Heavy Metals Contamination Level and Water Quality Parameter Conditions in Jatiluhur Reservoir, West Java, Indonesia

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BIOTROPIA Vol. 29 No. 1, 2022: 7 - 17 DOI: 10.11598/btb.2022.29.1.




Environmental Research Center, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Bogor 16680, Indonesia

Received 25 September 2020 / Accepted 3 July 2021


Waste pollution into the Citarum River, the main water source of Jatiluhur Reservoir, was dominated by the
manufacturing industry such as textile, chemical, metal and pharmaceutical. In general, the manufacturing
industry is the most common contributor to heavy metal waste, which will cause various health problems.
Therefore, it is essential to conduct studies on heavy metal contamination and water quality parameters
conditions in the Jatiluhur Reservoir. The study aimed to provide a reference regarding the current condition of
the heavy metal contamination level in both sediment and water of the Jatiluhur Reservoir, as well as to compare
the levels of other water quality parameters against the standard of environmental quality. Heavy metals contents,
such as Cu, Zn, Hg, Pb and Cd, were determined using X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) Spectrometry method (for
sediment) and Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS) method (for water). Water quality parameters were
analyzed by using methods developed by the Indonesian National Standard (SNI). The data obtained were
compared to the Canadian Sediment Quality Guidelines (for heavy metal in sediment) and water quality standards
from the Government of the Republic of Indonesia Regulation Number 82 of 2001 (Class 3) (for water quality
parameters). Based on this study, Jatiluhur Reservoir is divided into three zones i.e., the inlet area, main
inundation area and outlet area. Within the sedimentary layer, the mercury (Hg) was found to be accumulated
throughout the Jatiluhur Reservoir area, exceeding the maximum limit, while Cu accumulated in the inlet area,
exceeding the minimum limit. The other heavy metals (Zn, Pb and Cd) were found to be exceeding the minimum
limit at some locations, but more results were below the minimum limit. The high concentration of heavy metals
in the sediment was due to household and/or industrial wastes. Although all heavy metals were not detected in
water, the presence of heavy metals in sediments could potentially dissolve into the water by means of upwelling.
If this happens, the heavy metals can be excessively contained in water, resulting in a harmful habitat for aquatic
biota. Water containing heavy metals will also be harmful for human. In general, water quality parameters in
Jatiluhur Reservoir meet the standard for water quality. Only ammonia, however, was higher than the standard
for sensitive fish life due to massive aquaculture activities in this reservoir. Considering the conditions of heavy
metal contamination levels in both sediment and water, the biota that is most likely to be exposed to heavy metal
is benthic organisms, because the organisms live at the bottom of the waters. The priority for further attention
and countermeasure in improving the sediment and water quality of the Jatiluhur Reservoir was toward Hg, Cu,
and Pb and ammonia.

Keywords: heavy metal, reservoir, sediment, water

INTRODUCTION built by blocking the Citarum River. The river

passes through various anthropogenic activities
Jatiluhur Reservoir was the largest reservoir and many cities in the West Java Province.
in Indonesia having an area of 8,300 ha. Among functions of the Jatiluhur Reservoir are
Jatiluhur Reservoir was built in 1957. The as hydropower, as a source of irrigation for
reservoir is the first multipurpose reservoir in 242,000 ha of surrounding rice fields, as a source
Indonesia with potential available water of 12.9 of drinking water, as a place for inland fisheries
billion m3/year. The Jatiluhur Reservoir was (fish farming in floating net cages (KJA)), as
flood control, and as tourism and water sports
Corresponding author, email: gatotprayoga16@gmail.com
* facilities. The types of fish commonly being

BIOTROPIA Vol. 29 No. 1, 2022

cultivated in the floating net cages (KJA) in the Physical and chemical water quality
Jatiluhur Reservoir include common carp, nile parameters such as dissolved oxygen (DO), pH,
tilapia, red devils and catfish (Pangasius spp.) total organic content, temperature and dissolved
(Suprian & Salami 2011). ion affect the life of aquatic organisms (Effendi
In the past few years, fishes in the Jatiluhur 2003). Water quality parameters is influenced by
Reservoir seem to have been contaminated and its catchment area which is related to human
are not suitable for consumption activities (Wiwoho 2005; Asrini 2017).
(Republika.co.id 2009). Likewise, in 2018, a A study conducted by Garno (2002) showed
report from Anggoro (2018) stated that there that the Jatiluhur Reservoir was hypertrophic
was an appeal for not consuming any kinds of (very nutrient-rich) and phytoplankton bloom
fish from this reservoir. The contamination is can occur any time. The hypertrophic condition
allegedly due to the influence of various was largely influenced by the aquaculture
pollutions from the Citarum River as the main activities in this reservoir and the influx of
water source of the Jatiluhur Reservoir. The organic matters from settlements. Poor water
contamination may have also occurred due to quality conditions can disrupt aquatic life in the
the wastes of fish feed from the many KJAs in reservoir and reduce the diversity of aquatic
the reservoir. Industrial activities are the most biota. A study in Cirata Reservoir carried out
common contributor of heavy metal waste by Komarawidjaja et al. (2005) showed that there
because heavy metals are used in industrial was a growth disturbance in common carp
activities as raw materials, additives and catalysts which was thought to be closely related to water
(Hutagalung et al. 1997 in Vigers et al. 1996). quality, especially with the high concentration of
Heavy metal contamination in waters causes chlorophyll-α and total N in the waters. Poor
various health problems for aquatic biota and water quality of the Jatiluhur Reservoir will also
humans, such as problems in the nervous have an adverse impact on humans due to the
system, respiratory system, liver function, kidney function of the reservoir as a source of drinking
function and growth of bones (Sanusi 1985). water and as tourism and water sports facilities.
Heavy metals are categorized as harmful
Based on the issues above, the study of heavy
pollutants because it cannot be destroyed (non-
metal contamination and water quality
degradable) by living organisms, so they will
parameter conditions in the Jatiluhur Reservoir
settle at the bottom of the waters and
should be conducted due to the serious polluted
accumulate (Rochyatun & Rozak 2007).
condition in the reservoir. This study aimed to
Heavy metals can bond with organic
obtain data on current condition of the heavy
compounds to form complex compounds that
metal contamination level that has occurred in
eventually settle at the bottom of the water
both sediment and water, as well as to compare
(accumulate in sediments) (Marchand et al.
the levels of other water quality parameters
2006). On the other hand, sediments were an
against the standard of environment quality.
inseparable part of aquatic ecosystems that can
provide habitat, feeding grounds, spawning
grounds, and nurseries for various aquatic
organisms. Contaminated sediments can reduce
or eliminate the aquatic organisms that have
Location and Time
important values for ecology, commercial or
recreational uses (US EPA 2001). Fatoki and The research was conducted in Jatiluhur
Mathabatha (2001) stated that sediment has a Reservoir in February 2019. Water and sediment
function as a metal container which can release samples were taken from 6 (six) locations in the
the metal into the water through natural and reservoir, consisting of 3 (three) zones i.e., the
anthropogenic processes. Heavy metals inlet area, main inundation area, and outlet area
deposited in sediments can cause changes in (Fig. 1). The six locations were: 1. Citarum
water quality and transfer toxic chemicals to River inlet; 2) Jamaras; 3) Cilalawi River inlet; 4)
aquatic organisms (Permanawati et al. 2013). KJA zone 5; 5) Pasir Kole and 6) DAM (outlet).

Heavy metal contamination and water quality parameter conditions in Jatiluhur Reservoir – Gatot Prayoga et al.

5 area

Inundation area 3

Inlet area

Inlet area

Figure 1 Map of sampling locations in Jatiluhur Reservoir

Methods Data Analyses

The water sample was taken using Van Dorn Data of heavy metal contents (in water and
Water Sampler, then analyzed in the Global QA sediment) and water quality parameters obtained
Laboratory using the methods from the from this study were compared to the quality
Indonesian National Standard (SNI). Sediment standard. The sediment parameters (heavy
sampling was conducted by using an Ekman metal) were compared to the Canadian Sediment
Grab. The sediment samples obtained were then Quality Guidelines for the Protection of Aquatic
analyzed in the Central Nuclear Material Life on Freshwater set out by the Canadian
Technology Laboratory, BATAN using the X- Council of the Ministry of Environment
Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry (XRF) method
(CCME). Reference to heavy metal quality
to find out the heavy metals (Cu, Zn, Hg, Pb
standards according to CCME standard was
and Cd) contents. The XRF Spectrometry
presented in Table 2. Data on water quality
method is an application of radioisotopes used
as an analytical method for detecting heavy parameters were compared to water quality
metal content, especially in solid substances standards from the Government Regulation of
such as sediment. This method is still not the Republic of Indonesia Number 82 of 2001
commonly used in aquatic ecological studies that (Class 3, for the cultivation of freshwater fish,
mostly use the AAS method. Methods used for animal husbandry, water to irrigate crops, and or
analyzing the water and sediment samples are other purposes that require the same water as
presented in Table 1. these uses).

BIOTROPIA Vol. 29 No. 1, 2022

Table 1 Parameters and methods used for analyzing water and sediment samples
Parameter Unit Method
A. Water
Physical Properties:
Temperaturea °C 5.4/IK/GQA/WQ/002
Total Dissolved Solid, TDSa mg/L SNI 06-6989.27-2005
Total Suspended Solid, TSSa mg/L SNI 06-6989.3-2004
Chemical Properties:
pHa - SNI 06-6989.11-2004
Biological Oxygen Demand, BOD5a mg/L SNI 6989.72:2009
Chemical Oxygen Demand, CODa mg/L SNI 6989.2:2009
Dissolved Oxygen, DOa mg/L SNI 06-6989.14-2004
Total Phosphate as Pa mg/L 5.4-IK-GQA-WQ-062
Nitrogen, Nitrate as N (NO3-N)a mg/L 5.4-IK-GQA-WQ-043
Ammonia, NH3-Na mg/L SNI 06-6989.30-2005
Copper, Cua mg/L SNI 6989.6:2009
Zinc, Zna mg/L SNI 6989.7-2009
Mercury, Hga mg/L SNI 6989.78:2009
Lead, Pba mg/L SNI 6989.46:2009
Cadmium, Cda mg/L SNI 06-6989.38-2005
B. Sediment
Copper, Cu µg/g XRF Spectrometry
Zinc, Zn µg/g XRF Spectrometry
Mercury, Hg µg/g XRF Spectrometry
Lead, Pb µg/g XRF Spectrometry
Cadmium, Cd µg/g XRF Spectrometry
Note: a = Accredited by the National Accreditation Committee (KAN).

Table 1 Quality standards for heavy metals in sediments (for freshwater) based on CCME (2001)

Concentration (mg/kg dry wt)

Heavy metal
Cu 35.7 197.0
Zn 123.0 315.0
Hg 0.170 0.486
Pb 35.0 91.3
Cd 0.6 3.5
Notes: a = ISQG (Interim Sediment Quality Guidelines): the value of the minimum limit, i.e., the limit of metal
concentrations that has the low possibility to cause a negative biological effect; b = PEL (Probable Effect Level):
the value of the maximum limit, i.e., the limit of metal concentrations having a greater possibility to cause a
negative biological effect.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION accumulate in the inlet area, with concentration

exceeding the minimum limit. The
Heavy Metal Contaminations concentration of Zinc (Zn) and lead (Pb)
Our study showed that all heavy metals (Cu, exceeded the minimum limit at some locations
Zn, Hg, Pb, and Cd) accumulated in the (such as sampling point 5), however, the
sediment layer of the Jatiluhur Reservoir and concentration of Cadmium was below the
had exceeded the minimum limit (ISQG). detection limit of the measuring tools (Table 3).
Mercury (Hg) concentration exceeded the Cadmium (Cd) seems to be relatively the safest
maximum limit (PEL) throughout the Jatiluhur metal found in the sediment samples compared
Reservoir area. Copper (Cu) tended to to the other heavy metals.

Heavy metal contamination and water quality parameter conditions in Jatiluhur Reservoir – Gatot Prayoga et al.

Table 3 Results of laboratory analysis for heavy metal in sediment samples

Element (mg/kg)
Station Test
Cu Zn Hg Pb Cd
#1 39.78 105.16 2.1 29.4 <0.3
1 Citarum River inlet #2 40.34 96.32 2.5 29.7 <0.3
#3 35.71 93.51 1.8 28.6 <0.3
#1 36.91 113.59 1 26.8 <0.3
2 Jamaras #2 38.42 106.6 <0.7 26.8 <0.3
#3 41.46 133.2 2.5 28.8 <0.3
#1 35.79 129.82 <0.7 34.8 <0.3
3 Cilalawi River inlet #2 84.12 103.31 2.4 31.9 <0.3
#3 73.73 92.06 3.2 30.7 <0.8
#1 22.3 114.48 1.1 30.2 <0.8
4 KJA zone 5 #2 12.94 104.27 2.5 25.9 <0.3
#3 19.01 113.03 3.8 34 <0.3
#1 18.69 139.94 2.2 40 <0.3
5 Pasir Kole #2 23.57 143.16 1.5 36.3 <0.3
#3 26.28 147.98 3.2 40.1 <0.3
#1 20.13 89.41 <0.7 35.3 <0.3
6 DAM (outlet) #2 74.13 103.39 3.6 32.5 <0.8
#3 27 97.69 <0.7 31 <0.3
35.7 123 0.170 35.0 0.6
Quality Standarda
197.0 315 0.486 91.3 3.5
Notes: a = Based on the Canadian Sediment Quality Guidelines for the Protection of Aquatic Life on Freshwater
(CCME 2001).
exceed the ISQG (minimum limit)
exceed the PEL (maximum limit)

Mercury (Hg) was among the most toxic various anthropogenic activities. Cu is
metals for aquatic biota. Mercury can be released commonly used in insecticides, fungicides, brass
from anthropogenic activities, such as from the alloy materials for household appliances,
antifouling paint for the hull of ships, slimicides machine parts, as well as in water purification or
used in the lumber and paper industries, as a food additive (Palar 2012). Household
pesticides and seed dressings in agriculture and wastes in the form of metabolic waste and
pharmaceuticals (Garcia-Rico et al. 2006). corrosion of pipes in residential areas usually
Mercury has many benefits, but it is very toxic also contain Cu (Connell & Miller 2006). The
and has a high level of bioaccumulation main inundation area has the longest water
capabilities (Garcia-Rico et al. 2006; Palar 2012). retention time compared to the other areas and
Mercury concentration exceeding the safe limit is also much affected by the KJA aquaculture
endangers the life of aquatic biota, either directly
activities (marked with black lines in Fig. 1).
or indirectly (Palar 2012). Therefore, the high
Household wastes, water flow from urban areas
concentration of mercury in the Jatiluhur
and phosphate utilization (PO4), contributed
Reservoir should be handled immediately,
especially when there is an upwelling process in significantly to the entry of Pb metal into the
the reservoir. waters (Connell & Miller 2006; Harteman 2011).
Our study showed that the concentration of Sources of Zn, Cu and Pb are chemical
Cu in sediments was much higher and exceeded fertilizers, household wastes such as corrosion
the minimum limit in inlet areas, whereas the of pipes and detergent, as well as industrial
concentration of Zn and Pb was high in the wastes such as battery materials, cosmetics,
main inundation areas. The spatial difference of plastics, rubber, soap, paint and ink, television
the heavy metals’ concentrations might be due tubes and fluorescent lamps, deodorants and
to the heavy influx from the river into the chemicals for wood preservation (Connell &
reservoir, which was already contaminated by Miller 2006).

BIOTROPIA Vol. 29 No. 1, 2022

Table 4 Results of laboratory analysis results for heavy metal in water samples

Element (mg/L)
Cu Zn Hg Pb Cd
1. Citarum River inlet < 0.006 < 0.004 < 0.00009 < 0.0002 < 0.00004
2. Jamaras < 0.006 < 0.004 < 0.00009 < 0.0002 < 0.00004
3. Cilalawi River inlet < 0.006 < 0.004 < 0.00009 < 0.0002 < 0.00004
4. KJA zone 5 < 0.006 < 0.004 < 0.00009 < 0.0002 < 0.00004
5. Pasir Kole < 0.006 < 0.004 < 0.00009 < 0.0002 < 0.00004
6. DAM (outlet) < 0.006 < 0.004 < 0.00009 < 0.0002 < 0.00004
Quality Standarda 0.020 0.050 0.00200 0.0300 0.01000
Notes: a = Based on Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 82 of 2001 (Class 3).

The concentrations of heavy metals in water concentration of ≥ 3 ppm causes mass mortality
in this study were very low, below the detection in common carp (Nirmala et al. 2012; Tyas et al.
limit of the tool (Table 4), which indicated that 2013). Lethal toxicity test by Prayogo et al.
the concentrations of heavy metals (Cu, Zn, Hg, (2016) showed that 96 hours mercury exposure
Pb, and Cd) in the water of the Jatiluhur with concentration of 0.396 ppm in water had a
Reservoir were still within the safe limits. This 50% lethal effect on nilem carp (Osteochilus
fact was in agreement with a study in Jatiluhur hasselti). If the heavy metals content in the
Reservoir in 2011 conducted by Suprian and sediment are released into the water, then the
Salami (2011), especially for mercury concentration of heavy metals can be excessive
concentration which was below the quality in the water, causing adverse impact to humans
standard of the Government of the Republic of and aquatic biota.
Indonesia Number 82 of 2001 (Class 3). Despite Considering the conditions of heavy metal
the results that all heavy metals in the water contamination levels in both sediment and
samples were below the safe limit, however, water, the biota that is most likely to be exposed
heavy metals in sediments could potentially to heavy metal is benthic organisms, because
dissolve into the water. Suprian and Salami benthic organisms live at the bottom of the
(2011) stated that although the value of mercury waters (Reynolds 2012). Heavy metals can cause
in water is below the safe limit, however, the a decrease in species richness of benthic
existence of mercury has to be monitored organisms and a change in species composition
because it is difficult to eliminate mercury from of benthic macroinvertebrate communities
the water. According to Fatoki and Mathabatha (Qu et al. 2010). Cu concentrations of 70-90
(2001) and Permanawati et al. 2013, sediment mg/kg, Zn concentrations of ±350 mg/kg and
can release heavy metal into the water through Pb concentrations of 30-40 mg/kg caused the
natural and anthropogenic processes that cause decrease of Polychaeta and Molluscs biodiversity
changes in water quality and transfer of toxic at the bottom of Jakarta Bay, especially in
chemicals to aquatic organisms. In reservoirs, industrial areas (Takarina & Adiwibowo 2011).
the most extreme natural process that allows this The same occurrences might happen in the
to happen is upwelling. Jatiluhur Reservoir, especially for Cu and Pb
Palar (2012) stated that the 0.01 ppm which concentrations have reached high level of
concentration of Cu in water is deadly for contamination. Qu et al. (2010) stated that even
phytoplankton, Pb concentration of 2.75-49 though contamination by heavy metals is low in
ppm is deadly for crustaceans, while Pb the sampling area, the adverse impact on benthic
concentration of 188 ppm is deadly for fish, organisms are significant, suggesting that the
and Cd concentration of 0.0028-4.6 ppm is chronic effects of long-term exposure to heavy
deadly for Oligochaeta. Mercury concentration metals in aquatic communities could be serious.
of ≥ 0.16 ppm is able to reduce the survival and Thus, it is essential to focus our attention and
growth rates of fish caused by the increase of efforts to handle contamination of Hg, Cu, and
stress and organ damage, whereas mercury Pb in the Jatiluhur Reservoir.

Heavy metal contamination and water quality parameter conditions in Jatiluhur Reservoir – Gatot Prayoga et al.

Water Quality Parameter Conditions up to 27.1 °C (QS ± 3), Dissolved Oxygen

In general, water quality parameters in our (DO) concentrations ranged from 4.2 mg/L up
study met the quality standards (QS) based on to 4.5 mg/L (QS min. 3 mg L), and the water
the Government of the Republic of Indonesia pH ranged from 6.37 up to 7.17 (QS 6-9).
Regulation No. 82 of 2001 (Class 3). Based on Results of the laboratory analysis on the other
direct measurements on-site for all sampling parameters of water quality are presented in
locations, the temperature ranged from 26.5 °C Figure 2.

Figure 2 Values of several water quality parameters measured in the Jatiluhur Reservoir
Note: Quality Standards based on the Government of the Republic of Indonesia
Regulation No. 82 of 2001 (Class 3), except for ammonia which was not available.

BIOTROPIA Vol. 29 No. 1, 2022

Results of our study showed that TDS moderate. The moderate status was resulted
concentrations ranged from 120 mg/L up to from the STORET calculation, stated in the
136 mg/L (QS 1,000 mg/L), TSS Decree of the Minister of Environment No. 115
concentrations ranged from 4 mg/L up to 33 of 2003) which was caused by high
mg/L (QS 400 mg/L), BOD concentrations concentrations of BOD, COD and ammonia.
ranged from 0.2 mg/L up to 4.7 mg/L (QS 6 The main contributor to the high concentrations
mg/L), COD concentrations ranged from 2 of organic matter in the Jatiluhur Reservoir
mg/L up to 12 mg/L (QS 50 mg/L), total presumably are the number of operating KJA in
phosphate concentrations ranged from 0.01 the reservoir. Based on the Regent of
mg/L up to 0.10 mg/L (QS 1 mg/L), nitrate Purwakarta Regency Decree No. 6 of 2000, the
concentrations ranged from 0.01 mg/L up to optimal number of KJA to operate in the
0.47 mg/L (QS 20 mg/L) and ammonia Jatiluhur Reservoir is 2,100 plots. Meanwhile, in
concentrations ranged from 0.095 mg/L up to 2015 there were 18,038 KJA in the reservoir,
1.940 mg/L (QS 0.02 mg/L). which exceeded the carrying capacity of the
Of the ten observed water quality parameters waters (Astuti et al. 2016). A recent study
(not including heavy metals concentrations), conducted by Fitri et al. (2016) stated that in
only ammonia that did not meet the quality 2014 the number of intensive KJA in the
standards of water quality parameters. Ammonia Jatiluhur Reservoir was already excessive,
is a nitrogen compound that changes to NH4 amounting to 23,000 cages. According to their
ions at low pH conditions. Ammonia can also study, the optimal number of KJA was 19,401
come from domestic and industrial wastes plots. Moreover, Fitri et al. (2016) stated that the
(Marganof 2007). difficulties faced by the Jatiluhur Reservoir
The high content of ammonia in the related to the KJA problem were caused by
reservoir was presumably due to the fish feed multi-parties’ management having different
and fish fecal wastes as a result of aquaculture perspectives leading to inconsistent decision
activities in the reservoir. Fish emit 80-90% making. Harmonious perspectives and visions of
ammonia (N-inorganic) through the all managing parties are needed to maximize the
osmoregulation process, while feces and urine productivity of the KJA without sacrificing
account for 10-20% of total nitrogen (Rakocy et environmental quality.
al. 1992 in Sumoharjo 2010). Ammonia in the
reservoir can come from organic and inorganic
nitrogen sources found in soil and water or from CONCLUSION
the decomposition of organic matters by
microbes and fungi. Ammonia also comes from The Jatiluhur Reservoir has experienced the
the denitrification process during the accumulation of Cu, Zn, Pb, and Cd in the
decomposition of wastes by microbes under sediment layer with exceeding the minimum
anaerobic conditions (Effendi 2003). limit (ISQG) and Hg with exceeding the
Commonly, the concentration of Ammonia in maximum limit (PEL). Spatially, Hg
the pond should not exceed 0.05 mg/L. concentration was high in the entire Jatiluhur
According to SNI 6139:2009 (National Reservoir area, Cu was found to accumulate in
Standardization Agency 2009), the ammonia the inlet area, whereas Zn and Pb were relatively
value resulting from the nile tilapia aquaculture high in the main inundation areas. Cadmium
activity in calm water ponds should not exceed (Cd) seemed to be relatively the safest metal in
0.02 mg/L. Ammonia concentrations of 0.02- sediment compared to the other heavy metals.
0.07 mg/L have been shown to inhibit growth Heavy metal concentration in the waters of
and cause tissue damage in several fish species. Jatiluhur Reservoir was below the detection limit
The toxicity threshold value for ammonia is of the tool. The other water quality parameters
highly dependent on the type of species, size, also met the standard of water quality. Only
fine solids, surface-active compounds, metals ammonia did not meet the quality standards for
and nitrates (Colt 2006). the life of sensitive fish (such as Nile tilapia).
Based on Anas et al. (2017), the water quality The high concentration of heavy metals in the
status of the Jatiluhur Reservoir is classified as sediment of the reservoir was due to household

Heavy metal contamination and water quality parameter conditions in Jatiluhur Reservoir – Gatot Prayoga et al.

and/or industrial wastes, while the high Colt J. 2006. Water quality requirements for reuse systems.
concentration of ammonia in water was due to Aquaculture Engineering 34:143-56.
fecal materials from the aquaculture activities. Connell DW, Miller GJ. 2006. Kimia dan ekotoksikologi
Benthic organisms may have been affected by pencemaran. Koestoer Y, translator. Jakarta (ID):
the high concentration of heavy metals in the UI Press. Translated from: Chemistry and
Ecotoxicology of Pollution. p. 346.
sediment of the reservoir. Based on the high
level of heavy metal concentrations in the Decree of the Regent of Purwakarta Regency No. 6 of
Jatiluhur Reservoir, the priority for further 2000 about the utilization of reservoirs for fishery
activities. Purwakarta (ID).
attention and countermeasure in the reservoir
was toward Hg, Cu, Pb and ammonia. Further Decree of the Minister of Environment No. 115 of 2003
studies are recommended to manage the water about guidelines for determining water quality
status. Jakarta (ID).
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