BBS41 DB Study Guide - Approved15feb2024
BBS41 DB Study Guide - Approved15feb2024
BBS41 DB Study Guide - Approved15feb2024
BBS 41
Digital Business
Author: Jason Tan
This manual was prepared for University College Dublin as a comprehensive support for
students completing the above mentioned Degree programme.
© This publication may not be reproduced, in whole or in part without permission from
University College Dublin.
Please identify yourself when you sent any email to your lecturer by including your
School, Module and class alphabet.
a. Session arrangements 18
b. Student engagement 20
c. Office hours arrangements 21
a. Assignments 22
b. Module assessment components 23
Today, people are spending more money online, which has shifted business emphasis to
digital sources of revenue and digital channels. However, digital business is more than just
selling online, but to create competitive edges based on unique combinations of digital and
physical resources.
This scheme is designed to give an overview of digital business, and a week by week
breakdown of the work required. Reading material for each week is expected to be
undertaken prior to the start of the next topic, as is the completion of any work not finished in
the scheduled seminars. Minor adjustments may be made to the scheme during the
semester and the Digital Reading List may be updated with new and interesting articles
and/or research that link directly to the lecture and/or seminar topics.
Jason Tan
Module Coordinator
This Study Guide is designed to provide you with details of this module; the learning
outcomes; plus delivery and assessment arrangements. The Study Guide consists of 6
Part 1 gives background details to the subject area are provided and the broad aims of the
module are set out.
Part 2 consists of the module outline. In this part the (a) module learning outcomes, (b) the
themes and topics to be explored are explained along with the (c) learning supports to be
Part 3 gives details of the module delivery arrangements. It sets out the session
arrangements and the expectations in relation to your prior preparation and student
engagement. The provisions for online provision are outlined in terms of class delivery and
any module work with class mates.
Part 4 provides details of the assessment techniques used in this module explaining the
assessment components, their rationale.
Part 5 explains the UCD grading policy and grade descriptors drawing on the university
document are given for each assessment component for the module.
Accessing Zoom and Online Etiquette for MIS2002S lectures
We will utilise Zoom (UCD has a university-wide license incorporating additional security
features) for our virtual classroom sessions. The following Zoom link will be used for all
virtual sessions. A “clickable” link can also be found on Brightspace.
Zoom Link
This module will be delivered face-to-face and online via UCD’s integrated Zoom classroom.
This is accessible via
To join a scheduled class, please click on the Zoom link which will open the following
window. Please click on “Launch Meeting”.
I strongly recommend downloading the free Zoom app to your PC, laptop, iOS, or Android
device to enjoy the best possible student experience. Click on “Allow” which will open the
Zoom app.
Once Zoom opens, you will see a screen as shown below. The lecture notes will be shared
here, you will be able to see all other students, and use the chat function to ask questions.
Background Details
You will be introduced to the core concepts of the module through a lecture series delivered
by staff - you are encouraged to think of this module as ‘cross-functional’; in nature and
therefore appreciate the implications of digital channels for different parts of the business.
Where possible, external speakers will be integrated into the lecture program to give
practical perspective of how the emergence of digital channels have fundamentally changed
how they operate.
As part of this process you will be encouraged to consider both theoretical approaches to
digital business but also the practicalities of how businesses operate in the digital domain.
You will also engage in a range of smaller classes which will vary between seminars and
workshop based sessions.
Given the technological nature of the module, there will be some subjects that are best
approached via hands-on usage of relevant software applications (e.g. the use of Google
Analytics to analyse the behaviour of visitors to a company website).
Formative assessment: As part of the seminar and workshop program, you will regularly
receive feedback on your progress. This will be achieved through delivery of presentations
and engagement in seminar activities.
Module Aims
Throughout this module you will be introduced to the opportunities and challenges posed by
doing business in an increasingly digital domain. This module is designed to give you an
understanding of how using online channels impacts upon different parts of the organization,
Digital Business Strategy: You will develop an understanding of the cost structures
associated with using digital channels, different business models (including omni and
multiple channel business strategies), distance issues around serving global markets and
Marketing: In this part of the module you will consider changing consumer media
consumption and behavior; social media and m-commerce; customer relationship building in
Supply Chain Management and Information Systems: You will also develop an
appreciation of the role of supply chains in serving global markets, addressing issues such
as the application of various systems to facilitate digital transactions (e.g. ERP, CRM) and
Table 1 – Programme Goals Table
Pathway: Management
On successful completion of
the programme students
should be able to:
Programme Learning Outcome Continuous
2c: Assessment – section 2
infographic report
Conduct secondary research on
management-related issues and
report on the findings and draw
appropriate conclusions.
operation. (MLO2)
performance and interpret data as a basis for future digital decision making. (MLO3)
Module Text:
Laudon, K.C. and Traver, C.G (2023). E-Commerce 2023-2024: Business, Technology
and Society, Global Edition. 18th Edition. Essex: Pearson Education Limited. ISBN
BBS 41
Business, Laudon,
Digital 9781292449722 18th 2023 Pearson
Technology K.C.
and Society,
Global Edition
Today, people are spending more money online, which has shifted business emphasis to
digital sources of revenue and digital channels. We will uncover the trends that fuels the
growth of consumer spending which empowers the rise of Digital Business industry.
The development of digital business models is an important task for companies being
confronted with digitalization and digital disruption. We shall study the various types of digital
business models and its characteristics, as well as how it could be applied simultaneously.
Digital strategy focuses on using technology to improve business performance, whether that
means creating new products or reimagining current processes. This topic helps you to
understand the direction an organization will take to create new competitive advantages with
technology, as well as the tactics it will use to achieve these changes.
At a glance, there might not seem to be many differences between B2C and B2B Digital
Business. But the reality is a little more complex. In this topic, we shall understand the
professional buyers’ additional needs that business-to-business web stores have to meet in
order to provide a viable alternative to simply calling, emailing or even faxing your sales
Topic 5: Intelligent Technologies 1 – Internet of Things
The Internet of Things (IoT) is surely a term that you must be familiar with. We will explore
how The industrial Internet of Things (IoT) that focuses on automation - not just to lower
operating costs can increase productivity, improve business processes, enhance customer
experience, expand to new markets, and generate additional revenue streams.
The concept of big data has been around for years, most organizations now understand that
if they capture all the data that streams into their businesses, they can apply analytics and
get significant value from it. We shall explore what are some of those. And how excel plays
an important role on big data analytics.
The 21st century has marked a rapid advancement of technology in every aspect of human
life and interactions. Despite being around for many decades, the replication of human
intelligence in machines — artificial intelligence — has now become popularized.
Comparing our own user behavior a couple of years ago to now, it is clear that the decision
making process and the steps leading up to the final purchase have changed dramatically.
We need to understand what this means for digital marketers and its implication on digital
business strategies.
Learning Materials
For this module, please read the assigned chapters in the prescribed text and the additional
readings assigned (see Module Delivery Schedule in Part 3)
Supplementary reading:
Osterwalder, A., Pigneur, Y., Bernarda, G., Smith, A. and Papadakos, T. (2014). Value
Proposition Design: How to create products and services customers want. 1st Edition. John
Wiley & Sons.
The module delivery relies on students’ ability to engage in prior preparation, to seek
confirmation and clarification as appropriate and to be actively engaged during the sessions.
Session Arrangements
Each student is expected to attend and be prepared for all sessions. Table 1 below outlines
the structure for the sessions.
Introduction (1 hr online session) 1 hour online session via zoom Study Guide A: 23 Apr (Tue) 10am
Introduction to module and B: 23 Apr (Tue)
Online understanding of assessment 11.30am
C: 23 Apr (Tue) 1pm
intro briefs
D: 23 Apr (Tue) 2pm
E: 23 May (Thu) 9am
F: 23 May (Thu)
Topic 1: Intro to digital business Lecture (1.5 hr) Chapter 1, E- A: 24 Apr (Wed) S1
- To explore how digital - Topic 1 rise of DB Commerce 2021- B: 24 Apr (Wed) S3
2022: Business, C: 26 Apr (Fri) S3
Session 1 businesses are impacting D: 25 Apr (Thu) S3
various industries Assignment Briefing (1.5 hr) Technology and
E: 29 May (Wed) S2
- To understand why it is - Part 1 Infographic Society, Global Edition F: 24 May (Fri )S1
important to study digital - Part 2 Video Preso
Topic 2: Digital business Break out session (1hr) Chapter 2, E- A: 24 Apr (Wed) S2
infrastructure (part 1) - Dev Infographic on DB trends & Commerce 2021- B: 26 Apr (Fri) S2
impact on biz 2022: Business, C: 2 May (Thu) S3
- To discuss the origins of, D: 3 May (Fri) S3
Session 2 and the key technology Technology and
E: 30 May (Thu) S1
concepts behind, the Internet Lecture (1.5 hr) Society, Global Edition F: 24 May (Fri) S2
- Topic 2 DB infrastructure (i)
components of digital Short Quiz (0.5 hr) Technology and E: 31 May (Fri) S2
business models - Topic 3 Society, Global Edition F: 31 May (Fri) S1
- Describe major types of
digital business models Breakout session (1 hr)
- Case study: Developing Digital
Business Value Proposition &
Revenue Models
Topic 3: Digital business model and Lecture (1.5 hr) Chapter 5, E- A: 3 May (Fri) S2
strategies (Part 2) - Topic 3 DB Strategies Commerce 2021- B: 7 May (Tue) S1
2022: Business, C: 10 May (Fri) S2
- Understand some of the key D: 15 May (Wed) S3
Session 5 business concepts and Short Quiz (0.5 hr) Technology and
E: 31 May (Fri) S3
strategies applicable to - Topic 3 Society, Global Edition F: 3 Jun (Mon) S1
Digital Business
Breakout session (1 hr)
- Case study: 8 Elements of biz
model strategic development
Topic 4: B2B Digital Business Model Lecture (2 hr) Chapter 12, E- A: 8 May (Wed) S1
and strategies (part 1) - Topic 4 Difference between B2B Commerce 2021- B: 8 May (Wed) S2
- Discuss the evolution and and B2C business models 2022: Business, C: 10 May (Fri) S3
Session 6 D: 17 May (Fri) S2
growth of B2B Digital Technology and
E: 3 Jun (Mon) S2
Business, as well as its Short quiz (1 hr) Society, Global Edition F: 6 Jun (Thu) S1
potential benefits and - Identify B2B and B2C business
challenges. model types
Topic 4: B2B Digital Business Model Lecture (2 hr) Chapter 12, E- A: 9 May (Thu) S1
and strategies (part 2) - Topic 4 Difference between B2B Commerce 2021- B: 10 May (Fri) S1
- Understand how and B2C business models 2022: Business, C: 14 May (Tue) S3
D: 17 May (Fri) S3
procurement and supply Technology and
E: 5 Jun (Wed) S1
Session 7 chains relate to B2B Digital Short quiz (1 hr) Society, Global Edition F: 6 Jun (Thu) S2
Business. - Topic 4 overall recap and quiz
- Identify major trends in
supply chain management
and collaborative
Topic 5: Intelligent Technologies 1 – Lecture (2 hr) Chapter 12, E- A: 9 May (Thu) S2
Internet of Things - Topic 5: IoT Commerce 2021- B: 14 May (Tue) S2
- Internet of Things overview 2022: Business, C: 17/5 (Fri) S1
D: 24 May (Fri) S3
Session 8 - Understanding IoT Quiz (0.5 hr) Technology and
E: 5 Jun (Wed) S2
Architecture - Topic 5 Society, Global Edition F: 7 Jun (Fri) S2
- IoT Applications by industry
Breakout session (0.5 hr)
- Case analysis on IoT industry
Topic 6: Intelligent Technologies 2 - Lecture (1.5 hr) Chapter 12, E- A: 14 May (Tue) S1
Big Data Analytics & Ethical - Topic 6: Big data & ethical Commerce 2021- B: 16 May (Thu) S3
considerations consideration 2022: Business, C: 23 May (Thu) S3
D: 30 May (Thu) S3
- Big data overview Technology and
E: 7 Jun (Fri) S1
- Big Data Opportunities by Quiz (0.5 hr) Society, Global Edition F: 10 Jun (Mon) S1
Session 9 industry - Topic 6
- Ethical Consideration
Breakout session (1 hr)
- Hands on exercise : Using excel
for basic data analytics
Topic 7: Intelligent Technologies 3 – Lecture (1.5 hr) Chapter 8, E- A: 15 May (Wed) S2
Artificial Intelligence - Topic 7: AI Commerce 2021- B: 23 May (Thu) S2
2022: Business, C: 28 May (Tue) S3
Session 10 - AI overview D: 5 Jun (Wed) S3
- AI Capabilities Breakout session (1.5 hr) Technology and
E: 10 Jun (Mon) S2
- Potential AI opportunities by AI application for selected Society, Global Edition F: 12 Jun (Wed) S1
Functions & Industry companies and discuss its
opportunities and challenges
- Video Presentation & Q&A session Est 15 mins per team A: 16 May (Thu) S2
B: 28 May (Tue) S2
Session 11 C: 3 Jun (Mon) S3
D: 6 Jun (Thurs) S3
E: 14 Jun (Fri) S2
F: 13 Jun (Thurs) S2
Topic 9: Digital marketing revolution Lecture (1 hr) Essential reading: A: 28 May (Tue) S1
and customer decision making - Topic 9 Digital marketing Chapters 6 and 7, E- B: 4 Jun (Tue) S2
- Understand the key Revolution C: 4 Jun (Tue) S3
Commerce 2021- D: 7 Jun (Fri) S3
features of the Internet 2022: Business, E: 14 Jun (Fri) S3
audience, the basic Quiz (0.5 hr) F: 14 Jun (Fri) S1
Technology and
concepts of consumer - Topic 8
behavior and purchasing, Society, Global Edition
and how consumers Lecture (1 hr)
Session 12
behave online. - Topic 9 Consumer Journey Map
- Identify and describe the
basic digital commerce Breakout session (0.5 hr)
marketing and advertising - Hands on exercise : consumer
strategies and tools. journey mapping for a local online
o Concept of business & profiling
omnipresence and its
impact on consumer
buying journey
- Module Recap A: 4 Jun (Tue) S1
- Continuous Assignment Section B: 11 Jun (Tue) S2
Session 13 C: 11 Jun (Tue) S3
1 & 2 Recap D: 10 Jun (Mon) S3
E: 18 Jun (Tue) S3
F: 18 Jun (Tue) S1
You are expected to have read the following chapters / journal articles in advance of meeting
the module coordinator / course lecturer at the seminars:
Student Engagement
During the sessions, students are expected to be able to discuss issues arising from the
assigned chapters and readings for the topics as scheduled above. Session participation is
a vital element in the design of this module and students learning is enhanced by doing so.
Therefore, all students are expected to engage in class discussion and debate in order to
facilitate the formation of their critical judgements.
To support your learning, Power-Point slides will be available which (on certain occasions)
may need to be upgraded / modified during or following the sessions depending on the
issues raised.
As outlined, students are advised to consider using virtual platforms for student to student
work or team assignment preparation.
I will be available both before and after class on each day should you wish to meet me
individually to discuss any aspect of this module. However, I am also available during the
class (ie during breaks) or you can email me. This contact also does not end upon
completion of the last class. I am available to answer any queries via email or skype until
your final group project has been submitted.
This module has multiple assessment components with specific weightings and marks
awarded totalling 1001. These can be seen below:
your team member’s details
Class_Name_Studentnumber.doc or
The assessment is designed to develop your knowledge and understanding of the core
concepts of digital business as well as to enable you to put these into play through engaging
with academic research and professional delivery of your findings.
Students are expected to complete all assignments ensuring that they are submitted by the
specified date. All submissions must be typed, be well laid out, written in an academic style
with appropriate headings (introduction, main part and concluding comments) and sections.
Please ensure that all submissions are entirely your own work – for UCD’s policy on
plagiarism click on the link below (please see Appendix 2 for further information on
Plagiarism and the policy on the Late Submission of Coursework):
In the following pages, further details of each assessment component are presented along
with expectations in relation to prior preparation and completion.
This is a group assignment which will require students to form groups of 4 - 5 pax
(depending on class size). Each group is required to produce an infographic on a topic
which links a concept presented in the lectures or seminars applied to a real organization.
Guidelines and further details on topic selection and the process of producing the infographic
are accessible through Brightspace and will also be presented in session 1 of your class.
PeopleUp Singapore is a multi-enrichment and play conglomerate founded with a big idea –
To bring the best in various sports and enrichment disciplines together and to deliver
enjoyable and unique learning, enrichment and entertainment experiences for kids and
families. For more information about the business, visit
One (1) out of the 6 schools that is managed under PeopleUp (as listed below) will be
assigned to your team to work on by lesson 4 – after the teams are formed by lesson 3.
o Banana Tennis (indoor tennis for kids)
o VertiClimb (indoor rock climbing)
o Three Steps (hip hop dancing)
o Beep Lab (creative and problem solving thinking workshop for kids)
o Premier Golf (Simulation indoor golf for families and kids)
o Art of Aikido (non-combative Japanese martial art)
Create an infographic that communicates the value proposition of the selected company and
proposes four innovative ways to generate new revenue streams powered by ICT –
information communications technological tools. Present your discussion in an infographic
Infographic Content:
1. Value Proposition Statement (1 section):
a. Use the provided template from the lecture – topic 3 to create a concise and
compelling value proposition statement for the selected company.
b. Clearly articulate the 4 key points within one single statement.
2. Propose two ways to generate new revenue streams for the selected company – refer to
topic 3 for information on the 5 types of revenue model. Generate 2 New Revenue Streams
(2 sections) via any 2 of the 4 approaches listed below:
I. Advertising Revenue Model
II. Subscription Revenue Model
III. Transaction Revenue Model
IV. Affiliate Revenue Model
Explanation for Each New Revenue Stream Idea (within each of the 2 sections under the
new revenue steam idea):
- Detail the proposed revenue stream idea, including how it aligns with the company's
current operations. Provide academic references or industry case studies to support the
viability of your recommended revenue stream idea.
- Provide an estimate of the revenue potential and any associated costs. The estimate
must be supported by credible source such as academic references or industry case
- Highlight ONE potential challenge of the proposed revenue stream idea. The
challenge must be supported by credible source such as academic references or industry
case studies.
Additional tips:
- Ensure the infographic is visually appealing, easy to read, and professionally designed.
- Utilize icons, charts, or graphics to enhance the visual impact.
- Keep the content clear, concise, and focused on key points.
- Provide references or sources for any external information used – to be included in the
reference table provided on the infographic assignment template.
The dimensions of the infographic poster are 19.5cm x 28 cm in portrait format (as specified
in the assignment template document: Refer to Brightspace to download the template). You
may use and many other existing infographic
templates available to work on this assignment.
Submit your work in either pdf or word doc. Only 1 member from the team is required to
upload the infographic onto Brightspace by the given due date of each class. Refer to
assignment due date table above for details. Only 1 similarity certificate is required to be
included on the last page of the report. This certificate will be generated by the person
submitting the report. The rest of the members are not required to generate the similarity
Present your infographic content in class – lesson 11. Refer to assignment due date table
above for details. Each team will be given 10 mins followed by 5 min Q&A.
data source and referencing. At least 7 reference source should
be provided.
Total 30%
On the last lesson, each team will be given no more than 10min to showcase a pre-recorded
video, followed by 5 min Q&A session with your lecturer based on the task below.
1. Based on the assigned school for the team to work on, prepare a video presentation
(estimated 8 to 10 mins, max 12 mins) that covers the following:
c. Explain how these differentiators contribute to the company's market positioning.
Additional tips:
Ensure the video is well-structured, engaging, and professionally presented.
Use visual aids such as slides, charts, or graphics to support key points.
Keep the presentation within the 10-minute time limit.
Conduct thorough research using reliable sources to gather accurate information.
Style -there are no restrictions on the style of the video (i.e., you may use a narrated slide
show, a recorded lecture, a digital whiteboard, a stop motion animation (Claymation), a
sock puppet show, animated graphics, a scripted scene, filmed artist drawings on paper,
“man on the street” interviews, a combination of the above, etc.) You may take pictures,
recording oneself or peers, grabbing clips from the web, and putting it all together in a
coherent fashion to get a point across. The main benefits of this type of assignment are
that students will tap into their creative wells to produce interesting, engaging content,
they will learn how to use apps and software tools put at their disposal, and use a medium
that is present across every industry to present their own, original thoughts. The video
app you could use are inshot / power directors and many more.
All members will have to present in the video (with voice over and video oneself
presenting. Please remove your mask when shooting the video. Students are not required
to meet up together and do the video at the same time)
Format: Upload your video clip on youtube / google drive, or any video streaming
platforms (except bilibili) and email the video link to your lecturer one day before your last
lesson. Play video on day of presentation in class, and team members to particulate in
Q&A session. No similarity certificate will be required for this task.
Tip: When you are using Zoom to video record your PPT presentation, remember to on your
video, ensure sound is clear, and share screen instead of share PPT slide so that you can
enlarge your video camera screen size.
Point of differences analysis 5%
Total 30%
Based on the selected school assigned to your team in section 1 and 2 of your assignment,
identify a major weakness in the selected company and propose two solutions utilizing ICT
tools to address the weakness. Create an infographic to illustrate the weakness and
proposed solutions.
Student is required to write a consulting paper est 1000 words and create an infographic to
present the 3 key sections of this assignment. The 3 key sections of the assignment are as
1. Identify a Major Weakness (1st section): Conduct a thorough analysis of the selected
company to identify one major weakness. Provide a brief explanation of the weakness, its
impact on the company, and its significance.
a. Solution 1:
Identify an ICT tool that can address the major weakness.
Explain how this ICT tool works and why it is suitable for resolving the identified
Provide examples or case studies of other companies that have successfully
used a similar ICT tool for similar issues.
Discuss any potential challenges or considerations in implementing this ICT
b. Solution 2:
Identify a second ICT tool that complements or provides an alternative solution to
the major weakness.
Describe the functionalities of this ICT tool and how it can contribute to
overcoming the weakness.
Provide examples or case studies of other companies that have successfully
used a similar ICT tool for similar issues.
Discuss any potential challenges or considerations in implementing this ICT
Design an infographic that visually represents the major weakness, the two proposed
ICT solutions, and their benefits.
Utilize icons, charts, or graphics to enhance the clarity and visual appeal of the
Ensure that the infographic effectively communicates the key discussion points.
Total 40%
As a UCD student you are expected to behave with integrity and honesty in undertaking all
your assessments. Academic misconduct includes any action or attempted action that may
result in creating an unfair academic advantage, this includes plagiarism, copying,
possession of anything other than permitted resources during an assessment and collusion
with others in a piece of assessed work. All individual assignment must be completed by the
individual student and that student alone.
Please be reminded that all submissions will continue to be assessed by Urkund, the anti-
plagarism software. As you will appreciate the online submission format easily flags for the
university, where content is not original and requires investigation. Cases of plagiarism are
deemed to be a breached of the UCD Code of Conduct and will be referred to the Academic
Integrity Committee for investigation and sanction. Any material included in your
assessment and exam which is not your own should be cited.
This section of the Study Guide provides students with details of the UCD grading system
and also explains criterion referenced grading (UCD Policy). Under criterion referenced
grading, students are graded on the quality of their work without reference to other students
(norm referenced). For instance, the submission that meets the required guidelines in terms
of writing style, analysis, description and / or summary will be awarded according to the
standards set out. All students’ work is graded to indicate the standard attained using the
criterion referenced approach.
Module Grades
Module Grade
Grade Point
A+ 4.2
A 4.0 Excellent
A- 3.8
B+ 3.6
B 3.4 Very Good
B- 3.2
C+ 3.0
C 2.8 Good
C- 2.6
D+ 2.4
D 2.2 Acceptable
D- 2.0
FM+ 0.0
FM 0.0 Fail
FM- 0.0
No grade - work submitted
NM 0.0
did not merit a grade
No work was submitted by
the student or the student
ABS 0.0
was absent from the
Table 5: Grade Descriptors – Individual & Group Assignment & Continuous Assessment
Acceptable The minimum acceptable standard of response to the
D- assessment task which
shows a basic grasp of subject matter but may be poorly focussed or
badly structured or contain irrelevant material
has one major error and some minor errors
demonstrates the capacity to complete only moderately difficult
tasks related to the subject material
no evidence of background reading
displays the minimum acceptable standard of presentation
(spelling, grammar, graphical)
NB* All students are advised to read the UCD Business School Code of Practice for
Team work – see Appendix 1.
At the end of this module, you will have covered the 2 main components of this module and
be able to apply into both the assessments and examination. We wish you all the best in
undertaking this module.
Best regards
Jason Tan
22 Aug 2023
2. Group formation:
Groups may be allowed to self-form or they may be constituted through some form of
random assignment. In the latter case, the assignment process may be structured to
achieve some diversity within groups – for instance across areas such as ability, cultural
background and gender – or on the basis of class attendance.
e) Groups should draw up a team agreement and set milestones to use as moments for the
group to review and identify emerging issues and assess progress.
f) Groups should assign roles to each member (such as leader, convener, facilitator,
g) Groups should maintain minutes of meetings, work plans etc.
h) Individual members should maintain a journal of their own contribution.
6. Additional Resources:
UCD College of Business #LearningInsights: Collaboration and Group work video resources:
We have decided
We have decided
We have agreed
We hope to work in harmony together. We have different strengths. We accept that this is
a team piece of work and we are all responsible for doing our best. However we agree
now that
If individuals have difficulties in working with the team or on the task, we will try to
sort them out promptly by talking with each other
We will seek advice - as soon as is possible - from our tutor for those serious
problems which we cannot resolve ourselves.
You are advised to read the following important documents before you commence your
studies on this module: