Kler 2012
Kler 2012
Kler 2012
DOI 10.1007/s00466-012-0712-z
Abstract Electrophoresis is the motion of charged particles To demonstrate the effectiveness of the stabilized formula-
relative to the surrounding liquid under the influence of an tion, we present test computations with 1D, 2D, and 3D elec-
external electric field. This electrochemical transport process trophoretic transport problems of technological interest.
is used in many scientific and technological areas to separate
chemical species. Modeling and simulation of electropho- Keywords Electrophoresis · Fluid mechanics · Electro-
retic transport enables a better understanding of the physi- chemical transport · Finite element computation · SUPG
cochemical processes developed during the electrophoretic stabilization · Discontinuity capturing
separations and the optimization of various parameters of
the electrophoresis devices and their performance. Electro-
phoretic transport is a multiphysics and multiscale problem. 1 Introduction
Mass transport, fluid mechanics, electric problems, and their
interactions have to be solved in domains with length scales Electrophoresis is a chemical transport process where
ranging from nanometers to centimeters. We use a finite charged particles move relative to the surrounding liquid
element method for the computations. Without proper numer- under the influence of an externally applied electric field.
ical stabilization, computation of coupled fluid mechanics, The magnitude of the relative velocity depends on the elec-
electrophoretic transport, and electric problems would suffer trophoretic mobility of charged molecules. Electrophoretic
from spurious oscillations that are related to the high values mobility is an outcome of the balance between electric and
of the local Péclet and Reynolds numbers and the nonzero hydrodynamic friction forces, the latter being due to the vis-
divergence of the migration field. To overcome these com- cosity of the surrounding solution.
putational challenges, we propose a stabilized finite element The most common applications of electrophoresis are
method based on the Streamline-Upwind/Petrov-Galerkin separation processes. They are based on the separation of
(SUPG) formulation and discontinuity-capturing techniques. molecules due to differences in electrophoretic mobility of
ions under an external electric field applied at the ends
P. A. Kler (B) of capillary tubes, microchannels, or microchambers [39].
Central Division of Analytical Chemistry, Forschungszentrum
Jülich, Wilhelm-Johnen-Str, 52428 Jülich, Germany
Electrophoretic separations comprise a group of different
e-mail: p.kler@fz-juelich.de techniques, such as capillary zone electrophoresis, isoelec-
tric focusing, isotachophoresis, free-flow electrophoresis,
L. D. Dalcin · R. R. Paz and capillary electrochromatography [38,64], which are
Centro Internacional de Métodos Computacionales en Ingeniería
Instituto de Desarrollo Tecnológico para la Industria Química,
extensively used in chemical and biochemical analysis in
Universidad Nacional del Litoral—Consejo Nacional many scientific areas, such as genetics, molecular biology,
de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Colectora pharmacology, and environment monitoring.
RN 168 Km 472, S3000GLN Santa Fe, Argentina Foundations of electrophoretic separations are in the
T. E. Tezduyar
electrokinetic phenomena that develop when electrolyte
Mechanical Engineering, Rice University, MS 321, 6100 Main Street, solutions interact with charged surfaces. Generally, most sub-
Houston, TX 77005, USA stances will acquire a surface electric charge when brought
Comput Mech
into contact with an aqueous (polar) medium. The effect of and Albrecht et al. [1], using 2D domains and flux corrected
any charged surface (solid walls or molecules in the solution) transport method.
in an electrolyte solution will be to influence the distribu- Numerical simulation of electrophoretic separations in
tion of nearby ions in the solution. Ions of opposite charge microfluidic chips represents a computationally challeng-
to that surface (counterions) are attracted towards the sur- ing problem. The large differences between the length scales
face while ions of like charge (coions) are repelled from involved and the multiphysics nature of the problem lead to
the surface, leading to the formation of an electric double numerical difficulties, such as multiple nonlinear problems,
layer (EDL) [28]. The EDL is a region close to the charged excessive number of degrees of freedom, and global matrices
surface where there exists an excess of counterions over ill-conditioned because of the high aspect ratios [29]. There-
coions to neutralize the surface charge. When an external fore, implementations for parallel computing and advanced
electric field is applied in the axial direction of a channel, preconditioning techniques are imperative to achieving accu-
as in the case of electrophoretic separation, the electrical rate numerical results with low computation times. Tsai
forces acting on unbalanced ions drag the surrounding liquid, et al. [63] presented a 2D parallel finite volume algorithm
and electroosmotic flow (EOF) and electrophoresis develop. to solve EOF in L-shaped microchannels. Chau et al. [11]
Consequently, when modeling electrophoretic transport, it reported 3D parallel computation of electrophoretic pro-
is necessary to include the EDL and EOF to have a com- cesses for free-flow electrophoresis using a finite difference
prehensive approach. This comprehensive approach has to method. Kler et al. [31,32] presented finite element simula-
include the different effects present in the electrophoretic tions for electroosmotic flow, capillary zone electrophoresis,
transport, such as diffusion, advection, and reaction, as in isoelectric focusing, and 2D electrophoresis in 3D complex
the classical transport equation. Moreover, transport due to domains.
electric forces must also be considered. This effect is known It is well known that when solving advection-dominated
as migration. transport problems, numerical stabilization techniques are
Modeling and simulation of electrophoretic separation is needed to avoid spurious oscillations in the solution [8,27].
valuable because it can provide a better understanding of the Generally, these undesirable effects are related to the high
fundamentals of the physical and chemical processes stud- values of the nondimensional numbers representing the ratio
ied. Also, simulation would help with optimizing the device of the advection to diffusion, such as the local Péclet and
designs and operation parameters, reducing the risk of spend- Reynolds numbers. Also, in electrophoretic transport prob-
ing time or money on flawed devices or potentially dangerous lems the strong coupling between the fluid and electric
experiments. problems generates a nonzero-divergence advection field
Early mathematical models of electrophoresis were devel- due to the migration. When the migration field acts on a
oped by Saville et al. [43]. These 1D models are valid nonuniform concentration field, it generally results in high
for monovalent analytes in a stagnant electrolyte solution, gradients or even discontinuities in the concentration of dif-
without EOF. More complex models of conventional elec- ferent ions. This requires additional stabilization in the form
trophoresis were later reported in [5,22,62]. These models of discontinuity-capturing (DC) techniques. In addition, a
are useful for capillary electrophoresis where the system “pressure stabilization” is needed in finite element computa-
is inherently 1D due to the uniform section of the capil- tion of incompressible flows with equal-order interpolation
lary and the high aspect ratio. These kind of models can functions for velocity and pressure.
be simulated by using 1D finite differences as is the case One of the most popular stabilized finite element for-
in the cited papers. Finite element formulations for electro- mulations for flow and transport problems is the Stream-
phoretic transport and 2D computations were presented by line-Upwind/Petrov-Galerkin (SUPG) formulation. It was
Ganjoo and Tezduyar [19] and Ganjoo et al. [20]. That work introduced for advection–diffusion problems and incom-
targeted capillary and free-flow electrophoresis assuming a pressible flows in [8] and for compressible flows in [27].
given velocity field. In the case of electrophoretic separation The Pressure-Stabilizing/Petrov-Galerkin (PSPG) was intro-
developed in microfluidic chips, there exist multiple channels duced in [48,53]. An earlier version of the pressure stabil-
with different sections; such systems require more complex ization, for the Stokes flow, was introduced in [25]. The
domains. Such simulations started with the work of Patan- space–time SUPG/PSPG formulations, as different versions
kar and Hu [37] and Ermakov et al. [18], using 2D finite of the Deforming-Spatial-Domain/Stabilized Space–Time
element models. Chatterjee [10] developed a 3D finite vol- (DSD/SST) method, were introduced in [47–49,51,52,58].
ume model to study several applications in microfluidics, Supplementing the SUPG formulation with DC and
including isoelectric focusing. Recently, Barz [3] developed shock-capturing techniques goes almost as far back as the
a fully coupled model for electrokinetic flow and migration development of the SUPG formulation. Use of such addi-
in microfluidic devices employing a 2D finite element model. tional stabilization in the context of advection–diffusion
Other examples of related work are those of Shim et al. [45] problems and compressible flows was reported in [24,26,55].
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The additional stabilization techniques introduced in [55] tational acceleration, E is the electric field strength, T =
included the “DRD” stabilization for advection–diffusion– − pI + μ(∇u + ∇uT ) is the stress tensor, and μ is the vis-
reaction problems with dominant reaction terms. The original cosity. The last term on the right hand side of Eq. (1) is the
DRD stabilization and its newer versions were used exten- contribution of the electrical forces to the momentum bal-
sively in flow and transport problems with dominant reac- ance, where ρel = F j z j c j is the electric charge density
tion or reaction-like terms (see [12–16,35,36,55,56]). Other of the electrolyte solution, obtained as the summation over
DC and shock-capturing techniques introduced in conjunc- all j-type ions, with valence z j and concentration c j , and F
tion with the SUPG formulation include the Discontinuity- is the Faraday constant. Equation (2) is the incompressibility
Capturing Directional Dissipation (DCDD) [49] and Y Zβ constraint.
shock-capturing [50,59], which were also used extensively
(see [4,40–42,59–61]). 2.2 Electric field
In the stabilized finite element formulations, an embed-
ded stabilization parameter, which is known as “τ ”, plays Charge distribution in an electrolyte solution with solvent
an important role. This stabilization parameter involves a permittivity is related to the electric field E as
measure of the local length scale (also known as “element
length”) and other parameters such as the local Reynolds ∇ · E = ρel , (3)
and Courant numbers. Various element lengths and τ s were
where the electric field is obtained from the associated elec-
proposed starting with those in [8] and [27], followed by
tric potential Φ as
the one introduced in [55]. Various new τ definitions were
proposed in recent years, including those with a second, dif- E = −∇Φ. (4)
fusive element length scale [49], those based on the element-
level matrices [54], and those based on the element-level Modeling electrophoresis problems requires special con-
vectors [54], which address the difficulties reported at small sideration for the electric field since it involves different
time step sizes (see [23,54]). contributions in the flow domain, and because it is strongly
The SUPG formulations for the electrophoretic separa- influenced by the presence of nonuniform electrolyte con-
tion process were reported by Ganjoo and Tezduyar [19] and centrations. Here, a wall-fitted coordinate system (η, ξ1 ,ξ2 ) is
Ganjoo et al. [20]. Those studies did not have a DC term in used, where η is the coordinate normal to the solid boundary,
the stabilized formulation, and the flow field was assumed while ξ1 and ξ2 are the two orthogonal coordinates tangent
to be given. Here we present a stabilized formulation for the to the wall. The first contribution to the electric field comes
coupled fluid mechanics and electrochemical transport prob- from the presence of electrostatic charges at the solid–liquid
lem. The stabilization consists of the SUPG formulation, with interfaces. The interfacial charge has an associated electric
suitable τ definitions, and a DC term that is closely related potential ψ that decreases steeply in the η-direction due to
to the DCDD terms proposed in [49,57,59,60]. the screening produced by counterions and other electrolyte
ions in the solution. The value of ψ at the interface [39]
depends on the wall–solution interactions and it is known as
the electrokinetic potential ζ [7]. There is also a potential φ
2 Governing equations
in the flow domain, which arises when a potential difference
φ is externally applied to drive the electrophoresis and/or
The mathematical model for electrophoretic transport
induce EOF. As the channel walls are supposed be perfectly
includes the fluid dynamics, electric field, mass transport,
insulating, there are no components of the applied electric
chemical reactions, and the coupling of all these.
field normal to the wall. So that, near the walls, φ varies only
in the ξ1 –ξ2 plane and the total electric potential Φ can be
2.1 Flow field written as
In the framework of continuum fluid mechanics, fluid veloc- Φ(η, ξ1 , ξ2 ) = ψ(η) + φ(ξ1 , ξ2 ). (5)
ity u and pressure p are governed by the Navier–Stokes equa-
This superposition is valid if the applied electric field is small
tions of incompressible flows [33,39]:
compared to the EDL electric field, as often happens in prac-
∂u tice. Introducing the electric potential into Eq. (3) leads to
ρ + u · ∇u = ∇ · T + ρg + ρel E, (1) the following equation for the electric potential referred in
∇ · u = 0. (2) the wall-fitted coordinate system:
∂ 2ψ ∂ 2φ
Equation (1) represents the conservation of momentum for ρel
+ =− . (6)
a Newtonian fluid, where ρ is the density, g is the gravi- ∂η 2 ∂ξi2
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The second term on the left hand side of Eq. (6) is non- Here Ω j is the ionic mobility. The terms in parenthesis in
zero in electrophoresis problems because the concentration Eq. (9) represent the electric current density i, which accounts
gradients in the fluid induce variations on ∂ξi
inside the chan- for the ion fluxes due to flow advection, electrical forces, and
nel. However, ∂2φ
are several orders of magnitude smaller diffusion. We note that Eq. (9) reduces to ∇ 2 φ = 0 (i.e., the
∂ξi2 Laplace’s equation for the applied potential), which has his-
than ∂η2
(see also [17,34,46]), which allows splitting the torically been used for electric potential calculations, only
computation of the electric field into two parts as explained if the electrolyte concentration and mobility are perfectly
below. uniform and stagnant.
According to the previous analysis, the EDL potential is gov- The mass transport of weakly concentrated sample molecules
erned by and buffer electrolyte components can be modeled by a lin-
∂ 2ψ ρel ear superposition of the migrative, advective, and diffusive
=− . (7) transport mechanisms, plus a source term due to the chemi-
∂η 2
cal reactions. In a non-stationary mode, the concentration of
Nevertheless, computational requirements are very large each j-type species is governed by [39]
when an entire electrophoretic device is modeled. In that
sense, we simplify the computation of the EOF by intro- ∂c j
+ ∇ · (−z j Ω j ∇φc j + uc j − D j ∇c j ) − r j = 0, (11)
ducing the so-called thin EDL approximation [6,9], where ∂t
the EOF is regarded as an electrically induced slip velocity
where r j is the reaction term. Different electrolytes (acids,
(electroosmotic velocity, ueo ) in the direction of the applied
bases, and ampholytes), analytes, and particularly the hydro-
electric field. This velocity is determined by the Helmholtz–
gen ion have to be considered. In electrolyte chemistry the
Smoluchowski equation:
processes of association and dissociation are much faster than
ζ E the transport processes, hence, adopting chemical equilib-
ueo = − . (8)
μ rium constants to model the reactions of weak electrolytes
is a suitable approximation [2]. The strong electrolytes are
This approximation also implies that ρel ≈ 0 in the fluid
considered as completely dissociated. Expressions for r j in
outside the EDL, meaning that the last term on the right-
modeling the different reactive phenomena and their approx-
hand side of Eq. (1) is negligible, i.e. ρel E ≈ 0. Thus, the
imations require a detailed explanation that exceeds the scope
electroosmotic velocity is included in the fluid problem as
of the present work. Some of the most common expressions
a boundary condition, reducing significantly the computa-
are presented in the Appendix, and a more complete descrip-
tional demand. The simplification is appropriate considering
tion can be found in [30].
that ψ(η) decreases to zero within 1–10 nm from the wall,
while the cross-sectional channel or capillary dimensions are
typically 20–200 µm.
3 Finite element formulation
2.2.2 Bulk fluid
In this section we first present the finite element formula-
Based on the considerations above, the electric potential φ tions for the fluid mechanics, charge conservation, and mass
has to be computed using the charge conservation equation transport. Following that, the coupling of these equations is
in steady state [39]: described.
⎛ ⎞
3.1 Navier–Stokes equations of incompressible flows
∇ · ⎝−σ ∇φ − F z j D j ∇c j + ρel u⎠ = 0, (9)
We use the SUPG/PSPG formulation [48,53] of Eqs. (1) and
where D j is the diffusion coefficient for the species j, N (2). Considering a computational domain Ω with boundary
is the number of different species present in the electrolyte Γ divided into n el finite elements Ω e , e = 1, . . . , n el , E is
solution, and σ is the electrical conductivity: the set of those elements and H 1h is the finite-dimensional
space defined as
σ =F z j 2Ω j c j . (10)
H 1h = θ h |θ h ∈ C 0 (Ω), θ h |Ω e ∈ P 1 , ∀Ω e ∈ E , (12)
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with P 1 representing the first-degree polynomials. The func- 3.2 Electric problem
tion spaces for the trial and test functions are defined as
For the finite element formulation of Eq. (9), the function
Suh = { uh |uh ∈ (H 1h )n sd , uh =D
˙ on ΓD }, spaces for the trial and test functions are defined as
Vuh = { wh |wh ∈ (H 1h )n sd , wh =0
˙ on ΓD },
Sφh = { φ h |φ h ∈ H 1h , φ h =ϕ
˙ h on Γϕ },
S hp = { q|q ∈ H 1h }, (13)
Vφh = { v h |v h ∈ H 1h , v h =0
˙ on Γϕ }. (18)
where n sd is the number of space dimensions. It is assumed
that both Dirichlet- and Neumann-type boundary conditions It is assumed that only Dirichlet-type boundary condi-
could be imposed at different segments of the boundary Γ : tions are imposed at one or more segments Γϕ of the
boundary Γ :
uh = D on ΓD ,
φ = ϕ on Γϕ . (19)
n · Th = h on Γh , (14)
The Galerkin formulation of the problem can be written
where ΓD and Γh are the complementary subsets of Γ , and as follows: find φ h ∈ Sφh , such that ∀v h ∈ Vφh :
uh includes the electroosmotic velocity ueo , given by Eq. (8).
The SUPG/PSPG formulation is written as follows: find
uh ∈ Suh and p h ∈ S hp , such that ∀wh ∈ Vuh , ∀q h ∈ S hp : ∇v h · σ h ∇φ h dΩ
⎛ ⎞
wh · ρ + uh · ∇uh dΩ = ∇v h · ⎝−F z j D j ∇chj + ρelh uh ⎠ dΩ.
∂t (20)
Ω j=1
+ ∇wh : Th dΩ − wh · ρg + ρelh E dΩ
3.3 Mass transport problem
n el
+ τSUPG uh · ∇wh + τPSPG ∇q h For the finite element formulation of Eq. (11), the function
ρ spaces for the trial and test functions are defined as
e=1Ω e
∂uh S hj = { chj |chj ∈ H 1h , chj =C
˙ j on ΓC j },
· ρ +u · ∇u −∇ · T − ρg−ρel E dΩ
h h h h
V jh = { v h |v h ∈ H 1h , v h =0
˙ on ΓC j }. (21)
+ q ∇ · u dΩ =
h h
w · h dΓ
It is assumed that both Dirichlet- and Neumann-type bound-
Ω Γh
ary conditions could be imposed at different segments of the
The stabilization parameters in Eq. (15) are defined as boundary Γ :
− 1 chj = C j on ΓC j ,
1 1 1
τSUPG = τPSPG = + 2+ 2 , n · ∇chj = F j on Γ F j , (22)
τ12 τ2 τ3
h SUPG where ΓC j and Γ F j are the complementary subsets of Γ .
τ1 = ,
2||uh || The SUPG+DC formulation [49,57,59,60] for this prob-
tNS lem is given as follows: find chj ∈ S hj , such that ∀v h ∈ V jh :
τ2 = ,
h2 ∂chj
τ3 = ρ SUPG . (16) v h
+∇ · − z j Ω hj ∇φ h chj + uh chj dΩ
12μ ∂t
Here, tNS is the time step size and the element length h SUPG + ∇v h · D j ∇chj dΩ − v h r j dΩ
is defined [55] as
n −1
en nel
h SUPG = 2||uh || |uh · ∇ Na | , (17) + τSUPG j − z j Ω hj ∇φ h + uh · ∇v h
a=1 e=1Ω e
where n en the number of element nodes and Na is the inter- ∂c j
× +∇ · − z j Ω j ∇φ h chj +uh chj + D j ∇chj −r j dΩ
polation function associated with element node a. ∂t
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n el
in this work that the EDL length is considerably smaller than
+ νDC j ∇v h ∇chj dΩ = v h F jh dΓ. (23)
the channel width.1 Consequently, we can assume ρel ≈ 0
e=1Ω e ΓF j in the bulk fluid and the electric force term in Eq. (15) van-
We note that the SUPG stabilization involves the residuals ishes. The electric forces in the EDL are included in the fluid
of the governing equations, which include the second-order problem as a Dirichlet boundary condition modeled by the
term ∇ · (D j ∇chj ). In this case, for linear (triangular and tet- Helmholtz–Smoluchowski approximation for the slip veloc-
rahedral) elements, the term vanishes. For additional details, ity given by Eq. (8). To calculate this velocity, the updated
the reader is referred to [54]. In the case of the second-order electric potential (φ h ) is used.
term involving ∇ · (∇φ h ), the term is evaluated by treat- After that, the concentrations of all species (chj , for j =
ing (−z j Ω hj ∇φ h ) like a (non-incompressible) velocity field, 1 . . . N ) are updated simultaneously by solving Eq. (23),
using the updated potential (φ h ) and velocity (uh ). The equa-
where φ h comes from the solution of Eq. (20).
tions are advanced n M T steps using a smaller time step tMT :
The stabilization parameter τSUPGj for each j-species is
defined as tNS = n M T tMT , (28)
− 1
1 1 1 1
τSUPG j = + + + , where, at each step with tMT , linearly-interpolated values of
τ12j τ22 τ32j τ42j φ h and uh are used. The updated concentration field enables
h SUPG j the calculation of the new conductivity field using Eq. (10)
τ1 j = ,
2||−z j Ω hj ∇φ h + uh || and the start of a new cycle by updating the electric potential.
The process described above is carried out once for each step
τ2 = , with tNS .
The flow field is treated as quasi-steady because the char-
h 2SUPG j acteristic time scales for advection and diffusion are consid-
τ3 j = ,
12D j erably larger than the characteristic time scale for reaction.
1 For the same reason, the electric field is steady. Consequently,
τ4 j = . (24)
∇ · − z j Ω hj ∇φ h there exist two time steps that govern the solution of the com-
plete problem. In updating the flow field, the larger time step
Here, tMT is the time step size and the element length ( tNS ) is determined to achieve a maximum local Courant
h SUPG j for species j is defined [55] as number (CFL) close to 1.0:
h SUPG j = 2||−z j Ω hj ∇φ h + uh ||
n −1 ||−z j Ω hj ∇φ h + uh || tNS
CFL = max . (29)
e∈E , 1≤ j≤N h SUPG j
× | − z j Ω j ∇φ + u · ∇ Na |
h h h
. (25)
The smaller time step ( tMT ) used in updating the concen-
The DC parameter νDCj for species j is defined as tration fields is determined by the reaction coefficient that
2 models the fastest reaction.
h DC j ||∇c h ||h
j DC j
νDC j = ||−z j Ω hj ∇φ h + uh || , (26)
2 cref j
where cref j is a reference value for the concentration of the 4 Numerical examples
j-species, and
nen −1 The first numerical experiment is a 1D simulation of a
h DC j = 2||∇chj || |∇chj · ∇ Na | . (27) capillary electrophoresis assay, where we test different sta-
a=1 bilization parameters. Following that, a 2D application exam-
ple with several species and different advection fields acting
3.4 Coupling on the transported sample along different directions is pre-
sented. Finally a 3D test where the main flow is split and
Starting from an initial or previous state of all the fields (elec- recombined to obtain an efficient mixing of two buffer com-
tric potential, velocity, pressure, and the concentration of ponents is studied.
each species), the first unknown to be updated is the elec-
tric potential (φ h ), using Eq. (20) with the Dirichlet-type 1 For cases where the EDL length is comparable to the channel width,
boundary condition given in Eq. (19). Next, the new velocity
we compute the charge density by using the Poisson–Boltzmann equa-
(uh ) and pressure ( p h ) are computed by advancing Eq. (15) a tion and the fluid mechanics problem does include the electric force
single time step tNS . As mentioned in Sect. 2.2, we assume term; see [30,32] for more details.
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4.1 1D test: capillary electrophoresis this potential difference generates an electric field that exerts
electric forces on the samples, which enables the separation
In this first test we demonstrate the effects of using the SUPG due to the differences in effective mobilities. Due to the local
and DC stabilizations in advection-dominated problems, spe- values of pH, hydrochloric acid mobility is higher than the
cifically in separation by capillary electrophoresis (CE). In a tetraphenilborate one; and consequently the displacement of
CE assay, an electric potential difference is applied between hydrochloric acid is higher.
the ends of a microchannel to obtain a longitudinal electric Figure 2 shows the sample-concentration distributions at
field. This electric field exerts forces on the charged mol- two instants and the effect of the stabilization terms on these
ecules in the solution, resulting in different electrophoretic solutions. It is clear that the stabilization reduces the spurious
velocities and enabling the separation of the sample compo- oscillations in the numerical solutions.
nents. In this example, two acidic species (hydrochloric acid
and tetraphenilborate) are separated using a low-concentra-
tion buffer of tris(hydroxymethyl)-aminoetane (TRIS) and 4.2 2D test: free-flow electrophoresis
acetic acid. Physicochemical properties of the buffer and ana-
lytes are listed in Table 1. Initial conditions for the samples In this test we demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed
and buffer components are shown in Fig. 1a. Due to the rel- method in simulating electrophoretic transport with conju-
atively low concentration of the buffer components, samples gation of the flow advection field and migration field in var-
and their motion affect the local physicochemical properties iable directions. In this case the electrophoretic separation
of the electrolyte solution. This means that the local pres- process is simulated by using the free-flow electrophoresis
ence of the sample in a region of the capillary affects both (FFE) method.
the electric conductivity and the local acid–base equilibrium The FFE is a continuous technique for electrophoretic sep-
(i.e., the pH of the solution), as seen in Fig. 1a. The former aration. These methods provide bands across the separation
affects the local values of the electric field, and the latter alters chamber and thus a continuous supply of separated compo-
the effective mobility of the samples (see Eqs. (39) and (40)), nents at the exit of the chamber. In FFE, sample components
producing a strong dual coupling between the numerical solu- are injected into a liquid carrier with an electric field applied
tions of the electric field and the transport equations (Eqs. (9) perpendicular to the flow direction. Particles are deflected
and (11)). This can be inferred from Fig. 1b. To carry out from the flow streamlines at an angle arranged by the vector
the test, a 3000 V difference of electric potential is applied composition of the flow advection and the migration (deter-
between the end walls of a 5 cm long capillary, which is mined by the local sample mobility and the electric field
filled with the electrolytic solution. As mentioned earlier, strength). Sample components with different electrophoretic
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Fig. 2 Sample concentrations for the CE assay at t = 3 s and t = 6 s for different stabilization schemes. a Without stabilization, t = 3 s. b Without
stabilization, t = 6 s. c With SUPG, t = 3 s. d With SUPG, t = 6 s. e With SUPG+DC, t = 3 s. f With SUPG+DC, t = 6 s
mobilities have different deflections and can be collected sep- are shown in Fig. 3. The pressure field, velocity field, and the
arately at the end of the separation area. streamlines are shown in Fig. 4. The superposition of the
In this example, two aminoacids from a single flow are migration and advection effects with variable directions can
separated in two streams and redirected to two separate exit be inferred from the field lines in Fig. 3 and the streamlines
channels. Physicochemical properties of the analytes are in Fig. 4. The resulting motion of the substances will be the
listed in Table 2. superposition of these effects (plus the dispersion due to the
To develop the FFE, a 750 V electric potential difference diffusion), producing the separation of the aminoacids. Due
is applied at the outlets and the flow field is developed by to the differences in the degree of dissociation, the mobility
imposing a velocity of 1.0 cm/s at the inlet and zero pressure is negative for the aspartic acid and positive for the lysine,
at the outlets. The dimensions are 3.0 × 1.0 mm2 for the enabling the electrophoretic separation. As a result, the aspar-
chamber and 1.0 × 0.1 mm2 for the channels. Geometry of tic acid tends to move downwards to the positive potential
the FFE device, electric potential, electric field, and field lines region and enters the bottom channel, while lysine moves
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Fig. 5 Aspartic acid (left) and lysine (right) distributions at different instants. a t = 0.25 s. b t = 0.25 s. c t = 1.75 s. d t = 1.75 s. e t = 3.0 s.
f t = 3.0 s
Fig. 6 Aspartic acid (left) and lysine (right) distributions at different instants, without numerical stabilization. a t = 0.25 s. b t = 0.25 s.
c t = 1.75 s. d t = 1.75 s. e t = 3.0 s. f t = 3.0 s
Comput Mech
Fig. 9 Acetic acid, TRIS, and pH distributions at different instants for the pressure driven mixing. The pictures have been scaled by 0.2 in the
z-direction to enhance the visualization. a t = 1.0 s. b t = 1.0 s. c t = 1.0 s. d t = 3.0 s. e t = 3.0 s. f t = 3.0 s. g t = 7.0 s. h t = 7.0 s. i t = 7.0 s
Fig. 10 Acetic acid, TRIS, and pH distributions at different instants for the EOF driven mixing. The pictures have been scaled by 0.2 in the
z-direction to enhance the visualization. a t = 1.0 s. b t = 1.0 s. c t = 1.0 s. d t = 3.0 s. e t = 3.0 s. f t = 3.0 s. g t = 7.0 s. h t = 7.0 s. i t = 7.0 s
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Fig. 11 Acetic acid, TRIS, and pH distributions for a cross section at the outlet of the mixer. a Pressure driven. b EOF driven. c Pressure driven.
d EOF driven. e Pressure driven. f EOF driven
of pH (less than 0.7) compared to the EOF driven mixing velocity and the electric field have variable directions. The
(≈1.3). SUPG+DC formulation can effectively handle the combina-
tion of fluid and electric advection effects. The last example
helps us evaluate the mixing performance of a 3D microm-
5 Concluding remarks ixer under different flow conditions. The complexity of this
example demonstrate that the proposed formulation is suit-
We presented a stabilized finite element formulation for com- able for solving electrophoretic problems for a wide range of
puting coupled fluid mechanics and electrophoretic trans- applications.
port equations. The formulation is based on the SUPG and With the advent of more complex microfluidic devices,
DC methods developed for scalar and vector equations. We classical 1D models for electrophoresis is no longer suit-
proposed expressions for the stabilization and DC parame- able to represent both physicochemical phenomena and
ters τSUPG and νDC , accounting for the diffusion, advection, design characteristics. Consequently, more complex simu-
and reaction effects associated with the electrophoretic pro- lation frameworks are needed for design and optimization.
cesses. This work contributes to the enhancement of finite ele-
We presented some test computations and application ment simulations in the emerging technology of microfluidic
examples to asses the effectiveness of the formulation. chips.
The first example was a 1D capillary electrophoresis prob-
lem. The SUPG+DC formulation reduces substantially the Acknowledgements This work has received financial support from
spurious oscillations that are typically observed in solu- Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONI-
CET, Argentina, grant PIP 5271/05), Universidad Nacional del Litor-
tion of advection-dominated problems without stabilization. al (UNL, Argentina, grant CAI+D 2009 65/334 and 65/238), Agencia
The second example shows a typical application of free- Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica (ANPCyT, Argentina,
flow electrophoretic separation. In these problems, the fluid grants PICT 01141/2007, PICT 0270/2008, PICT-1506/2006).
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