Weber 1989
Weber 1989
Weber 1989
Bruce H. Weber
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
California State University, Fullerton
Fullerton, CA 92634
David J. Depew
Department of Philosophy
California State University, Fullerton
Fullerton, CA 92634
C. Dyke
Department of Philosophy
Temple University
Philadelphia, PA 19122
Stanley N. Salthe
Department of Biology
Brooklyn College
City University of New York
Brooklyn, NY 11210
Eric D. Schneider
Chesapeake Biological Laboratory
University of Maryland
Solomons, MD 20688
Robert E. Ulanowicz
Chesapeake Biological Laboratory
University of Maryland
Solomons, MD 20688
Jeffrey S. Wicken
Behrend College
Pennsylvania State University
Erie, PA 16509
ABSTRACT: Recognition that biological systems are stabilized far from equilibrium by
self-organizing, informed, autocatalytic cycles and structures that dissipate unusable energy
and matter has led to recent attempts to reformulate evolutionary theory. We hold that
such insights are consistent with the broad development of the Darwinian Tradition and
with the concept of natural selection. Biological systems are selected that are not only more
efficient than competitors but also enhance the integrity of the web of energetic relations in
which they are embedded. But the expansion of the informational phase space, upon which
selection acts, is also guaranteed by the properties of open informational-energetic systems.
This provides a directionality and irreversibility to evolutionary processes that are not
reflected in current theory.
For this thermodynamically-based program to progress, we believe that biological
information should not be treated in isolation from energy flows, and that the ecological
perspective must be given descriptive and explanatory primacy. Levels of the ecological
hierarchy are relational parts of ecological systems in which there are stable, informed
patterns of energy flow and entropic dissipation. Isomorphies between developmental
patterns and ecological succession are revealing because they suggest that much of the
encoded metabolic information in biological systems is internalized ecological information.
The geneological hierarchy, to the extent that its information content reflects internalized
ecological information, can therefore be redescribed as an ecological hierarchy.
This thermodynamic approach to evolution frees evolutionary theory from dependence
on a crypto-Newtonian language more appropriate to closed equilibrial systems than
to biological systems. It grounds biology non-reductively in physical law, and drives a
conceptual wedge between functions of artifacts and functions of natural systems. This
countenances legitimate use of teleology grounded in natural, teleomatic laws.
The fact that P1 does not entail P2 and that P2 does not entail P3 suggests
that exploration of the relation between evolution and nonequilibrium
thermodynamics has not yet resulted in an articulated paradigm and that
much foundational work remains to be done. It is the opinion of the
authors of this paper that these inchoate ideas cannot be developed and
assessed adequately, or their implications for current evolutionary theory
set forth, unless the ecological, and hence energetic, framework in which all
such processes are set is given descriptive and explanatory primacy. We
mean this in at least the following three senses:
P4: Just as ecological systems are relational parts of the entire terrestrial biosphere, so
all the other levels of what is sometimes called the ecological hierarchy (Eldredge
and Salthe, 1984, Eldredge, 1985, Salthe, 1985) are relationalparts of ecological
systems. These include ecosystems, populations, organisms; and, within the eco-
nomy of the organism itself, cells and biological molecules. All of these are
relatively stable, informed patterns of energetic flow and entropic dissipation,
between which selection occurs at various levels.
P5: Biological systems exhibit diachronic developmental patterns non-trivially analo-
gous to those of ecological systems. The pattern of ecological succession is found
as well in the pattern of individual organismic growth.
The point here is not the discredited one that ecological systems are
"super-organisms," exhibiting patterns paradigmatically found in develop-
mental biology, but, on the contrary, that developmental patterns are
informed patterns of energy flow that have been in-corp-orated (literally)
by way of information-bearing macromolecules into metabolic pathways.
P6: Much, but not all, encoded information, which enhances autocatalytic processes by
increased replicative fidelity, is stored metabolic information and hence [by P5] is
internalized ecological information. The genealogical hierarchy that has been dis-
tinguished from the ecological hierarchy (Eldredge, Eldredge and Salthe, Salthe) is
itself (differently considered) an ecological hierarchy to the extent that its informa-
tion reflects internalized ecological information. Thus the fact that the branching
patterns of phylogeny depend on the Second Law does not by itself imply that this
process can be understood either causally or descriptively apart from analyzing
energetic pathways.
We put these points forward both as a contribution to theoretical
biology and with a view to suggesting that this perspective has important
implications for standing issues in the philosophy of evolutionary theory
and for the philosophy of biology more generally.
The fact that natural selection may be conceived as differential survival
of informed pathways of energy flow does not undermine the core (in
Lakatos' [1970] sense) of the Darwinian tradition. Darwinism holds
fundamentally that evolutionary change will occur whenever historially
conserved variation is accompanied by differential retention (Lewontin,
1974). Selection among differential kinetic pathways in accord with
thermodynamical imperatives fully meets these conditions. Thus these
ideas are not put forward to "falsify" Darwinism or to render it obsolete in
the light of a more general theory. On the contrary, our effort is to update
and enrich the Darwinian tradition by reorienting evolutionary science
around ecology, thermodynamics and information science in a way that
allows us more deeply to understand the underlying dynamics of natural
selection, while keeping population genetics as an integral part of the
expanded whole. We are thus conservatively attuned to the Darwinian
tradition, although we do not retain an expectation of the hegemony of
selective processes, but expect that in this richer context it is likely that
other evolutionary principles will be recognized as equally important.
What this reorientation does call for is recognition of the fact that the
Darwinian tradition, as it has hitherto been articulated, has been encoded
within a framework of high-level assumptions about systems dynamics that
can be called approximately Newtonian or equilibrial. Taken up by Darwin
through Lyell and Malthus, and reflecting the general cultural milieu in
which Darwin worked, equilibrial assumptions have been spectacularly
successful in organizing several centuries of productive research. Neo-
Darwinism is a research tradition that reflects this success. Its fundamental
principle, the Hardy-Weinburg Equilibrium Formula, announces its dy-
namical commitments on its face. It is true that neo-Darwinism reflects
a shift from the determinism of Newtonianism, properly so called, to
statistical descriptions and "population thinking," on the model, much
emulated by Fisher, of statistical mechanics. It nonetheless remains true
that the connection between equilibrium thinking and Darwinism is a
contingent one; and that further development of the Darwinian tradition
may now require loosening the grip of such paradigmatic structures:
P7: Because biological systems are stabilized far from equilibrium they are imper-
spicuously described, and only weakly explained, in a crypto-Newtonian language
appropriate to isolated or closed equilibrium systems.
P8: While we take a dim view of the 'autonomy-of-biology' position commonly de-
fended by neo-Darwinians (Mayr, 1982; 1985), the emerging paradigm espoused
here does not seek to "reduce" biology to chemistry and physics.
1986). Ascendency quantifies the total energy transfer in the system and
the level of the interconnectiveness among the components of that eco-
system. Change in ascendency reflects the effects of positive feedback as
an-agent in the successive restructurings of the system. Ascendency is
measured by dividing the ecosystem into compartments that serve as
nodes of the network. Directed graphs are then drawn indicating flows.
The mathematical techniques required to estimate ascendency are a
combination of Leontieff's input-output analyses with information theory
(see Appendix I for a description).
Of course, no system can grow and develop without bounds. Against
the inherent tendency of systems networks to become ever more articu-
lated stands the vulnerability of such configurations to perturbations.
Redundant pathways offer a certain "strength-in-reserve" by virtue of the
compensatory rerouting they afford. If a perturbation is entirely new to a
community, the system's ability to adapt successfully to it will hinge on
the availability of residual, less effective pathways, or even on outright
stochastic configurations (Von Foerster, 1960; Atlan, 1974; Conrad,
1983). Losses from the system and the multiplicity of inputs also detract
from the rise in ascendency. It is, in fact, never possible to eliminate
completely all exogenous transfers. Some of the dissipative losses are in
fact necessary to maintain structure at lower levels; and some of the
exports to other systems from links in higher-order reward loops. Finally,
a system with but a single input is highly vulnerable to disturbance in that
source. Hence, that external factors will be the most pronounced factor in
a system's fate follows from the very same principle in virtue of which
ascendency rewards the increasingly modular stability that we refer to as
hierarchical. Each of these influences detracts from the rise in ascendency.
These detractors can be quantified in mathematical terms similar in form
to those used to measure the ascendency itself. It was, in fact, to quantify
such "strength-in-reserve" that Rutledge et al. (1976) first correctly
applied information theory to flow networks.
Let us look at a number of phenomenological patterns in ecological
succession in the light of these principles:
P10: Ecosystems favor species that, in funnelling energy into their own production and
reproduction, also increase the total energy flow through the ecosystem.
P1: In succession there is a maximization of energy flow into organizational progaga-
tion and a minimization of metabolic costs.
P12: After an initial increase, a monotonic average decrease in the intensity of energy
flow (i.e. a weight-specific energy flow) through an open system occurs.
P13: A continual, hyperbolic increase in complicatedness (= size + number of com-
ponents + organization) develops.
P14: An increase in internal stability occurs as the rate of development slows down.
P15: There is a corresponding decrease in stability to perturbations.
How might these things have occurred - and why? We may push these
phenomenological reflections in a causal direction by noting, in the first
instance, that the patterns noted in P10-P1 5 conform to the fundamental
propositions of open systems hermodyamics. We can reformulate P10
and P11, for example, in a more causal way by asserting that:
P16: Natural selection will favor species that, in funnelling energy into their own
production and reproduction, also increase the total flow of energy through their
and that
P17: Natural selection includes (in addition to this flow-expanding principle) an effi-
ciency principle, which promotes a maximization of flow into organizational
progagation and a minimization of flow into metabolic costs.
constitute the paradigm case and the matrix within which the others arise.
Accordingly, the language in which natural selection is to be conceived,
and in which adaptative scenarios are to be couched, is a language of
process and pattern rather than of products and entities. In this language
what is selected are not parts, in the morphological-artifactual sense, but
differential patterns of energy flow. Some flow patterns will necessarily be
superior to others in commanding resources, and will be selected on that
The concomitant reconception introduces a dimension of directionality
into the notion of fitness. Those populations are fittest that best enhance
the autocatalytic behavior of the reward loops in which they participate.
The effect of such competition is an emergent tendency during the later
stages of ecosystem development toward more highly articulated networks
of flow, wherein those pathways that foster more efficient transfers
flourish at the expense of less effective routes.
Three immediate implications of this reconceptualization are worth
noting. First, the competitive success of flow patterns is, at least in part,
explained in terms of self-organizing systems dynamics (Csanyi, 1985),
rather than being ascribed, as it generally has been by the Darwinian
tradition, exclusively to externally imposed forces. It is true that initial and
boundary conditions, such as limiting resources, are important factors. But
causality is not to be conceived in the first instance as a matter of external
pressures being exerted on systems that would otherwise remain un-
Second, flow patterns are selected because they contribute to the
stability and coherence of the systems of which they are a part. Thus
individual interest is contextualized within community dynamics. The
nitrogen cycle illustrates this well. Plants take up nitrate from the soil and
convert it to amino acids and nucleotides, then to proteins and nucleic
acids. Decomposers hydrolyze these polymers, then deaminate the mon-
omers, releasing ammonia. This serves as an energy source for Nitrosomas
bacteria, which oxidize it to nitrite, which is in turn oxidized by Nitrobacter
to nitrate. Each microbe is obviously in business for itself, exploiting
energy sources for survival and reproduction. But it is the ecosystemic
cycle to which they contribute that makes these niches available, and it is
their activity within this cycle that sustains the continued self-maintainance
of the large flow pattern. In this picture, constraint and selection cannot be
conceived apart from each other, or as opposing forces that are somehow
balanced off. Rather the fact that the competitive success of higher-order
ecosystem flow imposes constraints on lower-order entities is an essential
component of the very possibility of isolating units of selection and
ascribing adaptations to them. To the theme of selection, as it has emerged
thus far within the Darwinian tradition, therefore, we do not propose to
add a new theme of constraint. Instead, the theme of constraint makes the
theme of selection coherent and complete for the first time. However, not
all traits need be selected. Some can arise through neutral molecular
evolution (Kimura, 1983), through endogenous characteristics of genetic
regulatory patterns considered as statistical ensembles (Kauffman, 1985;
see also Demongeot et al., 1985), or through exploration of the possi-
bilities of developmental alternatives such as neoteny.
Third, in this context units of selection, as they appear in the writings of
those who advocate an "expanded synthesis" (Gould, 1982), are neces-
sarily members of an ecological hierarchy. For cells, organisms, popula-
tions, ecosystems and regional biota are all phase-separated systems of
thermodynamic cycling and flow; and cycling and flow will proceed most
efficiently and stably by hierarchical or modular organization (Odum,
1988). Thus, recent calls for an hierarchical expansion of the Darwinian
tradition may now be seen to be grounded in the deep structure of
evolutionary theory. Recent hierarchical thinking is not called for, as it
may have appeared at first, merely because the need has been felt for
conceptual models that usefully accomodate new data. Rather hierarchical
structure turns out to be a basicfact about the biological world.
To these considerations we may add the important consideration that
the vexing problem of the origin of life can be productively and sugges-
tively conceptualized within this framework. From the conventional point
of view one must begin either with proteins or with nucleic acids, and
then wonder how to get them together into a faithful, functioning self-
replicating system, even if we assume that the RNA has catalytic activity.
A bootstrapping problem then occurs. As a result the considerable
conceptual and explanatory resources of 'hypercycle theory' fail to be fully
exploited. However, within the ecological, thermodynamic context that we
have been exploring, hypercycles now can be generalized as autocatalytic
cycles of selection and flow within which nucleic acids and proteins are
seen to co-evolve, along with energy metabolism, under the imperative of
physical laws, possibly in the phase-separated microspheres (Fox, 1984)
or in an amphiphile bilayer vesicle (Morowitz, Heinz and Deamer, 1988)
that could provide a proto-organismic setting for the acquisition of genetic
information under thermodynamic flows. Accordingly, the chicken-egg
problem, which Darwin bracketed long ago by taking living organization
as primitive in his scheme, is brought within sight of a solution.
The source of the coevolutionary nexus in the thermodynamic space
within which life emerges can readily be shown without getting into
equations. Thermodynamic flows require specific mechanisms in order
to achieve irreversibility. Those in turn require cycles. For example, a
photoreceptor X, excited to X*, must have some dissipative route back to
the ground state to command irreversible energy flow. The emergence of
informed dissipative routes is synchronous with the emergence of living
organization. Proteins and nucleic acids evolved informationally in this
+ Pi
7A A P
mental energy exchanges and that varies under the drive to configurational
randomness. Statistical thermodynamics provides two important principles
of randomization that connect life's emergence with its subsequent evolu-
tionary diversification. One is the degradation of free energy to heat. This
principle leads, in the first instance, to the 'chemical imperialism' of living
matter, by which organisms are able to funnel resources into the perpetua-
tion and propagation of their own organizational types. The other is the
drive to configurational disorder, which ensures that new configurations of
matter will be delivered into the testing ground of the ecological arena.
Mutation and sexual recombination both derive from this entropic drive
(Wicken, 1987). Accordingly:
P18: The principles of variation, constraint and selection that began their operation in
life's emergence, and were themselves responsible for that emergence, are also at
work in biological evolution.
The relation between the Second Law and the kinetic phase space
represented by metabolic processes is subject to much controversy. No
neo-Darwinian has denied that organisms must conform to the dissipative
requirements of the Second Law. But when units of selection are thought
of as analogous to machines few interesting connections between natural
selection and the Second Law appear. By envisioning natural selection as
occurring among informed patterns of energy flow, however, this paper
makes that connection more perspicuous and tighter. From this perspec-
tive there will be deep reasons for expecting that evolution, and phylo-
genetic branching, will occur, since the Second Law will demand pathways
down which entropy can be dissipated. Despite this advantage over
neo-Darwinism, however, one might still hold on this view of the matter
that the Second Law merely provides the possibility space within which
selection at the level of metabolic processes, and evolutionary diversifi-
cation, are to be construed, and that little if any causal or explanatory
force is to be given to the Second Law itself. Alternatively one might hold
that there is a non-trivial causal reciprocity between the expansion of
information space demanded by the Second Law and the kinetic-
metabolic processes that embody and manifest that expansion. If kinetic
pathways are means for the dissipation of entropy, we can, on the one
hand, say that the fitnesses of these pathways are the proximate cause of
hardly be denied that the Darwinian tradition has been hostile to (2). It is
not nearly so hostile, however, to (1). In recent decades, in fact, philoso-
phers, notably Wright (1973), have analyzed teleological statements
roughly as claims to the effect that
X is there because it does Y.
Such claims answer "what for" questions and yield "in order to" answers.
Their general form is common to both design arguments and to natural
selection arguments. If the former make reference to the intentions of an
artificer as the reason an entity has some feature, the latter make reference
to the accumulated effects of natural selection as the reason that some trait
"is there". There is no reason, therefore, to deny that the latter sorts of
arguments are teleological in this sense. Brandon has given the best
analysis of this form. According to him (Brandon, 1981), natural selection
explanations cite "the effects of past instances of A (or precursers of A)
and show how these effects increased the adaptedness of A's possessors
(or the possessors of A's precursors) and so led to the evolution of A"
(Brandon: 1981: 103).
The problem is that genuine adaptionist accounts can easily be replaced
by disguised design arguments. Gould and Lewontin have been highly
effective, for example, in pointing out how easily Wilsonian sociobiology
slides down this slippery slope into disguised design by retailing '"just-so
stories" (Gould and Lewontin, 1979). This slide from selectionist rea-
soning to intentionalist "crypto-teleology" occurs in proportion as the
intentional form is treated as paradigmatic, and the natural-selectionist
form is regarded as an analogue of it - as Darwin himself clearly treated
it. It is for this reason that, the clever work of analytic philosophers aside,
teleology is often regarded by biologists as equivalent to the intentional
form, and is accordingly either denounced or confessed to in accord with
one's proclivities. In the latter case it generates creationism.
One way to break this link, and to drive the wedge between natural
selection and design forms of teleological argumentation that Wright's and
Brandon's work invites, is to anchor natural selection in natural laws and
processes, and so to distance the sort of functional arguments that refer to
natural selection from arguments referring to intentional design. However,
because many evolutionary theorists have sought to protect the autonomy
of biology from physics (Mayr, 1982, 1985, 1988; but see Rosenberg,
1985), and hence are loathe to countenance physical laws as proper
premisses or principles of their science, it is precisely this sort of assur-
ance that has been lacking from discussions of teleology in evolutionary
theory. It is this failure, we believe, that allows creationist arguments, as
well as inadequately formulated sociobiological arguments, to retain
undeserved places as conceptual possibilities in cultural space.
In discussions of this subject it is customary to distinguish among teleo-
tradition has, in its resolute rejection of cosmic design, often run rough-
shod over what is physically and biologically sound in those observations,
we should welcome an invitation to renew the Darwinian tradition in a
direction that promises to explain macroevolutionary phenomena in terms
of purely natural processes without inviting regression to cosmic design.
In sum: The shift to nonequilibrium thermodynamic background as-
sumptions as a framework for the further development of the Darwinian
tradition leads to the expectation of evolution, and so relieves Darwinian
explanations of temptations to disguised teleology of the 'design' sort. No
longer need Darwinians argue that nature has been able to achieve the
same kind of effect that an engineer-god could attain by 'using' different
means. It is telling that Paley's watchmaker does not disappear in Dawkins'
recent account of evolutionary theory (Dawkins, 1986). He merely is said
to be 'blind.' From our perspective, however, there is no watchmaker,
blind or sighted - for there is no watch. Natural organization is not an
artifact, or anything like it, but instead a teleonomic, and in a certain sense
teleological consequence of the teleomatic action of energy flows. 2
i This paper is the result of discussions among the authors and others, which began at the
third meeting on the History, Philosophy, and Social Science of Biology held at the
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia, June 1987.
2 Some of us have concerns about the ideological and/or theological extrapolations that
the reader might be inclined to draw from the issues discussed in this section.'
Estimating Network Ascendency
Robert E. Ulanowicz
The concept of network ascendency combines the attribute of system size, or level of
activity with the relational notion of dynamic organization.
To quantify the level of system activity input-output theory (Leontieff, 1951) employs
the total system throughput, or aggregate of all the transfers occurring among the system
elements. For example, if i and j are two arbitrary members of a collection of n nodes in a
directed graph, then the transfer of some particular medium between j and i will be
denoted as Tji. The activity level of a specific node i can be gauged either by the sum of
inputs to the node,
T = Ti
Ti = E Tiq.
(Ti = T' at steady state.) The activity level of the whole system or total system throughput,
T, is equal to the aggregate of the activities at all nodes,
T = Ti= T.
One can show (Aczel and Daroczy, 1975) that for any properly defined set of probability
H I 0.
Systems that are highly organized, i.e., those wherein knowing the location of a quantum
also imparts a reasonable knowledge of whither it will go possess a value of the mutual
information, I, that is close to its upper limit, H. That is, most of the ambiguity about which
pathway the medium will take has been resolved. Conversely, in systems that are less
structured, knowing the location of a given quantum tells almost nothing about where that
material is most likely to move and I is insignificantly small. Hence, the mutual informa-
tion, I, is an appropriate index for network organization.
It remains to estimate I in terms of measured system flows. Toward this end it is helpful
first to ask how one would estimate the constitutive probabilities. If T represents that total
amount flowing in the system and T'i is the amount of that flow observed to be entering
node i, then p(bi) can be estimated by the ratio Tf/T. Similarly, the estimator for p(aj) will
become Tj/T. In like manner, the joint probability p(aj, bi) that a quantum will both leave j
and enter i can be assigned the value Tij/T. Substituting these estimates into the formula
for I yields
I = K E ET/T)log
log (TT/T/Ti).
i j
There remains the problem of what value to assign to the undefined scalar constant K.
Conventional practice is to choose a base for the logarithm and arbitrarily set K = 1. But
Trius and McIrvine (1971) argue that K should be chosen so as to impart physical dimen-
sions to the quantity it is scaling. As we have already elected to gauge system "size" using
the total system throughput, T, it is both appropriate and consistent to set K = T, thereby
making the mutual information reflect the size of the system we are observing.
The resulting product of two factors, one representing system size and the other ne-
twork organization, is called the network ascendency (Ulanowicz, 1980) and is denoted by
the letter "A". Knowing the values of all the Tpjin the system allows one to assign an actual
number to the ascendency according to the formula
Ulanowicz (1986) argues how any increase in A reveals the unitary process of growth and
development transpiring in the system, and he shows how one may investigate the limits to
growth using certain components of the difference by which A falls short of its upper limit
as set by the scaled version of H.
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