kou!
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Contents, is available on-line at: https://hawaiian-grammar.org/reference/
The on-line version will aways be the most up-to-date, revised version of the
Reference Grammar. You can submit comments, questions, and suggested
corrections on-line at: http://hawaiian-grammar.org/comments/
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This is version 1.0, completed in 2019 and made available to the public in January, 2020.
Reference Grammar of the Hawaiian Language
Introduction 8
Who is this book for? 8
Who are we? 8
Version Information 8
Conventions and Notation 8
K mole (Reference Texts) 8
Notations and Conventions 10
Overview of Hawaiian Language 11
Origin 11
Orthography and Pronunciation 12
Formation of Syllables 15
Accent 15
Structural Elements 16
Words 16
Non-Word Elements 17
Phrases 17
Sentences 19
Ke Kino A Me Ke Kino (O-Class and A-Class Possessive Relationships) 22
Ke Kino‘ (A-Class) 23
Ke Kino‘ (O-Class) 23
Terminology 25
Comparing Classical (Andrews, Alexander), Modern UH M noa (Pukui/Elbert, Hopkins in Ka Lei
Ha aheo) and Modern UH Hilo (Kaman /Wilson in N Kai Ewalu) Grammatical Terminology 25
English/Latin Grammatical Terms 30
Word Types 32
Overview 32
N Kikino (Nouns) 37
N Meme‘a (Common Noun) 37
N I oa (Proper Nouns) 37
N Helunui (Plurals) 38
Mass Nouns 40
Gender 41
N I oa Henua (Locative Nouns) 41
N Papani (Pronouns) 45
Personal 45
As Subject 45
N Ku i Papani (As Subject with additional participant) 48
After a preposition or object marker 48
N Nono a (Possessives) 49
N Ka i nono a (K-possessive) 49
Ko/k ia nei, ko/k ia ala 50
N Ami Nono a Iki (Æ-possessive) 50
N Ami Nono a Nui (n-possessive) 51
Comparison of pronouns, third person singular 53
Demonstrative 53
Interrogative 55
Indefinite 55
N Painu (Verbs) 56
N Hamani (Transitive) 58
N Hehele (Intransitive) 59
N A ano (Stative) 59
Loa a-type Verbs 60
N Huakahu Helu (Numbers) 62
Cardinal 64
Ordinal 65
Distributive 65
Fractions 65
N Ka i Iloa a H iloa (Articles) 66
Ka, Ke, N (Definite) 66
He, Kekahi, Kahi (Indefinite) 67
O (Proper noun marker) 68
N Ku i (Conjunctions) 69
a 69
A, A me (And) 69
(Until) 70
A i ole / ...paha (Or) 70
hea (When/future), In hea (When/past) 71
aia n a, aia wale n a 71
Ak , Eia na e, A ole na e, Na e (But, However) 72
akahi n a 73
Ane ane (almost) 75
A ole (Negative) 75
E pili ana no/i/i (about, concerning, relating to, pertaining to) 75
Emo ole (In no time at all) 76
h k lia n a 77
I (in order that), I ole e (in order that not) 77
I/he kikino + nono a e painu ai. (something for somebody to do something) 78
I mea e painu ai (as a way, as a means, as a thing) 78
I ka hana o (And then when) 79
i loa n a / i lawa n a 79
I/i , oiai/ oi, ke, a, h k lia, i loa n a, i lawa n a, aia n a, akahi n a, i ka hana o (While/When)
i/i 79
In , I, E ole, Ke (If) 80
ke 82
Makia, M ki a, Malia, M lia, Mali‘a, Malama (Perhaps) 83
Nani (Since/because) 83
N ho i (Also) 84
Na e (However/still/yet) 84
No ka mea (Because) 85
O (Lest) 85
oiai 86
Wahi a (According to) 86
N Ami (Prepositions) 87
(Emphatic to) 87
A/o nono a (Possessive) 87
Ami Kuhilana I/i /i (To) 88
Ami Hea E (Vocative) 88
Ami Henua Ma (At/In/On) 89
Ami Hoahana Me (With/Like) 90
Ami K mua Mai/Mai (From) 91
E (Agentive) 91
I/i (Direct and indirect object marker) 91
I o (To the face of) 93
Na (Benefactive/agentive) 93
No (Benefactive/causative/locative) 94
O, Æ (Subject) 95
P (Like) 96
N Hunekuhi (Directionals) 96
N Hune a au (Intensifiers N , K , L , Paha, …) 99
Word Usage Patterns 102
Ke K hulu (Descriptors) 102
Adjectives 102
Adverbs 103
Comparative, Superlative 104
Comparative 104
Superlative 105
A oi, a keu, a emi (or more, or less) 105
No ka W (Temporal) 106
Date 106
Days of the Week 107
N P o ka Mahina (Days of the Month) 107
Helu Manawa Ana (Time) 109
N Kau (Traditional Seasons and Months) 110
Ho oilo (Cooler, Wetter Season) 110
Kau (Hotter, Drier Season) 111
N Mahina (Months) 112
Relative Time 112
Ka Painu (Verbs) 114
N M ka Painu (Verb Markers) 114
N M ka Painu Kauoha (Imperative) 118
Ia (Passivizer) 119
Ho o- (Transitivizer) 120
Ki a Painu (Nominalizer) 121
Special Verb Patterns 122
Hele a 122
Koe (n ) 122
Kohu ABC 123
Kohu mea l /ala 123
K a 124
K i/i 124
Lilo 124
Lilo used as a hamani 124
Lilo used as a Loa a type A ano (stative) 125
M kaukau 126
Me he mea l 126
Nele i 127
Noke i ka 127
P p ia 128
Sentences 128
Ka Pepeke Painu (Simple Verb Sentences) 128
Composition of a pepeke painu 128
Ka H ole O Ka Pepeke Painu (Negative Simple Verb Sentences) 129
Order of Hune Types in Simple Verb Sentences 130
Ka Pepeke Aike O (Equational) 130
Ka H ole o ka Pepeke Aike O (Negative Equational Sentence) 131
Questions with Aike O 132
O ka/ke kikino, (As for) 132
Ka Pepeke Aike He (Class-Inclusion Sentence) 132
Ka H ole o ka Pepeke Aike He (Negative Class Inclusional Sentences) 133
Ke K lele kena (Actor-Emphatic) 133
Moving the awe forward 136
Ka H ole o ke K lele kena (Negative of the Actor-Emphatic) 137
Ke K lele K lana (Situation-Emphatic) 137
Moving ana forward for future tense: 139
Ka Pepeke Henua (Locational) 142
Time reference or tense in a locational sentence 143
Temporary Possession 144
Aia for Locational Questions 144
Expressing “with” an inanimate object in the Pepeke Henua pattern 144
Ke Aia A (Until) 145
Ka H ole o ka Pepeke Henua (Negative Locational Sentences) 145
Variations of the Pepeke Henua pattern 145
Ke K lele K mua (From Where) 147
Ke K lele Hoahana (With) 147
Ka O Ka Painu Dir La N Ia O ABC (Immediate Sequential) 148
Ka Pepeke Nono a (Possessive) 149
Ka Hiki (It is possible) 151
Ka I Loko N O (Despite) 153
Ka n Iho N (Immediately after) 153
N Mea Ho oh likelike (Comparative and Superlative Sentences) 153
Ka Pepeke Oi Aku 153
Ka Pepeke E Aho 155
Clauses 156
Ke K hulu Pepeke Piko Hou Ole (Relative clause as subject of verb) 156
Contractions of ka mea i and ka mea e 158
Passive form 158
Ke K hulu Pepeke Piko Hou (Relative clause as object of its clause) 159
A or O class “possessive” 160
Variations of Form 161
Ke K hulu Pepeke K lele kena (Emphatic relative clause) 164
Ke K hulu Ki a Pepeke (Nominalized Relative Clause) 165
Ka Awe kena A ano (Causative with stative verb) 165
Ke K hulu Pepeke Nono a (Possessive) 166
Ke K hulu Pepeke Aike He (Known As) 167
Ka Ma Ke Ano He (As a, Like a) 167
Miscellaneous 168
Expressing Similarity 168
Ka Oi Loa (Superlatives) 169
Family Relationship Terms 170
Interjections 171
Idioms 177
Dropping Grammatical Elements 177
I Kikino Na (Give To Someone, Someone Would Like) 177
Various Idioms 177
Appendices 180
Further Research 180
Types of simple (not compound or complex) sentences
English Grammatical Terms
Grammatical Term Table
M ka Painu (Verb Marker) Table
We would like to thank the following for valuable suggestions, review and encouragement:
Version Information
This is version 1.0, completed in 2019 and made available to the public in January, 2020.
W. D. Alexander, 1864
N Kai Ewalu - 1 and N Kai Ewalu - 2 (Kaman /Wilson 2012)
Kauanoe Kaman l ua o William H. Wilson, 2012
Kimo, Keola and Pualani are fictional characters and bear no relationship to any real persons, living or
dead. These 3 characters are used in examples throughout this book.
When translating the Hawaiian third party singular pronoun o ia into English, we may use "he", "she"
or "it" depending on the context.
"ABC" is used in patterns with the meaning "kikino (word phrase)". kikino is explained below.
Overview of Hawaiian Language
The first Western visitors to Hawaii towards the end of the 18th century were surprised to find that the
local language was very similar to that of New Zealand and Tahiti. The Polynesian languages are
spoken in an area of over 2,000,000 square miles - the Polynesian triangle.
Study of the phonetic and grammatical differences between the languages suggests the following
historical derivation (Schütz 1994:334).
M ori
(et al.)
The definition of the alphabet was to build on the work done earlier to establish alphabets for Tahitian
and M ori. One of the goals was for the Hawaiian alphabet to be as similar to the Tahitian alphabet as
possible. However, there were clear differences between the languages as perceived by the
missionaries and there were also areas where their understanding was incomplete.
Besides the five vowels and seven consonants decided on for the alphabet (see below in this section),
the missionaries and other Westerners visiting Hawaii heard Hawaiians use the sounds b, d, r, t and
v. That was the source of much debate among the missionaries and the focus of the vote in 1826.
There is ample evidence that those additional sounds were used by native speakers, but the
committee voted to remove them from the alphabet because they formed pairs or triplets with other
letters which could be used interchangeably with no impact on the meaning or on the ability of native
speakers to comprehend. (Schütz 1994:111) illustrates the problem with an exchange from Albertine
Loomis, Grapes of Canaan:
p, b
l, r, d
w, v
k, t
While not conclusive, there is evidence that certain differences in usage were geographical (t instead
of k on Kaua i and Ni ihau; t is still used on Ni ihau and occasionally in chants), others based on
phonetic context (w after u or o, v in other cases), others on personal preference, some pronounced
as intermediate sounds of the set and some varied seemingly randomly. (Ellis 1824:349) reported that
"The k in most of the islands is generally used in common intercourse, but it is never admitted into
their poetical compositions, in which the t is universally and invariably employed." In almost all cases
reported by the missionaries and by earlier Western Naturalists, native speakers did not perceive a
difference in words used with one or the other sounds of a set. Each set is one phoneme, with
potentially multiple renditions.
The missionaries were aware of two other important elements of pronunciation but were not able to
capture them in their alphabet or use them in printing: the glottal stop and vowel length, both of which
are essential to expressing meaning in the language. The glottal stop as a consonant, as well as
vowel length, were not formally recognized and used in print until the middle of the 20th century. The
glottal stop was known earlier as u uina but renamed by Elbert in 1991 to okina. The macron above
a vowel to show length is termed kahak .
The resultant Hawaiian alphabet contains 13 letters. Each of the letters are pronounced as shown in
the following table:
Consonant Pronunciation
h About as in English
m About as in English
Vowel Pronunciation
a Like a in above
Like a in far
e Like e in bet
Like ay in pay
i Like y in city
Like ee in see
Like o in sole
Vowels with kahak (macron) do not have off-glides, are somewhat longer than other vowels and are
always stressed.
Diphthong Pronunciation
ei, eu, oi, ou, ai, ae, ao, au Rising, always stressed on the first element, but
the second element has more vowel quality than
the off-glide in an English diphthong
iu Even
Formation of Syllables
A syllable in Hawaiian always ends in a vowel
Two consecutive consonants are not allowed
This means that a syllable consists of either a vowel or of a consonant followed by a vowel, and that a
word ends in a vowel. Note that the okina is a consonant.
When a syllable is emphasized in Hawaiian, it is somewhat louder, longer and often higher in pitch
than other syllables. Words less than four syllables in length have accent on only one syllable, while
those with four or more syllables have more than one with emphasis. In words of less than four
syllables, the penultimate (second to last) syllable carries the accent, unless the last syllable has a
long vowel (kahak over it), in which case the last syllable has the most emphasis.
In speech and also in names, a ka‘i (ka, ke, n ) often joins with the following word to form one unit in
terms of accent, e.g. kamaka (= ka maka, the eye).
Example Meaning
pule・lehua butterfly
makua・hine mother
The rules for which syllable receives emphasis apply within an accent group, not between them.
There is more emphasis on the accented syllable of the final accent group than on the preceding
Example Meaning
Within an accent group, the penultimate (next to last) syllable receives the most emphasis unless the
last syllable has a long vowel (kahak over it), in which case the last syllable has the most emphasis.
Any syllable with a diphthong or long vowel also has emphasis.
Example Meaning
pule・lehua butterfly
makua・hine mother
Structural Elements
Type Description
Non-Word Elements
Words, particles and affixes are combined in phrases, which are divided into noun phrases and verb
"Verb phrases contain verbs as their heads." (Elbert/Pukui 1979: 39). A word is identified as a verb by
its potential occurrence together with a verb marker such as ua to mark tense or aspect. See below
for examples of verb and noun phrases.
"Noun phrases contain nouns or substitutes for nouns" (where a substitute is a pronoun or
demonstrative); "these are names of persons or places" or are identified through their use with a
determiner such as he, ke/ka. (Elbert/Pukui 1979:39).
The order of the elements of a noun phrase is defined in (Elbert 1970:117,246) as:
Determiner Examples
Indefinite demonstrative ia
Indefinite article he
Verb marker ai ai
i ka hale n
Preposition Determiner Noun Qualifier (post-noun element)
definitely in the house
Grammar studies of the Hawaiian language from the start and through the 1970's have categorized
noun usage by "case", as used in Latin. Breakdown by "case" is explicit in (Chamisso 1837),
(Andrews 1854), (Alexander 1864), (Judd 1939), (Elbert 1970) and (Elbert/Pukui 1979). Six cases
were identified. Unlike in the European languages, there is no declension of nouns; instead the case
is indicated with a preposition, object marker or the lack of either. (Judd 1939:13) provides a typical
list of cases and examples:
Genitive o ka hale of the house
Ua ai ke kanaka i ka poi.
Verb phrase Noun phrase Noun phrase
The man ate the poi.
Ua ai ia ka poi e ka wilik .
Verb phrase Noun phrase Noun phrase
The poi was eaten by the engineer.
He kumu au.
Noun phrase Noun phrase
I am a teacher.
If there are pauses when speaking, they occur between phrases and not inside a phrase.
Types of simple (not compound or complex) sentences
English name Hawaiian name Example Translation
Simple Verb Pepeke Painu Ua hele ke keiki i ka The boy went home (to the
hale. house)
Simple Verb, Pepeke Painu H ole A ole i hele ke keiki i The boy did not go home.
Negative ka hale.
Class Inclusion, Aike He H ole Aole k l he hale That is not a new house
Negative hou.
Equational, Negative Aike O H ole A ole k l o ka hale o That is not the boy's house.
ke keiki.
Actor-Emphatic K lele kena Na ke keiki i hele i ka It was the boy who went
hale. home.
Immediate " O ka painu dir la n O ka hele akula n ia And then the boy went
Sequential ia" o ke keiki i ka hale. home.
Possessive Pepeke Nono a Elua puke a ke keiki. The boy has two books.
(Kaman /Wilson 2012 I:21-22,26) - developed for teaching first-year and second-year Hawaiian at UH
Hilo - takes a different approach to describe the components of a sentence. It introduces new,
Hawaiian terms corresponding to the parts of an octopus (see also the Terminology section below).
A pepeke is an octopus or sentence. It is divided into one or more l l (basic sentence parts;
corresponds with a verb or noun phrase as discussed above). A pepeke has one or more po o
(heads) and may have one or more awe (tentacles or descriptive phrases) connected with a piko
(navel or joining point). A po o, piko or awe may include a k hulu (descriptor). Every pepeke must
have at least one po o, but the awe and piko are optional (Kaman /Wilson 2012 I:80). A hamani
(transitive verb) may take a lauka (object or object phrase). A pepeke makua (primary pepeke) can
be connected to a pepeke keiki (secondary pepeke) with e. A ku i is a conjunction that connects
words within a po o, piko or awe.
K hulu
Po o Piko
Po o
It's delicious.
A ole au me Keola.
Po o Piko Awe
I am not with Keola.
Anuanu ka wai.
Po o Piko
The water is cold.
O Pualani oe.
Po o Piko
You are Pualani.
Makemake au e ai i ka i a.
Po o Piko Po o Awe with Lauka
I want to eat (the) fish.
Makemake au i oe e hele.
Po o Piko Awe Po o
I want you to go.
Possessive relationships have two forms, where the form to be used depends on the noun that is
possessed. In one case the letter a is used and in the other case it s the letter o. This distinction is
called “A-Class” versus “O-Class”. The a and o appear in the context of possessive pronouns and
with nouns to express the possessive relationship. Do we say "ka u hale" (A-Class) or "ko u hale" (O-
Class) for "my house"?
The categorization is not consistent in all cases and does not necessarily imply ownership in the strict
sense, but rather speaks to the control of the relationship (and not directly to the control of the actual
object being possessed). So, for example, you may not be able to control your cat but you can control
your relationship to your cat (i.e. you can give it to someone else). (Buse 1960:131)
Ke Kino‘ (A-Class)
The thing possessed is “alienable” meaning that possession can be transferred to new ownership.
This implies that you have a choice as to whether or not you possess the thing. Characteristics of A-
Class things may include:
You choose whether or not you want to possess them
Relationships caused, created, or instigated by the possessor (including ka u wahine “my
They are portable and can be carried
They are subordinate to and under the control of the possessor
Relationships controlled by the possessor in which the possessed does not serve as the
location of the possessor (i.e. ka u p ina “my field” that I own but I don t live there)
Example Meaning
ka u puke my book
ka u keiki my child
ka u p olo my package
ka u lio my dog
ka u kula my school
Ke Kino‘ (O-Class)
The thing possessed is “inalienable” meaning the possession cannot be taken from or given away by
the possessor. This implies you have no choice as to whether or not you possess the thing.
Characteristics of O-Class things may include:
You cannot choose whether or not you want to possess them
They are fixed and stationary and cannot be carried by the possessor
They are in close contact with the body
Possession in, on, under or something you wear
They are inherited
They are animals or vehicles used for riding
They carry important cultural and historical value
Your name, someone else s name, the name of a thing (i.e. any name)
Relationships which are not controlled by the possessor including parents, grandparents, all
previous generations, cousins, brothers, and sisters. All words starting with hoa- (friend) are
considered O-Class: ko u hoaloha “my friend”
Relationships which involve the use of the possessed by the possessor as a location 1 (i.e. n
i a o ke kai “the fish of the sea”). Location, when considered as a determinant of O-Class,
refers to the spatial use of an object and not just to a place where an object is situated. The
goal of a possessor s use of an object as a location is the realization of a customary spatial
relationship between the two.
Example Meaning
ko u moena my mat
ko u m malu my umbrella
ko u makuak ne my father
ko u ka a my car
ko u inoa my name
ko u lio my horse
ko u mana o my thoughts/feelings
The concept of an alienable versus inalienable relationship between possession and possessor is
illustrated in the following examples where O-Class and A-Class possessive relationships are used for
the same noun but where the two types imply different relationships:
ko u hale My house (that I live in) ka u hale My house (that I built for someone
ko u ake My liver (my internal organ) ka u ake My liver (my food that I can eat)
(Wilson 1976:43)
ko u makua My parent ka u makua My adult (a student/employee of
Note that an object is O-Class when you own and control it but it is an A-Class when you are going to
give it to someone else, or it’s in your possession but you are going to transfer possession to
someone else. (Wilson 1976: 39-50)
“There is a nice shade of distinction between the meanings of the relations expressed by a and o; but
there is no preposition in English that will give the shade of difference. They must both be expressed
in English by the preposition of; and yet they are so distinct in a Hawaiian s mind as rarely to be
exchanged the one for the other.” (Andrews 1854:45)
The practice of aligning Hawaiian grammatical constructs with Latin concepts continued well into the
20th century with (Judd 1939). (Elbert/Pukui 1979) mostly abandons the attempt to define Hawaiian in
terms of Latin grammar but assumes certain characteristic elements such as subject and predicate
that do not directly match Hawaiian syntax. It also attaches Latin cases to the prepositions.
(Elbert/Pukui 1979) does adopt the more natural classification of Hawaiian verbs into intransitive,
transitive, stative and loa a (and similar) stative types, following publications on verb classes in other
Polynesian languages in the 1960s.
The Hawaiian Renaissance, starting in the 1970s, gave rise to new ways to interpret and present
Hawaiian grammar, attempting to match its inherent characteristics and provide a path to competence
for a new generation of instructors in the language, particularly for the students of Hawaiian
immersion schools. (Kaman /Wilson 2012) introduced the concept of the pepeke (squid) to represent
a sentence, consisting mainly of the po o (head), piko (navel) and awe (tentacles). It applies
Hawaiian terms for all the constructs of the language as needed in the first and second years of
instruction in the language at UH Hilo.
(Hopkins 1992) takes a different approach, defining a number of new English-language terms - not
constrained by Latin grammar - for the Hawaiian language constructs for use in the first year of
instruction at UH M noa.
The following table relates and illustrates the Hawaiian grammatical terms used in (Kaman /Wilson
2012) by presenting the corresponding terms used by (Hopkins 1992) where available, supplemented
with examples and notes.
Word types
ka i determiner
ka i huahelu number
ka i kuhi k ia, k n , k l , ia (demonstrative
i oa proper noun
hunekaime ana, nei
hunewae ano
Verb types
Syntactical constructs
pepeke sentence
pepeke henua locational sentence Aia o Keola ma ke kula. (Keola is at
pepeke k lele k lana situation emphatic sentence Ma ke kula e a o aku ana o Keola. (It
is at school that Keola is teaching.)
pepeke k lele kena actor emphatic sentence Na Keola e a o aku ana. (It is Keola
who is teaching.)
k hulu pepeke piko relative clause type A O ia n ke keiki i hele mai i ke kula.
ole (He is the child who came to school.)
English/Latin Grammatical Terms
As discussed above, this book considers Hawaiian grammar both in the terms used by the many
grammar books and course books from (Chamisso 1837) to (Schutz/Kanada/Cook 2005) as well as
the new Hawaiian terms of (Kaman /Wilson 2012). While the book discusses usage of all known
Hawaiian language patterns with references to books of both categories, it does not define the
English/Latin grammatical terms themselves but refers the interested reader to Wikipedia:
Ablative https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ablative_case
Accusative https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accusative_case
Adjective https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adjective
Adverb https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adverb
Agentive https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Active%E2%80%93stative_language,
Article https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Article_(grammar)
Benefactive https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benefactive_case
Cardinal https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cardinal_number
Case https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grammatical_case
Causative https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Causative
Clause https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clause
Conjunction https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conjunction_(grammar)
Dative https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dative_case
Demonstrative https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demonstrative
Determiner https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_determiners
Distributive https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distributive_case
Gender https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grammatical_gender
Genitive https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genitive_case
Intensifier https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intensifier
Interrogative https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interrogative,
Intransitive https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intransitive_verb
Locative https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Locative_case
Nominalization https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nominalization
Nominative https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nominative_case
Noun https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noun
Ordinal https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ordinal_number
Passive https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Passive_voice
Possessive https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Possessive
Preposition https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Preposition_and_postposition
Pronoun https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pronoun
Sentence https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sentence_(linguistics)
Subject https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subject_(grammar)
Tense https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grammatical_tense
Tense-Aspect-Mood https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tense%E2%80%93aspect%E2%80%9
Transitive https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transitive_verb,
Verb https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Verb
Vocative https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vocative_case
Word Types
One of the distinguishing features of the Hawaiian language is the versatility of word usage. The same
word (excluding particles, conjunctions and prepositions) can in principle be used in the sense of a
verb, a noun, an adjective or an adverb with no change in conjugation. Wahine, for example, can be
used to indicate a woman, to become a woman, to have female characteristics or to do something in a
feminine way.
In practice, many words are not commonly used as verbs, while any verb can be used as a noun
(similar to a gerund in other languages). (Elbert/Pukui 1979:105) suggests that the noun-only words
"are limited largely to material objects, plants and animals, and names of persons and places".
vs. stative verb ma i (to be sick)
An additional category in (Elbert/Pukui 1979:43) includes "verbs commonly used as nouns without the
nominalizer ana". They are treated in (Pukui/Elbert 1986) as a subcategory of vi., vs. and vt.:
(Elbert/Pukui 1979) distinguishes between stative verbs of the loa a type and other stative verbs, and
between "deliberate transitive" and "spontaneous transitive" verbs, but (Hawkins 1982:27) indicates
that these distinctions are not relevant to a syntactical analysis such as ours.
Explanations taken from (Pukui/Elbert 1986) and from https://hilo.hawaii.edu/wehe/glossary.php
Note that the same word may have more than one meaning, with the same or different types for the
distinct meanings.
Counts by word type in (Pukui/Elbert 1986) (total entries there 26,853, whereof 20,890 unique terms):
v. 181 Verb
Includes (Not cap.) n., (Cap.) n., (Cap.).n, and (Cap;) n.
Includes (Not cap.) nv.
Includes (Not cap.) nvi.
Includes (Not cap.) vt.
Includes (Not cap.) vs. and (Cap.) vs.
Includes (Not cap.) nvs. and (Cap.) nvs.
prep. 10 Preposition
conj. 23 Conjunction
demon. 14 Demonstrative
inter. 11 Interrogative
interj. 98 Interjection
num. 78 Numeral
par. 0 Particle (this class is not used; instead part. and various
specific particles are tagged)
poss. 37 Possessive
pronoun. 17 Pronoun
There are 7,275 words that are not classified explicitly as one of the above. Of them, the following can
be considered additional grammatical categories, variants or combinations:
Word type Count Notes
Includes marker of the caus/sim.
These should be under par. according to (Pukui/Elbert 1986) page xxv
vi., interj. 3 Can be intransitive verb or interjection
directional.11 2 a e, iho
The rest need to be analyzed individually to determine the grammatical category (they generally refer
to another term in the dictionary):
Word type Count Notes
Same 2,068
Pas/imp. 262 Passive/imperative, verbs with the affix -a, -na or -ia to
indicate a passive or imperative sense, e.g. huia (to be
met) from hui (to meet)
A variety 61
Similar to 59
Miscellaneous 2,191
other definitions
1,533 words in the Wehewehe database have more than one type. Six of them have six types, but
only 346 altogether have more than two types.
Includes directionial; this class should also include mai (now under Directional part.) and aku (now under
N Kikino (Nouns)
As discussed above, Hawaiian does not have a strict distinction between nouns and other word types,
particularly verbs. Any word that can be used as a verb can also be used as a noun. However, some
words that are used as nouns are rarely or never used as verbs. These words are classified as n for
nouns in (Pukui/Elbert 1986) and as kikino in (Kaman /Wilson 2012). n/kikino words are further
subdivided into proper nouns (i oa) and common nouns (meme a), while proper nouns distinguish
between names of people, spirits or pets (i oa kuhane) and names of places, buildings, canoes and
songs (i oa paku). Some words function as i oa kuhane in certain contexts and i oa paku in others.
(Kaman /Wilson P2 2012:5,19).
Example Meaning
ke kula school
(Kaman /Wilson 2012 P1:5) describes meme a as "types of things, actions and conditions".
N I oa (Proper Nouns)
(Kaman /Wilson 2012 P1:5) describes i oa as "personal names, place names and a few other terms".
As in English, proper nouns are generally capitalized. Proper nouns take the determiner o when
functioning as the subject of a sentence, not ka or ke or he. Examples:
Example Meaning
When a proper noun functions as the object of a verb, it takes i rather than i as the object marker.
Example Meaning
E ha alele ana o ia i Kula. He is leaving Kula,
Example Meaning
Proper nouns are further divided into place names (i oa paku) and other names (i oa kuhane). While
all proper nouns take i instead of i as object marker, a place name takes the preposition i to indicate
location or direction.
Historically, the object marker in Proto-Polynesian was *i while the preposition was *ki. The two
merged in pronunciation in Hawaiian but should be treated as separate grammatical entities.
(Elbert/Pukui 1979:135)
A non-place proper noun takes only an object marker i ; it does not take a preposition (i). Examples:
Example Meaning
N Helunui (Plurals)
Only a very small number of nouns take a different form when indicating plural. (Elbert/Pukui
1979:106) lists ten such nouns, all of them referring to people; the plural of these nouns has the third
from the last vowel lengthened (note that a plural determiner is required when using these):
luahine lu hine old woman
Plurality is indicated by the definite determiner n used with a noun or by the plural modifier mau,
used with the indefinite determiners he and kekahi and with the possessive and demonstrative
Example Meaning
Aia kekahi mau keiki ma . There are some children over there.
(Alexander 1864:6) adds three collective plural modifiers: po e (for people), pu u (for lifeless things)
and pae (for lands or islands). Similar uses are described in (Andrews 1854:39-41).12
Example Meaning
(Elbert/Pukui 1979:162) says that po e may be used also for inanimate nouns. It also lists kau for
more than two items, wahi for a small or insignificant number and n hi (contraction of n wahi), but
not pu u or pae as plural markers. kau and n hi are rarely used.
Given the small number of nouns that pae and pu u are used with, it may be more appropriate to consider
those cases as compound nouns rather than a noun with a plural marker, e.g. pae moku - "archipelago" rather
than "islands". K ‘ope Raymond reports the use of "pae p haku" for a pile of stones.
Pu u is used to mean a hill or pile on its own. Pu u p haku could be understood to mean literally "a pile of
stones" rather than "stones".
Example Meaning
Ua ike anei oe i kau pua a a m kou? Have you seen our pigs?
mau can also be used with collective nouns to indicate multiple instances:
Example Meaning
Mass Nouns
To express "some" of an object type, the following patterns are used:
i/he kikino
(i) kekahi (mau) kikino
For example:
Ua noi ke kuene i k piki.
Ua noi ke kuene i kekahi mau k piki. The waitress asked for some cabbage.
Note that he never follows i. (Hawkins 1982:4) In other words, when the noun is an object, it takes
only i or only he.
Example Meaning
Ua hele mai o Puhi ula mai kekahi ina mai. Puhi ula came from some land.
I kona hele ana mai, ua ho ololi o ia i ia iho i On coming, he changed himself into a very large
puhi nui loa. eel.
E lawe mai oe i kalo na u e hana ai i ka poi. Bring some kalo for me to make poi.
Ua kua au i kumu l au na Kimo e k kulu ai i ka I cut some trees for Kimo to build a house.
hale. (or i hale, or he hale)
E k ai oe i kini na ke kumu e inu ai. Buy some gin for the kumu to drink.
Ua k ai mai o ia i kekahi palaoa na e h nai ai i She bought some bread to feed the fish.
ka i a.
Male and female instances of a thing represented by a noun are indicated by appending k ne or
wahine. In some common cases, a new compound word is formed while in most cases k ne or
wahine is written as a separate word.
Example Meaning
moa k ne cock
keikik ne boy
kaikamahine girl
A number of nouns for time and place are considered to be locative nouns in Hawaiian. (Elbert/Pukui
1979:120-121) distinguishes between those that can be used with or without the determiner ka/ke
(usually with different meanings) and those that can only be used without the determiner.
(Elbert/Pukui 1979:121) identifies ten words of the first type:
waena middle, center Noho o ia ma waena o O Makawao ka waena o ka
Kahului a Pukalani. (He moku. (Makawao is the
lives between Kahului and center of the island.)
hope after, last, because Ua hiki mai o Keola ma O Keola n ka hope. (Keola
hope o Keani. (Keola is indeed the last-born.)
arrived after Keani.)
Example Meaning
Ma o wai oukou i pili ai? Through whom are you all related?
When using or referring to an I oa Henua the ka i clarifies the intended meaning. The following table
provides the meaning of the ka i and I oa henua combination as well as an example:
o luna Of the top Anuanu ka hau o The snow of the top is cold.
Locative nouns of the second type (not used with a determiner) are place names and the following
(Elbert/Pukui 1979:121-122):
hi ikua carried in back (poetic) hele ia i hi ikua i gone far and near
hi ialo
kahakai, kahaone beach, seashore Hiki i n lio ke The dogs can swim at the
au au i kahakai. beach.
kahi (ka + wahi) the place I laila kahi a m kou i There was the place we
holo ai. rode to.
na e windward, easterly mai na e a lalo from east to west
When used with motion verbs, the locatives are generally preceded by i. In other cases, they may be
preceded by i or ma with no difference in meaning. (Hopkins 1992:126)
Example Meaning
When mua and hope are used to express location in time, they are always preceded by ma.
Example Meaning
Mua and hope are also used as adverbs and modifiers with "time" meanings.
Example Meaning
Ua ai mua o ia. He ate already (earlier).
N Papani (Pronouns)
"Hawaiian distinguishes between singular, dual, and plural. The dual pronouns refer to groups of two
people (we two, you two, they two). The plural pronouns refer to groups of three or more... Hawaiian
distinguishes between inclusive and exclusive pronouns in the first person dual and plural. There are
four Hawaiian pronouns where English uses one word, 'we'." (Hopkins 1992:31).
As Subject
Example Meaning
E hele m kou i ke kula. We (three or more people, not including you) will
go to school.
(Elbert/Pukui 1979:109) also discusses ha i in this context as a pronoun, with the meaning "someone"
or "someone else".
Example Meaning
N Ku i Papani (As Subject with additional participant)
m ua and l ua are also used to express I and he/she together with an additional person (or other
animate entity), taking o or me to connect the additional entity. (Elbert/Pukui 1979:108-109)
olua may also be used in the same way to express you and an additional person (or other animate
entity). (Kaman /Wilson 2012 II:30)
Example Meaning
E k kulu ana l ua o kona makuak ne i ko u He and his father are going to build my house.
Example Meaning
E hele o ia me k ua i ke kula. He will go with us two to school.
N Nono a (Possessives)
The basic possessive particles used to build possessive pronouns and possessive relationships in
general start with or consist of a or o, depending on if the relationship is o-class or a-class. They are
called ami nono a iki or Æ-possessives or k-less possessives (because they do not have a prefix).
The ka i nono a or k-possessives have k prefixed while the ami nono a nui or n-possessives have n
A k-possessive and its corresponding Æ-possessive pronoun can be used interchangeably, although it
requires changing the order of the possessed and possessor.
N Ka i nono a (K-possessive)
The singular forms of the k-possessive pronouns have a distinct form with k- prefixed to the Æ-
possessive as a single word, while the dual and plural take k or ko (depending on if it is an a-class
or o-class relationship) with the personal pronoun retained unchanged as a separate word. Note that
k and ko are also used with nouns in general to indicate k-type possession, e.g. k ka haumana
puke (the student's book), in the same way. Some authors write k instead of ko.
First person First person Second person Third person
inclusive exclusive
First person First person Second person Third person
inclusive exclusive
Example Meaning
ko u inoa my name
Example Meaning
nonolo ko ia nei ihu his nose here snored (this guy snored)
First person First person Second person Third person
inclusive exclusive
Dual a k ua (our) a m ua (our) a olua (your) a l ua (their)
First person First person Second person Third person
inclusive exclusive
Example Meaning
ka inoa o u my name
ke ka a ou your car
Na and no are also used as a preposition to indicate a beneficiary, e,g, No Keola k ia mele. (This
song is for/about Keola); Ua haku ia k ia mele no Keola. (This song was composed for/about Keola.)
Prepositions are discussed below.
Na at the start of a painu (verb) sentence indicates instead that the sentence structure is k lele
kena, e.g. Na u i holoi i n p . (It was I that washed the dishes.) K lele kena is discussed below.
First person First person Second person Third person
inclusive exclusive
First person First person Second person Third person
inclusive exclusive
Example Meaning
The n-possessive pronouns have a stronger sense of ownership (vs possession) than the k-
possessive pronouns:
Example Meaning
Na u e m lama kona mau iwi a hiki i ka w e I was to care for her bones until I had a child.
loa a ai o ka u pua.13
Example Meaning
I wahi noho k ia no olua. Let this be a living place for you (Why don't you
live here?).
(Kaman /Wilson 2012 P2:174-175)
The demonstratives in Hawaiian consist of k-class and Æ-class. Distinction is made between objects
close to the speaker, close to the addressee or far from both. (Elbert/Pukui 1979:93)
k-class k ia k n k l
See below for dropping the ami (object marker) with a hamani (transitive verb) in a k lele kena (actor-
emphatic) sentence
Ia and ua are generally translated as "the aforementioned". In connected discourse or narration, k l
preceding a noun means “the” in the sense of aforementioned: K l mau mea, those things.
(Pukui/Elbert 1986:143) Ia is more common in conversation than k l or k n .
A common construction in literature is ua + noun + nei/n /l /ala (see below for examples).
Neia is termed an aberrant n-demonstrative by (Elbert/Pukui 1979:110) meaning "this" and is rare,
mostly used in the Bible and in mele.
Example Meaning
Near speaker Indefinite Near addressee Far
Like that p n p l
How pehea
Example Meaning
The following are the Hawaiian interrogative words:
Interrogative Meaning
wai who
Aha, hea and wai substitute for nouns (see examples below). (Elbert/Pukui 1979:119).
Aha is commonly used in the phrases he aha (what, as subject of a sentence) and no/i ke aha (why).
Hea occurs frequently following the locational prepositions i, ma, mai and no. It can also follow a
kikino to mean "which".
Example Meaning
(Alexander 1864:13) lists the following as indefinite pronouns:
Pronoun Meaning
ha i another
Alexander states that ha i "is used only after prepositions, and never occurs in the nominative case",
but that opinion is not shared in later studies, including (Elbert/Pukui 1979:109).
(Alexander 1864:13) suggests that in addition to the above, "is properly an adjective, but it may be
well to mention it in this connection."
kekahi is often used in the phrase kekahi i kekahi to mean "each other" or "one another". After the
subject of a sentence, it means "also", e.g. O au kekahi. (Me too).
Example Meaning
Eia n inoa o kahi mau mea. Here are the names of certain persons.
N Painu (Verbs)
The distinction between hehele (intransitive), hamani (transitive) and a ano (stative) verbs was
introduced in the overview section of this chapter. It was also pointed out that any painu (verb) can be
used as a noun or as a modifier (k hulu - adjective or adverb). In common usage, some verbs take
the nominalizer ana when functioning as nouns while others don’t. The former are denoted as v, vt,
vi or vs in (Pukui/Elbert 1986:xviiii,xxv-xxvi) while the latter are denoted as nv, nvt, nvi or nvs.
Example Verb type Meaning
Using the vocabulary14 introduced in (Kaman /Wilson 2012) provides a somewhat different picture.
This vocabulary is focused on the language of modern conversation and news reporting.
The number of nouns is greater than that of verbs, but the stative verbs do not dominate among the
N Hamani (Transitive)
Transitive verbs take a direct object:
Example Meaning
A transitive verb takes the particle ia to express a passive sense, where the subject of the sentence
is the kena (object) rather than the kena (actor). See the section on ia for details.
Example Meaning
The numbers are approximate. An attempt was made to count each word once even if it is listed in more than
one chapter and to treat e.g. ka lumi moe and ka lumi ho okipa as one word since it is lumi that determines the
N Hehele (Intransitive)
Intransitive verbs do not take a direct object:
Example Meaning
Intransitive verbs do not take nui or loa as intensifiers. "Hele loa" means to go far, not to go a great
deal. (Elbert/Pukui 1979:48).
N A ano (Stative)
The concept of stative verbs was introduced in the study of Polynesian languages in 1965 and
adopted in the 1971 version of (Pukui/Elbert 1986). They "refer to a state of affairs, rather than to an
action, event, or process." (Elbert/Pukui 1979:49) Stative verbs are often used where an adjective or
adverb would be used in English:
Example Meaning
When a stative verb is used with the m ka painu ua, the sense is not that the state occurred in the
past but that the transition to the state has completed:
Example Meaning
Example Meaning
Where the passive form of transitive verbs takes e to indicate the agent, stative verbs take i (or i for
pronouns and proper nouns):
Example Meaning
Example Meaning
A verb word may be stative in one context and transitive in another. (Hawkins 1979:21) gives the
Example Meaning
hiki able
maopopo understand
(Schutz 1994:283) says that (Hawkins 1982:29) expanded the list of loa a-type verbs to 30, but Hawkins’ list is
for all stative verbs, not for loa a-type verbs. (Hawkins 1982:32) only names loa a, lilo and maopopo as loa a-
type verbs.
ola live, save
eha in pain
make die
eo win, lose
hemo loose
hewa mistaken
k upright
lilo lost
makala loosened
p touched
pa a firm
punahele favorite
puni surrounded
The usage of many of these words is challenging to grasp for English-speakers because they indicate
the state of the object rather than an action by the subject:
Example Meaning
Ua loa a ke ka a i ko u makuak ne. My dad got the car. Literally "The car was gotten
by my dad".
Ua lilo k la kalaka i ka aihue. That truck was taken by a thief. Literally "That
truck was lost due to a thief".
Hiki n ia u ke a o aku i n papa. I can teach the classes. Literally "It is possible
for me to teach the classes".
As with the other stative verbs, the agent in the examples above is indicated with i, ia u or i , not with
(Schutz 1994:288) suggests that "the feature the so-called loa a verbs have in common is that they
are not only stative, but that two entities are involved", i.e. that they are used with an agent as well as
a subject.
Traditionally, loa a-type verbs did not take the passive voice particle ia because their sense is
inherently passive, but (Elbert/Pukui 1979:50-51) indicates that some Hawaiian speakers now use it to
express a passive transitive sense:
Example Meaning
ole a ohe 0
kahi ekahi 1
lua elua 2
kolu ekolu 3
h eh 4
lima elima 5
ono eono 6
hiku ehiku 7
walu ewalu 8
iwa eiwa 9
For the number one, the form ho okahi is used to indicate one item, while ekahi is used in counting.
Example Meaning
Base numbers beyond nine are:
Number Meaning
umi 10
iwak lua 20
kanakolu 30
kanah 40
kanalima 50
kanaono 60
kanahiku 70
kanawalu 80
kanaiwa 90
The base numbers from 10 through 90 are extended with -k m - and a number between 1 and 9 to
indicate the single digit part. In older texts and formal speech, -kumam - may be used instead of -
k m -. (Elbert/Pukui 1979:159) No conjunction is used when joining haneli, kaukani or miliona with
another base number from 10 up. A me is used to connect haneli, kaukani or miliona with a number
between 1 and 9.
Number Meaning
umik m kahi 11
umik m iwa 19
kanahikuk m ono 76
Older texts additionally used base numbers loosely identified as 4 followed by a number of 0's
(Alexander 1864:10):
Number Meaning
lau 400
mano 4,000
kini 40,000
lehu 400,000
The base form of the numbers one through nine is used in conversation when e.g. saying a telephone
Example Meaning
walu ole walu, hiku kahi ole, h kahi iwa lima 808 710-4195
A compound number or the e- form of a number one through nine (ho okahi for one) may occur in
one of two positions in a phrase to indicate a number of items:
two fish
Example Meaning
See Possessive Sentences for usage of cardinal numbers indicating possession.
Use the following pattern for ordinal numbers:
ka/ke helu o ka/ke meme a
ka lua o ke keiki
Example Meaning
To indicate "two-by-two", "three at a time", "into four parts", etc, use the form p - + base number:
Example Meaning
Fractions are expressed as hapa- + base number. Without a base number, hapa is loosely
interpreted as half.
Example Meaning
hapakolu one third
He hapa haole a he hapa Hawai i au. I am half non-Hawaiian and half Hawaiian.
Example Meaning
As a general rule, ke is used as the singular definite article before words beginning with k, a, e, or o;
ka as the singular definite article before other words; n before plurals.
Example Meaning
ke ao the cloud
ka ua the rain
There are some words starting with okina or p (and a few others) that take ke instead of ka.
Example Meaning
ke p the dish
ke po o the head
In most cases where the is used in English, ka/ke/n is used in Hawaiian. However, the reverse is not
always true. The following table illustrates some Hawaiian usage of ke/ka that differs from the
While he is the closest term in Hawaiian to English "a", it is not as widely used as in English:
As discussed above, ka/ke is generally used to indicate an abstract or non-specific object
The only ami (preposition) which he can follow is me
Kekahi or kahi is generally used as the ka i instead of he in painu (verb) sentences and in
general after prepositions other than me
Kekahi and kahi are usually translated (in this context) as "some".
The most common usage of he is at the start of pepeke aike he (class-inclusion) and pepeke
nono a (possessive) sentences.
The following table illustrates ways in which the indefinite article is expressed in Hawaiian.
Example Meaning
He poepoe ka honua. The earth is round/a globe.
Ike o ia he mau hale. He saw some houses. Literally, "he saw there
are some houses".
Ike o ia he wahi hale. He saw a small house. Literally, "he saw there is
a small house".
A proper noun is preceded by o if it is not preceded by an ami (preposition) or the object marker i .
This is also the case when the proper noun directly follows a common noun (and so further defines it).
Note that this use of o is distinct from its use in Pepeke Aike O (equational sentences).
Example Meaning
ha alele o Kamapua a i n w hine a me kona And Kamapua a left the women and his father-
m kuah n ai o K neiki. in-law, K neiki.
Auhea n wahi elemakule, o N n a me Where are the unimportant old men, N n and
K kohe? K kohe?
ka huaka i ka apuni a ke ali i a Umi the tour of the chief, Umi (the tour of the chief,
of Umi)
me k na wahine me Pualani with his wife, Pualani (with his wife, with Pualani)
no ke ali i no Umi for the chief, Umi (for the chief, for Umi)
N Ku i (Conjunctions)
a painu
Example Meaning
A, A me (And)
To express "and", a me is used to connect a noun phrase with another noun phrase that starts with a
ka i (determiner), i oa (proper noun) or papani (pronoun); in other cases, a is used16.
(Kaman /Wilson I 2012:54) Verb phrases and simple sentences are connected with a.
Example Meaning
i k la manawa a i k ia manawa now and then; literally "at that time and this time"
O Pualani kona inoa ma ka hale a me ka hana. Her name is Pualani at home and work.
Aia o ia me kona makuahine a me kona makua She is with her mother and her father.
k ne.
(Elbert/Pukui 1979:164) uses instead of a.
po o piko awe
Example Meaning
Hele n pau ke alanui. Go until the road is finished (until the end of the Conjunction
Hele n puni ka honua. Go until the world is circled (Go around the Conjunction
is also used with a stative verb in the pattern hele a ano meaning to become in a state of.
Example Meaning
Verb phrases or noun phrases are combined in the sense of "or" with a i ole or with ... paha.
(Elbert/Pukui 1979:164-166) Note that, as in English, a i ole only occurs once for a series of
alternates, between the last two.
Example Meaning
E k kau i ka leka, ka leka uila, a i ole e Write a letter, email or call by phone to the Civil
kelepona i ka Civil Rights Compliance Staff. Rights Compliance Staff.
Ua makemake anei oe i k l p lule a i ole i Do you want that shirt or this (one)?
k ia?
The interrogative conjunctions hea and in hea introduce a verb phrase to ask "when" in the past
(in hea) or in the future ( hea). (Alexander 1864:17) considers them interrogative adverbs. See
K lele K lana for use in situation-emphatic sentences.
Example Meaning
hea ana e h ea aku ai ka mokulele ma O ahu? When will the airplane reach O ahu?
Aia n a komo aku i loko o ke a o ana, a laila ike ia n p maika i like ole o ko k kou lelo.
Only when getting into learning are the various benefits of our language known.
Example Meaning
A aia n a m kaukau k ia mau mea, a holo n Only when these things are ready will the canoe
ka wa a.17 go.
Aia wale n a uku oe hiki i oe ke holo i laila. Only when you pay, then you can travel there.
Ak is usually preceded and followed by a comma in writing, corresponding to the way a speaker
pauses briefly after saying it. (Elbert/Pukui 1979:166) Ak may be followed by na e with no change in
meaning. (Cleeland 1994:190) Eia na e is used the same way as ak and with the same meaning.
Either can start a sentence. On its own, na e cannot start a phrase or sentence.
Example Meaning
E onou ia aku ana o ia i loko o k ia manawa, He is being persuaded now, but the confusion
ak na e, ua ho opau ia n pohihihi ma o kona ended about his change to a candidate for that
lilo ana akula i moho no k l k lana.18 position.
He kanaka kaulana ma ka ho okohukohu ana, He was famous for his showmanship, but not
eia na e, a ole i kaulana ma o ka he enalu wale famous only for surfing.
ana n .20
He mea nui ka ai, eia na e, o ka h nai kai oi Food is important, but being raised by the ocean
a e.21 is more so.
Eia na e, o ka mea ma amau elima mile no k l However, usually it was five miles (traveled)
me k ia hola.22 every hour.
Ma mua na e o ko Waik k lilo ana he wahi However, before Waikiki changed into this
ho on nea kaulana o Hawai i nei, ua momona n Hawaii's famous recreational place, the
ke kaiaola o laila... ecosystem there was really fertile...
Ua kui au n lei a pau, koe na e k n lei maile.23 I threaded all the leis, except for that maile lei.
akahi n a
akahi n a painu
As with many other verb patterns, when the piko (subject) is a papani (pronoun), the papani jumps
ahead of the verb (including a or a m ka painu).
Example Meaning
akahi n a aoa ka lio the dog barked for the first time
Akahi n oe hiki ma ane i? Is this the first time you have come here?
Akahi n au i hele i laila. This is the first time I've gone there. (I've never
gone there before.)
akahi a ha o ia kekahi o l kou for the first time, one of them was missed
Akahi ho i a ike ku u maka i ka nani o Hilo. It was indeed the first time I saw the beauty of
Hilo with my own eyes.
As shown in the sections above, there are many different ways of saying or asking when. The
following table summarizes the various patterns that can be used.
Also "Ua kui au i n lei"; the object marker i/i is dropped sometimes in 19th century mo olelo, in examples in
modern grammars and in everyday speech.
Pepeke Painu Ia u i ike ai i ia… When I saw her… Depends on M ka Painu
Oiai Painu Oiai au i ike ai i ia… When I saw her… Depends on M ka Painu
Ane ane (almost)
Example Meaning
Ua ane ane n ho i ko u lauoho e pili aku ma My hair indeed almost was close to/reached my
ko u w wae. feet.
E holoi ia ka lima, no ka mea, ane ane n The hands are washed because soon dinner will
m kaukau ka aina ahiahi. be ready.
Hapah i hala ka hola eiwa, ane ane pau ka It’s 9:15, class is almost finished.
Lohi n haum na, ak ane ane e hiki mai. The students are late, but they have almost
Ane ane lawa ke k l no ka hele ana i Maui. There’s almost enough money for going to Maui.
A ole (Negative)
A ole is used on its own as an interjection answering a question ("No") and to negate any of the verb
phrases except for the imperative form - see Sentences. (Elbert/Pukui 1979:168) also considers a ole
a conjunction because "(1) It introduces and connects clauses and sentences. (2) It may be followed
by the verb-marking particles used after conjunctions". The examples provided are:
Example Meaning
The e pili ana pattern expresses what something/one is about, concerning, relating to, or pertaining to.
Example Meaning
Ua h meni o ia i ke mele e pili ana i She sang the song about Lili uokalani.
Lili uokalani.
Ke n n iho nei m ua i kekahi ki i oni oni e pili We are watching a movie pertaining to the
ana i ke kanu ana i ke kalo. planting of taro.
O k ia kekahi mele e pili ana no ke kaua o This is one song concerning the battle of
Kapaniwai. Kapaniwai.
Ua lohe oe i ka lelo o Keola e pili ana ia u? Did you hear Keola talking about me?
Eia ka mo olelo e pili ana i k l mau lio. Here is the story relating to those dogs.
Example Meaning
Emo ole hele maila ke ali i. In no time at all, the chief came.
Emo ole, pa maila ka leo, mai ka lani mai. Suddenly the voice was heard from heaven.
Emo ole ka nanea o ka pepeiao i ke kani a n The ears immediately experience the pleasure of
pila. the music of the instruments.
He emo ole, a pae aku o Keola i ka nalu. In no time, Keola was on the wave.
Ike au i k ia ala pai pika, emo ole, ono au i ka I saw his pizza and suddenly wanted to eat
pai pika. pizza.
A few of the ku i discussed above are sometimes referred to as Ku a (conjunctions with painu). They
are somewhat different from the other ku i in that they are followed by a painu (verb). The following
table summarizes the Ku a:
i painu So, as a way, as a means, in order to i ole e So as not, etc
ke painu If and when, when future, whenever ke ole e If not, when not, etc.
h k lia n a
H k lia n a before a verb means "when finally". The pattern is preceded by i for a completed action.
This is a rarely used term. (Elbert/Pukui 1979:166)
Example Meaning
The word i has many functions in Hawaiian. See other sections for its use as a conjunction to indicate
"while", as an object marker and as a preposition.
As a conjunction to indicate "in order that" / "so that", i is followed directly by a verb without a marker:
i painu
The negative - "so that not" takes ole e between i and the verb:
i ole e painu
Example Meaning
I nui ke k l , mai k ai i n mea h p ! To have lots of money, don t buy stupid things!
i n n mai o Keola ia u in order for Keola to look at me
Holo au i k l me k ia l i ola pono ko u kino. I run every day so my body will be healthy.
E ho okokoke mai i lohe oe. Come close so that you can hear.
Ua lawe mai m kou i ka pika i ole e p loli n We brought pizza so the girls would not be hungry.
E ku i i ke kalo me ka ikaika i ae ae ke kalo. Pound the taro very hard so it will be soft.
I ole e kuhihewa, e heluhelu pono i n mea e pono In order to not wrongly accuse, read carefully the
ai. righteous things .
This form is used when one wants to identify ownership of someone/thing to do/perform an action.
Note that there is no ka i prior to the kikino.
Example Meaning
A ole o ia i h awi mai i mea ai na n keiki e ai She did not give the food for the children to eat.
Ua k ai mai o Kimo i k l hale i wahi no kona Kimo bought that house as a place for his family
ohana e noho ai. to live.
Ua h oi iho n ke ali i i k na ko i i mea n na e The king sharpened his axe as a thing for him to
pepehi ai i P p alaea. kll P p alaea.
Example Meaning
Ua heluhelu o ia i ka puke i mea e a o mai ai i He read the book as a way to learn that subject.
k l kumuhana.
Ua k hea ia n maka i i mea e ho ok ai i ko The police were called as a means to stop their
l kou ho opa apa a ana. arguing.
E ulana ana o Keola i kekahi upena i mea e hei Keola is going to weave a net as a thing to catch
ai i n i a. the fish.
I ka hana o (And then when)
The following pattern means "and then when (somebody did something)":
Example Meaning
i ho om kaukau ka hana o Kimo i ka mea ai and then when Kimo prepared the food
i loa n a / i lawa n a
I loa n a before a verb means "no sooner than", "as soon as".
i loa n a painu
Example Meaning
I loa n a welo ka l , anu o waho i ka makani No sooner than the sun sets, outside gets cold
ikaika. from the strong winds.
I loa n i ia e hala aku, ili ana ka makua k ne. No sooner had he gone, than the father appeared.
I/i , oiai/ oi, ke, a, h k lia, i loa n a, i lawa n a, aia n a, akahi n a, i ka hana
o (While/When)
As with the object marker i/i , i as a conjunction is used before papani (pronouns) and i oa (proper
nouns) while i is used before common nouns and ka i (determiners). Here the meaning is "while", so
a verb is required.
i/i ABC e/i painu ai/nei/ana
With n a between the noun and the verb, the meaning is "as soon as" or "no sooner than":
Example Meaning
i ko ke kumu heluna ana aku i n mo olelo when the teacher was grading/marking the
I ko u wehe ana i ka puke, a ohe wahi mea o ka When I opened the book, there was no trace of
pepa. paper.
In , I, E ole, Ke (If)
The most commonly used term for "if" (a conditional clause) is in 24. Most often there is no change to
the resultative clause, but in or a laila may be used to introduce it.
When the conditional clause marker is followed by a verb marker, the resultative clause is introduced
in different ways depending on the marker:
in i in ua
in a laila
in ... e ... ua
In Ho omana o No Kapa ahu, in is pronounced n ; this is thought to be typical of Puna on the Big Island
in e he
i in / in l
ai -
e ole in ua
ke -
(Elbert/Pukui 1979:166-167), (Hawkins 1982:137-138)
For example:
In i h awi mai n ho okele i ka hoe i ia, in ua pakele l ua i ka make.
Conditional clause marker Resultative introduction
See the example table below for the translation.
Example Meaning
Pono n e aloha i Mailani in e noho ka p poki You really need to love Mailani if the cat will live
ma ane i. here.
In ho i paha au e ike aku i wahi manawa If I had only known a little sooner!
u uku!
In au make, mai oukou m lama i k l ano If I die, don't take care of (worry about) that kind of
hana. thing.
In oe ike i ka pipi i o kahakai, he pipi i nunui If you see the rush of the shoreline water, it's a
loa k l . really big rush.
In he ali i oe, ua hiki i oe ke komo. If you are an ali i, you can enter.
In he nui ke k l , in e holomua ka hana. If the money is great, then the work will progress.
In i h awi mai n ho okele i ka hoe i ia, in ua If the steersmen had given him the paddle, then
pakele l ua i ka make. they would have escaped death.
In oe e ae ana e kau p ku u mau ope ope me If you agree to place my bundles with me, then
a u, a laila, holo p k ua. we'll sail together.
In i hele mai nei oe, in ua ike. If you had come, then you would have known.
In e hou mai o Kamalama ... he umi k naka e If Kamalama hurls (his spear), then ten men are
k . hit.
In he kaikamahine ke h nau mua mai, a laila, e If the first born is a girl, it will die, and if only girls
make, a in he mau kaikam hine wale n k are born to us two, they will certainly die.
k ua ke h nau mai, e make n .
In e lilo mai o L ieikawai, he oi oe. If L iekawai becomes yours, then indeed you are
the best.
(Elbert/Pukui 1979:166-167) (Hawkins 1982:137-138)
Example Meaning
I a o maika i ia e k ua, in holomua n ka hana. If they had been taught well by us, then the work
would really have progressed.
I h k lia ihola au, in l o au ke make mua i ka If I wait, the white man will kill me first.
i ino mai ke koko, pau p ka hale i ka ino. And if the blood is bad, the house is bad at the
same time.
(Elbert/Pukui 1979:167)
(Elbert/Pukui 1979:167) suggest two additional conjunctions for use with similar meaning to in : e ole
and ke. E ole means "if not", while ke in this context means if in the future.
Example Meaning
E ole au i ike aku nei i oe, in ua make oe. If I hadn't seen you, you would have been killed.
E maluhia l kou ke hiki mai. They shall be at peace when/if they come.
Ke is used directly before a verb to indicate when (but not in the past; see below for constructs to use
with a past action), whenever or if. Because no verb marker is used, the tense must be determined
from the context.
ke painu kikino
When the piko (subject) is a papani (pronoun), it may follow or precede the painu:
ke hele oe
ke oe hele
when you go
Example Meaning
E maluhia l kou ke hiki mai. They shall be at peace when/if (they) come.
Ke ulu ka hua helo, h ka pele. When the helo fruit grows, the lava rises.
E hele aku ana au i ka hale, ke ki i o Pualani ia u I am going home when Pualani picks me up.
Ke pua ka pua k , lawai a au i ka he e. When the sugar cane flower blooms, I fish for
he e.
Ke oe k kua i ia, mai ha i i ka ha ina. When you help him, don t tell the answer.
The most common word for "maybe, perhaps" is malia (m lia and mali a are variants); m ki a is less
common and malama is rare. Each may be followed by the particle o, probably the
imperative/intentive, according to (Elbert/Pukui 1979:168)
See the section on hune a au for the use of paha as "maybe, perhaps". Paha is not a conjunction and
cannot start a sentence.
Example Meaning
Malama o ulu mai ka ano ano. Maybe the seeds will grow.
Nani (Since/because)
(Pukui/Elbert 1986:261) reports the use of nani as a conjunction meaning "since, because".
Example Meaning
Nani ho i ua ki i ia maila e make, he aha l ho i... Since [I] am indeed summoned by death, what of it
Nani n ia e hele ana oe i ke kula, e ho oikaika i Since you are going to school, work hard on the
ka ha awina. lessons.
Also "Ke hele oe, e hele au."
N ho i (Also)
N ho i may be inserted between two phrases (noun and/or verb) to mean "also". It may also be
added after two phrases combined with a or a me to emphasize that the second is in addition to the
first. Note that n ho i is also used as a hune a ao (intensifier) with the meaning "indeed". The last
example below may have that intent rather than "also".
Example Meaning
Ua oli oli a eleu n ho i k na mau lio. His dogs became happy and active as well.
Ma O ahu au i h nau ( ia) a i h nai ia ai n ho i. It was on Oahu that I was born and also raised.
Hau oli n ho i ko u mana o i k ia mau lelo I am also happy about these Hawaiian words of
Hawai i a k kou. ours.
Na e (However/still/yet)
Na e is followed by a noun phrase to indicate "yet", but", "however", "still". It also follows initial a ole.
Note that eia n na e means "therefore" and aia na e means "nevertheless" or "at the time of".
Example Meaning
Aloha maila na e ho i k ipo. But your sweetheart did indeed send greetings.
A ole na e i ike ua keiki nei i ka pono ole o ua But that child didn t know about the injustice of
mau kaikamahine nei. those girls.
E hele aku ana paha au i ka p ina; a ole na e I may go to the party, but I won t be staying long.
au e noho ana a l ihi.
A i ka mao ana a e o k ia mau h ailona, ua As these omens waned, a fine boy child was
h nau maila na e he keiki k ne maika i. born.
aia na e i k ia manawa i h nau ai, ua ho ouna and at the time of birth, K ne and Kanaloa sent
akula o K ne a me Kanaloa i ko l ua kaikuahine their daughter
aia na e i ko ia nei w i hiki aku ai, aia o K e but when she appeared, K was attending the
lawelawe ana i ke keiki child
he ole loa na e ka noho iho penei but living this way is a big nothing
Ua hiki o ia, ak na e, poina o ia i n k . She arrived, but she forgot the keys.
No ka mea (Because)
No ka mea connects two verb phrases to mean "because". It is often written with commas before and
Example Meaning
Aia ke ali i i uka o ke kuahiwi, no ka mea, ke oki The chief is upland in the mountain because the
akula n kahuna i ke kumu l au. experts are cutting the tree.
A ole i pau ko u makemake e lawai a ma Kona, I hadn t stopped wanting to fish in Kona because
no ka mea, he m lie ke kai i n l a pau. the sea is calm every day.
...holo akula a pae ma Waik k , O ahu, no ka ...went to land at Waik k , Oahu, because that is
mea, o kekahi ia o n wahi noho mau ia e n one of the places still inhabited by the royalty of
ali i o O ahu nei. Oahu.
E h liu mai kou pepeiao, e Iehova, a e ho olohe Bow down thine ear, O Lord, hear me: for I am
mai ia u; No ka mea, ua pilikia au, a ua ilihune poor and needy.
ho i.
O (Lest)
Example Meaning
Mai pi i a e i ka l l ... o ike ia kou wahi hilahila. Don’t climb up the branches... lest your private
parts be seen.
E ai oe i ka mea ulu o ma i auane i. Eat your vegetables lest you get sick (so you don’t
get sick).
Mai hele i Las Vegas o nui ka pilikia. Don’t go to Las Vegas lest there be a lot of trouble.
Mai maka u i ka oia i o o huikau kou no ono o Don’t be afraid of the truth or your thoughts will be
ana. confused.
Example Meaning
Oiai e loa a ai i ia ke k l , e uku ia oe. When she gets the money, you should be paid.
wahi a kikino
Example Meaning
A wahi a kahiko he pilina k ka mo o me ka lio According to the old times, there is a connection
mo o. between the lizard and the brindled dog.
Wahi na, he haumana eleu oe. According to her, you are a good student.
wahi a ka mea na i lohe ai according to the thing he heard
Wahi a k puna, a ole pau ka ike i ka h lau According to the old folks, knowledge is not
ho okahi. complete with the first h lau.
N Ami (Prepositions)
(Emphatic to)
is used instead of i for "to" to stress the distance traveled, with a sense of "as far as", "all the way
Example Meaning
Example Meaning
Ami Kuhilana I/i /i (To)
As with the object markers i/i , i as preposition is used as "in", "at", to" with common nouns while i is
used with i oa (names). However, i is used with i oa paku (place names). I is used in some biblical
texts instead of i .
(Elbert/Pukui 1979:135) says that in Proto-Polynesian, the preposition was *i and the object marker
was *ki, while in Hawaiian they have merged in pronunciation and therefore also in writing.
Example Meaning
Aia ka p ina ohana i ka hale aina P k . The family party is at a Chinese restaurant.
I hea oe e hele aku ai ma hope o ka papa? Where will you go after class?
E i oa
E ka i meme a
E papani
The use of e as vocative is distinct from its use to indicate the agent in a passive verb phrase.
Example Meaning
E ia nei Say, you here
E is followed by a pronoun and nei or ala in the following common expressions, which are considered
Pattern Meaning
Example Meaning
E l kou nei e pe e ho opue nei O you who are hiding crouched over here
i is more definite and precise than ma: noho i Waik k ma O ahu (FS 35) “living at Waik k on
O ahu”.
Hawkins (1975, section 2.2.4) explained the difference in the two prepositions by suggesting that
when i and ma are spoken together, the larger area is marked by ma and the smaller, or more
specific one, by i. She also suggested that "stationary" descriptions are by ma, and nonstationary
ones by i: Ola n m kua ma Puna. 'The parents survive/live in Puna.' P 'ani n m kua i Puna.
'The parents play at Puna.'
Ma also means "in, on, at," and is used more or less interchangeably with i in that context. If
anything, ma is more specific than i:
Ai m kou ma ka hale aina i ka Hale Kahawai.
We eat at the cafeteria in Hale Kahawai.
Ma does not mean "to/toward" and cannot be substituted for i in that context, nor does it
commonly occur with time phrases.
Notice especially that the words i and ma have been given the same definitions, and they can
usually be interchanged without any difference in meaning. Some people feel that if two related
places are mentioned, ma should be used for the more specific place, while others feel i is the
more specific term. In general, however, native speakers seem to use the two words
interchangeably, often even using i or ma in both positions.
However, we will discover that the word i has a number of different meanings, and in this lesson,
we will use the terms ma ane i and ma because this is by far the more common usage. It is
possible, however, to say i ane i and i , but when used this way, the meaning of i is usual to.
See above for additional examples and for usage of ma and i with time expressions.
Example Meaning
Aia ka p ina ohana i ka hale aina P k . The family party is at a Chinese restaurant.
Aia ka p ina ohana ma ka hale aina P k . The family party is at a Chinese restaurant.
Example Meaning
Noho ihola me ka olu olu. (He) lived then in comfort (He lived then
See below for mai as a hunekuhi (directional). Mai commonly occurs twice in the same context, one
time meaning "from" and the other as a directional.
This use is also distinct from mai as the negative imperative ("Don’t").
When mai is used to mean from, it is in the awe. When used as a negative command it is in the po o.
When used as a directional it comes after the verb.
Example Meaning
Ua ike n mea a pau mai Hawai i a hiki i Ni ihau. Everyone saw from Hawai i to Ni ihau.
E (Agentive)
See Ia below for the use of e with an agent in a passive verb phrase.
In English, the subject and direct object of a hamani (transitive verb) are usually distinguished only by
their position in a sentence:
The dog ate the fish. vs The fish ate the dog.
The man gave the fish to the dog.
While awkward, the order can be changed and the meaning preserved thanks to the preposition:
In Hawaiian, both the direct and the indirect object take i or i . The direct object generally precedes
the indirect object as in English where there is a preposition before the indirect object:
Ua h awi ke kanaka i ka i a i ka lio. The man gave the fish to the dog.
Ua h awi ke kanaka i ka lio i ka i a. The man gave the dog to the fish.
In English, the preposition can be eliminated before the indirect object; in this case, the indirect object
comes first:
The object marker is usually also omitted in k lele kena sentences (beginning with the agentive
(Kaman /Wilson 2012 P1:106) calls the object marker an ami lauka. The kena is the actor and the
kena is the object. With hamani verbs, the kena is in the piko and the kena is in the awe:
Ai ke kanaka i ka man .
Po o (hamani) Piko ( kena) Awe Lauka ( kena)
The man eats the shark.
Example Meaning
Makemake o Pualani i k ia lei. Pualani likes this lei.
Ike m ua i L na i. We see L na i.
Ua h awi oe i ka man i wai? Who did you give the shark to?
Example Meaning
i ou to you (personally)
iou to me (personally)
Na (Benefactive/agentive)
Na as preposition indicates that something is for the benefit of, or intended for, or implemented by
someone or something else. Note that this is different from na/no as possessive pronoun (indicating
ownership), and that in this usage, it is always na and not no.
Benefactive no contrasts with agentive na in some common cases:
Example Meaning
Na ka lani ka inoa. For the royal chief the name-song. (The name
song honors the royal chief.)
Na Kimo k ia mea ono, a ole n u. This cake is for Kimo, not for you.
N na ke koloaka hope ma ka pahu kula. The last soda in the cooler is for him.
Ua h awi mai o Kimo i ka lio na m ua. Kimo gave the dog to us.
E h awi aku oe i ka a na Kimo e kalaiwa ai i Give Kimo (a) car so he can drive to Kahului.
No (Benefactive/causative/locative)
No as a preposition may mean that something was caused by something else.
It is also used to mean towards a location as an awe with a verb phrase, particularly with the verb
ha alele (to leave). With a noun phrase, it means "from", with more of a sense of "origin" as opposed
to "recent location", which would be mai instead.
Example Meaning
Ua hana au i k ia mu umu u hou nou. I made this new mu umu u for you.
Ua ha alele o Kimo i Maui no O ahu. Kimo left Maui for O ahu (to go to O ahu).
O, Æ (Subject)
(Elbert/Pukui 1979:131) considers o a subject marker preposition while (Kaman /Wilson 2012 P1:24-
25) calls it the ami piko o and says it is used "when SPEAKING ABOUT a person or place. The ami
piko marks the i oa referring to such a person or place in the piko." We consider here the use of o
other than as the introducer of an equational sentence.
As a subject marker, o precedes ia to indicate he/she/it, as well as preceding a proper noun. It does
not occur when there is a preposition or object marker before the ia or the proper noun. The following
examples illustrate cases where it is used as well as cases where it is not used.
Example Meaning
Ua hele au me ia. I went with him.
He mau makana k ia mai Pualani mai. These are some gifts from Pualani.
Hau oli loa m ua o Keola e ike i ko okou Keola and I are very happy to meet your mother.
A ole e ho i aku ana o Pualani i Honolulu i k l Pualani isn't returning to Honolulu tomorrow.
ap p .
P (Like)
(Elbert/Pukui 1979:150) says that the rare preposition p is used in the phrase p k ia ("like this").
N Hunekuhi (Directionals)
The four hunekuhi (directionals) are used in a verb phrase to "tell that someone is moving away from
you, to tell that something is facing you, and to tell that something seems far away." (Kaman /Wilson
2012 I:198). They are often not explicitly translated into English. Hunekuhi are much more heavily
used in 19th century Hawaiian writing than in current conversation. It is almost always possible to
include a hunekuhi in a verb phrase; doing so makes a sentence sound more idiomatic and truly
Hunekuhi Meaning
mai Towards me, towards us, to me. to us; facing me, facing us
aku Indicating a direction in a straight, forceful line not towards me, rather, facing away
from me, facing away from us, facing you; far off
ae In several directions with short jerky movements; not towards me, also in an upward
direction, facing away from me
iho In a downward direction, down into a person, as with thinking, drinking, eating; very
(Kaman /Wilson 2012 I:198)
(Elbert/Pukui 1979:91-95) identifies groups of verbs that tend to be used more with one or another of
the hunekuhi, but concludes: "It is difficult or impossible to fashion hard and fast rules for the use of
directionals. The safest course is simply to follow examples slavishly."
Example Meaning
E hele mai oe (ia u)! Come (to me)!
E h awi mai oe i ka puke (ia u)! Give the book (to me)!
E k ai aku ana o ia i kona hale i Hilo. She's selling her house in Hilo.
E k ai mai ana o ia i ka hale hou i Honolulu nei. She's buying a new house here in Honolulu.
Honi aku a honi mai Trade kisses (kiss you, kiss me)
See Helu Manawa Ana for the use of hunekuhi in time expressions.
When a hunekuhi is followed by ala, the two are written as one word nowadays because they receive
accent together: maila, akula, ihola, a ela. The present tense (but far away) verb pattern ke painu
ala most often occurs with a directional in this way (but the pattern is not commonly used).
Example Meaning
Aku nei, akula and maila are used in past tense verb phrases to indicate the timing of the action or
state change, especially in stories (mo olelo).
Pattern Meaning
Pattern Meaning
Ua au akula o ia mai kekahi kapa a kekahi kapa And then he swam from one side of the river
o ke kahawai. to the other.
Kauoha akula ua wahine nei, “ O ka Hale kuke And then that woman ordered: "the kitchen is
kona wahi e noho ai." where she is to sleep".
Heluhelu akula au hiamoe maila o ia. I read until she fell asleep.
The hunekuhi occur in k hulu pepeke piko hou (descriptive clauses with a new piko) with a present
tense verb to indicate an action in the present but far away. They replace ai in this context.
Pattern Meaning
Ehia a oukou k piki e k ai maila? How many (heads of) cabbage are you
Iho is also used as a noun or after a pronoun or locative to indicate "self". (Elbert/Pukui 1979:91-95)
Example Meaning
No u iho As for me
Hunekuhi occur in verbless sentences or noun phrases with a meaning of coming or going.
Example Meaning
Mai is often used without a preceding verb in calling someone to come, especially to eat. (Hopkins
Example Meaning
See O Ka Painu Dir La for another specific use of hunekuhi to indicate timing.
N Hune a au (Intensifiers N , K , L , Paha, …)
The hune a au are a small set of words that occur at the end of the po o (a noun or verb phrase) and
express emotion or other qualifying aspect with respect to the phrase. While never necessary,
Hawaiian without hune a au sounds expressionless and flat. When more than one is used in a
phrase, they must be in the order of the following table.
Hune a au Meaning
k Shock or surprise (generally no equivalent in English), not often used after a verb; n
k expresses astonishment
l Adds force; uncommon except with wai, aha, pehea, ehia and hea where it is often
translated as "the heck"
paha Uncertainty - "maybe", "could have", "might", "I think"; when followed by n , it is often
translated as "probably"
(Kaman /Wilson 2012 I:103-105)
K !
What the heck!
Example Meaning
He ono k ! But it was good after all! Imagine!
A ole n k ho i k kou i kono ia. Of course (are you surprised to learn that) we
weren t invited.
Eia na e, However,
Aia na e, However,
Akamai n ho i k l keiki. Well I'll tell you that kid sure is smart.
O ia ho i! I should say!
Aia paha l kou ma loko o ka hale. They might be inside the house.
A ole paha o ia i hele. I don't think she went.
(Elbert/Pukui 1979:100-104) considers the following to fall into the same general category as the
Particle Meaning
n now
Example Meaning
Mai wala au a e ho i o makani auane i. Don't say too much or the wind will blow.
He kau auane i i ka lae a . Watch out lest the canoe land on a rocky reef.
E noho mai paha auane i kipi mai i oe. Perhaps (they) will wait and later revolt against
E lohe mai auane i kau i ka leo o ka makua. Soon (you) will listen to the parent's request.
(Elbert/Pukui 1979:100) considers noho i and nona e to be additional intensifiers, but they are
generally considered to be two words each today: n ho i and n na e.
The order of intensifiers when more than one is used in a phrase is:
where auane i* indicates uncertainty while auane i** indicates soon/eventually. (Neumann 2019:20)
A recent study found that the order of certain words changes in specific contexts: l before k in
questions, anei before ho i in negative phrases. (Neumann 2019:50-53)
Ke K hulu (Descriptors)
Adjectives in English are modifiers of nouns. See the section on a ano verbs for how stative verbs
generally fill the function of adjectives in Hawaiian, following a verb. For example:
Wela ka hao.
a ano meme a
The iron is hot.
An English sequence of a noun preceded by two adjectives such as a 'fine new house' might in
Hawaiian be:
Any meme a can modify any other meme a (any meme a can be a k hulu), for example:
peni pepa a pen for paper, or a pen of paper
pepa peni paper for a pen
Adverbs in English are modifiers of verbs or adjectives. As with adjectives, a ano verbs often directly
fill the role.
Example Meaning
Another common pattern to express the function of an adverb is me ka painu or me ke ano painu.
Example Meaning
E oli ana n keiki me ke ano ha aheo no ko The kids are chanting proudly about their place
l kou one h nau. of birth.
Ua m lama ia me ke ano kapukapu akua. They were raised with the sanctity of gods.
Example Meaning
Koke is used as an adverb with the meaning quickly. Koke iho n means "that very" with a time unit.
Example Meaning
No kona hele koke ole mai because of his not coming quickly
Ho omaka hou a ela ke kula i ia pule koke iho School starts again that very week.
n .
"P , a modifier of both verbs and nouns has two meanings: 'together with, entirely, also with', and
'inactive, sluggish, quiet, bored'. Context determines which translation is appropriate; the second
meaning is quite rare." (Elbert/Pukui 1979:90)
Example Meaning
In oe e ae ana e kau p ku u mau ope ope me If you agree to place my bundles with me, then
a u, a laila, holo p k ua. we’ll sail together.
(Elbert/Pukui 1979:63) calls out mai explicitly as an adverb when used before a verb, with the
meaning of "almost".
Example Meaning
(Alexander 1864:17) names hea, auhea, ihea, etc. as interrogative adverbs. It considers a ole and
ole to be negative adverbs.
(Judd 1939:20-22) lists adverbs of time ( n , ap p , inehinei, hou, etc), denial adverbs ( a ole,
mai, na e, etc.), place adverbs (aia, eia, kokoke and a puni), assent adverbs ( ae, e. u, and o ia),
affirmation adverbs (n , ho i, oia i o, etc), salutation adverbs (aloha, welina, ano ai), doubt adverbs
(i, in , paha, etc.) and resemblance adverbs (like, menei, penei, etc.).
Comparative, Superlative
In English, the comparative and superlative of an adjective are generally formed by adding "er" and
"est": fast, faster, fastest; pretty, prettier, prettiest. They can also generally be formed by preceding
them with "more" and "most": beautiful, more beautiful, most beautiful. As discussed above, a ano
(stative) verbs are usually employed in Hawaiian where English would use an adjective.
To express "more" for an a ano, the following pattern is used:
oi aku ka a ano ma mua o ko kikino a ano
For example:
oi aku ka nani o Kaup ma mua o ko Kahului nani (Kaup is more beautiful than Kahului).
See the section on comparative sentences for the structure of sentences that focus on comparing a
property of two objects.
The k hulu (adverb) loa is used where English would use "most" or "-est":
Example Meaning
Note that there is ambiguity here since loa is also used where English would use "very".
When loa is used without a definite determiner, it can usually be translated as "very". When used with
a definite determiner, it may be translated as "very" or "most".
he helu a oi
he helu a keu
he helu a emi
"A oi" and "a keu" mean more than, while "a emi" means less than.
"A oi" and "a keu" may be followed by the directional aku with no change in meaning. Similarly, "a
emi" may be followed by the directional iho or mai.
a oi a e
a oi a e paha
a oi iki paha
Example Meaning
Ua lilo i ia he kaukani k l a emi. She lost a little less than 1,000 dollars.
E kupa aku i ke kalo no ekolu hola a oi a e Boil the taro for maybe 3 hours or more.
mai ka iwak lua o ko l kou mau makahiki a keu (all the men in Israel) who are twenty years old
aku or more
He kanakolu m lolo o k ia lawai a e loa a a emi Thirty and less of these flying-fish are caught in
mai n ho i.27 this method of fishing.
Example Meaning
No ka W (Temporal)
A complete date is expressed as follows:
As in English, the part of the year before the decade may be expressed either as thousands,
hundreds (two thousand nineteen) or as a count of hundreds (twenty nineteen). The more common is
the latter, as in English.
Example Meaning
Day Meaning
P akahi Monday
P alua Tuesday
P akolu Wednesday
P ah Thursday
P alima Friday
P aono Saturday
L pule Sunday
Example Meaning
Period Meaning
ho onui growing
Day Name Meaning bigger
1 Hilo faint thread
2 Hoaka crescent
3 K kahi K 1
4 K lua K 2
5 K kolu K 3
6 K pau last K
11 Huna to hide
12 M hala to blossom
18 L au K kahi L au K 1
19 L au K lua L au K 2
20 L au K pau last L au K
emi decreasing
Day Name Meaning
22 Ole K lua Ole K 2
27 K ne the god K ne
29 Mauli ghost
See more on the Hawaiian days of the month in an article from the Hokule a team.
Example Meaning
The traditional Hawaiian divisions of the day are used independently or together with the hours of the
Division Meaning
auinal midafternoon
Example Meaning
hapah i koe kani ka hola ehiku o ke kakahiaka quarter to seven in the morning
Month Meaning
Welehu (Oct.-Nov.) Makali i (Pleiades) appears in the ENE sky after sunset. Rainy
season. Makahiki, a four-month long harvest festival, dedicated to
Lono, a god of rain and agriculture, began toward the end of Kau and
continued into the new year. Opelu and akule fishing.
Makali i (Nov.-Dec.) Sun rises and sets at its southern limit (winter solstice). Land
prepared for planting. Opelu and akule fishing; ama ama (mullet)
spawning and kapu through Feb. Kohol (humpbacked-whales) feed
and breed in island waters through April.
Ka elo (Dec.-Jan.) A a (Sirius) and Orion in the eastern evening sky. Uala (sweet
potato) planting in dry leeward areas to take advantage of winter
rains. Reef and inshore fishing.
Nana (Feb.-Mar.) Sun rises due east and sets due west (spring equinox). Mulch and
weed gardens; vigorous plant growth begins. Ama ama fishing
season opens; m lolo (flying fish) spawning.
Welo (Mar.-April) Leo in the eastern evening sky. All things grow; crops maturing.
Ama ama and m lolo fishing. Deep-sea fishing through summer. lio-
holo-i-ka-uaua (monk seal) pups are born, spring through summer.
Month Meaning
Ikiiki (April-May) Makali i in the WNW evening sky; Hokule a (Arcturus) in the ENE
evening sky. Uala planting with summer rains. Honu (green sea
turtles) come ashore to lay their eggs in the sand through summer.
Great schools of moi (threadfish) and m lolo.
Ka aona (May-June) Sun rises and sets at its northern limit (summer solstice). Ulu
(breadfruit) ripens. Ula (lobster) and moi kapu through August during
their spawning seasons. Aku and ahi (tuna) season.
Hinaia ele ele (June-July) Manaiakalani (Maui’s Fishhook, or Scorpio) in the SE evening sky.
Humid weather, sudden storms. hi a ai (mountain apple) ripens;
gourds and melons ripen. In traditional times, opelu kapu lifted; aku
kapu through Jan. during its spawning season; akule spawning.
Hilinama (Aug.-Sept.) Sun rises due east and sets due west (fall equinox). Tubers ripen for
harvest; sugar cane blossoms; vines dying off. Ula and moi season;
opelu fishing.
Ikuwa (Sept.-Oct.) Iwakeli i (Cassiopeia) in the NNE evening sky. Thunder and rain. Plant
growth slows. Kalo and uala harvest. Preparation for the Makahiki
Harvest Festival. Akule and Opelu plentiful.
N Mahina (Months)
The months of the year are adopted from English. They are proper nouns and so take o when they
are the subject of a sentence.
Month Meaning
Ianuali January
Pepeluali February
Malaki March
Apelila April
Mei May
Iune June
Iulai July
Aukake August
Kepakemapa September
Okakopa October
Nowemapa November
Kekemapa December
Relative Time
Besides ap p for tomorrow and nehinei for yesterday, hunekuhi (directionals) are used with units
of time to indicate a time in the past or present, with nei as well for the past.
nei after iho, a e, and aku adds the meaning "past", with aku nei being more remote than iho nei or
a e nei.
O ka P ahia ka l ap p ?
What day is tomorrow?
E ho omaka ke kula i ka l ap p .
School starts tomorrow.
The time scale with directionals with and without following nei is more or less as follows:
Expression Time
Example Meaning
In oe i hele mai nei me ka maika i... If you had come here with good [intentions]...
i nehinei yesterday
k ia pule aku nei ia pule aku nei the week before last
E ai ia ana ka mea ono e l kou i ka p nei. The cake was being eaten by them last night.
Ua hiki mai nei k u leka. Your letter just arrived.
Ka Painu (Verbs)
N M ka Painu (Verb Markers)
In English, there is a somewhat confusing and difficult to understand process of “conjugating” a verb
in order to understand the time frame or state of completion under which the action happens. The
spelling of the verb sometimes indicates its “tense”. E.g. I see the bird, I saw the bird, I am seeing the
bird, etc. In Hawaiian, the spelling of the painu (verb) does not change but rather is marked by
indicators that signal the tense or state of completion. These indicators are called m ka painu.
(Hawkins 1982:38)
The table below shows the m ka painu that are used for various sentence patterns (analula) in
Hawaiian. This table will be used throughout this book with the appropriate row highlighted for the
analula being discussed.
Pepeke - Ua painu E painu ana Ke painu nei E painu Ua painu dir nei/la
A ole - i painu e painu ana e painu nei e painu i painu dir nei/la
K lele e painu i painu e painu ana e painu nei e painu i painu dir nei/la
K lele e painu ai i painu ai ana, e painu e painu nei e painu ai i painu dir nei/la
K lana ai
e painu ana
Piko -, e* i painu e painu ana e painu nei e painu i painu dir nei/la
hou ole
Piko e painu ai i painu ai e painu ana e painu nei e painu ai i painu dir nei/la
The basic forms of the m ka painu are shown in the first row of the above table (Pepeke Painu).
Each of the m ka painu for the Pepeke Painu is discussed as follows:
A simple painu (verb) sentence that describes action without reference to tense can also be thought
of as habitual action. This type of action is not marked with a m ka painu in a pepeke painu. This is
true for any type of painu as shown in the following examples:
Sometimes, especially in literature, habitual sentences are marked with a preceding He (Hawkins
1982:40). The following example illustrates this:
Completed Action:
The m ka painu marker ua indicates action that has been completed for hamani and hehele types of
painu and is therefore similar to the English past tense. For stative ( a ano) painu, the preceding ua
indicates that the state or condition described by the painu has already been reached, and that
condition might still exist. Therefore, for a ano painu the ua can represent present as well as past
tense (Kaman /Wilson 2012:121).
Ua hele au i ka hale. I went to the house. hehele
There are also situations where one wants to indicate a completed action of a single occurrence. This
is indicated by ana in the Po o. Using ana in the Po o can also be used to indicate future action (see
next section on Not completed action). Distinguishing what is meant when ana is used in the Po o
needs to rely on other contextual clues.
Example Meaning
I ka hola elua, kanu ana m kou i ke kalo. At 2:00 we planted the taro.
Action that has not been completed is indicated using the m ka painu e painu ana. In other words,
that action could be currently happening, going to happen, or was happening. Clues to determine the
time frame under which the activity is happening need to come from the context of the conversation
(Hopkins 1992:64).
Example Meaning
E wela ana ka wai. The water is getting hot, the water was getting
hot, the water will be getting hot.
There are situations where one wants to clearly indicate that an action will happen in the future. This
can be indicated by ana in the Po o. Using ana in the Po o can also be used to indicate completed
action of a single occurrence (see previous section on completed action). Distinguishing what is
meant when ana is used in the Po o needs to rely on other contextual clues.
Painu ana + piko: Example: Aia ana oe i ka hale? Are you going to be at the house?
The m ka painu e painu ana can have the meaning of action happening now, but using the m ka
painu ke painu nei gives a stronger emphasis of the action happening right now. Consider the
following examples:
Example Meaning
Ke ulana nei o Pualani i ka lei. Pualani is weaving the lei right now.
Note that Ke painu nei is sometimes expressed as Ke painu ala. Using nei indicates an action
happening near to the speaker in distance, and using ala indicates an action happening far from the
speaker in distance. Ke painu ala is not often seen. Ke painu nei occurs most often in formal
speeches, in church, and in writing. E painu ana is more commonly used in day-to-day conversations
to indicate ongoing action (Hopkins 1992:125).
The suggestive m ka painu, e painu, has multiple meanings/usages is discussed in other sections of
this book as well as this one. Two of these meanings/usages will be discussed here. The first
meaning is when one is expressing a command. The second is when expressing “will”, “should”,
“shall”, and “”let s” (Kaman /Wilson 2012:126). The following examples illustrate these usages:
Example Meaning
E ha awi aku oe i ka poi i ka wahine. Give the poi to the women. (command)
Recently Completed:
The m ka painu ua, used along with a directional (hunekuhi) (aku, mai, a e, iho) and either nei or
la indicates recently completed action. Using nei indicates the action completed near the speaker and
la indicates action completed action away from the speaker. he following are examples of this m ka
Example Meaning
Ua lele a ela ka manu i ke kumul au. The bird recently flew to the tree.
Ua kalaiwa mai nei ke keiki i ane i. The boy recently drove here.
Ua noho iho nei o ia I ka hale. She recently lived in the house.
Note that the hunekuhi and la are often written and pronounced as a single word. As the above table
shows, the m ka painu can change based on the analula that is being used. Each of the rows of the
table will be discussed in the appropriate sections of this book that follow.
Marker Usage
E Strongest
I Suggestive
Mai Negative
Example Meaning
I wahi noho k ia no olua. Let this be a living place for you. (Why don't you
live here?)
Hele oe!
Mai! Don't! Stop!
Ia (Passivizer)
The particle ia after a hamani (transitive verb) gives it a passive sense. The kena (object) of the
verb becomes the piko (subject), instead of the kena (actor). Consider the sentence, “The fish was
eaten by Kimo”. In this case, the fish is the subject of the sentence but it is not the fish that is doing
the eating. Kimo is the one doing the eating, but is expressed in the sentence as the agent of the
action, not the subject. (Elbert/Pukui 1979:83)
Ai o Kimo i ka i a.
po o piko kena ami lauka awe kena
Kimo eats the fish.
Ai ia ka i a e Kimo.
po o piko kena awe kena
The fish is eaten by Kimo.
As a hamani (transitive verb), ai takes the object marker i to indicate the object of the eating. In the
passive form with ia, there is no object and so no object marker.
Examples of transitive verbs and their use in a passive sense with ia:
Example Meaning
When an kena (agent, the one causing the action) is called out in a passive sentence, it s done with
e (which is translated as “by” or “by means of”) preceding the agent, e.g. “e ka p poki” - “by the cat”.
The painu (verb) with ia is typically translated with an "-en” or “-ed” in English, e.g. "eaten", "cooked".
Example Meaning
Heluhelu ia ka puke makemakika e k l keiki The math book is read by that girl.
Ellen does not take o because it follows e.
Note that the passive verb portion of the sentence is exactly as described previously only now the
agent is identified as well: the cat, that girl and Ellen.
If the cause of the action is not intentional, the agent is indicated with i/i instead (as with loa a verbs).
In English, "with" is often used instead of "by" in similar sentences.
Example Meaning
Ola ka m i ke Akua. God save the king (Live the king by the god).29
Often times in speaking Hawaiian the person being addressed is spoken to indirectly (see section on
indirect addressing). This holds true for suggesting that something should be done. This is called a
passive voiced command and has the following form:
E painu ia piko
This is a nicer way of saying that someone specific should prepare the food… they should know who
they are.
Ho o- (Transitivizer)
The prefix ho o- makes the word it is attached to into a hamani (transitive verb). It is most often
attached to an a ano (stative verb) or hehele (intransitive verb), but it may be attached to a kikino
(noun) or even a hamani to change its meaning. The meaning of a word prefixed with ho o- is to
cause to take on the state or form or action of the word following ho o.
The prefix changes form depending on the first letters of the word it is attached to.
okina + kahak ho ho (to cause to burn or turn on) from (to burn or be
turned on)
ho hule (to cause to be bald) from hule (to be bald)
okina (and no kahak ) h h ike (to show, cause to be seen) from ike (to see)
h ano (to make weird) from ano (weird)
(Elbert/Pukui 1979:50)
lengthened ho mi (to reduce) from emi (to diminish, go down)
vowel (if not ho la (to cause to be alive, cure) from ola (to be alive,
already long) healthy)
ho la i (to cause an earthquake) from ola i (earthquake)
all others (i, u or a ho o ho oikaika (to make strong) from ikaika (strong)
consonant other than ho oman o (to remind someone) from mana o (to think of
okina) something)
Ki a Painu (Nominalizer)
The particle ana as a separate word following a painu (verb) changes the sense of the verb into a
kikino (noun) describing the action of the verb, e.g. ka holo ana (the running) from holo (to run).
Almost any painu or kikino can be used with ana, but it is most often seen with hamani and hehele
verbs. In English translation, the expression is often a gerund (running, seeing, knowing, climbing).
A very common usage of ki a painu is where English would use a subordinate verb clause, especially
to express the idea of "when" for an action in the past.
The relationship of the thing or person doing the action to the ki a painu is usually o-type.
Example Meaning
Ua ike au i ka ai ana o ka p poki i ka manu. I saw the cat eat the bird.
I ka wehe ana aku i ka puke, ua lilo paha ka pila When (X) opened the door, the bill was probably
i ka makani. taken by the wind.
O ia ka hopena o ka hele ole ana e ho olohe That s the consequence of not going to listen to
lipine. the tapes.
There may be other words between the verb and ana, with the following pattern:
ko u ho i ana mai
my returning
(Hopkins 1992:185-187)
Hele a
hele a painu
Example Meaning
Mai ai nui o hele a momona kou p . Don’t eat too much or you will become fat.
Koe (n )
The following pattern means except for / remaining:
Koe (n ) kikino
Example Meaning
Koe n ka penikala ma luna o ke p kaukau. Only the pencil is left on the table.
Ua hana m kou i n mea a pau, koe k ia. We did everything except for this.
Kohu ABC
This pattern means to resemble, to be similar to, something like a, but lacks the idea of something
fitting like a shoe. See the section on K i/i .
Example Meaning
Kohu keko kona pi ina i ke kumu niu. Like a monkey his climbing the coconut tree.
Kohu luahine kona lelo ana. Her speaking resembles that of an old woman.
Kohu nananana ke mea a u i ike iho ai. The thing that I saw was similar to a spider.
The kohu mea l /ala pattern expresses the idea that something seems to be, but without certainty.
Example Meaning
Kohu mea ala, ua h nau ia au i neheinei. Seems as though, I was born yesterday.
Kohu mea l , a ole maopopo ka ha awina i ia. It s as if he doesn t understand the lesson.
K a
The following pattern means to turn into something:
Example Meaning
A k a lio hinahina a ela ua po e iole nei. And these rats here turned into silver-gray
K i/i
The following pattern means to fit, match, be similar to, resemble something:
Example Meaning
Lilo is a word that can function as either a hamani or a loa a-type a ano. When functioning as a
hamani it means “to become”, and as a stative loa a it means to accrue (Elbert/Pukui 1979:53). It
also means “to be engrossed or absorbed in something” (Hopkins 1992: 186). Other meanings
include to be lost, gone, pass into the possession of, to relinquish; to become, turn into, to overcome,
be purchased, taken.
When using lilo to describe becoming or turning into something/someone, the ami preceding the
target kikino indicates either something general (i) or something specific ( o).
Example Meaning
Ua lawe a lilo ia ka ipo. The sweetheart was carried off and lost.
Ua lilo o Kimo o ke kauka o Kal kaua. Kimo became Kal kaua s doctor.
E lilo ana ka wahine o kona hoa. The woman is going to become his friend.
Kaman /Wilson indicate a slightly different structure for the case with a specific target; a second
pepeke aike o is added after the piko as shown below (Kaman /Wilson 2012: 176).
Example Meaning
Ua lilo o Kimo o ia o Kal kaua ma ka hana Kimo became Kal kaua in the play.
E lilo ana l ua o l ua ia mau haum na i k ia They are going to be those students (we have
makahiki a e. been talking about) next year.
The following examples illustrate lilo functioning as a stative Loa a meaning “to accrue”, “to be
engrossed or absorbed in something”.
Example Meaning
Ua lilo ke k l i ka aihue. The money accrued to the thief. (The thief got
the money)
Mai lilo ke k l i ka aihue. The thief almost got the money.
Ua lilo au i ka heluhelu ana I ka puke hoihoi. I was absorbed in reading the interesting book.
M kaukau
The a ano (stative verb) m kaukau ("ready", "prepared") takes "no ka" rather than the infinitive
marker "e" to introduce the painu (verb).
Example Meaning
Ua m kaukau m kou no ka hele ana. We are ready to go (We are ready for the going).
Note that this use of m kaukau is different from when used to mean "proficient", where it may take i/i
like other a ano (stative verbs).
Example Meaning
leka noi ma ka lelo Hawai i e h ike ana i kou letter in Hawaiian showing you are ready for
m kaukau no k ia k lana (have the proficiency for) this position
Me he mea l
seems like/as if, seems as though, Definite
Expressing the idea that something seems as though with definite certainty the Me he mea l pattern
is used. See examples in the table below for usage:
Example Meaning
Me he mea l , E ho opuka ia ana ka papa i k ia Seems as though the class will graduate this
makahiki year.
Me he mea l , ua ho opa ahau ia ka wai. Seems like the water has been frozen.
Me he mea l , ua k a i mai o Kimo i ka mea ai. Seems as if Kimo bought the food.
Nele i
"Nele" means "to be missing/lacking" something:
where kikino/papani is the subject and kikino is the thing that is missing.
Example Meaning
Nele maoli k ia ohana i ka nui o n keiki. This family is truly lacking because they have so
many kids.
Noke i ka
Noke (to persist, keep on) is used in the following pattern to mean persist in doing something:
Example Meaning
Noke l ua nei i ka p i n w wae o l ua i komo They (here) keep on pushing their feet inside.
i loko.
noke i ka aka aka keep on laughing
P p ia
The following pattern means forbidden/prohibited to do something:
Example Meaning
P p ia, a ole e inu i ka lama ma loko o k ia It is forbidden to drink alcohol inside this room.
E ia nei, e ala mai, ua p p ia, a ole e hiamoe You there, get up, it is prohibited to sleep at the
ma kahi kau ka a hua. bus stop.
Ua p p ia, a ole e pi i i uka o laila ma muli o ka It was prohibited to climb above there because
h ne e ana o ka mauna. of landslides.
Pepeke Painu - Ua painu E painu ana Ke painu nei E painu Ua painu dir
A ole Painu - i painu e painu ana e painu nei e painu i painu dir nei/la
K lele kena e painu i painu e painu ana e painu nei e painu i painu dir nei/la
K lele K lana e painu ai i painu ai ana, e painu nei e painu ai i painu dir nei/la
e painu ai
e painu ana
Kahulu e painu ai i painu ai e painu ana e painu nei e painu ai i painu dirnei/la
Pepeke Piko
The verb phrase is the po o or head of the sentence. It is followed by a piko or subject and optionally
an awe or descriptive phrase.
Ua h loi au i n p .
Po o Piko Awe
I cleaned the dishes.
Ua hele n au i ke kula.
Po o Piko Awe
I definitely went to school.
Example Meaning
Ua hele akula au i ke kula. I went to school a while ago (or far away).
Po o 1 Po o 2 Piko Awe
I definitely did not go to school.
Example Meaning
A ole au e hele aku ana i ke kula. I was not going/am not going/will not be going to
A ole au e hele aku nei i ke kula. I am not going to school (right now).
A ole au i hele akula i ke kula. I didn't go to school a while ago (or far away).
A ole au i hele aku nei i ke kula. I didn't go to school recently (or nearby).
Example Meaning
E ai wikiwiki wale ia mai ana n k l ka i a. The fish is really amazingly quickly being eaten.
There are two equivalent noun phrases when saying “That man is my father.” “That man” equals/is the
same as “My father”. Noun phrase 1 is “k la kanaka” and noun phrase 2 is “ko u makua k ne”.
In English, if the two noun phrases can be reversed and still mean the same thing, it s a sign that they
are equivalent. As shown in the example above, “That man is my father” could also be expressed as
“My father is that man.” They are equivalent and express the same thought, and therefore use the
Aike O sentence pattern.
To identify English sentences that use the Aike O pattern, look for English phrases that include “am”,
“is” or “are”. For example: “…am the teacher” or “…is the boss” or “...are your friends”. These English
sentences include “is”, “am” or “are” to express two things that are the same.
Being equivalent is not the same as "is an example of". In English it s the difference between “The
woman is the teacher” and “The woman is a teacher”. To say “The woman is a teacher.” the Aike He
sentence pattern is used and is described in the Aike He section. This pattern can usually not be
reversed without changing the meaning of the sentence - "The teacher is a woman".
Note that a ka i (ka/ke/k ia/etc.) is required following the O unless the first noun is a proper noun:
Example Meaning
O au o Kimo I am Kimo
Example Meaning
The noun phrase to emphasize is placed at the beginning of the sentence, also in the negative form.
For example, if starting with a positive equational sentence:
O k l wahine ke kumu kula o k ia papa. That woman is the teacher of this class.
The negation can be either of the following depending on what is being emphasized:
A ole k l wahine o ke kumu kula o k ia papa. That woman is not the teacher of this class.
A ole ke kumu kula o k ia papa o k l wahine. That woman is not the teacher of this class.
The response to the question simply substitutes the answer noun phrase in place of wai:
O ka p poki, lele o ia ma luna o ka noho. As for the cat, it jumped up on the chair.
Example Meaning
He mau p poki k l . Those are cats.
The Hawaiian language doesn t have a verb meaning “to be”. In Hawaiian there are three sentence
patterns used to express the English "is":
A ano (stative) verbs are used where an adjective would be used as the predicate. The simple verb
sentence with a stative verb expresses that one or more objects has a quality ("is").
Example Meaning
(Cleeland 1994) calls class inclusion sentences "equational"
The K lele kena sentence form contains two po o as shown by the color coded example below:
Na u i holoi i n p .
Po o 1 Po o 2 Awe.
Consider the following example comparing a simple Pepeke Painu sentence with a K lele kena:
This example illustrates that a K lele kena places emphasis on the responsible party. It also shows
the important aspects of constructing a K lele kena, namely, the following:
A ole Painu - i painu e painu ana e painu nei e painu i painu dir nei/la
K lele e painu i painu e painu ana e painu nei e painu i painu dir nei/la
K lele e painu ai i painu ai ana, e painu ai e painu nei e painu ai i painu dir nei/la
K lana e painu ana
Pepeke Piko
hou ole -, e* i painu e painu ana e painu nei e painu i painu dir nei/la
i painu dir nei/la
Pepeke Piko
hou e painu ai i painu ai e painu ana e painu nei e painu ai i painu dir nei/la
There are different schools of thought as to whether or not the ami (object marker) is required, not
required, or optional at the start of the Awe for K lele kena sentences with Hamani (Transitive)
type verbs. Elbert and Pukui state that “object markers do not occur after transitive verbs.”
(Elbert/Pukui 1979: 149). This leads to an example such as the following:
Na u e m lama kona mau iwi. I was (responsible) to care for her bones.
Hopkins states that “It is also acceptable to omit the object marker, but for clarity’s sake you should
probably use it.” (Hopkins 1992: 196). Kaman and Wilson don’t mention omitting the ami (object
marker) for Hamani type verbs in their discussion of K lele kena (Kaman /Wilson 2012 Vol II: 37).
As a result of these different schools of thought you will encounter K lele kena sentences both with
and without the ami (object marker).
The following examples illustrate the use of the K lele kena (all include the ami):
Po o 1 Po o 2 Awe Meaning
Na n makua e ho om kaukau ana i ka mea ai. The parents are going to prepare the
Na ke keiki e wehiwehi nei i ka hale. It is the kids that are decorating the
N u e hula ma ka P alima. You are the one that dances on
Remember that a ano type verbs are not used in K lele kena. Therefore an example like the
following is grammatically incorrect and in fact doesn t make sense:
If one wanted to express the thought that the food is cold because of Keola, a simple Pepeke Painu
with an awe kena a ano (causative noun phrase) would suffice as follows:
Ua anuanu ka mea ai i Keola. The food is cold due to Keola (perhaps he was late arriving)
Note that hune a au (intensifiers) follow the first po o as shown in the examples below:
Example Meaning
N na n ho i e p lehu a e i n uala. It is her indeed that will roast the sweet potatoes.
Na Kimo e kalaiwa i n keiki i ke kula. It is Kimo that drives the kids to school.
Na Kimo n keiki e kalaiwa i ke kula.
The above 2 sentences have the same meaning but the second emphasizes the fact that it is the kids
that Kimo drives to school.
In the case of moving a papani forward, the object marker needs to be inserted as shown below:
Na u o ia i k kua.
A ole na Keola e a o aku i n keiki. It is not Keola’s responsibility to teach the children
Po o 1 Po o 2 Po o 3 Awe.
Keep in mind that hune a a u (intensifiers) are added to the first po o in any Hawaiian sentence. The
example below shows how the intensifier moves when the additional po o is added:
Na ka wahine paha e ho opa a i k l ka a. It is perhaps the women’s responsibility to fix that car.
A ole paha na ka wahine e ho opa a i k l ka a. It is perhaps not the women’s responsibility to fix
that car.
A simple Pepeke Painu: Ua ho i mai n ke keiki i ka P alima. The child returned on Friday.
Po o Piko Awe
K lele K lana form: I ka P alima n i ho i mai ai ke keiki. It was on Friday the child returned.
Po o 1 Po o 2 Piko
Simply moving an awe to the front of a sentence places some emphasis on it (the awe) but also is
used as a way to add interest and variation in both spoken and written Hawaiian. K lele K lana form
is used when one really wants to emphasize the time, place or manner in which an event occurs.
Therefore, K lele K lana form is used to emphasize and ask When, Where, Why, Which, and How.
(Hopkins 1992:203)
In the K lele K lana example above, note that the awe became a new po o and that the hune a au
(n ) moved to follow the first po o.
Note that there are always two m ka painu markers used for K lele K lana. The painu (verbs) are
marked with m ka painu to indicate tense. See the green highlighted row of the table below which
shows the m ka painu forms to be used for the K lele K lana.
A ole - i painu e painu ana e painu nei e painu i painu dir nei/la
K lele e painu i painu e painu ana e painu nei e painu i painu dir nei/la
K lele e painu ai i painu ai ana, e painu ai e painu nei e painu ai i painu dir nei/la
K lana e painu ana
Piko hou -, e* i painu e painu ana e painu nei e painu i painu dir nei/la
Piko hou e painu ai i painu ai e painu ana e painu nei e painu ai i painu dir nei/la
The location of the piko within the K lele K lana form depends on if the piko is a papani (pronoun)
or not as illustrated below:
Po o 1 Po o 2 Piko
Piko follows the painu/m ka painu.
Piko is a papani:
I ka P alima n m ua i ho i mai ai. It was on Friday, that we returned.
Po o 1 Piko Po o 2
Piko precedes the painu/m ka painu.
Note that the names of people are sometimes placed in this position as well.
Looking into the above table of m ka painu markers you will see that the Not Completed Action
column for K lele K lana looks a little different. In order to distinguish the case for future action in a
K lele K lana, the normal e painu ana is replaced with ana, e painu ai. Leaving off the ana would
therefore mark the painu as habitual or suggestive as opposed to future, and not moving it forward
would mark the painu as past and on-going action. This is shown in the following examples:
Ma hea ana oe e hele ai i ke kula? Where (future) are you going to school?
Ma hea oe e hele ai i ke kula? Where (habitual or suggestive) do you go to school?
Ma hea oe e hele ana i ke kula? Where (past, on-going) are (or were) you going to school?
As mentioned earlier, K lele K lana is used when emphasizing or asking When, Where, Why, Which,
and How. The following examples illustrate the use of K lele K lana.
Example Meaning
I ka manawa hea i h ea mai ai n wa a mai When did the canoes arrive from Moloka i?
Moloka i mai?
I ka P alua ana m ua e ha alele aku ai i Maui It is on Tuesday that we are going to depart
no O ahu. Maui for O ahu.
I ka auinal o Pualani e h nai aku ai i n moa. It is in the afternoon that Pualani feeds the
hea o Kimo e hele aku ai i ka p ka? When should Kimo go to the park?
In hea oukou i ho i maila i ka hale waihona When did you guys return(recently) to the
puke? library?
Ma hea i kau iho ai ke k ne i k na mau k ? Where did the man place his keys?
I ka p ka o Pualani e ulana nei i n moena It is in the park that Pualani is weaving the
lauhala. pandanus leaf mats.
Ma Hilo i ho opau ia aku nei ka hale e n k ne. It was in Hilo that the house was recently
completed by the men.
No ke aha o Keola e kalaiwa aku ai i ke ka a Why does Keola drive the red car?
ula ula?
No ka hana ana l kou e noho iho ai i O ahu. It is for work that they are going to live in
O ahu.
No ke aha o Keola l ua o Kimo e kama ilio ana Why were Keola and Kimo talking in
ma Hanap p ? Hanap p ?
No ka ai ana i ho i mai ai ka lio i ka hale. For eating the dog returned to the house.
No ke aha oe i pa i akula i k l mo olelo i ka Why did you recently publish that story in the
n pepa? newspaper?
Ma ke ka a hea i hopu iho ai n m ka i i ka mea In which car did the police arrest the robber?
Ma ke ka a ula ula i hopu iho ai n m ka i i ka In the red car the police arrested the robber.
mea aihue.
Ma ke alanui hea o Kimo e noho ai? On which street does Kimo live?
Ma ke alanui o Makani o Kimo e noho ai. On the street named Makani Kimo lives.
I ka mea hea e lawe aku ai ke keikik ne i ka Which thing should the boy take to class?
I ka makahiki umik m iwa kanaiwa au i h nau ia In the year 1990 I was born.
I ka p lule hea o Kimo e k ai mai ai? Which shirt should Kimo buy?
I ka p lule pol o Kimo e k ai mai ai. The blue shirt Kimo should buy.
Examples of emphasizing or asking How
Pehea ana oe e h pai ai i k l mau manak a How are you going to carry all of those
pau? mangos?
I ka eke ana au e h pai ai i k l mau manak a In the bag I am going to carry all of those
pau. mangos.
Pehea o Kimo i uku aku ai i k ia papa? How did Kimo pay for this class?
Me k na k l o Kimo i uku aku ai i k ia papa. With his money Kimo payed for this class.
Pehea i hana ia aku nei k n p kaukau? How was that table made?
Me k l ko i i hana ia aku nei k n p kaukau. With that adze that table was made.
Pehea l kou e ho oulu a e ai i k l kalo ono? How do they grow that delicious taro?
Me ke aloha l kou e ho oulu a e ai i k l kalo With love they grow that delicious taro.
The Pepeke Henua Aia, or locational sentence, is used to tell where or when something or someone
is, or even describe what the piko is doing (or what state it is in). For example it’s used to tell that
something or someone “is on Maui”, “is with your uncle”, or “is on Friday.”
These sentences will have at least three parts, beginning with Aia (or Eia), followed by a piko
(who/what) and one or more awe. This pattern is used for locations such as: in, on, at, or with. It is
also used to express what day something is on .
Example Meaning
Eia n ano o ka lole Hawai i i ka w kahiko. Here are the kinds of Hawaiian clothing in the
old days.
The previous examples are all referring to the present tense, that is, someone or something is at a
location “right now”. Aia/Eia do not take m ka painu (verb markers) to indicated completed, past,
future, etc. That someone or something either “Was there” or “Will be there” is determined from the
context, often a date or time reference as an additional awe. For example, “Aia au i ke kula i nehinei.”
expresses that “I was at the school yesterday.”
Pepeke Henua Aia sentence patterns can also be used with a number or an amount. For these
sentences, the pattern is as follows:
Example Meaning
Aia he eh mau hale ma k ia alanui. There are four houses on this street.
The he and/or mau may be omitted in conversation.
Example Meaning
Temporary Possession
The Aia construction can also be used to express temporary possession (as opposed to ownership).
These sentences use the pattern:
Aia ko u ka a i ko u kaiku ana. My sister has my car. (My car is with my sister.)
The Aia construction can be used to ask locational questions as well. The unknown location of the
thing is expressed with either i hea or ma hea. For example, “Where is Keola?” is expressed as “Aia i
hea o Keola?”
There are actually four ways to ask this question because the ami “ma” and “i” are interchangeable
and the awe and piko position can be switched:
Aia o Keoni i hea?
Aia o Keoni ma hea?
Aia i hea o Keoni?
Aia ma hea o Keoni?
The most common ways of asking this question are the last two above. (Kaman /Wilson 2012:30)
Voice intonation must also be used to express these as a question.
If the piko is an inanimate object and you want to say that it is with someone, use i or i for “with”
instead of me. Following the pattern of I is to be used for ka i + Meme a; I is to be used with proper
nouns or pronouns.
Example Meaning
Ke Aia A (Until)
The following pattern with Aia means "Only if/when", rather than "There is":
Aia a painu
Example Meaning
Aia a pau ka papa, hiki i oe ke hele e he e nalu. Only if/when the class is finished, you can go
Aia a heluhelu o ia i ka puke, hiki i oe ke n nau. Only if/when you read the book, you can ask
Aia a maopopo i oe, e lelo mai. Only if/when you understand, speak up.
To negate a Pepeke Henua Aia sentence, simply replace Aia with A ole:
Example Meaning
In Hawaiian, and similar to in English, when engaged in a conversation or when answering a question,
some repetitive or implied words might be dropped. In Hawaiian, in a Pepeke Henua, the awe and/or
the piko may be dropped, if they are obvious from the context.
Example Meaning
There are cases where Aia/Eia does not take a preposition; they are considered idioms:
"Aia aku aia mai" Occasionally, Now and then (Hopkins 1992:209)
Example Meaning
Aia n manu i h nai ia e l ua ma hope o ka The birds who were raised by them are behind
hale. the house.
Aia ka hale na e k ai mai ana. There is the house that he was buying.
Aia ma hea n kuki a kou makuahine i kuke aku Where are the cookies which your mother just
nei? cooked?
Aia n oe ke hele nei i ke kulanui? Are you still going to the university?
Aia ana m ua ma laila ke kono ia. We will be there when we are invited.
Aia ke kaha i ka pono o k u hana ma ka h ike Your grade depends on how well you work on
hope loa . the final exam.
Example Meaning
Mai hea mai ka moku? Where is the boat from (where did it come
Mai Ni ihau mai ka moku. The boat is from Ni ihau (it was previously in
Ni ihau but may originally be from somewhere
A ole mai Ni ihau ka moku. The boat did not come from Ni ihau.
Me kikino/papani/wai piko
Example Meaning
Me ke aha ka hana? What is the work with (what is the work like)?
O ka hiamoe ihola n ia o n keiki k ne. Right after that the boys went to sleep.
O ko u wehe a ela n ia i n puka aniani a pau. Right after that I opened all the windows.
This sentence structure is common in literature, while in spoken Hawaiian today, a simple verb
sentence pattern is more likely to be used:
A laila, ua wehe au i n puka aniani a pau. After that I opened all the windows.
(Hawkins 1982:41)
Example Meaning
O ko l ua ha alele akula n ia i Maui no Kaua i. Right after that they left Maui for Kauai.
O ka loa a maila n ia o ka u makana. Then I got my present.
O ka aka aka maila n ia o Keola i m kou. And then Keola laughed at us.
O ke k akula n ia o k na kaikun ne i ka pua a. Immediately thereafter, her brother shot the pig.
O ka lele akula n ia o ka lio mo o mai loko a e Then the brindled dog jumped out of the
o ka umeke. calabash.
where nono ana is the thing that is possessed and einono a is the possessor, e.g.
To express the plural of the thing that is possessed, mau is added after He:
To express a number, none, many/much or "how many" (as a question), the number, none,
many/much or "how many" starts the sentence instead of just He. Instead of ko/k , a k-less
possessive o/a connects the possessed with the possessor:
Nui ka u mau lio. I have many dogs.
Nui n lio a u. I have many dogs.
When the possessor is a papani (pronoun), the einono a precedes the nono ana:
A ohe can also be used with a verb to mean "never, never ever":
Example Meaning
He iwak lua (mau) leka a n haum na. The students have twenty letters.
Ho okahi halek ai o Wainiha. Wainiha has one store (there’s one store in
Eiwa na (mau) k wele. He has nine towels.
Hiki, meaning “to be possible”, is as close as we can get to the English “can” or “able to”. For example
in English, “you can go” expresses a similar concept to “(It) is possible for you to go.”
The subject of hiki is always ia (it): hiki ia = “it is possible,” but is generally omitted in the Hawaiian.
Whoever can do the action (the “do-er”) follows hiki as a direct object.
Instead of the usual infinitive e, verbs in hiki sentences are preceded by ke. (Hopkins 1992:164) This
ke is not the word for “the” and never changes to ka; ke is always used in these hiki sentences.
The hiki sentence pattern is affected by whether a hehele (intransitive verb) or a ano (stative verb)
follows ke.
Example Meaning
A hiki i Keola ke noho ma ka hale. And Keola can stay home. (Cleeland 1994:265)
Hiki with a ano (stative verbs)
When the painu is an a ano (stative verb), the word order is:
Ua hiki ke pilikia oe i ia. You could have had problems with him.
Hiki ke painu “do-er” (i/i Direct Object)
Po o Po o Piko ( Awe)
The following examples use a ano (stative verbs), such as pilikia and loa a or the passive form of a
hamani (transitive verb) with ia.
Example Meaning
E hiki ana ke loa a ke k l i k kou. We are going to be able to find the money.
The m ka painu (verb markers) change as for negated pepeke painu (simple verb sentences).
(Hopkins 1992:165)
Example Meaning
A ole e hiki ana ke loa a ia mea ai ma laila. It is going to be impossible to get that sort of
food there.
Ka I Loko N O (Despite)
Here loko is not used as a locative but introduces a sentence with “Despite”, “In spite of”.
Example Meaning
E , i loko n o ia noho hewa ia, mau n ke Yes, despite that occupation, the independence
k oko a. continues.
Example Meaning
n iho n , ua ho i n keiki i k l kou papa. Immediately the kids returned to their class.
n iho n , komo mai o Liko ma loko o ka lumi Immediately, Liko entered into the meeting room.
h l wai.
Example: Oi aku ka ono o k l i a ma mua o k ia moa. (That fish is more delicious than this
Note that if the second subject (B) is a papani then the k-less possessive form is used at the end of
the sentence as illustrated in the above example.
Some of the m ka painu used for Pepeke Painu sentences can be used with Oi aku sentences as
well (Kaman /Wilson 2012, puke 1:200). Consider the following:
Ua oi aku ka nui o k l kalaka ma mua o k l ka a. (That truck was bigger than that car.)
E oi aku ana ko Kimo ikaika ma mua ona. (Kimo is going to be stronger than him.)
E oi aku ka palupalu o k na kapa ma mua ka u kapa. (Her kapa will be softer than my kapa)
Because oi is an a ano the m ka painu ke painu nei is not typically used, thus the following would be
Ke oi aku nei ka anuanu o k ia pia ma mua o k n pia. (This beer is colder than that beer.)
The “aku” in the Oi aku structure is simply a hunekuhi. Therefore, it can be replaced by other
hunekuhi, although a e is the one typically used in place of aku since they both give the sense of
outward or upward. This makes sense in that the oi aku pattern is used to say one item is somehow
superior to another. Also, since aku and a e are hunekuhi, other words can come between them and
oi (Kaman /Wilson 2012, puke 1:200). Consider the following examples:
E oi loa aku ana ka wela o ka l ap p ma mua o k ia l . (Tomorrow is going to be way hotter than
Ua oi a e ke akamai o Pualani ma mua o Kimo. (Pualani was smarter than Kimo.)
Oi hou a e ka ono o k ia poi ma mua o k n poi. (This poi is once again more delicious than that
When comparing the goodness of something compared to another, the Hawaiian word used is
maika i. Sometimes the ka maika i o is dropped as being understood as shown below:
Oi aku (ka maika i o) k l wa a ma mua o k ia wa a. (That canoe is better than this canoe.)
Negation: Negating a pepeke oi aku is done in the same manner as a pepeke painu. As shown
Affirmative: Ua oi aku ka m luhiluhi o Keola ma mua o Pualani. (Keola was more tired than Pualani)
Negated: A ole i oi aku ka m luhiluhi o Keola ma mua o Pualani. (Keola was not more tired than
The following are additional examples illustrating the use of the Oi aku:
Example Meaning
Oi aku ke anuanu o ka hau ma mua o ka wai. The ice is colder than the water.
Ua oi aku ka poupou o Kimo ma mua o u i ka w Kimo was shorter than me when we were kids.
kamali i
Oi a e ka wela o ka laulau ma mua o ka poi. The laulau is hotter than the poi.
A ole e oi hou a e ana kou ikaika ma mua o u. Once again you are not going to be stronger
than me.
Ka Pepeke E Aho
This pattern is used when one wants to say that something is simply better without making a
comparison to something else. In English it could be translated as “it is better..”, or in Pidgeon “mo
bettah…”. The pattern can be used in several different forms as follows:
E aho ia
E aho e painu + piko
E aho + ki a
E aho ke k ai ana mai i ka makana ma k ia hale k ai. (Better buying the gift at this store.)
Po o Piko Awe
Note that because the E aho portion of the sentence is a po o, hune au au may be used following aho.
The following examples illustrate the use of the E aho pattern:
Example Meaning
E aho ia, e ho om kaukau koke l kou. Better they should get ready quickly.
E aho n e ha alele k kou ma ka P akahi. Better indeed we should leave on Monday.
A simple Aike O:
O Kimo ke k ne kioea. Kimo is the slender man.
Po o Piko k hulu
O Kimo ke k ne i kalaiwa i ka hale. Kimo is the man that drove to the house.
Po o 1 Piko K hulu Pepeke Awe
Note the m ka painu marker (i) before the painu (kalaiwa) in the above example. The painu (verbs)
are marked with m ka painu to indicate tense. See the green highlighted row of the table below
which shows the m ka painu patterns to be used for the K hulu Pepeke Piko hou ole.
A ole - i painu e painu ana e painu nei e painu i painu dir
Painu nei/la
K lele e painu i painu e painu ana e painu nei e painu i painu dir
kena nei/la
K lele e painu ai i painu ai ana, e painu ai e painu nei e painu ai i painu dir
K lana e painu ana nei/la
Piko hou -, e* i painu e painu ana e painu nei e painu i painu dir
ole nei/la
Piko hou e painu ai i painu ai e painu ana e painu nei e painu ai i painu dir
The habitual form is sometimes marked with e and sometimes not.
When translated into English, the word who or that will be immediately followed by the action phrase
as shown in the following examples illustrating the use of the K hulu Pepeke Piko Hou ole.
O Kimo ka mea i kuke i ka mea ai. Kimo is the one who cooked the
Ok l ka ilio e aoa ana i ka p hale. That is the dog that was barking in
the yard.
He aha ka mea i h ea mai mai L haina What is the thing that recently
nei mai? arrived from L haina?
O wai ke k ne e ulana nei i ka lau hala? Who is the man that is weaving the
pandanus leaf?
O l ua n mea hele* i ka hale k ai. They are the ones that (habitually)
go to the store.
O Kimo ke kanaka i aihue i ko u eke kua Kimo is the person that stole my
*Note that the habitual form is sometimes marked with the m ka painu e but sometimes not.
The words for “the one” and the m ka painu “i” are often combined as follows:
O ia ka mea i kalaiwa i ke ka a. O ia kai kalaiwa i ke ka a. (She is the one that drove the car.)
The words for “the one/thing” and the m ka painu “e” are often combined as follows:
O Kimo ka mea e m lama i ke kalo. O Kimo ke m lama i ke kalo. (Kimo is the one who cares for the
Passive form
The passive form of a painu is often used with K hulu Pepeka Piko Hou Ole. Recall that to make a
painu passive the word ia follows it.
Po o Piko K hulu Awe Meaning
O ka mea ai ka mea i kuke ia aku e Keola i nehinei The food is the thing that was
cooked by Keola yesterday.
O ka poi ka mea e ai ia iho no ka aina ahiahi. The poi is the thing that is eaten
for dinner.
Ma hea ka pua a i k lua ia aku i ka imu e Keola? Where is the pig that was baked
in the imu by Keola?
Cleeland points out that commonly, when the piko (subject) is a living thing, the k hulu can be an
active or passive painu (verb). He further says that commonly, when the piko (subject) is a thing, the
painu (verb) will likely be passive (i.e. followed by ia) (Cleeland 1994:344).
A simple Aike O:
Now we use a k hulu that adds a new piko and describes the action (i.e. a painu (verb)) that the
new piko is performing:
O k l ke ka a a Keola e kalaiwa ai i ka hale k ai. That is the car that Keola drives to the store.
Po o Piko (ka i kikino) K hulu Pepeke Awe
As always, the k hulu in the above example is simply adorning the word it follows. It is telling us
something additional about the car. Namely, it is the car that Kimo drives to the store. Kimo in this
case is the new piko.
Note that there are always two m ka painu markers used for painu in K hulu Pepeke Piko Hou. The
painu (verbs) are marked with m ka painu to indicate tense. See the green highlighted row of the
table below which shows the m ka painu forms to be used for the K hulu Pepeke Piko Hou.
A ole - i painu e painu ana e painu nei e painu i painu dir nei/la
K lele e painu i painu e painu ana e painu nei e painu i painu dir nei/la
K lele e painu ai i painu ai ana, e painu ai e painu nei e painu ai i painu dir nei/la
K lana e painu ana
Piko hou -, e* i painu e painu ana e painu nei e painu i painu dir nei/la
Piko hou e painu ai i painu ai e painu ana e painu nei e painu ai i painu dir nei/la
A or O class “possessive”
Looking again at the example used above, you will see that the new piko (Keola) is of the k-less
possessive form as highlighted in red below:
O k l ke ka a a Keola e kalaiwa ai i ka hale k ai. That is the car that Keola drives to the store.
Although the new piko is marked as possessive for the K hulu Pepeke Piko Hou, it is not a true
possessive. In other words, Keola does not possess the car in this example, rather it is the car that
Keola drives and therefore simply a possessive attribute of the ka i kikino.
The marking of the new piko as a possessive attribute of the ka i kikino raises the question of
whether A or O class possessive form should be used. The general convention is based on the type
of painu that is being used and the ka i kikino that is being modified. The convention is as follows:
1. If the painu (verb) is a hamani or hehele, use A Class unless, the ka i kikino is a time, place, or
reason, then use O Class.
See the examples at the end of this section to see these conventions in use.
Variations of Form
There are three variations of form that can be used with a K hulu Pepeke Piko Hou. In addition to
immediately following the ka i kikino, the new piko can be moved in front of the ka i kikino and also
behind the painu.
Although there are no hard and fast rules, forms 1 and 2 are the most commonly used for hamani and
hehele types of painu. Form 3 is used mostly for hopena (i.e. a ano and passive form painu). That
said, you will see each of these forms used in the old Hawaiian newspapers and books which, in
some cases, don t necessarily follow the common “rules”. The following illustrates the three forms:
O k l ke ka a a Keola e kalaiwa ai i ka hale k ai. That is the car that Keola drives to the
Po o Piko K hulu Pepeke Awe
O k l k Keoloa ka a e kalaiwa ai i ka hale k ai. That is the car that Keola drives to the store.
Po o K hulu Pepeke Piko Awe
Note that when the piko is moved before the ka i kikino the “possessive” is changed from k-less to k
When translating to English, remember that these possessive attributes are the piko hou (subject) of
the k hulu and not possessors of the ka i kikino:
K na kaikamahine i k kua ai = the girl he helped
NOT: “his daughter who helped”
O ka ua ka mea i pulu ai ka wahine i nehinei. It is the rain that made the woman wet yesterday.
Po o Piko K hulu Pepeke Awe
Note that Form 3 is typically used when the painu is a hopena ( a ano or passive), as in the example
above. This form is sometimes referred to as Kahulu Pepeke Type C.
Cleeland reports that this form is commonly used when the ka i kikino refers to a time, place, or
reason, and the painu is a hopena ( a ano or passive) (Cleeland 1994:371). Consider the following
Time: O ia ka manawa i make ai k na kupuna k ne. It is the time his grandfather died.
Place: O ke kahakai kahi i pulu ai k na lole. The beach is the place where his clothes were wet.
Reason: O ia ke kumu i ho okano ai o Ululani. It is the reason that Ululani was haughty/proud.
Although this form is typically used when the painu is a hopena, it is seen used in other cases as is
shown in some of the following examples which illustrate the use of the K hulu Pepeke Piko Hou:
He aha ka mea a Pualani e ohi nei i ka p 1 Painu ( ohi) What is the thing that
hale? is a hamani Pualani is gathering in the
He aha k Pualani mea e ohi nei i ka p 2 Painu ( ohi) What is the thing that
hale? is a hamani Pualani is gathering in the
He aha ka mea e ohi nei o Pualani i ka p 3 Painu ( ohi) What is the thing that
hale? is a hamani Pualani is gathering in the
Ua holoi l kou i ke ka a a Kimo i k ai mai ai i 1 Painu They washed the car that
ka pule aku nei. (k ai) is a Kimo bought last week.
Ua holoi l kou i k Kimo ka a i k ai mai ai i 2 Painu They washed the car that
ka pule aku nei. (k ai) is a Kimo bought last week.
Ua holoi l kou i ke ka a i k ai mai ai o Kimo i 3 Painu They washed the car that
ka pule aku nei. (k ai) is a Kimo bought last week.
Eia n ka poi na i pa i iho ai. 1 Painu (pa i) Here is the poi that she
is a hamani pounded.
O k l n ka l o Keola i h nau ia iho ai. 1 Painu That is the day that Keola
(h nau ia) was born.
is a
Ka i kikino
is a time
He aha k na mea e noi aku ai? 2 Painu (noi) What is the thing that she
is a hamani should ask?
O ka iwi ka mea a ka lio e mama iho nei ma 1 Painu The bone is the thing the
ka l nai. (mama) is dog is chewing on the
a hamani porch.
O k ia ka hola e hemo ai ka puka o ka hale 3 Painu This is the hour that the
k ai. (hemo) is door of the store opens.
an a ano
Ke heluhelu iho nei o Pualani i k Kimo puke 2 Painu Pualani is reading the book
i h awi aku ai i ia. (h awi) is that Kimo gave to her.
a hamani
Ua loa a i ia kahi o ka p poki e noho ai. 1 Ka i kikino She found the place where
is a place. the cat lives.
He aha ke kumu e hele ole aku ai olua i ka 3 Painu What is the reason you two
p ka? (hele) is a don’t go to the park?
Note that n na is really the only N possessive that is used in this manner and therefore the following
example would not typically be used in a K lele kena.
O k l ke ka a ula ula na Kimo e kalaiwa aku. That is the red car that Kimo is responsible for
The following would be used to express the thought that Kimo is the one responsible for driving the
red car, using a K hulu Pepeke K lele kena instead:
O Kimo ka mea n na e kalaiwa aku i ke ka a ula ula. Kimo is the one driving the red car.
piko o ka i ki a painu
A very similar meaning can also be expressed with a k hulu pepeke piko hou:
Example Meaning
O Keola paha ka mea o kona k kua ana. Maybe it was Keola who helped him.
I ka makahiki o kona ho omaka ana i ke kula… In the year that she started school…
O k la ke kumu o kona n nau ana i oe. That is why she asked you.
Ua eha ko u mau w wae i k ia k ma a. These shoes hurt my feet. (My feet hurt from these
Example Meaning
Ua pau ka mea ai i ka ai. All the food was eaten (The food is all gone
due to being eaten)
E kaumaha ana oe i kona ha alele? Are you going to be sad because he will leave?
E ula ula ana ka p lule “t” o Kimo i ke koko. Kimo’s t-shirt is getting red from the blood.
ke kanaka nona ke po o nui the man with a big head (who has a big head)
Example Meaning
O wai ke keiki n na ka puke nui? Who is the boy with the big book?
Aia ka u peni i ka wahine nona ka lole ele ele. My pen is with the woman dressed in black.
Ma i loa k l keiki ma , ka mea n na ka lio. That boy over there is very sick, the one with
the dog.
O Kimo paha ka mea nona ka makaaniani? Is Kimo maybe the owner of the glasses?
E olu olu oe e kelepona i Kapua, o ia ka mea Please call Kapua, she is the one who has the
n na ke keiki m lie. calm/quiet child.
O oe anei ka mea nona k ia palaka aloha? Are you the one that this aloha shirt belongs to?
Other pepeke nono a (possessive) forms may also be used as a k hulu (modifier):
ia mea he kikino
O wai ia mea he wahine akamai? Who is the one known as a smart women?
ma ke ano he kikino
Example Meaning
Ua komo maila i loko o ko l ua mau pu uwai n Both their hearts wished to live as man and
makemake like e noho ke k ne a wahine, ma ke wife, as appropriate to their history.
ano e ho opololei i ko l ua mo olelo.
Makemake m kou e ike n haum na i ka honua We want the students to see the world through
ma o k ia hale ma ke ano he paka. this building as a prism.
Expressing Similarity
There are a variety of ways to compare two things by stating that something or some quality is “like”
or, in some way “similar to” something else. The comparison could be straight-forward (“The child
climbs like a monkey”) or could be a more subtle reference to a characteristic of a person or thing as
similar to something else (“The man became angry” i.e “The man’s demeanor became like one who
was angry”.)
Term Meaning
like, e like me, ua like me alike, similar, same; most commonly used with e
or ua
p ia, p la, penei, pehea32 like this, like that, in this way, how (like what)
Example Meaning
E like me ka loihi mai ka hikina a i ke komohana As far as the East is from the West (“Like the
distance from the East to the West”)
(Alexander 1864:48)
This section presents a few areas of semantic usage not typically part of a reference grammar, but of
assistance to a student of Hawaiian
See demonstratives for usage of p nei, p l , etc
Ua like ko u ka a hou me k l ka a ma . My new car is like that car over there.
Ka Oi Loa (Superlatives)
Hawaiian has several ways to express the greatness of something or someone. The following is a list
of common superlatives:
Term Meaning
Example Meaning
Noho n uhane o n k puna i ka lani ana ole. The spirits of the ancestors reside in the
immeasurable heaven.
Palena ole ka nani o Mauna a W kea. The beauty of Mauna a W kea is boundless.
Term Meaning
A ole o/i/a kana mai ka/ke a ano So much, extremely, beyond, without compare
of something/one
Example Meaning
Nani maoli n n pali o Kaua i! The cliffs of Kaua i are truly beautiful!
A ole o kana mai ka hau oli o Kimo i ka manawa Kimo was overjoyed at the time his wife returned
na wahine i ho i mai ai mai k na huaka i!! from her trip!!
Male Female
Parent Makua
Grandparent Kupuna, T t
Older cousin of parent Makua k ne makua Makuahine makua
First-born Ka hiapo
The following is a subset33 of the list of interjections in (Elbert/Pukui 1979:175-178) plus a few from
Hawaiian Conversation 221.
Interjection Meaning
Ai ! Oh, no!
Excluding "Mele Kalikimaka", "Aloha ahiahi" and similar greetings
i! Oh, wow!
Aia k ! So there!
Ai . Heigh-ho!
Aui Ouch
! Alas!
. Yes
e e song refrain
Ei a! Here!
Einei! I say!34
e ue chant ending
Hehe! Yip!
(Judd 1939:25)
H !, H ! Huh!
Hul ! Hurrah!
K ! K ! Ch ! S ! Oh dear! Ridiculous!
K h h !K h h !K h h ! Amazing!
K hh! Horrors!
Kao! Oh!
K l ! Sail ho!
K! Gee!
K p k p ! Boom! Boom!
N n ! See!
Oae! Yep!
Oia ho ih ! Oi ho ih ! That's right! That's so! Then do it!
! Yes!
h ! Huh!
Uk a call to pigs
Wela ka hao! The iron's hot! (Now's the time for fun, hurray!)
(Considered old-fashioned in 1976)
W ! Whoa!
This section covers "one-off" usage patterns - used only with one verb - that do not fit into any of the
regular patterns; from H k lani Cleeland via Hawaiian Conversation 221, as well as from HAW 201-
Dropping Grammatical Elements
I kikino n-possessive
For example:
I penikala na u? Can I have a pencil?
I kanak n u? Would you like candy?
Various Idioms
Idiom Meaning
A ohe mea painu ole You painu everything; A ohe mea ai ole (You
just eat everything)
Hana hou Do it again
Mea, Aia i hea k u mea? Da kine, where's your da kine?
O au p . Me too.
Pau pele, pau man Cross my heart and hope to die (May I be killed
by lava or a shark)
P kole ka na au Short-tempered
Further Research
See parallel document with ideas for further research that we came up with in working on this book.