Selected MCQs On The Natural Resources
Selected MCQs On The Natural Resources
Selected MCQs On The Natural Resources
c) 7%
d) 2%
Answer: c) 7%.
3. Which of the following countries in Africa has luxurious tropical rain forests?
b) India
c) China
d) Indonesia
Answer: a) Japan.
a) Mesotherms
b) Microtherms
c) Vegatherms
d) Hekhsotherms
Answer: c) Vegatherms.
8. Plants that can tolerate considerable changes in moisture conditions are called:
a) Tropophytes
b) Hygrophytes
c) Mesophytes
d) Xerophytes
Answer: a) Tropophytes.
a) Coniferous forest
b) Deciduous forest
c) Equatorial forest
d) Mangrove forest
Answer: c) Equatorial forest.
10. Plants that lack true roots, stems, and leaves are called?
a) Xerophytes
b) Hydrophytes
c) Epiphytes
d) Thallophytes
Answer: d) Thallophytes.
13. Thick stems and thorny wax-coated leaves are commonly found in:
a) Flood plains
b) Deserts
c) Deciduous forest
d) River banks
Answer: b) Deserts.
14. Hardwood trees like mahogany and ebony are found in:
a) Coniferous forest
b) Deciduous forest
c) Equatorial forest
d) Mangrove forest
15. Natural vegetation of an area needs to be preserved for the future mainly for the purpose of:
a) Providing material for breeding new species
b) Providing habitat for birds
c) Preventing soil erosion
d) Study by scientists
Answer: a) Providing material for breeding new species.
17. In what type of soil are the Coniferous forest regions well developed?
a) Red soils
b) Podzol soils
c) Laterite soils
d) Chernozem soils
d) Campos
Answer: a) Selvas.
Answer: The most crucial natural resources are Water, air, and soil.
Answer: The most rapidly dwindling natural resource in the world is Forest.
3. What are the three Rs that help to conserve natural resources for long-term use?
Answer: Reduce, recycle, and reuse are the three Rs that help to conserve natural resources for
long-term use.
Answer: The most conducive pH range for the life of freshwater plants and animals is 6.5 to 7.5.