GWF073917035 Refusal Letter2023-12-05 - 231205 - 115815
GWF073917035 Refusal Letter2023-12-05 - 231205 - 115815
GWF073917035 Refusal Letter2023-12-05 - 231205 - 115815
Your application for a visit visa to the United Kingdom has been refused.
Any future UK visa applications you make will be considered on their individual merits,
however you are likely to be refused unless the circumstances of your application change.
In relation to this decision, there is no right of appeal or right to administrative review.
The reasons for this decision are set out on the next page.
Yours sincerely,
UKVI Pretoria
The Data Protection Act 2018 governs how we use personal data. For details of how we will
use your personal information and who we may share it with please see our Privacy Notice
for the Border, Immigration and Citizenship system at
immigration-and-citizenship. This also explains your key rights under the Act, how you can
access your personal information and how to complain if you have concerns.
The decision
I have refused your application for a visit visa because I am not satisfied that you meet the
requirements of paragraph(s) V4.2 of Appendix V because
You have applied for a visa to travel to the UK for 17 days at the invitation of the Ethiopian
Christian Fellowship Church in UK to speak at their annual year end celebration conference.
You state that you do not have any family in the UK and that you will stay with the church.
Their invitation is noted.
The immigration rules, V4.2, states, The applicant must satisfy the decision maker that they
are a genuine visitor, (<
appendix-v-visitor>), which means that the applicant,
(a) will leave the UK at the end of their visit; and
(b) will not live in the UK for extended periods through frequent or successive visits, or make
the UK their main home; and
(c) is genuinely seeking entry or stay for a purpose that is permitted under the Visitor route
as set out in Appendix Visitor: Permitted Activities and at V 13.3; and
(d) will not undertake any of the prohibited activities set out in V 4.4. to V 4.6; and
(e) must have sufficient funds to cover all reasonable costs in relation to their visit without
working or accessing public funds, including the cost of the return or onward journey, any
costs relating to their dependants, and the cost of planned activities such as private medical
treatment. The applicant must show that any funds they rely upon are held in a financial
institution permitted under FIN 2.1 in Appendix Finance.
The onus is on you the applicant to show that you meet the requirements of the immigration
rules based on your overall personal circumstances and that you will comply with all of the
conditions attached to your visa including that you will leave the UK on completion of the
proposed visit. When making my assessment I am obliged to consider the documents you
have chosen to submit and can use these to inform my decision. In support of your
application you have chosen to submit your bank statement. I have considered all the
documents provided as part of the assessment process
You have stated that you have been employed by ServeNow Ministry Ethiopia since 2013
and that you earn 225,000 ETB (£316.68) a month after tax. You state that you do have
another income amounting to 500,000 ETB (£7307.40) a year. In support of this you have
submitted a bank statement for accounts held in your name.
It is noted that the credits and balances in your accounts are not in line with your declared
income and domestic financial responsibilities and are not explained by information available
within your application. Whilst you have provided a letter from your Ministry your other
stated income is neither explained nor demonstrated. The documents provided do not
demonstrate that you are in receipt of your income from your regular employment as stated.