RAS Beauty - Corporate Connect Magazine in India

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Editor’s Note
Trailblazers’ Insights: Wisdom shared from the
pioneers of industry

It’s hard to believe that an entire month has already flown by since the start of
2024. The word is under a constant streak of humongous changes. In this latest
edition of Corporate Connect magazine, we are extremely delighted to spotlight
a handful of the most remarkable leaders in the corporate world. As we navigate
through the ever-evolving landscape of business, it becomes increasingly evident
that exceptional leadership is the cornerstone of success. With the release of this
publication, you are invited to delve deep into the stories of leaders who exemplify
outstanding leadership traits, paving the way for innovation, growth, and positive
change within their organizations and beyond.

Like always, each featured leader brings a unique perspective and a wealth of
experience to the table. We never fail to offer valuable insights into the intricacies
of effective leadership in today’s dynamic business environment. From visionary
CEOs to trailblazing entrepreneurs, the individuals highlighted in this edition have
demonstrated a remarkable ability to inspire, motivate, and drive their teams
towards excellence.

This issue is a reservoir of in-depth interviews, case studies, and thought-provoking

articles. And we aim to provide our readers with valuable lessons and practical
strategies for fostering leadership excellence within their own organizations.
Whether you’re a seasoned executive, an aspiring entrepreneur, or a curious
observer of the corporate world, there is much to be learned from the experiences
and wisdom shared by these exceptional leaders.

At the forefront of this exclusive edition is RAS Beauty Private Limited which is
being spearheaded by Shubhika Jain. Under her thought leadership, the brand
has been creating trails of milestones while scaling greater heights. Their luxurious
formulations in the beauty products have become the latest hype in the beauty
industry. What propelled us to feature this iconic brand at the cover page is its
honesty and transparency to offer people with authentic products. We hope you
would find this story praiseworthy and a booster to your entrepreneurial fervor.

Let’s join us on this journey as we explore the essence of leadership and celebrate
the individuals who are shaping the future of business. Our sincere wish is that
the stories featured in this edition will inspire you to unlock your own leadership
potential and lead with purpose, passion, and integrity.

Vol-1 |Special Edition |January 2024

Publisher & Editor :

Sonia Tiwari
Editorial Team
Sonam Rathore
Business Head
Senior Marketing Manager
Meenakshi Panika

Corporate Team
Maya Sharma
Co-ordinator (Business Connect-Clients)
Shivani Gupta
Data Research & Analysis
Shradha Pandey

Finance Team
Prince Kumar
Creative Director
Creative Team
Legal Affairs
Preeti Verma
Human Resources
Divya Singh
Digital Marketing Manager
Jyoti Sharma

We are also available on:

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RAS Beauty
Transforming Skincare, Empowering Lives,
and Leading Sustainability

Founder & CEO of RAS Beauty

14 Greta Thunberg A Teenager Who
Became The Voice Of Mother Earth

Digitizing The World

Destinations In
The World

54 Amazing Destinations To Enjoy Cruise
& Boat Vacations
In India

48 Strawberries
May Help Fight

Daily Routines And Habits Of Highly

Productive Entrepreneurs And Creators
A Mantra For Educators
To Impart Right Kind Of Education

A Sustainable Brand Bringing Freshness
To The Kitchen With Modern Technology
India’s First Reinsurance Broking
Company Empowered By Seven
Decades Of Legacy In The Realm

28 Reasons To Own Franchise Business


An Expedition From Plinth to
Producing A Diverse Portfolio Of Lauric Enhanced
Products To Help Meet Your Nutrition Needs

34 Workout Mistakes You’re

Probably Making

Delivering innovation and relevance
at its best

Biotechnological Tools, a ray of hope
for a Dying Environment Abstract


RAS Beauty
Transforming Skincare, Empowering Lives,
and Leading Sustainability

Founder & CEO of RAS Beauty

n an era where skincare shelves are crowded with products
laden with chemicals and beauty conglomerates dominate
the market, finding a skincare brand that prioritizes purity,
transparency, and sustainability has become a quest for many.
Enter RAS Beauty Private Limited, a trailblazing venture founded
by the visionary Shubhika Jain in 2017. This company has emerged
as India’s fastest-growing luxury beauty brand, redefining the
beauty landscape with its farm-to-face philosophy.


The name ‘RAS,’ pronounced r-uh-us, embodies the essence and
happiness the brand promises to deliver. Since its inception, RAS
has been unwavering in its commitment to creating skincare
products that harness the power of clean ingredients in effective,
luxurious formulas. Stemming from a need to offer Indian
consumers natural products with result-driven active botanicals,
RAS stands as a beacon of honesty, transparency, and responsibility
in the beauty industry.


Rooted in the rich tradition of using local herbs and botanicals in
Indian beauty formulations, RAS aims to bridge the gap between
tradition and innovation. The brand produces locally crafted
blends that perform, eliminating the need for importing beauty
concoctions at higher price points. RAS’s portfolio has expanded
from face and body oils to over 140 SKUs, offering a comprehensive
range of products across hair, skin, and body care.


At the core of RAS Beauty’s mission is the aspiration to improve
the health and happiness of consumers through pure, high-quality,
and effective skincare. The brand’s commitment extends beyond
the surface, reaching deep into the values that guide their every


RAS Beauty doesn’t just stop at skincare; it extends its responsibility
to the environment. With innovative packaging choices such as
biodegradable bubble wrap and glass bottles, RAS is minimizing
its environmental impact. The brand actively promotes responsible
recycling practices by encouraging customers to return empty
bottles through a points system on their website.

MAKING A DIFFERENCE: BEYOND BEAUTY Lifestyle Asia, Fashion Value Chain, Adgully, and Mid-Day
RAS Beauty’s impact extends far beyond skincare. With 300,000 are just a few among the myriad of platforms acknowledging
positively impacted customers, 400 direct livelihoods, and 3,500 RAS’s emergence as a force to be reckoned with. The brand has
farmer connections, the company is a force for positive change. been featured in Elle, Grazia, Outlook India, and Womens Web,
The commitment to sustainability is evident in numbers, with further attesting to its growing influence and popularity. The
net carbon positivity, monthly recycling of 500kg of waste, Elle List Awards 2023 recognized RAS for its contribution to
and a 26% reduction in water usage compared to conventional the beauty industry, showcasing the brand’s commitment to
farming. excellence.
Beyond the quantitative impact, RAS Beauty prides itself INVESTMENTS
on fostering a diverse work culture, with 67% women, 24% Economic Times and Green Frontier Capital have recognized
tribal community, and 38% other communities within the RAS’s financial prowess, with successful funding rounds of $2
company. Regular meetings and gatherings, a secret ingredient million and $1.5 million, respectively. Sixth Sense Ventures, a
to their success, emphasize the importance of bonding and prominent player in the investment landscape, has been a key
communication. supporter of RAS’s growth journey. The company’s success has
also been featured in Beauty Matter and Digital Journal, further
DISRUPTING THE MARKET WITH FARM-TO-FACE highlighting its financial stability and market appeal.
RAS Luxury Skincare stands as the first and only farm-to-face CSR INITIATIVES: PAVING THE WAY FOR
skincare brand in India, disrupting the market with a unique SUSTAINABLE BEAUTY
value proposition. The vertically integrated model ensures RAS Luxury Skincare is not just a brand; it is a movement towards
unparalleled purity and quality, resulting in a remarkable 300% sustainable and socially responsible beauty practices. Vertical
year-on-year growth and an impressive ARR of approximately integration, vegan and chemical-free products, sustainable
$7 million. farming practices, and empowering women are at the heart of
RAS’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives. The
VALUE-ADD PROPOSITIONS: RADIANCE BEYOND company’s commitment to these initiatives contributes to a
BEAUTY reduced environmental footprint, ethical consumer choices,
The value RAS Beauty brings to its clientele lies in products like industry innovation, and the empowerment of women within
the Radiance 24k Gold Elixir, Radiance 24k Face Gel Serum with the workforce.
148hr Hydroburst Technology, and Super Recharge Bakuchiol
Night Cream, offering a luxurious and effective skincare FUTURE ENDEAVORS: A VISION BEYOND
experience. BOUNDARIES
Looking ahead, RAS Beauty envisions itself as the No.1 Luxury
INNOVATION AND SKINCARE: HAND IN HAND Skincare brand in India with a global footprint. The company
Research and Development (R&D) play a pivotal role in RAS plans to expand its product range to over 250 SKUs, marrying
Beauty’s growth trajectory. The company’s commitment to cutting-edge skincare technology with the purest natural
specialized formulations for different skin types, incorporating ingredients. Aiming to establish 100 physical retail locations in
trademarked technologies like HYDRAPLENISH™, highlights India and globally, RAS is poised to lead in sustainable and eco-
its dedication to offering tailor-made solutions. conscious skincare practices.

WORK CULTURE: FOSTERING GROWTH AND The brand’s future goals include a significant increase in
HAPPINESS community impact, positively affecting the lives of over 1,000
RAS Beauty’s work culture goes beyond the ordinary, fostering employed women and partnering with 10,000 farmers. Through
an environment of openness, dedication, and responsibility. substantial investments in Research and Development (R&D),
Initiatives like flexible work hours, regular training sessions, marketing, and the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
transparent communication, wellness programs, and technology, RAS aspires to be a trailblazer in the industry,
recognition and rewards contribute to a positive and motivated putting India on the global beauty map.
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES: In a parting message to aspiring entrepreneurs, Shubhika Jain,
NURTURING TALENT the Founder & CEO of RAS Beauty, emphasizes perseverance
The company actively invests in the professional development of and continuous learning. “Don’t give up! Be at it; you never
its employees through regular training sessions, acknowledging know when you can hit the goal. Be ready to put in the extra
and rewarding achievements, and creating a conducive work efforts and hours. Be inquisitive, keep learning,” she says. RAS
environment that prioritizes mental and physical well-being. Beauty’s journey is a testament to the power of determination
and a relentless pursuit of excellence.
As RAS Beauty Private Limited embarks on its mission to In conclusion, RAS Beauty Private Limited’s story is not just
redefine the skincare industry, the recognition and accolades it about skincare; it’s about a commitment to purity, sustainability,
has garnered speak volumes about its impact. In 2023, RAS was and making a positive impact on lives and the environment. As
proudly awarded the title of “Times Best Brand of the Year,” the brand continues to rise, it sets a shining example for the
solidifying its position as a pioneer in the beauty landscape. The beauty industry, showcasing that beauty can be both luxurious
brand’s innovative skincare experience store in Raipur caught and responsible, creating a future where skincare is not just
the attention of Indian Retailer, highlighting RAS’s commitment a routine but a conscious choice for health, happiness, and
to providing a unique and immersive customer experience. sustainability.

Global 100 & Indian top 100 enterprises along with New
age unicorn companies as clients

Success Story


I want to feel safe. How can I feel safe when I know we are
in the greatest crisis in human history?

This one important question, has taken acknowledgements, building her hope Strikes held at Montreal, Edmonton
the world leaders by storm. But, this that she could make a difference. and Vancouver.
immensely matured question isn’t She never asserted her Asperger
asked by an elder rather a 17-year- Syndrome, as her limitation rather her Greta’s deeds, for a better world,
old school-girl, Greta Thunberg. greatest ‘Superpower’. has been valuably acknowledged
A young environmental activist by across borders. She has been featured
passion, Greta has eyed on the issue Greta’s worldwide acknowledgement, in many international talk shows
of climate change and challenged begun when she launched the - and renowned magazines, like The
world leaders to take immediate “Skolstrejk för klimatet”, on 20 Aug’ Guardian, Scientific American, etc.
action. Her inspiring speeches - on 18. She stood before the Europan Her activism has inspired many
Global warming and Climate change, Commission with a board saying, the school-aged-peers, describing it as
are recognized, by the European above phrase that translates ‘School “The Greta Effect”. Her sheer will and
Commission. Also, in such a young strike for climate’. The movement stand have moved various politicians
age, she has executed many result- spread like wildfire across the planet. towards the need for climate change.
oriented strikes and activities, inciting Students from schools and colleges She is a diligent name on Twitter
a mindful impact and public response across the world still skip their and Instagram shares her views on
extensively. academics to take part in protests, various global calamities along with
seeking the requisite steps from Govt. climate change. Her Instagram posts
Greta’s attention on climatic bodies against climate disasters, the symbolize her passion and love for
challenges begun, in 2011 when she unsustainable use of fossil fuels while nature and a better tomorrow. Her
was only - 8 years old. She realized bringing more attention on renewable goodwill for the world is conferred,
the impending threat and was upset energy. with several recognitions like:
as little or close-to-nothing, is done
about it. The situation got worse, and From there on, her focus on • TIME’S 25 most influential teens of
she became depressed and resorted global climate change lengthened 2018, by Times Magazine.
into self-isolation for the next three and she made her way to the • Swedish Woman of the Year,
years. Very soon, she was diagnosed, ‘United Nations Climate Change 2019 by Swedish Women’s
with ‘Asperger syndrome’, ‘obsessive- Conference’ (COP24), where her Educational Association.
compulsive disorder’ and ‘selective speech became a viral sensation • Laudato si’ Prize April 2019,
mutiny’. In one of her many speeches, across Europe. In Jan’19, she stood awarded under the second
she described the ‘selective mutiny’ as at the ‘World Economic Forum’, encyclical of Pope Francis, “on
“only speaks when necessary”. where she addressed the British, care for our common home”, and
European and French Parliaments, many more.
After her enormous battle with but was boycotted, by politicians.
depression, Greta shaped her Nevertheless, her thoughts and Greta is not very sceptical about
aspiration and motivation with school movements were appreciated by the future - she works on changing
strikes at first. At the initial point, Pope Francis, which empowered the present issues so that a better
her movements and activities weren’t her to carry on. She addressed her tomorrow can follow. In an interview
much appreciated, by her parents. thoughts at the ‘UN Climate Action with an international publisher, she
However, as her thoughts empowered Summit’ on 23rd Sep’19. On the asserted
others, and protests provoked people same day, along with United Nations
to come forward, she became widely Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and 12 She has inspired millions of school
acknowledged. Charity begins at other like-minded children, she put students, around the world, who
home; as such, she instigated her up an official complaint against five she believes will be the face of her
parents to reduce their ‘carbon nations (Argentina, Brazil, France, movement in future. Se aims to stand
footprints’, which made her mother Germany, and Turkey), for not meeting against all the odds and continue her
leave behind an International career the emission reduction commitment movement because protecting Mother
of Opera singing! Greta on the other in the Paris Agreement Pledge. She nature is an indispensable duty.
hand, highly appreciated her parents’ had also taken part in Global Climate


I have just
decided that I
will do this even if
there is no hope.
Not having hope
is not an excuse
for not doing


Digitizing The World

With over 300 people across India, Akaramaxs is primarily a software development company that
also focuses on digital marketing and web development. Through their Business Outsourcing Services,
they are committed to providing clients with exceptional results. They work hard to meet the unique
requirements of their clients’ businesses and support them in attaining their financial objectives.
Every client receives significant benefits from their affordable services, and they desire to keep doing
business with the company for a very long time.

In addition to that, they also offer a contact center solution that combines B2C and B2B services. The
business provides local and national market services while allowing the client’s brand to evolve with
the times. The leadership team includes Sneha Rakesh, Managing Director, Rakesh Siddaraju, Chief
Operating Officer, and Rajat Venkatesh, Business Head. The workforce of AKARMAXS is superlatively
talented and skilled in their respective fields.

I believe that our business ideology stands for our core values and
purpose. They work and innovate until the client is satisfied and
continuously improves with time. Our purpose is to digitize every
industry left and enhance them to compete with the elite. We need to
provide the next-gen solutions across all industries and sectors making
sustainable business cultures and solutions. We believe in doing
business in great detail that leaves no stone unturned. We conduct
thorough research on market analysis and predictive analysis that help
our clients to promote their product at the time.

Innovative digital marketing has fundamentally changed how

MSMEs interact and connect with their customers in this digital age.
Akarmax’s marketing initiatives have given MSMEs the chance to
present their brand to their target market with quantifiable outcomes.
Additionally, firms that offer cutting-edge marketing services are
spreading their operations across many different continents without
encountering any obstacles. In this fiercely competitive market around
the world, Akarmax is essentially expanding their internet presence.
In addition to that, the company’s strategic marketing services assist
clients in creating a strong sense of their brand and increasing brand
awareness. Any company’s brand identity gains when it is accessible
to a big audience and is present across several digital platforms.

Dr. Sneha Rakesh
Managing Director

Akarmaxs uses research

and development to stay on
top of the market’s shifting
trends. Their crew, which
is of incredible caliber,
works in tandem with
modern technologies. There
has been a significant
shift in technologies and
breakthroughs in this
age of digitalization and

For example, today it is a world full focus on small initiatives that quickly Out-of-the-box thinking - Creating
of AI and cloud technologies so R add up to the desired outcome. ideas that are as original as possible
& D helps them to stay up to date “We believe in conserving but not
with these changes and remain compromising.” They take action Their goal is to develop sustainable
more competitive. Besides, they toward growth by entering every business cultures and platforms by
are significantly increasing their field with a determined passion, offering cutting-edge solutions to all
productivity and providing an edge excitement, and smart work that results industries and sectors. The main motto
over other market competitors. in positive outcomes and a productive is to achieve the goals of the
work environment. customers. They believe that prompt
R&D contributes significantly to an delivery of top-notch services that are
organization’s advancement in a The team’s dedication, motivation, tailored to the clients’ business needs
number of areas, including remaining and self-drive, as well as their passion and offer them a noticeable boost
one step ahead of competitors, for working toward their individual is the only way to achieve customer
anticipating and preparing for new aspirations, which together make up aspiration.
issues, speeding growth by introducing the company’s dream, are the secrets
disruptive innovation, and many more to the company’s success. They lead with a vision to digitize
areas. In summary, R&D can assist a every remaining industry and improve
business in moving past conventional We don’t work, we devote ourselves to them so they can compete with the top.
business practices and establishing provide precise and facile outcomes in to establish a lasting impression in the
a successful market presence. They every aspect. Our software solutions digital world through providing top-
contend that companies with a R & D are not just solutions to tech problems, notch services, client endorsements,
department have a better chance of but they also carry forward enhanced and satisfied customers. Last but not
succeeding in the market than those productivity to a wide extent. We don’t least, they picture themselves as an
without one. curate Marketing, we curate emotions important player in the forthcoming
and sell experiences unlike any other digital revolution affecting all
THE CORE VISION firm out there. enterprises and industries.
What guides Akarmaxs through their
journey to success is a set belief in THE CORE VALUES AKARMAXS Akarmaxs was a dream come true
who they are, what their philosophy is, EMBODIES ARE company. It started spreading its
and how they work. A group of driven Client first: They innovate and work wings in every direction it went and
individuals that came together to work hard till the client is happy. To evolve dominating every field it entered.
toward the same objective, guided means to never stop improving over More than anything, they place
by a single leader who had her own time. a premium on time, quality, and
mantra for success, Akarmaxs is first Collaborations - Value-driven and experiences. In the past, they have
and foremost, a team. They believe eliminating unnecessary procedures helped lead the most effective market
that while achievements come and go, research tactics to major corporations,
work ethics and principles endure. Frugality - The ideal fusion of cost- and still desire to do so in the future.
Although the goals are greater, they effective creativity

Akarmaxs’ services include Product Design,
Web Development, App Development, Digital
Marketing, Graphic Design, Branding PR &

When we talk about personalized inspiration we

become inclined and often consider the influence
and effect created materialistically but forget
some simple & small nuances we come across in
many instances. It may or may not lack function
like materialistic inspiration but it fuels the drive
whenever you hit rock bottom. The Akarmaxs we
built were the result of hundreds of these small
& simple inspirations whey were blessed with
throughout our

Sneha Rakesh, Managing Director, says,

Some may think entrepreneurship is too much

and not required to carry on our career through
this path, but for me to get or achieve my dream
and goal, I spent too many sleepless nights and
endured highs and lows. For me, my inspirations
are all around me, my family, friends, teachers,
and the passion I developed over the years. This
drives me through many hurdles over the years
and still accompanies me and will do in the future.

It’s interesting to note that smart companies

rely on the basics because excellent marketers
are concentrating on them at a time when
everything seems to be falling apart and there
are elements of pessimism brought on by the
epidemic. Therefore, the first thing we should do,
no matter what we’re doing—whether we have
five consumers or five million—is try to connect
with them and listen. Because everyone’s signals
tend to vary a little bit when there is a far bigger
item to worry about than your product or service,
simply offering means to hear how they are
reacting before you take any action is one way to
approach the problem.

The company’s digital marketing services examine tactics in greater detail as well as the
needs of the consumer and the product. Because the algorithms are becoming more severe
every day in the digital world, there is a necessity to be original in your work. In order for
the customer’s goods to reach its target audience, they build their content and strategies
and optimize them properly.

By giving individualized services and facilitating easier access to the goods or services,
mobile applications and API services support their clients’ efforts to build their ties with
their customers. Through the apps, their clients are able to provide real-time customer data
and particular information, and this has contributed to the growth of an innovative culture.
Their mobile app development process follows six crucial steps that include strategy, UI/UX
Design, Testing, Analysis & Planning, App Development, and Deployment & Support.

The company’s USP is offering clients high-quality
digital marketing services. The highly skilled team
at Akarmaxs is committed to providing clients
with excellent solutions that are tailored to their
precise requirements. Each and every one of their
customers has a dedicated development team who
are experts in their respective professions. Their
coordinators effortlessly accommodate the demands
and preferences of their clients and strike the ideal
balance between them and the team. The onboarding
procedure will be quick and painless, and the team
will begin working on backdoor development as soon
as the contract is signed. With relation to the most
recent trends, the team is constantly on point and
sharp and adapts the current marketing plan flexibly.

A digital transformation can take different forms

depending on the unique needs of the company,
as well as the requirements of the industry as it
is shaped by disruptive technology startups. The
financial services sector is a great example of this.
A new approach to customer service was forced
on the entire industry after fintech startups gained
momentum and successfully delivered new products.
New financial products, the rise of mobile banking
applications, and hyper-personalization are just a
few of the many trends that appeared since then.

They utilize a wide variety of cutting-edge modules

for designing, developing, and marketing. Mailchimp
is one of the top-rated email marketing software
available in the Digital Marketing tools ecosystem.
With Marketo, you can create complete strategies

for your email marketing efforts, lead Rakesh Sidharaju, the chief operating when I started Akarmaxs from scratch
management, and customer base officer, who is the foundation of with no big backing or bucks. This is
marketing. their operations and his enigmatic always the first and best accolade I
performance improved the company have ever received.
They contend that while mobile in great detail. Then came their
apps help businesses improve their company head Mr. Rajath Venkatesh, Next, according to her, is the
current business procedures, they whose approaches and dedication response the team got for
can also help them identify new to each of our projects produced ‘Samagra Abhivrudhi Trust’. The
growth markets. Organizations superior outcomes and resulted in
prime motto of the NGO is to
can identify possibilities to provide satisfied clients.
new services and products to their make rural women independent
existing consumers and open avenues ACHIEVEMENTS AND MILESTONES and make them aware of the
to engage with new audiences by Sneha states, I always believe in present academic, economic, and
digitizing business procedures. myself. In fact, a lot of things have financial situation so that they can
been said to highlight women’s uplift their family’s well-being. The
The managing director considers participation in the entrepreneurial team helped hundreds of people
herself fortunate to have such resilient world, but very less of it is visible to and their smiles and wishes were
and intelligent leaders who can the public. First, the best accolade
some of the best accolades she
innovate, adapt, and bring quality I have ever received was the
encouragement and appreciation feels she has ever received.
clients to their company. First, Mr.
from the people who supported me

Akarmaxs’ long-term goal is to digitize all the industries left and enhance their
processes so they can compete with the elite. After five years, Akarmaxs hopes to
have expanded its operations into numerous rural areas and assisted those female
company owners who were having trouble enhancing their operations due to a lack
of resources. They seek to provide their digital services to numerous remote areas
and digitalize every industry.

After five years, I want to see that the women who belong to rural areas are
independent and are creating their own identities overcoming the hurdles,” said

Daily Routines and Habits of
Highly Productive

wW e all have 24 hours in our day and we do our best to make the
most out of them. However, most of us fall short of achieving what
we really wanted from our day. As the secret of success lies in
the habits and routines of a person, it can really help us to know the daily
routines and habits of highly productive entrepreneurs and creators. Here,
be informed that after going through this article, you will realise that there
is little similarity between these routines. While one person starts his day
as early as 4 am, the other waits till 11 am. Some plan it down to minutes,
others keep their schedule loose.

However, there would be some commonalities as well, such as 4. AUTHOR OF THE CONFIDENCE GAME, MARIA
• Reading for pleasure and inspiration KONNIKOVA
• Getting a good amount of sleep My ideal productive day looks something like this: yoga in the
• Doing some sort of exercise morning, computer around 8 or 8:30am, write until midday,
• And fetching a cup of tea or coffee to get into the pace. hour break (always away from the screen, to help clear my
Read on to take a glimpse of most productive routines and thoughts and keep the inspiration flowing), then write until 5
habits. or 6pm, and then...happy me time! I usually make sure to
read things that inspire me in addition to yoga (with a side
1. INSPIRATIONAL SPEAKER TONY ROBBINS AND of meditation), which helps me get going. I try to read a few
BEST-SELLING AUTHOR poems every day out of a book of poetry that I keep next to
I dive into the chilly water to start each day! I maintain a cold my bed. I make an effort to avoid working in the afternoon
plunge at 56 degrees in each of my residences. I have a river and instead take a stroll or have a conversation with someone,
in Sun Valley in which I jump into even in winter. I do this every limiting social media, as well as it is an incredible time-waster
day as a discipline to train my mind to act now, no matter how and the best way to give up on productivity.
challenging it may seem. It also benefits the body physically in
amazing ways. Your entire body pumps wildly whenever you 5. AMBER RAE- AUTHOR AND GRAPHIC ARTIST
undergo such a drastic temperature change, including every Amber Rae, a writer and artist, describes how she manages
cell, nerve, and muscle. Your lymph is moved, and you become her daily calendar with a “work, play, fit, push” regimen in
more prepared. It is incredibly energising. this piece from Fast Company. She lists her “Top 3,” or the
three tasks she must do by the end of the day, for each day.
2. BOX CO-FOUNDER AND CEO AARON LEVIE She discovered that engaging in recreational activities, such
I usually read my email in bed for around 30 minutes after as creating art or spending time in nature, allow her to think
waking up. It’s a horrible habit, I know, but it enables me to and give her ideas a place to flourish. She discovered that
address the majority of pressing concerns straight away (P.S. movement keeps thoughts fresh, therefore she moves her body
My iPhone 6+ is really helpful). Then I have two cups of coffee for 30 minutes every day. She also accomplishes something
and proceed to work (sometimes I have to take an Uber to finish difficult every day because she values learning. Amber also
extra work in the vehicle). Following that, I often have meetings decides to organise her days according to themes to stay
with different teams for 7-8 hours. I then attempt to take a focused. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday are the days she
20-minute sleep, eat supper, and then return to work for another saves for work; Tuesdays and Thursdays are set aside for
4-5 hours. I also maintain a list of roughly 50–60 ongoing calls and meetings; Saturdays are set out for spontaneity; and
subjects, problems, difficulties, and obligations for the company Sundays are set aside for planning.
that I need to address. They range from “plan out next year’s
product roadmap” to “contact X customer.”
Jack Dorsey-co founder and CEO of Twitter and
I often rise at five in the morning. I usually meditate and go for
DHARMESH SHAH a run just after waking up. I either take an icy bath or relax in
The majority of the time, I go to bed between 1:30 and 2 a.m. my barrel sauna to complete my morning regimen.
Unless I’m in the middle of some intense coding, in which case I
occasionally push it till 3am. I seldom wake up to an alarm. My I typically take a long walk to work around 7:30 a.m. I choose
body wakes me up when it wants to. I typically sleep for 7 to to walk for an hour and a half to the office rather than take the
7.25 hours per night. I function below average if I sleep about commute so that I may either listen to a podcast or just ponder.
6.5 hours. If I’ve been asleep for about six hours, I become
non-functional. Due to my sleep pattern, I rarely arrange early Dorsey may start concentrating fully on his task around 9 a.m.
meetings unless they are really necessary. I typically don’t jump He often eats his single meal of the day, supper, about 6:30
out of bed when I wake up. Not because I’m sleepy, but rather p.m.
because I enjoy lying down and *thinking*. It’s one of the rare
times of the day when I have nothing else to do. The second Dorsey organises his days around a theme while still in charge
benefit of doing this is that as I get out of bed, I can simply and of two separate businesses to keep his otherwise hectic
swiftly write down my thoughts (because they were just in my
schedule under control.

Sanket Mehta

Ganesh Nikam

The American author Ann Wigmore has asserted, “The food you TCS: Please introduce our readers to your company
eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine and its inception story.
or the slowest form of poison.” Whatever we intake in form of Sanket: Nutrifresh has created and developed high-end
standards that get accepted across the globe, and we as
food must be clean and fresh. In the present times, people have
a company export fresh produce to Singapore and the
become more conscious about their health and overall well-being. UAE, which makes us a global brand in agro producers.
That is one of the major reasons, the health and nutrition sector The complete 10 Acre setup of Hydroponic of the
is booming with every passing day. Corporate Connect team has company is based on IoT and is automated and precise.
been well-known for featuring numerous business ventures that We do nutrigation dosing and RO pumping from a single
location that is strategically located. Currently, Nutrifresh
are s in the domain of the health and nutrition sector. And here
has reached out to 15000+ households in Mumbai and
again, we got a marvelous opportunity to have an interesting and Pune and is on a spree of expansion. Currently, Nutrifresh
joyful session with the leadership team of Nutrifresh, a leading is running in 3 Modes of Sales – B2C (Farm to Direct
name in the business world engaged in facilitating clean and fresh Consumers), B2B (Farm to other Small Farm Growers or
agro products to people. The Co-founder and CEO of the company, Aggregators), and Modern Trade. Also, the Consumers
can directly order fresh veggies from Company’s
Sanket Mehta shared numerous unknown facts about the company
Proprietary owned Website & App itself. It is also one
and the respective realm. He also spilled a plethora of valuable of the leading Vendors for Swiggy Instamart, Zomato
nuggets for the upcoming business enthusiasts. We truly hope Hyper pure, Big Basket, Nature’s Basket, KissanKonnect,
and desire that this fascinating read will surely add some value to Groffers, Amazon Fresh, Reliance Fresh, and McDonald’s.
the lives of our global readers and will inspire them to break their Every household in Tier I, II & III cities utilizes Fresh and
Hygienic Produce at one or the other point of time. Due to
barriers and chase their dreams.

its Controlled Environment and Precision Farming, dependency
on monsoon is substantially reduced. Due to staggered and
controlled production, demand and supply of the product can
be controlled and regulated. Prices and availability of the
vegetables will be consistent throughout. Therefore, Hydroponics
Farming has dual benefits for customers as well as farmers side.
As far as the potential of Hydroponic fruits and vegetables is
concerned, we are still ahead of the time. However, the day
is not far when people will understand the importance of fresh
and nutritious food in their daily lives. Due to the high set up
cost in Hydroponic farming, the cost of Produce is still high.
At Nutrifresh, there is the minimum or no hand touching of the
vegetables, and once packed at the farm, these veggies are
opened at the consumer’s place only.

Moreover, if we talk about the journey, TCS: When we talk about the differentiating factors, what are the
Nutrifresh was launched with the idea elements that separate you from your competitors?
to provide healthy, pesticide free, and Sanket: At Nutrifresh Hydroponic farm, we use a controlled atmosphere with
residue rree rood products to various the help of polyhouses and insect net. We use RO purified water and most
consumers on a large scale. The best importantly soilless farming. The entire supply chain from farm to fork is less
thing available in the market was organic than 24 hours and minimal or no touch. The entire post harvest practices
produce. The deeper knowledge of is done by Nutrifresh team, and it is not outsourced. Due to these reasons,
organic produce leads us to believe that Nutrifresh has been able to achieve superior quality and freshness. Besides,
is the produce Organic? And that’s when Hydroponic farming will also help in establishing regular and steady income
we came across Hydroponic Farming. for farmers. These types of cultivations help in upscaling per unit production
It is more controlled, Precised, and up to 10 times, utilize 90% less water, and the entire production is pesticide
traceable. Not to mention, unsolicited free. Nutrifresh makes use of nutrient-rich water, which is RO purified to help
consultants make the project seem far plants grow to enable entire produce to be freshly harvested and delivered
than viable. However, with economics to households within 24 hours of its harvest. The entire produce is harvested,
of scale, healthy, fresh, and nutrient-rich sorted, and packed at a world-class facility at India’s state-of-the-art and
exotic fruits and vegetables will be within biggest hydroponic project and shipped to Mumbai and Pune.
everybody’s reach.

To date, Nutrifresh has been able

to serve only 0.0002% of the entire
population of Mumbai and Pune. Our
10 Acre facility is only able to satisfy
0.001% of the entire population
of Mumbai/Pune. Out of the total
Hydrophonic Produce sold in Mumbai
/ Pune, Nutrifresh has a market share
of only 15%. Nutrifresh would like to
expand itself in the current location
and serve Mumbai / Pune dual city.
We would like to expand ourselves to
200+ Acres of Polyhouse in terms of
growing and occupying up to 60% of
the Market Share. With 200+ Acres
of Controlled Environment Growing
and Hydroponically Grown Produce,
we will be able to serve 10% of the
Population of Mumbai / Pune. Post
this, we will target various dual cities
across India.


ranchises have become a popular business model in recent years, as they offer owners many benefits that other
businesses simply do not. Franchises are typically stable, with a proven system that can be replicated easily. Additionally,
franchisees can often expect to make a high income from their business, and the cost of starting a franchise is often
much lower than starting your own business from scratch. There are many reasons why owning a franchise business
might be right for you. In this article, we explore some of the benefits of owning a franchise and why it could be a good
option for you.
If you’re interested in owning your own business, there are a few
reasons to consider franchising.
First, franchising gives you access to an established business model.
This means that you can rely on the existing infrastructure and customer
base of the franchise brand. This is a big advantage if you’re not
familiar with the business or if you don’t have the resources to start
and grow a business from scratch. Second, franchising can help you
save money on start-up costs. This is because most franchise businesses
have already invested in infrastructure like marketing campaigns and
customer support systems. You don’t have to research and invest in
these same resources yourself. Finally, franchising can give you a lot of
freedom to run your business the way you want. You can choose which
products and services to offer, how much inventory to stock, and how
4. You Benefit from Existing Brand
many employees to hire. This gives you more control over your own Awareness
destiny than if you were starting a traditional business from scratch. When you own a franchise business, you can
benefit from the already built-in brand awareness
of the franchise. One of the biggest benefits of
2. You Have Flexibility & Security
owning a franchise business is the exposure that
If you’re looking for a flexible and secure business opportunity, a
you get from the existing brand awareness. This
franchise might be the right choice for you.Franchises offer a lot of
exposure can include television commercials,
flexibility. You can open your own franchise or join an existing franchise.
online advertisements, and even word-of-mouth
You also have the option to buy a franchise or lease one. This gives you
plenty of options for how you want to run your business.
This exposure can help to boost your business in
When you own a franchise, you have security. You’re not alone in
several ways. For example, it can help to attract
running your business. There are people behind the scenes who are
new customers. It can also help to increase sales
committed to helping you succeed. Franchise businesses have many
revenue. And it can even help to improve your
years of experience behind them, which gives you confidence that
reputation in the industry. Owning a franchise
you’re making the right decision. If you’re interested in becoming a
business is a great way to gain access to all of
franchise owner, be sure to research different franchises before making
these benefits.
a decision. There are many best franchises out there waiting for
someone like you.
5. You can scale and grow more
3. You Can Be Trained in Operational Logistics successfully.
Franchising offers many benefits for business owners, including Franchising offers great potential for growth.
operational logistics training. Franchising is a great way to own a With careful planning and execution,
business without having to start from scratch. You can be trained in the franchising can enable you to reach new heights
operational logistics of your chosen franchise business. This training and achieve incredible success. There are many
will help you to run your business more effectively and efficiently. successful franchise businesses out there, so
there is no reason why yours cannot be one of
Operational logistics training can also help you to improve your them.
marketing skills. You will learn how to set up and manage a franchised
business, as well as how to market it successfully. 6. Franchises offer a high degree of
customer service
Owning a franchise business is a great way to gain experience in Franchises also offer better customer service.
the industry that you choose. This knowledge can later be put to use Because franchises are tightly controlled, they
when you start your own business. Franchising offers many benefits, are usually able to provide better customer
including operational logistics training. If you are interested in joining service than independent businesses. This means
a franchise, be sure to talk to your local franchise organisation about that customers will usually be happy with the
their training programs. service they receive from a franchise business.

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An Expedition From Plinth to Paramount

CEO, Bisleri International Pvt. Ltd.

Recently, Bisleri has been recognized by The Economic

Times as one of the most Iconic Brands of India’, for 2020.
In this masterpiece, Mr Angelo George, the CEO of Bisleri
International talks about a paradigm shift in consumer
behaviour during the lockdown and how Bisleri overcame the
challenges with a touch of innovation.


The initial stage of the lockdown was quite challenging as
processes related to operating permissions for factories,
people and movement of finished goods were being put into
place. It was a time that tested the resilience of our supply
chain, distribution network and our ability to adapt and
respond dynamically to constraints that were evolving almost

We worked closely with all stakeholders to sustain

production and distribution despite limitations regulated

erving the nation for the last 51 years, Bisleri, by the Government for the pandemic. In many states, the
one of India’s most trusted brands have become Government officials helped facilitate permissions considering
a generic name in the mineral water segment. that we were classified under essential services.
Not many are aware that Bisleri has Italian origins.
The company was started by Signor Felice Bisleri and In spite of all the challenges, we assured safe mineral water
was then acquired by Parle, founded by the late Mr to the consumers across all markets. Our sales team took
Jayantilal Chauhan, in 1969. Mr Ramesh J. Chauhan, collective action by taking appropriate safety measures and
Chairman and Managing Director, Bisleri International delivered Bisleri mineral water to the doorsteps of consumers.
Pvt. Ltd. saw the potential in the mineral water segment
and started expanding its operations substantially. The hygiene and safety norms at our manufacturing units
Today, Bisleri has a strong presence with 125 were always in place. Our production and packaging are
operational plants and a distribution network of 4,500 completely contactless and our mineral water goes through
distributors across India. Bisleri, time and again stands 10 Step Quality Process & 114 tests to ensure that every
true to its promise of providing safe, pure and healthy consumer receives the same pure, safe and healthy drinking
mineral water to consumers for the last 51 years. water.

Amidst Covid-19 situation, we have added further safety procedures at our manufacturing facilities including ozone tunnels for disin-
fecting employees. All distribution vehicles are washed externally with soap & sprayed internally with IPA to sanitize after each trip. We
have provided protective gear to delivery teams including Gloves, Masks and Sanitizers and have instituted processes to ensure safety for
themselves and consumers and trade.

and address constraints to access drinks Limonata, Spyci and Fonzo.

essential needs. Now placing Fonzo is a bubbly mango drink that
any order for the shoppers is just offers ‘mango ki mithas’ with ‘fizz
a few clicks away. They can also ki masti’. Limonata, a limey minty
avail of a 5 per cent discount cooler is a mixture of lime and
by opting for subscriptions for mint that makes one feel refreshed
weekly and monthly supplies. The instantly. Spyci is an amalgamation
products will be delivered by an of masaledar Indian spices like
Also, the Bisleri Charitable Trust
authorized supplier following all the clove, cinnamon and nutmeg with a
has been working with the Ozone
safety protocols. Our e-commerce fizzy madness.
Forum of India to treat patients
platform accepts both online &
with Ozone therapy. Our in-house
COD payments. All the orders are Our fizzy fruit drinks will also be
doctors have been constantly
delivered within 24 hours to the a great enabler in the upcoming
inducing minor auto-haemotherapy
consumers. spring and summer seasons, as
- Vitamin supplements and Ozone
they are carbonated but uniquely
therapy to our employees so that
A VISION FOR FUTURE BISLERI created with fruits, to be refreshing
they have adequate immunity to
At Bisleri we are responsible and yet healthy at parties and
operate fearlessly braving the
pragmatic about addressing the celebrations. These drinks are a
challenge of recycling plastic. Bisleri novel offering that appeals to the
has launched an initiative called younger audience who are looking
‘Bottles for change across 7 cities. at a healthier alternative.
Think beyond the limits and lead the
The program is about educating
way with a purpose. If you want to
people that used plastic is valuable ENTERING A NEW CATEGORY OF
go beyond limiting thoughts, you
and can be recycled, and it can HEALTH AND HYGIENE
need to release yourself from the
be directly sent to recycling plants Bisleri has made its entry to a new
fear of the new and unfamiliar.
rather than going into landfills. segment by introducing “Hand
Purifiers” in the market at the core
Bottles for change program works of which lies our value of safety,
with NGOs and housing societies purity and hygiene. This purifier
The pandemic has changed the
educating people to clean and has various refreshing fragrances
way consumers shop essential
segregate plastic which is then like ‘Hello Sunshine’ with a citrus
products. At Bisleri, we focus on
collected by our agents from the aroma, ‘By the Bay’ that gives you
building innovative techniques with
doorsteps of consumers and take a fresh cologne and ‘Lovely’ with a
evolving consumer needs in order
to the recycling plants. Most of floral element. The Hand Purifiers
to ensure an uninterrupted supply of
them don’t know that recycled can be used on surfaces, hands and
essential products to the consumers.
plastics are used for making shoes body. It can kill 99.99% of germs
Bisleri announced its ecommerce
and T-shirts and many other useful and bacteria and is available in
launch www.shop.bisleri.com. We
products. The cleaner plastics get a pack sizes of 100 ml and 200 ml.
have shifted the focus on our digital
better income for our associates and One can flaunt this purifier as a
platforms. Bisleri is now connecting
the operational profits are used to personal lifestyle accessory due to
consumers across digital platforms
improve the lives of ragpickers. its attractive packaging, ease of
and also facilitating supplies even
carrying and high mobility. The gel
in locations with access restrictions.
Our vision is to spread this program versions will soon be launched in
to more cities in the country and get the market.
We are strengthening our direct-
greater value from used plastic by
to-consumer servicing capabilities
preventing it from going into dump
where a consumer can easily
yards. We are working closely with
access a range of Bisleri products
Govt bodies and NGOs to enhance
and subscribe to get hassle-
the scope of the program.
free uninterrupted supplies. The
company’s e-commerce platform is
a significant step that will further
the company’s vision to provide
Bisleri has introduced fizzy fruit
safe and healthy mineral water



enefits of regular exercises are well known. It not only strengthens your muscles and bones but also
enhances your cardiovascular health, lowers stress, sharpens your memory, and encourages sound sleep.
However, as frustrating as it may be to hear, working out at the gym alone is insufficient. It’s crucial that
you exercise properly if you want to get the full range of health advantages. In this article, we discuss the most
typical training errors that might be impeding your fitness objectives.

1. WRONG TECHNIQUE your training schedule even if they batteries - that sleep “facilitates
Many people sign up for a gym may be more difficult because they muscle growth and recuperation
membership and immediately are much better for your body. and helps keep the hormones that
begin exercising without receiving govern appetite in check—so your
any instruction on good technique. 3. NO VARIETY IN EXERCISES efforts in the gym are not undone
When coupled with bad technique, Exercise variety is another important by poor food choices.” According
muscular imbalances brought on by aspect of working out. Make sure to Crewe- a fitness trainer,
poor posture at your desk, carrying there is a lot of variety during the getting enough sleep is crucial for
a large bag on one shoulder, or week when you build up an exercise practically every element of health,
trying to make up for a weakness schedule. By designating certain including boosting your immune
following an accident can all put days to various muscle groups, system, memory consolidation,
you at risk of being hurt. Working many people may easily plan their mood improvement, and learning
out alone without any supervision is workouts. By doing so, you can give and learning retention. So, make an
not the right approach. your muscles the proper amount of effort to get enough rest each night.
rest between days. Variety in your
Use the proper approach if you workouts will ensure that you aren’t 6. LONG BREAK BETWEEN SETS
wish to benefit from exercising. It’s skipping any muscle areas, and The gym may be a very distracting
recommended spending money trying out new exercises will keep place, especially if you have your
on a few sessions with a personal things interesting. phone with you. Take too many
trainer to acquire the correct breaks during your training, which
technique for your gym exercises 4. NOT DOING WARM-UP is a further typical workout error you
if you’re new to the gym or if it’s A pre-workout warm-up reduces undoubtedly make. Your goal when
been a while since you had any the chance of injury, gets your body exercising should be to maintain
instruction. and mind ready for the workout a high heart rate. When you are
ahead, and gets your heart and in between sets throughout your
2. AVOIDING LEG DAY lungs ready for physical exertion. workout, try to keep breaks under
When it comes to ignoring When you warm up properly, your 90 seconds.
particular body parts, missing leg body’s temperature rises, increasing
day is one of the worst blunders blood flow, which benefits your 7. YOU ARE NOT FOLLOWING ANY
you can do. The typical images that muscles and general health. As a PLAN
come to mind when people think result, circulation is enhanced, and A training schedule is also essential
of the gym are bench presses and muscles are more elastic, which can if you want to guarantee that you
curls. But if there’s one exercise in increase range of motion. Speed, achieve your objectives. There
your programme you must perform strength, and endurance may all be are several fitness apps available
on leg day, it’s squats. improved by all of these factors. to assist you create a workout
regimen that works every muscle
Many individuals are unaware of 5. NOT GETTING ENOUGH SLEEP group and will enable you to
the fact that a leg day will help you Make sure you get at least six to achieve the results you want. It will
establish a strong foundation in eight hours of good sleep if you be considerably more difficult to
your lower body so you may focus want to perform at your best, achieve an efficient and dependable
on developing your upper body. advises Samuel – a health coach. exercise if you don’t have a strategy.
Make sure to include leg days in In addition to recharging your

One common myth regarding exercise is that it may Dress appropriately whether you exercise with
compensate for a bad diet. This is not at all the case. In yoga, barre, kickboxing, or any other type
reality, your food will have a much greater influence on your of exercise. You shouldn’t let your clothing
objectives than exercise, but you still want to do both. You selections limit your ability to move freely and
should be mindful of what you are putting into your body do activities like running, jumping, dancing,
since a balanced, nutritious diet will also make your workouts pushing, and pulling. In order to get the most
much more pleasurable. out of your workout, make sure you are dressed


Your performance might suffer significantly if
you are dehydrated. Your body experiences
stress when you exercise because your core
temperature increases above average. By being
properly hydrated, you can lubricate your joints
and lower inflammation while avoiding stress.
Additionally, fluids aid in the transportation
of vital energy nutrients, enhancing the
effectiveness of your workout. Also, clear away
metabolic waste created throughout a rigorous
workout. So, consume a lot of water
and meals high in it such as
cucumber, strawberries,
tomato, orange,
sprouts and

In the end, avoid above

workout mistakes and
start tracking your workout
progress to improve your
performance and stay
motivated. Keep a log,
listen to your body and take
measurements of your body
parts like biceps, thighs and


Delivering innovation and relevance at its best

Making integrity and innovation as its foremost motto, Shows. The health benefits of the products are aligned
Healux International Pvt. Ltd. has carved its way in the with sustainable methods of energy saving. Now the
Cookware industry to make a difference for the common question is - how do they ensure a steadfast reach to
people. Corporate Connect team sat down for a virtual their end-consumers? Their product portfolio is promoted
coffee session with the phenomenal Founder and Leader by the Healux Consultants who conduct the Healthy
of the Company - David Stanley, Managing Director who Cooking Shows across the Country in prospective
enlightened us on the company’s vision, mission, culture, Customer homes. These shows feature healthy & tasty
future outlooks and much more! food recipes, time and fuel-saving cooking techniques,
unique kitchen tools while ensuring a friendly, positive
Healux has pioneered a unique concept in India and healthy ecosystem to each and every guest. Lately,
where its exclusive range of “Best in Class” Cookware, their outstanding approach to ensure maximum reach via
Kitchenware, Healthcare & Homecare products are 16 Region focused Facebook Good Food Club Groups
sold by sheer demonstration through Healthy Cooking has been helping them to stay ahead of the game.

Healux wants to offer a healthier tomorrow with its innovative and effective products.


The hectic lifestyle of today’s fast-forward society has negatively affected our health, leading to serious issues like Obesity,
Diabetes, Hypertension, Cardiac problems, etc. The need of the hour has become the major involvement of healthier yet
tastier food in our lives. In this direction, Healux International came into existence with the prime motive to create a positive
impact on the lives of the people. With its tagline, Cook Healthy, Eat Healthy and Live Healthy, the company invaded
the Cookware industry where their matchless quality and outstanding products effortlessly drew attention of the potential

to the respective to its focus on innovative products,
industry, he has Healux has developed the Fastest
been honored with Cooking ‘Pressure Cooker’ laced
several awards with foreign technology for enhanced
and recognitions. cooking experience. In this same
notion, several out-of-the-box products
C.P Pradeep is the have been created by them so far.
Regional Director-
the overall LEADERS
operations across The company nurtures the culture of
the entire Northern growth and professional development
region. His for its valued sales force, where the
customers. No doubt the demand of career trajectory management identifies and develops
their exclusive product has heightened is full of some successful operations future leaders. It ensures a ‘Leadership
in the past few years. Thereby, established by him in various mega Development Plan’ for every partner
the dynamic enterprise is about to corps. Bagging several awards to develop leaders within the
add an enhanced product range and accolades of national repute in organization. Apart from this, its
in the Kitchenware and Healthcare his favour, Pradeep has become a in-house training and development
segments. popular name in the direct selling department also helps them train the
business. potential leaders to sharpen their
ABOUT THE BRAINS BEHIND THE skills and improve their personalities.
COMPANY Gireesh Narayan is the Regional These handpicked leaders are
At present, David Stanley has been Director- West, supervising the offered a Diploma in Healux Sales
leading the organization as the operation all across the Western Management after completion of 6
Managing Director. He supervises the region. He became an integral part modules of training and are rewarded
nationwide business operations owing of team Healux in October 2015. with a Certificate, at a dazzling
to his years of extensive experience of Under his exclusive leadership, ‘Convocation Ceremony’.
building successful enterprises across many enterprises have witnessed
the country. Being an MBA with extraordinary sales profits and
specialization in Marketing, he has enhanced business value in the past. GLIMPSES OF THE ACHIEVEMENTS
been associated with some reputed
giants (like Eureka Forbes, ATCO,
Witnessing tremendous success,
WAVES OF CHANGE Healux has made exponential
AMC Cookware, Atlas Jewelry, etc.,) Drawing a bigger picture of healthier
at leading positions, where he had growth in a short period. From
future ahead, Healux has emerged as
significantly contributed to their major a preferred partner brand for every establishing 90+ nationwide
growth and success. smart home-maker! It constantly aspires branches in around 24 cities to
to ensure innovative and unparalleled crossing the figure of 1,20,000
In his outstanding management products to every woman while helping happy and satisfied customers,
performance in business operations her offer healthier ways of cooking to her the company has become a
across the country, four key leaders family. Be it quality assurance guarantee prominent leader in its targeted
play a pivotal role. Manoj K George of over 30 years for its Cookware or market. Moreover, its fortes have
is the Regional Director- South its dedicated efforts towards offering
1, handling the state operations
been well-acknowledged across
better career to women, Healux has the business fraternity, allowing
in Karnataka, Goa, Kerala and become a phenomenal brand with
Tamil Nadu. His twenty-five years Healux to be conferred with ‘Best
a difference. Major portions of the
of experience in Direct Selling & company’s workforce are women, New Brand, Product or Service
Traditional Retailing Industries, who are absolutely dependent on it for Launch Award’ by Times Network
has made him a name with good their bread and butter. In this context, in 2018.
reputation in the relevant domain. David Stanley quotes that they are
delighted that its business operation Furthermore, its major contribution
T.K.S Prasad is the Regional Director has transformed the lives of people in towards empowering the women
- South 2, manages the operations in need of employment (specially women). has allowed them to be venerated
Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Orissa Undoubtedly, the company’s core
and Chennai. His expertise in sales
with ‘The Best Organization for
values ensure women empowerment in Women Empowerment’ at Great
performance has allowed him to the best possible manner.
become a business leader of national Indian Woman Leadership awards
Moreover, innovation is something
as well as international repute in direct that has offered them with a leading organized by the UBS forums.
sales. For his behemoth contribution edge in the respective market. Owing


The future of Education comes up with a massive

transformation of technology and digitization
playing the most important role in our lives.
To cope up with the future of education, it is important to bring learners up to the rapidity with the changing
demands of the current trends in the education sector. This has become an ultimate goal for every educator and in
order to achieve this, the educators are doing everything possible in their hand.

Adaptation of curriculum and traditional classrooms modified to inculcate technology into daily routines, without
disrupting student’s comfort at every stage of their learning.

However, with the focus diverted completely towards making students more new generation-savvy, the most
important question that arises is that, Are teachers also adapting to the new skills?

With students getting updated with time, teachers

should too focus on upgrading their teaching skills and
practices. Teachers should focus on keeping themselves a
step ahead of their students. Nowadays, with technology
being easily accessible to everyone, students are able
to learn things more than what is taught in schools or
educational institutes.

Teachers are understanding this and are trying to up-

skill themselves to cope with the new generation and to
provide students with the right kind of education. At the
same time, schools and educational institutes should take
care of keeping teachers up to date with various new-age
teaching techniques.

Teachers should adopt the system. In order to get a more amazing way. Teachers must
necessary skills that are required to well-round practical education be given proper guidance on
impart the right kind of education for students, ICT helps teachers to understanding the psychology of
to the new generation of learners. modify the study material bringing students.
in more real-world concepts to the
Teachers should be provided with classroom. Coping up with innovation and
access to the latest tools: customization
An introduction to modern In the era of customization, teachers
Today, the education system has technologies are trying out new things that are
the latest tool that has silently been Teaching is a profession where necessary for academics to deliver
impacting our daily lives as well as development and learning along lessons that are aligned to the
the teaching world. Access to ICT with continuous training are an goals, needs, and interest of the
(Information and Communication integral part. Teachers are getting learners. Focus on innovation and
Technologies) is the trend and introduced to modern technologies customization should be encouraged
need of the hour in the education and they are utilizing it in an and observed.

No matter what generation we live in,
the value of teachers cannot be replaced.
The role of an educator cannot be
replaced by any technology or robot.
Instead, teachers can re-skill themselves
with the need for new trends. With
smart technology coming forward in the
education sector, a drastic change has
occurred in teaching methods as well.

In the Post-COVID world, the education

sector has abruptly shifted to virtual
and socially distant learning that has
challenged the traditional way of
learning. In order to cope up with the
new normal world, re-skilling needs to be
adapted, because that is the only way to
deal with the changes and to survive this

India’s First Reinsurance Broking Company Empowered By
Seven Decades Of Legacy In The Realm


Managing Director

“Sky is never the limit; everything that lies beyond the

sky is yours — THE FUTURE!”
Through this read, we are introducing our global readers to the tale of one
such impressive organisation, which has its foundation on the legacy of
excellence and experience in leadership — the J.B.BODA GROUP.

Our editorial team had an interesting session with the MD of the company,
Mr. Rohit Atul Boda, who prides on calling himself a BROKERPRENEUR
— a term he has derived by combining the traits of a ‘Broker’ and an
‘Entrepreneur’. He also shed some light on his entrepreneurial journey so
far that is worth the read. We truly hope and desire that this fascinating read will add some extra value to the lives of our global readership
panel and will encourage every mind out there to break their barriers and chase their dreams.

Conceptualised in the year 1943 by Late Chairman Mr. Rohit says, “We call ourselves a ’79-Year-Old Start-
Jagmohandas Bhagwandas Boda and Late Mr. Dhiraj up’. With the change in the pace of the insurance
Bhagwandas Boda, J.B.BODA GROUP is one of the industry and the dominance of technology, the
leading organisations in the business realm that was J.B.BODA GROUP has geared up and has been
initially inclined to provide Reinsurance Broking services. In
keeping up since then. Our organisation has
those days, Reinsurance Broking was unheard of in India.
experienced three phases of the Indian Insurance
The painstaking professionalism, unimpeachable standards
of conduct, customer-centred business management, and Industry viz. Pre-nationalization, Post-nationalization
reputation for fair dealing enabled the Group to develop & Post-liberalization. Keeping these evolutions in
an organisation of respectable size from a relatively modest mind, the J.B.BODA GROUP has maintained its base
beginning. They pioneered Reinsurance Broking in India, culture of ethics, transparency, and integrity while
and at present, the J.B.BODA GROUP is the oldest and adapting to the external changes time and again.
largest Reinsurance Broking house in India, Asia, Africa, Today, we are an Indian Multinational organisation
Middle-East, and other emerging countries while being taking the ‘Indian Brand’ global along with a
the first Indian Multinational Insurance and Reinsurance presence spread across the country.”
Broking House operating for over seven decades.
Apart from insurance and reinsurance broking, the
Group is also engaged in the services of the marine
and non-marine survey, protection & indemnity
(P&I) correspondence, and actuarial valuation work
providing these services through separately capitalised
companies. Beyond the traditional insurance segments
like Fire, Engineering, and Marine insurance, the Group
has expertise in the niche segments of insurances like
Micro and Agriculture, Aviation, Financial Lines, Life &
Health, Renewable Energy, and Bancassurance, Trade
Credit, Extended Warranty, Financial Lines.

There is a focus on exploring the Insurtech space

through partnerships with the right stakeholders and
investments. Expert brokers also assist companies with
the risk transfer mechanism in the space of ESG and
climate change through the right insurance products
developed in this arena.


Our editorial team asked Mr. Boda to highlight some
of the battling phases of the global pandemic. Giving
us a brief of the same, the brokerpreneur affirms, “Life
is back to normal, but the whole world soaked into the
digital way, during the pandemic. Though the balance
sheets took a hit, the economies didn’t stop growing
even at a sluggish pace. During the pandemic, the
whole world functioned through the screen. This has
opened doors for many new opportunities and ways of
doing work.”

He further clarifies, “I truly believe that uncertainties are a part of any organisation and
industry. Constant innovations, (re)strategizing, and thinking ahead of time keep us floating.”


“My fitness journey started with descending figures from 105 kgs to 80 kgs, which continues till date. The thought of
spreading fitness in society by providing the finest fitness arena was how the whole idea was conceptualised. Fitness
being one of my deepest passions, I founded ‘Squat Up’ in 2017. A fitness centre with top-notch equipment, nutrition
counselling, and an all-certified staff in a 10,000 sq. ft. arena. The ultimate goal is to change lifestyles and inject
‘health’ into your 24 hours routine,” says fitness fanatic, Rohit Atul Boda.

Maven as he is, Rohit says, “Amid a raging global pandemic, I co-founded Alpha edge Consultants in 2021, a new-
age Blockchain & a Cryptocurrency consultancy firm that offers Digital Asset Related solutions. The long-term plan
is to envision the integrated use of Blockchain solutions in the insurance and reinsurance fraternity on claims and
underwriting. The consulting firm also works in the space of NFTs and Web 3.0.”

“Portraying opportunities in the Indian economy, I started RB VENTURES in 2022, a personal fund that will be investing
across diversified fields like technology, start-ups, and MSMEs. The idea is to invest in the new age and futuristic
organisations as an equity investor as well as contribute towards their growth through my entrepreneurship acumen.”-
Rohit; a Venture Plutocrat.


enco Gold Limited (SGL) was incorporated in August 1994 as
a private limited company and was reconstituted as a public
limited company in 2007. However, Senco as a brand is more
than 85 years, with its journey in Dhaka Bangladesh and then
Calcutta ,India. The company manufactures and retails plain and
studded gold jewellery along with diamond, platinum, silver and
fashion jewellery. Senco is the largest organized jewellery retail player in SUVANKAR SEN
the eastern region of India, with more than 112 stores across India and 74
stores across the East – a total area of approximately 275, 000 sq. ft., in
72 cities and towns. A majority of its revenue is derived from the
sale of light-weight gold jewellery products. It offers a large
variety of designs of handcrafted jewellery, most of which
are designed in-house by a team of designers in close
collaboration with skilled local artisans or craftsmen
(generally termed Karigars). While a majority of its
showrooms, selling products under the ‘Senco Gold
& Diamonds’, tradenames, are Company Operated
Showrooms, it also markets its products through
Franchised Showrooms allowing for an asset-light model
aimed at minimising its capital expenditure.

The eight decades long track-record evokes

consumers’ trust in its products. From
its oldest operational showroom
located in the Bowbazar area of
Kolkata, where we have been
present, through Senco Jewellery
Museum (a family-run proprietary
concern), for over seven decades,
it has strategically expanded its
presence to 14 states across India.
The journey has been conferred
with several prestigious awards
like ‘Best Capital Management’
award by Business India
publication in 2015; ‘Iconic Brand
of India’ award by Economic
Times in 2016-17; the ‘Gems of
India’ award by All India Gems
and Jewellery Federation in
2015-16; the ‘Leading Retailer
of India’ by UBM in 2016 and
2014, and the list goes on. Its
diverse jewellery collection is
further adorned by an attractive
price range (approximately
Rs. 500 to approximately Rs.
500,000), so as to maximize its
potential customer base.
DIFFERENTIATED FOCUS ON LIGHT, sales. It alsocapitalises on ‘Akshay
AFFORDABLE JEWELLERY INTENDED Tritiya’ or new years of various
Moreover, Senco Gold has established states such as West Bengal, Odisha
AND YOUNGER GENERATION a valuable presence in the digital and Maharashtra to promote sales.
Senco Gold’s wide range of offerings space. The surging use of Internet in Furthermore, it provides promotional
caters to diverse customer segments offers during local and regional
particularly, the middle class and India and continued development of festivals such as ‘RathYatra’,
younger generation. Accordingly, online channels help it in increasing ‘Ganesh Chaturthi’, ‘Teej’, ‘Bihu’
the light and affordable jewellery and ‘Durga Puja’, amongst others, in
start at approximately Rs. 5,000. It
customer reach and sales through order to achieve higher than normal
has developed two specific ranges/ the digital channel with relatively sales during these festivals. During
brands to target these demographics. low investments.“Our strategy is the wedding season, its marketing
Its Everlite collection of lightweight campaigns are envisioned with its
gold and diamond jewellery varies to increase our business through lightweight gold jewellery. With
from Rs. 3,000 to Rs. 50,000 and the digital platform and leverage its Everlite and Gossip collections,
is targeted at the ‘middle class’. it aims to cater to the younger
Next, the Gossip collection caters
our manufacturing capability on generation and the ‘Middleclass’
to the silver and costume jewellery creation of an asset-light sales of India. The brand has appointed
needs of its younger customers. The channel thereby offering a seamless eminent Bollywood icon Vidya
fast-moving, fashionable and easy-to- Balan and Prince of Calcutta Sourav
wear jewellery gives our customers combination of both offline and Ganguly, as brand ambassadors to
freedom to change their jewellery online buying choice for customers”, enhance brand presence and market
with varying clothes preferences its products.
on different occasions. The Gossip
remarks Suvankar Sen (CEO and ED
collection is made of sterling silver of Senco Gold). Its online platform NAVIGATING THROUGH PANDEMIC
or base metal with precious and consists of more than jewellery During the lockdown period,
semi-precious stones. The ‘ Vivaah’ jewellery industry went through
collection focuses on the exclusive products – gold coins for a varied multiple challenges. At one end,
Wedding collection for the bride range of customers. The brand the product – being discretionary
across the various cultures and spending and not a necessity –
geographies. ‘Aham’ is the jewellery
has also started selling its products was not a preferred buy during
for the stylish and confident man of through various e-commerce the initial phases. However, once
today. ‘Perfect love’ is the diamond aggregators. The online approach the unlock phase happened,
solitaire brand that is made with the rising price of gold as a
the best cut rarest of rare diamonds helps in extending to geographies commodity brought about a lot of
,1% of all diamonds mined and cut beyond the reach of Showrooms and confidence and a positive attitude
, to provide the best of quality and towards the category. It adopted
products to customers .
Franchise Showrooms. an innovation and human -first
strategy as part of the new normal
Senco’s focus on design and and embraced various technology-
Senco Gold invests in Premium grade
innovation, with the ability to led initiatives to connect with its
marketing approaches to improve
recognize consumer preferences customers. Jewellery shopping was
brand recall and increase footfalls
and market trends, the intricacy managed through video calling
in its showrooms. Hailing from the
and e-commerce platforms for a
of designs and the quality and “City of Joy”, its marketing schemes
smoother customer experience,
finish of products are its key addresses the city’s heritage and
the introduction of E-catalogues
strengths. The wide range and vary as per occasion, season and
and Virtual trial rooms were
variety of products demonstrate the needs of our customers and are
some of the innovations brought
tailored to befit occasions such as
its ability to recognise trends in. It tried to ensure corporate
weddings, anniversaries, birthdays,
in the jewellery industry, and social responsibility, take care of
Valentine’s Day, amongst others,
access to a wide range of community and support the human
when people customarily buy
skilled local Karigars from West resources of the company. With the
jewellery. ‘Diwali’ and ‘Dhanteras’
Bengal allows to offer a diverse full positive mindset, the company
are two of the biggest jewellery
product range, catering to moved forward with faith in God
buying festivals, during which
and human efforts of team.
changing consumer demands. season it generally records high

May Help Fight
Alzheimer’s is one of the most devastating diseases in the world, mainly
because it’s so difficult to treat its signs. This is why researchers have
been exploring every possible avenue for a cure. And an exciting study
published in Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry has found that
strawberries may be able to fight Alzheimer’s.

ccording to research on the bioactive strawberry
compound pelargonidin, there may be fewer
neurofibrillary tau tangles in the brain. One of the
distinguishing features of Alzheimer’s disease is tau
tangles. According to a study, including strawberries in your
cereal, salad, or smoothie may help shield your brain from
Alzheimer’s disease. Researchers from RUSH University in the
US discovered that pelargonidin, a bioactive substance in
strawberries, may be linked to fewer neurofibrillary tau tangles in
the brain.

48 48
One of the defining features of Alzheimer’s Clare Morris, PhD, a nutritional epidemiologist at
disease, which is brought on by abnormal Rush University, and her colleagues. The risk of
alterations with tau proteins that build up in the cardiovascular diseases including hypertension,
brain, is tau tangles. According to Julie Schneider, heart attacks, and stroke has been proven to be
associate professor and neuropathologist with lower with both diets. The two older diets also
the RUSH Alzheimer’s Disease Centre and offer defence against dementia, according to some
study author, “We suspect the anti-inflammatory studies.
properties of pelargonidin may decrease overall
neuroinflammation, which may reduce cytokine According to Morris, the MIND diet is also simpler
production.” Cells generate cytokines, which to follow than, for example, the Mediterranean diet,
are proteins that regulate various inflammatory which advises eating fish three to four times a week
responses. Alzheimer’s pathology, including along with three to four portions of each fruit and
plaques and tangles, has been linked to vegetable.
inflammation in the brain. The evidence suggests
that pelargonidin may prevent Alzheimer’s WHAT IS AND IS NOT GOOD FOR
pathology from developing in the aging brain. YOUR BRAIN?
OF PELARGONIDIN ARE STRAWBERRIES categories, 10 of which are classified as
Puja Agarwal, Assistant Professor of Internal “brain-healthy food groups”: leafy green
Medicine at RUSH and RADC nutritional veggies, various veggies, Nuts, Berries,
epidemiologist, said that while pelargonidin should Beans, whole grains, Fish, Poultry, Almond
be further investigated for its potential to support
brain health in older adults, this study offers a oil, Wine
straightforward dietary modification that anyone
can implement. These are the five harmful groups:
Margarine sticks and butter Pastries,
THE JOURNAL OF ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE cheese, and dessert Fast or fried food red
The team examined data from 575 descendants, meat
whose average age at death was 91.3 years
and who provided complete dietary information The MIND diet includes a glass of wine
during the follow-up and brain autopsies. The most each day along with at least three servings
important genetic risk factor gene for Alzheimer’s of healthy grains, a salad, and one other
disease, APOE 4, was found in 120 participants
and was not present in 452 non-carriers. The APOE vegetable. Additionally, it entails having
4 gene is linked to Alzheimer’s disease. While nuts as a snack almost every day, eating
we did not observe the same effect in individuals beans around every other day, eating
carrying the gene, this may have been because of chicken and berries at least twice a week,
the smaller sample size of those carrying the gene and eating fish at least once a week. To
in this study, according to Agarwal.
truly have a chance of preventing the
Further research is required to understand the role catastrophic effects of Alzheimer’s, dieters
of nutrition in Alzheimer’s Disease, but this study must restrict their consumption of the
gives us hope on how specific dietary components specified dangerous items, particularly
like berries may help brain health. The study was butter (less than 1 tablespoon per day),
observational and did not prove a direct causal
relationship. cheese, and fried or fast food (less than a
serving per week for any of the three).
According to a paper published online on March
19 in the journal Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The
Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association, a recent
study shows that the MIND diet reduced the risk
of Alzheimer’s by as much as 53% in participants
who adhered to the diet religiously and by
approximately 35% in participants who did so only
moderately well. The MIND diet, a combination of
the Mediterranean and DASH (Dietary Approaches
to Stop Hypertension) diets, was created by Martha
Lauriko Private Limited
Producing A Diverse Portfolio Of Lauric Enhanced
Products To Help Meet Your Nutrition Needs

Having a clear understand-

ing of the financial model,
aiming properly & big,
supported by structure and
systems would make the
startup journey easier and

asserted Lavanya Sunkari –

Founder & CEO.

lobal demand for laurik has
increased exponentially in
the past few years with the
adoption of laurik acid in
beauty and grooming products. Lauriko
Private Limited - a pioneer in the sector –
is striving to catch up with this pace.

One year ago, Lavanya Sunkari

responded to the call of potential and
untapped market business of Lauric
enhanced Coconut products for Health
and Beauty and took the foundation of
Lauriko Private Limited in Hyderabad.
Here, the world’s 1st Lauric lauric-
enhanced solution ever created after
extensive research of 24 months by top
scientists to help millennials focus, Skin,
hair, Collagen and Sleep problems.

Lavanya Sunkari Lauric acid is only available in mother

milk and coconut on this planet in proper
Founder & CEO compound structure. As previously
mentioned, Lauriko is the only company in
the world to use this miraculous substance
as the foundation for all its products.

EXCELLENT GUIDANCE been conducted that support this “R&D is what makes Laurik exist.
Lavanya Sunkari – Founder & CEO claim. We invested 24 months in the
Lavanya Sunkari, the brain behind research and development of our
the brand, produces 14+ years of Over the past ten years, I have 8 patent-pending formulations.
experience from MNCin Marketing, developed a deep interest in We set out to create a clean label
Strategy building &Execution. She nutrition and learned much about it. brand and line of products that are
is spearheading Lauriko with her You name the Nutrition-related book 100% natural and have no adverse
insightful wealth of knowledge, I must have read before, but I never effects. Our products passed 400
skills and expertise and travels the considered beginning a project in rigorous tests for contaminants
extra mile to help people. that area. and evaluated negatively for
heavy metals, pesticides, and
ARCHANA CHINDAM – CO- During my veganism, I came across preservatives.”
FOUNDER & COO Lauric as an element that is only
A serial Food and Agritech available in Coconut & Mother OVERCOMING THE HICCUPS ON
entrepreneur with experience Milk,which raised my curiosity to THE WAY
and insight, enthusiastic about a peak. I studied more research Fortunately, Lavanya and her
improving health through better papers to understand how the Lauric colleagues have been collaborating
nutrition, Archana has a career component works in the body. After with scientists to perfect their
spanning over 18 years in discovering that supplements can formulations over the past two
manufacturing and supply chain cause liver damage, I decided years, so the break from the hustle
exports and imports. to focus my efforts on finding allowed them to focus more on the
accessories that do not include this effectiveness and flavour of the final
The D2C segment involves both Miracle ingredient LAURIC (which product.
leading ladies; in addition to is 1st introduced to us through our
having an excellent product, it mother milk for our immune system) LAURIKO TEAM – THE DRIVING
benefits from marketing and a FORCE
supply chain. Lavanya, who has After that decision, history was The Lauriko team is made up of
a background in marketing, and made. We were choosing the ideal startup enthusiasts who are eager
Archana, who has an experience formulation and a manufacturer. to learn new things, meet tougher
in supply chain management, We started looking for producers deadlines, and be innovative in
complement the business operations but decided to create our formula all facets of their job. They are
by putting procedures in place. because no product focuses on initiative-taking, committed, and
Lauric as an element, neither in goal-oriented people who are
LAVANYA’S ROLLER-COASTER RIDE India nor anywhere else in the always eager to go above and
I started working for an Ireland globe. Produced 24 formulations beyond for their clients.
company as the Marketing Head with the assistance of 4 food
when I was 22 years old. After a scientists and submitted eight LAURIKO’S ACHIEVEMENTS &
year, I have a child. Furthermore, formulations for patent protection. OUTLOOK
I was 26 years old when I was Lauriko enjoys its share of
appointed to a general manager EVOLUTIONARY DEVELOPMENTS achievements, including the
position in a Fortune 500 IN THE MARKET clean label certification for its
business. In 2012, I found my The customer had progressed formulations from the US. Recently,
life’s purpose and decided to in terms of what they apply or it has been awarded Nutraceutical
pursue entrepreneurship. At that consume, unlike a few years ago brand of the year by India Nutrition
point, even my mother told me I when solutions for skin, hair, and 2022.
was unemployed. Yep, that was a gastrointestinal issues were only
dramatic line.but not more dramatic synthetic and chemically processed. At present, Lauriko is focused on
than the numbers I am going to More natural, unprocessed, and catering to millennials’ day-to-day
share now. chemical-free items are becoming problems for this financial year.
their preferences. More and However, they started the R&D
Indians typically live to be 69 years more individuals are switching to process to cater more for preventive
old or older, but 50% of millennials healthier lifestyles, especially now healthcare for millennials and the
experience liver failure when they that the epidemic is out of control, 50+ age group. In the next three
are between the ages of 40 and creating a vast market opportunity years, the company aims to support
60 because of taking supplements for companies. at least 1 million Millennials to
for issues with their hair, skin, choose suitable for their Skin, Hair,
focus, and sleep daily (accessories LAVANYA’S OPINION ON THE Focus and Sleep problems without
that are synthetic and chemically SIGNIFICANCE OF RESEARCH spoiling their other organs.
processed). Numerous research has AND DEVELOPMENT



BOAT Someone said, “we travel not to

escape life, but for life not to escape

VACATIONS us. And how true is that! Traveling

makes us feel free and clear the
clutter of mundane life. It refreshes

IN INDIA holistically, it enriches with stories

and real-life experiences.
The travelling enjoyment gets doubled when you are on a boat or a cruise
sailing smoothly on water. Here, for that reason, we have jotted down a list
of amazing destinations to enjoy cruise and boat vacations in India.


On the Arabian Sea, Goa provides a number of splendid and popular cruise rides. One of the most admired cruises
in Goa is catamaran cruising. You may have an exhilarating 4-hour trip on the banana-shaped catamarans. There
are some other yachts like Fair Line Diamond, Majesty 44, Ciao Bella, and others. Catamarans are just one type of
vessel. Island cruises, private party cruises, sunset cruises, and other unique cruises are available in Goa.


Kerala is one of India’s most stunning locations which is filled with lush natural bounty and sight. They seem to
have been pulled straight out of a storybook. A boat cruise is a fantastic way to discover and experience Kerala
because of the region’s pleasant atmosphere and pleasant views of the countryside. The cruises take guests on an
ethereal joyride as they sail through the backwaters’ canals, bringing them near to the region’s untamed, beautiful
landscapes, magnificent rural life, and calm, cool environment, far from the hectic pace of the city.
The Chilika Lake Cruise offers a fantastic opportunity to see a wide range of migratory birds, from local ducks
to several kinds of cranes. Visitors who stop at Rajahamsa Beach can see dolphins as well. The cost of the
tickets is negotiable and not set in stone. A family can be comfortably accommodated on one of the cruise’s
motorised boats.


The Andaman Islands are well-known for their amazing views of the sea, the beach, and the surrounding
vegetation. The islands have drawn hundreds of visitors not just for their captivating scenery but also for their
incredible activities. People really like going on an Andaman Islands Glass Bottom Cruise when they are there.
In particular, the tour allows you to take a ride on a glass-bottom boat so that you can see the incredible corals
and aquatic life. Your little child will really enjoy this particular cruise experience if you are taking him or her


If you enjoy travelling and being in the lap of nature, consider taking a cruise ship excursion through the
biggest delta’s dense mangrove forests and twisting waterways in India. The Sunderban Cruise provides
amazing vistas of the tiger reserve’s majestic grandeur and a kaleidoscope of cultural variety. A Sunderban
Boat trip is pure riverside delight.


Experience the historical beauty of the Indian countryside by taking a cruise excursion on the Ganges between
Kolkata and Farakka. The journey through the little towns and villages is dotted with monuments, and the
voyage envelops you in a historical and cultural enchantment. For you and your family, we bet it will be an
incredible trip.

Do you feel like taking a sailboat out on the sea’s glistening waves and being carried by the breeze? One
of the most popular beach cruise locations in India, Kochi, is where you should go. Kochi provides a wide
selection of cruises to choose from depending on your duration and budget thanks to the ideal weather it
experiences virtually the whole year. Also, there are traditional Indian treats available on board this voyage.

Between the well-known Brahmaputra and Dibru rivers, to the east of Assam, lies the lovely landscape of
grasslands and marsh waters known as Dibru Saikhowa. A beautiful and active area of the planet, it is well
known for its wild horses, migrating birds, a variety of orchids, and Gangetic River Dolphins.You experience
these fantastic vistas while enjoying a river cruise, which offers exquisite luxury and pleasant entertainment
on board. The trip is a calm and peaceful joyride that gives you plenty of time to enjoy the scenery and
ambiance. It’s a fantastic vacation spot, especially for fmilies and couples.


Mangalore is quickly becoming a major tourist attraction in the nation. It is also quite well known for its cruise
rides. The famed weekend getaway on the calm banks of the Phalguni River has virtually been a dream come
true for the locals. A wonderful experience is provided to tourists on the cruise, which departs from New
Mangalore Port. There are many luxurious features, amenities, and entertainment options on the voyage. One
may enjoy tiny bites of food while dancing to their favourite Bollywood songs on the lower deck, which can
be considered both a restaurant and amusement area.


You travel to India on this cruise for an opulent 12-night royal holiday. Your voyage begins in New Delhi and
ends in Kolkata, passing through the sacred Ganges’ historical sites. The Oberoi Hotels in New Delhi, Agra,
and Jaipur will host travellers for 6 nights on this land-and-water journey while they spend the remaining 7
nights aboard the ship. It is a unique experience in India and provides total delight to those who enjoy being
pampered throughout their journey.

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Thousands of Golden Lancehead Vipers reside on Ilha da Queimada, also known
as Snake Island, which is located off the coast of Brazil. One of the world’s most
poisonous snakes is abundant here. On average, according to researchers, there
are five snakes per square metre on the island.
Let’s take a glimpse of
these places.

02 03


06 07
Dumas Beach, which is situated along the Arabian Sea, is regarded as one of Death Valley is the hottest spot on
Gujarat’s most spooky locations. The beach is well-known for both having black earth; Furnace Creek has recorded
sand and for being haunted. Dumas Beach is supposed to be haunted by a 134 °F temps. Many persons who
number of persistently frightening spirits since it was previously a Hindu burial were irresponsible enough to go off the
place. roadways have died as a result of the
severe heat. Rattlesnakes are still another
2. ETHIOPIA’S DANAKIL DESERT danger, as if the heat weren’t bad
Due to the extreme heat, the Danakil Desert, which sits on the border between enough. Death Valley is nevertheless a
Ethiopia and Eritrea, is also dangerous. The Danakil Desert will still become well-liked tourist destination despite its
scorching, albeit not quite as hot as Death Valley (131 °F). Geothermal activity hazardous nature. If you do find yourself
in the area, which also causes lakes of acid and toxic gases, is partially to in Death Valley, stay on the roads and
blame for the high temperatures in the area. Although the desert is a well-liked bring lots of water to stay hydrated and
tourist area, it is advised that travellers always remain with guides. prevent heat exhaustion.
5. THE SWALLOW’S NEST, Heng, temples have been built into 8. CHILE’S VILLARRICA
UKRAINE the slopes of a cliff that is regarded VOLCANO
The Swallow’s Nest, also known as as an architectural marvel. The A little amount of risk always exists
confusing system of corridors only while visiting an active volcano.
the Love Nest, is one of the strange heightens the adrenaline-pumping
remains of Imperial Russia and is Just ask the visitors who had just
excitement of the perilous tourist ascended the Chilean volcano
extremely well-known in Ukraine. The destination. It would be enjoyable to Villarrica in 2017 when it started
beautiful fortress of The Swallow’s complete a successful visit here. erupting lava and fire. You may still
Nest, perched on the cliff edge of the go since the eruption was minor and
Gaspra with the turquoise Crimean 7. DEATH ROAD IN THE NORTH no one was wounded. One of the
Sea below, is interesting and even YUNGAS ROAD most extreme travel experiences in
has fascinating facts. One such This winding road in the Amazon the world is the chance to bungee
information that we’d like to share jungle is known as the “Death Road” jump from a helicopter into the
with you is the fact that the castle for a very clear reason. Because volcano’s crater, which is provided
built in 1911 even withstood an of the extreme weather conditions by an adventure firm for anyone
that impact accessibility, the North looking to get up close and personal
earthquake! with Villarrica.
Yungas Road, often known as Death
Road, is an extremely difficult and
6. HANGING TEMPLE, CHINA risky site to explore. About 300 9. SKELETON COAST, NAMIBIA
There are numerous interesting drivers are known to have perished The Skeleton Coast stretches from
spots to visit in China. The Hanging there due to the area’s convoluted
Temple, however, is one dangerous Namibia’s north to Angola’s south.
routes, heavy fog, waterfalls,
tourist attraction that could fascinate landslides, and cliff-jumping hazards It extends from the Swakop River
and catch your attention. In the up until 1994. Risky and perhaps (in the south) to the Kunene River.
Shanxi Province, close to Mount fatal are the hairpin corners. The skeleton coast is among the
“deadliest locations on earth” due
to its extreme environment and
incredibly slim possibility of survival.
It is challenging for tourists to visit
this quiet location because of the
temperature, the scorching winds,
and the scarcity of food and drink.


You might not have Mount Everest
04 05 on your travel wish list, but every
year, some 1,200 people attempt
to climb the world’s largest peak.
According to the New York
Times, only about half of those
10 who do it really succeed, and
some will die in the process. As
of mid-2018, there have been
close to 300 confirmed deaths on
08 09 Mount Everest, including five that
happened in the first quarter of
2018. On Everest, fatalities can
result from a variety of conditions,
such as falls and other health
issues to subfreezing weather
and high altitude. Going to these
other, more isolated locations on
Earth would definitely be a better


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