4000-E-LG - PDF Loto
4000-E-LG - PDF Loto
4000-E-LG - PDF Loto
a) Review the contents of the Fact Sheet that immediately follows this page to familiarize yourself with the
program topic and the training points discussed in the program. The Fact Sheet also includes a list of
Program Objectives that details the information that participants should learn from watching the
c) Prepare the area and equipment to be used for the training. Make sure the watching environment is
comfortable and free from outside distractions. Also, ensure that participants can see and hear the TV
screen or computer monitor without obstructions.
d) Make copies of the Review Quiz included at the end of this Leader’s Guide to be completed by
participants at the conclusion of the presentation. Be aware that the page containing the answers to the
quiz comes before the quiz itself, which is on the final page.
b) Introduce the program by its title and explain to participants what they are expected to learn as stated
in the Program Objectives of the Fact Sheet.
c) Play the program without interruption. Upon completion, lead discussions about your organization’s
specific policies regarding the subject matter. Make sure to note any unique hazards associated with
the program’s topic that participants may encounter while performing their job duties at your facility.
d) Hand out copies of the review quiz to all of the participants and make sure each one completes it
before concluding the training session.
Energy—it’s a part of our lives every day. Being around energy is an everyday part of our lives and an important part of
our workplace operations. High pressure steam, electricity, hydraulic and pneumatic systems, even the force of gravity
are common forms of energy used to power our machines and processes. While energy is obviously useful, it can also
be dangerous. Understanding how to properly control hazardous energy is one of the keys to workplace safety. This
program reviews the procedures used to control this energy, commonly known as lockout/tagout.
Topics include types of energy sources, the energy control plan, situations requiring lockout/tagout, lockout/tagout
devices, energy control procedures and special lockout situations.
After watching the program, the participant will be able to explain the following:
• What the energy control plan is and how it works;
• What the roles of authorized, affected and other employees are;
• Which types of devices are used for lockout/tagout;
• How to properly isolate the energy from equipment;
• What procedures must be followed in special situations.
• In order to control energy correctly, we must first understand the types of energy sources we may find in the
• There are several types of energy sources, including electrical, mechanical, chemical, thermal and the force of gravity.
No matter its source, the various types of energy must be harnessed and controlled in order to perform useful work.
• The types of energy can be divided into two states. When an energy source is in the process of actively doing its
work, it is referred to as kinetic energy.
• Energy that is inactive but has the potential to do work is referred to as Stored Energy, or Potential Energy. For
example, electricity stored in a capacitor, grain stored in silo or a spring held in tension are all examples of potential
• Any time a lockout/tagout procedure is performed, some type of lockout device is needed. These devices come in a
wide variety of types and styles.
• Some examples are locks, chains, wedges and locking valve covers or self-locking fasteners. Although they may look
different, their purpose is the same: to isolate, secure or block the machine or equipment from its energy source.
• All lockout devices must be approved by the company. Within each organization, the approved lockout device will be
consistent in color, shape or size so that they are easily identified.
• It must be substantial enough that it cannot be easily removed without excessive force, such as with bolt cutters.
Lockout and tagout devices need to be able to withstand the environment to which they are exposed for the duration of
the lockout.
• Tagout devices, including their means of attachment, shall be substantial enough to prevent inadvertent or
accidental removal. Attachment devices are required to be of a non-reusable type, attachable by hand and self-locking.
• They must be able to withstand 50 pounds of force. The print and format of the tag will be standardized to be
• Information contained on a tag is valuable, especially in the event of an emergency. While the tag must indicate the
identity of the employee applying it, it can also specify the department they work in, the date the work began and when
it is expected to be completed.
• In addition, tags must warn against hazardous conditions if the machine or equipment is energized. Some of these
warnings are “Do Not Operate,” “Do Not Start,” “Do Not Open Valve,” “Do Not Close,” and “Do Not Energize.”
• Once the company has approved a certain type of lock, tag or other device, it must not be used for any other
purpose. Using lockout or tagout devices for other uses may cause confusion and reduce their effectiveness as a safety
• When preparing to lockout a machine, the authorized employee must be familiar with the written energy control
procedures for the equipment. They must know its operation, the various types of energy it uses and how each energy
source, including any stored energy, should be isolated.
• After identifying the energy types used and before shutting down the machine, notify all affected employees that the
equipment is being removed from service. Explain why it is being locked out and remind them not to apply power to the
equipment while it is locked and tagged.
• After informing any affected workers, shut down the equipment using its normal control function. This may include
shutting down the machine in a certain order to avoid additional hazards.
• Once the machine is shut down, all energy sources should be locked in the off position using company approved
lockout devices. The lockout tag should be affixed at the same place as the lock or at least as close as safely possible and
clearly visible to anyone attempting to operate the device.
• After lockout and tagout devices are applied, all potentially hazardous stored or residual energy shall be relieved,
disconnected, restrained and otherwise rendered safe.
• After a lockout procedure has been applied, it must be tested. Before servicing the equipment, attempt to operate
the normal on/off controls to verify no power is connected to the machine.
• In electrical systems, verify with a voltmeter that the system has achieved a zero-energy state.
• With some equipment there may be multiple locations from which to operate the machine. Attempt to operate the
equipment from each location to verify the success of the lockout. If you have any questions about the proper method
to lock out a piece of equipment or how to test to ensure the lock/out is complete, consult the written lock-out
• Once the repair work has been completed, it’s time to begin returning the equipment to service. The first step is to
remove all tools and materials from the immediate area around the machine.
• Replace all machine guards, safety devices and interlock switches.
• Locks and tags should be removed by the authorized employee who installed them.
• Notify all affected employees that the machine is about to be re-energized. Make sure they are not in the path of the
machine or in the danger zone around the machine.
• Double-check that the control switches are still in the off position before reapplying power.
• Just as there may be a specific shut down procedure for certain equipment, it may be critical to re-energize the
system in a specific order. Consult the written lockout procedure if you are unsure.
• After the machine’s operation has been restored, verify that the repair work was successful before alerting affected
employees that the machine is up and running.
• There are certain lockout situations which require special consideration. The three most common are group lockout,
during shift changes and when outside contractors are working at a plant.
• These circumstances are challenging because they involve more than one employee working on a system. Clear
communication is vital to ensure the safety of all.
• During a group lockout, primary responsibility for the lockout will be given to a designated authorized person, who
will be able to ascertain the exposure status of the individual members under him.
• Each person involved has his or her own lock and tag and must place it either on the energy control device, as in the
case of a multiple lock hasp, or onto a lock box.
• Each employee is responsible for removing his or her lock and tag when they stop working on the machinery or piece
of equipment. This ensures that all personnel are accounted for and out of danger before the machine is re-energized.
• Another special situation occurs during a shift change. Specific procedures should be listed in the written energy
control plan for this situation in order to maintain continuity of a lockout; in this case, the departing workers must not
remove their locks until the arriving workers attach theirs.
• An additional special situation is when working with outside contractors on-site. Outside personnel that are actually
servicing equipment are to be trained in lockout/tagout by their employer, making them authorized employees; those
who are completing work in an area where energy control is taking place are affected employees.
• Communication is critical. In most cases, the on-site employer and outside employer will exchange copies of their
respective energy control plans.
• A pre-job briefing with all those involved will take place and at times, an authorized on-site employee escort can
provide additional training on the procedures for a specific task. The on-site employer shall ensure that on-site
employees comply with the restrictions included in the outside employer’s energy control plan.
• Each piece of equipment is different and may not always be easily accessible. When locking out equipment that is
out of sight of its control panel, a coworker must help when testing the effectiveness of the lockout.
• In the event a lockout device must be removed and the person who installed it cannot be located after making
reasonable efforts to contact them, only a member of the company’s management team may authorize the lock be
• This is usually limited to emergency situations. When the employee returns to work at the facility, they must be
notified as to what occurred.
• Finally, if you are unsure how to perform a proper lockout under certain conditions or on a particular piece of
equipment, don’t do it. Check the written plan or consult your supervisor.
1. b
2. b
3. a
4. b
5. c
6. b
7. b
The following questions are provided to determine how well you understand the information presented in this program.
1. An energy source that is in the process of actively doing its work is known as ______________ energy.
a. Potential
b. Kinetic
c. Controlled
2. Only authorized and affected employees are permitted to perform lockout procedures and maintenance on energized
a. True
b. False
5. What is the first step to take for returning equipment to service after repair work has been completed?
a. Remove locks and tags from the equipment
b. Inform affected employees the work has been completed
c. Remove all tools and materials from the immediate area
6. During shift change, departing workers must remove their locks ________________ the arriving workers attach
a. Before
b. After
7. Only authorized employees may remove a lockout device that must be removed when the person who installed it
cannot be located.
a. True
b. False