At-666-507366 Guide - Traffic Management Fundamentals1
At-666-507366 Guide - Traffic Management Fundamentals1
At-666-507366 Guide - Traffic Management Fundamentals1
– guide
1 Systems ................................................................................................................................. 4
2 Vehicles ............................................................................................................................... 13
3 People .................................................................................................................................. 16
Supporting documentation
• Selected mining safety bulletins, mines safety significant incident reports, and safety alerts
– Mines safety alerts, Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety, Western
– Safety notices, Resources Safety & Health Queensland
– Safety alerts and bulletins, New South Wales Resources Regulator)
• Australian and other standards
– AS 1742.2 Manual of uniform traffic control devices – Traffic control devices for
general use
– AS/NZS 1906.1:2017 Retroreflective materials and devices for road traffic control
purposes – Retroreflective sheeting
• Western Australia Main Roads “Road and Traffic Engineering Standards”
• Austroads
– Guide to Road Design
– Guide to Road Safety
• Unsealed Roads Manual: Australian Road Research Board 2020
• Design of Surface Mine Haul Roads (US Department of Interior, Bureau of Mines)
information circular 8758, 1977:1-50
• Haul Road Inspection handbook (US Mine Safety and Health Administration)
Senior manager(s)
Review the traffic management plan documentation. If
a substantial proportion of the above is available then
compliance may be met subject to a commitment to
comply with the audit recommendations.
Refer to WHS(M)R rr. 34, 35, 36, 617 and 631 and
schedule 19 Clause 4.
Senior manager(s)
Review the traffic management plan documentation.
Verify if controls are observed and adequate.
Refer to WHS(M)R rr. 34, 35, 36, 617 and 631 and
schedule 19 Clause 4.
Senior manager(s)
Review the traffic management plan documentation.
Verify if controls are observed and adequate.
Refer to WHS(M)R rr. 34, 35, 36, 617 and 631 and
schedule 19 Clause 4.
Refer to WHS(M)R rr. 34, 35, 36, 617 and 631 and
mines safety significant incident report 277.
Senior manager(s)
Inspect the vehicle parking areas.
View a plan of the parking design.
Verify if controls are observed and adequate.
Senior manager(s)
Inspect high pedestrian traffic areas on the site.
Confirm whether a pedestrian network of walkways is
Verify if controls are observed and adequate.
Refer to WHSA s.20 and WHS(M)R rr. 34, 35, 36, 617
and 631.
Refer to WHSA s.20 and WHS(M)R rr. 34, 35, 36, 617
and 631.
Senior manager(s)
Review the traffic management system documentation
to identify lighting standards.
Verify if controls are observed and adequate.
Senior manager(s)
Inspect the mine haul roads and other vehicle
operating areas. Confirm roads are regularly inspected
for damage, instability, and potential collapse, etc.
Confirm road maintenance equipment is available and
roads are maintained in a safe condition.
Verify if controls are observed and adequate.
Senior manager(s)
Inspect buildings, tanks, hydrants, lighting towers,
covered drains, soak wells and sumps etc.
Confirm bollard devices or segregation barriers are
Verify if controls are observed and adequate.
Refer to WHSA s.20 and WHS(M)R rr. 34, 35, 36, 617
and 631.
Senior manager(s)
Sight procedure.
Verify if controls are observed and adequate.
Refer to WHSA s.20 and WHS(M)R rr. 34, 35, 36, 617
and 631.
Refer to WHSA s.20 and WHS(M)R rr. 34, 35, 36, 617
and 631.
Senior manager(s)
Sight procedure/controls (e.g. run culverts and flood
Verify if controls are observed and adequate.
Refer to WHS A s.20 and WHS(M)R rr. 34, 35, 36, 617
and 631 and mining safety bulletin 183.
Refer to WHSA s.20 and WHS(M)R rr. 34, 35, 36, 617
and 631.
Senior manager(s)
View a selection of documents, consider road widths,
gradients, curves, braking characteristics, compaction
Consider the configuration of primary haulage units,
water trucks, service trucks, etc. which may not always
be suitable for the operating conditions.
Interview operations and engineering management.
Verify if controls are observed and adequate.
Refer to WHSA s.21 and WHS(M)R rr. 34, 35, 36, 617
and 631.
Refer to WHSA s.21 and WHS(M)R rr. 34, 35, 36, 617
and 631.
Senior manager(s)
Review the traffic management plan documentation.
Confirm that pre-employment standards are
established covering past experience, medical fitness
and licence requirements.
Identify whether the plan defines standards for
monitoring and testing for drugs; alcohol; fatigue and
other worker safety factors.
Verify if controls are observed and adequate.
Refer to WHSA s.19 and WHS(M)R rr. 34, 35, 36, 617
and 631