BM 3.5 LRFD PPC Deck Beam Design
BM 3.5 LRFD PPC Deck Beam Design
BM 3.5 LRFD PPC Deck Beam Design
LRFD Bridge Design Specification, 8th Edition. The following is a summary of the major
changes that have been incorporated into the PPC Deck Beam Design Guide.
• The equation for the concrete modulus of elasticity, Ec, has been modified.
Design Guides 3.5 - LRFD PPC Deck Beam Design
3.5 LRFD PPC Deck Beam Design
This design guide focuses on the LRFD design of PPC Deck Beams. The design procedure is
presented first followed by an example. All Article and Equation references are to the LRFD
code unless noted otherwise.
There are twelve standard beam cross sections supported by the Department. These are
11x48, 11x52, 17x36, 17x48, 21x36, 21x48, 27x36, 27x48, 33x36, 33x48, 42x36 and 42x48.
Standard strand patterns for LRFD designs have been developed and are provided in Bridge
Manual (BM) Tables 3.5.3-1 thru 3.5.3-6. All other reinforcement details (shear reinforcement,
splitting steel, top slab reinforcement, etc.) have been standardized and are shown on the base
sheets. Aids for detailing the end blocks and designing lifting loops are shown in BM Figures
3.5.9-3 and 3.5.9-4.
The main items a designer has to calculate are distribution factors, moment envelopes,
prestress losses, temporary stresses, service stresses and resisting moment capacities; all of
which are used to determine the required strand pattern.
The sign convention used in the examples was noted by labeling negative results with “tension”
and positive results with “compression” unless otherwise noted.
Transverse Ties
Transverse ties are used on all deck beams except the 11 inch deep sections which are too
shallow to accommodate the ties. The 11 inch beams rely mainly on the dowel rods at fixed
substructure units and side retainers at expansion substructure units in lieu of the ties. For
17 through 42 inch beams transverse ties are placed along the skew throughout the span
with a uniform spacing. The beam base sheets show the standard configuration for a
transverse tie diaphragm. The number of ties is determined by the following formula:
Number ties = − 1 ≥ 1 rounded up to the nearest integer
L = span of beam (ft.)
Dead Loads
Calculate the dead loads on a single beam such as the beam self weight, wearing surface,
future wearing surface, parapets or railing and any other dead loads on the bridge and
group them into their appropriate types DC and DW. Distribution of railings or parapets shall
be spread over three beams. Sidewalks and medians shall be distributed over the number
of beams they cover plus one or two depending on if there are beams on both sides.
The beam self weight is non-uniform for all beams except the 11 inch sections. The weights
for both the solid and voided sections of each beam size can be found in BM Figure 3.5.9-4.
Typically a designer would use the net section uniform load in conjunction with a series of
point loads that would represent the solid portions at the transverse tie diaphragms and end
blocks. The solid part at the end blocks can be ignored for moment calculations however
they should be included for the lifting loop and substructure design. See Figure 1 for the
loading diagrams used to calculate the moment due to beam self weight with one to four
transverse tie diaphragms.
Figure 1
Mb = bending moment due to beam self weight (kip-ft.)
wnet = weight per unit length of the section of the beam with voids (kip/ft.)
wsolid = weight per unit length of the section of the beam without voids
PT = weight of transverse tie diaphragm (kips)
LT = transverse tie spacing (ft.)
L = span of beam (ft.)
Section Properties
Deck beams are always designed as non-composite sections even if a reinforced concrete
overlay is used. The section properties for each beam section are provided in BM Table
Modulus of Elasticity
The modulus of elasticity for concrete shall be determined from the following formulas:
Eci = 120,000K 1w c f ' ci0.33 (Eq.
Ec = 120,000K 1w c f ' c0.33
Live load moments shall be distributed according to Article See Table
under “Concrete Beams used in Multibeam Decks”, cross section (g) “connected only
enough to prevent relative vertical displacement at the interface”. It should be noted that the
department does not use the distribution factors associated with cross section (f) for
reinforced concrete overlays. The Department also does not consider exterior beam
distribution factors in Table or reduction of distribution factors in Table The distribution equation below can be used for both the final and staged
construction cases.
In which:
C = K ≤ K
K =
(1 + µ ) I
g = distribution factor
S = beam spacing (ft.)
D = width of distribution per lane (ft.)
NL = number of design lanes as specified in Article
C = stiffness parameter
K = constant for different types of construction
W = edge-to-edge width of bridge (ft.)
The distribution factor for fatigue evaluation equals the factor calculated above divided
by the multi presence factor for one lane. See BM Section 3.3.1.
Design Moment
Since deck beam bridges in Illinois are typically not designed as continuous structures the
moments can be calculated by hand or by using software written for the task.
The planning selection charts located in BM Section can be used to determine a
trial strand pattern. The properties of the trial strand pattern can be found in BM Tables
3.5.3-1 through 3.5.3-6.
∆fpT = total loss (ksi)
∆fpES = loss in prestressing steel due to elastic shortening (instantaneous losses)
∆fpLT = losses due to long term shrinkage and creep of concrete, and relaxation
of the steel (ksi)
∆fpES = fcgp (Eq.
E ci
In which:
Ft Ft e 2 Mb (12)e
fcgp = + −
Reiterate if necessary
∆fpES = loss in prestressing steel due to elastic shortening (ksi)
Ep = modulus of elasticity of prestressing steel (ksi)
Eci = modulus of elasticity of concrete at transfer (ksi)
fcgp = concrete stress at the center of gravity of prestressing tendons due to
prestressing force immediately after transfer and the self-weight of the
member at the section of maximum moment (center) (ksi)
Ft = total prestressing force immediately after transfer (kips)
Fi = total prestressing force prior to transfer (kips)
e = eccentricity of centroid of strand pattern from NA of beam (in.)
Mb = bending moment due to beam self weight (kip-ft.)
A = area of beam (in.2)
I = moment of inertia of beam (in.4)
Aps = total area of prestressing steel (in.2)
The AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications contains two methods for calculating
time dependent losses: the "Approximate" method in Article and the "Refined"
method in Article The approximate method is fairly straightforward and requires
only basic information that is readily available to the designer. The refined method is
much more rigorous; the equations are difficult to follow; and information is required that
the designer does not have direct control over. Some of these variables are the time the
strands are released, the time the deck is placed and the actual concrete strength at
release. These variables require the designer to use a best-estimate guess, yet these
variables can impact the results significantly. Article provides further clarification
for the application of the approximate and refined methods. In particular it specifies that
the refined method shall be used for members that are non-composite which would
appear applicable for deck beam structures. However, the Department has evaluated
the specifications and our details and developed the following policy:
Deck beams with a 5 inch concrete wearing surface shall use the approximate method
for time dependent losses. The Department believes the concrete wearing surface
behaves as a partially composite section with the beams even though it's not considered
to be partially composite for strength calculations. This logic is based upon the required
textured broom finish on the top surface of the beam, the D(E) bars that protrude from
the tops of the exterior beams for F-shaped barriers and Type SM railings, and because
there have been no signs of separation between the beams and the CWS on our
inventory inspections.
Deck beams with no wearing surface or a bituminous wearing surface shall also use the
approximate method for time dependent losses. However, in order to satisfy the spirit of
the code, a correction factor shall be added to the results obtained from the approximate
method to more closely match the intent of the refined method. The correction factors
are as follows:
For example: If the designer calculates an approximate time dependent loss of 20 ksi for
a 17 inch beam, a correction factor of 4.5 ksi should be added to make it 24.5 ksi.
fpbt A ps
∆fpLT = 10.0 γ h γ st + 12.0 γ h γ st + ∆f pR (Eq.
In which:
γh = 1.7 − 0.01H (Eq.
γst = (Eq.
1 + f ci' )
∆fpLT = losses due to long term shrinkage and creep of concrete, and relaxation
of the steel (ksi)
fpbt = stress in prestressing steel immediately prior to transfer (ksi)
Aps = total area of prestressing steel (in.2)
A = area of beam (in.2)
γh = correction factor for relative humidity
γst = correction factor for specified concrete strength at time of prestress transfer
∆fpR= estimate of relaxation loss taken as 2.4 ksi for low relaxation strands (ksi)
H = relative humidity, assumed to be 70% in Illinois (%)
f’ci = specified compressive strength of concrete at time of initial loading or
prestressing (ksi)
Temporary stresses are checked immediately after the release of the strands when the
concrete strength, f’ci, is weakest. The force in the strands is taken to be the prestressing
force immediately after transfer, Ft.
There are three support conditions to consider during this time frame. The first occurs when
the strands are released and the beam is still setting on the prestressing bed. The second
occurs when lifting the beam out of the prestressing bed. The third occurs when placing the
beam in temporary storage at the fabrication plant. Theoretically, all three of these
conditions could take place while the concrete is most vulnerable, however the third
condition will govern for deck beams if current IDOT policies are followed. Therefore this is
the only condition checked.
For this case, the stresses need to be checked in two locations, which are at the center of
the temporary supports and at the center of the beam.
See Figure 2 for the support and loading diagram used to calculate the dead load moments
for checking temporary stresses. The weights of transverse tie diaphragms are
conservatively ignored.
Figure 2
@ Temporary Supports:
Mbts = solid
(3 ft.)
@ Center:
Mbts = bending moment due to beam self weight with supports at temporary
locations (kip-ft.)
wnet = weight per unit length of the section of the beam with voids (kip/ft.)
wsolid = weight per unit length of the section of the beam without voids (kip/ft.)
Lcts = length from center to center of temporary supports (ft.)
f’ci = specified compressive strength of concrete at time of initial loading or
prestressing (ksi)
λ = concrete density modification factor, taken as 1.0 for normal-weight concrete
Ft Ft e Mbts (12)
fb = + +
A Sb Sb
@ Center:
Ft Ft e Mbts (12)
ft = − +
A St St
Ft Ft e Mbts (12)
fb = + −
A Sb Sb
In which:
Ft = Aps( fpbt - ∆fpES)
ft = concrete stress at the top fiber of the beam (ksi)
fb = concrete stress at the bottom fiber of the beam (ksi)
Ft = total prestressing force immediately after transfer (kips)
A = area of beam (in.2)
e = eccentricity of centroid of strand pattern from NA of beam (in.)
St = non-composite section modulus for the top fiber of the beam (in.3)
Sb = non-composite section modulus for the bottom fiber of the beam (in.3)
Mbts= bending moment due to beam self weight with supports at temporary
locations (kip-ft.)
Aps = total area of prestressing steel (in.2)
fpbt = stress in prestressing steel immediately prior to transfer (ksi)
∆fpES = loss in prestressing steel due to elastic shortening (ksi)
Service limit state stresses are checked for the beam in its final placement in the structure.
The concrete strength is equal to f’c and the force in the strands is equal to FS.
Compressive service stresses are calculated for the two applicable Service I load
combinations given in Table For simplicity, these have been given the
nomenclature (a) and (b) in this design guide. Tensile service stresses are calculated for
the one applicable Service III load combination given in Table The factored
f’c = specified compressive strength of concrete for use in design (ksi)
φw = hollow column reduction factor, equals 1.0 for standard IDOT sections
@ Center:
FS FS e (MDC1 + MDW 1 + MLL +IM )(12 )
ft = − + (a)
A St St
In which:
Fs = Aps( fpbt -∆fpT)
The compressive stress due to the Fatigue I load combination and one-half the sum of
effective prestress and permanent loads shall not exceed the limit shown below. The
section properties used for calculating the compressive stress are determined based on
whether the tensile stress limit shown below is exceeded. The tensile stress is calculated
using the Fatigue I load combination plus effective prestress and permanent loads.
f’c = specified compressive strength of concrete for use in design (ksi)
@ Center:
F F e (M + MDW 1 )(12) MFL +IM (12 )
ft = 0.5 S − S + DC1 + 1. 5
A St St St
(This stress is only used to determine whether the section is considered cracked or
@ Center:
Fs Fs e (MDC1 + MDW 1 )(12 ) M (12)
fb = + − − (1.5 ) FL +IM
A Sb Sb Sb
ft = concrete stress at the top fiber of the beam (ksi)
fb = concrete stress at the bottom fiber of the beam (ksi)
f’c = specified compressive strength of concrete for use in design (ksi)
FS = total prestressing force after all losses (kips)
A = area of beam (in.2)
e = eccentricity of centroid of strand pattern from NA of beam (in.)
MDC1= unfactored non-composite dead load moment of structural components
and nonstructural attachments (kip-ft.)
MDW1= unfactored non-composite dead load moment of wearing surfaces and
utilities (kip-ft.)
MFL+IM= unfactored fatigue live load moment plus dynamic load allowance (kip-ft.)
St = non-composite section modulus for the top fiber of the beam (in.3)
Sb = non-composite section modulus for the bottom fiber of the beam (in.3)
The design procedure for the flexural resistance of a prestressed concrete member is
outlined below. Please note that it is the Department’s policy to not utilize non-prestressed
tension reinforcement.
Strength I Moment
Mu = 1.25(MDC1) + 1.5(MDW1) + 1.75(MLL+IM) (Table 3.4.1-1)
Impact shall be taken as 33% (Table Engineering judgment may be used when
determining the value of the “η” load modifiers specified in Article 1.3.2. As these are
normally assumed to be 1.0 in standard bridges and therefore do not affect the design,
they will not be addressed any further in this design guide.
a a hf 1
A ps fps dp − + 0.85 fc (b − b w )h f −
Mn = flanged (Eq.
2 2 2 12
In which:
a = β 1c
A ps fpu
c = rectangular (Eq.
α 1f c' β 1b + kA ps
fps = fpu 1 − k If fpe ≥ 0.5 fpu (Eq.
fpe = fpu − ∆fpT
0.25(ε t − ε cl )
φ = 0.75 ≤ 0.75 + ≤ 1. 0 (Eq.
(ε tl − ε cl )
Mu = factored moment at the section (kip-ft.)
Mr = factored flexural resistance of a section in bending (kip-ft.)
Mn = nominal flexural resistance (kip-ft.)
a = depth of equivalent rectangular stress block (in.)
c = distance from the extreme compression fiber to the neutral axis (in.)
fps = average stress in prestressing steel at nominal bending resistance (ksi)
φ = resistance factor
α1 = stress block factor, taken as 0.85 for concrete with f’c < 10 ksi
β1 = stress block factor
εt = net tensile strain in extreme tension steel at nominal resistance (in. / in.)
εcl = compression-controlled strain limit, taken as 0.002 in. / in. (
εtl = tension-controlled strain limit, taken as 0.005 in. / in. (
Aps = total area of prestressing steel (in.2)
dp = distance from extreme compression fiber to the centroid of the prestressing
tendons (in.)
b = width of the compression face of the member (equals width of beam) (in.)
bw = web width (equals the total thickness of both side walls of the beam) (in.)
hf = compression flange depth (equals top slab thickness of the beam) (in.)
fpu = specified tensile strength of prestressing steel (ksi)
fpe = effective stress in the prestressing steel after losses (ksi)
k = 0.28 (Table C5.
f c' = specified compressive strength of concrete for use in design (ksi)
dt = distance from the extreme compression fiber to the centroid of the extreme
tension steel element (in.)
∆fpT = total loss (ksi)
The factored flexural resistance equations shown above have been simplified to include
only the prestressing steel. All other reinforcement shall be ignored.
Mr ≥ Mcr (
In which:
S b (γ 1fr + γ 2 f cpe ) S b fr
Mcr = γ3 ≥ (Eq.
12 12
Fs Fs e
fcpe = +
A Sb
Mr = factored flexural resistance of a section in bending (kip-ft.)
Mcr= cracking moment (kip-ft.)
fr = modulus of rupture of concrete (ksi)
fcpe = compressive stress in concrete due to effective prestress forces only (after
allowance for all prestress losses) at extreme fiber of section where tensile
stress is caused by externally applied loads (ksi)
Sb = non-composite section modulus for the bottom fiber of the beam (in.3)
f c' = specified compressive strength of concrete for use in design (ksi)
FS = total prestressing force after all losses (kips)
A = area of beam (in.2)
e = eccentricity of centroid of strand pattern from NA of beam (in.)
γ1 = flexural cracking variability factor
= 1.6 for non-segmentally constructed members
γ2 = prestress variability factor
= 1.1 for bonded tendons
γ3 = ratio of specified minimum yield strength to ultimate tensile strength of
Camber, which is the result of the difference between the upward deflection caused by the
prestressing forces and the downward deflection due to the weight of the beam and overlay,
must be considered when determining the seat elevations. The top of the beam shall be set
to provide the minimum overlay thickness specified on the plans.
Camber will vary with the age of the member, primarily because of two factors; loss of
prestress which will tend to decrease the deflection, and creep which will tend to increase
the deflection. Because of this, correction factors are used in the equations for calculating
camber. Factors of 1.80 and 1.85 are used on the upward deflection caused by the
prestressing force and downward deflection due to member weight, respectively. These
factors are based on the PCI Design Handbook for the time at erection and have been
incorporated into the equations shown below.
The deflection due to the transverse tie diaphragms need only be considered for members
60 feet and longer.
In which:
Ft (12 L ) e
Dcp = (1.80 )
8 E ci I
5 w net (12 L )
Dcb = (1.85 ) (uniform net section weight per foot)
384 (12 ) E ci I
PT (12 L )
Dcb = (1.85 ) (one transverse tie point load at center)
48 E ci I
PT L tt (12 )
24 E ci I
[ 2
3(12 L ) − 4(12 L tt ) (1.85 )
(two transverse tie point loads
symmetrically placed)
Dcp = upward deflection due to prestressing (in.)
The dead loads to be considered for adjusting the grade line are those which will
appreciably increase the downward deflection of the beams after they have been
erected. This load is the weight of the initial wearing surface. The weight of future
wearing surface is not included.
Normally, the deflection caused by the weight of curbs and rails is insignificant and can
be disregarded. In cases where they might appear significant, the above dead loads
should be included when adjusting the grade line for dead load deflections.
In which:
5 w ws (12L )
Dws =
384 (12 ) E c I
Dcp = upward deflection due to prestressing (in.)
Dcb = downward deflection due to beam weight (in.)
Dws = downward deflection due to wearing surface (in.)
wws = weight per unit length of the wearing surface (kip/ft.)
L = span length (ft.)
Ec = modulus of elasticity of concrete (ksi)
I = moment of inertia of beam (in.4)
60 ft., single span, 27 in. x 36 in. PPC Deck Beam, 33 ft. deck width, 5 in. minimum concrete
overlay, Type SM rail, 50 pounds per square foot future wearing surface, 25 degree skew, 2
design lanes, straight grade and HL-93 loading on pile bent abutments.
General Data
Loading = HL-93
IM = 1.33 (HL-93); 1.15 (fatigue truck) (3.6.2)
NL = 2 (
Section Properties
Modulus of Elasticity
Eci = 120,000K 1w c f ' 0ci.33 (Eq.
Ec = 120,000K 1w c f ' 0c.33
Beam Section
See Table 3.5.4-1 in the BM section 3.5 for deck beam design properties.
A = 569.9 in.2
I = 49697 in.4
K = 0.81
Sb = 3738.1 in.3
St = 3626.1 in.3
Cb = 13.30 in.
Ct = 13.71 in.
Regardless of the number of loaded lanes the distribution factor equals:
g =
In which:
C = K ≤ K
33 ft.
= 0.81 ≤ 0.81
60 ft.
= 0.45 ≤ 0.81
= 0.45
3 ft.
g =
11.82 ft.
= 0.254
Number ties = − 1 ≥ 1 rounded up to the nearest integer
60 ft.
= − 1 ≥ 1
= 1.4 ≥ 1 Therefore use 2 @ 1/3 points (1 @ 20 ft.; 1 @ 40 ft.)
Dead Loads
Beam (net) = 0.594 k/ft. (BM Table 3.5.4-1)
Beam (solid) = 0.986 k/ft. (BM Table 3.5.4-1)
(0.075 k / ft.) = 0.025 k/ft.
3 beams
Shear Key = 0.025 k/ft. (BM Table 3.5.4-1)
w net L2
Mb = + PT L T (formula for 2 symmetrically placed ties)
In which:
2 ft.
PT = (w solid − w net )
cos(skew )
2 ft.
= (0.986 k / ft. − 0.594 k / ft.)
cos 25 o
= 0.9 kips
M =
(w r + w sk ) L2
(0.025 k / ft. + 0.025 k / ft.) (60 ft.)2
= 22.5 k-ft.
M =
(w ws + w fws ) L2
(0.206 k / ft. + 0.150 k / ft.) (60 ft.)2
= 160.2 k-ft.
The maximum overall moment occurs at 0.5L for this example. However the maximum
live load moment from the LRFD moment tables in the BM Appendix Section 4 may
conservatively be used since it’s typically slightly higher than the live load at 0.5L.
MLL+IM (undistributed) = 1352.0 k-ft. (from computer software)
MLL+IM = 0.254(1352.0)
= 343.4 k-ft.
MFL+IM = g(MFL+IM (undistributed))
MFL+IM (undistributed) = 625.6 k-ft. (from computer software)
MFL+IM = 0.212(625.6)
= 132.6 k-ft.
556 kips
(556 kips)(8.35 in.)2 − (285.3 k − ft.)(12 in. / ft.)(8.35 in.)
569.9 in.2 49697 in. 4 49697 in. 4
= 1.18 ksi
Calculate ∆fpES:
28500 ksi
∆fpES = (1.18 ksi) = 7.73 ksi
4351 ksi
Check Assumption:
(fpbt − ∆fpES ) (201.96 ksi − 7.73 ksi)
= = 0.96 > 0.90
fpbt 201.96 ksi
fcgp =
593 kips
(593 kips )(8.35 in.)
(285.3 k − ft.)(12 in. / ft.)(8.35 in.)
569.9 in.2 49697 in. 4 49697 in. 4
Calculate ∆fpES:
28500 ksi
∆fpES = (1.30 ksi) = 8.52 ksi
4351 ksi
Check Assumption:
(fpbt − ∆fpES ) (201.96 ksi − 8.52 ksi)
= = 0.96 Ok
fpbt 201.96 ksi
In which:
γh = 1.7 − 0.01H = 1.7 − 0.01(70 ) = 1.0 (Eq.
5 5
γst = = = 0.833 (Eq.
( 1 + f ci' ) (1 + 5 ksi)
∆fpR= 2.4 ksi
∆fpLT = 10.0
(201.96 ksi)(3.06 in.2 ) (1.0 )(0.833 ) + 12.0(1.0 )(0.833 ) + 2.4 ksi = 21.43 ksi
569.9 in.2
29.95 ksi
%Loss = = 14.8 %
201.96 ksi
@ Temporary Supports:
w solid (3 ft.)
Mbts = =
(0.986 k / ft.)(3 ft.) 2 = 4.4 k-ft.
2 2
@ Center:
(0.594 k / ft.)(54.0 ft.)2 − (0.986 k / ft.)(3 ft.)2 = 212.1 k-ft.
8 2
Temporary Stresses
@ Temporary supports:
Ft Ft e Mbts (12)
ft = − −
A St St
592 kips
(592 kips )(8.35 in.) − (4.4 k − ft.)(12 in. / ft.)
569.9 in. 3626.1 in.3 3626 .1 in.3
= 0.339 ksi (tension) ≤ 0.537 ksi Ok
592 kips
(592 kips )(8.35 in.) + (4.4 k − ft.)(12 in. / ft.)
569.9 in. 3738 .1 in.3 3738.1 in.3
= 2.375 ksi (comp.) ≤ 3.000 ksi Ok
@ Center:
Ft Ft e Mbts (12)
ft = − +
A St St
592 kips
(592 kips )(8.35 in.) + (212.1 k − ft.)(12 in. / ft.)
569.9 in. 3626.1 in.3 3626 .1 in.3
= 0.377 ksi (comp.) ≤ 3.000 ksi Ok
Ft Ft e Mbts (12)
fb = + −
A Sb Sb
592 kips
(592 kips )(8.35 in.) − (212.1 k − ft.)(12 in. / ft.)
569.9 in. 3738 .1 in.3 3738 .1 in.3
= 1.680 ksi (comp.) ≤ 3.000 ksi Ok
Service Stresses:
@ Center:
FS FS e (MDC1 + MDW 1 + MLL +IM )(12 )
ft = − + (a)
A St St
526 kips
(526 kips )(8.35 in.)
569.9 in. 3626 .1 in.3
(307.8 k − ft. + 160.2 k − ft. + 343.4 k − ft.)(12 in. / ft.)
3626.1 in.3
= 2.397 ksi (comp.) ≤ 3.600 ksi Ok
526 kips
(526 kips )(8.35 in.) +
(307.8 k − ft. + 160.2 k − ft.)(12 in. / ft.)
2 3
569.9 in. 3626 .1 in. 3626 .1 in.3
= 1.260 ksi (comp.) ≤ 2.700 ksi Ok
526 kips
(526 kips )(8.35 in.) −
(307.8 k − ft. + 160.2 k − ft.)(12 in. / ft.)
2 3
569.9 in. 3738 .1 in. 3738 .1 in.3
− (0.8 )
(343.4 k − ft.)(12 in. / ft.)
3738.1 in.3
= 0.286 ksi (tension) ≤ 0.465 ksi Ok
526 kips
(526 kips )(8.35 in.) −
(307.8 k − ft. + 160.2 k − ft.)(12 in. / ft.)
2 3
569.9 in. 3738 .1 in. 3738 .1 in.3
− (1.5 )
(132.6 k − ft.)(12 in. / ft.)
3738.1 in.3
= 0.043 ksi (tension) ≤ 0.233 ksi Use uncracked section properties
Fatigue Stresses:
@ Center:
F F e (M + MDW 1 )(12) MFL +IM (12 )
ft = 0.5 S − S + DC1 + 1. 5
A St St St
+ 0. 5
(307.8 k − ft. + 160.2 k − ft.)(12 in. / ft.) + 1.5 (132.6 k − ft.)(12 in. / ft.)
3626 .1 in.3 3626.1 in.3
= 1.268 ksi (comp.) ≤ 2.400 ksi Ok
In which:
f’c = beam concrete strength = 6.0 ksi
β1 = (
0.65 ≤ 0.85 − 0.05 fc' − 4.0 ≤ 0.85 ) (
c =
(3.06 in. )(270 ksi) 2
270 ksi
0.85(6.0 ksi)(0.75 )(36 in.) + 0.28(3.06 in. ) 2
22.06 in.
= 5.58 in.
a = β 1c
= 0.75(5.58 in.)
= 4.19 in. ≤ 5.5 in. Therefore Rectangular Section
In which:
fps = fpu 1 − k (Eq.
5.58 in.
= 270 ksi 1 − 0.28
22.06 in.
= 251 ksi
4.19 in. 1
Mn = ( 2
3.06 in. (251 ksi) 22.06 in. −
2 12 in. / ft.
= 1278 k-ft.
Calculate φ:
0.25(ε t − ε cl )
φ = 0.75 ≤ 0.75 + ≤ 1. 0 (Eq.
(ε tl − ε cl )
In which:
0.003(d t − c )
εt = (C5.6.2.1)
= 0.011
εcl = 0.002
εtl = 0.005
0.25(0.011 − 0.002 )
φ = 0.75 ≤ 0.75 + ≤ 1.0
(0.005 − 0.002)
= 0.75 ≤ 1.42 ≤ 1.0
Mr = 1.0(1278 k-ft.)
= 1278 k-ft. ≥ 1226.0 k-ft. Ok
In which:
= 0.59 ksi
Fs Fs e
fcpe = +
A Sb
526 kips
(526 kips )(8.35 in.)
569.9 in. 3738 .1 in.3
= 2.10 ksi
S b (γ 1fr + γ 2 f cpe ) S b fr
Mcr = γ3 ≥ (Eq.
12 12
= 1.00
(3738.1 in. )(1.6(0.91 ksi) + 1.1(2.10 ksi)) ≥ 3738.1 in. (0.49 ksi)
3 3
Mr ≥ 1173 k-ft.
1278 k-ft. ≥ 1173 k-ft. Ok
In which:
Ft (12 L ) e
Dcp = (1.80 )
8 E ci I
(592 kips)[(12 in. / ft.)(60 ft.)]2 (8.35 ) (1.80)
8(4287 ksi)(49697 in. 4 )
= 2.71 in. up
5 w net (12 L )
Dcb = (1.85 ) (net beam section)
384 (12 ) E ci I
PT L tt (12 )
Dcb =
24 E ci I
[ 2
3(12 L ) − 4(12 L tt ) (1.85 )
(tie diaphragms)
In which:
5 w ws (12L )
Dws =
384 (12 ) E c I
In which:
LE = B + W tan (skew)
In which:
B = larger of − W tan(skew ) or 27 + V tan (skew)
cos (skew )
A = 30 in.
W = 6 in.
V = 24 in.
30 in.
B = o
− 6 in. tan 25 o ) (
or 27 in. + 24 in. tan 25 o )
cos 25
B = 30.3 in. or 38.2 in. use 38.2 in.
1000 lb.
Total Beam Weight = [0.594 k / ft.(61.17 ft.) + 2(1.3 k ) + 2(0.9 k )]
= 40735 lbs. ∴ Use 2 lifting loops at each end (See BM Fig. 3.5.9-4)
Rb = (0.5)(40735 lbs.) = 20.4 k/beam
1000 lbs.