4: 349-359 349
DOI: 10.4415/ANN_10_04_02
Riassunto (La circoncisione maschile come strategia di prevenzione dell’HIV e delle malattie sessualmen-
te trasmissibili. Il ruolo potenziale delle ostetriche tradizionali nella circoncisione maschile neonatale).
Nei paesi in via di sviluppo, sarebbe opportuno dare priorità alle strategie di prevenzione del virus
dell’immonodeficienza umana (HIV), a causa dell’alta mortalità provocata dalla pandemia e della sua
rapida diffusione. La prevenzione dell’HIV potrebbe inoltre contribuire a mitigare l’aumento della TB
che è strettamente collegata all’HIV. è stato dimostrato che la circoncisione maschile (CM) protegge
dall’HIV e dalle malattie sessualmente trasmissibili (MTS). La strategia proposta considera i vantaggi
della CM neonatale, in quanto più attuabile, culturalmente accettabile e meno costosa della CM adul-
ta. La strategia si basa sul presupposto che se i bambini vengono circoncisi alla nascita, in 15-20 anni
la popolazione sessualmente attiva sarà quasi del tutto circoncisa e di conseguenza la trasmissione
dell’HIV ridotta. L’utilizzo di ostetriche tradizionali riqualificate viene preso in considerazione per
eseguire la CM subito dopo la nascita del bambino e facilitare la sua accettabilità nei contesti in cui
non è eseguita tradizionalmente.
Parole chiave: HIV, sindrome da immunodeficienza acquisita, malattie sessualmente trasmissibili, circoncisione
maschile, tubercolosi, ostetriche tradizionali.
Address for correspondence: Catia Dini, Direzione Generale per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo, Ministero degli Affari Esteri,
Piazzale della Farnesina 1, 00135 Rome, Italy. E-mail:
350 Catia Dini
Given the enormous mortality and morbidity mental evidence of the efficacy of MC in protecting
Research and Methodologies
caused by HIV/AIDS, prevention efforts should be men against HIV infection, as it was conducted in
greatly prioritized in the response to the pandemic. a general population and was the first randomized
A global health task force could be created also in control trial testing the impact of MC. The dem-
Italy – and the Istituto Superiore di Sanità may lead onstration in this study of a causal association be-
it – offering guidelines, according to the internation- tween HIV infection and MC is consistent [13]. The
al research findings, for the implementation of MC study states that MC provides a degree of protection
by all cooperation relevant actors. against acquiring HIV, equivalent to what a vaccine
of high efficacy would have achieved. Consequently,
Male circumcision a practice thousands of years old the authors think that MC should be regarded as an
Performed especially among Jews and Muslims important public health intervention and point out
for reasons of religious duty, MC is also widespread the importance of the MC at a time when no vaccine
among the Coptic Christians and in some parts of or microbicides are currently available. Auvert et al.
Oceania. The World Health Organization (WHO) make a reference to a previous study which suggested
and the Joint United Nation Programme on HIV/ that the widespread use of antiretroviral will not sub-
AIDS (UNAIDS) estimate that 664 500 000 males stantially reduce the heterosexual spread of HIV in
aged 15 are circumcised (30% global prevalence), sub-Saharan Africa [14]. Moreover, counselling asso-
with almost 70% of these being Muslims [2] and that ciated with MC, by advising about safe habits, could
in the US 56% of male are circumcised [3]. determine an increase of correct sexual behaviours.
However, the population-based prevalence in the A further analysis suggests that “MC could avert
US is likely closer to 79%, as reported by the National nearly six million new infections and save three mil-
Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys [4]. A lion lives in sub-Saharan Africa over the next twenty
study indicates that the recognition of the potential years” [15].
benefits of the neonatal MC may have been responsi- In December 2006, two randomized trials carried
ble for the observed increase in the US rate between out in Rakai District, Uganda [16] and Kisumu,
1988 and 2000 of newborn circumcision by 6.8% [5]. Kenya [17], revealed at least a 51% and 53% reduction
in the risk of acquiring HIV infection, respectively.
These two trials results support the findings pub-
STUDIES, MEDICAL TRIALS AND lished in 2005 from the South Africa Orange Farm
RECOMMENDATIONS OF UNITED NATIONS Intervention Trial, sponsored by the French National
A number of observational studies point out that Agency for Research on AIDS. “The three trials
circumcised men have lower levels of sexually trans- found that circumcision decreases HIV acquisition by
mitted diseases (STD) such as HIV, penile carcinoma, 53% to 60%, herpes simplex virus type 2 acquisition
urinary tract infections, and ulcerative STD [6, 7]. by 28% to 34%, and human papilloma virus preva-
Similarly, a review of MC and ulcerative STD strong- lence by 32% to 35% in men. Among female partners
ly indicates that circumcised men are at lower risk of of circumcised men, bacterial vaginosis was reduced
chancroid and syphilis than uncircumcised men [8]. by 40%, and Trichomonas vaginalis infection by 48%.
The reason lies in the fact that “the inner surface of Genital ulcer disease was also reduced among males
the foreskin contains Langerhans’ cells with HIV re- and their female partners. The findings are supported
ceptors; these cells are likely to be the primary point by observational studies conducted in the US” [18].
of viral entry into the penis of an uncircumcised man” The analysis by Williams et al. provides evidence
[9]. By removing the mucosal surface of the penis fore- that, while the protective benefit to HIV-negative
skin, the MC reduces the susceptibility to the virus. men will be immediate, the full impact of MC on
A study published in 1999 pointed out that a dec- HIV-related illness and death will be apparent in ten
ade had passed since the publication of Cameron to twenty years.
and colleagues prospective study [10] that showed a In February 2006, a further medical study conduct-
greater than eight-fold increased risk of HIV-1 in- ed on more than 300 Ugandan couples, suggested
fection for uncircumcised men [11]. that MC also benefit women. The study estimated
that circumcised men infected with HIV were about
Trials and main medical studies 30% less likely to transmit it to their female partners.
A trial conducted in 2005 by the French National 299 women acquired HIV from an uncircumcised
Agency for Research on AIDS with the National male, compared to just 44 who acquired it from a
Institute for Communicable Disease of Johannesburg circumcised partner [19]. A review summarises the
in South Africa randomized 3274 uncircumcised evidence studies for a direct effect of MC on the risk
men, aged 18-24 [12]. of women becoming infected with HIV [20].
MC was offered to the intervention group immedi-
ately after randomization and to the control group at Recommendations of United Nations
the end of the follow-up. Results showed that in the Organizations about male circumcision
group of men that had been circumcised, the level of In April 2006, The National Council in Zambia,
protection achieved against the infection was 60%. A with support from the UN Theme Group on HIV,
study assesses that the trial provides the first experi- launched the HIV Prevention Year 2006 [21]. The
Male circumcision as strategy for HIV prevention 351
TB patients with HIV have been shown to be b) in communities where male circumcision is not
Research and Methodologies
twice as likely to have MDR-TB as people who common, in addition to the above activities,
are not HIV-positive. There is also evidence that the assessment of MC acceptability, address-
in resource-limited settings where TB is a major ing any myths and misconceptions associated
cause of mortality among HIV patients, a multi- with MC, and presenting the evidence of the
drug resistant TB (MDR-TB) and an extensively protective effect of MC on HIV infection;
drug resistant TB epidemic (XDR-TB) are emerg- c) identification of a curriculum that provides infor-
ing [36]. mation and develops skills related to the benefits
of MC, personal hygiene, post-surgery wound
care, avoidance of high-risk behaviours and
The Catholic Medical Mission Board (CMMB)
has commissioned a study on FBOs and MC ACCEPTABILITY
practices in Kenya. CMMB convened the Eastern OF MALE CIRCUMCISION
and Southern Africa FBOs Male Circumcision One of the concerns around the potential of MC
Consultation Meeting in Kenya in 2007 [37]. The as an HIV prevention measure is that it may not be
motivating factor for the meeting is the increased acceptable in communities which do not tradition-
involvement of African FBOs in MC. ally circumcise.
Surveys and qualitative studies among young as
Catholic Medical Mission Board. Faith-based well as older men in six African countries have found
organizations and adolescent male circumcision that a considerable proportion expressed interest
The lessons learnt from country experiences iden- in MC, ranging from 45% in Harare, Zimbabwe,
tified three key areas to be developed, if FBOs to over 80% in a large survey in Botswana. In the
want to make a substantive contribution to provid- surveys, the men reported that their main interest
ing MC, both for HIV prevention and as an entry in MC was related to hygiene, infection control and,
point for adolescent sexual and reproductive health. for some, a belief that condom use is easier for men
Participants in the conference: who are circumcised [38].
- recognised that FBOs have a significant role to A recent comprehensive review addresses this issue
play in scaling up MC for HIV prevention among by summarising 13 studies assessing the acceptability
adolescents, as they are trusted and respected in of offering MC services among traditionally non-cir-
the communities and they already have infra- cumcising groups in east and southern Africa. The
structure, capacity and networks that could be median proportion of uncircumcised men willing to
used to provide MC services; become circumcised was 65% [39]. Similarly, 69% of
- agreed on priority actions to improve the cover- women favoured circumcision for their partners and
age and effectiveness of MC for adolescents: a 71% of men and 81% of women were willing to cir-
national MC policy framework; mobilization of cumcise their sons. According to the study, the influ-
communities to increase the acceptability of MC; ence of women on the decision to circumcise is likely
monitoring/evaluation of existing MC services; to be highly variable across cultures and across fami-
testing of different models of service delivery, lies within communities. However, in many settings,
both hospital and community-based, including women, as mothers and as partners, are likely to have
adaptation of existing programmes and techni- considerable influence, even if it is not explicit. The
cal guidance available from WHO and UN part- effort to promote MC will be more successful if it
ners; appeals to women as well as men.
- identified factors to consider when using adoles- The review underlines that the most salient barri-
cent MC as an entry point for adolescent sexual ers to the acceptability of MC were the concerns for
and reproductive health: safety, the cost of the procedure and the fear of pain.
a) in settings where MC is common (traditional), In areas where MC is uncommon, the clear prefer-
community mobilization and advocacy steps ence was for a medical practitioner to be the provid-
to expand their focus to HIV prevention and er, as this was perceived to be safer.
adolescent sexual and reproductive health Cost as a primary consideration was shown by the
(ASRH). Actions should include: stakehold- pilot intervention in Siaya, Kenya, where men came
er meetings and communication that target in large numbers when the charges of MC were low-
traditional circumcisers, church, traditional ered to US$ 1.45 [40].
leaders and health providers; the use of IEC The study identified that the main factors associat-
(information-education-communication) ma- ed with willingness to be circumcised were improved
terials; community meetings and entertain- hygiene and a reduced risk of STD. Penile hygiene
ment to support MC; resource mobilization was recognized as a major benefit of MC by both
to enhance the availability and accessibility of men and women. MC was widely perceived to protect
safe MC services, thus increasing the uptake against infections and to allow for easier identifica-
of adolescent MC; tion of sores and ulcers, permitting earlier treatment.
Male circumcision as strategy for HIV prevention 353
Studies about the acceptability of male circumcision adults was higher than 5% were investigated.
Male circumcision formal training care of the wound himself, heal faster than if done
Research and Methodologies
Johns Hopkins Program for International Education post-pubertal, and has likely not begun sexual ac-
in Gynaecology and Obstetrics (Jhpiego) based in tivity [58].
US, is the organization leading the training program If local anaesthesia could be necessary for chil-
for MC providers in sub-Saharan Africa. In 2008, dren, demanding specific training of providers and
Jhpiego developed in Zambia a “training model” that supplies, MC can be performed without anaesthesia
integrated clinical and counselling services around and at the least physical risk on infants [59].
MC and tested the feasibility of providing MC, es- In low endemic countries, the strategy combining
pecially in private clinics. Jhpiego is also working in neonatal MC and pre-adolescent MC could allow
Swaziland where it is supporting the MoH to intro- total MC coverage for future generations, slowing
duce international doctors, in order to assist with down the advance of HIV infection.
delivery of MC and build capacity of local medical
staff to provide MC. Circumcision of boys and adolescents. In Swaziland,
best practices to provide adolescents relevant infor-
mation on MC are emerging through schools and
REASSESSING THE STRATEGY communities [60]. The strategy to combat the pan-
Current WHO and UNAIDS guidelines emphasise demic could start by the central role of the school
MC as a clinical practice within health delivery set- in the society. Besides the study curriculum, that can
tings. However, the strategy described above needs provide a comprehensive information about HIV pre-
lots of providers to be trained in order to target adult vention, circumcision of boys could be performed di-
males and lot of medical supervision. At the same rectly in schools by retrained TH or registered nurses,
time it requires health facilities and equipment. thus carrying out it before sexual maturity.
The need to ensure sufficient qualified personnel
available to do MAMC is critical. The implemen- Circumcision of newborn male children. Newborn
tation of MC in poor contexts and the consequent MC has existed for more than 6000 years.The results
accessibility for the majority of adult people is very of the clinical trials present the opportunity to re-
slow: already overwhelmed health systems run the examine national and professional policies on infant
risk of retarding the MC availability. The benefits circumcision.
may be confined only to those who have access to WHO and UNAIDS recommend that neonatal
the health facilities and can afford the MC cost. circumcision should be a component of prevention
In the meantime the planning of services for new- campaigns, since “neonatal circumcision is a less
borns and pre-adolescents is not scheduled, although complicated and risky procedure than circumcision
– especially for babies – the procedure is simpler and performed in young boys, adolescents or adults [and]
quicker. countries should consider how to promote neonatal
The scale-up of children MC requires the use of circumcision in a safe, culturally acceptable and sus-
local human resources available at community level tainable manner” [61].
such as local traditional practitioners [55, 56]. The In addition, a study by Schoen found out that
development of plans including community human postneonatal circumcision was 10 times as expensive
resources and FBOs should be prioritized. Research as neonatal circumcision ($ 1921 per infant vs $ 165
on the ethnic and cultural dynamics of scale-up per newborn) [62].
should be encouraged [57].
Rwanda: a cost-effectiveness study [63]. In
Age for male circumcision Rwanda, where adult HIV prevalence is 3%, MC is
The age at which males become circumcised will not a traditional practice. Before the introduction
have an effect on how rapidly MC interventions may of a country-wide MC program, in accordance with
impact the HIV epidemic in any given area. A pro- the Rwanda National AIDS Commission, research-
gramme for MC can be performed for all the neces- ers identified the most cost-effective way to increase
sary target groups: adults male who do not have HIV, MC rates. The scholars developed a simple cost-ef-
those already HIV positive, newly born children and fectiveness model and applied it to three hypotheti-
children before puberty. In hyper endemic countries cal groups of Rwandans: newborn, adolescent boys,
significant achievement in the reduction of HIV pan- and adult men. Analyses showed that MC is a cost-
demic can only be obtained if all males after puberty saving HIV prevention intervention, since both neo-
are circumcised. However, the implementation of natal and adult MC could save Rwandan resources
services for MAMC is taking too much time as sub- for each HIV infection averted.
stantial human and financial resources are needed. The findings suggest that infant MC for the pre-
There appeared to be two leading directions: vention of HIV infection later in life is highly cost-
- circumcise male babies, due to a simpler and low effective and likely to be cost-saving. The cost of
cost procedure, less fear, easier care and faster neonatal MC is US$ 15 while adolescent and adult
healing; MC are significantly more expensive (US$ 59). The
- circumcise children at ages 7-13 years, since the boy researchers estimated the cost of circumcision of in-
can understand the significance of the event, take fants employing the Mogen Clamp method.
Male circumcision as strategy for HIV prevention 355
That technique was selected because it is a simple An investigation by Coffee et al. considers that in
Facilitators of acceptability. MC was only rolled Therefore TBA can act as a link between public
Research and Methodologies
out to neonates, it would take at least a generation health policies and the community.
before a population-level effect occurs. For this rea- To rely on TBA is also a very cost-effective measure
son, it is important to start MC in settings with low since, when attending deliveries, they are awarded by
HIV prevalence, where – on the other hand – there families in kind or with small amount of money, on a
are risk factors that could rapidly increase the vul- volunteer basis. This fact makes the model sustainable
nerability to HIV. The acceptability of the practice by the community itself. Therefore, the strategy could
could be increased by governments, throughout ap- be easily replicated.
propriate campaigns and the use of local traditional Finally, TBA could deal with those social determi-
leaders. nants that elevate the HIV infection risk between ado-
lescent males.
Traditional health leaders and acceptability of the
procedure. As the health system needs to be strength- TBA training
ened in order to increase access to safe MC services, The public-health system and the international agen-
the inclusion of retrained TH and TBA – as mem- cies are working to increase the availability of trained
bers already active in the community in respect of TBA in communities with high rates of maternal mor-
whom rural people have full confidence – should be tality [74].
given priority. The retrained TH together with local The same approach could be used in providing TBA
communicators are able to convey the most appro- with all necessary knowledge and skills about HIV pre-
priate messages to raise awareness in communities vention. They can easily be trained in order to carry out
and overcome barriers to acceptance of MC in ar- MC on babies in the rural and suburban areas, at the
eas where it is not practiced. In countries where MC same time as they are retrained for a proper assistance
is already performed it is worth working in concert to pregnant women. Neonatal MC could be included
with the local traditional authorities. in a broader “reproductive health programme”. The
teaching should focus on safety and hygiene in both
The potential role of TBA in expanding neonatal practices: delivery and neonatal MC.
male circumcision services. One of the main chal- Therefore, during the refresher training, TBA should
lenges to HIV prevention is to provide vulnerable learn technical skills related to:
groups with evidence-based and cost-effective pre- a) the informational campaigns, in order to create
vention strategies. Decentralization of HIV preven- awareness of the population about the spread of
tion services is a crucial priority and could be eas- STD/HIV and to facilitate the acceptability of
ily implemented through locally available human neonatal MC;
resources, according to the strategy of the Primary b) the assistance before, during and after delivery,
Health Care [71], that “relies, at local and refer- performing the skills learned during the refresher
ral levels, on health workers, including physicians, training, supported by the proper equipment (fetal
nurses, midwives, auxiliaries and community work- stethoscope, gloves, etc.);
ers as applicable, as well as traditional practitioners c) the implementation of neonatal MC, supported by
as needed, suitably trained socially and technically the essential equipment;
to work as a health team and to respond to the ex- d) the education of mothers concerning the youth
pressed health needs of the community” [72]. sexual risky conduct, thus promoting conscious-
MC offers the opportunity to reengage with ethnic ness about safe behaviours in adolescents, there-
or indigenous groups, if MC is considered a part of fore offsetting cultural factors that encourage un-
larger “reproductive health programme” aiming at safe habits.
diminishing the rates of maternal mortality, through
refresher trainings for TBA (or midwives). In 2006, Health ministries involvement
UNFPA and WHO launched an intensive country Training should start without delay in nursing
support initiative, recognizing the pivotal role of and midwife schools in resource-poor settings. This
midwives in providing quality women-centred ma- should be a priority for governments, non govern-
ternity care [73]. mental organizations (NGOs) and multilateral or-
Although MC implementation could be critical ganisations. Regional centres of excellence should
in regions where it has no cultural value, the com- be established for training practitioners, monitoring
munity health resources can offer a significant link quality and assessing outcomes [75]. The study sug-
between modern and traditional health services. gests that country specific tool kits for health min-
TBA could be the human resources required to ex- istries should be developed, including manuals and
pand safe neonatal MC services, as they share the modules for the training of trainers.
language and the cultural background and play a Governments and development agencies should
relevant role in the community, attending mothers move towards a planning perspective for sustainable
an babies. Therefore informational campaigns may national programmes. In preparation for scale-up,
be more effective if targeted to the particular cul- widespread public information campaigns that de-
ture of indigenous populations, utilising the TBA, scribe benefits and place neonatal MC into the larg-
as they know local customs, traditions and values. er prevention context should be undertaken.
Male circumcision as strategy for HIV prevention 357
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