SC4e - Level 1 - Unit 01 - Worksheet2
SC4e - Level 1 - Unit 01 - Worksheet2
SC4e - Level 1 - Unit 01 - Worksheet2
Language Practice
Meet your classmates!
To ask for and give personal information
Language focus
Be in first and second person
Lesson link
Use at the end of the unit
One worksheet per every two students; one bingo card, A or B, per student
Customize your worksheet by:
• Including the names of cities, towns, or neighborhoods from your area.
• Including popular places such as restaurants, parks, and clubs that your students know.
• Changing the jobs, names, and ages so that they are more closely related to your students’ own
• Updating the information with the names of artists, movies, songs, etc., that are popular at the moment.
Set-up (5 minutes)
Check that students understand the meaning of ‘capital city’. Write examples on the board, e.g. the US =
Washington D.C.; France = Paris. Then give one bingo card, A or B, to each student. Draw a 4x4 bingo-card
grid on the board. Write ____ is from a capital city. in the top left-hand space.
Have one student come to the front of the class. Ask the student, “Are you from a capital city?” If the student
answers “yes,” write his/her name in the top left-hand space. If the student answers “no,” leave it blank.
Refer the students to the top left-hand space of the bingo cards. (All cards have ____ is from a capital city. in
that space.) Have the students ask the question to another student near them. Have them write the other
student’s name in the space if the answer is “yes.”
Procedure (15 minutes)
Have the students stand up. Ask them to go around the room and ask questions based on the information on
their bingo cards. They can ask each student only one question at a time, before moving on to the next
The first student to hit bingo horizontally, vertically, or diagonally is the winner. If nobody hits bingo before time
is finished, the student with the most completed spaces is the winner.
Extension (10 minutes)
Have the students place the bingo cards on their desks, face up. Ask them to close their eyes and point to a
random space on the bingo card. Have them go around the room, asking other students a question based on
the bingo space they have chosen. The first student to find five students to answer “yes” or “no” (whichever is
appropriate) to their question is the winner.
________ is from a ________ isn’t from ________ isn’t ________ is my
capital city. the US. from friend.
________ is from a ________ is a ________ isn’t a ________’s
capital city. student. teacher. favorite
actor is Chris