Chapter 2 Sources of Water
Chapter 2 Sources of Water
Chapter 2 Sources of Water
Prepared By:
Garima Gauli
Classification of Sources of water
The primary source of water supply is precipitation which is
the water falling from the atmosphere to the surface of the
earth in the form of rain, snow, hail, etc.
Rainfall is the most important part of precipitation
Water obtained from the precipitation is retained in surface
depressions, carried away as surface run-off in natural streams
or rivers and percolates into the ground and joins the
Classification of Sources of water
3 The portion of precipitation which may be utilized for
water supply obtained partly at the ground surface and
partly below the ground surface.
Surface Sources
Those sources of water which are available at the ground
The quality and quantity of surface water depends on a
combination of climate and geological factors.
Surface source of water are stream, river, lake, pond,
impounded reservoir etc.
The quality of water varies all the time from its origin until it
reaches to oceans.
Quality may be sufficient.
Surface Sources
Surface source may carry
➢ suspended solid
1. Gravity Springs
In this type of spring, movement of water is due to gravity and
under hydrostatic pressure.
3. Artesian spring
Artesian spring are formed due to release of
water under pressure from confined aquifers
either at an outcrop of an aquifer or through
opening in the confining bed.
The amount of water available in an
artesian spring may be larger if catchment
area is large.
The rain water flowing on the surface enters
into the basin through the exposed portions
on the top, flows down and is finally stored
between the two impervious layers under
hydrostatic pressure.
➢ Shallow open wells are those which rest in the top water bearing
strata and draw their supplies from the surrounding materials.
Have risk of contamination of water due to the topmost pervious
layer. Cheap in construction and can be used by individual
households in rural areas and small towns. Yield is small as
compared to deep dug well.
Deep open wells are those which rest on impervious strata and
draw their supplies from the permeable formation lying below the
impervious strata through bore holes made in the impervious
strata. Quantity and quality is high compared to shallow open
wells. Since the pervious formation below the impervious layer
contain large quantity of water, the yield is more as compared to
shallow well.
Figure: Shallow open well, deep open well and tube well
Tube well is a long pipe sunk into the ground intercepting one or
more water bearing strata.
Compared to open wells the diameter of tube wells are much less
(80mm – 600mm).
The tube wells may also be further classified as
a. Shallow tube wells (yield – max 20 cum/hr)
b. Deep tube wells (yield – max upto 800 cum/hr)
➢ Depth of tube wells up to 30 m is shallow tube wells and up to
600 m are deep tube wells
a. Denote inflow or runoff as ‘I’ and monthly draft or
demand as ‘O’.
b. Determine the deficit ‘D’ or surplus ’S’ by (I-O). Deficit
(D) occurs if (I-O) is –ve and surplus occurs if (I-O) is
c. Calculate the cumulative deficit (∑D), which is the
required storage capacity of the impounded reservoir.
Note: If ∑D is greater than ∑S, the project is not feasible
because of low inflow.
Q. 2.1 The yield of water from a catchment area during each successive month is given
Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Inflow 1.4 2.1 2.8 8.4 11.9 11.9 7.7 2.8 2.52 2.24 1.96 1.68
Determine the minimum capacity of impounding reservoir required to allow the above
volume of water to be drawn off at a uniform rate assuming that there is no loss of water
over the spillway.
2.2 A runoff on a river for 12 month period is observed as shown in the table below. Is the
project feasible? If feasible, calculate analytically the storage capacity of a impounded
reservoir to meet a constant draft of 0.15 cumecs of water.
Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
4.7 3.25 1.95 1.42 0.53 0.33 0.28 0.36 0.38 0.27 9.35 12.5
Given, constant draft or demand = 0.15 m3/s < inflows in all months. So project is feasible
but there is no need of reservoir.
2.3 The following data gives the monthly inflows during the critical low water period at the
site of the proposed dam. Determine analytically the storage capacity required for the
impounded reservoir to maintain a constant draft of 3000 million litres of water per month.
Discuss the feasibility of project.
Month Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
1.87 2.99 3.31 0.75 0 0 0 0.4 0.56 0.85 1.25 1.84
Note: Feb is of 28 days, Sep, Nov, Apr, June are of 30 days and all others are of 31 days