2023 Consumer Survey Report
2023 Consumer Survey Report
2023 Consumer Survey Report
Insights to apply to your owned
marketing strategy for BFCM and beyond
03 Key findings
that while inflation is impacting current spending habits for 91% of consumers and future
spending plans for 69%, Gen Zs and millennials are more likely to feel optimistic about the
economy and its impact on their future spending plans—including over the holidays.
Key findings 03
Key f i n d i n g s
01 03
Although all generations are feeling the impact of the economy to a similar extent, Gen Zs
and millennials are more likely to take an optimistic view of the economy and its potential Older consumers are more likely to prefer shopping in-store and are currently doing so more
impact on their future spending. frequently. Their shopping behaviors are more influenced by promotions and competitive prices.
02 04
Potentially due to their more positive economic outlook, younger consumers are more likely
Older consumers are more likely to shop in-store for the holidays and generally plan their
to engage in the “lipstick effect” and feel more comfortable spending on non-essentials. shopping throughout the year. en s are more spontaneous and are most likely to do their
shopping the month in which the holiday falls. They’re also likely to spend significantly less on gifts.
Key findings 04
Economic opinion is relatively split:
External economic factors are already impacting most consumers’ spending behaviors—
While Gen Zs and millennials are feeling the effects of the economy and inflation as much as
their older counterparts, they are more likely to take a more optimistic view of the economy
Over half of consumers feel negatively about the current state of the US economy
and believe that the economy is on its way down, but 42% feel neutral or positive,
and 46% believe the economy is holding steady or on its way up.
Adjusted spending behavior due to external economic factors Impact of inflation on future spending
Inflation is affecting
my spending now,
but I don’t believe it
18% will in the future
Inflation is not
currently and will likely
not affect my spending 9%
Spencer F l a h e r t y
internal marketing m a n a g e r
Groove Commerce
How to apply these learnings to your BFCM marketing
01 03
—Matt Fier, VP of retention marketing, QDL Agency —Matt Fier, VP of retention marketing, QDL Agency
Craft offers that address
20% off New colors
Ride easy
consumer concerns It’s almost your birthday, Noah!
Here’s an early gift from us.
in stock Every commute is covered by
our signature lifetime warranty.
These methods will increase the perceived value of your product to each demographic group
when compared to a perceived high initial investment cost.”
—Spencer Flaherty, internal marketing manager, Groove Commerce Handcrafted materials made
with care for generations.
Shop now 10
What are
money on?
Consumers are currently allocating most
of their budgets to conventional goods.
Most expect their spend in these areas to continue to grow, and are being more diligent about
spending on discretionary goods. Many consumers are hesitant to make larger purchases.
Potentially due to their more positive economic outlook, younger consumers, particularly Gen Zs,
are more likely to engage in the “lipstick effect” during times of economic uncertainty. They are
more likely to increase their spend on goods and services this year compared to previous years,
and more likely to feel comfortable spending on non-essentials.
Decreased Increased Not changed Not changed but will go up Not changed but will go down
Food + beverage
12% 57% 19% 9% 4%
8% 56% 22% 9% 5%
Spends the most on each year
13% 52% 21% 9% 5%
Health products
19% 32% 30% 10% 9%
Apparel + accessories
35% 21% 25% 9% 9%
At-home entertainment
23% 26% 31% 9% 11%
Travel for fun
38% 24% 22% 8% 8%
Beauty products
30% 22% 30% 9% 10%
Entertainment outside of home
38% 21% 25% 8% 9%
35% 18% 27% 8% 12%
38% 18% 26% 6% 12%
23% 27% 29% 10% 11%
Home decor + furniture
39% 18% 25% 8% 11%
Work-related items
28% 20% 31% 9% 12%
Fitness/sporting equipment
35% 15% 29% 8% 13%
Jewelry + watches
44% 14% 25% 5% 11%
Food + beverage (77% Food + beverage (78% Food + beverage (84%, AB Food + beverage (88%, ABC
Top spend categories Transportation (50% Transportation (54% Utilities (59%, AB Utilities (65%, ABC
Health products (43%, BCD) Utilities (53%, A) Transportation (55%) Transportation (54%)
Top categories with Food + beverage (48% Food + beverage (57%, A Utilities (58%, AB Utilities (58%, AB
Transportation (44% Utilities (52%, A Food + beverage (56%, A Food + beverage (58%, A
INCREASED spend Utilities (38%) Transportation (51%, A) Transportation (49%) Transportation (49%)
Top categories likely to Food + beverage (15%, BCD Utilities (11% Health products (10% Utilities (9%
Utilities (13% Apparel + accessories (10%, CD Utilities (9% Health products (8%
increase in the next year
Travel for fun (13%, BCD) Health products (9%) Transportation (8%) Transportation (8%)
Note: A letter means there is a statistically significant difference between the two groups, at the 95% level.
Majority of future spend will be on... R easons for s h ift to c on v entional g oods
27% 40%
My spending money has gone down 41%
say spending more
on conventional
My household income has decreased 24%
goods marks a shift
from their normal My net worth has decreased 16%
spending habits.
allows marketers to better segment and activate campaigns in paid and owned channels. When done correctly, ROAS
and profitability will improve—a requirement when consumer fears about the economy drag down purchase activity.
Sean M a c B e t h
Chameleon Collective
Services vs. goods
Current allocation of budget Future allocation of budget (expectations for next 6 months)
18% More to services
More to services
Deals and discounts are top drivers for both goods and services spend, while a desire
for experiences is the primary influence on the services side. Of those who spend more
money on goods, older generations are more interested in upgrades or replacements,
while younger consumers are more interested in new products that enhance their
environment, or simply collecting more belongings.
Gen Z
Gen X
Gen Z
Gen X
Goods (A) (B) (C) (D) Services (A) (B) (C) (D)
Goods Services
Gen Z
Gen X
Gen Z
Gen X
16% 14% I have spent more 34%
16% 14%
(CD) (CD)
23% compared to 21% (BCD) (CD)
previous years
33% 32% 42%
28% 30%
(BCD) (CD) (CD) (CD)
Desire for personal
comfortable 25% enjoyment or indulgence 47%
Nearly half of consumers feel hesitant to make larger purchases due to current
lending standards and credit availability. As a result, consumers are most likely
to either delay their purchase plans or postpone the purchase indefinitely.
Downsized purchase or opted
for a more affordable option 36%
Yes G en Zs are significantly less
likely to delay their purchase
plans and are more likely, along
Increased savings to make
larger down payement 24% with millennials, to increase
savings or downsize purchases
compared to older generations.
Has engaged in the “lipstick effect” Items purchased due to “lipstick effect”
Beauty services 46%
Makeup/skincare 46%
64% Fast fashion
No clothing/accessories 45%
Gen Zs and millennials are
significantly more likely to
food or drink 45% engage in the “lipstick effect”
01 03
“Focus on your hero products and push those heavily. Take your products’ value propositions
and push messaging that gets shoppers to choose you over a competitor or better offer— —Spencer Flaherty, internal marketing manager, Groove Commerce
because there will almost always be a better offer.”
“Be as aggressive as possible. Be willing to take smaller overall net profits [during BFCM] by Simply put, a generic automated email requesting feedback and reviews isn’t always enough.
believing you’ll retain them for returning purchases later on. We talk a lot about CACs with paid Consider personally reaching out to these customers 1 week, 1 month, 3 months, and 1 year after
media, but I like to view BFCM as an opportunity to have higher CACs for retention conversions their purchases. These calls should center around their satisfaction with the product they
because I believe we will reconvert them after that holiday purchase.”
purchased, as well as information about similar or complementary products that have just been
released. Consider special ‘try-it-on’ offers for customers who have exhibited purchase intent.”
Older consumers are more likely to prefer shopping in-store and are currently doing so more frequently.
Their shopping behaviors are more influenced by promotions and competitive prices, potentially due
to their less positive economic outlook compared to Gen Zs and millennials.
Although consumers are over twice as likely to prefer online to in-store shopping,
current trends do not actually reflect this preference. In fact, consumers report
shopping in-store slightly more than online.
Strongly prefer
in-store 10%
Slightly prefer 10% prefer in-store
31% I shop equally
No preference
I shop online in-store and
Slightly prefer more frequently online
online shopping
Strongly prefer
online shopping
20% 39%
All generations prefer
45% I shop in-store
more frequently
prefer online
shopping online, but
boomers+ are more likely 25%
than others to prefer
shopping in-store (28%).
4% 5%
experiences is one way to boost customer
satisfaction and reach customers where they
want to shop. One way brands can do this is
by offering buy online, pick up in-store
(BOPIS)—people can shop online, check out,
and then pick up their order in-store.
Ritu K h a n n a
VP p a r t n e r s h i p s
In-store shopping drivers
The ability to see and touch products, as well as immediate product availability, are
the top reasons consumers shop in-store. Exclusive promotions and wider product
selection would drive more individuals, especially older generations, to shop in-store.
Wider product
Immediate product selection 45%
availability 59%
Immediate product
availability 34%
Convenience 52%
Pleasant and engaging
To make a return 15%
71% of those who visit a store to
make a return are likely to purchase
in-store ambiance 31%
additional items.
looking for social interaction when customer service important as consumers get older.
staff or other shoppers they shop in-store.
Convenience of
shopping from home 72% Email 49%
Older consumers shop online more for convenience and Gen Xers and boomers+ are significantly more likely to prefer
competitive prices, while younger generations are more
email over any other marketing method, while Gen Zs prefer email
likely to shop online for greater product variety. and social media equally (35%), followed by text message (22%).
Matt F i e r
VP of retention m a r k e t i n g
QDL Agency
How to apply these learnings to your BFCM marketing
01 03
If you’re a retail brand “I believe more people will end up buying in-person this year than they think. With the increased
traffic from in-office requirements and total lifts of social restrictions, people will always choose
convenience, even over slight savings. Use your online presence to push to stores. Personally,
“Share in-store-only promotions and events that would draw your segmented audience into the I’ll be excluding loyal and returning customers—I don’t want to turn them into in-store shoppers.
store. Underpromise and overdeliver. If your offer promises a free ‘X’ to those who buy over $50 But for those who engage with our emails but don’t covert? Let’s make this as easy as possible
in goods, throw in ‘Y’ for good measure. Building goodwill with in-store customers will have them for them.”
Boomers+ are more likely than younger generations to shop in-store for the holidays and generally plan their
shopping throughout the year, especially compared to Gen Zs, who are most likely to shop in the month the
holiday falls. Younger generations are also more likely to increase their holiday spending this year compared
to previous years, potentially due to their more positive economic outlook.
(for the 15% who plan to increase spending) (for the 32% who plan to decrease spending)
of potential customers who might be outside
purposes primarily.
While it’s hard to differentiate ages in our email and SMS audiences, we can, to a degree, use time of day as an indicator.
Change your messaging depending on your time of day of the send, and test ahead of the holiday.
Matt F i e r
VP of retention m a r k e t i n g
QDL Agency
Holiday shopping location
Half of consumers plan to shop online this holiday season, and most
say this is not a shift from previous years.
All holiday
shopping in-store
18% 16%
12% primarily
Plan to shop
Most holiday
shopping in-store
shop in-store
67% more in-store
this year
Equally in-store No difference
and online from last year
Most holiday
shopping online
All holiday
shopping online Plan to shop more
online this year
Gen Zs and millennials
are more likely than
50% older generations
to plan to shop more
in-store this year
compared to
A quarter of boomers+
shop online
previous years.
do most or all of their
holiday shopping in-store, 18%
significantly more than all
other generations.
i n t e r i m l e a d e r , g r o w t h m a r k e t i n g
Chameleon Collective
How to apply these learnings to your BFCM marketing
01 03
“We approach returning customers with two questions in mind: How do we continue to raise
our value to our loyal customers to encourage increased lifetime value (LTV)? And how do
Segment > VIP sale push notification
we prevent loyal customers from becoming churn risks by shopping us with other brands?
I am a firm believer that we want to turn brand loyalists into brand evangelists. We do this by
Enjoy VIP What someone has done (or not done)
offering incentives.”
status VIP exclusive now
Has Opened push at least once
Get early access to Black Friday VIP status comes with early access
—Matt Fier, VP of retention marketing, QDL Agency deals when you subscribe. to our Black Friday sale. in the last 30 days
Sign up
What someone has done (or not done)
at least once 42
over all time
Factor in context
“Take a step back and realize there will be more brands than ever offering higher discounts than
ever for a longer period of time than ever. In a buyer's market, find your niche, keep it simple, and
don’t get cheap during the holidays. This is when you keep loyalists happy and convert those who
have either sniffed around before or just found out about you from a listicle you made. Lead with
your ‘why’ and get them to your site as fast as possible via simple-to-digest emails.”
Get started