016 19510526 App 1 00 en
016 19510526 App 1 00 en
016 19510526 App 1 00 en
Al1 rights reserved by the
International Court of Justice
Tous droits réservés par la
.Cour internationale de Justice
This volume should be quoted as :
I.C.J . PZeadings, Alzglo-Ira~zian Oil Co. Case (United Kingdom
v. Irart)
--.,- .... . . .. ---.. ,, .-
OFFICE,London, S.W.
j. On the 8th May, 1g51, bklieving thnt the Irtinian Oil Natioii-
alization Act of the 1st May; rggr, ;imouiit.ed. or1 the part of I r a n .
tu ;i unil;iter;~l;mniilrnent. or altcratinri of tlic tcrtiis, of 1:hc Con-
v ~ ~ i t i contr;iry
o~i to tlic cxprcss tcrrns of Articles 21 ariil zG of the
Convention, wliicli had bccii ratiricd by the Majlis, tlic Ariglo-
IraniruiOiiCoriipariy, Liniited, which had, asindicatrd in p a r a g r a ~ h 4
' abriva, protestrd ;igaiiist the pro1iirserl :~ctiori williout effect, hled
a notice requesting that its difference ivith the Imperial Government
of Iran be submitted to arbitration, in accordance with the terms
of Artide 22 of the Convention. (A copy of this notice is filed as
Annex D to this Application.)
6. On the 20th May, 1951, the Iranian Minister of Finance
' In the I~nperial assent to the Iranian Oil Xationaliration Act, dated the
1st X ~ J :1951,
. the 17th Dlarch, 1951, is given as the date of the Single Article.
This wa5 in fvct the date on which the Scnate Standing Committces on Farci,-
-4ffairs and Finance reachcd agreement on the Single >\rticle.
iurote a Icltcr to "Mr. Rrpresentative of the foriiier Atiglo-1r;uii;in
Oil Loiiipaiiy" (a trnrislalion of ahich iiito Eiiglish is filcd ~5
Aiiiicx E to this hli~ilic;~tiori 1) in which it was stated that "The
ri:itiunalizatioii of the oil industry .... is riot sul~jrctto arbitration.
and no international authority is qualified to investigate this
marter" : and also that "The Persian Government in the present
circumstanccs has no other duty except the enforccment of the
above-mentioned law, and does not agree whatsoever with the
contents of the letter of the former oil company regarding reference
to arbiiration". The Minister of Finance underlincd the deter-
mination of the Imperial Government of Iran to reject a settlement
by arbitration by inviting "the former oil company" to appoint
reprcsentatives with a vie\\. to implementing the nationalization
law. I t is plain from the terms of the Minister of Finance's letter
that the position of the Imperial Government of Iran is that the
execution of the Iranian Oil Nationalization Act of the 1st May,
rgjr, is to proceed and that there is no remedy to which the Com-
pany can have recourse in order to arrest its execution. Aiter
receiving and considering this letter, the Anglo-Iranian Oil Com-
pany, Limited, despatched a communication to the President of
the Court requesting him, in accordance with paragraph (d) of
Article 22 of the Convention, toappoint a sole arbitrator to decide
of h a n .
the disvute between the C o m ~ a n vand the Imvenal Government
' The ocginal text u,as in French and reads as follows : "seront admis et traités
sur le territoire persan conformément aux regles et pratiques du droit commun
~)excrfiilme:lriï, and in cunforniity with the principlcs of justice
aiid intcr~natioiiallaw, acljiislrnciit i)r settlernerit of international
disputcs or sitilaliotis wliicli rriiglit Icad to 1)reacli uf the peace"
(Article r (1) of tlic Charter). ariil tniiiilliil of thc principle that
"legal disputes should as a general rule be referred by the parties
to the International Court of Justice in accordance with the provi-
sions of the Statute of the Court" (Article 36 (3) of the Charter).
\vil1 agree to appenr before the Court voluntarily in order t o hear
and ansiver on their merits the arguments of the Government of the
United Kingdom. (Forupn prorogatum; Corfu Channel clas6
(Preliminary Objection) ; Judgmeiit of March 25th, 1948-I.C. J.
Reports 1947-1948, page 27.) This course is ali the more incumbent
upon the Imperial Government of Iran since the dispute in a large
measure concerns the Convention concluded on the 29th April.
1933, between the Imperial Government of Persia and the Anglo-
Persian Oil Company, Limited, in which both parties declared that
they base "l'exécution de la présente Convention sur les principes
réciproques de bonne volonté et de bonne foi".
Vattcrr of rbc Zr. Accordingly, the Government of the United Kingdom açk
ckim the Court to give notice of the present Application to the Imperia1
Government of Iran in accordance with Article 40 (2) of the Statute
of the Court and, after hearing the contentions of the parties :
(a) To declarc that the Imperial Government of Iran are under
a duty t o submit the dispute between themselves and the
Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, Limited, to arbitration under
the provisions of Article 22 of Llic Cotivcntiori çciricludcd
on the 29th April, 1933, bctwccti tlic Itnpcrial Covcrriincnt
iiI Persia ;lnd the Anglo-l'ersian Oil Coinpaiiy, Liiiiitcd, and
to scccljt and carry o u t :rriy trward issiied as a result of wcti
(h) LIltcr~iativcly,
(i) l'o declarc tliat tlic puttirig irito effect of the Iraiiisn
Clil Nationalization Act of tlic 1st May, 1951, iii so far
as il piirports t o effect a ~iiiilatcralaiiiiultnciit. or alter;i-
tioii of the terrns. of the Convention concliided on tlia
29th April, 1933. between the Imperia1 Government of
Persia and the Anglo-Persian Oil Company, Limited.
contrary to Articles 21 and 26 thereof, would be an act
contrary t o international law for which the Imperia1
Government of Iran would be intemationally responsible ;
(ii) To declare that Article 22 of the aforesaid Convention
continues t o be legally binding on the Imperial Govern-
ment of Iran and that, by denying t o the Anglo-Iranian
Oil Company, Limited, the exclusive legal remedy
provided in Article 22 of the aforesaid Convention,
S V 51)
the lnipc!ri;bl (;overrirnerit ti;lvi+ (:ornrnittetl ;L (l(!i~i;~libf
jiistiçc cciiitr;lry to intcriiatiorial law :
(iii) '1'0 declare that the ;iforesaid Convrritii)ii c;uinot 1;~wfiilly
be ;inniilled, or its trrrns ;~ltrrrrl,by thc 1rnperi;ll Govcrii-
ment of Iran, othenvise than as the result of agreement
with the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, Limited, or nnder
the conditions provitled in Article 26 of the Convention ;
(ir-) l'o adjudge that the Imperia1 Government of Iran
should give full satisfaction and indemnity for al1 acts
committed in relation to the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company,
Limited, which are contrary to international law or the
aforesaid Convention, and t o determine the manner of
such satisfaction and indemnity.
Lcgal Adviscr to the
Foreign Oiiice.
For the purpose of establishing a new Concession to replace that
which \vas granted in 1901 to William Knox D'Arcy, the present
Concession is granted by the Persian Government and accepted by
the Anglo-Persian Oil Company, Limited.
This Concession shall regulate in the future the relations between
the two parties above mentioned.
The foiiowing definitions of certain terms used in the present
Agreement are applicable for the purposes hereof, without regard
t o any different meaning which inay or might be attribiited to
those terms for other purposes :
"The Government" means the Imperia1 Government of
Persia ;
"The Company" means the Anglo-Persitui Oil Cornl)aiiy,
],imiteci, ;ind ;il1 its siibordiri:lte ~(irnlsaiiies;
"Tlie Aiigln-Pcrsiaii Oil Corripaiiy. Liiiiitcd" incaiis the
t\ngln-Pcrsiaii Oil Coiripaiiy, Liinitcd, or aiiy other body
coipoiatc to which, with the consent of the Guvornmnnt
(Article z6), this Concession inight be trnnsferretl ;
"Subordin:ite Complriy" meÿris ariy coiripaiiy for wliich
the Cornpaiiy lias tlic rifilit to iioiniiiate dircctly or indirectlg-
niore thaii one-half of the directors, or in whicli tlic Corri~sariy
holds, directly or indirectly. ;r nurnlii?r iif sliarcs sufliciciil to
a s u r e it Inore thari 50 per cerit of al1 votirig rights a t the
general meetings of such a Company ;
Article 5
The operations of the Company in Persia shall be restricted in
the foilou,ing manner :
(1) The construction of any new railway line and of any
new port shall be subject to a previous agreement between
the Government and the Company.
(21 If the Company wishes to increase its existing service of
telephones, telegraphs, wireless and aviation in Persia, it shall
only be able so to do with the previous consent of the Govem-
If the Government requires to ntilize the meaus of transport and
communication of the Company for national defence or in other
critical circumstances, it undertakes to impede as little as possible
the operations of the Company, and to pay it fair compensation
for aii damages caused by the utilization above mentioned.
Article 6
A. The Company is authorized to effect, without special license.
.:dl imports iicccssary for tlic cxclilsive necds of its cniployccs nn
pqmeiit of the Custoiii duties and otlicr dutics and taxes iii forcc
nt the time of importatioii.
The Coiiipaiiy shall take the iiecessary iiieaslires to prevciit the
sale or the: hcinding over of products iinportrd to persons not
i!mplriycd by tlie Com~i;my.
o. The Company shall have the right to import, without special
licrnse, the erliiipment. mcitrricil, mediceil and surgiceil instruments
ancl ~~lurrnaccutical ~>ro(liicts,
ricccssary for its (lisl~cnsaricsand
hospitals iii l'ersia, and shall be exempt iii respect thereof from
any Ciistom duties and othrr diities and taxes in force a t the time
of importation, or payments of any nature whatever to the Persian
State or to local authorities.
C. The Company shall have the right to import, without any
license and exempt from any Custom dutics and from aiiy taxes
or payments of any nature whatever to the Persian State or t o
local authorities, anything necessary exclusively for the operations
of the Company in Persia.
D. The exports of petroleum shall enjoy Customs immunity
and shall be exempt from any taxes or payments of any nature
whatever to the Persian State or to local authorities.
Articlc 7
A. The Coiiipany aiid its rmployecs di;dl crijoy tlic legal protec-
tion of the Governinent.
B. The Government shall give, within the limits of the laws and
regulations of the country, al1 possible facilities for the operations
of the Company in Persia.
C . If the Government grants coiicessions to third parties for
the purpose of exploiting other mines within the territory of the
Concession, it must cause the necessary precantions to be taken
in order that these exploitations do not cause any damage to the
installations and works of the Company.
D. The Company shail be responsible for the determination of
dangerous zones for the construction of habitations, shops and
other buildings, in order that the Government may prevent the
inhabitants from settling there.
Article 8
The Company shall not be bound to convert into Persian currency
any part whatsoever of its funds, in particular any proceeds of the
sale of its exports from Persia.
Article g
Thc Coriipaiiy shall imniediately m;lkt! ils arratigeriictits to
procced ivitli its operations in the provinçc of Kcrrriaiisliah t h r o u ~ h
a subsidiary conipany witli a vicw 10 produciiig and rehning
petroleiim thcrc.
A T ~ ; c ~ IO
Il7. The Government shall have the right to check the rcturns
relating to sub-clause 1 (a) which shaU be made to it a t latest on
February 28th for the preceding year.
T:. To secure the Government against any loss which migbt result
£rom fluctuations in the value of English currency, the parties
have agreed as follows :
(fi) If, a t atiy tirrie. the prict: of gold in Londoii exceeds sis
pounds stcrliiig licr ottiicc (oiirir:e tnby), the payments to be
madc by thc Cotoiiipaiiy iii oi:çonl:~riiic:with the present Agee-
ment (with the csccptiori of siirris iliic t o tlieGnvernment under
sub-clause 1 (b) and clause III (a) and (b) of this article and
sub-clause 1 (a) of Article 23) shall be increased by one
thousand four hundred and fortieth part ( i )
for each
penny of increase of the price of gold above six pounds sterling
(26) pcr ounce (ounce troy) on the due date of the payments ;
(b) If, a t any tirne, the Government considers that gold has
ceased to be the general basis of values and that the payments
ahove mentioned no longer give it the security which is intended
by the parties, the parties shall come to an agreement as to
a modification of the nature of the security above mentioned
or, in default of such an arrangement, shall submit the question
to the Arbitration.Court (Article 22) which shall decide whether
the security provided in sub-clause (a) above ought to be
altered and if so, shall settle the provisions to be substituted
therefor and shall fix the period to which such provisions SM
VI. I n case of a delay, beyond the dates fixed in the present
Agreement, which might be made by the Company in the payment
of surns due by it to the Govcrnment, interest a t five pcr cent
(5 y")per annum shall be paid for the period of delay.
Article I r
1. The Curnpaiiy shaU ùc cotni~lcLclycxcinpt. for i t s operations
in Pcrsio, for the first thirty ycars, froiii aiiy taxatiijri ires se rit or
fiitiirc of Lhe Statr and of local authorities ; iii coiisidcratioii tlicre-
for the frillowitig l>ayrncrit$sh;ill he made to thc Govcriiiiicnt :
Article 13
The Company undertakes t o send, a t its own expense and within
a reasonable time, to the Ministry of Finance, whenever the repre-
sentative of the Government shall request it, accurate copies of
a l plans, maps, sections and any other data whether topographical,
geological or of drilling relating ta the territory of the Concession,
which are in its possession.
Article ru
1. 110th pirlics recogiiize and Ficcept as the principle goveming
the perforrnaricc of this Agreement tlic supremc tiecessity, in their
mutual interest, of maintaining the highest degree of efficiency and
of economy in the administration and the operations of the Company
in Persia.
II. It is, however, understood that the Company shall recmit
its artisans as well as its technical and commercial staff from among
Persian nationals to the extent that it s h d find in Persia persons
who possess the requisite competence and experience. I t is likewise
understood that the unskilled staff shall be composed exclusively
of Persian nationals.
III. The parties declare themselves in agreement to study and
preparc a general plan of yearly and progressive reduction of the
non-Persian employees with a view to replacing them in the shortest
possible time and progressively by Persian nationals.
IV. The Company shall make a yearly grant of ten thousand
pounds sterling in order to give in Great Britain to Persian nationals
the professional education necessary for the oil industry.
The said g a n t shall be expended by a Committee which shall
be consiituted as provided in Article 15.
(a) On the first of Julie iii each year, the Company shall
ascertain the average Roumanian f.0.b. prices for motor spirit,
kerosene and fuel oil and the average Gulf of Mexico f.0.b.
prices for each of these products during the preceding period
of twelve months ending on April 30th. The lowest of these
average prices shall be selected. Such prices shall be the "basic
prices" for a period of one year, beginning on June 1st. The
"basic pnces" shall be regarded as being the prices a t the
(b) The Company shall sel1 (1) to the Government for its
own needs, and not for resale, motor spirit, kerosene and fuel
ail a t the basic prices, provided in siib-clause (a) above, with
a deduction of twenty-five per cent (25 %) ; (2) to other
consumers a t the basic prices with a deduction of ten per cent
(10 %).
(G) The Company shall be entitled to add to the basic prices
mentioned in suh-clause ( a ) , al1 actual costs of transport and
of distribution and of sale, as well as any imposts and taxes
on the said products.
(d) TheGovernment shall forbid the export of the petroleum
products sold by the Company under the provisions of this
Article 20
1. ( a ) During the last ten years of the Concession, or during the
two years from the notice preceding the surrender of the Concession
provided in Article 25, the Company shall not sel1 or otherwise
alienate, except to subordinate companies, any of its immovable
properties in Persia. During the same period, the Compaiiy shall
not alienate or export any of its movable property whatever except
such as has become unutilizable.
(b) During the whole of the period preceding the last ten years
of the Concession, the Company shall not alienate aiiy land
obtained by it gratuitously from the Government ; it sliall not
export from Persia any movable property, except in the case when
such property shall have become unutilizable or shall he no longer
necessary for the operations of the Company in Persia.
II. At the end of the Concession, whether by expiration of time
or otherwise, al1 the property of the Company in Persia shall become
the property of the Government in proper working order and free
of any expenses and of any encumbrances.
III. The expression "al1 the property" comprises ail the lands,
buildings and workshops, constructions, wells, jetties, roads, pipe-
lines, bridges, drainage and water-supply systems, engines, installa-
tions and equipments (including tools) of any sort, al1 means of
transport and communication in Persia (including, for example,
automobiles, carriages, aeroplanes), any stocks and any other
objects in Persia which the Company is utilizing in any manner
whatsoever for the objects of the Concession.
Article 21
Article 22
A. Any differences between the parties of any nature whatever
and in particular any differences arising out of the interpretation
of this Agreement and of the rights and obligations therein contained
as well as any differences of opinion which may arise relative to
questions for the settlement of which, by the terms of this Agree-
ment. the agreement of both parties is necessary, shall be settled
by arbitration.
B. The party which requests arbitration shall so notify the other
party in writing. Each of the parties shall appoint an arbitrator,
and the two arbitrators, before proceeding to arbitration, shall
appoint an umpire. If the two arbitrators cannot, within two
months. agree on the person of the umpire, the latter shall be
nominated, at the request of either of the parties, by the President
of the Permanent Court of International Justice. If the President
of the Permanent Court of International Justice belongs to a nation-
ality or a country which, in accordance with clause C, is not
qualified to furnish the umpire, the nomination shall be made by
the Vice-President of the said Court.
C. The umpire shall be of a nationality other than Persian or
British ; furthermore, he shall not be closely connected with Persia
or with Great Britain as belonging to a dominion, a protectorate,
a colony, a mandated country or other country administered or
occupied by one of the two countries above mentioned or as being
or having been in the service of one of these countries.
D. If one of the parties does not appoint its arbitrator or does
not advise the other party of its appointment, within sixty days
of having received notification of the request for arbitration, the
other party shall have the right to request the President of the
Permanent Court of International Justice (or the Vice-President
in the case provided a t the end of clause B) to nominate a sole
arbitrator, to be chosen from among persons qualified as above
mentioned, and, in this case, the difference shall be settled by this
sole arbitrator.
E. The procedure of arbitration shall be that followed, a t the
time of arbitration, by the Permanent Court of International
Justice. The place and time of arbitration shall be fixed by the
umpire or by the sole arbitrator provided for in clause D, as the
case may be.
F. The award shall be hased on the juridical principles contained
in Article 38 of the Statutes of the Permanent Court of International
Justice. There shall be no appeal against the award.
G. The expenses of arbitration shaü be borne in the manner
determined by the award.
Article 23
1. In full settlement of al1 the claims of the Government of any
nature in respect of the past until the date of coming into force
of this Agreement (except in regard to Persian taxation), the
Company: (a) shall pay within a period of thirty days from the
said date the sum of one million pounds sterling K~,ooo,ooo)and,
besides, ( b ) shall settle the payments due to the Government for
the financial years 1931 and 1932 on the basis of Article IO of this
Agreement and not on that of the former D'Arcy Concession, after
deduction of two hundred thousand pounds sterling (~zoo,ooo)
paid in 1932 to the Government as an advance against the royalties
and f;113,403 3s. 1od. placed on deposit a t the disposa1 of the
II. Within the same period, the Company shali pay to the Gov-
ernment in full settlement of al1 its claims in respect of taxation for
the period from March zxst, 1930, to December y s t , 1932, a sum
calculated on the basis of sub-clause (a) of clause I of Article II,
but without the guarantee provided in sub-clause (6) of the same
Articb 24
If, by reasoii of the anriulment of the D'Arcy Concession, litiga-
tion should arise betweeii the Company and private persons on
the subject of the duration of leases made in Persia before Ilecem-
ber 1st. 1932, within the limits allowed by the D'Arcy Concession,
the litigation shali be decided according to the rules of interpretation
following :
( a ) If the lease is to terminate, according to its terms, at
the end of the D'Arcy Concession, it shall retain its validity
untii May 28th. 1961, notwithstanding the annulment of the
said Concession ;
( b ) If it has been provided in the lease that it shall be valid
for the duration of the D'Arcy Concession and, in the event
of its renewal, for the duration of the renewed Concession,
the lease shall retain its validity until December 31st, 1993.
Article 25
The Company shall have the right to surrender this Concession
a t the end of any Christian calendar year, on giving to the Govern-
ment notice in writing two years previously.
On the expiry of the period above provided, the whole of the
property of the Company in Persia (defined in Article 20, III) s h d
become free of cost and withont encumbrances the property of
the Government in proper working order and the Company shall
be released from ariy engagement for the future. In case there
should be disputes between the parties concerning their engage-
ments before the expiry of the period above provided, the differences
shall be settled by arbitration as provided in Article 22.
Article 26
This Concession is granted to the Company for the period begin-
ning on the date of its coming- into force and ending. on Decem-
ber-31st, 1993.
Before the date of December ? ~ s.tIOOZ.
.,,-,this Concession can onlv
corne to an end in the case that-the Company should surrender thé
Concession (Article 25) or in the case that the Arbitration Court
should declare the Concession annulled as a consequence of default
of the Company in the performance of the present Agreement.
The following cases only shall be regarded as default in that
sense :
( a ) If any sum awarded to Persia by the Arbitration Court
has not been paid within one month of the date of the award ;
OF T H E 1st MAY, 1951
By the grace of Almighty God,
Pahlavi Shahinshah of Persia,
hereby command, by virtue of Article 27 of the
Supplementary Constitutional Law, that :
Art. I. The Bill conceming the procedure for enforcement of
the Law conceming the nationalization of the oil industry through-
out the country which was approved by the Senate and the Majlis
on 9th Urdibihisht (30th April) and is hereto attached may be
Art. z . The Council of Ministers are charged with the enforce-
ment of this Law.
The text of the Bill conceming procedure for enforcement of
the Law relating to the nationalization of oil, as approved by the
two Houses of Parliament after amendments by the Majlis.
Art. 1. With a view to arranging the enforcement of the Law of
24 and 29 Isfand 1329 (15th and 20th Rlarch, 1951) conceming the
nationalization of the oil industry throughout Persia, a mixed
Board composed of 5 Senators and 5 Deputies elected by each
of the two Houses and of the Minister of Finance or his deputy
shall be formed.
Art. z . The Govemment is bound to dispossess at once the
former Anglo-Iranian Oil Company under the supervision of the
mixed Board. If the Company refused to hand over a t once on the
grounds of existing claims on the Government, the Government can,
by mutual agreement, deposit in the bank Milli Iran or in any
other bank up to 25 %of current revenue from the oil after deduc-
tion of exploitation expenses in order to meet the probable claims
of the Company.