Identify the following errors. Identify the following errors.
___________________________1. Moderately dangerous types of errors ___________________________1. Moderately dangerous types of errors among those that can pop up on your PC. among those that can pop up on your PC. ___________________________2. Caused by malfunctioning hardware ___________________________2. Caused by malfunctioning hardware components, and are characterized by short beep sounds from the tiny components, and are characterized by short beep sounds from the tiny internal speaker of your motherboard. internal speaker of your motherboard. ___________________________3. Caused at any point of time. As the ___________________________3. Caused at any point of time. As the name suggests, these are caused by applications while those are running. name suggests, these are caused by applications while those are running. ___________________________4. Usually caused by corrupted driver files ___________________________4. Usually caused by corrupted driver files or malfunctioning hardware components. or malfunctioning hardware components. ___________________________5. Caused by corrupted or malfunctioning ___________________________5. Caused by corrupted or malfunctioning system files or software executables. system files or software executables. ___________________________6. Caused by corrupted hardware, ___________________________6. Caused by corrupted hardware, especially malfunctioning RAM modules and bad sectors on hard disks. especially malfunctioning RAM modules and bad sectors on hard disks. ___________________________7. Caused by problems faced by browsers ___________________________7. Caused by problems faced by browsers when trying to access a website. when trying to access a website. ___________________________8. Usually this error will result to system ___________________________8. Usually this error will result to system restart over and over again. restart over and over again. ___________________________9. When you open your PC, nothing shows ___________________________9. When you open your PC, nothing shows up in your monitor and the LED indicator of your monitor is flashing in up in your monitor and the LED indicator of your monitor is flashing in yellow color. yellow color. ___________________________10. This will happen only in standby mode, ___________________________10. This will happen only in standby mode, when you move your mouse or type something, your system will when you move your mouse or type something, your system will automatically restart and the worst part is it will delete a file at random. automatically restart and the worst part is it will delete a file at random.
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