Contents and Introduction
Contents and Introduction
Contents and Introduction
2 Nehemiah—October 5–11 18
3 God’s Call—October 12–18 31
The Gospel
to Ezra
comprehending, and internalizing the Scriptures.
In order to fulfill the starting point of the prophecies of the 70 weeks and the 2,300 evenings
and mornings (which both began in 457 b.c.), God graciously intervened and influenced King
Artaxerxes I to allow Ezra along with a group of Israelites to return to Jerusalem, to ensure the
safety of their journey, and even to supply needed physical and financial provisions for the
temple services (Ezra 7:11–28).
The key theological themes of these two books are God’s To be faithful to the Lord
providence, faithfulness, and covenant. God fulfilled His prom- and persevere in follow-
ises, even though His people were narrow-minded, disoriented, ing His instruction is the
distracted, and stubborn. Through His servants, He called them
strongest test for God’s
from their state of lethargy to revival and reformation.
“The work of restoration and reform carried on by the church.
returned exiles, under the leadership of Zerubbabel, Ezra, and
Nehemiah, presents a picture of a work of spiritual restoration that is to be wrought in the
closing days of this earth’s history. The remnant of Israel were a feeble people, exposed to the
ravages of their enemies; but through them God purposed to preserve in the earth a knowledge
of Himself and of His law. They were the guardians of the true worship, the keepers of the holy
oracles.”—Ellen G. White, Prophets and Kings, p. 677.
Ezra and Nehemiah are historically linked, and they cover a crucial transition in the life of
God’s people. These 23 chapters form one big story—but with subunits; they are complemen-
tary and cover similar theological issues. By carefully studying the pattern revealed in the compo-
sition of these two books, we can discern God’s great historical actions and gracious leadership.
Keep in mind that not everything presented in these books is written in chronological order and
that some parts are composed in a thematic manner.
As we will see, the challenge for Ezra and Nehemiah was not to reconstruct the temple (it was
finished and dedicated in 515 b.c., more than 50 years before Ezra’s arrival) but to rebuild the
city of Jerusalem, its administration, and the national autonomy—all eventually paving the way
for the coming of the Messiah.
As we study God’s Word this quarter, may the Lord bless us by inspiring us, touching our
hearts, transforming our thinking, and enabling us daily to follow Him faithfully and enthusi-
Jiří Moskala, ThD, PhD, is dean and professor of Old Testament exegesis and theology at
the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary at Andrews University. He joined the faculty
in 1999. Prior to coming to Andrews, Moskala served in various capacities (ordained pastor,
administrator, teacher, and principal) in the Czech Republic.
How to Use
This Teachers Edition
“The true teacher is not content with dull thoughts, an indolent mind, or a
loose memory. He constantly seeks higher attainments and better methods.
His life is one of continual growth. In the work of such a teacher there is a
freshness, a quickening power, that awakens and inspires his [class].”
—Ellen G. White, Counsels on Sabbath School Work, p. 103.
1. Overview introduces the lesson topic, key texts, links with the previous lesson,
and the lesson’s theme. This segment deals with such questions as Why is this lesson
important? What does the Bible say about this subject? What are some major themes
covered in the lesson? How does this subject affect my personal life?
2. Commentary is the chief segment in the Teachers Edition. It may have two or
more sections, each one dealing with the theme introduced in the Overview segment.
The Commentary may include several in-depth discussions that enlarge the themes
outlined in the Overview. The Commentary provides an in-depth study of the themes
and offers scriptural, exegetic, illustrative discussion material that leads to a better
understanding of the themes. The Commentary also may have scriptural word study or
exegesis appropriate to the lesson. On a participatory mode, the Commentary segment
may have discussion leads, illustrations appropriate to the study, and thought questions.
3. Life Application is the final segment of the Teachers Edition for each lesson.
This section leads the class to discuss what was presented in the Commentary segment
as it impacts Christian life. The application may involve discussion, further probing
of what the lesson under study is all about, or perhaps personal testimony on how one
may feel the impact of the lesson on one’s life.
Final Thought: What is mentioned above is only suggestive of the many possibilities avail-
able for presenting the lesson and is not intended to be exhaustive or prescriptive in its scope.
Teaching should not become monotonous, repetitious, or speculative. Good Sabbath School
teaching should be Bible-based, Christ-centered, faith-strengthening, and fellowship-building.