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Article in Jurnal Kesehatan Andalas · September 2012

DOI: 10.25077/jka.v1i2.59


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2 authors:

Yan Edward Dolly Irfandy

Universitas Andalas

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Laporan Kasus

Yan Edward, Dolly Irfandy

Otomikosis adalah salah satu kondisi yang umum ditemukan di klinik THT. Penyakit ini merupakan
tantangan dan menimbulkan rasa frustrasi bagi pasien dan dokter ahli THT. Hal ini disebabkan pengobatan yang
memerlukan waktu lama dan rerata kekambuhan yang tinggi.
Dilaporkan satu kasus otomikosis pada seorang wanita umur 41 tahun. Diagnosis ditegakkan berdasarkan
anamnesis, pemeriksaan fisik dan tes KOH. Dari pemeriksaaan laboratorium ditemukan Aspergillus niger sebagai
penyebab. Dengan terapi pembersihan liang telinga dan obat oles telinga kombinasi gentian violet terdapat

Kata kunci: Otomikosis, Aspergillus sp, Terapi

Otomycosis is one of the common conditions encountered in a general otolaryngology clinic. The disease
process a challenging and frustrating entity for both patients and otolaryngologists for it requires long term
treatment and recurrence rate remains. One case of otomycosis in a 41 years old woman is reported. The
diagnosis was based on anamnesis, physical examination and KOH test. From laboratory examination, Aspergillus
niger was isolated as etiologic agent. With the treatment of ear toilet and combination of Gentian violet an
improvement was observed.

Keywords: Otomycosis, Aspergillus sp,Therapy

Affiliasi penulis : Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery increased sweat and environmental humidity altering
DepartmentMedical Faculty of Andalas University/Dr. M. Djamil surface epithelium of the EAC. Some studies found
Hospital greater otomycosis frequency in women.
Korespondensi : Dolly Irfandi, Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck
Surgery DepartmentMedical Faculty of Andalas University/Dr. M. Anatomy
Djamil Hospital, d_irfandy@yahoo.com
The external ear is composed of the auricle
and external auditory canal. Both contain elastic
Introduction cartilage derived from mesoderm and a small amount
Otomycosis is a fungal infection of the skin of of subcutaneous tissue, covered by skin with its
the external canal. Fungi may be the primary adnexal appendages. The external auditory canal
pathogens, usually superimposed on chronic bacterial (EAC) is typically 24 mm in length with a volume of 1-
1-3 2 mL. The lateral third of the canal is made of
infection of the external canal or middle ear.
Although rarely life threatening, the disease process a fibrocartilage, whereas the medial two thirds are
challenging and frustrating for patients and osseous.
otolaryngologist for it frequently requires long term  Skin
treatment and follow up, yet the reccurence rate The EAC is lined by stratified squamous
4 epithelium that is continuous with the skin of the pinna
remains high. Otomycosis or external otitis fungi are
acute, subacute or chronic infections affect the and the epithelial covering of the tympanic membrane.
3 The subcutaneous layer of the cartilaginous portion of
squamous epithelium of the external auditory canal.
Although there has been controversy with the canal contains hair follicles, sebaceous glands,
respect whether the fungi are the true infective agents and ceruminous glands, and is up to 1 mm thick. The
versus mere colonization species as a result of skin of the osseous canal doesn’t have subcutaneous
compromised local host immunity secondary to elements and only 0.2 mm thick.
bacterial infection, Candida and Aspergillus as the
most common fungal species isolated.
 Innervation
Sensation to the auricle and external auditory
Frequency canal is supplied from cutaneous and cranial nerves,
with contributions from the auriculotemporal branches
It has been estimated that cases of otitis of the trigeminal (V), facial (VII), glossopharyngeal
externa was between 5-20 % of all otologic (IX), and vagus (X) nerves and the greater auricular
consultations. Its frequency varies according to nerve from the cervical plexus (C2-3). The vestigial
different geographic zones from 9 to over 50 % of all extrinsic muscles of the ear, anterior, superior, and
patients with otitis externa, in relation to posterior auricular, are supplied by the facial nerve
environmental factors (temperature, relative humidity) 1
and times of years. Moist and tropical environments
provide required milieu for fungal proliferation and
increased in incidence may be contributed to

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Cerumen has antimycotic and bacteriostatic

properties and is insect repellent. It is composed of
lipids (46 to 73%), proteins, free amino acids and
mineral ions it also contains lysozym, immunoglobulins
and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Long chain fatty acids
present in unbroken skin probably inhibit bacterial
growth. Because of its hydrophobic composition,
cerumen is capable to repelling water, made canal
surface impermeable and avoid maceration and
epithelial damage.
The normal microorganisms found in EAC
such as Staphylococcus epidermidis,
Corrynebacterium sp, Bacillus sp, Gram-positive cocci
(Staphylococcus aureus, Sterptococcus sp, non-
pathogenic micrococci), Gram-negative bacilli
(Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli,
Haemophilus influenza, Moraxella catharalis etc) and
mycelia fungi from Genus Aspergillus and Candida sp.
This commensal microorganisms is not pathogen
unless balance still remains between bacteria and
Various factors influence transformation
saprophytic fungi into pathogenic such as:
- Environmental factors (heat, humidity)
commonly patients admitted at summer and
autumn when it was hot and humid.
- Changes in epithelial covering
(dermatological diseases, micro traumas).
- Increase in pH level in EAC (bathing).
Figure 1. Microscopic view of normal Ozcan et al (2003) found that regular
apopilosebaceous unit swimmer was reported as possible
predisposing factor for otomycosis.
The ceruminous glands are modified apocrine - Qualitative and quantitative alteration
sweat glands surrounded by myoepithelial cells; they cerumen (bathing). There appears to be little
are organized into apopilosebaceous units (Figure1). consensus with respect to predisposing
Cerumen prevents canal maceration has antibacterial factors for otomycosis. In addition, cerumen
properties and has normally acidic pH all of which has been speculated to be supportive for
contribute to an hospitable environment for fungal growth.
pathogens. - Systemic factors (alterations in immunity,
debilitating diseases, corticosteroids,
Etiology antibiotics, cytostatics, neoplasia). Jackman
In 80% of cases, the etiologic agent is et al (2005) reported ofloxacin may contribute
Aspergillus, whereas Candida is the next most to development of otomycosis.
frequently isolated fungus. Other more rare fungal - History of bacterial otitis, chronic suppurative
pathogens include Phycomycetes, Rhizopus, otitis media (CSOM) and postsurgical
Actinomyces, and Penicillium. Aspergillus niger is mastoid cavities. Bacterial contamination of
usually predominant agent although A.flavus, EAC skin initially occurred by suppurative
A.fumigatus, A.terreus (filamentous fungi), Candida otitis media or acute otitis externa. A
albicans and C.parapsilosis (yeast-like) are also disrupted epithelial surface was a good
common. medium for microorganism’s growth.
Kumar (2005) studied otomycosis patients Epithelial damage also leads to decrease
and isolated Aspergillus niger (52.43%), Aspergillus excretion from apocrine and cerumen glands
fumigates (34.14%), C.albicans (11%), which changes EAC environment became
C.pseudotropicalis (1.21%) and Mucor sp (1.21%). more suitable for microorganisms (normal pH
Ahmad et al (1989) carried out a prospective study in 3-4).
53 patients at ENT Department Faculty of Medicine - Dermatomycosis can be a risk factor for
University of Indonesia. They isolated Aspergillus recurrence because auto inoculation may be
9 6-8
species more frequently than Candida species. possible among parts of body.
- Conditions and social habits. Female wearing
Pathogenesis And Predisposing Factors traditional head covers were reported as
predisposing factors for otomycosis.
Otomycosis is connected to the histology and Traditional head coverings might increase
physiology of EAC. This 2,5 cm long, 7-9 mm wide humidity in ear canal and create ideal
cylindrical canal is lined with a stratified keratinized environment for fungal growth.
squamous epithelium that continues along external
side of tympanic membrane. At interior tympanic Clinical Findings
recess, medial to isthmus tends to accumulate
remains of keratin and cerumen and it’s difficult area to Symptoms of bacterial otitis externa and
clean. otomycosis are often indistinguishable. However
pruritus is almost frequent characteristics for mycotic

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infections and also discomfort, hearing loss, tinnitus, resolution of symptoms although recurrence or
1-4,11 4
aural fullness, otalgia and discharge. Otoscopy residual disease can be common.
often reveals mycelia, establishing the diagnosis. The Many authors believe that important to
EAC may be erythematous and fungal debris may identify causal agent in otomycosis cases in order to
appear white, gray, or black. Patients have typically use an appropriate treatment. It’s also recommended
been tried on topical antibacterial agents with no in chosen antimycotic should be based on
significant response. The diagnosis can be confirmed susceptibility in identified species. However, others
by identifying fungal elements on a KOH preparation believe the most important therapeutic strategy is
or by a positive fungal culture. when we choose specific treatment for otomycosis
The characteristics physical examination of based on efficacy and characterics drugs regardless
fungal infection resembles that of common molds, with of the causal agent. To date there is no FDA approved
visible, delicate hyphae and spores (conidiophores) antifungal otic prescription for otomycosis treatment.
being seen in Aspergillus. Candida, a yeast, often Many agents with various antimycotic have been used
forms mycelia mats with white character when it’s and clinicians have stugle to identify most effective
5 11
mixed with cerumen they appear yellowish. Candidal agent to treat this condition.
infections can be more difficult to detect clinically Antifungal preparations can be divided into non
because of its lack of characteristic appearance like specific and specific types. Non specific antifungals
Aspergillus such as otorrhea an not responding to included acidic and dehydrating solutions such as:
aural antimicrobial. Otomycosis attributed to Candida - Boric acid is a medium acid and often used as a
is often identified by culture data. There appears to be antiseptic and insecticide. Boric acid can be used to
no reported difference in presentation based on most treat yeast and fungal infection caused Candida
5 5,11
prevalent organisms. albicans.
- Gentian violet is prepared as a low concentrate
Laboratorium Examination solution (eg. 1%) in water. It has been used to treat
otomycosis as it is an aniline dye with antiseptic,
Culture is rarely needed and does not an alter antiseptic, antiinflamatory, antibacterial and antifungal
management. The fungi that produce otomycosis are activity. It is still use in some countries and FDA
generally saprophytic fungi species that abound in approved. Studies report an up to 80% efficacy.
nature and that form a part of the commensal flora of - Castellani’s paint (acetone, alcohol, phenol, fuchsin,
healthy EAC. These fungi are commonly Aspergillus resocinol)
and Candida. A.niger is usually the predominant agent - Cresylate (merthiolate, M-cresyl acetate, propylene
although A. flavus, A. fumigatus, A. terreus glycol, boric acid and alcohol).
(filamentous fungi), C albicans and C. parapsilosis - Merchurochrome, a well known topical antiseptics,
(yeast-like fungi) are also common. antifungal. With merthiolate (thimerosal),
The morphology of the colony enabled us to merchurochrome is no longer approved by FDA
distinguish between yeast-like and filamentous fungi. because they contains mercury. Tisner (1995)
The majority of white creamy, smooth or rough reported an efficacy of 93.4% in using thimerosal for
colonies are yeasts or, very occasionally, the yeast- otomycosis. Merchurochrome has been used
like phase of dimorphic fungi. Filamentous fungi tend specifically for cases in humid environment with
to grow forming dusty, hairy, woolly, velvety or folded efficacy between 95.8% and 100%.
colonies that display a wide range of colors such as Specific antifungal therapies consist of:
white, yellow, green, greenish blue, off-black, etc  Nystatin is a polyene macrolide antibiotic that
Ahmad et al (1989) in their study compared inhibits sterol synthesis in cytoplasmic membrane.
otomycosis diagnosis based on clinical examination Many molds and yeasts are sensitive to nystatin
and laboratory examination. They found no significant including Candida species. A major advantage from
difference between those examinations and concluded nystatin is they are not absorbed in intact skin.
generally that otomycosis can be diagnosed from Nystatin is not available as an ottic soluble for treats
clinical examination only. otomycosis. Nystatin can be prescribed as cream,
ointment or powder. With efficacy rates up to 50-
Differential Diagnosis 80%.

Otomycosis is occasionally difficult to  Azoles are synthetic agents that reduced

distinguish from other form of otitis externa especially concentration of ergosterol an essential sterol
diffuse otitis externa. Mixed infection sometimes in normal cytoplasmic membrane.
occurs, Kumar (2005) detected bacterial co infection  Clotrimazole is most widely used as topical
among 44 cases of total 82 cases. Commonly isolated azole. It appears to be one of the most
bacteria included negative coagulase staphylococci, effective agents for management in
pseudomonas sp. Staphylococcus aureus, E.coli and otomycosis with effective rate 95-100%.
Klebsiella sp. Fungal infection may also develop in Clotrimazole has a bacterial effects and this is
chronic suppurative otitis media. advantage when clinician treats mixed
bacterial-fungal infections. Clotrimazole has
Treatment no ototoxic effects and available as powder,
lotion and solution.
Although multiple in vitro studies have  Ketoconazole and fluconazole have a broad
examined efficacy from various antifungal agents. spectrum activity. Efficacy of ketoconazole
There is no consensus on most effective agent. reported 95-100% against Aspergillus species
Various agents have been used in clinic with variable and Candida albicans. We can found as a 2
success. Nevertheless, application of appropriate % cream. Topical fluconazole has been
topical antifungal agents coupled with frequent 5,11
reported effective in 90% cases.
mechanical debridement Usually results in prompt

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 Miconazole cream 2% has also demonstrated didn’t have fluor albus or itchiness on part of her body.
at efficacy rate up to 90%. She wears head cover since 20 years ago and made
 Bifonazole is an antifungal agent and from nylon stretch material for 8 hours a day. She
commonly used in 80’s. The potency of 1% works at humid environment.
solution is similar to clotrimazole and
miconazole. Bifonazole and derivatives
inhibited fungal growth up to 100%.
 Itraconazole is also has invitro and in vivo
effects against Aspergillus species.

The ointment form has some advantages

than ear drop formula because its remaining over ear
canal skin for longer time. The ointment form may be
safer in case of a perforated TM because it access into
middle ear may be less due its high viscosity.
Munguia and Daniel (2008) did not reveal any case
reports of antifungals topical medication causing
ototoxicity when used to treat otomycosis with an
intact TM. Less data exists regarding safety for using
ototopical medications in presence of tympanic
Cresylate and gentian violet are known to be
5 Figure 2. KOH test shown hyphae and filament
irritating to the middle ear mucosa. The use of
cresylate ottic drops should be avoided in patients
with MT perforations given its potential complications. From physical examination at right ear, we
Ho et al (2006) have observed transient sensorineural found hyperemic at auditory canal and grayish-white
4 debris with black specks and fine filaments in canal.
hearing loss associated with such use. In addition,
gentian violet appears to be vestibulotoxic and incite Serous discharge was present. Tympanic membrane
middle ear inflammation in animal models and was intact and no abnormalities at her left ear. Tuning
therefore it should be used with caution in the fork test shows Rinne negative on right ear and
5 positive at left ear, Weber lateralization to right ear
presence of open middle ear cleft. Common
nonspecific preparations such as lactic acid and and prolonged Schwabach at her right ear. We scrap
propylene glycol have been shown to elevate brain material from her right ear canal was positive for KOH
stem response thresholds in animal models and can test (Figure2).
be painful on application. A recent animal study Diagnosis of otomycosis was made and she
showed no hair cell loss in presence of clotrimazole, was treated with Gentian violet and we performed ear
miconazole, nystatin and tolnaftate. A conservative toilet before. She was asked to come ENT outward
choice for therapy with an open TM is warranted, for department for control. She visited Otology division of
example careful cleaning and a specific antifungal ENT department on February 3 2010. She still felt
5 itchiness and aural fullness but pain was already
medication with a minimum of additives.
The addition of oral antifungal is reserved for subsided. On physical examination, edema on right
cases with severe disease and poor response to auditory canal decreased and minimal serous
therapy, though it is rarely necessary. Ho et al (2006) discharge was present and tympanic membrane was
believed oral antifungals are unlikely to succed in intact. The treatment was Gentian violet and ear
4 toilet.
absence of adequate local care. It is important that th
the treatment besides being based on cures and the On February 5 2010 the patient came and
use of topical antimycotic drugs, be focused on no felt itchy and aural fullness. We found there‘s no
restoring the physiology of the canal; that is to say, edema and discharge and the tympanic membrane
avoiding sudden maneuvers in EAC, taking care to was intact and no grayish white debris. The
avoid excessive appropriate medical or surgical treatments were continued.
treatment for otitis media, avoiding any situation that th
changes local homeostasis are all essential in order to On February 7 , 2010 she didn’t have any complain
bring about the definitive resolution of the disease.
3 and at her right ear canal we didn’t found edema, no
discharge and there isn’t debris anymore. Laboratory
Case Report examination was performed and specimen was taken
from the debris. Microscopic examination revealed
At February 1 2010, 41 years-old woman, septate branching hyphae and spora. From culture
came to ENT outward clinic M. Djamil hospital with examination with Sabouraud’s agar, after 7 days
chief complain pain and itchiness in her right ear since black powdery colonies grew and the microscopic
4 weeks and worsen in last 5 days. She also felt examination of this colonies, revealed vesicles,
fullness and hearing loss. There was a serous sterigma and spore with conclusions equals to A.
discharge came out from her right ear. She went to niger.
Primary Health care unit and they gave her ear drop
and oral medication but she forgot name of the drugs. Discussion
After several days her complain didn’t decrease and A 41 years-old woman, came to ENT
she went to ENT outward clinic in M. Djamil hospital. outward department with chief complain pain,
She scratched her right ear canal with Q-tips but pain itchiness, aural fullness and hearing loss. Ho

and itchy more worsen. No history of ear disease or recorded that pruritus found 23% in cases, otalgia
treatment before. She was in healthy condition and not and otorrhea was 48% (in 63 patients). Hearing loss
under certain treatment. She didn’t swimming and

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was found in 45% cases. Similar with Ozcan that used and clinicians have struggled to identify the
found mostly cases had aural symptoms such as most effective agent to treat this condition. However,
itching, otalgia, hearing loss, aural discharge and the use of few topical antifungals has persisted
tinnitus. Otomycosis was found in all age groups and throughout time. In addition to topical therapy, the
its seems similar between man and women. reviewed literature emphasized of aural hygiene in
But in Turkey, Ozcan found 65 patient (74,7%) the treatment of otomycosis as intuitively ototopical
wears traditional head covers. Kumar found 29,26% medications work’s more following cleaning of
wears turbans. This practice is associated with the secretions and debris.
prolonged covering of the external auditory canal Ketoconazole and fluoconazole are azole
which increases the humidity within the ear canal antifungal agents that have a broad spectrum
15 11
hence predisposes to otomycosis. activity. Topical ketoconazole is our preferred
The habit of cleaning the ears with feathers, antifungal agents for its efficacy against both
matchstick and contaminated finger tips are known to Aspergillus and Candida species. Ketoconazole
encourage the inoculation and growth of the spores has shown an efficacy 95-100% in vitro against both
of fungus on the moist external auditory canal species. Gentian violet is typically preferred as a
especially in patient with poor personal hygiene. weak solution in water. It has been used since the
Finding of grayish-white mass with black 1940s to treat otomycosis and it is an aniline dye with
specks and fine filaments are typical for otomycosis. antiseptic, anti-inflamatory, antibacterial and
At microscopic examination we found septate hyphae antifungal activity. FDA approved its efficacy rate up
and vesicles covered with sterigma and spora which to 80% The presence of mixed infection had been
is typical for genus Aspergillus (figure 3). Direct established in otomycosis such as Staphylococcus
microscopic as laboratory investigation was carried sp., Pseudomonas sp., Staphylococcus aureus, E.coli
out for detection of fungal elements using KOH 10%, and Klebsiella sp.
Gram’s stain and PAS stain. This was confirmed by Ear toilet, which is an important treatment in
culture examination by Sabouroud agar where otomycosis was also done to this patient. We found
Aspergillus niger was isolated. Kumar found the predisposing factors in this patient, that was
common fungal isolates from otomycosis patients, 43 scratching ear canal with q-tips which can cause
cases (52,43%) same with Fasunla found in 205 microtrauma and she wears head covers from nylon
cases (48,35%). Ozcan in Turkey found 30 cases stretch material. This material cannot absorb the
(44,8%). So Otomycosis is a recognized clinical entity sweat well and increases temperature and
6,8,15 6,7
in the tropical and subtropical regions. This fungi humidity. Patient was suggested to switch her head
is frequently found as an agent in otomycosis and covers to other materials which can absorb the
commonly non pathogen except when the sweat.
environment is suitable for its growth. The duration of treatment ranges from days
to years. In follow up an improvement was observed.
A good education can help to eliminate the
predisposing factors and restoring physiologic
environment. Otomycosis could be asymptomatic but
if left untreated may lead to morbidity like hearing
loss. In recent study 56 patients (14,8%) had various
degrees of conductive hearing loss. Prognosis on
this patient is good but follow up still need, may eded
to observed reccurency.

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