Vocabulary Workshop Purple G2

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: ' r : :˙ ・ — ・:' ・

˙: ˙

・ — j —: . : : j . .」

'˙ ’

囍 堊鷺
鹵僿 无
壟囍 ⅜醱趣蟠
茴璲 潑膾驥
警繼(Realistic Fi˛ tion) ……………●
●…¨ …● 6
bronch brove dosh evening greedν
poss presen' s'reom 'roilwise

℉潑 ℉땁
le 駑 e e棧 醱
潑醱纘⅜ “囍銓 e° 薛
驥殘엷里(Hi,tori˛ aI Fiction) 1 4
bench br¡ dge cross crowd deep
fresh frown signol irove] worry
畦騏據畺 坤몰
雷짧亶 藿Synoilynis and Antonyms , …●…¨…¨…‘22

˛lassifying.● ●
●˚ ●
. 2B

:: ::::::: : :

Word Study: Word Endings s, es.

¸hades of Meaning= AnaIogi

Whㄺ 趣闊 ake$ 蛭 巍ve$쓩 (Magazine Arti˛ le). ●

● 28
beoch cenier fino' 'v ideo oce이 1

seosheil siock linywove wonder

UN● τ 盛 A ght
Ⅲ :磯 鏑흉 R撥 畺mboW (informationa' Fi˛ tion). ¸
●● B6
vecieo renormous exoc‖
o rr¡ ν fiool
nlidnighi roinbow snows'ornl weekend whispe r

REVIEW l急 慘管 ⅜TS 盞一羞

흖 ¸ynonyms and Antonyms …●


˛ ifying・ ●
, ●
●● ,

Word Asso˛ iations …


˛ompleting the ● dea

Word Stt● dy: Compound Words. ●
Shades of Meaning: Word Families , ●

》p'e Pa醱 酷akeS (Re˛ ipe/How~ to) ¨¨¨

U'‖ τ S P● ne錢 慈 5 0

brighi chew fiour fores' hour

innislond nibb]e pole worn

留頀 ㎾응
⅜鹽 驢
翰翕飜㎥錨 撥
无 ⅝槿
醱 鞨쓩 膾囍 冒撥흉
巍 ⅜蟻 (Folktale) .● ●
● ,● 5 8
ogree bore foⅡ 1ous feosi genl[e
hero [eoder no'ice seorch weo k
廈 瑚璽
慇 Synonyn's and AntonyⅡ 1s . ●
●●●, ●

● ●


●˛ , ' ,’ , 66
˛ ¨●
¨● ¨●
●● ●
●… ¨●
¸ ●
¨¨●¨, ●
●¨- 6 7
Word Asso˛ iations . ●
●●—, ●
^ ●
●● 68
˛on'pieting the 'dea . ●
●●…‥ ' ' , 69
Word SttΠ dy: Homophones . ●
●● ●
'● ●●
● ,● ''● ,

Shades of Meaning: Word Choi˛ e 1— ●: —:: : . . ': ::: . ●

M[DYEAR REV'EW ξ萍 一魯 ●
瑾 S 蓬 .:. ●

.●.:. 72

揮‖ 靂
˛ τ 7 謬e
雷 an e˛ ●
色doo『 =Deteet룝 ˇ釜 (Magazine Article) .● 76
oIorn' collecl domp insec' plon'
sofe sco]'er so¡ I ieonl iool

U濠 默볍盡τ 恕 殉釪醱蓋멂 鐄ㄸ患 J鹵 麟 鮎g確 舶 鰥鏑畝 ⅞ P瀚 f渗壁 (Magazine

《藤駙 蹙 Article) 84
dive enemy frighien herd pock
prove seo [smoo'h soor sie삐
REViEW U蕣 떫:冒¸7一 穆 Synonym, and Antonyms . ●
・ ,,・

˛ias,ifying. ●

. i●
● ●
.:. ●¸
● . ;¸ ,

Word Asso˛ iations . ●

●●● ● ●
●● , . :.

˛ompleting th비 dea .:. ::. ●

● . :. . ::. 95
Word Study: Prefixe; un, re .:… .:. 96
¸hades of Meaning: Analogies 2 . 9 7

U釜 번끊
τφ F큘 e邀 d 口
D錢 y욜 (Personal Narrative). ●
● 98
co[m cheer down en]ire foir
fie]d horm poin shiver iremb [e

ξ 떫蓮
닯 鷺⑩ V盡 抽鹵
藝驢 『量
殘썸胛鞨 (Biography) ¨………●
舞 ● 1 06
boord curious” dongerous doub' eoger
fegr [eopscreechsqueeze v¡ [] oge

REV'EW i蕩 쿄疑
蚩渗Synony'ns and Antonynis ¸
…●…° 114
디 as,ifying・ ●
● ●●
,, i. . :. ,:.● .::. ¸
, :. .: 115
Word Asso˛ iations . ●
.:. ●
●.::. ●
●¨ . :. 116
CompIeting the 'dea ., ●
● ●
●● , , 117
Word Study: Suffixes fui, less . ●
●● :˙ 118
Shades of Meaning: Word Choice 2- hop, jμ rrlp, leap ˚
●A , 119

U參 번쿄
닿蓮 1 飄 ㎭驥엷趨『齬筮穎
⅞繼撥齬f靂 ⅝
踐駝 缸麾fㅁ 亂⅜
瓘d덞 τ齬a璲 ⅞鹵
f (Biography) ¬20
beo∏1 corve den leon odd
proper serope sleer lender iense

,鹽 벼
敵 理警 壺盆 換 鰥殲罷 噫 룐
世晝쭁饑,馨 φ蠻
》('nformational Fiction) ………●
● 1 28
escope honesi iobel n1odern o텨 ėci
pi'chselecl sniff s'oble sieep
Y驍 ⅜
罷 Synony'''s and Antohyms 1 B6

Ciassifying. ●●
●● 137
Word Asso˛ iations . ●
●●● , 1 B8
˛●mp'eting the 'dea . ●
● ,● ] 39
Word ,tudy: Di˛ tionary: Multiple.Meaning Words °●
● , 1 40
¸hades of Meaningε Words That De¸ ˛ribe Food. ●●
‘ , 14¬
Uㅐ 13 Go● d¡ [ocks and the 園e毬 淨ag‖ 確V (Fairy Tale) . 1 42
'τ occepl oddress difficu '' excuse experl
hollow rel● xsec'ion s'omp whole

Ψ 1堪 Φne
U*燔 ● Great W駿 v 銓Φ ℉幣墩瓔뗍
ㅃ (Magazine Article) .● ●
●● 1 50
odmire ollochh이 1die mqjor possenger
prepore seporσ le sin1¡
'or siender tosk
R EV' ㅌw 墓一:罌

U券 념:¥ S ∶

Word Asso˛ iations
˛onlpleting the 'dea 1 6

Word ţudy= ˛oiltext 162

⋮ y,
Clues …


3 …. 16B

F● NA횝. MAST汪 Rˇ 琴 …¨…●

● . 164


● tossÅ ‖y 1 68

W恕 喙P 孟
.'鐄 τ 1 76

!! n'●
dio o' Un¡ t P● s¸ ages[n'era˛ ¡

;: 'ud¡ o —'ntera˛ ●
按 儡

舒 ●ve Word Map
ˇisua'' of U■ tiˇ e Unit Quizzes

' Wo'd¸ ' ntera˛
nudio G 'o¸ ¸ary : Pra˛ ●
¡˛e Unit Worksheets

rod● ●ing he Words :: ::: :::: : :::::

: : ●:— ::: :::::

:: ::::::::

Li∫ [en to thi, α●o˛

to'” y αgir' αnJ her the'●
't hoⅵ ' -io¨

tα y ,σ e dι
.∫ ṅg αthυ ●de'● ,!o'˜ …. P● y α
‘ !te● lo !‥ e
o''J‘ in the ● o'or boxe¸ ● e the "orJ,yoυ
The¸ e :α ●
” ”
ⅵ rning in t'η υ nj'.
”'i'' be 'eα

宖戶 :慘Iη犧실흄
,● 뎐-l요 遑 萱一

텼瞼瀚 ,


rted α α beαutiful dα y for αhike. Nicky α


如 s nd her

: tstα
따 dα d set out on α α t wound through the woods
tI˙ i! thα

behind their house. They were hiking to αfα ryll neα rby '
::: ㎊˙
˙1 뚜町
to wα tch the f’ αryγlers cα re fIor the αniII1α ls. The sun ::"● i嚴 √

climbed higher in the sky αs Nicky αnd her fα ther

wα lked. A neα rby streα In Iooked so inviting thαt they
dipped their feet in to cool off. They got to the fα rIγ1 just
before feeding tilne f˙ or the αniyγ 1α 1s.
Nicky pointed αt α goα t. “Thα t one is so greedy. 、

He's eα ting αll the feed! ''

I think
“ it's feeding time flor us, too, '' Dα d joked.
The two of theln unpα cked their sα ndwiches αnd sα t αt .ˇ

α picnic tαble to eα t. After lunch, they spent soIyle Iγ 10re

time on the fα rln. Then the sun begα n to 1ower in the sky・

We sho1그 ld leα ve bef˙ ore it gets too lα te, '' Dα d sα id.


“ 中

“On hot sticky dα ys like this, we often get thundel⌒ storlns


α : :
by evening. -


.: ● ・

': :●
… :::
・ . :::

: t i
-:: ::¨ -뀨 ξ˙
:: ’
’ '

j' : :.i ●: :

σ ・ ’ξ ⌒
=' . ,.'

: /˙
Sure enough, dα rk clouds were present in the sky by
the tilne they got holne. They went inside to wα it for the
storm to pα ss.
〃Dα d explα ined.
“Lightning yI10stly strikes tα 1ler things,
Thα t's why it's wise to stα y αwα y from trees during

α storln. ’
Outside, the wind howled αnd lightning lit the
dα rk sky. A br● nch snα pped off α tree αnd blew αcross
the yα rd.
I see whα t you meα n, '' Nicky sα id.

Loud thunder so11nded in the distα nce, αnd it Iγ 1α de

Nicky juyllp. Before long, it thundered α9α in, b11t this

tilne, she wα sn't αs scα red.
Al1 of α sudden, Nicky sα w her dog Button dα sh under
the couch in α blur of fUr.

Dα d 1α ughed. Button isn't qu˙ 1te αs brα ve αs you αre.

{● : . ::
γoι rJ the worJ‘ be'ow in t'le ρα αge on ραge, 6-7.
' 'leσ
Reα J eα ˛ h ⅵ σnJ j*, meσ ning● W'jte
” the ⅵ'orJ on "le
εoΠ]ρ ¸entence.
'ine to 'ete the
bronch A br이 1ch is o pori of o iree. 工
i grows
(noun) oul from ihe trunk of ihe lree.

구ed σΠσ γθIIoν [/ Ieo'/es I'θ II Γ
r'oln eoch

oΓ Ihe 'Γ Θθ .

‖ ‖ll,略 i'‖ ‖ⅲ‖‖‖‖‖I‖ l‖ ‖‖‖ ‖ ‖ ‖ ‖‖iI‖ ‖‖i"‖ I‖ ‖ ‖‖‖‖‖ ‖‖ ‖‖ ]""‖ ‖‖,‖ ‖ ]‖ ‖ ‖ I” ‖ ‖‖ II,‖ I"‖ ‖ ‖ ‖‖ ‖‖
'‖ '‖ '‖ "‖ '‖ "‖ ""1"‖ "‖ "‖ "‖ "” "‖ '‖ "● "‖ "‖ "‖ "'‖ "‖ "''‖ "‖ "'"¡ ""‖ "‖ '‖ "I‖ '‖
” “

2■ brove A brov'e person is sonㄱ eone who is nol ofroid of donger

(o 이eciive) ν
νheΠ I力 e cσ I go' sIυ εI( IΠ I力 e 'ree, II?e

boγ 쇠 mbed υρ Io sσ II
'˙ '/θ
I']‖ ,llI'"II',i¡ lll,箝 II'if‖ ‖¡ 卄,'lli‖ ]'''iII''‖ ‖II'‖ :¡ I‖ ‖ ‖ II''''” [‘ ‖,'II” ‖1''ll::'‖ ,‖ l'I'II'lii'용 II¡ II''Ⅱ ¾ ,I'f'‖ ‖ll“ mII'‖ ‖lli몰 !III]‖ Ilil ‖ III‖ l''ill‖ lli'I‖ lII'‖ II''I,¾ lll!l
'l'¡ ''’ 'lII旿 '¡ '']● ''[‖ '‖ ' ‖ ''‖ 'll'‖ 'II‖ ''I'‖
‘ ‘

3■ dosh VVhen you dosh, you move quicl(ly

υoΠ ’
I sI'ρ IΓ γ

σcross Ihe ν
νΘI gross.

(noun) A dosh is o smoll omounl of somelhing.

T'he sot'ρ Πeedξ σ

o∫ ρeρρeΓ .

!I‖ llli'II,lII眈 II● 蚌Ill‖ ‖ !lII‖ II''j‖ i’ II‖ lilii‖ ‖I',‘ ‖ il!lII‖ Ⅱ l‖ II''i’ ,'lli‖ I'’ l'"‖ ¡ ]'''‖ :’ l':',’ ‖‖ ll'‖ f¡ ‖ ¡
,l''!珀 ,'ll¡ ,,'''‖ *I,'jㅐ ]¡ :

'¡ 'I''‖ 'il'‖ '''¡ '‖ '''‖ '''I‖ '"[‖ '''‖ '’ ''',‖ 'I''‖ "‖ ''II‖ '[I‘ 'II'’ ''‖ ':'‖ "',‖ '''''‘ ''Ⅱ

나■evening The evening is lhe porl of ihe doy beIween lole

(noun) oflernoon ond eorly nighllinη e.

ννe eσ f dIΠ Πer IΠ Ihe σΓ


ΔOΠ] εolnes hoI∏ θ Γ

Λ ,'oΠ ? Ⅳork.

I吝 ξ
ξIIIi"‘ It:I'‘ 훅
I‖ I● 윰IIIt용 ¾
‖ I''I● Σ
효‖I*II'IIIi甘 ,l'I''II*'II,l‖ I¾ IiII'⅝ ‖III,il'll,‘ IgI''1]흐 융 ¾ t‖ 1¼ 짭
‖●I;용 III'liI¾ II¼ l'Ii:'I,¾ II'IIξ I甘 융
⅛II,⅜ 용
효Itill,¾ ]II]좇 ●
旦¼1]II¼ 흐 I⅛ I''뮬 ,

'II¾ '''tII몹 ''lξ ''흐 'II⅜ 'tIIltIi푭 'l‖ ''I1]:iI"I● 'III'甘 '¡ 'IIII,'I‖ '⅜ '''¼ '용 'll짭 ';,'ㅣ

5■ greedν A greedν person wonis more of sonlelhing lhon

(g 이eclive) whoi he or she needs.

κ Ⅳos w灼 θΠ she did ΠoI

'ⅲ her bjig boⅣ I oΓ ρopcorΠ
8 υΠf[ 7
ˇoeabu ●arˇ workshop.eom ㄴ
te㏆ to ⅜
瑕 I뽀 . 紐g굴 er to the on [ine g'ossary.

■poss VVhen you go by somelhing, you pqss il.

‘ I bγ Ihθ ρσIk oΠ mγ MΘ γhoΠη

(noun) A poss is o piece of poper ihol soys

lhe pe'"son holding il con do somelhing.
C碑 p? °√ /
凡 s o Per蔣
I堆 e
'oIn hσ r IΠ Ihe IoI.
ifi'mi'*j'¡ !lllj'1,'ll● l‖ I;印 II‖ I‖ ‖ 1● i,''‖ l'j'¾ 娘 용

'o pork


,lli‖ III'lil‖ l','眈 lⅡ I'“ lliIⅲ lI’ ,ll⅞ ⅱ‖II‖ l"'''"‘ ‖ lⅱ ‖‖ l‖ 1'굴 ['‖ ¡
I‖ ll‖ I'fj'!f●
'I푤 'jII흉 'l,rt● ''中 '‖ '‖ '卄 ''’ ''니 'I出 ''Ⅱ ',‖ '"● '‖ '‖ '"''':¡ '‖

'I"'1¡ '!‘ '‖ 'ml1‖ 'I,',●

7■ presen' A presenl is somelhing ihol you give lo sonleone

(noun) oul of kindness.

I dΓ θⅣ o pji'cfυ re I˙or Oreg os α

(o이 eclive)If you ore p in o ploce, you ore lhere.

Eνerγ oI'e ν
νs 7σ
oΠ Ihe ε
I'oss 'rio.

,''Ⅱ ● ,j'‖ ll∶ l¡ !III*'':''Ⅱ I''i'‖ ll‖ 1]“ ll‖ ,‖ ]'i‖ iII各 lⅡ *lⅡ I‖ ¡
마 I퓰 ii‖ 1l‖ IIⅡ ‖iI‖ II‖ I‘ ∶
l:‖ ll''’ Ⅱ l'"'‖ ‖
''● '‖ '‖ ''쏴 '‖ '‖ ''叩 '1‖ 'ⅱ 'iI,i‖ 'ii¡ '*''‖ ";,'‖ '1‖

'‖ ''III!*l':llⅡ '몰 '●

8. sireo m A sireom is o body of flowing woler

(noun) thol is nol loo wide or deep.

πhe Ⅳoler IΠ Ihθ

OI?Iγ reocl?es Π?)/ oΠ kles.
:‖ i',⅜ l'¡ !I'‖ ii● Ⅱ ‖¸
‖:''● ‖¾
l'"' ● ‖ξ
1‖ ¾ Ii,'l:]!':표 !윰 ll,II¾
,'i⅜ llI¸ I甘 甘 ,'i"tlIII'II퓰 II‘ ‖I,'fξ
'● '⅛ ':흐 "⅞ 'i* I‖ "'i'Ii¼ ",¼ '1ㅣ '''i''ll‖ 'IIIll'",ll':'I,똬 ''I1''흐 ',I''i흐 ''⅜ "I','’ ','iII‖
’ ‘

9■ 'roi] A 'roi[ is o polh for people io foHow,

(noun) especiolly in ihe woods.

I wioII( oIoI?g Ihe

fo I力 θ s'reoΠ η .

lIIl1'I!1]''용 ㅣ IIi¡ fiI,'’ 찰 ‖I● iII,I● I,l‘ o¡ i1ll‘ ¾ I∶ oltiI',I'II⅞ 1:τ ‖II‖ i"⅜ iI'甘 ll’ ,'i','i"'⅝ ll,='I⅞ ⅞
lIτ ,I''',흣 Iξ ‖● lⅡ ll’ 1‖ ¡
ξ ●
¡I‖ ]¾ *j'¡ 홍 ilil‖ ¡
● ¾
llI용 IIo1'''.t,II표 1l{1‖ I호 !l'I,'ㅏ ‖iiI●
'¡ ''*i':¡ ''iIf{III흉 '','IIτ '''‖ 'j‘ 'i;'i’ 'll퓰 'ㅑ ''lr{I⅜ '1]'¡ 'il,I'I●
’ ‘

A wise person or choice shows good sense

'0. (g이˙
wiseeciive) ond judgmenl.
eσ rII,g σroincool oΠ σ Ⅳef dσ γIs σ

fhI’ Πg ''o σo.

t'Π [ 7 9

he ‖e● i"g
● 闊睦㎺i nteractive gan'es and

εhoo,e the Ⅵ ’ her the meσ n'˙ ng

∫ ” box thσ *
rom the mσ
in the ε e. Wrfte the ⅵ '˛

'orJ on the 'ine.
ξ,I l"I● i"Iㅖ [ft,:[ItI[ll,● ,'"● ξ
∶ ff‖ 홍
,f"듈 !‖ ‖ ,''’ f"ii⅜ 官⅜
1,''‘ ⅜ ,'''궁 !',,’ I',τ r,''‘ ,̧''*YI,I‘ ● 紆
.‘ :’ i‘
I't● i횹 i묩 Ii흉 ti⅜

㎋¨''t]"‖ "''“
"i¾ '',,,!'ㅑ '',‘ ''’ "瑚

nchdgshp resenisireo n1
'● "● "'i¼ "'ξ ''ξ ''‘ "’ ''⅜ '’ '’ '‘

蔞 bro

‘ ’ ’ ‘
iro ¡

fη I' ,' 쌉 ● ¸
±¸ 互

¾ 융표
ll쌓甘¼瞞 甘둥 표
' ' ' ' ⅜
:l1료 I'‘ ⅜
τ .:I'古 ];'甘 :I‘ ]1'‘ ● ¸ ●i̧'IIIII 브
i,‘ I'‘ 1‘ li互 II’ ,’ I● l● I'● ,1'ti‖ i',∶ ,II't,iilt"''禽 !’ ti¾ *'‖ !

'I‘ 'I'τ 'τ ';‘ ''¾ '''‘ ',¸ "i=" i꼴 '쌉 ''I꼴 ',,iti,i뻐 'I負 "''붕 '¾ "珉 "氓 "‖ '㎋
‘ ‘ ‘ ’ ‘
’ ‘ ’

■You mighi gel ihis on your birlhdgy.


2■ You mighl see fish swimming in lhis.

3■ You nㄱ ighi odd lhis omouni of soll lo your food.

나. You mighi see birds silling on ihis pori of o lree.

5■ You nη ighl find rocks os you wolk olong ihis.

Ⅲ ‖‖帥 H” ‖沖 ‖‖螂 ㎚ ‖‖‖仲m‖ 미‖‖嫩 η‖錢‖炬‖‖帥‖‖삐 빠 眸㎿ ‖‖*‖ *"뻐 ‖作‖뼈 ‖出‖ ‖‖ㅃ 瑚 ‖ ‖‖ ‖ ¨

形 " "‖ ""腑 """“ ""“ "‖ "‖ ""瑚 "ⅱ ""퍄 "'句 η
“ “ “ “ ”

휼 broveeveningg reedyposswise 흩
˛ ● ¾¾ ¾ ¼ 甘표 ˙
'"끊 I‘ ⅜
ττ루 ;''Iξ ξ흖 ,Iτ ,''‘ f● ,l‘ ;I‘ ,,'● I,● ,,It¸ ¾,I'II,¾
,∫ ,¸ ●
IItt,If,IΣ fIIΣ ¾
¸ I’ ,t’ II¾ ,I'i,,IIIft''I흗 II'¾
I¼ ,'I용 i⅝ II*i⅝ ¡¾
⅝븅 I甘 ,''I::litt용 븅¼
τξ퓸 뮬
I'¼ I'융 :‘ :II皆 II짬 l'융

''흉 ''τ ',호 'II‘ '● 'i'甘 '¼ 'I¼ '¼ ''¾ '‘ '¼ 'τ
‘ ‘ ‘‘ ‘ ‘ ’ ’ ‘ ’ ‘

6■ This is lhe lime of lhe doy when il slorls io gel dork ouiside

7■ This is how you describe someone who does nol shore.

8■ This word describes someone who knows ond undersionds

o lol of lhings.

9■ This is how you feel when you gre nol scored.

This piece of poper soys yoL」 con go inio o building.


■ υΠ
'0 '' 7
he Se "● e"ee

Choo,e the word ∫
roΠ1 the boχ thσ t bejt ˛
entence. Write the worJ on the 'ine.

‘ ¼


"” " ',,", i:‘

¾[1f‖ ff"I'‖ ffi=享 들
쩜i,‖ 덜

i흥 f'¾ 1’ 붙
:⅝ lt묩 휼
들 I용 ¡
읔 τ
:곡 ¡

'‖ '''''''‘
;''','τ i‘ ㅣ
''"'ㅣ 'i'i

'i,’ 'ii,,fii휼 ''''"'ii'¾ '','''''''τ ';I'Ⅱ ''I''::¼ '甘

妻 bronch

“ ” ‘
g reedv
‘ “‘
b rove even 'ng

poss p reseni sireo m w' se



''I I I
I I I Itl I I I I” , 홍黜
! I I

' ' I
l,'II各 I흗


i''l,'I’ lll!⅝ ⅛

'⅝ '*⅛ 'llI¼

⅜⅜⅝ ¼
1'''甘 τ


,'¾ *¼

ㅑ ¾甘

τ 甘
,'ξ古 +,흐 ;∶

'τ 'I''甘
,I∶ iI,호 ¡
˛ ,,旦 I● IIIII½ I● I'f˛ ●

’ ’ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘’

Grondpo gove me his old fishing pole os o


2■ I wonl lo fish in the righl owoy

3■ I w이 k by lhe big, i에 irees 이ong lhe

ㅐ. Two nlice quid〈 ly by my feel.

5■ I feel even ihough I heor sironge sounds.

6■ Oops! I bumped inlo g iow on o lree.

7■ Moybe going lo ihe sireom is nol o ideo

8■ I know I om close when I lhe big rock.

9■ I on1 when I iry io coich more fish.

By the lime I gel home, il is 6 0’ clock in lhe


'i. ●: : :.:●


患 . 熙騈
: 闊
徽 姬

::::: ;:端 :: ˙
'{ '
: ::. ●
: ・
: ::
、 ''


˛ i' 7 ■ 77

:" C● e*-
Reσ J t'● e 十ory. Then wrjte σ en[en˛ e lo αn¸ wer eα ˛h
que‘ tion be'ow:
‘ ‘
표11 goI10

理 1●壻
Once upon

α tinle, Red Inα de αcα ke for Grα nny. She nlixed

solne of this αnd sonle of thα t, α dα sh of sugα r, αnd lots of

cα rrots. Then she popped the cα ke into the oven.


Red wα s brα ve to wα lk through the woods to Grα nny's thα t
evening. As she pα ssed the streα n1, she sα w α wolf.

Whα t's in the bα sket, deα r? '' αsked the wolf.
'This cα ke is α present fbr Grα nny, '' Red αnswered.

' Conle closer. I cα n 't heα r, '' sα id the wolf. Red wα lked closer.

In α nα sh, the wolf gobbled up the cα ke.
'‘ You αte the whole thing! '' yelled Red. ‘
'You're α greedy wolf! ''

“No, I'In α hungry wolf! '' he sα id, dα shing off.

≠●骨爭 辛中耭 ¨一 麴*㎭ W… 仲岬짝岬¨甲
≠甲쏵뺙 噫
"碑 "噫

l ■How much sugor is o dosh — g lilile or o lol?

2■ VVhol did Red do ihgi wos brove?

3. VVhich word in ihe siory nㄱ eons “

weni by” ?

나■VVhy did Red think ihe wolf wos greedν ?

bronch 'ro¡
舶You『 Ow”
、堈 ● : ● ' wise
5■ Wrile o sentence using o word in ihe box.

72 ■ 【

'[ 7
●●mes — 、
'' '
' ' 恕 :'

Find the word in t'η e box thσ t 'nα tche¸ t'le c'υ e. ' '' 一
闊 鏤
h ie卄 er of [he worJ on σn αn‘ wer b'어
Wri*e eσ ˛ 1k. ', '

.t'"I'fi''f‘ I'''II¼ 互
효i,ili’ liII'l,liitII● 흐
盲 iΣ ,i’ ti,'I,'tI,,훌 i̧흙 묠

ii읕 i!¡ I'''illl''!¾ ¼ 휼

t:⅜륭흉 ,⅝ i'⅜ 흄
들들들 1'''''!'1':˛ 읔
;;들 :Ξ ;:끝 르 I''¡ ;''''';1‘
:‘ ;;Ξ ˛
,;II‘ I i''"'fi‘ iΠ ,⅜ ;● 虧 fnlIIr’

''''!I'',it皆 '큠 'τ
''''''''''‘ '‖

'I‘ '''

휼 bronchbrovedoshevening greedν

‘ ‘

휼' '
휼 oossD resenisireoⅲ
iro ¡[wise菫 '
:''':,''‘ ;:¾ ξ
표를 苔 흑
로it,ij{I,:브 II'I'{,,I{¸ 붙 ,,I'fl,II!,tlj● 부
菖 IIt,III'’ liIIIIti¸ 쿡
들 ti''ilititit,'흘 i=艮 큠
읔율!,:휼 훌
!!''''''!::¡ 축
묩ξ盲 :;¼ ‖!''':'‘ :i흉 뮬흑

:'¡ :‘ ;르 ;● ,ξ ,I¸ :툐 i● if● i,亨 :Σ t용 I朞 :¡

'iII'IIII,ㅕ =툐 '’
';귤 '''¡ '''';l;';‘ '용 '¼ '''''''''’

‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘‘ '.

l ■noi ofroid '

2. belween oflernoon ond nighi '

3■ selfish '


나■o polh

5. smori '
6■ io go by '

7. o pori of o lree '

—— '.

8. lo move fosl '

9■ when you ore here '.,'

o snㄱ oll body of woler


Look α十the 'e卄 er‘ yot' ⅵ hσ deJ ˛ mn σbove.

o'ι Π

'rote in the
Write lhem on the σn,ⅵ

‘ ' to σn‘ wer "le r'˙ JJ'e●

nk‘ be'oⅵ
烝 一 ㄷ '、'er b'σ
¬蘿 '쇼 謁婚畵 婚
一錄 '뜰
講 抵

푹瞻繇 華 鋪 暈幣
'鈺宰 쥼 專 茴 翕 瑕


Whol is ihe biggesl onl in ihe world?


幣 쑈 端 鞨 珤 馬 搖
授 噫 鰥
鰥 鰥 鰥 鰥 蛭 蛭 鰥
얗 嬖 ■


he UoFd●

Lj‘ten to thi“ tory σbotΠ t σ gjr' who
rjde, the "t ¸αn frσ n˛ ˛o ˛σb'e cσ ∴

Pα y α ˛o'어ρ
boxe∫ 'tention
. The,e σto the word, in [he
re tIη e worJ, yot' wi'' be

rning in thi‘ υ

he e¨ b●!함 야 쑤

●宰qo따¬ 抽!g=
(Historical Fiction)

s August 2, 1873, αnd Annα stood wlth her mother on

萱 : t wα
醱 Clα y Street.They were not αlone.A crowd of people frorn α ll

over Sα n Frα ncisco wα s wα iting, too. Like Annα , they wα nted to

ride the city's first cα ble cα r. As Annα looked αt the people
αround her, α frown went αcross her fα ce. She stα ted to worry

thα t she would never find α spα ce in the cα ble cα r.

A Ininute lαter, Annα heα rd the bell. C1α ng! Clα ng! Thα t wα s
the signα l thα t the cα ble cα r wα s coIyling! A wire cα ble buried
deep underground pulled it up the hill. The cα r would cross
Webster Street, then the grip, '' or conductor, wot11d turn α giα rlt

screw to bring the vehicle to α stop・
People stα rted to Iγ 10ve, αnd Annα could see the cα r for the
first time. The cα r wα s bigger thα n she expected, αnd it wα s
shα ped like α box with nα t sides. It hα d steps down to the
ground αnd no wheels.The windows were open to let in f˙ resh
αir. Sonle ride1⌒ s could sit on α bench αlong the sides or bα ck.
There were poles every few feet for other riders to hold onto αs
they stood.

7 4
Annα αnd her Iγ10ther sq'leezed into the f’ ront of the cα r.
Froyγ 1 there, they wα tched the grip releα se the brα ke. Their
ride begα n.
In α11, Annα would trα vel up αnd down Clα y Street for just
over α hα lf Iylile αnd cross αbout ten city blocks. After the ride,
Annα wα s so excited thα t she wα nted Inore αdventure. She told
her Inother, “Tolnorrow, let's hop on αtrα in, wα 1k αcross α
brid9우 αboα t! ''
' or ride


: ’ :̇'

:˙ :: :: ::: : : :

:● ˙


● I-
壕 雷●●
計 홑





υ ■T

f1Γ : . ”
γoυ hegrd the word¸ be'ow in the pα αge on ρσge‘ '4— '¸ .

Reα J eα ch word σnd it, meσ ning● Write

” the word on lhe
'ine to 'ele the rentence●
bench A bench is o iong seol for o few people lo sil oη '●

OΠ θoch slde oΓ fhe ρIεΠic I’ σble Is o ⅣoodeΠ

‖燐‖‖‖‖‖‖l‖ ‖:茫 ‖‖ ‖‖ ‖‖l‖ ,'‖ 珀‖‖]I,m‖ ‖lII‖ ‖‖l‖ ‖‖‖ ‖I‖ ‖ ‖‖l‖ ‖‖ ‖‖ I‖ ‖ j‖
‖ ‖ ‖ ‖‖ I""‖ ‖ l"ill‖ ‖● ‖I‖ l"‖ ‖‖
'‖ "l"‖ "‖ "‖ '” "‖ "‖ '‖ "'‖ "‖ "'‖ '"‖ "''"'‖ ""‖ ""‖ ""‖ """‖ "‖ "‖ ""‖
” ” ‘ ”

2■ bridge A bridge is somelhing lhol is buill

(noun) obove ond ocross woler. People or cors
con go over il io gel io lhe olher side.

A IoΠ g goes
oνer fhe bo/.
l孵 ‖‖,IIⅱ 箝‖ ‖‖ll'‖ ‖眈 ‖‖흉
‖ ‖ ‖‖ ‖‖I"‖ ㄼ‖‖‖‖‖‖‖‖‖‖‖‖‖‖ ‖‖‖‖‖ ‖‖‖‖Ⅱ‖ ‖‖‖‖‖ ‖‖I"‖ ‖ ‖l;‖ ‖I‖ l‖ ‖II'‖ ‖‖ ‖‖I‖ ‖,‖ ‖ ‖‖‖‖ II‖ l;‖ i‖ ‖ l'"‖ I'’ ll,” ‖
''l1ⅲ '● 'II‖ "흣 "‖ '‖ "I‖ ",‖ '‖ ':‖ "‖ '‖ "‖ '‖

3■ cross VVhen you cross, you go from one side lo lhe olher.
LooI( b여灼 ™σγs w灼 eΠ γoυ
Ine s'ree'.

(o이jeciive)A person is cross if he or she is ongry or noi pleosed.

Tihe child ™σs iN;heΠ 'he dog

gr'o¸ bed nlis Ioγ .

‖ I¡ 蚌‖lli,]'ㅐ ‖ll'''● ,‖ I''''''*‖ ,ll''':*‖ I'""‖ ]I'''II‖ II''ll'‘ II。 ,'I]‘ tI1''● II''l'‖ ⅡI'['[‘ ,‖ ‖ 1'‖ ,‖ tIII'l,‖ II¡ ,']'''lξ ]

''III’ 'I1‖ '1[''ll"';I''t'''''1''':''':‖ '''‘ ''''ll‖ '''¡ ''‖ 'I',‖ ''II''''‖

나. crowd A crowd is o lol of people gll iogelher

(noun) in one ploce.

A Iσ rge ™σI's
rbr Ihe bυ s.
,,*li'’ ‖I‖ IIIIj● 枓‖II'il1‖ Ⅱ
용 ‖ll,‖ Ⅱ‖ l"‖ II¡ ‖Ⅱ,ll'I‖ i‖ lll''1● ,ltil,'III眈 ‖ilII'‖ ‖ ,1IIIIII'‖ ;''1III‖ I‖ ''''1''‖ I''1:‖ lliliII'ii‖ ¸ I"II‖ liIi⅜ ‖[1ll'''i효 ‖lli'‖ I¸ ,l:''∶ ‖‖:I''llif‖ ‖ll ,'’ IHil]
'I‖ 'l‖ '1''I:'‖ 'lil']'‖ 'Ⅱ '''l‖ ' ''’

5. deep If somelhing is deep, ii goes o long woy down.

(o 이eclive)
T˙he c','˙ Idren d니 g σ
IΠ Ihe soΠ d. ''ole

7σ ■ υΠif 2
:● ●
● …●
●● ●
●● ●…
-●:● ●●-¨ —
-● ●
::● ●


ˇocabu! aryworkshop. com


曲⅝g⅛ 轅ㄼ to ξ
rdξ 亐구

e野 !o the on]ine g'ossary. :

6. fresh If somelhing is fresh, ii is cleon or new.

(g이 ective)
I ρι
I' oΠ o sh'˙ rI Iior fne ρσrr/.

(g이 eclive)Fresh nㄱ eons lhol somelhing is cool or refreshing.

OpeΠ 'he ⅣIΠ doⅣs so I力 e
olr cσ Π cool oΓ ,Γ Ihe rooΠ .

‖‖,'i,‖ il]ili:‖ ill‖ l"l'I'ilil⅝ i :''II]¾ t‖ 1I'll]'‖ ]I''l‖ ‖∶

I''‖ ‖I1''ll:'‖ i''II¡ ‖]]''litii니 I''''‖ ‖II''I'‖ iII,III‖ II''II',,● I''''● ‖ ‖ 撤I¡ ‖●
ll''‖ ‖ ‖ I,’ 蚌,'II‖ ‖ⅱ lⅡ ‖妊 I’ ll'‖
''I:"1)¡ ''''¾ 'll'!ll'‖ ''li'曲 "‘ ''I‘ "'ll'’ 'lII'¾ '''‖ "'‖

7■ frown VVhen you frown, ,you move your eyebrows

(verb) iogelher ond wrinkle your foreheod.

I ⅣheΠ I hσ νθ

'o go 'o bed eσ

(noun) A frown is on unhoppy look on your foce
劤 θΠ Nσ Ie foυ Πσ '?妊 IosI ρυρργ, 力Iis

becoΠ η
e o smIIe.
:fi'IjI¡ ¡
,I,ξ ;⅜ ,lli'I]흐 ,'tiI'iI● ¾
표l:I!I● I윰 용
II'I甘 ● I;⅞ II,III뷸 ,II‖ II''l'I,I● I’ iI‘ 표
I''IIII,III'’ l● 甘
¾⅝ II용 I"''I¡ 율 IIliiI¾ ¾
*● 1IIIII,¸ llIi'''짬 II'lli융 ⅞
¾{I''',꿈 ,¼ I*,l,甘 ¾
⅝ lll‘ t¾ iI¾ IIII¾ li,'IIIγ ¾ ;IIII윱 ⅜

I‖ II¾ ㅣ
●¡ ti표 liI'II
'I:l홍 'I'l● '홍 'I¾ 'lII¾ 'i'I'甘

'쌍 'Iτ '●

8■ signol A signol is on oclion or sign ihol sends ’

(noun) o messoge.
T;he red Ijignl Is o

I meσΠs ‘

I후 I,ll∶ ¸
*II,IIII¾ IIftiII',ξ I¾
,甘 lII⅜ ● *,II용
,¾ ㅣ
i'‖ llf흉 ⅜ I'용 I+I‖ I''ti,I‖ I¡ *iII'II'IIII표 l"'I,흐 I¾ ¼
ξ:tlIf',I:푭 lII표 I‖ Ⅲ‖ I¾ 1]I'‘ ●
ㅣ⅜i"It1 f¡ 홍
II,‖ I⅜ ¾
'● '''''甘 'II,¾ 'I甘 'I'lfI¾ 'i'‖ '1IIIt'''lII¾ 'lξ 'lII''II¾

’ ‘

9■ irove' VVhen you irove], you go from one ploce

(verb) lo gnolher.

I ⅣσΠ σ〃oνer Ihe ™orIσ .

i‖ I‖ ‖I‖ ‖,‖ ‖I‖ II‖ ‖‖ III‖ Ⅱ ‖빠,l‖ ‖●

‖‖I‖ ‖‖‖‖ ‖]‖
' Io
‖‖ ‖‖ ‖‖ l‖ ‖娘:‖ :‖ ∶
‖‖ ‖ ‖‖ ‖ ‖I‖ lⅡ ‖l‖ ‖‖‖‖!‖ I‖ lll'‖ #‖ ‖‖‖‖ l:” ‖‖ l"‖ l"” ,‖ ;‖ ‖‖l‖ ‖‖‖‖
'lII‖ "‖ 'll‖ 'l‖ '‖ "‖ '‖ '""‖ '1‖ '‖ "‖ "l‖ "‖ ''‖ "‖ '‖

] 0■ worrν VVhen you worry, you feel lhoi somelhing bod

(verb) nㄱ gy hoppen.

ΛΔγ InoΠ σΠd dσ d 〃

I doΠ :I eσ I ⅣeII.

˛ ■ ''
'Π '[2
aP뿌 쭈 爭 《부


뺙 甲㎋
푸 呼
뺙” H˙

Fraet● ce uni효 word§ 팜 vith'뿌

he ‖e●
● 향e ˛
erac丈 흉 a魚
섰 sar㏆ 換 act'y뿌 흄
e.s :

":"g '!珷

Choo,e the word ∫ ron"he box thα t n1σ 十che"he meα ning
in the c'υ e. Write l''e worJ on 十
he 'ine.

琶 bridoecrossdeepfres hfrown .⅝
¾ :::::吝 τ¾
¡ :붕 :흉 뮬
;‘ ;,:ξ τ ;';¾ l‘ ;흐 들
音¾ ;ξ l'''I';:;휘 I'l']i=¸ ζ IIII,1,트 IIII,''I,,를 Ξif,IIIi,ilii● 투
,,f● ,IIi,:I,',fiII:lililtiiti,i● Σ
itii'I!t룽 홍
큠答 붙
,!li’ !I*''흄 甘흐¡
=η ij● ,●

''t공 '‘ ''*''':;‘ ''‘ '‘ ''‘

'I‘ '''˙

‘ ‘ ’

[. This is whol you mighi do when you ore sod

2■ This is how lhe woler is when il is obove your heod in o pool.

3■ This is how you feel ofler o bolh.

나■This goes over o sireonl so you con wolk ocross.

5■ This is whol you ore like if you ore o lillle ongry

i''''I¡ ,'jli∶ ● ● 노 ●
●,̧I'',IIIIi¸ 윰홍
¾i','''''I,,I블 ¾
¾ 들 용 융 :!I''II¾ ⅜ IIτ ¡
큠⅜ ㅏ⅜흉¡

*떪 ‖ ,iII,'lli,III● Itilllil'¾ tlt'⅛ It:’ i¾ ,''¼ t¡ I¼
˛ I,Σ l용
,;;;‘ ;;‘ ,II˛ ,If‘ ,;± I¸ I’ I套 i¾

';''''‘ ',,,l● ',!⅝ ''II'’ '⅝ '''∫
''''';‘ 'τ

틀 bench erowd siono] 'rov이

‘ ‘
‘ ’ ’ ’ ’ ‘

∶ τ ‖ ˛ 르 ξ flf'I'II’ ilj,"'till'I,,Σ I'I,lt"'I1!I¼ 셜

ttⅱ i'Il''● I'율 횬
Σ:fi’ !tl홍 용 I"、
'ξ η ‖¡ Ξ ;;'i'''"' i‘ ,” 1'",''I,¸ :¾
!I:¾ ;''''']:∶ ,;''';'''"';]븅 ,ㅑ ;;互 i̧● ,̧¾

"’ ':;¡ ':':‖ 'l‘ ''"';;‘ ''"''lll'‘ '''’

‘ ‘ ‘

6■ You do lhis when you loke o lrip.

7■ You mighl do lhis if you ore losl in o crowd

8■ You mighl sii on this ol lhe pork.

os on exomple of lhis.
9■ You nod y아 Ir heod io meon “

[0■ You ore pori of lhis when you ore wiih mony people

78 ■ Unit 2
*he Se"● e ee
εhoo,e the ⅵ rom the box *hα * be‘ * ˛
∫ ” omp'ete,the
,entence. Write the word on t・ he 'ine.


¾¼‖ I’ I¾ ●흗
:¾ tt붐 iti,lttl'''ilt⅝ ii¾ 흉⅜
i⅜ ‖ 甘
tI‖ :甘 I'¾ :甘 甘
⅜ 큠 ㅏτ
:甘 읔 ;;륙 子;;I'‘ ㅑ ;‘ ,료 ,표 1',i''‘ I‘ ,=‘ ,I'I{',I,,,,I‘ I1互 If● ,I!● ,I,,l II,‘ l,I,● I읕 l쌍 I̧Ⅱ ,

'Hil¼ ''t‖ '''ㅣ "'fl;귤


'⅛ '1⅛ '뮬 '¾ ''‘ ''''‘ ''τ '‘ '곡


c rowd
’ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘‘ ‘
c ross ‘‘ ‘ ’
–,≡ 풀

fresh frown signo' irove' worrν


l. Every Sundoy, my n10m ond I io lhe shore.

2■ VVe iike ihe srnell of lhe seo olr.

3■ To gel lo lhe olher side of lhe boy, visiiors

o drowbridge.

나■If o loll bool soils neor lhe bridge, don’ I

5■ A floshing red siops lhe iroffic.

6■ The bool con poss when ihe is i"oised.

7■ Once lhe bridge goes down, lhe goes over.

8■ I sil on o ond woich lhe boois.

9■ Some people colch fish in the woIers.

is when we hove lo leove.

'0. The only lime I
圃園 Π籬簧뼈 ,欲

υΠ ■ 79
σ en * e n σ ,enlence to
'ourn b e

SunJα y, Noν 'e"ber 7

ToJα y ⅵ/'α s 十e big Neㄵ /
I그 'γork ε y ''α εe 丁he runners
gα 十
hereJ α十十he briJge 十hα 十 oins S十 α十eΠ IsIα ρJ αnJ Brookl'/n

一 ˙
丁Aey IookeJ 수esh αnJ reα Jy 十 o go 丁hen 十 he s十 αΓ十Ing slgnα I

ㄵ/en十 oκ. The runners begα n 十

o Jα sh o'''er 十
he trIJge

. '
s十 ooJ αIong 十I]e s十 ree十 s 十o ㄵ/α 十ch I sα 十 on
ε row'Js

α benε h ˘ν''十 h 'ㄲ y gΓ αnJpα ren十 s O十 hers ˘ν'α 十εheJ 十he

runr)ers 十ΓανeI 十 I그 rough 十he cI十 y ∫rorn 十heir ˛

'InJoˇ νs

A十 Iσ s十 I sα ιer He IookeJ 十IreJ, bu十

y bro十 I그

"' 'ㄲ
he keI’ 十going Wα 十
εhlng hirn εross 十he finis'? Iir)e Ir)

εen十 rα I Pα rk ⅵ/α s 十
he bes十 pα r十 oI' 十
he Jα yI

Why were lhe runners ol lhe bridge?


2■ How did ihe runners look ol lhe beginning of the l"oce?

3■ VVhot hoppened when the sto'싹 ing signo' wenl off?

나■VVhol does o runner hove io cross lo finish ihe roce?

i'''': I ¡푭
⅜ ¾ :iτ 훌
⅜ :'‘ ¡
:''‘ ,공 :'‘ ,''⅞ :;‘ 혹 ;⅞ *‘ ;芟 ξ
귤i'III,;;‘ ●
互후 IIIII,II= ●
甘 찧̧I” ,物
=I lII Ii tI¸

S,i 'I'll⅜ '‖ ';':¡ ''II곡 ''|"';¡ ';l''IIIII¸
‘ ‘ ‘

翰 ⅳ洋瑾Your ˚w●


: :i방

1%"""● I’ ξ
t',,'I● ,,i흐 :,",III,,if¾ ,'tiI,!il,¼ 흘
,i,fi!',!¾ i● ii*!ll'!I*it’ 쿰
¾Iit'l1'’ i*용 :홍


:⅝ ⅝
¡!:i'''i‘ :''τ :‘

"''‘ '‘
: ⅝

'‖ ''干

5■ Wrile o senlence using g word in lhe box

20 ■ 【
IΠ If 2
●● mes
Fjnd the worJ in the box [hσ 十mσ [˛
Write the word on 十 e 'fne. 'le, the c'ue.

ξ 茁羞菫垂

,,¸ i,'t’ ,븅 fti’ !,을 ,I홍 Σ홍
홍 ¾
훅 i,'’ I',홍 ::북 !':斗 :i':'甘 ⅝ 甘 큠꿉큠
¼ 융●
i甘⅜ ●
● 표
*甘 ¡흉 ,읔 :¼ :⅞ :'i¼ i⅞ ,‘ ¾ 甘 르
:● *I,˛ YIi',‘ ,,‘ ㅣ푤
I,‘ III'‘ ●
●● II¸ ,I:흐 ,I¼ I(I,± ±●
¾노 II● ,,●

i호 ;‘ I¸ I●


'융 '‘

'읔 '●

’’ ‘
‘ ‘

bridge ’ ’ ‘ ‘‘
c rowd
‘ ‘ ‘ ’


fres h frown sigFo' irov어 wo rν

ㅑ 료
賦 , .쨔 i곡 I‘ ,;● ㅑ● ;'‘ 耳ㅑ 흑
,‘ ● ;‘ II˛ ,,● ξ
˛ j=,ξ
,'I,‘ ●
,'● !,흐 !j● 省 f¸ ,![● ¸●
●●● ¼
●¾흄 ¼

¾Σ,互 t甚 I’ I’ t¾ It’ f甘 i¾ 1용 ¾
⅝ i'’ t甘 ,'흄 ¾ 흗⅝
흉흉흄 ¾
⅜붐Iㅒ i븅 :¾ :⅝ :몹 I甘 ,甘 i‘ :'‘ 료

'¼ '● ''I● 'I’ '용 '붕

‘ ‘

‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ’ ’

I . sornelhing buill obove ond over wolel"

2. for down

3■ noi “

ι 0 lol of people

5. lo toke o lrip

6■ lo feel uneosy

7, cIeon ●
' :●

8■ somelhing io sil on

9. o messoge or sign

I 0■ ongry

[ m u s ]








Look σ[ the worJ, yot' wrote. rjnJ



n c h c

['lenl in the ρ˛ σnυ εirc'e l'len1.















IΠ I[2 ■ 27
If you need help wilh o word, 100k il up
in lhe C'ossory ol lhe bock of ihis book.

떠 ms
εjr˛ [ hσ σ 으므으 meα ning α
t the 므
ⅵ the worJ thα 'mo‘
:● Wrile the worJ on *he 'ine.
‘ ‘
"le 'ord in Jα 'k prf”
I ■The children '"un oul of ihe house.
A■ possB■ doshC. cross
2■ I use preliy ribbons to wrop the gifi.
A■ crowdB■ iroilC■ preseni

3■ Birds drink woler fron1 lhe fresh brook.

A■ slreomB■ eveningC■ frown

나■VVe will follow the pqih io lhe loke.

A■ benchB■ bronchC■ lroil

5■ Add o bii of oil fo ihe pon.

A■ possB■ bridge C■ dosh

εjκ [ hα σ 으22으三 上으Imeα ning σ,

'e the worJ thσ
rk prfn'.‘ 'mo,* the
Write *he worJ on the 'jne●
"le worJ in J●
I ■Jen iokes o bolh every n1orning.
A■ evening B■ benchC. sireom
2■ The king in lhe siory wos very foolish.
A■ greedyB■ broveC■ wise

3■ Pul your dir'ν socks in o pile.

A■ broveB■ freshC■ deep

나■Sion hos o big smile on his foce.

A■ signolB■ bronchC■ frown

5■ The person colled oui nㄱ y nome.

A■ frownB■ crowdC■ signol
22 ■{'Π T-2 . Reνiew
::: ::
::˙ ssifˇ -:"g

:● -,● ●
! :

Look αt the word, in the box. Write eσ ˛h word in the

groυ ρin whi˛ h it be¸ tj[¸
●υe eα ch word once●

II I I I ' l빠 1 ' 子
官' t마 Iio , ' 빠 ‖ 柑맑 ● ●
It ⅜ ' i∶ '

'I '"I I岺 ' '!' H "


b rove cross ‘

fresh g reedy iro ¡ [ irove [ 줄 .s

l● Iτ ‖ iI’ 혼 ¡
Itlfilil,⅞ *‘ 노
j ']‖ ξ
Σ¾ ['I¸ I'‖ il¼ :',I'횹 ‖● lξ 비!iIIi4‖ 1‖ ‖,,;
I : ' τ


",'‖ "i:l'Ⅲ "',ㅖ '!용

"I枓 '!¼ 'i⅝ '흄 '쏙
'용 '¾ ''!‖

W● Γd' τh● ●τe" WoFds τh● ●

▲b● ●●Peop'e Sh● ▲●●i。

ㅐ oFds τh● ●τe'' W● pds τh● ●ㅐ●me

▲bo● 베 아 eF τhi"gs :" ● P● Fk

Reν iew ● υΠ ■ 2B
'[, 7-2
C'10o¸ e t'le αn¸ wer thα * comp'ete, ''le ¸
be¸ t entence
or σn,ⅵ the qυ e,tion. Pσ y α[tention to the word
'er‘ j'' in "le ˛
in Jαrk prin'● Γ irc'e next *o *he αn‘ ⅵ

I ■VVhere would you mosi likely 6■ If you use o dosh of pepper

find o bronch? on your ioco, you use
O on o iree C o lillle bil.
O in o crowd O o lol.
O urlder o bridge ○ oll of il.

2■ VVhol mighl o brove person 7■ VVhere nlighl you see o

do? c rowd?
O run ond hide O ol o boseboll gome
O i이 k io o friend O on o bike

O fighi o fire O in o deep pil

3. If you cross o bridge, you 8. VVhen mighl you frown?

O trov이 oround it. O if you gel o preseni


O lrov이 over il. O if you ore losl in o crowd

O irov이 under il. O if you reod o good book

나■In ihe evening, you eol 9■ A Iroin poss would lel you
O breokfosl. O sil by ihe window.
O Iunch. O ride on ihe troin.
O dinner. O gel off lhe lroin.

5■ VVhen you worry oboul person does nol

somelhing, you '0= like
A greedν

O lhink oboul il o lol. O worry.

O joke oboul il. O frown.
O ore very brove. O shore.

24 ■ υΠ Ieν ν

'[, '-2 . Reν

he Ide●

εomp'ete eσ εh ∫ entence tσ er o t'1α t it Π1α ke” en‘ e.
Pσ y α[tention to the word‘in Jα ‘
rk pri"● .

On nly woy io school, I poss


2■ I would like lo irovel lo

3■ To gel fresh oir, I

나■I frown when

5■ Mom gels cross when our puppy

6■ When I see o green signq', I

7■ If snow is very deep, I

8■ A wise person I know soid

9. I oIwoys iry lo be preseni oi

'0. I cross ihe bridge so I

Reν ● {'n'[, 7-2 ■ 2‘

S● ●
、■ dˇ
' — —— — —

●W'ord Endings

Word endings ofien do noi chonge lhe meoning of o word.

The s or es ending on some words con meon “ more ihon one.”
The ed or ing ending lells when ihe oclion hoppens.
The ending s or es con nη eon ihol lhere is more lhon one.
crowd + s = crowdsbench + es = benches
The crowds could nol oll fil on the benches.

*I''I'‘ II''',Ii‖ ,'I'I;‘ I""1=‖ I'i,:¾ lI1,Σ 쩔
il'‖ tti'1'''i온 !,''',휼 ti"''ti,‖ il'” i:‖ iti용 ‖ii,큠 ¡ 폭1''’ ,'리 쿵 i':¡ ,Ⅱ
'|]''⅜ ']¡ '','IIIIfl",iIIIIIf,,Σ '‖ '!!i¡ '''''‘ '"',對 ''Ⅱ '‘
'''';⅜ '",:'''''¡ '''i''''

‘ ‘
‘ ”
The ending ed or ing lells when ihe oclion hoppens. ’

dosh + ed = doshed dosh + ing = doshing

Losi nighl, o deer doshed ocross the yord.
A deer is doshing ocross the yord now.

Write eα ch worJ ⅵ t j*‘ enJ'˙ ng・


■presents 3■ froveled

2■ worrying 나■pgsses

εhoo,e the word thα t bert εomp'ele∫ the enten˛ e.

W'"jte the worJ on the line. ‘

5. The iree (bronches, bridges) ore full of leoves.

6■ AII of lhe ('roiis, evenings) leod lo lhe sireom.

7■ A mon (frowned, crossed) ihe rood fo gei home.

8■ On lhe woy, he (doshed, possed) sonle bushes.

9■ A girl is (worrying, doshing) io colch up lo hirn.

They see lwo yellow (signois, crowds) floshing


2σ ■ υΠ ●Reν
'[, '-2 'ew
.::::. °f ㅐe● g ●Anqiegies 1
":● !:

Words con go fogelher in mony woy爭 . Some words g?

logelher becouse lhey hove gimosl lhe 으으m으 meoning.

fos' ' quick

) Fos' ond quick hove
olmosl ihe some nleoning.

Some words go logether becouse lhey hove 으으으으旦브으




I hor' To'' is lhe opposile of shor'.

'° ''

–– ˛

Reα J eσ ˛
h ρσir worJ‘ ●
Wr'˙ [e σ enten˛ e thσ [ te''‘ how "le


worJ‘ go 'oget''eι ToI' whether the‘worJ‘ hσ νe α + the

αme or oρ ρo‘ j*e Π 'mo‘

⋮ 따

'eσ 'ling‘



'. presenl ●/ gifl

⋮ ,㎌ ㎥ 누

2■ dirly / cledn

frown / smile



나■iroil / polh

– 1∴ –
rjnd *he worJ in the box [hα t hσ ¸σ 十the σme or oρ ρo,ite
meσ ning σ eσ ˛ h ⅵ 'mo¸
'orJ be'ow. Write the worJ ‘
on 'he 'ine. Then
wr'˙ ⅲe‘or oρ ρo‘ go togethet
'e ,α '-e to le'I how the two worJ‘
¼'¡ 里
'η j,묻 iii흄 ::를 훌
''lemorninoguie'runio] k
::뮬 ,● 릍 it'ii:t=::흘



흄 ::퓰 :!:::●


;':'':τ 르
:=흑 ;:용 료

::ㅑ :● ;;'‘

;;● ;=::i● ●
f,,i'ㅑ ,,ㅑ ,:● ●


,,½ ,i‘ ,i● ,=느 :官 ●ㅑ
,¸ ,:¸ tilitI● ,느 ,흐 트:::,:'ii● ●
:트 i●

5. loud

: ● : '
6: speok '—

7■ evening

8■ smoll

7-2 ■ 2

Reν iew .



he Words

● ■●

Li¸ ten σrti˛ αboυ t how wσ ve, ∫orm. Pα y αftention

to "1j¸
to the word, in the'e ˛
o'or boxe,● The,e σre the ⅵ
'orJ, yoυ
w'˙ rning in thi, unif.
'' be 'eα

.:-: — a(⅛
:!!::˙ :˙ :・ !! :--—
::: ● :. ⅲ ialkIie'g: ™

I● -●
・ ::・ : : .-:● ・
…: ::--. :● :˙
’ —一●
: :!:— :一 一: :..— au'e
::--: ——

::・ ● :--:: ::!

(Magazine Article)

Inα gine wα lking on the beα ch. You feel

盟the wα


ryγ1 sα nd αnd αseα she11 beneα th


your feet.After α while,you sit αnd look αt
the oceα n. A boα t on the wα ter rises αnd
fα lls. nα kes
Wαter rolls in to the shore. It γ you
wonder, ''Whα t Iy1α kes wα ves? ''
A wα ve is α Iyloving ridge on the surface of αlα rge body of
wα ter.Wind cα 11ses Iy10st wα ves. As wind blows over wα ter, it
gives solne of its energy to the wα ter. A slnα 11 αIno11nt of win
Inα kes αtiny wα ve. A stron9 wind cα n yγ 1α ke αreα lly big
Try it yourself by blowing over the top of αpα n of wα ter.
Becα use of the wα y wα ves seem to 퍄αck on eα ch other, you
Inight get the ideα thα t the wα ter Inoves forwα rd.In fα ct, the
wα ter only yy10ves up αnd down. You cα n see this Iy10tion by
wα tchingαrowboα t or buoy. These objects will
bob up αnd down with α wα ve, b1λ t they do
not Inove towα rd or αwα y froΠ1 the shore.
When α wα ve neα r the shore breα ks,
the top tips over 아1d 年n● !ly crα shes onto
the be?ch.

.": ●
-: :: ::i●
:: :: :」 ::: -::
: ÷
후 :: :

:: ::::: ::::: :˙ :
Wind is not the only thing thα t cα uses 7es
wα、 to forlγ1.

Solnetirrles eα rthq11α kes αnd volcαnic eruptions hα ppen

underwα ter. They cα n cα use special kinds of very long, h효 gh
wα ves. These giα nt wα ves rush αwαy frorn the center of the
αction of the eα rthquα ke or volcα no. You cα n mα ke α Inodel of
these wα ves in α tub or pool. Put your αryns strα ight out. Pu11
αpα rt αnd push theyγ 1 to9ether α9α in quickly. Wα tch how
thelγ 1

the wα ter moves αwα y in wα ves.

Whα t ∏1α kes wα ves? Wind, eα rthq11α kes, αnd volcα noes do.

: ::::::::’

i:::: ●



‖e● :● °●
γou heσ rd t・ he ⅵ be'ow '˙ n the ρσ,¸ αge on ρσge, 28-29.
Regd eσ ˛h word αnJ ftr meα ning. Wrj十 e the word on the

line to εomplele the rentence.

beoch A beoch is lond negr lhe woler. II is us:」 olly sondy.

T˙ he chIIdreΠ Iooked Ibr shel''s σIoΠ g Ihe

II,¾ i:’ 표 용
t1표 II‘ ti''甘 I‘ ¡ II,¾ I'"‖ I"'i‖ ⅞ !'"I’ ill,'互 I"!i‖ ,¾ ¼
I'¾ lil''Ii{'l,,⅜ lli‘ fI!’ l,'1III',1I‖ ¾
III¡ ‖ l‖ ‖ I"''● ‖ I¾ iⅡ I'

'I'I甘 'III‘ ''甘 '● '● 'liII,'"‖ "'¡ "",Ⅱ ''I● 'l● '1'IIiI'‖ ':● ',ff퓰 '‘ ',IIllI',’ '‖ '●

2■ cenier A cenler is o ploce lhol is in the middle

(noun) of somelhing.
M/ "oIΠ ρυf fhe I˙ IoⅣ ers I"力 e

of I力 e lσ ole.
,!tt:흘 玳 ‖
I’ ‖ I,'lIII[1ⅱ 11II‖ ‖Ⅱ III‖ II''1],Iillllll‖ iII'lf''lII,'ll:¾ II1‖ 1'I'lㅐ III‖ IIIli:''II‖ ‖‖ III‖ ] 'Itl''II'’ ll"'til‖ I'liI‖ ll'‖ [ll‖ ‖ ‖l',‖ III
',II‖ 'Ⅱ 'II‖ 'li‖ '''ll‖ ''II'lIIItll¡ ''I:‖ ''II‖ ']II,● ''''ll‖ ''':‖ 'Iit‖ '''’ 'ill'‖ 'i・

‘ ’

3■ rino''ν Fino''ν nleons “

ol losi.”

I'hlshed o{Ir

표 I,” 바표 IIo,표 묻 ‖ IiIo‖ ;'lil"''I∶ ,l‘ l!¾

''olnew;orkll‖ 1III'''‖ IIII'I‖ !‖ II‖ llIIItili¾ ]¡ ¡ ll''‖ I''l胡 lII‖ 1]'i,‖ I'IHilI1‖ l'I,il]'!l‖ lII'1Ⅱ IliI''lII‖ II'‖ 1''● ‖lII'卄 ‖ l

'용 'I‖ 'l‖ 'I¡ ',''IⅡ 'I'‖ '''lii''1I:‖ '1‖ 'll'‖ 'l'I‖ '[III‖ '''I‖ 'l벼 'i:‖ '']Itl''” ''"奸

나■ideo An ideo is g thoughi or o plon. II is somelhing

(noun) fhol you lhink of.

Crσ Πd” o hσ d σ greσ I ’

υoσ ’s blirl力 dυ γρ eseΠ I I’

‖,ⅲ ‖,ll‖ li,‘ il,it奸 ⅡI‖ I''‖ ‖ l'¡ ‖II"‖ ["‖ ‖II‖ ㅏ I'''‖ ,l :‖ lil‖ ]’ ¡ ‖ll]‖ ]'',Ⅱ ,1'I● ‖l';'l]I‘ ['ll‖ ‖‖ li''I흐 ¡lⅡ ‖ ,⅜ I‖ I''mⅡ ‖I,'1I,I‖ ,⅝ lII鉗 ll'油 ‖ l姆 I'1
''I'‖ 'ili‖ '' I‖ '':''I'll‖ 'i',II'''‖ 'tⅡ '‖ 'Ⅱ ' I‖ ''''Ⅱ '''Ii' ‖ 'ㅣ 'If‖ 'l'‖
’ ’ ‘

5■ oceon The oceon is o very lorge oreo

(noun) of sgll woler. Ii covers olmosl
lhree quorlers of Eorih.

ShI'ρ s sσII σcross 'he bj:g;

bIυ e

BO ■ ˛
'Π '[ B
ˇocabu ●aryworkshop.co ● 塞
齒홍steⅲ to Refe『 to the on]'ne g'ossary. :

6■ seoshe]' A seosheil is lhe shell of o seo onimol

(noun) such os on oysler or o ciom. : :∶

The oυ Isj˙ σθ of 'ne Iσ rge

Ibθ Is oνgh.
ll,IIII,¾ i;표 ¾
‖1'iir'll● II甘 ¾
1'''III'I¼ I,¾ *● I⅜ III'''l''',I,1‘ iI'‖ l‖ ¾
¾¡,lIII''I‖ l,,[율 ㅒ
i‖ I● +ItII"l● I¾ o● 윰
⅜ l‖ ],,liI'표 ll● I,l"'III,IjI'''I'''I"lliI¾ ξ ¾
II¾ II:!'III''II'i''윰 ⅞
]'''tt’ ,'I¡ I을 t●

',¾ ''IIII⅝ ',몰 'I'''lI‖ 'II묩 'II● ' 'I'III''II’ ''''‖ 'i''lII'lf,I’ 'I'●

‘ ’ ’ ’

7■ s'ock A s'ock is o neol pile of somelhing.

I ofe σ IoII oΓ ρoΠ cokes.

(verb) VVhen you s'ock ihings, you pile lhem one on

lop of onolher.

PIθ σse II'e books ΠeoIIγ

oΠ Inγ desk.
,l"I¾ I,¾ ⅞
ζI'‖ ‖ 1I,'¼ I¸ ,llli''● !,¾ I]흐 I'1I¡ ¾
1I‖ l'표 I¾ II⅜ ⅞
ζII,¾ II''IIIIiI,ι II,,I'flllI용 Iτ ¸ ]II'III,ll:IIIi⅜ ⅞
lif'I● 용
III‘ III'lII'용 li,:'iiI‖ Io¾ 甘
,i',i''''1'''I'!욜 ξ
IIIiII'I‖ I,I'˛ ㅣ II'l'II'II'!¼ ,'甘 ●
,'I''''흐 甘
ξ●흘 II'!● I,i‘ ●
'l,I,¾ '● 'ξ '''III'l,I¾ '● 'lII’ '¸ '율 '¼ '˚ 'ㅣ '甘

’ ‘ ’

8■ 'inν If somelhing is 'inν , il is very sn10ll.

(g이 eclive)
A σΓ
oρ oΓ ™σIer drliopeσ
,'oΠ ? II]e boIIIθ .

lili''II:,i‖ ‖II'll‖ ]I!'' ''ll¡ ,''ⅱ Ⅱ,' ',‖ ‖Ⅱ ,‖ ;¡ ,’ {印 ,''''''‖ ,l● ;‘ ‖‖¡
III'II'''i',‖ ,''''il'” iⅱ ‖!''''I',''‖ ‖‖¡ ⅱil,¡ ‖I‖ ‖珥‖I'’ ll,''● ⅱi珀 ¡
!*II,’ tIIⅱ I珥 :

''I‖ '¡ '':‖ ''I'''"'j’ '"''''',l]‖ ''¡ ']I,,II''''''‖ ''''''li‖ ']’ ''III'][‖
‘ ‘
’ ‘ “‘

9■ wove VVhen you wove, you move your

(verb) hond bock ond forih. '、


I Io In)/ Γ Πσ . ,
鄕 辦 ⅱH


(noun) A wove looks like o long bump moving

lhrough ihe woler in o loke or on oceon

A h니ge crσ shed

oΠ Io Ihe beoch.
l'IIII¾ I● ,*'ffttI,l'(It¾ 女
,I륭 iI흐 ,'"''III丑 if¡ ⅝
⅞II¾ ⅜
‖It'll'jIII¾ I,'IIII''II⅜ 흉
,,i+II''I',1liτ 율
ㅒi''III'Ⅱ :II¾ ilf⅞ ¾
II‖ ㅣ
I또 I,番 푭
ξ II흉 IoII‘ I,"''‘ !II¡ 룽

t흐 i짬 :,i1'IIIIIII'표 1,fI¾ I,'lII‘ *甘 ●¾
¼ I흐 iif!ξ

'I,I웅 ''⅜ 'ξ '쌉 'l,I!llillIIτ 'l[I'lIIII{{,’ ''III'l''IIIf흄 '+● ''II'lII⅞

’ ’ ’ ‘

wonder VVhen yo'」 wonder oboul somelhing, you ore

' 0■ (verb) curious oboul il. You wonl lo leorn oboul il.

I M力 γ Ihe sI"s bIυ θ

υΠ ■B’
ˇoeabu ●
ary"orkshop. ˚o ⅲ

th네 e● P'鐄 懺tie鎣 unit words with

i nteractive games and activities:
:::: ::::::: :::::: : : ::::: :

Choore the worJ ∫ron"he boχ thσ t mα he¸ the meα ning
in the ˛ '˛

'ue.● Write l''e


on the 'jne.¾
,,’ f',II' ,III,’ I,IIIII,II노 ,¸ fI,II,,II¸ ,’ itII,III,’ f용 ,ill’ I솟 l甘 illl'',I甘 홋¼
,홍 용
:i'I'i¾ 융
묩¾ :'¾ II''I甘 甘 용 :⅝ 뮬 :III''I 빠
I:'¼ 1''¾ 甘 :‘ l‘ ;l,壁 鄕 뼈‖‖
對 ",,"i '刪 """""¼ 物宅

§ 't'¾

b eochideo oceo nseoshe' I

'¾ ''I',용 'I,t'll'It융


” ‘ ’ ‘

ι .JF
%在 큠 ‖‖●콥
⅝ ●
.: ' i 휼
륨몰ξ ζ
‖ :i;'''''I;11;;‘ :;¡ ;;:¡ ¡
l"''¡ ¡ ;:亘 ;i‖ ,’ l'''''''II● 꼴
;i“ 느芟
∶iI'''1f” !Ii’ ll● 1 "封 뗘. tii ' ' ti '’ 嫩 ¼
!I ''''、
'!‖ ',''' Ii'=,jII'"II,∶
’ '⅝ '‖ ''⅞ ''‖ '''':昏 ''‖ ''ξ '''';'';콩 '"''‘ '’ ' , '" tili '

‘ ‘

■This is somelhing thol belongs io some seo onirnois.


2■ This is o sondy ploce by lhe woler.

3■ This is o lorge body of soli woler.

나. This is o ioll pile of somelhing

5. This is o plon you ore thinking obout

:::'''¡ ‖ 용 ,::⅜ ¡
il:'':¾ *“ :I'I''''吝 :;콩 I']!1';;¡ 11:¡ 율I]I,"l'ι o:fi‖ ,"',"● ●
●∶● ¾
¾ mi"'!1● ‖
‖‖‖ 碑뻬‖ 瑚‖‖
:푸 I¡ ,官

=::¡ =;III]"'l]흐

§ ''''‖ ''''"],⅝ "''"'ilt윌 "I,",if● ""리 "”

'¾ '읕

'U葺 ‘

cenie rfino] 'ν linν

1 I˛ ι ¡,̊,'''l'‘
료 ,루 ,'{,,I,','fi,● ,II,l,III,f,● :Ii,'jIIIIti● ,iIIII'II,¾ I웅 t’ I,iil*’ ¾

붕 ItI''묠 呈륭
i’ 용甘¼
뮬¾Ii:it'’ ⅜

It큠용묩 !i⅜ t큠 표
甘⅝ ⅜
ㅣ ⅜
읔 ' ': ' :' I {‘ ' ㅑ甘
' :; ' ';' '; ' I ' , ' , r‘ ',''''˙

',''‘ 'ㅑ '’

'',1I*용 ' ',

’ ‘‘
‘ ‘ ‘‘ ‘

6■ You mighl do lhis when you greei o friend

7■ You mighi slond here so oll lhe children con see whol yo'」 ore


8. You mighl soy lhis word ofier you finish cleoning up your room

9■ You mighi use lhis word lo describe on oni.

I 0. You nlighl do lhis when you woni lo know why someihing is


B2 ■{'Π I[ B
● –
mD'아 ●
he Se ●
e "oe
●● –
頀蒿 羲莘
Choo¸ e the word ∫ ’
rom the box thα t bert comp'ete‘ the

entence. Write the word on the 'jne.

‖‖‖ 瞰 ‖科 ¾
甘 t * t '*' '읔 ‖甘 ''' ‖
용뻐 茁甘 : I⅜ I*융 τ읔
:甘 *''''‖ ¾ ,‘ :i茸 ˛ Iii호 ‖1'Ⅲ Ii‘ II흐 i● ●
I,II IIi,Ii‘ ●
I노 i노 :i● fI‖ II"IItj¸ i̧II,III"III'II',甘 ,亨 Σ
¾ii● I'I''ItIo¼ ,̧',IΣ ,’ !,¼ I,'I'111t,’ ⅝
¼尹'' ' 'I‘ ':1];lj'''';● '¼ '|'●

를 beoch
‘ ‘
‘ ‘

oceo n

cen [e r fin 메ν ¡deo


횰 [ s'ock wove

= '㎋
'': ' ;●



';甘 ' ' ''' ';'' '‘

; '''

I‘ Iㅑ i;;’ ,III● I''I’ I[I,,ㅑ
,¸ I‘ ,Iㅑ

¸흗 :III,,혼
IttillilII¼ ‖it!i흉 흄
¼ 용¼
흗t,rItllti’ 홍 ¾⅜흄
呈 i’

i운 i¼ 용
⅝ i,묩

'i¾ 'I':i⅜

용 :륨

II':'I¡ 혹甘득 :● :'‘ :'


‘ ‘ ‘ ’ ’‘

■I wolk on ihe sofl sond ol lhe


2■ A whole is o lorge onimol lhol lives in lhe

3■ I how heovy o whole is

나. Inside lhe shell I found lives o crob.

5■ There is o hole neor lhe of o clom’ s shell.

6■ I 이so found o prelly on lhe beoch

7. A corries some shelis in from ihe seo

8■ The wove olmosl woshes owoy the of poils

9 ■ ihe children move lhe poils owoy

: 0■ Thol wos o good


. ''
・ :'"、/ㅏ
' -
- —●

' . ˙
φ :

υΠ ■ BB
'' B
:” C˚ ●



Reα J the "ory. Then write α renten˛ e to αn,wer eσ ˛h

'ertjon befow. '√

Jenny loved the winter. But it was sunlnler, and she was
at the beach. Suddenly she had an idea.
Jenny began to gather seashells and sticks. Dad watched.
he said to hinlself.
rr 、 I wonder what she’ s doing,”

Jenny made three different-size balls of sand and stacked
thenη . She put the biggest ball on the bottorn and the srnallest
balI on top. Then she stuck two long sticks in the middle ball,
one stick on each side. She put seashells in the top bal1 to nlake
the eyes, ears, and nose. Dad laughed. He finally figured out
ⅳhat Jenny was doing.

■VVhol did Dod wonder oboul?


2■ How did Jenny s'ock ihe bolls of soiη d?

3■ VVhoI word in ihe siory rneons “

oi losi” ?

나. VVhol wos Jenny’ s ideo?

¾互ft,IfIIIIII∶ ,IIIIII,'ti,t¼ ¼
II''’ ㅒ II'tlli''¼ II'll’ 표
¼¾ ¡⅝읖
큠 甘
¾용⅝ ¾
II''⅛ ⅜ 甘
¼ 븅⅜
II'¼ ⅜ ⅝
.'''' ,;lI‘ II⅛ i̧I','‘ ,I’ I● Ii둘 Ii¾ li용 I

cenieroceo niiny wove
'''ㅑ '● '''li'*'¾ '⅝ '''

'F ‘ ’ ‘

廓 빠
ile YourOwn 乞

'' I I I

:',‖ li:i'묠 ,i!''Iifti,휼 쩔
宮 ,‖ ‖


''ti',ti'ii*:''ti'ㅣ ':푭
홍 :¾

i:읗 ⅝

'¡ ''";¡ ':':¡


':‖ '''''●
,흑 콩
'"'‖ ''' '


’ ‘

5■ Wrile o senlence using o word in the box.

B4 ■ 【

' B
G● mes
rjnJ [he wo''d in the box thσ t mα t˛ he∫ the ˛ e.
Wr'˙ te t'】 e word on the ρι 'υ

:;Yㅑ τ귤
흑 i;툐 ● ●
;iiξ ●●,'It●
,¸ ,’ I,I¸ ●
●묠I,,I!',IIIf,¸ 용i,,甘 iiIIitII*itΣ 웅 용 ti휼 ti● llilii¾ ,붙 ¾
●⅝i'II¼ 표
i’ ,:묵 ¾ ,''⅞ !¾ :⅜ 且
:::甘 ⅜
¾i''¡ ⅝
" ':료 ''Ⅱ '''‘ 'I1];,''''''';Yi1흐
'll’ '': ’

']’ ',⅝ 't⅝ '⅝ ''IIl¾ '북 '‘

‘ ’’
ideo oceo n

‘ ‘
cenie r fino' 'ν


:-, .
s十 ock wove wonder
˙ '':'I'I’ ' :i● : :,' :'' I ' '' I I I1● ㅐ ● ':● '● ;‘ i1 ' 'I ' ' '' ' '●

' '
i읔甘큠 :甘



;'‘ 르
● ;i¾

;¡ ξ ;;‘ 甘●


,tii● ;‘ I̧,I'II●
I,,,,IIIIIIII,,,Ii,音 ●i읕 ,● ,i,II’ ●I,Ii,甘
I● f,¼ 甘
i¾ 웅
,II● ,'’ ,''

‘ ‘ ‘
‘ ‘‘ ‘
’ ‘ ‘ ’

2. o sondy ploce by lhe oceon ■o lorge body of soll woler

5■ somelhing lhol you lhink of 3■ very, very smoll

6. ol losl 나. lhe hord shell of o seg onirngl

7■ o pile 8. lhe middle of somelhing

9■ lo wonl lo know 9. whol yo'」 Πlighl do io soy hello

2. 나 .


6. 7. 8.


υΠ ■ B¸
G● mes
Find l'le word in the box thσ t Π1σ tε her the c'υ e.
Wr'˙ te the word on the ρυ zz'e.

+’ ]]‖ ¡
;;;‘ 료
τ●;l";I'';''';¡ 1];;‘ 흐
iξ ;;끊 i=,Ii,,,;l' ,",',‘ I,● :苔 ,Iξ ,i¸ 졀
i{¾ iIII¸ ,,if,l"I,',1,,¼ iξ 휼ξ,'i,illi,'l'"'ti’
,붙 Ii쿱 :¾ 셜
t읕 1¾ i⅝ i'till’ ii'1li':it,itit월 ⅝
흄⅞‖ ‖¡ :::욤 ⅜
:⅝ ;¡ !

''‖ =들
'I!''''‘ ':‖ ''"η



cenie r fino []ν ideo oceo n
‘ ‘

seoshe'' s'ock iiny wove wonder .㎡



Ⅱ!':¼ 흗¾
;:''I''‖ :Ⅲ 룐
¡¡ 료
:¾ 曾
τ호盲 ;;골 I''']'"'i,;;I콥 1흐 ●
i,,I:','II"I'',,II‘ ;jf荳 브뷸●
i흗띔 II● ilfti,IIIiI'i,,liiti菖 Σ●
i:욜 !'"i'i,휼 듈
宮i⅝ 菖1:⅛ i
'l‖ '''’ ''t'⅛ '료 '횹 ';¡ ''':'''''I];;';':ξ ';,'‘ 'fil‖
‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ’

2■ 0 sondy ploce by lhe oceon ■o lorge body of soll woler
5■ somelhing ihol you lhink of 3■ very, very smoll

6■ ol losi 나. lhe hord shell of o seo onimol

7■ o piie 8■ lhe middle of somelhing

9■ lo wonl lo know 9■ whol you mighl do lo soy heIIo

2. 3. 나 .

6. 7. 8.


υΠ ■ B,
'[ B
.:・ : .
: .:::::: :: . : :::::::: :

::::::: : : :::::

especiα Ily αt night. They wore winter coα ts αnd sipped hot
choco1α te αs they wα ited αnd wα ited for the northern lights.
It wα s α 10st …idnight
1Iγ when αfα int glow α
ppeα red where the
lα nd met the sky・
Slowly,the light 91⌒ ew αnd rose higher. It seelγ led to no?t
ight αbove the trees. Soon, the sky wα s pα inted with 야10r… ous

swirls of green αnd yellow. Ionα h wα s so αInα zed thα t he could

b αrely speα k.
〃he sα
“ id in αn excited whispe1⌒ .

::::: : : ::: : : :


・: ・'

● ● : :

●: ・


: ::::: :

瑋 ,–


蜃㎺計 :

:.:::::::::::::::● :: :: :●

υΠ √ ㅁ:응

::: :: :
●.'’ :i ::・ :: '[ :: ::::: :

γoυ heα rJ *he worJ‘ be'ow jn 'he ρα,,α ge on pα ge, B6-3 7.
Reα d eα εh worJ σnd it, Πle어ling● Write the word on the
1ine to ˛omp'ele the enlence●

o rrive VVhen you orrive somewhere, you reoch the
(verb) ploce you sei oul for.

I σI school σf B o’εIoε k˙ .

II,tiIIi¼ I표 율
¾● iil,,’ ●
I甘 ;'IIII'i'‘ I용 II!tl,IIIo'⅝ I'i'iiI!'ii,甘 ¾
II¡ ⅞ 葛
¡ I,¾ I'‖ I,'l흐 I‖ 삐 I;,',i''l"i,'‖ IIII''"● ,li흐 ¡
‖‖l"''iIIII‖ ,½ 흐 lⅢ ‖ I,’ ]‖ Ⅲ I,liI‖ 1'I'II"iII'’ ll‖ ‖ ⅜
i'!l"'IliI융 ¾
Iξ iIIIII'윱 1I'
'I,⅜ 'II윰 '""It’ 'ㅑ 'l‖ 'ζ "tlli'I흐 'II"',II,'II‖ '1,I¾

2■ c]eor VVhen somelhing is cleor, il is noi cloudy or dork.

(o이 eclive)
There ν
ν'os ΠoI oΠ θ εIoυ d IΠ I,he

sKγ .

(o jeci1˙ ve)
이 Cie야 con olso meon thol you con
see lhrough somelhing eosily.
'e coυ
ν Id see Ihe roε ks σI I,he

boIIoΠ ? oΓ I灼 e Iokθ
i'흐 호
표 tIII‖ iiI표 륭
I‖ lllf율 I윰 II''I● ⅛
융 ⅜jliiili,II● ,,tI'''ll'⅛ l‖ ,’ lII⅜ iilil"l용 I'‘ ¾‖ Ii⅝ ⅞II,l’ II''IIIII'흐 旦
융iI‖ ll’ ¼
¾ Io표 1,I¡ l‖ II{甘 흉I:'∶ ll⅜ ¾
!;{’ 甘 i흐 ¡
,jl'¡ I]i¡ 율
I','II‘ ¡
*ij:吝 ,IIi’ ll¡ ⅞
ζi'I,ll'',II붙 ll흐 I

'f'¾ 'I,I,1‘ '¾ '¾ 'ㅏ 'I:,⅛ 'III'¾ ''¾ 'll'I',,I‖ '''’ 'I,홍 'II''● '¡ '¾ 'I휴

3■ enormous Anylhing enormous is very big.

T'he elephσ ΠI Is
iI,표 奇 ⅞
II''ilI¾ 홉 I¾ ⅜ tiI'iI,⅜ ¾
itim'''‘ II¸ 흄
tiI!lIII¾ II,'I:‘ l● ,‖ l(I¾ I{‘ ltjI¸ ⅜
ll'"ㅣ :,,'I‘ ∶l‖ ‖II{,‖ Ⅲ ↓ I‖ ‖I',I'‖ ↓
,‖ l'lil'몹 ⅜ l"'‘ iI융 ¾
III'llξ ,I용 I'’ lII!'ι I뵨 굡
홍,I● III
',,i‖ ''"'']II!‖ 'I,l""1"'lI:'‘
'● ''''‖ 'I'⅜ 'I¡ 'i '''''표 '1;⅜ ''‖ 'III"I¡ '*¾ '● '’ ''''ffi표
‘ ’ ‘ ‘

나■exoc"ν If somelhing looks or hoppens exociiv like somelhing

(odverb) else, il looks or hoppens in ihe some woy

Mγ b'˙ ko Iooks
IIke γoυ rs.
‖ ‖ Ⅱ!il''''I邱 ‖I''¡ il{,llIIf‖ ‖III'lli‖ I‖ ‖¡ lII''‖ ‖l,:''l'''ⅱ ,’ l]'"'I'll:''iI''''
',‖ ''II'lII'i‖ 'I'iIII‖ '''':⅝ " ''II“ ''II''ll''''I'"''''!‖ ':[lll'il汗 'll'''II¡ 'l"'''I'll[‘ 'II¡

5■ fl° 어 When lhings fio어 , lhey sloy on lop

(verb) of w어 er or in the oir.
I Ief go oΓ Ihe boIIooΠ σnd w’ olc',ed II

obo'/e 'he 'ree

B 8 tIΠ
'[ 4
ˇocabu ●aryworkshop.com.n
:鷸 ・
・ ㎭脾Ψ
驪 悔 握 釀 藿 戀 頀鷺 tㅇ ㏆켑
・:蛭 '뺙 ˛
투輜 離 ㎺
瀚efer to the oniine g'ossary: :

6■ midnigh' Midnighi comes ol l2 0’ clock oi nighi. Ii is colled

(noun) midnighi becouse il is in ihe middle of lhe nighl.

I 'rγ 'o sIoγ 니ρ υΠ bυ I

I σI™oγs Iυ II osleep.

i;⅞ ‖,i‖ lII'll‖ i,,'흐 ●

,lll‖ ⅢⅢ li{I’ !'τ 꿉
‖f,‖ I'tII'I"I"Ⅲ IIIlI;I¡ 융흐 ,¾ I,I,‖ ‖I''l"‖ I'‘ Iftiii,i:‖ Ⅲ I'''● I’ 1]甘 ,'¾ ●푯∶
*l,'‖ I’ II'll'I,II‖ IIItII¾ 1t효 ⅝
,Ii,묩 ⅞ 甘
ti,꿈 올
● I,읔
'‖ ''II'""I‖ 't'ㅣ "l‖ '‘ ''l‖ '¡ "표 "'"‖ '호 ','"I‖ '’ 'iflif]''"¡ 'IIIflif'I,I썸 '

7■ roinbow A r이 nbow is mode of long

(noun) siripes of color in the sky.
If ihe sun shines ofler
il roins, you oflen see o
I cσ Π see oΓ ’
σΠge, reσ , ρυΓ
ple, bIυ θ, oΠ σ

o'her εoIors IΠ σ
‖표,,'':‖ :I!‖ ‖‖1I¡ llii''‖ l:''‖ !ll‖ ‖奸I,● iI,,''I,ii'‖ tl''i‖ ‖III,’ t*ⅱ I‖ iIII,● i;‘ 1ⅱ ‖ij‖ ‖ t¨ ‖ ¡
t’ i'ⅱ !● ‖≠마붑
'"‖ '',lII''']I!ll'∶ ''I'''ll''1II‖ 'II[!ll¡ ''l'''ll''lli,']¡ '‖ 'IIiii]''''',"‖ 'liI'''l'''''''II''lII” "‖ '‘

‘ “ ’

8■ snows'orm A snows'orm hoppens when o lol of snow folls.

OνθΓσ fb어 of s',oν νIbII dυ rIΠ g I灼 θ

I'll',''I',1'IItII'II● :,i● ι II'표
I¾ ⅜
i,’ I"iI¡ iI⅜ ,'흐 ¡ I● ⅜
li'[¾ III¡ I¾ o,⅜ ,’ 奸I'''‖ ,융 i':'i호 ¡
¸⅜ ●
ㅣⅱ I± 모
i,'챰 旦
흐fi☆ I,'III'ti''''',*I,,甘 ¾ ,'호 흐 甘 굡
ξξ ,*'¸
i● I율 ,● I● 旦
甘 I떻 甘

t有 ,,,t
'흄 'j,율 '● 'IIII"ll'‘ '⅜ '!'''i'"ii',llI"*I'⅜ 'i흐 'iI● 'II¼ 'i● 'I,甘 'iI,'lll'''I,'iI''1]甘 '호 ''● ','II'ㅒ '''●

‘ ’

9■ weekend The weekend is mode up of lhe lwo doys of

(noun) lhe week colled Solurdoy ond Sundoy.
I '/,IsII σΠd eσ f Iι ch M,I'灼 Πγgrσ ΠdIυ
'Π 'her
e νerγ
lil''I‖ ‖l]''ll'll‖ l‖ I‖ Ⅱ‖ii‖ 1]I'lll''l‖ ‖I''‖ I'''''tiI''II''ll¡ !'li,ill‖ II,,lI,'‖ Iil'‖ lll'']''iil¡ ‖‖t,I''II!ll● ,'li'll● ‖II‖ 推 ¡

'‖ 'II,,]I¡ 'll''':I,i]:,'iⅱ ''':‖ 'iI‖

l 0■ whisper VVhen you whisper, you speok in o

(verb) very sofl ond quiei voice.

νν S O
fhol Πo oΠ e else M,III heσ ΓⅣnσ I
νν SOγ 'θ

{'Π I[4 ■ B9
¨¨●— — ●●

:-::¨ ::● ::˙ ˙ ˙ :: ‥●●

: : !● ● ●・ ●:● ●
˙ ●
::-:˙ ˙●˙:̈ ● :: ::●

: ::

ˇocab ˛ ●
● aryworkshop.co ⅲ

*he ‖e● 噫

Choo‘ e the ⅵ ∫rom the box thα t Π1α tε the me어 ling
in the c'ue● Wrife the worJ on the 'ine● 'le‘
— ⅝쿵
유 ¾
⅝⅜Ii:˛ l'''''''‘ ¡甘¼¾
¼ 표 르
甘 ⅜ τ
표甘 i,fIII,III",I'노 ¸
흐fI,,IIfI‖ lll,I’ ⅝ 욤 ㎜㎾‖
'i홍 :르 t흉 ,● I¼ ;'甘 ,‘ iτ ;'ㅑ ,,I‘ I;,‘ ,=I‘ II‘ ,ξ ,,,¼ ,iIIi’ Iii’ Itit''‖ II','i¾ it卑

c]eor nlidnighi roinbow snows'orm

''녘 '''1'‘ '''I'¡ ''Ⅱ ''I'(",'II●

'ltτ 'I¾ '⅝ 'τ '‘ '甘 '표 '‘ ''‘ 'i¾ '

‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘‘
‘‘ ’


욤뮬큠 :뮬 I콩 급ξ
葺 :흐 ⅜
古 ;● ;;‘ τ
,If'',I'i’ ,르 f,i,i,‘ ●
,호 fI¸ ●
II,tII"’ If,::fξ 욜 ,,¾ 1’ l,I’ itI呈 용
욜t:'용 t‖ ti● 용
⅜I't’ i⅝ 홍
¾융 i⅝ Ii¼ ]''!1l‖ ⅞ ⅜⅝
ii⅝ :⅜ :⅝ 甘¼⅜
;⅜⅜⅜:1' ' ;i'忖
: I :‘
'홍 '''''';I::'⅜ '':'''''''':t吝
'''''';'''● '';¡
'¡ 'ξ
''l,'‖ ''’ 'lti'홍 't'''i!’ ''ㅣ ''⅜

‘ ‘ ’

osi people ore sleeping.

' . This is o time when nㄱ
2■ This is o big siorrn wilh o lol of snow.

3■ This is whol we coll lhe lwo doys Solurdoy ond Sundoy.

나. This is whol you mighl see in ihe sky ofier il roins

5■ This word describes o blue sky lhol hos no clouds.

. ●'' ' 苦IIi‘ I● III’ IIII¸ II● ,’ ● ●

,붕 lt± 甘
● ,’ IIt쌍 II,,i:¸ ⅝
¾¾甘 i⅝ il⅜ ,용 용
甘¼홍 I:¾ i,용 II''*'‘ ⅜¼
甘⅜ l]융 !'¾ :ι i昏 I甘 ;:f甘 ,’ ¼ ㅑ¡
융 II11''‘
i‘ 甘
甘,;=‘ ,,‘ ;II¡ II',II'II甘 II,,¸ f',± II,‖ ,‘ IIII● ,I'I,[IfI● 빠蠅 ‖

㎋ ""



whi sper
'ItII'¼ 'f甘 'Iitl용 '*''¡ '',I'북 'i子

‘ ”
” ”
” ” "느


雷 .汁

η/姆 I ⅝ ,'‘ ::甘 ¡

∶*'I''ㅣ τ료 ;甘 τ ,‘ 흐ㅑ
,‘ I↓ I)',,I‘ ,,i‘ ¸
효 I● i̧,:I¸ ,,:ff● IIII,IIII’ l’ :,,II,,t,¾ IIIIII,IIt,¾ t!!,’ Ii¾ I'II''III'I*i,¾ Iti’ ¾
¾¾ ⅜
I''’ ⅜ ll¾ i¾ :甘 ¼
li'#:'‘ ⅝
甘¼ I I'' ' ''' '¼ 甘
椰 子 ''' ''’

'‘ ''‘ '‘ '‘ ''⅜ '甘 '흐 '甘 'τ '‘ ''''|i‘ ''‘ 'I‘ 'fl‘ 'IIIII'’ '용 'i흉 '‘ '! '甘

‘‘ ‘
‘ ‘ ‘
‘ ‘ ‘ ‘

6. You do lhis when you speok soflly.

7. You do lhis when you gel lo g new ploce.

8. You see o boll do lhis on lop of ihe woler

9■ Y아」might use lhis word io describe somelhing lhol is very big

l 0■ You mighi use ihis word io iell how olike Iwin sisiers look

40 ■ UΠ i[ 4
he S아
● ee
Choo‘ e the worJ ∫ rom the box thα t be,'
"e” ˛
entence● W''ite "le worJ on the 'ine.

言̧orr¡ vecieo renormousexoc'' ν fio어 ;

垂 midniqhi rginbow snowsiorm weekend whisper ’


˙ :::=≒ 큠 ::''I:':● 곡
● 흑
首● 三 브
● I::I‘ ÷
●●● ● ● ● ●
÷●● ●
●:=:● ● ㅑ
●● ● 걸불
●● 悳 ● ●:̧::=:::● :':!● ●
● ● ● ●

!!'':=눅 :‘ :賞 :흐 :'÷ !I‘ :‘ :!::Ξ ::● :::● :● :ㅑ :::賞 :● ,● :::ㅑ !:● :● :j:●
:● I,亨 :● :i● tI● :● :● ::¿ !!'t:首 :● :::¸ :::● :‘ !:'':● ::::官 :::::● :::i놓 ●
::● :● :::끝 :'흑:''''
''I‘ =有 =:● =:● =::●
'‘ '● ':::릍 'i● ':●

ond sow ihe snow folling.

'. I woke up oi
2■ Ton10ri"ow is the beginning of lhe , ond lhere
is no school.

“VVe will ploy in lhe snow lomorrow,” lo
my sisler.

나■The snow clouds hove gone, ond ihe sky is

5■ My iwo friends fin얘 y oi 9 0’ clock.

6■ VVe moke on snowmon .

7. His hol hos oll lhe colors of ihe on il

8■ My sisier mokes o snowmon like ours!

9. l-oler ihol oflernoon, dork groy clouds In.

[0. Moybe we will hove onoiher lonighl.




{'Π ■ 47
'[ 4
:" C˚
: ,'’
Reσ d the p̧ee˛ ⅵ entence
bσ ''oon. Then 'rite
to σn‘ ⅵ ˛h '1que‘ tjon be'ow:
'er eσ

]He110, suㅍ 1Πler 10vers! Today’ s weather is clear

and 土s almost exactly 11ke the beautiful day vve had
yesterday. Aro'1nd midnight tonight, we expect clouds
to Inove in. :Don’ t worry, though. By the weekend, it
w교 1 be clear alld hot agail1.
So beach 1overs, aI˙ Ilve early at the beach fior a good
spot. As you lie on the salld, put youy hands in the
coo1, clear vvater. 工
f you feel hot, j11st thillk abotlt that
er10rII10us sI10vvstorn1 ''ve had only three months ago.
Until toIy10I’ fOW, 工aIIl your VVeather'Λ Toman VVendy, W= NDY ㅜㅒ
W EA’ ㅏ 1˙

with suㅍ 1Iner skies a끄 aro11Ild! ::: :: ::. :: ::::

˙:'˙ ::: : :・

■Whol is lodoy’ s weolher oln10sl exociiv like?


2. VVhol will lhe weolher be like oround midnigh'?

3■ VVhol wili lhe weolher be like by lhe weekend?

나■VVhy should people orrive eorly ol lhe beoch?

!I쌍 t甚 ¾뇽
⅝⅜i'''● 흥
⅜i¾ ⅝⅝욤
甘⅜¾ ¡용
굡⅝ I¾ 甘
¾I''무 ⅝
⅜⅜ 甘 :¼ ;'‘ I표 ,1τ :‘ ;;⅜ ++¼ ¡ τ
;'''*;¡ ⅞ ●
ㅑ ,II',,1‘
'''¾ '¾ ''[I‘ '''''I;⅞ '';'''',I,I˛ 'jI,

曲恥 旿 °W換
'i⅜ '큘 '쿵 'τ

’ ’ ’ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘
를 f'o어 roinbow whisper 훑

一 γ4I I I I , "斛 싸
≡ 一
˙ , I" , If 無 f ,I I ,I ‖ 싸‖ ● 出‖‖lIⅢ 쏴川‖‖‖삐 l‖ ‖itlm 삐‖ⅢI삐 ‖ ‖ ㅃ瑚¾ ‖‖‖稗 1 ,'! I"+˙
i ,' lil , i i t ' '' ' ’

썅추 '

5■ VVrile o senlence using o word in lhe box.

42 ■ t'Π f[ 4
G● mes ' '
' '
rind the word in tlle box ['1α t Π tche‘ the ˛ e. 、

Wrile eσ ˛

h 'etter of the word on gn gn‘ wer 'υ
b'어 1k.' ,
捨Nㅛ-::・ :〓
Π뚜 追 ::::ζ='A
‖Ⅲ 紬 姆 퐈 沸 떼 "" " 瑚 ≠≠+ *瑚 " " " " " " "" ‖‖粹 一洛 堺 出 " ‖ " ⅱ" ⅱ" ㅃ 빠 域 曲 삐 Ⅱ‖" ‖삐 빠 稗 蹠 瞰 * ‖眈 " " " Ⅲ " ‖" 玭 碎 ⅲ + "n'(ξ
'轎 干 '½
¼ " "刪 莘養蔞囍廳

''" "

휼 orrivecleo renormousexoci]ν
” ” ”
“ “ “ “ ” ““

藎n1¡ dniqh' r이 nbow snowsiorm weekend whisDer 좇

'fI,'IIIItII¸ i● ,II¼ ,i썹 설●
¸ 표 ,휼 ,홍 *● ⅝
t'읔 들 :'普 i;'''’ ,貧 τ
甘● II‘ ;’ i‘ 貧

:I‘ lㅑ I{'IIIII'II','"'''''● ,亨
j,,亨 !¸ ,!● ,i● I,'fIII'',ItIi,Ij’ 붙
,it‘ 乞
욜⅝ ● i’ I튱 !''쿵 i'',t''''’ I!''''야 +'
'들 ''l홍 ','''i,''1',',i’ '’ ',⅝ '⅝ '끝 ''Ⅱ '''''''I'‘ '⅝ ''‘ ''''● '⅛ ','甘 ''‘ ''’ '"'',''"● 'III,½ ',휼 ',●

’ ‘ ‘
‘ ‘ ’ ‘‘

■sloy on lop of woler


2■ speok soflly

3■ nol muddy
















- - - - - ---


7 big snowfo ll

8 ■ mes ofier evening

9 c o mes ofler Fridoy

I 0■ lo reoch o ploce

Look σt *he 'e卄 e'” ∫yoυ w'˙ ofe in "le hσ JeJ co'υ Π σbove.
Write them on t'le σn‘ wer b'σ nk, be'ow‘ to σn,wer t''e ridd'e.


VVhoi side of o bird hos lhe mosi feoihers?

" 鹽

【 it 4 ■ 4B

If you need help wilh o word, look il up
in ihe 어 oss마 y oi ihe bock of ihis book.

Circ'e the word "1α t hα ¸α 十the 으

으쁘으 megning α¸
the word in derk prin'. Wrile'mo¸
t・ he word on the line.

I ■The bool soiled ocross ihe seo.

A■ oceonB■ beochC■ seoshel l

2■ I hove o p]on for o school ploy.

A. woveB■ ideoC■ oceon

3■ The seoshore is covered wiih shells.

A■ roinbow B■ beochC■ snowsiorn1

나■There is jelly in lhe middie of ihe donul.


A. cenlerB. ideoC■


5■ PIeose p¡
A. orriveB■ siockC■
'e lhe newspopers in lhe whisper

Cir˛ α t hα 으으2으ㅛ느Π leα ning α

[he 'e theinworJ
word J● thα
rk prin'.‘ 'mortthe
Wrile theword on the line. ‘


■I Ieove home ol 8 0’ clock.

A■ wonderB■ orriveC■ wove

2■ VVhol o huge pumpkin!

A■ linyB■ enormous C■ cleor

3■ Don’ l shou' so nluch!

A■ fioolB■ slock C■ whisper

나■VVill lhe loy bool sink in ihe pool?

A■ orriveB■ floolC■ stock

5■ The li'']e elephoni sproyed woler on us.

A■ cleorB■ linyC. enormous
44 ■ t'Π ● Reν ew
't, B-4 '˙
Look σt the word‘ in "le box. Write eα ch worJ in the
group in which it be" ∫if‘ ●υ e eα ˛
h worJ once●

§、 ‘
읔● :'葺 甘
¾甘↓ ¡
료 ;=곡 ㅑ
甘 ;‘ ;'ㅑ 耳
亨i;● iIㅑ 甘 ‘
,,'',,"I,'‘ I,,;‘ ● ●
●●jI,I,I,III,,IIiIξ Σ
,트 ¼●¸
¾t'I’ Ij,llI’ ,I,,흣 ,ㅣ i¾ ¾
,홍 ,I¾ 홍큠
¼¾ ⅜
⅜¾득 ⅜ㅒ

i‘ :⅝

: ' 'I〃 ,


cleor enormousoceon seoshe]'

'‘ ''''‘ '‘ ';ξ '‘
'II¾ =붙
'‖ '● '융 '¾ '''¾
'⅜ 'I'I '’

‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘’ ’ ’’ ’‘ ’

snows'orms'ock whisper 萃
物 ¡
¼¾¾곡 τ
붙甘퍅τ 료호 ●

'inν ¾ 붙
¼¾¾ ⅜
I' l I II¡ :1¸ I’ ,’

= τ
1l'IⅡ I','li,,ㅑ ,','‘ ;¼ 1ㅏ II{III● ,,III,’ I'iIIitI’ III,!II,II● ,II’ llftlll● I⅜ iti¾ ,‘ I⅝ i¾ II,''¼ ,⅝ :¾ 甘븅
' i''ㄿ
'‘ '⅜ '¾ '''’ ''표 'ㅑ ''‘ '’ '''Iⅲ '¡ '⅜ 'III’ 'IIt'I,t¼ ''I'*융
’‘ ‘‘ ‘
'I’ '!⅝

‘‘ ‘‘
‘ ’ ’ ’

WoFds τh● ●τ에 Words Abo● ●
Ab●●●Size ●he Be● ●h



her Words
We● ● A아 :o" WoFds

Reν Iew ●t'Π 3-4 ■ 4,

▲ssoei● ●:o” s
Choo‘ e the σn,wer thα t be¸ εomp'ete, the entenεe
o'˜ σn,wer, ['le que,t'˙ on● Pσ 'y σ[tention *o t'le worJ

n J●rk prin十 . Γ j'' in lhe εir˛ le nex* [o the αn,we∴

VVhol iㄲ ighl you do ol lhe 6■ VVhen you wonder oboul

beoch? somelhing, you
O climb o l에 mounioin O don’ i core gboul il.
O golher leoves O wonl io know more oboul ii.
O dig in the sond O ore scored of il.

2. VVho mighl siond ol lhe 7■ You hove exoci]ν five cenis if

cenfer of o sioge? you hove
O o bird O o perlny.
O o boby O o nickel.
O on oclor O o dime.

3. VVhen mighl you see o 8. Whol nη ighl o wove in ihe

roinbow? oceon do?
O oi nighi O shoke your hond
O ofler il roins O moke you hol
O before ii roins O splosh woter on you

나. On o snowy doy, il’ s o good 9■ Whoi nlighl you fino''ν do ol

ideo lo lhe end of ihe doy?
O pul on o hol ond bools. O wrile o slory
O swirn in lhe loke. O ploy in lhe pork
O weor shoris. O go lo sleep

5■ If you siqck blocks, you You mighi find cleor woler in

O hide lhem. '0■
O o rnuddy pond.
O color lhem. O lhe diri.
O pile lhem. O o swimming pod.

4σ ■['Π it, B-4 . Reν

he ide●

: :,'

CompIete eo˛ h ,entence ∫ ∫o fhσ t 'ot mσ ke∫ ∫

en∫ e.
Pσ y σttention to the ⅵ 'α rk prin十 ●
'o''J in Jα

αrrive lole oi school, 工

' . If I
:.: .

2■ VVhen il is dork ond cioudy, I wonder if

3. Afler ihe snows十 orm, I

나. On o sunny ond cleor doy, I

5■ AI Ihe beoch, lhe gionl wove

6■ When I go lo lhe beoch, I

7■ On ihe weekend, I

8■ VVhen I fing''ν go lo the pork, I

9■ AI midnighi, I

1 0■ The bus orrived ol exoc''ν

Reν Iew ●UΠ B-4 ■ 4

S-● dˇ ●eompound WbFds

A compound word is mode up of iwo sn1에 er words.

Somelimes, lhe smoller words con help you figure oul lhe
meoning of lhe compound word.
mo¡ [ + box = n1o¡ [box

A mo¡ for your mo¡

'box is o bo× '.

'oget'η er to Π]α ke σ˛ompo˛ ⅵ
'* t''e word¸
new wo'ρ J on the 'ine● "1J 'orJ. Write the

■sr10w + siorrn =


2■ seo + shell =

・– : ⋮:


roin + bow =


! 나■week + end =
– 一

5. mid + nighi =

Rieσ d eα ch ∫
enten˛Wrile ye‘
e● j∫ *he enteh˛ e gjve, 十
he meα ning
o.∫ the worJ in J● rk prjn● ● ‘
6■ A snows'orm is o siorm wilh lols of snow.

7■ A seoshell is ihe shell of o seo onimol

8■ A roinbow is o bow mode from roin.

9■ A weekend is ihe doys ol lhe end of o week.

One entence σbove doe¸ not give the correε 十meσ ning of t・ he
‘ worJ. Wrile t・ he ˛
compound orrect nle대 ling of the word below●

[ 0■

48 ■ 【 B-4 ●Reν
'n'“ 'ew
of ‖e● ¨:"g ●溜
땀bF憩 Fq魚 ilie鐄

A word foΠliiv is o group of reloled words lhol shore

some meoning. If you know one word in o fornily, y이 」
hove on ideo oboul whol lhe olhei" words nη eon.

somelhing ihoi omozes


A roinbovv is o wonder of nolt」

玉 ≡ 三


wonderfu l very good or omozing

塞 圭 ≡ ≡

You mighi soy ihoi o wonderful ideo is o greot ideg


wonderfully In o g l'e0]
You nlighi ho


Reσ J eα ch ,enfence. T’ he word, in Jerk prjn● αre re'여 ed 'o word‘

in the box. Circle t']e worJ thσ[ be,t comp'ete¸ the ȩnience●

:''엾 m ㅒ큠
¾⅝ ⅝
⅛呈I'''!i'⅝ 울
i⅝ 표둥 *朞 ::⅛ 甘
I葛 Σ
官⅝ *‘ :'‘ 甘 ㅣ
료 ;]τ +i¡ 甘 Iτ ''ㅑ IIτ I]'‘ 荳흐●
I흐흐 I‘ I● III,IIi'I,¸ ¾
II , I I ,,'ι

幇 '
','!:t:궁 ',

야 rive fresh wonder

','i’ '''’ '','i⅜ 'I+''i,;ㅑ

'¾ '흄 '읔 ':‘

’ ‘

’ ‘ ‘





Iξ ξ료
;]',‘ ˛ 횹
j:;',;''I‘ ¸
¾ :● IIfII',I,f,¼ ∶흐

!(IIIII,,fff● I± fiIIIII',I,,± i꽃 ●
ξ!‖ ,,fti I'¼ I',붙 Σ
용Itl'lii‖ II'⅜ ⅝
i¼ 윰‖ f을 i

''‘ '''fi'‘ ''썸 'III‘ ''' ''''、

‘‘ ‘ ‘ ‘

When I find o surn, I om doing (orrivo', oddi'¡ on).


2■ VVe hod o (fresher, wonderful) lime ol lhe school ploy.

3■ I opened lhe box os soon os il (grrived, wondered).

나■Our clolhes ore oll (oddiliono''ν , freshiv) woshed.

AJJ the ending to ∫brΠ αre'α teJ worJ. Then ⅵ α,enten˛ e

wfth the new word. The ∫ , been done ∫ ’
or yoυ ● i˙

'',l one hα

5■ sing + er f§ ⅝

Th蜃夢Sin醮 퓰妻f h《 彊怒 g 姬瑾
훑《蚤U흉 ⅝
芋찹 ≤e.
』I v《 參⅜

6■ quie' + 'ν =

7■ 애寸 + is' =

:i:::::: :::

Reν ν. 【
eν B-4 ■49 ! :::

'˙ '˙

⅛ i ;

: 표 # :
휼 芋

:: 計
:ㅗ 耐 .」 ¨↓ 1¿ :팩 孝

I "● rod"ei he Uords

to thj‘ ρα σge 어1d re˛ jpe to 'eσ rn hoⅵ
Li‘ ten Π1σ ke
’ ' to
∫rυ j[y pjneσ ρρ “ ρσncα ke¸ . Pα y σttentjon to "le ⅵ in
the ˛ o'or boxe,. The¸ e αre the ⅵ
'e you ⅵ rning
'orJ∫ 'j'' be 'eα
in rhj""1 '[.

覽큘 妻黑≡ 놓라따堆그ㅑ鞋*

:— 1,˙
' ow would vou
˜ ''
like to nibble on vour verv own tα ste of the
:: : :: : ●:̇:l
: rα in f˙ orest? One fruit thα t you know is αctually grown
there. It's the pineα pple! This juicy fruit is populα r αnd good f’ or
you. It cα n be αdded to αf˙ ruit sα 1α d or even cooked with Iγ leα t.
In soyne cult11res, this f’ αIlcy fruit hαs becorne ky10wn αs α sign of
welcolγ le. On α tropicα I is1α yld, you Iy1α y see pineα pples on
displα y in α hotel, inn, or other plα ce thαt visitors go.
One siIγ 1ple αnd fun wα y to enjoy pineα pple is to Iγ 1α ke
pineα pple pα ncα kes. Here is α recipe. It will tα ke you less thα n
one hour to yγ 1α ke αnd eα t the pα ncα kes. As αny recipe will w?rI1
you, be s1λ re to reα d the instructions cα refully, αnd α1˘vα ys cook
with αn αdult.
Pineα pple f˙ ruit is bright yellow, but the pα ncα kes will be pα le
in color. You cα n put Iy10re pineα pple on your pα ncα kes bef’ ore
eα ting thelγ 1.Be sure to chew slowly to enjoy every fruity bite!

!' :
:: :: :


Pineapple Pancakes
Λ inch roυ nd poncoke¸
'oke, eigh [ 4~

¼ cup flour l egg, beolen


3 leospoons boking powder i cup milk

l loblespoon sugor 2 loblespoons oil
½ leospoon soll ½ cup crushed pineopple,
d i"oined

Mix lhe f!our, boking powder, sugor, ond soll in o

bowi. In onolher bowi, mix lhe egg, milk, ond oil. Slir lhis
mixlure inio lhe firsi mixlure. The bolier wili be lumpy.

Slir in the pineopple.

Lighlly greose o grid예 e or pon, ond heol if. Drop lorge
spoonfuls of boller onlo lhe griddle or pon. Turn over
eoch poncoke when ihe underside is golden brown. Cook
unlil lhe olher side is olso golden bl"own.


:: :: :● ’


υΠ ¸
‖e● :"gs
” beIow in the ρσ,̧σ ge on ραge‘ ¸0-¸ '.
γou heα rd the word¸
Reα d eα ˛ word 어1d it, megning. Write the word on the
entence. '●

'ine to complete the ‘

brighi If somelhing is brigh', il gives o lol of lighl.
劤 e stII? Is Iodυ y
(o 예eclive) Somelhing brighi con olso meon
sonlelhing lhol is shiny.

I scrυ bbed fne poI υΠ II˙ I I˙ I Iookθ σ

oΠ σ cIθ σΠ .

i● ,甘 율● f● I,,'ㅒ ●●
:‘ 흘
,til’ ● t1o‘ ¼
,뉼 !● ,⅝ i¼ ¾
●If'Ifi융 !'● :¾ ¾표
표 ⅞
I舌 ㅒ흄甘If궁 I甘 I표 It1,壬 I,iI¾ ¼몰
¾¼¾ ⅞
¾fI표 li¡ 뷸
¾ I,뷸 ⅞
oI,¾ ㅣ fl붕 I¾ ⅞甘 ,官 t호 IIㅎ f,f’ ,''● 甘
⅝±흐 ,‘ ,I붑 ξ
●●율 1,흐 :ㅑ ●
¡ 1'ξ i甘 ,,¡ ¸ ,i甘 i!¾ l'● ,:ti'’ ¼¡
:甘 ,’ :± 甘
,t'I'쩜 I● ,:I,I굡 ¾

'I± '‘ 'l'¡ '∶

'I,‘ 'ζ '흐 '’ ''● '● '홍 '몹 '후 '¾ '˚ 'ㅣ ''● '’ ';:I

‘’ ’ ’

‘ ’ ‘ ‘ ’ ’

2■ VVhen you chew sorTielhing, you breok il inio smoll

(verb) pieces wilh yot」 r ieeth.

I Π/ Iboσ befbre I sν ν II:

:''● ,l쿱
g',,'● 甘 ,¼ ●
●홈● ㅣ
●흉골 甘
I‘ ,甘 욜
甘,i,¾ I● I甘 ξ몰
i¡iii묩 옵 i뇽
1¾ ii움 ¾,¡ I留 t;흐 ¾
甘I,¾ i1,,⅞ ±
ζ표 I푸 i훅 甘
흐용lf율 tI● 舌
甘liI표 ⅜ Ii윰 II붕 홍 iI흐 i⅜ I흐 료
쩜受 ¡
I'홍 I¡ {I¾ il¡ 흥뮴
표 ⅝
I● I흐 iI● ,甘 ,I:웅 Ii,¾ ㅒ 도

흥홍i',흥 I● 甘
¸●● ●旦 t’ 甘I,f!‘ ●甘
ㅣ .月

'it,i:¸ '!I甘 'f븅 '흐 '● 'IIi¾ '¾ ',I¾ '各 '¾ '±

‘ ’ ‘ ‘ ’ ’’

3■ f'our FIour is o powder mode from groin. II is used lo

(noun) rnoke breod, cokes, ond pies.

νν˚ρυI σ c니ρ oΓ IΠ Io 'hΘ

;I IN7˙ I力 I灼 e "I˙Ik σΠσ eggs.
용 웅 좡
:::둘 ● 甘 ¼●ξ
흉꼲 ●
,i!i:¾ ●
i¸ ●● 웅

I●t',● 甘甘홍甘 을
용 II¾ ¼
⅝● :ξ i¡ I● i표 ,● ,용 i:‘ ¾
II븅 ⅝
各ii호 ¼
ilit¾ II¾ 용
●흐 iI¾ ⅜
I¾ 홍,'율 f¾ i● I율 I⅝ ±●
¾ 旦
甘 ● ㅣ ●甘
I,,윰 ¾ ⅛ξ ll’ ,¾ ]꼴 :¾ i耳 퓽
,j,I뮬 ξ¾몹
⅜¾ i● i●

'i'‘ '¼ ':甘 '●

’ ’ ‘ ‘ ’ ‘

나■fores' A foresi is o lorge oreo ihol hos

(noun) lrees ond plonis.

υeer IIν e IΠ f,he

●ξ 1‘ ,륙 ㅒ甘
ξ tii● 표 I● I좟 1용 iI¾ 宜
,'tξ ㅣ
甘¾甘 쩜
짤賞 I':톨 甘 흄
I'율 I¾ I흐 ξ
● ξ
ㅒ¾ ¾ 율
I표 융흥iI¾ ¼ 묩
f쩜 甘
⅜¾ξ甘 ¾
홍표I● o튱 I甘 I,甘 Iξ 1I용 I흐 ●
븅⅛ 1흉 f¾ *I甘 옵 甘 1,¾ 홍
호 I¾ I'홍 If표 ㅒ
iI륩 용 표 ●
甘¾i횬 It甘 II¾ 甘 ¾ 甘
홍ξ II후 I

''甘 ',,¾ ':fI표 '● '흐 'ξ 'ξ '● '甘 '¡ ':¾

‘ ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ ‘

5■ hour An hour is on onㄱ ounl of linle.

(noun) II is sixty minules long.

I' Iokes oΠ θ Io
bσ ke fhe cσ ke.

¸2 ■{'Π
●ooa● ularywor*shop.oom 靈茄 畺 理昻鷺 鍵 妻 璧瀅 ⅜ 쫍》 懸漁
⅝ ⅶ寧瑕,: 翰

' 罷廓翰藿
:뚜 f˙ :-

圃̇ 噫

6■ inn An inn is o smoll ploce where o person con eol o nleol

(noun) ond sioy for lhe nighi. II is usuolly in lhe couniry.

Arfer Irσ νeI'˙Πg oII dυ γ; ν σI oΠ

'/e sIopped
Ibr I灼 θΠIOI]I.
¾ i:홈 홍
● ㅣ 용甘
I,ㅒ 甘lff퓰 ,몹 :ㅑ ¾⅝
f甘 I흐 I¾ ,:츌 :흐 ●¾
IiI'흣 o,흄 ⅞
lfξ 율
¾ ¾
I축 I’ If¡ IoI'‘ o,흄 ξ
●흐 ξ
●로흐 ,岳 ,哥
iI굘 ,흄 骨
I보 II흉

흐 I율 ,용 f'各 흐 ξ ㅒ⅜
,ξ iI효 t*호 ,I
,'옹 ,Σ

''''¼ 'i,⅜ '● '*호 'iI:f,호 ''i,*¾ '',I¾ ''흐 '+● 'I‘
'¸ 'ξ '耳

’ ’ ‘

7■ isiond An isiqnd is o piece of lond

(noun) wilh woler oll oround ii.

II Iook II?e boσ I IⅣ o I]oυ rs

Io SO〃 oro˛ IΠ σI力 θ

,¾ 흐¾
ti甘 용
f,食 ㅣ흉
I’ ●
*i,旦 ⅜● ifi툐 甘
,’ ㅣ●Σ
¾;I흐 甘 ⅜
,용 ,휼 Ii¸ :,ii¾ ¾ II*●
I표 ⅞
+',甘 홍 ξ
i¡ ,흐 甘 I● ,뭍 :흐 I표 충
⅞甘iI표 ⅞ ,,북 甘 흄
,보 i甘 里
:14甘 융 표●且
용 甘 굡● ξ몸
,’ o흐 II¾ f몰 I,⅜ ,¾ I¾ I甘 흄
흘II,甘 좡 i,甘 ,ξ 옹
흄 윰●
I’,:'iI흐 ,도 t’ ,⅞ ξ
● 흘甘
i’ ,,툐 I’ i끌 ¾ ㅒ 甘●
I'’ II:’i’

'‘ ',I⅝ '흐 'I,⅝ 't',⅝ '¸ '● '흐 '*’ ',● 'ξ 'ξ ',甘

‘ ‘ ‘ ’ ‘ ’ ‘ ’ ’ ‘
’ ‘ ’ ‘
8■ nibb'e If you nibble on sonlelhing, you eot iI wilh very
(verb) smoll biles.

ΠσbbIIs oΠ εσrrols"

●甘 몰 I● ,'‘ ●甘
I答iI표 읔 Σ
●●I:용 ⅛ 율
I● 甘끔쩜 ,甘 I● :몸 I甘 ,용 Iξ 곧
¡묩ti甘 甘 ¾甘
,¾ If윰 I● IIˇ ⅜
용iI¾ ¾ 율
答 曹
*=퓽 ●
팜¾ 묩
홍ζ{f,'II¾ 웅
I'甘 ㅒ●甘
甘±붙 Σ
甘ξ ㅒ 흄● ¾
,¾ I율 1● iξ I甘 f⅛ I붙 ¾
甘북● ± ι Il,i¾ ●
¸ *’ ●甘윰
I¾¼ ●¾
{甘홍 i'甘 ,뉼 ,甘 용
ξ甘 ξ● ㅒi● 甘
,;:'t● ●
i=t● I¾ t¼ :용

'● '''甘 ',甘 '¾ ''꿀 '‘
''융 '¡ 'I¸ '''± '노 '⅝ '‘ '윰

‘ ’ ‘ ‘ ’ ‘ ’

9■ po'e If something is p¤ [e, if hos veiry liille colol"

(o이 eciive)
b I˙oce
Jσ soΠ ’ Io하 (is ¿
,θ Oσ υSθ
he Is νerγ slck.
,!:’ ⅛
ξ● i'’ ,‘ ⅜甘
융 ¾
● ⅛¾ ⅜
¾●,,t⅛ 흐
I끌 i,골 ;‘ i˚ ,올 ¾
iI,¾ ,I¾ 里
¾ i¡ ,I¼ I,ㅑ 표

I'푸 I윰 도 ζ
Iξ¾ 몰
⅛ ¾
홍iI‘ ㅒ
●흐홍 甘I̧II룐 ⅛
I,‘ lI月
,=홍 ,甘 ¾甘
부 용
ζ{I콱 ●
I¸ ●뮴⅜
¾II,¾ 甘 홍 ¾ 용
¾¼I,I甘 토 ii옵 II甘 i,표 ti甘 III'tt흐 ¾
旦oI,표 ● ¾ ㅒ
i,윰 fi甘 f里 iI‘ l● ●
吝홍● I甘 *t’ 甘●甘
●쩜 ●
t붙 ●ㅒ
,읔 :¼ ,● I甘 ti’

'甘 '‘ '● '● '⅞ '● 'i:‘

‘ ‘’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ‘ ‘


[0■ n If you wqrn someone, you lell lhe person oboui

(verb) possible donger. A sign or signol con olso worn.

T;he siiυ Π
s {IS
Π어 Io iN;olk oI"・ I?θ jicθ .

:I孝 予

υΠI[ J ■ ,B
麝膝姸鍛 鍵塞富

he ㅐe●
● 蛭
. : : ’

":"g ":●

εhoo,e the word ∫

rom the box thσ t mσ *˛ he‘ 'he meα ning
in [he ˛Iυ e. Write the word on the line.

ⅱ" " 奸" Ⅱⅱ ‖伽 """ ¨ 때 ‥ ‖"" ‖ 케톄蠅 1Ⅱ 仰 m 憁睡 幽 ‖꽥 理玳‖+ " ‖ 曲 ‖η悔 ‖‖괘 * " ‖ ‖ ‖ⅱ ‖韶 靷 作+ ‖確
’ ●

를 미our fores'houris'ondnibbie .흩
솬 """ " "” " " η
“ “ “ ” ”” ” ”“ ” ” ” ” “ ““ “ ““ ‘

● 古¸

,● ,'I≒ ●닻
,'● IΣ 들 ,I'夏 ,,,흐 흑
,,i흐 ● I'’ ,,'I,i官 I'’ tj'ti,¼ 흥
‖큐 쿵 It‘ i'I'''i,'휴 ,:’ i'l늅 ,''¾ i용 #’ ;'Iτ 昏 :'II'‘ ¾ :‘ I''';甘 τ
료 I‘ ,‘ ˙
",I● ',¸ ','묩 ''을 ''흉 ''::,Ii'‘ ''’ '‘ '‘ ''':甘 'τ '=:‘ '';● '';⅞ '''';''';‘ '';,‘ '''¨
” ’
’ ‘

] ■This is lond ihol hos woler oll oround il.

2■ This is 60 minuies long.

3■ This is o ploce lhol hos rnony irees ond plonls.

나■This is mode frorn groin ond l」 sed in boking

5■ This is whol you do when you loke lilile biles

、 i甘 糊 甘
¾τ I‘ I甘 ¾ ξ :'‘ 료
f''賂 ¸ ˛ i''l音 ;'I‘ I,li'‘ ]II‘ ● 1‖ li‘ I','¸ IIf,¸ lll,if'● i̧fl,흘 l'i’ ffilifft’ 畏
ii1,¾ i‖ ,i''II‖ ,,☆ i ’ 붕
Σ i'’ i듈 甚
i',융 i,'용 ⅝ t'I⅜ τ
;''¾ 貫
⅜ *ㅑ t'’
''ι '¼ '¼ 'I'‘ ''‘ ''¡ '‘ ''¼ ''⅞ ''I甘 ''‘ '',¼ ']I=甘 '/".
’ ‘ ‘ ‘
垂 brioh'chewinnpo [eworn 흩

'η¼븅 l’ ,II‘ l'Iξ ’ I互 ●

IIII=III● ,I’ fI’ li[● IIIIIIIf● III’ tIII’ I'I!Σ lit● ll'II!''i홍 IiI,⅝ I''⅝ !!'!욜 I''t‖ ⅝ t'*:ξ !''⅜ 푤 ¾
II!省 i''ㅑ 耉
ㅑ‖ ⅜ ;축 ::;'‘ 륙
;ㅣ :푸

','‘ ',i‘ ''I旦 '',jξ ''1I율 '!I'¾ 'I흘 '''⅝ '':⅜ '뻐 '뮬 ''甘 ''‘ ''''곡 '''、
‘ ‘
‘ ’ ‘

6■ This is o pIoce where you con slop ond sleep

7■ This word lells oboul somelhing lhoi hos liille color.

8■ You do lhis io lell someone oboul donger.

9■ You nη ighl use lhis word lo lell oboul sornelhing shiny.

I 0■ You do lhis wiih your leeth io breok up food.

∫4 ■t'Π

*he Se"● e"ee
ron"he box +hα t be,' ˛
Choo,e the word ∫ omp'ete, 'he
jenten˛ e. Write the worJ on the 'ine.

*I朴 : .::: :::::::: : ::I II"=‘ 枓̧姆

¼㎊ 勺¾

brighi chew f' our foresi hou f 플

쓩훑 雷
晝 'nn is 'ond nibb]e po 'e

ηj', 11 ,I ,it, '’ i 'IIΣ iI , , ifi 雉
! ' =, 흄
,” : till'II’ i뭍 t홍 11Z¾ ⅝
I'⅜ I'!'i''''''¼ 용굻
⅞ ;ㅑ I¼ 子
I'‘ :''''"'"']‖ ;’ t,;ㅣ ¡
⅜ 帑 ㅑ
];∶i"''"I III'] I‘ , 1I흐 IIflI호

','i''ft!’ '''⅝ '¼ ''¼ 'i:'¡ '‘ ':¼ ';‖ 'j'I]‘

■The chicks sleep for on ond lhen lhey woke up.


2■ They con see lhe moon in lhe sky.

3. They find liny specks of while on ihe iroil.

나■They begin to on lhe liny groins.

5■ The chicks wolk lhrough ihe dork

6■ They poss by on where people ore sleeping.

7■ Then lhey see on in ihe middle of the loke

8■ They con see o gorden full of corn in lhe lighi.

9■ Signs the chicks of foxes on ihe islond

l 0■ The chicks would love lo lhe corn

t'n'˙ [ ■ ¸J

:" C° e*●
Reσ J the ,tory. Then write σ ,enten˛ e to σn,ⅵ
'er .
eσ ε

h q【Ie¸ tjon be'oⅵ I●

The L:on and the Mouse

One bright sunny day, Lion was asleep in the forest.
Mouse didn’ t see Lion and ran right over his nose!
Lion grabbed Mouse and roared, “I warn you. Don’ t
ever do that again!”
said mouse.
I won’ t,”
“ “ et me go, and one day 1’
L“ ll

save your life.”

Lion Iaughed but let mouse go. An hour later,
hunters caught Lion in a net. 川ouse heard Lion’ s cries
and found him.

Mouse said, “I will nibble on the rope.”
Lion said.
“Don’ t nibble!” Chew fast!”

And that was just what 川ouse did. From then on,
Lion and Mouse were great fri하 1ds.

㎕ 甲℉무
電 : ●

l ■VVhen ond where does lhis siory toke ploce?

2■ VVhol does Lion worn Mouse oboul?

3■ Whol hoppens on hour ofter Mouse leoves Lion?

나■How does Mouse help Lion?

胛빠 뻐 蠅 ‖ 呻 ‖뻬 빠 ‖聃 ⅲ 瑚 曲 ‖‖‖ *뻬 ‖‖ψ珤琥ⅲ‖ Ⅱ데 ‖ ‖ ⅱ聿‖‖ⅡHⅱ 聃 쎄 非‖ 碎桔

』 " " " " ,

恰,w齪 ν°u) 흥 爆
”” ” ”

” “ “ “““

’ '
—・: :
0뼈 쌔요

‘‘페모粥 모脾

’ [따
IIII,:里 ilt묘 t였
i,들 ,요 :⅛ i요


5■ VVrile o senlence using o word in ihe box.

,σ ■ 【
'Π '[¸
G● mes

Find the word in the box thσ t 'ngt˛ he"he ˛ e●

Write the word on the Iine. 'υ

袗 훑표-≡菫

I¾ ¾
t븅 Ii¡ 합¼ II,⅜ 뮬

I‘ I'‖ ⅝::I¾ :τ IIⅡ H'‘ 尊 ,I‘ ;'‖ I● I'삐 :*˛ ¼
I’ ,!‘ 흐

,” II● IIf',III,● I葛 t,If"IIf,ff官 노
,j,tI,''I!,itI’ ‖ I Iti蠟 靷 ‖‖典葛
큠¼'i'‖ 〃
''''''':¾ =읔 乍

'l‖ ',i‘ '',

'I'!’ '¾ '읔 '¾ '¼ '''甘


brigh' fiour 畺

is 'ond nibb'e pole



I,"fl,I食 녈 ,l",'f● i널 ¸il’ I"'1:i● 뭍
듈!!i''‖ i,¼ 율
늪휼,'tili'!¡ ¡
들¾ 쿵
흘용 떻
!:t''!''!¡ 륙 朞
:Ⅱ :⅜ τ
τ‖ 콩τ
;훌 ½
:'¡ 三
"lll,I'¸ 'ii:와 ''‖ ''ti吝 '"'¡ ''':音 '‖ '¡ ''¾ '"''⅝ '''''''':菖 '''''1',흐 'I'' '''㎥
’ ’ ‘

longer lhon o minule ond shorler lhon o doy


2■ o smgll ploce lo sioy for lhe nighi

3. o piece of lond in on oceon

나. where you mighi find differenl kinds of onimols

5. whol fioshing red lighis do

6■ lhe sun on o summer doy

7■ whol o robbil does io lelluce

8■ very lighi in color

9■ whol you need lo mgke o coke

whol you do lo gum





Look α[ the ⅵ d, you wrote. rjnd




them jn the ρυzz'e σnd εjrε

'e them●


-누 ●








i b b ' e d d h x

h e w c d f i



o r e s ' h u

n u s ° n

υΠIf ■ ¸7
: :::'::::

' :●


ㅗ ten to t'1j‘ ∫olktσ Ie αbot't w'ly beσ r, hσ ve ,hort tα j'‘

. I

Pσ y α ttentio'1 ]o t'le w어 'd, '˙ n the ˛ o'o'' boxe,. T'le,e α e

tIη e wortf, yot' ⅵ ni'1g in t'η i, υ

nit. ¨
'i'' be Ieσ '
:i++:一 一 一:

:': i::: — :●
¨ :.::’
:-:::: :,:● :::: ::::::: : :::::::::::: ::˙
::: :::::::: :. ::::・
: ::: : :・ ::::: ::::: :::::: ::˙ :::: : ::::: ::::: ::::::: ::::::::::

::::::::::::::::: ::::: ::i‥


-:::::: :::::::: : -

::::: :’ :::

-:1 (Folktale)
αny αgo, αlong,

쭸≡≠ ::=

yeα rs
10rning' she would boα st, I think Iyly tα i1 looks
Beα r hα d nuf’ ㏉tα il. Every

so very pretty todα y.”
The other forest αnilnα ls were too weα k to stα nd up
to her. Insteα d, they could only αgree.
-i:1碎 一
1ⅲ ii "It's α nice tα il, '' Rα bbit αnd Chiplγ lunk would sα y
in gentle voices.
Then one cold, winter dα y, Fox hα d α clever ideα .

He wα s ⅲInoⅱξfor being tricky. Fox αsked α11 the αniynα 1s


: :::::::: ::: : ::: : ::: ::::::::::::: ::::

to help hiln cαtch 10ts of fish. Thien he found α spot where


he could sit on the frozen pond αnd put αll the fish αround
hin1.He knew Beα r would coIγ le by to :=rc두 for flood. 盞
Fox sα t on the ice α
꾸d wα ited. Up α
bove, the b :● :’
:==’ :

winter brα nches blew in the brisk wind. At 1α st, Beα r

αrrived. She licked heI⌒ lips αnd cα nle over to fox.

I 小


-''--— ''



● ::

:::: :


: :: : .: : :

/ ・

How did you cα tch so II1α ny fish?'' Beα r αsked. ˛I

“I used Iyly tα 11, '' fox sα id. "I bet you’ d cα tch evell more ' ' / .:


with your lovely tα il. Try it here. This is the best spot


f'or fishing. ''


Beα r Inα de α hole in the icy pond αnd dipped her tα il
in the dα rk, cold wα ter.

Fox rubbed his pα ws together. “
Tonight, we'll


hα ve α fish feα st. ''
''We? '' chuckled Beα r. '‘ You Ineα n I'II hα ve α
fish feα st tonight. '' ¸ '''

Fox shrugged. ''Whα tever you sα y. You're :::::t'

the leα der of this f˙ orest.” o

, ''

Beα r on the ice for α 1ong tilne. She sα


sα t
、 ˘


so long thα t she fell αsleep. Whell she woke

hours 1α ter, she didn't notice thα t her tα il

hα d frozen into the ice. She tugged hα rd αt


her tα i1, αnd pα rt of it snα pped off!


y beα utiful tα i1! '' Beα r cried, running ’'

~⌒ , r
: ' ' '
'Δ r
off in shα ylle. r

Froyn then on, Fox wα s α hero in the

forest. The f˙ orest αniIγ 1α ls didn't hα ve to
heα r αbout Beα r's tα il ever αgα in.

: :: ::: : :::: : :::’ : :::

: ''
:! I
":ⅲ /



Γ "''¨ ½ '
'-----' '
'、 '--

IΠ I[ σ ■ ¸9
‖●● :¨ g●
γoυ heα rJ the worJ‘ be'ow '˙ n the ρσ αge on ραge¸ J8-Ξ 9.
Reσ J eσ ch worJ σ J i*¸ Πleσ ning● W戚

”e [he worJ on the
e to ˛ omp'ete *he ,entence.


ogree VVhen you ogree wilh sorneone, you lhink lhe

(verb) some woy os ihe other person.

Sσ Π? oΠ σ I IhoI
Iε θsI(σ II” g Is fυ Π
룰 ● ¾各
¾ 甘 ⅜
]I=⅞ ⅜
●¾ ⅝
붕∶●⅛ ⅛
¼ ¾
ㅑ甘甘 甘 ● 里
⅜ 용 ⅜
¾II''f¡ ¾
甘ㅣㅏζ j¾
용ㅣ운 ¾
표ii‘ 甘 ¼ ¾ 흉¾甘 ¾
¾ 甘
¾i,옵 ⅞ ⅛甘
ζ 旦

i⅞ I● i● I¾ fii흐 I± f융 ,!I표 I짬 1붕 I‘ I¾ I]II효 f,i¡ i甘 II¾ 1I¾ 1Ii율 Ii,'1● :tII룔 i,뮬 **●
li흉 i● ,⅞ f¾ I조 *● I± I'甘 I표 III¾ I● *iI壬 ,¼ II甘

'I● ',{I,¾ 'ξ ';’ 'I⅜ '흐 '',I융 '¾ 'ξ '땋 '’ '●

‘ ‘ ‘

2■ bore If somelhing is bore, it is nol covered


(g이 ective)
I ρυI Π,/
Iegs IΠ Io I灼 e ™σIer.

㎂ ,
,픔 꼲
¾賞 홍귤
I,¾ l五 I묩 i용 쩜 I,¸ ㅒ뮴
I● *● I올 용
ξ甘 쩜
¼● ,'τ I¾ I¾ ¾
●⅞ ,흐 I¾ i흐 ,¾ 홍쩜
I뮬윰 f¸ II웅 흉
,,¾ 甘 ¼ ¼ 효¾
iI쌍 I● i● ,⅜ 표
ξ¾ 떻
I묩 흉 ¾
●i,융 I,甘 ,¾ 붕옵
iξ ¾
li甘 ,I¾ t',¾ 1'썸 甘
ξ I율 I용 t'● I브 I,‘ ⅜ Iㅑ I甘 iI,곱 ● ,● ξ¾
甘●훌 甘
홍 I쩜 II¾ ,⅜ ,¾ ●⅞
4몰 i,五 ⅝
⅜ 甘
:옵 ●
甘용,'굡 甘
● ,

'ifl퓰 '胥 'iξ '甘 ',li표 'ξ '*● 'ξ '귤 '● 'lo’ 'ㅣ 'i¡ '료 '¡ '●

‘ ’ ’ ‘’ ‘

3■ f이 11ous A f이 11ous person is someone who is known

(o이 eclive) by rnony people.
Bσ be ΠυIh I's σ bosebσ II ploγer

νI?o Is

⅜ ,¾ ¾
女I甘 ¾
甘 ξ¾ 융
굡흥효 甘 I흐 i● ¾
II*¾ ¾
용Io甘 ¾
효I'¾ 甘 ⅞
,I,¾ 표ㅣ ,甘 홍甘 ¾il¾ 甘용
i귤 흐 ●움
⅝ξ 甘
후 ,甘 표甘
¡ ☆ 용i'I‘ 甘
君¾ ●I,쿄 ㅒ
,● ● 葛
II官 ㅒ 吝
붕II各 ,甘 I革 ,묩 ⅜ξ
호,,흉 tI율 ㅒ
I,¾ ξ
ξ i● ●
● Iξ ,’ 용
˛ 붚 1● ,甘 iI툐 숄 I● iiI’ 흉 찹⅝ j●
,,● ●
,t⅜ t찧 I‘ tt표 ⅝
甘fI흐 lii● 甘 旦 i●
,旦 i● ●
'흐 '¾ 'I旦 'I윱 'II¼ ',;● ','itI¾ 'i¸ 'ii甘 ',Ito'굡 '哥 '● '甘 '굡 '● '⅝

’ ’ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ’ ’

나■feosi A feosi is o very lorge meol on

(noun) o speciol doy.

MoΠ εooks σ

TI?σ Π sgI'/,I” g I(˙ Do/.

흄 l흐 I효 甘Σi≠ :뮬 I● 甘
표●iI튠 1t革
!⅜ *● 甘
,I표 吝
,IiI,을 耳⅜
표 홍
,it*ㅣ ●
II,1I퓽 융
융iI,⅜ ¾
표II,¾ ㅣ
ξ표 I욧 i]¾ ⅜
¼흐,¾ 홍 몰
I흐 {吝 Io甘 ¾
¼II'¾ 互
I¾ ¾
Ii’ 甘
,i표 쩜
¾i甘 융
홍 ●
I甘¾ lI븅 ¾
ㅣ ●¾
I¾ ,˚ ㅣ쩜●
¾¾ ,흄 i● iI흄 Σ
흥ζI,홍 ㅣ
흐¾ I홍 I,⅜ ¾
f,듈 몰
甘●番II¾ 흄
¾웅I,¾ ¾
II콩 썹
*iI,!ξ 흐 표
¾⅛ I¾

=’ =●
'=표 ',⅜ '¾ '¾ '¸ ',I甘 'l¸ '',● '몹

‘ ‘ ‘ ’ ’’

5■ gen'[e If sonleihing is geniie, il is very sofl ond nlild.

I gσ νθInγ bσ b)/ sI¸ Ier σ ν
ν'orm oΠ d


σ0 ■ UΠ σ
to ⅝

⅞ ,'.

饉鉢to ⅜
he oniine 瑾
o§ $ary°

6■ hero A hero is o person you look up lo for hoving

(noun) done somelhing good ond brove.
뀨?θ Do/ Is σ n’ r

rescυ IΠ g fhθ εσI Γ I力 θIΓ θθ.

甘 용
±●,,¾ 븅¾
爻 ¾¾ ¾
¾i'¾ ¾
ㅣ˚¾홍 븅
甘 ¾ 甘 ¾
홍 io흉 甘
¾畏I,용 귤윰
¾i'ㅎ 홍
효τ ¾
⅝ ⅜¾ 흐
옵표 푭
iI옵 욜ㅒ●甘
甘 흐 흐 ●
¸용흐 甘●
⅝ξ귤 ˚Σ

'oIΠ ●
¾it¡ 옵¾☆●¾
Ij'욜 I,¾ ¾ 묩
홍j'甘 ¾
¾i,몰 용
● 甘 i,,¾ 효 욥
i'吝 흄

,윰 I븅 i융 ,표 :ㅣ t● i충 I¡ I甘 1● I各 ,甘 i;흉 !홍 ,¾ iζ i¾ *● :¾ ,¾ *● ,퓰 ,¾ i흐 I甘 ,ξ !요 ,흉 i1호 *
'甘 '호 '甘
',흐 '甘 '˚ ',⅜ 'l●

',各 'ξ

7. 'eoder A Ieqder is o person who shows ::-

(noun) people where lo go or how lo

do something.

ννo IbIIoⅡ /θ σ II,θ

Ψρ ∫I?Θ ρσ I灼 .

≠I,'i'푸 옵
¾Ii퓰 ¾ 甘 ,:¾ 甘 ⅝
¾표호표 ±¾뷸
I무 甘¾¡ ●뷸
쌓 l{I,¾ Iㅒ ,¾ ,● i¾ i甘 i˛ ,¾ ,븅 t:븅 쩜
各홍 흣
⅞홍甘 굡

*',흉 ¾
f’ ξ●퓰
Ii'퓰 o¸ i흐 I표 I뷴 *● ¾
¾ㅣ ,'끌 II甘 흉 Iζ ⅜
흐흉¾ 흐 ,i홍 흉
ㅒ혹 tiI¾ 포
I● I甘 f● ¾
⅝¾II율 포
ㅣ후 茶
¼甘¾ ⅞
II,휼 Ii묩 *I호 끌
ξㅒ 용
i'各 l,旦 ,,± ¾ ⅞ 各●
¡ 甘표홍붙
旦 iiI룰 ㅒ 甘
¾●舌 융
i:’ 옹 o‘ 4¸ I● I

=I흉 =ξ
'● '¾ 'i甘 '‘ '● '甘 '甘 'II甘 '¾

’ ’ ‘ ‘ ‘

8. no'ice If you nofice somelhing, you see il.

7]θ Πoυ se ν
〕 νos so gυ Iθ I I灼 0I Ihe cσ I

σ,:d ΠoI II.

(noun) A n0古 ice is o sign pi」 i up for

people 芋 0 reod.
υσσ Γ Θσd Ihθ
he mI'ssIΠ g dog.
σboυ f ∫

I,¾ ¾*ㅣ I¾ ● 홍⅞
,,甘 I흉 ,甘 ¾
⅛ξ⅞ iI뷸 용 l흐 I¸ ,',¾ ⅛ 짬
흣 율 호 II,¾
iI표 I흐 ,1I¾ 용
I,甘 it,¾ ⅝ ⅜
흉끌 甘
i● ⅛i;,甘 甘
]'굡 옹
iξ ti● {● i’ I● ,’ 욥
ξ°료 ,I용 홍 뷸
甘븅 i툐 t¾ I¸ ,'홍 II¾ II'甘 ¾
里˚ 흐
⅜움 ,I찻 ξ ⅜
*홍 甘흐甘
귤율 甘
I붙 ⅜j'● 甘
,율 흉
甘료ii⅜ ⅝
¾¾⅝ li● ,효 I吝 I흐 f● *☆ I● i붕 爻
용 ;● 흑용
'흐 '支 '좟 '● '¾
'● 'ㅒ '肯 '북 'I,,용 'i:甘

’ ’ ‘ ‘ ‘

9■ seorch If you segrch for somelhing, you look for il.

PIθ σsθ 力θ∫ 用θ ;ρ

Π/ /osI snoΘ s.

호甘 ⅛ 甘퓰
¾ 표
I퓰 ¾쁑윰
Ii표 율
*'τ 홍
I̧훅I:융 ¾ ⅜
,흐 ¾⅜
흄후흐 몹몰
II¾ 甘
I¾ ㅣ븅ㅒ
홍:융 ,● I¾ I● I● ]¾ t'퓰 *I,,¾ 會甘
甘☆●⅛ ;,甘 쁑文⅜

f율홍 i甘 I'욱 I흐 ¸
●용 甘
甘¾ i흐 ,省 ¾
¾흐 I용 i몰 ,¾ l,甘 I용 ㅒ
●흄 iI뮬 묫 윰
●甘 ⅞
ζII¾ 표 f용 Ii표 ¾ 굡 甘
III¾ ¾ 흉 ¾흐⅛
I묵 II득 甘
寄푠 륩 ¾ 畏 붙 호 i,늅 흥 甘
II革 ¸葛● ●
f묩 f호 I¾ ,듄 tζ t흐 ,홍

'I甘 '’ '¾ '흐 '¾ '홍 'Iξ '홍 '흐 ',,율 '흐 '● '몰 '¾ '¾

’ ’ ’ ’

weok If you feel weok, you do nol feel sirong.

'0■ (o 이eclive) εσΠΠoI 力θσγγ¸ox
Yibυ II∫ I IΓ γoυ
' Ihσ

IΠ if σ ■ σ7

i辛 1˙ : :

脾끎蟲窪毒遠Ce words
he ‖e●
● :篁 步 interactive games and

Choo¸ e the wo''d ∫ rom the boχ thσ t Π ]σ tche∫ the me어 ling

in t'le c'υ e● Write the worJ on the 'i˙ ne.


굳 ●● ,곡 ●i‘ ,‘ ii'I "','‘ {● ●●

i흐 I,¸ ,',,● I● ●
ifi,흗 ,,iiil'"II",',Iliξ ●
●,I,i,Itili't,ii,훌 ¸¾ ,Σ ●i¾ ti● 용
,*,¾ ,i'!'''it'⅝ ¾
●¡뉼⅜ ,骨 τ흐

;⅜ㅑ 흉⅜

, oqreefeos'herono'iceseorch
'''';l'';i''˛ 'I● ',,I,,'tiΣ '''t''’ ''!'t‘ ':'''’ '''1'‘ '':''‘

’ ’
壁 ‘‘ ’ ‘ ’

:흥 官 Ⅱ르 ;,“ ;Ⅱ ;● 귤
˛˛ Iㅑ ;:‘ l들 II‘ ,ㅑ 흘
골f,:II"f'"‖ I,iifi互 똬●
¼!'',I'',1∶ ,욜 홍
ii,ttt‖ t,t宮 홍흉窄
ml‖ t':*¼i⅝ :흘 뮬
負甘t!'ll'''!ㅣ ¾
킁흘:'퍼 !''’
'Ⅱ '''i''"‖ ';ξ '‖ ''Ⅱ '''"'''i]'‘ "'"I',IIf!'● '’
"'‖ '흄 '흄
''⅝ '’

’ ’ ’ ’

l ■You do lhis when you see somelhing.

2■ You do ihis when you look for sonlelhing.

3■ You do lhis when you ond onolher person ihink olike.

나■This is o person who is brove ond good.

5■ This is o huge meol lhol celebroles o speciol doy.


ㅃ ~


‖‖ ⅱ

● ●
● ¾ 甘
¾jII''I,I'‘ ⅝홈¾
초 ¾⅝

I'‘ i‘ I,‘ ,IIIIi± ,官 I¸ II‖ IIII● fI노 IIIt● I≥ fII,‘ III,I甘 I¼ ,’ It’ ,II"I,iII客 Iti붙 t,⅝ i!t¾ I큠 I⅝

fomousgeni] el eoder
"""‖ "“

를 bore
Πu ⒁

'I",,'I,'!I‘ 'II¸ '''甘


"II● '휼 '’

“ ‘ ’‘



If ㅑ
호 II ,I! I' 'I ,I I , iII ●¸
.' , I,甘 ,,tIIIII'1,,,I¸ ,Σ ,甘 Σ ,I¸ ,II!,’ ,’ 뮬
● i¾ ,II''*I*'''甘 ¾甘
흉吝 1'용 ¾ 甘
용¾甘 :'⅜ ¼ :'甘 ,''II''‘ 甘
'∮ '홍 ''융 '큠
''''''*¾ '⅜ '흉 '''II'‘ '''육 ':⅜ '''τ ''*'ξ 'τ 'I'‘ ''','''˛

” ‘ ’’ ’ ‘‘ ‘ ‘

6■ This is how you describe o person who mony people know.

7■ This is o person who is in chorge.

8■ This is how you describe o pel'son who is sofl ond mild.

9■ This word describes o person who is nol sli"ong.

This word describes somelhing lhol is nol covered.


62 ■ ˛ σ
'Π '[

he Se "● e "ee
Choo,e the word ∫ ’
rom the box thσ 十bejt ˛
omp'ete, ''le
,enfence. Write 뀨le word on the line.

ξ出 甘 ●甘˚ㅣ

¾ 牽 홍 둡 至

i甘 ,⅞ I˛ ,;’ 耳 1‘ ,;'드 ¸ I흐 ●흐후
,¸툐● I● ,● i‘ ●
●●● ,ξ I● I붙 ,¸ ●
●Σ노 흩● ≥
¼,,’ ,끔 f● ,’ ,,쩜 i=I● ¾i●

흗¾ t큠 ¾

I¾ :용 들 :ξ ¾
⅝ 콩
¾悳 ::움 뮬뭍큠
¾ *⅜ ⅜
i'甘 ,욕 ㅒ
읔둥甘¡τ ∶ ,흘 :⅜ !몹 :‘ 료 ㅑ
˛ ;뮬 :甘 흐


˙ “‘‘
'耳 'ㅑ ',’ 'ㅒ 'i¾ '¾ '융

'욤 '큠 '뭅 '‘ '‘

°g ree fo nlous feos' gen'ie

’ ‘ ‘ ’ ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ ‘



ero leoder n o]ice seorc h weo k

:: ξ甘
,⅜ 욕흐
흉 ; * i‘ 흐 ,또 ;!‘ ˛
흐⅞ ii‘ ;'● ;ξ ˛
;,i르 ●
;‘¾˛ fI● I,i● i● ξ늪●

,‘ ,흣 ,j¸ ,,甘 ,,:● i,ft,I● 읕f’ IΣ 흐Σ 흘
l’ ,官 I북 ¼ ,’ I흄 i¾ 용
,'용 흄흉各
甘 욤큠을
큠읔큠굳 :흉 I⅜ *흉 :甘 굴
읔붙 i큠 :르 ⅜
甘ㅒ흐i甘 :¾ 甘
=● =,!¸

'즐 '‘ 't‘ '‘ '● 'i,t’

'흥 '홍 '¾ '융 '{혹 '甘 '⅝ ',표

‘‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ’’ ’ ’ ‘ ‘ ‘

] ■The iown pul up o oboui ihe big porly.

2■ Everyone will enjoy o delicious iomorrow.

3■ VVe ore honoring o girl who becorne g

나. She soved o puppy ihoi wos ioo io swin1.

5. A reporler wroie o si이"y oboul lhe girl ond mode her

6■ The musicions morched behind ihe bond

7■ My grms gol burned from loo rnt」 ch sun.

8. I hod io for my molher in ihe crowd.

9. Mom wos os she pul loiion on my skin


[0. This is lhe besi porly ever! Don’ l you

bⅶ HER
I'● ˙
Δ Y '' 珝

喆 ㅜ °˘˘N 'ㅓ ㄴ

-一 主珪휨 ㅁ ㄴ-J

Unif σ ■ σB
WoFds in Co"● ex●

Reα d the bjog'˜ σphy αbout D∴ Mα

in Lυ ther King, 」∴

● ::::
'싹 jon be'oⅵ

': ㎦

⊃ rt요 n Luther K요 ng, ,r.
㎋φM∝珏 :::[!!lilillll!!!!IIII!!!!

Dr. 川artin Luther King, Jr., was a great leader. He worked

hard to rnake life better for everyone. He helped al1 people,
both the weak and the strong. He was a ldnd and gentle nlan.
Dr. King showed people how to work together. He Ied
peaceful rnarches and made speeches that excited ever,yone.
His most famous speech is called, “ I Have a Drearn.”
罷 罷
dreanled that one day alI Arnericans would be ffee and Iive

큭 ⅛
together in peace.


Dr. King was born on January 15, 1929. He died in 1968.

Today, people agree that Dr. King is a hero. In 1983, his

birthday became a national holiday.

VVhy wos Dr. Morlin Lulher King, Jr., o greol leoder?


2. VVhoi wos Dr. King like os o person?

3■ VVhol is ihe nonㄱ e of Dr. King’ s foΠ1ous speech?

나■VVhy is Dr. King o hero lo mony people?

、瑚 II‘ 掛따 ‖湖 ‖‖‖ ‖雎璘‖ ‖‖ 淞撤‖‖‖‖tll''용 흉

.撤 뼈 I¡ :'i'¡ 빠畔痢 :‖ 碑茗
봐 ""'III僻 "‖ "'‖ "‖ "‖ "‖ "'''때 '宅

no'ice seorch
奎 ¼

雷 bore feos●

蛭 姸 Yⅱ빠 鈿W뵤
驥 卞 똬
互,̧II'I,]'I]III食 쪼 1ξ ,̧III",''"i,ii¾ ξ
I,I1',IIIi"it,¸ ¾
,’ itt''● ll● lli,¾ i¼ ¾¸
¾ ¼ i’

I’ t,⅜ i¾ i홍 뮬
¾l,iltllIItil!⅝ 용 휼
¾¾ti'''I¡ ⅜
l,⅜ :¾

t,⅜ i:昔

tⅡ ‖
'''¾ '吝
⅜들율 i‘

’ ’

5■ VVrile o senlence using o word in lhe box.

σ4 ■t'Π σ
G● mes
rjnd the word in the box thσ t Π he, the c'ue.
'σ '˛
Write the word in the pυ zz'e●

iI∶ ,=fI흄 ●
II’ ,''i용 ¼
Ii’ I'tllltit,⅛ it¼ i’ tlllili¾ 뇹
:,']it!Iitii]⅝ ¼
¼tli¾ III¡ 붙
:tI'¾ l''*¼ 섈
古¼::1':i:⅜ 昏
ㅣ ζ昏¡
I''*‘ 읔,::''1'‘ ;*ξ ;‘ 흉 甘

;{‘ ,I'';1I‘ ;;IIIIIIII,';II● 互
± ,Ξ , ,½

',‖ '붙 '''=*‘ '甘 'τ '']''τ '';‘

ogree bore genile



hero ] eoder n olice seorc h weo k



'f 흗홍

'' '"

3■ noi sirong ■o brove person

나■lo see somelhing 2. noi rough

5■ well— known by everyone 5■ o speciol meol

8■ lhe t」 .S. Presideni, for exomple 6■ io look hord for somelhing

9. lhink !he some woy 7■ noi covered


2. 3.
훌 i


5. 6.

:… 中中一뼈中


8. 遺 瑾 ]

9. '



εIT 'Y ㅐ ALL


υΠ σ ■ σ¸
If you need help wilh o word, look il up
in lhe C[ossory ol lhe bock of this book.

Ci''c'e t・ t hσ ∫σ t t'η 으모으nleσ n'˙ ng σ the
e 으
word or'le word thα
word¸ 'mo∫Write the word on the line.
in Jα rk prin'● ‘

' .A■TheweokB■
sior of lhe show is we]'.known■
bi"ighiC■ fornous

2. VVe did nol see lhol nㄱ y brolher wos behind us.

A■ noliceB■ seorchC■ worn

3. We look for ocorns in ihe foresi.

A■ chewB■ seorchC. worn
나■The new coin is silver ond shinν .

A■ poleB■ brighiC■ fomous


5■ The robbii ron inio lhe woods.

A■ heroB■ islondC■ foresl

●● ●

Cir˛ 'ⅲ

'ord thσ
t hα ,α 으으으으止 으 meσ ning α

'e thein Jα rk prin十 . Wrile
the word theword on the 'ine●

l ■The boy runs on sirong legs.
A. weokB■ fomousC■ bore

2■ My bi"olher ond I fighi oboul everylhing.

A■ chewB■ seorchC■ ogree

3. I connol reod in ihe dim lighl.

A■ boireB■ brighiC■ pole

나■The wild onimol licked ils pup.

A. weokB¨ genileC. p에 e

5■ VVe hod o snock ofier ihe show.

A■ innB■ isiondC■ feosl
σσ ■ UΠ ¸-σ . Reν
'“ 'ew
● ■● ●


Look σt the word, in the box. Write eα ch word in the
group in ⅵ t ∫ . U‘ e eα ˛
h ⅵ e.
'hich jt be∫ 'orJ on˛
聯 Ⅱ"棚 φ ‖ ‖

㎋뱌 "刪
I,,I','’ i!fl,,,I’ ●
II,I,II,IIi‘ IΣ II,ㅒ ● I,IIII’ 甘
,Σ Iㅒ *,'ㅣ llII’ I,¾ 큠짬
iI'I'l*'¾ 흄큠
¾番 ¾
,it¾ *竹
""""빠 "押 ¾
ision d


를 chew

''苦 'I’ ''¾ '뮬



’’ ’
] nn 菫

leoder nibb 'e segrc h *
●˛ ㅣ 흐
:η : ' ';; ;흐 : I; ' ' ' l ' ' ●흐Ξ효
I ㅑ●
;● ; ;‘ :賞 i:끝 :● ,1I'IIii',,i:● 菖
●I,ilti'● ,,I:● i¾ ¾
{● !'f’ i용 ,f!:,''''''i● it’ ㅣ
묽붙¸ ,⅛ t'’ ‖ *i'官 읕
●η*'!'''' '坍싻

' ' ;! ' ' "'"'fli∶ ',I',‖ '¸ '● '¡ '' '⅜

‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ’

τh● ● Wopds
τh● ●

τ에 ▲b° ●●ㅌ미 :"g ㅐ●me P'● ●es

⋮ ㄻ
빠 √˜” ⋮●㎥ ⋮∵㎁
: : :

. :●

: :

Words W● rds τh● ●

I . .

▲bo● ●
● Spee:● Sh● ▲●●:°
' PeF'o" " "

Reν ew 【 I“ J二 σ ■ σ7

::: :: : :
: :: ::::

: : ::::

⊂hoo∫ e t''e αn,we'ρ thσ t be‘ t comp'ete∫ the entence

or σn,we'忖 he q˛ y σttentjon to tlle
‘ worσ
j'1 Jα rk 'e,tion. Pσ
prin*. Γj'Ij'' t'●
e ci''cle nex十 [o t'η e σn‘ ⅵ
[ . VVhoi lhings con you rnoke 6■ VVhoI wo'」 Id you mosl likely
wilh fiour? ride on lo gel lo on isiond?
lrees O o lrgin
c t」 pcokes O o bool
piclures O o bike

2■ VVhot con you do for one 7■ You mighl worn someone


hour? oboul
O hold rny breolh O w이 king on on icy l아 〈
O junnp rope O l’ okingo nop.

O ploy ol the pork O finding o p하 1cil.

3■ Try lo be genile when you 8■ VVhoi colors ore pole?

O hold o noil ond hommer. O red, purple, oronge
O egl lunch. O pink, groy, lighf blue
O iouch o boby. O yeHow, block, green

나■VVhen con lhe moon be very 9■ You mighi wolk wilh bore feel
brigh'? when you ore
O gi nη idnighl O in the foresl.
O ol noon O of on inn.
O in lhe morning O ol the beoch.

5■ VVhol kinds of food would o You mighi pul up o no'ice io

robbii nibbie? '0■ ieli people thol
O fish, honey, bugs O your col is losi.
O corrots, lelluce, c어 ery O your l이 ephone is ringing.
''. eo1 O you swepi lhe 귀00r.
'' soup, rice, nㄱ

σ8 ■t'Π I[, ¸-σ ˚Reν Ieνν

he Ide●
CoΠ 1ρ ˛h ¸
entence rte"o thσ t it mσ ke” en‘ e●
Pgy gttentjon
'ete eσ to the word 'α
‘in ●αrk print.

' . I ogree wilh my friend when she soys

2■ George VVoshinglon is f메 1ous becouse

3■ My fovorile foods ol o feos' ore

나■I om geniie when I

5■ My fovol"ile hero is

6■ Evel"y doy, I nolice lhof

7. I chew my food well becouse

8. VVhen I go lo lhe foresi, I see

9. I onㄱ 0 [eqder when I

Every morning, I seorch for


Reν jew ●t'Π ¸-σ ■ σ9

S● ●dˇ ㅒ˚m● phones

A homophone is o word ihol sounds jusl like onolher

word bul hos o differeni meoning ond spelling.
FIower ond f'our ore honlophones.
The rose is my fovorile fiower.
I need o cup of f'our io moke lhe pie crust.

Reα d the ⅵ j'l exer˛ jje, '-¸ .

nd ● homophone in the Fi˙
br eα ˛
box ∫ h worJ● Write the homophone on the 'ine nex'

'o the worJ●

뻬 」=– 臘
㎿ ⌒
刪 ΠP 悧
㎿ e




¡;1i굡 ,i'''*;료 ¸,;‘ iiξ :τ o,iII,¸ II‘ I'i¸ ,,효 i‘ I,● 꼴

●芟IIII,I½ ¾III‘ I1합 f,IItl● ¼
Σ II’ iI,II¼ I=● ¼
읕I,IIi,● ¼
,,II¼ ¾
,’ 뇽
II,'I¼ ¾㎑ 竹筌

hourinnpo [eweo k
'I,;''ㅑ '‘

u ㎜

‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ’ ’

.ξ –

,''¾ τ ,吝 ;τ ¼ 子 ,푸 I''‘ ,‘ ;ξ ι,̧II,ㅑ I,II˛ ,ㅣ 호f,II‘ 흐 ,르 I‘ III● ,II¸ ,jII● ,II¸ I̧IIII,± IfIII,,,홍 i. t
I꽃 1'''、 ˙
'''’ '*‘ ''τ ''I甘 ''⅞

'⅜ ''‘ '⅜ ''I’ '‘

’‘ ‘ ‘
’‘‘‘ ‘‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘
‘ ’

poil 나. beo r


2■ our 5. week



:・ ::

Reα d eσ ˛h entence. '∫ the homophone in J● rk prj"● j‘ υeJ


˛ ‘ ye¸ ●
orrect'y; write '∫ jl j‘ nof, then cro‘ it oυ 대1J wr'˙ le


the ε
orrect homophone on the ''˙ ne●


: :

6. I pui lhe woler in ihe po[e.


7■ I will go lo sleep in on hour.


8■ My legs feel weok from running.

9■ I wili pick ihe preliiesi f'our.

The bore ote honey from ihe lree


70 ■{'Π I[, ¸二σ . Reν ν

of ‖e● 娥WbF蘚 Choie捿 모
'fou leorned ihe meoning of lhe word seorch on poge 6 l .
Look ol ihe chori for words lhol ore close in meoning io
seorch. Nolice how lhe mednings of ihe words ore olike
ond differenl.

Iook VVhen you look ol somelhing, y아 」l」 se your eyes lo see il.
You use yo'」 r eyes io look oi o piclui'e.
=壬 三 =三

seorc h When you segrch for somelhing, you look long ond hord
for il. Somelhing you segrch for mighi be hord io find.

–一:℉ 푸⋮삑뻑 –푸

Wr'˙ te the ⅵ 力・
om the chσ hσ t be,t comp'ete,eα ch ȩntence.
'orJ '忖
When my dog ron owoy, I wenl lo for il.


I Iike lo nly brolher donce.

w∵ —

We hod lo through ihe closel for nly hol.

,ㅟ :':

나■I Iike lo oul lhe window when I’ m in ihe cor.

● :1
5■ II’ s fun lo ol piclures of fo rowoy ploces.

6■ VVe woke up eorly io lhe sunrise.

εh exerci,e, ˛irε rk prf""o 어

eα que,tion. Then α 'e
wer .word
the ,econJ "wer
in Jα que,*jon. υ¸e the the
yoυ cho,e in yoυ r σn‘ we∴

7■ VVo'」 ld you seorch or w어 ch someone do o trick? VVhy?

8■ Would you w에 ch or seqrch for o losl shoe? VVhy?

Rev'˙ eν ν . t'Π t, ¸二σ ■ 77

:::::::::::::::: : : : :

*he ‖e● g
Choo¸ e t'1e word thσ t be‘ t Π1σ *˛ he‘ ['η e 'γ leσ ning●

Γj'' in tlle circle next [o the word.

'. 〈
foresl O fegsi O iroil 〈
盒 귀아」r

2■ lhe middie
O cenler ▷ roinbow匯
⊂ 喜bronch 읗 siock

3■ lo loke g irip
O dosh ⌒ ]

∈豁귀00l 뉜蚩frov이
'" seo rcn

따■for down

豁brighl O bore ormousg鎬
⊂茴아ㄱ deep

5■ lo go by
O orrive ㎏
'' 豪 cross
旺 羲 siock

' poss
6■ o sn10ll body of woler
O oceonO sireonㄱ 靴 beoch
엘 ∈靴bridge

7■ sonlelhing lo sil on
O eveningO leoder ⊂翕bench 喙 seoshe‖

8■ somelhing you con cross by cor

O wove O oceon 爻 bridge
型 O hour

9■ where you find sond ond seoshells

O beochO sireon10 inn O snowsiorm

eosy io see lhrough

O liny O brove
Δμ '

滎fresh 뉼㎼ 이 eor

72 ■{'Π 7-σ . M'Jγ eα r Reν Ieν


he Se"● e” ●●

Choo,e the word thσ t be‘ t εomplete, the ,enfence.
Γj'' in the ci'τ 十0 t'● e worJ. :: ::: :: :::

'e nex*
[ I ■On Sundoy, I con - sleep loie.
⊂》cIeoi' ○ finolly○ exocily O cenler : : !— : ・

[2■ VVe plon io - ol the movie on linㄱ e.

∈妾위ool g翕 worrㄱ ③ cross ''
'' orrive

[3■ A Iorge - wgiis on lhe lickel line.

C seoshell∈ 茴 roinbovv○ crowd '' . Isiong
˘ ' [

I 나■There ol"en’ i mony seols lefi, so I siorl io -

○ worry○ poss ㉯ chew O nibble

I 5■ Afler egting oll of ihe popcoirn by myseif, I feel -●

○ iiny ○ greedyO pole O brove
During lhe movie, I musl - when I Iolk


徽 whisperg忽

患 wove O signol

frown 《



I -●

Is il fun lo be on ocio1"?”

鵲 frowng囍
얕 worry C鎬 irovel O wonder :

:. ・

[8. The knight vvho fighis o drogon is -●


: :

麾毁 fresh t brove〈 繇 wise O deep


[9■ Seeing iwo movies in one doy is o greol -!


薨 bench僖 盒 signolC핥 ideo O crowd

20■ I will go io the movies ogoin nexi -●

麾妾 weekend뷰 ∈ hero 〈患nㄱ idnighl O snowsform

MIJγeσ r Reν few . t'Π I“ 7-σ ■ 7B

b● ㅏ ●●r C● m●rehens :o●
'● '
Reα d the ρσ¸ ¸σge αbout αn σmα zing gori''σ ●Then αn¸ wer
t'● e que,t'˙ onj on ραge 7¸.

: : :.::::.::i

::˙ ● ::: :::: :

::::: :: ::

* —

Koko ond Penny P에 ・
ierson wilh o pei c에

o the αori:'a
κo휼 ζ
Koko is αfα Ⅱ . She cα n use her hα nds to Iγ1α ke
'10'1s gorillα
signs for words. In this wα y, she tα 1ks'' to people.

Koko wα s born in α zoo. When she wα s αbα by, she becα Ine
weα k αnd sickly. After speciα l cα re, Koko becα yyle heα lthy.
Soon she Iylet Penny Pα tterson. Penny becα Iγle her teα cher. She
stα rted teα ching Koko siIγ1ple signs for words like eα αnd drink.
Koko now knows over one th아 λsα nd signs.
When Koko wα s fifteen yeα rs old, Penny gα ve her α
present. Penny let Koko choose α pet. Koko picked out αt요 ny
grα y kitten thα t hα d no tα il. She nα Iγ led hiIγ 1 SIyloky. '' Koko

wα s gentle with SInoky. She treα ted hlIy1 like αbα by.
No one is sure exα ctly how Πluch Koko knows, but Inost
people cα n αgree thα t Koko is one synα rt gorillα .

74 ■Un'[‘ 7-σ . M'dyegr Reν iew

⊂hoo∫ e the on∫ wer thα [ ber' εomi,'ete’ the rentence o'・
αn,Ⅵ jon. Γj'' in 十 e circ'e nex十 十
o t'le αn,we∴
'er"he qι 'e,十 'η

2 ' ■The word f이 11ous meons 26■ VVhoi does lhe word geniie
O sgd. nㄱ eon?
O well known. O sofi ond :ㄲ ild
O very iired. O ongry ond loud
O shy ond scored
22■ VVhoi speciol skill does
Koko hove? 27■ VVhot word con you use lo
O She con lolk lo cols. describe Koko?
O She con use hond signs. O nㄱ eon
O She con speok words. O smoll
O snㄱ orl

23■ Whol does ihe word we얘〈

meon? 28■ VVhol would nㄱ oke onolher
O nol wornㄱ good lille for ihis possoge?
O heovy O Snㄱ oky lhe Killen”

O nol sirong O A Gorillo ThoI Con Sign”

O AII Aboul Gorillos”

2나 ■In lhis possoge, lhe word
preseni meons 29■ VVhen people ogree, lhey
O here. O lhink lhe some woy.
O show. O gel inio o fighi.
O gifl. O do nol like eoch ofhei".

25● VVhol does lhe word linν 30■ The oulhor mosl likely
meon? wrole lhis possoge lo
O very lorge O le‖ o slory obout o killen.
O very sn10‖ O give focis oboul o re이
O siriped gorillo.
O leoch people sign

Midγeσ r Reν IeⅣ ●t'ni[‘ 7-σ ■

:::: :: ::: :

: 1h● Γ ● τT:覽

od● eing
. :̈::::●
he Words ・

.I : 噫


α tic'e σboul t・ he αΠ]σ zing ⅵ
Lj,ten to t・ hi, inrect‘ ●

'or'J o∫

Pα y σttention to the word‘ in the co'or boxer. The∫ e σre

“ ':
lhe ⅵ d¸ yoυ ⅵ rning in thi"Inj*.

'o'” 'i'' be 'eσ

辭따 라던
珪 瑋數趣錨 轄一喀鞋旴
瀚 盡, gig形I :nm,ei
-● i●

::-● -●
● ¨● ・
!":::・ li˙ ・ -● .≠芋
¨fI"!:ㅑ :¨畔・ :: :.::=-√

(Magazine Arti ˛


홍 α
nimα l wor!d α
: n the
creα t11res wα
round us, there α

for you to discover. Mα
re lots of smα ll

ny of these critters
belong to the insect fα Inily. All insects hα ve three Inα in body
pα rts αnd six legs. However, insects coIγ le in αll shα pes, sizes,
αnd colors. They cα n be found αnywhere froln α dry
desert to α(1어 ylp swα Inp・
Some insects αre so syr1α 11 thα t yot1 ynα y
need α tool such αs α hα nd lens to see theII1.
Other insects hα ve feα tures thα t Iγ 1α ke




theln eα sy to find. For exα rnple, you cα n eαsily see α colorfu1
butterny on α pl nt. And, you will know it when α bee is
buzzing like αn α1α rm neα r your eα r.
Mα ny insects αre qllite busy αt work. When butternies αnd
bees lα nd on nowers, their bodies often pick up α powder cα lled
pollen. Then when they fly to other flowers, they scα tter the
pollen. This helps creα t우 Iy10re p1α nts.
Soyγ letiyγ les, insects work αs α teαm. Ants αre α good exα Iγ1ple.

Ants work in groups cα lled colonies. A single co10ny Iγ 1α y hα ve

h11ndreds or even tho1λ sα nds of αnts in it. Together, the αnts
work to build αnthills αnd tuylnels in s여 l or sα nd. These plα ces
give the αnts α plα ce to stα y sα fe.Ants α1so work together to
collect pieces of plα nts or f'ood crurllbs thα t people leα ve behind.
Then the αnts cα rry this f'ood bα ck to the αnthi11. Ants cα n even
cα rry pieces of food thα t αre bigger thα n their bodies!
Are you reα dy to stα rt exploring? Pα y αttention to where
you step, αnd look closely αt leα ves αnd dirt. You Inα y see soIγle
interesting insects.
¨ ㎽'료

擴汀邰 :˙ ● .


-卄빠 .← .







b̆˛ rd the word¸ be'oⅵ ραJ∫ σge on ρσge∫ 76¨ 77●
' heα ' jn the
Reσ J eσ ˛ h worJ αnd it‘ Πleα ning● Write the worJ on the
˛o叩 entence.
'ine *o 'ete ")e

o 'orm An olorm is somelhing thol wokes people or worns
(noun) ihen1 of donger. Ii could be o bell or o buzzer.

νheΠ 〃
,θ kIIohΘ ΠgoI slnoKγ , αΠ
soυ Πded:
I‖ I‖ ili‖ ‖I‖ ‖‖t‖ ‖‖‖I"珀 ‖‖ Ⅱ‖l‖ i"‖ t“ ‖ I"‖ ‖‖i'""‖ l'‖ ‖I'‖ ‖‖I,” ‖‖l‖ ‖l[‖ 바‖l"‖ ‖‖ ⅱ‖l‖ ‖ⅱ l‖ ‖I‖ ‖ ,‖ ,‖ ‖ t‖ ‖ ‖ '''
‖枓‖‖‖‖‖‖‖‖‖ ‖‖II,” :I''‖ ‖l‖
'',삐 "‖ "‖ "‖ '*‖ "‖ "‖ "挫 '‖ "‖ '‖ "‖ '‖ '‖

“ ” ” ”

2■ co']ec' When you golher lhings iogelher, y아 I coIIec' lhem

I 〃
ke Io seos力 θ I''ξ σI I,''e shore.
lI,珀 I,,ll¡ iII',i‖ lll'披 Ⅱ itiI‖ ⅱ!']II’ i'''jㅐ ‖l'I‖ :'',’ 바¡
llli,,;'''I‖ til:inI‘ ⅱ,'i‖ ‖Ⅱ,''*,’ ]I't*,'il,뮬 !'I1"‖ ‖ il‖ ,'''iliⅡ lII,'Ⅱ ,‖ 旿ll,'Ⅱ ‖lli‘ ‖II’ lⅱ ‖ tiⅡ ,l]II¾ ●
I''j,碎 ‖

''1lf=IiIII‖ 'il‖ 'ItiII‖ '''” '!',∶ ''''':Σ ''"'*'I,Ⅱ '‘ 'Ⅱ

” ’ ‘

3■ d애11p When somelhing is domp, il is o lillle wel or moisl.

(g예 eciive)
〃γ shoes g어 ν
νe' IΠ Ihe rσIΠ σΠd σre


‖*Ⅱ ‖I‖ ‖‖‖‖‖ 恰‖‖i‖ ‖I'‖ Ⅱ 就I‖ ‖ ‖‖‖ ‖ ‖ ‖ ‖ll''‖ lli"‖ ¨‖ll:‖ i‖ ‖li‘ ‖‖ ‖ I‖ ‖¡
‖!"‖ ‖‖ ‖I‖ ‖‖ ‖‖ ‖!'‖ l‖ ‖I‖ ll"‖ ‖li‖ ‖ l

'‖ "l‖ "‖ '‖ '‖ "’ "l‖ "ii‖ "'",‖ "''"‖ "‖ "‖ 'l마 'l‖ "i‖ "‖ '‖ '‖ "‖
“ ‘ ”

나. inseci An insecl is o snloII oninㄱ σI wilh ihree n10in

(noun) body poris, six legs, wings, ond no bockbone
Bees, flies, ond molhs ore insecis.

A d"goΠ ηγIs σΠ
Ibυ Πσ Πeor Γ
,'esh w'σ Iθ Γ .

,l‖ Ⅲ ‖‖柑 II‖ ⅲ ‖l晦 ‖I'‖ :I’ ‖‖‖‖;'‖ ‖‖ ‖‖ ‖‖‖ ‖Ⅱ‖ ‖ ‖ Ⅲ I‖ Ⅲ ‖1‖ ‖‖illⅢ ‖‖Ⅲ ‖ ‖‖ⅲ ‖l‖ ,뻐 ‖ ‖‖ ‖‖ Ⅲ ‖Ⅲ ‖Ⅲ il"‖ ⅲ 따‖ ‖Ⅲ ,,l‖ ‖ I

""ⅲ '뻐 "‖ "‖ "Ⅲ '‖ "'¡ '‖ "Ⅲ '''出 "따 '‖ "‖ "出 '‖ "‖ '‖ '‖
’ “’ “ ” ” ‘

5■ P]미卄 A pl미 1l is o living lhing ihol grows in soil or in

(noun) woIer. II oflen hos green leoves.

A Iree I¸ o kI,” d oΓ

(verb) You p'미li when y아 」pul somelhing such os o

seed inio lhe ground so il con grow.

nen ji's I,he besl 'I” θ Io Iυ IIios?

78 ■ ¿

'[ 7
com 〈 L⅝ 떻
蟲蓋en to Refe쭈 to the on"ne g'ossary.

6. sofe If somelhing is sqfe, il is nol in dgnger of being

(o이 eciive) hormed or stolen.
AIν ν σ seolbeII Io be
ρυf oΠ

σ cor.

(noun) A sofe is o sirong box in which you con

lock up money ond olher voluoble ihings

1 1」

HoIIγ kθ θρs her speciol r'˙ Πgs
O :::嘲

i● H'!"'lIII,lII'll● ,‖ :¡ ‖‖Illi'llli!1:I‖ 珏 lllll‖ ‖iII'’ ll'lill'11''i拍 ‖]",ililiIII'tl:'‖ *¡ ]¡ ,"''''I'''''‖ ];I,‖ ‖ I*’ ,;iliI'’ liilil‖ ]:‖ ‖¡
ll'''il,'‖ 쨔,l‖ ,'II'''I吐 t:珀 마‖!li
'‖ "lII‖ '''II,‖ ''‘ ':[']'''''¡ ''l',ii,‖ ''II,ll''‖ ':‖ '’ 'il‖
’ ”

7■ sc메 er VVhen you sc애 ler lhings, you lhrow ihem ovei"
(verb) o lorge oreo.

Tlhe chI˙ Idrθ ΠI'˙ kθ Io breoσ

CΓ ι bs '˙ Π II]e ρoΠ σ for 'hθ συcks
흐甘윰 iI‘ ¾
il표 IIIiII"'ll¡ ⅜
⅞,I,¾ i● I'II¡ 甘
을 i,甘 ¡
I''I'll"ll'I유 ↓ i홉 i● IⅡ I‖ I"I:¡ ㅒ ⅡI''ll'‘
i,⅜ I;I'¸ I,'¾ ,I,⅜ I’ II‖ l'''ll¡ I⅜ Ii,甘 iII"lil‖ I:,t'호 ,⅜ tII'li]I‖ I‖ i̧I甘 ¾
番I=''● 甘 甘
⅜ 북 ,fI=ㅣ
t● ,,
'll["!‖ 'I율 '¾ '⅜ "‖ '몰 '‖ '"I'Ii흉 'li,''III'II'!t',¡ 'liI'II’ '홍

‘ ’

8■ s° ¡ So¡ l is the dirl or eorih ihoi plonis grow in.

ΠIs ΠθθσIυ 灼ι™oler, σι oΠ d


Io groⅣ ¨
iII甘 ,i{‘ II¾ ξ *官 o'!¾ iII¾ l‖ 甘 표

I'甘I1'li'I'll,,표 ξ ,I● 윰
I귤 I표 율 IIτ I‖ I¾ iI¸ i’ lli'''ㅣ ,I¾ ti흉 묩
¾● ,,甘 I;II,II'I"''*II율 ⅜
I,''lII¾ ll,ll'I,II● 윰 효,I!,¾ ¾ I'i]II¾
tξ II'lIII½ iII甘 ⅞
:¡ !⅞ 표
t'’ :¾ i甘 료1

'옹 'iIIlIII''● '甘 ''II'IiI甘 'lII*홍 'III홍 ''I,II¸ ''五 '‖ '± 'II''li'IIII各 '''fill’ 'I’

9. 'eom A 'e이1l is o group of people who work logelher

(noun) or ploy o sporl iogether.

T'here ore eleν θΠρIσ γers oΠ σ soccθ Γ

IⅡ 흣⅝
i¡ II各 I'후 ξ
⅝iII,'llli'II'',II¾ 甘
ㅣ fI푸 ,’ ⅝ i]''ll,'‖ I,ll,'ll● ⅜
●¾ l‖ lI"'II,⅜ il흐 ¾
¾I'il"''III'll¾ *iㅏ :;'"'‖ ‖‖III'’ I:¾ *iI’ ⅞
l‖ I’ 귤
I‖ ‖ ⅝ III'l]:'∶
1¾ ll'‘ ●1̧Ii¾ ⅜
ㅏ●I⅜ i흐 I't● ,I⅞ iII챰 ˛
욜용,!I● 홍 :

'l,,fllillII,표 ''lII'''iIltI뮴 'II,¾ '[I‖ 'lⅡ '"I''l'ilfj:I¼ '"I'jI논 'i∶ '●

‘ ‘ ‘ ’

] 0■ '。 어 A 'ool is o piece of equipmenl used lo do o

(noun) cerloin job.

A hoΠ?Iner I¸ σ
w'e tlse Io ρoι d noII'요

Un'˙ [ 7 ■ 79
ˇ● ca

he ‖e●
:⊥ :;::iij¨ .:!-;i:::::'

rom the box thσ [ mα tche,the meσ ning
Choo,e the worJ ∫
in t・ he ˛ ⅵ
'ord on the 'ine●
'ue. Wrife
새 η 리 解 *“ 奸粥 澣 ‖ ‖ 斟 ⅱⅱⅱ ‖‖ 粹 締 ‖ ‖ⅱ‖η曲 *‖ 따 茹
¨ 乍
"“ "Ⅱ ""“ "Ⅱ ""胛 "牛 """"” ""빠 "” " "‖ "‖ "‖ "Ⅱ "¨ "‖ ""枳 "Ⅱ ""Ⅱ "“

11 DDionisco甘 ier
崙 "‖

童 olormco ['ecid이

“ “ ” ” ” ”” “ “

“ “

l¾ ¾●
¾ ¾
,=뷴 it¼ 뇰홍
ttiξ ti'''Ii'''⅝ ,¾ ⅝ ¼쿡
i官 :휼 i⅜ I‘ 큠
⅝ !!육 골
몰ξ :'+‘
:곡 :‘ i‘ ;˛ ⅛
●貧 ㅣ ●,,i흐 ξ¸ ;‘ IIㅑ I,''I,',● ●루 :● 1¼ ii● fIII,,f,’ !I,● ,효

'''lf● ':''=τ ''!ㅣ ''''i:'‘ ''‘ 'I'‘ '''甘

''''''I‘ ',● '''

'甘 '‘

’ ’ ’ ‘ ‘
‘ ‘ ‘ ‘

■You do lhis when yo'」 pul seeds inio ihe ground.


2. You do this when yot」 sove siornps or coins.

3. You feel lhis woy when you ore in o lighi roin

나■You heor lhis during o fire drill.

5. You do lhis io leoves when you throw lhem in lhe oir

흗¾ 큠⅝
⅝ ¾
II'''It'lll¾ ⅝ 큠 ⅝¼甘‖ ¾
哥 甘
르목흘 ζ 甘●
●˛ ●
ttlti’ t¾ ,● i,¾ II¾ !Itilt,,'¾ *'붇 tI⅝ I⅝ !흉 :⅝ :'¼ I뮬 4''i'Ⅱ ,∶ I¡ I"'';1‘ I,ㅑ ,'''‘ I'ii¸ (●
,互 iI;‘ IIIIII,,,,,I,,I● !


¡'ieo mioo'
'''ItI甘 '''¾

'¾ 'I¾ '‘ '‘ 'τ "‘ 'τ ',"I,‘
'' ‘
'‘ 'Σ

’’ ’ ‘ ‘
‘ ‘ ‘ ’

乞 흔

● I● ,I¸ ,,ξ IIIIIII,III,I'‘ I1,I’ ,̧I,I,IH● ,III,I!¼ ㅒ Σ,i,ㅣ ,!I'''i’ ¼
,,I’ 듈 I苦 웅
Σ용 ,쌍 ,¾ I'¼ ,*⅝ 里흉 甘
*⅝ i,''‘ :¾ :It''I⅜ ¾⅜ ¾ :븅 ⅜ *甘 1¾ ¾ I‘ +;,'‘ ;''¡ ]:‘ ¸ ●ㅑ
I]료 ,ξ I‘ Ii'{',,I' f ,II ξ

'oI‘ '¼ ''⅝ '¾ 'II’ ''',¾ '⅝ '⅝ 'i'1'‘ '甘 '푭 ',II';‘ '‘
‘ ‘ ‘ ’ ‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘

6. This is oflen needed lo fix somelhing

7■ This is o ploce lo keep money.

8■ This is the diri o plont grows in

9■ This group of people works iogelhel"

This smoll creoli」 re hos wings ond six legs.


8 0 t'Π
'[ 7
븅he Se"*enee
εhoo,e the ⅵ rom [he box thσ t
∫ be‘ t comp'ete, ['le
renten˛ e. Write the worJ on the 'ine.
˛ ˙

:! ● :;‘ '''● ξ
:;,‘ 1',;;'I;1!=,i‘ II'';IIi=j● ,II'j,ㅑ ,'"I,,;[노 !ll‖ i,Iξ ,liI,,III,Ifi홈 tilII’ ,II1용 ¾
⅝ 붙 1,¾ ,it!iti흗 흄i‖ ⅝
북⅜흉뻐 ‖‖玳븅吝瀏 ‖‖折枉윌빠 ‖‖뺘 I孝

: '녹 :● ;● ;● i‘ ;ξ :● i,● i¾ 1율 i

domp plon' 畺
''¼ '‘ ' 't,'!',lii,녈 'II⅞ 乞

畺 o'orn1

‘ ‘‘
’ ’ ’
co' 'ec甘
≡ 횹 돎μ -η

sofe sco ‖e r soi] ieo m °


⅝ i''"';¡ 다;]"''' (1:㎊・

ξ●II','f,,,들 Ξ
ξ●● 흩 i” 賞
Σ● 뷸
●륨 ● 들 쿵
●ti''’ ::‖
'° 흉
;,亘 iill'I,'‘ ,亨 ,닐 :● i'● ii튠 ,','’ til¼ fiti'● i붙 :용 t흄 ,'''‖ i토 ii:i古 :i:’ iI''τ :읕 ;,‘ :;"'''‘ ;'ㅑ

''i˛ ''II● '횬

''',i'욥 ''홈 '"''::;룔 '‘ '
’ ‘ ‘ ’ ‘ ‘

Jess wokes up os soon os ihe goes off.


2. Todoy her sofiboll hos o big job lo do!

3■ Firsl, lhe children lhings folr gordening

나■Then lhey seorch lhe ground for fresh

5■ They use o for digging deep.

6■ Afler ihol, fhey seeds

7■ Fino‖ y, lhe children woler lhe soil so il is

8■ They wonl io keep oul ony bird or

9. They worry thol ]he seeds will nol be

Soon eoch seed will grow inlo o




υ ■ 87
:n C˚
Reσ J the djrectionr on the εαrd. Then write σ ,enten˛ e to
αn,wer eσ ˛h qυ e,tion beIow:

Hepe’ s q plon十 十ho十 is eosy 十 o gpow. 'fou don’ 十even need

soil op o 十ool 十o dig wi十 h'
●. Fins十 eollec十 十 he following 十hings:
●gn gvocodo pi十 ●gJqp ●foup 十 oo十 hpicks ●wo十 ep

b. S十 ick in 十he 十oo十 hpicks opound 十 he cen十ep of 十 he pi十 ,


sofe,don’ 十十 ouch 十 pp ends of 十 十


To be he shσ he oo十 hpicks.


c.Fill十heJop pgp十 ẅoy wi十 h wo十 ep.


d. PIoce 十he biggen end of 十 he pi十 in 十he wo十 ep so 十


十oo十 hpicl(s pes十 on 十 he 十op of 十


e.Finolly,pIoce 十 heJop in o bpigh十 window.
曾 °
潑飜 藿 廓崔
頀扈 議驥座驥潑 審뗍 戀《⅜醱 욥
姦 暳훨 쓩陶 朗 逈《
灐茴 驥 ⅜ 園醱 驛》懺⅜

i ■VVhol do lhese direclions lell you?

2. Whol lhings do you hove lo coilecl?

3. How mighi loolhpicks noi be sofe?

나■VVhich word on ]he cord meons moisl”
“ o lillle wei” ?

.ξ 珏 활왕
⅜ ⅜
,⅜¡ 甘
뮬 ;⅜ :甘 ;큠 :‘ ,τ ,료 :I호 1푤 :‘ ,⅜ ¾±
⅞ 푤
호 ⅜ ⅞
,뷸甘 ;I,,,귤 ●
Ii:{‘ ● I,흐
1골 I흐 ●
II팜 노
I’ ,호 I,노 ,Σ Ii표 홍
보±,t ‖마‖¾
I拍 ‖ㅒ¾
iI¾ ,‖ I締˙
卄‖홍 ‖⅝¸‖甘
붙 i''η

g lorm inseci sc어 ier


˙ '1ξ '+● 'I●
瑾 ● '‘

‘ ‘ ‘

‘ ‘ ‘ ‘

¥撥瑋F 曲뺨珞 ξ ,
i’ I‘

IIΣ titΣ 듈
I甘 IΣ t甘 ●
● ,홍 i,¾ ,I용 을 ,甘 i¾ ,홍 ¾¾
¾ ¾
혹 들 흄
,ㅒ ¾甘⅜홍
各 i홍 i⅜ i官 ,⅝ ,¾ 붐

i휼 큠
⅜*'= 뮬
ㅑ l⅜

I ,; :¾ ;르 몹 ⅜甘
¾番 ㅣ:' ¸
'⅜ , 흐 糊 ●
' : ' +¡ , = I

I寸 i :'

’ ’ ‘ ‘ ’ ’ ‘

’ ‘ ‘ ‘

5. VVrile o senlence using o woird in ihe box

82 ■ 【
∫ΠI[ Z
G● mes
rjnd the word in the box thσ Π1α tche"he c'ι t
W''j[e eσ ch 'etter o.∫ the worJ on gn αn,wer b'어1k.

욤 ㅣ 웅 휼
퉁吝 흘 옇
⅜툐 *:[II"'l‖ i="',,‖ IIftI'¾ ξ ●

莩률 흘㎥
,:τ !,:Ⅱ :'¡ 1'':''¾ :'l‘ ,“ i=I,●

I曷 t’ :’ :¾ :효 :흑 ;⅞ ;휼 ,읕 ,용 i욜

¼ '魚 '','"ill'':들 ''1i!!t욕 ''‖ '''''''''::;吝 ''I'"'i:● ';'ㅣ ',;'",,',¸ ";'''',,II,,I¼ 'l4,'li¸ 'ti,‖ '

‘ ‘
‘ ‘

o 'orn1 co' lec' do Π1 p insec' P'아 1十

sofe sco ‖e r soi' °
¼ ¸●●ξ
,;i¡ ,,ι I,± I● ● I¸ ,ll● ,,Ii● ●f̧,I!t노 ¼
IIIIIIIIii홍 ti¼ 흗홑
¾ttIIiIII¾ jIiiilt,'II¾ I¾ III'¾ ●¾
!홍 ,甘 썸
큠τ :!큠
큠 ÷표
:'± I甘 :'ξ I표 ㅣ 료τ
¡ 흐 τ;¡
'° I흉 ;甘 I표

''III‘ 'Iㅒ '⅝

''I⅜ '푤 '‘ '11+‘ '료 '‘ ','‖ '‘

‘ ‘‘ ‘ ‘‘ ’ ’’ ’ ‘
‘ ‘

[ . o hommer or o sow

2■ nol full of donger

3■ lo lhrow oll over

나. io gother

5■ dirl io ploni in

6. il grows in woler or soil

7■ o lillle wel

8■ o group lhol ploys sporis

9. o loud worning so'」 nd

'0. whoi o housefly is

Look σt the 'e卄 e'τ yoυ wrote in the hα ded co'umn σbove.
Write them on t・ e σn‘ wer b'어1k∫ be'ow
‘ to αn,wer "le ridJ'e.

VVhol do you coll lwo bononos?

A poir


瑾芽 ‘

" υΠ ■ 8B
'[ 7
. : : :

: :.. :

he "● rds

Lj’ ten σr十 jc'e σboυ t beα υ*ifυ γe''ow,*one
to t・ hj‘
Nσ tjonσ rk. Pα y α十 tentjon [o the ' ⅵ jn
' Pσ . There αre the word‘ yoυ wj'' be
"]e rning
thj‘ υnit.

.:. . :
:: ::: :: : ::::˙

: ::: ::
: ::
::i: :::::: ::::: ::: ::::: .:::: :: ::: :::: ::::: : .!

(Magazine Article)
e11owstone Nα
tionα 1 Pα rk ls our
1않 ・
i country's first nα tionα 1 pα rk. It is α
lα rge pα rk. Pα rts of it αre in three stα tes:
Wyoming, Montα nα , αnd Idα ho. The
pα rk is fα Iγ10us for its I1α turα 1 wonders,
such αs wα terfα 11s, hot springs, αnd
g eyse1˙ s.

The1⌒ e αre Inα ny reα sons to visit

Ye11owstone Nα tionα 1 Pα rk. One is to see
the Inα ny geysers. A geyser is α nα turα 1
hot spring thα t sprα ys steα Iy1 αnd hot
wα ter into the α . The Inost fα Inous

geyser is Old Fα ithfu1. It cα n 구 v tO

T 才
you thα t it deserves its nα nle. Abo'1t
every ninety rninutes, Old Fα ithful
A geyser sproys sieom
b1α sts α st , : streα rn of boiling wα ter ond hol woier inio lhe oir,
high into the sky・
Anothel˜ reα son to visit the pα k is to see hot springs αnd

thick In11d pots. The nlud pots αre pools of hot II111ddy wα ter.
Don't :ve in though! Sonle α e αs hot αs boilin9 wα ter.


.: : :::::::::::::::: : :
i ● : : .:: : :: ::::::::::::::::::::: : ::

:::i :

Yellowstone is hoIγle to
Iy1α ny αniyγ 1α ls. You Iy1α y be
αble to get α close Iook αt α

犧凶 魏 酷酷 驍
herd of wild bison, sometilnes
cα 1led buffα lo, frorrl your
cα I⌒ . Mα ny yeα rs αgo, hunters
were αn enemy of the bison.
Now the bison in the pα rk

αre protected. Elk, Inoose,
beα rs, αnd wolves α e αInong I⌒

A bison molher ond colf groze in the pork.

the other αniIγ 1α ls thα t live in

Ye11owstone. Eα 91es, too, soα r through its skies. Visitors should

reIγleIγ1ber not to bothel˙ , feed,or frighten the α nirnα ls in the pα rk.
People cα n wα lk on the pα rk's Iγ 1α ny Iniles of sIγ 100th wα lking
trα ils. People cα n αlso cα Inp, boα t, αnd horsebα ck ride. Visitors
should p● ck αInα p, wα ter, αnd cα yylerα . It is α 9ood ideα to seα l

the cα Iγlerα in αplα stic bα g to protect it frolγ 1 wα ter.

Yellowstone hα s Inα ny αyγ1α zing things to see. No wonder
over sixty Iγ 111lion people hα ve visited this speciα l plα ce I
‖e● g'
γoι rd t'le ⅵ be'oⅵ ρσ∫
∫αge o'● ραger 84-8¸ ●
' 'leσ 'ord∫ ' ''' the
Reσ d eσ ˛ h worJ αnd it, Π ning. Write the worJ on the
˛oΠ ●
ρ entence.
'ine lo 'ele [''e

dive VVhen you dive, you go heod first inlo
(verb) woler wilh your orms sireiched ol」 i in
froni of you.

ΠIick kΠ oⅣs Io
II?Io Ine deep eΠ σ oΓ 〃,θ pool.
‖ ,’ l¡ I'''lll,'l:f,ll‖ :'1,,!"!'II''II''i'’ ‖卄 II''III,’ i빠 ‖¡ ij,''II'''I''tiII’ ‖
1’ ,● ll['''I''ll,'lI¡ ,‖ I‖ i)'''II''l ''II'j'i''‖ :‖ ‖I''II''':;'i뵤 ‖ ,l''‖ il'''II‖ Ⅱ‖Ⅱ¡ ‖I',lli¡ II'li1‖ ii汗 ⅱI,l''
"싸 'll''il'I'i'ⅱ '卄 "I‖ ''¡ 'til'l'I''II'‘ 'i‖ '‘

” ’
’ ‘

2■ enemy An enenly is o person or gnimol lhol doesn’ l like,

(noun) or wonfs lo horn1, onolher person or onimol.

A nυ Π r Iξ σΠ σI,ImoI'ξ

‖托‖‖‖‖‖ ‖‖ⅱ‖ⅱl” I‖ ‖ I"‖ ‖ ‖‖ i‖ ‖‖‖‖ ‖ l‖ ‖:"‖ ‖‖ ‖‖ ‖‖ ‖I,,‖ I‖ ‖‖‖ ‖‖‖‖ l"'"‖ ‖#‖ ‖‖ ↔ ll‖ ‖,‖ ‖ⅱ ‖‖II"‖ ,’ ‖‖‖‖ⅱ‖
"l‖ '” '‖ "‖ '‖ "‖ "‖ "‖ '‖ "[‖ "‖ "‖ ",II‖ 'l"‖ "‖ "‖ '"‖ '‖ "‖ "‖ ""
‘ ” “ ” ’ ”

3■ frighien VVhen you frighien someone, you score ihe person.

γ˚ko cσ Π her brolher b/
1/ν IΠ g σ scor/ Π?σ sk.

‖쨔‖:I‖ i)''‖ I'’ ‖ :印 ‖‖lII'lli‖ iI'‖ *“ ‖ ¡

lil''''¡ ,'‖ !iⅱ ‖‖‖,,'’ ii:"''I'l‖ :u‖ ll',''I’ ,''I
'I'li¡ '’ ''''"]]'*ⅱ 'I''l‖ ''I‖ ''I''l]''!Ⅱ 'll''II¡ 'il’ ''Ii'l"iiI‖ '!‖ '‖

’‘ ‘

나■herd A herd is o group of onimols. The

(noun) herd n10y feed or lrovel logelher.

A oΓ

cσ IIIθ Ⅳσnders I” Ihe "θ odoⅣ

fI흐 ¾
l'흐 I'⅜ II'IIII⅜ II,¾ ⅞⅞
¾보¾ i표 ⅞
III*t',표 ,IIIII⅛ IIII'IIτ I'붕 ●⅞
i⅜ liI¾ li표 ,'l''li¡ ¡ ⅝
¾iI,,lII'iIII¼ l!:I,●
,io표 ¾ ,⅜ II[I● I!'Ii[I'ㅣ ξ¾¾
I‖ 1lII['I"몰
i,甘 1f융 I¡ ,¾ II표 If● I'*I‖ Ii,'¾ I융 I± 11'¾ *!II⅛ I ,II흐 I,¾ ㅣ ,'⅞ ll표 홍甘
I'율 l흐

III↓ ll

'몰 ''IItl,표 'ㅣ 'iiII움 '● 'liI,I'III¾ '흐 'I¾ ',II⅜ 'lli,'III丑

5■ pock VVhen you pock, you pui lhings inlo o conioiner,
(verb) such os o bog, box, or suiicose.

I ⅣI〃 Πγ books I;br school.

(noun) A pock is o group of sonㄱ elhing, such os onimols,

people, or ihings.

There σI'e sIλ crσ γoΠ s IΠ σ

8σ ■ υΠI[ 8

ˇoeabu ●aryworkshop.com 醫
樓梯 ine g'ossary・ :
'ej to the on●

6■ prove VVhen you prove someihing, you show thol il is true.

TI?e ex,ρ θΓ
oΠ Is Πeed sυ Π 'o groM.
Ⅱ‖lII‖ ‖fI'''II‖ I,‖ IIlli,I‖ ‖‖IItlli'‖ ‖i:lllIIτ ⅜ ●
II''I[I‖ ‖・
]I'',I''‖ 印,1'''l‖ ‖ㄺ !Ⅱ il''’ iH‖ i!¸ ll'I¡ ‖o‖ iii'jⅡ ‖I'!'iI'!‖ ‖liII'll‖ ‖I‖ l'II'ⅱ ‖ⅱ,I'● I¾ γ
碎‖비 ,珀 ●
,'iII,';'“ ●

'‖ 'Ⅱ "I*ll'll흐 ',II'II',li,‖ ''liillIIⅲ '''i,,'"t!'IItli’

7■ seo[ A seol is o seo onirnol lhol hos ihick

(noun) fur ond fiippers. II con swirn ond live
in cold ploces.


υsθ s 多

Is Γ’
ρpers Io ρυII I'seII σIoΠ g

●₩ ㅏ

I1˙ J

fhe groυ Πd.

(verb) VVhen you seoi somelhing, you close il up ligh미 y

Usθ Iσ,ρ θ Io
bθ rbre γoυ ΠoII II. 'he box
Il奸 ‖lli'tl‖ ‖I''ili'lI碑 ,;'''I● ¡ i‖
,ㅑ ‖ 1’ II‖ i姸 ¡ l]‘
,’ ‖lI[11'I'lli¡ ‖‖ ‖,"'',’ II!lII[I卄 ‖ ‖‖1'1'll¡ ,ll¡ ‖奸‖liI'tⅡ ‖ ㄼ ,‘ :''I,'I'=*± oㅂ 1I'''呻 鈿III'
'lI''li:‖ '!''I,'':*‘ 'llii’ ''IIil‖ 'II‖ 'Hill¡ ''I'''H“ 'I‖ ''''‖ 'l● "III¡ "H'IIII¾ '‖ '!,’ 't旿

‘ ’

8■ smoolh If somelhing is smoo'h, il is flol ond even, nol

(o이 eclive) rough ond bumpy.
A bobγ :s skI” Is soΠ oΠ σ
¸ i● f¾ II'''’ 甘
툐● Ⅱ i'甘 ,I,l‖ !¡ ξ
II‖ ll1III‖ III‖ l'I,표 ,¡ 용
I‖ :표 liI‖ lII'묠 I● I‘ I뮬 ⅞
III‖ lltl'I뇹 ¾ 흄 ,liI!IIII'IIi¾ ●
l''' II¾ 홍 :'II,tl'甘 ¾
f뭍 ㅒ甘lIIIttif휼 ξI’ i표 甘
ltfl''I● 윰
¡ζff''III¾ o● ¾
¾*I’ It

',''I:'''""II!*● 'l● '‖ 'ill''iiI‘ 'I"I'II흐 'I¾ 'ㅏ ''I,,● '"'iII⅜ 'I표 '''''iI'各 'I甘 'ㅣ 'lㅏ

‘ ‘

9■ soor To soor is lo fly very high in

(verb) ihe oir.

ⅡσIch fhe bold eogle


IΠ II?e skγ ,

iζ i‘ ‖¡
吝¾l','"I¾ ¾
1'‘ I'‖ ‖甘 ‖I‖ Ⅲ til⅜ IIiI’ I‖
‖ ‖ 븅
tII,‖ I'''i:‘ ‖ II,'‖ I'● ● ⅞
Ⅱ●‖i‖ lII융 iItl‖ l¡ ,용 i‖ i‖ I‖ :흐 ¾
II''' '‖ ¾
i‖ I各 III'lil'¾ I● til'''l● ¡
몰II,lll'윰 ●
●甘 :i‘ II'● i융 :¼ 甘
●音甘 :I‘

'"‖ ''I융 'I‖ '¡ 'lt[]¾ "● ''Ⅲ ' 퓬 "ll]I⅜ 'i¾ 'I甘 '‖ 'ti몰 'I,'l'''● 'i

’ ‘ ‘ ‘

I 0■ siegdν If somelhing is sleodν , il continues ond does

(뻬 eclive) noi chonge much.
ν˚ρIσ γθd I˙ Πslde oII dσ γ becoυse oΓ fhe

rσ IΠ ㎩ II.

t'ni' 8 8 7

ˇocabu ●

1趣 駐**α 趣
: unit words with

he ‖e● ni"g
● interaciive gannes and act¡ viiies.

Ehoo‘ e the word rom the box thα t

∫ mα tche¸ the meσ ning
in the c'ι he word on the 'ine●
'e. U'rite t・

홅 divefrighienpockproveseo' 휼

;'굽 :甘 ,'축 ●촉 τ

;●⅞ 녹
르 i’ I'j‘ ,˛ ㅑ
흐 ,‘ ,;‘ I● ,;‘ ㅏ●
I¸ II● ,● I● ,I¼ ,’ I,I’ II'● i● i● III,,’ I,i,I,,’ t:j● ,’ Ii,i''t'‘ ,t흉 ,ii’ Σ tit''II''¾ ⅝⅝

t큠 i‘ ˙
'● '''’ '''!''''‘ '''''''I'¼ 'ㅑ '''''‘ ',I''I¸ '● 'i'⅝ '',!Ii,'It’ '⅜ "¨
‘ ‘ ‘ ‘
‘‘‘ ‘
‘ ‘ ‘ ’ ’

You mighl use o pool io do ihis.


2■ You use lope or glue lo do ihis io o box.

3■ You do lhis to convince someone lhoi someihing is ir'」 e.

나■You do lhis when you score sonㄱ eone.

5■ You do lhis when you pui clolhes in o suiicose.

놔" 빠坤 刪㎿ 蝴 HⅢ ‖耽嫩 " ㎚ " ‖聃 辨 鉗蠅 ‖‖‖‖‖‖ η出η‖‖‖碎‖Ψ轍 삐 ‖" 糊 我밖出페‖뼈 Ⅱ旿糊 糊 " ‖ Ⅱ昨뺘 Ⅱ " 刪 마" 瑚 냐다"" "" " 헉
ψ ¾
¼ 拏
” ”” ”” ” “ “ “ “ ”

휼 enemvherdsmoo'hsoor sieodv

I¸ !Ii‘ ●
II,,’ fl,,IIt● II웃 :{i’ IΣ IIIiII● 쿄
甘 ti● ,⅝ I¼ !i,IIIIII뭅 !':들 i甘 ,甘 ⅜
⅝큠 :둥 !‘ **I'甘 子
축⅜⅜ :● !‘ 甘
표 !甘 甘 ,육 :‘ 甘 :甘 +'¡ ˛
甘 ;,‘ ,‘ ㅑ ⅞ ;˛ ;i,,I‘ I⅛ 岱'
=’ ='⅜
',I,I,● ''*II’ 'II⅛ '⅝ '‘ ''¡ '’ ''*‘ 'I'''¾ 't흐 '''I'¡ '‘ ''''III,또

’ ’’ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘

6■ This is whol o plone con do.

7. This is o group of horses.

8■ This is whol o spider is to o fly.

9■ This is how o frozen loke looks

l 0■ A iighirope wolker needs lo be sure he feels lhis when he works.

88 t'Π
't 8
e” ●
● e
Choo‘ e t・ ⅵ 'he Se” ε
omplete‘ the
'orJ ''om the box thα
∫ * be‘ t
,e'● tence. 'le
W''j十 e t'le worJ on the Iine˚
떫佃拙H錤 ‖娥‖拙 旿孵旿氓 茸
δ 홈 : :‘ ,τ :'● ●
;;'‘ i흐 甘;;‘ ●,,● ,● ;‘ ,̧● Ξ
,,,ξ ● ,:,‘ ¸
I’ ●,I‘ I,,¸ ±●
I:I’ ,If‘ ,fi● ,¸ ●
,i● !旦 ,,꽃 ¾
II,휼 ¾
I’ ,ξ i',쩜 i● ●
tt‘ 卑
t'⅝ Σ
*붙 욤¾甘
:¾:i읔:ξ i⅝ 큠
官 嘲柑≒
㎋ =버
囍 dive pock
'‘ ''● '˛ ';족 '’

‘ ‘‘
enem ν ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘
‘ ‘
frighie n
‘ ‘ ’
herd ’

표 鉅搖융여φ

p rove seo' smoo[h soor sleodν


,llli,I'I,'II',,'l''’ lfi'II'’ ,',II'''II'll'fi’ ll’ lll’ llil',II,lll'I'ilil'''''III’ Iilil''1''ll!'''''''‘ I'illl)il''''‘

''I''ll',',I{i'''● ','''● 'lII''',',l''’ '',Illl'ill''','I''l'''I''''',I’ ''ll''III'''
’ ‘

l ■Jock is reody lo his book bog for school.

2■ He wonis io io his rnom ihol he knows o lol

oboul onimols.

3■ One onimgl lhol swims in ihe oceon is o

나■A penguin hos 0 block o[η d while body.

5■ DoIphins jump ond inlo lhe seo.

6■ Zebros live in o lo sioy sofe.

7. A Iurile’ s shell keeps il sofe fronl ils

8■ A beor moy climb o lree when people il.

9■ Mom vvondel"s how o lion is on o lree linlb.

[ 0■ Jock wonders whcII it is like lo like o bird

::::: :::::::::.




[IΠ ■ 89
'[ 8
: ●: :i :.: ! . :

: ::::: . ::
::: : : .
Reα J [''e ● α¸o˛ e'ep'1σ n十 .̧ T'len ri+e
'+j˛ '—
α ente'1ce to σ 'e ˛ ●ι tion ●elow. ”
볐 瑚 H殘曲 *円避換理 '"er e● 'e‘
‘ 'η

翰 驍 蠅巍瓠 闊 邀
廓姦酷 簧 罷 翰鍾추晞豁頀喙蛭 艦 驥簧

The elephgn十 十he bigges十 living lond onirnol. I十 s 十hi 하〈


君 sl〈 in is wpinkled,no十 srnoo十 h.Twen十 y 十 o fon十 y elephIon 十s
|ive in o herd of fornily rnembeps. Duping 十 he doy, 十 he
hend s十 onds in 十 he shode ond sleeps.
In 十he evening,elephon十 s look fon food.They wolk slowly
so 十 he young ond old cgn keep up. A十 o s十 peom 十 hey dpink
gnd wgsh.They swim in deep wo十 ep bu十 con’ 十 Jump or dive.
O十 hen onirndls don’ 十'pigh十 en elephon十 s,no十 even d poel〈
of wild dogs.People ore 十 heip only enemy.Don’ 十十 py 十o ppove
十 hisl 'fou wouldn’ 十won十 on enoprnous,six一 十 on elephon十
punning o付 ep youl

[ ■How would you describe lhe skin of on elephonl?

2■ How would you describe o herd of elephonls?

3■ group” ?
VVhol iwo words in lhe orticle ore olher words for “

나= VVhy do you think olher onimols don’ t frighien elephgnis?

빠 糊 1'± 螂 빠 빠 姆 ,I¸ ,If¼ ,姆 斛 I仰 柑 l’ ¾¸

tㅕ ‖卄,I妬 ¾ ‖‖‖ ⅝
t‖ 푼
I勻 i¾

坪 !빠
筌 '堀 ",,Σ "‖ '雉 ¾

畺 seo' soor sleodv


— 菫
:: : : ::: :: :::: :-: ::: ::::::::::’ !::::::
-: :::.:: :::●
:::: :::: : : i: 'η η⅝

용 τ
⅜¾⅜⅝ 甘
⅜ ⅞
1⅜ ⅜¾¾

:,용 *⅜ #,읔 t⅜ I’ *몽 ⅜
,I,⅜ τ
흐ㅒㅏ f‘ ,:흐 ¾
¡˛iI;甘 ●흉ㅣ I‘ ;I‘ ,,● i忖'・
''‘ ',● '‘

‘ ‘ ’‘
‘ ‘ ’

5■ VVrile o senlence using o word in ihe box.

90 ■ UΠ
'[ 8
Find the word in the box thσ he¸ the ˛
Write the word on the line● ' mα '˛

¨ ‖‖拙 ‖ ‖‖‖Ⅱ刪 ⅡⅡⅡ 빠 湖 Ⅱ 脚 빠 ‖邯 " ‖" 刪 刪 ‖‖"" " 嘲 轍 ‖Ⅱ" "” 岫 ‖‖‖‖‖‖脾 ‖珀‖㎿ ‖ ㎏‖聆‖‖‖㎜ ,i 釉 뻬 Ⅱ‖隣 ‖軸 ‖Ⅱ㎾ I竹

§ "‖ " " "" " " 쑈

휼 diveenemν frigh'enherdpock畺
“ “ “ ” ” ”

畺 Droveseo lsmoo'hsoor sieodv 菫

密 ⅛
!,''북 tt’ *t‘ 묵 ¡ ⅝ 흑 ;''“ II';t''ㅣ I'I'','IIIiI‘ ●
●Ii'IIIIII‘ i̧,III‖ I,',I,fI’ iI'IfII",II¸ Σ
¸●III,I*'IIIt,’ ㅒ iiI‖ ,II,¾ :¾ Σ 후Σ
,III'ㅣ 葛
‘ i'甘 Ii'‘ ;;‘ II●
i⅝ I‘ ,‘ ,百 I¼ ,횹 ,Σ

'It욤 'It'’ ':'Ⅱ '''''르 't¾ '''

'‘ ''¾ '且 'I⅝ ''''i'‘ '⅛ ''‘ 'I‘ '˛

’ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘
‘ ’

nol bumpy

2■ noi o friend

3■ lo pul lhings in o box

나■lo fly up high

5■ lo score

6■ lo go in heod firsl

7■ nol shoking

8■ on onim이 wilh thicl( ft】 r ond 귀ippers

9■ io show lhol somelhing is irue

like o pock

b r

。 °

Look gt the worJ, yo˛






' wrole. rind


them in the ρυzz'e σnd ˛ir˛


'e them. ' e n











● ■–



{'Π ■ 97
盲̇ :::: :
'[ 8
If you need help with o word, look il up
in lhe C'oss● ry ol lhe bσ ck of lhis book.


c'˙ ˛ σ 으므으 meα ning σ

[ the 으
* hσ
t'le 'e theinworJ

J● *hα 'mo‘the worJ on the 'ine●

rk print.‘Write ‘
A beelle is o kind of bug■
A■ plonlB■ iooiC■ insecl

2■ A Ioud noise mighi scqre you.

A■ frighlenB■ scollerC■ soor

3■ A group of lions will frighlen lhe deer.

A■ seolB■ pockC■ enemy

나. How con you show ihol lhis siolemenl is irue?

A■ pockB■ scollerC■ prove

We heord ihe even beol of ihe drum.



A■ sofeB■ sleodyC■ domp

里 =::::::::::::::⅜

m s
εirc'e the ⅵ 十
hσ t hσ σ t the 으으2으 止 으nleσ ning σ

'mo‘the word on the 'ine.
the word in J● rk print●‘Write ‘
Con you help me open lhe box?
A■ plonlB■ seoiC. collecl
2■ PIeose co'[ecl lhe birdseed in ihe coge.
A. soorB■ plontC■ scoller

3■ An oni’ s friend moy be onolher oni.

A■ olormB■ enemyC■ leom

나■The boy skoied ocross the bumpν ice.

A■ sofeB■ dompC■ smoolh

5■ The sond of lhe beoch wos drν .

A■ donlpB■ sofeC■ sleody

92 ■ υΠ 7-8 ●Reν
'“ 'ew
懲 $笛⅝

'● σt the ⅵ
Look ch ⅵ the
'ord, in the box. Wrfte eσ 'orJ f'●
groυ ρin whic'l it be¸ t ∫ . U¸ e eα ch word once.
't¸ - ~
‖‥‖ 岾 뼈 뻐 μ¨η삐 ‖삐 粹 돼 η매 ㎾ ㅃ 璃 ‥μψⅡ 뺘 * f“ ‖Ⅱ‖Ⅱⅱ * 啼 촉
.=+*따 " " " H 뀔

”””” “ ““ “ “

幸 seo'soor so¡ 흥

'*● ,:● i:::● ●

:II'● ,'I,li,● ,',● :t● iI:It''!t:'● !:● 1i:':붙 ::’ :'':',!':!1!'''':::¼ ;:흄 ::● 들 ::‘ I''‘ :● 골
흑 :;;'‘
;‘ ;'‘ ;'● ● ●i-'

''i'ㅣ '甘 '''''!'‘ '●
',:● '‘

‘ ‘
‘‘ ‘ ‘

G● Fde" Wopds A아 :o" WoFds

떫opds τh매 WoΓ d' τh어

ㅐ미ne ●po● ps ㅐ●me Cre● ●

Reν ieν ν ˚{Ini[, I-B ■ 93

Choo‘ e the σn¸ wer thα [ bert ˛on1ρ *he en十 ence
or σn,wer, '']e que‘ tjon. Pσ νσ十 tention
'ele‘ *o 'he worJ

in Jα rk prin十 ●Fj'' in the cir˛ αn,we∴
'e next to the
6. A col is on enemy of o
' .O Aknife.
'ool used lo cul wood is o
O mouse.
O sow. O wh이 e.
O hommei'. O se이 .

2■ VVhol mighi you co'leci lo 7. VVhere mighi you see o pock


recycle? of wolves?
O old newspopers O in o cord shop

O leoms O in o box

O nㄱ ilk O in o wooded oreo

A Iowel feels d메 1p when you 8. Whol mighi frighien you?



O buy ii from lhe siore. O o sleeping boby

O use il lo dry your honds. O o new friend
O loke il oui of ihe closel. O o door slomnㄱ ing shuf

나■VVhere mighl you find o loi 9■ II is sofe lo cross ihe sireel

of soii? ofier you
O in lhe oir O dosh ocross il.
O in lhe ground O see lhe sign이 lurn red.
O in lhe oceon O loo'( bolh woys.

5■ VVhoi does on o'orm iell o VVhol is somelhing you [ㄲ ighl

firefighler io do? '0■ sco ‖er?
O gel on lhe fire lruck O breod crumbs
O eol lunch O snowbolls
O drink woler O fish

94 ■ 【 I', ㅈ 8 . Reν
'Π 'ew
*he Ide●
ε어11ρ εh ,entenε e ,[α rter ,o thσ [ mα ke, ∫
[ '˙ en∫ e.
Pα y σttention
'ete eσ to f'le word in Jα rk print●

I ■When nly o'orm goes off eoch n10rning,

2■ VVhen I go owoy, I pock

μ㎙:셥㎞瑾 ㎏γ ㅟ:、
3■ A Ieqm of people

나. VVhen I dive inio ihe pool, I

5■ I wolch ihe birds soor over

If ihe ice on ihe pond is smoo'h,


7■ se
My gloves ore d이 11p bec아」

8■ I con prove thol

9■ I Iike io co[Ieci

1 0■ A Iool lhol Dod uses in 卞

he gol'den is


Reν ieν 7-8 ■9¸ :

'' . t'Π '“
S● ● d' ●PFefixes
A prefix is o word porl lhol is odded lo lhe beginning of o word.
A prefix chonges lhe meoning of lhe word.
The prefix un con meon “
noi.” The prefix re con rneon “
un + cleor = unclegr re + s'ock = res'ock
Uncieor meons noi cleor.”
“ Res'ock nη eons “
lo slock oggin.”

Wrife the pre∫ ix "" or re *o Π

●σke αworJ thα [ goe‘ w'˙ th

e me어ling ¸ hown● T'η en write the who'e word.


s o fe

' . nol sofe =

2■ seol qgoin = —一

3■ nol sleody = s’ leody

나■pock ogoin = ock

5■ ploni ogoin =plonl ¸

Comp'ete eσ ˛
h ,entence w'˙ αworJ ∫
'h ''om *he box. AJJ e.
to the word o thσ t the word Π1α ke” en¸ "n or re
e in t'le en[enε
,ⅲ ●
i:i¼ tξ 물
● ‘
*'’ *''‖

it"if't故 i⅝ :율 흉
:⅜ ;⅞

''"'‘ '''''¡ '"τ

‖¡ 료퐈ㅑㅑ ;⅞ :∶

";τ '''''¡ '""'"I“ '','I ;'1仟

f,"ff"ll"l",'""lll’ ‖싸울
¸ f宮


畺 DockDi● nisofeseo]s'eodv


’ ‘ ‘ ’ ” ”

rη 、
⅜iI⅛ ⅝
客¾ 흗 ,il''i⅝ llliII'’
f융 l'''⅛ 용 융 ,쿵 ⅜
둥⅝⅜ τ ,,,;‘ 표,;빠 ,甘 ,甘 l'*‘ I'’ ;,‘ ,'● I百 ●
i,li,I,IIII,I,ㅣ I● I̧i,● II¾ IIiII,’ IIit'llt‖ i''II,t’ *¾ ¾

'융 'iㅑ '⅜ '흉 ':¾ 'i':''''',*l'’ 't¡ '¼ '¡ '甘 ',''''''*I,;‘ ''IIiIII,II,tIIft,효
’ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘

6■ I wos riding my bike on lhe rocky iroil.

7■ I will hove lo lhe lunch bog if I pul in

more food.

8■ To send bock lhe books, you musl lhe box.

9■ Since no flowers grew, we will lhe seeds.

II is io run in ihe sireel.


9σ ■ ˛ ㅈ B . Reν
'Π '[, 'ew
●f ‖ e● :● g 懺 麻驟《

You leorned iwo woys ”

in which words con go logelher

Lorge ond big hove

[orge I big : .::: ::

olmosl lhe some meoning.

::˙ : : Hoi ond co]d hove
ho' I cold ::::::::: :

opposile meonings.

紳蝴덞 –
Here is onolher woy words con go logelher.

opple I fruii An opple is o kind of frui].


dog I onimol A dog is o kind of on¡ mo'.

Reα J eα ˛
h ρσj'' o.∫ wo''J,. Write σ ȩntence t'η σ[ te''¸ hoⅵ e

荒曜璂 먈ㅑ籬
' t'η
ⅵ .

' orJ, go 'oget'le'˙

■builerfly / insecl

2. roke / iool

3■ sleody / shoky

나■coctus / plonl

5■ golher / colleci

6. enemy / friend

7. soor / 미y

8. bench / seol

9. seorch / huni

: : : :::

Reν ieν ν
::: :.: :::::— :::.:: :::: ::: ::: : :!: :::: :::

:: ::::::::::::::: :. ::: : : :: :

1he "。●
: ::: : :: :: :: : :::::: : : :::::

d● ::: : ::: : ::::::::::: : :::::::

: :::: ::: : ::: :: ::

● ::
::::::: : : :: ::

LΠ˙ 十en 十 σ αge σboυ 十σboy , experjence g[ ::::::: :
o [''i‘ ρ
’ : :: :::: :: :::: : ::::

α‘ ,c'10o' ∫ie'd Jα y. Pσ y σttenti어 1 to t'le ⅵ

” 'o''d, in
t'le ˛ olo'' boxe‘ . T'η e‘ e σre t'le wo''J, yo˛ ΠwiH be
feσ rn'˙ ng in thi‘ ι
"]it. :: :˙ :::
::::::::: : ::: ::::::: ::: ::::::

: 罷鵝薰嬖
(Personal Narrative)

:::::: :
1ove to plα y sports α
t α
ny tiIγ le of the yeα r. I'1l even 표:v :
: :::-:::

through α soccer gα r.ne in November. My f˙ αvorite sports

st week of
dα y of αll is Field Dα y. It tα kes p1α ce durin9 the 1α
school. Everyone in school is on oyle of four teα Ins. I αIn on
the Blue Teα Iγ1.
Our teα chers set up α11 the gα yrles bef˙ ore we get to school.
They Inust wα ke up at dα wnI They αlso Inα ke sure everyone
is 拓垂α nd plα ys by the rules. Yesterdα y, my fα vorite d?y wα s
:::¨ :::::: :

p1?y ?nd y teα yn!

flnally here. 't wait to 려ee辛
obstα cle

9ot stuck one o:

ndletoutα loudc㏉ of 碎●
구 .

Luckily, the fα 1l didn’ t do Inuch

rm: I iust scrα Ded
hα :: :::::::: ::: :: ::::::: ::: 'l'
Inv elbow.
: : : :: ::
: ::' ::

Soon I wα s reα dy for the next event, the potα to rα ce. Eα ch set
of pα rtners wα s given α potα to on α spoon to cα rry bα ck αnd
forth αcross αIoylg f˙ ield of grα ss. 丁o win, the pα rtners hα d to go
the entire wα y without dropping the potα to. Eα ch person hα d
to stα y cα 1In αnd wα lk cα refully. It's
eα sy for the potα to to fα ll off of the
spoon. D11riylg Iyly turn, I could see
the potα to tremble on the spoon, - :㎋

but it didn't drop. When I reα ched

the finish line, I sα w
my pα rtner : ::::::

jumping up αnd down. We hα d won ::鎬
: : .
the rα ce! Our win put our te아 n in
first plα ce. I felt like α hero!
γou hegrd the word∫ be'ow in the ρσ σge on poge‘ 98-99●
Reσ d egε h word 미1d it∫ meα “ the ⅵ'ord on *he
'ling. Write
εon1plete the entence●
'ine to

co] n1 If something is coim, il is quiel ond slill
(g 이eciive)
T,'he dtlcks sw'oΠ? oΠ 'he


]'[!'II,"','iI"‖ Ⅱ!l'','IIIll● ,'i∶ 마 ,● i"‘ 汗‖ II''''''II'‖ ‖奸 ‖Ⅱ‖]I‘ ,l'''l'I'''"氓 {‖ it● Ⅱ‖ III*iⅡ l狂 I용 li¡ ,ll¡ ‖ⅱ illl‖ i奸 ‖i‖ !‖ I,lll;ii‖ ‖
"'lli'l]'''ⅱ '‖ 'I''I'¡ 'III‖ '’ ',l'!''● '',{¡ ''lli'l:1'’ '''''lli'lII‘ ''IIi"● ''''‖ 'til'¾ ''‖ 'iI¡
” ’ ‘

2■ cheer νVhen people cheer, ihey yell or coll oul loudly.

T;hθ Iυ Πs I:bΓ Ihθ
holne feol刀 .

i::Iti"'III,lli,⅜ iI● ¾
ItIfl‖ I'iII율 1I표 I‖ li',*흐 I¾ ¾
II古 ll● I'il'!lit',i● 뷸
율⅜Ⅲ ]lli⅞ l"l’ i',I*,I윰 III‖ l"IIII甘 :’ f융 ¾
IiΣ III"lll¾ II흐 ¾
里⅜IiI''lil'lII융 ⅜
f뮴 ξ 甘
,,I,II'IIII¾ II'윰 ¾
I'¾ 호ti¾ l:'‘ ㅣ 류 ¾

Io甘 i흐 ●
¾lli⅜ 표
¼ 甘 IIt●
i● II*I'I甘 li몹 旦
붕 II甘

''I*¾ '‖ 'I'III甘 '',II'l’ '● 'I,IItII'甘 'II돕 '

’ ‘

3■ down Down is ihe lime of doy when ihe sun

(noun) firsi comes up.

Sorne ρθopIθ ™σk0 니ρ σ

I¸ 1’ Σ
I,II'lll‖ 11,'홍 *li,'II'jl‖ ‖ ¾
*l흐 I‖
{I甘 I!iIIIll"'']II¾ :I1'⅜ l‖ ‖II'' ↓ 1,홍 i'‘ ll‖ ‖1tif⅝ ¾ IH‖ ll‖ li‖ llII,'ξ i''iII굴 Ii흐 I舌 , ,'III'lIII⅜ iI’ ¾
뮬 I,¡ ll甘 ¼
ti:'II,lIII‘ ,II各 ⅛
'''l'f1’ =' 푠
’ ''표 '"I‖ ''I'*j"I‖ ''"I율 'll,흉 'i● ',I‖ 'I',l"'llif융 '●
'II‘ ',iI,율

나■en"re En'ire meons lhe whole lhing. II is oll of somelhing.

(g이 eclive) 'e
Ⅳ Ⅳere so Ihirslγ I;hoI Ⅳe droΠ I‘ 'he

Iν g oΓ ⅣoIθ Γ ,

l"‖ ‖‖ ‖ ,ㅣ ‖‖ ,⅜ 푸 ‖‖‖
I⅞ ¡¾
1‖ !ㅣ '!'if;1‖ ‖ ,'liI‖ l'‖ ㅏ
],I"‖ ll"'II"II!'l‖ ⅝ i‖ ji‖ l"I‖ I‘ I● ,'II‖ ‖i",흄 홈 !*I’
;몰 ,II‖ lII¡ I,¾ !t,뷸 iI‖ l'I,lll'⅜ 용

"l" ‖ '● "Ⅲ ''l‖ '‖ 'Ⅲ '"‖ 'II,'± "''"'‖ "'"'‖ "'‖ '"l‖ ""l‖ '¼ '']‖ "I‖ ':'i’ 'llII¾ '‖ '‘

‘ ’ ’ ‘

5■ Fgir A person who is foir follows lhe rules ond treols

(o 이eciive) everyone lhe some woy.
Ed ™σs σΠd gσ νe Π?θ o Iυ rΠ .

(noun) A foir is on ouldoor ploce where
people bring ihings io sell. II is
o ploce where people hove fun.
I 灼oσ Iυ ΠoΠ Ihθ II˙ des σI


τOO ■ υΠI[ 9

: ˇoeabuiaryw미 rkshop.com
〈莩 L里 ten tp i懈 φ r,트

翰酵 Refe= to the on'● ne g'ossary


柯 ;⅛

6■ field A fieid is on oreo where o gome is ployed

(noun) Usuolly, o fi이 d is covered wiih gross.

roΠ oΠ Io 〃,θ
'?e boγ 'o
IoIΠ I?Is 'eσ InΠ?oles.

(noun) A field is o lorge open oreo lhol hos no irees

Sonlelimes, o field is used lo grow ihings.

劤 e ']orses σ
'e 'he grσ
ss IΠ
fhe '''

II',Ⅱ ,!II,‖ :‘ !'‖ Hili‘ ‖‖ ‖¡ 1'I'‖ ‖ ][''I‖ ‖I'‘ ‖‖ll'I‖ I’ i]'iI‖ ‖Ⅱl'I‘ ‖ Ⅱ‖lII‖ IIIil玳 ll'‖ fI''ll¾ ‖,IilIξ ‖lII'¾ II‘ ‖,'H‖ li'!l‖ I'jI ●● ˙ +●
'll¡ ''● '‖ 'IIi‖ '']I‖ 'll ¡ ''‖ 'll,‖ ')
‘ ‘ ‘

7■ herm Horm meons “ io hurl.”

I sIθ ρped oνer II'e fI’ og so I'1σ I I w;oυ σΠoI I’

〃 .

l‖ ‖ ‖ ‖‖ ‖ ‖lil‖ ‖‖‖‖‖ ‖l‖ ‖‖,i‖ ‖ ‖‖‖‖‖‖‖‖ ‖ ‖,‖ ‖‖‖ll‖ ‖‖‖*‖ ,l‖ ‖‖‖‖‖‖‖‖‖l‖ ‖ l'‖ ‖‖‖拈‖‖!‖ ‖ ‖‖‖‖,‖ i‖ ‖ㄼ,''"‖ ‖‖I‖ Ⅱ ‖鞨珀‖ 라‖ ‖ⅱ¡
'‖ '‖ ""Ⅱ """"‖ "l‖ '‖ '‖ '"‖ '‖ "‖ "‖ '‖ "'‖ '‖ '’

‘ ” ’ ’ ’

8■ poin A poin is o feeling of huri.

I I'θ II IΠ Πγ σrI” σrfer I IbII.
IIiii‖ ‖ ‖ I''I",'II‖ ‖¡ iI¡ ,li‖ l',“ I''lI1‖ ,‖ Ⅱ,''ⅱ ,'IIll‖ ‖ ㅣ II''lΣ iiillf‖ i¡ ‖tii‘ ‖ ‖]I'‘ I’ i'it‖ ,'1',魄 ,’ I'I,‖ 1II'Ⅱ ‖∶ 食
'l'I'Ⅱ ''I‖ ''iI“ 'li'i‖ ''l'',‖ '''I‖ '‖ ''卄 ',‖ 'l,":ㅣ 'lll‖ '¡ ']1’ ' ,,‖ 'II'II'ilII,‖ ','● ",'l● 'ㄼ 'lll'‖ 'I',‖ 'I¾

’ ‘ “ ‘ ‘

9. shiver VVhen you shiver, you shoke

(verb) quickly. '」 su에 y, your whole body
will shiver if you gre cold or ofroid.

The coH, bIoHIng M'nd Inσ de Ine

,I"ilI¡ ¼ iI""I'‖ ]i●

‖ iⅡ ,"i,,‖ ‖ I,씨 i” I:!l● I‖ II‘ *l','II‖ Iξ ● :⅜ II¡ lii'iI‖ ,IIIi● 몰
I⅞ ii’ ljI''iI,¾ IIIΞ 支
●,'III'iI● I,’ tli'III,’

"¡ "¡ '‖ 'ξ '∶ '● ':풀 'iI‖ ' I융 ''j’ ' 흐 '‖ 'I'¾ 'I,Ioi,표 'I‘ 'i'I,甘 '‖

'remb[e VVhen you iremble, you shoke fronl excilemenl

' 0■ (verb) or onger. A porl of your body shokes o liille
when you irenlble.

M)/ niΠ gers befbre I pIoγ

II]θ pioΠ o Ibr r7” / Iθ σcher.

υΠ ■ 'OT
'[ 9
ˇoeabu ●aryworkshop.eom

g 酵
揷 離 藿議韆
驪潑凝 unit words with

鍼 醱

he ㅐe● : —
●::㎡ √ :
i nteractive qames and activ'ties.

. :.: . :̈= :::. ::::: i::: ● ¨.:‥ .:i:i●

Ehoo∫ e the wo'ρ d ∫ ’
rom "]e box thα t mα tche"he me어 ling
in the c'ι ρJ on the fine.
'e. Write the w어
봐 H非 H ""‖ ¨H” ⅱ坪釣‖ ⅱ中 旽准 ‖ ⅱ酊‖‖准*” ⅲ‖*杜 ‖‖‖*珀 η‖*ㄼ 珀ⅱ‖ⅱ*ㄼ 杆Ⅱ‖ I""碎 靭 빠흉‖ ●

""빠 "“

휼 묘‖‖
崙 " ""*” " "" "" " " "ㄺ "Ⅱ "“ "“ "瑚 "¸ ⅝

“ ” ” ” “ “ “

‘모도¡ ¡度“ 抑

,%准 *

,,i요 l1모 i육 'ⅲ t”
ti楙 ,요 i드 ,:‖ ]"l,됴 "II"요 ,묘 ]j,' I” ,幷 f ÷
● I '!{● 흩
트 j , ' , fI I 따●
,1fii 呈
i ¾ f , ' ,Ii :ξ

'“ '‖ '"姸 " '\

I. You feel ihis when you ore huri.


2■ You use lhis word io iell obol」 l ihe whole fhing

3. You do lhis when you coll oul loudiy for your leom.

나■You feel this woy when you ore nol upsel.

5. You do lhis when you feel cold.

ξ ‖‖‖마‖ ●
'썲 ● ‖ ‖‖쏴 "τ ;;'',''I;‘ ,;;,,I'‘ fI‘ llt,,,iI",II,● llII● ,11It,t● ,rt● if● IIi'’ ¾
!,tII'i'● tti’ ⅝Itli’ ⅜
‖甘 ¾!,‖
!’ 홍
甘‖ ⅝
,표 ,t⅜ ti,II'읔 :* ,I¾

I● I● ,● f● ,’ ,’

foirfie] dhormiremb ' e

㎋ 'I‘ '● 'II'‘ '홍 '*'휼 'I'I'읔

뭏 down

‘ “ “ “ “ ‘ ‘

… .혼
η , II ,flf 노
¸I ,i‘ , I ' j , = iIIt, I●tillilt,Σ
食 IIiII 노 ¾ 1 It,’ 읕
⅝II'i¾ 홍
듈i'‖ IIΣ Σ¼It',⅝ 큠
I甘 용甘 ⅛
甘 ,:⅛ It효 :⅛ ⅝
¾ i:甘 :I'''甘 ⅝甘 ㅑ τ :‘ ,⅜ *‘ τ I::i;’ ,i'IIii4 ㅑ
'Σ ''i● '*:甘 ':큠 'll1'축 'I± '''⅝ ''*'',#甘 'I'甘 '''● 'ξ '‘ '"I,ㅑ '‘

’ ‘ ’ ’ ’ ‘ ‘ ’
‘ ‘ ’

6. This is o grossy ploce where gomes ore ployed.

7■ This is vvhol youl" lips mighi do when you feel ofroid.

8■ This is whoi loud noise con do lo your eors.

9■ This is lhe beginning of ihe doy.

] 0. This is where you mighi ploy gomes ond eol opple pie.

■ UΠ
'02 '[ 9

he Se "● e "ee

εhoo,e the ⅵ rom the box thα [

∫ bert ε
ompleter the
,ente'1ε e. Write the wo''d on 十
he 'jne.

¾ 큠雷●
f''*‖ 珽註ⅱ*‖ 1’ llit''ttlll’ t''lll''''ll'''Iil''''‘ illi'''lill'i‘ ,ll''’ lli'’ ,''l''‘ ]'',']''''',,lli
¼ "'i""’ '''!'

'll'','Illl't''il'''l'll¡ '‘ 'll''''''lll'‘ ''lll'''III''''''''‘ '’

훑 co'm

” ’ ‘
chee r en ' ire foir

횰fi어 dh●
rm po' n shiver
’物 ,' ¡
出 itli 憙
● 윰富
:菖 i용
琺撥 . ' ': i ' ' ¡
' ' ''i. ii

뙈 효
i1 :'' ' '' ' ' '' ' i
. . :'¡ 1'';흐 윰
官뮬葛 :':;⅝

'''‖ '"]¾ '']ㅑ '따
::Ξ 官 ¡‖;''"'Ⅲ

:j''‖ ;˛ ˚
;j印 ㅑ i‘ i,'''I]"',II',II∶

,● ,∶ 흘
,,i‘ ,'If,,,Ii,IIIi"f"ttΣ


’ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘

1. I woke up ol on lhe big doy.

2■ II wos ihe doy of lhe school

3■ I i"on downsloirs ond feli o in my fool.

나■I Iripped over o loy, bui I did nol rTly fool

5. I possed lhe on Πly woy lo school

6■ The closs wos woiling for me

7■ I wos so cold ihol I begon io oll over.

8. The roce begon ond I fell very

9■ I doshed io lhe finish line ond everyone begon io

I wos so hoppy ihoi my lips begon io


Fj 뻐5ㅒ

υΠ ■ τOB
'[ 9

:" C° ●
eλ ●

RegJ *'η e ¸ ” e to 어1jwer

eσ ch gue,tion be'ow1˙ ,˛
'ory. Then write g ,entenε


fets W요 n Blg!
‘ ’
,' ' ''
''' ’ '
'=' ''‘
The erltire tovvn seelned to be at VVillialns rield last Friday.

VVhy? To see if the Bears co111d beat the Jets oyle more tiIγ


' ,' le.


t’ s beell a bad year for the Jets.

工 t lost Ξyiyl Nelsoll ill the first

galyle. She fe끄 and had a bad pain in her arn1.
OIl Friday, the Jets reIIlained calIIl before the gaIIle.

‘ It didl1’ t take lollg to find out vvhy. Ξyin Nelsoll ra11 out onto
the field, fo11ovved by her team. Ξrin and the tealll scored
goal after goa1. The Bears co111d hear the crowd cheer.
'' '' :rhell the gaIγ le vvas ovey, a工 1d the score vvas 10-0. The Jets
'IΓ vvon fair alld square 1

■VVhere ond when wos ihe gome ployed?


2■ VVhy wos neorly ihe enlire lown ol lhe gome?

3■ VVhy do you lhink lhe Jels feli co]m ihe doy of the gome?

나■VVhy did lhe crowd cheer?

¾ ‖imi聃.‖ 홍 ‖嘲 용
용 용
眈‖¾ ¾離‖糊拙‖⅜욕
호τ ¾흉
⅜ 甘록 븅융
ξξ표 粹⅝
⅝ ¾ 빠됴
;,印 娜瑚빠焙#¾

i¾ t'웅 1''¾ *⅜ *τ :ζ ,˛ ,큠

㎺ '麟 '흐

낳 '無 '聃 '珞 '糊 ⅝

d● wnh●

rmshiver 'remble

’ ’ ‘ ‘

η̇ ¸짬
,쌍 홍● Ii⅛ I노 I홍 t● 甘甘
Σ졈 흥

묩 몸

용 용
¾:'=흉 甘
,용 t읔 ⅜읔甘뮬
l븅 ,¾ ,⅝ :흉 :甘 i⅝ :● :;‘ ;;'륩 료 I子 ;';I흐 甘 甘
甘 ㅑξ

'붙 '⅝ '퓽 'I흐 '● '‘ '‘

’ ’’ ’ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘

5■ VVriie o senience using o word in ihe box

, 04 ■ ˛
'Π '[ 9
FjnJ the word in the box thσ t mα tche‘ the εIue●
Write [he word in the ρυzzie.
帑ㅏ I',予 ;i,i+‘ ,;I‘ ˛IIIII,‘ llll● ±,'노 III,fIIIIIIt’ 묻甘IitIIIiI’ ti¼ II¾ tli¾ ㅣ ㅣ¾*II*웅 tl흉 흄¾
II'II'i⅛ ¼
*i⅝ ⅝ 용¾
itI⅝ 표 ¾
:'I'‘ ,:¼ I*⅜ ∶
,’ +¼ ξ 拈
:'''' I +'ㅏ I’ ;,흉 ,● ,1I‘ 1¸ I’ I¸ I’ i¼ i¾ 1甘

묜 f' '''¾ '‘ 'III{¸ ',± 'i’ 'ㅣ ''','I⅜ '●

cheer ‘ ’ ’
’ ’ ’‘

co [m en'¡ re foir

fie] d horm po ' n shiver iremble .'=

η l]"'‖ ,,Hi1,:ξ ξ
it‖ fⅢ t'fiI흘 :I!,[f,,'''‖ lit’ ¼
흗 執¡
흘:t!"'!''"'iit‘ 흉¾
t¾ :t!''I''¡ i⅝ ¼
용⅝‖⅜ !''!'!휼 哥
⅜용 !'¼ η耳
⅝ㅑㅑ ;⅜ τYㅐ I'iH¸ ; 흘'坪
'" "'I'I● '!i● 't'':욕 "!'‖ '⅝ ''''''"':'¡ '‘ '''"'''''‘ ''ㅑ ''''';''“
‘ ‘

ACROSS 慘g vν ㅐ

3■ shoul or yell ■whol o mouse did when coughi


5. nol jusi o port 2■ whol you gel wilh o heodoche

7■ nol ongry or upsel 나■to hl」 ri or couse poin

8■ where gross con grow 6■ when the sun rises

9■ io shoke in ihe cold 8■ noi cheoling
⌒--¨ ’

l. :
ι. ]

i ]
: 1
3. 나.





⊂ 〈
=' ==)

! ●!.● :*‥ :: ¨¨:● -!j:● :● : : ●
¨ 凸

,〉 -"

-ㅃ蟲뻐凹… 鬼 中 軸 白¾


UΠ ■ TO¸
'' '
'[ 9

● .:

・ ●: :
' ’
● ●

Li‘ te'1 十 i, bjogrα ρ y σbo˛ Π
[o t two b''o[Ile'ρ ,
who inventeJ α nd ∫ ∫ t engine-JΠ v̇en

'η 'η


ρ ne● Pσ y σ[tention to'ewtIη

['lee wo'幻 J∫ in the co'or

boxe,. T'η e∫ e αre the word, yoυ ⅵ
'σ rning

::: ::: : ● . ● ● ●● 'i'' be 'eσ
:: : 'η rn!¸ ι .

'η 'τ :: :.: :・ : :::

● —
・’● :●


:: :::: : ::::: ::: :: ::: ::: :: :: ::: ::: ::::: ::: ::: ::::
:: : :: : :: :: : :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::: :::

: :: :: :::::: ::: ::: ・

:: : : : : :—

: : : :

— o '鞋 hiα
τ .

ㅃ …향

壁 BI… 豺



Ⅱ rd to belleve thα α ne wlth αn englne flew

ㅁ just over 100 yeα αgo. The hα rd work αnd clever thinking of
: tis hα
t the flrst irplα

˙ rs
Wilbu1⌒ αnd Orville Wright n1α de it hα ppen.
The Wright brothers took αn eα fly interest in nying. As
children, they hα d α toy helicopter thα t Iγ1α de thelγ1 curious αbout
night. When the helicopter bI⌒ oke, the boys built their own Iγ 1odel.
Thα t showed theln not to doubt their ski11 αt Iγ1α king things.
As αdults, the brothers built bicycles, printing presses, αnd kites.
They α1so liked to ynα ke gliders, which α e plα nes without engines. 1⌒

● ・ ● ●
. :i●
:: ! ●˙


●: ・
: : ::::: ・ —
. :
: i i 1


● .
--˙ " .●

::::: :: ':● ::ⅲ ˙

: :—
●::. ::˙ ●

! ’ ˙ ˙

:: :: : :::: : : :
:::::: ::::: ::: : ::::: ::::::::: :::::::: : : ・:: : : :

:::::: :::::::::

In the 1890s, flying in gliders wα s dα ngerous. The Wright

brothers were eα ger to mα ke flying sα fer. They thought thα t αn
engine w0111d give pilots ∏10re control.
In 1900,Orville αnd Wilbur went to the windy v!!1α ge of Kitty
Hα wk, North Cα rolinα . There, they kept testing new αirplα ne
designs. Three yeα rs 1α teI⌒ , they hα d α Iylodel thα t worked. The
plα ne wα s 16 feet wide αnd Inα de of wood αnd cloth. It hα d α
gα s englne.
The fiI⌒ st flight took off on Deceynber 17, 1903. Orville would
bo?1⌒ d the plαne αnd squeeze tightly to hold on αnd control the
plα ne. The engine would stα rt with α screech. The plα ne new in

the αir for 120 feet. The trip lα sted 12 seconds αnd ended with α
Iylild crα sh.There wα s s0∏ le f’eα r thα t the plα ne wα s dα Iγ1α ged,

but Wilbur flew it αgα in α few hours lα ter. You would hα ve to

leap f˙or joy αt the sight if yo11 hα d been there.
In 1905, the Wright brothers built αn αirplα ne thα t could fly
for 30 Iylinutes. On DeceIylber 31, 1908, Wilbur flew α plα ne fior
α record-breα kin9 2 hours αnd 19 Iγ linutes. The Wright brothers
kept working to build better αirplα nes.

’ -! . :: : . :ㅏ
:i-:1 ::::●

:● ::・ !따
. " ¨
!㎴ :¨ … -"'● ::● : . ・::

υΠ :'0' :


i●- .



'[ , O

" i :11 *'
‖e● :” gs
γoυ heσ rJ "le word¸ be'ow in the ρσ σge on ρσge, '06— '07●

h ⅵ αnd il∫ meσnjng. Write
Reα J eσ ˛
'ord ” the word on the 'ine
to comp'ele the ¸ entence.

boord A boord is o long, floi piece of wood or ploslic.

T˙ Π {Ised 'he
Io'?e Is'' bυ IIdlng Ihe doghoυ se.

(verb) If you boord o bus, you gel on il.

You nlighl olso boord o lroin or bool

The ™OI刀 θΠMIII Ihe 'ro∴Π̇

MIfn 'hejir bogs.
‖ I[‖ ‖I"]‖ [‖ lll,‖ ‖ l‖ ,‖ :‖ !‘ li'""‖ ,"‖ ‖ ‖l"‖ II'iⅢ H出 ¡ 띠 i‖ ‖ li‖ I"‖ li
',l",ll",i‖ '""‖ ""‖
"l:I"l‖ ''I:‖ '’ ""li¡ '¡ "‖ ']'['I''lli[빠 "'""‖ '¡ 'II‖ ''"'‖
‘ ’

2■ curious If you ore curious, you wonl lo

(g 이ective) leorn or find oul oboul somelhing.

T;he I(;I''θ Π Is
σboυ I 'he ΠΘⅣ goldl'IsI].
1’ 효
I붕 III'II융 옹
,iI¼ II寄 *'¡ I⅜ II⅜ IiI:⅜ ξ
iI*lli‘ I甘 liI‖ l,甘 li';'¾ *I;'I횬 I,¾ I'⅞ ,II'l'I올 ⅜ ‖효 liIII¡ ,liii!l‖
iiIIII’ ⅜ *홍 I윤 I*홍 홍
용 !l",'I흐
I표 ㅣ
‖‖ ¾
I‘ l흐 I표 ii"l"옵 ,''"'iI,
'''!⅛ ''II,'횻 ''"''’ ','I,''¾ ',’ '¾ ''●
'¾ '’

3■ dongerous Somelhing ihol is dongerous is nol sofe.

(메 eclive) II could couse horm.
Πid'˙ Πg o blke ⅣI'I]oι σ heIΠ ΘI coΠ be

1I,''II⅜ i홍 ●
!,III‖ l흐 ¡
¾용l,I'II'⅜ liI표 IIII● ,甘 ,⅜ 융
iII"'’ ‖ I⅜ III‖ I¡ I¾ ¾ I⅝ ll'',II!⅛ i:I'‖ IIli'甘 li흐 *I‖ 삐 ,’ ●,’ iII''‖ ● ti‖ ‖ii⅝ il● ⅛
,¾ ,,II*l,,''Iτ l,,甘 ± ,III,⅛ i]융 tii"¡ iI푤 ¾ii효 i,iI甘 iI:올 *II’ iII',',,¾ ¾ ¾

'I● '"i,,lI,⅜ ''II‖ ';'꼲 '‖ 'lll,⅜ ''!'’

'',:,¾ '¡ '¡

’ ‘ ’ ‘

나■doubi If you doubi somelhing, you ore noi s'」 re oboul it.
I II?σ ? iNIII

M'” 'odt γ .
' II?elr IeoΠ

l'표 I¾ I'몹
j'II"IIi¾ Ii● ll"'¾ ㅣ
흐윰11l‖ ll']융 홍
II"'‖ 1"!l‖ !⅞ II뷸 ,i'il"Ⅲ li⅛ l'1‖ ‖II율 ,l''‖ ¾
‖1‖ II흐 ¡
‖‖lli'⅜ 을
‖ ‖i''''i'i:¡ !""'"'⅜ II‖ l",‖ Σ
Ξ⅞l'I‖ liI‘ II'lII"'III¡ ξ l']¡ ¾甘
⅜ I'III,‘
1● I흐 II‘ ⅝

'lliItII‖ 'li'¾ "llil율 "쌉 "l"'‖ '윰 'Ⅲ 'll'il'i표 '‖ 'l'II'''’

5■ eoger A person who is eoger is very inleresled in

(o이 eclive) doing sonlelhing.

T;he g∫Γ
.I Is Io ρIυ γ Ihe ρIυΠo,

■ 【
'08 '"I[ TO
- ˇocab j ine g'os乎 ry.
I ・ ●
˛ 麗
훨竪畺肆好 :
뇨 碑

’ --

-:.:-=i… ¿ ;● ¸
"● ⅲㅏ
●---¨ ● .

6■ feor Feor is o feeling lhoi donger is neor or ihol

(noun) somelhing bod will hoppen.

I Ibθ I w;heΠ I oln IΠ o

d'ork pIoε θ .

(verb) If you feor somelhing, you ore ofroid of ii.

SIΠ gI,” g I” rroΠ I oΓ peoplθ Is Mhσ I I

Π? OS'
●・. '˙ .

콩II,'llII'i● I흉 II¡ 용
붓II,'l‖ I]iliII''II甘 ¾
iII'''l’ I''I;,I'II¾ ㅣ
ζ뷸 I,● IIIIII⅝ 甘

II¾ 子
¾ Io‘
I;,lilτ 표 율
1lllIIo番 ⅛
,甘ifItlII'¾ I',¸ ti,,tII표 ]l’ 퓽¾
⅞ⅡIIIi,⅞ ξ
ㅒ ,'표 ;ll,t,甘 ⅞
¾I{'1'',¾ f● ,¾ 홍
'llI표 'l',⅜ 'Iξ 'l:','’ 'ㅒ

7■ 'eop If you leop, you loke o jump forword.

νMoIε I"力 θ Γ
Γ 'og
,roI刀 0Πe rock oI?I'o I力 θ of,her.
]‖ ll'‖ II,‖ I‖ l"'iξ ;¾ ¾
IⅢ ll’ ‖liII융 ●
l,lll"'li¾ ¾
IⅡ ,l‖ I’ I● ,'il"III,*:흐 I"I ‖ IIf¾ ξ
’ I=¾ I,I'i"‘ *{f표 l'"‘ iI¡ ,ξ liI¾ ll’ ‖,흉 I',l I''II표 III'"'ltㅑ 各
Illlllli,'食 i¡ ⅝

’ "Itt]i표 'i:I"‖ ',I¡ "II'l호 '‖ '甘 'l"'iti굡

8. screech A screech is o loud, high sound.

The blrd I7?oσ θ σ Ioυ σ
νν灼eΠ people cσ ΠθIΠ fo 'he pef s'ore.

(verb) VVhen things screech, ihey moke o loud sound.

T;he 〃res ⅣheΠ I bI'σ kle.

,I⅞ !iII'II¡ I용 ,f표 l'IItoI꼴 ⅜ ¾
¾ l'IIII,⅝ ⅞
*+甘 II,표 1ζ ㅒ ,포 II¾ 끌¾
● iI묩 ,'*t흑 1II'll흉 ¡
¾iI甘 11II‖ ● I,귤 i]I'"I,]i{I甘 용
iI'IIII]:효 I¾ II'!'III¾ ●
●;''II,'':I⅜ i● ,fIII''I● 甘i붕 II,II'II'II,⅜ j흐
{,,t'I'i● ,=읕 효
I'I'● t,● :효 ●
i● ●
'I¡ 'lIII윰 'tll’ 'Ii甘 '1'I'I’ ''IIII¾ ''III'‖ '⅞ ''!'II¾ '⅞ 'II’ '●

‘ ‘ ‘

9■ squeeze If you squeeze somelhing, you hold il iighily.

The IoⅣ θI ⅣIII dr/ more qυ ∫
ckIγ If γoυ

I,he Ⅳσfer oυ '˙ I IIrs'.

‖‖oI'1'II'● 碎‖+I'lII''‖ ‖ ‖‖ [¡ ‖‖‖I'll‖ ,酌 ‖ ‖]‖ l● ‖I,il''‖ 印‖II,lli‖ Ⅱ,,lliI,III‖ i:llII'‖ :‖ 따 I‖ I'':{i,iⅡ

' oΓ
‖ i1lIII‖ tilfl● ●
I‖ 蚌非ⅱI'II‖ 바碎‖ 汁I,!l'I율
':II'1]‖ "I,11"'‖ 'III‖ 'II‖ '‖ ''iii‖ ''IIIil따 'l{IIiti‖ 'Ⅱ 'i]'I'II‖ '旿 '¡ 'li‖ ''旿

l 0■ vi]'oge A vilioge is o smoll lown.

〃γgΓ 'oΠ dpσ reΠ e IΠ σ
's IIν

υΠ ■ '0,
'' '0
,aryw˚ 『
˚⇔a 略ⅲ
ˇ 賂崙㏐°綻●
ㅒ●●ⅱ:”● ¨
- 萱
Choo‘ e the word ∫ rom the box thσ t mσ [che, [he meα ning
n t'le c'˛ Π
e. W''j[e t'le worJ on t'le 'i˙ ne.


큠흐 흉li흐 亘
˛ ●
흐 ¸
●,i‘ ●
ΣI,tIEI● ,,li● ●
●Σ 듈불
,t¸ 甘 ⅜ 홍⅜甘 ζ

:● ,;''‘ *甘 ;‘ ,甘 ,;‘ *=‘ f‘ ,1ζ i,후 iiI,'‘ i,,’ ●ft'i,Iti’ ⅝ 용
¾●Ii,,i⅝ 큠
홍⅝t'Σ 흉
,¸ ftΣ ,● I’ i¾ ⅝
흗⅛큠졈⅝ 둘⅝¾
⅝甘 급
¾ 甘
¡읔큠¾ 1⅝ *⅜ *¾ I甘 ¾⅜
ξ⅝ i'哥 甘


'耳 '‘ '흐 '=⅞ '’ 'I,I¸ '吝
'⅝ '甘 '‘

‘ ‘ ’ ‘ ’‘ ‘ ’ ‘ ‘

˙ ¸
●●드 ,‘ ,● ,j‘ ,I,¸ ●IΞ I̧,t,I‘ ● ●●
IIII,II¸ ● ● ,互 ,I노 it½ ¸
番설,,I● 휼 ,互 :● ,’ i’ ,북 ●
홍 ㅒ
흄 용有官●
i',¾ 甘
f’ ● ,甘 i,'⅝ ㅒ 甘 용
큠 들뭍ξ
t읕 ,● ,:官 ,'去 ⅝ ii'甘 폭
:ㅒ 득 甘
⅜읔 i‘ :⅜ !료 ;甘 ¼ㅒ
ㅒ I‘ 甘
τ¡흘 甘
;I,;l,,‘ i¡ I‘ i● ,τ ● ,● I'⅞ ㅑξ I● I,½ ●½ ¸ ξ
;‘ ;‘

'i '’ ''云 ''¼ 'i흉 '‘ ''곡 '● '尊 '‘ '‘

“ ’ ’ ’ ’ ‘ ‘
‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘‘ ’

i ■You do lhis when you hold somelhing tighlly

2. You do lhis vvhen you jump forword.

3■ You do lhis when you gel on o ll"oin

You do fhis when you ore noi sure oboul somelhing.

5■ You do lhis when you moke o high, loud noise⅞

臂 l‘ ¸ ;ξ I● ,흘 ,● t,,● ,,‘ ,,흘 ,I¸ ,,’ ●,i,!Σ

I官 I’ ii甘 ¾
● i¾ IΣ ⅝,¾ lt¾ 율Σ
啓큠 普
Σ ,t¾ ,'¾ ●
i'북 ,1븅 욕
¼⅝ i甘 ¾읔 휼
들 큠⅝⅜● ¼
:큠 :'을 t⅝ ;⅜ :‘ ,¡ ⅜
:‘ t‘ :⅜ ;’ ㅒ
뮬⅜ I‘ 흑i云 ;"‘ I'‘ I;‘ I'● I’ ξ
I鄕 嘲 ‖ ii""瑚 야빠 ‖,*우

curiousdongerouseogerfeo r
˙ '뒵 '½ 'i¾ '용 '흉 '‘ ':甘 ';:';¼ 'i;● "” "마

‘ ’ ‘ ’’ ’ ’’ ‘ ‘ ‘‘
‘’‘‘ ‘ ‘‘ ””

ˇη● ¾흗
甘용Σ , I’ l’ :울 fI⅝ !,I¾ ¼붕
甘 ,!⅝ ,甘 I큠 ¾
⅜¾¾ ¼
甘甘뮬,:'‘ t:'¾ ,甘 :甘 ●
흉 1¡ ●;;‘ ,¡ ;‘ 곡ξ ●
¸ξㅑ ●
;I,˛ ;i르 ,골 ;,‘ :‘ iI;‘ iI● I,f,:● ,‘ ,● 노亨
I● iI● ,!호 II,● ●
I,t● ,¸ t● 1 , ,! I tlt , rrt , ±¾
, '.+” ˙ I t f

'⅜ '耳 'I''● '르 '';:ㅒ '● '甘 ';;‘ '‘ 'I●

’ ‘ ‘
‘ ‘‘ ‘
‘‘ ‘ ‘ ’ ” ’ ’ ’

⅛. This is whol you feel when you ore scored.

7. This word describes somelhing thol is nol sofe.

8Ⅱ This word describes o person who vvonIs Io legrn σooul sonㄱ elhing.

9. This is o smoll lown where people live.

1 0■ This word describes o person who reolly vvon卞 s Io do


■ UnI[ TO
:"g ● enee
he Se” ●
Choo¸ e the word ∫ f bert comp'ete‘ the
'"om the box thσ
,entence● Write the worJ on the 'ine.
蝴‖ ‖‖
* ti¼ ●,tl¾ ¾휼
:홍 甘tl'⅜ ¾ 혹
I⅜ II¾ Ⅱ⅜
τ ⅝
lt'’ ¸ I"'τ 굼¼ ;ㅣ ,'i';''¡ ;‘ ●
‖ ;¡ ,,I',;Ifl’ ,I',,¸ I‘ , ,‘ ,● III,I’ fI,fIIIII꽃 ●
,IfIII,’ t'IiII!,f’ ●
,IIII,I¼ 客1,i 울
I⅝ i


'1¾ 'it'古 ''¡ ':;‘ ''ㅣ '‘ 'τ ',,,IIII‘ 'i,I'f,I念

雷 boord dongerous
'⅞ '’ '‘ '‘

doub' eoger

‘ ‘ ‘ ‘
’ ‘ ‘

feo r ieo p sereech squeeze v¡ ge 흩̈


¾ 융甘
븅 ¾ ⅝
∶ 흄 ¾ 甘 甘 ½ ‖ II,'½ ,f,I,,‘ I,"I,’ ,II● ¸:II’ ,II’ ,'i± ¾ I'!''분 !*iii‖ ●¾
¡ ⅛ 客
,'tiξ 삐 !! ti: 뮬 ¡뮬⅝ 굳
I± :ι II甘 :'甘 I!‘ *궁 I子 :‘ 1'⅜ :'甘 ;'‘ Y'‘ ,,¾ ,,,● II¸ ,'● i율 t’ iI붙 ! ' l l : ! '! ' l!
=I:‖ =III‘
''''’ ''¼ ''¾ '½ ''¾ '''⅜ '● "’ '● '''i‘ '● 'I‘ 'I,I"● 'it'” ''˙

’ ’ ‘ ‘ ’‘
‘‘ ’ ’ ’ ’ ‘‘ ‘

[ ■I hove olwoys been oboul lhe fish in lhe seo

2■ VVe wenl io o beoch neor o smoll

3. A boy wos pod예 ing in lhe woler on o long

나. I wos lo lry il, loo!

5■ The boy soid lhol il wos nol ol oll.

6. He lold nle io lhe sides wilh my honds

7. Once I gol inio lhe woler, I hod no

8■ I sow o fish oul of the woler.

9. I fell in the cold woler ond heord nlyself

I do nol lhol I con leorn io do il!



一● ●

●● !●
iii● :::::

'一 '-●

.I・ ˙

:: ν

IΠ ■ 777
'[ '0
s :" C● e*●
ReσJ *he le卄 eι Then write σ entence to σn‘ wer eσ c''
jon be'ow●
qυ e‘ 十

JΓ June
' ', ''
'~''仁 Peα r 爪 αriα ,

I 十ook '” y firs十 ναs greα 十f“ n' 丁˙

αirplα ne riJe, αΠJ '十 ˛ he

firs十 十hing ˘
νe (JiJ ν
ναs boα rol 十he I,Iα ne. I ˘
ναs εαrioα s α侈oα 十

∴α十十九e pIα ne ˘
˘αs Iike. A ˘
νo'” αn 十ook 十九e εoε kp'十 '” e in十 o
Pre十 十y soon, 十he lpIα ne 十ook off. Eν ery十hing Iooke˛ ∫s'竹 ・

fro'" 十he αir. I sα να νiIIα ge αnJ Io十 s of 十rees. When '"e
Iα nJleJ, I heα rJl αIoα ˛
I sε reeε h. I十 Believe
ⅵ s 十he brα kesl 工

n● e,√Iying is no十 Jα ngerous. I α eα ger 十o Jo i十 αgα in. ’

"’ '.- '
Nex十 yeα r, I wiII √y 十o your oα se. Isn'十 十 α十εooI?
∫ ●

LOν e, f .・
: ˙ '

” A " eliα ”

■Whol wos Anlelio curious oboul?


2■ Why do you lhink lhe vi]'oge looked smoll from lhe oir?

3. VVhol mode lhe loud screech when ihe oii'plone londed?

나■Why do you lhink Amelio is eoger lo fly ogoin?

棺̇ τ
撤̇. ""玳 ‖ i甘 ,*甘 ㅣ i+‘ 甘
툐,,ξ i’ ;ㅑ i‘ τ,I;II',,i'‘
,‘ ,"'I● II‘ ,I‘ III,II,I1노 , f,II,¸ 甘
f숄II,!It노 I 山‖
ξ '”

d° ubi fegrleo psqu

'''''τ '''*')'1‘ 'II↓ '¡ '‘ "‖
‘ ’‘ ‘
틀 |eeze 를
翰 :WFile Your ewn

ξ : :


有끕ξ ㅑ
盲 ●.
:● ; : :, :::. ●: ::— ● ●

・: ..i ●
・: ・ : '1⅛ ' I‘ ' '' '; '' ' ㅑ ㅣ
' '' ' ' 'ㅣ
‘ ‘ ‘

5■ VVrile o senlence using o word in lhe box.

■ ˛
''2 'Π '[ 70
rds i" Co"● e*●
Reσ J the 'ette∴ Then write σ rentence to αn‘ wer eσ εh
que¸ tion be'ow●

← √ ,⅛
ξ˛ 」ilne Z寸
''√ α r Aα α

I 十 ' y
ook '” firs十 αirplα ne riJe, αnJ i十 '"α s greα 十f˛ In∫ 丁˙
firs十 十hi” g '"e JiJ '"α s 侈 oα rJ 十 he pIα ne. I ˘ναs ευrioα s αιoα 十
whα 十十 he pIα ne '"α s I'ke. A ˘ νo'” α n 十ook '” e in十 o 十
he εoε kpi十 ∫

Pre十 十y soon, 十 he pIα ne 十 ook off. Eν ery十 ng IookeJ s"α

h'˙ I∫

νανiHα ge αn˛I Io十 s of 十rees. When ˘

fro'” 十 he αir. I sα ˘ νe

Iα nJleJ, I heα rJ αIoα ˛ I sε reeε h. I十 ⅵ s 十 he ¸rα kes' IBelieν e

ng is no十 Δαngerous. I α ger 十o Jo αgα in. i十 ˙ {:,')
"e, fly'˙ " eα ㅑ
',w ''
Nex十 yeα r, I '"'iH √ o your 力o{Ise.
Iy 十 Isn'十 力α十εooI?

' e,
t˙ ↓' f
Arneliα 、 .¨ ・

■VVhof wos Anㄱ elio curious obol」 l?


2■ Why do you lhink lhe vil[oge looked siτ 10ll from lhe oir?

3■ Whol mode lhe loud screech when ihe oirplone londed?

나■Why do you lhink Amelio is eoger io fly ogoin?

;':!;홈 뮬묠
:=I욜 ¼ ;;:귤 ;;‖ 뷸흖
ξξ;ii,,,"● 흗ξ 들
●Σ‖Ii” til'''',It ‖
,''' :흘 :τ :'‘ ]‘ ,¸ I‘ ,,르 i● :¸ i¾

§ ';‖ ''‖ ';,;';;:=을 =;:¡ '';"'"''''fl‘ "''',,Ifl,” '"IIf,,ff,흘 "Iψ

doubi feg rieopsqueeze


㎒Yd抵# Own
‘‘ ‘

배 ¨¨¨……

5. Wrile o senlence using o word in ihe box.

7 72 ■ U”
'[ 70

rjnd l'le word in t'η e box t'η σt Π t˛ the cIυ e.
o∫ ˜ 'σ
Write eα ch 'ette'˙ tIη e w어 d on σ σn,wer b'미1k.
脚 敵昨昨ㄼ‖⅜ ‖‖‖‖玳‖牢η稗折旿Ⅱ ‖‖杆碎ㄼ ㄼ‖ ‖,'‖ 旿 ㄼ旿 路奸 마 Ii"” 沖軒 ,"‖ ‖沖m*‖ 雉 ‖ ‖‖㎑‖*‖ 掖니Ii‖ ‖ l ‖

㎋ '‖ "‖ ',‖ "하 """‖ "“ """""'‘ """"● "‖ "

꿇 boord cur'ous
“ “ “ ““ “
dongerous “ ””
doub' ” ”
eoger” ”

흩feor squeeze

[eo p screec h vi ['oge

, i , f , , ,' ,' I [I’ I ,‘ ,iI有 I,욜 !,,iIIIIIII,IIIII!i노 ● 붙
lij● i'● ,ItiI,IIi'II¾ 용
¾¼ :용 it¼ ⅜
I,'l¼ 후
II'¼ 홍
¾뮬¾용 ⅜
i'¾ II⅜ ,표 흉
II⅜ :¼ ¾ τ ⅜

;흉 :‘ i‘ ii⅜ I'¾ ⅜1','ㅣ ,'● ,¸ ξ
,‘ I‘ I‘ ,I˛ ;브 [● 후
● ,'● ,,I‘ ,I'‘ ,,i,● ●

''!¾ '¼ '융 '¾ '',''‘ '‘ ','I',,''‘
‘ ’
'쿵 '⅜

’ ’’ ’ ‘‘ ‘
‘ ‘ ‘‘’ ‘

' . noi sure

2. be ofroid

3" smoll iown

나■gei on o plone

5■ nol o whisper

6. exciled oboul

7■ nol sofe

8. lo spring forword

9■ hold lighlly

I 0. wonl lo know

Look σ[ the 'ette'"‘ you wrote in the hσ JeJ ˛o'υ Π1n αbove.
Write "]em on the σn,we'ρ b'α nk, be'oⅵ
‘ σn‘ ⅵ he 'jJJ'e.
' to 'e'싹

VVhoi birds never gel their hoir cl」 i?

Un'[ 70 ■ ' 7B
If you need help wilh o word, look il up
: ': :: in lhe C'ossory ol lhe bock of lhis book.

εirε ⅵ t hα σ [ the 쁘쁘으 meσ ning σ

'orJ thσ 'mo‘the word on the 'ine● ‘
the 'e
ⅵ "le ρ . Write
'ord in derk 'j"● ‘
VVe vei] when our leom wins ihe gome.
A■ squeeze B■ feorC■ cheer

2■ Don’ i huri ihe kiilens when you pick ihem up.

A■ leopB■ hormC■ Iremble

3■ The horses ore in lhe meqdow.

A■ fieldB. downC■ screech

나■I gle lhe whole coke.


A■ curious C■ enlire

5■ VVe hod fun of lhe fesiivo[.

A■ downB■ foir C■ boord

ε˛ ⅵ t hα α t the 으으2으ㅛ느 me어 ling α

'orJ *hα
the 'e
word ‘ 'mo‘the worJ on t・ he 1ine●
thein Jσ rk prin'● Write

■I Iook o wolk ol sunse'■
A■ villogeB. fieldC■ down

2■ I know I wiii poss ihe lesl.

A■ shiverB■ doubiC■ feo r

3. The cor is sofe lo drive.

A■ dongerous B■ foir C■ eoger

나■I om nervous when I meei my new leocher.

A■ foirB■ eniireC■ coln1

5■ I wo'k over ihe puddle.

A■ squeeze B. doubl C■ leop
T '4 ■ UΠ 70 . Reν
'[, 9— 'ew
Look αt the ⅵ in the box● Write eα εh ⅵ
'orJ∫ 'ord in the
g''oυ ρin whjch it be‘ t ∫
. υe eσ ε
h ⅵ
'orJ once.
:● :● :::::;:● :i:● ● :i● ●
::::::● ● ::iii● ::● :● ● ●
::● ●:●
‘ :::::● :::::● i:::● !:● ●
●::i::● Ξ
÷::● ::::● :::i:::i::!● ●
::::Ξ :::;놓 ::=÷ :::::● :● :::!::::::::● ●
:÷ ::=꼲 :;● :賞 :::● ::● ● :::::::::'결 有
●●놓 :꼲 :直 ::冬 ::끝


i eneercur¡ ouseggerfieidi

= sereechshiversqueeze vi' 'ooe l

:':!i:● ::::曾 :;:::● :Ξ ::::● :::::— :,::’ :ii::● ●
●:i::● ●
:=:::::::● :::● ::::::::::::● :● ::● :● :::::::::':●

;● :● ::;::::::'iilI'':● ●:●


●::j:::● ,::if:::::● :有 ●릉
● ●● ●
:::● :● !:●


W● pds τh● ●

ㅕ :珊
W● Fds τh● ●˙
H● νo● Fee' ㅐ●me P'● ees

방 :
㎭ ㎊ 뉵 '㎪:芻 i

s● ● A아 :●
"d WoFds " WoFds

Reν few ● υΠ , ,— j[˙

TO ■ ''

C''oo,e the σn,wer thσ t be‘ t ˛oΠ1ρ

˚ σn‘ wer‘ the que,tion● Pα y α 'ete, the jentence

i'1 Jσ rk prin十 . Γ i˙
'tention to σthe worJ
'' in t'le circ'e nex[ to t'le
I ■You mighi iremble when you 6. VVhol mighi you heor ol
O find your socks. dqwn?
○ see o big dog borking. o roosieir crowing
○ ploy wilh o friend. o crowd cheering
o school bell ringing

2. A v¡
– :

']gge shopping
musl hovemoll. 7. WhoI would moke you

O o 1orge

O o few siores. shive '"?


lying on o beoch


O mony resiouronls.
eoling o sondwich


swimming in o cold oceon

A coi mighi show feor by


O purring.
II woud be hord io squeeze g

O eoling.


O sponge.

O hissing.

O iree.

O pillow.
나■You mighi feel poin in your


orm if you

O eol loo nluch food. 9. VVhich of ihese onimols

O Ihrovv o boII Ioo mony screech?
linη es. kiliens ond puppies
O kick wilh your fool. crows ond rnonkeys
wholes ond shorks
5■ VVhol mighi you do ofler you
boord o bus? I 0. Whol siolemenl would you
O find o seol doubl is irue?
O run o roce . Horses egl gross.
O woil for o iroin Beors live in AIosko.
Cows fly lo lhe moon.

7 'σ ■ UΠ 9느
'“ '0 . Reν 'ew

he Ide●

εomp'ete eσ ˛h ∫ enten˛ e ¸ o thα t it mσ ke“ en,e.
tσ rte'ρ ¸

Pα y σttention to the w어 'd in J● rk prfnt.

VVhen I om co'm, I

2■ Afier I reod ihe enlire book, I

3■ The cooch wos foir when

나■I 'remble when I

5■ I orn curious oboul

6■ The rood is d미 1gerous becol」 se

7■ I Ieqp when I "'

8■ I use o wooden boord io

9■ In ihe former’ s field, I see

I on1 oIwoys eoger io


Reν iew . ['Π I[¸ 9ㄴ ■ τ7



● '. :.


S● ●dˇ ::: : : :: ::. : : : :

A suffix is g word pori lhot is odded io lhe end of o word.

A suffix con chonge lhe meoning of the word.

–=덞 == ●丑 =– =ㅃ
The suffix fui meons “
full of.” The suffix iess meons “

hope + ful = hopef'" hope + less = hopeless

Hopefui meons “
full of hope.” Hop어 ess nleons “
wiihoul hope.”

=一 끎
I om hopefu[ Ihol we will I fell hopeiess when we

win ihe gorne. ==-=–

were losing.
: :̇ : ・●

AJJ the ˛ ∫ σnJ 'e“ 'o eα ●

h worJ be'o'Λ
'Hjxe‘ "' ':

[ ■horm

2■ poin
3. doubi

Add ∫˙ [o the wo'"J jn J어 k̃ prin: to ˛omp'ete t・ h e en *ence.

"' or 'e“
Be ˛ e ⅵ en∫ e in the ,entence● Write the jle”
ke∫ ∫ orJ
'orJ mα ‘
'''e t'●
on t'le
‘ 'ine.

5■ The dog jumped inio l cold woler ond
swom ofler ihe boll. (feor)

6■ Brushing your leelh is eosy ond (poin)

7■ EoIing poorly is lo yo heollh. (horm)

8■ VVe wonied il io snow, bul we were ㅣ

hol ii
would. (doubi)

9■ A bee is if ypu le° ve il olone. (h● m̈)

.・ .
˙ ●

[0■ A bee sling con be

7 78 ■ υΠIt, 9~— 70 . Reν Ieν


●W● Fd Choiee 2
You leorned
Look ol the chori for words ihol
Nolice how ihe meonings of ihe


:::: : :: ::::

VVheh you hop, you one or bolh


u p



: ● —:・ :
forword inlo lhe oir, you don’ 1 go
::::: :::

Jump When you J˙ ump, yot」 use your legs io push up or forwgrd


with more force lhon o hop.


leo p W h e n yo leop, Y아」lo ke o sirong forword

b i g, J unㄱ p

W''ite the word rom

∫ the chσ thσ t be∫ ˛
omp'삵e‘ eσ ε
h ,entence●
::: :: ::: '

■VVe sow g horse lhe fence.


2■ Would you like io rope wilh nle?

3: A robbil will o round looking for food

나■Some frogs con more ihon len feel

5: I con’ l on one fool for very long!

εrc'e the ⅵ d in Jα rk prf"十 [o σn‘ wer the

ch exe'˜ ˛ e,
'o'ρ : .㎦ 勒
eαqυ e,lion. Then 어1∫ we'" !'η e ,e˛ ond que,tion. υ e the worJ
'n ,[
'˙ '˙

‘ :::’

you c'η o∫ e in yotΠ σn‘ ⅵ ‘ .

'e'ρ ''˙

6■ VVould you hop or ieop lo gel over o l야 ge puddle? Why?

7■ VVould you leop or hop lo move o few inches? VVhy?

8■ VVould yo VVhy?



Reν ˚ υΠt¸ 9— 70 ■ 7 '9

'ew '˙
:: : :: ::::::::::::::・ :.::.::

●● ●

:=μ #堪 γt淇窺席
-:● Ξ
-!!! :::解 ::::::::::::::::::::::

=:::*':'I:*'*:-… ● ”
-H : :: : : .・

:::: :::●


●gra p● y)
:: :: :::::::: :::::::::: ::::::::: ::: :::.
: : n 1873,
brα ve Texα s woIγ1α n set out on long nd α α
:::::: :::: :: :: :::::: : :: :: ::: :: :: ::: : ::

.:: : : :::: :: ::: :: ::::::: :::: :::::::::::

hα rd trip. Her nα yne wα s Mα rgα ret He伍슨rnα n Borlα nd.
::::: ::: : :::: ::: ::::::::::::::: :::: ::˙

:::::::::::: ::: :::::::::::: ::::: :::::: ::

::: ::::: ::: : ::: :: : :::::::::::: ::

::: ::: : : : :
With her children αnd αsyy1α 11 teα yy1 of workers, 'Δ αrgα ret
led α herd of cα ttle f’roIyl Victoriα , Texα s, to Wichitα ,

I〈 αnsα s. The herd hα d over α thousα nd cα ttle!

At the tilne, it wα s odd for α woyl1α n to leα d αcα ttle drive.
λ瘙 rgα ret wα s one of the first w01:Ilen to do it. '4α ny people

9t that tiyγ le 1α n to
did not think it wα s proper for α woγ γ
(¾ o such work. Mα rgα ret, however, v̆α s α strong woyl1α n.
She did not cα re whα t others thought. She hα d α job to do. : :::::

Margα ret's ναs not eα sy. A few yeα rs

trip wα s tense. It 、
e(λ rlier, cα ttle drivers hα d to carve αtrα il through low
.:::: :

n1011ntα ins αnd lα nd covered with slnα ll trees αnd bushes.

丁he trα il was sti11 rough and dα nger01그 s. It wα s eα sy to .::::: :: : ::: : :::: :: :

:: : :: :::: :: ::: ::::: :

9et α●
crα pe-or worse˚ The tender skin of hα nd or arm1 α : :

::::: ::::: ::: :: ::: : : :: : :

wα s no n1α tch for α thorny bush. As workers αnd herds

::: : :・
:::::: :: : ::::: ::: :: : :::: :: : :: : : ::: :
:: : :: :: : :: : : : :: :: :: : : :
: :: :: : ::::: : : : :
the hα rsh sLln could beα …
: :: :: : ::: : :: ::: ::: : : : :
of cα ttle trα veled, down one :: : : : ::::: : ::::: :: :: : ::: :: : :
:: : ::: : :::::: : : : : : : :: :
:::: : : :: : :: : : :

dα y. The next dα y, heα vy rα ins could flood the trα ils. ::: ::: : : : :: : : :: ::: ::: : :::::::: : :: : :: ::
: :: : : : : : ::: : : : : : :
: :: : : : ::::: :: : : ::

αrgα ret led α type of cα ttle cα lled the Texα s Longhorn. :::::: : :: ::: ::: : ::: ::: : :::

A Texα s Longhorn stee● hα d very good le● n Iγ leα t.

These cα ttle could survive in rough

: : ::::: :: :: :: : :: :
plα ces αlong the trα il. Texα s Longhorns,
: :: ::::: ::: :::::: ::::: ::
however, scα I-ed eα sily.
A coyote howling
froyn its dell could cα use thern to run αwα y in
α sudden rush.
The Texα s Longhorns were hα rd to contro1, but
rgα ret yγ1α de it to Wichitα with Iy10st of her
herd. Todα y, she is reynembered for he〕 r
independence αnd strength.
γoυ heα rJ the worJ‘ be'ow '˙ n the ρα αge on ρσge‘ '20— '2 ] ●
Reα d eσ ch word αnd jt‘ me어 ling. Write *he word on the 'ine

*o ˛omp'ele the ¸ entence.

beo m A beom is o long, sirong piece of wood

(noun) ol" melol lhot holds up pori of o building

A'f'er 'he b{IIIders ρυI IΠ 〃,θ Ios'

, 'I,e)/ btI'˙ II I灼 e roor oΠ Iop.

(verb) To beom is io send somelhing oul.

ΓυroⅣ oγ sIors IIgh' ''o E’ oΓ

I⅜ I‖ ● ii흐
I¾ ¾i,,tIIIIIi,'IIIi’ liil용 I甘 ¾
li⅝ f¾ ,oIl홍 I표 II표 ,liII융 II율 용
i뷸 I표 *● IIIItl‖ 옵 I¾ II표 li흐 :!1II,ㅣ ‖표
I'II''‖ I’ ll;'liI¾ 움1I표 ii''l∶ II'''*'● II¾ li‖ *l:I'III¾ I:¡ ¾
IIi''H*¾ o,i'Ii¡ ¾ ⅜
II몹 lξ ,용 용

'liII'IIIII,II'II*¾ '● 'III표 ''II'III'l'I1¾ '⅜ 'll''lll‘ ''↓ '*II'¾ 'l'¡ 'liI¾

‘ ‘ ‘

2. corve VVhen you corve somelhing, you cul inio il.

I coΠ o sloIυ θ oυ I oI ™ood.
I'‘ ll’ 甘 ξ표
ㅣiI¾ ⅛
I‘ I‖ itI¾ l''표 IIIIfIII⅜ iII⅞ ¾
ξ I,표 l● I]甘 ,ll'⅜ I‖ IIII⅜ 용표
,li¡ ⅜
I표 Itl"'II‖ li'!'I‖ 홍 I몹 I흣 I,¾ II''lli'l'I'1I"I*I● tiI흐 ⅞ I¼ ,,⅜ I1,'lllIII"j'II용 ξ

'I'표 'II''IIIIII,t¾ 'lf¾ '표 'II‖ ':If'oI¾ '‖ ']IlIII표 ''’ ' I‖

‘ ’

3■ den A den is where some wild onimols resi

丁;'he ™oIr Ierf I's
Io eσ I:
I'ⅱ 1‖ ,lll"II‖ !ξ II¾ ! ‖ ‖I‖ l‖ l‖ l]i'¾ :;¾ ¼
I"tII‖ ‖I‖ lII'']‖ ㅑ ‖II¡ tt● ,'ζ 1¡ [1‖ ‖ llll'"'""‖
Ii⅞ l]'''Ii궁 Ij,¡ iiI ‖ ‖ ‖ !'I¡ i' ’

']:I,1:귤 '"I'llil‖ '‖ 'II,ll''''i[‖ 'I‘ ']I‖ '''":''‖ ':흐 "¡ "I"'‖

나■[eon When you leon, you bend in o cerloin direclion.

¸oε I( Io w7α I;o力 'hθ ΠIghI skγ .

Sonlelhing lhol is [eon does nol hove much fol on ii.

T;he bυ rger hoσ I” θσI I” II.

‖ I‘ ● f'iI,!‖ ‖IIII"I'!‖ I,,I¡ IjlI,!'‖ i""lll‖ ‖I,¡ l]∶ ¾

I'‘ Ⅲ ll‖ Ⅲ ,'I’ 뻐 ‖II"l'Iitl印 l1:I뮴 ‖ i⅜ ,lill"llll‖ l"III'1]I‘ 各 ¡
‖II,l"I'lll‖ II¡ I¡ ¾
tl흐 甘
iII뷸 t甘 흐
'til''l'''lIII"I,':,'l¾ '흄 ']¡ "Ⅲ '"‘ ''흐 'iII‖ '"'‖ ''‖ '⅜ '':Itil,,I‖ '¡ ',I:¾ '● ''¡ '女

‘ ’ ‘ ’

5■ odd If sonlelhing is odd, it is noI whol you ore used lo

(o 이eclive)
A Jυ ΠθsΠ owsIor,Π ? Ⅳoι be

(g이 eclive)An odd nurnber connol be divided evenly by lwo.

Γ e I● σΠ ΠυI” ber.
τ ■[IΠ f[ '' 'ν
ˇocabu ●aryw● rkshop.com L¡ $芭 e臘 to 흉
항甑《 또υ 鹽 趣y to the on 'ine giossary

6■ proper If somelhing is proper, il is righi or correcl.

(0 예eclive)
ν θor cloI灼 Ing oΠ cold dσ γs.
‖1]:l‖ ‖‖ !‖ iIII‖ I''ll‖ III,':''liIYI卄 llill‖ l::'ill‖ li''llllili'''"'ili''II',1ㅐ *'Ⅱ ,‖ Ii',,l‖ lii'l‖ ‖iII,l"','''llilllli'':1''iI''III'i]I!,‖ ,‖ ll● ,'"I'I'''lll''"‖ Ⅱ¡ 娘 i묩 :I‘ ,

'‖ ''II''':‖ '[,llliiliI''III'ili‖ 'iji',:‖ ',,ll:I'I'i’ 'iI‖ "中

’ ’ ’

7■ scrope When you scrope somelhing, you rub

(verb) il ogoinsi o rough or shorp surfoce.

Hθ Iρ Πθ II]e poIΠ
oΓ,f 'he door. '

(noun) A scrope is o mork mode by rubbing or

scroiching ogoinsi somelhing rough.

I fbII oΠ σ goI σ
oΠ Inγ kΠ θθ .
:˛ :・

¡ ,i‖ ‖∶
:,lllli]‖ lll''ll''''‖ II'’ 1]:'li‖ ‖ji柑 ‖ ‖●
‖‖II‘ ,''{’ 卄:',Ⅱ li]¡ ¡ llllⅡ ¡ !‖ :1‖ jI‖ i','lI',liI‖ lll''II,'ti¡ lIII'‖ I',ㅣ **● ⅱη :¡

'ii‖ 'lll'‘ '‖ "''][''!:,llII!ll‖ 'III,ll'''':I'] ¡ '‖ 'ill'""lll'll‖ 'llli,ll‖ ''''‖ 'lli,'l‖ 'Il‖
',ㅑ 'I¡ '‖ 'i’

8. sleer VVhen you sieer somelhing, you move il in g

(verb) cerioin direclion.

I frλ σ 'o Π γbI'“ θI” o

s'rσ gh' II,Π e,


(noun) A sieer is o bull lhol is roised for meol

A θo's gross.
‖!‘ iII1¾ li‖ ‖‖ ‖‖ll''‖ ll'I'‖ [I':'''ll‖ 1:” ‖ ‖iI” ‖IIII''''',lll'''II'll‖
‘ ‖ lll''‖ I'lII['lll,lII'‘ II‖ l:,'‖ I‖ l]:,ll‖ ll:''''‖ lll''III'll’ !liII,l:‖ ‖●
!1]:I'lⅡ ]‘ llil,I:I'''I’ in'‖ ↔i‖ ¡
''lli''1‖ 'll,,'II,m‖ "'‖ '''III'"‖ '',i‖ '''l‖


iender When sonㄱ elhing is iender, il is sofl’

ond eosy io cul
(o 이eciive)
GroΠ dpo’ ξsIθ oks ore oIIIν oγS

SC ㅐ°φL
:‖ il‖ ‖l” ‖,,ll:I’ ll]'l'‖ l‖ If‖ 1:‖ 卄,'‖ ‖ i‖ ‖¡
I''‖ ],‖ ‖‖:‖ li'‖ ;‖ ‖II''II''‖ ‖
I¾ :

''II''III'll''ll"ill‖ 'ilII'"‖ '"illl',l‖ 'I,ll‖ '1I‖ 'lI‖ ']:''ll'''"illl'"'I'’ '''I'llli''lill‖ '‖

ou˙ Hs

iense VVhen you ore lense, you ore nol OD씨 '

' 0■ (o 예eciive) reloxed.

I fbII M,heΠ I
ed oυ ρIσ γ .

'r'˙ ' for fhe school

t'Π I[ τ 7 23
P潑 磯ee uniiwordswiii1: :
he ‖e●
h ● ¡
呻 뱌 tive games and activities:
Choo,e fhe worJ ∫
rom box thα t mα t・ he ning
in the c'ue● Wrife the worJ on the line● 'che"he meσ

雷 lender iense .量
Iη I'’ 용
휼,II¾ It용 읔 甘¡ ⅜
묩 륨 ξ ι甘
큘τ ⅜τ ζ ξ;1'’ 甘 ● 노III’ 떻

!● :묩 I'¾ I뮬 :'⅜ *'Iτ ,''‘
I흉 ;'↓ :;콕 i‘ ,‘ I,르 I'I甘 1I'II,,'III,I● I,II,,프 I● ,I● II불 f¾ I● II!j● I''fl¾
'''¼ ':'''’ 't듈 'Il¾ '울
'¾ 'I‘ 'iτ '¼
'ξ ''’ 'j;,',lI'‘ ''ff,II”
’ ‘ ‘ ‘
‘ ’
You mighi feel like lhis before o big lesl.

2■ You con do lhis io see posi sonleone’ s heod in o movie fhegler.

3■ You con cook o corroi lo n10ke ii nㄱ ore like this.

나. You mighi do lhis io o loble if you drog o heovy pol ocross lhe


5■ You mighl use lhis word lo describe o lolking col

+뻐 ‖ ‖휼 ‖
‖剝 ‖ ‖● 르i,子 ¸ ㅑ τ i'];;효 ¼ jI●
,j I(I,,fl,,II● 卑
¼,III,基 ¼ Iti¼ ¼ lll‘ ¼
l,lttξ ¼ 홍 ¾
융 甘
¾ ¾
]:'' ‘ ;'I''Iㅑ ,fll'노 tiill'● :II'
;● ;ㅑ ,I1± ,,ξ ,I¸ II,운 *용 Ii표 t큠 !'’ :I

"“ ":

corvedenp ropers'eer

“ ‘
''‘ '‘ '‘ 'II● 'I’ '¾ 'γ ''¼ '甘 '⅝

“ “
羞 beom
‘ ’

色 .'●
’%'‘ 따,I ● 표 ¾
흄 흘 ⅝
Ⅱ ¾
용 ‖ 훙
,,'''퓽 ¾ 甘¼τ
‖τ ¾
‖ 읗
⅜ ∶ 르:‖ ⅝
;'''‘ 곡

i ,II, '脚 IIII ,Σ ,II出 IIII!,t Ii¾ I’ ,!II홉 t’ I’ it● ,IIi¾ iiiil흉
lt,용 ii!*i¾ t⅛ ,II,’ i甘 I흉 ;'‘ ;료 :‖ ;ㅑ .' i' ''

'itI'li甘 ',*i큠 ''li¾ ''i¾ '1⅜ ''iτ '⅛ '';τ ',,:'I,,‘

’ ’
’ ’ ‘

6■ This is o ploce where o lion sleeps oi nighl.

7■ This is how you moke o siolue oui of o piece of sione

8■ This h이 ps io hold up o skyscroper.

9■ This is whol you do lo lurn o cor lo the righi or lo the lefi.

'0. This is how you mighi describe weoring o swimsuil lo lhe poo1

724 ■Uni[ 7 T
-he Se"●
Choo,e the w어 ˜ d ∫om the box thσ t be,t comp'ete∫ the
enten˛ e● Write *he worJ on the "ne.

印‖" ' ' " 押 打旿 押堆Ⅲ ‖Ⅱ ⅲ 沖 Ⅲ ‖ ⅲ ⅲ ‖ⅲ 箝 蝴 ‖ ‖㎑ 碑 柑 쎄 Ⅲ뺘 뼈 細 ¾ Ⅲ 釉 琳 쨔 Ⅲ 빠 삐 Ⅲ ¼
l 빠婢芻 삐甘

" "Ⅱ "" "', I "‖ , i , ' ' ,'( I '


¼ " "Ⅱ " ' ' ' '''' ' ' ' '''1 1 ' ''I I

훑 beo mcorveden]eo n odd

’ ’

''1" " " ’
” “ ‘

틀 proDer scroDes'eer 'ender



''/'’ I'‘ ,˛ I‘ ●
liIII,'‘ ●,IIIIII,,I‘
o‘ Ii● I● ,,II” ,,!,iifftlltIII,¼ i● 卑
ItiII’ IIIIt'후 용
‖iII’ ,Ii卑 용:'!I’ tI'I흩 홍
*I¼ II'¾ 甘 북

:'甘 *l'1tIIIt둥 ¾
甘 I'''‘ I⅜ 르
*¼ ⅜
ξξ굴 곡 ¼τ
;;’ ξ●● ; ' l‘ ';; ;;;● :;‘

'f● '¼ '¾ "¾ ''1l¡ '' '‘

‘ ‘ ‘

' . The move lo our new house mode us

2■ The number 3 in ol」 r oddress is on n t」 mber.

3■ The smoll, neol"by form hos gools ond o

나. One ceiling hod io be e loced ofler our move.


5. I hod lo nly heod bock look ol il.

6. A posler of o beor in ils is in my bedroom.

7■ Mom hod lo lhe po inl off lhe kiichen loble.

8■ She hod io pick lhe lool io gel lhe poini off.

9■ GIoves proiecled ihe skin on her honds.

This foll, we will o lul"key ol our new loble.


: : :


˙: :●

:: :

:: ¨ :::: ::::::
: : ::::

: ::: : :: :::

t'Π I[ 7 ' ■ 72¸

rds :" Co"● e*-
Reσ J [he αrti˛ σbout ∫ σnd ,'ed driver¸ .

The''' ⅵ α∫ 'e
entenceto σ
'ed dog, —
n,wer eσ ˛ qυ e‘ *ion I¸ e'o'η・

ed D● gs and S그 ed ●=크vers:
'’ =:

Rα cing sled dogs is αbig
sport in some cold p1α ces.:
Dogs with thick fur αnd leα n bodies αre best for rα cing.
Their leα n bodies help them r11n q111ckly. Sled dogs {1re
full of energy. often, they αre tense before αrα ce stα rts. :
D11ring αrα ce, the sled’ s blα des cα rve deep lines in the
snow. The driver stα Ilds in the sled to steer
it. After the rα ce, the drivers tα ke cα re of
their dogs. They check the tender p˛1ds on

● :
p{1ws. If they find (1 scrα
the dogs’ pe, they
cleα n it up so it wi11 heα 1. Then they hα nd
011t treα ts for α job we11 done!

■How would you describe o sled dog’ s body?


2■ Why mighl lhe dogs gel iense bef'ore o roce?

3■ VVhol jobs does o sled driver hove?

나¨VVhy nlighl o dog gel o scrope on iis pow?

"" 빠 腑 페 뺘 퍄㎚ 脚 瑚 ㎚ 빠 때 聊 " * ‖ㅃ ‥ " 峨 ⅱ "" "빠 " ‖" ‥袈ⅱ뻐 釉 배 η㎿ ㄻ

.''''쌓 ; ;

● ""

begm den odd proper ,곱

'η ½

‘ ““ ““ ” ”” ” ” ”

WFite Your Ow"

I*'Illi¾ 흗
,i¾ ⅝ 1,’ Iilli¾ 甘
둥흉 ]li¼ :I'i’ II':+‘ ¾
:I'¡ :'¡ 융

1+τ 1*ㅑ :툐 :''''';τ I'昏 ;'1''l';'¡ ⅜
*;,'''';’ ;ㅑ 흐
il''''I,i“ II‖ i',',I",빠 普
'',"” '㎴
썹 " '표 '¡ '‖

5. VVrile o senlence using o word in the box.

72σ ■t'Π
'[ ' 7
G● mes :’

' ''

rjnJ the worJ in the box thσ * nη σt˛ e¸ the c'υ e.
Wrife the ⅵ he 'i˙ ne● 'η

'ord on t・
袗 一 垂一

IIiII,¾ j甘
i’ ¾
I''IItiIIfi¾ i뮬 IIt'I⅝ 쌍¸묩
t흄¡ !¼ II‘ 흉
¼⅝¾ :⅝ 甘
甘쿵子 I¼ τ τ
I¡ ;1‘ :*''¾ I‘ ,I甘 甘 τ¡
甘Ill‘ ‖ ,ㅣ ,:"I1'''I'"II=‘ ;I¸ ¾
i'I""Ⅲ ,I,j,!¼ i¸ ,'"I'I"II=● 뻬 ●
,II ''',

틀雷每 ㎋

'''t’ '*t''I‘ '''''⅛


'쿵 '⅜ '‘ 'ㅣ ''甘
'⅜ '‘ '‘ 'i읔 'τ

beo m ’
corve ‘ ’ ‘

scrope 'eo n

iender lense

p rope r

siee r

,,,II,투 흉
●¼ ,,● ,,IIi,'!i● l,¾ 흥¾
iξ !女 甘축굴
⅝⅛¾!⅝ ⅜
,횹 탁
i굡 :¡ ㅑ :甘 甘
革;'II'''';'‘ ●
ㅑ˛II'’ ,''Ii','I‘ ●
또료,,,'II''f',iII,li,¸ ●
If,I,tI',‖ I● ,II● ¸
±II,iI,,,IIf,,念 t●

'i'Itlii¼ '⅝ ''',II'읔 ',툐 ',''''¡ '’ '甘 'ξ

‘ ‘ ‘ ‘

■how yo'」 mighl feel befol"e o speliing coniesi


2■ o home for o fox

:● : ::’ :
3■ weoring bools in lhe snow

나■lili lo lhe side

:. '
5■ eoling supper ol midnighi

6■ whol lhe sun’ s roys do :::-

7■ whol yo'」 do lo o piece of wood io moke o bool

8■ o perfecily cooked piece of chicken

9■ on onimol ihol is roised for meol

[0■ whol you do when you rub mud off o shoe

b f b e o m q w s

Look σ* *he worJ, yoυ wrote● rjnd


ρυzzle αnJ ˛irc'e them. s c r o p e c






"1em in the

inJ two o.∫ the word‘ by


oυ wi''
Π1n∫ s
' e e r o r

'ooking Jown the co'υ p







i e n s e m d e







【 ■ 727
'Π '[ 7 7
⊥廈 欽̇
:: :
●: . ・,


肇: 婚萱蚩
● "ords


催 뱝
Lj‘ ten to thi‘ ρσ σge σboυ [ σⅵ 麟
Pσ y σltenf'˙ on to the word, in the co'or boxe‘
'orking guide Jog. 熙蕣 揮두:
” .

T'η e¸ e αre the word, yoυ wj'' be 'eσ rning in t'● υnj[● j¸

:翰 千



驗患 !逵L垂‥
g墓 荇 還 I#˛
遲珝頀形 ¨



(informational Fi˛ tion)

빡 麟
曄 蠅
闊 醫 :恰

me ls Penlly, αnd I work αs α guide

罕・了 ㅁμ: ynα
dog. The 1α
be1 “guide dog '' rneα ns thα t I
.'一 .=—

help α person who is blind. I wα s born αt Guide 驩
Dogs fbr the Blind in Sα n Rα fα el, Cα liforniα .
This is αplα ce thα t trα ins ptlppies to be guide
:● ● :.

dogs. Yeα rs αgo, the coIγ1pα ny hα d only one

dog. The modern colnpα ny of todα y trα ins

h11ndreds of do9s every yeα r.
When I wα s eight weeks old, Guide Dogs f˙ or the Blind hα d 職걺

to select α α lily f’or Ine. The fα Iylily gα ve Iγ le love αnd αstα ble
f˙ Iγ

hoIIle. The fα nlily nlerylbers tα ught Ine
good Inα nners αnd how to obey
coynIγ 1α nds, like sit αnd lie down.
They took Ine to Inα ny difforent
plα ces, αnd they plα yed with
Ine. Some types of plα y were
not proper for IIle αnd were not
αllowed. The fα Πlily IneΠ 1bers
co11ld not pitch αbα 1l or other object
fbr yγ le to cα tch αnd cα rry bα ck to thelγ 1.

7 28

When I wα s eighteen yy10nths old, I went bα ck to Gllide Dogs
fior the BIind to begin α speciα l trα ining progrα ∏1. To be ho了 lest,
I wα s sα d to Ieα ve rny f˙ αn11ly. During rny trα ining, I wore α
hα ness. I leα rned
1⌒ how to guide α person through α busy city.
I even leα rned fun skills like how
to ride on α steep escα 1α tor. I αlso
leα rned how to tαke α trip on
αtrα in.
Three Inonths lα ter, I wα s reα dy

to be α guide do9. I wα s Iy1α tched

with α pα rtner, α wolnα n who
wα s blind. When we Inet, I took α
霞 機

Ininute to sniff her hα nd so thα t

I could α1wα ys identif˙y her.We
確 :茴!

t1⌒ αined together fbr three weeks.

Now I hα ve αjob to do. I spend
Iny dα ys guiding her αnywhere
she wα nts to go. On weekends,
we escα pe to the country,α nd

I spend lots of
tinle p1α ying・
I 1ove Iny job.

翰爵闊 繭恰覇
驩鐄詰 憔絃
A grown¨ up pup is
in iroining o' Gu¡ de
Dogs for ihe B[ind.

: :



鶯 ●

囍翕饑 壺

뺙蛭 特


Puppies wear green iackets 管
when they are getting useo to
different people and piaces.
UΠ [ 72 ■ 729

‖e● :"gs
Vou 'leσ rJ the worJ‘ be'ow in the pσ ∫αge on ραge‘ '28— '29.

Reσ J eσ ch ⅵ 어1d it, Πleσ nf'η g. Write
‘ the word on the 'ine

˚˛ o'γ ρ e'● ten˛ e.

’'e[e the ‘ escope

■escopeYou lo gel owoy.
' (verb)
T'he dog IrI˙ ed 'o 麒塵 薯

I力 roυ g力 Ihθ oρ θΠ go'θ .

웅 ¾
:I''*II'l'ξ Iit¡ ¾
⅜ I흐 ,’ I]¾ 甘
I,''I¡ ‖ III퓽 l¾ :흐 ,III‖ II''ifI½ ¼용
ifI‖ II'IlI=i甘
I‘ :,lIξ {,I1 '‖ II=',’ i륙 ‖ *l흐 ¡
±⅛ ,l'''II;'i]’ 푤
I‘ ¾ I● II:IiII''jiI뷸 ● ‖ ¾i''III甘 甘
,⅜ I몰● ,¡ l,

''IIIII''용 'II‖ '융 'I,liII'jII‘ 'II,¾

'흐 '흐

‘ ‘ ‘

2■ hones' If you ore hones', you iell lhe irulh.

(o 이eclive)
I ™os αΠσ 'oIσ υσd I灼 of
I IosI I]I˙ s peI?
ξ들표 i‖ I● lll‖ l'I,ii,:휼 III¾ lII‖ Ⅲ ¾
¾I'표 II‖ ‖ i:Iξ 용¾
ㅣ ‖●
I¾ II"‖
i뮴 I:ξ f¾ ,''‖ ,'i¡ I율 11¸ 곱 ⅞
웅II’ llillll''']II¾ I,표 lli;Ii'I‘ ζ¾
I¡ I'I‘ It'I'''iII,● jjiI甘 용
i!Itl',!itf*iI¸ Iii'II
''''lII!⅜ ':tII⅞ 'iI’ "Ⅲ '‘ ''''III'lII'± 'tII윰 'ㅣ 'jI'!IIiII''''II里 'II‖ 'iII'甘 'lI,¾ ';골 '둘 '짭

3■ ]° b이 A iobel is o siicker or log fosiened io

(noun) sonlelhing lo ieli more oboul ii.

Th e Ihe oΠ
εσΠ sσ γs Ihere Is eΠ oυgh soυ ρ
I˚ r 'Ⅳ o ρΘopIΘ .

(verb) VVhen you lobei somelhing, you wriie

somelhing on o slicker or log io
lell more oboul il.

νΘ shoυ Iσ oII oυ Γboxθ s so
Wlθ I(I?Oν ν M灼 σ Π θocI] oΠ Θ ,

娘‖l'I,'II’ Ⅱ‖]'I'lIIIIⅡ ,珥 ‖‖‖,j]1,,l'‖ ‖旿‖I',ii‖ lll[,ll邱 ‖‖,l‖ llII''I‖ ,中 ‖ ,‖
' is
II'I,¾ ,¡ li',"‖ ‖,’ :I‖ lii,!:,‖ 拍‖ Ⅱ‖I'I'lt,',바 ‖ ,I',,'II,‖ ⅱ*ㄼ ,t‘ llII'*I● ‖iⅱ ⅱIII’ ,,i,

'I"‖ ''I',ll‖ '';,l마 ':‘ 'I,‖ 'ⅱ '’ 'I,,i',‖ '*‖ '‖
‘ ’

나■modern VVhen somelhing is modern, ii hos io do wilh

(g 이eclive) lhe preseni lime.

IΠ IIΠ θs, peeplΘ HrIIθ

I7?ore e-Π ?σ IIs IhoΠ Iθ 〃θΓs.
琪● ,’ ]'¡ 奸 ,,li''l'¡ !l‖ ,‖ ,‖ ]I'lⅡ ‖‖:I,‖ I''''ㅣ ¡Ⅱ ‖‖ li‖ ,m“ ;'I''I''il'I,‖ ‖‖]:‘ ‖,‖ ,’ ]Ⅱ ‖ li'’ ‖‖ ,ll:ll,I'汁 :邱 jI''liI'lⅡ ‖:旿 ‖‖,il¡ ‖l'● j:‖
η,” I'I'l
’ 'll‖ ',,‖ 'll)'''Ⅱ 'III''li]'‖

''li,‖ ']'''' [‘ '‖ ''l'I''ll[,’ ''‖ ''',,]:I'‖ 'i‖
‘ ’ ’“ “ ’ ’ ’

5■ o텨 ec' An objecl is o lhing lhol you con see or iouch.

A boII I¸ o roυ Πσ

TBO UΠ I[ 72
aryworkshop.c ●m
ˇocab" ●
::::-::: :::: : :: :

eh *he ‖e● g 萱
幹ract盂 雜蘇 unit words with : :

rom the box thσ 十mα tche‘ the 'neσ ning
Chop,e the word ∫
in t'● e ˛ ⅵ
'ue. Write the 'ord on the Iine.

헐 escopehones'
운 ¾욜
⅜ξ :i’ !¡ l!''I'!’ ⅝
홍Σ ⅝
용¼ :⅛ I''li''I:!,¾ :뮬 혹
⅝¾I'''''''''*:ξ ¾ 폭

o텨 eci piichsniff I‘ :;푤 ;;:‘ τ
;'ili'';¡ ,子 ,,τ I,‘ ● ∫
!,,’ II,¼ it,,¼ ●
,t,● ,,'’

''!,'¾ '¡
'‘ '甘 '료 '''''''''‘ ''∶ ';l'‖ '‘ ''''+',,‘ ',I:II,IfiI,II,,¡ 'I노 ''''˙

’ ’ ‘ ‘ ‘

■You would probobly woni o friend who is iike lhis:


2. YoI」 mighl do lhis lo o beouliful flower in ihe gorden.

3■ You mighl woni lo do ihis when you woich o boring movie

나■You could do ihis wiih o boseboll.

5■ You mighi be oble lo hold lhis in your hond

:*ㄾ 袈枓
¡ ‖‖ :'"“ ¾ 1‘ ,i",,"f[1lit1['i” m” I'"',‖ ‖ 1 삐‖
Ⅱ蹠*ⅱ m故 ‖
‖뼈嫩*‖ η
§ '''!:ㄸ "*:;桁 "'I‖ "‖ ""‖ "퍄 """"''"""“ """'f""""""If卄 "‖ "‖ ""‖ 껼
modern seleci siob
':‖ '‘

흥 'obe'
‘ ”“ ””

'e sieep
%Iι 용甘
쿡 τ
용 : : t ' , I ' ' ' ' :' 흐
子 l‘ ;ξ 르
ξ τ
I''II‘ 르 ;甘 I● ,,,IIIIII', iII후 ∶
I● I● II● IIIII,II,II¼ f쌉 iI’ ¼
III,III,II',II¾ ,쩜 ¾ㅒ
I’ I’ II!’ l l ¾ 客
i 'ξ용
묻 I ' i * 甘 궁큠¾
It ' itiil ⅜ 북¾¼ * '큠 ,’ ' I t ' ' '' ''''ㅑ '˙

' I
'甘 'τ ',● ':';● 'i,!i¾ '’

‘ ‘‘ ’
‘‘‘ ‘‘ ‘ ’ ’ ’

6■ This kind of mounioin would be hord io climb

7■ This mighl lell you whol is in your cereol.

8■ This word mighl describe o well・ buili bridge

9■ This word could describe o brond new cor.

This is whol you do when you pick lhe besi oppies from o
big pile.

732 ■t'Π
'[ 72

he ‖e● i nteractive ganles and activities.

εhoore the worJ ∫om 'he box *hα t mσ her the meσ ning
υνrite 十 e worJ on t'η e 'ine. 'ε

in the c'ι
←빠 m삐 ‖ mⅲ ‖때 耕 *粹 *旽 ‖η ‖‖‖嫩 玳球 琠 軸 ⅡⅡ‖Ⅱ‖‖‖‖ⅡⅱⅡ Ⅱ珀*拒 ‖ Ⅱ ‖ ‖ ⅱ 瑚 야 ‖
ㅣ ψ 料 排 *中
낳 "” "‖ ""‖ """"""‖ 物

escope honesi o터 eci piichsniff

"Ⅱ "‖ ""흐 "“

“ ““ “ “ “ “ ” ”” ” ’

를 를
竹 I!휴 {I卑 !,¼ ¾
!'Ⅱ I,'ltII',II,¡ 용If'● Σ
홍⅛,:'¾ i용 1''I'I'*'''¾ *1':甘 :'‘ 득
몰용⅝ ¾
;궁 !료 ㅣI甘 :'‘ ⅜
;ξ ;‘ ㅑI‘ ;'‘ I‖ '‘ I,I'‘ ●f들 II● ,I{,,IIi,I,II,II‖ III,,II½ ,’ II½ ,i흘 노 ●¼

,I붙¼ 1、 '
=¾ '・
']¼ ''‘
'';''I’ ''"‘ ''古 '‘ '''I'''I,ㅣ
’ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ’ ’ ’

You would probobly wonl o friend who is like lhis.


2■ You mighi do lhis io o beouliful flower in ihe gorden.

3■ You mighi woni io do lhis when you woich o boring movie

나■You could do lhis with o boseboll.

5. You nㄱ ighi be oble io hold lhis in your hond

*'ξ ξ
¾::⅝ ξ甘
τIi',I't''’ :'',:''’ 昏ξ
官 ;귤 :ξ :''료 ˛ ilτ ¡ ξ● i¸ ,,'‘ ,=‘ I'ㅑ ,,,,1Ii‘ f¸ ,i,¸ II’ I!ftitt'j’ IfiII,I’ ,ifii,j¾ iI¾ ¸
¸ i¾ f,윰 ,’ Σ⅝
¾ ¾
흗 ‖
‖용‖i雄 붙

§ =’
''iτ '''',''''‘ ''''∶ 'II',,I'● ',,’

'ㅑ '=‘ '느 'i’ '

‘‘ ‘
‘ ’‘ ‘‘ ’

'obe]modern se]eci siob 'e

乳̇ ¾
'I⅝ :;⅜ τ l''':'甘 ;:''‘ I¡ ;:('‘ ξ:‘ ;촉 ;ㅑ ㅑ
;l‘ i‘ τ
ㅣI'Iㅑ ;‘ I‘ Ii,ㅑ ;'f,:I‘ IiI● ,fIIIIiI,,,IIIIIII,IIξ ,fI끌 ,甘 ,,¸ ¸
良¸ II● ,IIII● III,I'● ,l'i,I’ t¸ I呈 ilI¸ ,哥 흄
●용 ¾ ,l’ ,용 iiI Imi,, 'I¡ ,'' t⅝ : 1甘 큠 音듈
,:¾ :’ :ξ

'''ξ '‘ '‘

',;I'‘ '‘ '마

‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ’’

6. This kind of mounioin would be hord lo climb.

7■ This mighl lell you whol is in your cereol.

8■ This word nㄱ ighl describe o well— buill bridge.

9■ This word could describe o brond new cor.

This is whol you do when you pick ihe besi opples from o
big pile.

7B2 ■ ˛
'Π 'f 72
翰 警箋
箋 :뇨

he Se enee

εhoo,e the worJ ∫
rom the box”
thσ [ be‘ t ε
omp'ete‘ ['le
,enten˛ e. Wr'˙ te the word on t'le 'ine.

I¸ ,̧1I,● I¼ ●
II,,f¸ ¼
● ¼ j¾
,● ,툐 ,,± ● 甘

,● ,¾ ¾
i''¾ ¾ ¾
i晳 良≥ ,¸ !,꿉 ¾¾
표¼ l¾ ,'甘 ,,휴 큠
¾읔甘 甘
¾ 휼큠¾¼

:⅝호¾ ;흑 ●
흐북官 耳 Iτ 4‘ ,;'‘ ,'‘ ,‘ ●
●τ ;˚ ,● Iㅑ ;ξ I● II’ 旦
i'● !互 ∶ ● ● IYI,If,II● ●
,¸ l노 ,‘ i,iξ ●

'¾ '●

'¾ '‘ '용 ';몰

'읔 '子


’ ’’ ’ ‘
‘ ‘
‘‘ ‘ ‘ ‘
‘ ’ ‘ =
] obe] o터eci
. p¡ ich
휼 selec' sniff s'obie sieep 푠투

H,If I Ij iiflI III I ●
'1I ,I 흉
1聃 1f lf¼ Iit ¼
¾ I,Σ II’ ,,Ii● IIIi卑 ,t¼ ¾홍
I¼ It¾ ,i¾ ¼용
읕⅝ ¾¾⅝
,¾ 용¾
甘큠 i,흄 :i굳 :'¾ ⅜표
¾ 붕용⅜
;킁÷↓壁 :¼ ;¼ :昏 ;甘 ;‘ :¡ ;:‘ 甘
흑붙;‘ ;;甘 ⅞∶
;τ ,흑 ˛
I● ;'‘ ;‘ ;;=‘ ¸
¸ ;'‘ ;:흐 트 互놔 ●

,∶ ;● , i
'iΣ 't흉 '븅 ':붙 '욥 '쿵 ':‘

‘” ’ ’ ’ ’’ ’ ‘’ ‘ ‘‘ ‘‘‘

I weni lo o lo ride o horse for ihe firsl lime


2■ The on ihe lrginer’ s shiri soid, “


3■ Sue helped rne o horse lo ride

나. She lold me lo lel ihe horse my hond.

5■ VVe closed lhe door so lhe horses wouid nol

6. Some poris of lhe riding polh were

7■ If lhe horses sow on on the polh, lhey

wqlked oround il.

8■ Horsebock riding is nol o ihing lo do,

bul il is fun.

9■ Afler riding, I heiped hoy lo feed ihe horses.

I 0. Riding is hord work. This is ihe iruih.


r::::::〉 :中 一r● ::::::::::::

" — ::-



" '

UΠ I[ 72 ■ TBB
::.:: :::::::.:

: :.=土 一=:

"ords i"ve'Co"●
Reα d [he trσ brocht're. Then write σ

entence to σn,ⅵ ˛

玄 ●
'er eα 'e,'jon be'ow●

'1 q˛

Visit the Red Horse Ⅱnn
How would you like to escape to the mountains?
If you need a place to stay, look no further than the ::二 i●
-∵ :
Red Horse Inn. We’ re being honest when we say you’ 11 :
have a fun tirne here. 시 1 of our roorns are nlodern and
clean. If you need a toothbrush or a towel, just let us
know. We can bring you the object you need. As you
rnay have guessed frorn our nanle, we have a stable on
our grounds. You can go riding every day if you want!
We also have flat and steep hiking trails. Just select
what you Iike best!

VVhol do you lhink il meons io hove modern roonㄱ s?


2. VVhy is lhis ploce colled lhe Red Horse Inn?

3■ VVhol is one ob.jecl lhe workers ol the inn could bring lo you?

나■VVhich is horder lo hike, o flol iroil or o sleep lroil?

.●*艮 I賞
¡ ' ' ' ''' ' ‖' '' ' ' ''
: ;': ;¸ ;' 록 ;' = 耳
툐 ; ' ' '‘ ')' ' I '' ' '' ' ' ' ' "' I ; ∶ ●¸
;쨀 , i‘ , ,I ∫l] I ' " , I I " ' , " , ,{f , , #½ ,

be]pi'c hsniff
ξ 후˙ ' ']‘

‘ ‘ ’ ‘‘ ‘
’ ‘

翰˙ 脚 *e
:-: : ¡ ● Y°辨 0w●
η̌'' ''⅝ 굔
— ⅜¾
甘 It'‘ ㅏ 甘
⅜ ㅣ 큠
품 ⅜ 甘
⅜ ●
● ●
±¸ ˙
●● 큠

*]ll’ ]¼ :⅜ ,⅜ *⅜ 't˛ :甘 i;‘ ;I'흐 ,‘ ;甘 ;;● 1' I‘ ]''ㅏ

'搜 '큠 ''‘ '

‘ ‘
'''' ''ㅑ ' '''''● 'I

‘ ‘
'I' II' ''',' ,I˛


’VVrile o senience using o word in lhe box


TB4 ■{'Π
'' 72
G● mes
Fjnd the Ⅵ f mσ tche, the ε e.
'ord in the box thσ
Write the ⅵ ρυzzie● 'υ

'ord in the

¾뭏室를 ,㎋

‖‖粹袈‖ⅡⅡ ⅜
::;:¡ ¡ 흖 ●
료 흐
휼ξ ,f"'● ●
흄∶ Σ 홍
ξ 휼
吝률 ⅝ ,t,'':'''
;;홍 i,‘ ;,''II’ ,● f‘ ,,"● ,i¼ ,,흐 :쫄 ,,'",,1',,’ i’ t’ iitii⅝
i쿡 i⅝ :⅜ 1¾


=‘ =ii’
'“ ''''I"'“ '‘ 'I,i켤 ',뻐 ''” 'i'’ 'It'I't''*!t’
“ ““
';;곡 'I‘ ''●

'‘ '¾

畺 escope hones'
‘ ‘‘ ’ ’
] obe] o 터eci
쏭푿 三 ≡ φ多

piich se] ec' sniff s'obl e sieep


¾ I‘ I‖ ;‘ ;古 :르 호 :';,,‘ ˛
●IIIIIII‘ ,IIII,"',,‘ ¸
흐 :¸ i,’ II,II",,,,III노 ,I,¸ ξ
II,ff,,,II,II'j!,'i윤 IΣ ¾
,It,,"'II’ 쌍 ,,홍 :¾ 북 ¾
:⅝¼甘 I'’ I''''⅝ *’ 홍용
';¾ 'I'‘
''τ ''극 ';콩 ''I*耳 '● '‘ ''“ 'ㅑ '● ',!묩 'ㅒ '북 '宣 '':τ ''''
’ ‘“ ‘ ‘ ‘ ’

i ■sirong ond nol eosily moved lo ioke breolhs ihrough your
n ose
나. whol o hill mighi be like
2■ o log lhol gives ihe shirt size
8■ lo choose
3■ lo gel owoy
9■ nol lying 葛항
5. noi old ''

someihing you
흄 : 2. 6■

con pick up :
- 늪 :-
— 7■ lo loss


¼ ⅞芼 읗⅞奎 舵





5. 6.
뻬 璂 힉 瀅렘 흉 뻬



i ~ H-一 中

中… : :˙
9. Γ 甲 岱
墨 肆 肆 卑 坤 琳 通梯 牽 肆 卑 卑 4⅛

., ・
υΠI' 72 ■ 7B‘
If you need help wi十 h o word, look il up
in ihe C'oss● Γy ol lhe bock of lhis book.

C'˙ r˛ σ
'd thσ t hσ 三 으쁘으 megning α,
t・ he 'e 'mo,t
ⅵ t'le w어 rk prin仁‘W'” theⅵ d on the 'ine.
ite the
'ord in Jα 'o'”

[. II would be sironge lo hove o beor os o pel

A■ lenseB■
’ honesiC. odd
2■ Con you 'oss lhe boll lo me?
A■ beomB■ piichC■ co rve

3■ You con pick lhe pen you like bes1˙ .

A■ scropeB■ seleclC■ sniff


나. VVe sow o young buli ol ihe form.

A■ sleerB■ Iσ belC. den
5■ VVe cooked the poloioes unlil lhey were so卄 .

A. honesiB■ lenseC. lender


o” ym●

Circle the worJ thσ t hσ , α [ t'η e oρ porite me어 lin g σ


the word in Jα rk print● Wr'˙ e word on the 'ine●
te t・


■The rood is very fi어

] .

properB■ n10del"nC. sleep



2■ ㅜhis onimol hos o f에 body.

A■ leonB■ sioble C. proper

3. I fell re]oxed ol lhe beoch.

A■ lenseB■ sleep C■ modern

나. The house is very old.

A. oddB. modern C. proper

5. My choir is shokν .

A■ siobleB■ leon C. lender

■ υΠ ' 7— 72 ●Reν eⅣ
'Bσ '“


::● :-‘ :

Look αt the word¸ in "le box. Wrife eσ ch word in t・ he

groυ ρin which it be" ∫it,. U,e eg˛ h word once● :

茹‖" ⅱ 懈 ⅱ 脚 * 야 旿 旿曲 湖 沸 ‖巾ⅱ麟 ㎚ 沖脾 ‖珀 蠅 聃 舶 雄‖蹄‖栽‖η‖ 뼈 ㎿ η姆 騰 旿빠 糊 聃 ㅃ η‖η

휼 denescopehones' 'eon
” ” ” ” ” ” ” “

” ‘

휼 piich propersiob'eiende f .흥
,I: 仰却碎
'η ,1붙 붙 !’ 붙
it분 ,,:듈 i’ I¾ 흗 ㅒ듈¾甘
ft⅝ 용용표

흄 *¾ :⅝ i:큠 ]'⅜ ⅝
,:큠 ⅜

t晉甘¼!:'‘ 甘
:甘 甘 甘⅜ ι

i¾ 1콕 :*‘ :⅛ il;甘 ;‘ 굳 ;τ ;ㅒ ¡흐
ㅑ ●
,ㅒ i;‘ ;,효 I‘ ;荳 골 ●●
+ξ IHd芋

'f흗 '⅜ '甘 'i=,‘ '‘

’’ ‘‘‘ ‘
’‘‘ ‘ ‘ ‘

P'● ees Where WoFds τh● * τe''

A":m● e Abo● ●Heo●
's Liˇ


τh● ●
A어 io" Words τe'' Abo● ●Yo● Γ
Beh ●ˇior

Reνie w t'Π I“ 7 T-72 ■ 'B

rd ▲sso● :● *:°
εhoo‘ e the 어1∫ wer thσ [ be∫ t ˛omp'eler the entenε e
or αn¸ wer∫ the qυ e‘ lfon. Pσ y α:[ention to the
‘ worJ
in J● rk ρ ●FjI' in the ˛ i''"˛ σn‘ wet
'e nex[ to the
I ■VVhy mighl you lobe[ your 6■ Which of lhese is o modern
nolebook? lhing?
《:) becouse il’ s blue
i’ O o horse
so people know il’ s yol」 rs O lhe Inlernel

⊃becot」 se you don’ l like il O o lree


VVhol is on odd lhing io do VVhoi mighl you find in o


2■ 7■

wilh your hond? den?


옳drow o piclure
⊂ ○ o boseboll fieid

○ score o gool in soccer O o whole

○ ploy piono O o sleeping wolf

3■ VVhere mighl you find o beom? 8■ Whol mighi couse you io

scrope your elbow?

O in o h아 」
O in o bo삐 of cere이 O folling on lhe sidewolk

O in o boseboll gome O woiching TV

O weoring o sweolshiri

나■To moke sure o pel Π10use

doesn’ l escope, you should 9■ If you feel iense, you
O cleon oul ils coge. O ore greol ol sporis.
O moke sure il lokes nops. O ore noi colm.
O close lhe door io ils coge. O own more lhon nine lhings.

5■ VVhich of ihese is somelhing If o house is sioble, il will

you sieer? '0■
O siond for o long lime.
O o form O foll over.
O on opple O hove lo be poinled red.
O o bike

7B8 ■ ¿ it, ' 7-72 . Reν iew

he Ide●
Comp'ete eσ ˛h ¸ enten˛ e *α rter o thσ f Π̇
t n1α ke‘ ȩn¸ e.
Pσ y σ ‘ rk prin*.

'fention to the worJ in J●
: . The lobel on ihe con soid lhol

2■ VVherㄱ I see lhe sun beoΠ 1 lhrough my window, I

3■ My fovorile o터 ė어 in my room is

나■Ii wos odd io find

앉鋸 ※ ㎭⋮ ,"珤
5■ I fell 'ense when

6■ If I Ie미 1 nly heod bock, I con see

7■ II is nol proper io

8■ AI ihe supern10rkei, I seleci

9■ I gol o serope when I

] 0■ I Iike lo sniff

: ●
Reν Ieν ν ● ˛
IΠ 7 7— 72 ■ 7B

S● ●dˇ ●撥i어 iong畔※: 凹琪
膾季i懺 뚜
離 膾

A mul'iple・ me에 ling word is o word wilh more lhon

one me이 1lng.
boord l. Πoυ Π , o long, flol piece of wood or ploslic
2■ fνθ的,, lo gel on o vehicle such os o ship,
plone, or iroin

This senlence shows lhe second meoning (meoning 2)
of boord :

:We boord ihe bus ol l2 noon. ::

웡 ,●
蠅 I!,

i㏐ ㏐ⅲ㎙ⅲⅲⅲⅲⅲ㎙㎙麻㎻㎞㎙ⅲⅲι
쿄ⅲ㎙ⅲ ⅲ ¡ⅲι
ⅲij↓ ⅱ
ⅵ;ⅲ ㎙
ⅱ㎙ⅲ主ㅛ f

ⅲ ㏐㏐㏐ⅲiii」㎙ⅲ㎙㎙麻ⅱ




Write the ⅵ ˛omp'ele‘ eα ˛h entence. Then ⅵ
'orJ [hσ ' 'rite
ning o.∫ the‘worJ j¸ υed. :
' or 2 to ,how which meα

begm l ■ oυ Π
g long, sirong piece of wood or melol lhol
holds up pori of g building 2■ fνθ

的,, io send somelhing oui

lhe lighi on the poih

- '. Use o floshlighl lo

VVe need onolher io hold up ihe roof.

- 2■
odd [. σ에θ̇cfIν θ
,, noI whol you ore used io 2■ σ이θ̇ε
fIν θ

connoi be divided evenly by lwo

‘ ‘
The number i l is on nunㄱ b e
- 3■
나. I find il ihol you ore here so eorly.
sieer i ■fνθ的, io move somelhing in o cerioin direction
2. oυ Π
, g bull lhol is roised for meol

‘ will
Mom the cor oround ihe bus.
- 5■
The won firsi prize ol lhe stote foir.

-■t'Π6■ 72 . Reν Ieν ν
'[, 7 7—
● ●●㏝Γ
●ㅒ● d● τ
h마 o¨ eri● ●foo●
"i● or II is oflen
The word ie아'1 con meon “
lhin” withoui
“ fol.”
used io describe meol. Look ol ihe chori for oiher words
lhoi con be used lo lell oboui food. Think oboul how ihe
words h이 p yol」 io imogine vvhoi o food is like.

n meol does noi h g ve m uch


fo l

sp 'cy Sp cy foods hove o sirong flovo r beco lhe re g re m o ny

t」 se
s p h e m Th ey c on nㄱ oke yo'」 nㄱ o u l h fe e hol
'ce s ::: :::: ::: : :: : :: :
::: : :: :::::: : ::

o re full of J

Write the nσ me o∫ eσ ε ooJ nexl to *'le worJ t'1α *

∫ be‘ t

Je,˛ ibe, il. 'η


㏏ f'';',''● 묩료


●● I''‘ ,,I,‘ II,¸ ,,,iI‘ ,,If● o'I{ξ ,:I互 ●
,iI,,,노 I,tillIIIIIIIIIIIIII,fli욧 ¾

甚용 ll,'Ii’ *Ii*!'용 ⅝




¾ i''I'I”

;f‘ i,‘ ,'∫

i¼ Ij¾ ,ξ t’ I¼ ittt’ *i븅 :‘ ,‘ {¾

’ ’
''⅜ ''‘
'i± '큠

휼chi]iho' pepperskin]ess chicken 횰

菫 peochoronqes[iced lurkev蔞


'‘ η ,Iif’ 흗
●f,,● ●
,½ iit● ●
,i● ⅜¾
!'’ ii표 iΣ ⅛
甘甘욕 큠
¼ It¾ !’ iIi,i'I'!Iτ ¡

:甘 ζ

i¼¾ 륙,I*;甘+육 :ι ㅣ
*'I1'I'‘ ● I‘ ;''‘ ;,흐 ;● ξ
,ㅑ ●
iII● I¼ ˛IItξ ψ
',IItIIIII● 'III,t!II,It',IIt'It붕 '⅝
'⅝ ''*:i!⅝ '*,'i’ '● '●

’ ’ ’
’ ’ ‘‘
‘‘ ‘ ‘
‘‘ ‘‘


l eo n


spicν 3■


5 ■

⊂omp'ete eσ ˛h ,enten˛ e ∫ o tI1σ t j[ '11σ ke, en,e. U,e the wo''J

n, ¸
ρ y, o'ρ
Iυ j˛
y in yot''ρ α n,we∴ ‘
'eα '˛

7■ My honds were o sweet, sticky mess ofier

8■ My moulh wos on fire ofler

9■ When nㄱ y brolher wonled io lose weighi, he exercised ond

Reν Ieν ν. {'Π I', 7 7— 72 ■ τ

: :.’
: : :
. :: :
: :
˙ ・

-: –


㎡e* m떫 : 柚e
Li‘ ten to thΠ ˙∫’ σboυ * σgjr∫ ⅵ o ⅵ der’ jnto *-e
σfry tσ

σttentjoΠ η쓩
home o∫ th'"ee

‘ beσ 0 the word, in the : ,.'ePα y

color boxe‘ . T● e‘ e σ
re the ⅵ ⅵ ''˜

ni¨ g '¨
'orJ, yot' 'j'I be leσ

'hi+:: :: : :: : :: ::: ::: :: :

::::::::: :::::: :::: :: ::

譚籌믐 :투
:::::::: :::: :: :: :::: : : : :: ::

: ::::::: ˙
: :.

(Fairy ℉ale》 ::: : : ::::: ::

:: : : :::i
: :: ::●

: :: ::: :・
:: :::

: : : :: : :::: :::::˙
: αIy1α Beα r, Pα pα Beα r, αnd Little Beα r
11ved in αbig h야 1ow tree in the
:-:::::: :

:::::: :

forest.Pα pα Beα rwα s n e耳 ?e… α

α t

cooking. One dα y, he Inα de α very

tα sty soup.
While we wα it f˙oI⌒ our soup to

cool, Iy1α Beα r sα id, let's wα lk to

’ “
the post office αIld Iy1α il this letter. ''
: ::・

Mα Iy1α Beα rw1⌒ ote αn αd r :* on the

letter. Little Beα r found α st :ⅲ ● .

Soon αfter the beα rs left, α girl nα Ined

Goldilocks wα 1ked down the f’ orest pα th
αnd right into their house!
Ooh, soup, 〃Goldllocks sα id in delight. She tα sted

frorn the nrst bow1. It wα s too hot. The second wα s too cold.
The third wα s IIIst right, α
nd she α
te the ho ξ
, thing!

7 42
Then Goldilocks went into the Iiving roolγ 1, where she
sα three books. The f˙ irst book wα s too long. The second

αs too short. Goldilocks picked up the third book˚ “
book is Iυ sf follg eI10υ gh. ''

Goldilocks reα d the first section of the book, but then

it becα yne 야f年 cult for her to stα y α I need to go
wα ke. “
she yα
rel。 x,” wned.
Goldilocks tried the beds. Pα pα Beα r's bed
wα s too hα rd. 'Δ αyγ1α Beα r's wα s too soft.

Little Beα r's wα s Iυ st per色 c[.

When the beα rs got hoyyle, they
could tell thα t soIγleone hα d been
there. They were not hα ppy・
Soyγ leone bent the pα ges of

my book, '' Little Beα r cried, ‘ ‘αnd
thα t persoy1 αte Iγly soup, tool ''

I1그 st then, the beα rs heα rd

snoring. When they wα lked into
the bedrooγ γ 1, Goldilocks woke up
with αstα rt.
She tried to rγ 1α ke αn e文 cuse.
' I wα s just wα tching the house wh1˙

yotl we1⌒ e gone, '' she stα Iγ1Iylered.
The beα rs would not accept this. “You
cα n't wα lk into solneone 's hoyne without αsking, '' they

roα ed. Pleα se leα veI ''


Goldilocks dα shed out quickly. She never bothered the

beα rs αgα in.

Upi[ 7B ■ T4B
γoυ heα rJ the word‘ beloⅵ ρα¸αge on pα ge, '42— '43●
' in the
Reσ J eα ˛
h ⅵ 어1d j'‘ me어 ling. Wrile
‘ the word on the fine
*o complete the en[en˛ e.

oecep' VVhen you occep' sonlelhing, you loke
(verb) or receive il.

劤 θ oo"ρ σΠγMiII
ρσckeges bθ I™θeΠ ,:OO A.M. oΠ σ 3::OO p.M,
II¾ ,I¡ ‖lllllI,븅 i‖ I'● ,표 ⅞
II,‘ tIIIII● ,'표 iI,*I+''1:흐 룔
tII¾ liilt!II:¾ tI⅜ ‖ ¾
I;I‖ ll,¾ ii흐 ¡ll'li:ItiI¡ ;lllllII,,II)'‖ I‖ l ]I⅛ "',1I융 l''iII'⅜ 용
l"I I'‘ ζ
I‖ *,'itio

' ,',II,굡 ',I''I;'if;I‖ '''I‘ ' ,lifI‘ 'Ⅱ '⅜ 'I'I‖
‘ ’
2■ oddress An oddress ielis where o person or
(noun) business is locoled.

Θ 妊 H3 0Γ σΠd SIreel,
Hoυ sfoΠ , Tχ

(verb) If you oddress people or groups, you speok io ihem.

ερeσ K εIeσ Γ
Iγ σΠσIoυ 이γMheΠ γ

Ihe σι ce.
II‖ Ⅱ‖ll¡ I‖ ‖‖‖‖II'‖ 印liI,iliii'● ‖ 몰
‖ illl‖ I,‖ ]I'iiI!‖ 1I,ii l'llil” !"''1I'ii:‖ l‖ ‖ ll'‖ II● :;'ll','i‖ liII''li''il‘ ii¡ ‖‖!'iI,,l‖ ‖I‖ ‖Ⅱ ‖'[I,!II'iI印 im,’ ll''li',,''
'III,‖ '‖ '''',lⅡ '''I'']‖ 'I'liii,'':''iII’ 'l]''illl‖ 'lII‘ 'I'[',婢 ''li’

’ ’

3■ difficul' Somelhing ihol is difficull is hord io do

(g이 eciive) or undersiond.

II Iis Io pIoy c',ess ⅣeII.

II굘 ⅞ ¾
:I甘 :{'llii''il¾ ㅣ I¾ i1'IIiI,甘 !Iㅏ ¾표 용 ,l¾ I,‖ I⅜ ¾ ,''‖ I II'∶ II'iI'"‖ ⅱ‖lIII',1I‖ l"I"I各 I"II''‖ 삐 i‖ ll''¾ i'甘 ‖ ‖I1'lll'';흐
II‘ I‖ ¡ 甘
l:'III',l흐 ,‖ I●

'IIIIItt]호 '''I,l1I뷸 '● '"’ ''i:’ 'II"!¡ "'‖ ':1li‖ 'ifi,ㅣ '"llI’ ''ll:‘ 'l● ''‖ '!"IItif,!lllll'II¾

나■excuse An excuse is o reoson ihol

(noun) exploins o misioke.

Mγ fbr
bθ IΠ g Iυ Iθ I¸ 'hoI I oν θrslepl.

(verb) VVhen you excuse onolher person,

you forgive lhe person.

se Πe for bυ ΠpjiΠ g ∴Io γo{II


■ υnf[ 73
: ˇocabu'aryworksh● p.com Listen to i™ 0玗 享●
里 ,
瞼efer t0 奄
he online g⅝ ossal˙ y.

5■ exper' An experl is sorneone who knows o lof oboui some

(noun) speci이 thing or does sonㄱ eihing reolly we‖ .

OⅱoΠ dΠ α Moses wus oΠ

ραⅱIθ ∴
:{● 퍄ⅱ 1● ,llt,,''ⅱ ≠ i‘ :¡ ⅱ 바I“ ifⅱ ⅱ*‘ ●
:111I‖ ,''I,'li‖ iⅱ ¡
i쨔 ,i‘ ●
¡∶Iii,l'',''● i마 ‖하,‖ II,"I'l]'¡ ‖‖ 따 ‖‖+,1 I'lll'']:‖ ●
',● '’ '‖ ',¡ ''I,iti,*I‖ 'i,,*i'‖ '','ll''iI” ',’ 'II''''¡ ''II,珀 "
” ’ ’ ’ “‘

6■ ho']ow Something hoI'ow hos o hole or on

(g이 eclive) ernply spoce inside.

T˙I?θ oν ν
;I I'Iν es I,Π σ
',ree ';rυ

III亨 흑
Σ,''¸ I’ tt,'iII''I]'jt:푤 ¾
:=I¾ ㅣ
Ifitl룔 ;II‘ ,+li'''¡ III',i:I',홍 ξf윰 」묩
:●ξ ;‘ ¾¡
:’ ‖,iIII' IIi'● :,!]I‖ ‖‖ ll¡ ● ξ¡ f⅞ ‖‖¾
ItI,ll"'IIj,'● ,ffIo'¾ ]',''II,'''''III''● ●更
,‖ 甘

']ㅐ '‖ 'j● ''Ⅲ '"'‖ '"1‖ ",'"',it,¾ ':,‖ "I‖ '¾ '‘ "‖ ' '''ll‖ '⅜ "''i● 'i’

’ ’

7. re]ox When you re'ox, you beconㄱ e less lense.

A ¸αck rυ b εoΠ h' Π
ηυsε Iθ s,
i’ 甘 tξ i'''IIt'● ㅣ甘 ξ
,'¾ 1곱 II,¾ t;¡ i● ,Σ 묩
Iij甘 i甘 I,畏 I,,*II’ I¾ ¾
ξ II甘 흄
ξ I甘 ¾ 甘
¾ ξ IiI,ll'II'i’
I,,*'● IIiIII'I',l甘 II⅜ ㅣ ,‘ ,¾ i1흐 ⅞
liI● 1'● I,iII‘ j⅛
,f¾ 1I¡ ,⅞
iii'IIII*11各 iI'!,I,¾ I● ¡ ,'i甘 甘I,¾ *I,'IiIIIi1호 I甘 甘⅝
t올 i

't‘ 'ξ 'ㅒ 'lll''甘 'l● 'I¾ 'I,tirittI''甘 'I표 '':’ 'll'''I'甘 '●

’ ’ ’ ‘

8■ seci¡ on A sec'ion is porl of o whole.

I Πθνor reσ d Ihe sporfs
ⅱ l!‖ (i¡
,':I''학 l**‖ ,,I,'iliiiⅡ 율
liI● ,'II,li',‖ ●
,‖ 貼 !¾ l● ‖]:'‖ II'⅞ ];I,ll:‖ ⅱ‖ ‖ ‖II,‖

,,"‖ Iㅐ ¡ ll','''''III‖ ‖[III:]'I'” l],'!H¡ ¼
::‖ ,I‖ 1IIi’ l '';'’ ,'::#‖ ‖l'',ill',I'',蚌 印 Ⅱㄼ I∶

=*‘ ''¡ 'I,,,ji'!itI',' ,‖

'=*ⅱ '''' ¡ '''''''‖ '¡ '' ‖ 'I‖

’ ’


9■ A s'애 11p is o smoli piece of printed poper

(noun) lh어 shows when posioge is poid.

T;he Iθ IIθ r ™σs r'ef{Irned Decσ υse If

d'˙ d ΠoI hσ νe o :Δ √

(verb) If you s'omp your fool, you pul your

fool down wiih force. '● '

劤 θ cg띠per MiiII *
oι Π˙
re so II σoesΠ 'I spreod. :'''

'f fhe
,:용 효甘
I''iI'’ 붐甘 ¡
:횰 :흘 i● I'j● ,'l(I’ iI,:⅝ ⅛
i:,''IIil"'"',!lIξ ¾
ξ 1¡ ,⅜ iII‖ lⅢ 흉
Ii‖ ‖ ‖!'l¡ 흐
‖i:[¡ ill"[Ⅲ :흐 ,lII'!'‖ 1"*‖ ;’ ,,뻐 ‖ 撤‖liI‖ 쩜
‖*'li''ll"'‖ ●


'ilii"● '¾ '‖ "’ '‖ '"I‖ ''● ':⅛ '''Ⅲ 'lIH!''I옵 "'"{iiit뷸 '''l],붕

’ ’
’ ‘

■who'e Someihing who]e is complele. II hos oll iis porls.

'° (띠jeciive)
iN7e coυ Id '’ of eσ I Ine pIzzo.

υΠ 7 4¸
'[ 7B


√窄婚驥. 叢 騏
왑'瀚 娜・
he ‖e● :"g
oh ● tj卍 푸::

Choo,e the word ∫ ” box thσ [ Π1σ t˛ he¸ the meσ ning
ronl the
in t'le c'ue● Write the ⅵ
'ord on the 'ine.
朴⅜ !'=큠 ξ
표뷸ξξ ξ :듈 I⅜ ¡
;l''‘ ,료 륩도
흠료 ξ
;i・ :‘ ;I‘ ;,'I ,''I"fIII]lI● 三賞
¾,I:‘ ,,II,,● fI"',"‖ l",'Itttr=’ ,i¾ ¸
Σ듈it홍 ii,''‖ ‖,'iill'lii’ i'i,::j붕 ¡
휼卑휼 :⅜ ⅜ ¡
⅜ξ :¡ 융 ⅜ *ι η

!흉 i¡ i⅝ :큠 :흉


occep' oddress difficu'' re'ox who[e


' ';큠 '뼈 ''';''';;I';i'‘ 't'’ '‖ ''l,i‖ '!'i','*⅛ ';

‘ ‘ ‘ ‘

η ξ는
物 쨔⅜i#:'’ 쿱
i i⅜ ˛
●● ● ● ;甘 :르 ,'‘ ,,‘ ,,ㅑ ¸ ;‘ II",,"‘ ●
호 ,‘ t● ,,i,,,,,,● ,'¸ I’ tI',● I""” ,l'’ 眈⅝ ¾ 官⅝
●⅝ !⅝ I,I‖ ‖ I'륭 ,Σ ,':''''¾ 떻i忖 ˙

' '읔 ''''‘ '甘 ':'''"'’ 'I'τ '‘ '‘ 'ㅣ '='‘ ''I“ ''''''','¸ ''',,,“ ',,!‘ '● '',II,t⅛ ',’ 'ilt효 '宣 '

‘‘ ‘ ’
‘ ‘ ‘ ‘
‘ ‘ ’ ‘ ’ ’

l ■You wrile lhis informolion on on envelope.

2■ You mighi do lhis if someone gives yo'」 o pockoge.

3■ You lry io do lhis on vocolion.

나■Yo【」would eol lhis omounl of o sondwich when you ol"e hungry.

5■ You nㄱ ighi describe juggling five bolls lhis woy.

ⅲ 憮 놔패 朴 삐 빠 ㎚ ‖ⅱ淋 뺘 袋 錐뻬 ‖ⅱㅃ Ⅱ뻐 ‖η‖巾 **1나 油Ⅱⅱ ‖ 雜 掛 +碎 離 ‖‖‖ """"“ 甥 掛 따 ++≠ +” 豺

=*鱗 "玳 "‖ "“ """" ""” """""昨 竹노

틀 excuse
” ””
exDeri ho' 'ow seciion siomD ““ ““

'''˙ I‘ ,Ii‘ Iㅑ 百
I,’ ii● ,ij● ,,II,III,’ ,III,,● 노 ,● ㅑ
●Σ Σ
i● ,홍 ,I¾ ¾
I'큠 II용 i⅝ 듈⅝
⅜ 甘*II',i''1l'甘
*⅜ :'‘ :!¼ :甘 甘
북북i;:*‘ 甘
읔甘 ,'¾ +‘ ㅒ¼
;‘ I’ ,'',','‘ ,,I‘ I● ±흐 f● 4느 ,+” '˙
'fΣ '큠 ''ι '‘ ':'''''','''I'''‘

’ ’ ’‘ ‘ ‘ ‘’

6. This mighi be whol you lell o leocher if you don’ i do your


7■ This person mighl leoch o closs.

8. This word con describe o cove or o sirow

9■ This is whol you pul on on envelope lo send o leller.

] 0■ This word nonles one pori of o book or newspoper

74σ ■ tIΠ [ 7B

he Sem*enee

εhoo‘ e the ⅵ ∫rom the box thσ t be‘ t ˛

omp'ete, [he
entence● Write the wo''J on the line.

懈 흥뭏 ㎋
‘ ‖ 료
瑚枓삐 妬粥I:;';'l"I'",,● ● ¾亘
filIIII¸ I,ill,+:느 ¾ 붕
큠 ¾
⅜들⅛ 읔
용 ξ ¡¡ τ
,l,1,I¡ II'III,,l‘ ,it,● IIIilili,¼ :I궐 !뱌 :'i'‘ ,;르 ::‘ !!⅜

,녑 i’ ii융 ;흉 :τ ;툐 ;ξ

㎋ '‖ '∶ """碑 "“ "호

=互 =,,jl,I’
''''li'북 'tΣ ''’ '‖ '’ ''',:’ '●
'‘ ''''t¡ '곡 '''[I''II":ii

‘ ‘

‘ ‘
d ifficul' 어
鈴雎⅜ exper'
ho‖ ow siomp


re] ox seciion who ' e


, I● i , ' τ
' ' ' ' I ' 拙 ζ
' ,瑚 ,I''''1,’ ,,'‘ 甘

;;‘ ,''‘ ,,,,,I''‘ ,,I‘ ,,,I,,,III,I"● I,,● 읕
¸횹●,̧t,,I''II'¸ ● ● ¼
It,’ t’ ,’ ,¼ 山t'I'''’ i'홍 묻Σ It‖ I'융 ¾휼
*''I'''‘ ¾
I⅝ !i甘 ,:찧 읔
:',;¾ 1ㅒ 甘 읔

'I' + '' I ' ' '''IjII‘ ',III'I,,● '捏 '’ ''¾ '‘
'甘 '‘

‘ ’
‘ ’ ‘ ’ ’’ ’ ’

II is nol lo moil o pockoge.


2. Here is how Io send one like on

3■ FoIIow ihese sieps, ond lhere will be no

for problems.

나■Firsi, pul lhe sel of o이 ecls in o lorge box.

5■ Fill in ony spoces wilh crumpled nevvspoper.

6■ Tope ihe box weil lo close ii. VVrile lhe on iop.

7■ Find lhe upper righl on lhe lop of lhe box.

8■ Thol is where ihe or posioge slicker will go

9■ Toke lhe pockoge lo the posi office, ond

In o few doys, lhe person should receive ond

' 0■ lhe pockoge.

tIΠ ■ 747
'[ 7B
龜 :. :::: :● :

ㅏds :” Co"*eλ :: :-:●

Reσ d the '˚ e,tσ ι nt review: Then write α

' '

,enten˛ e lo αn¸ wer eσ ch que,tion below.
::: ::::::::::::.::::::::::::.・ ::::: :::::::::::.:::,:. :::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::ii.:::::::— :::::::: ::::::::::● :・ ::::::::¨ :::::::・ ・
:● :::::::

The e● rner D:ner

This review'er cα nnot recoIIIInend The Corner
Diner. There were II1α Ily problems when I αte
there. The hostess seα ted Ine in α section neα r
the kitchen. It wα s difficult to get help from
the wα iter. I tho11ght I would hα ve to stα n:1p
my feet to get αttention. The chef is αn expert who hα s worked
αt mα ny fα mous restα 11rα nts. Sti11, the food did not tα ste good.
My piece of chicken wα s tough αnd dry. The durnplings 'Nere
hollow insteα d of pα cked with rneα t αnd vegetα bles. I wα s
disα ppointed with the whole dinner. If you wα nt good food, g0
somewhere else. Next week, I wi11 review The Fireside Restα 11rα nt.

' . VVhy do you think lhe reviewer is unhoppy silling neor lhe kilcherㄱ

2■ VVhol is o good woy lo gel someone’ s ollenlion in o l"esiouronl?

3■ VVhol nㄱ okes the chef oI The Cornei' Diner on experi?

나■Why does the reviewer comploin oboul lhe ho''ow dumplings?

!I,IIttIIt‘ :i노 ti● ttrltittt盲 을
용官 t:듈 it!,Iti’ IItt::¾ 섈
용 it'tI'쿵 뮬
짬 t'''!''::::죡 ⅜ :'‖ 곡
● 甘● 르
;:‘ ;'‘ ●
耳 ,;‘ ● *” 빡
I● :¸ :륨 ;¼ ;큭 ;‘

˙ =官
'l'"˛ -

occepioddressexcusere ' ox
'tt'ι ':!‘ '효 '● '''t‘ '‘ 'i‘ '''ι ';‘ ''˛ '‘ 'Iii


‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘‘ ‘
‘ ‘’




Y● uF Ow●


:썅 :뚜

5■ VVrile o senlence l」 sing o word in lhe box.

748 ■ Uni[ 7B
Fjnσ t'le wo''J in t']e box tIη αt n1α tche, the cIt'e.
W'” ite eα c'1 'ette'' o∫ t'η e w어
'd on α n gn¸ wer b'α nk.

兆쫍 쭌
非 뮬ㅒ 甘퍄●
甘흐柑 娜 야빠
i˙ , 姆脚瑚 뇨
˛●●●● ●●
,ㅑ● iξ ;ξ l● ;‘ ,I● ,̧설 Ii’ ●
● ¸ ●●●●● ,● i쥴 iI甘 ● ξ ¸≤

ii● i● i튠 ,,’ ti¾ Σ 짬
용들 I,i!울
i⅝ i甘 ⅝
● 용
i뮬 iㅒ i흐 흄 ::뇹 ⅝큠
용 i뭍 :⅝ :'육 욕 ι⅛
甘 ⅝ ⅞
● ;읔 ;녹 甘 ;甘 ;τ 甘
● ;● ;=● ;=● ●
=‘ =득
㎊ '” '● '=i⅝ '흉

'ㅑ 't¾ '⅜ '甘 '::::∶ '●

휼occep' experi
’ “ ‘ ‘’’ ‘ ’
’ ‘
’ ‘ ’‘

’ ‘ ‘ ‘
d ifficui'
:: : : :: : ::: .

::’ :: :●

휼 ho['ow relox sec' ¡on siomp who ' e

予*,,‘ ● ,흐 ,,¸ ,● ;● ,¸ ● ¸●
'ㅑ I● f● i’ 1● ●ξ
,‘ ,¸ I● ,● ●
●,j,'● I,꼲 ●
,Σ ,良 ,:i● ●
¸ I● ,,’ ¾¾
● ● ,● ,울 i● 홍 홍
흩듈● ⅜
● :,● iΣ I',ξ Σ
肯 ,꼲 t욕 Σ
욤:i'표 ⅝
휼甘 흄
홈 ξ
¾甘 ,흉 ,'甘 ,흉 ⅜
륨⅜ㅣ ::1홍 ι표
●륙 ξ
:큠 *i‘ ;,;甘 ,:!i흐 :*‘ ●:● ,,¸ *ι ●I;;'‘ ;,'● ●;,● ,● 르

' '負 ''甘 '● '흉 '혹 ''읔 '::'甘 '‘ '‘

‘ ‘
‘ ‘ ‘
‘ ’ ’ ’ ’
‘’ ’ ’ ‘ ‘ ’‘ ‘

' .wilh
pul force
your fooi down

2■ emply
3ㅁ the lolol

따. hord

5■ speok io 一一 一 一
- - - -:-一

6■ pori of o whole

7. lo ioke

8口 0 reoson
・: : ●
9. o scienlisi

[ 0■ lo moke less lense

Look σt the 'etter, yot' wrote in t''e ,'1α JeJ ˛o'ι 1n σbove.
Write t'● em on t'le σn‘ we'' b'α nk, be'oⅵ σn,we'싹 Ile rjJJ'e.

' to

VVhol is in the middle of Itoly?

萱華轟북 芋
婚篁莘幸 翰
鞋驍● 闊 闊
罷 驍 :-:::=:婚 :::::●
tlnI" B ■ 749
:::: ::::: ::::

::: ::: ::: :::

ㅗj‘ le'1 [o thj‘ σrtj˛ σbo 내니rσ jn *rσ veI. α[tentjon to the
ⅵ the co'or'eboxe‘●There σ| the ⅵ νoυ wj'' be
'ord, 'orJ,
leσ n '˙ n

:::: : : :::: ::::: :::˙ : :: ●-˙

・ ●

(Magazine Arti˛ [e)

::::: :: 1: ii¨

trα vel is a …αjor wα

were t1⌒ αills,horse-drα wn
coα ches αnd boα ts were the colnII10n wα ys for people to trα vel.
Trα ins αre Iγ luch fα ster. They Inove on t1˙ αcks Inα de of steel rα ils.

Trα ins αlso hα ve rα ilroα d cα rs thα t αttα ch to eα ch other. This

α11ows trα ins to cα rly yI1α ny people αt one tilne.
Todα y, we αlso hαve cα rs, b1λ ses, αnd plα nes f˙ or trα vel. -"

However, the trα in is sti11 α big pα rt of our lives. The United

Stα tes hα s α very lα rge rα ilwα y systelγ 1. It hα s enough trα ck
to circle the eα rth five tilnes! We αre not the only country ::¸

with these diffe1-ent wα ys of trα ve11ng. Othe1⌒ countries



hα ve similα r wα ys to trα vel, too.

There αre different kinds of trα ins. SoIγ le αre coIγ 1Iγ111ter
tI⌒ αins thα t people tα ke to work every dα y. CoIγ 1In11ter
trα ins cα n f’ ill up very qllickly
in the Iγ10rning αnd eα rly
: :

˙ '

:: ::
evening. These αre the times I ● '

when Iγ10st people t1˙ αvel to


무 :::::::::

챰 昏쁨
;ㅕ 莩1 -˙
::: :::: ::::
:::: ::: :::
::: :: ::: : ::
√ r::-::: i f :: :::
:抵 αnd from work. Trα ins cα n be so crowded thα t people hα ve to ::::::

밖stα nd

. αnd hold onto α hα ndle or α pole: Sometirnes, there is


싻 only ro?In for αvery 뱌 딴

e= person.

people long distα nces. These
in tα kes

Another kind of trα ・


trα ins sell only αs rnα ny tickets αs there αre seα ts. Thα t wα y, ::: .: :::::
:바 ˜㎋


●hα αseα t. '4α ny trα ins thα

::: 艮 :,卞

eα ch pα sen야 s ve1 long t t1-α


ep : = e cα rs where people cα n eα t α

distα nces hαve ● nd sleep. : : :::

:: ::¨

::● :
::: :::::

Solne people pr-● ● re for long trα in rides by pα cking books to

-::一: : :
':: reα d or gαInes to p1α y. Other people like to spend the ride tα king
in the sights. If this is whα t you choose to do, siIylply sit bα ck
nd :빠 e
α the scenery.Your onlytα 華 is to enioy the ride!

d ㅐe●
γ˚υ'η eσ rd *he ⅵ be'oⅵ ρσ σge on ραge, '¸ 0— ' 뇌 .

'orJ‘ ' in the

Reσ d eσ ˛h word 어1J it, Πleα ning. Write
‘ the worJ on t'le 'ine

to comp'ete the enten˛ e●

odmire VVhen you odmire sonleone or somelhing, you
(verb) think highly of lhe person or lhing.

T;’ he ρ∫
σγers fhe coσ 0力
becσ tlse s',e Is sΠ ?orI σΠσ "ji',d.
,‖ ‖ ,‖ ⅱ‖i'¡ ‖‖‖∶
I‖ li'‘ II,:‖ 卄[‖ ‖ if‖ ‖ ,‖ IItiI¡ ,,l:''I‖ ‖I'‘ III'lliitⅱ ‖‖ Ⅱ ¾
!i¡ ilII'''''‖ i'",ll"'tI'‖ :’ ‖●
Ⅱ ¡
j奸 I*‖ !'tIII'Ii‘ ‖ⅱ,η t'''iI‖ I!표 l‖ 펴II'
''ll'''● "'''l'I'i]‖ 'li'il]I“ "'‖ 'I'll● 'Ⅱ '抉 'll‖ 'l‖ ''III‘ 'H,l‖ ''i,● '바 '냐

‘ ‘ ” ”

2■ oi'och If you 에‘
(verb) 'och sornelhing, you join or connecl ii
tloΘ Iqpθ Io
Πo'e Io I力 θ door.
‖Ⅱ II'I!ⅲ ,聃 Ⅱl,II:'iⅡ ‖ ⅢI'I''Ⅱ ;'‖ 'he ˛ ⅲⅲ● ‖fIm]¡ 때‖ㅃ*I1I'l"i"ⅲ ‖뼈IIIII● 螂⅞
蚌,‖ 糊¾ .I・ 구電襲

t● ,‖ iiㅃ ,‖ li''II,’ ,'☆ ,± II'lII¡ I'I,,홍 II‘ it● ,沖

'↓ '‖ ',I''li,lli,I‖ '‖ 'ξ 'lII,fiI● 'll● '‖

3■ hon에 e The hondie of on o이 ecl is lhe pori
(noun) you use io lifi or hold il.

PtIII horσ oI? II,e Io
o,ρ θΠ Ihe d'oor.

(verb) If you hqndie o problem, you loke core of il.

A ρIυ Πber εσΠ problθ Π

oΓ γoυ r Ieσkγ ρρe 1˙

I','’ Itli!ii'I¾ 五
I''III!IIi‘ ltj,몰 ●I̧'II'lllII';II¾ ㅣ
⅛ ● iI''ll''1I● 표 i!‖ I‖ 표
⅜ ,i뮴 ⅛
±●It11甘 IftII''II,I● i;I'l± i표 ll● III,¾ I甘 II'‖ ÏI,lii'III⅜ lttI¾ 甘
붑{1표 甘
l'I완 ¸
⅛ξo'¾ tIi표 ㅒ ⅜ ㅒ
,甘 I’ ,i● ļt'''

'● ''¾ 'I,I‘ 'II융 'iI'ㅑ 'I¾ ''III움 ''",,'I표 'I¾ 'I● '',itI’ '포 '''*IItt甘

. nlo,jor Something m이 or is imporlont or greol in size
(g 이ective) or nunlber.

Heσ γγroI” Ⅳσs σ

cσ ι Ihe Hood.
'se oΓ
['l‖ l"‖ li:표 ¾
ξτ!'II"‖ I‖ I‖ 용
☆● lⅡ ●
i¾ Ii⅞ ::',il‖ l"‖ I¡ ¾
흄I“ II''女 i,¾ ⅛ ,iIII¼ 1I,'‖
I흐 ,'I爻 흐
II''II'l"‖ lfiζ i● ⅜
ㅣ:'‖ ,율 iI,'I± 흐
I,'I'lliItil‘ I¼ ¼ Iii‖ ⅞
I¾ II,lI’ f‘ i● ¸
:ξ !'

'‖ """'it● ''It¾ '"‖ '¡ '‖

5■ possenger A possenger is someone who lroveis

(noun) in o vehicle bul is nol ihe driver.

πhe IbII osIθ eρ

IΠ I灼 e cor.
7‘ 2 ■t'Π
'[ 74
¨ ’ ¨

」 杵

姦e⅛ er

to :the on'ine g'oss● ry・

6■ prepore To prepore is lo gel reody.
ν νb Ⅳ∫II

oΓ I力 θ b〃

ρorIγ b)/ gefII˙ Πg
力σfs, coΠ σ 'hdoγ
Ies, oΠ d cσ I(e.

i‘ ●
旦뮬 甘
ζ●甘:II용 용
ζ IiI,욜
i甘 I효 ¼
흐훌● ¾
II'‖ I'''‖
I¾ 1● ¾ 몰
i호 융
I호 II'''II⅜ ∶ ㅣ 1,¾ II'¼ ㅣ
I'¡ ,Ii''I'‖ I‖ l'‖ llI⅜ *I"'좟 ●¾
I융 I흐 I'i표 ¾ *‖ ,:!,II⅜
I‘ ⅛ 윰± ¾
ㅣ ]III‘I흐 i표 IillI¡ **● IΣ 묻II율 *茸 흐

'甘 'IIIi'I'IIIt⅜ '"I''']I융 '흐 '홍 ','lIIII"''ll'⅜ 'l{'¾ 'I"''I''''i''li흐 'l● 'l"I‖ '¾
‘ ‘ ‘ ’ ‘ ’

7■ sep미 어 e VVhen yot」 sepor어 e lhings, you sorl or sel

(verb) lhenη opori.

PIθ ose 〃
?e dork σΠd IIυhI
cloIhes befbrθ ρυII.IΠ g fneΠ jin Ihe 1N'osnl˙ Πg Πochl” θ .

(odjeclive)Sepqr에 e o이 ecis ol"e sei opori. They ore nol joined.

丁;I?e 'ν e
'/o sI'slers noν
bedrooΠ s.
I,¾ 甘
¾썲● ˚
甘● iI,'⅜ iI¾ 용 i● ,¾ tξ ●⅞
,⅜ i● I'홍 III⅞ *II율 ⅞iI표 ,i흐 ⅝
I,'1**iII융 II용 甘흄
¾홍{f食 i:'‘ 甘
I● ●,I¾ Io'''II'‖ :'¾ 甘
爻iI¾ ⅝ ⅜oI‘
I甘 1‖ IiIl융 甘 ,⅜ III*l,II''I,甘 용
I"¾ i☆ 甘
¾ !,tIi율 IIIIII,I'lif표 甘⅝ iΞ I,¾ i]효 ¾吝

'吝 ':I⅜ ''',"ItfI¾ '¾ 'I● '1효 '''IIII용 '1II¡ ''li''l'iI¾ 'II'II'I¾ '효 'iII¾ '효

’ ‘

8■ simi]or If lwo lhings ore simiigr, lhey ore olike or much

(g이 eciive) ihe some.
II ∫
s hσ Γ
σ Io 'θ II 'I?θ IⅣ o drI˙ I?I(s σpor' becol{Isθ

〃,eγ hσ σ Ios Iθ .

묜燐 ‖iiI;''● ‖↓
II'’ li‖ l"‖ I“ ‖ ‖1lII‖ llil''II,']I‖ I‖ ‖‖‖li‖ li‖ ill'li‖ ‖‖ ‖ll‖ ¡i● i’ 1:‘ I:,’ 1]['tII'll‖ :‖ ¡
蚌‖‖:I⅞ ]‖ ‖Ⅱ‖‖‖i ,‖ ξ III‖ lil!,ii‖ ‖흐 ㄼ ]’

'ifξ 'i‖ ',‖ 'll''',I,'I흐 '¾ '‖ 'II,lll’ 'H,‖ 'I‖ '''I‖ 'l:'''"'’ ',ll‖ '‖ 'I,‖

‘ ’ “ ‘

9■ siender A siender person or lhing is lhin.

T'he Iree broΠ εhes sΠ oρped
oΓ.Γ I” 'he sIorI刀 .

귤 1古 ,늦 I'올 tiI,'iI¡ ,II,I''I't*호 i흐 ‖●⅞

ζ표¾ ⅜
,홍IIII'I'¾ i● Iijli¡ ㅒ
¡¾● i]표 표
,⅜ li'⅜ ¾ II'I‖
I● ll↓ I¾ ●⅞
ㅣ i호 ,표 *ㅒ ,용 표
I‘ I'귤 i'I''I'IIiIIIII,‘ ,jI*¾ li흐 ¾
홍II甘 1]I:il‖ ,l"Illl''표 {'요 Ii⅝ tjI‖ ¾⅜
⅞‖甘● II표 ⅞
iII,’ I:⅜ 홍
'¾ '흐 "iiI':l],‖
‘ ’ ‘ ‘ ’

] 0■ 'osk A Iosk is o job lo be done.

(noun) 珞 ,

E'och w’ θθI(eΠ σ συΓΠg Ihe fo〃 , Πη 嘗

γ 押

jis Io roke

Ihe Iθ σ
'/es. )

{'Π ■ T¸ B
'[ 74
he ㅐe●

輔 ;=; ;甘

Choo‘ e the word ∫rom the box thα t n]α tche,the nlegnΠ ṅg
in the c'ue. Write t'le word on the 'Π ṅe.

甘τ ⅜
표i‘ ,'흉 甘,ㅑ i1,甘 ,*˛ i¾ ,i’ ;i=I● ,¸ :'● ,,I˛ ㅒ
¸¼I,liIIoII甘 ㅑ I:‘ ,i¾ ●
I,'’ 효
● ,,휼 i,,¼ :’ I,홍 ,● 흐노 Σ
甘 ●甘
!,● ,i¸ i¾ ii’ I,● ,’ ¼ㅒ
흗 용¾
횹 ,● i¾ ,!¾ t官 甘
:'!큠 i'¾ t큠 퓽 ¡
용 ,'용 뮤ㅑ 흑甘¾;:
iτ +古 ,복 Y’ #‘ ㅑℓ

':*흐 ≒
':'τ ';,'⅜

'⅜ '⅜

'子 'Σ '‘

‘ ‘
‘‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ’’ ’ ’ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘
’ ’ ‘


'ochhondie prepgre sepor●

li'',illll',I{''ll''I’ li’ ill''ll● ,Illi,II’
II'● ,II''''','ll’ llt'''ll'itl’
''tlllli!ttlll’ 't‘ 'llll''’
l'''’ llll't''lll1'''''ll','lll'''''ll‘ ,'lll''''''ll''IIll'’
'e ll τ

] ■'ifou pull lhis to open o door.

2■ You do lhis lo o beouliful poiniing or o hero.

3■ You con use glue or lope io do fhis.

나■You nlighi do lhis lo clolhes when yot」 pock lhem owoy for differenl


5■ You should do lhis before g trip.

.1ㅃ ξIi‘ ¸
●● ,I● i,II’ IIi互 I̧IIi¸ tlt숄 ¾
I,tII,,I*’ ,ㅣ iII¸ ¾
¼ i흉 I¾ i¾ l¸ ⅝욧
¾IIi¾ 甘 I¾ I'용 붙
,I:툰 ii’ 홍
:¼⅝ *,¼ :욤 용
¼붐¼ :j⅝ *甘 :t흉 ¼
표⅜ 흉
:⅝⅜甘τ ;甘 :ξ 븅 ;¾ !⅜ 昏⅜
甘굽甘 t‘ ⅜르

+‘甘,;!τ ㅑ흐 :甘 ,;τ i‘ ㅑ甘
I'I팝 ¸
후 i,½ ● ,,● ,I1;I‘ loI∮ ¸
I표 III',● 효 흩

orpossengersimi]or이 enderiosk
';:*● '¡ '‘ '‘

’ ’‘‘‘ ‘‘ ‘
‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘
雷 Π1o ¡

● I● :ξ ¼
,I¸ ±
iI노 Iㅕ Σ
II’ !II,I1¾ ,Ii¾ ¾
¾ ¾ ●
윰 I¾
I¾ I甘 ,,¼ ¼홍홍⅛
i’ ,용 ,용 t¼ 큠
용甘용 푤音
¾ 홍¾ 읔
킁퓽 :뮬 i큠 :ㅣ ⅜
¼읔甘 ;쿡 ,:甘 ¡ :읔 :i뮬 甘˛
甘큘 ;굳 :‘ ;:'‘ ,'⅜ ,‘ ●Y‘ Ii‘ ⅞,,ζ I¼ ●
,골 I¼ ,I¸ I,I¸ I¸ I,IIIㅒ ,i¸ ,¾ Iξ

'I,i’ 'i● '⅝ '‘ '¼
'甘 ''흉
'‘ '● '”
’ ’ ’ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘

6■ This is how o pel'son on o dief wonis io look.

7■ This is work such os cleoning or sweeping lhol needs io be done.

8■ This word lells how lwo hois mighi look

9. This is one of mony peopie who sil in o cor, bus, iroin, or plone.

l 0■ This word describes o big or imporloni pori of somelhing

7¸ 4 ■t'Π
'[ 74
i" Co"● e*-
Reσ J the ∫σn十 σy 十ory. Then write σ entence
αn∫ wer eσ ˛h ‘ e‘ tion be'oⅵ

'o '●

● ● ..'・ ●

The Space Tr⅝ p

Anna was excited abo1그 t her first ride into space. She clinlbed
into the spaceship and took a seat. Another passenger vvas already
on board. He had blue skin, four arms, and no hair. 工n a separate
part of the ship sat a robot pilot. It said/‘ Prepare foy launch!
rasten your seat belts ! ”The pilot then pulled a handle vvith three
slender fingels. As the spaceship zoomed up, Anna’ s body pressed
hard against the seat. Earth 100ked as srnall as a dot behind her.
Soon the sky vvas black and f’ u11 of stals. Anna learled forvvard to
adnlire the vievv. It was like I10thing she had ever seen before.

' . Is ihe olher possenger on lhe irip o person from Eorlh? Exploin.

2■ How do lhe possengers prepore for lounch?

3■ VVhich word in ihe slory meons “

lhin” ?

나■Describe lhe view lhol Anno leons forword io odmire during lhe irip.

봐 辨姆 H ‖"Ⅱ ‖" 仲蝴 " " 吐‖‖뻬 ‖岫 沖 H 쌔 쌔 마‖" 째 내役刪 ㎿ η ⅱⅢ* ‖" 뻐 ‖H 뻐 珀㎿ 旿냐뻬 ⅱ ‖ ⅱ I¨
㎋ " "脚 " "" " H 느

“” ” ” ” “ “““
望 어 출

Yㅏ ile
:쌘 : : : :::
● -—

YeuF Own '.''Ilti흑 ξ

클 몰τㅣ
I듈 클
=,!'‘ ':뮬


,퓰 :‘

:;;'i;’ ˛
賞 {'''‘ ㅒ
●+'',흔 ●
,흑 :ㅣ


●{;II,,亨 ξ

÷,,'‘ 블
● ξf',,:li● I’ f,● ξ,li흘 ●
들,● 들i,I,j● 呈


‘ ’ ‘ ’

5■ VVrile o senlence using o word in lhe box.

■ UΠ
',σ '[ 74


G● mes
.'. P, ˙ ˙

ㅕ :ㅟ

FinJ the word in t'le box [hσ t mα tche¸ +'η e c'ue.
Write the word on "le 'ine.

¼¾ lt'’ It:'i¼ ⅝
읔¡ ●
甘甘旦⅜ ●¾ :‘ ,τ 甘 i''● ,''‘ ξ
甘iII‘ ,;,‘ I,ㅑ II‘ i●
iI¸ i,ξ ,"Ⅱ ,,I,¸ I● ●
●묩fitl’ ,‘ ItII,’ ●III,‖
i흗 I"
','f,',:',i횹 't’ '',ll'''I¾ ''⅜ ',II‖

':ㅒ '甘
''It'τ ',‘

'iγ 'II’ ';*●

o‖ och
'’ 'ㅣ


'甘 '콩 'ㅏ

‘‘ ‘

이 or

‘ ’ ’
‘‘’ ‘
‘ ‘‘ ‘ ‘ ’

홉垂㎋ ,≡

p repore sepor어 e sim ¡'gr s 'ender iosk

좆흉 芎

It,II● ●
● 宮 읕쌓
i官 I,ii’
!횹 t’ ●
II'⅝ ,,큠 Σ합 i'i‖
t¾ ,''''i효 흉 官
,흑 :큠 ,'¡ ¾盲
흑 τIit'"I"''⅛
i貿 普
i‖ ,'"'l'¡ ;:‘ ● 哥
iξ ;‘ ,'II''';,,’ ●
●Ξ ]‘ ,{",횰 呈
ㅒ I,● ,i● ,̧● f● ,IIiI'"''I"It¾ t쌓 웅
tii‖ t"I'"'i"● ¡
'● ''¡ 'i'’ ''''큠 '˛
'곡 ',"(l''Ⅲ "!"',i',互
’ ’ ’ ’ ’‘ ’ ‘ ‘
’ ‘ ’ ’

I ■o lhin pencil or person moy look lhis woy

2■ gel reody

3. lhe slor of o movie gels lhis kind of pori

나■somelhing lo do

5■ whol molching choirs ore

6■ doors, drowers, ond windows oll hove lhis

7■ o person riding on o lroin ˙

.・ :˙
. ˙
十F :

『: -
: . ˙ ●
8. glue con help lhings do ihis

9. look '」 p lo
, 齒
*˙ ˙
●斡 ●
] 0■ lhings lhol ore nol logelher

Look σt *he ⅵ yo˛Πwrote. rjnd o c o d m i r e k '

j''c'e them.
o n d i e b o

ρυzz'e σ ˛

em in ['η e


γ jnJ two o∫ '1σ

oυ wi'' ∫ the wo'˜ J‘ by

r s



˛oIυ Πn,.


'n the

'ooking Joⅵ







υΠ ■ '¸ 7
'[ 74
If you need help wi十 h o word, look il up
in the C● oss● ry ol lhe bock of 'his book.

"● "ˇ
Ci''c'e t'le word thσ σ
t '1α [ the 으으쁘으 meσ σ
the wo'ρ d in dα rk prin十 ● 'mo‘
‘Wr'˙ te l'η e ⅵ ‘
'ord on the 'jne.
[ . PIeose s'ick ihis lobel on lhe box.
A■ seporole B■ preporeC■ olioch

2. The lwo hots I boughi lodoy ore o[ike.

A— similorB. m이 orC. whole
3■ The hol이 guesis con res' by lhe pool.
A■ reloxB■ seporole C■ oifoch

나■The firsl J■ ob is io roke lhe leoves.

A■ ’ioskB■ hondleC■ excuse
5. I will plon for ihe irip.
A■ oddress B■ prepore C■ odmire

▲ ●,ms
Cir˛ ⅵ t hσ σ 으으으으止 으 me어 ling σ¸
'e the 'ord thσ 'mo,tthe
theword on the 'ine.
the ⅵ rk prin十 ●Write
'ord in J● ‘
■Lighining is o minor problem.
A■ hollowB■ m이 orC■ similor

2■ Mony people disiike lhe speoker.

A■ occeplB■ preporeC■ odmire

3■ The iwo leoms will ride in lhe some buses.

A■ sepol"ole B■ slenderC■ whole

나■I r이 ec' your offer.

A. siompB■ relox C. occepl

5■ There wos o s'uffed piholo ol the poriy.

A■ difficullB■ hollowC■ slender
T¸ 8 ■t'ni[, TB— 74 . Reν iew
Look σ* *he ⅵ jn t''e box. Write eα ˛h word in "le
group in which '˙ * bert ∫
. U‘ e eα ch worJ once.

뭏oddress difficu'l experi possenger 휼

횰sec'¡ onsienders'omD who'e플
:'''훅 τ

!'⅜ :‘ ;'‖ :콩 ● ¡
¼ I''''Y''互 ξ ●
●I;'‘ ;,,'l‘ (',I˛ ,,II,● ¸ ,Ifj,,'I‘ ¸
I‘ IfI’ ,‘ ,II,ㅑ ,,II,● i'l’ ,율 ●
I,● ,IIt’ I'II'뭍 ,'⅝ ilt● :’ I!¾ ,,'ξ Σ
¾ 1甘 ¼
'¼ '''::=''τ ',';⅝ 'i'흑 '';‘ '‘ ''툐 ','III,III,ξ ''',,,Σ '’

'葛 '''●

‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ’ ’ ‘ ’’

Words τh● * ㅐ●me Wopds

▲bo● ●
he ㅐ●i'

κ:"ds ●f Peop'e ●



:: :
.● ::

Uords τh● *
Des야 ibi"g U● Fds
ㅐ●me P● Γ●

Reν few 【 'B— 74 9

'Π '¸

εhoo,e the gn,wer thσ I ˛omp'ete¸ the entence
' be¸
or 미1∫ wer, the que,tion● Pσ y σttent''on to the ‘ word
in J● rk prin十 . Fj'' in the cirε σn‘ wet
'e next to the
You nlighl use o h애 1dle lo 6■ VVhich oclivily would mosl

O open o door. help o person rel며 ?
O cul o rope. O doing honlework
O wrile o siory. O loking o nop
O cleoning ihe ollic
2■ Where would you find q
possenger? 7■ You would excuse yourself
O ol ihe beoch from o porly if you
O in o school ㉯ were hoving fun.
O on o iroin O felt sick.
O liked ihe music.
3. II is difficu'' lo
O lifi o poper plole. 8. VVhol is o m이 or pori of o
O climb o mounioin. sondwich?
O wolk o dog. O nlusiord
O lelluce
나. Yo'」 nㄱ ighi e어 o whoie pizzo
O breod
if you ore
O hungry. 9■ VVhich o이 ėcl is mosi simi'or
io o pencil?
O bored.
O Iired. O poper
O eroser
5■ How would you prepore O pen
O by cooking ii VVhich o이 ecl is hoI'ow?
O by eoling il
' 0■
O plole
O by cleoning il up O spoon
O strow

7σ 0 ■tIΠ I“ 7B— '4 . Reν Iew

:-一一 」

he Ide●
εomρ h ∫
˛ entence [σ rter ,o thα t it mα ke, ȩn,e.
Pα y αllen'j어 ●'o 'he ⅵ ‘
'ete eα rk prin:●
'ord in J●

' . I mosi odmire

2■ My fovoriie seclion of ihe neighborhood is

3■ VVhen I grow up, I wonl lo be on exper' in

나■I prepore eoch doy for school becouse

5■ The 'osk I Iike leosl is

6■ I find il difficull lo

7■ My oddress is

8■ I relox when

9■ A m이 or porl of my doy is spenl

] 0■ The person I om mosi sin1¡

'or io is

Reν υΠ 74 ■ 7σ
'ew . '[, 73— '

5● ●dˇ 瀚Co斡甘
ext Clue寧

When you regd, you moy conㄱ e gcross words ihol you do noi
know. Sonlelimes, !he olher words in ihe senlence con help
you fig'」 re oui ihe meoning of ihe word.

I wos obseni from scho어 becouse I

wos sick.
he words 工wqs sick
In lhis senlence, ㅟ
give o clue io lhe meoning of ihe
√- 〉
word gbsen].


흄Reσ J eσ ˛ ∫enten˛ e. UnJer'ine the worJ‘ *hσ voυ

n J악˜
: ∫
e out the meα n'˙ ng o∫ the worJ
'' k ρ
' he'ρ
흄 i˙ gι
r'˙ .

l. A bouider is o lorge, round rock.

2. I Iike io munch on peonuis ond popc이 "n of lhe movies.

3. The sun will disoppeor behind lhe clouds.

나■VVe sol in o cozν spoi by lhe fii"eploce.

5■ Too much soli con spo¡ l lhe soup.

εir˛ Ie the worJ thα [ be,十 εoΠ1ρ eσ ˛h ,entence. υnder'ine

the ⅵ thα t he'peJ yoυ Π●σke yoυ r ˛hojce●

6. VVe siood on the (sioge, [oke) lo sing our song.

7. The boby slepl quielly in lhe (ieqf, crodie).

8■ PIeose buy some milk ond opples ql lhe (morke', cow)■

762 ■ ˛ [, TB— I˙
T4 ˚ Reν ieν

˚ ‖●●ⅱ:” g 酵寮
' meoning of siender on poge l 53. Look ol
You legrned lhe
lhe chori for words lhol ore close in meoning lo 어ender.
NoIice how ihe meonings of the words ore olike Ond differeni.

::: : ::::: :::: ::: :: ::


s kinnν A skinny objeci is very thin. A skinny person hos liffle
fof or muscle.


●싸:斑딱 ㏐解 √떵 料”
W''jte the worJ rom the chσ
∫ t be,t comp'ete,eα ch eΠ [ence.
'卄 '1σ
] ■Dod is becouse he g어 ‘
s o lol of
exer여 se .

2. VVe used long, slicks lo r˜ oosl

맘⋮㏐따 ⅵ ㎙늚
rnorshmoliows : :::: :::: :::

3. A 귀αrningo is o pink bird wilh iong, legs.

叫 田 ThiS 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 二 一 Chick하 ㄱ wing hos hordly y

meol on il.

Her orms ore bul lhey con lifl lhe


heovy box.

6. VVhen I fourㄱ d lhe puppy, iI wos ond dirly

Reσ d eσ c'1 c'ι l goemlyit'η eσ ch cIt'e.

'e. U'rite t'le wo''J t'1σ
Choo,e ∫ kinny, or ˛
rα ⅵ
''o'1] 'ny●
‘ ‘ ‘
7■ someone who is fi] ond in good shope

8日 0 stroy, or homeless, col

9. o he어 ]hy persorㄱ who wonis lo build muscle

Reν I“ 7B— 74 ■ 7σ B
'ew . t'Π

he ‖e●
εhoo,e the worJ 'hα * be¸ * mα tc'η e"he meσ ning・
Fi'I in t'● e ˛jrc'e next to the worJ●

■lo moke someone ofroid

O noliceO sleer O preporeO frighlen
2■ io join one ihing io onolher
○ oilochO seporole O oddressO piich
3■ io receive somelhing
O scropeO escope O lobel O occepl

나■lo gel on
O signol O scoller O boo rd O pock

5. io lell lhol somelhing bod nloy hoppen

○ squeeze○ whisperO co rve O worn

6■ lo shoke
O prove O screechO iremble O seol

7■ o group of onimols
○ i0어 0 herd O hondle O losk

8. lo jump forword

O shiverO Ieop O soor O begm

9■ o lorge oreo wiihoul irees
O soil O sioble O field O den

l 0■ wel or moisl
○ donlp O dongerous O smoolh O coln1

Tσ 4 -74
■ Unit, τ . ΓIΠ αI Mσ ,'erν ' ㄲ
he S어
● e
"e"● entenε e.
Choo,e t'le worJ t'1α t be‘ t con1ρ
Γj'' in "le ci'"˛ Ie nex[ to l'le woΠ 'd.'ete, the

Only 500 people live in lhe -●

' '■
O leon1 O villogeO possengerO whole
[2■ The iroffic lighi h이 ps bikers ond drivers sioy -●
O sofe O sieodyO slenderO si[ㄲ ilor

My brolher ond I - differeni rocks.

O ploni O cheerO co‖ ecl O horn1

■I woke up ol -●
O poin O o이 ecl O down O seclion

The insecl I - mosi is lhe bee.

' 5■
O ex아」seO feor O relox O sniff

'6. OI orn - io open

eniireO ond unpock
steepO lhe box.
lender ''
'' eoger
[7■ My friend is - ond olwoys lells lhe irulh.
O honesiO difficL川 lO ho‖ ow O lense

l 8■ Seobirds - in lhe woler for fish.

O chewO dive O doubl O leon

I om very - oboul snokes ond lurlles.

O m이 orO foir O proper '' .
'' curious : :::::: :

20■ I know lhol o fly is on - becouse il hos six legs.

O inseclO islondO olornㄱ O enemy

Γ σI Mα 쿄˙ ●¸[
erγ 丁 . 【 7— 74 ■ τσ¸
'Π '” '“
●p C● ⅲprehe"sio”
● Γ, ●
Reσ J thi, ρα σge σbou' σρoρ υ r hobby, ,tα Π1ρ ˛
Then αn,wer the que,tion‘ on ρ'α

αge '67●

: ・:::

U.S. siomps from ihe posi

㎌ ⅜駐
返蕣氓馝 번㉯bby
Do you know whα t αphilα teI끄˙
st is? It's α stα Ⅱ
'1p collector.
Stα Iylp collecting hα s been αroLlnd αs long αs there hα ve been
stα Inps. In the United Stα tes, the first stα Inps were sold in 1847.
One hα d αpicture of Benjα Πlin Frα nklin. Another hα d αpicture

of George Wα shington. Modern stα Inps hα ve α11 kinds of

pictures, froyn Inovie stα rs to cα rtoons.
Yo11 do not hα ve to be αn expert to becoyyle αstα Inp
collector. Yo1λ cα n stα rt by sα ving stα Π1ps yo11 f˙ ind on yotλ r
fα Iγlily's Inα i1. Then you cα n put thelγ l in α binder. You Iy1α y
pick αstα Iγ1p becα 11se you αdⅡ 111re the person or plα ce shown
on it. You cα n select stα Iylps thα t you th˙1nk α e odd, or 1⌒

un1그 suα l. Eα ch stα Inp is speciα l in its own wα y. Thα t is whα t

Iγ1α kes collecting stα Inps such α fun hobby.

7σ σ ■ υΠ Γ σI Mσ [erγ Tiη
'[, 7— '4 . 'Π

Choo,e the σn‘ wer 'hα t be,' ˛omp'ete‘ 'he ,entence or
σn,wer, the que¸ tion● Fj'' in the cirε σn‘ we∴
'e nex' 'o the
2] ■This pgssgge is moslly oboul 26. The word odΠ lire nleons
O lhe hislory of storinps. O lo co‖ ecl somelhing.
O lhe yeor i8나 7. O lo lhink highly of.
O siomp collecling. O io 야 rive somewhere.

22■ In ihis possoge, lhe word 27■ Whol is onolher word for
siomp meons selecl?
O Io mork sonlelhing O pick
wiih ink. O cross
O io push your fool down O slock
O o piece of poper pul on
28. You con figure oul lhgi
lhe gulhor lhinks sionlp
collecling is
23■ The firsl U.S. siomps O only for odulls.
O fun ond eosy.
O corioons. O o difficull job.
O movie siors.
O fomous leoders.
29■ In lhis possoge, ihe word
odd nleons
2나 . Whol does lhe word O brighl.
modern meon? O normol.
O posi linㄱ e O different.
O preseni tirne
O fulure lime The oulhor mosl likely wrole
this io
25. Whgl is on exper'? O exploin lhe reoson we use
O sonleone who knows o lol siomps.
O sonleone who mokes O give focis oboul sionnp
slomps colleciing.
O sonleone who co‖ ecis O lell which sionlps ore
siomps lhe besl.
Γ ● ˙
¸[erν 丁e‘ ˚UΠ 74 ■ σ7
'Π ' Mα ' '[, 7—

---빠 -
鰥 懃
:::● :-::●

: : ::::


諶 鍔 ;ㅃ뮤
∵ 路 釪 :*::::● ::::무 :罕:∵ :끎 ;笛 :최 +:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

魚恕缸맒幇舵漱 빪佇
√ⅱ● 枋 ∴
↓ ● ⅛ⅲ

i:● :●:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::∴ ;::::● :::● :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;¼























“ ⓝ
茴 夢
碧番鵲苦(ok sepl') bore (bor)
(ν ,) lo loke or receive someihing (때 ) noi covered
⅜ beoch (bech)
.) (gd' res) where o person or
I . ('η (Π.) o sirip of iond neor lhe woler
Ousiness is locofed lhgi is '」 suolly sondy
2. (ν .) (θ dres') lo speok lo o person
or group beom (bem)
.) o long, sirong piece of wood
l . (Π

蓄 璂醱 흉
『健妻(od mTr') or melol lhol holds up pori of o
(ν.) 甘
0 think highly of o person or thing building
2. (ν .) fo send some十 hing o'」 l over g
頀瓘壟 饅旿曉豁 (θ grO') long disionce
0 think lhe
(ν .) 甘 some woy someone
else lhinks bench (bench)
(Π.) g long, norrow seol for o few
薄棧(θ ld''m') people lo sil on
(I?.) somelhing ihoi wokes people or
wgrns ihern of donger, such os o bogrd (b6rd)
Oell or o buzzer .) o long, thin, 귀oi piece of vvood
l . (Π

or ploslic
2. (ν .) lo gel on somelhing

# 羚''
brqnch (bronch)
.) o pori of o free

lho] grows o'」 t

orr've (e rTv')
from ils irunk
(ν .) io reoch ihe ploce you sef oul for

어 ioch')
brove (brov) 蛭
(ν 'oCh
:) io (θ
join or conneci someihing
(때 ) hgving
cot」 roge ond not
being ofroid of donger

7σ 8 ■ GIo,,α rγ

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