Wireless Power Transmission

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International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, 2020

Vol. 4, Issue 9, ISSN No. 2455-2143, Pages 444-449

Published Online January 2020 in IJEAST (http://www.ijeast.com)


Rahul Singh, Rajan Jain, Dheeraj Shrivastava
Department of Electronics and Communication Arya Institute of Engineering Technology,
Jaipur, Rajasthan,India

Abstract - Wireless power transmission (WPT) has wireless power transfer Section II
covered a wide range of subjects in many fields and also The recent technologies Section III
become a highly active research area for student, applications of power transmission Section IV
scientist and many other because of their potential to conclusions Section V
providing new technology to our daily lives. The wireless Acknowledgement Section VI
power transmission will have bright future because this
technology used in the transmission of electrical energy II. WIRELESS POWER TRANSFER (WPT)
from a power source to an electrical load across an air
gap without any wires. In this paper, we can study to Inductive power transfer also a name of wireless power
present the existing technologies of wireless power transfer. It can be used for short range or even long range
transmission, their recent technology and future . Than without cords. This WPT technology provides efficient, fast,
we can also study of applications in wireless and low maintenance cost as compared to other
transmission. tecchnologies. It also allows portable electronics to charge
I. INTRODUCTION themselves without ever being plugged in universal power
wire. Power loss of this WPT technology is very less as
Electricity energy will be transport by the cord for the compared to wired electricity transmission. The common
distribution of the energy. The major issue in this type of function of WPT is to allow portable devices to be
power transmission is the losses occurs when transmission continuously charged and lose the constraint of a power cord.
and distribution process of electrical power due to the energy There are three main systems in WPT :
dissipation in the cord. The conductor and other equipment  Microwaves
used for transmission in energy dissipation. In daily life the  Resonance
power generation and power loss are also increased. The cost  solar cells
of electricity is harmful to the environment due to the making Nikola Tesla was first which is conduct experiments dealing
of electricity. For reducing transmission loss is very crucial with WPT. His idea was that earth itself is a conductor that
because the saved power can be used as an alternative to can carry a charge throughout the entire surface. When
minimize the cost. Stored power loss during the transmission Tesla’s experiments were not creating electricity, that time
process is inevitable, some alternatives can be interpreted to they just transferring it. This ideas can be applied to solve our
soloved this problem. To minimize power losses in the power energy crisis.
distribution network with using of wireless power
transmission. That has been known for centuries to clean Small and portable technology is a part of everyday life. But
sources of electricity. from portability emerges another challenge is energy feild.
Nowdays all portable devices are battery powered, they all
Battery charging with wireless power transfer is the best must be recharged using the wired chargers. But using of
example of this. The concept of wireless power transfer is not WPT now instead of plugging in a cell phone, PDA, digital
a new idea for any thinks. It can be invented by researchers camera, voice recorder, mp3 player or laptop to recharge it, it
but not widely using in that time. WPT is new revolution in could receive its power wirelessly. Although wireless power
the mode of electricity transmission. That new revolution transfer is feasible and helps in human daily lives, but this
enable the reliable and efficient wireless charging of millions technology suffers from several drawbacks namely requires a
of everyday electronic devices with integrating a power network of hundreds of satellites and interferences with other
source to an electrical load without any wires. electronic devices.
There are two techniques in wireless power transfer:
In the early time many different scientist proved different A. near-field technique
uses and thinks to transfer power without connection between B. far-field
the source and appliance. Every type of WPT has its own
background histories, recent technologies and future scope. A. Near-field Techniques

To make this idea for familiarize for the new researchers we The near-field techniques are quantifying with appliance
reviewed the The structure of this paper is : near from the potency source.
It have three categories:
1. electromagnetic radiation

International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, 2020
Vol. 4, Issue 9, ISSN No. 2455-2143, Pages 444-449
Published Online January 2020 in IJEAST (http://www.ijeast.com)

2. inductive coupling products, including electric toothbrush, charging pad for

3. magnetic resonant coupling cell phone or laptop, and medical implants. In inductive
These techniques can be habituated to eliminate quandary coupling, power transfer gradually decreases when the
due two coils are being separate gradually from each other or
to weather and security concerns. when the alignment of two coils is not impeccable. These
kinds of quandaries are generally occurred when it’s not
1)Electromagnetic (EM) Radiation: Energy from the meticulously utilized. It works best when the charging
transmission antenna of a puissance source to the receiver node of the contrivance and power receiving node are
antenna through radioactive EM waves is the process of proximate in contact customarily less than a coil
emission by EM radiation. Omnidirectional radiation and diameter, for example the range can be in centimetre and
unidirectional radiation, this two section relegated in the the direction of the charging must have to be aligned.
sense of the direction of emitting energy. Through
omnidirectional radiation process, broadcasting EM 3)Magnetic Resonant Coupling: The last and most
waves via transmitter in an assigned ISM band for paramount category of WPT technology under the section
example 850–950 MHz or 902–928 MHz in the U.S. of near field techniques is magnetic resonant coupling.
which can be varies with the different region both with This technology was developed by Kurs et al., which
915 MHz center frequency, and a receiver for example enable to make the interactions between two different
RFID tags tunes to the same frequency band to harvest objects very vigorously because of the coalescence of
radio puissance. In omnidirectional radiation though inductive coupling and resonance . In additament, energy
information transfer is more facile and congruous but will be shifting back and forth between magnetic field
withal suffers from a solemn efficiency quandary in circumventing the coil and electric field around the
energy transfer because when the distance is going capacitor. To the classical mechanical resonance the
sizably voluminous there is expeditious decay of EM effect of magnetic resonance is analogous, under which a
waves. By the experiment it was found that when a string when tuned to a certain tone it can be exhilarated to
receiver is 30 cm away from the RF transmitter, power vibration by a faraway sound engenderer if there is a
transfer efficiency is only 1.5% . match between their resonance frequencies. In this
technology, energy can be transferred efficiently from a
In additament, to forfend potential health hazards of source coil to a receiver coil with little loss of energy to
humans from EM radiation, only felicitous process is alternating current in a primary coil (connected to a
omnidirectional radiation for ultra-low-power sensor source) engenders a varying magnetic field that induces a
nodes for example up to 10 mW with very low sensing voltage across the terminals of a secondary coil at the
activities like temperature, moisture and light. If there is a receiver. There are several advantages of this technology
clear line-of-visual perception (LOS) path subsists in the namely highly efficient, radiation loss will be negligible,
process of unidirectional radiation, it can gain high power provides much more preponderant range and directional
transmission over a much longer distance for example by as compared to inductive coupling.
utilizing a microwave or laser beam the range can be in
kilometre. In the microwave-predicated system mostly, B. Far-field Techniques
wireless power is transmitted on microwave frequencies
of either 2.45 or 5.8 GHz, both in the ISM frequency The far-field techniques are quantifying the electrical load
band. In the Laser-predicated system, it is still considered far from the puissance source. These techniques aim at
less mature than microwave-predicated system, transmit high power transfer and need line of visual perception. It
power under the visible or near infrared frequency can be disunited into two categories, which are
spectrum as an example from several THz to several microwave power transmission and laser power
hundred THz . transmission .

2)Inductive Coupling: Inductive coupling generally 1)Microwave Power Transmission (MPT): This
defined as coupling between to LC circuits where technology transfers high power from the base station to
resonant frequency is same. It works by utilizing the receiving station or mobile contrivances with two
magnetic field induction that is the natural part of places being in line of optical discernment. With the avail
current’s kineticism through wire, as an example of geosynchronous receiving and transmitting satellites,
alternating current in a primary coil that is connected to a this technology enables the objects to acquire power from
source can engender a varying magnetic field that induces the base station with utilizing the magnetron. The first
a voltage across the terminals of a secondary coil at the step of potency transmission is initiated with converting
receiver. Primary and secondary coils are two separate electrical energy to be microwaves energy and then
coils in inductive coupling. Every connected wirelessly microwaves energy will be captured with utilizing
and the reason of its simplicity, accomodation, and safety, rectenna. Consequently, AC needs to be converted to
inductive coupling has been a paramount and popular Direct Current (DC) first and then DC is converted to
technology to transfer power without wires. With this microwaves by utilizing magnetron. Transmitted waves
technological application sundry kinds of electronic are received rectenna and then rectify microwaves into
contrivances has been already made. Consequently, it has electricity with more efficiently. It will give DC as the
been prosperously commercialized to a number of output.
International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, 2020
Vol. 4, Issue 9, ISSN No. 2455-2143, Pages 444-449
Published Online January 2020 in IJEAST (http://www.ijeast.com)

2)Laser Power Transmission: This technology is to the operating frequency heating conductive materials.
marginally different with MPT where it enables the The Qi standard withal incorporates a inhibited
potency concentrated in a minute area by utilizing the communication protocol to circumscribe the potency
mirror. This technology additionally engenders high consumed by multiple coils. With this, the receiving
powers that are coherent and not dispersed. In additament, contrivance can tell the charger how much power it
this technology has been used to apply to a rover to requires and when it is plenarily charged. Supplementally,
explore the presence of frozen dihydrogen monoxide in the charger can modify its power output to suit any
the bottom of craters of the moon where no sunlight is receiving contrivances and can switch to standby mode
available. On the other hand, the solar energy engendered once the contrivance is plenarily charged or if no
by the radiation is converted into the electric energy. This contrivance is affixed. Despite a wireless charger has not
energy next will be converted to the laser light and then been as efficient as a customary charger, but Qi standard
transmitted to the rover working at the bottom of the will able to be utilized in wireless charging in the near
crater. future.

III. RECENT TECHNOLOGIES B. Coalition for Wireless Power (A4WP) Technology

Utilization of resonance has rapidly grown in recent years A4WP is a next-generation of wireless power transfer
to enhance the3 efficiency of wireless energy transfer in a enabling the efficient transfer of puissance to electronic
wide variety of applications. In additament, the contrivances. This is predicated on reference power
indispensable core components of electronic product are transmitting and receiving resonators without the
being developed by electronic companies to avail speed utilization of interconnecting wires. This technology
the exordium of the technology into niche applications. sanctions multiple contrivances to be charged with
This will boost our ingenious capacities to bring much differing power requisites from a single transmitter at any
more substantial transmutations in technology so that can one time. Because this technology utilizes a more sizably
be implemented in particular tasks. Some of these voluminous electromagnetic field rather than the minute
revolutionary applications have been launched into inductor coils, ergo it enables contrivances to be charged
market, while others are not yare yet for the commercial without having to line-up precisely with the coil. Albeit
market. For instance, automotive charging is a novel A4WP has not relinquished to the market yet the
innovation but not available into market because of subsistence of this technology enables the electronic
needing standardization in its charging infrastructure. On contrivances to be charged in any positions including Z-
the contrary, a breakthrough innovation for traditional axis. A further advantage of A4WP is sanctioning charger
inductive charging in mobile electronic has already to be embedded in the objects where the magnetic fields
developed by a consortium company. To ascertain that can still emit the energy from the objects.
multi-vendor products can charge anywhere in a mundane
wireless ecosystem, the Standards Development C. PMA Technology
Organizations (SDOs) is working to construct the
interoperability standards in mobile contrivances for This is the organization with the aim of forward
highly resonant wireless power transfer. All these efforts cerebrating in an ecumenical, not-for-profit, industry
are paving the way toward incipient trend of wireless where better power paradigm for battery equipped
power technology, in which can be deployed in many contrivances utilizing wireless charging technology has
applications. been working with a bunch of research group bellwethers.
Recently more than 100 members across a diverse set of
A. Qi Technology industries including telecommunication, consumer
contrivances, automotive, retail, furniture, surfaces and
This technology utilizes the minuscule inductors to more are working with this incipient standard of
transmit power over higher frequencies and additionally technology. PMA magnification and prosperity is
support a charging distance of a few centimetres at most. attributed to a unique approach of making wireless
As a result, portable contrivances have to be placed quite charging ubiquitous in the places that consumers need it
categorically on the dock for evading the shortage of an most as well as the strenuous exertion and dedication for
astronomically immense magnetic field. Owing to its members.
circumscription on charging area, Qi components can
utilize multiple resonator arrays to engender a more TABLE 1. COMPARISON BETWEEN QI STANDARD, PMA, AND
astronomically immense charging area. However, it still
does not mitigate the quandary and even wasting an Recent Technologies
abundance of puissance to have individual coils switched No.
Qi Standard PMA A4WP Standard
on. In order to keep a vigorous enough connection, users
consequently need to align their contrivances precisely Magnetic
1. Induction charging Resonance
with the magnetic fields. induction charging

Currently, the wireless charger can get warm during Lack of large Enough magnetic Huge magnetic
charging and it will heat up the back of a contrivance due 2.
magnetic field Field Field
International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, 2020
Vol. 4, Issue 9, ISSN No. 2455-2143, Pages 444-449
Published Online January 2020 in IJEAST (http://www.ijeast.com)

Charging distance Analysts expect that the benefits of charging over

Much larger
3. a few centimetres Less than 10 cm
charging distance
distance and with spatial liberation will result in highly
at most resonant wireless power transfer capturing over 80%
Design allows market quota of all wireless charging systems by 2020.
Not easy to charge charging more Mobile contrivances or astute phone that is capable to
One device at a take charge from wireless charger is withal a great
4. more than one than one device
devices at a time from a single utilization of this technology. In the same way other
transmitter contrivances like iPad or for camera charging in any time
any moment even in the public places this wireless
Heat up the back Heat up the Don’t heat up the charging technology can be the greatest use for the human
of the devices devices Devices

B. Medical Contrivances
Uses small precise
6. Small coil Much larger coil
inductor coil
Wireless power transmission has been widely utilized
for implanted medical contrivances including LVAD heart
Need to line up avail pumps, pacemakers, and infusion pumps. With
7. perfectly within
Line up with the No need to line utilizing this technology, the puissance can be efficiently
Coil Up supplied to medical contrivances deeply implanted within
the coil
the human body. In integration, it can avail to eliminate the
Very few desideratum for drivelines that perforate the human body
137 member More than 100
8. organization with Member
Company and for surgical supersession of primary batteries.
working for the
100 products Organization
C. Electric Conveyances
IV. APPLICATION OF WIRELESS POWER Rechargeable hybrid and battery electric conveyances
TRANSMISSION can be directly powered with wireless charging systems.
In the field of wireless power transmission the distance These systems distribute 3.3 kW at high efficiency over a
between transmitter and receiver, which is going to be distance of 20 cm. With utilizing this technology, it
immensely colossal in the focus of recent research, can enables the reliable and efficient of puissance transmission
make the dream come true in different uses in human life. to electric conveyances without the avail of wires.
Applications depend on the utilizations of low power Moreover, it is expected that wireless charging will
contrivances that can be wireless sensor or different astronomically ameliorate the charging experience for EV
electronic mobile contrivances, power range and high- owners, making such conveyances even more captivating
powered contrivances in the field of industrial area, power to consumers.
range. Contrivances like led lights where supplying energy
is directly connected with load can be defined direct D. LED Lighting
wireless powering and different charging contrivances
need to be battery or capacitor charge defined wireless With utilizing wireless power transmission in LED
charging could be two types of implemented system. (light emitting diode) lights, we can directly charge our
contrivances utilizing wireless electricity so it can
A.Field of Electronics eliminate the desideratum for batteries in under-cabinet
task lighting. Moreover, it can withal avail architectural
Electronics that is the most sizably voluminous lighting designers to engender products that ostensibly
application field of utilizing Wireless charging system is float in mid-air with no puissance cord.
being implemented in electronic products such as laptop
by utilizing a wireless power source deployed abaft the E. Bulwark Systems
corkboard. This contrivance enables to distribute over 20
watts of potency. It can withal charge at a distance over a To ameliorate the reliability, ergonomics, and safety of
40 cm from the wireless charging source. electronic contrivances by wireless charging in the
bulwark systems designers are engendering incipient
design for the future bulwark technology. As an example
Talon tele-operated robot is being equipped with wireless
charging so that it can be recharged while it is being
conveyed by truck from site to site. Another utilization of
bulwark system is Helmet mounted electronics where night
vision is included and radio contrivances that can be
Fig. 1: Recent applications of wireless power charging system in our powered wirelessly from a battery pack carried in the
daily life.
soldier’s vest, eliminating the desideratum for disposable
batteries or a potency cord connecting the helmet to the
International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, 2020
Vol. 4, Issue 9, ISSN No. 2455-2143, Pages 444-449
Published Online January 2020 in IJEAST (http://www.ijeast.com)

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Published Online January 2020 in IJEAST (http://www.ijeast.com)

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