Antigo Silt Loamsong
Antigo Silt Loamsong
Antigo Silt Loamsong
A New Psalm (inspired by Psalm 19) Where Have All The Bedrocks Gone? 'Tis A Gift To Have Soil
The earth beneath the feet of all runners and walkers Where have all the bedrocks gone? 'Tis a gift to have soil,
Declares the glory of God, our Cherisher! Long time weathering. 'Tis a gift to have land,
The roots of trees and grasses, the mole Where have all the bedrocks gone 'Tis a gift to belong to
And all organisms in the rich realm of darkness... That have formed so long ago? The place where we stand.
These are God's handiwork. And if we are contented with
Where have all the bedrocks gone? The work that we are doing
Our life in the realm of sunlight Gone to residuum....
Is upheld by the vital earth. God made it so. We've discovered a community
And to the sediments.... That's energy renewing.
All creatures that live on the land And to the vital soils!
depend on the soil, Chorus: When true community is gained,
Which is like a strong parent, To bow and to bend
Providing for all peoples and Oh Give Me A Home We shall not be ashamed.
All creatures that live above the waters. To turn and to turn
Praise be to the holy ground that is softly under Oh give me a home Will be our delight,
our feet; On a deep mellow loam Till by turning, turning
Praise be to God who has blessed the living carpet That supports the trees and the grass; We come round right.
That He has spread for our walking, Where we hardly recall 'Tis a gift to have seed,
In the days of our living in the flesh, A bad crop year at all, 'Tis a gift to have plants,
And into which our rich residues will return. and the crickets rejoice as we pass. 'Tis a gift to behold
-- Francis Doan Hole Home, home on the loam So much beauty at a glance
that supports the trees and the grass. As we survey a garden
Where we hardly recall Where we've given hours of toil
a bad crop year at all, A community of flora, fauna,
. . . . And New Words to Old Tunes. . . . and the crickets rejoice as we pass. People and of soil.
An - ti - go, a soil to know, Wis - con-sin’s crops and livestock grow; and forests too, on
2. Great Lakes region, fertile land; glaciers spread both clay and sand; 4. Plant a seed and pull a weed; the soil will give us all we need
Winds blew silt, then forests grew, giving soils their brownish hue. And plenty more, so birds may feed: and plenty more, so birds may feed.
3. Great Lakes region, fertile land, you strengthen us in heart and hand; 5. Of all the crops, true peace is tops; its soil is love that never stops;
Each slope, each flower, each wild bird call proclaims a unity in all. It blesses sand and water drops: it blesses sand and water drops.
This Our Life Finds Tongues In Trees
Inch by inch, age by
age, granite crumbles.
At every stage plants
build porous, fertile
loam of a depth that
does astound. Prairie
makes a soil that’s
black; forest soil is
pale for lack of fibrous
roots and sunshine
pouring over the lively
ground. (See reverse of this sheet for F.D. Hole’s lyrics to this melody.)