Cell Physiology
Materials move in and out of the cell by the following processes: osmosis, diffusion, active transport,
phagocytosis and pinocytosis. Some of these processes require energy while others do not. The
materials include water, gases, enzymes, hormones, antibodies and solutes
General objectives
By the end of the topic, the learner should be able to
(i) Explain the physiological process by which materials move in and out of cells
(ii) Explain the role of these processes in the life of organism
Specific objectives
The learner should be able to
a. Describe osmosis, diffusion, active transport, phagocytosis and pinocytosis
b. State the factors that affect the process of diffusion
c. Describe the process of osmosis
d. Explain the significance of diffusion and osmosis in organisms
e. Explain how solvents and solutes are exchanged in animal and plant tissue or cell across the
cell membrane in relation to tis structure.
f. Describe how unicellular organisms obtain water and food.
g. Explain the relationship between structure and function of cell membranes
a. Identify habitats with suitable media for organism’s survival.
b. Demonstrate use of salt in food preservation.
c. Demonstrate use of visking tubing, glass column, and microscope in diffusion and osmosis
d. Demonstrate conditions affecting the rate of diffusion
e. Demonstrate effects of osmosis on the cell or tissue
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This refers to the processes by which material get in and out of the cell. These processes include:-
1. Diffusion
2. Osmosis
3. Phagocytosis
4. Pinocytosis
5. Active transport
It is the movement of particles (molecules or ions) from a region where they are comparatively
concentrated to a region where they are at lower concentration. The difference in the concentration
between two regions is called concentration gradient or diffusion gradient. Diffusion will always take
place whenever such a gradient exist; and it will continue until eventually the particles are uniformly
distributed throughout the system.
Functions of diffusion
1. Gaseous exchange at the lungs
2. Absorption of glucose and amino acids from intestine
3. Absorption of water from colon
4. Uptake of glucose by cells from blood: Glucose does not diffuse freely through the cell
membrane because it is insoluble in lipids. It passes through the cell membrane is facilitated
by proteins. Therefore, diffusion of glucose through the cell membrane is called facilitated
5. Gaseous exchange for photosynthesis
6. Loss of water during transpiration
7. Diffusion of flower scent to attract insect pollinators.
8. Absorption of ions from the soil
This is the passage of solvent molecules from a region of their high concentration to a region of their
low concentration through a partially permeable membrane. The solvent in biological system is
Partially permeable
Membrane (ellophane)
The solid arrows indicate the net flow of water (solvent) into the solution. The membrane being
partially permeable, allows water molecules to pass into the thistle funnel from the beaker. As a result
of net flow of water into the funnel, the solution rises up the tube as indicated by the arrow.
When this happens, water moves to equilibrate, moving from the system or compartment with a
higher water potential to the system or compartment with a lower water potential.
Osmotic pressure
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This is the pressure which is required to prevent the net movement of pure water into an aqueous
solution through the differentially permeable membrane. The osmotic pressure increases as the
concentration of the solute increases. In other words, osmotic pressure is inversely proportional to
water potential.
If the cell is surrounded by a solution whose solute concentration exceeds that of the cell, water
passes out of the cell and the volume reduces and consequently shrinks. The external solution is
If the solute concentration of the solution and the concentration of the cell constituent are equal,
osmosis does not occur, the solution is isotonic.
On the other hand, a red blood cell immersed in a hypertonic solution will shrink and plasma
membrane crinkles. This is known as crenation.
It follows that if a cell is to maintain its normal size and shape, it must exist permanently in an
isotonic solution or failing that, it must have special mechanism enabling it to survive in a hypertonic
or isotonic solution. This special mechanism is called osmoregulation. For example, fresh water
Amoeba would undoubtedly swell up and burst, just like a red blood cell in water were it not for a
contractile vacuole that expels excess water from the body.
As water flow into the vacuole by osmosis, the tension developed by the cell wall causes an internal
hydrostatic pressure to develop. This is called pressure potential and it opposed the continued uptake
of water into the cell by osmosis. The pressure potential reaches a maximum when the cell wall is
stretched as much as possible and can stretch no more. At this point the cell is said to be fully turgid
or maximum turgor is reached.
Summary of the events that ensure if a partially turgid cell is placed in (A) a solution of eak solute
concentration (B) a solution of strong concentration.
Water enters
Full turgor
by osmosis
When plant cells are immersed in a hypertonic solution, water is drawn out of the cell. This leads to a
decrease in the volume of the cell. In a few minutes, the protoplast shrinks to such an extent that it
pulls away from the cell wall leaving a gap between the cell wall and plasma membrane. The
shrinkage of protoplast from the cell wall is called plasmolysis. Plasmolysis sometimes happen to the
plants exposed to extreme salty water but otherwise it rarely occurs in nature.
When the cell in the stem and leaves of a plant lose more water by evaporation than they can absorb,
turgor is reduced and the plant visibly droops. This phenomenon is called can often be
observed on hot, dry and windy days. The plant recovers at night as evaporation is reduced and
stomata closed; but if the water supply to the root is inadequate, the plant dies.
Active transport
It energy-consuming transport of molecules or ions across a membrane against a concentration
gradient. Substances usually transported across cell membrane by active transport include Na+, K+,
ureate ion and amino acids
The following observation suggest evidence to the use of energy in active transport.
(i) It is only found in living system which are continuously producing energy by respiration.
(ii) Increase in temperature and oxygen concentration increases the rate of active transport
(iii) When formation or use of ATP is inhibited by such agents as cyanide, active transport will
not take place
(iv) Cells that take part in active transport contain large number of mitochondria.
These are process by which larger objects are taken into or expelled from the cells
This provide a means by which enzymes, hormones, antibodies and cell wall precursors are
released from the cells. Here a vesicle containing the material moves towards the surface of the
cell and fuse with the plasma membrane. The vesicle the opens to the exterior and its contents
leave the cells
This provide a means by which big objects are taken by the cell. First the plasma membrane
invaginates to form a flask-shaped depression which envelops the material. The neck of the flask
then closes, and the invagination becomes sealed off to form a vesicle which moves into the cell.
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When a liquid like substance is taken in by the cell the process is referred to as pinocytosis. And
solid particles are taken in by phagocytosis.
Plasma membrane
1. Which of the following is correct about a plant cell when placed in a strong salt solution? It
A. Turgid because water moves into the cell
B. Flaccid because water moves out of the cell
C. Turgid because water moves out of the cell
D. Flaccid because water moves into the cell
2. Which of the following would happen to plasmolyzed cells of a plant tissue that has been
placed in water for some times?
A. The cell vacuole would shrink
B. They would not experience any change is size
C. They would increase in volume
D. They would become shorter
3. In plant tissue water moved from cell a to cell B. This indicates that
A. Cell A and cell B have the same osmotic potential
B. Cell A has a higher osmotic potential than cell B
C. Cell A has a lower osmotic potential than cell B
D. Cell A is older than cell B
8. A solution containing starch and glucose was put in a visking tube in the set up shown in the
figure below and left to stand for 30 minutes