Wiretap Guide
Wiretap Guide
Wiretap Guide
Very special thanks to chalmers2006 at gmail dot com, whoever you are. They host these files
on their website, here.
Update: I talked to chalmers, and he wants to add the older episodes to his official podcast, but
doesn’t remember how to navigate libsyn to add episodes, so I might try to learn that so we can
have these up in podcast form.
Season 1
1. 2004-07-03 - It's Over
Saturday, on the premiere episode of Wire Tap with Jonathan Goldstein,
the heartbreak of breaking up and the delicate hope of new beginnings.
Devastatingly intimate phone calls. How can you not listen in? That's Wire
Tap, Saturday morning at 11:30 (noon NT) on CBC Radio One.
2. 2004-07-10 - Positive Thinking
On Wire Tap this week, thinking positive...Or at least trying. But what
about the down side of looking on the bright side? In an effort to
transcend what some may describe as a melancholy disposition,
Jonathan Goldstein consults a creative visualization instructor, and self-
help albums from the 1950s. That's Wire Tap, Saturday morning at 11:30
(noon NT) on CBC Radio One.
3. 2004-07-17 - Tell It Like It Is
Tell it like it is...this week on Wire Tap. When the truth is hard to take,
Jonathan Goldstein tries out verbal judo in self-defense. And what do you
do when you find out certain uncomfortable truths about a friend's
therapist? Find out on Wire Tap, Saturday morning at 1130 (noon NT) on
CBC Radio One.
4. 2004-07-24 - Obsessions
Obsessions this week on Wire Tap. How many decades can you spend
thinking about someone you only went out with ten times? Also, a man
who desperately wants to be obsessed: does he have what it takes? Find
out on Wire Tap, with Jonathan Goldstein, Saturday morning at 1130
(noon NT) on CBC Radio One
5. 2004-07-31 - Diaries
Diaries on Wire Tap this week. Two sisters shared a room for years
without ever realizing the other kept a journal. Now they reveal the hidden
secrets of their teenaged years. Also, Found Magazine's Davy Rothbart
makes the case for reading a stranger's diary. Wire Tap, with Jonathan
Goldstein, Saturday morning at 11 (11:30 NT) on CBC Radio One.
6. 2004-08-07 - The First Thing That Comes to Mind
You can't stop yourself. It just comes out. It's not the right thing to say, but
you were powerless to do otherwise. It's time to suffer the consequences.
This week on Wire Tap with Jonathan Goldstein: The First Thing That
Comes to Mind, Saturday morning at 11:30 (noon NT) on CBC Radio
7. 2004-08-14 - Broken Telephone
Broken Telephone. This week's episode of Wire Tap explores the infinite
frustrations and absurdities of life without Call Waiting. Wire Tap, with
Jonathan Goldstein, Saturday morning at 11:30 (noon NT) on CBC Radio
8. 2004-08-21 - Messiah '83
Messiah '83 this week on Wire Tap. This week's episode of Wire Tap tells
the story of a rabbi, a young man, his father and the Messiah of 1983.
That's Wire Tape, with Jonathan Goldstein, Saturday morning at 11:30
(noon NT) on CBC Radio One.
9. 2004-08-28 - The Watcher
Watching and being watched this week on Wire Tap. What is the allure of
watching a stranger's life unfold? And what is the power that a watcher
holds over us? The Watcher, this week on Wire Tap with Jonathan
Goldstein, Saturday morning at 11:30 (noon NT) on CBC Radio One.
10. 2004-09-04 - What's Past is Past
Some memories never leave us. This week on Wire Tap with Jonathan
Goldstein, What's Past is Past. A girl named Esther, a certain vinyl
record…and more. That's Wire Tap, Saturday morning at 11:30 (noon
NT) on CBC Radio One.
11. 2004-09-18 - Canadian Content
How a Canadian copes with a heart attack in America and a special
investigative report on Canada and Harlem. That's Wire Tap, with
Jonathan Goldstein, Saturday at 6:30 (7:30 AT, 8 NT) on CBC Radio
12. 2004-09-25 - Let's Pretend
How an innocuous lie can leave your life in a shambles this week on
Wiretap. Also, one man's childhood alter ego, plus a very special game of
radio charades. Let's Pretend, this week on Wiretap with Jonathan
Goldstein, Saturday at 6:30 (7:30 AT, 8 NT) on CBC Radio One.
13. 2004-10-02 - Bullies
You keep your head down, stay out of his way, walk home by a different
route. Then what happens when the bully who's made your life miserable
disappears? Also, fighting your enemies with attack ads. Bullies, this
week on WireTap with Jonathan Goldstein, Saturday at 6:30 (7:30 AT, 8
NT) on CBC Radio One.
14. 2004-10-09 - Modern Language
"Choo!" - it can mean anything you want it to mean. Saturday on Wiretap,
Jonathan Goldstein tracks down the etymology of an unusual expression.
Also, kids on big words, and irresistible catch phrases, created by a
professional. Modern Language, this week on Wiretap, Saturday at 6:30
(7:30 AT, 8 NT) on CBC Radio One.
15. 2004-10-23 - Our Fathers
What do you think of your dad? And what does he really think of you?
This week on WireTap with Jonathan Goldstein: Our Fathers. That's Wire
Tap, Saturday at 6:30 (7:30 AT, 8 NT) on CBC Radio One.
16. 2004-10-30 - Halloween Special
The mystery of the creepy email, a candid conversation with the Devil,
and the scariest movie of all time on the WireTap Halloween Special.
That's WireTap, with Jonathan Goldstein, Saturday at 6:30 (7:30 AT, 8
NT) on CBC Radio One.
17. 2004-11-06 - Old Scores
Old Scores today on WireTap. Jonathan Goldstein gets back together
with the guitarist from his old band, in a reunion filled with accusations
and ill-will. Also this week, one couple's battle for custody of a beloved
dog. That's WireTap, with Jonathan Goldstein, Saturday at 6:30 (7:30 AT,
8 NT) on CBC Radio One.
18. 2004-11-20 - Generation Gap
Generation Gap this week on WireTap: a 13-year-old falls in love with a
woman old enough to be his grandmother. Also, an outspoken adult
reveals her deep dislike for her friend's five-year-old. That's Wire Tap,
with Jonathan Goldstein, Saturday at 6:30 (7:30 AT, 8 NT) on CBC Radio
19. 2004-11-27 - There's No Business
Jonathan Goldstein tracks down the great Frankie Reynolds this week on
WireTap. Reynolds is a comedian who left show business in 1974 and
has never been heard from since. Where has he been all this time and
why did he disappear? What was the secret behind his cruelly funny
routines? There's No Business...this week on Wire Tap, Saturday at 6:30
(7:30 AT, 8 NT) on CBC Radio One.
20. 2004-12-11 - Of Man and Beast
A vial of pheromones gives one single guy a chance at finding love this
week on WireTap. And transporting a pig from Ottawa to Montreal spells
the end of a couple's relationship. That's WireTap, with Jonathan
Goldstein, Saturday at 6:30 (7:30 AT, 8 NT) on CBC Radio One.
21. 2004-12-18 - WireTapology
WireTapology this week on WireTap. Jonathan Goldstein revisits some of
those special moments from the show's first six months. That's WireTap,
with Jonathan Goldstein, Saturday at 6:30 (7:30 AT, 8 NT) on CBC Radio
22. 2005-02-12 - The Call-in Show
The Call-in Show this week on WireTap. Lovelorn, unemployed,
confused? People in the strangest predicaments call Goldstein for advice.
That's WireTap, with Jonathan Goldstein, Saturday at 6:30 (7:30 AT, 8
NT) on CBC Radio One.
23. 2005-02-19 - How I Became so Hostile
How I Became so Hostile this week on Wiretap: Goldstein's friend Evan
berates him for being hostile, prompting Goldstein to go back, way back,
in order to trace the roots of his hostility toward the world. That's WireTap,
with Jonathan Goldstein, Saturday at 6:30 (7:30 AT, 8 NT) on CBC Radio
24. 2005-03-05 - Do Your Little Radio Show
Do Your Little Radio Show...this week on WireTap: a series of disturbing
dreams induces panic, making Goldstein turns to his friends for advice on
anti-anxiety classes. That's WireTap, with Jonathan Goldstein, Saturday
at 6:30 (7:30 AT, 8 NT) on CBC Radio One.
25. 2005-03-12 - Movin' On
Movin' On...this week on WireTap. More than anything, James wants to
make a fresh start by moving out of his miserable basement apartment. It
turns out this is the Move from Hell. Also, Goldstein tries internet dating,
with surprising results. That's WireTap, with Jonathan Goldstein, Saturday
at 6:30 (7:30 AT, 8 NT) on CBC Radio One.
26. 2005-03-19 - The Wind at the End of the World
The Wind at the End of the World this week on WireTap: frequenting
funeral homes in search of love, plus other stories of lies and sex. That's
WireTap, with Jonathan Goldstein, Saturday at 6:30 (7:30 AT, 8 NT) on
CBC Radio One.
27. 2005-04-02 - Haters
Saturday on WireTap, Goldstein confronts the haters who are threatened
by his excellence. That's WireTap, with Jonathan Goldstein, Saturday at
6:30 (7:30 AT, 8 NT) on CBC Radio One.
28. 2005-04-09 - Vacation
The story of a dream vacation that goes terribly wrong this week on
WireTap. Also, Goldstein speaks to a man who can get away from it all
while staying right where he is. That's WireTap, with Jonathan Goldstein,
Saturday at 6:30 (7:30 AT, 8 NT) on CBC Radio One.
29. 2005-04-16 - Confessions
The embarrassing, the objectionable, the unspeakable. True
confessions...this week on Wiretap. That's WireTap, with Jonathan
Goldstein, Saturday at 6:30 (7:30 AT, 8 NT) on CBC Radio One.
30. 2005-04-30 - What I've Learned
Howard tells Goldstein how he takes to the street with his gong in order to
inspire, enlighten and educate the youth of today. That's WireTap, with
Jonathan Goldstein, Saturday at 6:30 (7:30 AT, 8 NT) on CBC Radio
31. 2005-05-07 - Prized Possessions
What's your most prized possession? For Josh, it's Fluffles the
Magnificent, his cat. When Jonathan asks to borrow Fluffles, he's treading
on sacred ground. Hear all about it on WireTap, with Jonathan Goldstein,
Saturday at 6:30 (7:30 AT, 8 NT) on CBC Radio One.
32. 2005-05-14 - Solving Quebec's Problems
Need advice on relationship issues? No problem is too personal. Callers
from across Quebec take advantage of Jonathan Goldstein's insight into
matters of the heart. That's WireTap, with Jonathan Goldstein, Saturday
at 6:30 (7:30 AT, 8 NT) on CBC Radio One.
33. 2005-05-28 - Life Lessons
This week on WireTap, How To: Goldstein gets lessons in stand-up
comedy...from a 10-year-old, and a tip on how to achieve the perfect
poker face...by shaving your eyebrows. Plus juggling on the radio. That's
WireTap, with Jonathan Goldstein, Saturday at 6:30 (7:30 AT, 8 NT) on
CBC Radio One.
34. 2005-06-04 - Reach For the Top
Reach for the top. Jonathan Goldstein's rewrite of the Bible story the
Tower of Babel - a story of pride and questing after the infinite. Also, one
man reads the entire encyclopedia in his quest to become the smartest
person in the world. That's WireTap, with Jonathan Goldstein, Saturday at
6:30 (7:30 AT, 8 NT) on CBC Radio One.
35. 2005-06-11 - The Big Shot
Kneebrace Kenny, Cleats Onionpocket, Gluttonous Slim and 697 other
hobo names this week on Wiretap. That's WireTap, with Jonathan
Goldstein, Saturday at 6:30 (7:30 AT, 8 NT) on CBC Radio One.
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
1. 2007-09-09 - A Catalogue of Previous Universes
Jonathan delves into "A Catalogue of Previous Universes" this week on
WireTap. Ever wondered if there were other universes before ours? This
week's Wiretap explores the whimsical worlds created as test runs for our
own. Atlantis? Lilliput? Oz? Travel an imaginary world on WireTap, with
Jonathan Goldstein, Sunday afternoon at 1 (1:30 NT, 4 PT) on CBC
Radio One.
2. 2007-09-16 - Picasso Goldstein
Meet Picasso Goldstein this week on WireTap. Behind every great artist,
there is another great artist whose ideas were ripped off. This week on
WireTap, discover the true genius behind the legendary Picasso: his little-
known contemporary, Picasso Goldstein. Also, Howard takes a stab at
live radio reporting as he investigates Jonathan's many dark secrets.
That's WireTap, with Jonathan Goldstein, Sunday afternoon at 1:00 (1:30
NT, 4 PT) on CBC Radio One.
3. 2007-09-23 - Far-Away Places
Jonathan's pal Josh decides to rid himself of his material possessions this
week on WireTap. He's determined to hit the road, wandering hobo-style
from place to place. And Gregor tries to convince Jonathan to speak in a
Brooklyn accent in order to boost his tough-guycredibility. Is Jonathan
loopy enough to take advice from Gregor? "Far-Off Places", on WireTap,
with Jonathan Goldstein, Sunday afternoon at 1:00 (1:30 NT, 4 PT) on
CBC Radio One.
4. 2007-10-07 - How to be Funny
Jonathan gets the lowdown on laughter this week on WireTap - How to be
Funny. Listen in, as two "humourologists" lay down the rules of comedy,
from dancing with a lampshade on your head to the ins and outs of
comedic timing. Also, Howard tries to spice things up on with some good
old canned laughter. Will it do the trick? Find out on WireTap, with
Jonathan Goldstein, Sunday afternoon at 1:00 (1:30 NT, 4 PT) on CBC
Radio One.
5. 2007-10-14 - Protect Yourself
Jonathan checks out a blog this week on WireTap - a blog created by a
former intern on the show. And to his horror, she's posted less-than-
stellar moments from his studio recordings for all the world to hear.
Gregor builds Jonathan his very own helmet, and a UFO Abduction
Insurance provider discusses the risk that he's protecting his clients
against. That's WireTap, with Jonathan Goldstein, Sunday afternoon at
1:00 (1:30 NT, 4 PT) on CBC Radio One.
6. 2007-10-21 - Mending the Past
It's not just children that enjoy a play date. Gregor invites Jonathan to
embrace his inner-child on a fun filled adventure in the park. Plus,
Governor General Award nominee and Montreal native Heather O'Neil
reads her short story, Welcome to La La Land. That's WireTap, with
Jonathan Goldstein, Sunday afternoon at 1:00 (1:30 NT, 4 PT) on CBC
Radio One.
7. 2007-11-04 - Fortune's Fool
Sometimes Jonathan is just Fortune's Fool. Listen in as he speaks with a
luck expert to get to the root of his misfortune; Howard winds up at the
doctor's office with an unlucky tummy ache; and Gregor tests his luck,
and Jonathan's friendship, at a Las Vegas Casino. That's WireTap, with
Jonathan Goldstein, Sunday afternoon at 1 (1:30 NT, 4 PT) on CBC
Radio One.
8. 2007-11-18 - The Tortoise and the Bunny
No description
9. 2007-11-25 - The New Josh
Jonathan explores the world of secret intensions this week on WireTap.
Imagine if your unconscious were able to say what was actually on its
mind. Reverse speech analyst David John Oates explores the hidden
messages embedded backwards in our everyday conversations. Plus,
when Josh's anger finally gets him kicked off the show, we introduce
method actor Chad Chadington as his replacement. That's WireTap, with
Jonathan Goldstein, Sunday afternoon at 1 (1:30 NT, 4 PT) on CBC
Radio One.
10. 2007-12-02 - The Wolf Boy, the Monkey Boy, and the Daddy's Boy
Untamed children run wild through the streets of Paris this week on
WireTap as Heather O'Neill reads her latest short story "The Little Wolf-
Boy of Northern Quebec". And the never-ending search for a WireTap
intern continues with the unlikeliest candidate yet: Jonathan's father.
That's WireTap, with Jonathan Goldstein, Sunday afternoon at 1 (1:30
NT, 4 PT) on CBC Radio One.
11. 2007-12-16 - Time to Face The World
It's Time to Face the World this week on WireTap when Jonathan finds
himself the subject of a new Dutch shockumentary that all but
assassinates his character. Scenes include him arguing with his butcher,
and dancing with his eyes closed...to Bette Midler's Beast of Burden.
Plus, Howard invites Jonathan to give a speech at the Official Howard
Chackowicz Fan Club's next meeting. That's WireTap, with Jonathan
Goldstein, Sunday afternoon at 1 (1:30 NT, 4 PT) on CBC Radio One.
12. 2007-12-23 - The Two Marys
This week on Wiretap, a holiday spectacular....Joseph divulges the
frustrations of having your wife cheat on you with God and the anxieties
of raising a holy baby. Plus, Heather O'Neil reads her story "The Gospel
According to Mary M. of Cartier Elementary. That's WireTap, with
Jonathan Goldstein, Sunday afternoon at 1 (1:30 NT, 4 PT) on CBC
Radio One.
13. 2008-01-13 - David and Goliath
Jonathan tackles another Old Testament classic this week on WireTap.
He gives his version of the story of David and Goliath in front of a live
studio audience. And Jonathan's parents weigh in with their son's funniest
moments - that is, if they can remember any. That's WireTap, with
Jonathan Goldstein, Sunday afternoon at 1 (1:30 NT, 4 PT) on CBC
Radio One.
14. 2008-01-20 - Helping Johnny
This week on WireTap, it's all about "helping Johnny" as Howard takes a
stab at the coveted WireTap internship position by preparing Jonathan's
cocoa, doing his dry-cleaning, booking guests, and lots more besides.
But does Howard have what it takes to become a permanent member of
the WireTap team? Or will he go the way of oh-so-many interns past?
Plus, Gregor pitches an ad campaign that will help make up for
Jonathan's lack of sex appeal. That's WireTap, with Jonathan Goldstein,
Sunday afternoon at 1 (1:30 NT, 4 PT) on CBC Radio One.
15. 2008-01-27 - Do Me a Solid
Jonathan finds him self in an awkward position that comes to us all
eventually. Josh needs a letter of recommendation to go with his
application for a job as a Yukon hotel caretaker, so he asks Jonathan.
The trouble is that he's not exactly qualified for the position. Plus, Gregor
offers a few words of wisdom as desperate callers phone in for advice.
That's WireTap, with Jonathan Goldstein, Sunday afternoon at 1 (1:30
NT, 4 PT) on CBC Radio One.
16. 2008-02-10 - Negative Scanning
This week on WireTap, it's an exploration of Negative Scanning. It's the
art of still managing to find something wrong when everything seems to
be going just fine. It's not being able to wear your favorite shirt because
there's a pen mark on the sleeve. Its not being able to enjoy your wedding
day because you're pretty sure the guy at the corner store doesn't like
you. People who are trying to free themselves of this crippling condition
check in on WireTap, with Jonathan Goldstein, Sunday afternoon at 1
(1:30 NT, 4 PT) on CBC Radio One.
17. 2008-02-17 - Fake It Until You Make It
This week on WireTap, Fake It Until You Make It. Jonathan gets profiled
in a radio magazine, and a trigger-happy fact checker helps "enhance"
some of his answers. Plus, Howard embraces his golden years and
retires at the ripe old age of 40. That's WireTap, with Jonathan Goldstein,
Sunday afternoon at 1 (1:30 NT, 4 PT) on CBC Radio One.
18. 2008-02-24 - King David Part Two: David and Bathsheba
Just because you think that you've found the perfect woman doesn't
mean that God agrees. Jonathan Goldstein tells the story of David and
Bathsheba. Plus, author A.J. Jacobs discusses his latest book, in which
he spent a year observing every law in the bible as literally as possible --
this meant growing a beard, dressing all in white, and even stoning an
adulterer. That's WireTap, with Jonathan Goldstein, Sunday afternoon at
1 (1:30 NT, 4 PT) on CBC Radio One.
19. 2008-03-09 - Heaven and Hell
Visit Heaven and Hell this week on WireTap as Heather O'Neill reads her
short story, Heaven, about the time her grandfather died for a few
minutes when he was nine and visited the pearly gates. Plus, Jonathan
speaks with his old college chum, Irwin, about life as an ice cream man.
That's WireTap, with Jonathan Goldstein, Sunday afternoon at 1 (1:30
NT, 4 PT) on CBC Radio One.
20. 2008-03-16 - Help Me, Doctor
This week on WireTap, when a man awakens to find himself turned into a
cockroach, he seeks out a famous, rhyme-speaking doctor for advice: it's
the Gregor Samsa/ Doctor Seuss correspondence. Plus, Jonathan and
Gregor try couple's counseling to help mend their friendship. That's
WireTap, with Jonathan Goldstein, Sunday afternoon at 1 (1:30 NT, 4 PT)
on CBC Radio One.
21. 2008-03-23 - Private Life, Public Performance
This Week on WireTap, when Sam's friend gets hypnotized by an old
hypnotist record at his 10th birthday party, Sam has no choice but to
contact the magician himself, The Man They Call Chenoy, for advice on
how to get his friend to snap out of it. Plus, Howard tries his hand at
stand-up comedy and Raymond Ty explains how to report illegal
performances of the Happy Birthday song. That's WireTap, with
Jonathan Goldstein, Sunday afternoon at 1 (1:30 NT, 4 PT) on CBC
Radio One.
22. 2008-04-06 - Life and Afterlife
The slang of each new generation is meant to mystify the generations
that went before. This Week on WireTap, Jonathan asks his thirteen-
year-old daughter for the inside scoop on what the kids are saying these
days. Is it breaking high school etiquette to walk up to someone and say
"Hi, my name is Jonathan and I'm emo"? And what on earth is
"screamo"? Jonathan also puts his faith - or lack thereof - to the test in a
conversation with the head of the Atheist society. That's WireTap, with
Jonathan Goldstein, Sunday afternoon at 1 (1:30 NT, 4 PT) on CBC
Radio One.
23. 2008-04-13 - Man is the Rope Between the Ordinary and the Extraordinary
Howard tries his hand at beekeeping this week on WireTap. Also,
Philippe Petit tells the story of how he walked a tightrope between the
Twin Towers back in 1974. "Man is a Rope Between the Ordinary and the
Extraordinary", on WireTap, with Jonathan Goldstein, Sunday afternoon
at 1 (1:30 NT, 4 PT) on CBC Radio One.
24. 2008-04-20 - Golden Calves and Sacred Cows
It's simply Bovine this week on WireTap, with Golden Calves and Sacred
Cows. What happens when you leave your people for 40 days to go talk
with God on a mountaintop? Your people get all hopped up on idol-
worship: Tune in, as Jonathan puts his own unique spin on the story of
Moses and the Golden Calf. That's WireTap, with Jonathan Goldstein,
Sunday afternoon at 1 (1:30 NT, 4 PT) on CBC Radio One.
25. 2008-05-04 - The Quick Fix
Jonathan plays Rock, Paper, Scissors against a pro this week on
WireTap - but he hedges his bets by doing it over the telephone. Also, a
solitary exercise... in team building. That's on WireTap, with Jonathan
Goldstein, Sunday afternoon at 1 (1:30 NT, 4 PT) on CBC Radio One.
26. 2008-05-11 - Songs of Sorrow
What is it about sad music that makes you sad? This week on WireTap,
Jonathan talks with music expert Daniel Levitin about the building blocks
of sad songs. And WireTap goes bilingual, as Howard hosts a live French
simulcast of Jonathan's monologues. That's WireTap, with Jonathan
Goldstein, Sunday afternoon at 1 (1:30 NT, 4 PT) on CBC Radio One.
27. 2008-05-18 - Klosterman's Questions
If there were a VCR that could record your dreams but you were only
allowed to watch the tapes with a roomful of people -- would you have the
courage to do it? Or how about this one: Which would you pick, a year-
long European vacation or ten minutes on the moon? This week, WireTap
explores hypothetical questions - why we ask them and what our answers
say about us. That's WireTap, with Jonathan Goldstein, Sunday afternoon
at 1 (1:30 NT, 4 PT) on CBC Radio One.
28. 2008-05-25 - The Lives of Bugs and Men: The Best of Season 4
Relive your favorite WireTap moments this week. Howard tries his hand
at beekeeping, Dr. Seuss and Gregor Samsa become unlikely pen pals
and Jonathan's parents contemplate life, afterlife and the universe. That's
WireTap, with Jonathan Goldstein, Sunday afternoon at 1 (1:30 NT, 4 PT)
on CBC Radio One.
Season 5
1. 2008-09-07 - Life is Lovely
Sherlock Holmes was the first to point out how little most of us really
observe about our surroundings. This week on WireTap, Jonathan tests
Tucker's perception skills with a pop quiz...about the minute details of his
own apartment. Also, Starlee reunites with her 15-year-old personal intern
and Gregor tries to convince Jonathan to leave the hustle behind and
take some dance lessons. That's WireTap, with Jonathan Goldstein,
Sunday afternoon at 1 (1:30 NT, 4 PT) on CBC Radio One.
2. 2008-09-14 - Where Did All the Spaniards Go?
Superman takes on Batman this week on WireTap. No, the two comic-
book good guys don't suddenly decide to duke it out for supremacy. It's a
debate between Jonathan and his thirteen year-old daughter ZouZou
about which one is the better hero. Listen in as they try to put this age-old
dispute to rest, once and for all. Also, Jonathan's father reminisces about
his trip to Barcelona as a young man. That's WireTap, with Jonathan
Goldstein, Sunday afternoon at 1 (1:30 NT, 4 PT) on CBC Radio One.
3. 2008-09-21 - I Can’t Find the Books
Jonathan finds himself double-booked this week on WireTap He's
supposed to introduce an experimental art band at the CBC, but he's also
promised to take his 8-year-old goddaughter honey-tasting. So who gets
left high and dry? Find out this week on WireTap. As well, Jonathan's
mother makes her debut in the world of avant-garde music. That's on
WireTap, with Jonathan Goldstein, Sunday afternoon at 1 (1:30 NT, 4 PT)
on CBC Radio One.
4. 2008-10-05 - Where Do Babies Come From and Where Do Babies Go?
Ever wondered if you were delivered by a stork as a baby, or dug up from
a cabbage patch? Tune in to Wiretap on Sunday for a lesson in human
reproduction. Award-winning author Heather O'Neill will read her short
story "Where Babies Come From." That's WireTap, with Jonathan
Goldstein, Sunday afternoon at 1 (1:30 NT, 4 PT) on CBC Radio One.
5. 2008-10-12 - The Fox and the Hedgehog
According to philosopher Archilochus, people are either foxes or
hedgehogs, and this week on WireTap, Starlee explains why Jonathan is
a classic hedgehog. Plus, Jonathan speaks with a discount medium who
specializes in channeling b-list historical figures: people like Lincoln's
haberdasher, or Joan of Arc's sister, Nancy...of Arc. That's WireTap, with
Jonathan Goldstein, Sunday afternoon at 1 (1:30 NT, 4 PT) on CBC
Radio One.
6. 2008-10-19 - The Hangover
Jonathan as a giant fridge magnet, Howard's homebrew hangover cures,
and Ian's drunk interview. That's WireTap, with Jonathan Goldstein,
Sunday afternoon at 1 (1:30 NT, 4 PT) on CBC Radio One.
7. 2008-11-02 - Who Wants to Live Forever
Immortality? Who needs it! That's WireTap, with Jonathan Goldstein,
Sunday afternoon at 1:00 (1:30 NT, 4 PT) on CBC Radio One.
8. 2008-11-09 - Human Nature
This week on WireTap, flying cows that leak milk from the sky, and a
hippopotamus that hangs upside down like a sloth: it's Heather O'Neill's
retelling of the H.G. Wells classic, The Island of Dr. Moreau. Plus,
Jonathan's weekend alone in the woods turns out to be less like Weldon
Pond, and more like the Blair Witch Project. That's WireTap, with
Jonathan Goldstein, Sunday afternoon at 1:00 (1:30 NT, 4 PT) on CBC
Radio One.
9. 2008-11-16 - Make Your Own Fortune
He was one of the most prolific fortune cookie writers in history until he
was stricken with writer's block: Jonathan speaks with Donald Lau of
Wonton Food Incorporated about what to do when your inspiration runs
dry. Plus, Howard becomes a freelance bathroom attendant. This week's
episode also features music by Kevin MacLeod, of Incompetech. That's
WireTap, with Jonathan Goldstein, Sunday afternoon at 1:00 (1:30 NT, 4
PT) on CBC Radio One.
10. 2008-11-30 - Into America
This week on WireTap, it's all about Americans and Canadians: the ways
in which we fundamentally differ, and the ways in which we're pretty much
the same. Jonathan's American friend Starlee performs her tribute to the
50 states. Plus, David Rakoff, a Canadian living in the USA, discusses
how to mask a Canadian accent and pass for an American. That's
WireTap, with Jonathan Goldstein, Sunday afternoon at 1:00 (1:30 NT, 4
PT) on CBC Radio One.
11. 2008-12-07 - Rainy Day Blues
This week on WireTap, Howard turns Jonathan on to the latest in home
hair-care, the Trimco 3000. Plus, what do Howie Mandel, Kim Cattrall and
Lorne Michaels have in common? Gregor uncovers the conspiracy that is
the Canadian showbiz mafia. That's WireTap, with Jonathan Goldstein,
Sunday afternoon at 1:00 (1:30 NT, 4 PT) on CBC Radio One.
12. 2008-12-14 - Meet the new Boss
This week on WireTap, we try to get to the bottom of an age old question:
where does all the change in the shopping mall fountain go? Something
tells us Howard might have the answer. Plus, Jonathan gets a tough new
boss, with an all new style of management. That's WireTap, with
Jonathan Goldstein, Sunday afternoon at 1:00 (1:30 NT, 4 PT) on CBC
Radio One.
13. 2008-12-28 - The Holiday Special
Feeling glum around the holidays? Experience the solace of the
psychological services hot-line. Plus, Jonathan fields a request to appear
in CBC You Naked, a fundraising calendar for a good cause; and a man
who sees himself as a generous soul holds forth on the holiday spirit.
That's WireTap, with Jonathan Goldstein, Sunday afternoon at 1 (1:30
NT, 4 PT) on CBC Radio One.
14. 2009-01-11 - The Dinner Party
This week on WireTap, it's the how-tos of dinner party etiquette: place
your napkin on your lap, chew with your mouth closed... never use your
salad fork as a back scratcher. Tune in as Jonathan polishes off his good
manners for a dinner party with some old college chums. That's WireTap,
with Jonathan Goldstein, Sunday afternoon at 1 (1:30 NT, 4 PT) on CBC
Radio One.
15. 2009-01-18 - How To Say Goodbye
This week on WireTap, a man confronts the minister who ruined his
grandmother's funeral. Plus, Howard outsources his friendship with
Jonathan to an Indian call center. That's WireTap, with Jonathan
Goldstein, Sunday afternoon at 1 (1:30 NT, 4 PT) on CBC Radio One.
16. 2009-01-25 - Half Baked
This week on WireTap, Jonathan picks up the phone book and calls up
other Jonathan Goldsteins to see what they have in common, aside from
their name. Plus, Dave Bronstetter reads one of Jonathan's latest stories,
"A Father's Lesson". That's WireTap, with Jonathan Goldstein, Sunday
afternoon at 1 (1:30 NT, 4 PT) on CBC Radio One.
17. 2009-02-08 - Of Time, Space and Money
Ever dreamed of working just 4 hours a week at your full-time job without
getting fired? This week on WireTap, we speak with an expert on time
management who claims that such a thing is possible. Plus, Gregor helps
Jonathan prepare for his new job voicing radio ads. That's WireTap, with
Jonathan Goldstein, Sunday afternoon at 1 (1:30 NT, 4 PT) on CBC
Radio One.
18. 2009-02-15 - Lew Wasserman
This week on WireTap, Josh lies his way into a new job at a yoga
magazine but is worried that he's soon going to be downward facing the
unemployment line. Plus, how many goodbyes does it take to get
Jonathan's mother off the telephone? Tune in to find out. That's WireTap,
with Jonathan Goldstein, Sunday afternoon at 1 (1:30 NT, 4 PT) on CBC
Radio One.
19. 2009-02-22 - How To Build a Bomb Shelter
This week on WireTap, experience the kind of entertainment you needn't
leave the house for as Howard decides he wants to become a shut-in.
Plus, Daily Show writer Rob Kutner discusses his recent book,
Apocalypse How, and Jonathan takes an improv comedy course over the
telephone. That's WireTap, with Jonathan Goldstein, Sunday afternoon at
1 (1:30 NT, 4 PT) on CBC Radio One.
20. 2009-03-08 - Never Say I Love You
This week on WireTap, Starlee Kine shares her advice on how to get over
a bad break up, while Howard confesses his true feelings for Jonathan.
Plus, a selection of lovelorn messages from the anonymous heartbroken
of Dear Old Love. http://dearoldlove.com That's WireTap, with Jonathan
Goldstein, Sunday afternoon at 1 (1:30 NT, 4 PT) on CBC Radio One.
21. 2009-03-15 - 100 False Messiahs
What would it take to make it as the Messiah these days? Gregor pitches
his PR campaign that'll put any Messiah on the map, including billboard
ads and celebrity sightings with Angelina Jolie. That's WireTap, with
Jonathan Goldstein, Sunday afternoon at 1 (1:30 NT, 4 PT) on CBC
Radio One.
22. 2009-03-22 - Fishin' for Glory
This week on WireTap, Jonathan leaves the safety of the studio for a
fishing trip with Howard. Plus, world-record holder Mark Lamster breaks
his own record in the field of complaining. That's WireTap, with Jonathan
Goldstein, Sunday afternoon at 1 (1:30 NT, 4 PT) on CBC Radio One.
23. 2009-04-05 - The Armchair Guide to Survival
This week on WireTap, Howard heads off to survival camp to learn how to
survive in the wild. Plus, Josh becomes addicted to Twitter. That's
WireTap, with Jonathan Goldstein, Sunday afternoon at 1 (1:30 NT, 4 PT)
on CBC Radio One.
24. 2009-04-19 - How to Be a Grownup
This week on WireTap, Jonathan teaches Howard how to drive. Plus,
Jonathan gets a frantic call from his nephew Zak seeking advice on life
after high school. That's WireTap, with Jonathan Goldstein, Sunday
afternoon at 1 (1:30 NT, 4 PT) on CBC Radio One.
25. 2009-04-26 - Adam and Eve
Live from the Winnipeg Comedy Festival, Jonathan reads the story of
Adam and Eve from his new book "Ladies and Gentlemen, The Bible!".
With musical guests John K Samson of The Weakerthans, Christine
Fellows, and Leanne Zacharias. That's WireTap, with Jonathan Goldstein,
Sunday afternoon at 1 (1:30 NT, 4 PT) on CBC Radio One.
26. 2009-05-03 - Why We Mistakes
This week on WireTap, Howard is the subject of a young graduate
student's thesis paper, but the focus of the study turns out to be less
flattering than he imagines. Plus, Jonathan speaks with author Joe
Hallinan about his book "Why We Make Mistakes". That's WireTap, with
Jonathan Goldstein, Sunday afternoon at 1 (1:30 NT, 4 PT) on CBC
Radio One.
27. 2009-05-17 - The Deciders
This week on WireTap, author Jonah Lehrer discusses his book, "How
We Decide". Plus, Howard offers Jonathan some decision making advice
with his very own version of the I Ching. That's WireTap, with Jonathan
Goldstein, Sunday afternoon at 1 (1:30 NT, 4 PT) on CBC Radio One.
28. 2009-05-24 - Splendours of the Small Screen
This week on WireTap, Josh gets a new job as personal assistant to
Randy Dandy, child television star. Plus, a YouTube celebrity calls
Jonathan for advice on how to deal with life in the limelight. That's
WireTap, with Jonathan Goldstein, Sunday afternoon at 1 (1:30 NT, 4 PT)
on CBC Radio One.
29. 2009-05-31 - Buzz Pick Up The Phone: The Best of Season 5
This week on WireTap, it's the Best of Season 5. Tune in for your favorite
moments from the past year: Howard outsources his friendship with
Jonathan to an Indian call center; Gregor pitches his PR campaign for the
Messiah; plus, David Rakoff claims that alcohol makes him so charming
that he even gets drunk before job interviews. That's WireTap, with
Jonathan Goldstein, Sunday afternoon at 1 (1:30 NT, 4 PT) on CBC
Radio One.