Repair of An Arc Strike
Repair of An Arc Strike
Repair of An Arc Strike
: 675-000-000
Materials Manual Effective: January 20, 2012
Steel and Miscellaneous Metal Products
Volume II
11.5.1 PURPOSE
This section provides pre-approved repair procedures for structural steel
produced by fabricators.
Sections 20.23(3)(a) and 334.048(3), Florida Statutes (F.S.)
American Welding Society (AWS), American National Standards Institute, Inc.
American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials
(AASHTO)/AWS D1.5, Bridge Welding Code
Repair Procedure 1
(Non-Fracture Critical Members)
Approval from the Engineer shall be received before improperly fitted and welded
members are cut apart.
The following procedure is to be used to remove and replace stiffeners that have been
installed and welded:
1. Notify the Quality Assurance Inspector prior to starting the repair procedure.
3. Using air carbon arc, being extremely careful not to damage the web/flange base
metal, remove the weld and remaining stiffener to within 1/8” of the base metal.
4. Grind the remaining fillet weld/stiffener smooth and flush with the surrounding base
metal. Grind parallel to the direction of applied stress.
5. Inspect all of the weld removal areas by Magnetic Particle Test Method.
6. If applicable, fit and weld the replacement stiffener at the specified location in
accordance with the applicable approved welding procedure specification.
7. Complete a corrective action report and provide a copy to the FDOT inspection
Repair Procedure 2
(Non-Fracture Critical Members)
I. Gouges over 3/16” to a maximum of 7/16” deep (But not exceeding a length of 1-1/2”
parallel to the member)
1. Notify the Quality Assurance Inspector prior to starting the repair procedure.
2. Grind the gouge to bright metal with a bottom radius of 1/4 inch minimum and a 20
degree minimum bevel on each side of the gouge.
3. Attach run-off tabs with no tack welds outside the repair area. Tack welds must be
consumed by final weld.
4. Preheat per the applicable WPS and maintain the interpass temperature.
5. A qualified welder must weld the defect, using an applicable approved Welding
Procedure Specification.
6. Remove run-off tabs and grind surfaces smooth and flush. Final grinding shall be
parallel to the direction of stress.
7. Ultrasonic and Magnetic Particle Testing shall be performed in accordance with the
applicable sections of AWS D1.5.
Note: Material defects exposed by thermal cutting shall not be repaired per this
II. Gouges 3/16” or less in Depth (But not exceeding 2% loss of cross section area)
Note: Material defects exposed by thermal cutting shall not be repaired per this
Approval of these procedures does not supersede any applicable provisions of AWS
Repair Procedure 3
(Non-Fracture Critical Members)
1. Notify the Quality Assurance Inspector prior to starting the repair procedure.
2. Grind to bright metal to remove the defective area. The excavation shall be smooth
and free of irregularities.
4. On tension and reversal of stress members, verify that the heat affected zone
remaining in the member is not unacceptably hard. Hardness values shall not
exceed Rockwell C30 in the heat affected zone or the hardness value measured in
the unaffected base metal, whichever is higher. Heat affected zone hardening
generally extends less than 3 mm (1/8 inch) into the base metal; unacceptable
hardening can be removed by shallow grinding.
5. If the grinding resulted in excavation greater than that allowed by ASTM A6/6M,
weld the defect by a qualified welder, using an approved Welding Procedure
6. Magnetic Particle Testing shall be performed for the welded repair area.
2. Heat shall be applied to the girder to adjust flange tilt or to square the bearing to
meet contractual requirements. Heating shall not be applied to one location more
than three times until all other locations have been utilized.
3. All work shall be performed in accordance with AWS D1.5 and FDOT Specification
Section 460.
4. Heating patterns shall be indicated on the girder as required to correct the flange tilt
or bearing square condition.
5. Heating shall be performed using a rosebud tip. Rosebud tip selection shall be
made to promote heating efficiency while minimizing distortion and excessive
heating to the flange.
6. Heating shall be confined to the planned patterns. The steel shall be brought to a
temperature between 600 and 1150 degrees Fahrenheit as rapidly as possible.
Temperature indicating crayons or other devices for measuring temperature
between 600 and 1200 degrees Fahrenheit shall be utilized. All heat measurements
shall be taken after the torch has been removed from the steel. Any heating that
results in a steel temperature in excess of 1200 degrees Fahrenheit shall be brought
to the attention of the engineer for review.
7. Quenching with water or a combination of air and water is not permitted. Cooling
with dry compressed air is permitted after the steel has been allowed to cool
naturally to 600 degrees Fahrenheit.
8. Further conditioning, such as grinding, may be required to reduce high spots on the
outside surface of the bearing area to achieve a flat and smooth condition after
9. The required Magnetic Particle Testing stipulated by AWS D1.5 shall be performed
after all heating is completed.
Repair Procedure 5
The following heat sweep procedure shall be used for material with specified minimum
yield strength not greater than 50,000 psi. The heating temperature shall not exceed
1200 degrees Fahrenheit as controlled by temperature indicating devices. Camber
members before heat curving when required.
1. Notify the Quality Assurance Inspector prior to starting the repair procedure.
2. Brace or support the member in such a manner that the tendency of the girder to
deflect laterally during the heat-curving process will not cause the member to
overturn. Appropriate blocking, as required, shall be used to attain the required
sweep and to prevent excessive movement. Sweep tolerances shall be specified by
the applicable code and contract specifications.
4. Heating shall be performed using a rosebud tip. Rosebud tip selection shall be
made to promote heating efficiency while minimizing distortion and excessive
heating in the member. Heating shall not be applied to one location more than three
times until all other locations have been utilized. If multiple locations are to be
heated, do not reheat the same location until after at least three heats at other
5. Curve members by either continuous edge or vee heating. For the continuous edge
method, heat a strip or intermittent strips along the edge of the top and bottom
flange in an essentially simultaneous manner depending on flange widths and
thickness; use a strip of sufficient width and temperature to obtain the required
curvature. For the vee heating, heat the top and bottom flanges in truncated
triangular or wedge shaped areas having their base along the flange edge and
spaced at regular intervals along each flange; using spacing and temperature as
required to obtain the required curvature, and to allow heating to progress along the
top and bottom flanges at approximately the same rate.
6. For the Vee heating, terminate the apex of the truncated triangular area applied to
the inside flange surface just before the junction of web and the flange is reached.
To avoid unnecessary web distortion, take special care when heating the inside
flange surface (the surface that intersects the web) so that heat is not applied
directly to the web. When the radius of curvature is 1000 feet or more, extend the
apex of the truncated triangular heating pattern applied to the outside flange surface
to the juncture of the flange and web. When the radius of curvature is less than
1000 feet, extend the apex of the truncated triangular heating pattern applied to the
outside flange surface past the web for a distance equal to 1/8 of the flange width or
three inches, whichever is less. For the truncated triangular pattern, provide an
included angle of approximately 15 to 30 degrees, but do not exceed 10 inches for
the base of the triangle. The flange edges to be heated are those that will be on the
inside of the horizontal curve after heating. The heating torch shall not be returned to
the apex of the heating triangle after heating has progressed toward the base.
7. Heating shall be confined to the planned patterns. The steel shall be brought to a
temperature of between 600 and 1150 degrees Fahrenheit as rapidly as possible.
Temperature indicating crayons or other devices for measuring the temperature
between 600 and 1200 degrees Fahrenheit shall be utilized. All heat measurements
shall be taken after the torch has been removed from the steel. Any heating that
results in a steel temperature in excess of 1200 degrees Fahrenheit shall be brought
to the attention of the engineer.
8. Quenching with water or a combination of air and water is not permitted. Cooling
with dry compressed air is permitted after the steel has been allowed to cool
naturally to 600 degrees Fahrenheit.
9. The required Magnetic Particle Testing stipulated by AWS D1.5 shall be performed
after all heating is completed.
10. All work described above shall be performed in accordance with AWS D1.5 and
FDOT Specification Section 460.
Repair Procedure 6
(Non-Fracture Critical Members)
The following procedure shall be utilized to repair base metal defects on rolled surfaces
within the limitations of the applicable AWS D1.5 (D1.1) and ASTM A6 Specifications.
1. Notify the Quality Assurance Inspector prior to starting the repair procedure.
2. Grind to bright metal to remove the defective area. The excavation shall be smooth
and free of irregularities.
3. Excavations shall be made with a minimum ¼ inch bottom radius. The sides shall
slope at a minimum 20-degree included angle and the ends shall slope back at a 30-
degree minimum. Attach run-off tabs when necessary. Tack welds are not
permitted outside the weld area.
4. Magnetic Particle Test the area to assure removal of all discontinuities. Inspect both
parallel and perpendicular to the length of area to be repaired.
5. Weld the excavation using a qualified welder, using an approved Weld Procedure
Specification. Grind weld flush with surrounding base metal. Grind parallel to the
direction of applied stress.
Repair Procedure 7
(Rolled Beams and I-Beam Welded Girders*)
The following heat cambering procedure shall be used for material with specified
minimum yield strength not greater than 50,000 psi. The heating temperature shall not
exceed 1200 degrees Fahrenheit as controlled by temperature indicating devices.
*NOTE: For welded girders, cut the web to the prescribed camber with suitable
allowance for shrinkage due to cutting, welding and heat curving. Camber correction by
heating shall be limited to twice the allowable tolerance from the as-planned camber.
1. Notify the Quality Assurance Inspector prior to starting the repair procedure.
2. The member shall also be supported or braced in such a manner as to prevent the
member from overturning. Appropriate blocking, as required, shall be used to attain
the required camber and to prevent excessive movement. (See Sketch 1 for
suggested vertical and Sketch 2 for suggested horizontal blocking details). Camber
tolerances shall be specified by the applicable code and contract specifications.
3. Heat cambering shall be performed using triangular vee, strip, block, edge, and
rectangular heating patterns. The heating patterns shall be spaced and marked
throughout the length of the member as required to provide the specified camber
(see sketches for details of the heating pattern). Heating shall be performed using
rosebud tip. Rosebud tip selection shall be made to promote heating efficiency while
minimizing distortion and excessive heating to the member.
4. Vee heating shall begin at the apex of the heating pattern. As heating progresses
toward the top of the vee, the heating torch shall not be returned to the apex of the
heating pattern or to a previously heated area. Heating may be performed either
from one side of the web using one torch, or from both sides of the web using two
torches. Heating shall not be applied to one location more than three times until all
other locations have been utilized. If multiple locations are to be heated, do not
reheat the same location until after at least three heats at other locations.
5. Heating shall be confined to the planned patterns. The steel shall be brought to a
temperature between 600 and 1150 degrees Fahrenheit as rapidly as possible.
Temperature indicating crayons or other devices for measuring temperature
between 600 and 1200 degrees Fahrenheit shall be utilized. All heat measurements
shall be taken after the torch has been removed from the steel. Any heating that
results in a steel temperature in excess of 1200 degrees Fahrenheit shall be brought
to the attention of the engineer.
6. Quenching with water or a combination of air and water is not permitted. Cooling
with dry compressed air is permitted after the steel has been allowed to cool
naturally to 600 degrees Fahrenheit.
7. Required Magnetic Particle Testing for the girder shall be performed after all heating
is completed.
8. All work described above shall be performed in accordance with AWS D1.5 and
FDOT Specification Section 460.