Iso 14617 3 2002
Iso 14617 3 2002
Iso 14617 3 2002
STANDARD 14617-3
First edition
Reference number
ISO 14617-3:2002(E)
© ISO 2002
ISO 14617-3:2002(E)
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Contents Page
Foreword .................................................................................................................................................................... iv
Introduction................................................................................................................................................................. v
1 Scope.............................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references.................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions ................................................................................................................................... 1
4 Connections................................................................................................................................................... 4
5 Connection joints and pipeline ends .......................................................................................................... 7
6 Connection joints, junctions, and related devices of specified design .................................................. 9
7 Fittings.......................................................................................................................................................... 10
8 Ports ISO, quick-release couplings, and connectors................................................................................ 11
9 Additional simplifications........................................................................................................................... 12
Bibliography.............................................................................................................................................................. 15
ISO 14617-3:2002
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO
member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical
committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has
the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in
liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 3.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards adopted
by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International
Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this part of ISO 14617 may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO 14617-3 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 10, Technical product documentation, Subcommittee
SC 10, Process plant documentation and tpd-symbols.
ISO 14617 consists of the following parts, under the general title Graphical symbols for diagrams :
Part 1: General information and indexes
ISO 14617-3:2002
Part 2: Symbols having general application
Part 3: Connections and related devices
The purpose of ISO 14617 in its final form is the creation of a library of harmonized graphical symbols for diagrams
used in technical applications. This work has been, and will be, performed in close cooperation between ISO and
IEC. The ultimate result is intended to be published as a standard common to ISO and IEC, which their technical
committees responsible for specific application fields can use in preparing International Standards and manuals.
1 Scope
This part of ISO 14617 specifies graphical symbols for functional connections, mechanical links, pipelines and
related devices such as connection joints, ISO ports, terminals, quick-release couplings and connectors, in
For the fundamental rules of creation and application of graphical symbols in diagrams, see ISO 81714-1.
For an overview of ISO 14617, information on the creation and use of registration numbers for identifying graphical
symbols used in diagrams, rules for the presentation and application of these symbols, and examples of their use
and application, see ISO 14617-1.
2 Normative references
The following normative documents contain provisions ISO 14617-3:2002
which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of
this part of ISO 14617. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications
do not apply. However, parties to agreements 3f7bb0c39129/iso-14617-3-2002
based on this part of ISO 14617 are encouraged to investigate the
possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. For undated
references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies. Members of ISO and IEC maintain
registers of currently valid International Standards.
ISO 2553, Welded, brazed and soldered joints — Symbolic representation on drawings
ISO 4063, Welding and allied processes — Nomenclature of processes and reference numbers
ISO 14617-1:2002, Graphical symbols for diagrams — Part 1: General information and indexes
ISO 81714-1:1999, Design of graphical symbols for use in the technical documentation of products — Part 1: Basic
NOTE 1 The list has been restricted to terms whose meaning is not obvious and which have not been defined elsewhere in
an International Standard, or which have been defined in various ways in different standards. In preparing these definitions, ISO
and IEC standards on terminology have been consulted; see the references in parentheses. However, most of the definitions in
those standards were prepared by different technical committees within a restricted scope. This means that many terms so
defined have to be given more general or neutral definitions when applied in the context of graphical symbols.
NOTE 2 In those cases where the same term has substantially different meanings in ISO and IEC, this is indicated beside
the term by [ISO] or [IEC] and elsewhere in this part of ISO 14617 by a superscript, for example “port ISO ”.
general term for functional connection, mechanical link, pipeline, electric conductor, etc.
functional connection
connection between functions
NOTE A functional connection is used to represent the interrelations between functions represented, for example, by
symbols according to ISO 14617-6.
electric connection
conductor or circuit for joining terminals or other conductors
connection [ISO]
threaded port, flange, or similar means for connecting a pipeline to a component
[ISO 5598]
line [IEC]
multi-pole or multi-phase electric connection
insulated conductor or several insulated conductors with a common covering
pipe unit
pipeline or, more often, several pipelines in a common covering pipe with insulation
information bus
bus with conductors conveying information
having the property to move, transmit, etc. in one direction only
having the property to move, transmit, etc. in two alternative, opposite directions
[ISO 5598]
port [ISO]
terminus of a fluid passage in a component to which can be connected pipelines for the transmission of fluid to or
from the component
[ISO 5598]
component which terminates conductors, flexible pipes, or hoses in order to provide connection and disconnection
to a mating component
quick-release coupling iTeh STANDARD PREVIEW
connection (3.4) which may be joined or separated without the use of tools
[ISO 5598]
ISO 14617-3:2002
connector pair
combination of mating connectors
[IEC 60050-581]
group of conductors or pipelines that mainly follow the same path
NOTE The bundle may be a real (product) bundle or a line on a diagram representing a number of conductors or pipelines
(single-line representation) even if these do not form a real bundle.
single-line representation
representation where two or more connections or components are represented by a single symbol
[IEC 61082-1]
4 Connections
NOTE For the application of the symbols, see R401 (4.2.1) and R402 (4.2.2).
4.1.10 422 Pilot (control), drain, purge, or bleed line in fluid power
ISO 14617-3:2002
4.2 Application rules for the symbols in 4.1
4.2.1 R401 Symbols for connections may cross each other. For an example, see X401 (4.5.1).
4.2.2 R402 When confusion between symbols 401 (4.1.1) and 405 (4.1.5) or 406 (4.1.6) is likely,
symbols giving supplementary information according to clause 4.3 shall be used. For an
example, see X401 (4.5.1).
4.2.3 R403 In simplified representation, the symbol may also represent any type of linkage system
between an actuator and the affected item, for example, a combination of mechanical links
and hydraulic pipelines. For an example, see X405 (4.5.5).
4.4.1 R412 The symbol may instead be located beside the line or lines, provided with a leader line
terminated by an arrowhead. For examples, see X411 (4.5.11) to X413 (4.5.13), X421
(4.5.14) and X422 (4.5.15).
4.4.2 R413 The symbol shall be used when it is necessary to indicate that a certain connection is
internal, i.e. an integral part of the component or device represented. The symbol shall be
placed at both ends of the internal connection or, with a short connecting line, between the
two ends.
If the internal connection is also connected to a terminal or port ISO, the symbol may be
omitted, provided that the terminal or port ISO is represented by symbol 561 (8.1.1) or
indicated by a terminal designation.
In diagrams for fluid power systems, an internal connection may instead be indicated by
bending at least one of the ends of the connecting line by 45° to 60°. For an example, see
X435 (4.5.18).