17 Switch Board Design

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HV Switchboard Design

Reference : High Voltage Design and Installations Master Class

Design of a HV Switchboard Installation

Designing an HV switchgear installation is a complex task and the designer needs to
look at various available options and interface with other related engineering
disciplines. The switchboard is a part of an industrial plant distribution system and
feeds unitized transformer substations and a few essential motor loads. Design of such
the installation should be an exercise in selecting the right option among various
available options and the selected option should be in line with the overall design
philosophy being adopted by the plant in question. The design should, in addition,
address the various interfacing requirements with the premises in which it is housed.
3.1 Introduction
Various steps are involved in the design of an indoor MV metal enclosed switchboard.
The steps include:
Obtaining the basic inputs from various agencies
Reviewing the specifications of various available types of equipment in the market
Carrying out a preliminary design and presenting the same as a single line diagram
Drawing up detailed bid specifications
Inviting bids
Selecting a given make/model that best suits the application after a proper technical
and cost evaluation process
Obtaining the complete data of the selected product required for interfacing
Preparing detailed drawings based on the data
3.2 Standardisation
An important aspect that is not to be missed is that while choosing the equipment, due
consideration must be given to makes, types and ratings that are already being used in
the other existing units of the plant or those under advanced planning stage. The main
purpose is to reduce variety, to use existing skills of operation and maintenance
personnel and to conserve the inventory of spares and consumables. This consideration
naturally will not be applicable if there are any complaints in the existing
makes/types of equipment attributable to manufacturing quality.
In order to properly identify the equipment in question, it should be given a
designation and should be referred in all documentation. The industry may already use
some standard naming convention, which must also be adopted for the new equipment.
3.3 Inputs
The following are the basic inputs required for a MV switchboard with example data
that are typical of industrial systems.
Site conditions
Maximum 45 Deg C
Ambient temperature (limits)
Minimum 5 Deg C
Relative humidity Maximum of 85%
Fine dust present in
Presence of flammable
Altitude 100 m above MSL
Electrical system
6600V, 50 Hz
Voltage +/- 10%, Frequency +/-
Permissible variations
System earthing type Low resistance earthed
Earthing impedance
15 Ohms
The Figure 3.1 shows the overall distribution diagram indicating a switchboard, the
loads which it feeds and other feeder details.

Figure 3.1
Schematic of distribution of a MDB (Main Distribution Board)
Existing equipment data to be used as the basis of specifications
Metal clad switchboard 6600 V, 800/1600 amperes busbar,
Equipment detail/basic
30 kA/40 kA for 1 second short time rating
Vacuum breaker of ratings 400A, 800A, 1600 A, mounted
on draw-out carriage with safety interlocks between
Type of circuit breaker breaker position, racking mechanism, control plug-
socket and earthing switch. Rupturing capacity of
30kA/40kA symmetrical used.
Switching from remote control panel, draw-out of
Circuit breaker control carriage by manual lever, test switch for local test
operations only
Mechanically latched fuse protected Vacuum contactors
having a current rating of 400A with under voltage
Motor switching panel trip, shunt trip and closing supply from in-built
control transformer power from the incoming voltage.
Contactor mounted on a draw out carriage
DOL started with control from DCS, local control near
Motor starting
the motor for testing only
Integral earth switch for earthing of cables and bus
Bus and feeder earthing
Operating experience Very good
Control and signaling supply 110V DC
Spring charging motor supply 230V AC single-phase
Dry type auxiliary transformer connected from the
Source of control power incoming supply to switchboard with fuse protected
isolator for control
Current transformer secondary
rating used
Enclosure IP category IP 51
3.4 Design step-1: Basic equipment configuration
Based on the requirements given in earlier sections, a configuration is to be decided
and represented in the form of a basic single line diagram of the switchboard MVDS-03
as shown in Figure 3.2. In this scheme the following configuration has been indicated.
Switchgear with two incomers; one from normal source and another from the emergency
source with the latter normally in OFF position.
A sectionalizer to segregate the essential loads, which are on a separate section of
the bus. Interlocking to ensure that the emergency section incomer can be fed only
from either the incomer of that section or the sectionalizer. Normally sectionalizer
will be ON.
For better protection against inadvertent paralleling due to interlock failure, bus
voltage will be checked and will be used to block the closing if the bus is live.
All panels except the motors will be breaker controlled. Motors will be contactor
controlled. Both circuit breakers and contactors will be vacuum type. Panels will be
of draw out design. All features will be as in existing switchboards.
Additional transformer and motor feeders required for later expansion are shown in
dotted lines. The loads of these feeders are considered for equipment sizing.

Figure 3.2
Basic single line diagram of MVDS-03
3.5 Design step-2: Ratings of equipment and devices
In this step, the ratings of feeders and other associated devices are to be decided by
calculation using the input data.
For each outgoing/incoming feeder
Current rating based on standard values
Fault withstand capacity and short time rating
CT ratio for metering and protection and CT class
Metering requirements
Protective devices to be used with range/characteristics where applicable
Termination of outgoing/incoming feeders based on cable data
For the switchboard as a whole
1. Busbar current rating and short time withstand capacity
2. Rating of incoming feeders
3. Protection of busbars
4. Voltage transformer configuration
5. Measuring instruments for each bus section
6. Category of enclosure (IP protection)
7. Feeder sizing for the motor feeder shown in Figure 3.2

The current of a motor under rated load condition (full load current or FLC) can be
calculated based on the formula below.

Power factor (pf) and efficiency values at rated load are to be considered in the
above calculation.
Where pf and efficiency values are not readily available a pf of 0.85 and efficiency
of 0.9 can be assumed, being typical values.
An overloading factor of 1.1 can be taken into account since a motor can operate
indefinitely at a small overload. (This will also be useful in case the motor has to
work at the lowest possible voltage limit of -10% for long periods). Thus the feeder
rating can be calculated as:
Feeder rating = FLC * Overload factor
This is the minimum current rating that the feeder and switching device must be
designed for. For example a 6600V motor of 320 kW will have FLC of 36 amperes
approximately and will need a feeder rating of 40 amperes at a minimum.
The rating of the selected equipment must not be less than the current arrived at as
above. There may be recommended derating factors by switchgear manufacturers for
operations at ambient conditions other than those for which the equipment is rated.
Thus an equipment rated for operation at 40 Deg C in open air may require derating
when placed inside an enclosure and at an ambient temperature of 45 Deg C. The
equipment rating at specified condition is given by:
Feeder rating < Standard rating * Temperature derating * Enclosure derating
The rating of the switching device (breaker, isolator, contactor etc.) must be
selected on the above basis. Starting current of a cage motor can be assumed as 600%
of FLC (app 220A). This value taken along with the starting time will be useful to
select the motor HV fuse. Fusing characteristic of typical HV fuses are provided by
different manufacturers and can be used for selection. (A motor starting calculation
may be also performed to assess the voltage drop and starting time for motor DOL
starting to verify that the bus voltage does not drop over 10% during starting).
Typical fuse characteristic curves are shown in Figure 3.3 and 3.4. The highest value
of normal current (in this case starting current) should not initiate melting curve in
Figure 3.3 within the starting time of the motor. Fuse range 2R (70 amps) is the
minimum rating of fuse satisfying both conditions. The fuse will melt in a range of 15
to 35 seconds at a value of 100 times the “R’ number, in this case 200 Amps. For
starting current of 220 amps, the fuse blows out after 12 seconds as per melt time
curve (3.3). If the starting time is likely to be more than this value, a higher fuse
rating will be necessary.
The lowest current under fault condition (in this case 5000A as given in the section
on inputs) should result in fusing with the delay given by the curve in Figure 3.4.
The manufacturer’s data indicates a maximum interrupting capacity of 50 kA
(symmetrical) for this fuse and is therefore safe at the maximum fault level given (15
kA) in this case.
Figure 3.3
Fuse Characteristics for melt current (Source: Web catalogs of 7.2 kV motor duty fuse
by Cooper Bussmann, Inc).
Figure 3.4
Fuse Characteristics for clearing current (Source: Web catalogs of 7.2 kV motor duty
fuse by Cooper Bussmann, Inc).
CT current must be as close as possible to the rated current and a value of 40/5 will
be suitable. Protection CT can also have the same ratio and a 10P10 class is adequate
as the main function is to operate overload and other protections but not short
circuit faults (which are cleared by fuse). Rated CT burden must be adequate to supply
the devices (metering or protection as the case may be). 15VA burden is normally
specified and is adequate provided no long wiring is involved (example: for meters
mounted remotely from switchgear).
Minimum metering will be provided on the panel in the form of an ammeter with a
selector switch to read the current in any of the phases. A meter with compressed
scale graduated 0-40-240 Amps of primary current (40 to 240 is the compressed scale
range) is required.
Protection against overload (thermal image type), single phasing, earth fault and
stall condition will be provided using a comprehensive motor protection relay.
Numerical relay with adjustable thermal curves is a preferred choice.
Protection against loss of voltage by an undervoltage relay will be required to ensure
that the circuit is disconnected if the supply voltage fails. The protection should be
able to distinguish between transient sag in the supply and a power failure and should
trip for the latter condition only. Instantaneous undervoltage relay in tandem with a
timer relay can achieve this objective.
Feeder sizing for the transformer feeder shown in Figure 3.2
The transformer rating given is 1000 kVA. Full load primary current can be calculated
by the formula:

Substituting, we get a current of 87.4 amps. A factor of 1.1 can be considered for
short time overloading and the feeder rating will therefore be 96 amps.
The feeder will be switched using a circuit breaker of vacuum type. The minimum
current rating of the circuit breaker after applying derating should be more than the
feeder rating. The minimum rating of circuit breaker viz., 400A is amply suited for
this purpose.
Circuit breaker interrupting capacity of 30 kA is selected as already applied in the
system and has a sufficient reserve capacity considering the maximum fault level of 15
kA. The CT selection should be done considering the capability for withstanding the
short circuit level of 15 kA for duration of 1 second (this is the period normally
considered for breaker-fed feeders). Also, the protection relay setting requirements
must be kept in mind.
IDMTL relay in combination with instantaneous high-set element is normally chosen. The
instantaneous element should be set so as not to operate for terminal short circuits
on the transformer secondary. For this rating of transformer, the impedance is
normally about 5% and therefore the secondary short circuit current may be as high as
20 times the rated current (around 1.8 kA). As the instantaneous elements may not
provide setting as high as 2000% it will be convenient to consider 200/5 as the CT
ratio. A relay range of 400 to 1600% and CT class and 10P15 class for protection will
be appropriate.
Earth fault protection will be provided using an instantaneous relay of 20 to 80%
range using the CT summation connection of all three phases. The preferred form of
relaying is a numerical relay with adjustable characteristic with the required IDMTL
and instantaneous current relay functions.
Metering is normally limited to an ammeter with phase sector switch. An energy meter
can be added for monitoring process energy consumption if called for. Usually,
ammeters may have to be additionally provided near the local control point of the
motor, in which case CT burden should consider the leads also into account.
Transformer-mounted protection devices such as oil/winding temperature alarm/trip and
Buchholz relay will be wired to the switchboard for alarm/tripping.
3.6 Switchboard
The various ratings of the switchboard are calculated now.
Current rating of busbars and incomers:
These ratings will be based on the configuration of the switchboard and the maximum
current expected to be supplied by the incomers. In this case, incomer-1 should be
capable of handling the entire load of the switchboard and incomer-2 will be sized for
supplying the loads of the emergency section only. The following need mention.
While calculating the load, the probable extra loading for future expansion is to be
considered as well, to avoid major changes in the switchboard later.
A diversity factor must be applied to the sum of the individual feeder load currents
to account for the fact that all of them will not operate simultaneously at their
maximum values. Derating must be applied as in the previous cases.
Incomer 1 feeds 4 transformers and three motors including future loads. The sum of the
load currents is thus equal to: 4*87.4 + 4*36, which works out to about 494 amps.
Dividing this figure by the diversity factor (assumed as 1.2) and then again by a
derating factor (assumed as 0.9 for temperature of 45 Deg C), the minimum rating of
circuit breaker can be arrived at; in this case it is 457 amperes. The next higher
rating of 800 amps can be selected for incomer-1 breaker and for bus bar. Incomer 1 CT
will have a primary rating of 500 amps.
Incomer 2 will only feed 4 motors in the worst case. The rating required is 133 amps.
A rating of 400 amps for the incomer breaker, sectionalizer and bus bar of this
section is considered adequate. CT ratio of 200/5 can be selected. (However, in the
interest of standardization both incomers and sectionalizer breaker can be selected to
have identical rating of 800 amps if the cost difference is not appreciable).
Sectionalizer will have a breaker and bus-riser compartment with the Potential
Transformer (PT) of each section being integrated within this arrangement. PTs will be
of star/star connection. Output of each PT will be looped to individual panels in the
respective sections.
All the breakers will be designed for fault current of 30 kA and the busbars for short
time withstand capacity of 30 kA for 1 second.
Auxiliary transformers
Each incoming feeder will be provided with an auxiliary transformer panel. The
transformer will be 3-phase 6600V/415V (assuming a standard LV 4-wire supply of
415/240V). The transformer will primarily supply AC power to the switchboard for
auxiliaries and for spring charging motor as well as to the charging panel of DC
system. Substation lightning can optionally be included. The supplies will be taken
from the switchboard to a separate AC distribution panel for feeding to the above
loads. A changeover contactor scheme will be provided for automatic transfer of
output. Normally the AC feed will be from the transformer of incomer-1 (normal source)
but will switch to the standby incomer-fed transformer upon failure of normal source.
The transformer will have a provisional rating of 10 kVA and will be of dry type with
fuse protection. The fuse-transformer combination will be mounted on a draw-out truck
with suitable interlocks.
Protection aspects
In order to reduce the number of grading steps and considering that bus faults are
rare in indoor switchboards, no protection relays will be provided in the
sectionalizer and incomers. Protection will be provided at the sending end of the
incomer feeders only. This will cover faults of both cable and busbars and will act as
backup to feeder protection. This is acceptable considering that the probability of
faults in metal enclosed switchgear busbars is very low.
Design output
The data computed above is incorporated in the final single line diagram as shown in
Figure 3.5.
Figure 3.5
Final single line diagram of MVD Board

Design Distribution Box of one House and Calculation of Size of Main ELCB and branch
Circuit MCB as following Load Detail. Power Supply is 430V (P-P), 230 (P-N), 50Hz.
Consider Demand Factor 0.6 for Non Continuous Load & 1 for Continuous Load for Each
Branch Circuit-1: 4 No of 1Phase, 40W, Lamp of Non Continues Load + 2 No’s of 1Ph,
60W, Fan of Non Continues Load.
Branch Circuit-2: 2 No of 1Ph, 200W, Computer of Non Continues Load.
Branch Circuit-3: 1 No of 1Ph, 200W, Freeze of Continues Load.
Branch Circuit-4: 8 No of 1Ph, 40W, Lamp of Non Continues Load + 2 No’s of 1Ph 60W,
Fan of Non Continues Load.
Branch Circuit-5: 4 No of 1Ph , 40W, Lamp of Non Continues Load + 1 No’s of 1Ph 60W,
Fan of Non Continues Load.+ 1 No’s of 1Ph 150W, TV of Continues Load
Branch Circuit-6: 1 No of 1P , 1.7KW, Geyser of Non Continues Load.
Branch Circuit-7: 1 No of 1Ph, 3KW, A.C of Non Continues Load.
Branch Circuit-8: 1 No of 3Ph, 1HP, Motor-Pump of Non Continues Load.

Fault Current
Voltage Fault Current
230V 6KA
430V 10KA
11KV 25KA

Type of Load Class Sensitivity
Lighting B Class I∆n:30ma
Heater B Class I∆n:30ma
Drive C Class I∆n:100ma
A.C C Class I∆n:30ma
Motor C Class I∆n:100ma
Ballast C Class I∆n:30ma
C Class I∆n:100ma
Transformer D Class I∆n:100ma

Size of MCB/ELCB
Current Lighting Load
Pump Load MCB/ELCB
(Amp) MCB/ELCB (Amp)
1.0 to 4.0 6 16
6.0 10 16
10.0 16 16
16.0 20 20
20.0 25 25
25.0 32 32
32.0 40 40
40.0 45 45
45.0 50 50
50.0 63 63
63.0 80 80
80.0 100 100
100.0 125 125
125.0 225 225
225.0 600 600
600.0 800 800
800.0 1600 1600
1600.0 2000 2000
2000.0 3000 3000
3000.0 3200 3200
3200.0 4000 4000
4000.0 5000 5000
5000.0 6000 6000
6000.0 6000 6000
Size of MCB for Branch Circuit-1:
Load Current of Lamp= (No X Watt X Demand Factor)/Volt =(4X40X0.6)/230=0.40Amp
Load Current of Fan= (No X Watt X Demand Factor)/Volt =(2X60X0.6)/230=0.31Amp
Branch Circuit-1 Current as per NEC = Non Continues Load+125% Continues Load
Branch Circuit-1 Current as per NEC =(0.4+0.31)+125%(0) =0.73Amp
Type of Load=Lighting Type
Class of MCB=B Class
Size of MCB=6 Amp
No of Pole of MCB=Single Pole
Size of MCB for Branch Circuit-2:
Load Current of Computer = (No X Watt X Demand Factor)/Volt =(2X200X0.6)/230=1.04Amp
Branch Circuit-2 Current as per NEC = Non Continues Load+125% Continues Load
Branch Circuit-2 Current as per NEC =(1.04)+125%(0) =1.04Amp
Type of Load=Lighting Type
Class of MCB=B Class
Size of MCB=6 Amp
Breaking Capacity: 6KA
No of Pole of MCB=Single Pole
Size of MCB for Branch Circuit-3:
Load Current of Freeze= (No X Watt X Demand Factor)/Volt =(1X200X0.6)/230=0.87Amp
Branch Circuit-3 Current as per NEC = Non Continues Load+125% Continues Load
Branch Circuit-3 Current as per NEC =(0.87)+125%(0) =0.87Amp
Type of Load=Lighting Type
Class of MCB=B Class
Size of MCB=6 Amp
Breaking Capacity: 6KA
No of Pole of MCB=Single Pole
Size of MCB for Branch Circuit-4:
Load Current of Lamp= (No X Watt X Demand Factor)/Volt =(8X40X0.6)/230=0.83Amp
Load Current of Fan= (No X Watt X Demand Factor)/Volt =(2X60X0.6)/230=0.31Amp
Branch Circuit-4 Current as per NEC = Non Continues Load+125% Continues Load
Branch Circuit-4 Current as per NEC =(0.83+0.31)+125%(0) =1.15Amp
Type of Load=Lighting Type
Class of MCB=B Class
Size of MCB=6 Amp
Breaking Capacity: 6KA
No of Pole of MCB=Single Pole
Size of MCB for Branch Circuit-5:
Load Current of Lamp= (No X Watt X Demand Factor)/Volt =(4X40X0.6)/230=0.42Amp
Load Current of Fan= (No X Watt X Demand Factor)/Volt =(1X60X0.6)/230=0.16Amp
Load Current of TV = (No X Watt X Demand Factor)/Volt =(1X150X1)/230=0.65Amp
Branch Circuit-5 Current as per NEC = Non Continues Load+125% Continues Load
Branch Circuit-5 Current as per NEC =(0.42+0.16)+125%(0.65) =0.57+0.82=1.39Amp
Type of Load=Lighting Type
Class of MCB=B Class
Size of MCB=6 Amp
Breaking Capacity: 6KA
No of Pole of MCB=Single Pole
Size of MCB for Branch Circuit-6:
Load Current of Geyser= (No X Watt X Demand Factor)/Volt =(1X1700X0.6)/230=4.43Amp
Branch Circuit-6 Current as per NEC = Non Continues Load+125% Continues Load
Branch Circuit-6 Current as per NEC =(4.43)+125%(0) =4.43Amp
Type of Load=Heating & Cooling Type
Class of MCB=C Class
Size of MCB=16 Amp
Breaking Capacity: 6KA
No of Pole of MCB=Single Pole
Size of MCB for Branch Circuit-7:
Load Current of A.C= (No X Watt X Demand Factor)/Volt =(1X3000X0.6)/230=7.83Amp
Branch Circuit-7 Current as per NEC = Non Continues Load+125% Continues Load
Branch Circuit-7 Current as per NEC =(7.83)+125%(0) =7.83Amp
Type of Load=Heating & Cooling Type
Class of MCB=C Class
Size of MCB=16 Amp
Breaking Capacity: 6KA
No of Pole of MCB=Single Pole
Size of MCB for Branch Circuit-8:
Load Current of Motor-Pump = (No X Watt X Demand Factor)/(1.732XVolt )
Branch Circuit-8 Current as per NEC =Non Continues Load+125% Continues Load
Branch Circuit-8 Current as per NEC =(0.60)+125%(0) =0.60Amp
Type of Load=Motor-Pump Type
Class of MCB=C Class
Size of MCB=16 Amp
Breaking Capacity: 10KA
No of Pole of MCB= Three Pole
Size of Main ELCB/RCCB:
Total Brach Circuit Load & MCB Detail is
Brach Size of Class of Breaking Pole of
Circuit MCB (Amp) MCB Capacity of MCB MCB
circuit-1 0.73 6 Amp B Class 6KA SP
circuit-2 1.04 6 Amp B Class 6KA SP
circuit-3 0.87 6 Amp B Class 6KA SP
circuit-4 1.15 6 Amp B Class 6KA SP
circuit-5 1.39 6 Amp B Class 6KA SP
circuit-6 4.43 16 Amp C Class 6KA SP
circuit-7 7.83 16 Amp C Class 6KA SP
circuit-8 0.63 16 Amp C Class 10KA TP
Total 18.04
Total Load Current as per NEC= 18.04Amp——–(A)
Max Size of Branch circuit MCB=16Amp
Total Current of Panel as per Branch Circuit= 2X Max Size of Branch circuit MCB
Total Load Current of Panel as per Branch Circuit =2X16=32Amp——(B)
Total Load Current of Panel as per NEC = Maximum of (A) and (B)
Total Load Current of Panel as per NEC=32Amp
Min Size of ELCB/RCCB as per NEC=40Amp
Class of ELCB/RCCB= B or C Class
No of Pole of ELCB/RCCB=TP or FP
Sensitivity( I∆n)=30ma
Breaking Capacity=10KA
Size of Distribution Board:
No of Single Pole Branch Circuit MCB (SP)= 7 No’s
No of Three Pole Branch Circuit MCB (TP)= 1 No’s
Main ELCB (TP)=1 No’s
Total No of Way of D.B (SPN)= (SP)+3X(TP)=7+(3X2)=13Way SPN
Total No of Way of D.B (TPN)= (SP)/3+ (TP)=(7/3)+(2)=4+2=6Way SPN
Select Either 14Way SPN or 6 Way TPN
Load Balancing of Distribution Board:
To Balance Load We need to try distribute Single Phase load on each Phase.
Suppose We connect Branch Circuit load on following Phase
Brach Circuit Type of Load Connection on
Branch circuit-1 0.73 Single Phase
Branch circuit-2 1.04 Single Phase B Phase
Branch circuit-3 0.87 Single Phase Y Phase
Branch circuit-4 1.15 Single Phase B Phase
Branch circuit-5 1.39 Single Phase Y Phase
Branch circuit-6 4.43 Single Phase B Phase
Branch circuit-7 7.83 Single Phase R Phase
Branch circuit-8 0.63 Three Phase RYB Phase
Summary of Load
R Phase Load 8.5 Amp
Y Phase Load 3.5 Amp
B Phase Load 7.23 Amp
Total Load 18.04 Amp
Summary of Distribution Box :

Size of Distribution Box : 14Way SPN or 6 Way TPN

Size of Main ELCB: 40A,B or C Class,30ma,10KA
Size & No of Branch MCB: 5 No’s of 6A,SP, B Class,6KA
Size & No of Branch MCB: 2 No’s of 16A,SP, C Class,6KA
Size & No of Branch MCB: 1 No’s of 16A,TP, C Class,10KA

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