Floor Finishes
Floor Finishes
Floor Finishes
1 Hack existing concrete surface to form keys and wash clean to receive m2 1.20
2 Extra over concrete slab for trowelling surface of floor or roof slab. m2 0.60
3 Extra over concrete slab for compacting and trowelling smooth surface m2 2.10
of reinforced concrete floor slab by power float with 'helicopter'
compacting and smoothening machine.
4 Extra over concrete floor or screed for the application of approved m2 7.00
non-metallic hardener by mixing the hardener with dry cement in the
ratio of 2 parts of hardener to 1 part of cement and sprinkling the
mixture onto the green concrete floor/screed at the rate of 7 kg/m2,
power trowelled to finish including spraying a coat of approved curing
agent onto the finished surface at the rate of 6 - 8m2/litre as specified.
5 Extra over concrete ramp for the application of approved non-metallic m2 10.50
hardener by mixing the hardener with dry cement in the ratio of 2 parts
of hardener to 1 part of cement and sprinkling the mixture onto the
green concrete floor/screed at the rate of 7kg/m2, power trowelled to
finish including spraying a coat of approved curing agent onto the
finished surface at the rate of 6 - 8m2/litre, and forming ring
indentations as specified
Labour and material for forming 10mm wide groove lines on surfaces
of concrete ramp :
8 Hack off existing plaster finishes of any thickness including removal m2 3.45
of debris off site.
9 Hack off existing tiled finishes of any thickness including removal of m2 2.40
debris off site.
10 Hack off existing tiled finishes including screed backing of any m2 4.30
thickness and removal of debris off site.
11 Provide and lay matt finished polymer surface coating of approved m2 31.10
colours over roof slab.
13 20mm thick cement and sand (1:3) rendering to concrete floor/roof m2 8.90
surfaces trowelled to a smooth finish.
14 Add to (or deduct from) Item 13 for each 5mm thickness over (or m2 1.50
under) 20mm.
16 Add to (or deduct from) Item 15 for each 5mm thickness over (or m2 2.40
under) 10mm.
19 Add to (or deduct from) Item 17 for each 5mm thickness over (or m 0.70
under) 20mm.
20 Add to (or deduct from) Item 18 for each 5mm thickness over (or m 1.10
under) 20mm.
22 Add to (or deduct from) Item 21 for each 5mm thickness over (or m2 1.40
under) 20mm.
23 25mm thick Concrete Screed (Grade 25) with 10mm maximum size m2 7.20
aggregate to concrete floor surfaces finished with steel trowelling
including all necessary labour and materials for preparation of
substrate's surface to receive screed
24 Add to (or deduct from) Item 23 for each 5mm thickness over (or m2 1.10
under) 25mm.
25mm thick Concrete Screed (Grade 25) with 10mm maximum size
aggregate to skirting, treads, risers, curbs and return etc, trowelled to a
smooth finish including coved and rounded angles and all necessary
labour and materials for preparation of substrate's surface:-
27 Add to (or deduct from) Item 25 for each 5mm thickness over (or m 0.70
under) 25mm.
28 Add to (or deduct from) Item 26 for each 5mm thickness over (or m 0.90
under) 25mm.
29 Extra over Items 13 and 23 for incorporating 'Sika No 1' or approved m2 2.30
waterproofing compound
30 Extra over Items 14 and 24 for incoporating 'Sika No 1' or approved m2 0.50
waterproofing compound
31 Extra over Item 13 for Ferrogran 'AA' hardener or other approved m2 1.50
metallic hardener mixed according to manufacturer's instructions.
32 20mm thick granolithic paving consisting of cement, sand and granite m2 7.20
chippings (1:1:2) to floor and trowelled to a smooth finish.
33 Add to (or deduct from ) Item 32 for each 5mm thickness of m2 1.30
granolithic layer over (or under) 20mm.
36 Add to (or deduct from) Item 34 for each 5mm thickness over (or m 0.60
under) 20mm.
37 Add to (or deduct from) Item 35 for each 5mm thickness over (or m 0.90
under) 20mm for 151 - 300mm girth.
41 20mm thick cast-in-situ terrazzo finish laid in panels on and including m2 43.70
metallic or PVC dividing strips and 20mm thick prepacked base screed
(1:3), including all necessary grinding and polishing
42 Add to (or deduct from) Item 41 for each 5mm thickness over (or m2 1.40
under) 20mm thick cement and sand screed only.
43 20mm thick terrazzo skirting, treads, risers, curbs and returns with m 9.00
coved and rounded angles, on and including 20mm thick prepacked
base screed (1:3), including all necessary grinding and polishing as
specified not exceeding 150mm in height/width.
44 Add to (or deduct from) Item 43 for each 5mm thickness over (or m 0.90
under) 20mm thick prepacked base screed (1:3) not exceeding 150mm
in height/width.
45 20mm thick terrazzo skirtings, treads, risers, curbs and returns with m 15.00
coved and rounded angles, on and including 20mm thick prepacked
base screed (1:3), including all necessary grinding and polishing as
specified exceeding 150mm but not exceeding 300mm in height/width.
46 Add to (or deduct from) Item 45 for each 5mm thickness over (or m 1.40
under) 20mm thick prepacked base screed (1:3) exceeding 150mm but
not exceeding 300mm in height/width.
47 100 x 100 x 8mm thick quarry tiles laid and bedded on and including m2 33.50
15mm prepacked base screed.
48 200 x 100 x 8mm thick quarry tiles laid and bedded on and including m2 32.35
15mm thick prepacked base screed.
70 Grade C glazed ceramic floor tiles of approved colours, patterns and m2 30.25
textures (working size 197 x 197 x 8mm thick) bedded on and
including 15mm thick prepacked screed and pointing with approved
coloured tile grouts
73 Grade C glazed ceramic floor tiles of approved colours, patterns and m2 30.80
textures (working size 297 x 297 x 9mm thick) bedding on and
including 15mm thick prepacked screed and pointing with approved
coloured tile grouts
76 Heavy duty unglazed ceramic floor tiles of approved colours, patterns m2 37.25
and textures (working size 197 x 197 x 8mm thick) bedding on and
including 15mm thick prepacked screed and pointing with approved
coloured grouts.
79 Heavy duty unglazed ceramic floor tiles of approved colours, patterns m2 40.10
and textures (working size 297 x 297 x 9mm thick) bedding on and
including 15mm thick prepacked screed and pointing with approved
coloured tile grouts.
85 Extra over floor tiles for prepacked waterproof screed in lieu of m2 2.90
prepacked screed.
90 600 x 600 x 50mm thick concrete paving slab of Grade 25 concrete m 15.00
with 10mm max. aggregate jointed with prepacked mortar
91 UPVC round edge trimming piece size overall 30mm wide x 10mm m 9.50
high to edges of rc kerb including all necessary filling and setting in
cement and sand mortar (1:3)
92 20 x 25mm PVC "L" shaped Floor Strip laid to fall, secured to m 2.25
reinforced concrete floor slab with masonry nails at 500mm centre to
centre and top of strip to be flushed with concrete screed
93 3mm thick “SuperKote” or other approved high strength polymer floor m2 22.50
coating imprint to manufacturer’s specifications.
94 50mm thick concrete imprint stamping finish laid to approved patterns m2 37.50
and colours to floor to manufacturer’s specifications (concrete base
measured separately).
95 20mm thick cement and sand screed laid in imprint stamping finish to m2 32.50
approved patterns and colours to floor to manufacturer’s specifications
(concrete base measured separately).
96 25mm thick approved pebble wash finish of pebble size up to 5mm m2 42.00
laid in sections.
100 Add to (or deduct from) Item 99 for each 5mm thickness. m2 3.00
101 Supply and fix 12x 3mm thick stainless steel dividing strip including m 6.00
forming pattern
102 Supply and fix 25.5 x 5mm thick PVC "L" dividing strip including m 2.00
forming pattern